Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD)
Implementation Guide
Document Version 3.0
Date: October 10, 2023
Page 2 of 37
Revision Log
Additions / Modifications
Initial Version
Incorporated updates for full specification release
Added a column description for Business Name
Amended data point names and descriptions to maintain
consistency with MISMO standards
Amended column sequences to maintain consistency with
MISMO standard sequences
Added clarity to Sort ID description to reflect appendix
Added MISMO Data Points Export Only tab description to
reflect Appendix D changes
Added fourth option for PDD Conditionality data point to
Appendix D in accordance with Data Point Export Only tab
Added Section 6.10 to aid Issuers in preparing XML files for
Noted in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 that Graduated Payment
Mortgages and Growing Equity Mortgages are being
incorporated into a later release of the SFPDM
Added clarity to XML preparation procedures in Section 6.10
Amended timeline language in Section 3
Updated Section 3 (Implementation Plan Expectations)
based on revised implementation plan
Updated Sections 5.2, 5.3, and 5.5 to reflect new
Usage Scenarios and XML Samples developed for
Appendices B and C
Updated usage example in Section 6.3, as Graduated
Payment Mortgages and Growing Equity Mortgages
are no longer planned for a later release of SFPDM
Updated Section 5.2 and 5.3 to provide information on
monthly updates to sample PDD data in Appendices B
and C
Updated Appendix C to mention the inclusion of an
export-only example file.
Updated Section 6 to provide information on Loan-
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Only XML files and point users to the PDD: Quick
Guide - Adding Loans to Existing Pools in SFPDM
Updated Section 5.2 and 5.3 to mention the inclusion of
a new sixth scenario in Appendices B and C for
Reperfoming loans
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Table of Contents
Introduction and Purpose
Implementation Guide Overview
Implementation Plan Expectations
Introduction to MISMO Version 3.3
Technical Overview
.......................................................................................................... 10
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix A - XML Data Requirements
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix B - Usage Scenarios 15
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix C - XML Samples 15
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix D - XML Data Reference 17
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix E - XML Schema Definition 22
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix F - Legacy to MISMO Translation 23
Creating an XML File 25
XML Container Hierarchy 25
XML Container Description 28
Container Repeatability 30
6.3.1 Container Cardinality 31
6.3.2 Loan Role 32
6.3.3 Loan State 33
XLink 34
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) 34
UTF-8 Support 34
Special Characters 35
Data Format Types 35
Address Format Consideration 38
XML File Preparation 38
Additional Resources 39
Acronym List 40
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Figure 1: PDD High-Level Container Hierarchy
Figure 2: PDD High-Level PARTY Container Hierarchy at DEAL level
Figure 3: PDD LOAN Container Hierarchy 25
Figure 4: SECURITIES Container Hierarchy 26
Figure 5: Example 1-Repeatable Data Points in Unique Container
(AdjustmentRuleType) 28
Figure 6: Example 1-Repeatable Data Point (LoanIdentifierType) 29
Figure 7: Example 2-Repeatable Data Point (PartyRoleType) 29
Figure 8: Container Requirement and Cardinality 30
Figure 9: Using Other Enumeration/OtherDescription Data Point 35
Table 1: Columns in MISMO Data Points Table in Appendix A 10
Table 2: Columns in MISMO Data Points Table in Appendix D 16
Table 3: Columns in Legacy Data Points Table in Appendix F 21
Table 4: High-Level Containers in the PDD 27
Table 5: One-to-Many Relationships between Containers 30
Table 6: Loan State Types and Description 32
Table 7: Common List of Special Characters 33
Table 8: Data Format Types 33
Table 9: Address Format 35
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Introduction and Purpose
The Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO), an industry-
supported standards development body, has developed a data standard for the
exchange of mortgage related data. Ginnie Mae seeks to align with the mortgage
industry and adopt the MISMO standard for its single family at issuance pool delivery
data for forward mortgages. Accordingly, Ginnie Mae has leveraged the MISMO
standard to create the Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD). The PDD follows a similar structure
as other MISMO compliant datasets (such as the Government Sponsored Enterprises’
(GSEs) Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset (ULDD)), but is unique to Ginnie Mae’s business
model and data needs and is therefore distinct.
The PDD Implementation Guide is a tool for Issuers to leverage in order to meet the
new data requirements for single family at issuance pool delivery data.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Implementation Guide Overview
The PDD Implementation Guide assists Ginnie Mae Issuers in submitting pool and loan
data in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format based on MISMO Version 3.3. This
new file format will replace the existing GinnieNET Single Family Import File Layout that
is currently submitted to Ginnie Mae. This guide provides an introduction to MISMO,
XML data formats and structure, and a description of required data points specific to
Ginnie Mae’s business needs. This Implementation Guide is applicable to single family
forward mortgages only; it does not apply to reverse mortgages in HMBS pools.
Ginnie Mae’s PDD leverages the MISMO Residential Specifications Version 3.3
Reference Model
. Ginnie Mae’s PDD is a subset of the MISMO reference model data
points and provides a comprehensive list of data points for single family at issuance
pool delivery data. This guide contains high level implementation details in addition to
referencing detailed appendices that can be utilized by Issuers to transition to the new
file formats.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Implementation Plan Expectations
Ginnie Mae’s implementation and rollout of the PDD XML data submission requirement
will occur over an extended period of time, allowing Issuers to complete necessary
development tasks and thoroughly test the new delivery format.
SFPDM and PDD Adoption will begin following an All Participant Memorandum (APM)
release. This adoption will occur over an 18-month time period, during which Ginnie
Mae will conduct periodic outreach and training to assist Issuers in developing and
testing their PDDs and offer training on relevant applications.
Ginnie Mae will arrange for Issuers to test PDD submissions within the Validation and Testing
Tool (VTT) in preparation for the cutover to SFPDM. This will include validation of the XML
document structure (using the XML Schema Definition) and validation against the Ginnie Mae
Edits (Business Rules).
Please be on the lookout for additional information and further detail from Ginnie Mae
regarding the SFPDM and PDD Implementation Timeline and Milestones.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Introduction to MISMO Version 3.3
According to MISMO.org:
MISMO is the leading technology standards development body for the residential
and commercial real estate finance industries, and is a wholly owned subsidiary
of the Mortgage Bankers Association. The MISMO standards are grounded in an
open process to develop, promote, and maintain voluntary electronic commerce
procedures and standards that allow mortgage lenders, investors in real estate
and mortgages, servicers, industry vendors, borrowers, and other parties to
exchange real estate finance-related information and eMortgages more securely,
efficiently and economically.
In order to support effective data exchange, MISMO standards encompass the entire
loan life cycle, from origination to servicing to loan delivery and investor reporting,
thereby creating a holistic view of loan and pool delivery data. Along with promoting
data exchange between business partners, MISMO standards improve the quality and
accuracy of the data exchanged by providing a common set of business terms and
The use of MISMO standards to exchange data will enable Ginnie Mae to better capture
consistent and accurate data for loan information submitted for pooling by:
A. Providing clearly defined data elements and requirements for loan and pool
B. Creating a baseline dataset with consistent naming conventions for Issuers to
utilize for reporting purposes
C. Allowing Ginnie Mae to capture additional data elements to increase the
granularity and value of the information captured
D. Enabling Ginnie Mae to easily increase the dataset in the future to match growing
business needs
The PDD is based on the MISMO Version 3.3 Residential Specifications Reference
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Technical Overview
This PDD Implementation Guide provides information and guidance to Issuers in order
to adopt the new PDD XML file requirement for the Ginnie Mae Pool Delivery Dataset.
The referenced appendices provide a higher level of detail including technical
specifications and usage scenarios that will assist in the creation of the required XML
The following appendices are provided as separate documents
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix A - XML Data Requirements
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix B - Usage Scenarios
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix C - XML Samples
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix D - XML Data Reference
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix E - XML Schema Definition
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix F - Legacy to MISMO Translation
The appendices are all interrelated and should be used in tandem. Appendices A and D
outline the key data points, the conditionality details, and any implementation notes.
Appendix F supports Appendices A and D, as it provides the legacy data point mapping
to the MISMO PDD data points. Alternatively, Appendices B and C provide specific
scenarios to assist in determining the necessary elements for common Ginnie Mae
business cases, and provide a reference point for the PDD XML file structure. Lastly,
Appendix E can be utilized by the Issuers to validate the PDD XML files prior to
submission. It is important to note that data points in Appendix A, B and D are sorted to
aid in the understanding of the PDD, while the data points in Appendix C adhere to the
XML container structure.
Summary information of each appendix is included in the following sections.
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix A - XML Data
The PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix A - XML Data Requirements document
contains details regarding the implementation of the Ginnie Mae PDD. Based on the
MISMO 3.3 Reference Model, this appendix outlines the necessary data points that
Issuers must transmit in XML format for new pool issuance. The primary table in
Appendix A, MISMO Data Points, has all the necessary information regarding data
Appendix D was initially released on March 31, 2014. All appendices (A, B, C, D, E, and F) were released on June 30, 2014.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
The columns supported in Appendix A are described in Table 1.
Table 1: Columns in MISMO Data Points Table in Appendix A
Column Name
Sort ID
This column lists the unique data point identifier assigned
to the MISMO data point by Ginnie Mae and does not
reflect sequence.
Note: Numeric-only Sort ID values refer to Chapter 5 MISMO Data
Points; Sort ID values beginning with “E” refer to Chapter 6 MISMO
Data Points Export Only.
Note: Sort ID sequences have been amended but actual Sort IDs have
not changed; subsequently, data point sequences no longer directly
follow Sort ID sequences. Actual sequences are defined in the XSD
(Appendix E) and shown through scenarios in Appendices B and C.
This column lists the XPath used to navigate through the
XML document to the corresponding data point.
Parent Container
This column lists the parent container name of the
corresponding data point.
MISMO Data Point
This column lists the MISMO term name for a
corresponding data point.
Business Name
This column lists the business name of the corresponding
data point. Data points with repeated terms may be
grouped together when being represented on screens and
reports. The repeated term is represented in brackets.
Highest level groupings are represented in RED, with
second level grouping represented in BLUE. For example,
MISMO Definition
This column lists the MISMO definition for the
corresponding data point.
Loan Role Type
This column only applies to data points in the LOAN
container and lists the following LoanRoleType values:
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Column Name
The cell specifies N/A when the data point is not in the
LOAN container. All data points have a LoanRoleType of
SubjectLoan or N/A, as RelatedLoan does not apply to
Ginnie Mae business.
Loan State Type
This column only applies to data points in the LOAN
container and lists the following LoanStateType values:
AtClosing (Non-Mods) OR AtModification
AtClosing (Non-Mods)
AtClosing (Mods)
The cell specifies N/A when the data point is not in the
LOAN container.
Party Role Type
This column only applies to data points in the PARTY
container and lists the following PartyRoleType values:
The cell specifies N/A when the data point is not in the
PARTY container.
Net New / XML Context
/ Legacy (Direct OR
This column identifies the Ginnie Mae data points as one
of the following:
Net New: Data that is not included in the current
legacy flat file record set for pool and loan delivery
to Ginnie Mae.
XML Context: Provides meaning to other data
points within a CONTAINER or provides XML
messaging information.
Legacy (Direct): Data that is included in the Ginnie
Mae Forms 11705 and 11706 loan delivery file
(includes all automated flat file record formats
supporting Pool Issuance data and Loan data found
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Column Name
in the 11705 & 11706 files) that is submitted into the
GinnieNET system. Direct mappings do not exist for
every legacy data point. Issuers should carefully
review the PDD to legacy mapping to understand
the impact of the new dataset on the Issuers’
business requirements.
Legacy (Indirect): Data that is adapted from
existing Ginnie Mae Legacy data and does not have
a direct mapping to a single MISMO data point.
PDD Conditionality
This column lists the Ginnie Mae conditionality of the
corresponding data points for the Pool Delivery Dataset.
The column lists one of four indicators:
Required (R): The corresponding data point must
be included in the Pool Delivery Dataset XML file
for all pool issuance transactions.
Conditionally Required (CR): The corresponding
data point must be included in the Pool Delivery
Dataset XML file for all pool issuance transactions
when defined business conditions exist; these
conditions are identified in the PDD Conditionality
Details and PDD Implementation Notes columns
within the MISMO Data Points tab.
Optional (O): The corresponding data point is
optional at this time.
Export Only (E): The corresponding data point is
exported by Ginnie Mae and is optional.
PDD Conditionality
This column provides the criteria for the conditionality of
the corresponding data point. To be used by Issuers in
validation checks.
PDD Implementation
This column provides additional instructions or clarification
to support the corresponding data point for Pool Delivery
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Column Name
PDD Accepted Data
This column lists the data format types specified by the
MISMO data standards to support the Ginnie Mae Pool
Delivery Dataset:
Amount (decimal point)
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (Date, time, and time
PDD Supported
This column only applies to data points with Enumerated
or Boolean data formats and lists the Ginnie Mae
supported enumerations (allowable valid values) for the
corresponding data point. The cell specifies N/A when the
data point does not have valid allowable values.
This appendix differs from Appendix D because it does not include any Ginnie Mae
legacy information and is in a Microsoft Word format.
Additional information on the following columns can be found in the PDD
Implementation Guide: Appendix D - XML Data Reference document:
PDD to Legacy Data Point Relationship Notes
Legacy Electronic Source
Corresponding Legacy Data Point (Record Type, Position, and Data Point Name)
Legacy Additional Data Point Occurrences
Legacy Data Point Definition
Legacy Data Point Format and Length/Precision
Ginnie Mae will periodically review the PDD and make appropriate modifications to
support necessary business or regulatory needs.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix B - Usage
The following usage scenarios have been created in order to provide examples of
frequently utilized Ginnie Mae business cases. These scenarios explicitly describe the
required data points for the described case in tabular format. However, these usage
scenarios have been developed using fictitious data and do not relate to real people.
These scenarios should be used in conjunction with the PDD Implementation Guide:
Appendix C - Ginnie Mae XML Samples to develop XML files for the PDD.
Each of the following scenarios is described in depth in Appendix B. Note that the usage
scenarios include a simple, “common” scenario, as well as “complex” scenarios to illustrate
more advanced PDD concepts.
In order to ensure issuance, closing, and other important dates within the PDD data in
Appendix B meets Ginnie Mae’s Business Rule requirements for the current month, this
appendix will be updated and republished on the first business day of each month. For
information on the specific elements being updated, please refer to the Revision Log in the
PDD Implementation Guide Appendix B spreadsheet.
Common Scenario
Scenario 1: GNMA II Multiple Issuer Single Family Fixed Mortgage (Purchase)
Complex Scenarios
Scenario 2: Multiple Pools GNMAII Single Issuer Mortgages (with Curtailments) and
GNMA II Multiple Issuer Mortgage (with Modification)
Scenario 3: GNMA II Multiple Issuer Adjustable Rate Mortgage
Scenario 4: GNMA II Multiple Issuer Fixed Mortgages (Refinance)
Scenario 5: GNMA I Single Issuer Mortgages with Serial Notes
Scenario 6: GNMAII Single Issuer Reperfoming Mortgages
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix C - XML Samples
The PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix C - XML Samples are XML files based on
the scenarios listed in the PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix B - Usage Scenarios
document. These XML files contain the required data for each scenario and can be
referenced in the testing and validation process. In a separate folder, Appendix C also
includes an example of an export-only XML file that is produced by the SFPDM for a
submitted pool. This example export includes added fields that provide detail on the
submission. Unlike the other files in Appendix C, the export-only file is included solely
for viewing purposes rather than for submission and testing.
In order to ensure issuance, closing, and other important dates within the PDD data in
Appendix C meets Ginnie Mae’s Business Rule requirements for the current month, all sample
XML files within this appendix will be updated and republished on the first business day of
each month. For information on the specific elements being updated, please refer to the Read
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Me file in PDD Implementation Guide Appendix C.
Samples are provided in Appendix C for all scenarios described in Appendix B, listed below for
Common Scenario
Scenario 1: GNMA II Multiple Issuer Single Family Fixed Mortgage (Purchase)
Complex Scenarios
Scenario 2: Multiple Pools GNMAII Single Issuer Mortgages (with Curtailments) and
GNMA II Multiple Issuer Mortgage (with Modification)
Scenario 3: GNMA II Multiple Issuer Adjustable Rate Mortgage
Scenario 4: GNMA II Multiple Issuer Fixed Mortgages (Refinance)
Scenario 5: GNMA I Single Issuer Mortgages with Serial Notes
Scenario 6: GNMAII Single Issuer Reperfoming Mortgages
Export Only
Export-Only Example (using Scenario 1 sample data)
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix D - XML Data
The PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix D - XML Data Reference document provides
the data contained within the PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix A - XML Data
Requirements document in a Microsoft Excel format, along with additional legacy
details. Not all legacy data points will be reported in Appendix D as some legacy data
points have been deprecated and are not included in the PDD. To account for the
complete listing of legacy data points, see the PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix F -
Legacy to MISMO Translation document. This format allows for increased ability to sort
and filter information as Issuers develop the required XML format. Appendix D is a
reference tool listing the PDD data points along with implementation and conditionality
details required for submission of new pool delivery data. Appendix D contains the
following worksheets:
Read Me - provides the purpose and an overview of Appendix D
Revision Log - provides a list of updates made to the Appendix D after the 1.0
Column Descriptions - provides detailed definition of each column found within
the MISMO Data Point tab
MISMO Data Points - provides data point details, XPaths, conditionality, parent
containers and all associated information for each data point needed to support
pool issuance
MISMO Data Points Export Only - provides data point details, Xpaths,
conditionality, parent containers and all associated information for each export
only data point needed to support pool issuance
Enumerations - provides the enumerations that Ginnie Mae will support using
the MISMO standards for all types found within the MISMO Data Points tab
Cardinality - provides the cardinality between parent and child containers
The columns supported by the MISMO Data Points worksheet in Appendix D are
described in Table 2.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Table 2: Columns in MISMO Data Points Table in Appendix D
Column Name
Sort ID
This column lists the unique data point identifier assigned
to the MISMO data point by Ginnie Mae and does not
reflect sequence.
Note: Numeric-only Sort ID values refer to Chapter 5 MISMO Data
Points; Sort ID values beginning with “E” refer to Chapter 6 MISMO
Data Points Export Only.
Note: Sort ID sequences have been amended but actual Sort IDs
have not changed; subsequently, data point sequences no longer
directly follow Sort ID sequences. Actual sequences are defined in the
XSD (Appendix E) and shown through scenarios in Appendices B and
This column lists the XPath used to navigate through the
XML document to the corresponding data point.
Parent Container
This column lists the parent container name of the
corresponding data point.
MISMO Data Point
This column lists the MISMO term name for a
corresponding data point.
Business Name
This column lists the business name of the corresponding
data point. Data points with repeated terms may be
grouped together when being represented on screens and
reports. The repeated term is represented in brackets.
Highest level groupings are represented in RED, with
second level grouping represented in BLUE. For example,
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Column Name
MISMO Definition
This column lists the MISMO definition for the
corresponding data point.
Loan Role Type
This column only applies to data points in the LOAN
container and lists the following LoanRoleType values:
The cell specifies N/A when the data point is not in the
LOAN container. All data points have a LoanRoleType of
SubjectLoan or N/A, as RelatedLoan does not apply to
Ginnie Mae business.
Loan State Type
This column only applies to data points in the LOAN
container and lists the following LoanStateType values:
AtClosing (Non-Mods) OR AtModification
AtClosing (Non-Mods)
AtClosing (Mods)
The cell specifies N/A when the data point is not in the
LOAN container.
Party Role Type
This column only applies to data points in the PARTY
container and lists the following PartyRoleType values:
The cell specifies N/A when the data point is not in the
PARTY container.
Net New / XML Context /
Legacy (Direct OR
This column identifies the Ginnie Mae data points as one
of the following:
Net New: Data that is not included in the current
legacy flat file record set for pool and loan delivery
to Ginnie Mae.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Column Name
XML Context: Provides meaning to other data
points within a CONTAINER or provides XML
messaging information.
Legacy (Direct): Data that is included in the Ginnie
Mae Forms 11705 and 11706 loan delivery file
(includes all automated flat file record formats
supporting Pool Issuance data and Loan data found
in the 11705 & 11706 files) that is submitted into the
GinnieNET system. Direct mappings do not exist for
every legacy data point. Issuers should carefully
review the PDD to legacy mapping to understand
the impact of the new dataset on the Issuers’
business requirements.
Legacy (Indirect): Data that is adapted from
existing Ginnie Mae Legacy data and does not have
a direct mapping to a single MISMO data point.
PDD Conditionality
This column lists the Ginnie Mae conditionality of the
corresponding data points for the Pool Delivery Dataset.
The column lists one of four indicators:
Required (R): The corresponding data point must
be included in the Pool Delivery Dataset XML file
for all pool issuance transactions.
Conditionally Required (CR): The corresponding
data point must be included in the Pool Delivery
Dataset XML file for all pool issuance transactions
when defined business conditions exist; these
conditions are identified in the PDD Conditionality
Details and PDD Implementation Notes columns
within the MISMO Data Points tab.
Optional (O): The corresponding data point is
optional at this time.
Export Only (E): The corresponding data point is
exported by Ginnie Mae and is optional.
PDD Conditionality
This column provides the criteria for the conditionality of
the corresponding data point. To be used by Issuers in
validation checks.
PDD Implementation
This column provides additional instructions or clarification
to support the corresponding data point for Pool Delivery
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Column Name
PDD Accepted Data
This column lists the data format types specified by the
MISMO data standards to support the Ginnie Mae Pool
Delivery Dataset:
Amount (decimal point)
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (Date, time, and time
PDD Supported
This column only applies to data points with Enumerated
or Boolean data formats and lists the Ginnie Mae
supported enumerations (allowable valid values) for the
corresponding data point. The cell specifies N/A when the
data point does not have valid allowable values.
Additionally, the list of enumerations and definitions can be
found on the “Enumerations” worksheet.
PDD to Legacy Data
Point Relationship Notes
This column provides additional clarification to support the
corresponding mapping between the PDD data point and
the legacy data point.
Legacy Electronic
The column lists the form name (11705 or 11706) or
indicates the Master Agreement in which the current data
point appears.
Corresponding Legacy
Data Point (Record
Type, Position, and Data
Point Name)
The column provides the name of the primary record type
inclusive of the start and end positions ["Record Type
(start, end)"] found within the record for the legacy data
point and the data point name used in flat file record
layouts; Ginnie Mae rationalized the existing data points
found within the Flat File record layouts and created a
unique set of data used to develop the MISMO compliant
list of data points.
Legacy Additional Data
Point Occurrences
(Record Type, Position,
and Data Point Name)
Secondary and subsequent record names that also
support data points found within a primary record found in
the Ginnie Mae Legacy Record Type and Position column.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Column Name
Legacy Data Point
The Ginnie Mae definition for the data point as it appears
in the automated flat file format.
Legacy Data Point
Format and
The Ginnie Mae data point format and length as listed in
the automated record layout.
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix E - XML Schema
The XML validation process involves checking an XML document to confirm that the
XML document follows XML syntax rules and a defined structure. Structure definition
and further restrictions on the XML file can be imposed using an XML Schema
Definition (XSD).
The PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix E - XML Schema Definition can be used to
validate Ginnie Mae’s PDD, which is based on the MISMO Version 3.3 Reference
Model. However, Appendix E does not contain the cardinality restrictions from Appendix
D. Appendix E contains the following underlying XML schema documents:
All of these files are needed to validate the PDD XML file to ensure that the file contains
the correct XML structure and that all data points adhere to the defined MISMO data
The MISMO Version 3.3 Reference Model can be found on the MISMO website
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix F - Legacy to
MISMO Translation
The PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix F - Legacy to MISMO Translation document
provides a mapping of the legacy Ginnie Mae fields from Form 11705 and Form 11706
to the MISMO standard data points. This gives Issuers the ability to better understand
how the legacy fields translate to the PDD and provides additional support as Issuers
develop the required XML files.
Appendix F contains the following worksheets:
Read Me - provides the purpose and an overview of Appendix F
Revision Log - provides a list of updates made to Appendix F after the 1.0
Column Descriptions - provides detailed definition of each column found within
the Legacy Data Points tab
Legacy Data Points - provides legacy record type, position, and all associated
information for each legacy point needed to support pool issuance and the
corresponding mapping to MISMO data points
Enumerations - provides the enumerations that Ginnie Mae will support using
the MISMO standards for all types found within the Legacy Data Points tab
The columns supported by the Legacy Data Points worksheet in Appendix F are
described in Table 3.
Table 3: Columns in Legacy Data Points Table in Appendix F
Column Name
Legacy Record Type
The column provides the name of the record type for the
legacy data point.
Legacy Record Position
The column provides start and end positions ["Record
Type (start, end)"] found within the record for the legacy
data point.
Legacy Data Point
The data point name used in flat file record layouts; Ginnie
Mae rationalized the existing data points found within the
Flat File record layouts and created a unique set of data
used to develop the MISMO compliant list of data points.
Legacy Data Point
Format and
The Ginnie Mae data point format and length as listed in
the automated record layout.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Column Name
Legacy Data Point
The Ginnie Mae definition for the data point as it appears
in the automated flat file format.
Legacy Enumerations
This column lists the Ginnie Mae supported flat file
enumerations (allowable valid values) for the
corresponding data point.
Corresponding MISMO
Data Point Name
This column lists the MISMO term name for a
corresponding legacy data point.
PDD Accepted Data
This column lists the data format types specified by the
MISMO data standards to support the Ginnie Mae Pool
Delivery Dataset:
Amount (decimal point)
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (Date, time, and time
MISMO Definition
This column lists the MISMO definition for the
corresponding data point.
PDD Supported
This column lists the Ginnie Mae supported MISMO
enumerations (allowable valid values) for the
corresponding data point. Additionally, the list of
enumeration and definitions can be found on the
“Enumerations” worksheet.
Legacy to MISMO
This column captures the logic for mapping the legacy
data point and enumerations to the MISMO data point and
supporting enumerations.
Captured in Appendix D
This column tracks whether the Ginnie Mae legacy data
point is captured in Appendix D or deprecated.
Additional Notes
This column provides additional instructions or clarification
to support the corresponding legacy data point.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Creating an XML File
XML is a data exchange language that provides a way to transport and store data in a
structured format. It provides a flexible way to share and submit data in a format that is
robust and consumable by a variety of systems. Ginnie Mae’s Pool Delivery Dataset
format is outlined in the PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix A - XML Data
Requirements and in the PDD Implementation Guide: Appendix D - XML Data
Reference documents. The MISMO Version 3.3 Reference Model contains descriptions
and paths of all data elements, attributes, and enumerated values. The PDD contains a
subset of elements and attributes from the MISMO model and in certain cases only a
subset of supported enumerations.
Appendices A and D describe the conditionality of each data point, as well as provide
implementation notes to assist in determining the required data points for each business
The XML file must follow the specifications indicated in Appendices A and D and
should validate against the Ginnie Mae PDD XSD. The order of the elements in each
container should match the XML Schema. Details on the Ginnie Mae PDD XSD can be
found in Section 5.5.
While most PDDs will contain data from multiple loans and pools, users can also
create Loan-Only XML files which contain a subset of the components of a full PDD.
When using the SFPDM, a Loan-Only XML file can be imported and added to an
already existing pool within the system. Directions on how to create a Loan-Only XML
file are outlined in the PDD: Quick Guide - Adding Loans to Existing Pools in SFPDM
XML Container Hierarchy
The MISMO Version 3.3 Reference Model is structured to support the entire lifecycle of
mortgage industry data. Ginnie Mae’s pool delivery data file only requires the usage of a
subset of the complete MISMO dataset. The following graphics depict the high level
container overview as well as more detailed data points required for party and loan
Figure 1 depicts the high-level container structure of the Ginnie Mae PDD, where
MESSAGE is the root (highest) level container. The root container has children
containers of ABOUT_VERSIONS, which contains the information regarding the XML
versioning, and DEAL_SET which contains the pool and loan information. Descriptions
of the high-level containers can be found in Table 4.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Figure 1: PDD High-Level Container Hierarchy
High- Level description provided in the “XML Container Description” section
Figure 2 depicts the PARTY container hierarchy at the DEAL level. The PARTY
container is also present at the DEAL_SET level. The diamonds in the figure below
represent a choice group. For example, a PARTY can either be an INDIVIDUAL or
Figure 2: PDD High-Level PARTY Container Hierarchy at DEAL level
Represents choice group
* Note: EXTENSION containers are
used when containers/data points need
to be included and are not present in
the MISMO model. The OTHER
container is used for Ginnie Mae data.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Figure 3 depicts the containers present within LOAN parent container. For Ginnie Mae’s
business, the LOAN container contains information related to one lien, and may repeat
within the LOANS parent container based on Loan State Type. Additional information on
container repeatability can be found in Section 6.3.
Figure 3: PDD LOAN Container Hierarchy
Figure 4 depicts the container hierarchy present within SECURITIES parent container,
which is specific to Ginnie Mae business needs and thus resides in an OTHER
container under an EXTENSION container under DEAL_SETS. The SECURITY
container is repeatable within the SECURITIES parent container. Additional information
on container repeatability can be found in Section 6.3.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Figure 4: SECURITIES Container Hierarchy
XML Container Description
Ginnie Mae’s PDD utilizes the container structure built into XML in order to organize the
data. All delivery information for the PDD begins within the MESSAGE container and
follows a path until a data point is provided in the corresponding element. The MISMO
structure allows for multiple instances of a particular container to represent repeated
data points. This feature is highlighted by the plural container followed by the singular
child container that can be repeated. For example, within a single DEALS container,
multiple DEAL containers exist to convey multiple instances of single data points.
Additional information on container repeatability can be found in Section 6.3.
Table 4 gives an overview of the high-level containers supported in the PDD.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Table 4: High-Level Containers in the PDD
Container Name
Container Description
Contains information regarding the XML
Contains specific information about the
drafting of automatic or regular payments.
Contains a collection of deals with information
about the loans and pools transmitted. Many
DEALS may be submitted in one DEAL_SET.
The root element for all transactions that apply
to the use cases of a single deal. A DEAL
contains information related to one loan
An instance of assets that will be used as
collateral for the loans of this deal.
Contains the combined loan-to-value (CLTV)
A collection of information about a single loan
in a pool.
Holds data on multiple loans transmitted as a
A collection of information about a single party
to a transaction. Included direct participants
like the borrower and seller as well as indirect
participants such as the flood certificate
Contains information about the role each party
A collection of information about securities and
associated investors.
Information specific to the property acting as
collateral for the loan. There is one
SUBJECT_PROPERTY container per
COLLATERAL container.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Container Repeatability
When submitting the Pool Delivery Dataset, Ginnie Mae requires specific data points at
different points of the loan lifecycle. For Ginnie Mae’s business one DEAL will only have
information pertaining to one loan application. However, each loan application will have
multiple instances of the LOAN container depending on the type of loan and point in
time the loan data is referencing. The Loan Role and Loan State attributes are used to
define each of these characteristics. The description of these two data points along with
accepted enumerations is included in Sections 6.3.2 and 6.3.3.
Additional conditionality and requirements are included in the PDD Implementation
Guide: Appendix A - XML Data Requirements and the PDD Implementation Guide:
Appendix D - XML Data Reference.
In the case of multiple instances of a data point, there may be repeatable data points in
unique containers or repeatable data points in repeatable containers. If the data point is
repeated in uniquely named containers, as is the case with
PoolCurrentPrincipalBalanceAmount in the example below, then the unique parent
container name accurately identifies all of the repeated data points.
Figure 5: Example 1-Repeatable Data Points in Unique Container
If the data point is within a repeatable container, then the data point can appear multiple
times and the full XPath of the data point along with another data point may need to be
used together to properly convey the intended meaning, as depicted in the two cases
below. The need to use one or more data points together is indicated in the definition,
conditionality, or implementation notes.
POOL_DETAIL: PoolCurrentPrincipalBalanceAmount -- Total
dollar amount of the remaining unpaid principal balance for a
pool of mortgages as of the last cutoff.
CONSOLIDATED_POOL: PoolCurrentPrincipalBalanceAmount (For
Consolidated Bond Pools)Total dollar amount of the remaining unpaid
principal balance for a pool of mortgages as of the last cutoff.
Notes: Indication of the unique parent container is enough to accurately define
these types of repeatable data points.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Figure 6: Example 1-Repeatable Data Point (LoanIdentifierType)
For example, PartyRoleType exists on the DEAL level and on the DEAL_SET level,
which is captured in the XPath for the data point, as seen in Figure 7. In addition a
PartyRoleType might have a corresponding indicator. For example, in Figure 7 the
PartyRoleType of DocumentCustodian has the corresponding PartyRoleIdentifier of
Figure 7: Example 2-Repeatable Data Point (PartyRoleType)
6.3.1 Container Cardinality
Cardinality specifies the frequency with which one container may appear within a parent
container. If a container name is plural (i.e. DEAL_SETS), its singular child can repeat
multiple times within it. For example, DEAL can repeat many times within DEALS. This
For example the LOAN_IDENTIFIER CONTAINER can have LoanIdentifier and
LoanIdentifierType repeated multiple times.
Parent Container: LOAN_IDENTIFIER
LoanIdentifier = 987654321
LoanIdentifierType =MERS_MIN
Parent Container: LOAN_IDENTIFIER
LoanIdentifier = 1234323789
LoanIdentifierType = AgencyCase
Notes: Using a supporting data point like LoanIdentifierType with LoanIdentifier is
enough to accurately define these types of repeatable data points.
For the PartyRoleType the full XPath along with the unique enumerations are
needed to properly convey the intended meaning
PartyRoleType = Borrower
PartyRoleType = LoanOriginator
In addition to the full XPath, some data points also need the PartyRoleIdentifier to
provide context.
PartyRoleType = DocumentCustodian
Corresponding Identifiers’ XPath:
PartyRoleIdentifier = 1234
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
establishes a one-to-many relationship between the plural and singular containers (see
Table 5).
Table 5: One-to-Many Relationships between Containers
*Note: MAX values are greater than zero and will be determined based on business requirements of the new SF
In the Cardinality sections of Appendix A and Appendix D, there is a number
corresponding to MIN and MAX respectively, which specifies the cardinality for each
container. The MIN value specifies the minimum number of occurrences allowed, while
the MAX value specifies the maximum number of occurrences allowed (see Table 5). If
the MIN number is greater than or equal to one, the container is required for all
transactions (see Figure 8). If the MIN is equal to zero and the MAX is greater than or
equal to one, the container is conditionally required. If the MIN value is zero and the
MAX value is also zero, the container is optional. The conditionality of the data points
within the container determines the minimum cardinality of the container. Therefore, if a
data point is required at all times within the container, then MIN will be set to 1 (i.e.
MIN=1). While if MAX equals 1 (i.e. MAX = 1), then the container does not repeat, but if
MAX is greater than 1 (i.e. MAX=5) then the container may repeat up to the specified
Figure 8: Container Requirement and Cardinality
6.3.2 Loan Role
The LoanRoleType is an identifier attribute that can distinguish between multiple loans
in a particular DEAL container. The Ginnie Mae PDD requires the LoanRoleType to
have the enumerated value of SubjectLoan only. Additional LoanRoleType
Required Containers
DEAL (MIN= 1, MAX= 99,999)
Conditionally Required Containers
Optional Container
(MIN=0, MAX=0)
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
enumerations may be included in future releases if information regarding other
associated loans is required.
A LOAN container with a LoanRoleType of SubjectLoan (i.e. LoanRoleType =
“SubjectLoan”) is always required and identifies the LOAN container that holds the
characteristics of the loan being delivered.
6.3.3 Loan State
The LOAN_STATE container is a child container of the LOAN container and determines
the type and date of the information transmitted. The LoanStateDate element specifies
at what point in time the information provided is applicable. The LoanStateType is an
enumerated attribute used to define a particular state of the loan and, in some cases, it
also references the population of loans applicable. The following are acceptable values
for LoanStateType:
AtClosing: A snapshot of specific loan data at the completion of the closing
o At Closing (Non-Mods) - Only for loans without modifications, a snapshot
of specific loan data at the completion of the closing process.
At Closing (Mods) - Only for loans with modifications, a snapshot of specific
loan data at the completion of the closing process for the original loan, prior to
any modifications taking place. This LoanStateType enumeration relates to the
Ginnie Mae legacy pre-modification data points.
Current: A snapshot of specific loan data as of the date deemed “current” and
represents the date that the data is retrieved from the lender’s delivery system.
AtModification: For loans with modifications, a snapshot of specific loan data at
the time the modification becomes effective.
The LoanStateType of AtClosing and Current are required for all loans, while the
LoanStateType of AtModification is required for modified loans only.
Table 6 contains additional information on LoanStateType and LoanStateDate.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Table 6: Loan State Types and Description
A single instance is
required for all loans
Date of closing
AtClosing LOAN
container is always
required, but in the
submission of a
modified loan, the
AtClosing LOAN
container will have a
subset of fields
A single instance is
required for all loans
The date the data
is retrieved from
the Issuer’s
delivery system
A Current LOAN
container is required
for all loans and will
contain information
regardless of
modification status
Required for loans
that have been
Loan Modification
Effective Date
(data point in the
An AtModification
LOAN container will
contain information
pertinent to the
modification terms
The XLink feature of XML is not currently supported with Ginnie Mae’s Pool Delivery
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which is a unique identifier for each data point
within the dataset, is a feature that is supported by MISMO and required when using
XLink. However, this functionality is not currently supported with Ginnie Mae’s Pool
Delivery Dataset.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
XML Headers
Ginnie Mae’s Pool Delivery Dataset requires two XML header components for proper
processing. These components must be included in all PDD XML files in the order
listed below.
1. Unicode Transformation Format-8 (UTF-8) encoding: This must be specified in the XML file
by encoding an attribute as shown below.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
2. XML namespace and XSD attributes: These must be specified as XML attributes in the
<MESSAGE> tag of the XML file as shown below.
<MESSAGE xmlns="www.ginniemae.gov" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-
instance" MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier="3.3.0" xsi:schemaLocation="www.ginniemae.gov
For examples on how these headers are implemented, refer to the example PDD XML files in
the PDD Implementation Guide Appendix C.
Special Characters
There are special characters that are not allowed to be included in the value of an XML
attribute or element unless properly escaped. These special characters are reserved for
other use within an XML. In order to transmit a reserved character, there is an accepted
“escaped” value that can be substituted in the element. Please see Table 7 for a
common list of special characters and properly escaped values.
Table 7: Common List of Special Characters
Properly Escaped
Less Than
Greater Than
Data Format Types
The Pool Delivery Dataset provides specific guidelines for the format of required data
points. These data types ensure that information is processed correctly and data
integrity is maintained. Table 8 lists the data formats accepted in the PDD:
Table 8: Data Format Types
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Data Format
The amount data type represents a
number for a dollar amount.
true or false
The term names ending with Indicator
have values of true or false. The true or
false values must be provided in lower
case or the loan delivery XML file will fail
schema validation. Values of 0 and 1 or
Yes and No are not supported. These are
not defined on the Enumerations
worksheet in Appendix D.
The date data type represents a specific
date. The date must contain a dash (-)
between the Year, Month, and Date - for
example: 2010-03-25. There are some
instances in which the date value will be
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Data Format
required as YYYY (year). There are other
instances, when time and time zone are
required, in which the date value will be
required as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
The expected date format is documented
in Appendix A: Ginnie Mae XML Data
See enumerations
tab of Appendix D
The enumerated data type represents a
list of predefined values and applies to
term names ending in Type, Description,
Code, and Identifier (in some cases).
The numeric data type represents whole
numbers only. The numeric value should
not contain commas (,) or decimals (.).
The percent data type represents arbitrary
precision decimal numbers. For each
decimal field, the total and fraction digits
are specified. For instance, (3.4) states
that the total digits can be no more than 3
and the fraction digits can be no more
than 4. For example, the following values
would be acceptable: (95.65) (1.55)
(.3601) (999).
Refer to the implementation notes
provided in the PDD Implementation
Guide: Appendix A -XML Data
Requirements document.
The string data type represents character
strings in a loan delivery XML file. Each
string field has a maximum character limit
Refer to the PDD Implementation Guide:
Appendix A - XML Data Requirements
document for a complete list of character
Some enumerated data types have an accepted value of “Other”. Every data point with
an accepted enumeration of “Other” has a partner data point ending in
OtherDescription. In these cases, when “Other” is chosen, the appropriate
OtherDescription data point can be submitted.
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Figure 9: Using Other Enumeration/OtherDescription Data Point
Address Format Consideration
The Pool Delivery Dataset requires address information for the property associated with
each loan in a pool. The XML file must contain the address as an unparsed street
address. The example in Table 9 demonstrates how the property address is to be
populated within the appropriate MISMO data points:
Table 9: Address Format
Container Name
MISMO Data Point Name
Data Value
123 East Main Street, Apt
XML File Preparation
XML files must be properly prepared in order to successfully submit to the PDD. Multiple
pools may be submitted simultaneously, but they must be submitted within a single XML
file compressed into one zip file. Only one zip file can be uploaded at one time.
When ConstructionMethodType = Other,
ConstructionMethodTypeOtherDescription can be
When FundsType = Other,
can be submitted
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Additional Resources
Document Name or Website
Web Address
Mortgage-Backed Securities
(MBS) Guide
GinnieNET Single-Family Issuer
Training Guide
MISMO website
MISMO Version 3.3 Reference
Pool Delivery Dataset (PDD) Implementation Guide
Acronym List
Combined Loan-to-Value
Conditionally Required
Government Sponsored Enterprise
Home Affordable Modification Program
London Interbank Offered Rate
Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization
Mortgage-Backed Securities
Pool Delivery Dataset
Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset
Uniform Resource Identifier
Unicode Transformation Format-8
Extensible Markup Language
XML Schema Definition