Operating Policy and Procedure
SOM OP 70.05
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SOM OP: 70.05, School of Medicine Admissions Special Programs: Pipelines and Pathways
PURPOSE: The purpose of this School of Medicine (SOM) Policy and Procedure is to explain the
organization of and the criteria for the School of Medicine Special Admissions Programs.
REVIEW: This SOM Policy and Procedure shall be reviewed within each fiscal year by the Office of
Admissions. Revisions will be forwarded to the Office of the Dean for approval and
1. General. This policy covers the organization of the School of Medicine Admissions Special Programs,
also referred to as pipelines and pathways.
2. Pipeline. Defined as special programs that have a guaranteed admissions and/or interview to
TTUHSC School of Medicine.
a. Undergraduate to Medical School Initiative (UMSI).
1) Primary qualifications include the following:
(a) Must be US Citizen.
(b) Must be Texas resident.
(c) Minimum GPA, SAT and/or ACT scores per agreement with TTU Honors
(d) Acceptance to TTU Honors College as entering freshmen.
(e) Completion of TTUHSC School of Medicine requirements.
(f) Completion of Honors College requirements.
(g) Students apply during the fall of their senior year in high school.
2) Interviews for UMSI
(a) Interviews are by invitation during the spring of the students’ senior year in
high school.
(b) Each applicant interviews with two members of the Admissions Interview
3) Application to TTUHSC School of Medicine
(a) UMSI students will submit an application through TMDSAS the summer of
the year prior to their anticipated matriculation.
(b) Applicants applying to a dual degree program or FMAT may be approved for
an additional interview in their matriculating year.
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(c) For more information, visit our website here.
b. Early Acceptance Program (EAP)
1) Agreements are in place with the following undergraduate institutions for Early
Acceptance Programs:
(a) Texas Tech University
(b) Austin College
(c) San Angelo State University
(d) West Texas A&M University
(e) Lubbock Christian University
(f) Abilene Christian University
(g) University of Texas at the Permian Basin
2) Primary qualifications include the following:
(a) Must be US Citizen.
(b) Must be Texas resident.
(c) Minimum GPA, SAT and/or ACT scores per agreement with Program at the
respective school.
(d) Acceptance to respective Program at partnering institution.
(e) Completion of TTUHSC School of Medicine requirements.
(f) Completion of undergraduate institution early acceptance program
3) Students apply during the fall of their junior year in college. There is no limit on the
number of students applying per year, but total number accepted through EAP will
not exceed 10% of the entering class.
4) Application to TTUHSC School of Medicine
(a) EAP students will submit an application through TMDSAS the summer of the
year prior to their third year of college.
(b) For more information, visit our website here.
5) Interviews for EAP applicants
(a) Interviews are by invitation during the fall of the student’s third year in
(b) Each applicant interviews with two members of the Admissions Interview
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3. Applicants applying to a dual degree program or FMAT may be approved for an additional interview in
their matriculating year. Joint Admissions Medical Program (JAMP)
a. The Joint Admission Medical Program
(JAMP), established by the Texas Legislature in 2001,
is a uniquely Texan workforce pipeline to medicine program. State leaders knew that many
talented students that dreamed of serving others as physician came from a low
socioeconomic status and thus faced significant challenges in achieving this goal. JAMP was
established to minimize these challenges for highly qualified but economically disadvantaged
Texas resident students by providing them the financial support and mentoring needed to be
successful. Funded through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, JAMP is a
unique partnership between
ny Texas medical schools and many public and private four-
year undergraduate institutions.
b. Primary qualifications include the following:
1) Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident and be a Texas resident.
2) Enrolled in college as a full-time student at a participating school.
3) Apply for Financial Aid
4) Completion of at least 27 hours of undergraduate credit.
5) Earn a 3.25 GPA or higher and a 3.25 BCPM GPA in Biology, Chemistry, Physics,
and Math Courses.
6) Meet with the JAMP Faculty Director (JFD).
c. Individuals typically apply during the fall of their second year or third semester in college.
d. Application to the JAMP Program
1) JAMP participants will submit an application through the JAMP portal before October
the year before they intend to be accepted into the program.
e. Participation in JAMP
1) For the most updated processes and procedures please refer to the JAMP website:
2) Program Criteria and Guidelines
f. JAMP Match Process
1) Maximum of three attempts on the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) to
achieve the required minimum score which is set by the JAMP council.
2) Must achieve minimum MCAT score by last offered calendar test date that occurs
during the year of their second summer internship.
3) JAMP administration will notify schools once a participant has met the minimum
MCAT score and are eligible to interview with participating medical schools.
4) Participants who do not meet the minimum standard requirements for an interview
will be reviewed individually by the JAMP council for consideration.
(a) Any participant who does not meet the minimum standard requirements for
an interview may be dismissed and will not be able to interview with any
participating schools.
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(b) Only those schools who have approved to interview the participant shall be
considered for admission. Schools that interview the participants shall not
consider a student ineligible for match due to MCAT scores but can be
considered ineligible due to non-academic reasons as outlined in section 5
(c) Students must successfully complete medical school interviews as
determined by the JAMP council to be eligible for the match.
5) Participating medical schools can eliminate a student from their list for the JAMP
Match. The reasons for the exclusion should be for non-academic reasons such as,
but not limited to, unprofessional behaviors, or serious concerns that arise from
JAMP medical school interviews. Exclusions should be submitted in writing to JAMP
administration for review, discussion, and approval.
6) Matriculation into TTUHSC School of Medicine will be determined by the Admissions
Committee as stated in SOM Operating Policy and Procedure 70.01, School of
Medicine Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee serves as the final
decision-making body for all interviewed applicants.
4. AAMC Early Decision Program (EDP)
1) Applicants must apply through TMDSAS. and indicate their intention to apply through
the AAMC Early Decision Program on the TMDSAS application.
2) Applicants must complete a TTUHSC School of Medicine Secondary Application by
August 1 of the application year.
3) Applicants to the AAMC EDP are responsible for following all protocols and
guidelines set forth by the AAMC and TMDSAS.
4) Applicants will be notified of invitation to interview and offers of acceptance on or
before the deadline set by TMDSAS.
5) If an applicant is not selected for interview as part of the AAMC EDP, the applicant
will be released from the AAMC EDP by TTUHSC SOM and may have the option to
apply to other TMDSAS medical schools. In-turn, the applicant will be given
consideration in the general applicant pool for TTUHSC SOM.
5. TTUHSC Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) Graduate Medical Education
Sciences (GMES)
a. The M.S. Graduate Medical Education Sciences program, located on the Lubbock campus, is
a 2-year non-thesis Master of Science degree offered through the Graduate School of
Biomedical Sciences. The program is designed for students whose goal is a teaching career
in the anatomical sciences, or who need additional preparation for medical school.
b. Application to TTUHSC School of Medicine
1) Students in the GMES program will apply through TMDSAS if they are in good
standing after their first year of the GMES curriculum.
2) One guaranteed interview will be assured for
(a) The application cycle during the student’s second GMES year or;
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(b) The application cycle immediately following graduation from the GMES
program if the student chooses to delay the application process.
6. TTUHSC El Paso L. Frederick Francis Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) Post-
Baccalaureate Certificate Program
a. The post-baccalaureate certificate program is a one-year program with a biomedical studies
core curriculum. To be accepted into the post-baccalaureate certificate program, applicants
must fulfill all the requirements for admissions to medical school.
b. Application to TTUHSC School of Medicine
1) Students in the post-baccalaureate certificate program will apply through TMDSAS
after the first year in the program.
2) If in good standing of the program, students are eligible to be invited for a guaranteed
interview with the TTUHSC School of Medicine.
7. Pathways. Defined as special programs that serve to provide resources, guidance and exploration
into the field of medicine for individuals aspiring to pursue a medical degree.
a. Middle School to Medical School (M2M)
1) Program and participation outline:
(a) Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine is
partnering with local schools to host the Middle School to Medical School
program to inspire and support young learners interested in pursuing careers
in medicine. The M2M program is targeted to those who are socially and
economically disadvantaged including those who may be first generation
(b) Schools wishing to partner with TTUHSC SOM and the M2M program should
contact the TTUHSC SOM Office of Admissions.
(c) For more information, visit our website here.
b. Early Dedication to Medical Education (EDME)
1) Primary qualifications include the following:
(a) Anyone interested in Medicine: High School Students, Parents, Teachers,
Counselors, college students, administrators
2) Interested attendees can join once a month in-person or virtually.
3) Sessions take place every year from September to May.
4) For more information, visit our website here.
c. Premedical Enrichment Program (PEP)
1) Primary qualifications include the following:
(a) Be a Texas resident and have attended a Texas high school
(b) Have a minimum GPA of a 3.25 on a 4.0 scale; must be able to provide an
official or unofficial undergraduate transcript from each school you have
attended to verify grades
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(c) Have an interest in primary care medicine or rural health medicine
(d) Provide at least one letter of evaluation
2) Intended for undergraduate students
3) Application to TTUHSC Summer Programs
(a) Students will submit an application through our TTUHSC SOM office of
admissions portal starting January of the year they intend to attend the
summer program.
(b) Selections will be announced in May, before the start of the program.
(c) Selections into the program will be done in a holistic review approach.
(d) For more information, visit our website here.
d. Summer Enrichment Program (SEP)
1) Primary qualifications include the following:
(a) Proof of Texas Residency
(b) Interested in medicine.
2) Intended for rising high school juniors and seniors
3) Application to TTUHSC Summer Programs
(a) Students will submit an application through our portal starting March of the
year they intend to attend the summer program.
(b) Selections will be announced in May, before the start of the program.
(c) Selections into the program will be done in a holistic review approach.
(d) For more information, visit our website here.