Commonwealth Class
In collaboration with
Renewable Energy
How can we keep
the lights on?
Commonwealth Class
Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural
gas) are non-renewable energy
resources, which means their
supply is limited and they will
eventually run out. Fossil fuels do
not renew themselves, while fuels
such as wood can be renewed if
new trees are planted. Coal and oil
release sulphur dioxide gas when
they burn, which causes breathing
problems for living creatures and
contributes to acid rain.
Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide
when they burn, which adds to the
greenhouse effect and increases
global warming. Of the three fossil
fuels, for a given amount of energy
released, coal produces the most
carbon dioxide and natural gas
produces the least.
Carbon capture and storage is
developing technology that
separates carbon dioxide from
the waste gases produced when
burning fossil fuels. The carbon
dioxide is then transported and
stored underground, for example
in old oil fields or gas fields such as
those found under the North Sea.
One of the UN’s Sustainable
Development Goals is to ensure
access to affordable, reliable,
sustainable and modern energy
for all.
Commonwealth values: Sustainable development, protecting the environment, valuing the
importance and contributions of young people
Curriculum links: Science, English and drama, design and technology, geography,
citizenship, ICT, personal social and health education
Core skills: Communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, digital
literacy, global citizenship and civic responsibility
Commonwealth Class
Overview: importance and scientific background 3
Activity 1: what keeps your lights on? 7
Activity 2: windmill energy challenge 8
Activity 3: solar heating 9
Cross-curricular activities 10
Appendix 12
Commonwealth Class
Why is it important?
Greenhouse gases such as carbon
dioxide absorb heat (infrared
radiation) emitted from the Earth’s
surface. Increases in the
atmospheric concentrations of
these gases cause Earth to warm
by trapping more of this heat.
Detailed analyses have shown that
the warming during this period is
mainly a result of the increased
concentrations of carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gases.
Continued emissions of these
gases will cause further climate
change, including substantial
increases in global average
surface temperature and important
changes in regional climate.
Human activities have significantly
disturbed the natural carbon cycle
by extracting long-buried fossil
fuels and burning them for energy,
thus releasing carbon dioxide to
the atmosphere. The additional
carbon dioxide from fossil fuel
burning and deforestation has
disturbed the balance of the
carbon cycle – the natural
processes that could restore the
balance are too slow compared to
the rates at which human activities
are adding carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere. As a result, a
substantial fraction of the carbon
dioxide emitted from human
activities accumulates in the
atmosphere, where some of it
will remain not just for decades
or centuries, but for thousands
of years.
The present level of atmospheric
carbon dioxide concentration is
almost certainly unprecedented in
the past million years, during which
time modern humans evolved and
societies developed. The
atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentration was, however,
higher in Earth’s more distant past
(many millions of years ago), at
which time palaeoclimatic and
geological data indicate that
temperatures and sea levels were
also higher than they are today.
Fossil fuels are also limited in
supply. Different estimates are
given for when oil, natural gas and
coal are likely to run out. It
depends on estimates of demand,
estimates of supply available (often
in remote areas) and use of
renewable energy.
In December 2015, 195 nations
from around the world came
together in Paris and adopted a
new and universal agreement on
climate change. The new
agreement aims to put the world
on track to a low-carbon future
that holds global temperature rise
well below 2
C, with individual
countries submitting national
climate action plans. Example
actions include increasing the
amount of power produced by
geothermal and solar sources, and
increasing the use of energy
efficient lighting.
Commonwealth Class
Scientific background
to the problem
Energy sources are either
non-renewable or renewable.
Non-renewable energy is
produced by burning fossil fuels
(coal, gas or oil). This also
produces carbon dioxide as a side
product, which contributes to
climate change. Nuclear sources
can also be a non-renewable
energy. They generate electricity
in a similar way to fossil fuels,
although they do not produce
carbon dioxide. Renewable energy
sources include: wind turbines,
solar panels and hydroelectric
power (dams). Biomass is also a
renewable fuel but it is burnt in a
similar way to fossil fuels and also
produces carbon dioxide.
Most ways of generating electricity
work by having a magnet and a coil
wire, and creating movement
between the two. This movement
induces a current in the coil of
wire. When fossil fuels burn, it
heats water, producing steam. The
steam turns turbines, which causes
the magnets to move in relation to
the coil of wire, generating
electricity. Similarly, nuclear power
uses the energy produced from
splitting nuclei to heat water to
produce the steam. Wind turbines
and hydroelectric power use wind
and water to turn the turbines.
Solar power however uses special
material in photovoltaic cells to
produce electricity. Solar power
can also be used directly for
heating water.
Possible solutions
There are a number of existing
renewable energy sources, but
they have different advantages
and disadvantages (see page 6).
As yet, they are not enough to
produce all the world’s energy
supply. There are also measures
that could be taken to use energy
more efficiently and changes to
behaviour that could reduce
energy demand.
Commonwealth Class
Solar cells. Infinite energy supply.
Does not produce carbon dioxide.
No fuel costs.
Currently costly to
manufacture panels.
Not sufcient power at
higher latitudes.
Currently not very efficient.
Need storage methods to
store overnight.
Wind farm. Infinite energy supply.
Does not produce carbon dioxide.
No fuel costs.
Can cause local opposition due to
visual impact on the landscape.
Not always sufficient wind.
Amount of electricity
produced depends on the
strength of the wind.
Better wind offshore, but more of
a challenge in technology.
Tidal energy works by using a
tidal barrage (a kind of dam) and
building this across estuaries,
forcing water through gaps.
Reliable and can be easily
switched on.
Does not produce carbon dioxide.
No fuel costs.
Can destroy the habitat of
estuary species.
Wave energy works by
harnessing the power of
seawater moving in and out of
cavities which drives a turbine.
Does not produce carbon dioxide.
No fuel costs.
Difficult to scale up technology
to produce large amounts
of electricity.
In volcanic parts of earth it is
possible to use the natural heat
of the earth. Cold water is
pumped underground and comes
out as steam. Steam can be used
for heating or to power turbines,
creating electricity.
Potentially infinite supply.
No fuel costs.
Currently expensive to set up.
Only works in parts of the world
where there is volcanic activity. It
can also be dangerous; the
elements found underground must
be disposed of carefully.
Biomass is decaying plant or
animal waste.
Readily available. Only a renewable source if crops
are replaced.
Depending on the type of biomass,
fuel production could be in
competition with food production.
Hydroelectric power is produced
through the movement of water
through lakes, rivers
and dams.
Reliable and can be easily
switched on.
Does not produce carbon dioxide.
No fuel costs.
Currently costly to build.
Can cause flooding to communities.
Wood. Readily available. Only renewable if trees are
Gives off greenhouse gases when
Can reduce natural habitats.
Commonwealth Class
This is a research activity
to investigate the electricity
supply local to you. Students
will need to research online as
well as ask questions and should
share their findings with schools
in other countries.
Different countries across the
world have different sources for
their electricity. This can lead to a
difference in the amount of
electricity that is available in
homes and schools. Some areas
may be connected to mains
electricity supplies, while others
may have a separate generator or
run off solar powered lights.
Ask your students to investigate
what the electricity supply is like at
their home and school. If mains
electricity is available, the
investigation should include what
sources of electricity their country
uses to generate mains electricity
(online sources may need to be
used for this).
Sample questions to investigate
and record might include:
Do you have access to electricity
all the time at home and school?
Where does that electricity
come from?
Do you know anyone who
gets their electricity from a
different source?
Is mains electricity available
in your area?
What source(s) are used to
generate the mains electricity?
How often do you use electricity
and for what?
Do you know how much
electricity your school uses in a
week, term or year? How might
energy demand be reduced in
your school?
Extension: If you have access to an
energy monitor, you can measure
the amount of electricity used in
your school and see what you can
change to reduce it.
Sharing your results
Results should be shared and
discussed with other countries via
the teacher forum on Schools
Online or through your links with
partner schools. You might like to
consider what differences there
are between your area and other
countries and why that might be.
Commonwealth Class
Students will build a basic windmill
and investigate how to make it
more efficient.
Learning objectives
To construct miniature wind
turbine blades and evaluate
their proficiency. To develop
practical skills by investigating
the blades and recording and
presenting their data.
Lead a class discussion on how
electricity is produced using fuel to
heat water into high-pressure
steam, which then turns a turbine.
This movement is used to produce
electricity by a generator. A visible
example of this process is a wind
turbine. The rotating blades turn a
generator and produce electricity.
You can demonstrate to your
students that a turning motion can
be converted into electricity by
using a bicycle dynamo and cycle
wheel, or a wind-up electrical
device such as a wind-up torch.
Organise students into small
groups for the investigation. Give
each group a copy of the activity
sheet (Appendix A) with
instructions and equipment to
carry out their investigation.
Encourage them to make and test
a range of different wind turbine
blades for comparison using
different materials, shapes or
angles of blades.
Ask them to think about and
discuss the following questions
when planning their investigation:
How will you make a
fair comparison between
different designs?
What will you keep the same?
What will you change?
How will you decide which
is the best?
What measurements will
you take?
Challenge your students to
suggest ways that the amount
of electricity produced by the
dynamo or wind-up device could
be increased (greater speed of
turning). They could also consider
how efficient these would be as
power sources in their area.
After sharing their designs,
compare with those produced at
other schools:
How similar are they?
Do you think yours works better
or worse than theirs?
Why might that be?
Commonwealth Class
Students will build a solar heater
model and investigate how to make
it most effective.
Challenge students to find the best
way of heating water from the sun.
Working individually or in teams,
ask your students to make a small
watertight container. Depending
on the materials available, this
could be a can, a plastic pot or a
glass beaker. They should then
choose whether to paint it, before
filling it with water and leaving it in
the sun. They should measure the
temperature of the water regularly
at times throughout the day. They
can plot a graph of temperature
against time.
container e.g. cans, pots,
beakers, bottles
paint in a number of different
colours (optional)
1. Select the type of container
you want to use. You should
consider the material the
container is made of and the
area of the container compared
to the volume.
2. Paint the pot if you wish to.
Consider what colour paint
might be most effective.
3. Fill the container with water.
4. Measure the temperature
of the water.
5. Place the container
in the sunshine.
6. Measure the temperature
of the water regularly
throughout the day.
Extension: you could also bring
the water back inside once it
has warmed up and continue
to measure the temperature to
see how fast the water cools.
Share your results
You could share your results
with schools in other countries.
Compare your designs and see
which was more effective. Why
might this have been? How does
the weather in your country relate
to your results?
Commonwealth Class
Research and raising
Ask your students to find out
more about The Paris Agreement
on Climate Change and the
new Sustainable Development
Goals (2015).
If possible, show the animated film
written by Sir Ken Robinson and
introduced by Malala Yousafza
which champions these goals at:
Discuss why Goal 7: ‘Ensure access
to affordable, reliable sustainable
modern energy’ is so important to
the future of everyone.
Ask your students to design a
creative campaign poster or
product to raise awareness of this
goal. They could make a piece of
artwork or a slideshow, take
photographs, or create a podcast
or music video.
New developments that affect the
production of energy can be
controversial. Find out about
examples such as The Three
Gorges project in China or the
proposals for a wind farm on the
Scottish island of Lewis.
Research the arguments that have
been made both for and against
these developments. Set up a
role-play debate in your class
where students take on the roles of
characters that will be affected by
the building of a new wind farm in
their locality. Roles could include
local farmers who own the land,
owners of the plant, local
councillors and Members of
Parliament, bird watchers,
scientists, local business owners
and unemployed local residents.
Ask students to decide how their
character might be affected if the
new development goes ahead and
the points they might raise within
the debate. At the end of the
session, take a vote in role for
whether the new scheme should
go ahead and evaluate which
side produced the most robust
Commonwealth Class
Student Energy
The governments carbon
management strategy for schools
in the UK has set an ambitious
target to cut schools’ current
emissions from energy use by 53%
by 2020.
Can you find out if your country
has targets to cut energy use in
schools? Encourage your students
to become Energy Champions to
help their schools save energy and
money and combat climate
change. Groups could carry out
activities such as:
Checking if lights and
whiteboards are left on in
classrooms when people aren’t
using them and computers
turned off when not in use. They
could make and award
certificates to the most
eco-friendly class or year group.
Finding out the total heating cost
for the school, carrying out an
energy audit and recording and
sharing the results with the rest
of the school.
If they usually have access to a
constant source of electricity, try
experiencing what a day or even
a lesson in school would be like
without any electricity.
Examples and case studies of
schools who have achieved the
Eco-schools energy award by
working to reduce energy
consumption and their carbon
emissions can be found on the
Eco-Schools website at:
One secondary school’s energy
saving initiatives have led to an
£88,000 annual cost saving and an
increase in the uptake of science,
technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) subjects.
On some days their energy
supplier now pays them when they
generate more electricity from
solar panels than they use.
In India, the Centre for Science and
Environment also organises a
Green School Programme
environmental audit which
encourages students to carry out
a survey of their school’s
environmental practices to help
conservation and minimise
wastage. It gives annual local
and national awards to recognise
schools who are leaders in
this field.
If you are working with a partner school you could:
Share your posters or products to promote Sustainable Development Goal 7
Exchange photographs and results of your wind farm debate
Swap results of your energy audits and plans to reduce your school’s energy consumption.
Commonwealth Class
One of the largest wind turbines in
the world is in Hawaii. It stands 20
stories tall and has blades the
length of a football field. Follow the
instructions below to make your
own miniature wind turbine.
straws / lollipop sticks /
wooden rods
card / corrugated plastic
flat-ended push pin
(or drawing pin)
sellotape and glue
wind source such as a desk fan.
1. Draw the turbine blade patterns
you want to use onto thick card
and cut them out.
2. Use a push pin or similar to
attach these to a wooden rod.
3. Place the windmill in the
stream of air from a desk fan
or hairdryer.
4. Measure the number of rotations
in a set period of time.
Share your results
Take a picture or video of your
best design and present your
findings to the rest of the class.
Appendix A: activity sheet
Commonwealth Class
Find Out More
Further activities and teacher
Climate change project:
Practical action:
Further reading
Royal Society, Climate Change
The Royal Society and The US
National Academy of Sciences,
Climate Change: Evidence and
causes: https://royalsociety.
Biello D. 10 Solutions
for Climate Change:
BBC GCSE Bitesize: Fossil fuels:
Eco-Schools is an international
award programme that guides
schools on their sustainable
journey, providing a framework
to help embed these principles
into the heart of school life.
Find out more at:
For more information about the
Sustainable Development Goals
and Goal number 7 go to: http: // and http: //
Further information about India’s
Green Schools Programme can
be found at: http://www.
National climate action plans,
following the December 2015
meeting on climate change, can
be found here: http://www4.
© British Council 2016 / D426
The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation
for cultural relations and educational opportunities.