Grand National Championships, presented by Yamaha
November 9-11, 2023 – Lucas Oil StadiumIndianapolis, IN
This document contains important details specific to the Grand National Championships and is a supplement
to the General Event Procedures document released earlier this season. Please review the General Event
Procedures document if you haven’t already:
No Staff Vehicle Parking
Personal vehicles will not be allowed in the south lot for this event. You may pay the spectator parking fee of
$20 to park and enter from Capitol Ave.
Cashless Building
Lucas Oil Stadium is a cashless building. There will be two (2) cash-to-card machines located on the
concourse at Section 132 and Section 145.
Bag Policy
Clear bags and emergency bags will be permitted at Spectator Entry. Small bags may be permitted at Band
Re-Entry but subject to bag search.
Stadium Flow Entry
All props will enter the performance flow from the Missouri Street loading dock.
Student Re-Entry
All students will receive a wristband for re-entry into the stadium after your performance. Wristbands are
for student participants only. Wristbands are valid for both prelims’ sessions and semi-finals. These will
be provided to you at check-in. Adults traveling with the group will require credentials valid for that session
or a purchased ticket to enter the stadium. ALL BAND MEMBERS OF BANDS NOT PERFORMING
Directors should report to Band Check-In upon arrival to Lucas Oil Stadium. Band Check-In is located just
inside the Southeast Stadium Entrance on the concourse (see map).
Band Check-In Hours of Operation
Directors should be present and responsible for information received at band check-in.
Thursday, 11/9 6:30 a.m. 9:00 p.m.
Friday, 11/10 5:00 a.m. until the last band checks in
Saturday, 11/11 6:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. (Open for questions and assistance.)
You will only be able to check-in your band and pick up your packet during the hours listed above. Please do
not arrive at Band Check-In outside of the times listed.
REMINDER: Grand National Preliminary Championship adjudication responsibility is divided into Prelims
1 and Prelims 2, alternating judge panels between blocks. Each panel of judges will begin with as equal a
number of Bands per Prelims as possible. Bands within each class, (A, AA, AAA, and AAAA) will also be
divided as equally as possible between Prelims 1 and 2.
Friday Night Semi-Finals Directors’ Meeting & Performance Order
A pre-draw for Semi-Finals performance order will take place when you initially check-in. Numbers
will be documented on the master board at Band Check-In.
Semi-Finalist Directors will meet immediately after the Prelims Awards Ceremony.
The Semi-Finals schedule will be announced and posted online at as soon as possible
after the conclusion of the Friday evening awards ceremony.
Thirty (30) bands (or more if necessary to accommodate participation by all classes) will advance to
Semi-Finals. See Adjuidication Handbook for criteria used to select Semi-Finalist Bands
NEW FOR 2023:
We recognize that it can be challenging to plan sleep, rehearsal, and meal times in advance of
Saturday, but we hope the pre-draw will provide some guidance in preparation. We encourage you to
anticipate and take into consideration this uncertainty when creating your itinerary for the day, and
have a Plan A, B, and maybe C for Saturday.
Saturday Night Finals Directors’ Meeting & Performance Order
A separate pre-draw for Finals performance order will take place when you initially check-in.
Numbers will be documented on the master board at Band Check-In The Directors’ Meeting for the
top 12 bands performing Saturday Night (and exhibition bands, if any) will begin immediately
following the Semi-Finals awards ceremony.
The top six (6) scoring Bands from Semi-Finals will be assigned the last six (6) Finals Performance
times in numerical order according to the pre-draw.
The next six (6) will be assigned the first six (6) Finals Performance times in numerical order
according to the finals pre-draw.
The official Finals schedule will be distributed, as well as field passes and information regarding the
Grand Finale awards ceremony.
We will expedite the information so that the first performing bands will have ample time to
Finals Format
Bands of America will announce caption winners and award the placements and scores of all
Finalists, including the naming and recognition of the 2023 Grand National Champion.
All scores and recaps will be released via CompetitionSuite to all participating directors immediately
after the conclusion of the Finals Awards Ceremony. Full recaps of the Championships will be
posted online by end of day, Monday, November 13 or Tuesday, November 14..
Educational Video Recording
NEW FOR 2023: We are pleased to announce that BOA will provide you with a link to an educational video
copy of your BOA performances this year.
The link to the performance recording for online playback only will be emailed to you as soon as
possible after your performance.
Details on the procedure to access your educational video online will be provided in a separate email
prior to the event.
By providing a professional educational recording, BOA will no longer permit band
videographers to record their band’s performances.
No band videographer passes will be provided this year and no recording of performances
will be allowed.
All bands are guaranteed 31 credentials as part of their enrollment fee six (6) laminate Director
credentials and 25 field passes. Laminate Name Badge Credentials are valid for prelims, semi-finals
and finals. Names for credentials are determined by those you enter on the Director Name Badge
and Additional Credentials Form.
A band may purchase up to 10 additional credentials. All additional credentials must be purchased 30
days prior to your scheduled event by credit card only. The combination of additional laminate
director name badges and field passes may not exceed 10. Of those 10, up to four (4) may be
laminate director name badges.
Additional credentials will NOT be available for purchase on-site.
Credentials and field passes are ONLY valid for access to the performance zone (flow areas and
field) during your band’s scheduled times.
Credentials and field passes allow entrance into the spectator zone (stadium concourse and general
admission seating areas) and must be visible at all times.
Field passes are not tradable and may not be shared with other participating bands. The use of field
passes will be monitored, and penalties assessed for abuse of the rules.
Prelims field passes are valid for opposite date stadium entry.
Field Passes for Semi-Finalist Bands and Finalist Bands will be distributed at those Director
Medical Staff
BOA will provide an onsite medical crew for the duration of the event.
A maximum of two (2) Band Medical Staff passes can be requested at Band Check-In on the day of
the event.
These passes will provide access to the performance zone during the band’s performance only.
Adults with these passes must limit their role to medical responsibilities and may NOT
assist with any equipment that is part of the performance (i.e., moving, setting up, etc.).
New for 2023: Allow entrance into the spectator zone (stadium concourse and general
admission seating areas) for BOTH days of Prelims and Semi-Finals.
If your band does not perform in Finals, a ticket is required to enter the stadium.
A medical staff pass will NOT allow access into reserved seats. You need a reserved seat
ticket to enter this area.
Bus and Truck Driver Wristbands
Driver wristbands will be distributed at Band Check-In.
One wristband will be provided for every vehicle listed on your parking pass request form.
Driver wristbands are valid as general admission for all sessions to the spectator zone.
Driver wristbands are NOT valid for field access or reserved seating.
Bands of America (BOA) does not provide bus driver or staff hospitality areas.
Bus/Truck Parking Passes
At Grand National Championships, bus/truck parking passes are complimentary
Bands must complete the parking request form 30 days before the event.
Once you complete the online parking pass order, you will receive a confirmation email that contains
a link to a Dropbox folder containing the parking pass template. You may only print the number of
requested parking passes in the form. You must put the contact information for the driver of
each vehicle on each pass.
BOA Staff will verify the number of vehicles admitted into the lots. If you need additional passes
after submitting your initial request form, please fill out the form again requesting the additional
park in the EZ Park Lot.
REMINDER OVERNIGHT PARKING: You must purchase overnight parking passes to
stay in the EZ Park Lot overnight. You may purchase passes online at
NO VEHICLES will be admitted to the lot without the appropriate pass prominently
Bus/Truck parking passes may NOT be used in personal vehicles, RVs, or campers.
There are NO staff parking passes for BOA Events.
Bus/Truck Parking Location and Procedures
The Bus/Truck Unload & Reload area is in the South Lot of Lucas Oil Stadium. Entry and exit for
this lot will be from McCarty Street, Gate #10.
The earliest time vehicles may enter the South Lot is 2 hours prior to performance, which is
indicated on the schedule. Groups who arrive prior to the group’s assigned times will be directed to
hold in the EZ Park Lot.
Vehicles may remain in the South Lot until the assigned exit time on the prelims schedule which is 1
hour and 15 minutes after the start of your performance.
Your buses/trucks will need to depart the South Lot, which is indicated on the schedule. The time
allotted is enough to comfortably participate in post-performance photos, prop tear down and
equipment reloading.
After departing the South Lot, trucks should proceed to the EZ Park Lot for parking.
Bands in the last performance blocks each session may be allowed to have your buses/trucks remain
parked in the South Lot until the end of that session, provided that there is space. Please confirm
with the lot manager upon arrival and follow their instructions.
Groups are indicated with a note in the departure time column of the schedule if we anticipate that
we should be able to allow your vehicles to stay
All buses/trucks must be cleared of the South Lot at the end of Prelims each night.
Semi-Finalist Bands
Bands performing in Semi-Finals will follow the same Unload/Reload and Parking procedure as
Prelims bands.
Bands in the last block of Semi-Finals are allowed to remain parked in the South Lot,
provided that there is space. Please confirm with the lot manager upon arrival.
Buses and trucks must be removed from the South Lot immediately following the Sem-Finals
Awards Ceremony.
Non-Semi-Finalist bands that wish to return to the stadium to watch performances should park in
the EZ Park Lot.
Finalist Bands
All Finalist bands will enter the South Lot 2 hours prior to performance, as noted on the Finals
Schedule, and then remain parked in the South Lot until the end of Finals.
If you are in the last block of Semi-Finals and have progressed on to finals, you may remain
in the lot.
Non-Finalist bands that wish to return to the stadium to watch performances should park in
the EZ Park Lot.
Overnight Bus/Truck Parking
NO overnight parking is allowed in the south lot at Lucas Oil Stadium.
Groups needing overnight parking may only do so in the EZ Park lot off West St.
Passes are $50 per vehicle for overnight parking in the EZ Park lot.
Groups parking overnight on SATURDAY must plan to depart the lot by 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning.
Bus/Truck Parking in EZ Park Lot
Vehicles that need to park outside of their performance flow time may park in the EZ Park Lot west
of the stadium.
Buses that need a place to stage prior to their assigned drop off time may hold in the EZ Park Lot.
Physical or Musical Warm-Up is prohibited in the bus parking lots (South Lot and EZ Park) and only
allowed in the official warm-up areas during your assigned warm-up time.
NO eating is allowed in any of the Bus/Truck parking areas.
If you wish to have additional warm-up or practice times, you must make your own arrangements off
Lucas Oil Stadium property.
Bands that wish to return to the Stadium to watch other bands perform (same day or opposite day)
should park their buses in the EZ Park Lot.
Bus Parking for Non-Performance Band Arrivals
Bands who wish to attend performances in the stadium (opposite day or same day of performance)
should park their buses in the EZ Park Lot and walk to the Stadium.
Curbside drop-off and pick-up of students is available along curb lanes surrounding Lucas Oil
Stadium. Curbside parking or extended “waiting” is not permitted at any time.
Band Re-Entry into the Stadium will be through the East Gate.
Large Equipment Unload and Assembly
Props will be unloaded in the bus/truck unload and reload area (South Lot).
There is LIMITED space in this lot for prop assembly. Bus/Truck parking is the priority. Should you
need or require additional space or time, we encourage you to seek and use “off-site” resources in the
immediate vicinity of Lucas Oil Stadium. Please feel free to contact us for information about known
lots and storage spaces in the area.
Please follow the instructions of the BOA parking attendant who will determine if there is space for
prop assembly.
Please remember that Bands of America has a prop/structure height restriction of 12’ (including
wheels). A penalty will be imposed if your prop/structure are higher than 12’.
Props taller than 8’ MUST enter through the Pit/Prop Entry Tunnel as indicated on the enclosed
map. Only props measuring less than 8’ tall and 10’ wide may enter through the Band Entry Tunnel.
Please carefully read the Gate Dimensions section of this document to ensure your props can fit
through the corridor and entry/exit points.
Lucas Oil Stadium has a FieldTurf© playing surface. You may tape tarps or other equipment to the
field ONLY if it does not leave a residue. Any damage to the field or cleanup fee will be at the band’s
Stadium Entry
There will be TWO points of entry for groups.
Each Band has a specific report time to the top of the Southwest tunnel of the Stadium per the
performance schedule. Bands may not enter the tunnel prior to their scheduled report time.
Winds, Percussion, Pit and Guard will enter the Southwest Tunnel and Large Equipment and Props
will enter via the Missouri Street Loading Docks. REPORT TIMES FOR BOTH THE
prepared to move in two separate groups.
Large Equipment and Props
Equipment that will not be going to the warm-up areas should enter the stadium via the Missouri
Street Dock.
Equipment and props should be fully assembled prior to moving into the lane closure and into the
Stadium. The staging area is small, and you will not have room to assemble.
Equipment may enter the Missouri Street Dock at your band’s official report time to the Southwest
Tunnel (these report times are the same to both areas).
Equipment must enter prior to the next band’s scheduled entry or risk loss of priority in the flow.
To reach the Missouri Street Dock, props should exit the Bus/Truck Lot via GATE 1 into the lane
closure on Missouri Street. You will proceed North in the lane until you reach the top of the
Missouri Street Loading Dock Ramp.
A Bands of America representative will meet you at the top of the ramp.
You will be directed down the ramp and into the loading docks to hold.
Once inside the inner dock area you will be routed through the staging area. Please follow the
instructions of the stadium staff and volunteers managing this area.
If you have students assisting you with the equipment who need to proceed to warm up, they may
continue through the dock ramp door and down the hall to the warm-up area. You must have
parents stay with your equipment to continue it through the staging process.
Winds, Percussion and Guard Entering the Stadium and Arriving to Warm-Up
If you arrive late for your report time, you will be late to warm up and will not be allowed to stay past
your 45-minute scheduled time. You will be dismissed from warm-up on time so that you will arrive
to the band entrance gate on time.
Pit Percussion MUST be in FRONT of the band as you report to the Southwest Tunnel.
BOA volunteers will meet you at the Southwest Tunnel and assist you in getting to your designated
warm-up area(s). You will not be able to enter the warm-up areas until the time designated on the
Remember there is no warm-up (musical or physical) allowed in the parking areas at BOA events.
Failure to comply with warm-up regulations may result in a penalty.
If you wish to have additional warm-up or practice times, you must make your own arrangements off
Stadium property.
During Your Warm-Up
While in warm up, BOA staff will monitor your time and direct you to the Band Entrance Area for
your report time as listed on the prelim schedule. Your warm-up official will signal you, or someone
you designate at 15 minutes, 5 minutes and 2 minutes before you must be clear of the warm-up area.
All warm-up is restricted to the official time in the warm-up areas as per the schedule.
Warm-Up Halls are divided with a curtain, separating the Physical and Musical Warm-Up areas. Your
band will start on one side of the curtain with a 15-minute Physical Warm-Up and move to the other
side for Musical Warm-Up.
The Warm-up Areas and Flow through the Stadium are restricted areas. Only band members,
director badge holders, field pass holders, and BOA officials are allowed in the warm-up areas or on
the stadium’s performance field.
Extra parents/others are allowed in the bus/truck parking area to assist with unload and reload and
prop assembly, but they may not enter/exit the building via the Southwest Tunnel unless they have a
field pass or name badge. Use of extra parents (for safety and efficiency, as needed) is encouraged for
movement of unusually large, cumbersome, or heavy props and equipment up and down the ramp to
and from the stadium. Un-credentialed helpers are permitted in the parking and ramp areas but may
not proceed into the building and performance flow.
Bands may NOT warm up or rehearse on site, except during their assigned warm-up period and
ONLY at the assigned location. Remember, there is no warm-up (musical or physical) allowed in the
parking areas at BOA events. Failure to comply with warm-up regulations may result in a penalty.
Dr. Beats/long rangers are NOT ALLOWED in any warmup areas.
Physical Warm-Up
Each band has 15 minutes for Physical Warm-Up.
Please be advised that space is limited. You should plan your activities accordingly.
Music, drums, guard equipment work, long rangers/Megavoxes/loudspeakers, and recorded music
are not allowed.
No instrument playing is allowed.
Only handclaps will be allowed in Physical Warm-Up. Dr. Beats, Jam Blocks or woodblocks are not
permitted due to the sound bleed between areas.
The band will then proceed to the other side of the curtain, and/or to the optional Music Warm-Up
room, for a 30-minute Musical Warm-Up.
Musical Warm-Up (Two locations available per band)
Each group will be assigned TWO locations for Musical Warm-Up: a section of an exhibit hall with
27’ high ceilings and a standard meeting room with 15’ high ceilings. See enclosed map.
Bands have the option of using one or both spaces during your designated Musical Warm-Up time
Musical Warm-Up spaces (primary or optional areas) may NOT be used during your Physical Warm-
Up time.
Your Battery may warm-up in either of your assigned Music Warm-Up locations but ONLY during
your assigned Musical Warm-Up times per the schedule. NOTE: If you choose this option your
battery will lose some warm-up time due to transitions between areas.
During Musical Warm-Up you may use woodblocks or Jam Blocks only.
Amplified Electronic devices will not be permitted in the large warm-up halls.
Wireless Systems and Amplification
There can be no sound bleed into the performance area.
Wireless microphone transmitters, wireless networks, and audio and/or lighting control
devices may interfere with performances in the stadium and, therefore may not be used in
warm-up areas.
Wired instruments, including guitars, keyboards etc. may be used in warm up at reasonable volumes
or while not amplified.
Wireless systems may be tested during scheduled show breaks per rule 3.05 and 3.06 in the
Adjudication Handbook.
Front Ensemble Warm-Up
A separate Pit Percussion Warm-Up is in a meeting room near the Optional Musical Warm-Up
Please note: Carts used to transport pit equipment cannot exceed 67” in width at floor level. At 36”
from the ground the narrowest point is 64” in width. Please make sure all equipment can fit through
this point.
See the Performance Schedule for the designated Pit Warm-Up Time for this area only.
Groups who wish to warm-up their battery with their pits may ONLY do so during the Front
Ensemble Warm-Up time on the schedule. Please Note: battery will have to exit the front ensemble
warm up room and return to one of the musical warm-up areas.
Pits will report to the Pit Entry Gate at the designated time on the schedule; 15-minutes prior to the
band report time.
Instrument Repair Paige’s Music & Chops Percussion
Paige’s Music & Chops Percussion, an official Yamaha instrument dealer, will provide loaner
instruments for this event. They will be located near the Pit Field Entrance.
Motorized Vehicles
Motorized vehicles are allowed in the stadium.
Off-road mechanized vehicles (defined as golfcarts, garden tractors, small ATV All-Terrain-
Vehicles, etc.) will be allowed to pull equipment trailers ONLY for set up and take down.
A protective bib must be rigged under the vehicle so that no fluids drop to the turf or carpet.
Pick-up trucks, large tractors or similar vehicles are NOT permitted.
The participating band and its school are liable and will be held responsible for any damage to a
performance area or venue caused by a violation of these policies, and/or actions of the operators.
Please unlock the wheels on your equipment when in transport. To prevent damage to the playing
field, it is recommended that all large instruments and props utilize pneumatic or similar-style wheels
of sufficient size and rating for weight.
Field Markings
The field will have three sets of hash marks:
1. Pro hash marks at 70’9” from both sidelines, in white paint, including the marks for each yard.
2. Texas HS/Collegiate hash marks, 60’ from both sidelines, in yellow (on each 5-yard line)
3. High school hash marks at 53’4”, dividing the field into thirds, in white tape, including the marks
for each yard.
There are Pro Numbers marked on the field in white paint every 10 yards. Additionally, there will be
small marking in white tape indicating where the top and bottom of the H.S numbers would be every
10 yards.
The enclosed Field Dimensions map also show the location and dimensions of the Colts helmet and
other field markings.
Livestream microphones will be placed 1 foot outside the 15-foot line on the 35 and 50 yard lines
West Corridor (Band/Pit route to Warm-Up/Field Entry)
The smallest point in the Stadium’s corridor from the Southwest Tunnel to the Northwest Tunnel is
10’ wide, 12’ high. Please make sure all props and equipment can fit through this point. Please note
below the actual Field Entry Dimensions.
Field Entry Points
Pit/Prop Field Entry (Northwest Tunnel): 15’ wide, 12’ high.
Please note that due to show flow this entrance is shared with another group’s pit or props during the staging time.
Band Field Entry (Northeast Tunnel): 10’ wide 8’ high.
Pit/Prop Field Exit (Southwest Tunnel): 14’ wide, 12’ high
Prop Height Restrictions
Props taller than 8’ MUST enter through the Pit/Prop Entry Tunnel as indicated on the enclosed
map. Only props measuring less than 8’ tall and 10’ wide may enter through the Band Entry Tunnel.
Per the BOA Adjudication Handbook
, structures (props, backdrops, screens, or similar objects) built
and/or used at Bands of America Championships shall be limited to a maximum total height of 12 feet,
including wheels, platforms, safety railings, other equipment, or props placed upon the staging. Additionally,
no participant may be placed on any portion of any prop/structure where the participant’s lowest point of
contact (I.e., feet, hands, etc.) is more than six (6) feet above the playing surface of the stadium, unless
appropriate safety railing, safety harness, or protective padding is in place around prop/structure to prevent
injury. Please consult the
BOA Adjudication Handbook for more details.
Exit from Field & Photo
At the conclusion of your Prelims performance, bands will exit to their left and upstairs to the South
end zone seating area for a group photo taken by Jolesch Enterprises.
Students with limited mobility should utilize the Family and Players Suite Elevator bank directly past
Field Exit and take it up to Street Level. Upon exiting the elevator bank, go out the glass doors, and
turn left. Pass through the pipe and drape and join your band in the Jolesch Photo Area.
Pit equipment and props will be taken out the Southwest Tunnel.
Students who assist in transporting props & equipment will have a small area to drop equipment in
the Southwest Tunnel so they can proceed up the stairs immediately to the band photo area.
Because there is limited post-performance storage space, pit crew and other adults are strongly
encouraged to immediately take equipment and props out of the Stadium during the band’s group
Please note there is plenty of time to allow for full band and small group and sectional photos.
However, we encourage you to have color guard and percussion take small group photos first so that
they may return to the Tunnel to help clear any remaining equipment that has not exited.
Groups will exit the building via the South doors. Those needing to return to the field level to collect
equipment will be directed through the stairwell located inside the Family and Players Suite Elevator
bank in the SW corner near section 132.
Directors Viewing Area and Directors Audio Control Area
The traditional Directors' Viewing area, in the lower level in section 139 near the 50-yardline and
accessible from field level, will be available to directors. Seats16-20 in row 22, 23 and 24 are held for
staff during your performance only.
This area is accessible from the field and does not require any other than a director credential or field
pass to access the area from the field level stairs.
Directors Audio Control area will be available, located on the Upper Suite Level (judge level). This
area is available ONLY for competing band staff DURING YOUR BAND’S PERFORMANCE.
Each band will be allotted up to TWO passes per band authorizing entry to the Upper Suite Level
viewing area. Please indicate your desire to use this area when you arrive at band check in. You will
be given a special pass at that time.
After picking up your passes, you may proceed to the designated suite on Upper Suite Level and wait
outside the room. You will be allowed into the suite ONLY when your band takes the field, and you
must leave the room and Lower Suite Level as your band is exiting the field.
Band staff who remain on the Upper Suite Level outside of their allotted timeframe will be subject to
a penalty. • Reminder: adults may operate wired or wireless devices from any location outside the
Performance Field. As before, students may also operate these devices from these areas or from
within the Performance Field.
Reminder: adults may operate wired or wireless devices from any location outside the Performance
Field. As before, students may also operate these devices from these areas or from within the
Performance Field.
Audio Commentary General Information
BOA utilizes CompetitionSuite for adjudication scores and commentary. You will receive an email at
least two (2) weeks prior to your event from CompetitionSuite to create or update your profile.
You can add members of your staff, cell phone numbers for text alerts, and other information to
assist in receiving judge commentary from your performance.
Shortly after your Prelim performance, the primary Director on the account will receive a text
message alerting them that commentary files are beginning to upload for review.
Open the CompetitionSuite mobile application or website to listen to your commentary.
All scores and recaps will be held until the end of the finals awards ceremony and will be
available online via CompetitionSuite.
Your post-event judging questions and concerns should be directed to BOA Chief Judge
Administration Team Leader Richard Saucedo ([email protected]
Student Admittance to the Stadium
Complimentary Student Wrist bands are not for adult use.
When entering the building as a spectator your students are subject to the clear bag policy.
Groups arriving prior to performance should enter the stadium AS A GROUP through the East
Gate of the stadium.
Finals performing band members do not need a ticket or hand stamp, as the students will be in
If you are returning or arriving early you must park in the off-site EZ-Park Lot and walk to the
stadium (see site overview map).
Restrooms and Changing Facilities
If your band needs to change into and out of uniform, you may enter as a group via the East gate.
Picnic Location and Procedures
There is no picnic area available for this event. We recommend making use of the Circle Center Mall
food court, Arts Garden area, and local establishments for the feeding of your group.
Eating is NOT allowed in the bus/truck parking areas because of safety concerns.
Outside food and beverage is NOT allowed to be brought into the stadium, either by students or
Participant Hydration
Bands of America will provide a post-performance water station near the Band Exit Gate.
There are water stations located in and around the warm-up rooms.
Each participating band should plan appropriately for the care of its students throughout the
duration of the event. Supplies and the provision of water service itself are ultimately the
responsibility of the participant.
Local Time
The Indianapolis Super Regional will operate on Eastern Time. Please plan your travel and arrival
times accordingly.
Lucas Oil Stadium is a cashless stadium
Lucas Oil Stadium is a cashless building. There will be (2) cash-to-card machines located in Section
132 and Section 145.
Concessions will be available throughout the concourse area. Due to Stadium policy, you are not
allowed to bring food into the Stadium. We appreciate your cooperation.
All concessions are cashless.
Spectator Entry
Tickets may be purchased on-site at the Southeast Ticket Office of Lucas Oil Stadium Thursday-
Saturday of Grand Nationals. Will-Call tickets may be picked up at the Southeast Ticket Office.
Spectator entry will be via the East Gate of the Stadium for Prelims and Semi-Finals.
Spectator entry will be via the North Gate and East Gate of the Stadium for Finals Competition.
All entrances to the Stadium are ADA compliant.
Spectator Parking
A limited amount of spectator parking is available in Lot A North of the Stadium and the South Lot
of Lucas Oil Stadium. The cost for each of these lots is $20 per vehicle with NO in/out privileges.
Accessible parking spaces are in the South lot of the Stadium via the Missouri Street Gate 3 parking
lot entrance. The cost for this lot is $20.00 per vehicle with NO in/out privileges. Parking spaces are
available on a first-come, first-served basis.
A drop-off/pick-up location is available along Capitol Ave. outside of the Colts Team Store.
Additional spaces surround the stadium in various lots and parking garages. A map of parking and
prices for area lots is available online at
BOA does not operate, guarantee access to, or control the pricing or policies of Lucas Oil Stadium
or other surrounding lots.
Plan to arrive early to allow plenty of time to park, buy tickets and enter the Stadium. Encourage
parents, boosters and fans to do the same. Lucas Oil Stadium is a large, urban-based professional
facility. Allowing extra time for movement and the unfamiliar and unanticipated is essential and
Lucas Oil Stadium Rules and Regulations
You must use some type of covering under the batteries of any amplified equipment there cannot
be any acid, gasoline or oil drop on the turf.
Helium balloons will not be allowed in the Stadium.
Drones are not allowed in the stadium or on stadium property.
Any equipment or substance that would do damage to the surface, such as Fire Extinguishers, sharp
objects, material left on the surface, etc. will not be allowed in the Stadium.
Local Indianapolis ordinance prohibits smoking inside Lucas Oil Stadium.
The Stadium has a retractable roof, but please note the roof will be CLOSED for the Indianapolis
Super Regional.
Lucas Oil Stadium Safety Guidelines
Bag Policy
Bands of America encourages spectators not to bring bags into venues. Only clear bags and
emergency bags will be permitted.
Bag policies are effective to expedite entry into venues and provide additional safety.
Spectators will be allowed to bring items such as cameras, provided they are not in cases that would
violate the bag policy at that venue.
Performance-related equipment will be permitted in, but only through the routine flow of the event. Failure
to comply with these requirements may result in denial of admission to the stadium.
Fans and participants may not bring the following items into the Stadium:
Audio/Video Devices
Liquor Containers
Food and Beverages
Large Purses
Balloons (Helium)
Fanny packs
Missile-like objects
Fans are advised to arrive early to avoid congestion at the gates. Gates and gate open times are listed on the
Bands of America strictly prohibits the presence of weapons on Lucas Oil Stadium property during our event.
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Bands of America will provide a qualified medical staff, and they will be located on the field and concourse
for any major problems that might arise. Find the nearest uniformed Lucas Oil Stadium staff member, a BOA
volunteer or BOA staff member for immediate assistance.
Jolesch Enterprises will be on-site taking group and section photos of each band immediately
following the prelims performance. They will also take action photos of awards ceremonies.
Ordering information is available online at
Use of cameras of any kind is NOT ALLOWED on the field (field, sidelines, stadium floor) for any
BOA event. Please communicate this to your parent/booster group.
Still cameras (digital or film, professional or otherwise) are allowed in the stadium and may
be used from stadium seating, but not on the field.
Tripods and similar equipment that may obstruct the view of others in seating areas are not
The issuance of a “Field Pass” or other non-Media BOA Credential does not include the right to use
a camera on the field. Pass holders must go into stadium spectator seating to use their cameras.
See the BOA Official Media Policy here.
Note: No photos or video are allowed on the field unless you have a valid media credential
Event Merchandise
PepWear is the official Bands of America merchandise provider and will be on-site at each BOA Fall
Online shopping is also available at
Championship Patches are available for pre-order at the online store.
Live Streaming of all Bands of America Championships
All 2023 Bands of America Regional, Super Regional, and Grand National Championships will be
livestreamed, powered by BOX5 Media, the leader in scholastic marching band streaming video.
Subscribe to the whole season or watch by event at
Bands of America is committed to providing safe and secure events. It is important for each of us to
engage in safe interactions and prudent preventative measures. We encourage you to equip your groups with
appropriate safety equipment and highly encourage all spectators to do the same. Please share the Bands of
America Spectator Guide with your fans, and please contact us to discuss any specifics for your students.
Be engaged with your surroundings. If you see something you know should not be thereor someone's
behavior that doesn't seem quite rightsay something. Security officials are on-site at the event to ensure the
overall safety of the event and the patrons. Informed, alert communities play a critical role in keeping our
nation safe.
Bands of America defers to the weather policies and safety protocols of the facilities in which we
operate.On-site updates will be provided via the BAND app for each specific show.