Updated 08-19-19
Version 1.0
By: Silentcrypt
Welcome to Azeroth, a land of magic and endless war. A world where dragons soar
and demons prowl the night. The two major factions, The Horde and The Alliance,
battle for, well honestly no one knows anymore, they just like killing one another.
But don’t let the magical nature of this world fool you, for there is evil lurking
everywhere, even in the heart of the planet itself. The Old Gods, the Twilight Cult,
the Scourge, the Burning Legion, the Cult of the Damned, and many, many other
threats abound on Azeroth.
This Jumpchain assumes the Jumper has, at least, a basic understanding of World of
Warcraft before taking this Jump. If you are not familiar with WoW, the expansions,
the races, classes, or items listed within, I implore you to look up videos on youtube
or subscribe to WoW yourself and check it out. I will not spend too much time
covering well-known things like classes or the playable races, and most of the
attention will be focused on items and races you can’t get in the game or there is
little knowledge of even within the game. Again, if you are new, I encourage you to
check out Youtube (Nobbel87 is a pretty good source for lore) and do a bit of
research on your own.
As with all Jumps, you start off with 1000 CP to spend on whatever you like.
You may choose any location on Azeroth that was available during World of Warcraft
Classic and on the two major continents Kalimdor and The Eastern Kingdoms. Time is a bit
iffy in WoW, so ten years for you will be the duration of two expansions, meaning if you
started in Classic Era you will be on Azeroth until Burning Crusade has run its course or
from the start of Burning Crusade until the end of Wrath of the Lich King. For those of you
who want to roll a 1d8 for a location, here are some examples:
1. Westfall: Rolling plains of grain with a beautiful ocean view of Murlocs. This location
is also home to the Defias Brotherhood, but overall, it is a relatively safe starting
2. Teldrassil: A World Tree created by the Druids and home of the Night Elf Capital
Darnassus. Other than a few Satyr demons here and there, it’s a pretty safe starting
3. Durotar: A barren desert with barely any life. The Bristleboar are largely at war with
the Horde over control of most of this zone, but as far as zones go, it’s still safe in
comparison to the end zones. Hope you packed some sunblock.
4. Darkshore: On the Western coast of Kalimdor, this zone is largely populated by
Furbolgs who are, in general, non-violent humanoid bear creatures that have a close
relationship with the Druids and Night Elves. This area often sees conflict between
the Night Elves and the Orcs, and East of its location is Ashenvale, which is in a near
constant state of war over the natural resources.
5. Dun Morogh: Home of the Dwarves, or at least a faction of them, this is a
mountainous and hilly area rich in minerals. The greatest threats here are the
Troggs, Frost Trolls, and the few Leper Gnomes that make their way from the depths
of Gnomeragan.
6. Eastern Plaguelands: The location of the ever-burning Stratholme, sacked by Prince
Arthas himself before he became the Lich King. This is an area not meant for the
living. Very few places in this zone are safe. Wild undead roam the land, and the
plants themselves are filled with disease and death. In the future, it will be the site
of a battle between the Death Knights of Acherus Hold and the Paladins of Lights
Hope Chapel.
7. Silithus: Near the Southern end of Kalimdor lies Silithus, a land without life, save for
the intelligent insect humanoids who worship the Old Gods. Possibly one of the
most dangerous zones on Azeroth (Classic Era).
8. Free Choice: Choose any location in Azeroth that you desire, so long as it is available
in Classic Era WoW. (Exceptions for Unique races whose starting location will
override these choices.)
Azeroth is home to a large diversity of sentient and sapient species that range from
Humanoid in appearance to, well, almost anything you can imagine. Choose your race, but
be warned: some races aren’t loved by all, and some may override your starting location to
a more dangerous area. All races who are playable in game right now come with their own
racial abilities and passives unless stated otherwise. All races are restricted to the classes
they could take in the game unless otherwise stated. See the notes section with races
marked with ** for how their racials work in other Jumps.
1. Human: I’m pretty sure you already know everything there is to know about
humans. You may choose to be a Citizen of Stormwind or a Kul’tiran.
2. Dwarf: Short of stature but stout of heart, the Dwarves are crafters of some of the
Alliance's most deadly warmachines. You may choose any Dwarven Clan you desire,
but be warned: the Dark Iron Clan is very much hated by the other Dwarves, at
least until BFA Era.
3. Night Elf: The Kaldorei are an ancient people dating back to before the War of the
Ancients that split the once Pangaea continent of Azeroth into several pieces. They
are the protectors of the forest and worshippers of the Mother Goddess of the
Moon Elune.
4. Gnome: The Gnomes were driven from their home, Gnomeregan, when the Troggs
attacked from below. The Gnomes attempted to use Radiation to kill the Troggs,
only for it to backfire, as the Troggs were immune, but the Gnomes weren’t. Now
they live in a section of Ironforge along with the Dwarves.
5. Draenei: Actual aliens, the Draenei crash-landed on Azeroth in the BC Era of WoW.
Their ship was too damaged to be repaired anytime soon, so they were forced to
stay. They quickly made contact with the Night Elves, who befriended them, though
integration with the Alliance was not smooth. The Draenei were viewed as demons
because of their Eredar counterparts and so were mistrusted by most of the Alliance
until the defeat of the Lich King, where Draenei Paladins proved invaluable to the
war effort. You may choose to spend your time on Draenor battling the
demon-imbued Orcs of the Horde, if you desire, or start at the beginning of Burning
Crusade Era.
6. Lightforged Draenei: Draenei imbued with the power of the Light from a Na’ru,
they tend to be overzealous in their pursuit of destroying evil. Those who choose
this race may start in the Era of Legion or start in the BC Era and choose to become
a Lightforged after the events of Legion.
7. Worgen: Humans of Gilneas who became cursed to transform into mindless lupine
beasts known as the Worgen. It wasn’t until the Night Elves arrived that the Gilneans
were able to gain back their humanity and control, but they lost their home to the
Forsaken who plagued the entire city. Unlike other races, Worgen are immune to the
curse of Undeath unless they are raised as Death Knights. You may choose to start
as a citizen of Gilneas beginning your life in Azeroth before the fall of Gilneas or as
another Human somewhere on Azeroth who has been infected yet somehow
overcame the bestial nature of the curse on your own. If you choose to be a Human
outside of Gilneas who has been cursed, you will need to hide your Worgen form
until the events of Cataclysm lest you be hunted.
8. Pandaren: A race of humanoid pandas. They are very chill and laid-back. Their race
created the martial arts class called Monks who specialize in weaponless combat. If
you choose this race, you can either start on Pandaria before the events of Mists of
Pandaria or begin your adventure on the Wandering Isle at the onset of MoP. Not all
Pandaren have allied with the Alliance; some joined the Horde, and others remained
Neutral permanently. You can choose.
9. Void Elves: An offshoot of the Sin’dorei, or Blood Elves, who embraced the power of
the Void and cast out by their brethren. This race won’t even exist until the events of
Battle for Azeroth. If you take this race, you must start at the beginning of BfA or the
tail end of Legion.
1. Orc: The savage race of Orcs invaded Azeroth through the Dark Portal and were led
by Gul’dan. They are feared and hated, for good reason, by most of the Alliance. The
Orcs have been led time and again down a dark path by evil leaders, but under
Thrall they began to reclaim a semblance of the honor they once held. You can
choose to start as a corrupted Green Skin Orc or the Uncorrupted Mag’har Orcs
who hail from an alternate timeline. The Mag’har come from a parallel timeline
where the Orcs were not corrupted by Demonic taint due to the intervention of
Garrosh Hellscream. By choosing the Mag’har, you may begin your journey during
the events of Warlords of Draenor.
2. Troll: The Trolls are the oldest natural race of Azeroth, dating back to even before
the Elves, who are actually Trolls that spent too much time around areas of powerful
arcane magic like the Well of Eternity. The Trolls are often viewed as barbaric and
savage in the same vein as the Orcs by the Alliance. Known for their human
sacrifices and worship of spirits called Loa, the Trolls are powerful Shamans and
mystics. You may choose to start off as a member of the Darkspear Tribe or the
Zandalari. If you choose the Zandalari, you may either choose to begin your time in
one of the zones of Zandalar or begin during the events of Battle for Azeroth.
3. Forsaken: Humans who were killed when Arthas returned from the frozen wastes
of Northrend and began a crusade of death and terror in Lordaeron that stretched
to Quel’thalas. The Forsaken aren’t entirely made up of Humans; you may choose to
be an Elf or Gnome undead if Human isn’t your style.
4. Tauren: The noble and peaceful Taurens are natives to Kalimdor before the arrival
of the Orcs. Seeing the Orc plight, the noble Tauren allied with the Orcs to protect
themselves against the racist Humans. You may choose to be a High Mountain
Tauren if you desire, though you must begin during the events of Legion.
5. Goblins: Greed sums up the Goblin philosophy rather well. A Goblin would sell his
own mother for a copper, and they care absolutely none for the environment,
willing to destroy vasts swathes of forests and beaches for the minerals that they
can sell or hoard. Even if you choose to align with the Goblins of Booty Bay, the
Alliance will not be welcoming of your kind into their territories at all. If you choose
Goblin you can start at the beginning of the events of Cataclysm or begin in a Goblin
neutral town located throughout Azeroth.
6. Blood Elf: The Blood Elves, or Sin’dorei, were once known as the High Elves, or
Quel’dorei, before they were kicked out of Kalimdor by the Night Elves for refusing
to stop practicing magic. They traveled to the northern tip of the Eastern Kingdoms
and founded their first settlements in the frozen wastes they found there. Using
their magic, they turned the frozen desolate land into a land of endless spring and
created the Sunwell from a drop of water from the Well of Eternity. Using their
magic, and an alliance with the humans, they were able to defeat the Atal’ai Troll
Tribe. However, their power, wealth, and luxury came to an end when they were
attacked by Prince Arthas, who tainted the Sunwell with necrotic magic to bring back
the Necromancer Kel’thuzad. Their spirits broken and their race nearly destroyed,
the Blood Elves became aware of their addiction and need for magic and so
consumed crystals filled with Fel Magic to subsist off of until the Na’ru M’uru
cleansed the Sunwell, though that won’t happen until the end of The Burning
Crusade. Conceptually, there is no difference between the High Elves and Blood
Elves so you can choose either one.
7. Pandaren: A race of humanoid pandas. They are very chill and laid back. Their race
created the martial arts class called Monks who specialize in weaponless combat. If
you choose this race you can either start on Pandaria before the events of Mists of
Pandaria or begin your adventure at the onset of MoP. Not all Pandaren have allied
with the Horde; some joined the Alliance, and others remained Neutral
permanently. You can choose.
8. Nightborne: The Nightborne, or Shal’dorei, joined the Horde after Tyrande was a
douche towards them. That’s pretty much the only reason. The Nightborne have
been living under a magical dome since the time of the War of the Ancients,
subsisting off the energies of the Nightwell. This altered their appearance, giving
them dark blueish purple skin and glowing eyes. The Nightborne are experts at
magic, possibly even surpassing the High Elves or Blood Elves themselves. If you
choose to be a Nightborne you must begin during the events of Legion or the
beginning of Battle for Azeroth.
Other Races
1. Hybrid (100 / 200 / 500 CP): Want to mix and match a race? With this, you can mix
and match one race with another, but only once. You can alter your appearance to
match your heritage. You can also choose a class that your original race would
otherwise not be able to play. This perk is restricted to only those races with no CP
cost. Anyone who purchases a class that cost LESS than 1000 CP you can spend
another 200 CP to mix your race with any one race of equal or lesser value. If you
have purchased a CP cost 1000 or higher race then for 500 CP you may mix or
match ANY other race with the 1000 CP or higher race you have purchased. You can
choose any class that either race could be. (Hybrid’s must take any requirements
their chosen races might have.)
2. Ogre (100 CP): Ogres are large and often not very bright. They are very aggressive to
others, even among one another, and are seldom accepted by either the Horde or
Alliance. You might be able to find a safe haven among the Goblin settlements, but
they are very likely to exploit your size and strength. Traits: (Optional) Two Headed -
You have two heads who can think and act independently but are both controlled by
you (This also increases your awareness and magic potential), Brute Strength - You
receive a buff to your strength stat, Iron Stomach - You are able to eat just about
anything without any side effects, Quick Healer - This reduces the effectiveness and
duration of bleed effects used against you, Intimidating Shout - Shout loudly scaring
those around you causing them to flee (Does not work on especially powerful or
dangerous enemies). Classes You Cannot Choose: Hunter, Druid, Paladin, Priest,
Demon Hunter, and Rogue.
3. Naga (100 CP): The Naga were once Elves who were transformed by the Old God
N’zoth so they would survive the sinking of their city due to the foolishness of Queen
Azshara who desired power. The Naga are ruthless and wholly without mercy. They
are an aquatic species of snake people who can travel just as well on land, though
they prefer the water. The Naga are universally hated by all with absolutely no
settlement or organization, save the Demon Hunters, willing to take one in. If you
choose this race you may ally yourself with Illidan during the events of Burning
Crusade or try to make it on your own on Azeroth. Traits: Underwater Breathing -
capable of breathing under water, Swift Swimmer - Capable of swimming incredibly
fast, Dark Vision - Capable of seeing even in the absolute darkness of the oceans
depths, Pressure Resistant - Capable of surviving the intense pressure of the deep
ocean. Classes You Cannot Choose: Paladin, Druid, Monk, and Demon Hunter.
4. Jinyu: Peaceful race of fish-like humanoids believed to be evolved forms of Murlocs.
They live on Pandaria alongside the Pandaren, with whom they have been allies with
for centuries. They are also, tentatively, allied with the Alliance. If you choose this
race you must start during the Mists of Pandaria Era. Traits: Healing Water -
Drinking water, or just soaking in water, now heals wounds. Visions of the River -
You can now view distant objects by using any source of water by viewing the
reflection on the surface. Swift Learners - You learn new things much faster than
other races. Patient - You know how to be patient capable of meditating for what
feels like minutes but was actually hours. Classes You Cannot Choose: Warlock,
Death Knight, and Demon Hunter.
5. Hozen: Wacky and zanny best sum up the Hozen. They are in it for a good ookin
time and they don’t care about no dookin consequences. The Hozen are a race of
hyper monkey people who aren’t very bright. They live in Pandaria and do not get
along with the Jinyu all that much. Hozen will, tentatively, join the Horde in the
future. If you choose this race you must start during the Mists of Pandaria Era.
Traits: Ookin Swinger - You are skilled at swinging on vines, Good Dookin - You
know how to throw a party like no other, What’s Yours is Mine - You are very good at
pickpocketing and stealing things, Monkeys Luck - You receive a slight increase to
your luck. Classes You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Priest,
Paladin, and Shaman.
6. Vrykul (100 CP): The ancient ancestors of the Humans. The Vrykul are a rather
emotionless race. They can be best summed up as Norse Vikings. They value
strength above anything else. They are neither hated nor loved by Horde or Alliance,
so you could probably fanwank joining either faction. You must begin during the
Wrath of the Lich King Era or any time after. Traits: Strong - Increase to the strength
stat, Runic Master - Increase to both Enchanting and Inscription skills, Warborn -
Increase to all melee weapon skills, Wings of the Valkryie - You are capable of
leaping great distances and crashing down causing damage. Classes You Cannot
Choose: Demon Hunter, Druid, and Rogue.
7. Nerubian (100 CP): Race of spider-like insectoids who live beneath the frozen
wasteland of Northrend. Though they proved to be one of the greatest threats to
the Scourge, in the end the Lich King killed nearly all of their people. Most Nerubians
have the body of a spider with a torso that is somewhat humanoid in appearance.
They are, somewhat, neutral between the Horde and Alliance in that neither seem
to much care about the Nerubians. So, you could potentially fanwank joining either
faction if you desire. They also have a history with the Old Gods, being part of the
Black Empire before the Titans destroyed it. Taking this race you must begin during
the events of Wrath of the Lich King or anytime after. Traits: Wall Crawler - You can
now cling to and crawl up walls and ceilings, Web Spinner - You can launch a glob of
sticky web at someone immobilizing them temporarily, Ancient Knowledge -
Nerubians gain an increase in magical abilities, Silent but Deadly - You are capable
of moving swiftly but quietly. Classes You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Shaman,
Paladin, Warlock, Monk, and Druid.
8. Nerubian Vizier (200 CP): The Viziers once served as advisors to the Spider Lords of
Azjol-Nerub before their empire fell to the Lich King. They are tall spider-humanoid
hybrids who are powerful sorceror’s and seers. The Nerubians once worshipped,
and perhaps still do, the Old Gods eons ago. With their city over run with the
undead Scourge they have turned to outsiders for help with reclaiming their
ancestral home of Azjol-Nerub. Traits: Seer - You are more capable of seeing the
ebb and flow of magic. Seeing what spells your enemies are charging to cast at you
and knowing how to counter them. Web Spinner - You can launch a glob of sticky
web at someone immobilizing them temporarily. Ancient Knowledge - You gain an
increase in magical abilities. Wall Crawler - You can now cling to and crawl up walls
and ceilings. Classes You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Warrior,
Monk, Paladin, and Rogue.
9. Nerubian Spider Lord (400 CP): You are a Spider Lord who was once responsible
for the rule of Azjol’Nerub. Your body is less like a spider and more like a giant
scarab beetle with scythes instead of arms and a large sharp horn on your head.
Your size is very massive and you are protected by an outer layer of chitin as thick as
plate armor. You lack the skill necessary to be a caster like the Vizier, but you more
than make up for it with near endless stamina and strength. Traits: Strong - You are
strong enough that you could toss a Tauren in full plate armor as if they were
nothing but a stuffed doll. Burrowing - Using your two large scythe like arms you are
able to dig and tunnel your way through the ground at alarming speeds. Spider
Command - You can command lesser Nerubians as well as summon a small horde
of spiders to attack your enemies. Natural Defenses - Your body is covered in a
chitinous like armor that is as thick as plate. Classes You Cannot Choose: Demon
Hunter, Mage, Warlock, Priest, Druid, and Shaman. (For this Jump you will be
restricted in the weapons you can wield, as you have no hands to wield them.
CP purchased weapons will still work by transforming your scythe arms into
whatever weapon you selected.)
10. Furbolg: A race of bear-like humanoids who are traditionally well linked to nature
and have strong ties to the Night Elves. Traits: Claws - Unarmed damage increased,
Nature(al) - All nature based abilities increased, Natural Defenses - Increase to
defense, Natural Living - Increased skill in all crafting professions. Classes You
Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Paladin, Warlock, and Mage.
11. Mogu (200 CP): The Mogu were created by the titanic keeper Ra to guard the
remains of the Old God Y'Shaarj hidden away in Pandaria secure. They did this by
becoming tyrannical and merciless dictators whose belief structure was “Might
makes right”. They enslaved the races of Pandaria until the Pandaren rose up in
revolt and dethroned them. Mogu are absolutely hated by the native races of
Pandaria. You should also expect little welcome outside of Pandaria, as word of the
Mogu has spread since the days of MoP. Choosing this race you must begin during
the time of Mists of Pandaria. Traits: Strong - You are stronger than most other
races, Durable - You body is made of sterner stuff, Gifted Mage - The Mogu were
renowned for their magics, Fearsome Visage - You have a naturally intimidating
aura. Classes You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Paladin, Shaman,
Druid, and Monk.
12. Saurok: The origins of the Saurok are a bit shrouded in mystery, though it is widely
accepted that they were created by the Mogu. What we do know is that they are a
race of lizard like beings who are almost as reviled as the Mogu. Choosing this race
you must begin during MoP. Traits: Disease Resistant - You are naturally resistant to
diseases / illnesses / curses, Natural Weapons - Your saliva is similar to a komodo
dragon and filled with disease, Natural Defenses - Your skin is thick like leather and
provides a bonus to defense, Swift - You are a swift mover increasing your
movement speed. Class You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Mage, Warlock,
Paladin, Priest, Druid, and Shaman.
13. Mantid (200 CP): The Mantid are an offshoot of the Aqir, who were created by the
Old Gods. They live on the Western side of Pandaria in the Dread Wastes. Normally
the Mantid slumber for a century or so before waking up and swarming the land
devouring everything in site. The Mantid have the appearance of a Preying Mantis
with sharp and jagged carapaces capable of slicing through prey like a scythe.
Though some of the Mantid have aligned with other races in the past, recent
betrayals have largely made those neutral Mantid viewed with extreme suspicion.
Choosing this race you must begin during MoP. Traits: Deadly - You have natural
weapons protruding from your body that can be dangerous to others, Amber Prison
- You can encase someone in amber temporarily stunning them while making them
immune to damage, Delicious Amber - You can summon amber for others as food
similar to a Mages Table, Wings - You have wings that allow you natural flight. Class
You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Paladin, Warlock, Druid, and Shaman.
14. Murloc: Mrrrglllrr mrglr mmmmrrrrrglrrrr. Mrrrgl mrgl rrrrrrrr. Traits: Underwater
Breathing - Can breathe underwater, Sneaky - Murlocs are very sneaky and can hide
literally anywhere, Summon the Horde - With a MRRRRGL you can summon 10 more
Murlocs to fight at your side temporarily, Adorably Stunning - With a cute pout of
your puppy dog eyes you can ‘awwww’ people into a state of situational
unawareness. Class You Cannot Choose: Be whatever you want. For the LAWLS!
(Must take the Mmmrrgggl Drawback, but you can keep the CP gain)
15. Tortollan (100 CP): Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Oh, wait, wrong fandom. The
Tortollan can be found in numerous places all around Azeroth. If you haven’t
guessed it, the Tortollan are a race of humanoid turtle people. They tend to be
pretty slow to the point of it be hazardous to their health, but very wise and caring.
Most races tend to get along with the Tortollan, except for the evil ones, so you
shouldn’t have a hard time joining the Horde or Alliance if you wanted. Traits: Shell
of a Good Time - You can pull yourself into your shell and spin around in an AoE like
damaging ability, Defended - Your defenses are greatly increased, Home is Where
the Shell Is - You can use your shell to store more items, The Wise - Increases your
mana regeneration. Class You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Warlock, and Death
16. Ogron (400 CP): The Ogron are cruel barbaric giants native to Draenor. They are
universally hated by most races, but I’m sure if you prove yourself to the Draenei
they might take you in. If you pick this race, you must begin in Warlords of Draenor.
Traits: Giant - You are really big and really strong, Dread Shout - Your shout causes
nearly anything to run in fear, Armored - Some Ogron are seen to be growing horn
like protrusions that make them a bit more defensible now so do you, Increased
Two Handed Proficiency - You are more skilled with big heavy weapons. Class You
Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Mage, Death Knight, Warlock, Druid, Paladin,
Rogue, and Priest.
17. Fallen Arakkoa (100 CP): These Arakkoa were inflicted with a disease after being
cast into Sethekk Hollow by their brethren. These Arakkoa have lost the ability to fly
and live haunched and broken. They are, mostly, aggressive to any species not their
own, but some have made alliances with the Horde and Alliance. If you pick this race
you must begin in either Burning Crusade Era or Warlords of Draenor Era. Traits:
Arcanely Gifted - Your magic damage is increased, Shrouded - You can turn invisible
for 10 seconds, Raven Speech - You can talk to birds and get them to follow
commands, Arcane Crafting - Your skill at enchanting is increased. Class You
Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Paladin, Shaman, Monk, and Hunter.
18. High Arakkoa (200 CP): The Arakkoa, or Heirs of Arak, are an avionic species native
to Draenor. Unlike their cast-out brethren, these Arakkoa can still fly. They are
hostile to everyone and have little reputation among the other races. If you choose
this race, you must start in WoD, as there are no more High Arakkoa in Outland.
Traits: Winged - You can fly, Arcanely Gifted - Your magic damage is increased,
Raven Speech - You can talk to birds and get them to follow commands, Arcane
Crafting - Your skill at enchanting is increased. Class You Cannot Choose: Demon
Hunter, Druid, Shaman, Death Knight, Monk, Rogue, and Paladin.
19. Sethrak (100 CP): The Sethrak are a newly-discovered race mimicking many
Egyptian like cultures. They are a race of humanoid snake people who, unlike the
Naga, have legs. They have hood like protrusions around their heads similar to a
cobra, and not much is known about them other than their hate of the Zandalari. It
is likely they might join the Alliance soon, so for now you can choose to either spend
your time in Zandalar trying to survive or start during the events of BfA and join the
Alliance. Traits: Venomous Bite - You can poison people by biting them with your
snake like fangs, Stealthy - You are skilled at stealth, Mesmerizing - You can
mesmerize people by looking them in the eye; it lasts for as long as you maintain
eye contact, Burrowing - You can burrow underground and wait to ambush those
who pass by. Class You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, Hunter,
and Druid.
20. Vulpera (100 CP): Race of nomadic fox people who are native to Zandalar. They
hold an animosity towards the Sethrak, but seem to be on pretty good terms with
the Zandalari. It is likely they might join the Horde soon, so for now you can choose
to either spend your time in Zandalar trying to survive or start during the events of
BfA and join the Horde. Traits: Stealthy - You are skilled at stealth, Climbing - You
are skilled at climbing up trees and preparing an ambush, Canine Friends - You can
easily communicate with animals of the canine variety convincing them to aid you,
Trader - You can buy things for cheap and sell it high. Class You Cannot Choose:
Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Paladin, Warrior, Mage, and Warlock.
21. Eredar (300 CP): The Eredar, Draenei before the Draenei abandoned the name
Eredar, joined the Burning Legion willingly. They are so infused with fel energies
they have grown larger and their colors differ drastically to the Draenei. They are
also entirely reviled and hated by nearly every race of Azeroth. Traits: Fel
Knowledge - You deal more fel damage in every attack, Demonic Summoning - You
can summon more powerful demons and control them for longer, Demonic
Knowledge - Your skill at enchanting has increased, Crystal Knowledge - Your skill at
jewelcrafting has increased. Class You Cannot Choose: Death Knight, Demon
Hunter, Paladin, Druid, Shaman, and Monk.
22. Ethereal (300 CP): The Ethereal homeworld was destroyed an unknown time ago,
and they have wandered in the Twisting Nether ever since, having abandoned their
corporeal forms for a void-like energy form held together by enchanted wrappings.
They have a similar political structure as the Goblins, with Merchant Princes and
divided houses. Choosing this race, you will find it easier to enter either faction so
long as you remain neutral. If you choose this race, you will begin your adventure
during the Burning Crusade Era. Traits: Incorporeal - You have increased resistance
to physical damage, Energies Unbound - Your mana and magical damage are
increased, Merchant Prince - You bartering and trading skills have greatly improved,
Enchanting Master - Your enchanting skills have greatly increased. Class You
Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Paladin, Druid, Shaman, and Monk.
23. Pit Lord** (1000 CP): Pit Lords are high-ranking demons of the Burning Legion.
They are cruel, malicious, and merciless to any and everything. Their appearance is
what you would get if you took a giant mixed it with a centaur and added in a heavy
dose of reptilian demon. Their blood can corrupt other species, turning them into
mindless rage-fueled slaves. They are strong enough to toss most other species
around like rag dolls, and even if you did manage to kill one, they explode violently
upon death. Traits: Super Strength - Strong enough to toss a fully armored Tauren
warrior like he weighed nothing, Tainted Blood - Those who ingest your blood
become infused with rage and hate, being bound as mindless slaves to your will,
Twisting Nether - Demons never die; when they do their souls go to the Twisting
Nether until their bodies reform (You will only die if your body is killed within the
Twisting Nether), Explosive Demise - If you do happen to be defeated and killed then
you will explode with fel energies ,taking your enemies out with you if they aren’t
quick enough to get away. Class You Cannot Choose: Warriors and Warlocks only.
(Be aware that should someone trap your soul into a soul shard or crystal, it will
count as a game over for you, and you will lose your Jump and be sent back Home.
Must take the Drawback Hated for no CP gain.)
24. Nathrezim** (1000 CP): Also known as Dread Lords. These Demons are
responsible for a lot of the bad things going on in Azeroth. They usually show up in
unsuspecting worlds to sow chaos and destruction leaving the forces of the world
defenseless just before the Burning Legion invades. The Dread Lords are
EXTREMELY hated by nearly any non-Burning Legion race, and even then you better
watch your back. Traits: Twisting Nether - Demons never die; when they do their
souls go to the twisting nether until their bodies reform. You will only ever die if
destroyed within the twisting nether or a spell that specifically targets your soul is
used, Dread Lord - Your presence insights fear into the hearts of others, Dark
Whispers - You are insanely gifted at manipulating the minds of others, Possessor -
You can possess the bodies of others so long as they are dramatically weaker than
you are. Class You Cannot Choose: Death Knight, Paladin, Priest, Druid, Shaman,
Monk, and Hunter. (Be aware that should someone trap your soul into a soul shard
or crystal, it will count as a game over for you, and you will lose your Jump and be
sent back Home. Must take the Drawback Hated for no CP gain.)
25. Lightforged Nathrezim**(1000 CP): Only one Lightforged Nathrezim exists within
the universe, but now there are two. You’re powers have been purified by the light
transforming your demonic form into something else. Everything the Nathrezim are
you are now the opposite of it. You are now capable of wielding the powers of the
Holy Light without any ill effects. Traits: Twisting Nether - You still retain your
connection to your demonic half and instead of dying like any other mortal, your
soul returns to the Twisting Nether until your body has reformed. Lord of the Light -
Your presence inspires hope and confidence into the hearts of others. Mental
Healing - You are gifted at healing the minds of others. You can heal nearly any
curse or mental control inflicted upon another, so long as your power is stronger
than the one who cast the curse to begin with. Exorcist - Your ability to purge others
of demonic influence is without peer. Class You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter,
Death Knight, Rogue, and Warlock.
26. Elemental** (1000 CP): You are now an elemental of your choice (Fire, wind, earth,
and water). You are a living embodiment of your chosen element. You do not start
off as the head honcho but as a weak generic Elemental (The reason the price is
high will be explained in the Traits). You can start off in any area rich in your
element or in the elemental realm of your element. Traits: Part of the Order - When
killed you do not die, you instead go to the realm of your element where you are
reformed and must wait to regain your strength. However, if you die within your
plane, you die for good. You can also still be soul trapped or imprisoned. Fire Fire -
You can control your chosen element like it was an extension of your body. Fly /
Burrow - If you are not an Earth Elemental you can fly. If you are an Earth Elemental
you can burrow into the ground and ‘swim’ through the earth. Immune - You are
immune to any and all damage of your element, in fact attacks imbued with your
element will heal you. Class You Cannot Choose: Death Knight, Rogue, Demon
Hunter, Hunter, Warlock, Paladin, Priest, Monk, Druid, and Shaman. (For the
duration of this Jump if you get trapped in a soul shard or imprisoned via a
spell it counts as a loss. You must also take the Drawback Bound for no CP.)
27. Red Dragon (500 CP): Created by the Titans as the protectors of Azeroth, the Red
Dragons represent life and healing. You start off as a Drake, which is basically the
Dragon version of a teenager, but for (+200 CP) you can start off as a fully grown
Dragon similar in age to Kalecgos. However, for (-200 CP) You can start off as a
Wyrmling, which is the equivalent of an 8-year-old human. The Dragons are viewed
with suspicion but are accepted in most circles, though they are also hunted by
many organizations seeking the destruction of Azeroth. Traits: Flight - You can fly,
Dragon’s Breath - As a Red Dragon you can breath flames that burn enemies while
healing allies and the land, Transformation - You can assume the form of any ONE
species from this list (But that’s all it is, an appearance; you get none of their traits),
Natural Healer - Your healing spells heal for far more than usual. Class You Cannot
Choose: Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Rogue, Warlock, and Druid. (Must take the
Hunted Drawback, but you can keep the CP gained)
28. Blue Dragon (500 CP): Created by the Titans as the protectors of Azeroth, the Blue
Dragons represent magic and knowledge. You start off as a Drake, which is basically
the Dragon version of a teenager, but for (+200 CP) you can start off as a fully grown
Dragon similar in age to Kalecgos. However, for (-200 CP) you can start off as a
Wyrmling which is the equivalent of an 8-year-old human. The Dragons are viewed
with suspicion but are accepted in most circles, though they are also hunted by
many organizations seeking the destruction of Azeroth. Traits: Flight - You can fly,
Transformation - You can assume the form of any ONE species from this list (But
that’s all it is, an appearance; you get none of their traits), Dragon's Breath - You can
breath dragon fire that burns your enemies, but as a Blue Dragon, it can also freeze
them, Natural Mage - Your mana is greatly increased as well as your magical
damage. Class You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Shaman, Druid, and Warlock.
(Must take the Hunted Drawback but you can keep the CP gained)
29. Green Dragon (500 CP): Created by the Titans as the protectors of Azeroth, the
Green Dragons represent nature and balance. You start off as a Drake, which is
basically the Dragon version of a teenager, but for (+200 CP) you can start off as a
fully grown Dragon similar in age to Kalecgos. However, for (-200 CP) you can start
off as a Wyrmling, which is the equivalent of an 8-year-old human. The Dragons are
viewed with suspicion but are accepted in most circles, though they are also hunted
by many organizations seeking the destruction of Azeroth. Traits: Flight - You can
fly, Transformation - You can assume the form of any ONE species from this list (But
that’s all it is, an appearance; you get none of their traits), Dragon's Breath - You can
breath dragon fire that burns your enemies, but as a Green Dragon you can spew
out acid instead of flames, Natural at Nature - Your mana is greatly increased and
you have a deep connection to nature, increasing all nature based attacks and skills.
Class You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Warlock, and Death
Knight. (Must take the Hunted Drawback but you can keep the CP gained)
30. Bronze Dragon** (500 CP): Created by the Titans as the protectors of Azeroth, the
Bronze Dragons represent time and order. You start off as a Drake, which is
basically the Dragon version of a teenager, but for (+200 CP) you can start off as a
fully grown Dragon similar in age to Kalecgos. However, for (-200 CP) you can start
off as a Wyrmling, which is the equivalent of an 8-year-old human. The Dragons are
viewed with suspicion but are accepted in most circles, though they are also hunted
by many organizations seeking the destruction of Azeroth. Traits: Flight - You can
fly, Transformation - You can assume the form of any ONE species from this list (But
that’s all it is, an appearance; you get none of their traits), Dragon's Breath - You can
breath dragon fire that burns your enemies, but as a Bronze Dragon, it can also turn
to sand, rending flesh from bone, Lord of Time - You can view moments several
minutes into the future or the past. (Must take the Hunted Drawback, but you
can keep the CP gained). Class You Cannot Choose: Demon Hunter, Druid, and
31. Black Dragon (800 CP): Created by the Titans as the protectors of Azeroth, the Black
Dragons represent power and protection (At least they were supposed to). You start
off as a Drake, which is basically the Dragon version of a teenager, but for (+200 CP)
you can start off as a fully grown Dragon similar in age to Kalecgos. However, for
(-200 CP) you can start off as a Wyrmling which is the equivalent of an 8 year old
human. The Dragons are viewed with suspicion but are accepted in most circles,
though they are also hunted by many organizations seeking the destruction of
Azeroth. Traits: Flight - You can fly, Transformation - You can assume the form of
any ONE species from this list (But that’s all it is, an appearance; you get none of
their traits), Dragon's Breath - As a Black Dragon, your flames burn so hot that very
few things are capable of withstanding it, Powerhouse - You are greatly resistant to
all forms of magic as well as physical damage. (Must take the Drawback The
Whispers, but you can keep the CP you gain from it.) Class You Cannot Choose:
Demon Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Druid, Shaman, and Monk.
32. Jump Dragon** (1000 CP): This is your very own Dragon Flight designed specifically
by you. Choose a color and an idea for your Dragon to represent and embody. Some
restrictions apply; for one, you cannot choose an already existing Dragon species in
WoW (so no Infinite Dragons, no Twilight Dragons, and no Netherdrakes), you also
cannot choose to embody the exact traits of an existing Dragon Flight (so no magic
and knowledge, but power and magic would work), you don’t have to choose a color
per se but can choose something more etheric in nature like the Infinite Dragons,
and finally you could choose to not be a typical Dragon like the rest of the flight but
a Wyrm or a Cloud Serpent instead. If you do not desire to be a part of any Dragon
Flight, even one of your own creation, you can instead take this race at a cost of 600
CP. You will gain all the traits of the race, but you can not take the perk Oh Captain,
My Captain. Traits: Flight - You can fly, Transformation - You can assume the form
of any ONE species from this list (But that’s all it is, an appearance, you get none of
their traits), Dragon's Breath - ??? You can choose one of the breaths or make your
own (It can not be more powerful than the Black Dragons breath), [Insert Trait Here]
- Finally you may choose one other trait in the same vein as the previous dragons or
even one of their traits (Again it cannot be more powerful than the Black Dragons).
Class You Cannot Choose: The classes most opposed to the idea your Flight
embodies can not be taken. Fanwank responsibly. (Gain the Perk Oh Captain, My
Captain for free. Must take the Hunted Drawback but you can keep the CP
33. Na’ru** (1500 CP): The Na’ru are creatures of pure energy, specifically the Light,
powerful enough to power a city sized ship and allow it to fly through the void of
space for thousands of years. They are nearly indestructible, keyword being nearly
as we’ve seen at least 3 Na’ru destroyed in WoW (That I’m aware of). They can also
imbue other species with the Light turning them into Lightforged versions of their
species. They are diametrically opposed to beings of Darkness and the Void.
However, when they die they instead turn into beings of the Void until they are
purified (usually in the form of some great sacrifice). If you choose this race you may
either start in the city ship Exodar, Shattrath in Burning Crusade Era, or Legion Era
with your own Army of the Light. Traits: Lightforged - Can turn others into
Lightforged versions of their species increasing their power in Light based abilities
and powers, Crystaline - You are made of a crystaline energy like substance that
makes you nearly indestructible, Power of the Light - You can heal nearly any wound
/ disease / curse / even death, Parallels - When you die you are transformed into a
void form that is the opposite of your original form. Class You Cannot Choose: You
can not choose any class. (Gain Oh Captain, My Captain Perk for free. Must take
the Hunted Drawback for no CP gain)
34. Elemental Lord** (1500 CP): There are many elemental lords that exist on Azeroth,
but only four Elemental Lords. You are now one of those four. Choose Wind, Earth,
Fire, or Water and you will take the place of the chosen Elemental Lord. Being an
Elemental Lord means you have absolute control over your chosen element. Seas
will rage, volcanoes will explode, earth shall tremble, and hurricanes shall weave a
path of destruction at your command. You have all the racials of a common
Elemental. Traits: Elemental Creation - You have the power to create more
Elementals of your element by splitting off a piece of your power. This will leave
your temporarily weakened depending on how much power you split off. Elemental
Control - You are able to take control over any elemental of your element to see and
speak through their eyes. Size Control - You can grow as large as a several story
building or as small as a human. Elemental Portal - You can open portals to your
elemental plane summoning forth more elements under your control to fight
alongside you. Class You Cannot Choose: You can not choose any class. (You must
take the perk Hail to the King, or Queen, Baby and the Drawback Hunted, with
Old Gods as your enemy, for no CP gain.)
35. Titanic-Watcher/ Keeper (1000/1500 cp): The titanic-watchers, first of the
titan-forged, their bodies were hand crafted by the Pantheon from the material
surface of Azeroth before being brought to life by a great infusion of arcane and
spirit. Designed to act as a medium between the Pantheon and Azeroth, flesh from
one, mind and soul from the other. Traits - All titanic-watchers are immensely
powerful beings, expert craftsmen, and masterful warriors wielding magics and
skills for the purpose of destroying the old gods, taming the elementals, and
ordering worlds from chaos. You must choose whether you are of the stone crafted
Vanir or the metal crafted Aesir. The Vanir are titan-forged watchers fashioned from
stone with command over the powers of the earth and fire. The Aesir are
titan-forged watchers fashioned from metal with command over the powers of
storms, wind, and lightning. While all titanic-watchers are already more skilled than
even the greatest of mortals dare to dream, all titanic-watchers have specialties.
You may choose Warrior or Mage as a class, and you choose one of the following
Weaver of Dreams: You have the ability to design new spells from scratch if
need be , but you have an intrinsic understanding of all forms of magic or spells you
come across. While you might not have enough power to actually wield those forces
you will absolutely understand them. But what good is knowledge if you can’t do
anything with it? You laugh at such notions as you can always find a way to improve
any magic, making any given spell, enchantment, or ritual more versatility, faster to
cast, faster to recover, require less mana or resources, stronger, and increasing the
duration; basically, any means by which a spell or enchantment could be improved
is improved by double or half as appropriate. But you do not simply cast spells, you
craft magic itself, from arcane sources, wielding forces beyond compare, making
new spells, enchantments, and rituals as needed. Even on the fly, with comparative
capabilities of other magics within that area, your improvisational magic is inspired
and artistic in the extreme allowing you to incorporate any kinds of themes for your
magics or supernatural abilities. As you are wielding the raw craft of the arcane
itself, your spells cannot be countered unless the counter would negate magic itself
(a counter fireball or counter any fire magic spell would not work against your
fireball, they would have to have a counter for any magic spell, anti-magic effect.)
Your magic is more resilient and more easily bypasses defenses, your enchantments
take on a life of their own as you are able to weave enchantments into intrinsic
natures to create wonders of spell craft such as true alchemy creating new
substances, pocket dimensions, magical terrains and sacred places on the order of
mythals, legendary spells, and magical items akin to artifacts, and mythical charms.
Your magical strength and reserves are increased by an order of magnitude , and
this specialty implies to any kinds of magic or similar supernatural abilities you have
such as divinity or psionics.
You May Choose: Druid
Enhanced: You can weave magic into intricate reality so as to define the laws
and natures of the world it's in and create spaces, realms, and dimensions
that overlap with each other. With enough arcane energy magic can even be
used to create realities and dreams that are interchangeable making
something real into a dream or something that was once a dream into real
thereby granting you the ability craft matter and dreams themselves.
Creating something like the Emerald Dream, for the dreams of life and world,
or even the shadowlands, for the souls of the dead, would be easy for
someone like you, if not time consuming, It took Freya a few thousand years
to complete the emerald dream, which still required regular maintenance,
preservation, and protection. Not only are you able to create new realm, you
can freely travel worlds and sub-planes such as the old planes of the dream
or the emerald nightmare. You can build gates to other worlds and planes or
simply travel there directly, you can enter the spaces between spaces or even
make them yourself. You have an intrinsic understanding of your place in the
world and where to find things, lost or known, physical, ephemeral, or even
knowledge. You are never lost, can easily find your way home or through any
maze or labyrinth uncover all its secrets like child's play. And if someone ever
does try to trap or endanger you you may simply “step” back into one of the
realms you’ve made from anywhere. You have also become a font, or well,
and battery of Life and spirit able to wield not only arcane magics, but druidic
and shamanic ones as well, imbuing it into your craft. Your spirit energy and
life force will continue to grow, which can be enhanced by proper usage of
your realms and enchantments.
You May Choose:Shaman
Forger of Giants: Your talents of craft extend to the direct creation and
modification of living beings. You have the ability to craft life itself. While you cannot make
life from nothing, you can harness any source of life or spirit to create a soul for a living
being. Without a source you may still make complicated facsimiles of life similar to A.I. and
or elementals. You may forge, re-forge, temper, purify, and heal any kind of mind, spirit,
body, or soul cleaning it of corruption, deterioration, disease, tarnish, blemish or error,
strengthening it against harm or others interference. While you do have the ability to do
the same to even yourself, it will take a great deal of time or power, as you were crafted by
the titans themselves and already tempered to such an extent to be able to wage war
against the corrupting and chaotic forces of the old gods and elementals. Your ability to
craft and uplift bodies and souls allows you to create races up to a similar power and form
as the Mogu, Tol'vir, Iron Vrykul, Earthen, and Giants. You have the ability to resurrect any
being weaker than yourself into its original body or into a new body up to a form you could
create, as long as a beings, mind, spirit, soul hasn’t been captured or restrained you can
resurrect it freely, even if its essence is being restrained. You have the ability to transition
between the realms of the living and the dead, attack incorporeal beings with physical
matter and even if a soul is destroyed as long as you can find even a fragment of it or the
being that destroyed it you can use the fragment or shatter the destroyers soul to re-forge
the original soul, you may need a source of life or spirit to rebuild it as if creating a new
soul from scratch. 
You May Choose:Priest
Enhanced: Given the same amount of time and effort you could create beings on
par with the titanic-watchers themselves, elevate the proto-dragons into full
dragons, or raise the dead as Val'kyr. But now given enough time those are not
limitations to what you can create, given enough time to forge and craft you could
create a being to rival anything, old god, naaru, dragon aspect there is no limit as
long as you have the time to forge strengthen and imbue more energy or craft with
better materials. The stronger and more skilled you grow the faster this process
becomes. The life you create can be given extraordinary abilities to travel between
the realms of the living and dead or the dream interacting with such realms with
ease. You could craft intangible or incorporeal bodies, or forms made of living
lighting. Even without access to spirit you could craft a soul from any of the primal
forces creating an arcane soul or a soul of light, while they fundamentally work
differently and some scholars may argue with you it is life. Anything you craft will be
unfalteringly loyal to you, obeying any order or command you have never trying to
betray you. While this is happily and willingly desired by things you create from
scratch or imbue with its first wil., the resurrected may only be begrudgingly held to
this standard. This specialty applies to anything you can create not just life. No
sword you forged could ever harm you unless you wanted it to and if it was a living
weapon it may even slice it own wielders throat if they tried to use it against you.
You may put limitations on wielders like Odin did with Mjolnir. You are now a font of
Light, you may wield and imbue light into all your magic and crafts, while not infinite
or even at the level of a Na’ru the light in you will continue to grow and will
eventually allow for true light forging.
You May Choose:Paladin
Shaper of Worlds: Your skills in the crafting of objects, buildings, and landscapes
grants you the ability to forge artifacts and legendary equipment with ease, your crafting
capabilities being an order of magnitude greater than they would have been without this
focus. You have the ability to craft landscapes, you can easily shape mountains, valleys,
rivers and seas to your liking in minutes enriching the earth and sky with magic to amplify
and encourage or discourage the flourishing of life or specific species. Everything you build
is a masterful work of art, both beautiful and functional beyond compare The things you
create being sturdier and nearly indestructible fighting off the weathering of time and the
environment even without the use of magic, a painting you made could be lost in an acid
swamp for millennia and barely need a light dusting and drying to make it presentable. You
also have an intuitive sense of any crafts you come across instinctively knowing what it
once was no matter how rundown it is, even a small shred of a few strands of a quilt would
do, having visions of and knowing its full purpose, intent, and how it was used; you have
the ability to understand the original creators design and how to improve it both
functionally and artistically. Anything you restore qualifies as being crafted by you for the
purposes of any effects you have, including your preservation skills and quality skills.
Anything you are actively crafting, have crafted, or in charge of can be preserved by your
will and an occasional thought, this being an active force protected against harm, decay
and entropy. Only beings who directly intend to harm you or the things you have crafted or
preserved can hope to damage them and even still such damage is lessened, and you will
be able to restore such things later. You may repair and restore things to exactly as they
were or an improved state up to your level of crafting; your powers of preservation and
restoration can apply to non-crafted things that you watch over such as the environment,
climate, weather, and enchantments.
You May Choose: Hunter
Enhanced: You may now craft impossibilities into your lands, cut a mountain or
raise a continent into the sky where it will stay, imbue the land with the ability to
fight back and defend itself against invaders, build world machines and city forges
to aid in the creation of anything you can imagine. Your crafts are as immortal and
timeless as yourself, nearly impervious to outside forces. You can build temples to
enhance the gather of worship and various types of energy, forge and craft mega
structures like sky elevators and dyson spheres, even artificial suns and black holes
are within your grasp as long as you have the materials and magics. The prisons you
build could trap old gods, multidimensional beings, eldrazi, or the like forever this
extends to the point of beings that aren’t just stronger than you but god like in their
strength to you. You could build a tomb to imprison Sargeras till the end of time
long after the heat death of the universe and your prison will still stand. Whatever
you build will function as intended no matter how impractical the design is. This
comes with the added ability of being able to force higher dimensional beings or
entities from other realms into whatever realm you are crafting in. That ghost who
can phase through solid objects can’t phase through your bricks, or fist, unless you
allow it. This comes with more esoteric capabilities like building rivers out of fire,
mountains out of smoke, a living tree out of feathers and glass that is still capable
of photosynthesis. Your alchemical capabilities are to the point you can not only
transmute metals to stone, or vise versa, you could transmute things into organic
materials of your liking or something between organic, inorganic, energy, and
dreams. You are now a font, well, and battery of Arcane. Short of the titans
themselves you are the strongest source of arcane energy. Arcane energy flows
from you with ease allowing you to supply this power to whatever you like.
You May choose: Monk
While your abilities and skills are far more vast, varied, and greater than any other
races, besides your makers, your power is not. You are stronger than any normal dragon,
but the dragon aspects outclass you, it would take dozens of you to kill an elemental lord,
and a small army of you may not succeed in defeating an old god let alone killing one.
However, for an additional 500 cp you will be a Keeper, personally chosen out of the army
of titanic-watchers, imbued with strength beyond compare. Your power is so great that
many of the lesser races worship you as a god. Two Keepers working together could kill an
elemental lord with relative ease, and a keeper with a small squadron of titanic-watchers
could defeat and capture an old god. You may choose one of the following: You gain a
second specialization blending them so that both specialization’s traits apply to all aspects
of the other specialization , or you may gain an unmatched level of combat experience
removing the restrictions on your class - any class or profession you gain you become the
paragon of that class outmatching anyone with that same class as you to the point of being
able to hit one level above your weight/power class with ease – you can pick one extra class
for free. Either way the strength of all your specializations are doubled and you gain
Enhanced capabilities with them. You will be a leader and a tactician capable of organizing
thousands upon thousands of people with ease to accomplish specific goals such as war,
combating poverty, or finding a cure for a disease. People will be more likely to help you
than not, even if they have nothing in particular to gain. Any companions, followers,
friends, organizations, and family you had before find their loyalty towards you increased.
Things that are a direct benefit to you are guaranteed to have any organizations you
control work their hardest to see you succeed.(If you become a keeper You must take
the Whispers drawback for no added CP. You will be hated by all old gods, the
burning legion, all elementals. You may be able to befriend some elementals, but
never the greater elementals or lords from Azeroth. The elementals from other
worlds such as outland have no such animosity. You will be inherently distrusted by
but not hated by the Horde.)
This section is assuming you have at least some understanding or knowledge of World of
Warcraft in its current form. You may choose only one class and it must align with the race
you have chosen. You may choose one class for free. You receive one specialization for free
and you may buy additional specializations for 100 CP each, but only those listed for your
class. Even if you don’t buy all specializations you will get the general powers of the class
you have chosen (ie. Mages will get the Mana Table spell if they are a Frost Mage but not
Pyroblast). Though based on a video game I have no intention of limiting you to a specific
weapon. If you are a mage who wants to wield a two handed axe then go for it. If you are
not experienced in WoW I strongly urge you to do a little research on the classes and how
they work in your free time. If you want to learn more about the classes of World of
Warcraft you can go here to get a better idea of what to expect:
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/classes . See the notes section about classes
marked with ** next to them for more information about certain spells and abilities and
how they work in future Jumps.
1. Death Knight**: Former Lieutenants of the Lich King. They were betrayed by Arthas
at the Battle for Lights Hope and subsequently freed from his control by Tirion
Fordring. The Death Knights of Acherus Hold created the Ebon Blade to combat the
Lich King whom they hated for the atrocities they were forced to commit against
their will in his name.
Blood (100 CP): Your spells and abilities revolve around absorbing the blood
and suffering of your enemies to heal yourself. You are capable of withstanding,
absorbing, or healing great amounts of damage. 
Frost (100 CP): You are as unstoppable as death. Your spells and abilities
imbue you with the power of the chill of death. You use your powers over the cold
to freeze the blood of your enemies rooting them in place or imbuing your own
body with ice to mitigate damage.
Unholy (100 CP): Unholy Death Knights are capable of raising armies of the
dead and summoning other undead abominations and binding them to their will.
They spread death and plague among their enemies that burn through their bodies
like a fire.
2. Demon Hunter: The Demon Hunters were created by Illidan Stormrage, The
Betrayer, as such only Elves can be a Demon Hunter (Unless otherwise stated). They
are created through a ritual of devouring the hearts of Fel Hunters and other
demonic creatures. This grants them power to see the true form of a Demon no
matter the form they take. They are also capable of Metamorphosis turning them
into powerful Demon-Elven hybrids temporarily boosting their powers greatly.
Vengeance (100 CP): Vengeance Demon Hunters draw attention in combat
to themselves to protect their allies. As such most of their abilities are tuned around
mitigating damage and protecting others and their metamorphosis form reflects
this by turning them into wingless brutes capable of absorbing great amounts of
Havoc (100 CP): Havoc Demon Hunters are masters of warglaives and the
powers of fel magic. They attack swiftly often dashing in and around an opponent
quickly not giving them time to even blink. Their metamorphosis reflects this by
being more lean with large wings to attack from every direction.
3. Druid**: Druids are masters of nature and healing. They are capable of
shapeshifting into multiple animal forms for different styles of combat. Unlike other
classes who only receive three specializations, the Druid can choose between four.
Balance (100 CP): A Balance Druid can shapeshift into a Moonkin form that
allows to cast astral spells such as Fury of Elune or Stellar Flare.
Guardian (100 CP): Taken on the form of a large bear the druid becomes the
protector of the forest and their allies. They have a plethora of self healing abilities
as well as spells to strengthen their durability.
Feral (100 CP): The Druid takes on the form of a large cat. This form focuses
on targeting areas of your opponent to make them bleed the most causing them to
die quickly of blood loss.
Restoration (100 CP): Restoration Druids channel powerful nature spells to
heal and support others.
4. Hunter: Hunters are… well Hunters. They have spells and abilities best suited to
tracking down prey and taming wild beasts. They are excellent marksman and
Beastmaster (100 CP): A master of the wild capable of taming nearly any
animal or beast they come across. Unlike the other two specializations the
Beastmaster is capable of taming truly spectacular and one of a kind beasts.
Marksmanship (100 CP): A master sharpshooter. They can take down
enemies from yards away.
Survivalist (100 CP): Forgoing ranged weapons the Survivalist hunters
prefers explosives and traps while fighting alongside his beast companion.
5. Mage**: Masters of Arcane, Frost, and Fire. Mages are capable of teleporting
around the world to teleporting around a battlefield. Though not very durable they
can deal out explosive damage.
Arcane (100 CP): Arcane Mages use arcane energies to destroy their
enemies with overwhelming power.
Fire (100 CP): Fire Mages should be pretty self explanatory. Burn baby burn!
Frost (100 CP): Frost mages are masters at controlling a battle often freezing
targets to the ground to give themselves distance or summoning an ice elemental to
do their bidding.
6. Monk**: Born in ancient Pandaria the Monks forego weapons in favor if knuckle
sandwiches. They’re basically Bruce Lee with magic.
Brewmaster (100 CP): The Brewmaster is a tank oriented class who uses his
different brews of beer to keep his body going. It’s never stated explicitly where this
alcohol comes from but it assumed to be some kind of almost alchemical substance
that can only be brewed by Monks.
Windwalker (100 CP): This spec focuses on your fists of fury. Lightning fast
punches and kicks in a combat fashion to dazzle and amaze.
Mistweaver (100 CP): Monks who specialize in manipulating life energies to
heal others.
7. Paladin: Paladins are called and charged with protecting the weak and innocent as
well as bringing justice to the unjust. They will not rest until they have vanquished all
evil from this world.
Holy (100 CP): Holy Paladins use the Light to heal their wounded allies while
vanquishing evil.
Protection (100 CP): Protection Paladins use Holy Magic, mace, and board to
defend and inspire their allies. Capable of shielding themselves and transferring
damage meant for others onto themselves. If you like Captain America this is the
spec for you.
Retribution (100 CP): Retribution Paladins are righteous crusaders bringing
retribution to all evil entities.
8. Priest: Do not let their names deceive you for a Priest is more than holy piety and
healing. Beneath the surface lurks a void and darkness capable of driving others
Holy (100 CP): A versatile healer who can reverse damage and even heal
from beyond the grave.
Discipline (100 CP): This spec is more focused on preventing damage than
healing it. It focuses on casting shields on your allies while using holy spells that
both damage your enemies and heal allies.
Shadow (100 CP): The whispers OH GOD THE WHISPERS! Shadow priests use
sinister shadow and void magic to damage their enemies and spread insanity.
9. Rogue: The Class everyone hates, for good reason (Don’t be a ninja looter). Rogues
are capable of invisibility and stealthily assassinating their targets. Or just spamming
sap on people over and over and ganking low levels in starting zones as well as
quest givers just because most rogues like being douches.
Outlaw (100 CP): The Han Solo’s of WoW the Outlaws rely on luck and charm
to win the day.
Assassination (100 CP): Masters of poisons and death dealing. Just when
you think you’ve killed a Rogue you die because you forget about the 50 different
poisons he inflicted upon you.
Subtlety (100 CP): These Rogues are the masters of Stealth and subterfuge.
They’ll stab you in the back, or front, and vanish before you can even realize what’s
going on.
10. Shaman**: Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire HEED MY CALL! Shamans are capable of
summoning and binding Elementals to their will. While also manipulating the
elements to cause damage to their enemies or heal their allies.
Elemental (100 CP): Elementals harness the destructive nature of the
elements in the form of ranged spells like lightning bolts, magma, and earthquakes.
Enhancement (100 CP): This Shaman relies on their totems and elementally
imbued weapons to deal massive melee damage to their enemies.
Restoration (100 CP): Using ancestral spirits and the healing power of PURE
WATA these Shaman’s heal their allies and perform well in large groups.
11. Warlock**: Warlocks are Mages who gave up their access to the arcane for fel
magic. Usually one gives up their access to arcane because they themselves were
not powerful in arcane magic or because arcane magic wasn’t powerful enough for
their desire. Warlocks summon demons and destructive fel magics to destroy their
Demonology (100 CP): Do you like Imps? If so this spec is for you. Endless
swarms of imp after imp after imp. Purchase now and I’ll even throw in two
felguards mounted with, you guessed it, imps! But that’s not all, oh no sir. For the
low low price of your soul I’ll even throw in some of the most powerful demon
summoning you can imagine! Oh boy! Now you can finally have a friend to shoot
hoops with! Enjoy!
Affliction (100 CP): More DOTS! You are the DOT (Damage Over Time)
master. Capable of running through a forest DOT’ing the ever loving &%^* out of
everything inside and coming out without a scratch.
Destruction (100 CP): Basically a Mage, but not as good. Most of your spells
have been traded out for damage based spells that sometimes hit hard and
sometimes don’t, who knows. But hey, at least you can rain fire on the heads of your
12. Warrior: WARGH! Errr… Wrong franchise. As a Warrior you are a masochist for pain.
Pain is joy, pain is life, pain is damage. The more pain you are in the more damage
you deal. So just lose yourself to that sweet sweet pain and enjoy duel wielding two
handed weapons twice the size of your body as if they were made of foam.
Arms (100 CP): What? Two huge weapons too intimidating for you? Fine you
can take just the one. Arms warriors focus on reducing the healing their opponents
can receive while also reducing their armor and damage mitigation.
Fury (100 CP): Ours is the Fury! Wielding two two handed weapons
simultaneously the Fury warrior is an intimidating sight to behold, so long as it’s not
PvP then you can laugh. Fury Warriors focus on going absolute ham on their
enemies dealing blow after relentless blow. Pain and damage only seem to serve to
heal them.
Protection (100 CP): The OG Tank. It’s a Warrior with sword and shield, do I
really need to explain more?
All perks are full priced unless specifically discounted. Discounts can include Race or Class
and will be marked next to the Perk in question. All discounts are 50% off there are no
freebies unless otherwise specifically stated. If a perk is marked discounted for Tauren this
includes all Tauren subspecies such as Highmountain and Taunka. This also applies to all
subspecies of a race. Also most classes in the game use Spells. Spells aren’t just used by
Spellcasters but are often used by even Death Knights, Demon Hunters, and Monks.
Purchasing a Perk that grants you a bonus to your spells is still pretty useful for most
classes. Dragons capable of taking on an alternate appearance do not receive discounts
based on their alternate appearance. They can, however, purchase Oh Captain, My
Captain and Hail to the King, or Queen, Baby for their alternate appearance. Hybrids
gain the discounts of both their origins.
1. Roll Out (Free): You are capable of summoning a mount to your side by focusing on
the image of the mount for 1 uninterrupted second. Works on animals or vehicles.
Does not work on spacecraft. For an additional - 200 CP you can use this ability to
summon small spacecrafts that you own that are no larger than a ship capable of
holding eight.
2. Elven Nature (100 CP Free Elves and Dragons): You are naturally graceful and long
lived. The average lifespan of the Elves and Dragons is measured in Millennia and
now yours is too.
3. Addictol (100 CP Free Blood Elves): You cannot become addicted to any chemical,
substance, or activity.
4. Orcish Rage (100 CP Free Orcs): You are capable of channeling your anger, rage,
and fury to make yourself faster and stronger all while also ignoring the pain from
damage you take.
5. Peace of the Tauren (100 CP Free Tauren): You are a very patient person. Capable
of dealing with the most absurd individuals while still maintaining your calm. This
ability also applies to any strength based capabilities you might have. With this
perk, you will no longer need to worry about breaking fine china because you don’t
know how to control your strength.
6. Political Human (100 CP Free Human): You are a natural at politics. Knowing just
how to apply your charms to get what you want and get away with what you want.
This does not guarantee you can charm the pants off the local Innkeep’s daughter,
but it will give you a boost.
7. Forsaken Values (100 CP Free Undead): You can turn your emotions on or off at
will. So when the Banshee Queen orders you to burn down a tree city filled with
innocent civilians, women, and children you have no problems obeying.
8. Calming Light (100 CP Free Na’ru): You project a nature of calm serenity that is
infectious. Sometimes your mere presence is all it takes to calm fights or arguments.
9. Dread Presence (100 CP Free Demons and Ogron): Your mere presence instills
fear into the hearts of your enemies. Enemies are more likely to flee when they
begin to lose an engagement. This perk is toggleable.
10. Ritualistic (100 CP Free Trolls): You are much more skilled at elaborate rituals. You
often find that if a ritual calls for the blood of 10 virgins, you can get away with just
5. This only applies to magic such as Enchanting or Inscription, not to anything
scientific in nature. So you’ll still need those two batteries for your rock’em sock’em
11. Tinkerer (100 CP Free Gnomes): You are gifted at mixing technology and magic.
You can make a helmet that shrinks the world! Or maybe it just makes you really
really big. It’s the magic of science! You are also capable of creating the car-sized
piloted mechs (Like Mekkatorques), robots, and auto turrets.
12. Big Bada-Boom (100 CP Free Goblins): You may not make the prettiest of
engineering gizmos, but boy do you know how to make them go BOOM! You can
make big bombs or little bombs or big bombs IN little bombs capable of taking out
an entire skyscraper. You are an expert at bomb crafting, able to make bombs the
size of a marble that would make even Deathwing flinch. This also extends to
defusing bombs if, for some reason, you don’t want a boom, but that’s just crazy
13. Dwarven Crafting (100 CP Free Dwarves): No matter the fantasy fiction one thing
always remains true. Dwarves are master craftsmen and can imbue their works with
beautiful art and craftsmanship. Now, so can you. Capable of crafting weapons and
armor that are pure works of art but incredibly lethal and durable.
14. Buy Buy Buy! (100 CP Free Goblins and Ethereal): You know what the people want
and how to sell it to them. Any business you own will find an increase in their profits
or their ability to gather resources. Who cares about pesky things like the
environment? It’ll heal on its own eventually. You might be surprised that your
previous businesses are raking in way more money or producing way more product.
What your not seeing is the huge damage they are dealing to the environment or if
they are scamming people out of their money for cheap products. Other perks you
have from other Jumps may cancel this side effect.
15. Multiclass (100 CP): What’s that? You want to be a Rogue Warrior hybrid? Okay sure
thing. With this perk you may pick one other class and fanwank it into your existing
class as you please. You gain the benefits of both classes along with their
discounted perks. You may choose as many of their specializations as you can
afford. Fanwank responsibly. Each subsequent purchase of Multiclass doubles the
cost of this perk from 100 to 200 then 400 and etc.
16. Titanforged (200 CP Discount Human, Gnome, Dwarf, and Vrykul): Your body
now takes on the form of your Titanforged ancestors before they became corrupted
by the Curse of Flesh. This body can be made of solid stone, crystal, metal, or even
mechanical clockwork constructs like Mimiron.
17. Become the Beast (200 CP Free Druid / Discount Hunter): You find that you can
take to the forms of animals with ease. Used to walking on two legs? Now you’re a
pro at walking with four. Not used to following scents? Now you’re a pro. Essentially
this makes you more attuned to your animal side. This also affects those without
shapeshifting abilities, granting them enhanced sense of smell, hearing, and sight.
18. Flight of the Valkyrie (200 CP Discount Vrykul / Requires Female Vyrkul): You
are now an Undead Valkyrie capable of bringing back the dead or ferrying their
Souls into the afterlife. This also gives you the ability to fly. You keep all the racials of
a Vyrkul but you cannot choose to be a Paladin, Shaman, or Druid.
19. You Have the Powa! (200 CP Free Warriors / Discount Paladins and Death
Knight): You are now strong enough to dual wield massive melee weapons that are
more than twice your height as if they weighed nothing. Not only that, you are
capable of wielding them with a skilled ease that would make Samurai jealous.
20. Surprise Mothafucka (200 CP Free Subtlety Rogue / Discount Feral Druid): Holy
crap are you sneaky. Like seriously you could be standing right in front of someone
and they wouldn’t even notice unless you bumped into them. This does not protect
you against cameras or magical scrying, but bodyguards are basically useless
against you.
21. Standing in Fire (200 CP): You resist AoE damage better than any other. AoE spells
and effects are reduced in impact and damage upon you by 50%. This also includes
explosives and explosions.
22. Professions (200 CP First purchase is discounted): Enchanting, Inscription,
Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Engineering, Leatherworking, Tailoring, and Jewelcrafting.
Your first purchase is half off. For an additional 50 CP you start off at a Journeyman
level with all blueprints of that level and lower. For another 50 CP you will jump up
to Expert with all blueprints of that level and lower. For a final purchase of 50 CP you
will be an Artisan (the highest level in the game before this system was removed)
with all blueprints for your profession(s) that exist within the game. Go here for
more information https://wow.gamepedia.com/Profession .
23. The Dark Crystal (200 CP Discount Draenei): Draenei use crystals that are,
possibly, native to their homeworld for almost all aspects of their daily lives. Even
their technology, magic, and homes are made of these crystals. Certain Artificers are
capable of ‘Programming’ these crystals to do certain things ranging from protecting
an entire city in a shield or powering magitek spaceships that can travel the void of
space. You now have their knowledge of these ancient arts and are capable of
incorporating this magitek into your own technology or magic.
24. You’re a Wizard Jumper! (300 CP Discount Mage): You are a gifted spell caster.
Your spells cost 50% less to cast and you often find creative ways to combine spells
to create similar effects as Frostfire.
25. Earth, Wind, Water, Air Heed My Call! (300 CP Free Shaman): You are capable of
summoning elemental spirits to aid you in combat. If you are a Shaman you are
capable of summoning Wind and Water Elementals as well as Earth and Fire. Not
only that but your elemental summons are far stronger than the average Elemental,
dealing twice the damage of a normal Shaman’s Elemental. Water Elementals will
aid you in healing and protecting your allies while Wind Elementals will aid you in
traveling or attacking swiftly. If you are not a Shaman you get only the basic
Elemental spells to summon a Fire and Earth Elemental.
26. Master Tamer (300 CP Discount Hunter): If you are a hunter you are now capable
of taming not only beasts you find in the wild but more exotic creatures like
elemental hybrids of animals or even demonic hybrid animals. This does not allow
you to tame something sapient as a Human. For those not a Hunter this allows you
to tame any non-exotic animal in the wild such as tigers, wolves, owls, eagles, and
snakes, but not truly exotic things like a two-headed dog the size of a truck.
27. Necromancy (300 CP Discount Death Knight): Necromancy is a part of the world,
but unfortunately Necromancers are not yet a playable class in the game. With this
you get a basic skill set of a Diablo style Necromancer. For Death Knights this
increases the number of Undead you are capable of summoning as well as the
variety along with the skills of a Diablo style Necromancer. You’ll probably want to
keep your new skills a secret because most races do not like Necromancers.
28. Inspirational Sight (300 CP Discount Priest and Paladin): Your mere presence
inspires others. Those who have lost all hope in a cause will find themselves
reinvigorated in your presence. Those who spend time around you will become
more and more loyal to you as time passes.
29. Unlimited Powa! (400 CP Discount Warlock): You have overwhelming power. Your
spells deal 50% more damage while their costs remain the same.
30. Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That (400 CP Discount Mage): You no longer need a
wand, staff, gesture, or words to cast a spell. Merely thinking of the spell you wish to
cast is enough to do so. This does not remove the need for reagents or other
materials that are mandatory for a certain spell.
31. Runeforging (400 CP Free Death Knight and Discount Vyrkul): Runeforging is the
art of imbuing your weapons with runes that grant said weapon additional abilities
or strengthening your own abilities. Though the game only lists 4 abilities with this
you can fanwank responsibly to add additional runeforge abilities of your own.
Purchasing this perk also allows you to imbue a weapon with both an Enchant as
well as a Runeforging
32. I’ve Sacrificed Everything… (600 CP Discount Demon Hunter): You are capable of
imbuing yourself with the racial abilities of others. How? By eating them.
Cannibalism, yay! Oh, you don’t want to eat them? *sigh* Fine… You are now able to
use rituals to infuse yourself with racial abilities of other species. This only works
once per person of that species used, for example killing and using a Na’ru might
give you one of their racials but using the corpse of that same Na’ru again you will
gain nothing. This is completely random and you can’t choose exactly what you
want. You can increase the odds of getting what you want by using a specific part of
their body in the ritual. So, if you wanted increased intelligence you would use their
brain or if you wanted some type of vision ability you would use their eyes. This can
NOT be used to keep stacking stats by eati*ahem* ritualising humans and becomes
useless once you have all the racial abilities of a specific race when used on that
race again.
33. Oh Captain, My Captain (600 CP Free Jump Dragon / Na’ru. Can Only Be
Purchased ONCE.): Congratulations on your promotion! You are now, or will be, the
leader of your class’s Order Hall! Alternatively, if you have chosen Jump Dragon or
Na’ru, you become the leader of your own faction of Dragons or Army of the Light! If
you choose to pick a Class Order Hall then choose the Order Hall associated with
your class. This order hall, and all its members, will follow you into future Jumps,
appearing wherever you desire and completely loyal to you. The members of your
Order are considered followers unless you choose to make them companions.
Order Halls will retain any changes you make to them between Jumps as well as any
training to the followers within. This Perk can only be purchased ONCE. Taking this
Perk requires you to remain on Azeroth until the Legion is defeated in the Legion
Expac. Order Halls are:
Acherus: The Ebon Hold (Death Knight) -
https://wow.gamepedia.com/Acherus:_The_Ebon_Hold Once a Scourge Necropolis
this floating Citadel emanates a deathly chill in its surroundings. The Death Knights
of Acherus rebelled against the Lich King after his betrayal at Lights Hope Chapel
securing Acherus as their own. Filled with Death Knights of every specialization
Acherus also holds forges for their necrotic weapons and rune forging abilities. In
future Jumps this citadel will follow you appearing wherever you desire. Your Death
Gate ability will take you to Acherus or return you to your last location from
Acherus. In the event you choose not to import Acherus into a setting Death Gate
will take you to any property you own and back to where your previous location so
long as it is used within that property.
The Fel Hammer (Demon Hunter) - ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Fel_Hammer )
This is a former Burning Legion spacecraft captured by the Demon Hunters and
their allies. There is a portal on one of the floating isles of Dalaran that leads to this
ship. The ship sits within the Twisting Nether because it lacks the necessary power,
from souls, to travel like the rest of the Legion’s ships. The Demon Hunters have
allied with factions of the Broken and Naga who are also aboard the ship. The ship
orbits a broken shard of an unknown world now called Mardum, the Shattered
Abyss. In future Jumps this can be placed anywhere within the galaxy.
Dreamgrove (Druid) - ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Dreamgrove ) The
headquarters of the Cenarion Circle located in Val’sharah with portals that lead into
the Emerald Dream. The Druids of the Cenarion Circle have taken on the
responsibility of protecting nature and the world of Azeroth. As such they are allied
to the Dryads and Children of Cenarius. The Dreamgrove contains portals that lead
into the Emerald Dream, the building block of all life on Azeroth. In future worlds the
Dreamgrove will connect to similar systems of a single planet and the portals within
the Emerald Dream will change to points of interest that you can choose only once
before they become permanent.
Netherlight Temple (Priest) - ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Netherlight_Temple )
Netherlight was originally built to contain a Void God for the Draenei to study and
has remained hidden from the Burning Legion for ages, but it will be discovered
during the events of Legion. It is assumed that Netherlight Temple is a Draenei ship
that has been hidden away from the Legion. After this Jump Netherlight Temple will
appear somewhere in the galaxy hidden away from any other organization or race
within the galaxy and you will be able to create portals to and from the Temple at
will. For those wondering, yes you will get to keep the Na’ru if you managed to purify
the Void God.
Dreadscar Rift (Warlock) - ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Dreadscar_Rift ) A world
that was conquered, and subsequently destroyed, by the Burning Legion. The Black
Harvest has conquered this expanse of floating islands that rest within the Twisting
Nether as their own to perform their dark rituals in peace. Having witnessed the
might of the Black Harvest many demons have abandoned their cause with the
Burning Legion and have sworn fealty to the Warlocks Netherlord. In future Jumps
the Dreadscar Rift will appear anywhere in the galaxy you desire. You can create
gates to this world at will that will be protected by your demon and warlock
followers. Be warned though, these gates are permanent unless you can destroy
them and only one can be active at a time.
Heart of Azeroth (Shaman) -
https://wow.gamepedia.com/Heart_of_Azeroth_(Class_Hall) An island located
almost on top of the Maelstrom containing the Shaman order the Earthern Ring.
This is a large jagged mountain like island hollowed out and housing Shamans of
multiple races and even elementals. In future Jumps this island can be placed
anywhere you please so long as it remains an island surrounded on all sides by the
ocean. The island will project thunderstorms and mists to ward off intruders and
water elementals will ensure the island remains secure. Anything beyond that will
be up to you to defend against. You will be able to create a portal at any time to the
island and back to the location you just left.
Sanctum of Light (Paladin) - ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Sanctum_of_Light )
Hidden beneath the chapel within Lights Hope, this sanctuary is home to the Silver
Hand an Order of Paladins dedicated to protecting the weak. The Sanctum is also
used to intomb the remains of great and revered Paladins. In future Jumps Lights
Hope will appear anywhere on the world you wish. It will seem to be nothing more
than a house of worship whose devotees have taken to defend their sanctum with
walls and towers. Beneath the Chapel, however, lies the Order of the Silver Hand
waiting to smite evil wherever it may be.
Temple of Five Dawns (Monk) -
https://wow.gamepedia.com/Temple_of_Five_Dawns A monastery located on a
mountain that is located on the back of a giant turtle. This island is also home to the
Pandaren who have chosen to side with the Alliance or Horde, though they’ve all
moved on now. In future Jumps you can import this Temple, turtle and all, into any
location on the world so long as it is within the ocean. You will also need to see to
the well being of the turtle because if it dies your temple will sink. You will be able to
create temporary portals to and from your island or maybe convince the turtle to
swim to a specific location.
The Hall of Shadows (Rogue) - ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Hall_of_Shadows )
Located in a secret passage in the underbelly of Dalaran this den for thieves is the
Order Hall for the Uncrowned. Thieves, Assassins, and spies can all be found here as
well as alchemist who make the finest of poisons. This Order Hall also comes with a
medium sized vault filled with treasure. In future Jumps this Order Hall can be
located beneath any Major City you desire with multiple secret passages hidden
throughout the city.
Hall of the Guardian(Mage) -https://wow.gamepedia.com/Hall_of_the_Guardian
A large Mage Tower within the heart of Dalaran. Filled with the brightest Mages of
every race as well as arcane elementals, ice elementals, and enchanted magical
constructs. This tower is excellent for teaching new generations the Arcane Arts. In
future Jumps both the Hall of the Guardian and Dalaran itself will appear wherever
you wish on the planet you are on. Dalaran comes with it’s own set of defenders
who will only defend the island city itself and cannot be compelled to leave.
Otherwise you are seen as the defacto ruler of Dalaran. The multiple portals found
within Dalaran and the Hall of the Guardian can be upgraded to reflect any major
city found on the planet, but be warned these portals are two ways. Dalaran also
comes with an Arcane shield that can provide some protection against threats,
usually of a magical nature.
Trueshot Lodge (Hunter) - ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Trueshot_Lodge ) Located
on the side of a mountain within Highmountain this Lodge is home to the Unseen
Path, a group of Hunters. It is capable of housing and feeding a wide variety of
animal species as well as seeing to their care. The Lodge is very isolated and difficult
for the untrained to find. The mountain it rests on is covered in traps and early
warning signals for potential invaders. The mountain is also home to some unique
species that are native to Highmountain that will follow you to future worlds. The
Trueshot Lodge, and the mountain itself, will follow you to future Jumps, and you
will be able to choose its location.
Skyhold (Warrior) - ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Skyhold ) Located in High Hold
and ruled over by Odin within the Halls of Valor this Class Order Hall is a pocket
dimension. Odin is not capable of leaving the halls, but he’s a fine drinking
companion with stories to tell. Or maybe he could train you if you would like. Odin
has given over command to his Valarjar and Val’kyr. The Val’kyr will periodically
brings the souls of the worthy dead to be reborn as Valarjar who can fight at your
command. After this Jump Skyhold will expand to include all of High Hold and the
Val’kyr will begin bringing in races from all over the world to join the Valarjar. You
can enter Skyhold by focusing on a giant leap into the sky. To exit, you have to jump
back down.
Aspect of the Dragon Flight (Depends on your chosen Dragon Flight) - If you are
a Dragon you can take this option to become the leader of your, already existing,
Dragon Flight. Your locations and Flight will be based on the Color you chose above.
Blue Dragons will receive Coldarra and the Nexus. Coldarra is a tall mountain on an
island off the North West coast of Borean Tundra that is always cold and always
winter, the Nexus is located on the mesa of this mountain. The Nexus will connect to
the leylines of any world you are on and if there are no leylines then it will generate
several in the world if you so desire. Red Dragons live within Wyrmrest Temple in
Northrend the temple has portals to pocket dimensions that contain their clutches
but also the clutches of other Dragon Flights. After this Jump those pocket
dimensions not used by the Reds will be available to use for anything you wish.
Green Dragons live within the Emerald Dream. You will have to contend with the
Emerald Nightmare during your stay on Azeroth, but after the Jump you will carry
with you a medium sized pocket of the Emerald Dream a land that looks like it’s
straight out of a Disney movie. Bronze Dragons live within the Caverns of Time.
During your time on Azeroth you will have to deal with the Infinite Dragon Flight to
maintain the time stream. After this Jump the Caverns of Time will follow you their
walls displaying past events and often opening passageways into major events in
that Jumps timeline, though this is not guaranteed and it only opens Timeways into
Major civilisation altering events. Black Dragons, for the most part, call Blackrock
Mountain their home. The Black Dragons live within the molten halls of the former
home of the Dark Iron Dwarves. Though during this Jump you will only have a
portion of the mountain as yours in future Jumps you will have the entirety of the
Blackrock Mountains as well as the city built within and all the natural resources it
might contain. Finally, every Dragon Flight have Dragonspawn serving them. The
origins of this subspecies of Dragons is unknown though it is believed they were
somehow created through a ritual or were former humanoids who spent years
living alongside the Dragons and by doing so slowly evolved into Dragonspawn.
Either way you have a large number of these Dragonspawn who carry out many of
the mundane tasks as being guards, soldiers, servants, caretakers, or perhaps even
farmers. Very little is known about them so feel free to Fanwank it however you
want. As usual they are completely loyal and devoted to your Flight and your Flight
only, seeing your word as law. (More information:
https://wow.gamepedia.com/Dragonspawn )
(If you choose to be the leader of the Black Dragons you must take the
Drawbacks Whispers, Hunted, and Mistrusted for half their CP gain. Does not
increase the amount of CP you can gain from Drawbacks.)
Army of the Light (Na’ru)- Three Draenei style crystal ships. One ship is as large as
the Exodar and contains a large population of Draenei. The other two ships would
be considered Battleships meant to aid in the defense of your city ship. You can
name these ships whatever you would like. Each ship is manned and crewed by the
necessary personnel to keep the ship operational. The city ship, however, is only
filled with key personnel and a handful of everyday citizens. If you want more you’ll
have to recruit from local populations. The city ship is directly linked to and powered
by you while the two smaller battleships have Na’ru of smaller size and power to
keep them running. You will not begin your journey in Azeroth until the events of
the Legion expansion and how you arrive or explain your existence is up to you. In
future Jumps anyone who chooses to join you on any of your ships will be carried
forward into future Jumps as followers. The power of the weapons of these ships
are not really detailed, but they are shown as having a very long range and are
capable of teleportation by using other Draenei crystals. The city ship will have a
section dedicated to growing more of these crystals, but if you want them to grow
fast you’ll need to find a world like Azeroth, or Earth, with decent light. Fanwank
responsibly. A good example of how these ships work would probably be the
Protoss from Starcraft but instead of using Psionics the Draenei use Magic, or the
Light it’s not really concrete on this.
[Blank] Dragon Flight (Jump Dragon Flight) - A Dragon Flight made to your
specifications. Since this is your Dragon Flight and not an existing one you can
choose the location of where they call home, or roost, or nest, or whatever it’s called
that Dragons do. For the Blue Dragon Flight this is the Nexus in Coldarra, Green
Dragons largely live within the Emerald Dream, and Black Dragons have taken to
nesting in Black Rock Mountain. You can choose to create a mountain or island of
some sort to reflect the aspects your Dragons represent. These natural wonders can
contain large areas for your Flight to live that are sculpted and hand made, but it
can not be just a city in the middle of a desert, check out some of the other areas
the Dragon Flight live and mimic that . Alternatively you can take an exact replica of
Wyrmrest Temple as your own and place it down somewhere on Azeroth other than
Northrend. This building will be large enough to comfortably house your Dragon
Flight for several generations. It will contain portals in it’s basement to a pocket
dimension that you can keep and store your eggs so they can hatch in relative
safety. You can, over time, shape this area into a city if you wish or import a city you
already own into the setting. In future Jumps this location will follow you and can be
placed anywhere you wish. If you choose to have your Dragons home in something
similar to the Emerald Dream you must have at least one portal or location from
which it connects to the outside world. Every Dragon Flight have Dragonspawn
serving them. The origins of this subspecies of Dragons is unknown though it is
believed they were somehow created through a ritual or were former humanoids
who spent years living alongside the Dragons and by doing so slowly evolved into
Dragonspawn. Either way you have a large number of these Dragonspawn who
carry out many of the mundane tasks as being guards, soldiers, servants, caretakers,
or perhaps even farmers. Very little is known about them so feel free to Fanwank it
however you want. As usual they are devoted to your Flight and your Flight only,
seeing your word as law. (More information:
https://wow.gamepedia.com/Dragonspawn )
Notes: If you have chosen to be an Aspect of your Dragon Flight then you can ignore
the added cost for your age and start out as a full grown Dragon. As a Dragon Flight
member, leader, or Aspect of your own Flight you can choose to start as early as the
War of the Ancients or not. Me personally, I like the idea that my Flight was betrayed
by the Mogu after we became outraged by their actions enslaving the Pandaren and
the Mogu locked us away in Pandaria using the same spell that sealed away the Sha.
We only woke up after the Horde and Alliance arrived weakening the seals and
freeing us. I’m importing the Lonely Mountain to serve as my Dragon Flights home
and it will be somewhere in Pandaria but sealed up. Because I get creative leave to
make my own Flight home I change the appearance of the insides of the lonely
mountain to better reflect a more Dragon oriented theme. The Flight wakes up and
gets pissed because they see the Alliance trying to enslave the Pandarens and the
Horde trying to use them as human sacrifices to demons. I do this because I like
World of Warcraft more than I do the books about the past of Azeroth. But you can
choose to do this however you like. However, you cannot begin until after the Titans
have destroyed the Black Empire that was ruled by the Old Gods and they were
sealed away. Maybe Deathwing locked you away or the Twilight Cult somehow
sealed you away or maybe your Flight just went into hybernation because they
didn’t care.
If you choose to become the leader of the Black Dragon Flight you will not become
Deathwing, but his son Wrathion. You will have a hard time rebuilding your Flight
and it will be a constant uphill battle. Know that should you kill Deathwing earlier
than the events of Cataclysm and he does not yet have an Heir such as Wrathion to
take over it will count as a Jump lose, that way it keeps things interesting.
If you are a Na’ru who has taken Army of the Light, you can choose to start your
jump any time during or after the events of Burning Crusade. Do not even think
about taking on the Burning Legion by yourself, because your measly three ships
will get absolutely wrecked.
Because WoW is a game they can’t really go into full scale for buildings and locations
often limiting what we see. So feel free to increase the sizes of your buildings, within
reason. Lights Hope Chapel is not as large as Stormwind City that’s just crazy, but it
could possibly be the size of a very small town.
34. Hail to the King, Or Queen, Baby** (1000 / 1500 CP Requires You to Have a Race
with an Existing Capital Within the Game World of Warcraft Can Only be
Purchased ONCE): By choosing this perk you now become the King, or Queen, of
your faction. How this comes about is up to you, so Fanwank responsibly. You’ll get
your capital city and any lands I deem appropriate for your race to own. If you are a
Dragon you cannot choose a capital city from one of the paid races unless you
spend an additional 500 CP. Must take Drawback Safe Haven but you can keep the
CP. Hybrids can choose ONE city of either race they belong to.
Blood Elves: You become the ruler of Silvermoon City and Quel’thalas. Once this
Jump ends you may take this capital city and the entire zone (Eversong Woods,
Ghostlands, and Quel’Danas) with you to future Jumps. All of the people contained
within are considered followers. Any changes made to the city will carry over
between Jumps and if you have your own personal dimension you could even place
this there. Those within your zone who are of your race will be 100% loyal to you,
but those not of your race varies. For instance the Trolls of Zul’aman will despise you
and be a thorn in your side until they have been dealt with. There’s also the issue of
the Undead roaming the southern borders of your territory.
Orc: The savage city of Orgrimmar is yours for the taking. You are now Warchief of
the Orcs, but not the Horde. You may choose to take Orgrimmar as it was during
Classic or what it became after Garrosh Hellscream, the choice is yours. You also
gain Barrens and Durator to help you feed your people. You will need to deal with
the inhabitants of Ragefire Chasm as well as the Harpies and Bristleboar in your
lands of Durator and Barrens. Durator is a harsh land that is difficult to grow crops
so you’ll need to come up with something if you want to feed your people.
Goblins: Originally the Goblin homeland was destroyed when Deathwing burst forth
from the Maelstrom, and it still is. This, however, is the new capital they built for
themselves in Azshara. The lands are pretty fertile with plenty of natural resources,
but there are many many threats within. Naga, Stone Giants, and bands of Night
Elves will need to be brought to heel if you wish for your territory to be safe.
Tauren: Thunder Bluff lies with a large valley called Mulgore with bountiful fields for
harvesting and farming. In the Northern part of Mulgore sits a bluff containing the
city Thunder Bluff. I hope you don’t mind heights and you’re probably going to want
to install some safety measures into your city because I’m sure it violates many
guidelines somewhere. Mulgore is constantly under threat by Bristleboar and the
Venture Co. as well as being on the new frontline war between the Horde and
Alliance. Otherwise, it’s a pretty safe location with not many issues. When your Jump
ends you will also gain the Barrens.
Forsaken: The fallen city of Lordaeran is now home to the Banshee Queen and her
undead. Though you could take her place as the new Banshee Queen, or Pumpkin
King whatever floats your boat. Lordaeran lies within Tirisfal Glades and has many
issues of its own, most of which won’t affect your Undead citizens in anyway. The
land is mostly dead and diseased, anything grown here has a tendency to be sickly.
You’ll also need to worry about bands of wondering hostile Undead as well as the
Scarlet Crusade and Worgen encroaching from the West. You will also gain
Silverpine forest at the end of your Jump.
Trolls: Though not really a city recently the Darkspear have taken to living on an
island East of Durator. You can claim this island for yourself if you desire. There’s
not much on it and it’s probably not good for farming, but it does have baby raptors
and that’s always a plus. The land really only has one threat and that’s the Naga.
Zandalari: I probably shouldn’t add this, but I know you all are going to want it
anyway and why wouldn’t you. Zandalar is pretty dang awesome. So, you get the
capital city of Dazar’alor as well as the entire island including all three zones. You’re
going to be super busy making sure your people aren’t all wiped out by the Blood
Trolls and the encroaching deserts caused by the Sethrak as well as the Alliance
popping up all over the place and ruining your fun.
Nightborne: The city of Suramar is now yours to rule as well as all of Suramar itself.
You can choose to start off right after the events of the Sundering when the
pangaea was split apart and your city was forced to erect a barrier to protect it. Or
anytime in between the Sundering and Legion. It’ll be up to you to protect your city
and its people when the Burning Legion invade. This is no easy task as the city itself
will be on the frontlines of the battle. The zone of Suramar is also filled with all sorts
of threats from the Withered to the spider elf things that live in the ruins outside the
city. Honestly it would take too long to go over every threat facing Suramar and the
City at this time so prepare to do a bit of research if you want to claim this city for
yourself. If you manage to keep Gul’dan away from the Nightwell it is yours to keep
and do with as you please.
Highmountain Tauren: Like Suramar City, Thunder Totem of Highmountain is
located on the Broken isles which will be the frontline for a demonic invasion by the
Burning Legion. Not only will you have to find a way to unite the tribes of
Highmountain under your leadership, but you’ll have to deal with countless other
threats. Like the Nightborne you should go and do some research about the city and
zone you are inheriting.
Dark Iron Dwarf: The ruined city of Black Rock Depths is the home of the Dark Iron
Clan. You are going to have your work cut out for you if you want to reclaim your
birthright. Elementals, Demons, and Black Dragons are just a few of the things
lurking within this once great kingdom that rivaled even Ironforge itself. Your
probably going to end up spending your entire ten years here reclaiming as much of
your city as you can. If you do manage to reclaim your city then you will gain the
lands of Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge. Good luck finding a way to feed your
Dwarf: (Can not be taken by Dark Iron) The city of Ironforge located in Dun
Morogh. Ironforge lies within a mountain range in Northern Dun Morogh. There’s
not much more to say about this location because there aren’t many threats; Frost
Trolls, Troggs, and a few Twilight Cultists in Loch Modan. A side benefit of choosing
this city is that you also gain Gnomeregan. Your city is also inhabited by the
freeloading Gnomes. Or not, you can choose to boot the Gnomes out when moving
on to your next Jump, but by doing so you also lose Gnomeregan. If you reclaim
Gnomeregan for the Gnomes before your Jump ends they will be so grateful they
swear fealty to you. Be aware that by reclaiming I also mean you have to get rid of
all that radiation, leper gnomes, and troggs. You will gain Dun Morogh and Loch
Modan at the end of this Jump.
Draenei: On Azuremyst Isle sits the crashed city ship of Exodar. You start at the
beginning of Burning Crusade and must somehow aid your people in rebuilding
their lives and repairing the Exodar. Even should you fail to repair the Exodar during
your time here you will still receive the Exodar, Azuremyst Isle, and Bloodmyst Isle to
take with you in future Jumps. Threat wise, there’s not much to worry about on
either of these islands except for those junkie Blood Elves and a few escaped
experiments and environmental hazards from your crashed ship.
Kul Tiran: The city of Boralus on the island of Kul Tiras is a newly introduced zone
and capital like the Zandalari, and like the Zandalari you get the entire island with all
three zones. However you Fanwank your rulership over the island and people of Kul
Tiras you will start the same time Jaina Proudmore is born as either her brother or
sister. You will inherit the throne during the events of BFA and boy will you have
your work cut out for you. Naga, Old Gods, Horde, and Betrayal are just a few of the
things you are going to have to deal with. On the plus side you have a large, possibly
the largest, fleet on Azeroth.
Human: Stormwind City lies north of Elewyn Forest and is home to the Humans.
Though it is home to the Humans Stormwind is the capital city of the Alliance and as
such houses many members of other races with an entire section of the city
dedicated to the Dwarves. Choosing this option also grants you Elwyn Forest,
Westfall, and Redridge Mountains. You’ll need to be worried about the Defias
Brotherhood, Gnolls, Murlocs, Orcs, and a few other minor problems.
Night Elves: Ooooooh….. Ummm…. This is awkward… Just kidding. If you choose to
be a Night Elf you will get Teldrassil, Darkshore, and Ashenvale Forest to rule. Most
of your lands are shared with you by the Furbolgs who have been allies to the Night
Elves for Centuries. Also, most of your lands are in a state of constant war because
of the Orcs and Trolls. North of Darkshore a band of Trolls have forced their way
into your territory while the Orcs have forced their way into Eastern Ashenvale
Forest as well as along the coast. Your going to have your work cut out for you
protecting your people from the vile Horde. Also, hide any matches.
Gnomeregan: That is if you can take it. Gnomeregan was overrun by Troggs
decades ago and the Gnomes foolishly used radiation and other chemical weapons
to try to wipe the Troggs out only for it to backfire. Most of Gnomeregan is filled
with lethal radiation, Troggs, or insane leper gnomes. If you manage to take back
your city within the ten years you are here the Dwarves will be so impressed they
will willingly choose to come along with you in future journeys giving you both cities
as well as Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, and Ironforge. If you fail to reclaim the city you
will still receive Gnomeregan, Dun Morogh, and Loch Modan but you will have no
citizens and your lands will still be plagued with problems.
Worgen: The grand city of Gilneas, or it used to be before Sylvannas plagued the
entire city. If you want this city you are going to have your work cut out for you.
Either you are going to have to protect it from Sylvannas and her invasion or repel
whatever Forsaken remain in the city and purge it of the Plague corruption. If you
fail to do either the city will still come with you between Jumps, but it will be an
empty dead city filled with plague. You also gain Silverpine Forest, with all the issues
that entails.
Naga: The Naga can choose to take the Zone of Vash’jir declaring themselves the
new queen or king of the Naga. You will be given a small army of Naga, Murlocs, and
Sea Giants to aid you in claiming your new kingdom, but this choice will leave you at
a full scale war with Queen Azshara who will not tolerate your existence and who is
backed by the Old God N’zoth himself. Be warned, your army is nowhere near large
enough to take on the full might of Queen Azshara’s near endless horde. You will
need to find allies to aid you, possibly the Horde or Alliance? This option you will
only be guaranteed the Kelp’thar Forest and it will be on you to reclaim the rest of
the zone before your time in Azeroth runs out.
Alternatively, if the above mentioned zone seems too far out of your reach, you can
ally yourself with Illidan in Outland and receive control over the single territory of
Zangarmarsh with the city of Steamvaults for you to rule over. In this area you will
be viewed as the undisputed ruler who answers only to Illidan himself. Your only
real threats are the Draenei, Horde, and Alliance. (Controlling the Abyssal Maw
does not grant access to the Elemental Plane of Water in future Jumps.)
Demon: If you are Demon and have chosen to ally yourself with Illidan over your
dark master, you will receive the Black Temple and the zone of Shadow Moon Valley.
The Demons of this zone will obey your command, so long as they are allied to
Illidan. You will also need to convince the Broken, the Ashtongue, to join you or deal
with them some other way. You will also be answering to Illidan, at least until the
events of Burning Crusade transpire or your Jump ends.
Nerubian: The once mighty empire of Azjol’Nerub is yours, if you can claim it. The
Nerubian Empire was once spread across the entirety of Northrend before the Lich
King destroyed your people. You will be guaranteed rule over Azjol’Nerb and
territory the size of Dragonblight, even if you should fail to reclaim it during this
Jump. If you desire more you can choose to conquer the rest of your former
kingdom which exists beneath Northrend. Should you succeed you will be able to
take a kingdom the size of Northrend with you to be imported into any Jump you
desire. You will have to import your kingdom underground in future Jumps as
Nerubians do not like the light all that much.
Ogre: You become the ruler of Highmaul with control over the zone of Nagrand.
Ogres believe in might makes right so you better rule with a firm fist and watch your
back. You’re going to be dealing with the Iron Horde quite a lot and are going to
have a difficult time keeping them out of your lands while subjugating the local Orc
Mogu: The Mogu’shan Palace within the Vale of Eternal Blossoms is the center of
your could be empire. That is where you start and you will need to reconquer your
lands if you wish to claim Pandaria as your own. At the end of your Jump you will be
able to take any zone you have conquered although you will gain the Vale of Eternal
Blossoms no matter what. You can take the Isle of Thunder if you manage to
conquer it. Good luck, your going to need it because your going to be fighting
against every race there is for control of Pandaria. Both the Horde and Alliance will
oppose you as well as the Mantid, Pandaren, and even other Mogu. Perhaps you can
convince the Pandaren your a good guy, or gal, and get them to help out? Bit
unlikely because the Pandaren are not naturally violent people and like the status
quo of living free.
Mantid: Okay, so this is a bit more difficult to go into detail about because there is
so little information. Essentially choosing this perk you will gain all of the Dread
Wastes with your capital city being a giant tree that was used as a raid called The
Heart of Fear. There is no information about what this tree was called before it was
corrupted by the Sha of Fear. You must start during the events of Mists of Pandaria
and you must not succumb to the effects of the Sha of Fear while protecting your
people. You can, if you desire, choose to attempt to conquer the rest of Pandaria to
take with you in future Jumps. You are going to struggle doing so because every race
on Pandaria, including the Horde and Alliance, is going to resist you. Like the Mogu
you can conquer the Isle of Thunder and take it with you, only if you can take it.
Fallen Arakkoa / High Arakkoa: You gain control over the Spires of Arak. Like the
Ogre’s you will have a difficult time defending your territories from the Iron Horde,
or even just reclaiming your city if you are a Fallen Arakkoa.
Na’ru: The Na’ru have a long standing relationship with the Draenei, as such you
may choose to either receive Shattrath from the Burning Crusade Era or Shattrath
from the Warlords of Draenor Era. Either option comes with a host of threats and
problems. Between the Burning Legion, Ethereals, Illidan’s forces, Naga, and more
the BC Shattrath is beset on all sides by constant threats as well as being located on
a dying world. Shattrath from WoD is in a similar precarious situation being
surrounded by enemy forces on all sides. You will be dealing with the Iron Horde,
Arakkoa, Ogre’s, and eventually Gul’dan good luck protecting your city. Both
versions of this option receive Terokkar Forest along with any threats within.
Elemental Lord: After the Titans defeated the Black Empire the Elemental Lords
were banished to the Elemental Planes. Each plane has an entrance located
somewhere on Azeroth and each Plane is a representation of the chosen Element.
While within your plane your powers are doubled. Elementals will naturally be
created from the mixture of mana, element, and spirit energy within your plane over
time. In future Jumps the entrance to your plane can be placed anywhere that is
strong in your element allowing others to enter and leave. Your plane can be no
bigger than any of the previous listed cities and territories.
Titan Keeper: This is for the upgraded version of the Titan Watcher, the Titan
Keeper. You gain Ulduar and Storm Peaks as your city and territory. For the duration
of this Jump you will have to either kill or keep contained Yogg-Saran, the God of
Death. You will also need to deal with the traitorous Loki to reclaim a large portion
of your territory and wrest control of the Titanforged from him. On top of it all you
will also have to deal with the Lich King and the meddlesome mortals of the Horde
and Alliance. Ulduar contains a vast wealth of knowledge and magical technology as
well as tools necessary to create more Titanforged Aesir and Vanir. Once this Jump
ends this city and territory will be your to control with the Titanforged and Storm
Giants obeying your command, if you defeat Loki and kill Yogg-Saran. As an added
bonus the local Vrykul will also fall in line and obey you after this Jump. In future
Jumps Ulduar can also serve as an inescapable prison for any being of lesser power
than yourself. https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Ulduar
Notes: Conquering other territories does not work unless specifically stated. Humans
cannot reclaim Lordaeran from the Forsaken. Any changes made to your territories will
carry over to future Jumps, this includes damages. After this Jump ends the members of
your race within your city will be completely loyal to you. Dragons who took a city because
of their transformation race will receive the same loyalty boost to their chosen race.
All cities can be placed within your own personal dimension, if you have one.
You cannot import a city into the position of one of these above listed cities. However, at
the end of the Jump you will be given the one time option, that can not be banked or used
any other time, to merge your chosen territory with any other ONE city or territory you own
from another Jump.
If you are a Nightborne or Highmountain Tauren you are going to need to defend your city
and territory from the Burning Legion, but ultimately can choose who you ally with or if you
ally with anyone at all. Your people may or may not like your choice and might revolt.
The Nerubians are a bit of a mystery in terms of culture and beliefs. All we know is that
they were once part of the Black Empire and that they ruled the underground beneath
Northrend until the Lich King defeated them. We also know they were very powerful
because even the Lich King struggled to stamp out their species. Their cities aesthetics is
like a blend of Egyptian and Aztec rolled up into a spider bundle and mixed with blacks,
gold, and purples. You’ll have to do quite the bit of Fanwanking and have a pretty big
imagination for this species, but the rewards speak for themselves.
Again, I encourage you to go look up videos and more information about each of these
locations so you can be informed. Some of these options are meant to be a challenge while
others are meant to be a breeze.
Because WoW is a game these locations are often very small in size. We often don’t see the
necessary economics that keep cities such as these functional. So if you wish to increase
the size of your selected city so you have farms and other necessities to better reflect a
realistic society then feel free to do so. A good idea would be to check out the Warcraft
Movie and the scene that has a zoom out shot of Stormwind, or just watch the movie it is
truly underrated. That said, do not go crazy with it and try to turn Stormwind into the size
of an entire State or something like that. Keep it realistic.
Elemental Lords will face numerous threats with the Twilights Hammer, Naga, Deathwing,
and Old Gods. Deepholm, the plane of Earth is basically the resting place of Deathwing for
the last thousand plus years. The Naga are attempting to corrupt and take over the plane
of Water. Pretty much the same is happening with the planes of Fire and Wind regarding
the Twilights Hammer and Old Gods.
Discounted items will be marked with Discount and the requirements to receive the
1. Hearthstone (Free): You gain a magical rock with a rune carved into the
surface. When held in your hand and focused on this rock will bind to a safe
location that you own allowing you to transport back to that location at any
time as long as you channel your focus into the stone uninterrupted for three
seconds. If you lose your new pet rock it will reappear within your inventory
or warehouse courtesy of the GM’s.
2. Basic Adventurers Gear (Free): A set of white gear appropriate to your
class. This is the lowest of the low quality armor and a weapon of your
choice. It’s barely worth a copper.
3. Friendly Pet (25 CP): This item can be purchased as many times as you
desire. You may choose one pet from the game to claim as your own. Pets
can not be any sentient/sapient creature and cannot be used as a combat
animal that Hunters would use. They are little more useful than a pet dog or
cat. Depending on the species they can grow from a newborn pup to a full
grown member of their species if given time and proper care to grow.
4. Sack of Gold (100 CP): This is a small sack of 1,000 Gold Coins. This is more
than enough for you to live comfortably for a couple years.
5. Artifact Weapon** (200 CP First Purchase Free with Oh Captain, My
Captain): If you have chosen a class you may choose the artifact weapon of
your specialization for the aforementioned price. If you have multiple classes
or multiple specializations you may choose ONE artifact weapon for ONE of
your specializations. You can also choose any appearance for your artifact
weapon that existed within the game. You may choose to import a weapon
into this one or vice versa. The imported weapon will gain all the stats and
abilities of the Artifact Weapon, including any sentient beings trapped within.
After this Jump ends you may choose to rid your weapon of any awareness
they might have if you get annoyed from their constant chatting. If you did
not take the perk Oh Captain, My Captain your will receive a replica of your
chosen weapon. The real weapon will still make its way into the hands of the
ones chosen to lead their class order hall. Multiple purchases allow for you to
have a duplicate of another Artifact Weapon so long as you have the Class
AND Specialization. Here is a good source for learning more about your
Artifact Weapon choices: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Artifact
6. Artifact Forge (200 CP Discount for Artifact Weapon Wielders / Free with
Oh Captain, My Captain): This forge grants you every appearance in game
of your Artifact Weapon and allows you to alter the appearance of your
weapon at any time. In future Jumps it will allow you to alter the function of
your weapon at any time. Turning swords into spears or axes into daggers. I’ll
even allow you to use it to change a pistol into a rifle, or something similar.
The forge will also serve as a medium allowing you to more easily enchant
and create powerful weapons which you can imbue with powerful magical
7. Ground Mount (100 CP Free Death Knight, Paladin, Warlock, and Oh
Captain, My Captain / Can be purchased multiple times): This is a mount
capable of bearing your immense, or tiny, weight around Azeroth. As is, it is
only a ground based mount that cannot fly and can run at speeds around 50
mph. For an additional 100 CP your mount can now run at speeds exceeding
100 mph. For a further 100 CP you can choose both a flying mount and land
mount. These mounts can be anything in the game, unless they are class or
Order Hall specific. Death Knights, Paladins, and Warlocks gain their base
land Mounts for free. If you have Oh Captain, My Captain you will also
receive your Class Order Hall mount for free, Jump Dragon and Na’ru do not
have any mounts associated with this perk and so receive none. The Class
Hall mounts are varied but each are capable of traveling at a maximum
speed of 100 mph. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Class_mount
8. Legendary Item (400 CP Discount Dragons / Elemental/ Elemental Lord /
Pit Lord / Lightforged Nathrezim / Nathrezim / Na’ru. This can be
purchased multiple times.): You may choose one existing Legendary Item
from WoW that exists in the game now or in previous expansions and receive
an exact duplicate of that item. This can be anything from weapons to
jewelry. It must be an item that players could earn in game and can not be
something like Frostmourne. This item also cannot be an Artifact Weapon,
which means no Corrupted Ashbringer.
9. Inn (200 CP): You are now the proud owner of your very own Inn. This
building is designed to be however you like, but cannot go beyond its
function as an Inn. Your Inn will always make enough gold or cash to be more
than profitable. You can even add a bar and kitchen if you would like.
Essentially it’s like many Inn’s found in the game of WoW when you first
receive it. It will follow you to future Jumps and will retain any changes you
make to it during and after this Jump.
10. Outfitter (100 CP Blue Set Free Death Knight and Epic Set Free Demon
Hunter): You start out with a basic set of Green Armor and Green
Weapon(s). For another 100 CP you can upgrade this armor set and
weapon(s) to Blue. Finally, for another 100 CP this set can be upgraded to
Epic Level armor and weapon(s). No matter what set you pick they will be
soulbound to you and if destroyed will reappear in your warehouse in 24
hours. If you purchase Epic Level armor you can choose any tier set in the
game as well as any Epic Level weapon(s) from any raid. Weapons and armor
in WoW will increase your physical or magical capabilities passively when
worn. (You may only choose up to two weapons and only if your class
uses two weapons. So Hunters can either get two one-handed weapons,
a two-handed weapon, or a single ranged weapon. Paladins can only
receive a one-handed weapon and shield or two-handed weapon and
etc.. The armor and weapons do not have to be based on your class, you
can pick whatever you want.)
11. Adventurer’s Bag (100 CP): A bag that is bigger on the inside. This bag will
alter its appearance to blend into any future Jumps setting. This bag comes
with 20 slots which you can stack multiple items of the same type up to 999
times within a single slot. You can purchase this item multiple times to
increase the number of slots in your bag. Each purchase will increase the
number of slots within your bag by 20.
12. Auto-Smelter (100 CP): This Auto-Smelter will smelt down any raw ore
placed inside it into high quality ingots. This smelter is completely hands free,
except for actually placing the ore inside. For further incentive, if you
purchased The Mine you will be given a group of magical constructs who will
mine your ore, place it in the Auto-Smelter, then sort out the finished
product. They can not be used for anything outside of their primary functions
stated above.
13. Herb Garden (400 CP Discount Druids): A herb garden designed however
you wish. At the basic level this garden has all the herbs found on Earth and
in Classic WoW. For additional purchases of 50 CP you can add the herbs of
the next expansions in chronological order. BC - WotLK - Cata - MoP - WoD -
Legion - BfA. Herbs picked here will not need to be replanted and will regrow
on their own without any help from you. There will always be enough herbs
for whatever you may need them for, but if you pick more than 100 herbs
within a month they will need time to rest before they regrow taking one
month to do so. You can attach this to your warehouse, a pocket dimension,
or import it into the world of Future Jumps.
14. The Mine (400 CP Discount Dwarves): As the name suggests, this is a mine.
At a basic level, which you get with the first purchase, you get basic metals of
which you can find on Earth and Classic WoW. For another 50 CP you will gain
access to all metals found in Burning Crusade. Another 50 CP and you will get
access to all metals within Wrath of the Lich King. Yet another 50 CP you gain
access to raw ores from Cataclysm. I think you’re starting to see where I’m
going with this. Keep spending an extra 50 CP until you eventually reach the
latest expansion of the game. You will gain all ores of that expansion and all
previous ones. Your mine will grow in size adding additional floors
representing the different expansions for each purchase of this item. The
mine will never run dry, but it can be depleted if you gather the ore too
quickly. Give the mine a month and it’ll be back up to full capacity. You can
place this mine anywhere in future Jumps that you wish or within your own
pocket dimension, if you have one.
15. Crystal Garden (400 CP Discount Draenei, Na’ru, and Mine): You now
possess the very same crystals used by the Draenei in many of their
creations. This single man sized crystal, when planted, can create a massive
mine filled with even more crystals of varying shapes, sizes, and colors. The
mine may be temporarily depleted if you harvest too much too quickly, but it
will regenerate more crystals for you to harvest if given a month to rest. The
crystals you mine from this can be planted into other areas to create new
mines. However, these new mines will not regenerate after use and once
empties the land will need time to replenish the necessary nutrients before
you can plant more crystals. If you purchase The Mine then you will have an
entire floor dedicated to these crystals within your mine.
16. Frostmourne (1000 CP): You knew this was coming. The unholy of unholies,
Frostmourne. Well, sort of. This is an exact replica of Frostmourne including
all of its capabilities. Each soul consumed by this sword increases its power,
as well as yours. If 1000 CP is a bit daunting for your taste you can take the
corrupted version of the sword for a discount of - 300 CP. Be warned though,
the corrupted version of Frostmourne contains the soul of a powerful
warlock, Ner’zhul, who will battle for control over your body. Must take the
drawback Whispers for no CP gain. You can choose to keep Ner’zhul within
your sword after your Jump ends, removing his ability to gain control of your
mind, or obliterate his soul from the weapon permanently.
Looking For More (Free): You may import up to 4 companions for free. They will receive
500 CP and your chosen race for free or select a race that is free. You can import more
companions at 50 CP per imported companion. Companions can NOT purchase perks that
make them the leader of a faction or kingdom.
Animal Companion (200 CP Free Hunter): Choose any tameable, common, animal from
World of Warcraft as your companion. This beast will always remain loyal to you and
should it die you will find them rested and well fed back at your warehouse in 24 hours.
Unless you have taken the perk Master Tamer you can not choose any animal that a level
10 Hunter couldn’t tame.
Exotic Animal Companion (400 CP Free Master Tamer): Choose any exotic animal in the
game to take as a companion. These animals can include demons or even mechanical
constructs with dog like intelligence.
I know my Jump is a bit on the expensive side, especially if you want all the goodies, so you
may take up to 1500 CP in Drawbacks. Each Drawback can only be taken once unless
otherwise stated.
No Means No (+100): Your charisma perks will not work on those within positions of
power. This means no Alexstrasza, Lich King, Anduin, Sylvannas, and etc. This Drawback
effectively limits your recruitment pool to only those characters who are not leaders of a
faction or organization and who will not become leaders of a faction or organization in the
Mrrrgl (+100 CP) - You can now only speak in Murloc tongue. No one can understand you,
except for that one crazy druid who wants to be a Murloc. For an additional +100 CP you
can not even communicate with others telepathically, with even your thoughts being in
Mrrrgle. For a final +100 CP all forms of communication will be in Mrrrgle, expect NO ONE
to understand what you are trying to communicate to them.
Mistrusted (+100) - No one trusts you. Your reputation starts of at Mistrusted. You will be
viewed with suspicion and will often find yourself accused of crimes you didn’t commit
simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So long as you didn’t actually
commit the crimes these things will work themselves out, but it will be a pain. Proving
yourself will slowly build your reputation back up, but your going to have to work twice as
hard as anyone else normally would.
Busted Hearthstone (+100) - Your hearthstone no longer works. If you want to return
back to Kalimdor from Northrend you’re either going to have to take a portal or go the long
way. For an additional +200 your Hearthstone is not only busted, but is completely haywire.
When the Jump starts you will completely forget purchasing this Drawback and eventually
during your Jump you are going to use your Hearthstone. Only instead of going where you
think you are, you’re going to end up in the middle of nowhere with no clue which direction
to go to get back to civilization. Finally for another +200CP instead of taking you back home
or even to the middle of nowhere your Hearthstone will instead take you to a location that
is VERY dangerous. This can be Icecrown Citadel, Black Rock Depths, or even Black Temple.
Again you will use the Hearthstone because you don’t remember taking this perk.
Timecop (+100): For the duration of this Jump any time travel powers you have will be cut
off. Unless you are a Bronze Dragon you will not be traveling through time. If you are a
Bronze Dragon, Nozdormu will not permit you to travel through time without his explicit
permission. Even if you do cheese your way into traveling through time any key events of
Azeroth’s history will remain as fixed, immutable, facts that can not be altered no matter
what powers you possess.
Magical Mishaps (+200) - Your spells have a habit of not doing what you want them to.
There is a random chance that any spell you cast will randomize itself into a completely
different spell. This also applies to any magic you bring in from outside of Azeroth.
Troubled Road (+200) - The roads are no longer safe to travel, at least for you. When you
travel you will often find bandits and monsters on roads that should be safe.
Druidic Dunce (+200 Requires Druid) - You just plain suck at being a druid. Aim a
moonfire at an enemy? Well you misclicked and are now moonfire spamming yourself.
Meant to transform into your feral form? Well now you’re flopping around on dry land in
your aquatic form. The only thing you seem to get right is healing others so I hope you
brought friends.
Don’t Stand in the Fire! (+300 CP): You have absolutely trash situational awareness. You
could literally be standing within a location specifically marked as “Do not stand here” and
be completely oblivious to the looming threat about to roast you alive. Whenever an enemy
casts an AoE spell, expect to get caught up in it.
Bound (+400 Requires Elemental or Demon) - You are now bound to the will of the one
who summoned you. You must abide by the three rules of a summoned being. 1) A
summoned being may not hurt their master or through inaction allow harm to befall their
master. 2) A summoned being must obey the orders of its master unless said order
conflicts with rule 1. 3) A summoned being must protect its own existence unless such
action conflicts with rules 1 or 2. Also, should your master die they will be replaced by
another who is much more cruel than the previous. Should ten of your masters die before
your Jump ends then the eleventh will bind your soul to a Soul Shard and you shall fail this
Jump and be sent home. If you have a companion who is a Warlock or Shaman they may
choose to be your master. However, if you have used any magic, technology, or
brainwashing to enslave them they will be freed of such control for the duration of this
Safe Haven (+500 CP Requires Hail to the King, or Queen, Baby): You now must protect
your city from falling to any threat. Should your city be destroyed, conquered, or your
people overthrow you this will count as a Jump lose. If you have mind control abilities you
may not use them on your citizens and any outside magic that would place some
impenetrable barrier over your city will fail.
Moar DoT’s! (+500): You may not be undead, but I bet you wish you were. Your body is
inflicted with every disease and curse imaginable. This will not kill you, people won’t even
notice a difference in your appearance, but you will be in constant near crippling pain. You
will move, react, and think slower as you aren’t capable of blocking out the blinding pain
you always feel.
Hunted (+500) - One of the evil factions on Azeroth is hunting you. Choose one: the Black
Dragon Flight, the Burning Legion, Twilight Cult, Cult of the Damned, Scourge, Iron Horde,
The Naga, Sylvannas, or Helya. This group will be fanatical in hunting you down.
Alternatively, if you are a Demon, choose: The Alliance, The Horde, Silver Hand, Kirin Tor,
Cenarion Circle, Earthern Ring, Ebon Blade, Army of the Light, or any of the Dragon Flights.
They will actively seek you out to kill you. You can take this drawback as many times as you
want, but will only receive the maximum 1500 CP. Should you possess any powers that
allow you to travel through time or prevent key figures responsible for the creation of these
organizations. They will never work. The Iron Horde will ALWAYS be created and the Cult of
the Damned will exist no matter what you do.
Whispers (+500) - You can hear the whispers of the Old Gods encouraging you to succumb
to their will. At first the whispers won’t be that bad. Over time they will grow ever stronger
until you begin to hallucinate things that aren’t there. This drawback overrides any mental
protections you might have. Expect to hurt and betray those your love or are trying to
protect should you succumb to the Old Gods. Azeroth itself may even fall. If you succumb
to the whispers of the Old Gods you will fail this Jump and be sent back home.
LEEEEEROOOOOOY!(+500) - You… are an idiot, but at least you have fried chicken. You can
not help but to rush head first into any fight no matter the situation. You do not stop to
even contemplate or plan out your actions. Room full of possible booby traps? You charge
head first at full speed. Army of Dragons in the next room? You guessed it, your going to
leap right on in, all the while shouting your name at the top of your lungs.
Hated (+800) - The races of Azeroth absolutely hate and despise you. Expect to be attacked
on sight if you get too close to any city or settlement. If you have the perks Oh Captain, My
Captain or Hail to the King, or Queen, Baby then expect constant trouble, betrayal,
uprisings, and assassination attempts. Unlike the drawback Mistrusted, you can not
improve your reputation no matter what you do.
No Powa! (+1000 CP): You are cut off from all of your powers, technology, and warehouse.
Any outside technology, magic, or powers you bring in will not work for the duration of this
Jump. You will have to rely on only those things which you have bought from this
document. If that wasn’t bad enough, Sargeras is aware of your existence and believes you
to be a threat to the order he is attempting to bring to the galaxy. Sargeras will take a
personal interest in wiping you from existence to the point he ignores his attempts to
destroy Azeroth in favor of just killing you and consuming your soul. For perspective,
Sargeras was capable of defeating the ENTIRE Titan pantheon by himself. He is also capable
of tearing planets in half. So good luck, you’re going to need it.
Shout out to Mic Ras for creating the Titan Keeper and Watcher race as well as Wil Egan for
helping to fix the grammatical structure of this Jump for me as well as pointing out several
interesting ideas for perks and races.
Notes: I don’t like the option to buy companions so I never take it. If you want someone
from canon WoW to join you then you’re going to have to convince them. The only
exception to this rule is those who purchased Hail to the King, or Queen, Baby as you
ARE the King or Queen and those of your race don’t really have a choice about traveling
with you into future Jumps, unless they just leave your territory before you move on. If you
take Hail to the King, or Queen, Baby then you could reasonably fanwank a political
marriage to one of the faction leaders, so long as they would have been the leader had you
not taken this perk. Meaning if you become the new leader of the Forsaken you may take
Sylvannas as your new Waifu or, if Human, Anduin as your new Husbandu, but not the
other way around.
I also do not think it’s necessary to know every single side quest within the game. So long as
you know who the big bads are and the major events then you should be able to create an
interesting story with this Jump.
On Races - The Basic races of the Horde and Alliance each have their own Class
Restrictions that you can find on the WoW website. Your race must adhere to those
I changed the rule on Hybrids to allow you to gain all the racials of your secondary. Titan
Watchers / Keepers who choose Dragon or Jump Dragon as a secondary race will still be
able to take the Transformation racial and turn themselves into any one other species. This
allows you to also purchase Hail to the King, or Queen, Baby. This also applies to Dragon
hybrids in general.
On Cities - Just a reminder about some of the different cities unique functions you will gain
possession of. Exodar - If you can repair the ship, and other ships that crashed around it,
you could have your own space faring city ship. The ship also comes with its own Na’ru. So,
there’s a lot of potential there. Darnassus - The Night Elves are capable of creating Treants
and possibly Ancients. Silvermoon City - If you can fix the rune stones around Quel’thalas
and purify the Sunwell you could potentially reactivate the powerful shield that once
protected Quel’thalas. The Sunwell is also a powerful mana generator and would increase
the strength of your people. The Blood Elves also use Arcane Golem’s to protect Silvermoon
so you could make more of those. Undercity - For those who start before WotLK you can
take a small population of Valk’yr to allow you to continue to increase your population. Also
Undercity exist beneath Lordaeron, so you have a lot of space above to rebuild and
expand. Azjol’Nerub - The Scourge towers we see in Warcraft 3 that shoot those magic
missiles at troops were originally created by the Nerubians, from my understanding, and
later used by Arthas.
Those are just a few examples, but a lot of the other cities have similar things that make
them unique.
Nathrezim / Pit Lord - The Twisting Nether is kind of vague in WoW. It’s implied multiple
times that the Twisting Nether is the void, or space, or some kind of parallel dimension
made of chaos. In my opinion the reason it is so hard to define is because you can kill
Demons, permanently, on Argus which kind of makes things confusing. So I’m guessing
Demons only die permanently wherever they have died in a location they have power or
have conquered? Don’t quote me on that. What I’m getting at is, there is no definitive
answer as to what the Twisting Nether is. So, for future Jumps, when you die your soul will
be sent away from your dead body to regenerate. If your soul and body is destroyed then
you are dead, unless you have some perks from other Jumps that prevent this.
Elemental - When an elemental dies on the plane that Azeroth exists within they are sent
back to their elemental plane. Fire is sent to Firelands, Earth to Deepholm, Wind to Skywall,
and Water to the Abyssal Maw. If you purchased Hail to the King, or Queen, Baby then
when you die you will reappear within your plane. When this happens a doorway will
appear somewhere on the world you are on leading to your plane. Anyone can use this
doorway if they can find it, and it’s usually located somewhere associated with your
element that isn’t too far out of the way for Humans, and enter your plane to finish you off.
However, while in your plane your powers are dramatically increased even in your
weakened state after your death. You will not be able to leave your plane for one month
until your body heals enough to survive on its own once again outside of your plane.
Bronze Dragon - Bronze Dragons will be able to travel through time after they have
sparked. If you take Oh Captain, My Captain you can travel through time as you want, but
you will be compelled to protect the original timeline until you have sparked.
Jump Dragon - This is a Dragon Flight of your own creation. You, personally, can be no
more powerful than Deathwing. Your Flight can be no more numerous than any other
Flight. If you choose Time as one of your ideas then you and your Flight will be capable of
traveling through time. However, your Flight will be compelled to uphold and protect the
original timeline. After you Spark this compulsion will no longer exist and you can do as you
Na’ru - When a Na’ru dies they become a Void God. In future Jumps when you die you will
become a parallel version of yourself until you are purified. By this I mean if you are a good
person who likes to help others you will become an evil person who revels in the suffering
of others. This effect will persist until someone uses a Light based spell to purify your soul.
Death Knight - In the future your Death Gate spell will take you to a location that you own.
If you own Acherus then the Death Gate will take you there, if not it can take you to any
property that you own or your personal dimension, if you own one. As for summoning
Undead, you won’t need actual corpses to do so. When you use an Undead summoning
spell, the spell itself will create the Undead.
Druid - Druids’ ability to teleport to Moonglade will change to teleport them to their Class
Order Hall. Otherwise, it’ll teleport you to any property that you own.
Mage - Mages will be capable of creating portals to any major city they have been to in
future Jumps. For instance, if you just came from a DC Jump and then followed this Jump
with another DC Jump you can create portals to Gotham and Metropolis if you have
previously been there. If you have Dalaran then you can create permanent portals to these
locations, with a couple of caveats. One, the portals are two way, meaning others can enter
your portal from the opposite end at any time, and Two, these portals will cease to exist
when you move onto your next Jump. The Mage Table will serve food that is no different
than normal food, meaning you can summon an endless supply of mana bread. Post Spark
you can create portals that connect other universes together if you so desire.
Monk - The monk spell Transcendence will continue to work as it did in Jump. However, it
can instead take you to your Class Order Hall or Kingdom if you have taken one. The spirit
it leaves behind will be invisible to others and you can teleport straight back to that exact
location when you are done.
Shaman - Your ability to self resurrect is limited to once per Jump. Your Ancestral Recall
ability will function much like your Hearthstone, but they do not share cooldowns.
Warlock - Your Soul Stone will only work once per Jump. However, they can work on
companions and others as many times as you can create them. You can only have ONE
Soul Stone active at a time. Soul Drain will function like it did in Classic giving you Soul
Shards that you can save and use later. Feel free to Fanwank how the Shards work or what
they do, but they cannot be used to cheese the once per Jump rule of resurrecting. In
future Jumps you may choose to bind or summon demons from that setting if they exist,
but you’ll need to be much more powerful with a greater will than the demon you wish to
bind. Binding future demons does not mean you lose your original demons from this Jump.
Any demon you bind may be dismissed to a pocket dimension dedicated solely to
containing your demons, allowing you to bind new demons while keeping any past demons
you have already bound to your will.
Valkyr - How you treat this race is up to you. You can be a Valkyr in service to Helya, Lich
King, Odin, or just doing your own thing. Depending on what type of Valkyr you are, you
could join one of the factions pretty easily.
Hail to the King, or Queen, Baby - I know I stated it before, but one of the ways you can
Fanwank yourself into the new ruler role is by taking one of the existing ones as your
spouse. You’ll be inserted into the setting with memories of how you meet, the romantic
times you spent together, or (in Sylvannas’ case) the World Trees you burned together with
innocent children still trapped inside. This is one way to get a companion that you want
without having to do a lot of work for it. This can even be used as a Dragon if you are a
member of the Dragon Flight associated with them. However, you cannot use this as a
Human to marry Sylvannas and claim Undercity or as a Green Dragon to marry Alexstrasza
and gain both Flights. You have to be the same species and you have to have purchased
the perk.
Artifact Weapons - Some Artifact Weapons are sentient and often talk to their wielder.
During the Jump you will have to put up with them, but after the Jump you can choose to
silence them permanently or keep them. Some weapons also contain monstrous passive
power, but for you they will function as you desire.
Artifact Forge - This forge can be used as an actual forge. Anything created using this
forge will be more powerful than normal. If you already have an existing forge, say from
the Marvel Magic Jump, then you can choose to import the Artifact Forge into it at the end
of this Jump.
The Mine - There’s not really any solid info on how some of the metals from WoW
differentiate from metals found in previous expansions or even Earth. Some metals are
better for magic and some are better at stopping magic altogether. You’ll have to do a bit of
research on your own and Fanwank it if you desire.
Safe Haven - The Safe Haven Drawback is to keep things interesting so you don’t just
spend all your time sipping wine in your city. Without a care for the citizens or the city itself.
Any damages the city takes will transfer over to future Jumps alongside any changes your
make. You can choose to upgrade your city defenses with technology if you wish. Place
auto turrets or some other crazy thing. You can not, however, place your city within some
sort of impenetrable pocket dimension where no forces on Azeroth can ever reach it.