p-ISSN : 2442-4099
IJBAM, Vol 2, No. 02, 2019: 95 - 101
e-ISSN : 2549-8711
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Analysis Of Influence Style Leadership,
Motivation, And Work Environment On
Employee Performance Pt. Bank Capital
Indonesia, Tbk
Eva Nopalina Panjaitan
, Meita Pragiwani
,Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jalan Kayu Jati Raya No. 11A, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur
AbstractThis study aims to determine the influence of
leadership style, motivation, and work environment on the
performance of employees of PT. Bank Capital Indonesia
(Operational Head Office). The method used in the
preparation of this thesis is to use a causal associative
method. Causal associative research is a study that aims
to determine the effect between two or more variables.
This research explains the influence and influence
relationship of the variables to be studied. The object of
this research is employees at PT. Bank Capital Indonesia,
Tbk Operational Headquarters, where the author
distributes a written questionnaire to be given to
employees of PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk
Operational Headquarters to be answered using the
"Likert Scale". In this study was taken 150 employees as
respondents in March 2017. Data analysis tool used in
this study is multiple linear regression analysis. From
result of research known that there is significant
influence between leadership style, motivation, and work
environment to employee performance. From 3 (three)
research variables analyzed, that motivation variable is
the most dominant variable affecting employee
performance and followed by work environment variable
and leadership style variable.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Motivation, Work
Environment, Employee Performance
Banking is the core of the financial system in
each country of Indonesia, which already has several
laws regulating banking. 3 of 2004 concerning Bank
Indonesia. The banking sector has an influential role
on the advancement or retreat of the economy within
a country. Banks play an important role to minimize
risks in the banking world and provide protection to
public funds in banking institutions. The Bank keeps
the inflation rate under control by balancing the
amount of money and goods circulating to the public.
The increase in the number of banks and their
implementing units has the potential to push the
banking sector business more competitive and
improve the efficiency and health of banks.
The company was established to have a
predetermined purpose, because the goal is a starting
point for all companies and goals also provide
direction for activities and ways to measure the
effectiveness of corporate activities. The purpose of
an established company is to get maximum profit,
high productivity with good quality. In
addition to capital, facilities and infrastructure,
technology, and regulations that apply, companies or
organizations require Human Resources (HR)
Good human resources will contribute well in
terms of achievement of productivity and quality
improvement, achievement of the company's vision
and mission. This seems to be good in domestic life,
social organization, especially when one enters the
workforce. Someone will interact, and enter into a
part of the organization where he works. According
to [6] Robbins (2006) the organization is a
deliberately managed social unit consisting of two or
more persons, which function in a relatively
continuous manner to achieve a common goal or set
of goals. Achieving an organization's goals requires
resources to achieve them.
hese resources include natural resources, financial
resources, science and technology resources, and
human resources. Among these resources, the most
important resource is human resources. According to
Simamora (2006) human resources are the most
important organizational assets and make other
organizational resources work. Therefore, the
existence of human resources in a company is very
important because the existing human resources is the
spearhead of a company's success, especially for
companies engaged in services. Achievement of an
organization is closely related to the quality
performance of members in it. To maintain
and maximize the performance of good members
there are many things that influence such as welfare,
education, training, motivation, leadership,
organizational culture, and work environment.
Performance in an organization is a result of the
work that has been done. Good employee
performance can result in a high level of achievement
or productivity and vice versa, so an organization
leader must pay attention to the performance of its
members. According to Noe et al (2014),
performance management is essential for an agency
to perform its talent management strategy, which is to
identify the strengths and weaknesses of its
employees, connect employees with appropriate
training and development activities, and reward good
performance with salaries and other incentives. A
performance management system is designed to
ensure that learning and development are aligned
with business strategy, triggering business results,
and employees have the ability to succeed in current
and future jobs.
Employee performance greatly affects the success
of the goals of an organization, see the importance of
employees in an organization. It is in accordance with
the opinion of [3] Koopmans et al (2014) that
performance is defined as a behavior or action
relevant to organizational goals. It can be said that
employees are valuable organizational assets, hence
the need for support and development to make the
employee's ability to be good. Good performance can
be seen from the results that can, in accordance with
the standards of the organization. One effort to
improve the performance of employees can be done
with the policy and applied directives from a reliable
leader and high motivation and direction. The policy
of any organization or agency in providing rules to
achieve its objectives is different.
Each agency has its own regulatory policy, the
rule is implemented by a leader, so one leader with
another leader has a different style. Leadership style
applied by a leader varies according to need so as to
encourage his subordinates to contribute the best to
the agency. With the existence of effective
leadership can improve employee performance.
According [1] Djatmiko (2005) leadership is the
process of inter-relationship or interaction between
leaders, followers and situations. Leadership must
involve others, subordinates or followers. Leadership
involves the unequal distribution of power between
leaders and group members, other than legitimately
able to direct their subordinates or followers, leaders
can also have influence. Effective leaders not
only use their power to encourage employees but also
can provide motivation, inspiration and loyalty for
employees to be able to devote all the focus of its
ability to achieve optimal performance. Every leader
of course uses a different way in his leadership
There are leaders who have strong interactions
with followers (in Winkler: 2010) who consider the
needs of followers or known as transformational
leadership. Strong interaction creates positive values
and changes to followers.
When viewed more deeply, one of the important
things of human resource management that need to
be considered well by the company is motivation.
Without sufficient motivation, the performance of
existing human resources will be less than optimal.
The adverse impact of his lack of motivation (in
Winkler: 2010) of a leader or superiors can ultimately
reduce the performance of the company itself. In
addition, it can lead to increased complaints from
customers, causing lazy employees to work, and
other possibilities that lead to physical and
psychological actions, such as increasing the degree
of absenteeism and employee turnover.
Motivational issues always get great attention from
leaders or bosses because motivation is the source of
the crew for employees. Basically, the purpose of
work motivation is to help the organization achieve
strategic success while ensuring the ongoing work
while encouraging employees to improve the
employee's performance. Motivation is the decisive
factor for an employee in work. Conducive
atmosphere, adequate facilities, the ability of
employees if they do not have the motivation to
complete the job, then the results of the work will not
run properly. Giving motivation can be done by a
leader in its own way, it is necessary to foster
employees and mobilize his subordinates to
strengthen relationships within the organization and
create maximum production. Neither government nor
private agencies, not only expect capable, skilled and
skilled employees but most importantly they want to
work hard and want to achieve optimal results. For
that leadership should try to have employees have
high motivation to perform task or work. This is
where the importance of the role of motivation to
encourage employee morale in completing the work.
The motivation built into his followers is to reward
the extra performance that has been achieved.
An employee will produce a high performance
when he has the motivation in doing his job. Work
environment within an organization also greatly
affects the performance of its employees. Conditions
in the work environment can be said good if
someone in it can carry out various activities in a
good, healthy, safe, or comfortable. A working
Eva Nopalina Panjaitan ,Meita Pragiwani.
Analysis Of Influence Style Leadership
environment that satisfies the employees of the
company will encourage the employees to work as
well as possible.
PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk is one of the
companies engaged in banking that must compete in
the increasingly stringent banking world. To be able
to compete, PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk should
always improve the performance of human resources
efficiently and effectively. In this case the ability of a
leader in motivating and directing employees is
needed to improve employee performance. In
addition, the work environment within a company is
very important to be noticed by the management
company. A satisfactory working environment for
employees of the company will encourage these
employees to work best, including in terms of
optimal service to customers. So that the expected
employee performance can be increased, and
corporate goals can be easily achieved.
Based on Employee Attendance Data PT. Bank
Capital Indonesia, Tbk. Indicates that in 2012 the
number of employees of 150 (one hundred and fifty)
persons with the number of employees present there
are 141 (one hundred and forty one) persons, where
employees who are absent due to illness there are 5
(five) people, Permit 2 (two) people and Alfa 2 (two)
people, so the total percentage of attendance in 2012
is 94%. In 2013 the number of employees of 150 (one
hundred and fifty) persons with attendance was 122
(one hundred and twenty-two) persons, where
employees who were absent due to illness were 11
(eleven) persons, Permit 12 (twelve) persons and
Alfa 5 (five) persons, bringing the total attendance
percentage in 2013 at 81.33%. In 2014 the number of
employees of 150 (one hundred and fifty) persons
with the number of employees present is 120 (one
hundred and twenty) persons, where employees who
are not available because of illness there are 15
(fifteen) persons, Permit 10 (ten) persons and Alpha 5
(five) people, so the total percentage of attendance in
2014 is 80%. In 2015 the number of employees is
150 (one hundred and fifty) persons with the
attendance of 116 (one hundred and sixteen) persons,
where employees who are absent due to illness there
are 16 (sixteen) persons, 13 (thirteen) persons
and Alfa 5 (five) people, so the total percentage of
attendance in 2015 is 77.4%. In 2016 the number of
permanent employees is 150 (one hundred and fifty)
persons, but the number of employees present
decreases by 97 (ninety-seven) persons with
information not present in Sakit as many as 23
(twenty three) persons, License 20 (twenty) people
and Alfa as many as 10 (ten) people, so that in the
year 2016 attendance attendance decreased 12.7% to
64.7% .Based on the above information indicates
that the attendance of the number of employees
present from 2012 to 2016 has decreased
significantly , with employee information not present
due to illness, permission and alpha.
Berdasarkan data kinerja employees of PT.
Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk is not as expected
because employees with good judgment more than
employees who have a very good assessment.
Assessment is given based on: (1) the main task, with
a weight of 50%; (2) skill and
competence with 25% weight; and (3) standard
performance, with a weight of 25%.
Decline in employee performance at PT. Bank
Capital Indonesia, Tbk can also be seen from the past
five years which indicate that there is a decrease of
quality which is indicated by the number of
complaints or claims coming from the customer. The
complaint is, among other things, the customer does
not have to wait too long to get the bank service, no
matter how busy the bank employees should be
happy to help customers, bank employees must
provide services quickly and efficiently. There are
several studies that show that the relationship of
leadership variables, motivation and work
environment to employee performance has different
results. This is evidenced by research conducted by
Enrico [4] Maramis (2013) and Hadi Irfani (2015), in
which the variables leadership, motivation, and work
environment have a significant positive impact on
employee performance. While this research variables
studied are leadership, motivation and work
environment on employee performance at PT. Bank
Capital Indonesia.
The role of leader, motivation and work
environment is very important in helping the
performance of employees to produce maximum
results. However, the applied leadership style should
be more effective to meet company goals and
improve employee performance. It is necessary to
improve the evaluation conducted by the leaders to
the employees and also provide direction and
guidance to employees in completing their duties,
the need for additional firm enough instruction from
the leader to the employees in order to achieve
maximum and effective targets.
Formulation of the problem
1. How the influence of Leadership Style on
Employee Performance PT. Bank Capital Indonesia,
2. How influence Motivation on Employee
Performance PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk?
3. How the influence of Work Environment on
Employee Performance PT. Bank Capital Indonesia,
4. How the influence of Leadership Style,
Motivation, and Work Environment on Employee
Performance PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk?
Research purposes
1. To know the influence of Leadership Style
on Employee Performance PT. Bank Capital
Indonesia, Tbk
2. To determine the effect of Motivation
on Employee Performance PT. Bank Capital
Indonesia, Tbk
3. To determine the effect of Work
Environment on Employee Performance PT. Bank
Capital Indonesia, Tbk 4. To know the influence of
Leadership Style, Motivation, and Work
Environment on Employee Performance PT. Bank
Capital Indonesia, Tbk
Leadership Style
According to [11] Wahjosumidjo (2002), leader
behavior in the process of decision making and
problem solving according to one's leadership style.
These styles include the following:
1) Leadership Style Directive
(1) Problem solving and decision- making
related to all workers is the responsibility of leaders
and leaders only give orders to subordinates to carry
(2) The leader determines all standards of how
the subordinate performs the task
(3) The leader exercises strict supervision of the
(4) Leaders provide threats and punishment to
subordinates who are not successful in performing
tasks that have been determined
(5) Relationship with lower subordinates, does
not provide motivation to subordinates to be able to
develop themselves optimally, because leaders are
less confident with the ability of subordinates.
2) Consultative Leadership Style
(1) Decision-making and problem- solving are
done by the leader after listening to complaints from
(2) The Leader determines the goals and sets
out general provisions after going through a process
of discussion and consultation with subordinates (3)
Rewards and punishments are given to
subordinates in order to motivate subordinates
(4) Good relationship with subordinates
3) Participative Leadership Style
(1) Leaders and subordinates jointly involved in
decision making and problem solving or in other
words if the leader will make a decision, made after
the suggestions or opinions of subordinates
(2) Leaders provide subordinate flexibility to
carry out work
(3) Relationships with subordinates are well
established and in an atmosphere of friendship and
mutual trust
(4) The motivation given to subordinates is not
only based on economic considerations, but also
based on the importance of subordinate role in
performing organizational tasks.
4) Delegative Leadership Style
(1) The leader discusses the problems faced
with subordinates and subsequently delegates
decision- making and problem-solving to
(2) Subordinates have the right to determine the
steps on how decisions are made
In the era of global competition the role of a
leader is very dominant to be able to bridge the
chronic problems faced by the organization
Work motivation
Motivation is derived from the Latin word
"movere" which means "drive or driving force" This
motivation is only given to humans, especially to
subordinates or followers (Malayu S.P.Hasibuan:
2001 in Danang [10] Sunyoto: 2012). Motivation
questioned how to encourage subordinate work
passion, so they will work hard by giving all the
ability and skill to realize the company's goals. This
motivation is important because with the motivation
expected every individual employees willing to work
hard and enthusiastic to achieve high work
productivity. A person's behavior is influenced and
stimulated by his wants, needs, goals and decisions.
Stimulation arises from the self (internal) and from
outside (external-environment).
This stimulation will create "motives and
motivations" that encourage people to work (activity)
Eva Nopalina Panjaitan ,Meita Pragiwani.
Analysis Of Influence Style Leadership
to obtain the needs and satisfaction of the results of
his work.
Motivation according to Sutrisno (2009) is a
factor that encourages a person to perform a certain
activity, therefore motivation is often interpreted also
as a factor driving a person's behavior. When he
needs and wants something, he is encouraged to do
certain activities to get what he needs. The needs and
desires of a person differ from the needs and desires
of others. The needs and desires of a different person
happens because of mental processes that have
occurred within a person.
Work environment The work environment is the
third level (3) of [5] Maslow and the second level
(2) of Alder, where one can interact with colleagues,
be accepted by the group and feel a familial
relationship or vice versa. Work environment can be
defined in physical form, ie building, room, neatness,
cleanliness, other physical facilities and
infrastructure. It can also be interpreted in the form of
a psychological work atmosphere that is comfortable,
fun, saturated, or boring. The work environment
according to [6] Robbins (2002) is the entire tooling
and material tools faced, the surrounding
environment in which a person works, his method of
work, and the arrangement of his work either as an
individual or as a group. Physical conditions
contribute to the behavior or attitude of the working
group. Generally a worker prefers a clean
environment, clean, comfortable, temperature and
appropriate lighting, advanced and modern
equipment, and so on. Good performance will not be
obtained with dirty, dusty tables, messy atmosphere,
hot weather, blinding light and so on.
Employee performance
In terminological terms, according to William
(2003) performance is a measure of how well people
do their job. Meanwhile, according to Wibowo
(2010) performance is about doing the job and the
results achieved from the work. Maximizing
performance is a priority for most organizations
today. "Performance" is translated from the word
"performance" with the origin of the word "to
perform", which means "do" or "organize".
Performance is often called performance.
Performance also depends on the profession, the type
of profession or one's position (Nyoman: 2006).
Mangkuprawira (2009) said
Performance or Performance is the work that can
be achieved by a person or group of people within
an organization in accordance with their respective
authority and responsibility in the effort of
achieving organizational goals.
Based on the above understanding, performance
or performance is the result of work achieved by an
employee in an organization, in accordance with its
authority and responsibility, in order to achieve
organizational goals. Thus, performance is related to
two main factors, namely employee motivation to
work, can generate effort and ability of employees to
implement it, or performance is a function of ability
and motivation work. Performance is a good mirror
for the organization and produces work
productivity, which will foster an image or
performance, such as work ethic, dedication, work
performance, work result and job satisfaction.
Population and Sample Research Population
[7,8,9]Sugiyono (2014) states that the population
is a generalization region consisting of objects or
subjects that have a certain quantity and
characteristics set by researchers to be studied and
then drawn conclusions. Population in this research is
all employees at PT. Bank Capital Indonesia,
Tbk Operational Headquarters with a total
employee of 150 employees.
Research sample
According [7,8,9]Sugiyono (2014) sample is part
of the number and characteristics possessed by the
population. When large populations, and researchers
are not likely to study everything in the population,
for example due to limited funds, manpower and
time, the researcher can use the sample he draws
from that population.
The sampling technique used in this research is
simple random sampling which is part of the
sampling probability sampling technique. The
probability sampling technique is a sampling
technique that provides equal opportunity for each
element (member) of the population to be elected as a
sample member.
Simple random sampling is said to be simple
(simple) because the sampling of the sample
members of the population is done randomly
regardless of the strata present in the population. The
type of data used in this study is primary data by
using questionnaire data collection method.
Sampling was stopped after 60 respondents had filled
out the questionnaire. The sample of this study
using Slovin formula with error rate of 10%, so the
level of fairness of the occurrence of errors in the
sampling can still be tolerated in this study.
Data collection technique
1. Interview
The technique of collecting data is done by
dealing directly with interviewing but can also be
given a list of questions first to be answered on
another occasion.
2. Documents
A large number of facts and data are stored in
material in the form of documentation. Data
collection techniques by taking data relating to the
issues under study from the publication of institutions
or government agencies, other organizations.
3. Questionnaire or Questionnaire
Data collection techniques by giving or
distributing a list of questions to respondents in the
hope of providing a response to the list of questions.
In this research used likert scale. The answer given
by the consumer is then scored by an agree- disagree
scale technique by developing a statement that
produces an agree-disagreeable answer in various
value ranges.
Data Analysis Technique
Data analysis techniques are a way of analyzing
data with relevant statistical tools. Data analysis
technique used in this research is multiple linear
regression analysis. Multiple linear regression
analysis is used to explain the strength and direction
of the relationship between independent variables and
dependent variable [7,8,9] (Sugiyono: 2012). In this
study, multiple linear analysis techniques are used to
measure the influence of leadership style, motivation,
and work environment on employee performance.
Descriptive Analysis
Based on the results of data processing obtained
that the average achievement of leadership style
variables to the highest value is 4.4, meaning that PT.
Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk has a good leadership
style in working. Although the ability of superiors
does not allow subordinates to participate in decision
making has the lowest value of 2.4, let the leader let
his subordinates participate in any decision- making
associated with all the work to become better. Thus,
the correspondent's results show that leadership style
in PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk applies
participative leadership style.
Based on the results of data processing obtained
that the average achievement of the variable of
motivation to the highest value is 4.5, meaning that
PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk has a good working
motivation in working. Although the desire of
employees who always try to direct partners in
carrying out the work has the lowest value of 3.6,
better motivation of employees in directing their
partners more improved again. Thus, the
correspondent's results show that the motivation at
PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk based on affiliated
Based on the results of data processing obtained
that the average achievement of work environment
variables to the highest value is 4.5, meaning that PT.
Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk has a comfortable
working environment in working between superiors
and subordinates and vice versa has the lowest value
of 4.0, well there is a sense of security because safety
equipment is always inspected regularly to improve
comfort in work. Thus, the correspondent results
show that the work environment in PT. Bank Capital
Indonesia, Tbk has good physical condition.
Influence between Leadership Style on Employee
Style Leadership (X1) with a value of 0.247,
which means leadership style in PT. Bank Capital
Indonesia, Tbk in a significant qualification. This
shows that Interpersonal Roles, Informational Roles,
and Roles as Decision Makers have a positive effect
on employee performance as suggested by [2] Henry
Mitzberg. The results of this study indicate that
leadership style in PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk
is really felt by all employees and encourages them to
do work activities. Based on the above theory can be
seen that the factors of leadership style is one of the
factors that most affect the level of individual
employee performance. This is in line with research
conducted by Enrico [4] Maramis (2013) in the ISSN
journal entitled Leadership, Organizational Culture,
and Motivation Influence on Employee Performance
at PT. State Savings Bank (Persero) Branch Manado,
where from this research the results show the
influence of leadership style on employee
Influence between Motivation to Employee
Motivation (X2) has the highest value of 0.247,
which means employee work motivation PT. Bank
Capital Indonesia, Tbk in its qualifications is very
significant. This shows that Theory of need by Mc.
Clelland (2012) that needs achievement, Affiliated
Eva Nopalina Panjaitan ,Meita Pragiwani.
Analysis Of Influence Style Leadership
needs, and Need for power successfully proven to
show significant qualifications to the performance of
employees of PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk.
Based on the understanding of work motivation and
understanding of the performance, the work
motivation has an influence on the performance if the
motivation of each individual employee is high, will
generate high morale also, which will ultimately
contribute in the form of good performance. This is
in line with research that has been done by Kadek
Fajar Andika Karma, Gerianta Wirawan Yasa, Ni
Made Dwi Ratnadi (2016) in ISSN journal entitled
Influence Situational Leadership Style,
Organizational Culture and Motivation on Employee
Performance at PT. Bali Regional Development Bank
Badung Branch, where the results show the influence
of motivation on employee performance.
Influence between Work Environment on Employee
Working Environment (X3) has the second
highest value after the motivation of 0.355, which
means the work environment of PT. Bank Capital
Indonesia, Tbk in its qualification is significant. This
indicates that the physical condition and the building
of work give influence to the performance of
employees, therefore the addition and maintenance
need to increase PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk.
Based on the definition of work environment above,
then the work environment has an influence on
employee performance. This is in line with research
conducted by Hadi Irfani (2015) in the journal ISSN
entitled The Effect of Job Stress, Leadership Style,
and Work Environment on Employee Performance
PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Painan Branch, where the
result shows the influence of work environment on
employee performance.
From the overall discussion that
in the employee performance research at PT.
Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk, can be done gradually
or comprehensively by using findings from multiple
linear regression analysis, where motivation factor as
the most dominant factor and then followed by work
environment factor and leadership style.
1. Leadership style (X1) with Beta Coefficients
0.247 value on probability (Sig) 0.020 shows
significant, because <0.05, if leadership style rises 1
number, it will be followed by employee
performance improvement with regression value
2. Motivation (X2) with Beta Coefficients
0.480 value on probability (Sig) 0.001 indicates
significant, because <0.05, if motivation increases 1
number, it will be followed by improvement of
employee performance with regression value (0.480).
3. Working Environment (X3) with Beta
Coefficients 0.355 value on probability (Sig) 0.031
indicates significant, because <0.05, if the work
environment rises 1 number, it will be followed by
employee performance improvement with regression
value (0.355).
4. R Square (Coefficient of Determination)
obtained for 0.526 (52.6%). This value reflects the
variable changes in the performance variables, in
which performance can be determined by all
independent variables (free) together 52.6%, and the
remaining 47.4% is determined by other variables
(compensation, training, supervision, work discipline,
etc.) not examined in this study.
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