Quick Guide
Updates and new schedules exported from the
Massachusetts Records Retention Schedule Database
on September 1, 2022
Table of Contents
Records in Common
Buildings and Equipment .......................................................................................................................... 1
Contracts ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Correspondence........................................................................................................................................ 4
Fiscal and Purchasing ................................................................................................................................ 5
General Administrative Schedules ............................................................................................................ 8
Grants ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Historically Significant Records............................................................................................................... 13
Information Technology........................................................................................................................... 14
Legal......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Licensing and Permits ............................................................................................................................. 18
Open Meeting Law................................................................................................................................. 21
Other Schedules..................................................................................................................................... 23
Personnel ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Receipts and Receipt Books ................................................................................................................... 30
Warrants ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Agency Specific Schedules
Accountant or Auditor ............................................................................................................................ 32
Board of Appeals..................................................................................................................................... 35
Board of Assessors .................................................................................................................................. 37
Board of Health ....................................................................................................................................... 43
Building Inspector ................................................................................................................................... 49
City and Town Clerks............................................................................................................................... 52
Collector.................................................................................................................................................. 63
Conservation Commission ...................................................................................................................... 67
Council on Aging...................................................................................................................................... 69
Department of Public Works................................................................................................................... 71
Fire Department and Fire District ........................................................................................................... 75
Historical Commission and Historic District Commissions...................................................................... 80
Licensing Board ....................................................................................................................................... 82
Parks and Recreation.............................................................................................................................. 85
Planning Board ........................................................................................................................................ 86
Police Department .................................................................................................................................. 88
Public Library........................................................................................................................................... 94
Public Utilities.......................................................................................................................................... 95
Purchasing............................................................................................................................................... 96
Retirement Board.................................................................................................................................... 97
School Department ............................................................................................................................... 103
Sealers of Weights and Measures......................................................................................................... 108
Select Boards......................................................................................................................................... 110
Shellfish Constable ................................................................................................................................ 115
Treasurer............................................................................................................................................... 116
Veterans’ Service Agent ........................................................................................................................ 121
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Buildings and Equipment
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.004 Administration, Building Plans
01.025 Equipment Inventory
Retain until superseded by next inventory.
01.026 Equipment Inventory Form
Retain until superseded.
01.027 Equipment Loan Report
Retain until return of equipment.
01.028 Equipment Maintenance and Repair Records
Retain 1 year after disposal of equipment.
01.029 Equipment Warranties
Retain 1 year after disposal of equipment.
01.141 Plans
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
01.141 (a) Design Feasibility and Review Administration files
Retain 3 years from date proposals are due, then destroy.
Documents research into proposed projects: includes correspondence, memoranda, contracts,
financial documentation and application for reimbursement form state or Federal agencies.
01.141 (b) Design Feasibility, Program, and Review Studies
Retain permanently.
Final report of feasibility investigation, architectural building program, land acquisition, or
building conditions.
01.141 (c) Design Phase Drawings
Retain until superseded or obsolete, then destroy. Permission from Supervisor of Public
Records is not required for destruction.
Documents development of design of new building or renovations of existing structure.
01.141 (d) Design Proposals
Retain 3 years after due date for proposals, then destroy.
Documents application of non-selected architects to design projects; includes credentials,
financial data regarding firm, summary of comparable work performed, and in-house forms.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Buildings and Equipment
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.141 (e) Designer Selection Case files
Retain 20 years, then destroy.
Documents selection of architect or engineer for municipal projects: includes submissions,
rating sheets, internal memoranda.
01.141 (f) Prequalifications
Retain 3 years after date prequalifications are due, then destroy.
Documents qualifications of designers, contractors, or sub-contractors prior to bidding process.
01.142 Project Management Case files
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
01.142 (a) Alteration and Repair Case files
Retain 7 years after completion of project, then destroy.
Documents response to requests for small-scale, routine, or emergency repairs to Municipal
owned structures.
01.142 (b) Preventive Maintenance Case files
Retain 2 years after completion of project, then destroy.
01.142 (d) Renovations and System Upgrades - Final Project records
Retain permanently.
Includes: building program books or memoranda, structural or soil studies, engineering and
boring reports, minutes, daily construction reports, certificate of final completion or
occupancy, and contractor evaluation form.
01.142 (c) Renovations and System Upgrades - Hazmat-related
Retain 30 years after expiration of last pertinent contract, then destroy.
Includes: memoranda, reports, manifests, relating asbestos abatement, hazardous materials
removal, or site remediation.
01.142 (e) Renovations and System Upgrades - Working files
Retain 20 years after expiration of last pertinent contract, then destroy.
Includes: designer selection and design development memoranda and reports, winning design
proposal, bid and sub-bid review memoranda, scope of work, work schedules, correspondence
and financial files, incident and dispute resolution documentation, punchlists, warrantees,
maintenance manuals, submittals, shops drawings, and photographs.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Contracts
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.010 Bids for Contracts (a) Where no contract is awarded
Retain 3 years from date of opening.
01.011 Bids for Contracts (b) Where contract is awarded
Retain with Contract Files.
Contract Files – (a) where no debt is issued to pay the contract.
Retain until completion of audit of final year of contract and change order payments.
Includes documentation of award and performance of contract, original contract, change orders, all
related purchase orders, invoices and schedules of bills payable.
Contract Files – (b) where debt is issued to pay the contract.
Retain until completion of audit following year of final payment of all debt related to the project.
Includes documentation of award and performance of contract, original contract, change orders, all
related purchase orders, invoices and schedules of bills payable.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Correspondence
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Correspondence (a) Administrative Convenience
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Duplicates of correspondence maintained for the convenience of governmental employees in
carrying out their duties. Records in this series are not the official file or record copy. Do not apply
this series if records fall under a more appropriate record series.
Correspondence (b) General Administrative
Retain 3 years.
General correspondence associated with administrative practices but does not create policy or
Correspondence (c) Policy Development
Retain 5 years.
Correspondence documenting policy development, sent or received by individuals who exercise
decision-making authority on policy matters.
Correspondence (d) Transitory Messages
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Includes messages created primarily to communicate information of short-term value. Examples:
messages reminding employees about scheduled meetings or appointments; telephone messages;
announcements of office events such as holiday parties or group lunches; and recipient copies of
announcements of agency-sponsored events such as exhibits, lectures, workshops, etc. Transitory
messages are not intended to formalize or perpetuate knowledge and do not set policy, establish
guidelines or procedures, certify a transaction, or become a receipt.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Finance and Purchasing
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.002 Accounts Payable
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.003 Accounts Receivable
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.008 Audit Report
Retain 10 years.
Auditing - Support Documents
Retain 7 years after the final report is issued, then destroy.
Audits of municipal finances are conducted annually by an independent certified public accounting
firm. These files may include work papers, schedules, reconciliations, etc.
01.009 Bank Statements
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.012 Bills Outstanding, Statement of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
Budget - Final record copy
Retain one official copy of the finalized budget permanently.
This record documents the amount of money along with any amendments that is appropriated for
each account or line item for the current and previous fiscal years for the entire municipality.
Additional copies may be destroyed when no longer administratively needed.
01.013 Budget Estimates
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
01.145 Budget requests from departments
Retain for three years after the record is superseded, then destroy.
Departmental copies of budget requests.
Budget summary and balance sheets
Retain while needed to verify the status of financial accounts. After have been verified, retain
records for three additional years, then destroy.
Records documenting the status of budgetary activities on each account. They identify the account
balances per month and year to date, activity within the month on each account, etc. Duplicate
copies may be destroyed when no longer administratively needed.
01.014 Cash Books
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Finance and Purchasing
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.015 Check Registers
Retain 7 years, or until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.016 Checks, cancelled
Retain 7 years, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
01.024 Deposits to Treasurer
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.030 Expenditures (estimated)
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
01.034 Invoices and Vouchers
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit unless related to Contract Files.
Municipal audit supporting documentation
Retain 7 years after final report and then destroy.
Audits of Municipal finances are generally conducted annually by an independent certified public
accounting firm. Supporting documentation may include, but is not limited to, working papers,
schedules, and reconciliations.
01.082 Payment to Treasurer, Schedule of (copy)
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.120 Prison-made Goods, List of
Retain until superseded by receipt of new list.
01.121 Prison-made Goods, Requisition for
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.123 Purchase Orders
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit unless related to Contract Files.
01.124 Purchase Requisitions
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit unless related to Contract Files.
01.131 Reserve Fund Transfer (RFT) Request
Retain 1 year, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
01.133 Schedule of Departmental Payments to Treasurer
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Finance and Purchasing
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.134 Transfer of Funds
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.136 Vendor List
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
01.137 Vouchers – as approved by department head
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit unless related to Contract Files.
01.141 Work Sheets
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/General Administrative Schedules
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Bids documents - Services and supplies
Retain 3 years from date bidding period closes.
Includes Requests for Proposals
Damaged or contaminated records
Damaged materials: Contact the Archives for an assessment of damages, possible recourse, and
remedies to prevent future occurrence report. If destruction is recommended: Retain Archives
recommendation report, destruction certification and audit documentation, and inventory listings
for 10 years.
Consists of files that were damaged to the point where they cannot be salvaged or may not be
worth salvaging. Includes the damaged materials, files inventories, assessments, and related
Directives - Originator's Record Copy
Retain permanently.
Directive by department head(s) or managers outlining policy to lower levels of authority. Recipient
copies may be destroyed without Supervisor approval when no longer administratively useful.
Directory listings and files
Retain until superseded or not longer administratively necessary. Permission from Supervisor not
required for destruction.
Lists the current or former employees and/or phone lists of contacts or service providers. Also
includes mailing lists.
Office procedures and instructions
Destroy when superseded. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Written procedures and instructions issued by departmental administration.
Planners and calendars
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
The Planners or Calendars may be electronic or manual (paper), that are used to track an
individual staff member's work-related meetings, assignments, and tasks. Individual employees are
responsible for retaining their planners or calendars for the duration of this retention period.
01.153 (a) Elected Officials, Executives, Department Heads and Directors or others
in policy-making positions Some communities may decide that these records are
historically significant and chose to review them for permanent retention. If records are
determined to not be of historical significance, they can be destroyed when not longer
administratively useful, without approval by Supervisor of Public Records.
01.153 (b) Non-policy making positions
Retain while administratively useful, then destroy. Permission from Supervisor of Public
Records not required for destruction.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/General Administrative Schedules
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Presentation materials
Retain as long as administratively necessary, then destroy. Permission from Supervisor of Public
Records not required for destruction.
Documents materials created for use in speeches, briefings, demonstrations, classes or seminars
(e.g., slides overheads, flip charts, and handouts). Does not include commercially available
01.155 Project Documentation files
See sub-schedules for specific records retention periods.
01.155 (a) Case files
Retain 7 years from end of project, then destroy.
Records may contain various working documentations pertaining to project(s) or individual
subject(s). May include supporting subject documentation and finalized project documents
such as final report, publication, etc.
01.155 (b) Other files
Retain until superseded, obsolete or rescinded, they destroy. Permission from Supervisor of
Public Records not required for destruction.
Documents design, development, control and monitoring of a specific project or group of
Public Relations and Communications records
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
Documents the department's efforts to promote an effective and cooperative working relationship
with the community and the public relating to projects, issues, and general work. Includes plans,
proposals, outreach projects, articles, speeches, news and press releases, brochures, flyers,
catalogs and related correspondence.
01.204 (a) Substantive records reflecting decisions, issues, concerns, events and
publications Retain permanently.
01.204 (b) All other records
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission of Supervisor of Public Records not required
for destruction.
Records management files - Municipal copies
Retain 10 years from date of signed approval for destruction.
Documents the approval of retention and disposition schedules, approvals from the Supervisor of
Public Records for disposal of records,a nd certificates of records disposal. Schedules and approvals
are retained permanently with the Records Management Unit at the state level. Municipalities may
set internal policies to retain their copies longer than dictated by this schedule.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/General Administrative Schedules
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Staff and administrative meeting records - Record copy
Retain three years from date of creation, then destroy.
These records may include meeting minutes, agendas, and distribution materials related to staff
meetings, routine business operations, etc. Includes records of electronically held meetings of
bodies without regulatory or decision-making powers. Non-record copies may be destroyed where
they are no longer needed, without approval from Supervisor.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Grants
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Grants awarded by municipality
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
This series documents the administration of programs to grant funds or aid to individuals,
institutions, the community, or agencies based on predetermined qualifications and subsequent
review. Includes documentation of grant program structure and policies, applications forms, interim
and final reports and grant deliverables. Also includes accounting records related to dispersal of
01.198 (a) Grant program development and policy records including copies of blank
Retain permanently.
01.198 (b) Final reports and project deliverables
Retain permanently.
01.198 (c) All other records, including grant accounts payable records
Retain for a minimum of six years, beginning on the first day after the final payment under the
grant, or such longer period as is necessary for the resolution of any litigation, claim,
negotiation, audit or other inquiry involving the grant.
Grants received by municipality - Development and Proposal Records
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
This series documents efforts to dwevelop and submit grant proposals for outside funding.
Including discussion notes, lists of potential topics, sample grant proposals from outside agencies,
copies of rejected and accepted grant proposals and related correspondence.
01.199 (a) Summary planning documents and proposals that reflect the direction of
the agency
Retain permanently.
01.199 (b) Unfunded grants
Retain 3 years.
01.199 (c) All other records
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor of Public Records not
required for destruction.
Grants received by municipality - Grant Administration Records
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
This series documents all phases of the administration of federal and other grants, contracts,
sponsored research projects, and agreements from negotiation to final performance. Includes
negotiation issues documentation, memos of understanding, agreements, contracts, amendments,
terms and conditions, budget proposals, and related correspondence.
01.200 (a) Summary documents and final reports
Retain permanently.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Grants
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.200 (b) All other records including accounts receivable
Retain for a minimum of six years, beginning on the first day after the final payment
under the grant, or such longer period as is necessary for the resolution of any
litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other inquiry involving the grant.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Historically Significant Records
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Historically significant correspondence files and subject files
Retain permanently.
Incoming and outgoing letters, memoranda, faxes, notes and their attachments containing
administrative, fiscal, legal, intrinsic, evidential and/or informational value justifying permanent
preservation These records explicitly include physical and digital formats.
Historically significant project documentation files
Retain permanently.
Documents design, development, control or monitoring of a specific project or group of projects,
which are historically significant. May include Reports, Studies, Surveys, Models, and Analyses.
Historically significant public relations files
Retain permanently.
Documents information provided to the public and business or government communities. Includes
statements, visual aids, news releases and news clippings regarding historically significant events.
Historically significant publications
Retain permanently.
One official copy of any historically significant publications.
Historically significant recordings, audio or video
Retain permanently.
Documents the collection of audio or visual recordings, created by or for a departmnt, that are of
an enduring historically significant nature or that describe the current function or organization of
the department's major administrative units. Commercially available material may be included, if
appropriate. Does not include records used in lieu of minutes or as temporary transcripts of
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Information Technology
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Access Control records
Delete when no longer administratively useful. Permission from Supervisor of Public Records not
required for destruction.
Records documenting access controls to computers, programs, files or computer security areas or
Computer System Test records
Retain 3 years, then destroy.
Documents created only to test computer, system or program performance.
Internet Access Policies and Agreements
Retain agreements only for active users. Non-active user agreements may be destroyed.
Permission from Supervisor of Public Records not required for destruction.
These documents define the terms of use and access of the Internet, information technology
resources, access to the network, etc. The documents are used to generate user accounts.
Programs, Program Documentation, and Instructions
Retain until all electronic records creating using the programs have been destroyed or converted to
another program or format; then delete or destroy. Permission from Supervisor of Public Records
not required for destruction.
Operating programs, application programs and their supporting documentation. Electronic or paper
documents required to enable data entry, maintenance, manipulation or retrieval of information
Security Access forms
Retain until authorization is revoked or changed. Permission from Supervisor of Public Records is
not required for destruction.
These forms identify personnel who are authorized to access municipal computer systems.
Security Backup and Recovery Copies of Electronic records or programs
Retain off-site until replaced or superseded, then delete. Permission from Supervisor of Public
Records not required for destruction.
These are copies of master databases, structured program data, and unstructured data, and are
created as redundant datasets used to restore systems only in the case of emergencies, and they
are overwritten on a regular basis. Includes copies of programs or instructions necessary to
retrieve copies information. These files are defined as "non-records."
Software License Agreements
Retain agreement until expired, then destroyed. Permission from Supervisor of Public Records not
required for destruction.
These agreements define how many users are licensed to access each software application.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Information Technology
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Source code
Maintain all version until the source code is superseded or application is replaced. Permission from
Supervisor of Public Records not required for destruction.
Automated program code, which generates the machine-language instructions used to operate an
automated information system.
System Management or Control records
Delete when no longer administratively useful. Permission from Supervisor of Public Records not
required for destruction.
Logs, journals, reports and other supporting paperwork required to operate, manage and control
computer systems. Records involving solely with administration of a system.
Technology Network Maps and Documentation
Retain until superseded, then destroy. Permission from Supervisor of Public Records not required
for destruction.
These records are used to map and define the technology infrastructure and the wiring of phone
lines. They may include security information, identification numbers, and passwords and should be
protected appropriately.
Technology Service Requests
Retain current fiscal year or until no longer administratively useful, whichever is longer, then
destroy. Permission not required from Supervisor of Public Records for destruction.
This record is used to document problems with equipment and to generate repair tickets. It may
contain the user name, a description of the problem, the location of the equipment, and date and
time the request was received and resolved, etc.
Technology Training
Retain 3 years, then destroy.
The information technology staff may conduct training about the use of computer software or
equipment. These files may also contain curricula materials.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Legal
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Complaints against the municipality leading to changes in Official Policy or
Retain permanently.
Documents complaints against municipality or its departments, offices, agencies, boards,
commissions or public authorities. Includes complaints, investigatory materials, and related
01.176 Ethics and Conflict of Interest records
See sub-schedules for specific descriptions and retention periods.
01.176 (a) Annual Acknowledgment of Receipt of Summary of the Conflict of Interest
Retain 6 years.
For full description of this record, please see the Conflict of Interest Law Education Training
Guidelines on the website.
01.176 (b) Expired Certificates of Completion of online ethics training
Retain 6 years.
For full description of this record, please see the Conflict of Interest Law Education and
Training Guidelines on the website.
01.076 (c) Conflict of Interest Disclosure Forms
Retain 7 years or following termination of employment, whichever date is later.
Many exemptions to G.L. c. 268A, Conflict of Interest Law, require a municipal employee to
file a public disclosure form. See also State Ethics Commission Regulations: 930 CMR 1.00 -
7.00. The appointing authority shall keep this Disclosure and Determination as a public record.
Check specific Forms for filing instructions.
Legal Case records - Finite value
Retain until 7 years after final decisions or closure, then destroy.
Records documenting legal actions brought against the municipality and any litigation to which the
municipality is a party; all case records other thant hose defined as legal case records of
permanent value.
Legal Case records - Permanent value
Retain permanently.
Records documenting legal actions brought against the municipality and any litigation to which the
municipality is a party. Documents the municipality's role in the litigation of cases involving the
municipality or its business where a complaint has been filed in court, and where cases are deemed
landmark, policy-setting or newsworthy. Includes investigative materials, attorney work product,
evidence, motions and briefs, proceeding transcripts, decisions and determinations, court
materials, and related correspondence. Includes summary case lists or dockets.
Legal Opinion records
Retain permanently.
Documents the agency's role in the process to develop, request, respond to, or present opinions on
legal matters directly relating to agency programs or functions. Includes legislative background
materials, legal counsel opinions, Attorney General requiests and opinions, Supervisor of Public
Records requests and opions, notes and related correspondence.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Legal
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Tort Claim records
Retain 3 years after resolution and then destroy.
Documents complaints which may result from accidents or other claims made against the
municipality. Includes accident reports for personal injuries, property damage claims, and other
incidents, or provides details about any unexpected incidents on municipal premises or property.
The reports may list the location of the accident, description of the accident, first aid
administration, witnesses, person injured, type of injury or property damage, action taken,
recommendations to prevent reoccurrence, etc. The reports may be reviewed and signed by
relevant administrators. These files may include related information, such as witness statements,
medical information, legal counsel, subsequent claims, etc. Includes incident or accident reports,
investigation reports, photographs, depositions, settlement and insurance documentation, and
related correspondence.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Licenses and Permits
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.035 Licenses and Permits, Applications for
Retain 1 year after closing or change of owner.
Licenses and Permits, Applications for Special Licenses and Permits
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
Applications for Special Permits issued by Local Licensing Authorities.
01.205 (a) Applications for Special One-Day Permit
Retain three years past duration of license.
Applications for Special Licenses (One Day Special Permit) for the sale of wines and/or malt
beverages to any enterprise; and Special Licenses (One Day Special Permit) for the sale of all
alcoholic beverages issued to non-profit organizations only.
01.205 (b) Applications for Farmer’s Market Permits
Retain 3 years past duration of license.
Applications for Special Licenses for the sale of wine manufactured by a licensed
Farmer-Winery at approved agricultural events.
01.036 Licenses and Permits, Auctioneers
01.037 Licenses and Permits, Billiard Saloons
01.038 Licenses and Permits, Bowling Alleys
01.039 Licenses and Permits, Carousels
01.040 Licenses and Permits, Dog Licenses
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit. Retain record thereof for 2 years.
01.041 Licenses and Permits, Druggist
Retain 7 years after termination.
01.042 Licenses and Permits, Exhibitions (Firefighting)
01.043 Licenses and Permits, Ferris Wheels
01.044 Licenses and Permits, Gasoline, Sale of, Manufacture, Storage (a) Licenses
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Licenses and Permits
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Licenses and Permits, Gasoline, Sale of, Manufacture, Storage (b) Renewals
(certificates of annual registration)
Retain 7 years.
Licenses and Permits, Hunting, Fishing, Trapping and Sporting Licenses,
Monthly Return of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.047 Licenses and Permits, Inclined Railways
01.048 Licenses and Permits, Inn holder
Retain 7 years after termination.
01.049 Licenses and Permits, Junk Collectors
01.050 Licenses and Permits, Junk Dealers
01.051 Licenses and Permits, Kennel Licenses
01.052 Licenses and Permits, License Book
01.053 Licenses and Permits, Log Book (where applicable)
01.054 Licenses and Permits, Mobile Home Parks
Retain 1 year. Annual renewal is required.
01.055 Licenses and Permits, Pawnbrokers
01.056 Licenses and Permits, Picnic Groves
01.057 Licenses and Permits, Pool Rooms
01.058 Licenses and Permits, Raffles and Bazaars (a) Applications for
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Licenses and Permits
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.059 Licenses and Permits, Raffles and Bazaars (b) Report
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.060 Licenses and Permits, Record of
01.061 Licenses and Permits, Renewal Affidavit
01.062 Licenses and Permits, Roller Skating Rinks
01.063 Licenses and Permits, Secondhand Articles
01.064 Licenses and Permits, Shellfish
01.065 Licenses and Permits, Stallion Breeding Certificates
01.066 Licenses and Permits, Statement of Interest
01.067 Licenses and Permits, Steam-Power Boats for Hire
01.068 Licenses and Permits, Stubs
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Open Meeting Law
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Open Meeting Law: Complaints (Other than Open Meeting Law Complaints)
Retain 6 months by the public body and thereafter by the normal custodian of the record for the
period of retention either set in the Municipal Schedule or as otherwise required by law.
Includes complaints against the public body other than complaints violations of MGL c. 30A,
Open Meeting Law: Correspondence
Refer to “Correspondence” in this schedule for retention period requirements.
Includes e-mails pertaining to the business of a public body between members of the public body,
and between members of the public body and non-members of the public body.
Open Meeting Law: Documents, Exhibits, or Other Records Used by a Public
(a) Retain 6 months by the public body and thereafter by the normal custodian of the record for
the period of retention either set in the Municipal Schedule or as otherwise required by law. (b)
Retain drafts 90 days, unless an Open Meeting Law complaint is filed against the public body, in
which case retain all drafts relevant to the complaint until the complaint is resolved.
Includes all documents, exhibits, maps or notes or any other record reflected in the meeting
minutes of a public body as required by MGL c. 30A, §22(a).
Open Meeting Law: Meeting Agendas
Retain 1 year.
Includes final documents provided to members of the public body listing the topics and order in
which topics will be considered.
Open Meeting Law: Meeting Minutes
Includes the final version of the minutes of a meeting of a public body after approval by that public
body. Also includes drafts of the minutes if substantially different from the final version as
approved by the public body.
Open Meeting Law: Meeting Notices
Retain 1 year.
Includes the final, publicly posted version of all notices for meetings of public bodies.
Open Meeting Law: Notice to Individuals
Retain 6 years.
Includes notice given to individuals that a public body intends to convene in executive session as
that term is defined by MGL c. 30A, §18, for the purpose of discussing the reputation, character,
physical condition or mental health of the individual pursuant to MGL c. 30A, §21(a)(1).
Page 21
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Open Meeting Law
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Open Meeting Law: Open Meeting Law Certifications
Retain 6 months from the final day of the member’s term of office.
The Open Meeting Law Certification is a form provided by the Attorney General, which every
member of a public body must sign within two weeks of becoming eligible for their position on the
public body.
Open Meeting Law: Open Meeting Law Complaints
Retain 3 years.
Includes complaints filed against the public body for an alleged violation of the Open Meeting Law
and any correspondence and supporting materials related to a complaint.
Open Meeting Law: Recordings of Meetings for Public Television Access
Retain 6 months.
Includes any visual recording of a meeting for the purpose of airing on personal televisions or cable
television, whether created at the request of the public body or not, and if maintained by the public
Open Meeting Law: Recordings of Meetings for Use in Drafting Minutes
Retain until final minutes are approved or administrative use ceases, whichever occurs later.
Includes any audio or visual recording of a meeting by the public body or authorized by the public
body. This includes recordings by public bodies to use as an aide in drafting the final version of
meeting minutes. This does not include recordings made by persons attending the meeting who
wish to record a meeting for their own purposes.
Open Meeting Law: Training Materials
Retain until superseded by new versions of educational materials.
Includes educational materials provided to members of public bodies pursuant to MGL c. 30A,
Page 22
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Other Schedules
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Abutters List
Retain 1 year
Retention after supercession and 20-day appeal period.
01.005 Annual Report
01.006 Audio Tapes, Hearings
Retain 1 year following expiration of appeals period.
01.007 Audio/Visual tape or Digital Recordings, security and surveillance tapes
Retain 1 month.
01.023 Data Processing Input Forms
Retain until verification of outputs.
01.031 Incident Reports
Retain 3 years.
01.032 Insurance Policies
Retain 7 years after expiration of policy.
01.119 Plans (referred to in Decisions)
Permanent if not filed with clerk.
01.122 Public Records Request Form
Retain 3 years.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Personnel
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.181 Benefit Detail reports
Retain until superseded or obsolete plus 7 years, then destroy.
Direct Payroll Deposit - Other records
Retain until obsolete or superseded plus 7 years, then destroy.
Enrollees Detail Data; Hash Sheet; Pre-note Data; Transmittal listings
01.182 Direct Payroll Deposit Authorization
Retain until superseded or obsolete plus 7 years, then destroy.
Direct Payroll Deposit Authorization - Cancellation
Retain until obsolete or superseded plus 7 years, then destroy.
Enrollees detail data; hash sheet; pre-note date; and transmittal listings
Emergency Contacts
Retain until superseded or obsolete, then destroy.
These records identify the people that the employee wants to be contacted if they are involved in
an emergency situation.
Employee Injury Records - Exposure
Retain while individual is employed by municipality plus 30 years, then destroy.
These files include any reports of accidents or injuries involving exposure to toxic substances or
blood-borne pathogens. These files are maintained separately from the personnel file.These files
may include incident reports, medical reports, responses by supervisors and management,
requests for medical leave, insurance forms, applications for continuation of insurance, supporting
medical documentation, etc.
Employment Verification forms
Retain 30 days from date of creation, then destroy.
These forms are received from mortgage or credit companies that want to verify the employment
status of an employee.
I-9 files
03; 01:8 CFR 274 a.2 (1998) requires that employers maintained signed copies of I-9 forms for
three years after the date of hire or one year after termination, whichever is later.
Federal form I-9 includes verification by employers of identity and immigration status of all new
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) records
Retain until obsolete or superseded plus 3 years, then destroy.
This series contains: 1099-INT941-Employer's Quarterly Return W-2-Employer's Copies of Federal
Withholding Tax Statement W-4-employees Withholding Exemption Certificates W-9-Request for
taxpayer ID Number and Certification Series
Page 24
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Personnel
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Labor Relations - Collective Bargaining Agreements and Negotiations
Retain permanently.
These files document labor negotiations and resulting contracts with individual employees and
employee groups. It may include salary and benefit schedules, ground rules proposals and counter
proposals, secondary negotiations, meeting minutes, any agreements, final contracts, etc.
Employees may have individual contracts that are maintained in their personnel file. Separate files
are maintained for each employee negotiating groups.
Labor Relations - Grievances
Retain until the grievance is resolved, plus seven years, then destroy.
These files document employee grievances against the municipality and the resolution of the
grievance. They may include written grievances, correspondence, summary sheets, legal
documents, employee history information, etc.
Labor Relations - Seniority lists
Retain permanently.
These documents are sent to union presidents for notifications of seniority status.
01.069 Mileage Reports
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Payroll Administration records
Retain until obsolete or superseded plus 7 years, then destroy.
Documents the daily routine administration and reporting of payroll related matters. Includes
payroll warrants, monthly reports, and related correspondence. Includes: Salary and Benefit
Schedules; Payroll Reports (various reports are generated after paychecks are issued to verify the
accuracy of the payroll, including payroll summaries, pay journals, check registers, account
distributions, payroll liabilities, payroll transactions, payroll account creation reports, gross pay
balance, deduction registers, etc.); Authorization for payroll deductions; Records of Attachments or
garnishment of wages or salaries.
01.083 Payroll Sheets (Departmental)
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Payroll Supporting Documents and Reports
Retain 7 years after completion of all audits, then destroy.
Documentation of status of and adjustments to payroll accounts. Includes substitute time reports.
Payroll, Registers
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit, provided information is recorded in quarterly report.
See Personnel, Payroll, Quarterly Reports (23.21).
01.085 Personnel, (a) Employment Applications (Hired)
Retain 20 years after termination of employment.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Personnel
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.086 Personnel, (b) Employment Applications (Unhired)
Retain 1 year following filling of position or cancellation of vacancy, whichever is later.
01.087 Personnel, (c) Earning Records
01.088 Personnel, (d) Personnel Files Other than Earning Records
Retain 20 years after termination of employment.
01.206 (e)
Personnel, (e) Contractor or Subcontractor Certified Payroll Records
Retain 3 years after contract date of completion.
Payroll records kept by contractors or subcontractors or public bodies engaged in public works
projects for all employed mechanics, apprentices, teamsters, chauffeurs and laborers. Includes
names, addresses, occupational classifications, hours worked, wages paid, and may include copies
of apprentice identification cards.
01.089 Personnel, Accident Report Forms
Retain 3 years.
01.090 Personnel, Accident Reports (a) Personal Injury
Retain 7 years.
01.091 Personnel, Accident Reports (b) Property Damage
Retain 3 years.
01.201 Personnel, Annual benefits and insurance enrollment forms
Retain 1 year after policy is terminated or superseded.
01.092 Personnel, Appointment Certificates
Retain 20 years after termination (personnel file 23.50).
01.093 Personnel, Attendance Report
Retain for 20 years after termination
01.094 Personnel, Authorized Leave Report
Retain 3 years.
01.095 Personnel, Civil Service Approvals
Retain 20 years after termination
01.096 Personnel, Civil Service Forms
Retain 20 years.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Personnel
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.097 Personnel, Court Witness Travel Expense
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.098 Personnel, Daily Assignment Sheets
Retain 3 years.
01.099 Personnel, Drill Reports
Retain 3 years.
Personnel, Earning Reports
Retain 1 year if record copy is kept centrally e.g., by Accountant/Auditor or Treasurer, otherwise
retain 60 years.
01.101 Personnel, Equipment Loan Report (for Long Term Use)
Retain until return of equipment.
01.102 Personnel, Group Insurance Reports (Blue Cross etc.)
Retain 3 years.
01.103 Personnel, Individual Training Report
Retain 7 years after termination of personnel.
Personnel, Intern and Volunteer records
Retain 6 years after separation.
Documents individual volunteer and intern involvement and agency. Includes resumes,
applications, agreements, work plans and related correspondence.
01.104 Personnel, Leave Reports (Authorized)
Retain 3 years.
01.105 Personnel, Overtime Reports
Retain 3 years.
Personnel, Payroll Deduction Reports
Retain until administrative use ceases if record copy is kept centrally e.g., by Treasurer, otherwise
retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Personnel, Payroll, Quarterly Reports
Retain 1 year if record copy is kept centrally e.g., by Accountant/Auditor or Treasurer. Otherwise,
retain 60 years.
Personnel, Payroll, Weekly, Bi-weekly or Monthly Payroll
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit provided recorded elsewhere in a summary record. See
Payroll, Quarterly Reports.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Personnel
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.109 Personnel, Performance Bonds
Retain 7 years.
01.110 Personnel, Personnel Files
Retain 20 years after termination.
Personnel, Recruitment records
Retain 3 years after hiring process is closed.
Documents the process to hire new employees. Includes job postings and advertisements for open
01.111 Personnel, Sick Leave Reports
Retain 3 years.
Personnel, Tax Exemption Certificates
Retain 1 year if record copy is kept centrally e.g., by Accountant/Auditor or Treasurer; otherwise
Retain 5 years, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
Personnel, Tax Withholding Statements
Retain 1 year if record copy is kept centrally e.g., by Accountant/Auditor or Treasurer; otherwise
Retain 5 years, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
01.114 Personnel, Time Sheets
Retain 3 years following completion of satisfactory audit.
Personnel, Training Report for Individual Employees
Retain 1 year if copy is filed in personnel file; otherwise retain 7 years after termination of
01.116 Personnel, Vacation Report
Retain 3 years.
01.117 Personnel, Weekly Personnel Report
Retain 5 years.
01.118 Physician's Accident Report
Retain 7 years.
Position Re-classification
Retain seven years from date of resolution, then destroy.
These files contain requests from an employee to have a position reclassified, copies of existing
and proposed job descriptions, decisions affecting the request and other related documents.
Page 28
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Personnel
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.132 Retirement Board, Reports to
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.135 Travel Expense Reports
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Unemployment Claims
Retain 3 years from date of creation, then destroy.
This form documents the annual gross wages, federal, state, Medicare, and local taxes withheld for
the purpose of reporting income taxes.
Workers Disability Compensation files
Files: Retain until the claim is settled plus seven years, then destroy. Reports: Retain seven years
from the date of creation, then destroy.
Files: These files document any claims made for workers disability compensation benefits. They
may consist of a copy of the report of the incident or injury made by the employee (original is sent
to the insurer), a copy of all reports from the occupational health center, etc. Any litigation is kept
in a separate file.
Reports: These reports are received from disability insurance providers. They identify the amount
of benefits that were paid from the policy.
Page 29
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Receipts and Receipt Books
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.125 Receipt Book
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.126 Receipts
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.127 Receipts (estimated annual)
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
01.128 Receipts for Preceding Year, Notice of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.129 Receipts, Daily
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.130 Receipts, Schedule of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Records in Common/Warrants
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
01.033 Invoice Warrants
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
01.138 Warrants – as signed by select board or the like
01.139 Warrants, Farm Animal, Equipment and Machinery Excise. Form 57FAE-ME
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
Warrants, Various Warrants to Collector
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
Includes all taxes, excises, betterments, special assessments liens (actual, original, omitted,
revised, supplemental, reassessed, apportioned, added to tax, special, recommitted).
Page 31
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Accountant and Auditor
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
02.001 Accountant, Appointment of
02.002 Accountant, Oath of
02.003 Appropriation Statements, Monthly. Form AD 18
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.004 Appropriation, Notice of Expended
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
02.005 Appropriation, Notice of Transfer
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.006 Appropriations, Table of Estimated
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
02.007 Assistant, Appointment of
02.008 Assistant, Oath of
02.009 Bills Payable, Schedule of Departmental. Form AD 32, 33
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.010 Bills Receivable, Schedule of. Form AD 34, 35
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.011 Cash Book
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
02.012 Cash Sheets, Collector's. Form AD 26
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.013 Creditors, Notice of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
02.014 Debt Record. Form AD 14
Retain 7 years after debt retired, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Accountant and Auditor
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
02.015 Disallowance, Notices of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.016 Expenses, Report of Estimated
02.017 Journal
02.018 Laws, State
Retain until administrative use ceases.
02.019 Ledger, Appropriation. Form AD 8
Retain 10 years.
02.020 Ledger, Cemetery Trust Fund
02.021 Ledger, Classification. Form ADC 1-48
Retain 10 years.
02.022 Ledger, Debt
Retain 7 years after debt retired, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
02.023 Ledger, General. Form AD 3, 7
Retain 10 years.
02.024 Ledger, Retirement
Retain 10 years.
Motor Vehicle and Trailer Excise Tax Abatements, Monthly List of. Form AD
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.026 Motor Vehicle and Trailer Excise Tax Refunds, Schedule of. Form AD 74
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.027 Payments to Treasurer, Schedule of Collector's. Form AD 7, 8, 397
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.028 Payments to Treasurer, Schedule of Departmental. Form AD 9, 10
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Accountant and Auditor
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
02.029 Property Tax Abatements, Monthly List of. Form AD 12
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
02.030 Tax Title Accounts. Form CD 1
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit, after final disposition of account.
02.031 Taxation, Notice of Amount to be Raised by
Retain until administrative use ceases.
02.032 Temporary Officer, Appointment of
02.033 Temporary Officer, Bond for
Retain 7 years from termination of service.
02.034 Temporary Officer, Oath of
02.035 Trail Balance Book
Retain until administrative use ceases.
02.036 Treasurer's Receipts, Schedule of. Form AD 11
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Vouchers, Schedules of Bills Payable and Payroll, as submitted by
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit unless related to Contract Files.
02.038 Vouchers. Form AD 19
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Warrants, Bill and Payroll, Form C1, C1, T1, T2, as signed by the select board
or the like
Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit, whichever is later.
Water Charges Abated, Monthly List of. Form AD 37. Applies to any utility
charges (sewer, solid waste etc.).
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Page 34
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Appeals
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
03.001 Applications (a) Appeals
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
03.002 Applications (b) Comprehensive Permits
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
03.003 Applications (c) Special Permits
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
03.004 Applications (d) Variances
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
03.005 Appointment of Zoning Administrator
03.006 Decisions on (a) Appeals
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period, provided copy is filed with clerk.
03.007 Decisions on (b) Comprehensive Permits
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period, provided copy is filed with clerk.
03.008 Decisions on (c) Special Permits
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period, provided copy is filed with clerk.
03.009 Decisions on (d) Variances
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period, provided copy is filed with clerk.
03.010 Decisions on (e) Decisions of Zoning Administrator
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period, provided copy is filed with clerk.
03.011 Notice For Public Hearings (a) Appeals
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
03.012 Notice For Public Hearings (b) Comprehensive Permits
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
03.013 Notice For Public Hearings (c) Special Permits
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
03.014 Notice For Public Hearings (d) Variances
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
Page 35
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Appeals
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
03.015 Petty Cash Records
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
03.016 Rules and Regulations (a) Board of Appeals
Rules and Regulations (b) Board of Appeals Acting as Special Permit
Granting Authority
Page 36
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Assessors
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Abatement under c. 58 s. 8 Assessors' Request for Authorization and
Commissioner's Determination; retention following satisfactory audit and
completion of all appeals.
Retain 3 years.
Abatement, Applications for. Form 126, 127, 128, 129; retention following
satisfactory audit and completion of all appeals.
Retain 3 years.
Abatement, Certificates of. Form 146, 146B, 147; retention following
satisfactory audit and completion of all appeals.
Retain 3 years.
04.004 Abatements, Card Files of
Retain 3 years.
Agricultural or Horticultural and Recreational Land Classification Files
Retain for 10 years after following later of audit or final settlement of levy audit.
Including Application for Classification (CL-1), Prop. Owners' Acknowledgements (CL-1(61A),
CL-1(61B)), Notices of Action (CL-2, CL-7, CL-8, CL-10), Tax Lien (CL-3), Tax Lien Release (CL-9);
Certificate of Penalty Tax (CL-6)
04.006 Alphabetical File
Retain until administrative use ceases.
Amended Tax Base Growth Summary (including Tax Base Growth Parcel
Listing). Form LA-13A
Retain 5 years.
Appellate Tax Board (ATB) case files
Retain 3 years.
Including all relevant documentation, Petition under Formal Procedure and Petition under Informal
Procedure; retention after final settlement.
Application for Excise on Farm Animals, Machinery and Equipment. Form
Retain 3 years.
04.010 Assessment/Classification Report. Form LA-4
Retain 5 years.
04.011 Assessors' Tax Maps
Page 37
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Assessors
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
04.012 Authorization to Issue Preliminary Tax Bills
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.013 Betterments, Card Records of
Retain for the duration of the apportionment.
04.014 Building Permits
Retain until administrative use ceases.
04.015 Certification of Unpaid Betterment Liens. Form 261
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.016 Classification Tax Rate Allocation. Form LA-5
Retain until approval of new tax rate.
04.017 Collector’s Schedule of Uncollectible Excises. Form 166/380 – MVE/BE
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.018 Cooperative Assessing Agreement
Retain 7 years following termination of agreement.
04.019 County Commissioners' Notification to Assessors
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.020 Data Processing Input Forms
Retain until verification of outputs.
04.021 Deed and Title Abstracts
Retain until administrative use ceases.
04.022 Department of Revenue Directives and Guidelines
Retain until superseded.
04.023 Divided Assessment, Notice of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.024 Equalized Valuation LA-3 Status Report
Retain 3 years.
04.025 Estimated Growth Report
Retain 5 years.
Page 38
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Assessors
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
04.026 Exemption, Certificates of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
Exemptions for Charitable Organizations, Application Files (includes 3ABC
and Annual Reports)
Retain 3 years following audit following final settlement of levy following termination of exemption.
04.028 Exemptions for Persons, Application Files, including Motor Vehicle Excise
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.029 Exemptions, Card Files of
Retain 3 years.
Forest Land Classification Files
Retain for 10 years after following later of audit or final settlement of levy audit.
Including Application for Classification (CL-1), Prop. Owners' Acknowledgements (CL-1(61), Notices
of Action (CL-2, CL-7, CL-8, CL-10), Tax Lien (CL-3), Tax Lien Release (CL-9); Certificate of
Penalty Tax (CL-6)
04.031 Forms of List. Form 2, 2HF
Retain 3 years.
04.032 Geographic (Street) File
Retain until administrative use ceases.
04.033 Income and Expense Statements
Retain 3 years.
04.034 Land Court Records
Retain until administrative use ceases.
04.035 List of Tax Bills Which Merit Exemption
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.036 Minimum Residential Factor Computation Form. Form LA-7
Retain until approval of new tax rate.
Monthly List of Abatements of Motor Vehicle and Trailer Excise (to
Accountant). Form 156
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.038 Monthly List of Taxes Abated, Real Estate and Personal Property. Form 155
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
Page 39
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Assessors
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
04.039 Municipal Liens and Releases
Retain 1 year after recording of release.
Notice from Collector that Certain Taxes Cannot be Collected. Form 380,
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.041 Notice of Assessment. Form 1
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.042 Notice of Commitment (to Accountant). Form 54
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.043 Notification of Acceptance (of Section of Chapter, to Commissioner)
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.044 Notification of Collector's Bond
Retain until expiration of bond.
04.045 Office Expense Records
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
04.046 Omitted and Revised Assessment Report
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.047 Owners Unknown, Request for Approval to Assess to
Retain 1 year after Decree of Foreclosure by Land Court.
04.048 Personal Property Tax. Form 37S
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.049 Pro Forma Recapitulation
04.050 Probate Records
Retain until administrative use ceases.
04.051 Property History (Street or Legal) Cards
04.052 Property Record Cards
Retain until completion of two revaluation cycles.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Assessors
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
04.053 Property Sales Report. Form LA 3
Retain 3 years.
04.054 Real Estate Subsequently Divided, Notice of Apportionment of Taxes on
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.055 Real Estate Tax. Form 38S
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.056 Records of Abatement. Form 151
04.057 Reference Files (including Manuals and Text Books)
Retain until administrative use ceases.
04.058 Refusal to Abate Property Tax, Notice of. Form 135, 135E, 136
Retain 3 years.
04.059 Reimbursement Records, All Exemptions
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.060 Report of All Exemptions Granted (to Commissioner)
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.061 Return to Assessors, Boats Ships and Vessels. Form 2BE-1
Retain 3 years.
04.062 Sales Questionnaires
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
04.063 Schedule of Departmental Payments to Treasurer. Form AD-10
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Schedule of Uncollected Motor Vehicle and Trailer Excise Taxes (to
Commissioner). Form 386
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.065 Separate Tax Bills, Record of Real Estate Assessments for
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.066 State and County Taxes, Payment of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
Page 41
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Assessors
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
04.067 State Treasurer's Notification to Assessors
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
State-owned Land, Commissioner's Notification to Assessors of his
Determination of Value of
Retain 5 years.
State-owned Land, Request from Commissioner for Assessors to Notify of
Assessed Value of
Retain 5 years.
Tax Base Growth Summary (including all supporting documentation). Form
Retain 5 years.
04.071 Tax Bills, Notifications and Demands (Assessors' copies)
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
04.072 Tax Deferral Files
Retain 1 year following release of lien.
04.073 Tax Rate Recapitulation. Form 31C
04.074 Total Valuation of All Property. Form LA-2
Retain until approval of new tax rate.
04.075 Uncollectible Taxes, Certification of Abatement. Form 166
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.076 Valuation Lists, (a) Motor Vehicle and Trailer
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
04.077 Valuation Lists, (b) all but Motor Vehicle and Trailer
Water and Sewer, Unpaid Lien Added to Taxes
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
Applies to all license added to a tax, e.g., municipal charges, fines, water, solid waste, sewer,
demolition, light plant, etc.
Page 42
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Health
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
05.001 Animal Inspector, Records of Inspection by
05.002 Animal, Certificate of Healthy Condition; retention by Animal Inspector.
05.003 Animal, Notice of Quarantine of Domestic; retention by Animal inspector.
05.004 Building Report - Animal Inspector to Director
Retain 1 year, provided copy recorded permanently in records of Animal Inspector.
05.005 Burial or Removal Permit. Form R-309
05.006 Cemeteries, Approval of Public (including plans thereof)
05.007 Communicable Disease among Animals, Notice of
05.008 Communicable Disease History Sheet
Retain 3 years following inactive status.
05.009 Communicable Disease, Notice of Carcass Infected with
05.010 Communicable Disease, Records of (ledger)
05.011 Communicable Disease, Weekly Report of Deaths
Contacts with Living Patients
Retain 7 years, if the contact is in good health, unless the provisions of c. 111 s. 70 apply, then
retain 30 years.
Deceased Contacts, Records of
Retain 7 years, if the contact is in good health, unless the provisions of c. 111 s. 70 apply, then
retain 30 years.
Page 43
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Health
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Deceased Patients, Records of
Retain 7 years, if the contact is in good health, unless the provisions of c. 111 s. 70 apply, then
retain 30 years.
05.015 Dental Examination Records
Retain 1 year after inactive status.
05.016 Direct Patient Care Service, Records of (including Primary Care Center)
Retain 30 years.
05.017 Food Establishments and Bakeries, Floor Plans of
Retain 1 year after closing or change of owner.
05.018 Health Assessments
Retain 1 year after referral to physician or inactive status.
Immunization, Records of (excluding Influenza, see below)
Retain 7 years, if the contact is in good health, unless the provisions of c. 111 s. 70 apply, then
retain 30 years.
05.020 Index Cards
Retain 30 years.
05.021 Influenza Immunization, Records of
Retain 7 years, unless regulated by other statutory requirements.
05.022 Inspection Reports
Retain until superseded by subsequent report.
05.023 Living Contacts of Deceased Patients, Records of
Retain 7 years.
05.024 Milk Inspector, Records of
Noisome Trades, Assignment of Place for (approved plan must exist with a
letter and map)
05.026 Nuisance, Notice/Order to Abate
Retain 1 year.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Health
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
05.027 Occupancy, Certificate of
Retain until next certificate is issued.
Physicians' Orders
Retain 7 years, if the contact is in good health, unless the provisions of c. 111 s. 70 apply, then
retain 30 years.
05.029 Reports from Hospitals and Clinics
Retain 7 years.
05.030 Rules and Regulations
05.031 Sanitary Landfill, Assignment of Plans for
05.032 Sanitary Landfill, Plan for
05.033 School Health Records
Retain 5 years after graduation or departure from school system.
Screening, Records of (a) Positive Test
Retain 1 year after referral to physician or inactive status.
Including tuberculosis, lead poisoning, and related testing programs
Screening, Records of (b) Negative Test
Retain until administrative use ceases.
Including tuberculosis, lead poisoning, and related testing programs
05.036 Slaughter House, Approval of Operation of
05.037 Subdivision Plan to Planning Board, Report of Definitive
05.038 Subdivision Plan, Definitive
05.039 Subdivision Plan, Notice of Approval/Disapproval
Page 45
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Health
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
05.040 Subdivision Plan, Preliminary
Subsewer Disposal System records (Title 5)
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
The Approving Authority shall maintain records for each system within its jurisdiction and shall
keep on file copies of the documents listed in sub-sections below. This is determined in conjunction
with the Department of Environmental Protection regulations (Title 5).
05.045 (a) Applications, plans and specifications
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
Applications, plans and specifications for the construction, upgrade or expansion of on-site
subsurface seage disposal systems, including all forms and data submitted by the applicant
and Soil Evaluator.
05.045 (b) Disposal systems construction permits
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
05.045 (c) As-built plans
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
As-built plans indicating all modifications to the approved plans subsequent to the issuance of
a Disposal System Construction Permit.
05.045 (d) Reports of constructions inspections
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
Reports of construction inspections made prior to issuance of a Certificate of Compliance.
05.045 (e) Certificates of Compliance issues or denied
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Health
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
05.045 (f) Inspection forms, plans and specifications
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
Inspection forms and plans and specifications for the upgrade or expansion of failing or
nonconforming on-site subsurface sewage disposal systems in compliance with 310 CMR
15.300 through 15.354.
05.045 (g) System pumping records
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
05.045 (h) Letters of Non-compliance issued
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
05.045 (i) Local enforcement actions taken
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
05.045 (j) Disposal system installers permits
The Approving Authority shall maintain the records set forth in 310 CMR 15.030 (a) until such
time as the system is abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 or an approved
connection is made to a sewer in accordance with 314 CMR 7.00: Sewer System Extension and
Connection Permit.
05.041 Subsurface Sewer Disposal System
Retain until new system is installed.
05.042 Subsurface Sewer Disposal System, Inspection Report Records
Retain until new system is installed.
05.043 Veterans, Affidavit Relative to Burial
Retain 1 year.
Page 47
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Board of Health
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Well Child Clinic, Records of
Retain until child reaches age 21.
Including preschool immunization
Page 48
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Building Inspector
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Application for Permits (a) Building
Retain for life of building.
Record all permits in permanent log.
Application for Permits (b) Electrical Wiring
Retain 7 years.
Record all permits in permanent log.
Application for Permits (c) Elevator and Escalator
Retain 7 years.
Record all permits in permanent log.
Application for Permits (d) Erect, Alter or Repair
Retain for life of building.
Record all permits in permanent log.
Application for Permits (e) Gas Fitting
Retain 7 years.
Record all permits in permanent log.
Application for Permits (f) Plumbing Work
Retain 7 years.
Record all permits in permanent log.
Application for Permits (g) Signs
Retain for life of installation.
Record all permits in permanent log.
Application for Permits (h) Swimming Pool
Retain for life of installation.
Record all permits in permanent log.
Audit account form
Audit account form
Elevator and Escalator Inspection Records (a) Plans for Installation or
Retain 7 years.
06.011 Elevator and Escalator Inspection Records (b) Specifications
Retain 3 years.
Page 49
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Building Inspector
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
06.012 Elevator and Escalator Inspection Records (c) Certificate of Approval
Retain until superseded.
06.013 Elevator and Escalator Inspection Records (d) Inspection Reports
Retain until superseded provided Certificate of Approval is granted.
Elevator and Escalator Inspection Records (e) Certificate or Notice as to
Safety and Construction
Retain until superseded.
Elevator and Escalator Inspection Records (f) Reports as to Unsafe
Conditions and Accidents; Accident Reports; Receipts for Accident Reports
Retain 7 years after abatement.
06.016 Equipment Records
Retain 7 years.
06.017 Inspection Certificates (a) Egress
Retain for life of building.
06.018 Inspection Certificates (b) Occupancy
Retain for life of building.
Inspection Certificates (c) Other: Building, Elevator and Escalator, Gas
Fitting, Plumbing and Wiring, etc.
Retain until superseded.
06.020 Notices (a) To Affix Street Numbers
Retain 7 years.
06.021 Notices (b) Building in Dangerous Condition
Retain for life of building or 7 years after abandonment, whichever is sooner.
06.022 Notices (c) To Cease and Desist Illegal Work
Retain 7 years after abatement.
06.023 Notices (d) Violation
Retain 1 year.
06.024 Permit Log
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Building Inspector
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
06.025 Petty Cash Records
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
06.026 Plans and Specifications (a) Plans of Buildings with Public Access
06.027 Plans and Specifications (b) Plans of Private Dwellings
Retain for life of building.
06.028 Plans and Specifications (c) Specifications
Retain 7 years after completion of building.
Plans and Specifications (d) Plans and Specifications of Buildings Included in
the State Register of Historic Places, or Eligible for Inclusion
Please call the Mass. Historical Commission (617-727-8470) where clarification is needed.
06.030 Retired Vehicle Records
Retain 1 year after retirement of vehicle.
06.031 Sick Leave Reports
Retain 3 years.
06.032 Special Investigation Records
Retain 7 years.
06.033 Waiver of Code Regulation
Retain for life of building.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
07.001 Assignment, Creditors, Benefit of
Retain 7 years following dissolution of trust.
07.002 Assignment, Fenceviewers
07.003 Assignment, Wage
07.004 Bonds, Blasting
Retain 5 years from expiration date.
07.005 Bonds, City/Town Clerk
Retain 7 years from expiration date.
07.006 Bonds, Constable
Retain 5 years from expiration date.
07.007 Bonds, Fireworks, Manufacture of
Retain 5 years from expiration date.
07.008 Bonds, Performance
Retain 7 years from expiration date.
07.009 Bonds, Shooting Gallery License, Applicant for
Retain 5 years from expiration date.
07.010 Bulky Goods, Attachment of
07.011 Business Notices, Certificate
Retain 5 years.
07.012 Business Notices, Discontinuance, Change of Address, etc., Notice of
Retain 5 years.
07.013 By-Laws (including written approval of Attorney General"
Census, Annual Town
Retain 1 year or after publication of Street List, whichever is later. Permission from Supervisor not
required for destruction.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
07.015 Charters, Adoption, Certificate of
07.016 Charters, Adoption, Petition of
Retain 1 year following election.
07.017 Charters, Final Report
07.018 Charters, Nomination Papers (Charter Commission)
Retain 1 year.
07.019 Charters, Organization, Notice of
Retain 60 days following election at which proposed charter, revision, or amendment is approved.
07.020 Charters, Preliminary Report
07.021 Charters, Receipts and Expenditures, Account of
Retain 1 year following adoption of charter.
Chattel Mortgages, Pre-Uniform Commercial Code (all filings) (a) Pre-1920
Chattel Mortgages, Pre-Uniform Commercial Code (all filings) (b) Records
from 1920-1958
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
07.024 Chattel Mortgages, Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (all filings)
Retain 6 years, or 1 year following date of lapse.
07.025 Church Records
07.026 Claims of Payment
Retain 7 years.
07.027 Condensed Financial Returns
Retain 6 years.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Forms
Retain 7 years or following termination of employment, whichever date is later.
Many exemptions to G.L. c. 268A, Conflict of Interest Law, require a municipal employee to file a
public disclosure form. See also State Ethics Commission Regulations: 930 CMR 1.00 - 7.00. The
appointing authority shall keep this Disclosure and Determination as a public record. Check specific
Forms for filing instructions.
07.029 Debt, Statements of, Public Works, Labor and Material used in
Retain 7 years.
07.030 Debt, Statements of, Railroad, Work performed for
Retain 7 years.
07.031 Declarations of Trust
07.032 Deeds (Cemetery Lots)
07.033 Dog Owners, Annual List of
Retain 1 year. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Elections, Absentee Ballots, Applications and Envelopes for
Retain 30 days following the election (if no appeals are pending). Records of election in which
candidates for Federal office participate must be kept for 22 months following the election.
Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Elections, Ballots, Regular and Absentee
Retain 30 days following the election (if no appeals are pending). Records of election in which
candidates for Federal office participate must be kept for 22 months following the election.
Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
07.036 Elections, Board of Registrars, Minutes of
Elections, Campaign Finance Statements. Form CPF M 102
Retain records required to be filed with the clerk until December 31st of the sixth year following the
relevant election. Records of election in which candidates for Federal office participate must be kept
for 22 months following the election. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Elections, Central Voter Registration System Acknowledgement Notice -
Federal office candidates
Retain 3 years.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Elections, Central Voter Registration System Acknowledgement Notice -
non-Federal office candidates
Retain 1 year following date of mailing of final notice of removal or reinstatement of voter.
Elections, Central Voter Registration System Affirmation of Current
Retain 3 years. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Elections, Central Voter Registration System Confirmation Notice - Federal
office candidates
Retain 3 years.
Elections, Central Voter Registration System Confirmation Notice -
non-Federal office candidates
Retain 1 year following date of mailing of final notice of removal or reinstatement of voter.
Elections, Central Voter Registration System Final Notice of Removal -
Federal office candidates
Retain 3 years.
Elections, Central Voter Registration System Final Notice of Removal -
non-Federal office candidates
Retain 1 year following date of mailing of final notice of removal or reinstatement of voter.
Elections, Claim to Office, Statement of
Retain until withdrawal of claim or final adjudication of contest. Permission from Supervisor not
required for destruction.
Elections, Declaration of Intention to Contest Election
Retain until withdrawal of claim or final adjudication of contest. Records of election in which
candidates for Federal office participate must be kept for 22 months following the election.
Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Elections, Electronic Vote Tabulation Records for federal elections
Retain intact for 22 months or retain for 22 months hardcopy output ("results tape") and the
electronic record of the programmable storage device. Retain the electronic program used to read
centralized counting devices, if the results from several devices are synthesized in a consolidated
report. It is the municipal clerk's responsibility to see that this material is retained and properly
disposed of when it is in the physical custody of a vendor. Permission from Supervisor not required
for destruction.
Includes removable storage devices from electronic vote tabulators such as OPTECH, VTOMATIC,
Page 55
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Elections, Electronic Vote Tabulation Records for state elections
Retain intact for 30 days following election (if no appeals are pending). It is the municipal clerk's
responsibility to see that this material is retained and properly disposed of when it is in the physical
custody of a vendor. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Includes removable storage devices from electronic vote tabulators such as OPTECH, VTOMATIC,
07.049 Elections, Initiative Petition (Local Election) - Federal
Retain 3 years.
07.050 Elections, Initiative Petition (Local Election) - non-Federal
Retain 1 year.
07.051 Elections, Nomination Papers - Federal
Retain 3 years.
07.052 Elections, Nomination Papers - non-Federal
Retain 1 year.
07.053 Elections, Nomination, Certificate of - Federal
Retain 3 years.
07.054 Elections, Nomination, Certificate of - non-Federal
Retain 1 year.
07.055 Elections, Nomination, Certificate of Objection to - Federal
Retain 3 year.
07.056 Elections, Nomination, Certificate of Objection to - non-Federal
Retain 1 year.
07.057 Elections, Nomination, Certificate of Withdrawal from - Federal
Retain 3 years.
07.058 Elections, Nomination, Certificate of Withdrawal from - non-Federal
Retain 1 year.
Elections, Party Enrollment
Retain 5 years after supersession or 2 years after removal from voting list, which ever comes first.
Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Elections, Political Committee, List of Officers and Members of (City, Ward,
Retain 5 years. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Page 56
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Elections, Political Committee, Non-Elected, Statement of. Form CPF 101 (a)
Candidate's political committee
Retain records required to be filed with the clerk until December 31st of the sixth year following the
relevant election.
Elections, Political Committee, Non-Elected, Statement of. Form CPF 101 (b)
Committees other than those authorized by a candidate
Retain 3 years.
Elections, Recount, Petition and Statement for
Retain 30 days following election, if no appeals pending. Records of election in which candidates for
Federal office participate must be kept for 22 months following the election. Permission from
Supervisor not required for destruction.
07.065 Elections, Register of Voters, Affidavit of
Retain 2 years after cancelled registration.
07.066 Elections, Register of Voters, Annual
07.067 Elections, Register of Voters, General
07.068 Elections, Supplementary Registration, Certificates of
Retain 3 years. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
07.069 Elections, Tally Sheets
Retain 3 years. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
07.070 Elections, Voter Check-Off List
Retain 2 years. Records of election in which candidates for Federal office participate must be kept
for 22 months following the election. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Elections, Voter Registration, Affidavit of, Non-Resident
Retain 30 days following next state election. Records of election in which candidates for Federal
office participate must be kept for 22 months following the election.
Elections, Voting List, Certificate of Omission from
Retain 3 years after cancellation of registration. Permission from Supervisor not required for
07.073 Federal Tax Liens (including Certificates of Discharge, Release)
Retain 1 year following discharge of lien.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
07.074 Initiative Petition (Sale of Liquor in Taverns)
Retain 30 days following election. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
07.075 Inventory and Bond ("Closing Out" and similar sale)
Retain 3 years.
07.076 Jury List
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Jury Selection List (a) Numbered Resident List; Numbered Resident File;
Random Number List; Typewritten List of Randomly Selected Jurors
Retain until the end of the calendar year following the year in which records were prepared.
Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
07.078 Jury Selection List (b) Prospective Juror List
Retain 7 years. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
07.079 Low Lands; Petition, Order for Road to
07.080 Oaths, Office
07.081 Oaths, Public Records
07.082 Ordinances
07.083 Performance Certificates
Retain 7 years or following termination of employment, whichever date is later.
07.084 Persons Sworn, Record of
07.085 Planning Board, Plans and Records
07.086 Planning Board, Subdivision Control Records, Preliminary and Definitive
07.087 Planning Board, Subdivision Control, Rules and Regulations Relevant to
Page 58
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Planning Board, Subdivision Plan, Definitive, Notice of Submission Relative
07.089 Planning Board, Subdivision Plan, Definitive, Relative to Certificate of Action
07.090 Planning Board, Subdivision Plan, Notice of Actions Relevant to
07.091 Planning Board, Subdivision Plan, Preliminary, Notice of Actions Relative to
07.092 Planning Board, Subdivision Plan, Preliminary, Notice of Submission
Pole, Wire, Conduit Locations, Orders for, Electricity in Public Ways,
Transmission of (from Alderman, Councilors, Selectmen)
Pole, Wire, Conduit Locations, Orders for, Electricity, Transmission of (From
State Dept. of Public Utilities)
Pole, Wire, Conduit Locations, Orders for, Gas Mains, Connecting Locations
for (From State Dept. of Public Utilities)
07.096 Pole, Wire, Conduit Locations, Orders for, Light and Power Lines in State
Forests (from State Dept. of Public Utilities)
Pole, Wire, Conduit Locations, Orders for, Poles, Wires, Cables, etc. (from
Metropolitan District Commission) (MDC)
07.098 Proprietor's Records
07.099 Public Market, Petition for
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
07.100 Public Ways, Appeal, Notice of (Change in Name of Public Way)
Retain 1 year from date of hearing.
Page 59
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
07.101 Public Ways, Board of Survey, Plans Submitted to
07.102 Public Ways, Injury, Notice of
Retain 5 years.
07.103 Public Ways, Layouts/Alterations/Discontinuations, Record of
Railroads, Notice of Intention to Claim Right of Action for Materials and
Labor Furnished to
Retain 7 years.
Registration, Certificates of, Architecture Certificate of Registration (Notice
of Revocation)
07.106 Registration, Certificates of, Electrolysis Certificate of Registration
07.107 Registration, Certificates of, Medicine Certificate of Registration
07.108 Registration, Certificates of, Optometry Certificate of Registration
07.109 Registration, Certificates of, Osteopathy Certificate of Registration
07.110 Registration, Certificates of, Podiatry Certificate of Registration
07.111 Resignations of City Officials
07.112 Rules, Regulations of all Town Boards and Officers
07.113 Special Permit Granting Authority, Records of
07.114 State Audit (City/Town Accounts)
Retain 10 years.
Page 60
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
07.115 State Tax Liens
Retain 1 year following redemption or waiver, or retain 7 years if not redeemed or waived.
07.116 Street List
07.117 Summons
Retain until final adjudication of contest.
07.118 Tenement Housing, Attorney, Appointment of
Retain for duration of appointment.
07.119 Tenement Housing, Owner, Notice of
Retain 1 year (on or after May 1st).
07.120 Tenement Housing, Plans, Specifications, etc.
Retain for lifetime of building.
07.121 Tenement, Agent for Owner of
Retain for duration of appointment.
07.122 Towels, etc., Registration of Rented
07.123 Town Meeting Records
07.124 Vessel, Statement of Lien on
Retain 7 years.
Vital Statistics, Birth, Death and Marriage (all official forms related to the
registration process)
07.126 Wills (Perpetual Care of Cemetery Lots)
07.127 Zoning Board of Appeals, Appeal to Superior Court, Notice of
Zoning Board of Appeals, Decisions and Proceedings (i.e., all official forms
related to the appeal process)
Page 61
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
City and Town Clerks
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
07.129 Zoning Board of Appeals, Rules
Zoning Board of Appeals, Subdivision Control Law, Notice of Appeal to
Superior Court
07.131 Zoning Board of Appeals, Subdivision Control Law, Proceeding Under
Page 62
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
08.001 Betterment Lien, Certificate Dissolving (Payment Stub). Form 374
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
08.002 Betterment Liens, Certification to Assessors. Form 261
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
08.003 Bills, Paid Receivables other than Taxes
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
08.004 Bills, Tax (paid)
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
08.005 Bonds, performance, Deputy Collector
Retain 7 years from date of expiration.
08.006 Bonds, performance, Special Collector
Retain 7 years from date of expiration.
08.007 Bonds, performance. Collector
Retain 7 years from date of expiration.
Cash Books, Motor Vehicle Excise. Form 200 MV
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later. If levy
not settled, 10 years.
08.009 Cash Books, Other
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
08.010 Cash Books, Property. Form 200 RE
Retain until all taxes actually collected or abated.
08.011 Cash Books, Sewer. Form AD26S
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
08.012 Cash Books, Water. Form AD26
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
08.013 Commitment Books (All)
08.014 Deputy Collector, Application for Appointment. Form 262
Retain 5 years following expiration of service.
Page 63
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
08.015 Deputy Collector, Approval of Appointment. Form 263
08.016 Municipal Lien Certificate Stubs. Form 290
Retain 3 years or following completion of satisfactory audit, whichever is later.
Municipal Lien, Renunciation of Rights under Statement to Continue. Form
Retain 3 years or following completion of satisfactory audit, whichever is later.
08.018 Municipal Lien, Statement Filed to Continue. Form 291
Retain 3 years or following completion of satisfactory audit, whichever is later.
08.019 Schedules, General, Collector's Payments to Treasurer. Form AD8
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Schedules, General, Collector's Payments to Treasurer/District Taxes. Form
Retain until completion of satisfactory audits of both the municipality and the district.
Schedules, General, Collector's Payments to Treasurer/Property and other
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Schedules, General, Motor Vehicle and Trailer Excise, Refunds through
Abatement of. Form 236
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
08.023 Schedules, General, Treasurer's Receipts
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
08.024 Schedules, General, Water Lien, Certificates. Form 370, 373, 260
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Schedules, Uncollected Taxes, Property and Other Taxes to Assessors. Form
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
08.026 Tax Bill, Request for Separate. Form 208B
Retain until final settlement of levy.
08.027 Tax Claim, Unsecured
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or resolution of claim, whichever is later.
Page 64
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Tax Titles, Forms, Accounts, List of Recorded Sales or Takings to be set up as
Tax Title. Form 346
Tax Titles, Forms, Accounts, Subsequent Taxes to be Added to. Form 347 (b)
tax account is not redeemed by owner
Tax Titles, Forms, Bill, Affidavit of Time of First Sending. Form 214
Tax account redeemed by owner: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory
audit, whichever is later. Tax account not redeemed by owner: Permanent.
Tax Titles, Forms, Demand, Affidavit of - Two or More Persons. Form 331
Tax account redeemed by owner: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory
audit, whichever is later. Tax account not redeemed by owner: Permanent.
Tax Titles, Forms, Demand, for Action to Protect Property. Form 254
Tax account redeemed by owner: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory
audit, whichever is later. Tax account not redeemed by owner: Permanent.
08.033 Tax Titles, Forms, Invalid Title, Deed of Release of. Form 32
08.034 Tax Titles, Forms, Invalid Title, Disclaimer of
Tax Titles, Forms, Invalid Title, Notice of - Assessors to Collector*. Form 190
Tax account redeemed by owner: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory
audit, whichever is later. Tax account not redeemed by owner: Permanent.
08.036 Tax Titles, Forms, Invalid Title, Notice of Refusal to Release
Tax Titles, Forms, Invalid Title, Notice of*. Form 355
Tax account redeemed by owner: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory
audit, whichever is later. Tax account not redeemed by owner: Permanent.
Tax Titles, Forms, Lands of Low Value, Schedule of, to Commissioner*
Tax account redeemed by owner: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory
audit, whichever is later. Tax account not redeemed by owner: Permanent.
Tax, Certificate of Payment by Mortgagee or other Interested Person. Form
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Page 65
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
08.040 Taxes, Uncollected, Certification of Abatement to Collector
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
Warrants & Notices from Assessors, All Taxes, Excises, Betterments, Special
Assessments, Liens All Taxes, Excises, Betterments, Special
Assessments-Actual, Original, Omitted, Revised, Supplement, Reassessed,
Apportioned, Added to Tax, Special, Recommitted
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
08.042 Warrants and Notices, Forest Land Tax Lien. Form 17D
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
08.043 Warrants and Notices, Forest Product Tax
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit or final settlement of levy, whichever is later.
Page 66
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Conservation Commission
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
09.001 Certificate of Compliance
Retain until recorded in the Registry of Deeds.
09.002 Certificate of Compliance (Partial)
Retain until the complete Certificate of Compliance has been filed.
Certification of an Emergency Project
Retain until the complete Certificate of Compliance has been filed or until order/determination
09.004 Determination of Applicability, Reply of (Negative)
Retain until project is complete or until Determination of Applicability has expired.
09.005 Determination of Applicability, Reply of (Positive)
Retain until project is complete or until Determination of Applicability has expired.
09.006 Determination of Applicability, Request for
Retain 1 year.
09.007 Determination, Withdrawal of Request for
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
09.008 Engineering Drawings (Plans)
09.009 Environmental Data Form
Retain until Certificate of Compliance has been issued.
09.010 Gifts (copies of)
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
09.011 Ledger Books (Data on material recorded in the Registry of Deeds)
09.012 Notice of Exemption (Obsolete)
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Notice of Intent (Application). Includes supporting information narrative,
boring logs, plans, etc.
Retain until Certificate of Compliance has been issued and recorded in the Registry of Deeds.
09.014 Order of Conditions (Extension Permit)
Retain until Certificate of Compliance has been issued and recorded in the Registry of Deeds.
Page 67
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Conservation Commission
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Order of Conditions. Includes supporting information reports, photos, plans,
Retain until Certificate of Compliance has been issued and recorded in the Registry of Deeds.
09.016 Program Information (Community Activities, Camping Applications, etc.)
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
09.017 Request for Compliance/Stop Work Order (Cease and Desist)
Retain until Certificate of Compliance has been issued and recorded in the Registry of Deeds.
Special Formal Agreements (Leases, Licenses, Letters of Understanding for
Public to use Conservation Land i.e., to hay a field, etc.)
Retain for the life of the agreement.
Page 68
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Council on Aging
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
10.001 Applications for Programs
Retain 3 years.
10.002 Client Referrals
Retain 3 years.
10.003 Clinic Attendance Tally Sheets
Retain 3 years.
10.004 Equipment Maintenance and Repair Records
Retain 1 year after disposal of equipment.
10.005 Grant Files (Successful Applications)
Retain 7 years after completion of all terms of grant, retain EOEA-SGA permanently.
10.006 Grant Files (Unsuccessful Applications)
Retain until final rejection.
10.007 Informational Memoranda (from EOEA)
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
10.008 Intake Reports (Client Case Files)
Retain 3 years after date of last contact.
10.009 Kitchen Audits
Retain 3 years.
10.010 Ledgers
10.011 Meals on Wheels Delivery Records
Retain 1 year, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
10.012 Meals on Wheels Payment Books
Retain 1 year.
10.013 Monthly Statistics
Retain 3 years.
10.014 Outreach Reports
Retain 3 years.
Page 69
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Council on Aging
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
10.015 Participant Directories
Retain 3 years.
10.016 Position Descriptions (including Volunteer Position Descriptions)
Retain 3 years.
10.017 Program Instructions (from EOEA)
Retain until superseded.
10.018 Surveys of Services
Retain 3 years.
10.019 Time Sheets
Retain 3 years.
10.020 Van Trip Reports
Retain 1 year.
10.021 Volunteer Travel Reimbursement Vouchers
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Page 70
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Department of Public Works
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
11.001 Assessment Books (a) Sewer
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit, provided originals are retained by Assessor.
11.002 Assessment Books (b) Sidewalk
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit, provided originals are retained by Assessor.
11.003 Assessment Books (c) Street Betterment
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit, provided originals are retained by Assessor.
11.004 Assessment Cards (a) Sewer
11.005 Assessment Cards (b) Sidewalk
11.006 Assessment Cards (c) Water
11.007 Auto Accident Report
Permanent, with employee's file.
11.008 Catch Basin Cleaning Report
Retain 1 year.
11.009 Catch Basin Location Files
11.010 Cemetery Records
11.011 Civil Service Approvals
Contractor or Subcontractor Certified Payroll Records for Department of
Public Works projects
Retain 3 years after contract date of completion.
Payroll records kept by contractors or subcontractors or public bodies engaged in public works
projects for all employed mechanics, apprentices, teamsters, chauffeurs and laborers. Includes
names, addresses, occupational classifications, hours worked, wages paid, and may include copies
of apprentice identification cards.
11.012 Employee Time Sheet
Retain 1 year from satisfactory completion of audit.
Page 71
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Department of Public Works
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
11.013 Fire Pipe Connection Books
11.014 Flow Test Records
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
11.015 Foreman's Daily Reports - Hired Equipment
Retain 1 year from satisfactory completion of audit.
11.016 Gate Books
11.017 Hydrant Locations
11.018 Inventory Gas Card Ledgers
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
11.019 Job Cost Ledgers
Retain 7 years from date of opening.
11.020 Journal Vouchers (Departmental)
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
11.021 Notice of Intent
Retain 1 year from date of hearing.
11.022 Operators Daily Reports
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
11.023 Parts Installation Book
11.024 Petitions (a) Driveways
11.025 Petitions (b) New Streets
11.026 Petitions (c) Sidewalks
Page 72
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Department of Public Works
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
11.027 Plans (All)
11.028 Record of Vehicles
Retain 1 year after retirement of vehicle.
11.029 Releases on Private Ways
Sewer Connection Record Card Index
Shut-Off Locations
11.032 Sick Leave Reports
Retain 3 years.
11.033 Street Openings
Retain 7 years.
11.034 Valve Records
11.035 Water and Sewer Applications
Retain 7 years.
11.036 Water and Sewer Payments
Retain 1 year from satisfactory completion of audit.
11.037 Water Consumption Testing Record
Retain 7 years.
11.038 Water Pressure Records
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
11.039 Water Service (a) Journals
Retain 7 years.
11.040 Water Service (b) Meter Removals and Locations
Page 73
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Department of Public Works
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
11.041 Water Service (c) Plates for Route Books
Retain until superseded.
11.042 Water Service (d) Rates and Service
Retain 7 years.
11.043 Water Service (e) Route Books
Retain until superseded.
11.044 Water Service (f) Water History Books (Commitments)
Page 74
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Fire Department and Fire District
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
12.001 Ambulance Calls Report
Retain 7 years.
12.002 Apparatus Inspection Report
Retain 1 year after retirement of apparatus.
Application for Installation of Fire Alarm System; retention after satisfactory
filing of Certificate of Completion.
Retain 1 year.
12.004 Application for Permit to Install/Alter Fuel-oil Burning Equipment
Retain 1 year after satisfactory filing of Certificate of Completion.
12.005 Application/Permit for Open-air Fires
Retain 1 year.
Application/Permit for the Keeping and Storage of Explosives; retention
after expiration of permit.
Retain 7 years.
Application/Permit for the Use and Handling of Explosives; retention after
expiration of permit.
Retain 7 years.
Application/Permit to Conduct Supervised Display of Fireworks; retention
after issuance.
Retain 3 years.
12.009 Application/Permit to Conduct Supervised Firing of Canon; retention after
Retain 3 years.
Application/Permit to Construct/Maintain a Tank or Container for the
Keeping, Use and Sale of Flammable Liquids and Compounds
Retain for life of installation.
Application/Permit to Disconnect, Shut Off, Remove, etc., Sprinkler or
Fire-sensing Device; retention after satisfactory completion of work.
Retain 3 years.
Application/Permit to Handle, Store, Sell, Buy, Transport or Ignite Model
Rockets or Rocket Engines; retention after expiration of permit.
Retain 3 years.
Page 75
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Fire Department and Fire District
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Application/Permit to Install Special Extinguishment System; retention after
completion of installation.
Retain 7 years.
Application/Permit to Keep, Store, and Use Flammable Liquids, Solids and
Retain for life of installation.
12.015 Application/Permit to Manufacture Fireworks
Retain 3 years after termination or discontinuance of permit.
12.016 Application/Permit to Operate Lumberyard
Retain 3 years after expiration of permit.
12.017 Application/Permit to Remove Underground Flammable Tank
Retain 3 years after issuance.
12.018 Authorized Leave Report
Retain 3 years.
12.019 Box Alarm Record
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
12.020 Box Test Record
Retain 1 year after replacement of box.
12.021 Building Fire, Report of
12.022 Certificate of Approval of Flameproof Decorations
Retain 5 years after issuance.
Certificate of Completion of Installation of (Solid Fuel) Fuel-oil Burning
Retain 5 years.
12.024 Certificate of Completion of the Installation of Fire Alarm System
Retain 7 years.
12.025 Certificate of Flame proofing of an Impermanent Nature
Retain 5 years after issuance.
Page 76
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Fire Department and Fire District
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
12.026 Company (Duty) Officer's Fire Report
Departmental Fire Record (summary record of daily operations of
department, known variously as Daily Blotter, Fire Alarm Record, etc.)
12.028 Deputy Chief's Report (Master Fire Report)
12.029 Equipment Loan Record
Retain until satisfactory return of equipment.
12.030 Equipment Maintenance Log
12.031 Final Building Inspection Report
Retain 1 year after subsequent inspection.
12.032 Final Fire Report to State Fire Marshal
Retain 10 years.
12.033 Fire Alarm Circuit Tests, Record of
Retain 1 year.
12.034 Fire Alarm Record Cards
12.035 Fire Hose Record
Retain 1 year after retirement of hose.
12.036 Fire Prevention Bureau Report
12.037 Fire Prevention Inspection Log
12.038 Fire Station Journal
12.039 Fuel Oil Record
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Page 77
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Fire Department and Fire District
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
12.040 Hydrant Cards
Retain 1 year after replacement of hydrant.
12.041 Inoperative Hydrant Report (Hydrant Trouble Report)
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
12.042 Motor Vehicle Fires, Report of
12.043 No Loss Report
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
12.044 Notice of Inspection (Annual) of Tanks for the Storage of Fluids
Retain through subsequent inspection.
Notification of Cessation of a License to Construct/Maintain a Tank or
Container for the Keeping, Use and Sale of Flammable Liquids and
Notification of Fire and/or Accident Caused by Model Rocket or Rocket
Retain 7 years.
12.047 Notification of Intent to Use Salamander
Retain 1 year.
12.048 Notification of Leak, Spill, Rupture, Overflow, etc. , of Flammable Liquids
Retain 3 years.
12.049 Notification of the Cessation of License to Store Explosives in Magazine
Notification of the Construction, Change or Alteration of Self-service Gasoline
Retain through subsequent alteration or discontinuance of establishment.
Notification of Use of Canine Guards in a Mercantile or Commercial
Retain until after discontinuance of use of canine guard.
12.052 Notification of Violation of Fire Laws
Retain 1 year after subsequent inspection reveals correction of violation.
Page 78
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Fire Department and Fire District
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Open-air Fires, Report of Shut Off, Remove, etc. , Sprinkler or Fire-sensing
12.054 Partial Building Inspection Reports
Retain until superseded by Final Inspection Report.
12.055 Permit for Storage of Fuel Oil
Retain until superseded or terminated.
12.056 Permit to Install/Alter Fuel-oil Burning Equipment
Retain 1 year after satisfactory filing of Certificate of Completion.
12.057 Plans and Specifications for Dry Cleaning Plant
Retain through alteration or discontinuance of establishment.
12.058 Preliminary Report to State Fire Marshal
Retain until superseded by Final Report.
12.059 Preventive Maintenance Check-list
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
12.060 Receipt form Treasurer
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
12.061 Report of Alarms (daily/weekly)
12.062 Rescue Report
12.063 Tape Record From Fire Alarm Circuit
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Page 79
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Historical Commission and Historic District Commissions
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
13.001 Applications for Certificates (a) Appropriateness
Retain 1 year after the expiration of the 20-day appeal period.
13.002 Applications for Certificates (b) Nonapplicability
Retain 1 year after the expiration of the 20-day appeal period.
13.003 Applications for Certificates (c) Hardship
Retain 1 year after the expiration of the 20-day appeal period.
13.004 Archaeologist, Reports to State
Retain until superseded by another report.
13.005 Bids for Contracts (a) Where no contract is awarded
Retain 3 years from date of opening.
13.006 Bids for Contracts (b) Where contract is awarded
Retain with Contract Files.
13.007 Certificates (a) Appropriateness
Retain 1 year following lapse of certificate.
13.008 Certificates (b) Nonapplicability
Retain 1 year following lapse of certificate.
13.009 Certificates (c) Hardship
Retain 1 year following lapse of certificate.
13.010 Decisions, Demolition Delay
Retain 1 year after demolition or other disposition of property.
13.011 Demolition statement
Retain 1 year after the expiration of the 20-day appeal period.
13.012 Historic District Map
13.013 Historic Preservation Plan
13.014 Historic Resources Survey. Form A-H
Page 80
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Historical Commission and Historic District Commissions
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
13.015 Maps
13.016 Massachusetts Preservation Program Fund Pre-Application Form
Retain until superseded by another application.
13.017 Modification of Application
Retain 1 year after expiration of the 20-day appeal period.
13.018 Modification of Recommendations
Retain 1 year after expiration of the 20-day appeal period.
13.019 Nominations for National Register (a) Accepted Nominations
13.020 Nominations for National Register (b) Unaccepted Nominations
Retain 1 year.
13.021 Plans
13.022 Public Hearing Waiver Notification
Retain 1 year after expiration of the 20-day appeal period.
13.023 Public Hearing Waiver Requests
Retain 1 year after expiration of the 20-day appeal period.
13.024 Publications of Commission
13.025 Reports
13.026 Review Standards
13.027 Site Plan Review Recommendations
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
13.028 Subdivision Control Recommendations
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Page 81
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Licensing Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
14.001 Application for License
Application for License and/or Permits Other Than Alcoholic and Liquor
Beverage, licenses granted and denied.
Retain 3 years after duration of license.
14.003 Application for Transfer of License
Applications for Special Licenses and Permits
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
Applications for Special Permits issued by Local Licensing Authorities.
14.031 (a) Application for Special One-Day Permit
Retain three years past duration of license.
Applications for Special Licenses (One Day Special Permit) for the sale of wines and/or malt
beverages to any enterprise; and Special Licenses (One Day Special Permit) for the sale of all
alcoholic beverages issued to non-profit organizations only.
14.031 (b) Applications for Farmer's Market Permits
Retain 3 years past duration of license.
Applications for Special Licenses for the sale of wine manufactured by a licensed
Farmer-Winery at approved agricultural events.
14.004 Automatic Amusement Devices Licenses
14.005 Billiard Tables and Bowling Alleys Licenses
14.006 Certificate of Conviction
14.007 Change of Location or Manager Position
Clubs, Societies, Associations Authorization to Dispense Food and Beverages
Other Than Alcoholic and Liquor Beverage
14.009 Coffee and Teahouses
Page 82
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Licensing Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
14.010 Complaint Records
14.011 Copy of Transactions of Pawnbrokers
14.012 Decision of Commission Hearings
14.013 Fortune Teller
14.014 Hearing Records
14.015 Inn holder and Common Victualer
14.016 Inspection of Lodging Houses by Licensing Authorities
14.017 Junk Dealers
14.018 Letter of Approval from ABCC
14.019 Lodging Houses
14.020 Managers of Indoor and Outdoor Activities
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
14.021 Picnic Groves
14.022 Quarterly Reports to the Mayor
14.023 Retail Package Goods
Retain 7 years after termination.
Page 83
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Licensing Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
14.024 Revoked, Suspended, Cancelled or Forfeited Licenses
14.025 Second-Hand Motor Vehicles
14.026 Shooting Galleries
14.027 Skating Rinks
14.028 Specific License Types, Clubs
Retain 7 years after termination.
14.029 Specific License Types, Common Victualers
Retain 7 years after termination.
14.030 Taverns
Retain 7 years after termination.
Page 84
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Parks and Recreation
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
26.002 Program Attendance records
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
26.002 (a) Summary information
Retain permanently.
Includes compiled counts and statistics related to attendance of department camps, programs
and presentations; may be included in other reports and documentation.
26.002 (b) Rosters and sign-in sheets
Retain until applicable statistics are compiled and administrative use ceases. Permission from
Supervisor of Public Records not required for destruction.
Includes individual camp, program and presentation rosters and sign-in sheets.
Program Registration records
Retain 3 years from date of creation.
Includes registration forms, financial records including fee waivers and financial aid documentation,
and waivers of responsibility.
Page 85
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Planning Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
15.001 Applications (a) Special Permit
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
15.002 Applications (b) Subdivision Control Not Required
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
15.003 Applications (c) Subdivision (Preliminary)
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
15.004 Applications (d) Subdivision (Definitive)
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
15.005 Decisions (a) Special Permit
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period, provided copy is filed with clerk.
15.006 Decisions (b) Subdivision Control Not Required
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period, provided copy is filed with clerk.
15.007 Decisions (c) Subdivision (Preliminary)
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period, provided copy is filed with clerk.
15.008 Decisions (d) Subdivision (Definitive)
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period, provided copy is filed with clerk.
15.009 Master Plan
15.010 Notice for Public hearings (a) Special Permits.
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
15.011 Notice for Public hearings (b) Subdivisions
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
15.012 Notice for Public hearings (c) Zoning Changes
Retain 1 year following expiration of 20-day appeal period.
15.013 Notice of Appeal to Superior Court
15.014 Official Map
Page 86
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Planning Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
15.015 Petty Cash Records
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
15.016 Subdivision Files (a) Preliminary
Retain 1 year following date of decision.
15.017 Subdivision Files (b) Definitive
Retain until completion of subdivision.
15.018 Subdivision Rules and Regulations
Page 87
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Police Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
16.001 Ambulance Calls Report
Retain 7 years.
16.002 Appointment Certificate
16.003 Arrest Records (a) Booking Sheet
Retain until completion of prosecution and exhaustion of appeals.
16.004 Arrest Records (b) Fingerprint Card
Retain until completion of prosecution and exhaustion of appeals.
16.005 Arrest Records (c) Vehicle Inventory
Retain until completion of prosecution and exhaustion of appeals.
16.006 Arrest Records (d) BOP Report
Retain until completion of prosecution and exhaustion of appeals.
16.007 Arrest Records (e) RMV Report
Retain until completion of prosecution and exhaustion of appeals.
16.008 Arrest Records (f) LEAPS Report
Retain until completion of prosecution and exhaustion of appeals.
16.009 Cell Monitoring Reports
Retain 3 years.
16.010 Civil Service Records
16.011 Civilian Complaints, no specific officers named
Retain 4 years following closure of investigation.
16.012 Civilian Complaints, substantiated
Retain 7 years following closure.
16.013 Civilian Complaints, unsubstantiated
Retain 5 years following closure of investigation.
16.014 Controlled Substance Seizure Report (no arrest or warrant)
Retain 7 years.
Page 88
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Police Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) request form and Sexual
Offender Registry Information (SORI) request form
Retain 3 years.
16.016 Cruiser Maintenance Report
Retain 1 year after retirement of vehicle.
16.017 Death Report (Suicide, Sudden, Unexplained)
16.018 Disciplinary Case Files, resulting from administrative reprimand
Retain 7 years following closure; retain separately from personnel files.
16.019 Disciplinary Case Files, resulting from civilian complaint
Retain 7 years following closure; retain separately from personnel files.
16.020 Dog Bite Investigation Report
Retain 7 years.
16.021 E-911 Call Detail Record
Retain 3 years.
16.022 Employment History Records
Retain 20 years following termination of employment.
16.023 Equipment Inventory
Retain until superseded by next inventory.
16.024 Equipment Maintenance Log
Retain until retirement of equipment.
16.025 Evidence Control Form
Retain 3 years.
16.026 Firearm Identification Card
Retain until superseded. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
16.027 Firearm, License to Carry (Application)
Retain until superseded. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
16.028 Firearm, License to Carry. Form FA-19
Retain until superseded. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Page 89
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Police Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
16.029 Firearms, License to Sell
16.030 Firearms, Wound Report
16.031 Found Property Form
Retain 3 years.
16.032 Gunsmith License
16.033 Incident Report (Miscellaneous non-criminal investigation)
Retain 3 years.
Internal Investigation Case Files
Retain 7 years following closure.
Documents informal or formal investigations into alleged employee misconduct. Includes
complaints, notes, statements, and determinations and record or actions taken.
16.035 Investigation Report (no arrest or warrant) (a) Armed Robbery
Retain 11 years.
Investigation Report (no arrest or warrant) (b) Assault with a Dangerous
Retain 11 years.
16.037 Investigation Report (no arrest or warrant) (c) Unarmed Robbery
Retain 11 years.
Investigation Report (no arrest or warrant). (d) Confining or putting in fear
with intent to commit felony
Retain 11 years.
Investigation Report of all crimes except Murder and those covered by c.
265, s. 17, 18, 19, 21 (no arrest or warrant)
Retain 7 years.
16.040 Investigation Report, Murder (no arrest or warrant)
16.041 Journal
Page 90
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Police Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
16.042 Juror Investigation Report
Retain 1 year.
16.043 Lock-up Rules and Regulations
16.044 Log (Blotter)
16.045 Missing Person Report
Retain 3 years after case is closed.
Motor Vehicle Accident Reports (a) Operator's Report (investigation or no
Retain 3 years.
16.047 Motor Vehicle Accident Reports (b) Fatal
16.048 Motor Vehicle Accident Reports (c) Hit and Run
Retain 7 years.
16.049 Motor Vehicle Accident Reports (d) Personal Injury
Retain 7 years.
16.050 Motor Vehicle Accident Reports (e) Property Damage
Retain 3 years.
16.051 Motor Vehicle Accident Reports (f) Investigating Officer's Report
Retain 3 years.
16.052 Motor Vehicle Citation
Retain 1 year.
16.053 Motor Vehicle Citation Sheet
Retain 1 year.
16.054 Motor Vehicle Inventory Form
Retain 3 years.
Page 91
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Police Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Noncriminal Violation Citations
Retain 1 year following satisfactory completion of audit unless complaint issued, then retain 1 year
after audit following final disposition of case.
Any city or town may by ordinance or by-law provide for non-criminal disposition of violations of
any ordinance or by-law or any rule or regulation of any municipal officer, board or department;
the violation of which is subject to a specific penalty.
16.055 Parking Tickets
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods.
16.055 (a) Paid Tickets
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
16.055 (b) Parking Appeals
Retain 1 year following resolution of appeals process.
16.056 Permits/Applications (Sunday work, etc.)
Retain 1 year after issuance.
16.057 Premises Inspected Slips
Retain 1 year.
16.058 Prisoner Property Slip
Retain 1 year.
16.059 Procedural Rules
16.060 Protective Custody Report (All)
Retain 3 years.
16.061 Radar Log
Retain 3 years.
16.062 Recordings of Phone Calls (911 etc.)
Retain 1 year
16.063 Reprimands, administrative
16.064 Reprimands, resulting from civilian complaint
Retain 7 years following closure.
Page 92
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Police Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
16.065 Roll Call Report
Retain 3 years.
16.066 Schedule of Departmental Payments to Treasurer
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
16.067 Stolen Goods Report
Retain 3 years.
16.068 Stolen Vehicle Report
Retain 3 years.
16.069 Taxi Cab Driver Records
Retain until superseded.
16.070 Travel Expense Report of Court Witness
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
16.071 Unclaimed Property, Notice of Sale
Retain 3 years.
16.072 Uniform National Crime Reports
Retain until superseded.
Vehicle and property impound records
Retain 3 years from date of incident.
This series documents the impounding of vehicles or property, including impound inventory lists.
Page 93
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Public Library
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
17.001 Application for a Library Card
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
17.002 Bibliographic Database
Retain until deaccession.
17.003 Circulation Records
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
17.004 Complaint and Censorship Records
Retain until resolution.
17.005 Fine Payment Request Form
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
17.006 Library Building Program Files
Retain 20 years.
17.007 Library Improvement Program Files
Retain 7 years.
17.008 Long Range Program Files
Retain until superseded.
17.009 Master Plan
17.010 Patron Information Database
Retain until expiration of patron's borrowing privileges.
Page 94
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Public Utilities
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Municipally-Owned Public Utilities Records
Records custodians shall maintain the records according to the retention periods set forth in 220
CMR 75.05.
Records defined by 220 CMR 75.00 prepared by or on behalf of municipal public utilities, including
gas, electric, and water utility companies, subject to the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts
Department of Public Utilities. Includes all books of account and other records prepared by or on
behalf of the public utility, such as corporate and general records, general accounting records,
insurance records, operations and maintenance records, personnel records, plant and depreciation
records, and tax records.
Page 95
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
18.001 Emergency Procurement Files
Retain 7 years following final payment provided all relevant audits have been completed.
18.002 Procurement Officer's Delegation of Powers and Duties
Retain 7 years following expiration, revocation or amendment.
18.003 Purchase Logs
Retain 1 year following next satisfactory audit.
Purchase Order Files (including Vendor's Acknowledgement, Records of
Quotations, Purchase Requirements Descriptions)
Retain 7 years following payment provided all relevant audits have been completed.
Real Property, Acquisition and Disposition Files
Retain 7 years following fulfillment of all terms of contract, provided all relevant audits have been
18.006 Receiving Slips
Retain 1 year following satisfactory completion of audit.
18.007 Sheltered Market Program Files
Retain 7 years following termination or amendment.
18.008 Surplus Supply Disposition Files
Retain 7 years following final payment provided all relevant audits have been completed.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Retirement Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Accidental Death Records; retention after exhaustion of benefits and
completion of satisfactory audit.
Retain 1 year.
19.002 Administration and Finance, Accounts Journal
19.003 Administration and Finance, Actuarial Valuation Studies or Reports
Administration and Finance, Amount to be Paid to Pension Fund, Actuary's
Retain 7 years.
Administration and Finance, Amount to be Paid to Pension Fund, Certification
to Mayor or Selectmen and Disbursing Officer
Retain 7 years.
19.006 Administration and Finance, Annual Report, Request for Filing Extension
Retain 7 years.
Administration and Finance, Bonds of Fiduciaries; retention after expiration
of bond.
Retain 7 years.
19.008 Administration and Finance, Cash Book
Retain 7 years.
19.009 Administration and Finance, Establishment of System, Certificate of
19.010 Administration and Finance, General Ledger
Administration and Finance, Investment Control Cards; retention following
maturation or divestment of investment.
Retain 7 years.
Administration and Finance, Listing of Disabled Members Who Have Not Filed
an Annual Statement of Earnings
Retain 7 years.
19.013 Administration and Finance, Receipts for Administrative Expenses
Retain 7 years.
Page 97
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Retirement Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Administration and Finance, Requests for Reimbursement for COLA and
Statutorily Mandated Benefit Increases
Retain 7 years.
19.015 Administration and Finance, Supplementary Rules
19.016 Administration and Finance, Tax Withholding Statement (W2-P)
Retain 7 years.
19.017 Administration and Finance, Trial Balance Book
Retain 7 years.
Administration and Finance, Warrants (Payments to Retirees and
Beneficiaries and Refunds to Members Leaving Service)
Retain 7 years.
Disability, Disability Benefit Records
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed withdrawn,
PERA 9-2 and 9-3 may be disposed of.
19.020 Disability, Hearing Records
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Disability, Notification to Disabled Member of Failure to File Annual
Statement of Earnings
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.022 Elections, Appeals to Board of Election Officer's Decision
Retain 3 years after election.
19.023 Elections, Ballots (including Disqualified and Absentee)
Retain 3 years after election.
19.024 Elections, Nomination Papers
Retain 3 years after election.
19.025 Elections, Notice of Election
Retain 3 years after election.
19.026 Elections, Notification of Election Results
Retain 3 years after election.
Page 98
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Retirement Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Investments, Exemption File (Including Document Showing Why Exemption
Should Not Be Revoked, Application for Exemption and Continued Exemption,
Commissioner's. Form PERA 19-1
Retain 50 years.
19.028 Investments, Investment Advisors' Disclosure Statements
Retain 7 years after termination of employment of advisor.
19.029 Investments, Invoices Submitted by Investment Managers and Custodians
Retain 7 years after termination of employment of managers and custodians.
Investments, Monthly Report from System's Investment Manager and
Retain 7 years after termination of employment of advisor and custodian.
19.031 Investments, Orders to and Brokers Confirmations of Purchases and Sales
Retain 7 years after transaction.
Investments, Semiannual Review of Investment Performance and Minutes of
Semi-Annual Meeting with Investment Advisor
Retain 7 years after termination of employment of investment advisor.
Investments, Statement of Investment Objectives (including Updates). Form
PERA 18-1, 18-2
Membership Files (includes elements of Retirement Benefits Case File but
may be treated individually for disposition), Accumulated Total Deductions,
Request for Return to Member
Retain 80 years.
19.035 Membership Files, Assignment Documents
Retain 7 years following exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.036 Membership Files, Calculation Verification Forms (from PERA)
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.037 Membership Files, Certificates of Birth, Marriage and Divorce
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Membership Files, Certification that 18-to 22-year old Child is a Full-time
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Page 99
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Retirement Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
19.039 Membership Files, Change of Beneficiary Blank
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.040 Membership Files, Contributory Retirement Appeals Board Decisions
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.041 Membership Files, Disclosure of Member Information Records
Retain 3 years following exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Membership Files, Documentation by Member of Time and Compensation for
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.043 Membership Files, Membership Control Cards
Retain 80 years.
19.044 Membership Files, New Entrant Enrollment Blank
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Membership Files, Non-Contributory Retirement Benefit Records (includes All
Veteran's Claim)
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.046 Membership Files, Notice of Injury from Member and/or Department Head
Retain 80 years.
19.047 Membership Files, Notification of Leave of Absence
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Membership Files, Notification to Inactive Members that Interest has Ceased
to Accrue
Retain 80 years.
19.049 Membership Files, Options on Retirement, Election
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Membership Files, Requests for Reimbursement for Prorated Pensions and
Transfer of Funds in Response Thereto
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.051 Membership Files, Retirement Payment Cards
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Retirement Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
19.052 Membership Files, Service Buy-back Forms or Letters
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.053 Membership Files, Survivorship Records (includes Benefits)
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Membership Files, Veteran's Benefits Records and all Documentation
Establishing Status. Form DD-214, Veteran's 9-5
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.055 Membership Files, Waiver of Retirement Allowance
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.056 Membership Files, Worker's Compensation, History of
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.057 Rehabilitation Records, General
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Rehabilitation Records, Request by Disabled Member to Reduce or Withdraw
Board's Request for Refund
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.059 Rehabilitation Records, Request for Refund from Disabled Member
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.060 Rehabilitation Records, Statement of Earnings from Member
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.061 Service 65-70, Annual Certification of Member's
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Service 65-70, Appointing Authority Request for Medical Examination,
Request for. Form PERA 12-2
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.063 Service 65-70, Department Head's Statement 2 and 4 Members
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Service 65-70, Medical Questionnaire to be Completed by Member. Form
PERA 12-3
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Page 101
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Retirement Board
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Service 65-70, Notification that Member May Continue in Service Past Age
65. Includes Member Response. Form PERA 12-1
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Service 65-70, Notification that Member May Not Continue in Service Past
Age 65
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.067 Service 65-70, Physician's Certification. Form PERA 12-1
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.068 Service After 70, Members Age 70 or over, Election of Deductions
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.069 Service After 70, Members Continuing in Service After Age 70 Records
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Service After 70, Notice to Group 1 Member 180/120 Days Prior to 70th
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
19.071 Service After 70, Notice to Member over Age 70 and Have Deductions Taken
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Superannuation Retirement Benefits Records. Includes Allowance and
Calculation Forms (PERA 9-1, 9-2 or 9-3) and Letter of Withdrawal of
Application). Form PERA 9-1, 9-2, 9-3
Retain until exhaustion of benefits, provided satisfactory audit has been completed, unless request
withdrawn. If application is withdrawn, PERA 9-1, 9-2 and 9-3 may be disposed of.
Page 102
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
School Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
20.001 Administration, Annual Notice to Public (Legal)
Retain 1 year.
20.002 Administration, Building Plans
Administration, Evidence Teaching Credentials; retention after termination of
Retain 5 years.
20.004 Administration, Extended School Year Plan Records
Retain 3 years.
20.005 Administration, Plant, Maintenance Work Request Form
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
20.006 Administration, Plant, Posting Schedule of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
20.007 Administration, Printing Request Form
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Administration, Regional District Planning Board: Agreement on Proposals
for Formation of Regional School Districts
20.009 Administration, School Committee Report, Annual
20.010 Administration, School Returns, Annual Report to Superintendents
20.011 Administration, School, Condition of, Annual Report
Retain 7 years.
20.012 Administration, Superintendent of Schools, Annual Report of
20.013 Administration, Teaching Schedules
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Page 103
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
School Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Fiscal, Annual Audit of the Accounts of the Regional School District
Retain 7 years.
20.015 Fiscal, Bid Specifications and Responses for Equipment and Supplies
Retain with Contract Files.
20.016 Fiscal, Bond Coupon Statements
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
20.017 Fiscal, Bond Coupons
Retain 7 years after cancellation, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
20.018 Fiscal, Bus Contracts
Retain with Contract Files.
20.019 Fiscal, Bus Transportation Requests
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
20.020 Fiscal, Bus Vouchers
Retain 7 years provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
20.021 Fiscal, Educational Television Program Fund
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
20.022 Fiscal, Equipment Inventory Form
Retain until superseded by next inventory.
20.023 Fiscal, Federal Projects (Title I, II, III, IV-B, etc.)
Retain 5 years provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
Fiscal, Food Service Records (a) Breakfast Program Records
Retain 3 years after the end of the fiscal year to which they pertain, provided a satisfactory audit
has been completed.
Fiscal, Food Service Records (b) Commodity Distribution Program Records
Retain 3 years after the end of the fiscal year to which they pertain, provided a satisfactory audit
has been completed.
Fiscal, Food Service Records (c) Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced
Price Lunches Records
Retain 3 years.
Page 104
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
School Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Fiscal, Food Service Records (d) Lunch Program Records
Retain 3 years after the end of the fiscal year to which they pertain, provided a satisfactory audit
has been completed.
Fiscal, Food Service Records (e) Milk Program Records
Retain 3 years after the end of the fiscal year to which they pertain, provided a satisfactory audit
has been completed.
20.029 Fiscal, Food Service Records (f) Paid Invoices
Retain 7 years, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
20.030 Fiscal, Food Service Records (g) Policies and Memoranda
Retain 3 years if no informational or evidential value.
20.031 Fiscal, Food Service Records (h) Reimbursement Claims
Retain 7 years, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
20.032 Fiscal, Invoice Warrant
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
20.033 Fiscal, Ledger, Agency and Trust Accounts
Retain 10 years.
20.034 Fiscal, Ledger, Appropriation
Retain 10 years.
20.035 Fiscal, Ledger, General
Retain 10 years.
20.036 Fiscal, Reimbursement Claims
Retain 7 years, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
20.037 Fiscal, School Aid Records
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
20.038 Fiscal, Supporting Cost, Allocation and Computation
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Intelligence Test Scores
Retention: In accordance with M.G.L. c. 71, § 87, the score of any group intelligence test
administered to a student enrolled in a public school shall be removed from the record of said
student at the end of the school year in which such test was so administered.
The score of any group intelligence test administered to a student enrolled in a public school.
Page 105
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
School Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
20.039 Payroll, Fiscal, Blue Cross, Reports to
Retain 3 years.
20.040 Payroll, Payroll, Substitute Teacher Attendance Report
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
20.041 Payroll, Retirement Ledgers
20.042 Payroll, Substitute Teacher Employment Applications
Retain 3 years after termination of employment.
20.043 Payroll, Tax Exemption Certificate
Retain 5 years or until administrative use ceases, whichever is later.
20.044 Payroll, Tuberculosis; Report of School Personnel, Freedom from
Retain 3 years upon reverification.
20.045 Payroll, Vacancy, Posting of Teaching
Retain 3 years.
20.046 Payroll, Weekly, Biweekly or Monthly Payroll
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit, provided recorded elsewhere in a summary record.
20.047 Payroll, Work Sheets
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Student Records
See sub-schedule for specific retention periods.
The student record shall consist of the transcript and the temporary record, including all
information recording and computer tapes, microfilm, microfiche, or any other materials regardless
of physical form or characteristics concerning a student that is organized on the basis of the
student's name or in a way that such student may be individually identified, and that is kept by the
public schools of the Commonwealth. The term as used in 603 CMR 23.00 shall mean all such
information and materials regardless of where they are located, except for the information and
materials specifically exempted by 603 CMR 23.04 (Personal Files of School Employees).
Page 106
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
School Department
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
20.048 (a) Student temporary records (all other records)
Retention: The temporary record of any student enrolled on or after the effective date of 603
CMR 23.00 shall be destroyed no later than seven (7) years after the student transfers,
graduates, or withdraws from the school system. Written notice to the eligible student and
his/her parent of the approximate date of destruction of the record and their right to receive
the information in whole or in part, shall be made at the time of such transfer, graduation, or
The temporary record shall consist of all the information in the student record which is not
contained in the transcript. This information clearly shall be of importance to the educational
process. Such information may include standardized test results, class rank (when applicable),
extracurricular activities, and evaluations by teachers, counselors, and other school staff.
20.048 (b) Student transcripts
Retention: The student's transcript shall be maintained by the school department and may
only be destroyed sixty (60) years following his/her graduation, transfer, or withdrawal from
the school system.
The transcript shall contain administrative records that constitute the minimum data necessary
to reflect the student's educational progress and to operate the educational system. These
data shall be limited to the name, address, and phone number of the student; his/ her
birthdate; name, address, and phone number of the parent or guardian; course titles, grades
(or the equivalent when grades are not applicable), course credit, grade level completed, and
the year completed, and highest performance level achieved on all MCAS tests required for the
competency determination.
Page 107
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Sealers of Weights and Measures
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
21.001 Administration, Annual Report
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Administration, Certification of Sealer's Equipment; retention after retesting
and renewal.
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
21.003 Administration, Field Book - Sealing and Adjustment Record
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
21.004 Administration, Office Record and Ledger
21.005 Administration, Receipts from Treasurer
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
Field Records, Adjustments - Sealing - Not Sealed - Condemnations (Field
Retain 3 years beyond date of last entry.
21.007 Field Records, Commodities Reweighing Record
Retain 3 years.
Field Records, Field Inspections and Test (Markings - Licenses - Systems -
Retain 3 years.
21.009 Field Records, Fuel Delivery Inspection
Retain 3 years.
21.010 Field Records, Hawkers and Peddlers Inspection
Retain 3 years.
21.011 Field Records, Merchants Equipment Record
Retain 3 years beyond date of last entry.
21.012 Field Records, Meter Test Record (Sealing or Retest)
Retain 3 years.
21.013 Field Records, Petroleum Delivery Inspection Record
Retain 3 years.
Page 108
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Sealers of Weights and Measures
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
21.014 Field Records, Summary of Trial Weighing
Retain 1 year.
21.015 Field Records, Summary Record of Field Inspections and Tests Made
Retain 1 year.
21.016 Field Records, Tank Truck Calibration Record
Retain 1 year beyond discontinuance of apparatus.
21.017 Field Records, Taxi Inspection
Retain 3 years.
21.018 Field Records, Unit Pricing Inspection
Retain 1 year.
Page 109
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Select Boards
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
22.001 Accounts and Receipts of Collector
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Administration, Appeal to Appellate Tax Board (ATB); retention after final
Retain 3 years.
Administration, Appointment Certificate; retention after termination of
Retain 3 years.
Administration, Appropriation forms for the payment of unpaid bills of
previous years (a) Certificate of Order; retention after completion of
satisfactory audit.
Retain 7 years.
Administration, Appropriation forms for the payment of unpaid bills of
previous years (b) Certificate of Delivery; retention after completion of
satisfactory audit.
Retain 7 years.
Administration, Appropriation forms for the payment of unpaid bills of
previous years (c) Certificate of Receipt; retention after completion of
satisfactory audit.
Retain 7 years.
Administration, Appropriation forms for the payment of unpaid bills of
previous years (d) Certificate of Services Rendered; retention after
completion of satisfactory audit.
Retain 7 years.
22.008 Administration, Civil Service Forms
22.009 Administration, Employment Applications (a) hired employee.
22.010 Administration, Employment Applications (b) unhired.
Retain 3 years.
22.011 Administration, Rules for Police Stations, Lock-ups, Jails, etc
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Page 110
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Select Boards
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
22.012 Administration, Schedule of Departmental Bills Payable
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
22.013 Administration, Special Town Meeting Petitions
22.014 Administration, Treasury Warrants
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
22.015 Animal Control, Complaint against vicious or barking dog
Retain 5 years.
Animal Control, Warrant returned from police officer, constable and/or dog
Retain 5 years.
22.017 Animal Control, Warrant to police officer, constable and/or dog officer
Retain 5 years.
Boundary Records, Boundary Triangulation Points (as determined by State
22.019 Boundary Records, Descriptions of Obliterated Town Markers
22.020 Boundary Records, Perambulation Records
22.021 Boundary Records, Plan of Boundary Change
22.022 Boundary Records, Proposal for Boundary Change
Boundary Records, Ratification and Acceptance of Boundary Change by
General Court
22.024 Boundary Records, Receipts for registered notices to contiguous towns.
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Page 111
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Select Boards
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
22.025 Education, Regional School District Annual Report
22.026 Education, Regional School District Organization Proposal
22.027 Education, Regional School District Planning Board Report
22.028 Elections, Education, Notice of Vacancy in General Court
Retain 1 year from filling of vacancy.
22.029 Elections, Notice of Vacancy in County Office
Retain 1 year from filling of vacancy.
Elections, Notice of Vacancy in Municipal, County or State Office Caused by
Retain 1 year from filling of vacancy.
22.031 Employment Service Record
Retain 20 years following termination of employment.
22.032 General, Deeds/Leases
22.033 General, Jury Service Questionnaire
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
22.034 General, Notice of Strike or Lockout
Retain 5 years.
22.035 General, Report of Insurance Commissioner Relating to Retirement Board
General, Report of Insurance Commissioner Relating to Weighing and
22.037 General, Report of Violations Relating to Weighing and Measuring
22.038 Licenses and Permits, Application for License (a) License Granted
Retain 3 years past duration of license.
Page 112
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Select Boards
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
22.039 Licenses and Permits, Application for License (b) License Denied
Retain 3 years.
22.040 Licenses and Permits, Application for Permit (a) License Granted
Retain 3 years past duration of license.
22.041 Licenses and Permits, Application for Permit (b) License Denied
Retain 3 years.
22.042 Licenses, Alcoholic Beverages, Application for License
22.043 Licenses, Alcoholic Beverages, Application for Transfer of License
Licenses, Alcoholic Beverages, Applications for Special Licenses or Permits
See sub-schedules for specific retention periods. =
Applications submitted to Local Licensing Authorities for Special Permits for the sale of alcohol,
which include: Special Licenses (One Day Special Permit) and Farmer’s Market Permits.
22.050 (a) Applications for Special One-Day Permit
Retain three years past duration of license.
Applications for Special Licenses (One Day Special Permit) for the sale of wines and/or malt
beverages to any enterprise; and Special Licenses (One Day Special Permit) for the sale of all
alcoholic beverages issued to non-profit organizations only.
22.050 (b) Applications for Farmer’s Market Permits
Retain three years past duration of license.
Applications for Special Licenses for the sale of wine manufactured by a licensed
Farmer-Winery at approved agricultural events.
22.044 Licenses, Alcoholic Beverages, Change of Location or Manager Position
22.045 Licenses, Alcoholic Beverages, Club License
Retain 7 years after termination.
22.046 Licenses, Alcoholic Beverages, Common Victualer License
Retain 7 years after termination.
22.047 Licenses, Alcoholic Beverages, Letter of Approval to ABCC
Page 113
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Select Boards
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
22.048 Licenses, Alcoholic Beverages, Retail Package Goods License
Retain 7 years after termination.
22.049 Licenses, Tavern License
Retain 7 years after termination.
Page 114
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Shellfish Constable
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
23.001 Catch Reports (Daily or Monthly)
Retain 1 year following filing of annual report to Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF).
23.002 Closure, Notices of
Retain 3 years following reopening of area.
23.003 License and Permit Stubs and Duplicates
Retain 1 year following satisfactory completion of audit.
23.004 License Applications
Retain 1 year following expiration, provided satisfactory audit has been completed.
Noncriminal Violation Citations
Retain 1 year following satisfactory completion of audit unless complaint issued, then retain 1 year
following audit following final disposition of case.
23.006 Predator Control Permits and Reports
Retain 5 years.
23.007 Purification Plant, Reports of Transport of Shellfish to
Retain 3 years.
23.008 Relay Permits
Retain 1 year following reopening of area.
23.009 Seed Permits
Retain 1 year following expiration.
23.010 Shellfish Conservation and Management Plan
Retain until superseded.
23.011 Shellfish Grant Files
Retain 7 years following expiration of grant.
Page 115
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
24.001 Bills Receivable, Schedules of. Form AD 34, 35
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
24.002 Bonds, Performance, Assistant Treasurer
Retain 7 years from expiration date.
24.003 Bonds, Performance, Temporary Officer (C)
Retain 7 years from expiration date.
24.004 Bonds, Performance, Temporary Officer (T)
Retain 7 years from expiration date.
24.005 Bonds, Performance, Treasurer
Retain 7 years from expiration date.
24.006 Bonds, Performance, Treasurer to Comm. on Children's Health Camps
Retain 7 years from expiration date.
24.007 Cash Books
24.008 Collector's Payments to Treasurer, Schedule of. Form AD 7, 8, 397
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
24.009 Departmental Payments to Treasurer, Schedule of. Form AD 9, 10
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
24.010 Deposit Books
Retain until reconciliation of appropriate bank statement or statements.
24.011 Disallowance, Notices of
Retain 6 years.
24.012 Dog Licenses, Monthly Return of. Form DL6
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
24.013 Dog Licenses, Record of Payment for
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
24.014 Earning Records, Employees
Page 116
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
24.015 Fines and Forfeitures (from Superior Court), Certificates of
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
24.016 Laws, Published (from State Secretary)
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
24.017 Loans, Bond Certificates and Coupons, Cancelled
Retain 7 years after debt retired, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
24.018 Loans, Borrowing, Report on
Retain 7 years, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
24.019 Loans, Debt Records
24.020 Loans, Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness, Cancelled
Retain 7 years after debt retired, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
24.021 Loans, Payment of Notes, Report to Director Concerning
Retain 7 years, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
24.022 Process, Service of
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
24.023 Public Welfare Lien, Certificate for Discharge of. Form 490
24.024 Receipts, Schedule of. Form AD11
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
24.025 Retirement Records
24.026 Tax Abatements, Notice of
Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit, whichever is later.
24.027 Tax Exemption Certificates (M-4; W-4; 4-E)
Retain 5 years or until administrative use ceases, whichever is later.
24.028 Tax Titles, Account (with Betterment Assessments). Form 48B
Page 117
Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
24.029 Tax Titles, Account (without Betterment Assessments). Form 48A
24.030 Tax Titles, Account. Form 410
Tax Titles, Affidavit, Application for; to Foreclose Land of Low Value. Form
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later.Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction. Tax account not
redeemed: Permanent.
24.032 Tax Titles, Assignment, Instrument of. Form 431
Tax Titles, Assignment, Notice of Intention. Form 430
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction. Tax account not
redeemed: Permanent.
Tax Titles, Commissioner, Statement to. Form 452A
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later. Tax account not redeemed: Permanent.
24.035 Tax Titles, Deed - Insufficient Bid. Form 324
24.036 Tax Titles, Deed to Municipality - Land of Low Value. Form 475
24.037 Tax Titles, Deed to Person - Land of Low Value. Form 474
Tax Titles, Deeds and Instruments of Taking, Receipts for. Form 411
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction. Tax account not
redeemed: Permanent.
Tax Titles, Final Disposition, Notice to Collector of. Form 486
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later. Tax account not redeemed: Permanent.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Tax Titles, Redemption, Certificate of Partial. Form 442
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction. Tax account not
redeemed: Permanent.
Tax Titles, Redemption, Certificate of Receipt for Money Paid for Purpose of.
Form 440
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction. Tax account not
redeemed: Permanent.
24.042 Tax Titles, Redemption, Instrument of - Title in Municipality. Form 441
Tax Titles, Redemption, Receipt of Partial Payment of*. Form 433
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction. Tax account not
redeemed: Permanent.
24.044 Tax Titles, Residence, Statement of
Tax Titles, Sale, Custodian's Notice of*. Form 472
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction. Tax account not
redeemed: Permanent.
Tax Titles, Sale, Notice of - Land of Low Value (Foreclosure of Tax Title).
Form 470A
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later.Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction. Tax account not
redeemed: Permanent.
24.047 Tax Titles, Sale, Notice of - Land of Low Value. Form 470
Tax account redeemed: Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit,
whichever is later. Tax account not redeemed: Permanent.
24.048 Tax Titles, Taking, Instrument of. Form 301
24.049 Tax Withholding Statements. Form W-2, M-2
Retain 5 years, provided a satisfactory audit has been completed.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
24.050 Taxation, Notice of Amount to be Raised by
Retain until final settlement of levy or completion of satisfactory audit, whichever is later.
24.051 Taxation, Warrants, Bill and Payroll (T1, T2, C1, C2). Form T1, T2, C1, C2.
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Veterans' Service Agent
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
25.001 Administration, Audit of Monthly Report. Form VS-7
Retain 7 years.
Administration, Individual Payment Ledgers to Recipient
Retain until administrative use ceases. Permission from Supervisor not required for destruction.
Retention after reimbursement by state.
25.003 Administration, Monthly Reports to Commissioner. Form VS-5 and VS-6
Retain 7 years.
25.004 Burial Records, Affidavit Relative to Burial of Veterans
Retain until information is transferred onto "Grave Registration Card."
25.005 Burial Records, Application for Burial Expense (VS-9)
Retain until receipt of "Return of Expense for Burial."
25.006 Burial Records, Death Report
Retain until information is transferred onto "Grave Registration Card."
25.007 Burial Records, Grave Registration Card
25.008 Burial Records, Return of Expense for Burial
Retain 7 years, or completion of satisfactory audit, whichever is later.
25.009 Case History File, Adjutant. Form AGO-10
25.010 Case History File, Armed Forces Discharge Papers
25.011 Case History File, Assignment, Discharge of
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File.
25.012 Case History File, Assignment, Form of
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File.
25.013 Case History File, Assignment, Notice of
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File.
25.014 Case History File, Assignment, Partial Discharge of
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Veterans' Service Agent
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
Case History File, Bank Report
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File, only if bank has indicated there are funds in
the account, otherwise until termination of case.
Case History File, Entire Case History File
Retain 20 years after last assistance granted, provided no indications of dependent claims in the
25.017 Case History File, Income Report of Household Members
Retain until termination of case.
25.018 Case History File, Lien, Certificate of. Form VS-25
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File.
25.019 Case History File, Lien, Discharge of. Form VS-26
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File.
25.020 Case History File, Lien, Subordination Agreement. Form VS-12
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File.
25.021 Case History File, Medical Report
Retain until termination of case.
25.022 Case History File, Order for Emergency Supplies (Food Order Book)
Retain until termination of case.
25.023 Case History File, Paid Medical Insurance Premiums
Retain until monthly audit or on destruction of VS-21A.
Case History File, Proof of Dependence i.e., Birth and Marriage Certificates,
Divorce and Adoption Papers
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File.
25.025 Case History File, Unemployment Compensation Report (DES Inquiry)
Retain until termination of case.
25.026 Case History File, Veterans' Benefits, Application of. Form VS-1
Retain until reconciliation of Entire Case History File.
25.027 Case History File, Veterans' Benefits, Recommendation. Form VS-21A
Retain until completion of satisfactory audit.
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Municipal Records Retention Schedule
Veterans' Service Agent
Schedule Number and Title Total Retention Schedule Description
25.028 Case History File, Wage Report
Retain until termination of case.
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