Under Chapter 33 of the Texas Family Code, an unemancipated minor cannot consent to an abortion.
Prepared by the Texas Foster Youth Justice Project Updated 11/06/2019
This consent form constitutes a written statement under Section 32.003(f) of the Texas Family Code. A
physician, dentist, psychologist, hospital, or medical facility may rely on the written statement of the
child containing the grounds on which the child has capacity to consent to the child's medical treatment.
The consent by a child to medical, dental, psychological, and surgical treatment is not subject to
disaffirmance because of the child’s minority. Tex. Fam. Code § 32.003(b).
I, [name of minor] ______________________________, am currently [number of years] ____ years of
age. My date of birth is ______________________________.
My father’s name (if known) is _______________________________. My mother’s name (if known) is
______________________________. IF APPLICABLE: The name of my managing conservator or
legal guardian is ______________________________.
I, [name of minor] ______________________________, give consent for my own medical treatment.
The nature of the medical treatment to be given to me is as follows:
The treatment is to begin on [start date for treatment]:
I have legal authority to consent to the treatment described above under Tex. Fam. Code § 32.003
because I (check one or more):
am on active duty with the armed forces of the United States of America
am 16 years of age or older and reside separate and apart from my parents, managing conservator,
or guardian, and manage my own financial affairs
consent to the diagnosis and treatment of an infectious, contagious, or communicable disease as
required by law or rule to be reported by the licensed physician or dentist to a local health officer or
the Texas Department of State Health Services and including all diseases within the scope of Tex.
Health & Safety Code Ann.§ 81.041
am unmarried and pregnant and consent to hospital, medical, or surgical treatment, other than
abortion, related to the pregnancy
am consenting to examination and treatment for drug or chemical addiction, drug or chemical
dependency, or any other condition related to drug or chemical use
am unmarried, am the parent of a child, have actual custody of my child, and consents to medical,
dental, psychological, or surgical treatment for the child
I certify that I have read and fully understand the above consent; that the facts indicated above are true;
and that all blanks or statements requiring insertion or completion were filled in before I signed.
Minor Name (Printed)
Minor Signature
Date of Consent
Under Chapter 33 of the Texas Family Code, an unemancipated minor cannot consent to an abortion.
Prepared by the Texas Foster Youth Justice Project Updated 11/06/2019
This consent form constitutes a written statement under Section 32.003(f) of the Texas Family Code. A
physician, dentist, psychologist, hospital, or medical facility may rely on the written statement of the
child containing the grounds on which the child has capacity to consent to the child's medical treatment.
The consent by a child to medical, dental, psychological, and surgical treatment is not subject to
disaffirmance because of the child’s minority. Tex. Fam. Code § 32.003(b).
I, [name of minor] ______________________________, am currently [number of years] ____ years of
age. My date of birth is ______________________________.
My father’s name (if known) is _______________________________. My mother’s name (if known) is
______________________________. IF APPLICABLE: The name of my managing conservator or
legal guardian is ______________________________.
I, [name of minor] ______________________________, give consent for my own medical treatment.
The nature of the medical treatment to be given to me is as follows:
The treatment is to begin on [start date for treatment]:
I have legal authority to consent to the treatment described above under Tex. Fam. Code § 32.003
because I (check one or more):
am on active duty with the armed forces of the United States of America
am 16 years of age or older and reside separate and apart from my parents, managing conservator,
or guardian, and manage my own financial affairs
consent to the diagnosis and treatment of an infectious, contagious, or communicable disease as
required by law or rule to be reported by the licensed physician or dentist to a local health officer or
the Texas Department of State Health Services and including all diseases within the scope of Tex.
Health & Safety Code Ann.§ 81.041
am unmarried and pregnant and consent to hospital, medical, or surgical treatment, other than
abortion, related to the pregnancy
am consenting to examination and treatment for drug or chemical addiction, drug or chemical
dependency, or any other condition related to drug or chemical use
am unmarried, am the parent of a child, have actual custody of my child, and consents to medical,
dental, psychological, or surgical treatment for the child
I certify that I have read and fully understand the above consent; that the facts indicated above are true;
and that all blanks or statements requiring insertion or completion were filled in before I signed.
Minor Name (Printed)
Minor Signature
Date of Consent
Jane Doe 16
David Doe
Donna Doe
Jane Doe
physical and x-ray
Jane Doe 12/15/2019