Tilburg University
Survey sampling during the last 50 years
de Waal, Ton; Scholtus, Sander
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The Survey Statistician
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de Waal, T., & Scholtus, S. (2023). Survey sampling during the last 50 years.
The Survey Statistician
, 16-22.
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The Survey Statistician 16 July 2023
Survey Sampling During the Last 50 Years
Ton de Waal
and Sander Scholtus
Statistics Netherlands & Tilburg University, t[email protected]
Statistics Netherlands, s.scholtus@cbs.nl
In this short paper we sketch how survey sampling changed during the last 50 years. We describe
the development and use of model-assisted survey sampling and model-assisted estimators, such
as the generalized regression estimator. We also discuss the development of complex survey
designs, in particular mixed-mode survey designs and adaptive survey designs. These latter two
kinds of survey designs were mainly developed to increase response rates and decrease survey
costs. A third topic that we discuss is the estimation of sampling variance. The increased computing
power of computers has made it possible to estimate sampling variance of an estimator by means
of replication methods, such as the bootstrap. Finally, we briefly discuss current and future
developments in survey sampling, such as the increased interest in using nonprobability samples.
Keywords: model-assisted sampling, mixed-mode survey designs, adaptive survey designs,
variance estimation, nonprobability samples.
1 Introduction
When the editor of The Survey Statistician asked us to write this short paper on survey sampling
during the last 50 years we were both honoured and intimidated. We are users of sampling theory
rather than developers of new sampling theory, and many others could far better describe the ins
and outs of sampling theory. We accepted the invitation anyway when we realized that most survey
statisticians are actually like us: users, rather than developers, of sampling theory. Another reason
for us to accept the invitation to write this short paper is that we work in official statistics. Official
statistics has always been and still is a driving force behind the application of survey sampling theory
in practice and the development of innovative survey sampling methods.
Sampling theory focuses on how to select a set of units, such as persons, enterprises, households,
or dwellings, from a larger (finite) population of interest, and, after data collection, on how to conduct
research, analyse the observed data and infer unknown properties of the population of interest.
Although we will focus here on the last 50 years, of course the history of survey sampling goes back
a lot further. The seminal paper by Neyman (1934) is generally considered as the starting point of
modern sampling theory. In that paper Neyman showed the benefits of using stratified simple random
sampling (SRS) compared to the then popular representative approach, which essentially consisted
of constructing a sample that was a miniature version of the population. Another seminal paper was
Horvitz and Thompson (1952) in which they derived their well-known estimator for population totals
that can be used when units are drawn with different inclusion probabilities. With hindsight, their
insight may seem surprisingly simple: give each unit a weight inversely proportional to its inclusion
Copyright © 2023 Ton de Waal, Sander Scholtus. Published by International Association of Survey Statisticians. This is
an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
The Survey Statistician, 2023, Vol. 88, 16-22.
The Survey Statistician 17 July 2023
probability, but the apparent simplicity is probably due to the fact that the Horvitz-Thompson (HT)
estimator is so often used nowadays, for instance as an essential element of a more complicated
estimation process. Historically, the importance of this result as well as the analogous result by
Hansen and Hurwitz (1943) for with-replacement samples is that it showed that unbiased
estimation is possible when units are included in a sample with different probabilities, as long as
these inclusion probabilities are known (and non-zero). This supported the development of other
probability sampling methods than stratified SRS.
Nowadays, many different sampling methods are used, such as SRS, stratified sampling, cluster
sampling, and probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling in order to obtain valid and accurate
population parameter estimates in an efficient way. Sampling theory plays an important role in many
different fields, such as official statistics, marketing research, epidemiology, environmental studies,
and political and social sciences.
Section 2 of this paper discusses how sampling theory changed during the last 50 years. Section 3
ends with the present and some concluding remarks.
2 How sampling theory changed during the last 50 years
As we all know the computing power has increased immensely over the last 50 years. What was
impossible to do 50 years ago is often quite easy and quick to do nowadays. These
advancements in computer technology facilitated the implementation of more complex sampling
designs in common practice, and improved the accuracy of estimates as well as the measurement
of the accuracy. They have also inspired survey statisticians to come up with more evolved and
much more complex sampling approaches than would have been possible 50 years ago.
2.1 Model-assisted survey sampling
Model-assisted survey sampling aims to combine the best of both worlds: the design-based world
and the model-based world. The term ‘model-assisted’ is used for estimation methods that employ
a model for the target variable but yield consistent estimators from a design-based point of view,
even when an incorrect model is assumed (Särndal, Swensson and Wretman, 1992). The models
used in model-assisted survey sampling generally rely on the availability of additional information on
auxiliary variables that are related to the target variable to be measured. Such additional information
often consists of population totals or population means that are known from other data sources than
the survey at hand. These population totals or means can then be used improve estimates for the
target variable. Regression models are often used in this context. 50 Years ago, computing power
was just reaching a point where it became practical to estimate parameters of regression models
during regular statistical production (Rao and Fuller, 2017) and a lot of work on model-assisted
estimation was done over the next two decades.
A very important and nowadays widely used estimator is the generalized regression estimator
(GREG). This is a model-assisted estimator designed to improve the accuracy of estimates when
auxiliary information is available at unit level. It utilizes the relationship between the target variable
and the auxiliary variables, while calibrating the sampling weights to known totals of the auxiliary
variables. The GREG estimator (Cassel, Särndal, and Wretman, 1976, Särndal, Swensson and
Wretman, 1992, Lohr, 1999) can be expressed as a sum of the HT estimator and a weighted
difference between known totals and their HT estimators. The ratio estimator is a special case of
GREG assisted by a particular model with only one covariate (Deville and Särndal, 1992). Also non-
linear GREG estimators have been developed (see, e.g., Lehtonen and Veijanen, 1998). In an
influential paper, Deville and Särndal (1992) introduced the family of calibration estimators, which
contains many existing estimators such as GREG and procedures based on raking as special cases.
Originally, the main motivation of the theoretical work on model-assisted estimation was variance
reduction. Over the past decades, GREG and other calibration estimators have been adopted widely
in practice: sometimes to reduce variance, but probably more often to try to mitigate possible bias
The Survey Statistician 18 July 2023
due to selective non-response or undercoverage; see, e.g., Bethlehem (1988). Here, a slight
increase in variance due to calibration is actually often anticipated in practice (Kish, 1992). In the
presence of non-response, calibration estimators should be considered as model-based rather than
model-assisted, since the choice of model can be crucial for bias reduction.
2.2 Complex survey designs, especially mixed-mode and adaptive survey designs
In the early years of survey sampling, a sampling design (i.e., the procedure used to select the
sample) was typically used in a relatively simple survey design (i.e. the more general procedure of
how to collect data). In most cases, surveys were collected by one mode only, for instance by
personal interviewing, paper questionnaires, or by telephone interviewing, and only one sample had
to be drawn. Nowadays mixed-mode survey designs and adaptive survey designs are often used.
Response rates have been steadily declining during the last 50 years, whereas survey costs have
been steadily increasing. This has triggered the development of mixed-mode survey designs and
adaptive survey designs.
Mixed-mode surveys combine different modes of data collection, such as in-person interviewing,
telephone interviewing, paper questionnaires, and web questionnaires. Mixed-mode surveys aim to
increase response rates, improve the representativeness of the sample, and reduce survey costs.
For these reasons, mixed-mode surveys have become more common in practice in recent years. A
drawback of mixed-mode surveys is that each data collection mode can introduce its own mode
effect, for instance due to the fact that different groups of persons respond differently to different
modes. When using mixed-mode designs, it can be hard to disentangle real changes in the
population from mode effects (Schouten et al., 2021).
Adaptive survey designs are closely related to mixed-mode surveys and their aims are the same as
those of mixed-mode surveys, but they take the idea a step further. Instead of deciding beforehand
which data collection mode will be used for each unit selected into the survey sample, the data
collection mode may be adjusted during data collection based on the data already observed. For
instance, when elderly people are underrepresented in the data observed so far, one may switch to
more in-person interviewing and more paper questionnaires and fewer web questionnaires than were
originally planned, since elderly people are generally more likely to respond to in-person interviewing
and paper questionnaires than to web questionnaires (Schouten et al., 2021).
In both mixed-mode surveys and adaptive survey designs, several sampling designs have to be
used (at least one for each mode). The various sampling designs have to be aligned with each other
in order to obtain accurate estimates, preferably at low costs. This obviously complicates the
construction of these sampling designs.
2.3 Variance estimation
The area in survey sampling theory that probably changed the most during the last 50 years is the
estimation of sampling variance. When the computing power of computers was low, the only feasible
approach in practice was deriving analytical expressions for the sampling variance (or at least a
good approximation thereof) for a certain sampling design and a certain estimator, and estimating
these expressions. Deriving such analytical expressions actually still is the preferred approach,
whenever this is possible. The problems with this approach are that this has to be repeated for each
specific sampling design and estimator, and that this is often too complicated, especially for more
complex sampling designs and estimators.
The increased computing power of computers has made it possible to estimate sampling variance
of an estimator by means of replication. Balanced half-samples have been used by the U.S. Bureau
of the Census since the late 1950s (Wolter, 2007, Rao, 2012).
The Survey Statistician 19 July 2023
The jackknife is another replication method. Although some earlier theoretical work has been done
on the jackknife, Durbin (1959) seems to be the first who used the jackknife in finite population
Probably the best known and most often used replication method is the bootstrap proposed and
developed by Efron (1979) (see also Efron and Tibshirani, 1994). The use of the bootstrap approach
for without-replacement samples from finite populations is not straightforward and quite some work
has been done to make it possible to apply the bootstrap approach in this setting. In their excellent
overview paper, Mashreghi, Haziza and Léger (2016) classify the bootstrap methods for survey data
of finite populations in three groups: pseudo-population bootstrap methods, direct bootstrap methods
and bootstrap weights methods. In pseudo-population methods one or more pseudo-populations are
constructed by copying the units of the observed sample. Next, bootstrap samples are drawn from
the constructed pseudo-population(s) by mimicking the original sample design (see, e.g., Booth,
Butler and Hall, 1994). Direct bootstrap methods as their name suggests rely on selecting
bootstrap samples from the observed sample or a rescaled version thereof (see, e.g., Rao and Wu
1988, Sitter, 1992). Finally, bootstrap weights methods modify the original survey weights to obtain
a new set of weights that are then used for estimation purposes (see, e.g., Rao, Wu and Yue, 1992,
Beaumont and Patak, 2012).
Traditionally, sample survey theory has considered inference for target parameters of a given finite
population. An area that has received increasing attention over the past 50 years is the use of survey
data for analytical purposes, i.e., where the finite population itself is not of particular interest. In
practice, variance estimation and inference for analysis on complex survey data often was and
occasionally still is done using simple ad hoc solutions. Nowadays, well-founded approaches are
available in the literature (see, e.g., Chambers and Skinner, 2003) and also in statistical software,
such as the R package survey (Lumley, 2010). A concept that is necessary in this context is that of
a superpopulation model. We suppose that a finite target population of size 𝑁 is drawn from this
model. A survey sample of size 𝑛 is then drawn, possibly by some complex design, from this finite
population. Often, the same design-based estimator can be used to estimate either a parameter of
the finite population (e.g., “the number of serious traffic accidents that occurred last year”) or a
parameter of the superpopulation model (e.g., “the expected number of serious traffic accidents to
occur within one year”), but the associated sampling variance is different. This distinction becomes
relevant for inference when the sampling fraction 𝑛/𝑁 is not negligible or, more generally, when
some units in the population have large inclusion probabilities. The latter situation is quite common
for business surveys. Standard design-based bootstrap methods do not capture the overall variability
(due to the model and sampling design) when the sampling fraction is large. Beaumont and Charest
(2012) developed a bootstrap variance estimation method for model parameters that can be used
for large (or small) sampling fractions.
3 The present and concluding remarks
There is one important recent development that we have not discussed so far: the use of
nonprobability samples, alone or in combination with probability samples. Probability samples, which
are drawn according to a well-designed sampling design, enable statisticians to draw valid
conclusions about population parameters of interest by using well-known estimators such as the HT
or the GREG estimator. Unfortunately, the collection of probability samples is time-consuming,
expensive and affected by non-response. Nowadays, many nonprobability samples, which do not
come from a known sampling design, are available at low cost and within a short time. Examples
are Big Data, register data and opt-in online surveys. Since the “sampling design” (if any exists) of
such a nonprobability sample is unknown to the statistician, it is a major challenge to produce valid
and accurate estimates for population quantities of interest.
Nonprobability samples have been used for many decades already, for instance in marketing
research where quota sampling and snowball sampling are often used. However, nowadays many
The Survey Statistician 20 July 2023
more nonprobability samples, and many other applications besides those in marketing research,
such as applications in official statistics, are considered.
The main problems of nonprobability samples are that they are likely to be selective regarding the
population and that the selection probability of units is usually unknown (Elliott and Valliant, 2017).
This means that estimators for population quantities of interest are likely to suffer from selection bias.
To solve the issue of selection bias, some approaches focus on predicting the target variables or
parameters at the population level, whereas other approaches focus on estimating the inclusion
probabilities of the units in the nonprobability sample. The two approaches can also be combined to
achieve doubly robust estimation (Chen, Li and Wu, 2020). For reviews of existing methods, we refer
to Elliott and Valliant (2017), Cornesse et al. (2020), Valliant (2020), Rao (2021) and Wu (2022).
Research on the use of nonprobability samples is very much alive and seems a promising way to
improve quality of survey estimates and at the same time reduce costs.
Nonprobability samples also generate a lot of related research. For instance, since some
nonprobability samples are quite large, ‘sampling’ variance becomes less important, whereas
selection bias, coverage bias and measurement bias become more important (see, e.g., Rao, 2021).
Another rather new field of research is combining a nonprobability sample with a traditional survey
sample when the target variable is available in both samples (see, e.g., Wiśniowski et al., 2020).
Given the limited space, we hardly discussed non-response in this paper (see, e.g., Little and Rubin,
2002, Raghunathan, 2016). We point out that non-response is obviously closely related to survey
sampling. In fact, a sample survey can be seen as missingness by design, since the units not
included in the sample are ‘non-respondents’ by design. We did not discuss small area estimation
at all, even though this has become an important topic ever since the seminal paper by Fay and
Herriot (1979) and small area methods are nowadays widely used at national statistical institutes
(see Rao and Molina, 2005).
In this paper, we have given a brief overview of survey sampling during the last 50 years. Due to
space restrictions, we had to limit ourselves to describing only some of the most important papers
on this topic. We realize that this does not do justice to the work done by many excellent survey
statisticians. For more extended reviews of survey sampling, we refer to Rao (2005), Rao and Fuller
(2017) and to the first sections in Rao (2021).
We thank Jean-François Beaumont for his very useful and valuable comments on our paper.
Beaumont, J.-F., Charest, A.-S. (2012) Bootstrap Variance Estimation with Survey Data when
Estimating Model Parameters, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 44504461.
Beaumont, J.-F., Patak, Z. (2012) On the Generalized Bootstrap for Sample Surveys with Special
Attention to Poisson Sampling. International Statistical Review, 80, 127148.
Bethlehem, J.G. (1988) Reduction of Nonresponse Bias through Regression Estimation. Journal of
Official Statistics, 4, 251260.
Booth, J.G., Butler, R.W., Hall P. (1994) Bootstrap Methods for Finite Populations. Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 89, 12821289.
Cassel, C.M., Särndal, C.-E., Wretman, J.H. (1976) Some Results on Generalized Difference
Estimation and Generalized Regression Estimation for Finite Populations. Biometrika, 63, 615
Chambers, R.L., Skinner, C.J. (eds.) (2003) Analysis of Survey Data. John Wiley & Sons,
Chen, Y., Li, P., Wu, C. (2020) Doubly Robust Inference with Nonprobability Survey Samples.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115, 20112021.
The Survey Statistician 21 July 2023
Cornesse, C., Blom, A.G., Dutwin, D., Krosnick, J.A., De Leeuw, E.D., Legleye, S., Pasek, J.,
Pennay, D., Phillips, B., Sakshaug, J.W., Struminskaya, B., Wenz, A. (2020) A Review of
Conceptual Approaches and Empirical Evidence on Probability and Nonprobability Sample
Survey Research. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 8, 436.
Deville, J.C., Särndal, C.-E. (1992) Calibration Estimators in Survey Sampling. Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 87, 367382.
Durbin, J. (1959) A Note on the Application of Quenouille’s Method of Bias Reduction to the
Estimation of Ratios. Biometrika, 46, 477-480.
Efron, B. (1979) Bootstrap Methods: Another Look at the Jackknife, The Annals of Statistics, 7, 1
Efron, B., Tibshirani R.J. (1994) An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman and Hall/CRC, New
Elliott, M.R., Valliant, R. (2017) Inference for Nonprobability Samples. Statistical Science, 32, 249
Fay, R.E., Herriot, R.A. (1979) Estimates of Income for Small Places: An Application of James-
Stein Procedures to Census Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85, 398-409.
Hansen, M.H., Hurwitz, W.N. (1943) On the Theory of Sampling from Finite Populations. Annals of
Mathematical Statistics, 14, 333362.
Horvitz, D.G., Thompson, D.J. (1952) A Generalization of Sampling without Replacement from a
Finite Universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663-685.
Kish, L. (1992) Weighting for Unequal P
. Journal of Official Statistics, 8, 183200.
Lehtonen, R., Veijanen, A. (1998) Logistic Generalized Regression Estimators. Survey
Methodology, 24, 5155.
Little, R.J.A., Rubin, D.B. (2002) Statistical Analysis with Missing Data (second edition). John Wiley
& Sons, New York.
Lohr, S.L. (1999) Sampling: Design and Analysis. Duxbury Press. Pacific Grove.
Lumley, T. (2010) Complex Surveys: A Guide to Analysis using R. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Mashreghi, Z., Haziza, D., Christian Léger, C. (2016) A Survey of Bootstrap Methods in Finite
Population Sampling. Statistics Surveys, 10, 152.
Neyman, J. (1934) On the Two Different Aspects of the Representative Method: The Method of
Stratified Sampling and the Method of Purposive Selection. Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, 97, 558-625.
Rao, J.N.K. (2005), Interplay between Sample Survey Theory and Practice: An Appraisal, Survey
Methodology, 31, 117138.
Rao, J.N.K. (2021) On Making Valid Inferences by Integrating Data from Surveys and Other
Sources. Sankhya B, 83, 242272.
Rao, J.N.K., Fuller, W.A. (2017) Sample Survey Theory and Methods: Past, Present, and Future
Directions. Survey Methodology, 43, 145-160.
Rao, J.N.K., Molina, I. (2015) Small Area Estimation (second edition), John Wiley & Sons, New
Rao, J.N.K., Wu, C.F.J. (1985) Inference from Stratified Samples: Second-Order Analysis of Three
Methods for Nonlinear Statistics. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 80, 620630.
Rao, J.N.K., Wu, C.F.J., Yue, K. (1992) Some Recent Work on Resampling Methods for Complex
Surveys. Survey Methodology, 18, 209217.
Raghunathan, T. (2016) Missing Data Analysis in Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
The Survey Statistician 22 July 2023
Särndal, C. E., Swensson, B., Wretman, J.H. (1992) Model-Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-
Verlag, New York.
Schouten, B., Van den Brakel, J. Buelens, B., Giesen, D., Luiten, A., Meertens, V. (2021) Mixed-
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Sitter, R.R. (1992) A Resampling Procedure for Complex Survey Data. Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 87, 755765.
Valliant, R. (2020) Comparing Alternatives for Estimation from Nonprobability Samples. Journal of
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Wiśniowski, A., Sakshaug, J.W., Perez Ruiz, D.A., Blom, A.G. (2020), Integrating Probability and
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Wolter, K.M. (2007) Introduction to Variance Estimation (second edition). Springer
Science+Business Media, New York.
Wu, C. (2022) Statistical Inference with Non-Probability Survey Samples. Survey Methodology, 48,