The renewal of wedding vows is an appropriate ceremony to commemorate a significant
anniversary or for a couple to recommit to one another after their relationship has weathered
adversity. The renewal service is a reaffirmation of faith and trust in a holy God who unites a
man and woman in the most intimate of relationships.
Address to the Congregation:
We have gathered together this evening in the sight of God and in the presence of these
family members and friends to witness the renewal of the wedding vows of (man and woman).
They come to renew that covenant taken (date of original wedding). They are honored that you
are here to share this special day with them.
God of all grace and goodness, accept our thanks for the ordinance of marriage which
You have instituted. You who set those who are along into families, and You who have promised
Your blessing to all who call upon You. Bless these, Your servants, who are now about to renew
their marriage vows. Guide them and sanctify them by Your Spirit, and fill them anew with a
deep sense of the obligation of the vows they took (date) and which they renew today. Help them
to look to You today for Your assistance and to renew these sacred obligations in humble
dependence upon Your enabling grace. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.
Scripture Readings:
Suggested passages include Joshua 4:1-7; Genesis 9:13-17; or any of the passages
normally used in weddings.
Address to the Assembly:
I challenge all of us to renew our commitment to marriage today. May we take this time
to renew our determination to stay in our marriages and let God work through us to His glory and
for our deepening love for Him and for each other. I challenge us to be committed to
communication and to cooperation.
Renewing the Wedding Pledge:
Will you, (husband), recommit yourself to this holy relationship of marriage and to the
solemn obligations and responsibilities of a husband? Will you continue to be (wife’s name)
loving, faithful and helpful husband, in sickness or in health, in prosperity or in adversity? Are
you willing to renew your love and commitment to her as your wife and to promise to be faithful
unto her, so long as you both shall live?
If so, answer: I WILL
Will you, (wife), recommit yourself to this holy relationship of marriage and to the solemn
obligations and responsibilities of a wife? Will you continue to be (husband’s name) loving,
faithful and helpful husband, in sickness or in health, in prosperity or in adversity? Are you
willing to renew your love and commitment to him as your husband and to promise to be faithful
unto him, so long as you both shall live?
If so, answer: I WILL
Renewing the Wedding Vows:
(The groom to the bride:)
I, (husband), receive you, (wife’s name), as a gift from the hand of God and now reaffirm
my choice for you as my lifelong partner in marriage for the rest of my life. I promise to love and
honor you as a fellow-heir of God’s grace. By God’s help, I will support and defend you as my
wife until the day we are separated by death.
(The bride to the groom:)
I, (wife), receive you, (husband’s name), as a gift from the hand of God and now reaffirm
my choice for you as my lifelong partner in marriage for the rest of my life. I promise to love and
honor you as a fellow-heir of God’s grace. By God’s help, I will support and defend you as my
husband until the day we are separated by death.
Blessings of the Wedding Rings:
In the Old Testament, when God made a covenant with Noah, He sent a rainbow in the
clouds as a token of remembrance concerning that covenant. From this we learn that it is well for
us, when we enter into solemn agreements with one another, to set apart a reminder of the vows
we have made.
(Original wedding date), you selected rings of gold to serve as reminders of your
wedding day. Today they have a new significance in light of the covenant relationship you have
entered because of your mutual faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and the Lord of your
Your wedding bands of gold, serve as fitting reminders for this special day in your lives
together. Gold, precious among metals, fittingly represents the precious ties that unite you as
husband and wife. These rings, endless until broken by an outside force are appropriate
reminders of the unbroken partnership of marriage which should continue until broken by death.
(Both husband and wife will at this point extend their left hands toward the Pastor, who
will place his hand upon theirs with these words:)
Bless, O Lord, these rings which serve as reminders of the vows by which this man and
this woman have bound themselves to each other in the past and have reaffirmed that choice
before us today, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pronouncement of Reaffirmation:
(The couple will join their right hands and the Pastor place his hand upon theirs and this
By the power vested in me by God, and the authority given to me by the state of (state) as
a Christian pastor, I now declare your original wedding vows to be renewed. May this fresh, new
start reaffirm your love, commitment and devotion to each other.
Prayer of Consecration:
O God of love, You have established marriage for the welfare and happiness of mankind.
The plan was Yours, and only with You can we work it out with joy. Our burdens are now cut in
half, since when we share them, we divide the load.
Bless this husband as provider of nourishment and clothing and sustain him in all the
demands and pressures of his battle to support his wife and their family. Protect him in his job
and grant him safety in his travels. May his strength be his wife’s protection, his character be her
boast and her pride, and may he so live that she will find him the answer of her expectations of a
model husband.
Bless this loving wife with a tenderness that will make her great, a deep sense of
understanding, patience as she raises her children, and a great faith in You. Give her that inner
beauty of soul that never fades. Impress upon her the truth of Your Word which states, “the wife
God gave (husband) is his best reward down here for all his earthly toll.” (Ecclesiastes 9:9, TLB)
Remind this couple that marriage is not living merely for each other; it is two uniting
hands and hearts to serve You. Give them a great spiritual purpose in life. May they seek first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness, and the other things shall be added unto them.
May they not expect that perfection of each other that belongs alone unto you. May they
minimize each other’s weaknesses, be quick to praise and magnify each other’s strengths, and
always see each other through a lover’s kind and patient eyes. Now make such assignments to
them that will bless them and develop their characters as they continue to walk together. Give
them enough tears to keep them tender, enough hurts to keep them humble, enough of failure to
keep their hands clenched tightly in Yours, but enough success to make them sure they are
walking with God.
May they never take each other’s love for granted, but always experience that breathless
wonder that exclaims, “Out of all this world, you have chosen me.”
When life is done and the sun is setting, may they be found then, as now, still hand in
hand, still thanking God for each other. May they serve you happily, faithfully, together, all their
lives long. Bless them abundantly, as they renew their vows to each other and to you, today. This
we pray, through Jesus Christ, the great lover of our souls. Amen.
(Husband and wife) have come to this church today to reaffirm their lives in marriage. They have
said in our presence that they wish to be husband and wife. They have given pledges to each
other of their love. They have invited the Almighty God to be a part of their marriage
relationship. Therefore, (husband and wife), I (along with all who are assembled together here
today) express the hope and expectation that in all your togetherness, you will steadfastly love
one another, as Christ has tenderly and steadfastly love you.”Those whom God has joined
together, let man not separate.”
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and love of God the Father, and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit… guide you… bless you… and make perfect your love to each other, now and
forever more. Amen.
(Husband and wife), as Peter writes in his letter, I now invite you to “Greet one another
with a kiss of love.”
Formal Introduction:
It is my pleasure to present to this assembled group our good friends: (Husband and