NEW TESTAMENT 1604 W Teton Ave.
[email protected] Nampa, ID 83686
Princeton Theological Seminary
Ph.D., New Testament, December 2023 (anticipated)
Dissertation: “Conflict and Peace in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans”
Dissertation committee: Beverly Roberts Gaventa (chair); J. Ross Wagner; George L. Parsenios
Merit Tuition Award Scholarship, 2008-12
Duke University Divinity School
M.Div., 2006, (biblical studies concentration) magna cum laude
Duke Merit Tuition Scholarship, 2003-06
Southern Nazarene University
B.A., 2003, theology (major), Christian education (minor) summa cum laude
Presidents Honor Role, 1999-03; Who’s Who in American Universities and Colleges, 2003; Mortar
Board, Vice President, SNU chapter 2001-02; Phi Delta Lambda (Nazarene honor society); Alpha
Lambda Delta
Northwest Nazarene University
Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies/NT (fall 2022-present)
BIBL 1100 Introduction to Biblical Studies
BIBL 4350 New Testament Letters
BIBL 7760 New Testament Interpretation
Trevecca Nazarene University
Assistant Professor of New Testament (fall 2017-spring 2022)
BIB 2990 Introduction to Biblical Exegesis
BIB 4400 Gender and the Bible
BIB_GRK 3220 Apocalyptic Literature
BIB_GRK 3700 Introduction to the Gospels
BIB_GRK 4020 Pauline Epistles
BIB_GRK 4040 Johannine Literature
GRK 2200/2210 New Testament Greek I and II
REL 2000 Introduction to the Biblical Faith
THE 4280 New Testament Theology
George Fox University
Assistant Professor of Biblical and Christian Studies (fall 2014-spring 2017)
BIBL 100 Introduction to the Bible
BIBL 102 Introduction to the New Testament
BIBL 260 Life of Christ
BIBL 285/485 Revelation
BIBL 360 Women and the Bible
BIBL 411-412 Acts and the Letters of Paul
BIST 521 Introduction to Koine Greek
Princeton Theological Seminary
NT 1152 Introduction to Biblical Greek, summer 2014
Teaching Fellow
NT 1153 Greek Translation, spring 2014, fall 2013, fall 2012
Teaching Assistant
NT 1152 Introduction to New Testament Greek, summer 2013, 2012 2011
NT 2101 Introduction to the New Testament, spring 2013, 2012, 2010
OT 2101 Orientation to the Old Testament, fall 2011
NT/TH 3368 Paul and Karl (Barth), fall 2010
Guest Lecturer: NT 3420, NT 1151, NT 3400, NT 1152
Renk Theological College, Sudan, Africa
Introduction to Hebrew Grammar, spring 2008
Hebrew Translation and Exegesis: Jonah spring 2008
Duke Divinity School
Teaching assistant
NT 18 Introduction to the New Testament, spring 2008, 2007
CT 32 Introduction to Theology, fall 2007
Guest Lecture: “Relocating the Doctrine of Scripture within the Third Moment
of the Creed”
OT11/OT 12 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, academic year 2007-08,
OT115/116 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew, academic year 2006-07
REL/OT 207 Intermediate Hebrew Prose, fall 2006
AC Wagner Youth Correctional Facility (credit through Mercer County Community College)
Eng 101: Composition, fall 2013
Principal Investigator
Thriving in Ministry Implementation Grant, Lilly Foundation ($1,000,000), Nov 2020
Thriving in Ministry Planning Grant, Lilly Foundation ($50,000), Apr 2020
YTN Capacity Building Grant, Lilly Foundation ($5,000), Oct 2019
Teaching Excellence Award, Trevecca Nazarene University (2020-21)
Research assistant
Beverly Roberts Gaventa, 2011-13
Shane Berg, spring 2010
Richard B. Hays, spring 2009
Editorial assistant
Leong Seow and Dale Allison, eds. Encyclopedia of Biblical Reception, DeGruyter
(volumes being produced currently)
Richard B. Hays, Reading Backwards (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2014).
Beverly Roberts Gaventa, ed., Creation, Conflict, and Chaos: Romans 5-8 (Waco, TX:
Baylor University Press, 2013).
Donald H. Juel, Shaping the Scriptural Imagination (eds. Shane Berg and Matthew L.
Skinner; Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2011).
Study abroad
Juniors Abroad Seminar (professor) Politics and Theology of South Africa, May 2017
Middle East Travel Seminar (METS), May-June 2005
Peking University, Summer 2001
Additional training for teaching
Teaching Apprenticeship Program (TAP): two-year program that mentors Ph.D.
students at PTS in the art of teaching
Leadership Development Institute (LDI): a year-long leadership course at GFU; met
with coach about personal growth in leadership on the job; met in small groups
with a leadership mentor; attended leadership seminars; wrote personal
leadership statement
New Faculty Institute: a week-long conference on pedagogy for new CCCU faculty, led
by the director of the Kuyers Institute at Calvin College
Diversity Certificate: multiple-session course from the Kaleidoscope Institute on
engaging diverse perspectives and experiences in the classroom
Blackboard: attended two day-long training sessions for advanced features
Online Course design: a semester-long course in how effectively to organize and
conduct courses online; includes practice developing online course modules
Ordained, Church of the Nazarene (July 2007)
Associate Pastor, Cary Penny Road Church of the Nazarene, 2004-07
Ministerial Intern, UMC and COTN churches in North Carolina, Oklahoma, and
Arkansas, 1999-2004
Student Body Chaplain, Southern Nazarene University 2002-03
Emergency Training
CPR, AED, First Aid certificates (updated December 2022)
QPR training (October 2018)
Apocalyptic and peace studies of Pauline epistles
Enemies: 1) the portrayal of enemies and 2) responses to enemies in the New Testament and other
Second-Temple literature
Women in Matthews Genealogy
TEACHING INTERESTS: Pauline epistles, apocalyptic literature, Jewish-Christian perspectives on
conflict and peace, theological interpretation of Scripture
MEMBERSHIPS: Society of Biblical Literature, Wesleyan Theological Society
“Peace and Reconciliation as Indicators of Paul’s Apocalyptic Perspective” (Wesleyan
Theological Society, March 2019)
“Bathsheba and a Theology of Suffering (Society of Biblical Literature, Nov 2018)
The Communal Dimensions of Birthing Imagery in Paul’s Epistles” (Wesleyan Theological
Society, March 2016)
“Women, Witness, and Endings: Intercalation in Mark 5 with implications for 16:8” (Society of
Biblical Literature, Nov 2014)
Apocalyptic Peace in Romans: an exploration of the relationship between peace-making and
God’s cosmic redemption” (Eschatology and Moral Order, University of Chicago and
Notre Dame University Conference, March 2014)
The Timeframe of Suffering in relation to the Apocalyptic Conflict, Victory, and Peace in
Romans 7-8” (Society of Biblical Literature, Nov 2013)
“Peace and Hope: the already/not yet of new creation on personal, communal, and cosmic
levels in Romans” (New Creation Conference, NES, Oct 2013)
Apocalyptic Peace in Romans, with comparison to the War Scroll (1QM)” (Society of Biblical
Literature, Nov 2012).
“Peace and Wrath in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans” (Mennonite Scholars and Friends Forum,
Nov 2012).
“Resolving Conflict: The Apocalyptic Key of Peace in Romans” (Creation, Conflict, and
Chaos: A Conference on Romans 5-8, PTS, May 2012).
A Paraenetic Emphasis on Εἰρήνη (“Peace”) as a Lens for Reading Romans 13:1-7” (Koinonia
Journal Forum, Apr 2012).
“Peace as an Apocalyptic Lens for Reading Romans 12-16” (MAR-SBL, Mar 2012).
The Communal Dimensions of Birthing Imagery in Paul’s Epistles. Wesleyan
Theological Journal. (spring 2017)
“Peace and Wrath in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. Conrad Grebel Review (March
2014): 67-79.
“Restructuring Views on Law in Hebrews 7:12, Journal of Biblical Literature 128
(2009): 189-201.
“Luke. Pages 615-43 in Wesley One Volume Commentary. Edited by Kenneth J.
Collins and Robert W. Wall. Nashville: Abingdon, 2020.
“Following Jesus in the Kingdom Way. Pages 133-44 in Following Jesus: Prophet,
Priest, King. Edited by Timothy R. Gaines and Kara Lyons-Pardue. Kansas City:
Beacon Hill, 2018.
The Pursuit of Peace and the Power of God. Pages 180-96 in Practicing with Paul.
Edited by Presian R. Burroughs. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018.
Other publications
Review of Joseph A. Bessler, A Scandalous Jesus: How Three Historic Quests Changed
Theology for the Better. Review of Biblical Literature (April 2015).
“Herodias, Jacob (Patriarch) New Testament, and Jairus, Encyclopedia of the
Bible and Its Reception (2013).
Review of Paula Gooder, Searching for Meaning: An Introduction to Interpreting the
New Testament. Koinonia Journal 21 (2009): 142-45.
REFERENCES: Beverly Gaventa, Steve Green, Josh Sweeden