Education and debate
How to read a paper
The Medline database
Trisha Greenhalgh
In 1928, in his introduction to Sceptical Essays, Bertrand
Russell wrote: “The extent to which beliefs are based
on evidence is very much less than believers suppose.
Medical beliefs, and the clinical practices that are based
on them, are a case in point. Debate continues as to
whether scientific evidence alone is sufficient to guide
medical decision making, but few doctors would
dispute that finding and understanding relevant
research based evidence is increasingly necessary in
clinical practice. This article is the first in a series that
introduces the non-expert to searching the medical
literature and assessing the value of medical articles.
The Medline database
Over 10 million medical articles exist on library shelves.
About a third are indexed in the huge Medline
database, compiled by the National Library of Medicine
of the United States. The Medline database is exactly
the same, whichever company is selling it, but the
commands differ according to the software. Vendors
of Medline online and on CD ROM include Ovid
Technologies (ovid) and Silver Platter Information
Articles can be traced in two ways: by any word
listed on the database, including words in the title,
abstract, authors’ names, and the institution where the
research was done; and by a restricted thesaurus of
medical titles, known as medical subject heading
(MeSH) terms.
To illustrate how Medline works, I have worked
through some common problems in searching. The
scenarios have been drawn up using ovid software.
Problem 1: You are trying to find a known paper
Solution: Search the database by field suffix (title, author,
journal, institution, etc) or by textwords.
First, get into the part of the database which covers
the approximate year of the paper’s publication. If you
are already in the main Medline menu, select
“database” (Alt-B). If you know the approximate title of
the paper and perhaps the journal where it was
published, you can use the title and journal search keys
or (this is quicker) the .ti and .jn field suffixes. The box
shows some other useful field suffixes.
Thus, to find a paper called something like
“Confidentiality and patients’ casenotes, which you
remember seeing in the British Journal of General Prac-
tice a couple of years ago,
type the following sequence:
1 confidentiality.ti
2 british journal of general practice.jn
3 1 and 2
You could do all this in one step:
1 confidentiality.ti and british journal of general
This step illustrates the use of the boolean operator
“and”; it will give you articles common to both sets.
Using “or” will simply add the two sets together.
Note that since 1988 the British Medical Journal is
abbreviated BMJ in ovid software, and Journal of the
American Medical Association is JAMA. Other useful field
suffixes to try when searching for a known article are
author (using the syntax, institution (for
example,, or title (for example,
evidence-based medicine.ti).
Summary points
Not all medical articles are indexed on Medline,
and many that are have been misclassified
Searching by textword can supplement a search
by MeSH headings
To increase the sensitivity of a search, use the
“explode” command and avoid using subheadings
Scan titles on screen rather than relying on the
software to find the most valid or relevant ones
Useful search field suffixes (ovid)
Word in abstract
Single word, wherever it may
appear as a MeSH term
Word in title
Word in title or abstract
Unique identifier
Year of publication
This is the first
of 11 articles
non-experts to
finding medical
articles and
assessing their
Unit for
Practice and Policy,
Department of
Primary Care and
Sciences, University
College London
Medical School/
Royal Free Hospital
School of Medicine,
Hospital, London
N19 5NF
Trisha Greenhalgh,
senior lecturer
BMJ 1997;315:180–3
180 BMJ VOLUME 315 19 JULY 1997
Problem 2: You want to answer a specific question
Solution: Construct a focused (specific) search by combining
two or more broad (sensitive) searches.
I was recently asked by the mother of a young girl
with anorexia nervosa whose periods had ceased to
prescribe oral contraceptives for her so as to stop her
bones thinning. This seemed a reasonable request,
though there were ethical problems to consider. But is
there any evidence that taking oral contraceptives in
these circumstances really prevents long term bone
loss? I decided to explore the subject using Medline. To
answer this question, you need to search very broadly
under “anorexia nervosa, “osteoporosis, and “oral
contraceptives. The search described below involves
articles from 1992; when replicating it, make sure the
database you are searching goes back that far. Type:
1 anorexia nervosa
You have not typed a field suffix (such as .tw), so the
ovid system will automatically try to “map” your
request to one of its standard medical subject headings
(abbreviated MeSH and colloquially known as “mesh
terms”). (Note that not all Medline software packages
will automatically map your suggestion to MeSH
terms. With Silver Platter search software, for example,
you need to enter your heading and click the “suggest”
button.) For this example, the screen offers you either
“eating disorders” or “anorexia nervosa” and asks you
to pick the closest one. Choose “anorexia nervosa”
(space bar to highlight the text, then press “return”).
The screen then asks you whether you want to
“restrict to focus.” Do you only want articles which are
actually about anorexia nervosa, or do you want any
article that mentions anorexia nervosa in passing? Let’s
say we do want to restrict to focus. Next, the screen
offers us a choice of subheadings, but we’ll ignore these
for a moment. Select “Include all subheadings. We
could have got this far using a single line command:
2 *anorexia nervosa/
The * shows that the term is a major focus of the arti-
cle, and the / represents a MeSH term. You should
have about 750 articles in this set.
Similarly, to get articles on osteoporosis (which is
also a MeSH term), use the following single line
3 osteoporosis/
You should get about 2200 articles. Note that in ovid,
if you know that the subject you want is an official
MeSH term, you can shortcut the mapping process by
typing a slash (/) after the word. Note also that we have
not used an asterisk here, because osteoporosis may
not be the focus of the article we are looking for.
Finally, put in the term “oral contraceptives” (with-
out an asterisk and without a slash) to see what the
MeSH term here is. You will be offered “contraceptives,
oral, and if you had known this you could have used
the following command:
4 contraceptives, oral/
This set should contain around 1200 articles. You can
combine these three sets, either by using their set
numbers 1 and 2 and 3 or by typing the single line
5 *anorexia nervosa/ and osteoporosis/ and
contraceptives, oral/
With this you will have searched over 4000 articles and
struck a single bull’s eye.
(If you don’t find it, check the
syntax of your search carefully, then try running the
same search through the previous five year database
using the Alt-B command.)
Problem 3: You want to get general information
quickly about a well defined topic
Solution: Use subheadings and/or the “limit set” options.
Subheadings are the fine tuning of the Medline
indexing system; they classify articles on a particular
MeSH topic into aetiology, prevention, therapy, and so
on. The most useful ones are listed in the box. I try not
to use subheadings unless I have unearthed an
unmanageable set of articles, since an estimated 50%
of articles in Medline are inadequately or incorrectly
classified by subheading. It actually doesn’t take long to
browse through 50 or so articles on the screen. It is
better to do this than to rely on the “limit set”
command (see box) to give you the best of the bunch.
The option “AIM journals” denotes all journals
listed in the Abridged Index Medicus
that is, the
“mainstream” medical journals. Alternatively, if you
want articles relating to nursing, rather than medical
care, you could limit the set to “Nursing journals. This
is often a better way of limiting a large set than asking
for local holdings. If you are not interested in seeing
anything in a foreign language (even though the
abstract may be in English), select this option, again
bearing in mind that it is a non-systematic (indeed, a
very biased) way of excluding articles from your set.
Note that instead of using the “limit set” function
key you can use direct single line commands such as:
9 limit 4 to local holdings
10 limit 5 to human
Useful subheadings (ovid)
Adverse effects
Contraindications (of drug)
Drug therapy
Prevention and control
Therapeutic use (of drug)
cerebral palsy/nu
health service/og
Education and debate
181BMJ VOLUME 315 19 JULY 1997
Problem 4: Your search gives irrelevant articles
Solution: Refine your search as you go along in the light of
interim results.
Often, a search uncovers dozens of articles which
are irrelevant to your question. The boolean operator
“not” can help here. I recently undertook a search to
identify articles on surrogate endpoints in clinical
pharmacology research. My search revealed hundreds
of articles I didn’t want
all on surrogate motherhood.
The syntax to exclude the unwanted articles is:
1 (surrogate not mother$).tw
Deciding to use the “not” operator is a good example
of how you can (and should) refine your search as you
go along
much easier than producing the perfect
search off the top of your head. I used the truncation
symbol $ to find all words from a single stem, such as
mother, mothers, motherhood, and so on.
Another way of getting rid of irrelevant articles is to
narrow your textword search to adjacent words using
the “adj” operator. For example, the term “home help”
includes two very common words linked in a specific
context. Link them as follows:
1 home adj
Problem 5: The search gives no articles, or too few
Solution: Firstly, don’t overuse subheadings or the “limit set”
options. Secondly, search under textwords as well as MeSH
terms.Thirdly, learn about the “explode” command,and use it
Many important articles are missed not because we
constructed a flawed search strategy but because we
relied too heavily on a flawed indexing system. For this
reason, you should adopt a “belt and braces” approach
and search under textwords as well as by MeSH terms.
After all, it is difficult to write an article on the
psychology of diabetes without mentioning the words
“diabetes, “diabetic, “psychology, or “psychological,
so the truncation stems “diabet$.tw.” and “psychol$.tw.
would supplement a search under the MeSH
term “diabetes mellitus” and the subheading “/px”
Another important strategy for preventing incom-
plete searches is to use the powerful “explode”
command. The MeSH terms are like the branches of a
tree with, for example, “asthma” subdividing into
“asthma in children, “occupational asthma, and so on.
Medline indexers are instructed to index items by
using the most specific MeSH terms they can. If you
just ask for articles on “asthma” you will miss all the
articles indexed under “asthma in children” unless you
“explode” the term using the following syntax:
1 exp asthma/
Problem 6: You don’t know where to start searching
Solution: Use the “permuted index” option.
Let’s take the term “stress. It comes up often, but
searching for particular types of stress would be labori-
ous and searching “stress” as a textword would be too
unfocused. We need to know where in the MeSH index
the various types of stress lie, and when we see that, we
can choose the sort of stress we want to look at. For
this, we use the command ptx (“permuted index”):
1 ptx stress
The screen shows many options, including post-
traumatic stress disorders, stress fracture, oxidative
stress, stress incontinence, and so on.
The command “ptx” is useful when the term might
be found in several subject areas. If your subject is a dis-
crete MeSH term, use the tree command. For example:
2 tree epilepsy
will show where epilepsy is placed in the MeSH
as a branch of “brain diseases, which itself
branches into generalised epilepsy, partial epilepsy,
post-traumatic epilepsy, and so on.
Problem 7: Limiting a set loses important articles
but does not exclude those of low methodological
Solution: Apply an EBQF (evidence based quality filter).
If your closely focused search still gives you several
hundred articles, and if applying subheadings or limit
set functions seems to lose valuable (and valid) papers,
you should insert a quality string designed to limit your
set to therapeutic interventions, aetiology, diagnostic
procedures, or epidemiology. Alternatively, you could
apply search strings to identify the publication type,
such as randomised controlled trial, systematic review,
or meta-analysis.
These EBQFs (evidence based quality filters), which
are listed in Appendix 1, are complex search strategies
developed by some of the world’s most experienced
medical information experts. You can copy them into
your personal computer and save them as strategies to
be added to your subject searches. Other search
strategies that will identify cohort studies, case-control
studies, and so on will soon be available from the UK
Cochrane Centre, Summertown Pavillion, Middle Way,
Oxford OX2 7LG ([email protected].uk).
Problem 8: Medline hasn’t helped
Solution: Explore other medical and paramedical databases.
Entry of articles onto the Medline database is open
to human error, both from authors and editors who
select key words for indexing, and from the librarians
who group articles under subheadings and type in the
abstracts. In addition, some sections of indexed
journals are not available on Medline (for example, the
News section of the BMJ). According to one estimate,
40% of material which should be listed on Medline can,
in reality, only be accessed by looking through all the
journals again, by hand. Furthermore, a number of
important medical and paramedical journals are not
covered by Medline at all. It is said that Medline lacks
comprehensive references in the fields of psychology,
medical sociology, and non-clinical pharmacology.
If you wish to broaden your search to other
electronic databases, ask your local librarian where you
could access the following:
Covers AIDS and HIV back to 1980.
x Allied and Alternative Medicine
Covers complementary
and alternative medicine.
x American Medical Association Journals
Provides the full
text of JAMA plus 10 specialty journals produced by the
American Medical Association; from 1982.
Useful “limit set” options
AIM journals
Nursing journals
Dental journals
Cancer journals
Review articles
Local holdings
English language
Publication year
Education and debate
182 BMJ VOLUME 315 19 JULY 1997
An applied social sciences database covering
psychology, sociology, politics, and economics since 1987.
All documents have abstracts.
x Cancer-CD
A compilation by Silver Platter of cancerlit
and Embase cancer related records from 1984. The CD
ROM version is updated quarterly.
The nursing and allied health database
covering all aspects of nursing, health education, occupational
therapy, social services in health care, and other related disci-
plines from 1983. The CD ROM version is updated monthly.
x Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Controlled Trials Regis-
ter (cctr), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (cdsr),
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (dare), and
Cochrane Review Methodology Database (crmd) are
updated quarterly; authors of systematic reviews on cdsr
undertake to update their own contributions periodically.
x Current Contents Search
Indexes journal issues on or be-
fore their publication date. It is useful when checking for the
very latest output on a subject. Updated weekly; from 1990.
x Current Research in Britain
The British national research
database of trials in progress.
x DHData (formerly DHSS-Data)
The database of the UK’s
Department of Health indexes articles covering health service
and hospital administration; from 1983.
x Embase
Focuses on drugs and pharmacology but also
includes other biomedical specialties. It is more up to date
than Medline and has better European coverage. The CD
ROM version is updated monthly.
The Health Management Information Service
at the Nuffield Institute of Health, Leeds, UK, indexes
articles on health service management.
x Psychlit
Produced by the American Psychological
Association as the computer searchable version of
Psychological Abstracts; covers psychology, psychiatry, and
related subjects; journals are included from 1974 and books
from 1987 (English language only).
x Science Citation Index
Indexes references cited in articles
as well as the usual author, title, abstract, and citation of arti-
cles themselves. Useful for finding follow up work done on a
key article and for tracking down addresses of authors.
Based at the King’s Fund library in London;
published and ongoing research into the health of, and
health services for, black and minority ethnic groups.
x Toxline
Information on toxicological effects of chemi-
cals and drugs on living systems; from 1981.
The main database of the King’s Fund,
London. Covers health, health management, health
economics, and social sciences. Particularly strong on
primary health care and the health of Londoners.
Thanks to Mr Reinhard Wentz, Ms Jane Rowlands, Ms Carol
Lefebvre, and Ms Valerie Wildridge for advice on this chapter. I
am grateful to Carol Lefebvre of the UK Cochrane Centre for
permission to reproduce the EBQFs in Appendix 1.
1 Caman D, Britten N. Confidentiality and medical records: the patient’s
perspective. Br J Gen Prac 1995;45:485-8.
2 Seeman E, Szmukler GI, Formica C, Tsalamandris C, Mestrovic R. Osteo-
porosis in anorexia nervosa: the influence of peak bone density, bone
loss, oral contraceptive use, and exercise. J Bone Mineral Res 1992;7:1467-
3 Moher D, Fortin P, Jadad AR, Juni P, Klassen T, Le Lorier J, et al.
Completeness of reporting of trials published in languages other than
English: implications for conduct and reporting of systematic reviews.
Lancet 1996;347:363-6.
4 Bero L, Rennie D. The Cochrane Collaboration: preparing, maintaining,
and disseminating systematic reviews of the effects of health care. JAMA
Appendix 1: Evidence based quality filters for everyday use
(a) Therapeutic interventions (What works?)
1 exp clinical trials 2 exp research design
3 randomized controlled
4 clinical
5 (single or double or treble or triple).tw.
6 (mask$ or blind$).tw.
8 placebos/ or
(b) Aetiology (What causes it? What are the risk factors?)
1 exp causality
2 exp cohort studies
3 exp risk
(c) Diagnostic procedures
1 exp “sensitivity and specificity”
2 exp diagnostic errors
3 exp mass screening
(d) Epidemiology
1 sn.xs
(This would find all articles indexed under any MeSH term with any of
“statistics, “epidemiology, “ethnology, or “mortality” as subheadings.)
Appendix 2: Maximally sensitive search strings (to be used mainly for research)
(a) Maximally sensitive qualifying string for randomised
controlled trials
1 randomized controlled
2 controlled clinical
3 randomized controlled
4 random
5 double−blind
6 single−blind
7 or/1-6
8 not
9 7 not 8
10 clinical
11 exp clinical trials
12 (clin$ adj25 trial$).ti,ab.
13 ((single or double or treble or triple) adj25 (blind$ or
15 placebo$.ti,ab.
16 random$.ti,ab.
17 research
18 or/10-17
19 18 not 8
20 19 not 9
21 comparative
22 exp evaluation studies/
23 follow up
24 prospective
25 (control$ or prospectiv$ or volunteer$).ti,ab.
26 or/21-25
27 26 not 8
28 26 not (9 or 20)
In these examples, upper case denotes controlled vocabulary and lower
case denotes free text terms. Search statements 8, 9, 19, and 27 could be
omitted if your search takes too long a time to run.
(b) Maximally sensitive qualifying string for identifying systematic reviews
1 review,
2 review,
3 meta−
4 meta−
5 systematic$ adj25 review$
6 systematic$ adj25 overview$
7 meta-analy$ or metaanaly$ or (meta analy$)
8 or/1-7
9 not
10 8 not 9
Search statements 9 and 10 could be omitted if your search seems to be taking
The articles in this series are excerpts from How to read a
paper: the basics of evidence based medicine. The book can be
ordered from the BMJ Bookshop: tel 0171 383 6185/6245;
fax 0171 383 6662. Price £13.95 UK members, £14.95
Education and debate
183BMJ VOLUME 315 19 JULY 1997