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Strategies for Two-
Sided Markets
by Thomas Eisenmann, Geoffrey Parker, and
Marshall W. Van Alstyne
Included with this full-text
Harvard Business Review
The Idea in Brief—the core idea
The Idea in Practice—putting the idea to work
Article Summary
Strategies for Two-Sided Markets
A list of related materials, with annotations to guide further
exploration of the articles ideas and applications
Further Reading
Product 1463
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Strategies for Two-Sided Markets
page 1
The Idea in Brief The Idea in Practice
If you listed the blockbuster offerings that
have redefined the global business land-
scape, youd find that many tie together two
distinct groups of users. HMOs, for instance,
link patients to health-care providers. Search
engines join Web surfers and advertisers.
When successful, these
catalyze a
virtuous cycle: More demand from one user
group spurs more from the other. For exam-
ple, the more video games developers (one
user group) create for the Microsoft X-Box
platform, the more players (the other user
group) snap up the latest X-Box. Meanwhile,
the more players who use X-Box, the more
developers willing to pay Microsoft a licens-
ing fee to produce new games. And as user
bases grow, margins fatten.
But as Eisenmann, Parker, and Van Alstyne
contend, managing platforms is tricky:
Strategies that make traditional offerings
successful won’t work in these two-sided
markets. To capture the advantages that
platforms promise, you must address three
strategic challenges.
The key challenge? Get pricing right: “Subsi-
dize one user group while charging the
other a premium for access to the subsi-
dized group. Adobes Acrobat PDF market
comprises document readers and writers.
Readers pay nothing for Acrobat software.
Document producers, who prize this 500-
million-strong audience, pay $299.
If you seize a platform opportunity but
don’t get it right the first time, someone
else will. By mastering platforms unique
strategic challenges, you’ll gain a head start
over your competition.
To ensure your platforms success:
Consider these pricing strategies:
Subsidize quality- and price-sensitive us-
For example, if PDF document
were charged even a tiny amount, Adobe
Acrobat Readers immense user base would
be much smaller, reducing document
interest and their willingness to pay
a premium for access to readers. Readers,
much more price sensitive than document
producers, wouldn’t pay for access to a big-
ger base of writers.
Secure marquee” users’ exclusive partici-
pation in your platform.
Providing incen-
tives for marquee users (for instance, an-
chor stores in a mall) to participate
exclusively in your platform (the mall) can
attract more users from the other user
group (retailers who lease space in malls
with prestigious anchor stores). Result? Your
platforms growth accelerates.
The prospect of fat margins in two-sided mar-
kets can fuel an intense desire among rivals to
become the
platform provider. To deal
with the competition:
Decide whether the two-sided market
you’re eyeing will eventually be served by
a single platform.
The answers “Yes” if
using more than one comparable platform
would be costly to users and if special fea-
tures don’t increase value to users.
The DVD industry meets these criteria:
Owning multiple DVD players would be ex-
pensive for consumers; providing multiple
formats, costly for movie studios. And DVD
players don’t lend themselves to distinctive
features, since they connect to TV sets that
would negate any DVD players unique pic-
ture and sound capabilities.
Decide whether to share the single plat-
form or fight for proprietary control.
ing has benefits: Total market size expands
and rivalry lessens, reducing market outlays.
That’s why DVD industry contenders opted
to pool their technologies. They jointly cre-
ated the DVD format in 1995, avoiding a re-
play of the costly video players’ VHS-Beta
standards clash.
Want to fight for proprietary control? You’ll
need deep pockets, a reputation for past
prowess, and preexisting relationships with
prospective users. When launching Acrobat,
for instance, Adobe marketed to its existing
user base for PostScript printing products.
Many platforms have overlapping user
groups, tempting some related platform pro-
viders to swallow others users. Mobile
phones, for instance, now incorporate music
and video players, PCs, and credit cards. To
avoid being swallowed, consider changing
your business model.
Under attack from Microsoft, RealNetworks
(which pioneered streaming media soft-
ware) ceded the streaming media business.
It leveraged existing relationships with con-
sumers and music companies to launch
Rhapsody—a $10-per-month subscription
music service that offers unlimited stream-
ing to any PC from a library of a half-million
songs. It now profits from consumers ver-
sus subsidizing them.
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Strategies for Two-
Sided Markets
by Thomas Eisenmann, Geoffrey Parker, and
Marshall W. Van Alstyne
harvard business review •
october 2006 page 2
Companies in industries such as banking, software, and media make
money by linking markets from different sides of their customer
networks—audiences and advertisers, for example. The distinct
character of these businesses demands a new approach to strategy.
If you listed the blockbuster products and ser-
vices that have redefined the global business
landscape, you’d find that many of them tie to-
gether two distinct groups of users in a net-
work. Case in point: What has been the most
important innovation in financial services since
World War II? Answer: almost certainly the
credit card, which links consumers and mer-
chants. Newspapers, HMOs, and computer op-
erating systems also serve what economists call
two-sided markets
two-sided networks
. News-
papers, for instance, join subscribers and adver-
tisers; HMOs link patients to a web of health
care providers, and vice versa; operating sys-
tems connect computer users and application
Products and services that bring together
groups of users in two-sided networks are
. They provide infrastructure and rules
that facilitate the two groups’ transactions and
can take many guises. In some cases, platforms
rely on physical products, as with consumers’
credit cards and merchants’ authorization ter-
minals. In other cases, they are places provid-
ing services, like shopping malls or Web sites
such as Monster and eBay.
Two-sided networks can be found in many in-
dustries, sharing the space with traditional prod-
uct and service offerings. However, two-sided
networks differ from other offerings in a funda-
mental way. In the traditional value chain, value
moves from left to right: To the left of the com-
pany is cost; to the right is revenue. In two-sided
networks, cost and revenue are both to the left
and the right, because the platform has a dis-
tinct group of users on each side. The platform
incurs costs in serving both groups and can col-
lect revenue from each, although one side is
often subsidized, as we’ll see.
The two groups are attracted to each other—
a phenomenon that economists call the net-
work effect. With two-sided network effects,
the platform’s value to any given user largely
depends on the number of users on the net-
work’s other side. Value grows as the platform
matches demand from both sides. For exam-
ple, video game developers will create games
only for platforms that have a critical mass of
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Strategies for Two-Sided Markets
harvard business review •
october 2006 page 3
players, because developers need a large
enough customer base to recover their upfront
programming costs. In turn, players favor plat-
forms with a greater variety of games.
Because of network effects, successful plat-
forms enjoy increasing returns to scale. Users
will pay more for access to a bigger network,
so margins improve as user bases grow. This
sets network platforms apart from most tra-
ditional manufacturing and service busi-
nesses. In traditional businesses, growth be-
yond some point usually leads to diminishing
returns: Acquiring new customers becomes
harder as fewer people, not more, find the
firms value proposition appealing.
Fueled by the promise of increasing returns,
competition in two-sided network industries
can be fierce. Platform leaders can leverage
their higher margins to invest more in R&D or
lower their prices, driving out weaker rivals. As
a result, mature two-sided network industries
are usually dominated by a handful of large
platforms, as is the case in the credit card in-
dustry. In extreme situations, such as PC oper-
ating systems, a single company emerges as the
winner, taking almost all of the market.
Platforms serving two-sided networks are
not a new phenomenon. Energy companies
and automakers, for example, link drivers of
gasoline-powered cars and refueling stations in
a well-established network. However, thanks
largely to technology, platforms have become
more prevalent in recent years. New platforms
have been created (Google, for example, links
advertisers and Web searchers) and traditional
businesses have been reconceived as platforms
(for instance, retail electricity markets are
evolving into platforms that match consumers
with specific power producers, allowing them
to express their preferences for cheaper coal or
more costly renewable power). Yet for all the
potential they’ve spotted, platform providers
have struggled to establish and sustain their
two-sided networks. Their failures are rooted
in a common mistake. In creating strategies for
two-sided networks, managers have typically
relied on assumptions and paradigms that
apply to products
network effects. As a
result, they have made many decisions that are
wholly inappropriate for the economics of
their industries.
In the following article, we draw on recent
theoretical work
to guide executives in negoti-
ating the challenges of two-sided networks. We
begin by looking at the factors that senior
managers must consider in designing their
platforms’ business models. The key decision
here is pricing. As we’ve noted, providers of
platforms for two-sided networks are able to
draw revenue from both sides. In most cases,
though, it makes sense to subsidize certain us-
ers. The crucial strategy question is, Which side
should you subsidize, and for how long?
The next step is to figure out how to man-
age winner-take-all dynamics. Many two-
sided network industries are served almost
entirely by a single platform. In some cases,
just one company controls that platform, as
with eBay’s auctions or Microsofts Windows.
In other cases, multiple companies share the
dominant platform, as with DVD and fax
standards or, in real estate, a regional multi-
ple listing service. (See the exhibit “Examples
of Two-Sided Networks.”) When a network
industry is likely to be served by a single plat-
form, aspiring providers must make a “bet the
company” decision. Should they fight to gain
proprietary control over the platform or share
the spoils with rivals?
Platform providers that have vanquished
their immediate rivals can’t rest on their lau-
rels. Indeed, they face a significant competitive
threat from large companies operating in adja-
cent markets that have the ability to offer a
multiplatform bundle. In our final section, we
explore this challenge and offer prescriptions
for firms that face it. As we’ll see, moving first
and getting big quickly aren’t necessarily the
right answers.
Challenge 1: Pricing the Platform
In competitive industries, prices are largely de-
termined by the marginal cost of producing an
extra unit, and margins tend to be thin. In in-
dustries with high barriers to entry, the price
ceiling is set by customers’ willingness to pay,
and margins are more likely to be fat.
For two-sided networks, pricing is a more
complicated affair. Platform providers have to
choose a price for each side, factoring in the
impact on the other sides growth and willing-
ness to pay. Typically, two-sided networks have
a “subsidy side, that is, a group of users who,
when attracted in volume, are highly valued by
the “money side, the other user group. Because
the number of subsidy-side users is crucial to
developing strong network effects, the plat-
form provider sets prices for that side below
Thomas Eisenmann
(teisenmann@ is an associate professor at
Harvard Business School in Boston.
Geoffrey Parker
.edu) is an associate professor at Tulane
Universitys A. B. Freeman School of
Business in New Orleans.
Marshall W.
Van Alstyne
) is an asso-
ciate professor at Boston Universitys
School of Management and a visiting
scholar at MITs Center for eBusiness in
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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Strategies for Two-Sided Markets
harvard business review •
october 2006 page 4
the level it would charge if it viewed the sub-
sidy side as an independent market. Con-
versely, the money side pays more than it
would if it were viewed as an independent
market. The goal is to generate “cross-side net-
work effects: If the platform provider can at-
tract enough subsidy-side users, money-side
users will pay handsomely to reach them.
Cross-side network effects also work in the re-
verse direction. The presence of money-side
users makes the platform more attractive to
subsidy-side users, so they will sign up in greater
numbers. The challenge for the platform pro-
vider with pricing power on both sides is to de-
termine the degree to which one group should
be encouraged to swell through subsidization
and how much of a premium the other side
will pay for the privilege of gaining access to it.
Pricing is further complicated by “same-
side network effects, which are created when
drawing users to one side helps attract even
more users to that side. For example, as more
people buy PlayStation consoles, new users
will find it easier to trade games with friends
or find partners for online play. Economists
call this snowballing pattern a positive same-
side network effect. (Same-side network ef-
fects can also be negative. For a more detailed
explanation of how network effects attract or
deter users, see the sidebar, “The Dynamics of
Two-Sided Networks.”)
It is not always obvious which side—if
either—the platform should subsidize and
which it should charge. During the dot-com
boom, for example, nascent B2B exchanges ag-
onized over whether to charge fees to buyers,
Examples of Two-Sided Networks
Insights about the economics of two-sided
networks apply to a variety of industries. In
cases where platforms—the products and
sevices that bring together groups of users—
are proprietary, there invariably is a clear
subsidy side and a clear money side. For ex-
ample, doctors—in exchange for access to a
higher volume of patients—agree to rates
below those they could command if they
were not affiliated with an HMO.
Networks served by shared platforms tend
to lack a subsidy side. It is hard for platform
providers to recover subsidies if rivals share
the fees collected from the network’s money
side. Real estate brokers avoid this free-rider
problem by splitting the seller’s fee 50/50. Sub-
sidies also disappear when a shared platform’s
providers do not have pricing power on both
sides of the network, as in the case of gasoline-
powered transportation.
*Denotes network’s subsidy side
PC operating systems
Online recruitment
Miami Yellow Pages
Web search
Video games
Minneapolis shopping malls
Linux application servers
Wi-Fi equipment
Phoenix Realtors Association
Gasoline-powered engines
Universal Product Code
Job seekers*
Laptop users
Home buyers*
Auto owners
Product suppliers
Application developers*
Application developers
Access points
Home sellers
Fueling stations
Rival Providers of Proprietary Platforms
Windows, Macintosh
Monster, CareerBuilder
BellSouth, Verizon
Google, Yahoo
Kaiser, WellPoint
PlayStation, Xbox
Mall of America, Southdale Center
Rival Providers of Shared Platforms
IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Dell
Linksys, Cisco, Dell
Sony, Toshiba, Samsung
100+ real estate brokerage firms
GM, Toyota, Exxon, Shell
NCR, Symbol Technologies
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Strategies for Two-Sided Markets
harvard business review •
october 2006 page 5
sellers, or both, and how charges should be
split between fixed subscription payments and
variable transaction fees. (See the sidebar “Simi-
lar Networks, Different Pricing” for an illustra-
tion of how two seemingly similar networks
may require very different pricing strategies.)
To make the right decisions about pricing,
executives of platform providers need to look
closely at the following factors:
Ability to capture cross-side network effects.
Your giveaway will be wasted if your network’s
subsidy side can transact with a rival platform
provider’s money side. Thats what happened
to Netscape, which subsidized its browser to
individuals in the hope of selling Web servers
to companies operating Web sites. However,
Web site operators didn’t have to buy Netscape’s
server in order to send pages to Netscapes big
base of users; they could buy a rival’s Web
server instead.
User sensitivity to price.
Generally, it makes
sense to subsidize the network’s more price-
sensitive side and to charge the side that in-
creases its demand more strongly in response
to the other sides growth. Adobe’s Acrobat
software follows this pricing rule. Acrobat pre-
sents any electronic document in Portable
Document Format (PDF), a universal stan-
dard that can be printed or viewed exactly as it
appeared in its original application. The PDF
network consists of two sets of users—writers,
who create documents, and readers, who view
them—using different software. Readers are
very price sensitive; they pay nothing for their
software. If readers were charged even a small
amount, Adobe Reader’s 500-million-person
user base would be much smaller. Writers,
who greatly value this huge audience, pay a
fee for their software. If Adobe reversed its ap-
proach, charging readers and subsidizing writ-
ers, its network would collapse. Writers are
less price sensitive, so free software would not
dramatically boost their numbers. More to the
point, readers would not pay much for access
to a bigger base of writers.
User sensitivity to quality.
High sensitivity to
quality also marks the side you should subsi-
dize. This pricing prescription can be counter-
intuitive: Rather than charge the side that
quality, you charge the side
that must
quality. Such a strategy is evi-
dent in video games. To deliver compelling
quality, game developers incur enormous fixed
costs. To amortize these costs, they must be as-
sured that the platform has many users. Hence
the need for a consumer subsidy. Platform pro-
viders make sure game developers meet high
quality standards by imposing strict licensing
terms and charging a high royalty. This “tax” is
not passed through to consumers: Developers
charge the highest prices the market will bear,
regardless of the royalty rate. However, the roy-
alty helps weed out games of marginal quality.
Once the “tax” is added, titles with poor sales
prospects cannot generate enough contribu-
tion margin to cover their fixed costs, so they
never get made in the first place.
Output costs.
Pricing decisions are more
straightforward when each new subsidy-side
user costs the platform provider essentially
nothing. This will be the case when the give-
away takes the form of a digital good such as a
software program or a cheap service such as
otherwise-idle computer time. However, when
a giveaway product has appreciable unit costs,
as with tangible goods, platform providers
must be more careful. If a strong willingness
to pay does not materialize on the money
side, a giveaway strategy with high variable
costs can quickly rack up large losses.
FreePC learned this lesson in 1999 when it
provided computers and Internet access at no
cost to consumers who agreed to view Internet-
delivered ads that could not be minimized or
hidden. Unfortunately, few marketers were
eager to target consumers who were so cost
conscious. FreePC abandoned its offer after in-
curring $80 million in losses.
The Dynamics of Two-Sided Networks
Transactions in two-sided networks al-
ways entail a triangular set of relation-
ships. Two user groups—the network’s
“sides”—interact with each other
through one or more intermediaries
platform providers
. A
bodies an
—a design for
products, services, and infrastructure fa-
cilitating network users’ interactions—
plus a set of
that is, the protocols,
rights, and pricing terms that govern
transactions. These platforms exhibit
two types of network effects, which may
be either positive or negative: A same-
side effect, in which increasing the num-
ber of users on one side of the network
makes it either more or less valuable to
users on the same side; and a cross-side
effect, in which increasing the number
of users on one side of the network
makes it either more or less valuable to
the users on the other side. Cross-side
network effects are typically positive,
but they can be negative (TV viewers
preferring fewer ads). Same-side net-
work effects are often negative (sellers
preferring fewer rivals in a B2B ex-
change), but they may be positive (Mi-
crosoft Xbox owners valuing the fact that
they can play games with friends).
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Strategies for Two-Sided Markets
harvard business review •
october 2006 page 6
Same-side network effects.
sometimes it makes sense to deliberately ex-
clude some users from the network. Platform
providers normally welcome growth in the
user base on either side, because it encourages
growth on the other side. In addition to posi-
tive cross-side network effects, however, plat-
form managers must assess the possibility of
negative same-side network effects, which can
be quite strong. In most markets, sellers would
be happy to see fewer direct rivals; the same
can be true for buyers when goods are scarce.
For example, many auto parts manufacturers,
concerned about downward pricing pressure,
refused to participate in Covisint, a B2B ex-
change organized by auto manufacturers. Cov-
isint stalled, as did many other B2B market
makers that failed to recruit enough sellers. In
the face of strongly negative same-side net-
work effects, platform providers should con-
sider granting exclusive rights to a single user
in each transaction category—and extracting
high rent for this concession. The platform
manager then must make sure that sellers do
not abuse their monopoly positions; other-
wise, buyers will avoid the network. Online
car-buying services like Autobytel, which for-
wards consumers’ queries to a single dealer in
any given geographic territory, have suc-
ceeded with this strategy. Autobytel has
earned a modest profit over the past three
years; more to the point, it survived the dot-
com crash that extinguished many Internet
market makers with flawed strategies.
Users’ brand value.
All users of two-sided
networks are not created equal. The participa-
tion of “marquee users” can be especially im-
portant for attracting participants to the other
side of the network. Marquee users may be
exceptionally big buyers, like the U.S. govern-
ment. Or they may be high profile suppliers,
like anchor stores in malls. A platform pro-
vider can accelerate its growth if it can secure
the exclusive participation of marquee users in
the form of a commitment from them not to
join rival platforms. For many years, this kind
of exclusive arrangement was at the core of
Visas marketing campaigns (“…and they don’t
take American Express”). Of course, it can be
expensive—especially for small platforms—to
convince marquee users to forfeit opportuni-
ties in other networks. When the participation
of a few large users is crucial for mobilizing a
network, conflict over the division of value
Similar Networks, Different Pricing
On first inspection, PC and video game net-
works look similar. In both cases, end users
on one side wishing to link to software or
games on the other side buy a platform con-
sisting of an operating system (OS) bundled
with hardware—a PC or a game console. The
two businesses exhibit similarly positive
cross-side network effects: End users favor
platforms that offer a wide variety of comple-
ments. Developers favor platforms with more
end users because this improves the odds
that they will recover the fixed, upfront costs
of creating complements.
Notwithstanding these similarities, the PC
and game industries use very different pricing
models. In video games, end users are subsi-
dized. Platform providers like Sony PlaySta-
tion and Microsoft Xbox historically have
priced consoles at or below cost. Game devel-
opers are on the network’s money side; they
pay a royalty to console manufacturers of as
much as 20% of a game’s retail price. In the PC
industry, the money side and subsidy side are
reversed. End users are the money side, pay-
ing well above cost for the platform’s essential
element—its OS—which comes bundled with
PCs offered by OEMs like Gateway. Applica-
tion developers are the subsidy side. They pay
no royalties and receive free software develop-
ment kits from the OS vendors.
Why do these similar two-sided networks
have fundamentally different pricing struc-
tures? Video game consoles users—typically
teenagers—are both far more price sensitive
and quality conscious than typical PC users.
On average, each console owner buys just
eight games, which cost about $50 apiece.
Over the two- to three-year life of a console,
these precious titles are consumed sequen-
tially in intense bursts; gamers spend a great
deal of time—40 to 100 hours—with each title.
To deliver compelling quality, game devel-
opers incur enormous fixed costs. To amortize
these costs, they must be assured that the con-
sole has many users: Hence the need for a con-
sumer subsidy. Console providers police qual-
ity by imposing strict licensing terms and
charging a high royalty. This “tax, absorbed by
the developers, helps weed out games of mar-
ginal quality. Developers cannot afford to offer
titles with weak sales prospects, once the tax is
added to their price.
By contrast, PCs are often purchased for
work and are otherwise more likely viewed
as household necessities than game con-
soles are, so price sensitivity is lower. Over
their lives, PCs accumulate scores of applica-
tions, ranging from the indispensable (such
as word processing) to the disposable (for
example, some casual games). Accordingly,
we observe a huge range of price and qual-
ity levels for applications.
It’s true that both PC users and gamers
value variety and quality and that develop-
ers in both networks value the ability to
reach a large installed base. However, gam-
ers’ need for quality seems to be stronger, as
does game developers’ need for large num-
bers of consumers.
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Strategies for Two-Sided Markets
harvard business review •
october 2006 page 7
between platform providers and large users is
common. Microsoft learned this when Elec-
tronic Arts (EA)—the largest developer of video
games and thus a major potential money-side
user of Microsofts Xbox platform—refused to
create online, multiplayer versions of its games
for the Xbox Live service. EA objected to Mi-
crosofts refusal to share subscription fees from
Xbox Live, among other issues. After an 18-
month stalemate, EA finally agreed to offer
Xbox Live games. Terms of the agreement were
not made public, but at the time, Microsoft an-
nounced that it would halt the in-house devel-
opment of new games that would compete
with EA’s flagship sports titles.
Failing to recognize that two-sided network
pricing follows different rules than conven-
tional businesses can sink even the most attrac-
tive platforms. Apple provides a cautionary
tale about misapplied pricing logic. Apples
well-regarded Macintosh operating system has
always commanded a price premium from
consumers. When it launched the Mac, Apple
also tried to extract rent from the other side of
its network, charging third-party developers
$10,000 for the software development kits
(SDKs) required to create Macintosh applica-
tions. By contrast, Microsoft gave Windows
SDKs away for free. Tellingly, by the time of
Microsofts antitrust trial, Windows had six
times as many applications as Macintosh. This
made Windows far more attractive to consum-
ers, despite its functional shortcomings.
Challenge 2: Winner-Take-All
The prospect of increasing returns to scale in
network industries can lead to winner-take-all
battles, so an aspiring platform provider must
consider whether to share its platform with ri-
vals or fight to the death. Companies some-
times get this decision wrong, as with Sony’s
futile battle to establish its Betamax videocas-
sette standard.
Coping with platform competition is a two-
step process. First, executives must determine
whether their networked market is destined
to be served by a single platform. When this
is the case, the second stepdeciding whether
to fight or share the platform—is a bet-the-
company decision. The stakes are much higher
when a networked market has room for fewer
rival platforms.
Turning to the first step, a networked mar-
ket is likely to be served by a single platform
when the following three conditions apply:
Multi-homing costs are high for at least
one user side.
“Homing” costs comprise all the
expenses network users incur—including
adoption, operation, and the opportunity
cost of time—in order to establish and main-
tain platform affiliation. When users make a
“home on multiple platforms, they increase
their outlays accordingly. For example, the
vast majority of PC users rely on a single op-
erating system—almost always Windows—
because using multiple operating systems is
expensive in terms of the additional hardware,
software, and training required. Similarly, dis-
tance limits the number of shopping malls that
consumers can visit at any one time, which in
turn limits the number of malls. When multi-
homing costs are high, users need a good rea-
son to affiliate with multiple platforms.
Network effects are positive and strong—
at least for the users on the side of the net-
work with high multi-homing costs.
cross-side network effects are positive and
strong, those network users will tend to con-
verge on one platform. A small-scale platform
will be of little interest to users unless it is
the only way to reach certain users on the
other side. The odds of a single platform pre-
vailing also increase when same-side network
effects are positive: for example, when users
of a software program need to share files with
one another.
Neither side’s users have a strong prefer-
ence for special features.
If certain users have
unique needs, then smaller, differentiated plat-
forms can focus on those needs and carve out
niches in a larger rival’s shadow. American Ex-
press, for example, earns high margins despite
having issued only 5% as many credit cards as
Visa. American Express cards have no preset
spending limit—a valuable feature for business
travelers, made possible because cardholders
must pay their full balance every month. Visa
cannot match this feature, because the loans it
extends to cardholders put an upper limit on
their spending. In cases where special features
are not important, however, users will tend to
converge on a single platform.
The DVD industry meets these three condi-
tions. First, multi-homing costs are high for
consumers because it would be expensive to
buy multiple players. Likewise, multi-homing
costs are high for studios: Having to provide
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Strategies for Two-Sided Markets
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october 2006 page 8
the same content in multiple incompatible for-
mats would increase inventories and distribu-
tion costs. Second, cross-side network effects
are strong for both sides of the network. Most
consumers value access to a wide variety of ti-
tles, and studios realize scale economies when
they can sell to more consumers. Third, oppor-
tunities for technical differentiation are mod-
est, because DVD players connect to TV sets,
which are standardized in ways that intrinsi-
cally limit DVD picture and sound quality.
For these reasons, the DVD market was
bound to be served by a single platform. Poten-
tial platform providers anticipated this out-
come and faced a choice: They could fight for
proprietary control of the platform or pool
their technologies. Industry participants chose
the latter approach, jointly creating the DVD
format in 1995 and avoiding a replay of the
VHS-Betamax standards battle.
Why share a network when proprietary
control promises monopoly profits once rivals
are vanquished? The answer seems clear
enough if senior managers believe that their
company’s platform is not likely to prevail.
However, even those firms that have a fight-
ing chance of gaining proprietary control
stand to realize benefits from sharing. First,
the total market size will be greater with a
shared platform. During a battle for domi-
nance in a two-sided network, some users will
delay adoption, fearing that they will be
stranded with obsolete investments—like a
Betamax VCR—if they back the loser. Second,
since the stakes are so high in battles for net-
work dominance, firms spend enormous
amounts on upfront marketing. Rivalry tends
to be less intense with a shared platform, re-
ducing marketing outlays.
Winning the battle.
To fight successfully, you
will need, at a minimum, cost or differentia-
tion advantages. Three other assets are im-
portant in establishing proprietary control:
First, platform providers gain an edge when
they have preexisting relationships with pro-
spective users—often in related businesses.
Adobe, for example, leveraged its user base
for PostScript printing products when launch-
ing PDF. Second, high expectations generate
momentum in platform wars, so a reputa-
tion for past prowess helps a great deal.
Having vanquished rival PC operating sys-
tems, Microsoft is feared and respected as a
ruthless and competent rival. Third, in a war
of attrition, deep pockets matter. Again, just
ask Microsoft!
First-mover advantages can also be signifi-
cant in platform battles, but they are not al-
ways decisive. In fact, when the market
evolves slowly, late mover advantages may
be more salient. Late movers may, for exam-
ple, avoid the pioneer’s positioning errors, be
better placed to incorporate the latest tech-
nology into product designs, or be able to re-
verse engineer pioneers’ products and beat
them on cost. Google, which lagged Web-
search pioneers by several years, avoided por-
tals’ clutter in favor of a simple, fast-loading
home page. It also copied and then improved
on Overture’s paid-listing model for generat-
ing revenue from searches.
In a battle for platform control, first and late
movers alike will feel strong pressure to amass
users as quickly as possible. In most cases, this
urgency is appropriate. Positive word-of-mouth
favors the early mover. But racing to acquire
users can be a mistake under two circum-
stances. First, executives must ask whether
their business is readily scalable. For exam-
ple, platforms that must support complex
customer-service interactions—like stop-loss
orders or margin trades at an online brokerage
firm—typically require skilled professionals.
The need to recruit and train such personnel
can put the brakes on rapid growth. Second,
due to their explosive growth potential,
platform-mediated networks are prone to
boom or bust valuation cycles. When they
launch cash-draining “get big fast strategies,
therefore, top managers need to be sure that
funding will be forthcoming should capital-
market sentiment turn negative.
Challenge 3: The Threat of
You can do a great job addressing pricing and
winner-take-all challenges and establish a suc-
cessful new platform yet still face great dan-
ger. Why? Your platform may be “enveloped”
by an adjacent platform provider that enters
your market. Platforms frequently have over-
lapping user bases. Leveraging these shared re-
lationships can make it easy and attractive for
one platform provider to swallow the network
of another. The real damage comes when your
new rival offers your platforms functionality
as part of a multiplatform bundle. Such bun-
dling hurts the stand-alone platform provider
In traditional value
chains, value moves from
left to right: To the left of
the company is cost; to
the right is revenue. In
two-sided networks, cost
and revenue are both to
the left and the right.
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october 2006 page 9
when its money side perceives that a rival’s
bundle delivers more functionality at a lower
total price. The stand-alone platform provider
cannot respond to this value proposition be-
cause it cannot afford to cut the price on its
money side and it cannot assemble a compara-
ble bundle.
Networked markets—especially those in
which technology is evolving rapidly—are
rich with envelopment opportunities that
can blur market boundaries. This blurring is
called “convergence. For example, mobile
phones now incorporate the functionality
of music and video players, PCs, and even
credit cards. Likewise, eBay—having acquired
PayPal and the voice-over-Internet protocol
(VoIP) start-up Skype, as well as equity in
Craigslist—is on a collision course with Goo-
gle, which also offers a payment service (Goo-
gle Checkout), VoIP (Google Talk), and a list-
ing service (Google Base).
In many cases, a stand-alone business facing
envelopment has little choice but to sell out to
the attacker or exit the field. Some, however,
manage to survive. RealNetworks, the pioneer
of streaming media software, is—at least so
far—a case in point.
Real’s original business model was ideally
suited to the needs of its two-sided network:
Consumers downloaded its streaming media
player for free, and content companies paid for
its server software. As a result, the company
quickly dominated the new market and earned
modest profits in 1999 and 2000. But as early
as 1998, Real’s streaming media franchise was
under attack from Microsoft. Like Real, Mi-
crosoft freely supplied its Windows Media
Player (WMP) to consumers. But Microsoft
also bundled its streaming software at no addi-
tional cost as a standard feature of its NT
Server—a multipurpose operating system that
also incorporated file, print, e-mail, and Web
servers, among other functions.
Since content companies—Real’s money
side—needed a multipurpose server anyway,
they could buy NT and receive a “free stream-
ing media server. As content companies em-
braced this attractive proposition, consumers
switched with them, because Microsoft’s
streaming media servers worked only with its
own media players, and vice versa. By 2003,
42% of Internet users in North America identi-
fied WMP as their primary media player, com-
pared with 19% for Real’s player.
Microsoft has not been the only threat.
Real’s Rhapsody subscription music service is
now threatened with envelopment by Yahoo
and ultimately by Apple. In 2005, Yahoo intro-
duced a subscription music service—including
downloads to portable music players—for $5
per month. Yahoo could afford to price ag-
gressively, because bundling subscription
music into its portal would increase user re-
tention rates and, through cross-marketing,
boost revenue from its other services. Like-
wise, Apple might choose to offer a subscrip-
tion version of iTunes, drawing on the very lu-
crative iPod—its money side—to subsidize an
envelopment attack. Real cannot match it ri-
vals’ bundles because it does not own a portal
or sell an MP3 player.
But Real is not without options. Its defense
against Microsoft and, more recently, Yahoo
and Apple shows what a focused firm can do to
survive envelopment.
Change business models.
Real’s response to
Microsofts envelopment attack was to switch
its money side. Ceding the streaming media
business, Real leveraged existing relationships
with consumers and music companies to
launch Rhapsody in 2003, charging $10 per
month for unlimited streaming to any PC
from a library of a half-million songs. Real now
profited from consumers, rather than subsidiz-
ing them. Another common way for specialists
like Real to reinvigorate their business models
is to offer services as a systems integrator—
helping enterprises knit together diverse sys-
tems and technologies. Indeed, Real was doing
precisely that for a number of big music com-
panies even before it launched Rhapsody.
And its no accident that IBM—the dominant
provider of computing platforms through
the mid-1980s—has more recently focused
on systems integration. Facilitating transac-
tions across a two-sided network requires plat-
form providers to coordinate users’ activities.
Hence, managing a platform builds system in-
tegration skills that can be exploited.
Find a “bigger brother.
When bullied on
the playground, a little guy needs a big friend.
Real has found allies through partnerships
with cable TV system operators and cellular
phone companies. Subscription music—
which requires a broadband connection—
makes cable modem service stickier: Once
consumers commit to a music service, they
face switching costs. Changing vendors would
For two-sided networks,
ricing is a complicated
affair. Platform providers
have to choose a price for
each side, factoring in the
impact on the other sides
rowth and willingness
to pay.
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october 2006 page 10
force them to configure new music players
and recreate playlists. Real also bundles its
Rhapsody Internet radio product with Sprint’s
wireless phone service and streaming video
with Cingular’s service. Cellular phone compa-
nies are attractive allies for Real, because they
can mount their own envelopment attacks if
Apple ever enters the subscription music mar-
ket. Cellular carriers can afford to subsidize
digital music playback on their phones, since
doing so would be likely to reduce cell phone
churn rates. That would present a big threat to
Apples money side.
Firms facing envelopment are wise to
consider legal remedies, because antitrust law
for two-sided networks is still in dispute. Anti-
trust law was conceived to constrain the be-
havior of traditional manufacturing firms and
does not fully reflect the economic impera-
tives of platform-mediated networks. For this
reason, dominant platform providers that
offer bundles or pursue penetration pricing
run the risk of being charged with illegal tying
or predation. Exploiting this opportunity, Real
brought Microsoft to antitrust court and then
in 2005 received a $760 million payment from
Microsoft to end the lawsuit. Sun Microsys-
tems and Time Warner—Netscape’s current
owner—reaped similar bounties after they
challenged Microsofts anticompetitive be-
havior in court.
The threat of envelopment means that vigi-
lance is crucial for a focused platform provider.
Formulating strategy for platform-mediated
networks is like playing three-dimensional
chess: When market boundaries blur, envelop-
ment attacks can come from any direction.
However, focused firms are not without advan-
tages when competing with large, diversified
companies. Big firms can be slow to recognize
envelopment opportunities and even slower to
mobilize resources to exploit them. Also, envel-
opment requires cross-business-unit coopera-
tion, a significant barrier in many diversified
companies. Sony, for example, has struggled to
coordinate strategy across its consumer elec-
tronics, video game, movie, and music busi-
nesses. Once the industry’s trailblazer with
products like the Walkman, Sony has seen
Apple usurp this role. Mistakes like this on the
part of established companies are precisely
why former upstarts like Google, eBay, and
Yahoo have grown into giants.
• • •
Despite the ubiquity of network industries
and the attractions of owning a successful plat-
form, the strategic implications of two-sided
networks have gone largely unexplored. In the
past, this lack of understanding was less prob-
lematic because executives usually had the
luxury of formulating strategies for two-sided
networks through trial and error. Markets
today are less forgiving. Many opportunities
for platform creation arise in high-tech sectors
with short product life cycles. Opportunities
also abound in traditional industries recon-
ceived as two-sided networks. And, thanks to
the Internet, firms have easy access to both
sides of new markets. In this environment, if
you draw attention to a platform opportunity
and don’t get it right the first time, someone
else will. Thinking carefully through the stra-
tegic issues we’ve outlined here will give you a
head start.
1. See Geoffrey Parker and Marshall W. Van Alstyne,
“Two-Sided Networks: A Theory of Information Product
Management Science
(2005) and Jean-Charles
Rochet and Jean Tirole, “Platform Competition in Two-
Sided Markets,
Journal of the European Economic Associa-
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Further Reading
The New Rules for Bringing Innovations
to Market
by Bhaskar Chakravorti
Harvard Business Review
March 2004
Product no. 6247
The article provides detailed information
about how Adobe successfully orchestrated
widespread adoption of its Acrobat Portable
Document Format (PDF) software. In addi-
tion to subsidizing readers and charging
content creators, Adobe subsidized software
developers by giving its code to them. This
encouraged developers to design valuable
features—which in turn made Acrobat more
attractive to content creators and readers. In-
creasing use by end users encouraged even
further product enhancements. And, it moti-
vated distributors to sell Acrobat or make it
available through Web sites. Ultimately, all
players benefited from one anothers adop-
tion of Acrobat.