Marketing Plan
California Telehealth
Resource Center
2021 Edition
A Step-by-Step Guide
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
There are many ways to prepare a telehealth marketing plan. Some plans serve
as a high-level strategic overview. Others are built around detailed analytics that
carefully assess market segmentation, audience targeting, industry positioning,
and more.
Trying to choose the right scope and format for your plan can be incredibly
time-consuming. This is not the kind of challenge you welcome when your main
focus is actively driving telehealth awareness, increasing utilization, boosting
program reputation, and propelling long-term growth.
This guide takes a different approach. It features a template you can easily
adapt and modify to suit your specic program needs. That makes it useful and
versatile for many different program types—from small rural clinics, to large
community hospitals, and practically everyone in between.
Let’s start by assuming that ctitious XYZ Regional Medical Center (RMC) has
already received approval to start its telehealth program. XYZ RMC’s marketing
plan becomes a key component in a broader strategy geared toward successful
long-term program implementation and sustainment.
Find XYZ RMC’s sample plan included in this guide, starting on page 8. You
can customize the various sections to t your own unique situation. We start
by explaining the purpose behind each section, so you can decide exactly how
much to include. Substitute your program’s specic details and gures, and
have a usable marketing plan ready to go in no time.
Need some effective insights about promoting your telehealth program to
current and prospective patients, or the community at large? Those are included
as well, starting on page 29.
If you would like additional support, call the California Telehealth Resource
Center (CTRC) toll-free at 877-590-8144. You can also visit for a wide
range of telehealth insights, no-cost training tools, and unbiased resources
designed to help you work smarter. If a certain approach has worked especially
well for you, please share it with us!
© CTRC 2021
This document is made possible by grant number G22RH20249 from the Ofce for the Advancement of Telehealth,
Health Resources and Services Administration, DHHS. This information or content and conclusions are those of the
CTRC and should not be construed as the ofcial position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by
HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
The overview below describes some of the key sections you should consider
including in your marketing plan. They are grouped by general purpose and
function, to help you decide what works best for your individual circumstances.
Including every segment shown verbatim is not necessarily required. Remember,
you want to give readers an overall sense of strategic context and tactical
Prefer to create your own marketing plan from scratch? These descriptions can
guide your process. If you get stuck for ideas, try using the Sample Marketing
Plan provided later in this guide. Just copy and modify the XYZ RMC illustrative
text to suit your needs. Key plan components are as follows:
Executive Summary
This section is intended for busy executives and lead stakeholders who
do not have time to read through the entire marketing plan. They can
determine goals, audience targets, budgetary allowances, key activities, and
performance metrics by skimming this summary. It’s usually brief, and often
This brief section summarizes what your marketing plan will cover. It can
introduce telehealth program goals, mention reasons for putting the plan
together, and provide general context for the various other sections.
This section adds a bit more business context. Describe the circumstances
within which your marketing activities will take place. What have you
accomplished to date? What new products and/or services are being
provided? How do these t into your broader service offerings?
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Marketing Objectives
Describe the key goals of your marketing activities. Just as with the broader
strategic objectives, include success metrics for each marketing initiative.
Marketing Strategy: Overview
This section summarizes the major elements of your marketing strategy.
Subsequent sections will explain these elements in greater detail, adding
market analysis that supports strategic direction. These core elements are
often labeled “Segmentation,” “Targeting,” and “Positioning.” You can also
consider using the descriptors “Market,” “Message,” and “Media.” The
labels you choose will drive the remainder of your marketing plan.
Strategic Objectives
This section lays out specic, measurable goals related to the telehealth
product or service you offer. Your operational, marketing, and technical
strategies support these primary objectives. For business goals, consider
addressing categories like nancial concerns, market share/leadership,
reputation, mission, and operational effectiveness. For clinical goals, consider
addressing patient care, clinical support, and participation. Wherever
possible, explain how success metrics will vary from one year to the next.
Marketing Points to Ponder:
In a 2020 survey, 46% of respondents said their
main motive for choosing a telehealth visit was
“safety.” Overall, this represented an increase of
just 13% from the previous year.
~ Source: J.D. Power U.S. Telehealth Satisfaction Study
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Market Analysis: Audience Pain Points
Remember, the people you are trying to reach should identify with your
message. Spend time assessing their challenges and/or needs. Next, identify
the unique and singular ways telehealth could resolve those challenges
and/or needs. Analyze each specic target market. Drill down to the “pain
points” for each targeted group—the areas of discomfort you want to help
them resolve. Also take into account alternate solutions that might exist, so
you can clearly articulate the reasons why telehealth represents the better
Market Analysis: Target Market
Use this section to answer important questions like:
Who is our target audience (i.e., who are we trying to reach)?
How do we identify and segment this audience?
Who are we targeting with each campaign and/or tactic outlined
in our marketing plan?
Why have we chosen these targets, versus others?
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Identify the resources available to support your key marketing activities.
These elements might include people, spaces, budget dollars, raw materials,
automobiles, storage areas, patents, partnerships, and/or databases. They
are things that help you execute on time, within budget, and according to
targeted goals.
What modalities will you use to convey your message—digital, print, video,
social platforms, or something different? Explain why specic modalities or
activities have been chosen over others.
Synthesize your market analysis elements into guiding messages that form
the foundation of your marketing materials. Start dening the actual words
and phrases you will use to address each audience. How is your program
different than alternatives? What benecial claims can you make and
substantiate? Be sure all claims related to health care are defendable. For
example, you cannot guarantee patient outcomes—but you can promote
your solution as having demonstrated certain outcomes.
Marketing Points to Ponder:
In a recent U.S. study, overall patient satisfaction
with telehealth scored 860 on a 1,000 point scale.
52% of respondents said they faced at least one
barrier to telehealth access.
~ Source: J.D. Power U.S. Telehealth Satisfaction Study
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Marketing Activities: Details
Some activities may require a longer explanation. For instance, if you are
launching a new website or trying out a new social media platform, you
may want to explain the different types of navigation, forms, and/or content
you plan to include. You may wish to outline this in a phased approach (by
month, or by business quarter).
Marketing Activities: Summary
Provide an overview of key marketing activities. Include information that can
help facilitate comparisons across each initiative. Begin with a description,
and outline core objectives. Reiterate your target audience; then spell out
frequency, resources, and essential metrics for success.
Summarize the nancial investment associated with your marketing activities.
If possible, break this out in various ways—by month, by medium, and/or by
capital costs versus operating costs.
Success Metrics
You should always aim for measurable results. This encourages your entire
team to assess, learn, and adjust your approach over time. In this section,
you want to point back to your marketing activities summary. Outline key
success metrics in aggregate (since some metrics will be impacted by multiple
activities). Explain the targeted value of these metrics, and the various activities
contributing to each.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................ 9
Introduction ......................................................................... 10
Background ......................................................................... 10
Strategic Objectives .............................................................. 10
Business ............................................................................ 11
Clinical ............................................................................. 11
Marketing Objectives ........................................................... 12
Market Strategy: Overview .................................................... 12
Market Analysis: Target Market ............................................. 13
Market Analysis: Challenges/Alternatives/Benets .................. 14
Hospital Administration & Staff .............................................. 15
Referring Providers .............................................................. 16
Patients ......................................................................................17
Supporting Organizations: Employers ..................................... 18
Supporting Organizations: Churches & Charities....................... 18
Message .............................................................................. 19
Sample Headlines ................................................................ 20
Resources ............................................................................ 20
Team ................................................................................ 20
Financial ........................................................................... 20
Media ................................................................................. 20
Marketing Activities .............................................................. 21
Marketing Activity Details ...................................................... 22
Overview Table ................................................................... 23
Website ............................................................................. 24
Newsletter .......................................................................... 25
Brochure............................................................................ 25
News Releases/Guest Articles ................................................ 25
Connected Health Media Day ................................................ 25
Satisfaction Survey ............................................................... 26
Social Media ...................................................................... 26
Face-to-Face Visits ............................................................... 26
Success Metrics .................................................................... 27
Financials ............................................................................ 28
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Executive Summary
Notes: This section is intended for busy executives who may not have time to review the marketing
plan in its entirely. It therefore summarizes key details—including goals, target audience(s), budget,
action items, and success metrics—in a shortened, easy-to-skim format.
This marketing plan is intended to increase the visibility, adoption, and use of new telehealth
services for XYZ Regional Medical Center (XYZ RMC). Our marketing campaigns will primarily
• The patient community
• Referring providers
• Internal administration and staff
We will be working with an operating budget of $1,550 for the scal year ending in December.
These funds will be invested in the following activities:
• Website
• Digital newsletter
• Brochures for patients
• Media activities—news releases, guest blogs, op-eds, and topical pitches
• Satisfaction surveys from patients, providers, and administration
• Social media campaigns
The following items will represent our primary measures of success:
• Targeted 1,000 website visitors per month
• Targeted 250 newsletter subscribers by Q2
• Targeted patient satisfaction score of 90% within the rst year
• Targeted 75% of administrators able to identify at least three telehealth program benets
within the rst six months
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
This document describes the marketing plan for XYZ RMC’s telehealth program. It covers
marketing strategy, marketing tactics, success metrics, and nancials. All major marketing
activities are summarized and described in the Marketing Activities section for quick reference.
Notes: This section provides marketing plan context. Describe the circumstances under which your
marketing activities will take place. Summarize what has already been accomplished, and the
product(s) or service(s) being offered. This puts your marketing plan into a larger business framework.
XYZ RMC has recently committed to participate in the California Telehealth Network (CTN).
We will utilize CTN services to provide patients in Alphabet County with a new suite of clinical
services via telehealth.
Our telehealth offerings will include both emergency and non-emergency services.
Non-emergency services: cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, infectious disease
Emergency services: neurology/stroke
Telehealth technology for broadband services and videoconferencing was originally obtained
through grant funding from Generous Organization of America.
Strategic Objectives
Notes: While the above section provided business context, this section lays out specic strategic
goals that can be measured. These goals should relate to the telehealth product(s) or service(s) you
are offering. It is helpful to group related goals into categories (such as business” and “clinical”).
Your operational, marketing, and technical plans will ultimately support these primary goals.
We would like to encourage participation in this program so that XYZ RMC sees a return
on its new investment—while in the process, providing better care for our valued patient
population. Please review the following pages for details.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Strategic Objectives: Business
Notes: Use this subsection to outline goals that involve nancial concerns, market share, market
leadership, industry reputation, facility mission, and operational effectiveness. Where possible,
identify when these goals should be achieved and how success metrics will vary from year to year.
The hospital’s CEO, CMO, and CTO will be able to
identify top benets that the telehealth program is
bringing to the medical center.
Within 6 months of program launch
Three external community organizations will have
recommended the telehealth program to their members.
Within the rst year
Patient satisfaction with the telehealth program will exceed
Within the rst year
The telehealth program will earn positive media coverage. Within 6 months of program launch
Measurable program-related return on investment (ROI). Within the rst year
Strategic Objectives: Clinical
Notes: Use this subsection to outline any goals applicable to the areas of patient care, clinical support,
or program participation. Indicate your planned time frame, wherever possible.
Achieve 100 telehealth encounters. Within the rst year
10 clinicians will obtain telehealth training and
earn CE credit on topics related to our supported
telehealth specialties.
Within the rst year
We will change at least one patient’s life by reducing wait
time signicantly, minimizing time taken off work to see a
specialist, or providing a diagnosis that meaningfully
alters the patient’s outcome.
Within the rst year
Clinician satisfaction with our telehealth program will
exceed 80%.
Within the rst year
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Marketing Objectives
Notes: This section describes the marketing plan’s key objectives. Just as with the broader strategic
objectives, include success metrics for each marketing goal you indicate.
Our marketing efforts will support the telehealth program’s broader objectives by:
Increasing program visibility and awareness, both internally and within our community.
Driving internal program support. Administrators will continue funding the program and
advocating its use. Physicians, nurses, and other clinicians will utilize the program.
Driving use of our new telehealth services by both patients and referring providers.
Growing our reputation through media coverage, testimonials, and success stories.
Please see the section titled “Success Metrics” for specic measures of success, along with
associated marketing activities and branding campaigns.
Market Strategy: Overview
Notes: This section summarizes the major elements that comprise your marketing strategy. Subsequent
sections will outline these elements in detail, providing market analysis that supports your strategic
direction. Most business schools suggest designating these major initiatives as “Segmentation,”
“Targeting,” and “Positioning.” You could also label your categories “Market,” “Message,” and
“Media.” Remember that the names you choose will drive other sections of your plan.
Our marketing strategy is designed around these three core elements:
Market—to whom do we want to speak?
Message—what do we want to tell them?
Media—how do we want to get that message across?
Please see the next several sections for a detailed analysis.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Market Analysis: Target Market
Notes: To whom are you planning to speak? How will you divide up that audience? Who
are the targets of your various marketing campaigns? Why have you selected those targets
versus others? These are the types of questions to address in this section.
In Figure 1, we have identied numerous groups that could inuence the use and reputation
of our telehealth program. The size of each rectangle directly corresponds to degree of
potential inuence. Arrows indicate the direction of that inuence. Based upon this illustration,
it appears that the Telehealth Director could potentially impact multiple other inuencers.
Although Figure 1 does not address this particular dynamic, it’s worth noting that numerous
entities actually inuence the patient’s decision to accept and use telehealth as an alternative
to in-person care. Such inuencers include the news media; various referring providers; and
supporting organizations like employers, churches, and charities.
For our initial marketing strategy, we will select a few entities that seem to have the most
direct inuence on program awareness and successful utilization.
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Figure 1
Key audience groups that could influence the use and reputation of our telehealth program.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Market Analysis: Target Market (continued)
The target audiences for our marketing efforts are:
Hospital administration and staff: These individuals can help us execute our telehealth
program through funding, advocacy, and program participation.
Referring providers: We would like providers to participate by recommending our
telehealth program to their patients. The group should consist of hospital staff members,
referring primary care physicians, and/or clinicians at local nursing homes and long-
term care facilities.
Supporting organizations: These organizations will serve as channel advocates who
promote our telehealth services to their members. They can include local employers,
churches, charitable agencies, and patient advocacy groups that have close relationships
with the community population (and therefore, potential insight into various health care
Patients: Ultimately, we would like this group to take advantage of our telehealth services.
Figure 1 also suggests that local media can have a sizable inuence on hospital administrators,
legislators, supporting organizations, and referring providers. Our marketing strategy will
therefore focus on leveraging media involvement to advocate for telehealth with these other
key inuencer groups.
Market Analysis: Challenges/Alternatives/Benefits
Notes: Once you have selected your marketing targets, consider what you want to tell them. Before
making the potential mistake of jumping right into a discussion about telehealth, identify their specic
challenges (i.e., “pain points”). Also consider the options they have for addressing these challenges.
Then identify the unique ways your telehealth program can offer benecial insights, alternatives,
and/or resolutions. Make sure your analysis is specic to each target market. A generic effort does
not normally assess pain points with enough specicity to identify persuasive advantages.
In this next section, we will review our key target audiences in terms of the challenges they (or
their constituents) face. We will detail available alternatives for addressing those challenges.
Then, we will outline the unique benets our telehealth solution can bring to the table.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Market Analysis: Challenges/Alternatives/Benefits (continued)
This section is critical because:
Challenges help us understand what is really troubling each target audience—and
recognize what causes “pain” or stress to each particular audience. The way(s) our
telehealth solution alleviates these challenges will translate into our main
message points.
Alternatives identify areas that directly compete with our telehealth solution. This helps us
to assess our relative strengths and weaknesses, and to ne-tune our message points.
Benefits represent key gains or advantages our various audiences perceive regarding
the use of our telehealth solution. Several of these benets may overlap across multiple
audiences. Our ongoing objective is to identify benets associated with relieving the
challenges mentioned above.
Challenges Alternatives Telehealth Solution Benets
• It is difcult to attract
specialized health care
resources needed to serve
the community effectively.
• Hospital’s duciary
responsibilities are
incompatible with
the cost of providing
highly specialized care.
• Patients from the
community end up at
more sophisticated care
facilities, because they
cannot be served at the
• Continue to provide the
same limited level of
health care services.
• Sacrice prots and/
or other expenses to hire
additional specialists.
• Accept the ongoing risk
that patients will choose
to go elsewhere for their
health care needs.
• Provides better health care
services to the community.
• Keeps patients at our
facility, rather than
transferring them out for
specialized provider care.
• Retains revenues for
providing care to the local
• Shows the community that
its local hospital provides
access to leading edge
technology and services.
• Demonstrates effective
hospital stewardship.
Hospital Administration & Sta
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Market Analysis: Challenges/Alternatives/Benefits (continued)
Challenges Alternatives Telehealth Solution Benets
• Patients need the help of
specialists who do not
practice in our local
• Patient care plans and
treatments are delayed
due to lack of time,
resources, and/or funds to
see specialists with the
necessary diagnostic
• Some patients are lost to
other providers and/or
facilities, because those
patients need to be
referred out for care.
• Keep patients local, with
limited access to
• Send patients to distant
facilities for care or
potentially impacts their
quality of life due to long
commute times, delayed
appointments, or
outright refusal to go.
• Allows patients to remain
local and avoids
unnecessary transfers.
• Allows patients to see
a specialist more quickly,
potentially reducing wait
times from months to
• Facilitates faster
diagnosis, thereby
creating more effective
patient treatment plans.
• Uses technology on the
leading edge of health
• Retains patients and
associated revenues.
Referring Providers
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Market Analysis: Challenges/Alternatives/Benefits (continued)
Challenges Alternatives Telehealth Solution Benets
• Lingering health care
issues for which patients
cannot receive local help.
• Care delayed because
patients cannot afford to
drive hundreds of miles
(or several hours) to see
a specialist.
• Care delayed due to
lengthy specialist wait
times of weeks or months.
• Reluctance to travel long
distances and potentially
leave behind their support
network if prolonged
treatment is necessary.
• Reluctance to put undue
burden on support
network, who may take
time off work and/or
travel long distances to
be near patient.
• Try in vain to nd
a local practitioner who
can help.
• Delay care and live with
the problem until the
situation deteriorates,
thereby requiring hospital
admission and/or lengthy
travel for specialized care.
• Provides access to
specialists who don’t
practice locally, but have
the skill set necessary to
address the problem.
• Eliminates or signicantly
reduces long wait times
to see specialists.
• Avoids expensive travel
costs (time off work, gas
money, mileage on car,
time away from family,
• Takes advantage of
technology at the
leading edge of
health care.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Market Analysis: Challenges/Alternatives/Benefits (continued)
Challenges Alternatives Telehealth Solution Benets
• Employees struggle with
health problems they
cannot resolve, which
impacts their well-being
and/or productivity.
• Employees take time off
for sick leave, which
disrupts shift schedules,
decreases production,
and/or increases costs.
• Let employees live with
their health-related
• Let their employers suffer
the consequences.
• Explore legal ways
to replace these ailing
• Helps employees stay
healthier and more
• Reduces the need to take
time off work for sick
• Increases reliability and
predictability of employee
Supporting Organizations: Employers
Challenges Alternatives Telehealth Solution Benets
• Members share health
issues that are negatively
impacting home/work life,
and the organization is
unable to recommend
helpful community
• Provide consolation and
resources to help patients
deal with various
symptoms of the issue,
but not the actual root
• Members address and
resolve their health-
related issues more
quickly, thereby feeling
better and experiencing
fewer home/work/lifestyle
Supporting Organizations: Churches & Charities
In summary, our telehealth program is well-positioned to provide a range of advantages for
our various audiences. The primary alternative (i.e., the status quo) does not provide much
benet, and may lead to additional challenges over time.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
To earn target audience interest, our opening message will ask questions related to specic
audience challenges. Sample copy points are shown below.
Do you have a persistent or chronic health care problem?
Are you delaying care because you cannot ...
1. afford time off work for that three-hour commute to visit the specialist?
2. even get an appointment to see the specialist until June of next year?
3. bear the thought of leaving friends/family behind, or creating another burden if you need
prolonged treatment?
Does it seem like your employees are not as healthy as they could be?
Are these health issues impacting employee productivity, and/or increasing the use of sick leave?
Are you looking for ways to help employees improve their health—so they can stay happier and more productive,
with less time off?
Churches & Charities
Have certain members spoken with you about stressful health issues that are impacting their personal or
professional lives?
Have they delayed treatment because help is unavailable locally—and they don’t have the time or work
exibility to travel for specialized care?
Referring Providers
Do any of your patients need care that is only available outside our local community?
Is their treatment being delayed because they do not have the time, resources, or funds to receive that care?
Are you concerned about losing these patients to other providers/facilities if you refer them elsewhere?
Is there a need to attract health care resources that can serve your community more effectively?
Does it feel like your hospital’s budget cannot accommodate the cost of providing highly specialized care?
Do you want to stop losing patients to facilities with more sophisticated care capabilities?
As a follow-up to these opening inquiries, we will explain how our telehealth solution can
help. Part of this process will involve highlighting unique and specic telehealth benets.
Notes: Consolidate the elements from your Market Analysis into guiding messages that will help
drive your marketing materials. This step brings you closer to “copy”—actual words you will use in
your various marketing vehicles. Consider how you would like to attract your target audience, and
how you can distinguish your offerings from other alternatives. What justiable claims can you make?
Because you are providing a health care solution, make sure all claims are defendable. Remember:
You cannot guarantee patient outcomes, but you can say that your solution has demonstrated certain
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Sample Headlines
Even the strongest message points will not make an impact without an appealing headline
that invites each target audience to read further. Below, we have included a list of headline
concepts that can be used in emails, news releases, brochures, and other outreach materials:
• Your wait time to see a neurologist just decreased from eight months to three days.
• XYZ RMC’s new telehealth program reduces medical specialist wait times by up to 99%.
• “I never dreamed of such a great outcome!” (actual telehealth patient sample quote)
• Acme Inc. reduced employee sick leave by 25% through leading edge healthcare.
• Five UC-Davis pediatric specialists provided outstanding patient care to XYZ RMC—over
the internet!
Notes: This section identies the resources available to support various marketing activities. These
resources may consist of a team, a given space, materials, or allocated dollars. Generally, a
resource” is anything that could affect your ability to execute on time or within budget if modied.
We plan to leverage existing hospital staff members as follows:
IT: website development and coding
Marketing: copywriting (website, brochures, news releases, etc.), brochure layout,
organizing a Connected Health Media Day, media relations.
Our marketing budget for the year will be $1,550. This excludes the Connected Health Media
Day, which will be funded separately by the administration team once details are nalized.
Notes: In this section, outline which message vehicle(s) you will use to reach your target audience.
It’s also helpful to explain why you have chosen specic activities over others.
We have several effective options for spreading the word about our new telehealth program.
These are outlined on the following page.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Media (continued)
We have evaluated our various media options according to the following criteria:
• Skills and resources necessary to execute
• Required time and effort to execute
• Potential near-term and long-term impact
• Cost
According to our analysis, the following list represents the most effective mix:
• Website
• eNewsletter
• Brochures
• News releases
• Articles and op-eds
• Satisfaction surveys (from patients, clinicians, and administrators)
• Connected Health Media Day
• Social media
• Face-to-face visits
These combined efforts will help us communicate our telehealth solution benets consistently
and repeatedly. Our objective is to earn clear top-of-mind awareness, so that audience
members will readily recall the program and its advantages with every emerging conversation
or usage opportunity. This increases the likelihood that they will choose (or at least strongly
consider) our telehealth option.
Marketing Activities
Notes: This section briey outlines your key marketing initiatives. To help provide a summarized
overview, it is often useful to include a table as well. If you opt to incorporate a comparative table,
consider using the following category headings:
Activity Description
Objective(s) Served
Target Audience(s)
Metrics for Success
Resources Involved
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Marketing Activities (continued)
Our marketing activities will include the following:
• New dedicated telehealth website
• eNewsletter
• Several types of brochures
• Periodic news releases
• Patient and clinician satisfaction surveys
• Guest article(s) in a local publication
• Social media posts
• Face-to-face visits
• Industry conference and community event attendance
• Connected Health Media Day event
The next section, titled “Marketing Activity Details,” explains some of these initiatives more
fully. On the following page, a table is also included to provide a comparative overview. This
table is organized into the following categories:
• Activity Name
• Brief Description
• Objectives Served (i.e., visibility, utilization, reputation)
• Target Audience(s)
• Frequency of Activity
• Metrics for Success
• Human Resources Needed
• Budget (estimates of both startup and operating costs)
Marketing Activity Details
Notes: The table below provides a detailed overview of elements associated with these different
marketing activities. It is helpful to include such a table when you want to provide a summarized
recap for team members reviewing your marketing plan.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Activity Description
Metrics for
Visibility Utilization Reputation
Startup Costs Ongoing Costs
Include overview of telehealth program, team, providers,
technology, and benets. Also include contact info and
sign-up form to receive eNewsletter.
Patients, Hospital
Administration, Referring
Providers, Supporting
Ongoing updates as
- # of visitors
- # signing up for
Telehealth Director,
$200-$1,000 extended
RMC website to include
Telehealth Section
$0 (use existing
Use Constant Contact to send out information on
telehealth benets, technology, consulting physician
proles, and real-life success stories.
Patients, Hospital
Administration, Referring
Providers, Supporting
- # of subscribers
- Open rate
Telehealth Director,
$0 $10-$30/month
Brochure -
Printed brochure or yer explaining telehealth, and its
benets to patients.
Patients, Supporting
One time
- # of people
us for more info
Telehealth Director,
depending on # of
reprints and quality of
Brochure -
Printed brochure or yer explaining telehealth, and its
benets to providers and the patients they serve.
Referring Providers
One time
- # of people
us for more info
Telehealth Director,
$20-$500 depending
on # of reprints and
quality of material/
Stories highlighting local healthcare issues and the telehealth
solution. Use patient stories to convey the message. These
news releases will also be posted on the website.
Patients, Hospital
Administration, Referring
Providers, Supporting
two to three per year
- # of people
us for more info
Telehealth Director,
depending on length
and outlet used
Survey -
-How would you rate your telehealth experience (1-10)?
-Would you recommend to a family member or friend
-What can we do to improve our telehealth program?
Patients, Hospital
Administration, Referring
Providers, Supporting
Per encounter
- Satisfaction score Telehealth Director
$0 $0
Survey -
-How would you rate your telehealth experience (1-10)?
-Would you recommend to a colleague (1-10)?
-What can we do to improve our telehealth program?
Referring Providers
Every six months
- Satisfaction score
- % that would use
our program
Telehealth Director
$0 $0
Survey -
-How would you rate the success of this telehealth
program (1-10)?
-What benets do you perceive? Please describe.
Hospital Administration
- Satisfaction score
- % that can identify
Telehealth Director,
$0 $0
Media Day
Event designed to showcase and demonstrate the
telehealth solution. Will include administrators, along with
specialists from UC-Davis via videoconference. These
guests will discuss what they do during a typical telehealth
Patients, Hospital
Administration, Referring
- # of attendees
- # signing up for
Telehealth Director,
TBD $0
Guest Article
in Local
Stories highlighting local healthcare issues and our
telehealth solution. Patient stories will underscore this
message. Guest articles also posted on the website.
Patients, Hospital
Administration, Referring
Providers, Supporting
Two to three per year
- # signing up for
Telehealth Director,
$0 $0
Social Media
Videos on YouTube proling consulting physicians,
participating clinicians, patients assisted, and technology
in use. Links also embedded on the website.
Patients, Supporting
Referring Providers
At least one per
- # signing up for
- # of views
Telehealth Director,
$0 (possible video
production costs)
In-person visits with referring providers, supporting
organizations, and administrators to discuss issues our
telehealth solution will address. Can also speak to specic
questions and concerns.
Hospital Administration,
Referring Providers,
Supporting Organizations
As many as possible
- # of people
contacting us
for more info
Telehealth Director
$0 Minimal local travel
The regional Rural Health Association’s July annual conference
is a good place to network and learn about promising practices.
We will also attend CTRC’s Annual Telehealth Summit.
Telehealth Director
$750/conference $0
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
The website is designed to be a useful tool for all our target audiences—such as patients, providers,
internal administration, staff, and supporting organizations. It will function as a one-stop resource
for the following information:
• Available clinical services
• Telehealth provider proles
• Testimonial-style stories about telehealth changing lives
• Telehealth technology (as illustrated by site-embedded videos)
• Telehealth benets (broken out by different constituents)
• Resources about getting started with telehealth
• Articles discussing how telehealth provides both clinical and economic benets
• Links to telehealth informational resources (i.e, CTRC, CTN, American Telemedicine
• An overview of our telehealth team
• Contact information
The site will also include a form that lets visitors sign up for our telehealth eNewsletter.
The website is intended to help:
Patients feel more comfortable using our telehealth services
Referring providers feel more comfortable suggesting that their patients take advantage
of these services
Supporting organizations feel more comfortable recommending these services
Administrators better understand our telehealth program, so they will continue supporting
it via increased funding and general advocacy
Internal staff better understand the program, so they will continue supporting it through
ongoing participation and general advocacy
Website visitors easily sign up for our eNewsletter
While this initiative involves considerable content development, keep in mind that it serves multiple
purposes. For example, portions of this content can also be re-used in other media—including
brochures, yers, presentations, videos, and more.
Marketing Activity Details (continued)
Notes: Some activities require a more detailed explanation. This section is designed to provide that
information, in conjunction with the comparative table mentioned above. If you are planning to
launch a website, for instance, this section can include information about pages, content, forms,
features, and navigation. The table mentioned above can appear before your detailed breakouts, or
after. In either case, it simply functions as a summarized high-level overview or recap.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Marketing Activity Details (continued)
The eNewsletter will provide a recurring supply of content that reminds recipients what is accessible
on our website, and highlights new information as details become available. It essentially serves
as a continuous reminder to visit our website for the latest information and content updates (i.e.,
newly added telehealth clinical disciplines, patient success stories, etc.).
This ongoing communication with our subscribers keeps our telehealth program at the forefront
of their awareness. When these individuals encounter a health care situation that may lend itself
to telehealth, we want them to remember our program immediately.
As a leave-behind resource, our brochure will serve to remind supporting organizations about
our telehealth program. Budget limitations dictate that this piece take the form of a one-page,
four-color yer printed front-and-back. It will highlight essential program information—including
clinical specialties covered, advantages, success stories, selected testimonials, and instructions
for obtaining program access.
News Releases/Guest Articles in Local Publications
Our news releases and guest articles will help reinforce broad awareness of our telehealth
program. Simultaneously, they will help us forge strong relationships with key media organizations.
Ultimately, we would like our print-based outreach to help us achieve exposure on local television
and radio stations.
Connected Health Media Day
This three-hour “open house” event will introduce our telehealth program to the local community.
To help build interest, we will distribute several news releases and other media announcements
in advance. Our goal is to have two or more consulting physicians available via the telehealth
videoconferencing system to discuss their typical consultative approach, and to share success
stories. We will encourage the public to stop by, virtually meet some of our physicians, and view
demonstrations of the new technology.
Attendees will also have the chance to sign up for our eNewsletter, and to obtain a brochure.
Additional goals include the following:
• Persuade business sponsors to provide food and beverage (always an audience draw)
• Arrange to have various city, county, and regional legislators in attendance
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Marketing Activity Details (continued)
Satisfaction Survey
Satisfaction surveys will be our primary method of obtaining direct, systematic feedback on the
success of our telehealth program. The process needs to be holistic and inclusive—which means
we will solicit feedback from patients, participating clinicians, and administrators.
These survey results will be used for our external marketing efforts, in the form of website posts and
news releases. They will also be used for our internal marketing efforts, including administrative
and staff presentations.
Social Media
In terms of social media, our initial platform target will be YouTube. This popular site allows us to
create our own free channel and post multiple videos. We can then embed these YouTube videos
into our website—thereby obtaining even more leverage from our efforts. Ideas for video topics
• Patient success stories
• Telehealth technology demos
• Testimonials from staff members who have personally used the technology
• Interviews with physicians who provide telehealth consults
Face-to-Face Visits
Face-to-face visits are critical for educating the public and creating a general telehealth comfort
level. This is especially key for supporting organizations like local churches, community mental
health centers, emergency medical services (EMS), regional employers, and the local HIV/AIDS
support center (for infectious disease consults).
We will sit down with representatives from these organizations to discuss health-related challenges
in their various environments. This will help us identify ways that our telehealth program could
provide potential assistance. We will also leave behind a supply of informational brochures.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Success Metrics
Notes: Marketing activities should produce measurable outcomes. In this section, describe how
each activity will be assessed in terms of results. While the Marketing Activities Summary identies
success metrics for each individual activity, this section aggregates all success metrics across these
activities (as certain metrics will be served by multiple activities). Do your best to quantify these
metrics, identifying the various activities contributing to each one. Reviewing these elements over
time can help you learn, adjust, and continually enhance your approach.
Below are success metrics and targets for our XYZ RMC telehealth program:
(First Year)
Achieved/Identied Via...
Website visitors 1,000
Calls-to-action that drive
people to website (measured
by Google Analytics installed
on website)
Newsletter sign-ups 250
Website, newsletter shares,
brochures, social media
Newsletter open rate 25% Newsletter content
People requesting more
Website, brochures, news
releases, face-to-face visits
Satisfaction score: patients 90% Survey
Satisfaction score: clinicians 80% Survey
Clinicians who would use
telehealth again
90% Survey
Satisfaction score: administration 80% Survey
Administrators who can
identify at least three
telehealth benets
75% Survey
Social media views 300 YouTube metrics
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
XYZ Regional Medical Center
Sample Marketing Plan
Notes: This section summarizes the total nancial outlay for your marketing plan. If possible, break
out your gures in several different ways—by month, activity, and/or capital costs versus operating
costs. This provides a more granular view, which can be helpful if changes occur or adjustments are
needed along the way.
Our total budget for this plan is $1,550. The graph below illustrates projected monthly
marketing expenses for the program:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
$30 $30 $30 $30
$30 $30 $30 $30 $30
Monthly Marketing Program Expenses
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Telehealth has been making health care more accessible and improving
patient outcomes for decades. With the rise of direct to patient telehealth
services in recent years, many patients are now familiar with the basic concept
of telehealth—even if they use different labels to describe it. Commonly used
alternate terms include “telemedicine,” “eVisit,” “virtual visit,” and “video visit.”
Successful telehealth services and programs are not always easy to
create; however, they often carry a sustained value that far outweighs any
challenges you may encounter. Of course, providing a new service is only part
of the battle. You also need to get the word out, so patients will want to take
full advantage of it!
The good news is, marketing telehealth to your patients involves many of the
same key principles already discussed in this guide. It all starts with a clear
strategy. Once you understand where you want to go, and who your target
audience is, you can map out the most efcient plan.
The following pages share some practical tactics and proven tips for promoting
telehealth to your patients and the community.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
When creating a marketing strategy to help patients learn about your telehealth
program, the rst step is determining what you want to achieve. The main
objective, of course, is driving awareness that inspires a specic action—i.e.,
scheduling a telehealth visit with one of your practitioners. Start from there,
and expand your approach using these key insights.
“S.M.A.R.T.” is an acronym that stands for Specic, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based. Ensure that you articulate at least
one S.M.A.R.T. goal, while trying to avoid any unfocused goals. Below is
a brief example:
Unfocused Goal:
We really want to spread the word about our telehealth program.
S.M.A.R.T. Goal:
By the third quarter, we would like to be seeing at least eight telehealth patients
per day who need to address some sort of dermatology issue.
Notice the difference? The rst goal is vague, while the second goal:
Specifies the type of appointment and patient (i.e., an individual
who needs specialized dermatology care).
Indicates a measurable number of desired patients per day.
Mentions a gure that is achievable for this practice.
States an intention that is relevant to creating care-based revenue.
Is time-based (i.e., “by the third quarter”).
Specifying these core elements lets you track metrics, determine if you
are on course, and make adjustments as you go.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Define Who You Are Targeting
Once you have your goal(s) in place, start thinking about your
audience. Providing basic information to your surrounding community
is important. However, if you want to increase actual revenue, target
people who can directly benet from your telehealth services. If you focus
on telebehavioral health, for example, think about how to reach people
experiencing job-related, family-related, or illness-related stresses.
As part of this exercise, you may want to gather a bit of sample patient
data. Here are just a few questions you might consider:
• How many of your patients travel more than 10 miles to see your clinicians
in person?
What percentage of your current patients need the specialized care you plan
to provide via telehealth?
• How would you describe your typical patients?
(i.e., new parents, athletes, college students, elderly residents, etc.)
• Is there any pattern to the rate at which your target patients tend to re-schedule
or cancel their in-ofce appointments?
(i.e., what is your no-show and cancellation rate, and is an obvious pattern
From these data patterns, you can often create some personas
ctitious representations that capture specic traits, demographics, or
life circumstances. For example, say your typical patient is a 30-40 year
old single mom living in an economically challenged county. Assume she
typically seeks pediatric care, along with periodic wellness checkups for
herself. Create “Patient Pamto embody all these traits. What does Pam’s
day usually look like? What are her recurring challenges—commute,
budgeting, sleep hygiene, work/life balance, nutrition, stress management,
childcare, or something different? Think about ways to make your telehealth
marketing message especially relevant to Pam.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Cover All the Bases
To keep your entire community informed, share news about your telehealth
services across multiple platforms. Think about all the touchpoints your target
audience normally encounters, then update those areas frequently. Visit our
dedicated “Patients” page at for examples of different types of
telehealth visits, common telehealth questions, patient handouts, and more.
This content can give you some great ideas for topic-relevant insights to share
with prospective patients, and the community at large.
Consider Ways to Share Your Message
Once you have identied your prospective audience, think about ways you
might reach your “ideal” patient population. Let’s consider our previous
telebehavioral health example. You could arrange meetings with leaders
at local churches, community centers, and/or social service organizations.
Explain your services, then ask if there is:
an opportunity to share a brochure/insert in one of their future bulletins.
• a chance to create a guest blog on their website, mentioning your
telehealth services. From a telebehavioral standpoint, you could focus
on “strategies for dealing with stress” or “the stages of grief.”
• a willingness to mention your services on their social media page(s)—
like sharing a link to telehealth program information on your own website.
• an opportunity to share your contact information with their pastors,
coaches, mentors, volunteers, lay ministry teams, etc.
If your goal involves converting existing in-ofce patients to telehealth, you
might print up some waiting room table tents or posters. You could also
create staff lanyards, badges, or face masks proclaiming, Ask me about
telehealth!” You might even hand out pens to every patient, featuring a
specic URL leading to telehealth information on your website.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Keep Brainstorming
Make sure that you leverage multiple messaging opportunities across a
diverse range of vehicles. The chart below provides a few suggestions to
get you started. Meet with your internal teams, and brainstorm even more
approaches that are relevant to your particular organization or audience.
Promote the
program on your
social media platforms
Post questions
and invite engagement.
Create periodic hashtags
for special events, and ask followers to
share them.
If you participate
in community video calls,
create a special
Zoom background
that highlights
your telehealth
web badges
social media frames
that your
advocates can
display online.
Create a
landing page
video, or widget
that helps patients
choose between
your various
care options.
Include an interactive
banner or
colorful button
on your
website homepage.
Link to a special
landing page or
signup form that
provides additional details.
Consider designing
a dedicated
seal, and/or
to use in
your messaging
and community outreach.
Update your news
slide decks
your telehealth
Think about hosting
Q&A event
where you can promote
telehealth to a specific
target audience. Consider offering
and raffle prizes from
community sponsors.
local churches, employers,
social service
organizations, and
community centers
to obtain regional
health care insights
and create connections.
Consider branded
hand-outs such as
notepads or refrigerator
that keep your
telehealth program
top-of-mind for
patients at home.
Get junior patients involved by
handing out telehealth-
themed stickers. Print
in-office telehealth coloring sheets to
keep kids occupied.
Have a contest, and
display the best entries.
Remind patients that
telehealth often
represents a great
alternative to walk-in
convenient care. Create
phone answering scripts
for your staff, or
a telehealth-focused
hold message
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Your Own Team Members Are Your Best Advertisers
Telling patients and consumers about your telehealth program is key—so
make sure your staff members and providers know about it as well. They
can help spread awareness through their personal e-mail signatures, social
media pages, and relationships. Enlist clinicians and other ofce staff to act
as advocates with the patients they see.
Remember how vital it is to reassure staff members on your team who
may be concerned about their long-term contributions once telehealth
is introduced. Explain that in many cases, telehealth can expand future
treatment opportunities and the need for their skills.
Good Reviews Are Golden
Patients frequently check ratings and reviews when choosing a health
care provider. Whenever you earn solid kudos, use them to promote your
telehealth program.
Consider requesting feedback from the telehealth patients you serve, and
posting positive comments after receiving permission. Try sending a quick
text or email survey following each visit. Take the time to evaluate any new
insights shared, to improve your program over time. Then, keep sharing
the best comments on your website and social media pages. Make time
to touch base with your reviewers, too. Ask follow-up questions or request
clarication. Once patients realize how much you value their perspectives,
they may become valuable program advocates.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Share Useful Insights on a Schedule
Consider starting a weekly or monthly printed bulletin, eNewsletter, or blog
that provides useful telehealth insights at regular intervals. It’s not as hard
as you might think. Stuck for ideas? Try a few of the following:
• Answer frequently asked patient questions.
• Conduct a patient poll on telehealth, and share results/comments.
• Help patients understand which cold or u symptoms might warrant
a doctor visit, and then promote telehealth as a safe and convenient
care option.
• Interview one of your telehealth providers.
• Share an inspiring telehealth success story.
• Provide helpful tips for more productive telehealth visits.
• Share a short video snippet discussing key telehealth advantages.
• Dene different types of telehealth visits, and important terms to
If you get stuck for ideas, visit Our dedicated “Patients” page
features unbiased tips and insights that pertain to all of these areas, and
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
Types of Telehealth
When educating your patients about telehealth, make sure they understand
that several different types of telehealth currently exist. At present, there
are four distinct categories:
Live Videoconferencing (Synchronous)
A real-time audio and visual interaction between a patient and
a provider.
Store and Forward (Asynchronous)
The process of sending pre-recorded patient information
electronically, typically to a specialist. Store and forward visits
function similarly to sending a secure email. For example, a
patient or provider might send a picture to a specialist for review
at a later time.
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)
Collects personal health and medical data from an individual in
one location, which is then transmitted to a provider in a different
location for use in care and related support. RPM typically uses
smart devices to get vital signs that help monitor a patient’s
Mobile Health (mHealth)
Health care and public health education via various mobile
communication devices—such as cell phones, tablet computers,
or PDAs.
More Tips and Insights for Patients
Get even more patient-related tips and insights at Download
our patient-facing infographic, “How Do I Use Telehealth?” Also view
Pacic Basin Telehealth Resource Center’s patient-facing educational video,
What to Expect from a Telehealth Visit. These resources are available
free of charge, and can be shared directly with patients. See additional
options on our “Patients” page.
Telehealth Marketing Plan Development: Step-by-Step
The California Telehealth Resource Center (CTRC) is your unbiased resource for telehealth
success. Since 2006, we have been earning our trusted reputation as a leading source
for telehealth program implementation and sustainability guidance. We serve providers,
patients, health systems, clinics, government agencies, and safety net populations—
sharing unbiased educational and support information, often at no cost to you.
Visit for insights, training tools, services, and materials that help you take full
advantage of everything telehealth has to offer. Here are just a few examples:
Expert consultative services, both before and during telehealth program
Time-saving resources for patients and families
Training videos for all members of your provider program team—including
administrators, telehealth coordinators, and clinical presenters
Telehealth development guides that incorporate the latest promising
practices and more, in easy-to-follow formats
Our popular Telehealth Program Developer Toolkit—a foolproof, step-by-
step guide that helps organizations of all sizes implement, develop, and
sustain a telehealth program
Hands-on resources for organizing and managing telehealth programs—
including practice guides, policy and research reports, presentations,
sample forms, and workows
Links to continuing education and accredited certication courses,
in partnership with leading telehealth schools
An ever-expanding list of California-based telehealth specialty providers
Access to telehealth-related events, workshops, and conferences