Act! Marketing Automation
A Guide to Getting Started
Helping your business grow with
marketing automation
Act! Marketing Automation Getting Started Guide 2
Page 3 Personal List
Page 8 Creating Assets
Page 10 Creating & Editing Templates
Page 11 Creating Landing Pages
Page 11 Creating a Drip Marketing Campaign
“Marketing Automation replaces separate systems for email, web visitor tracking,
lead scoring, nurture campaigns, campaign management and reporting with one
solution that streamlines marketing processes and shares data with sales.”
– David Raab, Raab Guide
Personal List
Click Personal List from the column on left side Then click Actions in the upper right
Click new List A box pops up to Create New List
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To upload a list click Actions on the top right corner
Click Import *Import list must be in the following format: First Name, Last Name, Email address **No special characters sup-
Click Select
Search your desktop for the XLSX File,
Select file and click open
When file upload is completed click Upload
Click Next Step
Click Complete Import
Click Return to List on the top right menu
Click Actions from the top right menu
Click Save & Return
Add List name
Add Lead Source
Click Save
Personal List Page
Creating Assets
Click Assets from the column on left side Then click Actions in the upper right
From the dropdown click New Campaign
A “New Asset” box will pop up, add a title for your asset: ex. Getting Started with Emarketing
Click Create A new box will appear, “Add Asset”
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Asset Name: Give your asset a name, ex: Getting started with Emarketing
Description: This Document will help you excel on your email marketing goals
Select Document Type: PDF > YouTube > Web
Click Next
From the upload screen
click Select
If you scroll to the Asset portion you can
see the document, and URL for asset
Click Assets from the column on left side
Search for document needed,
double click document
Click Upload
Once Asset is uploaded, you will be taken to a Getting Started page, with the Emarketing Asset Overview.
On this page you can review the Name, Status, You can add an Inactive Message, View creation details,
add a cost and possible Revenue per lead amount
You can brand the end of the URL to meet business needs
Act! Marketing Automation Getting Started Guide 5
Click Options tab
Click Actions > Click Change URL, a
popup window will display.
Click Save when done
There are several Properties you can set within an asset.
Start by clicking Properties > Set Properties
You can edit and add an email address, this email address will receive an email notification every
time the form is completed
Click Lead Form tab: then check the box to show lead form
Form Type: the type of data needing to be completed to view asset
Full contact form will contact multiple pieces
of end users data
Email Only
Email only will allow only email filed
Trigger On: The option selected is what determines when the form type filed populates on asset
Select Pages if multiple pages of document
Select Time if on web page, video or if one
page document.
Allow form cancelation: if this box is checked viewer can cancel the form type and continue viewing
asset without adding information
Pop message for form ex: Enter your email address to continue reading
Click Save
Click Google Analytics: these are provided by Google and can be used accordingly
Look & Feel: Can be used to customize the asset
Click Save
Scroll to top of web page Click Actions Click Save and Return
12 13 14
You are now ready to use your Asset. Copy URL to use as hyperlink within templates or drip
marketing campaigns
Creating/Editing Templates
You must create their template prior to creating a drip marketing campaign (templates can
be reused multiple times)
Click Templates from the column on left side Then click Actions in the upper right
From the dropdown click New Template
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Default Template: Allows End user to Select a predesigned template
Click Create
A “New Template” box will pop up. It is recommend being very specific about template title creation, this will
help to find them later.
Select Type
Marketing: create template with images, video embed-
ding image, buttons and more
Sales: This will be an email that looks as though it was
sent from inbox, standard email
Select Editor
WSIWIG: Create HTML temp
Drag and Drop: predesigned templates for end users to
use with drag and drop editor
A new page will display, this is the Template Editor, and on the right is everything you need to
design your template.
A new page will display, this is the Template Editor, and on the right is everything you need to
design your template.
General Options: Content area width > Can edit the width of the template when email loads for end user
Background color: Click Background color box, select the color you wish the background to be. This will edit the entire
background of the template
Content Area background: This will edit the color of the row for content blocks
Default Font: Edit all the font within the template to be the same
Link Color: Edit all the text links to be same color
Rows Tab: You can drag and drop new rows above or below boxes in the template
Content Tab: Once you have the row in place, click on the type of content you would like to use and drag it
to the “No content here…” box
Act! Marketing Automation Getting Started Guide 7
Each time you edit the content, there is a Content Properties at the top of each box. The content of this box will vary, but the
main actions at the top are the same throughout.
Trash can icon deletes
the image
Double square icon will
duplicate image block
Down arrow will redirect to
Content tab
There is also a Padding Option under the Block Option. This allows you to add padding to sides of photo uniquely
Text: Click within Row, Highlight example text and delete. Once text is deleted you can add message, a text tool bar also
appears to help customize the text
Image: You will be directed to the image library
If you are planning on importing many photos from a folder you can create a photo folder within the library. Click
the folder/ plus sign icon, enter a file title in Folder Name, click the check mark (Image library is shared with all
users whom have access)
Act! Marketing Automation Getting Started Guide 8
Click the folder created
Once in the folder click Upload to add images from your desktop, Import to move images from other locations or
search for free photos
Once import method is selected, you can click one photo or multiples to load
Click Open once photos are selected
The images will begin to load
When the image is added the folder you can click Insert to add the photo to the selected location on the template
(can only add one image to the template at a time)
Button: Highlight stock text and replace with desired message: Click Here, RSVP, Sign Up etc.
You’ll notice as you select Button, the Content
Properties on the right change to set and
customize the button you’ve added.
Divider: Allows you to create a bar to show a
divide content
Social: You can add links to all your social
media accounts, and customize the look of
the logos
You can additional logos by selecting the Add new Icon button
HTML: Adds block space for HTML
Video: Ability to add a video URL
Click YouTube to search YouTube for video link needed Click Vimeo for video link needed
Copy and paste link URL into Video URL bar
The Video thumb nail from video source will load on to template, when end user clicks on the thumb-
nail they will redirect to YouTube or Vimeo
Play Icon Type: Change the style of the Play button
Play Icon Color: edit the color of the Icon to be more distinctive on the image
Play Icon size: Edit the size of the play icon
Save template by clicking the blue SAVE button on the right side
You can send a test email
Act! Marketing Automation Getting Started Guide 9
Click on Actions from the top right
Then click Send Test, and enter your email address
When done editing click Actions from the top right and then click Return
Creating a Landing Page
Click Landing Pages from the column on left side Then click Actions in the upper right
From the dropdown click New Page On Create New Page enter the following
Act! Marketing Automation Getting Started Guide 10
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Page Name: Ex: Contact Us (this title will show up in the web browser tab of internet browser)
Smart Tag (internal key search words)
Page Type: type of layout Web Developer uses (HTML…)
Redirect link: From example above
Notications: Add the email address of team members that need notification the form is fulfilled
List name: Contact completing the from can be added to a list (you can create a new list under Personal List or add
contact to existing list) if the list is in drip campaign the contact will begin receiving notifications
Auto Response: You can add a previously designed Marketing template to this stage (pre create a Thank You template)
Lead or Contact: How the contact is pushed to Act!
Assign Lead/ Contact To: assign to an Act! user
Click Create You will then see a Draft menu
Click Form Page 1 (Center Box)
Click Edit Form
Click Go
On the Pages tab click Actions in the right hand corner
Click Add Control, you can select how data is added to the form Checkbox, Checkbox List, Com-
ment Box, Dropdown, Hidden, Label, Single Text block
Page 1
Contact Us (Draft)
Landing Page
Lead Capture: Lead Capture allows you to embed code to capture contact data via a form already created on website
Example: Web Development creates a site
On the site there are spaces for end user to enter contact information, but the form does not actually capture data. By embedding the
landing page within the code of the website it will push data filled out on the form to Act! Marketing Automation as a lead
Act! Marketing Automation Getting Started Guide 11
Single Text block selected > click Add Control
Enter the first question that is listed on webpage us (first name)
Add Default value: First Name
Check box If value is required
Change settings for width and height if needed
Map field to field within Database (ex: below)
Contact in first drop down> Customfields/key contact
Click Actions form the top right
Click Save & Return
Repeat i-x for additional question fields needed for form
When finished click Actions
Click Save & Return
When Form is finished click Actions
Click Generate HTML Script
Provide HTML to Web Developer to add to site
Creating a Drip Marketing Campaign
Sending single Email
Click Drip Marketing from the column on left side Then click Actions in the upper right
From the dropdown click New Campaign, and fill out Create campaign form
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Enter Campaign Name *recommending that campaign name be very unique as all drip campaigns sent are combined
Add Smart Tags if desired: Smart Tags will allow you to quickly search your campaigns for specific key words similar to
hashtags : Promo, Sales, etc.
Campaign Templates: select the number of email stages you would like to begin your campaign, you can add more as
needed later as well
List Name: Select the list of contacts that you would like to send to from the drop down menu
List Compare Options: If you choose to automatically compare a list, it will retrieve the list based on the frequency chosen.
New members will be added to the top of the campaign. If members have been removed from the list, then those members
will be stopped in this campaign.
From Name: email address used to send from
Default From Name: will auto fill with current logged in user but can be edited
Default From email address: defaults to logged in user but can be edited to different address
Click Create from the top right corner
Personal List
List of contacts you personally
have uploaded under your
user id
Team Personal List
List of contacts other team
members have uploaded
Group List
List from database
Click Add List
1. Create New List window
will load
2. Add a list name:
“Britt’s contacts”
3. Add Source: how it was
Drip Campaign window loads
Click the Instant Release under the Start option, This is where you can change the email to send on a
different date and time instead of sending immediately- does not give me the option to click
To add your email template to the drip marketing process click the first box titled: Send Email, Email
Series 1
Edit Email Step window will appear, in drop down box select Edit Email Content
Click Go
The Email Series 1 window will appear with the template editor to create a template, you can cre-
ate a new template from here (follow document on how to create template) OR you can upload a
previously designed template
Instant Release
Wait 1 Day
Wait 1 Day
Send Email
Email Series 1
Send Email
Email Series 2
Send Email
Email Series 3
Act! Marketing Automation Getting Started Guide 13
The Email Series 1 window will appear with the template editor to create a template, you can create a new template
from here (follow document on how to create template) OR you can upload a previously designed template
Once the imported template loads, review the content and ensure you have added the Unsubscribe details within
the template (see document how to create template)
Click Actions from the top right
To add subject line Click Properties
Click Update
Click Save from the top right
If all edits are complete click Actions
Click Return
To upload a previously
designed template
click Actions from the
top right menu
Click Import My Templates
Click the Select Template
Drop down menu, selected
the template needed
Click Import
Add a decision stage (Opened Yes/No)
Click on the stage template just added
Click Go
Select from the Add Condition window the criteria action for your email (email opened, email clicked…)
Click Return
You will now see a decision stage with a Yes & No avenue
Click Go, you will now see an email stage has been added under yes
Repeated I-L on the No side
Add a template title (can be
the same title the template was
created with)
Add subject line
Can add a Pre-Header if desired
Window “Edit Email Step”
will appear
Change drop down to
Insert Action After
Selection Action Drop down:
Select Decision
On the Yes side of the decision
tree click the Click The End stage
Edit The stage from Remove End
to Change Action Type
Select the Actions Drop down,
select Email to send new stage of
email campaign based on previous
email decision
Adding an email to new Email Stage (repeated the following steps for both sides of your decision tree)
To add your email template to the drip marketing process click the stage
Click Actions from the
top right
Click Switch to Drag
& Drop
From Switch to Drag &
Drop window select My
Templates in the first
drop down
Select the template title
needed in the second
drop down
Email Campaign (new Email Series) will load
Act! Marketing Automation Getting Started Guide 14
Click Switch
Once the imported template loads, review the content and ensure you have added the Unsubscribe details
within the template (see document how to create template)
Click Actions from the top right
Click Update
Click Save from the top right
If all edits are complete click Actions
Click Return
Ending campaign
If decisions have been added to the campaign, the steps below will need to be added to each
Click on the last camping
stage needed
From the Edit Email step
pop up select: Change
Action Type in first drop
down to Insert Action After
From Select Action
drop down select: End
Sending campaign
Click Actions from the top right
Click Activate
Active Campaign window will load, review all campaign stages
If you have a green check
mark on campaign stage the
campaign is clear to send
If you have a red x on the campaign
stage you will need to make an edit prior
to sending, you will be given details as
to why the campaign not passing
Click Activate Campaign
An email notice will be sent after the campaign has sent
To add subject line
Click Properties
Add a template title
(can be the same
title the template was
created with)
Add subject line
Can add a Pre-Header
if desired
Questions about Act! Marketing Automation?
Please contact:
Brittany Roberts
Join over six million users in 100+ countries to create your adaptable,
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About Act!
Act! makes it easy to build relationships that last with quick, organized access to highly
personalized customer details. Because every business runs differently, you have the freedom
to tailor an Act! experience to your business and industry needs—your adaptable, everywhere,
connected workspace. Finally, a CRM solution that’s uniquely yours.
Call 866-873-2006
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registered trademarks or trademarks of Swiftpage ACT! LLC, or its affiliated entities. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
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