Board Policy
Field Trips, Foreign Travel, and
Other Off-Campus Activities
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The District believes in the value of experiences outside the classroom and endeavors to make
these opportunities available to all. As in all other aspects of school life, PPS is committed to
both the access to and the inclusivity of off-campus activities. In planning and authorizing off-
campus activities, primary consideration shall be given to the educational outcomes derived, the
safety and welfare of students involved, District expectations of conduct and behavior on the
part of all participants, and the selection of appropriate adult supervision in accordance with
Board Policy 5.10.064P Professional Conduct between Adults and Students.
I. DistrictSponsored Activities
Special activities outside the classroom are an important part of an educational
experience. Students shall be allowed to participate in carefully planned learning
experiences or co-curricular activities, which fall outside the normal school program,
school day, and/or are off-campus when they serve a legitimate educational purpose.
Off-campus activities should promote and not compromise the integrity and purpose of
the District’s educational programs. Plans for continuity of curriculum must be made for
the off-campus activity and likewise for students remaining on campus. This policy
applies to all off-campus activities, unless otherwise noted.
1) As authorized through this policy and Administrative Directives, the
Superintendent’s designees may authorize field trips and other extra-curricular
activities involving travel off-campus when such activities contribute to
educational goals.
2) District staff responsible for overseeing extended travel must notify building
administrators in advance of the trip so that plans for continuity of curriculum and
instruction can be assured for students remaining on campus. Those plans will
be communicated to the school community and observed so that no disruption in
curriculum or programming will occur for students remaining on campus.
Board Policy
Field Trips, Foreign Travel, and
Other Off-Campus Activities
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3) Schools and staff to submit field trip requests for review, and approval or denial,
prior to any planned activities.
a. Principals shall have the authority to approve regular off-campus field
trips, subject to Risk Management approval, occurring during the course
of one school day.
b. All off-campus trips comprising more than one school day will be
reviewed by Risk Management and approved by the supervising
Area Assistant Superintendent.
c. Specific timelines, procedures, and requirements of this field trip approval
process will be outlined in a related Administrative Directive.
4) All out-of-state and foreign travel shall require prior Board approval with the
exception of travel up to 150 miles from the PPS headquarters.
5) In planning for off-campus activities, staff members must avoid factors that might
prohibit student participation, including financial burden, as well as any hazards
or barriers for students arising from discriminatory policies or practices in the
destination or during transit based on race, religion, culture, gender orientation,
sexual identity, or immigration status. Trips should be designed to promote
healthy, safe, and inclusive experiences for all students, and consider the
identified special needs and required accommodations of students with an
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and/or plans under Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. .
7) Both students and adult supervisors should be acquainted with and comply with
relevant District policies, administrative directives, and other guidance, including
the PPS Student Responsibilities, Rights, and Discipline Handbook, while
representing the District. These expectations should be reviewed again by all
students and staff prior to any extended off-campus activity.
Board Policy
Field Trips, Foreign Travel, and
Other Off-Campus Activities
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II. Non-School Sponsored Off-Campus Activities
Must Clearly Indicate They Are Not Affiliated with
the District
The unique professional status of District staff members may at times make it difficult for
students and families to distinguish between school-sponsored off-campus activities
from non-school privately sponsored off-campus activities. While working as PPS staff
and/or representing PPS, District staff may not develop, plan, and/or supervise off-
campus activities represented as "school, class, club, etc." other than what has been
approved under this policy and the implementing administrative directives. In addition,
District staff or other persons may not use District email, social media, hardcopy
distribution to students, or other methods of Districtcontrolled distribution that are not
open to the general public to communicate to District students or families about private,
non-school sponsored off-campus activities, without the pre-approval of the school
building administrator and in adherence with PPS Disclaimer Requirement (11.1.a)
1) Travel Study Programs
Travel Study Programs are activities involving student travel that are planned, marketed,
and conducted by organizations other than Portland Public Schools. Portland Public
Schools does not fund, sponsor, or endorse any such programs.
a) Disclaimer Requirements: Any information about travel study programs must
include the following disclaimer: “Portland Public Schools does not fund, sponsor,
or endorse this travel study program. The District is not responsible for
conducting or supervising this trip. Portland Public School employees who
participate in travel study programs are not acting in their capacity as District
employees and do so at their own risk. Students participating in travel study
programs do so at their own risk.”
b) Any information distributed about travel study programs cannot contain the name
of the District or any Portland Public school.
c) Distribution of information by travel study organizations must follow distribution
guidelines in Board Policy 3.30.035P Distribution of Materials and Information to
Students and Administrative Directive 3.30.038AD. Information distributed about
Board Policy
Field Trips, Foreign Travel, and
Other Off-Campus Activities
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travel study programs shall not be made through PPS email, without the pre-
approval of the school-building administrator and in adherence with PPS
Disclaimer Requirement (see 11.1.a).
d) Travel study organizations must use the Civic Use of Buildings (CUB)
procedures for informational/planning meetings after the school day. See Policy
3.30.010P Community Use of School Buildings and Facilities and 3.30.011AD
Community Use of School Buildings and Facilities: ShortTerm Use.
Legal References: ORS 332.107; ORS 336.183; ORS 339.155
Amended 9/2002, Amended 3/2019