REGULATION AND RESOURCES........................................... 9.1
Air Conditioning in Disease Prevention and Treatment ........... 9.2
Sustainability ............................................................................. 9.3
HOSPITAL FACILITIES............................................................ 9.3
Air Quality ................................................................................. 9.3
Facility Design and Operation .................................................. 9.6
Specific Design Criteria............................................................. 9.7
OUTPATIENT HEALTH CARE FACILITIES ......................... 9.16
Dental Care Facilities.............................................................. 9.17
Continuity of Service and Energy Concepts............................. 9.17
SUPPORT FACILITIES ....................................................... 9.17
ONTINUAL advances in medicine and technology necessitate
Cconstant reevaluation of the air-conditioning needs of hospitals
and medical facilities. Medical evidence shows that air conditioning
can affect certain clinical outcomes, and ventilation requirements
exist to protect against harmful occupational exposures. Although
the need for clean and conditioned air in health care facilities is high,
the relatively high cost of air conditioning demands efficient design
and operation to ensure economical energy management. It is a chal-
lenge to establish a balance between patient outcomes, safety, and
higher operating costs. Often, there is little research or data to quan-
tify the effect of the HVAC system on patient outcomes; whereas
energy costs are relatively easy to quantify. The following is a sug-
gested prioritization of the HVAC system design characteristics for
a healthcare facility (Turpin 2013):
1. Performance (infection control, comfort, patient outcome)
2. Safety (fire, life safety, potential injuries)
3. Reliability
4. Maintenance cost
5. Energy cost
6. Adaptability
Health care occupancy classification, based on the latest occu-
pancy guidelines from the National Fire Protection Association’s
(NFPA) Life Safety Code
and applicable building codes, should be
considered early in project design. Health care facilities are unique
in that there may be multiple, differing authorities having jurisdic-
tion (AHJs) overseeing the design, construction, and operation of the
facility. These different AHJs may use different standards or differ-
ent versions of the same standards. Health care occupancy classifi-
cation is important to determine for fire protection (smoke zones,
smoke control) and for future adaptability of the HVAC system for a
more restrictive occupancy.
Health care facilities are increasingly diversifying in response to
a trend toward outpatient services. The term clinic may refer to any
building from a residential doctor’s office to a specialized cancer
treatment center. Integrated regional health care organizations are
becoming the model for medical care delivery as outpatient facilities
take on more advanced care and increasingly serve as the entry-
way to the acute care hospital. These organizations, as well as long-
established hospitals, are sometimes constructing buildings that look
less like hospitals and more like luxury hotels and office buildings.
However, when specific health care treatments in these facilities are
medically consistent with hospital-based treatment activity, then
the environmental design guidance applicable to the hospital-based
treatment should also apply to the clinic’s treatment environment.
For the purpose of this chapter, health care facilities are divided
into the following categories:
Hospital facilities
Outpatient health care facilities
Residential health care and support facilities
The general hospital provides a variety of services; its environ-
mental conditions and design criteria apply to comparable areas in
other health care facilities. The general acute care hospital has a core
of patient care spaces, including rooms for operations, emergency
treatment, delivery, patients, and a nursery. Usually, the functions of
radiology, laboratory, central sterile, and pharmacy are located close
to the critical care space. Inpatient nursing, including intensive care
nursing, is also within the complex. The facility also incorporates a
kitchen, dining and food service, morgue, and central housekeeping
Outpatient surgery is performed with the anticipation that the
patient will not stay overnight. An outpatient facility may be part of
an acute care facility, a freestanding unit, or part of another medical
facility such as a medical office building.
Nursing facilities are addressed separately, because their funda-
mental requirements differ greatly from those of other medical facil-
ities in regards to odor control and the average stay of patients.
Dental facilities are briefly discussed. Requirements for these
facilities differ from those of other health care facilities because
many procedures generate aerosols, dusts, and particulates.
The specific environmental conditions required by a particular
medical facility may vary from those in this chapter, depending on the
agency responsible for the environmental standard. ANSI/ASHRAE/
ASHE Standard 170 represents the minimum design standard for
these facilities, and gives specific minimum requirements for space
design temperatures and humidities as well as ventilation recommen-
dations for comfort, asepsis, and odor control in spaces that directly
affect patient care.
Standard 170 is in continuous maintenance by ASHRAE, with
proposed addenda available for public review/comment and pub-
lished addenda available for free download from www.ashrae.org. It
is republished in whole approximately every four years with all pub-
lished addenda incorporated. See Table 1 for an excerpt of require-
ments found in ASHRAE Standard 170.
Standard 170 is also included in its entirety in the Facility Guide-
lines Institute’s Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals
and Outpatient Facilities and Guidelines for Design and Construc-
tion of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities (FGI 2014a,
2014b). The FGI Guidelines are adopted in more than 42 U.S. states
by AHJs overseeing the planning, construction, and operation of
health care facilities in those states.
Many outpatient facilities are B-occupancy, and may require
compliance to ASHRAE/ANSI Standard 90.1 or other energy regu-
lations, which may also cover ventilation. ASHRAE Guidelines 10
The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 9.6, Healthcare Facilities.
9.2 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
and 29 may be especially applicable to the design of health care
facilities. The HVAC Design Manual for Hospitals and Clinics
(ASHRAE 2013) presents enhanced design practice approaches to
health care facility design and greatly supplements the information
in this chapter. The ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI) provides
many applicable courses, including Designing High Performing
Health Care HVAC Systems and Health Care Facilities: Best Prac-
tice Design and Applications.
ASHRAE Standard 188-2015 requires health care buildings to
establish a water management program to control growth of Legio-
nella. The program must include a systematic analysis of building
water systems, including the locations of end-point uses of potable
and nonpotable water systems; the location of water processing
equipment and components, and how water is received and pro-
cessed, including how it is conditioned, stored, heated, cooled, re-
circulated, and delivered to end-point uses. A process flow diagram
is required to graphically describe the step-by-step detail of where
building water systems are at risk of harboring or promoting Legio-
nella growth and dissemination. Those areas so identified must have
control measures and limits established to allow monitoring of con-
ditions and corrective actions to ensure the system is operating as
NFPA Standard 99, which has been adopted by many jurisdic-
tions, provides requirements for ventilation of medical gas storage
and transfilling spaces. It also has requirements for heating, cooling,
and ventilating the emergency power system room.
American Society for Healthcare Engineering’s (ASHE) mono-
graphs and interpretation tools are an important resource to help
integrate facility management considerations into the built environ-
ment. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists’ (ACGIH 2013) Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Rec-
ommended Practice for Design includes guidance on source control
of contaminants.
Agencies that may have standards and guidelines applicable to
medical facilities include state and local health agencies, the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (including the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], Indian Health Service,
Food and Drug Administration [FDA], U.S. Public Health Service,
and Medicare/Medicaid), U.S. Department of Defense, U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs, and The Joint Commission’s Hos-
pital Accreditation Program.
Other medically concerned organizations with design and/or
operational standards and guidelines that may be applicable to health
care facility design include the United States Pharmacopeia (USP),
American Association of Operating Room Nurses (AAORN), and
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
FGI (2014a, 2014b) requires the owner to provide an infection
control risk assessment (ICRA) and prepare infection control risk
mitigation recommendations (ICRMR) that are intended to pre-
identify and control infection risks arising from facility construction
activities. The ICRMR and ICRA are then to be incorporated in the
contract documents by the design professional. Therefore, it is essen-
tial to discuss infection control objectives with the hospital’s infec-
tion control committee.
International standards for health care ventilation sometimes con-
tain suggestions that differ significantly from those in this chapter.
International standards include the following:
Canada’s CSA Group’s Standard Z317.2
Australasian Health Facility Guidelines (AusHFG), available at
U.K. Department of Health and Social Care’s Healthcare Techni-
cal Memorandum 03-01 premises
German Institute for Standardization’s (DIN) Standard 1946-4
Ventilation and air conditioning—Part 4
Spain’s AENOR/UNE Standard 100713:2005
Department of Health–Abu Dhabi (HAAD) Health Facility Guide-
lines, available at www.healthdesign.com.au/haad.hfg/
•World Health Organization’s (WHO) Natural Ventilation for In-
fection Control in Health-Care Settings
ASHRAE international associate societies (e.g., India’s ISHRAE)
may have health care resources specific to the local culture and cli-
mate; see www.ashraeasa.org/members.html for a list of associate
Along with HVAC requirements for normal operation, many
health care facilities are considered essential facilities and have pro-
grammatic requirements to remain operational after earthquakes or
other naturally occurring events. Building code importance factor
designation and application can require structural and restraint fea-
tures not normally included in other types of facilities. Many health
care facilities have on-site diesel engine generated electric power,
which can necessitate EPA fuel storage permitting, security require-
ments, and potentially air permitting issues.
In hospitals, air conditioning can play a role beyond the promo-
tion of comfort. In many cases, proper air conditioning is a factor in
patient therapy. Patients in well-controlled environments generally
show more rapid physical improvement than those in poorly con-
trolled environments. Examples of HVAC considerations for vari-
ous patients include the following:
Patients exhibiting thyrotoxicosis (related to hyperthyroidism) may
be more sensitive to hot, humid conditions or heat waves (Pearce
Extreme ambient heat is a public health threat, especially for the
elderly and persons with preexisting health conditions (Richard et
al. 2011).
Cardiac patients are often unable to maintain the circulation nec-
essary to ensure normal heat loss. Air conditioning cardiac wards
and rooms of cardiac patients, particularly those with congestive
heart failure, is necessary and considered therapeutic (Burch and
Individuals subjected to operations and those with barbiturate
poisoning may be susceptible to hypothermia (Belani et al. 2013).
HVAC systems may reduce this risk.
Table 1 Sample of ASHRAE Standard 170 Design Parameters
Function of Space
Relationship to
Adjacent Areas
All Room Air
Exhausted Directly
to Outdoors
Air Recirculated
by Room Units
Operating room Positive 4 20 NR* No 20 to 60 68 to 75
Emergency department public waiting area Negative 2 12 Yes NR* max. 65 70 to 75
AII rooms Negative 2 12 Yes No max. 60 70 to 75
Patient room NR* 2 4 NR* NR* max. 60 70 to 75
*ach = air changes per hour, NR = no requirement.
Health Care Facilities 9.3
Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are correlated to humidity of
the environment (Patberg and Rasker 2004). Some have suggest-
ed the benefit of dry environments (less than 35% rh).
Dry air increases the difficulty in terminally cleaning spaces and
causes particles to remain airborne for longer periods of time.
Pathogen transmission through the air is greater when the air is
dry, and infectious particles travel deeper into the lungs when they
are small. Cilia in the respiratory system, which are responsible
for clearing particulates out of the bronchial tubes, have reduced
function in dry conditions. Dry air also leads to cracks in the skin
and increased cortisol production.
Clinical areas devoted to upper respiratory disease treatment and
acute care are often maintained at a minimum of 30% rh. The
foundation and associated clinical benefit of this practice have re-
cently come under question, so the designer is encouraged to
closely consult the latest design guidance and the facility owner
when establishing this design criterion.
Exposure to dry environments may have a negative impact. Taylor
(2016) found an increase in the number of healthcare associated
infections in patients in a medical-surgery wing and in an oncol-
ogy wing when the relative humidity dropped below 40% rh.
Patients with chronic pulmonary disease often have viscous respi-
ratory tract secretions. As these secretions accumulate and in-
crease in viscosity, the patient’s exchange of heat and water
dwindles. Under these circumstances, inspiration of warm, hu-
midified air is essential to prevent dehydration (Walker and Wells
Patients needing oxygen therapy, those with tracheotomies, and
other mechanically ventilated patients require warm, humidified
air (Jackson 1996). Cold, dry oxygen or bypassing the nasopharyn-
geal mucosa presents an extreme situation. Rebreathing techniques
for anesthesia and enclosure in an incubator are special means of
addressing impaired heat loss in therapeutic environments.
Warm, moist air has been shown to be beneficial in treatment of
burn patients (Liljedahl et al. 1979; Zhou et al. 1998). A ward for
severe burn victims should have temperature controls (and com-
patible architectural design and construction) that allow room tem-
peratures up to 90°F db and relative humidity up to 95%.
Reducing hospital-acquired infections (HAIs; also called nos-
ocomial infections) is a focus of the health care industry. It is diffi-
cult to draw any general conclusions about HVAC’s contributions or
ability to affect infections (DeRoos et al. 1978; Jacob et al. 2013).
True airborne infection is somewhat rare (5 to 15%), compared to the
direct route of infection (Short and Al-Maiyah 2009),although there
is evidence that too little ventilation increases risk of infection (At-
kinson 2009). The exact ventilation rates needed to control infectious
agents in hospitals are not known (Li et al. 2007; Memarzadeh
2013). It was previously believed that 100% exhaust or 100% out-
door air was necessary. ASHRAE research project RP-312 found
that recirculation of most hospital air is appropriate (Chaddock 1983).
HVAC engineering controls, such as required differential pressure
relationships between spaces, directional airflow, methods of air
delivery, air filtration, overall building pressurization, etc., directly
contribute to maintaining asepsis. Well-designed HVAC systems
also affect indoor environmental quality and asepsis integrity
through specifically HVAC related factors (e.g., thermal comfort,
acoustics, odor control). Therefore, HVAC system effectiveness
can also lead to an improved healing environment for the patient,
contributing to shorter patient stays and thereby minimizing the
risk of HAIs. ASHE (2011) provides an engineering perspective on
the topic with many additional references.
Health care is an energy intensive, energy-dependent enterprise.
Hospital facilities are different from other structures in that they
operate 24 hours a day and year round, require sophisticated back up
systems in case of utility shutdowns, use large quantities of outdoor
air to combat odors and to dilute microorganisms, and must deal with
problems of infection and solid waste disposal. Similarly, large quan-
tities of energy are required to power diagnostic, therapeutic, and
monitoring equipment, and to support services such as food storage,
preparation, and service and laundry facilities. Control strategies
such as supply air temperature reset on variable-air-volume systems
and hydronic reheat supply water temperature reset on variable
pumping systems can often be applied with good results, but should
be applied with care: undesired impacts on temperature and (espe-
cially) humidity can result. Resources to help ensure efficient, eco-
nomical energy management and reduce energy consumption in
hospital facilities include ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and the Advanced
Energy Design Guides on hospitals (ASHRAE 2009, 2012). ASH-
RAE Standard 189.3 provides guidance for design, construction, and
operation of high-performance, green health care facilities.
Hospitals can conserve energy in various ways, such as using in-
dividual zoning control with advanced control strategies and energy
conversion devices that transfer energy from building exhaust air to
incoming outdoor air. The critical nature of the health care environ-
ment requires design and operational precautions to minimize the
chances of heat exchangers becoming a source of contaminants in
the supply air stream. Use of heat pipes, runaround loops, enthalpy
wheels, and other forms of heat recovery is increasing; ASHRAE
Standard 170 addresses their use. Large health care campuses use
central plant systems, which may include thermal storage, hydronic
economizers, primary/secondary pumping, cogeneration, heat re-
covery boilers, and heat recovery incinerators. Integrating building
waste heat into systems and using renewable energy sources (e.g.,
solar under some climatic conditions) provide substantial savings
(Setty 1976).
Selecting building and system components for cost effective
energy measures requires careful planning and design. Life-cycle
cost analysis can show the full effect of design decisions, considering
fuel and labor costs, maintenance costs, desired performance (com-
fort and air quality), replacement costs, cost of downtime, and the
value of investment dollars over time.
Although proper air conditioning is helpful in preventing and
treating disease, application of air conditioning to health care facil-
ities presents many problems not encountered in usual comfort con-
ditioning design.
The basic differences between air conditioning for hospitals (and
related health care facilities) and that for other building types stem
from the (1) need to restrict air movement in and between depart-
ments; (2) specific requirements for ventilation and filtration to
dilute and remove contamination (odor, airborne microorganisms
and viruses, hazardous chemicals, and radioactive substances); (3)
different temperature and humidity requirements for various areas;
and (4) design sophistication needed for accurate control of environ-
mental conditions.
Systems should provide air virtually free of dust, dirt, odor, and
chemical and radioactive pollutants. In some cases, untreated out-
door air is hazardous to patients suffering from cardiopulmonary,
respiratory, or pulmonary conditions. In such instances, consider
treatment of outdoor air as discussed in ASHRAE Standard 62.1.
Infection Sources
Bacterial Infection. Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Legio-
nella pneumophila (Legionnaires’ disease) are examples of bacteria
that are highly infectious and transported in air (or air and water
9.4 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
mixtures). Wells (1934) showed that droplets or infectious agents of
5 m or less in size can remain airborne indefinitely.
Viral Infection. Examples of viruses that are transported by, and
virulent within, air are Varicella (chicken pox/shingles), Rubella
(German measles), and Rubeola (regular measles). Research indi-
cates that many airborne viruses that transmit infection are origi-
nally submicron in size, though in air they are often attached to
larger aerosol and/or as conglomerates of multiple viruses, which
may be more easily filtered from the airstream.
Molds. Evidence indicates that some molds such as Aspergillis
can be fatal to advanced leukemia, bone marrow transplant, and
other immunocompromised patients.
Chemicals. Hospitals use various chemicals as disinfectants,
which may require control measures for worker or patient safety.
Many pharmaceuticals are powerful chemical agents.
Control Measures
Outdoor Air Ventilation. If outdoor air intakes are properly
located and areas adjacent to the intakes are properly maintained,
outdoor air is virtually free of infectious bacteria and viruses com-
pared to room air. Infection control problems frequently involve a
bacterial or viral source within the hospital. Ventilation air dilutes
indoor viral and bacterial contamination. If ventilation systems are
properly designed, constructed, and maintained to preserve cor-
rect pressure relations between functional areas, they control the
between-area spread of airborne infectious agents and enable proper
containment and removal of pathogens from the hospital environ-
Filtration. Some authorities recommend using high-efficiency
particulate air (HEPA) filters with test filtering efficiencies of
99.97% in certain areas. Although there is no known method to ef-
fectively eliminate 100% of the viable particles, HEPA and/or
ultralow-penetration (ULPA) filters provide the greatest air-cleaning
efficiency currently available.
Pressure Differential. Directional airflow created by differen-
tial pressures, which result from controlling the HVAC system in a
particular manner, is a common control measure to help prevent dis-
persal of contaminants between adjoining spaces.
Anterooms. Isolation rooms and isolation anterooms with ap-
propriate ventilation/pressure relationships are a primary means
used to prevent the spread of airborne contaminants from space to
space in the health care environment. The addition of the anteroom
allows for the dilution and control of air that passes from one space
to another every time a door is opened and closed.
Contaminant Source Control. Certain aerosol-generating ac-
tivities may also benefit from local control techniques to minimize
virus dissemination and other contaminants. Exhausted enclosures
(e.g., biological safety cabinets, chemical fume hoods, benchtop
enclosures) and localized collection methods (e.g., snorkels, direct
equipment connections) are typical control measures. Physical lo-
cations of supply air diffusers and return/exhaust grilles in a space
can be designed to help control contaminant dispersal within the
Temperature and Humidity. These conditions can inhibit or
promote the growth of bacteria, and activate or deactivate viruses.
Some bacteria, such as Legionella pneumophila, are basically wa-
terborne and survive more readily in a humid environment. Codes
and guidelines specify temperature and humidity range criteria in
some hospital areas for infection control as well as comfort. His-
torical use of flammable anesthetics also influenced the minimum
relative humidity requirements of various governing documents.
Where flammable anesthetics have been phased out, there is con-
siderable interest in lowering minimum humidity requirements
because of the humidification systems’ increased energy usage
and operational and maintenance challenges. Medical equipment
static electricity concerns and transmission and growth of various
potential contaminants in differing humidity environments have
also been examined, and led to a relaxation of some minimum rel-
ative humidity requirements in ASHRAE Standard
170. Special-
ized patient care areas, including organ transplant and burn units,
should have additional ventilation provisions for air quality control
as may be appropriate.
Ultraviolet Light, Ionization and Chemicals. ASHRAE guid-
ance on the use of ultraviolet energy as an adjunct infection control
measure may be found in Chapter 60 of the 2015 ASHRAE Hand-
bookHVAC Applications and Chapter 17 of the 2016 ASHRAE
Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment. Current guidance from
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can be found in
CDC (2005) and NIOSH (2009). Ionization devices and/or chemical
fogging/mists are not recommended in occupied environments and
should only be considered for terminal cleaning applications in un-
occupied spaces.
Increasing Air Changes. Whether achieved by introducing
clean fresh air or filtration, increasing a room’s air change rate re-
duces its airborne burden of microorganisms, thus reducing oppor-
tunities for airborne exposures. Table 2 notes the theoretical time to
remove particles from a room being flushed with clean, filtered air,
assuming perfect mixing/perfect ventilation effectiveness in the
space (ASHRAE 2013).
Outdoor Air Intakes. These intakes should be located as far as
is practical (on directionally different [i.e., compass directions]
exposures whenever possible), but not less than 25 ft, from combus-
tion equipment stack exhaust outlets, ventilation exhaust outlets
from the hospital or adjoining buildings, medical/surgical vacuum
systems, cooling towers, plumbing vent stacks, smoke control
exhaust outlets, and areas that may collect vehicular exhaust and
other noxious fumes. Air intakes should be located at least 30 ft
from any Class 4 air exhaust discharges as defined in Standard 62.1-
2010. The bottom of outdoor air intakes serving central systems
should be located as high as practical (minimum of 12 ft recom-
mended) but not less than 6 ft above ground level or, if installed
above the roof, 3 ft above the roof level.
Exhaust Air Outlets. These exhausts should be located a min-
imum of 10 ft above ground level and away from doors, occupied
areas, and operable windows. Preferred location for exhaust out-
lets is at roof level projecting upward or horizontally away from
outdoor air intakes. Care must be taken in locating highly con-
taminated exhausts (e.g., from engines, fume hoods, biological
safety cabinets, kitchen hoods, paint booths). Prevailing winds,
adjacent buildings, and discharge velocities must be taken into
account (see Chapter 24 of the 2017 ASHRAE Handbook—Funda-
mentals). In critical or complicated applications, wind tunnel studies
or computer modeling may be appropriate. ASHRAE Standard 170
contains additional minimum requirements for certain exhaust dis-
Air Filters. The purpose of filters is to remove contaminants
from the air. While there is no generally accepted ratio of organic to
Table 2 Effect of Air Change Rates on Particle Removal
Air Changes
per Hour, ach
Time Required for Removal
Efficiency of 99%, min
Time Required for Removal
Efficiency of 99.9%, min
2 138 207
469 104
646 69
835 52
10 28 41
12 23 35
15 18 28
20 14 21
50 6 8
Source: CDC (2003).
Health Care Facilities 9.5
inorganic particles, it is generally accepted that the presence of more
airborne particles correlates to a greater number of airborne micro-
organisms that cause surgical site infections (Birgand et al. 2015).
As with most HVAC design considerations, the engineer must guide
the owner to make the best choice of filters, considering life cycle
cost and efficacy for each air handler and space.
As described in 2017 ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals Chap-
ter 11, air contaminants are generally classified as
Particles: These may be aerosols or particulate matter. Particles
may be organic, inorganic, viable, or non-viable. Particles of
interest are often 0.1 to 10 m.
Gases: These include gases and vapors considered at the molecu-
lar level. Chapters 10 and 12 in the 2017 ASHRAE Handbook
Fundamentals discuss techniques to manage odors.
HVAC filters, which may include prefilters, second-stage filters,
and final-stage filters, should be tested in accordance with ASH-
RAE Standard 52.2. This standard is written for testing filters un-
der controlled conditions (laboratory environment) and establishes
the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of an air filter.
Filters are classified as MERV 1 to 16. Tests are based on removal
efficiency (%) in three particle size ranges: 0.3 to 1 m, 1 to 3 m,
and 3 to 10 m. The higher the MERV rating, the better the overall
removal. ASHRAE Standard 145.2 is written for testing gaseous
air contaminant filters under controlled conditions (laboratory en-
vironment) and establishes efficiency ratings for contaminants that
represent broad classes of organic chemicals and ozone.
Air filters necessitate a comprehensive management program,
including installation, monitoring, replacement, and disposal. Typ-
ically, the priorities for selecting an air filter are
1. Contaminant removal efficiency (MERV, MERV-A)
2. Initial and operating cost (Total cost of ownership)
3. Structural integrity
Some filters exhibit different behavior under field conditions. ISO
Standard 29462 describes testing of HVAC filters for removal effi-
ciency in field conditions. See Chapter 29 of the 2016 ASHRAE
Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment. All central ventilation
or air-conditioning systems should be equipped with filters having
efficiencies no lower than those indicated in ASHRAE Standard
170. Appropriate precautions should be observed to prevent wetting
the filter media by uncontrolled condensation or free moisture from
humidifiers. The filter system should be designed and equipped to
allow safe removal, disposal, and replacement of contaminated
Guidelines for filter installations are as follows:
HEPA filters are required by Standard 170 only for protective-en-
vironment rooms. These rooms are used for patients with a high
susceptibility to infection due to leukemia, burns, bone marrow
transplant, chemotherapy, organ transplant, or human immunode-
ficiency virus (HIV). HEPA filters should also be considered for
discharge air from fume hoods or biological safety cabinets in
which infectious, highly toxic, or radioactive materials are pro-
cessed. Some hospitals choose to use HEPA filters on exhaust
originating from airborne infectious isolation rooms and on sup-
ply air to very sensitive patients, such as those in orthopedic sur-
gery. Filter seals or gaskets should be installed to prevent leakage
between filter segments and between the filter bed and its support-
ing frame. A small leak that allows any contaminated air to escape
through the filter significantly reduces performance. Leakage can
occur due to poor gaskets, warping of the rack, or holes in the
rack. Ensure that the rack is designed to withstand high lateral
pressure. Diagonal supports may be necessary to maintain the
integrity of the filter rack. Maintaining the rated filtration effi-
ciency over the entire installed service life of the filter should be
considered, particularly if the initial removal efficiency is based
on an electrostatic charge on the filter.
High-efficiency filters should be installed in the system, with ade-
quate facilities provided for maintenance and in situ performance
testing without introducing contamination into the delivery
system or the area served. Also keep in mind maintenance work-
ers’ safety. High-efficiency filters are expensive. Energy costs
associated with the pressure drop can be 70% of the total cost of
ownership. Consider filter life, first cost, energy cost, and main-
tenance (installation, removal, and disposal). Provide a local
manometer to measure pressure drop across each filter bank. Be
sure the gauge range is appropriate (usually 0 to 2 in. of water).
Mark the gage with the manufacture’s recommended initial and
final pressure drops. In addition, BAS control sequences to
monitor and alarm, including ability to normalize or benchmark
pressure drops and associated airflows, indicate when replace-
ment is necessary even when air handlers operate at less than full
flow. Filter system life-cycle costs can be calculated and various
scenarios compared for overall optimization (Eurovent/CECO-
MAF 2005). Installing a lower-efficiency prefilter upstream of the
high-efficiency filter keeps coils cleaner and extend the life of the
high-efficiency final filter.
During construction, openings in ductwork and diffusers should
be sealed in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 170 to prevent
intrusion of dust, dirt, and hazardous materials. Such contamina-
tion is often permanent and provides a medium for growth of
infectious agents. Existing or new filters as well as coils may rap-
idly become contaminated by construction dust. The final filter
should be installed downstream of all the chilled-water coil.
Air Movement
Table 3 illustrates the degree to which contamination can be
dispersed into the air by routine patient care activities. The bacte-
rial counts in the hallway clearly indicate the spread of this con-
Because of the bacteria dispersal from such necessary activities,
air-handling systems should provide air movement patterns that
minimize spread of contamination. Undesirable airflow between
rooms and floors is often difficult to control because of open doors,
movement of staff and patients, temperature differentials, and stack
effect, which is accentuated by vertical openings such as chutes, ele-
vator shafts, stairwells, and mechanical shafts. Although some of
these factors are beyond practical control, the effect of others may
be minimized by terminating shaft openings in enclosed rooms and
by designing and balancing air systems to create positive or negative
air pressure in certain rooms and areas.
Pressure differential causes air to flow in or out of a room through
various leakage areas (e.g., perimeter of doors and windows, utility/
fixture penetrations, cracks). A level of differential air pressure
(0.01 in. of water) can be efficiently maintained only in a tightly
sealed room. Therefore, it is important to obtain a reasonably close
Table 3 Influence of Bedmaking on Airborne
Bacterial Count in Hospitals
Count per Cubic Foot
Inside Patient
Hallway near
Patient Room
Background 34 30
During bedmaking 140 64
10 min after 60 40
30 min after 36 27
Background 16
Normal bedmaking 100
Vigorous bedmaking 172
Source: Greene et al. (1960).
9.6 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
fit of all doors and seal all walls and floors, including penetrations
between pressurized areas. Opening a door between two areas imme-
diately reduces any existing pressure differential between them,
effectively nullifying the pressure difference. When such openings
occur, a natural interchange of air takes place between the two rooms
because of turbulence created by the door opening and closing and
personnel ingress/egress. For critical areas requiring both mainte-
nance of pressure differentials to adjacent spaces and personnel
movement between the critical and adjacent areas, consider using
anterooms. The purpose of differential pressurization is to inhibit
movement of potentially infectious particles from dirty areas to clean
ones. Figure 1 illustrates controlling airflow through pressurization.
More air is supplied to the cleanest areas, with less air supplied to
less clean areas, and air is exhausted from dirty areas.
In general, outlets supplying air to sensitive ultraclean areas
should be located on the ceiling, and several perimeter exhaust out-
lets should be near the floor. This arrangement provides downward
movement of clean air through the breathing and working zones to
the floor area for exhaust.
Airborne infectious isolation (AII) rooms should locate the ex-
haust outlets over the patient bed or on the wall behind the bed. Sup-
ply air may be located above and near the doorway and/or near the
exterior window with ceiling-mounted supply outlets. This arrange-
ment controls the flow of clean air first to parts of the room where
workers or visitors are likely to be, and then across the infected
source into the exhaust. Because of the relatively low air exchange
rates and minimal influence of the exhaust outlet, this arrangement’s
ability to achieve directional airflow is limited. The supply diffusers
must be carefully selected and located such that primary air throw
does not induce bedroom air to enter the corridor or anteroom (if
provided) or overly disturb the function of the exhaust to remove
contaminants (Memarzadeh and Xu 2011).
The laminar airflow concepts developed for industrial cleanroom
and pharmaceutical use have applications in surgical suites. There
are advocates of both vertical and horizontal laminar airflow sys-
tems, with and without fixed or movable walls around the surgical
team (Pfost 1981), as well as air curtain concepts. Vertical laminar
airflow in surgical operating rooms is predominantly unidirectional
where not obstructed by extensive quantities of ceiling-mounted
swing-arm booms.
Ventilation system design must, as much as possible, provide
air movement from clean to less clean areas. In critical-care areas,
use constant-volume systems to ensure proper pressure relation-
ships and ventilation. In noncritical patient care areas and staff
rooms, variable-air-volume (VAV) systems may be considered for
energy conservation; if VAV is used, take special care to ensure
that minimum ventilation rates as required by codes are main-
tained, and that pressure relationships between various spaces are
maintained. With VAV systems, a method such as air volume
tracking between supply, return, and exhaust could be used to con-
trol pressure relationships (Lewis 1988).
Smoke Control
As the ventilation design is developed, a proper smoke control
strategy must be considered. Both passive and active smoke control
systems are in use. Passive systems rely on fan shutdown, smoke
and fire barriers, and proper treatment of duct penetrations. Active
smoke control systems use the ventilation system to create areas of
positive and negative pressures that, along with fire and smoke par-
titions, limit the spread of smoke. The ventilation system may be
used in a smoke removal mode in which combustion products are
exhausted by mechanical means. NFPA Standard 99 has specific
guidance on smoke control and other safety provisions, which have
changed in each edition. The engineer and code authority should
carefully plan system operation and configuration with regards to
smoke control. Refer to Chapter 53 and NFPA Standards 90A, 92A,
and 101 as enforced by the AHJ.
Zoning (using separate air systems for different departments)
may be indicated to (1) compensate for exposures caused by orien-
tation or for other conditions imposed by a particular building con-
figuration, (2) minimize recirculation between departments, (3)
provide flexibility of operation, (4) simplify provisions for opera-
tion on emergency power, and (5) conserve energy.
Ducting the air supply from several air-handling units into a
manifold gives central systems some standby capacity. When one
unit is shut down, air is diverted from noncritical or intermittently
operated areas to accommodate critical areas, which must operate
continuously. This, or another means of standby protection, is
essential if the air supply is not to be interrupted by routine mainte-
nance or component failure.
Separating supply, return, and exhaust systems by department is
often desirable, particularly for surgical, obstetrical, pathological,
and laboratory departments. The desired relative balance in critical
areas should be maintained by interlocking supply and exhaust
fans. Thus, exhaust should cease when supply airflow is stopped in
areas otherwise maintained at positive or neutral pressure relative
to adjacent spaces. Likewise, supply air should be deactivated
when exhaust airflow is stopped in spaces maintained at a negative
Heating and Hot Water Standby Service
When one boiler breaks down or is temporarily taken out of ser-
vice for routine maintenance, the remaining boilers should still be
able to provide hot water for clinical, dietary, and patient use; steam
for sterilization and dietary purposes; and heating for operating,
delivery, birthing, labor, recovery, intensive care, nursery, and gen-
eral inpatient rooms. Some codes or authorities do not require
reserve capacity in climates where a design dry-bulb temperature of
25°F is equaled or exceeded for 99.6% of the total hours in any one
heating period, as noted in the tables in Chapter 14 of the 2017
ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals.
Boiler feed, heat circulation, condensate return, and fuel oil
pumps should be connected and installed to provide both normal
and standby service. Supply and return mains and risers for cooling,
heating, and process steam systems should be valved to isolate the
various sections. Each piece of equipment should be valved at the
supply and return ends.
Some supply and exhaust systems for delivery and operating
room suites should be designed to be independent of other fan sys-
tems and to operate from the hospital emergency power system in
the event of power failure. Operating and delivery room suites
should be ventilated such that the hospital retains some surgical and
delivery capability in cases of ventilating system failure.
Boiler steam is often treated with chemicals that may be released
into the air-handling systems serving critical areas where patients
may be more susceptible to respiratory irritation and its complica-
tions. In this case, a clean steam system could be considered for
Fig. 1 Controlling Air Movement through Pressurization
(ASHRAE 2013)
Health Care Facilities 9.7
humidification. ASHRAE Standard 170 provides minimum require-
ments for steam treatment additives where direct injection steam is
Mechanical Cooling
Carefully consider the source of mechanical cooling for clinical
and patient areas. The preferred method is to use an indirect refrig-
erating system using chilled water. When using direct refrigerating
systems, consult codes for specific limitations and prohibitions, and
refer to ASHRAE Standard 15. Until recently, it has been difficult
to maintain desired temperatures and humidity with direct expan-
sion (DX) systems. Newer technology has provided additional
means of maintaining temperature and humidity in spaces. Use care
when selecting DX equipment.
Linings in air ducts and equipment must meet the erosion test
method described in Underwriters Laboratories Standard 181. These
linings (including coatings, adhesives, and insulation on exterior
surfaces of pipes and ducts in building spaces used as air supply ple-
nums) should have a flame spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke
developed rating of 50 or less, as determined by an independent test-
ing laboratory, per ASTM Standard E84.
ASHRAE Standard 170 does not allow duct lining to be used
downstream of the second filter bank (final filter). Duct lining with
an impervious cover may be allowed in terminal units, sound atten-
uators, and air distribution devices downstream of the second filter
bank. This lining and cover will be factory installed. Internal insu-
lation of terminal units may be encapsulated with approved materi-
als, but metal lining is preferable. Duct lining should be avoided
except where necessary for acoustical improvement; for thermal
purposes, external insulation should be used. The use of acoustical
materials as duct interior linings, exposed to air movement, should
be carefully reviewed for the application and regulatory standards in
effect. Duct-mounted sound traps, where necessary, should be of the
packless type or have polymer film linings over acoustical fill.
Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing (TAB) and
For existing systems, testing before beginning remodeling con-
struction (preferably before design completion) is usually a good
investment. This early effort provides the designer with information
on actual system performance and whether components are suitable
for intended modifications, as well as discloses additional necessary
The importance of TAB for modified and new systems before
patient occupancy cannot be overemphasized. Health care facilities
require validation and documentation of system performance char-
acteristics. Often, combining TAB with commissioning satisfies
this requirement. See Chapters 39 and 44 for information on TAB
and commissioning.
Operations and Maintenance
Without routine inspection and maintenance of HVAC system
components, systems might operate outside of their optimum per-
formance parameters. This variance can affect delivered system per-
formance. Often, manufacturers’ maintenance information applies
only to their components, not the entire system. ASHRAE Standard
180 addresses the often inconsistent practices for inspecting and
maintaining HVAC systems in health care buildings where the pub-
lic may be exposed to the indoor environment. The standard estab-
lishes minimum HVAC inspection and maintenance requirements to
preserve a system’s ability to achieve acceptable thermal comfort,
energy efficiency, and indoor air quality.
The American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) (of
the American Hospital Association [AHA]) and the International
Facility Management Association (IFMA) jointly published O&M
Benchmarks for Health Care Facilities (ASHE/IFMA 2000). Health
care facility management professionals at 150 different health care
facilities, representing a broad cross section of the field, were sur-
veyed for the report, which discusses facility age and location,
utility costs and practices, maintenance costs and staffing, environ-
mental services, waste streams, linen services, and operational
costs. In addition to common facility benchmarks (e.g., cost per ar-
ea, cost per worker), the report’s analysis also includes metrics that
hospital leaders recognize, such as adjusted patient days and adjust-
ed discharges.
ASHRAE Standard 170 provides recommended operations and
maintenance procedures for certain health care specific rooms in its
Informative Appendix A. Chapter 40 of this volume also discussed
operation and maintenance.
A common cause of operational problems is the control system.
Often, sensors are out of calibration. Maintenance and/or controls
personnel often alter set points and sequences to provide short-term
fixes. Training and persistent commissioning are necessary to keep
the systems operating correctly.
Planning. Standard 170 requires that an operational facility
plan be established to ensure that the number and arrangements of
system components can best support the owner’s operational goals.
The plan should take into account the age and reliability of the
HVAC equipment, capabilities of different areas of the facility and
their criticality to the facility mission, and available personnel
resources. This plan typically examines loss of normal power sce-
narios, loss of certain pieces of HVAC equipment, back-up fuel
sources, redundant systems, temporary measures, and abnormal
events. In the event of power loss, inpatient areas should allow for
potential 24 h operation and nonambulatory patients who may not
be able to be relocated. The capital outlay for imaging and treat-
ment equipment and their associated operating personnel can be
balanced against additional potential outlays for redundant cooling
or other features as adjusted for the risk of failure.
There are seven principal divisions of an acute care general
hospital: (1) surgery and critical care, (2) nursing, (3) ancillary,
(4) administration, (5) diagnostic and treatment, (6) sterilizing and
supply, and (7) service. Environmental requirements of each depart-
ment/space in these divisions differ according to their function and
procedures carried out in them. This section describes the functions
of these departments/spaces. ASHRAE Standard 170 provides
details of HVAC design requirements for spaces in the hospital that
directly affect patient care. If additional regulatory or organizational
criteria must be met, refer to those criteria for specific space require-
ments. Close coordination with health care planners and medical
equipment specialists in mechanical design and construction of
health facilities is essential to achieve the desired conditions.
Surgery and Critical Care
No area of the hospital requires more careful control of aseptic
environmental conditions than the surgical suite. Systems serving
operating rooms, including cystoscopy and fracture rooms, require
careful design to minimize concentrations of airborne organisms.
The greatest amount of bacteria found in the operating room
comes from the surgical team and is a result of their activities during
surgery. During an operation, most members of the surgical team are
near the operating table, creating the undesirable situation of con-
centrating contamination in this highly sensitive area.
Operating Rooms. Past studies of operating room air distri-
bution devices (e.g., Memarzadeh and Manning [2002]) and ob-
servation of installations in industrial cleanrooms indicate that
delivering air from the ceiling, with a downward movement to sev-
eral exhaust/return openings located low on opposite walls, is the
9.8 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
most effective (and current code requirement for) air movement
pattern to minimize contamination of the surgical field. Complete-
ly perforated ceilings, partially perforated ceilings, and ceiling-
mounted diffusers have been applied successfully (Pfost 1981).
Memarzadeh and Manning (2002) found that a mixture of low and
high exhaust opening locations may work slightly better than either
all-low or all-high locations, with supply air furnished at average
velocities of25 to 35 fpm from a unidirectional laminar-flow ceil-
ing array. It appears that the main factor in the design of the venti-
lation system is the control of the central region of the operating
room (surgical or sterile field). The laminar flow concept generally
represents the best option for an operating room in terms of con-
tamination control, as it results in the smallest percentage of parti-
cles impacting the surgical site. Figure 6 shows a typical operating
room layout.
Operating room setback (night setback or unoccupied setback) is
a proven energy saving strategy in all climates. Love (2011) details
these strategies. Operating room suites are typically used no more
than 8 to 12 h per day (except trauma centers and emergency depart-
ments). Temperature is typically allowed to drift during setback.
Lowering the set point during unoccupied times reduces reheat ener-
gy; however, positive space pressure must be maintained. Design of
the setback solution should consider local climate, facility type, user
needs, existing conditions (where applicable), relevant code require-
ments, and cost. There are several approaches to setback. Each has
trade-offs between the level of control, complexity, and cost. Com-
mon approaches include
Two-position supply with shutoff dampers in return/exhaust
Pressure-independent valves on supply and return
Modulating control damper or terminal box on return
If a return terminal box is used, consider adding a filter upstream
of the terminal box to protect the airflow sensor.
A separate anesthesia waste gas disposal vacuum system should
be provided for removal of trace gases (NFPA Standard 99). One or
more outlets may be located in each operating room to connect the
anesthetic machine scavenger hose.
Although good results have been reported from air disinfection
of operating rooms by irradiation, this method is seldom used. The
reluctance to use irradiation may be attributed to the need for special
designs for installation, protective measures for patients and person-
nel, constant monitoring of lamp efficiency, and maintenance.
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) air and surface treatments
have emerging applications in health care facilities; see Chapter 60
for general information on their application.
The following conditions are recommended for operating, cath-
eterization, and cystoscopy rooms:
Temperature set points should be adjustable to suit the surgical
staff, and relative humidity should be maintained within the
required range. Systems should be able to maintain the pro-
grammed space temperature and temperature rates of change for
specialized procedures such as cardiac surgery. Tolerable tem-
perature ranges are not intended to be dynamic control ranges.
Special or supplemental cooling equipment should be considered
if this lower temperature negatively affects energy use for sur-
rounding areas.
Air pressure should be kept positive with respect to any adjoining
rooms. A differential-pressure-indicating device should be in-
stalled to help monitor air pressure readings in the rooms.
Fig. 2 Operating Room Layout
(ASHRAE 2013)
Health Care Facilities 9.9
Thorough sealing of all wall, ceiling, and floor penetrations are
essential to maintaining pressure differential.
Humidity and temperature indicators should be located for easy
observation. Occupant control of temperature may result in an
unintended change in relative humidity.
Filter efficiencies should be in accordance with ASHRAE Stan-
dard 170 and the user’s requirements. Supply air HEPA filtration
has been applied for some orthopedic surgical suites where long
procedures with large open wound sites and significant genera-
tion of aerosols caused by use of surgical tools may occur. HEPA
filtration has also been applied for high-air-change-rate recircula-
tion systems where required by the surgical team.
Air should be supplied at the ceiling with exhaust/return from at
least two locations near the floor spaced approximately half of the
room apart. Endoscopic, laparoscopic, or thoracoscopic surgery
procedures aided by camera, and robotic or robot-assisted surgery
procedures, require heat-producing equipment in the operating
room. Exhaust/return openings located above this equipment can
capture the more buoyant heated air and prevent it from being re-
entrained in the ceiling supply airstream. The bottom of low open-
ings should be at least 3 in. above the floor. Supply diffusers
should be unidirectional (laminar-flow), located over the patient
and the surgical team. High-induction ceiling or sidewall diffus-
ers should be avoided.
Total air exchange rates should address lights and equipment
(e.g., blanket and blood warmers, fiber-optic equipment, robotic
consoles) as well as the peak occupancy of the space and the po-
tentially lower temperature required.
Generally, all humidification should be done at the air handler.
Where there is an unusual requirement for different humidity lev-
els in different ORs, then sufficient lengths of straight, watertight,
drained stainless steel or aluminum duct should be installed
downstream of humidification equipment to ensure complete
evaporation of water vapor before air is discharged into the room.
Consider also providing a viewing window in the ductwork to
allow easy verification of system performance.
Obstetrical Areas. The pressure in the obstetrical department
should be positive or equal to that in other areas.
Delivery (Caesarean) Rooms. The delivery room design should
conform to the requirements of operating rooms.
Recovery Rooms. Because the smell of residual anesthesia
sometimes creates odor problems in recovery rooms, ventilation is
important, and a balanced air pressure relative to that of adjoining ar-
eas should be provided.
Intensive Care Units. These units serve seriously ill patients,
such as postoperative and coronary patients. HVAC is similar to
general inpatient rooms unless used for wound (burn) intensive care.
Nursery Suites. Air movement patterns in nurseries should be
carefully designed to reduce the possibility of drafts. Some codes or
jurisdictions require that air be removed near floor level, with the
bottoms of exhaust openings at least 3 in. above the floor; the rela-
tive efficacy of this exhaust arrangement has been questioned by
some experts, because exhaust air outlets have a minimal effect on
room air movement at the relatively low air exchange rates involved.
Finned-tube radiation and other forms of convection heating should
not be used in nurseries.
Full-Term Nurseries. The nursery should have a positive air pres-
sure relative to the work space and examination room, and any
rooms located between the nurseries and the corridor should be sim-
ilarly pressurized relative to the corridor.
Special-Care Nurseries. This type of nursery is usually equipped
with individual incubators to regulate temperature and humidity. It
is desirable to maintain these same conditions in the nursery proper
to accommodate both infants removed from the incubators and
those not placed in incubators. Pressurization of special-care nurs-
eries should correspond to that of full-term nurseries.
Observation Nurseries. Temperature and humidity requirements
for observation nurseries are similar to those for full-term nurseries.
Because infants in these nurseries have unusual clinical symptoms,
air from this area should not enter other nurseries. A negative air
pressure relative to that of the workroom should be maintained in
the nursery. The workroom, usually located between the nursery
and the corridor, should be pressurized relative to the corridor.
Emergency Rooms. Emergency rooms are typically the most
highly contaminated areas in the hospital because of the condition
of many arriving patients and the large number of persons accom-
panying them. Waiting rooms and triage areas require special con-
sideration due to the potential to house undiagnosed patients with
communicable airborne infectious diseases. Clean-to-dirty direc-
tional airflow and zone pressurization techniques should be main-
tained, to reduce the potential of airborne exposure for health care
personnel assigned to the emergency room reception stations.
Trauma Rooms. Emergency trauma rooms located with the
emergency department should have the same temperature, humidity,
and ventilation requirements as those of other applicable operating
Anesthesia Storage Rooms. Anesthesia storage rooms must be
mechanically ventilated in conformance with several detailed re-
quirements in NFPA Standard 99. Building codes may impose ad-
ditional requirements on the storage of compressed gases.
Patient Rooms. Each patient room should have individual tem-
perature control. Air pressure in general patient suites can be neutral
in relation to other areas. Most governmental design criteria and
codes require that all air from toilet rooms be exhausted directly out-
doors. The requirement appears to be based on odor control, though
recent research has documented the ability of toilets to generate
droplets and aerosols (Johnson et al. 2013). Where recirculating
room unit systems are used within patient rooms, it is common prac-
tice to exhaust through the adjoining toilet room an amount of air
equal to the amount of outdoor air brought in for ventilation. Venti-
lation of toilets, bedpan closets, bathrooms, and all interior rooms
should conform to applicable codes.
HVAC energy consumption by patient rooms can be a major con-
tributor to a hospital’s overall HVAC energy usage because they are
constantly occupied. This high occupancy rate, along with the
space’s minimum air change requirements, should be a focus of
methods to minimize energy use. Design requirements for mini-
mum air changes may result in excessive reheating of supply air
from central air-handling units in certain climate zones and building
Protective Environment Isolation Units. Immunosuppressed
patients (including bone marrow or organ transplant, leukemia,
burn, and AIDS patients) are highly susceptible to diseases. Some
physicians prefer an isolated laminar airflow unit to protect the
patient; others feel that the conditions of the laminar cell have a psy-
chologically harmful effect on the patient and prefer flushing out the
room and reducing pathogens in the air. An air distribution of 12 air
changes per hour (ach) supplied through a nonaspirating diffuser is
often recommended. With this arrangement, the clean air is drawn
across the patient and removed at or near the door to the room. Pro-
tective environment rooms are sometimes treated as clean spaces
with design considerations such as an anteroom, supply air HEPA
filtration, and particle count testing evaluated during design.
In cases where the patient is immunosuppressed but not conta-
gious, positive pressure must be maintained between the patient
room and adjacent area. Some jurisdictions may require an ante-
room, maintenance of differential pressure, and local pressure mon-
itoring or alarming. Exam and treatment rooms for these patients
9.10 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
should be controlled in the same manner. Positive pressure should
also be maintained between the entire unit and adjacent areas to pre-
serve clean conditions.
Exceptions to normally established negative and positive pressure
conditions include operating rooms where highly infectious patients
may be treated (e.g., operating rooms in which bronchoscopy or lung
surgery is performed) and infectious isolation rooms that house
immunosuppressed patients with airborne infectious diseases such
as tuberculosis (TB). When a patient is both immunosuppressed and
potentially contagious, combination airborne infectious isolation/
protective environment (combination AII/PE) rooms are pro-
vided. These rooms require an anteroom, which must be either pos-
itive or negative to both the AII/PE room and the corridor or common
space. Either of these anteroom pressurization techniques minimizes
cross contamination between the patient area and surrounding areas,
and may be used depending on local fire smoke management regu-
lations. Pressure controls in the adjacent area or anteroom must
maintain the correct pressure relationship relative to the other adja-
cent room(s) and areas. A separate, dedicated air-handling system to
serve the protective isolation unit simplifies pressure control and air
quality (Murray et al. 1988). Figure 3 shows a typical protective envi-
ronment room arrangement. The differential pressure (DP) sensor
measures the differential pressure between the patient room and the
corridor. If the patient room becomes negative with respect to the
corridor, alarm lights are triggered to alert staff of the change in
Airborne Infection Isolation Unit. The airborne infection iso-
lation (AII) room protects the rest of the hospital from patients’ air-
borne infectious diseases. Multidrug-resistant strains of
tuberculosis have increased the importance of pressurization, air
change rates, filtration, and air distribution design in these rooms
(Rousseau and Rhodes 1993). Temperatures and humidities should
correspond to those specified for patient rooms.
The designer should work closely with health care planners and
the code authority to determine the appropriate isolation room
design. It may be desirable to provide more complete control, with
a separate anteroom used as an air lock to minimize the potential
that aerosol from the patients’ area reach adjacent areas. Design
approaches to airborne infection isolation may also be found in
CDC (2005). AII room exhaust may include HEPA filtration where
there is a concern over recirculation of the exhaust air into nearby
building air intakes or due to concern of the location of where main-
tenance workers may be working. Figure 4 shows a typical AII room
arrangement with an anteroom. The differential pressure (DP) sen-
sor measures the differential pressure between the patient room and
the corridor. If the AII patient room becomes positive with respect
to the corridor, alarm lights are triggered to alert staff.
Some facilities have switchable isolation rooms (rooms that can
be set to function with either positive or negative pressure). CDC
(2005) and FGI (2014a) have, respectively, recommended against
and prohibited this approach. The two drawbacks of this approach
are that (1) it is difficult to maintain the mechanical dampers and
controls required to accurately provide the required pressures, and
(2) it provides a false sense of security to staff who think that this
provision is all that is required to change a room between protective
isolation and infectious isolation, to the exclusion of other sanitizing
Biocontainment Treatment Areas (BTAs). These patient treat-
ment areas (also called biocontainment patient care units) are of
increasing interest and should possibly adopt the previously dis-
cussed clean-to-dirty zoning and airflow paradigm. BTAs are spe-
cial and often isolated clinical and supporting areas specifically
designed to minimize nosocomial transmission during treatment of
patients with suspected or confirmed highly contagious and hazard-
ous illnesses. The design focus for these areas is to protect both the
hospital and attending healthcare workers, while providing an envi-
ronment conducive to patient treatment and recovery. This is par-
tially achieved by following protective engineering and design
principles similar to those used in biosafety level 3 and 4 laboratory
facilities (Smith et al. 2006). Exact design features for BTAs can
vary depending on illness, modes of disease transmission, and avail-
able resources, and BTAs may be designed as disease-specific treat-
ment (or triage) areas or for an all-hazards infectious disease
approach. The spectrum of care may be very broad, ranging from
basic medical observation to intensive clinical care. The most pro-
tective BTA design features include a clean-to-dirty single-pass air-
flow design that augments an established clean-to-dirty human and
material workflow. This approach often incorporates separate entry
and exit points from the patient room. Anterooms at the entry point
can be used for donning personal protective equipment (PPE) as
well as clean observation areas for use by unexposed observers.
Patient rooms within the BTA should be under negative pressure and
may benefit from being AII rooms. Key system redundancies (i.e.,
power, HVAC, exhaust) should be considered and incorporated if
integral to the effectiveness of the BTA’s functional intent. Due to
the significant PPE requirements and their corresponding influence
on worker heat stress, the patient room conditioning capacity should
allow for room temperatures below those commonly used for inpa-
tient treatment.
BTA patient rooms should ideally have private bathrooms with
self-closing doors, toilets with fully closing toilet lids (as allowed by
local code and the AHJ), and hands-free electronic faucets. Negative
Fig. 3 Protective Environment Room Arrangement
(ASHRAE 2013)
Fig. 4 Airborne Infection Isolation Room
(ASHRAE 2013)
Health Care Facilities 9.11
air pressure, enhanced exhaust airflow volumes, and strategic
exhaust louver placement to facilitate capture and removal of toilet
plume aerosols are appropriate considerations for such patient bath-
rooms. Exit points and pathways from the patient room should con-
sider issues such as worker/material decontamination and PPE
doffing, sufficient temporary storage for hazardous medical waste,
and exit path routing of wastes and laboratory samples.
A dedicated laboratory capacity may also be incorporated into
the BTA and should be placed in a location that is compatible with
the clean-to-dirty paradigm. Facilities considering more than one
patient room in their BTA may want to consider incorporating a
shared exit-path anteroom to accommodate many of these functions
while optimizing usage of space. Depending on the scope, size, and
capacity of the BTA, dedicated BTA worker restrooms, decontami-
nation showers, changing rooms, PPE storage, and break areas may
be appropriate. Facilities that specialize in pediatric patients may
also consider special observation and/or interactive capabilities
(e.g., specialized glove ports built into wall of clean observation
area) that allow for safe familial interaction with pediatric patients.
Figure 5 contains a sample layout of a biocontainment unit.
Floor Pantry. Ventilation requirements for this area depend
upon the type of food service used by the hospital. Where bulk food
is dispensed and dishwashing facilities are provided in the pantry,
using hoods above equipment with exhaust to the outdoors is
recommended. Small pantries used for between-meal feedings
require no special ventilation. Air pressure of the pantry should be
in balance with that of adjoining areas to reduce air movement in
either direction.
Labor/Delivery/Recovery/Postpartum (LDRP). The proce-
dures for normal childbirth are considered noninvasive, and rooms
are controlled similarly to patient rooms. Some jurisdictions may
require higher air change rates than in a typical patient room. It is
expected that invasive procedures such as cesarean section are per-
formed in a nearby operating room.
Radiology Department. Factors affecting ventilation system
design in these areas include odors from certain clinical treatments
and the special construction designed to prevent radiation leakage.
Fluoroscopic, radiographic, therapy, and darkroom areas require
special attention.
Fluoroscopic, Radiographic, and Deep Therapy Rooms. These
rooms may require a temperature from 78 to 80°F and a relative
humidity from 40 to 50%. This relative humidity range control often
requires dedicated room equipment and control. Depending on the
location of air supply outlets and exhaust intakes, lead lining may be
required in supply and return ducts at points of entry to various clin-
ical areas to prevent radiation leakage to other occupied areas.
Fig. 5 Biocontainment Treatment Areas
(ASHRAE 2013)
9.12 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
Darkroom. The darkroom is normally in use for longer periods
than x-ray rooms and should have an exhaust system to discharge air
to the outdoors. Exhaust from the film processor should be con-
nected into the darkroom exhaust system.
Laboratories. Air conditioning is necessary in laboratories for
the comfort and safety of the technicians (Degenhardt and Pfost
1983). Chemical fumes, odors, vapors, heat from equipment, and
the undesirability of open windows all contribute to this need. Pay
particular attention to the size and type of equipment used in the var-
ious laboratories, because equipment heat gain usually constitutes a
major portion of the cooling load; see Table 7 in Chapter 18 of the
2013 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals for examples.
The general air distribution and exhaust systems should be
constructed of conventional materials following standard designs
for the type of systems used. Exhaust systems serving hoods in
which radioactive materials, volatile solvents, and strong oxidizing
agents (e.g., perchloric acid) are used should be made of stainless
steel. Washdown facilities and dedicated exhaust fans should be
provided for hoods and ducts handling perchloric acid.
Hood use may dictate other duct materials. Hoods in which
radioactive, carcinogenic, or infectious materials are to be used
should be equipped with high-efficiency (HEPA) filters for the
exhaust and have a procedure and equipment for safe removal and
replacement of contaminated filters. Exhaust duct routing should be
as short as possible with minimal horizontal offsets and, when pos-
sible, duct portions with contaminated air should be maintained
under negative pressure (e.g., locate fan on clean side of filter). This
applies especially to perchloric acid hoods because of the extremely
hazardous, explosive nature of this material. Hood exhaust fans
should be located at the discharge end of the duct system to prevent
exhaust products entering the building. The hood exhaust system
should not shut off if the supply air system fails. Chemical storage
rooms must have a constantly operating exhaust air system. For fur-
ther information on laboratory air conditioning and hood exhaust
systems, see AIHA Standard Z9.5, Hagopian and Hoyle (1984),
NFPA Standard 45, and Chapter 16 of this volume.
Exhaust air from hoods in biochemistry, histology, cytology,
pathology, glass washing/sterilizing, and serology-bacteriology
units should be discharged to the outdoors with no recirculation.
Use care in designing the exhaust outlet locations and arrange-
ments: exhaust should not be reentrained in the building through
outdoor air intakes or other building openings. Separation from
outdoor air intake sources, wind direction and velocity, building
geometry, and exhaust outlet height and velocity are important. In
many laboratory exhaust systems, exhaust fans discharge vertically
at a minimum of 10 ft above the roof at velocities up to 4000 fpm.
The entire laboratory area should be under slight negative pressure
to reduce the spread of odors or contamination to other hospital
areas. Temperatures and humidities should be within the comfort
Bacteriology Laboratories. These units should not have undue
air movement; limit air velocities to a minimum. The sterile transfer
room, which may be within or adjoining the bacteriology labora-
tory, is where sterile media are distributed and where specimens are
transferred to culture media. To maintain a sterile environment, a
HEPA filter should be installed in the supply air duct near the point
of entry to the room. The media room should be ventilated to
remove odors and steam.
Infectious Disease and Virus Laboratories. These laborato-
ries, found only in large hospitals, require special treatment. A min-
imum ventilation rate of 6 ach or makeup approximately equal to
hood exhaust volume is recommended for these laboratories, which
should have a negative air pressure relative to adjacent areas to help
prevent exfiltration of airborne contaminants. Exhaust air from
fume hoods or safety cabinets must be sterilized before being
exhausted to the outdoors. This may be accomplished by using elec-
tric or gas-fired heaters placed in series in the exhaust systems and
designed to heat the exhaust air to 600°F. A more common and less
expensive method of sterilizing the exhaust is to use HEPA filters in
the system.
Nuclear Medicine Laboratories. Such laboratories administer
radioisotopes to patients orally, intravenously, or by inhalation to fa-
cilitate diagnosis and treatment of disease. There is little opportunity
in most cases for airborne contamination of the internal environment,
but exceptions warrant special consideration. One important excep-
tion involves the use of iodine-131 solution in capsules or vials to
diagnose thyroid disorders. Another involves use of xenon-133 gas
via inhalation to study patients with reduced lung function.
Capsules of iodine-131 occasionally leak part of their contents
before use. Vials emit airborne contaminants when opened for
preparation of a dose. It is common practice for vials to be opened
and handled in a standard laboratory fume hood; a minimum face
velocity of 100 fpm should be adequate for this purpose. This rec-
ommendation applies only where small quantities are handled in
simple operations. Other circumstances may warrant use of a glove
box or similar confinement. Diagnostic use of xenon-133 involves a
special instrument that allows the patient to inhale the gas and to
exhale back into the instrument. The exhaled gas is passed through
a charcoal trap mounted in lead, and is often vented outdoors. The
process suggests some potential for escape of the gas into the inter-
nal environment.
Because of the specialized nature of these operations and of the
equipment involved, it is recommended that system designers deter-
mine the specific instrument to be used and contact the manufac-
turer for guidance. Other guidance is available in U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 10.8 (NRC 1980). In
particular, emergency procedures in case of accidental release of
xenon-133 should include temporary evacuation of the area and/or
increasing the ventilation rate of the area. Recommendations for
pressure relationships, supply air filtration, supply air volume, air-
borne particle counts, recirculation, and other attributes of supply
and discharge systems for histology, pathology, pharmacy, and
cytology laboratories are also relevant to nuclear medicine labora-
tories. The NRC does, however, impose some special ventilation
system requirements where radioactive materials are used. For
example, NRC (1980) provides a computational procedure to esti-
mate the airflow necessary to maintain xenon-133 gas concentration
at or below specified levels. It also contains specific requirements as
to the amount of radioactivity that may be vented to the atmosphere;
the disposal method of choice is adsorption onto charcoal traps.
Autopsy Rooms. Susceptible to heavy bacterial contamination
(e.g., tuberculosis) and odor, autopsy rooms must maintain a nega-
tive air pressure relative to adjoining rooms or the corridor to help
prevent the spread of contamination (Murray et al. 1988). Autopsy
rooms are part of the hospital’s pathology department and require
special attention (CDC 2005). Exhaust intakes should be located
both at the ceiling and in the low sidewall. Where large quantities of
formaldehyde are used, special exhaust systems can effectively con-
trol concentrations below legal exposure limits. A combination of
localized exhaust and ventilation systems with downdraft or side-
draft tables has been shown to effectively control concentrations
while using smaller exhaust volumes than those required by dilution
ventilation (Gressel and Hughes 1992). In smaller hospitals where
the autopsy room is used infrequently, local control of the ventila-
tion system and an odor control system with either activated char-
coal or potassium permanganate-impregnated activated alumina
may be sufficient.
Animal Quarters. Principally because of odor, animal quarters
(found only in larger research hospitals) require a mechanical ex-
haust system that discharges contaminated air above the hospital roof
and maintains a negative air pressure relative to adjoining areas to
Health Care Facilities 9.13
help prevent the spread of odor, allergens, or other contaminants.
Chapter 16 has further information on animal room air conditioning.
Pharmacies. Design and ventilation requirements for pharma-
cies can vary greatly according to the type of compounding per-
formed within the space. Pharmacies handling hazardous drugs and/
or involved in sterile compounding activities have special require-
ments for incorporating primary engineering controls (PECs) such
as horizontal or vertical laminar-airflow workbenches (LAFW),
biological safety cabinets (BSC), and compounding (barrier) iso-
lators. Room air distribution and filtration must be coordinated
with any PECs that may be needed. See Chapters 16 and 18 for
more information.
Sterile Compounding. Sterile pharmaceutical compounding re-
quirements are prescribed by USP (2008). USP Chapter 797 is en-
forceable under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, is adopted
in whole or in part by many state boards of pharmacy, and may be
incorporated into the inspection programs of health care accredita-
tion organizations. The Joint Commission recognized USP 797 as a
consensus-based safe practice guideline for sterile compounding;
however, they do not require its direct implementation as a condi-
tion of accreditation. End users, owners, architects, and engineers
should consult the most recent release of USP 797, which is under
continuous maintenance, as well as applicable sterile compounding
design guidance adopted by their state boards of pharmacy.
USP 797 prescribes that all sterile pharmaceutical preparations
to be administered more than 1 h after preparation must be com-
pounded entirely within a critical work zone protected by a unidi-
rectional, HEPA-filtered airflow of ISO class 5 (former class 100
under withdrawn Federal Standard 209E; see Chapter 18 for class
definitions) or better air quality. This ISO class 5 environment is
generally provided using a primary engineering control (PEC) such
as a LAFW, BSC, or compounding isolator. USP 797 also requires
that the ISO class 5 critical work zone be placed within a buffer area
(also called a buffer room or cleanroom) (the air quality of which
must meet a minimum of ISO class 7) and contain air-conditioning
and humidity controls. Adjacent to the buffer area, the sterile com-
pounding pharmacy design must incorporate an ante area for stor-
age, hand washing, nonsterile preparation activities, donning and
doffing of protective overgarments, etc. The air cleanliness in the
ante area must be a minimum of ISO class 8 (exception: see the fol-
lowing Hazardous Drugs section). The ante area and buffer area
constitute secondary engineering controls. Low-risk preparations
that are nonhazardous and destined for administration within 12 h of
compounding are granted an exemption from these secondary engi-
neering controls if they are prepared within an ISO class 5 PEC and
the compounding area is segregated from noncompounding areas.
Pharmacy designers should note that the ISO class 5, 7, and 8 air
cleanliness requirements are specified for dynamic conditions (USP
2008). Although ASHRAE Standard 170 does not prescribe a de-
sign temperature for health care pharmacies, USP 797 recommends
a maximum temperature of 68°F because of the increased thermal
insulation that results from wearing protective clothing and the ad-
verse sterility conditions that could arise from uncomfortably warm
and/or sweaty pharmacy workers.
Beyond air quality requirements, the physical design features sep-
arating the buffer area from the ante area are based on the pharmacy’s
compounded sterile preparation (CSP) risk level (low, medium, or
high) for microbial, chemical, and physical contamination. USP 797
instructs pharmacy professionals on how to determine their phar-
macy’s CSP risk level based on purity and packaging of source
materials, quantity and type of pharmaceuticals, time until its admin-
istration, and various other factors. The desired CSP risk level capa-
bility should be identified before designing the pharmacy design
layout. Pharmacies intended for compounding high-risk-level CSPs
require a physical barrier with a door to separate the buffer room
from the anteroom, and the buffer room must be maintained at a
minimum positive pressure differential of 0.02 in. of water. For me-
dium- and low-risk level CSPs, the buffer area and ante area can be
in the same room, with an obvious line of demarcation separating the
two areas and with the demonstrable use of displacement airflow,
flowing from the buffer area towards the ante area. Depending on the
affected cross-sectional area and the moderately high velocity re-
quired to maintain the displacement uniformity (typically 40 fpm or
greater), designers may find the physical barrier design to be a more
energy friendly approach. USP further prescribes areas to receive a
minimum of 30 ach (with up to 15 of these provided by the PEC) if
the area is designated to be ISO class 7. There is no minimum venti-
lation requirement prescribed for ISO class 8 ante areas (USP 2008).
Selecting pharmacy PECs can be a delicate task. Class II BSCs
are currently certified following the construction and performance
guidelines developed by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)
and adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI/
NSF Standard 49-2014). However, no such national certification
program exists for compounding isolators. USP 797 addresses this
shortcoming by referencing isolator testing and performance guide-
lines developed by the Controlled Environment Testing Association
(CETA 2006).
Hazardous Drugs. Compounding hazardous drugs is another
pharmaceutical operation that requires special design consider-
ations. NIOSH (2004) warned of the dangers of occupational expo-
sures to hazardous drugs, over 130 of which were defined and
identified; roughly 90 of these drugs were antineoplastic agents pri-
marily used during cancer treatments. Several of NIOSH’s recom-
mended protective measures can affect a pharmacy’s ventilation
design and physical layout. These recommendations include the fol-
Prepare hazardous drugs in an area devoted to that purpose alone
and restricted to authorized personnel.
Prepare hazardous drugs inside a ventilated cabinet designed to
prevent hazardous drugs from being released into the work envi-
Use a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter for exhaust
from ventilated cabinets and, where feasible, exhaust 100% of the
filtered air to the outdoors, away from outdoor air intakes or other
points of entry.
Place fans downstream of HEPA filters so that contaminated ducts
and plenums are maintained under negative pressure.
Design the exhaust system such that negative pressure is main-
tained in the cabinet in the event of fan failure.
Do not use ventilated cabinets (BSCs or compounding aseptic
containment isolators [CACIs]) that recirculate air inside the cab-
inet or that exhaust air back into the pharmacy unless the hazard-
ous drug(s) in use will not volatilize (evaporate or sublimate)
while they are being handled or after they are captured by the
HEPA filter. (Note: This recommendation is a shift from tradi-
tional pharmacy design practice and involves knowledge of the
physical properties of drugs within the current drug formulary as
well as future new drugs that might be compounded within the
cabinet. Within-cabinet recirculation [e.g., BSC class II Type A2
or B1] is allowed when airstream has zero or only minute vapor
drug contaminant.)
Store hazardous drugs separately from other drugs, in an area with
sufficient general exhaust ventilation to dilute and remove any
airborne contaminants. Depending on the physical nature and
quantity of the stored drugs, consider installing a separate, high-
volume, emergency exhaust fan capable of quickly purging air-
borne contaminants from the storage room in the event of a spill,
to prevent airborne migration into adjacent areas.
The American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists’ Guide-
lines on Handling Hazardous Drugs (ASHP 2006) adopted NIOSH’s
(2004) protective equipment recommendations, and added the
9.14 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
specification that hazardous drug compounding should be done in a
contained, negative-pressure environment or one that is protected
by an airlock or anteroom.
Often, hazardous drugs also require sterile compounding. If so,
pharmacies must have an environment suitable for both product ste-
rility and worker protection. ASHP (2006), NIOSH (2004), and
USP (2008) all address these dual objectives by recommending the
use of BSCs or compounding aseptic containment isolators. The
precautionary recommendations regarding in-cabinet recirculation
and cabinet-to-room recirculation of air potentially contaminated
with hazardous drugs still apply. In addition, USP 797 requires haz-
ardous drug sterile compounding to be conducted in a negative-
pressure compounding area and to be stored in dedicated storage
areas with a minimum of 12 ach of general exhaust. When CACIs
are used outside of an ISO 7 buffer area, the compounding area must
maintain a negative pressure of 0.01 in. of water and also have a
minimum of 12 ach. Anterooms adjacent to an ISO 7 buffer area
must also be ISO 7, since there will be air leakage from the ante-
room into the negative pressure hazardous drug buffer area.
Table 4 provides a matrix of design and equipment decision logic
based on USP 797 and NIOSH (2004).
In February 2016, USP published a new pharmaceutical standard
identified as general chapter 800: Hazardous Drugs—Handling in
Healthcare Settings. The new chapter applies to all hazardous drug
compounding, whereas the previously published guidance in USP
797 was only applicable to sterile compounding. As a USP chapter
numbered less than 1000, it is federally enforceable, as well as
adoptable (in whole or in part) by individual state boards of phar-
macy. Although published in 2016, USP 800 has an official imple-
mentation date of December 1, 2019 to allow health care facilities
sufficient time to implement necessary engineering design require-
ments. The USP 800 chapter applies to all health care facilities
(including veterinary facilities) where hazardous drugs are handled,
manipulated, stored, or distributed. Most of the guidance for haz-
ardous drug sterile compounding carries over from USP 797, but
there are two major changes: (1) the low-volume exemption men-
tioned in Table 3 no longer applies, and (2) USP 800 allows low-to-
medium risk sterile compounding to occur in an ISO 5 PEC placed
in a nonclassified area (segregated compounding area) in accor-
dance with USP 797 use limitations. The USP 800 chapter adopts a
reception-through-administration approach to protecting health
care workers from hazardous drug exposures and provides specified
requirements for receiving, storing, mixing, preparing, compound-
ing, dispensing, and administering hazardous drugs. Most of these
requirements include an engineering and/or architectural design
component are summarized in Table 5.
This department includes the main lobby and admitting, medical
records, and business offices. Admissions and waiting rooms may
harbor patients with undiagnosed airborne infectious diseases, so
consider using local exhaust systems that move air toward the ad-
mitting patient. A separate air-handling system is considered desir-
able to segregate this area from the hospital proper, because it is
usually unoccupied at night and thus a good candidate for energy
savings control solutions. Open-water features are strongly discour-
aged inside health care occupancies; if closed water features are
proposed, provide water treatment and other administrative and en-
gineering controls to protect occupants from infectious or irritating
aerosols. Refer to ASHRAE Standard 188-2015 and Guideline 12
for further guidance.
Diagnostic and Treatment
Bronchoscopy, Sputum Collection, and Pentamidine Ad-
ministration Procedures. These procedures have a high potential
for discharges of potentially infectious droplet nuclei into the
room air via coughing. Bronchoscopy procedures can release
airborne aerosols into the room from a patient who could possibly
be diagnosed with tuberculosis, and nontherapeutic exposures to
pentamidine are an additional exposure concern. The procedures
and patient recovery period (when excessive coughing may occur)
are best suited for an airborne infectious isolation (AII) room.
ASHRAE Standard 170 requires local capture exhaust (enclosed
administration booth, enclosing hood or tent) near the
bronchoscopy procedure site along with exhaust and pressurization
similar to an AII room.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Rooms. These rooms
should be treated as exam rooms in terms of temperature, humidity,
and ventilation. However, special attention is required in the control
room because of the high heat release of computer equipment, and in
the exam room because of the cryogens used to cool the magnet.
Nonferrous material requirements and shielding penetrations should
be in accordance with the specific manufacturer’s requirements.
Heat Gains from Medical Equipment. Table 6 in Chapter 18 of
the 2017 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals tabulates typical heat
gain from many types of smaller mobile medical equipment. ASH-
RAE research project RP-1343 (Koenigshofer et al. 2009) devel-
oped methods to test heat gain from large, fixed medical imaging
equipment systems at both idle and peak outputs during operational
cycles. Tables 6 and 7 present results for some of the equipment test-
ed in RP-1343. Medical equipment heat outputs can vary widely
among different manufacturers, even for equipment that performs a
similar function, and the medical equipment field is rapidly advanc-
ing. The functional program should identify specific manufacturers
and models for the HVAC designer’s use early in the design process.
Treatment Rooms. Patients are brought to these rooms for spe-
cial treatments (e.g., hyperbaric oxygen therapy) that cannot be con-
veniently administered in patient rooms. To accommodate the
patient, the rooms should have independent temperature and humid-
ity control. Temperatures and humidities should correspond to those
specified for patients’ rooms.
Table 4 Minimum Environmental Control Guidance for Pharmacies
Compounding Scenario Hazardous Drug (HD) (Requires separate area) Nonhazardous Drug
Sterile compounding to be
administered within 12 h
ISO 5 CACI or BSC within negative-pressure ISO 7
buffer + ISO 7 ante areas
If immediate use and low risk: no environmental requirements if admin-
istered <12 h + ISO 5 PEC within segregated compounding area
Sterile compounding to be
administered after 12 h or
ISO 5 CACI or BSC within negative-pressure ISO 7
buffer + ISO 7 ante areas
ISO 5 PEC + ISO 7 buffer + ISO 8 ante areas
- High-risk compounding requires physical barrier with min. positive
pressure (0.02 in. of water) in buffer room relative to anteroom
- Medium- and low-risk compounding may use physical barrier (as per
high risk) or a clearly identified line of demarcation between buffer and
ante areas with uniform displacement airflow (min. of 40 fpm recom-
mended) in direction of buffer to ante areas
Nonsterile compounding Needs compounding containment isolator or BSC No sterility or occupational exposure controls required
*For facilities that prepare a low volume of hazardous drugs and use two tiers of containment (e.g., CSTD within CACI or BSC), a negative-pressure buffer area is not required.
Health Care Facilities 9.15
Physical Therapy Department. The cooling load of the electro-
therapy section is affected by the shortwave diathermy, infrared, and
ultraviolet equipment used in this area.
Hydrotherapy Section. This section, with its various water treat-
ment baths, is generally maintained at temperatures up to 80°F. The
potential latent heat load in this area should not be overlooked. The
exercise section requires no special treatment; temperatures and
humidities should be within the comfort zone. Air may be recircu-
lated within the areas, and an odor control system is suggested.
Occupational Therapy Department. In this department, spaces
for activities such as weaving, braiding, artwork, and sewing require
no special ventilation treatment. Air recirculation in these areas
using medium-grade filters in the system is permissible. Larger hos-
pitals and those specializing in rehabilitation may offer patients a
greater diversity of skills to learn and craft activities, including car-
pentry, metalwork, plastics, photography, ceramics, and painting.
The air-conditioning and ventilation requirements of the various
sections should conform to normal practice for such areas and to the
codes relating to them. Temperatures and humidities should be
maintained within comfort levels.
Inhalation Therapy Department. This department treats pul-
monary and other respiratory disorders. The air must be very clean,
and the area should have a positive pressure relative to adjacent
areas, except when the patient may also be airborne infectious or
when the treatment regimen uses hazardous drug therapies. Local
exhaust ventilation controls (e.g., administration booth, enclosing
hood or tent) should be provided to control exposure of staff to haz-
ardous drug therapies.
Workrooms. Clean workrooms serve as storage and distribution
centers for clean supplies and should be maintained at a positive
pressure relative to the corridor. Soiled workrooms serve primarily as
collection points for soiled utensils and materials. They are consid-
ered contaminated rooms and should have a negative air pressure rel-
ative to adjoining areas. Temperatures and humidities should be in
the comfort range and account for protective clothing requirements
required for the room occupants.
Decontamination, High-Level Disinfection,
Sterilization and Supply
Used and contaminated utensils, instruments, and equipment are
brought to this unit for decontamination and high level disinfection
or sterilization before reuse. The central sterile processing unit usu-
ally consists of a decontamination area, a sterile prep area, a steriliz-
ing area, and a sterile storage area where supplies are kept until
requisitioned. The decontamination area must be physically sepa-
rated from the sterile prep and sterilization areas. A dedicated endo-
scope reprocessing area may support the inpatient endoscopy suite.
Although AAMI allows for decontamination and high level disinfec-
tion to be located in the same space, a clear line of demarcation
between soiled cleaning activities and the clean manual or automated
disinfection activities. Air should flow from the clean disinfection
area toward the contaminated cleaning area (ANSI/AAMI Standard
58:2013). Air pressure relationships should conform to those indi-
cated in ASHRAE Standard 170. Temperature and humidity should
be within the comfort range. Pay special attention to equipment used
in these areas (gaps in disinfection/cleaning equipment and piping
penetrations between decontamination and clean rooms) to maintain
pressurization requirements.
The following guidelines are important in the central sterilizing
and supply unit:
Insulate sterilizers to reduce heat load.
Amply ventilate sterilizer equipment closets to remove excess
Where ethylene oxide (ETO) gas sterilizers are used, provide a
separate exhaust system with terminal fan (Samuals and Eastin
Table 5 Engineering Requirements for Receiving, Storing, and Manipulating Hazardous Drugs
Activity Minimum Engineering Requirements
Hazardous drug receipt/unpacking Segregated area at negative or neutral pressure to surrounding areas
Hazardous drug storage* Segregated area, externally vented, (0.01 in. of water) negative pressure, 12
Nonsterile HD compounding Containment, primary engineering control (C-PEC): externally vented (pre-
ferred) or redundant HEPA filtered.
Containment, secondary engineering control (C-SEC): externally vented,
(0.01 in. of water) negative pressure, 12 ach
Sterile HD compounding (two allowable configurations):
Buffer room configuration C-PEC: ISO 5 direct compounding area, externally vented [e.g. Class II
(Types A2, B1 or B2), Class III BSC or CACI]
C-SEC: externally vented, ISO 7 buffer area, (0.01 in. of water) negative pres-
sure, 30 ach plus ISO 7 anteroom, (0.02 in. of water) positive pressure relative
to all adjacent unclassified areas, 30 ach
Segregated compounding area configuration (for low- and medium-risk
compounding use only; see USP 797 for compounding risk determinations)
Nonclassified air cleanliness, 12 ach, 0.01 in. of water negative pressure
*Non-antineoplastic-reproductive risk only, and final dosage forms of antineoplastic HDs may be stored with other inventory if permitted by entity policy.
Table 6 Summary of Heat Gain to Air from Imaging Systems
60 min
Average, Btu/h
MRI #1 83,331 75,873
MRI #2 80,475 65,323
X-ray 4,258 3,692 4,604
Fluoroscopy #1 41,384 31,322 24,946
Fluoroscopy #2 17,100 15,105 20,123
CT–64 slice 24,085 22,437 65,450
PET/CT 43,008 33,438
Nuclear camera 3,790 3,620
Linear accelerator 111,238 67,807 31,249
Ultrasound (portable) 2,927 1,692
Cyberknife 45,720 35,440
Table 7 Summary of Heat Gain to Air
Equipment Calculated Idle, Btu/h High, Btu/h
Dialysis machine 1356 2342
Film processor 1367 1427
Pharmacy freezer 2478 2787
Pharmacy refrigerator 1653 1997
9.16 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
1980). Provide adequate exhaust capture velocity in the vicinity
of sources of ETO leakage. Install an exhaust at sterilizer doors
and over the sterilizer drain, and exhaust flammable storage cab-
inets and sterilant cylinder supply cabinets. Exhaust aerator and
service rooms. Sterilizers should be equipped with automatic aer-
ation functionality. Audible and visual ETO alarm sensors and
exhaust flow sensors should also be provided and monitored.
ETO sterilizers should be located in dedicated unoccupied rooms
that have a highly negative pressure relative to adjacent spaces
and 10 ach. Many jurisdictions require that ETO exhaust systems
have equipment to remove ETO from exhaust air (see OSHA
Standard 29 CFR 1910.1047).
Similar provisions for monitoring and alarms should be consid-
ered for hydrogen peroxide sterilizers.
Maintain storage areas for sterile supplies at a relative humidity of
no more than 50%.
Service areas include dietary, housekeeping, biohazardous waste
storage, mechanical, and employee facilities. Whether these areas
are conditioned or not, adequate ventilation is important to provide
sanitation and a wholesome environment. Ventilation of these areas
cannot be limited to exhaust systems only; provision for supply air
must be incorporated into the design. Such air must be filtered and
delivered at controlled temperatures. The best designed exhaust sys-
tem may prove ineffective without an adequate air supply. Ex-
perience shows that relying on open windows results only in
dissatisfaction, particularly during the heating season. Air-to-air heat
exchangers in the general ventilation system offer possibilities for
sustainable operation in these areas.
Dietary Facilities. These areas usually include the main kitchen,
bakery, dietitian’s office, dishwashing room, and dining space.
Because of the various conditions encountered (i.e., high heat and
moisture production, cooking odors), special attention in design is
needed to provide an acceptable environment. See Chapter 34 for
information on kitchen facilities.
The dietitian’s office is often located within the main kitchen or
immediately adjacent to it. It is usually completely enclosed for pri-
vacy and noise reduction. Air conditioning is recommended for
maintaining normal comfort conditions.
The dishwashing room should be enclosed and minimally venti-
lated to equal the dishwasher hood exhaust. It is not uncommon for
the dishwashing area to be divided into a soiled area and a clean
area. In such cases, the soiled area should be kept at a negative pres-
sure relative to the clean area.
Ventilation of the dining space should conform to local codes.
The reuse of dining space air for ventilation and cooling of food
preparation areas in the hospital is suggested, provided the reused
air is passed through filters with a filtration efficiency of MERV 13
or better. Where cafeteria service is provided, serving areas and
steam tables are usually hooded. The air-handling capacities of
these hoods should be sized to accommodate exhaust flow rates (see
Table 6 in Chapter 34). Ventilation systems for food preparation and
adjacent areas should include an interface with hood exhaust con-
trols to assist in maintaining pressure relationships.
Kitchen Compressor/Condenser Spaces. Ventilation of these
spaces should conform to all codes, with the following additional
considerations: (1) 350 cfm of ventilating air per compressor horse-
power should be used for units located in the kitchen; (2) condensing
units should operate optimally at 90°F maximum ambient tempera-
ture; and (3) where air temperature or air circulation is marginal,
specify combination air- and water-cooled condensing units. It is
often worthwhile to use condenser water coolers or remote condens-
ers. Consider using heat recovery from water-cooled condensers.
Laundry and Linen Facilities. Of these facilities, only the
soiled linen storage room, soiled linen sorting room, soiled utility
room, and laundry processing area require special attention. The
room for storing soiled linen before pickup by commercial laundry
is odorous and contaminated, and should be well ventilated, ex-
hausted, and maintained at a negative air pressure. The soiled utility
room is provided for inpatient services and is normally contaminat-
ed with noxious odors. This room should be mechanically exhaust-
ed directly outdoors.
In the laundry processing area, equipment such as washers, flat-
work ironers, and tumblers should have direct overhead exhaust to
reduce humidity. Such equipment should be insulated or shielded
whenever possible to reduce the high radiant heat effects. A canopy
over the flatwork ironer and exhaust air outlets near other heat-pro-
ducing equipment capture and remove heat best. Air supply inlets
should be located to move air through the processing area toward the
heat-producing equipment. The exhaust system from flatwork iron-
ers and tumblers should be independent of the general exhaust sys-
tem and equipped with lint filters. Air should exhaust above the roof
or where it will not be obnoxious to occupants of other areas. Heat
reclamation from the laundry exhaust air may be desirable and prac-
Where air conditioning is contemplated, a separate supplemen-
tary air supply, similar to that recommended for kitchen hoods, may
be located near the exhaust canopy over the ironer. Alternatively,
consider spot cooling for personnel confined to specific areas.
Mechanical Facilities. The air supply to boiler rooms should
provide both comfortable working conditions and the air quantities
required for maximum combustion of the particular fuel used.
Boiler and burner ratings establish maximum combustion rates, so
the air quantities can be computed according to the type of fuel. Suf-
ficient air must be supplied to the boiler room to supply the exhaust
fans as well as the boilers.
At workstations, the ventilation system should limit tempera-
tures to 90°F effective temperature. When ambient outdoor air
temperature is higher, indoor temperature may be that of the out-
door air up to a maximum of 97°F to protect motors from exces-
sive heat.
Maintenance Shops. Carpentry, machine, electrical, and plumb-
ing shops present no unusual ventilation requirements. Proper ven-
tilation of paint shops and paint storage areas is important because
of fire hazard and should conform to all applicable codes. Mainte-
nance shops where welding occurs should have exhaust ventilation.
An outpatient health care facility may be a free-standing unit,
part of an acute care facility, or part of a medical facility such as a
medical office building (clinic). Any outpatient surgery is per-
formed without anticipation of overnight stay by patients (i.e., the
facility operates 8 to 10 h per day).
If physically connected to a hospital and served by the hospital’s
HVAC systems, spaces within the outpatient health care facility
should conform to requirements in the section on Hospital Facili-
ties. Outpatient health care facilities that are totally detached and
have their own HVAC systems may be categorized as diagnostic
clinics, treatment clinics, or both. Many types of outpatient health
care facilities have been built with many combinations of different
programmed uses occurring in a single building structure. Some of
the more common types include primary care facilities, freestanding
emergency facilities, freestanding outpatient diagnostic and treat-
ment facilities, freestanding urgent care facilities, freestanding can-
cer treatment facilities, outpatient surgical facilities, gastrointestinal
endoscopy facilities, renal dialysis centers, outpatient psychiatric
Health Care Facilities 9.17
centers, outpatient rehabilitation facilities, freestanding birth cen-
ters, and dental centers.
When specific treatments in these outpatient facilities are medi-
cally consistent with hospital-based treatments, then environmental
design guidance for hospitals should also apply to the outpatient
treatment location. Information under the Hospital Facilities part of
this chapter may also be applicable to outpatient occupancies per-
forming a similar activity. Outpatient and clinic facilities should
generally be designed according to criteria shown in ASHRAE
Standard 170, unless those criteria conflict with local or state require-
A diagnostic clinic is a facility where ambulatory patients are
regularly seen for diagnostic services or minor treatment, but where
major treatment requiring general anesthesia or surgery is not per-
formed. Diagnostic clinics may use specialized medical imaging
equipment, which may be portable cart-mounted items or large per-
manently mounted pieces with adjoining control rooms and equip-
ment rooms. The equipment may require a minimum relative
humidity for proper operation. Heat gains from equipment can be
large; see Table 5 and the equipment manufacturer’s recommenda-
A treatment clinic is a facility where major or minor procedures
are performed on an outpatient basis. These procedures may render
patients temporarily incapable of taking action for self-preservation
under emergency conditions without assistance from others (NFPA
Code 101).
Design Criteria
See the following subsections under Hospital Facilities:
Infection Sources
Control Measures
Air Quality
Air Movement
Temperature and Humidity
Smoke Control
An outpatient recovery area may not need to be considered a sen-
sitive area, depending on the patients’ treatments. Infection control
concerns are the same as in an acute care hospital. Minimum venti-
lation rates, desired pressure relationships and relative humidity,
and design temperature ranges are similar to the requirements for
hospitals in ASHRAE Standard 170.
The following departments in an outpatient treatment clinic have
design criteria similar to those in hospitals:
Surgical: operating, recovery, and anesthesia storage rooms
Diagnostic and treatment
Decontamination, high-level disinfection, sterilization, and sup-
Service: soiled workrooms, mechanical facilities, and locker
Institutional dental facilities include reception and waiting areas,
treatment rooms (called operatories), and workrooms where sup-
plies are stored and instruments are cleaned and sterilized; they may
include laboratories where restorations are fabricated or repaired.
Many common dental procedures generate aerosols, dusts, and
particulates (Ninomura and Byrns 1998). The aerosols/dusts may
contain microorganisms (both pathogenic and benign), metals (e.g.,
mercury fumes), and other substances (e.g., silicone dusts, latex
allergens). Some measurements indicate that levels of bioaerosols
during and immediately following a procedure can be extremely
high (Earnest and Loesche 1991). Lab procedures have been shown
to generate dusts and aerosols containing metals. At this time, only
limited information and research are available on the level, nature,
or persistence of bioaerosol and particulate contamination in dental
facilities. Consider using local exhaust ventilation (possibly recir-
culating with HEPA filtration) to help capture and control these
aerosols, because dental care providers and patients are often close
Nitrous oxide is used as an analgesic/anesthetic gas in many
facilities. The design for controlling nitrous oxide should consider
that nitrous oxide (1) is heavier than air and may accumulate near
the floor if air mixing is inefficient, and (2) should be exhausted
directly outdoors. Use active waste gas scavenging to prevent accu-
mulation of waste gases during dental procedures; passive scaveng-
ing through an open window or a vent in the wall should not be used.
Some owners may desire standby or emergency service capabil-
ity for the heating, air-conditioning, and service hot-water systems
and that these systems be able to function after a natural disaster.
To reduce utility costs, use energy-conserving measures such as
recovery devices, variable air volume, load shedding, or devices to
shut down or reduce ventilation of certain areas when unoccupied.
Mechanical ventilation should take advantage of outdoor air by
using an economizer cycle (when appropriate) to reduce heating and
cooling loads.
The section on Facility Design and Operation includes informa-
tion on zoning and insulation that applies to outpatient facilities as
FGI’s (2014b) Guidelines for Design and Construction of Resi-
dential Health, Care, and Support Facilities discusses requirements
for nursing homes, hospice facilities, assisted living facilities, inde-
pendent living settings, adult day care facilities, wellness centers,
and outpatient rehabilitation centers. HVAC design requirements
for these spaces, and consequently applicability of ASHRAE stan-
dards to their design, can vary greatly. ASHRAE Standard 170
addresses assisted living, hospice, and nursing facilities. ASHRAE
Standard 62.1 or 62.2 may be applicable to other types of commer-
cial space design, if they are nontransient and residential in nature.
Nursing Facilities
Nursing facilities may be classified as follows:
Extended care facilities are for recuperation by hospital patients
who no longer require hospital facilities but do require the thera-
peutic and rehabilitative services of skilled nurses. This type of
facility is either a direct hospital adjunct or a separate facility with
close ties with the hospital. Clientele may be of any age, usually
stay from 35 to 40 days, and usually have only one diagnostic prob-
Skilled nursing homes care for people who require assistance in
daily activities; many of them are incontinent and nonambulatory,
and some are disoriented. Residents may come directly from their
homes or from residential care homes, are generally elderly (with an
average age of 80), stay an average of 47 months, and frequently
have multiple diagnostic problems.
Residential care homes are generally for elderly people who are
unable to cope with regular housekeeping chores but have no acute
ailments and are able to care for all their personal needs, lead normal
9.18 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
lives, and move freely in and out of the home and the community.
These homes may or may not offer skilled nursing care. The average
length of stay is four years or more.
Functionally, these buildings have five types of areas that are of
concern to the HVAC designer: (1) administrative and support areas
inhabited by staff, (2) patient areas that provide direct normal daily
services, (3) treatment areas that provide special medical services,
(4) clean workrooms for storing and distributing clean supplies, and
(5) soiled workrooms for collecting soiled and contaminated sup-
plies and for sanitizing nonlaundry items.
Nursing homes occupants are usually frail, and many are incon-
tinent. Though some occupants are ambulatory, others are bedrid-
den, suffering from advanced illnesses. The selected HVAC and air
distribution system must dilute and control odors and should not
cause drafts. Local climatic conditions, costs, and designer judg-
ment determine the extent and degree of air conditioning and
humidification. Odor may be controlled with large volumes of
outdoor air and heat recovery. To conserve energy, odor may be
controlled with activated carbon or potassium permanganate-
impregnated activated alumina filters instead.
Temperature control should be on an individual room basis. In
geographical areas with severe climates, patient rooms may have
supplementary heat along exposed walls. In moderate climates (i.e.,
where outdoor winter design conditions are30°F or above), over-
head heating may be used.
Controlling airborne pathogen levels in nursing homes is not as
critical as it is in acute care hospitals. Nevertheless, the designer
should be aware of the necessity for odor control, filtration, and air-
flow control between certain areas.
ASHRAE Standard 170 lists recommended filter efficiencies for
air systems serving specific nursing home areas, as well as recom-
mended minimum ventilation rates and desired pressure relation-
ships. Recommended interior winter design temperature is75°F for
areas occupied by patients and70°F for nonpatient areas. Provisions
for maintenance of minimum humidity levels in winter depend on
the severity of the climate and are best left to the designer’s judg-
ment. Where air conditioning is provided, the recommended inte-
rior summer design temperature and humidity is 75°F, and a
maximum of 60% rh.
The general design criteria in the hospital sections on Heating
and Hot Water Standby Service, Insulation, and Sustainability apply
to nursing home facilities as well.
Standard 100713:2005 Air Conditioning in Hospitals
Standard 58:2013 Chemical Sterilization and High-level Disinfection
in Health Care Facilities
Standard Z9.5-2012 Laboratory Ventilation
Standard 15-2013 Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration
52.2-2012 Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-
Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by
Particle Size
62.1-2013 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
Standard 90.1-2013 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings
Standard 170-2017 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities
Standard 180-2012 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance
of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
Standard 145.2-2016 Laboratory Test Method for Assessing the
Performance of Gas-Phase Air-cleaning
Systems: Air-cleaning Devices
188-2018 Building Water Systems
189.3-2017 Design, Construction, and Operation of Sustain-
able, High-Performance Health Care Facilities
Guideline 10-2011 Interactions Affecting the Achievement of
Acceptable Indoor Environments
12-2000 Minimizing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated
with Building Water Systems
26-2012 Guideline for Field Testing of General Ventilation
Filtration Devices and Systems for Removal
Efficiency in-situ by Particle Size and
Resistance to Airflow
29-2009 Guideline for the Risk Management of Public
Health and Safety in Buildings
Standard E84-2014 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning
Characteristics of Building Materials
Standard 45-2011 Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using
90A-2015 Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning
and Ventilation Systems
92A-2009 Recommended Practice for Smoke-Control
99-2012 Health Care Facilities Code
255-2006 Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning
Characteristics of Building Material
Code 101-2012 Life Safety Code
Standard 49-2012 Biosafety Cabinetry: Design, Construction,
Performance, and Field Certification
Standard 181-2013 Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors, 10th
Standard Z317.2-15 Special Requirements for Heating, Ventilation, and
Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems in Health
Care Facilities
UK Department of Health and Social Care
Health Technical Specialized Ventilation for Healthcare Premises
Memoranda (HTM)
ASHRAE members can access ASHRAE Journal articles and
ASHRAE research project final reports at technologyportal.ashrae
.org. Articles and reports are also available for purchase by nonmem-
bers in the online ASHRAE Bookstore at www.ashrae.org/bookstore.
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