Operating Policy
The USA Swimming Operating Policy Manual
is currently under review and revisions will be
made on a rolling basis. Please be aware that
some information in this manual is outdated;
please reach out to a USA Swimming staff
member with any specific questions.
Last update:August 19, 2024
Last Update: 1/17/2023
I. General Policies ________________________________________________________________ 4
1.0 USA Swimming Vision Statement & Mission Statement _________________________________________ 5
2.0 Cultural Values Operating Principles _______________________________________________________ 6
3.0 Statement of Ethics and Conflict of Interest ___________________________________________________ 7
4.0 Whistle Blower and Anti-Retaliation Policy __________________________________________________ 13
5.0 Sexual Misconduct Policy ________________________________________________________________ 16
6.0 Document Retention Policy _______________________________________________________________ 17
7.0 Swimming Privacy Policy _________________________________________________________________ 18
8.0 Cookie Policy __________________________________________________________________________ 27
II. Safe Sport and DEI Policies _____________________________________________________ 35
9.0 Background Check Policy _________________________________________________________________ 36
10.0 Inactive Life Members and Background Screening ___________________________________________ 39
11.0 USA Swimming Volunteer Screening and Selection Policy _____________________________________ 40
12.0 Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy ____________________________________________________ 41
13.0 Publication of Banned and Suspended List __________________________________________________ 49
14.0 SwimAssist Program____________________________________________________________________ 51
15.0 Denying a Safe Sport Club Recognition Application or Revoking a Safe Sport Club Recognition Application
_________________________________________________________________________________________ 53
16.0 USA Swimming Safe Sport Athlete Protection Education Policy _________________________________ 55
17.0 Athlete Protection Training Requirement Adult Athletes with Cognitive Disabilities ______________ 57
18.0 USA Swimming Personal Assistant Policy ___________________________________________________ 58
19.0 Athlete Inclusion, Competitive Equity, and Eligibility Policy ____________________________________ 60
III. Committees & Coordinators ____________________________________________________ 67
20.0 General Policies for Committee Administration _____________________________________________ 68
21.0 Operating Committees __________________________________________________________________ 74
22.0 Coordinators __________________________________________________________________________ 83
23.0 USA Swimming Athletes’ Executive Committee (AEC) Operating Policy Manual __________________ 84
24.0 USA Swimming Athletes’ Advisory Council (AAC) Operating Policy Manual ______________________ 90
25.0 LSC Development Committee Policies and Procedures ________________________________________ 94
26.0 National Board of Review _______________________________________________________________ 97
27.0 USA Swimming Coach Advisory Council Operating Policy Manual ______________________________ 109
28.0 National Team Steering Committee Policy Manual __________________________________________ 112
29.0 Zone Directors’ Council Policy Manual ____________________________________________________ 119
IV. Financial Policies _____________________________________________________________ 121
30.0 Financial Policies: Controls and Procedures ________________________________________________ 122
31.0 Investment Policy Statement for USA Swimming, Inc ________________________________________ 127
32.0 USA Swimming Travel Policy and Expense Reimbursement ___________________________________ 128
V. Club, LSC, and Zone Policies __________________________________________________ 136
33.0 Requirements for New Club Membership _________________________________________________ 137
34.0 Officials Certification Standards for Utilization by LSC Officials ________________________________ 140
VI. Sanction, Meet and Competition Policies _______________________________________ 147
35.0 Open Water Meet Application __________________________________________________________ 148
36.0 Zone Sanction Appeal Process ___________________________________________________________ 149
37.0 Rules and Regulations Regarding Competition _____________________________________________ 152
38.0 USA Swimming Times Module Policy and Guidelines _______________________________________ 167
39.0 USA Swimming Measuring and Certifying Competition Pools _________________________________ 180
40.0 Credentialing Policy ___________________________________________________________________ 197
VII. Safety Policies ________________________________________________________________ 203
41.0 Safety Training for Swim Coaches In-Water Checklist ________________________________________ 204
VIII. Appendices___________________________________________________________________ 206
Appendix I: Additional USOPC Safety Requirements _____________________________________________ 207
Appendix II: SwimAssist Application Form _____________________________________________________ 209
Appendix III: Officials’ Committee Apprentice Official __________________________________________ 211
Appendix IV: Officials’ Committee National Championship Policy ________________________________ 212
Appendix V: Officials’ Committee International Championship ____________________________________ 213
Appendix XI: ZSAP Report Form _____________________________________________________________ 215
Appendix XII: Sanction Review Process Questions 7 Scenario ____________________________________ 216
Appendix XIII: Recommended LSC Times Module Management ___________________________________ 218
Appendix XIV: USA Swimming Request for Observation Non-Season Culminating Championship Meet __ 219
Appendix XV: Local Swimming Committee Request for Observation Season-Culminating Championship
Meet ___________________________________________________________________________________ 221
Appendix XVI: Request for Electronic Loading __________________________________________________ 223
Appendix XVII: Meet Approval Request to USA Swimming ________________________________________ 224
Appendix XVIII: USA Swimming Measurement Certification of Permanent Racing Course ______________ 225
I. General Policies
1.0 USA Swimming Vision Statement & Mission Statement
Date adopted / Last revision: February 16, 2021
Vision Statement
To inspire and enable our members to achieve excellence in the sport of swimming and in life.
Mission Statement
USA Swimming is the National Governing Body for the sport of swimming. We administer competitive
swimming in accordance with the Olympic & Amateur Sports Act. We provide programs and services for
our members, supporters, affiliates, and the interested public. We value these members of the swimming
community, and the staff and volunteers who serve them. We are committed to excellence and the
improvement of our sport. We are committed to providing a safe and positive environment for all members.
2.0 Cultural Values Operating Principles
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 31, 2021
The organizational and business culture of USA Swimming is founded upon a strong value system. This
value system is the cornerstone for the attitude and work ethic to which we are all committed. In short, we
will continue to:
1. Embrace the responsibilities of leadership and strive for excellence in everything we do.
2. Conduct business with integrity, transparency, and a spirit of stewardship act in the best
interests of the sport and our members.
3. Be service-oriented with our members, business partners and each other.
4. Engage in disciplined planning, but not be afraid to act intuitively to confront challenges and
seize opportunities.
5. Identify clear priorities and allocate our time and resources accordingly.
6. Hold ourselves and each other accountable to the highest standards of performance results
and professionalism; treat others fairly and with respect.
7. Exhibit an entrepreneurial spirit, enthusiasm for growth, and a positive “can do” attitude.
8. Encourage environments in which our members are safe.
9. Promote the importance of diversity and inclusion.
10. Strive to learn and improve, always be open to questions, and maintain a willingness to change.
3.0 Statement of Ethics and Conflict of Interest
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 31, 2021
USA Swimming, Inc. (“USA Swimming”) seeks to promote a culture of ethical conduct within its
organization and throughout its membership. USA Swimming is committed to developing and implementing
policies and procedures to equip its members with the guidance and resources necessary to navigate
ethical issues. This Statement of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy are intended to reflect certain
organizational values, including respect for others, integrity and honesty, competence and accountability,
and teamwork.
USA Swimming’s Board of Directors (the “Board”), officers, committee members, task force members,
hearing panel members, volunteers, and employees (“Covered Individuals”) have the responsibility of
administering the affairs of USA Swimming honestly and prudently, and of exercising their best care, skill,
and judgment for the sole benefit of USA Swimming. Those persons shall exercise the utmost good faith
in all activities and transactions involved in their duties, and they shall not use their positions within USA
Swimming, or knowledge gained there from, for their personal benefit. The interests of the organization
must be the first priority in all decisions and actions. USA Swimming requires that Covered Individuals
recognize and avoid activities, transactions, relationships, or investments that involve, might appear to
involve, or could result in a potential conflict of interest. Additionally, where reasonable, contractors shall
be required to comply with this policy in their written contracts.
A conflicting interest may be defined as an interest or relationship, direct or indirect, with any of the
1. Persons and firms supplying goods and services to USA Swimming.
2. Persons and firms from whom USA Swimming leases property and equipment.
3. Persons and firms with whom USA Swimming is dealing or planning to deal in connection with the
gift, purchase or sale of real estate, securities, or other property.
4. Competing or affinity organizations.
5. Donors and others supporting USA Swimming.
6. Agencies, organizations, and associations which affect the operations of USA Swimming.
7. Relatives, friends, close associates, and other employees.
Such an interest might arise through the following activities, including but not limited to:
1. Owning stock or holding debt or other proprietary interests in any third party dealing with USA
2. Holding office, serving on the board, participating in management, or being otherwise employed (or
formerly employed) with any third party dealing with USA Swimming.
3. Receiving remuneration for services with respect to individual transactions involving USA
4. Using USA Swimming’s time, personnel, equipment, supplies, or goodwill for anything other than
USA Swimming-approved activities, programs, and purposes.
5. Receiving personal gifts or loans from third parties dealing or competing with USA Swimming
For example, a member of the USA Swimming Nominating Committee (including athlete members) may
have a potential conflict of interest if a family member is applying for nomination to the Board.
In the event an individual is unsure whether they may have a potential conflict of interest, they should
contact the Ethics Committee.
The relationships and activities of potentially conflicting interest listed in Section 3 are not exhaustive.
Conflicts might arise through other relationships or activities. Covered Individuals must recognize such
relationships and activities by analogy. The fact that one of the interests described in Section 3 exists does
not necessarily mean that a conflict exists, or that the conflict, if it exists, is material enough to be of practical
importance, or if material, that upon full disclosure of all relevant facts and circumstances it is necessarily
adverse to the interests of USA Swimming. However, Covered Individuals must disclose the existence of
any of the relationships and/or activities described in Section 3 before any related transaction is
consummated. It shall be the continuing responsibility of Covered Individuals to scrutinize their transactions
and outside business interests, investments, and relationships for potential conflicts and to immediately
make such disclosures to USA Swimming. Additional guidelines intended to assist Covered Individuals
when making personal decisions relating to ethical behavior and conflict of interest include:
1. The business of USA Swimming is to be conducted in observance of both the spirit and letter of
applicable federal and state laws.
2. USA Swimming properties, services, opportunities, authority, and influence are not to be used for
private benefit.
3. Expenses incurred in furtherance of USA Swimming business are to be reasonable, necessary,
and substantiated.
4. All are expected to exhibit honesty, loyalty, candor, and professional competence in their
relationships with USA Swimming and with each other.
5. Each Covered Individual has the responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the organization.
This includes both proprietary and sensitive information.
Each Covered Individual shall annually sign a Disclosure Statement which affirms such individual:
1. Has received a copy of this Conflict of Interest Policy,
2. Has read and understands this Conflict of Interest Policy,
3. Has agreed to comply with this Conflict of Interest Policy, and
4. Understands that USA Swimming is a charitable organization and in order to maintain its federal
tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt
Additional information regarding the receipt of gifts is outlined in USA Swimming’s Gifts and Entertainment Policy.
As new potential conflicts of interest arise, Covered Individuals must update their written disclosure.
Moreover, Board and committee minutes must include the following when a potential conflict of interest is
involved in a discussion:
1. The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have an interest in connection
with an actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the interest, any action taken to determine
whether a conflict of interest was present, and the Ethics Committee’s decision as to whether a
conflict of interest in fact existed.
2. The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the transaction
or arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to the proposed
transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection with the proceedings.
1. All Disclosure Statements will be provided to the Ethics Committee for review. The Ethics
Committee must document its review of any disclosures, by confirming by signature on the
Disclosure Statement that each Disclosure Statement has been considered. After disclosure of the
conflict or potential conflict of interest and all material facts, and after any needed discussion with
the interested person, the Ethics Committee shall decide if a conflict of interest exists and if there
are mitigating measures that could be implemented to permit USA Swimming to move forward with
the transaction or activity. If the Ethics Committee determines that Covered Individuals must take
certain steps to manage or avoid their potential conflict, that direction must be provided to the
Covered Individual in writing and the Covered Individual must acknowledge receipt and
understanding in writing, including recognition that directives must be followed as a condition of
membership. Transactions with parties with whom a conflicting interest exists may be undertaken
only if all of the following, at a minimum, are observed: The conflicting interest is fully disclosed to
the Ethics Committee;
2. The Ethics Committee has reviewed the Disclosure Statement and considered alternatives to the
proposed transaction or arrangement.
3. If the Ethics Committee determines that a more advantageous transaction or arrangement, free of
any potential conflict of interest, is not reasonably possible under circumstances, the Ethics
Committee shall determine whether the transaction or arrangement is in USA Swimming’s best
interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable.
4. In conformity with the above determination, the Ethics Committee shall inform the Covered
Individual and the Board or committee in writing whether there is a conflict of interest precluding
USA Swimming from entering into the transaction or arrangement, or if there are mitigating
measures that may be implemented to alleviate concerns regarding the potential conflict of interest.
5. The person with the conflict of interest must be excluded from the discussion and approval of such
Additionally, the following individuals must complete separate disclosure forms: 1. Members of the
Selection Procedure Approval Committee, who are responsible for the creation and enforcement of
selection procedures 2. Any staff members involved in the creation and enforcement of selection
procedures; and 3. Members of any panel empowered to resolve grievances The Secretary & General
Counsel will distribute disclosure forms to the individuals listed above prior to (a) creating and enforcing a
selection procedure or (b) sitting on a grievance panel. To the extent that any conflicts are identified in
these Disclosure Forms, the Ethics Committee will review these Disclosure Forms as outlined above, prior
to that individual’s service.
Members of USA Swimming must report potential conflicts of interest violations to the Ethics Committee;
USA Swimming strictly prohibits any retaliation for reporting any alleged violations of this Conflict of Interest
policy. The Ethics Committee will investigate reports of any alleged violation of this Conflict of Interest
Policy; if the Ethics Committee has reasonable cause to believe a Covered Individual has failed to disclose
an actual or possible conflict of interest, or if the Ethics Committee determines that a Covered Individual
has not followed one of its directives subsequent to disclosure, it shall inform the Covered Individual of the
basis for such belief and afford the Covered Individual an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to
disclose. After the Ethics Committee reviews the Covered Individual’s response, it will generate a report of
its investigation and findings, and submit such report to all interested parties, as well as to the President &
Chief Executive Officer (the “CEO”) of USA Swimming and the Board. If the Ethics Committee determines
the Covered Individual has failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, or violated one of its
directives following a disclosure, it will take appropriate and reasonable disciplinary and corrective action,
including, but not limited to, retroactive disclosure and/or removal from the Covered Individual’s leadership
position(s) within the organization. The severity of the disciplinary or corrective action will depend upon the
severity of the violation. In the event a member of the Ethics Committee is the subject of the alleged
violation and subsequent investigation, the CEO shall refer the matter to outside counsel. Any appeal of
the Ethics Committee’s decision shall be referred to the National Board of Review.
The USA Swimming Ethics Committee and the Secretary & General Counsel are responsible for the
enforcement of this policy. All inquiries and questions should be referred to the Ethics Committee or the
Secretary & General Counsel:
Michelle Steinfeld
Athlete Ombuds
The Office of the Athlete Ombuds offers independent, confidential advice to elite athletes regarding their
rights and responsibilities in the Olympic and Paralympic Movement, and assists athletes with a broad
range of questions, disputes, complaints and concerns.
Athlete Ombuds Confidentiality and Privacy Policy
1. In general.The Office of the Athlete Ombuds shall maintain as confidential any information
communicated or provided to the Office of the Athlete Ombuds in confidence in any matter involving
the exercise of the official duties of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds. (B) Exception.The Office
of the Athlete Ombuds may disclose information described in subparagraph (A) as necessary to
resolve or mediate a dispute, with the permission of the parties involved.(C) Judicial and
administrative proceedings.(i) In general.The ombudsman and the staff of the Office of the
Athlete Ombuds shall not be compelled to testify or produce evidence in any judicial or
administrative proceeding with respect to any matter involving the exercise of the duties of the
Office of the Athlete Ombuds.
2. Work product.Any memorandum, work product, notes, or case file of the Office of the Athlete
Ombuds(I) shall be confidential; and(II) shall not be(aa) subject to discovery, subpoena, or any
other means of legal compulsion; or (bb) admissible as evidence in a judicial or administrative
proceeding. (D) Applicability.The confidentiality requirements under this paragraph shall not
apply to information relating to(i) applicable federally mandated reporting requirements; (ii) a
felony personally witnessed by a member of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds;(iii) a situation,
communicated to the Office of the Athlete Ombuds, in which an individual is at imminent risk of
serious harm; or (iv) a congressional subpoena.
Contact Information
Phone: 719-866-5000
Email: ombudsman@usathlete.org
Website: usathlete.org
USOPC Ethics & Compliance
The USOPC Ethics and Compliance team seeks to empower athletes, USOPC employees and volunteers,
NGB employees and volunteers, and other individuals within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement
to raise and report their concerns. Specifically, the USOPC’s Ethic’s and Compliance team reviews and
investigates certain reports regarding NGB compliance with the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports
Act and the USOPC or NGB Bylaws, including conflicts of interest and governance issues. The team also
reviews and investigates allegations of USOPC non-compliance and alleged code of conduct violations.
The USOPC Ethics and Compliance team accepts reports related to NGB compliance with the Ted Stevens
Olympic and Amateur Sports Act and the USOPC or NGB Bylaws, including conflicts of interest and
governance issues, as well as allegations of USOPC non-compliance and alleged code of conduct
violations, including discrimination claims.
Contact Information
Any individual may report concerns confidentially, or anonymously, online using the USOPC Integrity Portal
(https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/53006/index.html). If preferred, individuals may call
the USOPC Integrity Hotline at 1-877-404-9935 to report their concern over the phone.
Please see:
Appendix I: Swimming Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
Appendix II: Selection Procedure Approval Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
Appendix III: Grievance Panel Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
4.0 Whistle Blower and Anti-Retaliation Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: January 28, 2023
Purpose: The purpose of this Whistleblower and Anti-Retaliation Policy (the “Policy”) is to
i. encourage and provide a mechanism for USA Swimming, Inc. (“USA Swimming”) Board
members, officers, employees, members, athletes, committee members, task force members,
hearing panel members, and volunteers (“Covered Individuals”) to report alleged Retaliation
(defined below);
ii. encourage cooperation in inquiries and investigations of reported Retaliation;
iii. protect Covered Individuals, including any good faith reporter or other reasonable party (e.g.
witnesses, victims, etc.), from (a) intimidation or threats to prevent good faith reporting of
violations under the jurisdiction of USA Swimming’s National Board of Review (“NBOR”), the USA
Swimming Board of Directors, the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee (the “USOPC”), the
U.S. Center for SafeSport (the “Center”), law enforcement or other governmental or administrative
body (b) Retaliation for good faith reporting of alleged violations, or (c) any other form of
Retaliation; and
iv. encourage individuals to report any alleged Violations
in good faith, as well as alleged Retaliation
described in (iii).
Additionally, where reasonable, contractors shall be required to comply with this Policy in their written
Retaliation: No Covered Individual shall suffer harassment, intimidation, adverse employment or
livelihood consequences, or any other form of retaliation (“Retaliation”) for (i) making a good faith report
of a Violation to USA Swimming, the USOPC, the Center, law enforcement or other governmental or
administrative body; or (ii) participating in an investigation by USA Swimming, the USOPC, or the Center,
or an inquiry or investigation by
any court, law enforcement, or other governmental or administrative body. “Retaliation” also includes
retaliation as described in Article 307 of the USA Swimming Rulebook
and the definition of retaliation
included in Section 220501(b)(11) of the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act (the “Act”).
Violations covered under this Policy include, but are not limited to, compliance with the Act, the USOPC Bylaws and policies,
USA Swimming’s Bylaws, policies, procedures, state and federal laws, and accounting and financial practices (“Violations”).
307.1 No Member shall retaliate against any individual who has made a good faith report under 306.1 or 304.3.14.
307.2 For the purposes of 307.1, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that any adverse action regarding the employment,
membership, or other material rights of an individual who has made a good faith report under 306.1 or 304.3.14 within 90 days of
a report is retaliatory. An adverse action includes, without limitation: discharge or termination; demotion or reduction
complaint, by the Protected Individual or a parent or legal guardian of the Protected Individual relating to the
allegation of physical abuse, sexual harassment, or emotional abuse, with the U.S. Center for SafeSport; a coach, trainer,
manager, administrator, or official associated with the USOPC; the United States Attorney General; a federal or state law
enforcement authority; the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission; or Congress.” Section 220501(b)(11) of the
adverse or
discriminatory action,
or the threat of an adverse or discriminatory action, including removal from a training
facility, reduced
coaching or training, reduced meals or housing, and removal from competition carried out against a
Protected Individual as a result of any communication, including the filing of a formal
Additionally, no employee, contractor, agent, volunteer, or USA Swimming itself shall take or threaten to
take any action against an athlete as a reprisal for disclosing information to or seeking assistance from the
Office of the Athlete Ombuds as outlined in Section 220509(b)(5) of the Act.
Reporting Procedure: Covered Individuals are required to report (in good faith) Retaliation to USA
Swimming’s Ethics Committee, at the following email address: ethicscommittee@usaswimming.org.
Reports may be submitted anonymously (though it may be more difficult to investigate anonymous reports).
As members of the Ethics Committee, the following individuals will receive any reports sent to the Ethics
Committee’s email address: a 10-Year Athlete representative of the Board of Directors, an Independent
Board Member, a Semi-Independent
member of USA Swimming, and USA Swimming’s Secretary &
General Counsel.
Covered Individuals are also required to report Violations to the appropriate party with jurisdiction over the
Violation (e.g., the USA Swimming National Board of Review, the USOPC, etc.). Knowingly making a false
report is also a violation of this Policy and must be reported by any Covered Individual as such.
All athlete safety violations must be reported: however, complaints of Retaliation that fall under the
exclusive jurisdiction of the Center should be directed to the Center. Nothing in this Policy replaces or
changes an individual’s obligations under the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic
Movement. If the Ethics Committee receives a complaint that may fall under the Center’s jurisdiction, it
must send the complaint to USA Swimming’s Program Director, Safe Sport, who will confirm whether the
Center has exclusive jurisdiction over the matter and, if so, will make a report with the Center.
Investigation: Upon receipt of a filed complain, the Ethics Committee shall promptly perform an initial
inquiry and, as appropriate, initiate an investigation of reports of Retaliation. A complaint may not warrant
investigation following an initial inquiry if, for example, the Ethics Committee determines that it does not
have jurisdiction over the matter under this Policy, if there is insufficient evidence, or if the reporting party
declined to participate in the initial inquiry. If a member of the Ethics Committee is allegedly involved in or
witness to the Retaliation, they will recuse themselves from the investigation.
After the initial inquiry and investigation are complete, the Ethics Committee may decide to initiate a
complaint in the name of the Ethics Committee by filing the complaint with the NBOR Chair and requesting
a hearing. If the Ethics Committee does not decide to initiate a complaint following an investigation, it may
advise the complaining party that, while the Ethics Committee will not initiate a complaint in its own name,
the complaining party may still file their complaint directly with the NBOR Chair. If the complaining party
chooses to go forward with the complaint, the NBOR Chair may then decide to either assign the matter for
hearing or dismiss the complaint. Following a hearing and decision of the NBOR, any real party in interest
may appeal any decision of the NBOR pursuant to Article 407 of the Rulebook.
USA Swimming may discipline (up to and including by termination of employment or other association with
USA Swimming) a Covered Individual for any such Retaliation. A Covered Individual making a report of a
Retaliation in bad faith may be subject to disciplinary action.
The Ethics Committee should coordinate with USA Swimming’s Manager, Human Resources, Payroll &
Benefits if it receives any allegations of retaliation involving employees. If during an investigation, the
Ethics Committee finds that an employee has retaliated against a Protected Individual
the Ethics
As defined by USA Swimming Bylaw 4.6.4
As defined by USA Swimming’s Rules & Regulations
As defined by the Act, any amateur athlete, coach, trainer, manager, administrator, or official associated with the
USOPC or a National Governing Body. Section 220509(c)(2) of the Act
Committee must immediately report the retaliation to USA Swimming; USA Swimming must immediately
terminate or suspend that individual without pay as required by Section 220509(c)(2) of the Act.
Confidentiality: All such reports will be treated as confidentially as possible, given that there may need to
be some disclosure to conduct the investigation. For example, USA Swimming may need to waive
confidentiality under this Policy based on legal reporting requirements.
Contact Information for the Office of the Athlete Ombuds
Phone: 719-866-5000
Email: ombudsman@usathlete.org
Website: usathlete.org
USOPC Integrity Portal
Website: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/53006/index.html
5.0 Sexual Misconduct Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 31, 2021
It is the policy of USA Swimming as represented in the Code of Conduct and the SafeSport Code for the
Olympic and Paralympic Movement that all of its participants, including, without limitation, member
athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers, have the right to participate and compete in an environment
that is healthy and positive, free from sexual abuse and harassment.
6.0 Document Retention Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 15, 2021
USA Swimming’s legal counsel shall be instructed to inform the President & CEO when document
destruction (planned or otherwise) should be halted. The President & CEO will in turn notify the staff and
board members. Violation of such orders can result in immediate termination.
7.0 Swimming Privacy Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: November 2023
Please read the following Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) carefully. If you do not agree with these terms
governing your relationship with USA Swimming, you should not use the USA Swimming applications,
website, platform, or other software or technology products.
USA Swimming, Inc., and its affiliates and associates (together “USA Swimming,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) is
committed to protecting the privacy of its website users, members, swimmers, and families. We have
prepared this Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) to describe our practices regarding the collection, use, and
sharing of personal information for our technology products that link to this Policy and which include: (i) our
website, including all pages on our domain www.usaswimming.org (the “website”), (ii) our applications,
including the USA Swimming Mobile Application (the “USA Swimming Mobile App” or together the
“applications”), and (iii) our membership management platforms including the SWIMS Platform (the
“SWIMS Platform”). This Policy does not apply to information collected about you offline, through sites
such as online shops or donation platforms that display different privacy policies, or through your
interactions with USA Swimming employees or contractors outside of the website or applications (such as
via telephone or email).
We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time and will notify you by changing the “Last Updated”
date above and/or by notifying you using the contact information you provided, if any. Please review this
Policy periodically to keep up to date on our most current policies and practices.
As used in this Policy, “personal information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is
reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a
particular consumer or household. Personal Information does not include information that is already in the
public domain, government records, or that you choose or agree to make public through USA Swimming
or any other means. We collect personal information about you from the below sources.
As an interactive website, we collect certain personal information, including cookies. When you use certain
features on our website, we will collect additional personal information. For example, when you create an
account, we collect your name, email, login credentials, and membership information. When you shop with
our third-party providers, we receive information on which products you purchase. When you apply for a
job on our Job Board, we collect your name, contact information, and resume. When you take an official
test, we record your name and results.
We collect information for the SWIMS Platform when you voluntarily submit it to us, but also when your
information is submitted on your behalf by a third party, such as your Local Swimming Committee (each
an “LSC”), your member club (each a “club”), an event organizer, or another third party. SWIMS may collect
your personal information such as:
When you sign up on the platform, your name, birth date, physical address, email, ethnicity,
disabilities, gender, and club affiliation;
As you use SWIMS, your results, meets, competitions, awards, and honors;
Your USA Swimming account information if you choose to link to SWIMS;
When needed, via forms you submit, like biographical information, coaching history, clothes sizing,
photos, government identification, and medical or other consents; and
The SWIMS Platform also performs logistical and organizational tasks for USA Swimming, LSCs, clubs,
athletes, and non-athlete members. Some data in the SWIMS Platform is entered by USA Swimming staff,
while other data may be entered by third parties like an LSC, a local club, or a vendor or representative
engaged by a local club. Please see below and review our Terms of Use for more information.
We collect your name, email, phone number, credentials, username, zip code, membership, and club on
the USA Swimming Mobile App (formerly known as the Deck Pass Plus app), along with your times,
rankings, certifications, images, interactions with our content, and results from our events. You may also
link to your USA Swimming membership with this app.
We collect personal information when you, your team, your coach, a representative or vendor of your team,
your club, an LSC, or another party submits information to us. To enable you to participate in some of our
activities, we may ask you to provide personal information such as name, e-mail address, telephone
number, payment information, and date of birth. Here are some of the ways we may collect personal
information from you:
During account registration
Online surveys
Forum(s) registration
Web server logs
Biographical data that you submit to your club
Times information submitted by your team or an LSC
Testing results submitted by your coach or an LSC
Job applications
Concerns you report
Contests or sweepstakes in which you participate
Information related to risk management, such as concussion prevention, coach and member safety
certification, vaccination status, disease screening, safety and risk records, club communication
Background checks required for your account
When you request help or otherwise contact us
We receive personal information from third parties such as LSCs, clubs, our foundation, your team,
coaches, volunteers, officials, other governing bodies, public databases, ticketing platforms, and social
media platforms to supplement the information we receive from you. If we do so, this Policy governs how
we can use that personal information.
“Cookies” are small bits of information that may be placed on the hard drive of a computer. Cookies are
used to gather basic tracking information and to present advertisements and are placed on your hard drive
by many major websites. They are especially necessary when ordering a product online. Cookies allow
websites to determine the type of computer operating system and browser that you and other viewers are
using, which enables websites to improve access to content.
For additional information, please see USA Swimming's Cookie Policy
We automatically collect information from the website and applications related to your use thereof,
including pages viewed, emails opened, features used, browser and/or mobile device information,
operating system, timestamps, the pages you request, and the actions and path you take on the website
or application. Generally, we use this information to better understand how visitors to our website or
application use it, and to make improvements to it.
We use the personal information we collect for record and score keeping, internal marketing and USA
Swimming Foundation fundraising purposes, to help us determine how to fix or improve our site, monitor
usage, customize content, facilitate transactions, evaluate your application(s), and contact you for
verification and administrative purposes. We do not sell or share your personal information to third parties
for value unless you provide your consent.
We will make results of meets available on our website or through our applications. If you participate in an
event sponsored by an LSC, a club, or us, your times, events, and honors may be available for public
searching on our website or application.
When you post messages or comments or upload images or videos to the public areas of the website,
such as our Job Board, message boards, and comment sections, other users will be able to see the content
of your post, as well as your username.
When you post messages or comments or upload content to social networking sites (“SNSs”), the terms
of use and privacy policy of such SNSs apply. We will not be responsible or liable for: (i) the availability or
accuracy of such SNSs; (ii) the content, products, or services on or available via such SNSs; or (iii) your
use of any SNSs. If you post on any of our SNSs, we will collect whatever information you post and use it
to improve our internal functioning, administer our events, provide you information you request, and
improve our marketing.
We use the personal information you provide to SWIMS Platform and the USA Swimming Mobile App to
provide the services you request, to administer swim meets and similar administrative functions related to
swimmers and their clubs, to perform our functions as a governing body, to protect our sport from doping,
and to market USA Swimming to you and others. We, our affiliates, an LSC, or a club may also share
between us, some of the personal information contained on the SWIMS Platform including an athlete’s
name, age, affiliation, and results. When your information is being entered into the SWIMS Platform during
registration, the SWIMS Platform may suggest information about you stored in the SWIMS Platform to the
enterer in order to ensure the correct person is registered. Suggested information may include things like
name, location, birth date, and linking your USA Swimming membership.
We may create anonymous data records from personal information by excluding information (such as your
name) that makes data personally identifiable to you. We may use this anonymous data to figure out how
people interact with us so we can improve our internal functioning, your experience, our services, and our
security. We reserve the right to use anonymous data for any purpose and to share this data with third
parties including our service providers, teams, clubs, LSCs, or others for any purpose whatsoever.
We may use your contact information, cookies, or a combination of both to send you targeted offers
involving third parties or on SNSs. To opt out of retargeting, please email us at privacy@usaswimming.org
or (i) unsubscribe from our mailing list using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any promotional email,
and (ii) opt out of cookies per USA Swimming’s Cookie Policy.
We will use your personal information as you direct via your consent procured in accordance with
applicable law.
We may share your personal information with service providers that perform services for USA Swimming
such as hosting, marketing assistance, and website optimization. We may disclose information without
providing you a choice or notice to protect our legal rights or those of affiliated companies, employees, or
agents, to protect the safety and security of other users, or for risk management purposes. We may also
share personal information with third-party service providers to USA Swimming or other third-party services
to which your LSC, club, parent, or guardian request access pursuant to a separate agreement with us.
In addition to the above, we may share your personal information in the following situations:
As you consent to those uses at the time you provide your personal information;
As required by law or to protect our rights and property with third parties. This includes:
o Complying with a subpoena or other legal process requests,
o Protecting your safety or the safety of others,
o Investigating fraud or violation of our terms of use or other contract, and
o Responding to a valid government request or subpoena.
For public health activities and purposes, such as contagious disease reporting, investigation or
surveillance, and notices to and from our governing bodies;
For health oversight activities, such as licensing, audits, investigations, and inspections;
To avert a serious threat to your health and safety or the health or safety of another person pursuant
to applicable law;
For law enforcement purposes, such as to provide information about someone who is or was
suspected to be a victim of a crime or to report information about a crime, or to a correctional
institution in certain circumstances;
For specialized government functions, such as for lawful national intelligence purposes, for military
purposes; and
Disclosures authorized by an applicable workers’ compensation program.
Please see “For California Residents” below for more on how we share your personal information.
Our website contains links to other sites whose information practices may be different from ours. You
should consult the other websites' privacy notices, which may differ from ours. We encourage you to read
the privacy policy of any third-party website or applications before transmitting information to such third
party. If you, your LSC, club, or coach link your member account with a third-party service that your LSC
or club uses, that third party service’s privacy notice will apply.
USA Swimming endeavors to protect and keep user personal information private. We use appropriate
security measures designed to protect the security of your personal information both online and offline,
including without limitation relevant industry certifications. These measures vary based on the sensitivity
of the personal information we collect, process, and store and the current state of technology. We also
take measures to ensure service providers that process personal data on our behalf also have appropriate
security controls in place.
USA Swimming cannot guarantee the security of user account information. Unauthorized entry or use,
hardware or software failure, and other factors may compromise the security of user information at any
Your accounts are protected by a password selected by you for your privacy and security. You are solely
responsible for ensuring that there is no unauthorized access to your account using those credentials.
We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 16 without
appropriate parent or guardian consent. If you are under 16, please do not attempt to register for any of
our services or send any information about yourself to us; please have your parent or guardian create an
account. No one under age 16 should provide any personal information to us through our website or
applications. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 16 without
legally sufficient parent or guardian consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you
believe that we might have any inadvertently collected or received personal information from or about a
child under 16, please contact us at pri[email protected] as soon as possible and we will delete the
This section of the Policy applies only to the extent that USA Swimming is subject to the California
Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA”). Unless otherwise defined in this Policy, capitalized terms in this
section have the meaning given to them in the CCPA.
We have collected the following categories of personal information about website or application users the
past 12 months. The categories of personal information listed below are defined by the CCPA. We do not
sell or share your personal information for valuable consideration, as defined by the CCPA, and have not
done so in the previous 12 months.
Category of
Sold or
for a
Categories of
Retention Period*
Identifiers, such as
name, email
address, and
member number
Marketing, IT,
hosting, ecommerce,
and swim club and
LSC administration
service providers.
Governing bodies,
teams, coaches,
officials, volunteers.
The duration of your
membership or
interaction with us,
plus ten years
Customer Records
Swim club and LSC
service providers.
Governing bodies,
teams, coaches,
The duration of your
membership or
transaction with us,
plus ten years
Information, such as
products purchased
Marketing, IT,
hosting, ecommerce,
and swim club and
LSC administration
service providers.
Governing bodies,
teams, coaches.
Seven years
Governing bodies,
teams, coaches,
Swim club and LSC
service providers
The duration of your
membership or
interaction with us,
plus ten years
Internet Activity
Hosting, IT,
advertising, and
security service
Seven years
Sensitive Personal
Information, such as
Government ID or
Governing bodies,
teams, coaches,
Swim club and LSC
service providers
The duration of your
membership or
interaction with us,
plus ten years
Professional or
Hosting, IT, security,
HR, service
providers. Governing
bodies, teams,
As long as
necessary to
evaluate your
submission or
application, plus
seven years
Inferences about
your preferences,
characteristics, or
Hosting, IT,
marketing, and
security service
Four years
*All retention periods are subject to the potential for longer retention pursuant to applicable law, litigation
hold, or separate contract between you, your LSC, Club, Coach, and us or a service provider.
**We use google analytics on our site to help us track the effectiveness of our advertising and marketing
efforts. To the extent this may be considered a “sale” of personal information under the CCPA, you may
opt out by changing your cookie preferences here.
Under the CCPA, you have the following rights:
Right to Know: You have the right to request that we disclose to you the personal information we
collect, use, or disclose, and information about our data practices.
Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to request that we delete your personal information
that we have collected from you.
Right to Non-Discrimination: We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of these rights.
Right to Restrict Processing of Sensitive Personal Information: You have the right, at any time, to
direct us to limit our use of your sensitive personal information to that use which is necessary to
perform the services you have requested, e.g., to evaluate and administer your job application.
Right to Opt Out of Sale of Personal Information: You have the right to opt out of the sale of your
personal information for purposes of targeted advertising. You may opt out of our use of cookies or
other technologies which may be deemed to be a sale of personal information by using our cookie
banner or clicking here.
To exercise your rights under the CCPA, click here or call our toll-free line at 719-866-4578.
Please note that to protect your information and the integrity of our services, we may need to verify your
identity before processing your request. In some cases, we may need to collect additional information to
verify your identity, such as a government issued ID.
Under the CCPA, you may exercise these rights yourself or you may designate an authorized agent to
make these requests on your behalf. We may request that your authorized agent have written permission
from you to make requests on your behalf and may need to verify your authorized agent’s identity.
When you participate in certain USA Swimming events, join certain teams, sign up for SWIMS, or provide
relevant information to your LSC, club, or coach, we may collect information deemed “protected health
information” as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. The following is
a list of your rights with respect to your protected health information and a brief description of how you may
exercise these rights. You can request to exercise any of these rights by contacting us using the contact
information below.
You have the right to look at or order a copy of your protected health information that we maintain. Except
in a few limited situations, we will respond to your request for access to or request for a copy of your
protected health information within 30 days of receiving your written request. If we need more time, we will
notify you in writing. If we have information about you in electronic format, we will provide it to you in an
electronic format. As permitted by federal and state law, we may charge you a reasonable cost-based fee
for a copy of your records.
You may request restrictions on how we use and disclose your protected health information. We will
consider such a request, but we are not required to agree to a restriction.
You may ask us to communicate with you in a confidential way concerning your protected health
information by emailing us at [email protected]rg. We will accommodate any
reasonable request for you to receive your protected health information by alternative means of
communication or at an alternative location. We will not request an explanation from you as to the basis
for such a request.
You may ask us to amend your protected health information if you think it is incomplete or inaccurate. We
will respond within 30 days of such request, unless we notify you in writing we need additional time. Please
contact privacy@usaswimming.org if you have questions about amending your protected health
You have the right to request a list of disclosures that we have made of your protected health information
within the past six years (or a shorter period if you want). We will usually respond to your request for a list
of disclosures within 30 days of the receipt of your request.
We will notify you if there is a breach involving your protected health information, as required by law.
For questions or concerns about our Policy or any other privacy or security issue, please contact us at
You may also contact us at:
Attn: Privacy Policy
1 Olympic Plaza # 2C
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
8.0 Cookie Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 22, 2021
Please read this “Cookie Policy” carefully as it contains important information on how we, USA Swimming,
use cookies and other tracking technologies on our website located at www.usaswimming.org (“Website”).
This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy, which sets out how and why we collect,
store, use and share personal data generally, as well as your rights in relation to your personal data and
details of how to contact us and supervisory authorities if you have a complaint. This Cookie Policy relates
only to your use of the Website. Any term capitalized and undefined in this Cookie Policy shall have the
meaning in the Privacy Policy.
Like most websites, USA Swimming may place a “cookie,” or small file, in the browser files of a visitor’s
computer to enable the functionality of the website or use tracking technologies. Some cookies are used
to prepopulate forms for you so that on repeat visits to the Website you do not need to re-enter certain
information. You can set your browser to disable cookies, but then you would not have the advantage of
having certain sections of forms being prepopulated for you, and you may not be able to access certain
parts of the Website. You can find more information about cookies and how to manage them at
Our Website uses the following types of cookies for the purposes set out below:
Type of Cookie
Essential Cookies
Essential cookies provide you with services available through our Website and to
enable you to use some of their features. Without these cookies, the services that you
request via our Website may not be possible to provide. We only use these cookies to
provide you with those services.
Functionality cookies allow our Website to remember choices you make when you
use it. The purpose of these cookies is to provide you with a more personalized
experience and to avoid you from having to re-select your preferences every time you
use our Website.
Analytics and
Analytics and performance cookies are used to collect information about traffic to our
Website and how users use our Website. The information gathered may include the
number of visitors to our Website, the websites that referred them to our Website, the
pages they visited on our Website, what time of day they visited our Website, whether
they have visited our Website before and other similar information. We use this
information to help operate our Website more efficiently, to gather demographic
information and to monitor the level of activity on our Website.
Targeting Cookies
Targeting cookies record your visit to our Website, the pages you have visited and the
links you have followed. We use this information to display our advertising to you on
other websites. Third party advertisers also use these types of cookies to show
advertisements for other businesses or organizations based on your online behavior
and overall activity.
We will ask for your consent to place cookies or other similar technologies on your device, except where
they are essential for us to provide you with the service or functionality that you have requested.
You can also remove or reject cookies via your browser settings. To do this, follow the instructions provided
in your browser (usually located within the “settings,” “help,” “tools” or “edit” facility). Many browsers are
set to accept cookies until you change your settings. If you do not accept our cookies, you may experience
some inconvenience in your use of our Website.
Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to help us understand traffic patterns and know if there are problems with our
Website. We may also use embedded images in emails to track open rates for our mailings, so that we
can tell which mailings appeal most to USA Swimming supporters. You may opt out of Google Analytics
cookies or opt-out of having Google send your information to a third party by visiting Google’s opt-out page:
Facebook ID
We may use your email address and Facebook ID to participate in Facebook’s Custom Audience, Lookalike
Audience, or other programs, which enable us to display campaign promotions to both existing and
prospective members when they visit.
To do this, we may send a digital “fingerprint” of your email address to Facebook. We do not send your
actual email address, but instead a cryptographic piece of data that Facebook can use to find matches to
email addresses in their database. If you are a Facebook user and your USA Swimming email address
“fingerprint” matches data at Facebook, USA Swimming campaign promotions may then appear when you
access Facebook.
For more detailed information about how you can control the ads presented to you on Facebook, please
see: https://www.facebook.com/help/1075880512458213/control-the-ads-you-see/ and Facebook’s data
policy at https://www.facebook.com/policy.php.
Other Third-Party Cookies
More generally, if you would like to opt-out of having interest-based information collected by third parties
during your visits to our Website or other websites, please visit http://www.aboutads.info/choices/. Some
third parties do not participate in the industry-developed opt-out website, in which case the best way to
avoid third-party tracking of your online behavior may be through your browser settings and deletion of
Do Not Track Mechanisms
Your browser may deliver a “Do-Not-Track (‘DNT’) signal,” or similar mechanism for exercising choices
about the collection of information about your online activities. Because of the changing state of technology,
we do not guarantee that we will honor DNT signals or similar mechanisms at this time.
Our Cookies
We have set out information about the cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them in the
table below:
Name of Cookie
Type of Cookie
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
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Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Analytics and
Collects information about the site.
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Analytics and
Collects information about the site.
Analytics and
Collects information about the site.
Analytics and
Collects information about the site.
Analytics and
Collects information about the site.
Analytics and
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Analytics and
Collects information about the site.
Analytics and
Collects information about the site.
Analytics and
Collects information about the site.
Analytics and
Collects information about the site.
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
Targeting Cookie
Personalizes the marketing content that you
JavaScript Cookies
Essential Cookie
Enables you to use the site.
Stores your site preferences.
Stores your site preferences.
II. Safe Sport and DEI
9.0 Background Check Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: April 8, 2024
The following individuals are required to pass a criminal background check conducted by IntelliCorp
Records, the background check provider engaged by USA Swimming:
All USA Swimming non-athlete members subject to the exclusion below.
All adult National Team and National Junior Team athletes.
All adult athletes selected to participate on a national or international team, or an event to which
the USOPC sends athletes.
All adult non-athletes traveling with and/or having direct contact with or authority over athletes
during a USA Swimming- or USOPC-related national or international team trip.
All adult athletes training at the Olympic and Paralympic Training Center.
Exclusion: The criminal background check requirement is waived for Junior Coaches.
Background Check Searches Conducted
1. Validated Criminal Database Search for criminal convictions including Validated Sexual Offender
search in all states, social security trace and identity verification, and a search of other watch lists
form various national and international databases. The validated database search will be conducted
on the name provided and on all former last names (as applicable) found within the seven (7) year
address history.
Such search will be repeated monthly on the anniversary of the original background check date for
the 24-month period that the background check authorization is valid. Any member who chooses
to leave USA Swimming during this 24-month period and wishes to stop the monthly updates must
notify USA Swimming’s Member Services Department in writing that such member has resigned
his/her membership. The monthly update will be discontinued within 30 days following receipt of
the member’s notice of resignation. Depending on the scheduled monthly update and the date of
resignation, one monthly update may occur following the notice of resignation.
2. County Criminal Search in all counties of residence within the seven (7) year address history on
name provided and one (1) former last name as applicable.
3. Federal Court Search on name provided.
USA Swimming Criminal Background Check Disqualification Criteria and Appeals Process
Any results that meet the criteria set below will be reported to USA Swimming’s General Counsel.
Automatic Disqualifiers (“Review – Eligible for Dispute”): A non-athlete member or prospective non-athlete
member will be disqualified from USA Swimming membership if a background search reveals that such
individual has been convicted of, received an imposition of a deferred sentence for, or for any plea of guilty
or no contest at any time, or the existence of any pending charges for any crime involving:
1. Any felony involving:
a. Violence against a person;
b. Violent crimes involving weapons (including armed robbery and aggravated assault with a
c. Animal abuse or animal neglect.
2. Any felony or misdemeanor involving:
a. All sexual crimes (excluding only those potential disqualifiers provided in 3(c) below);
b. Drug use or possession (including the use of drug paraphernalia), within the previous three
(3) years;
c. Other drug related crimes including drug distribution, intent to distribute, manufacturing
trafficking or sale within the previous seven (7) years;
d. Child endangerment, neglect, or abuse.
Individuals with a “Pre-Adverse” Status may dispute the accuracy of the reported information with
IntelliCorp Records, but not the consequence of disqualification if the above criteria are met.
Potential Disqualifiers (“Review Eligible for Appeal”):
A non-athlete member or prospective non-athlete member will be subject to review for disqualification from
USA Swimming membership if a background search reveals that such individual has been convicted of,
received an imposition of a deferred sentence for, or for any plea of guilty or no contest at any time, or the
existence of any pending charges for any crime involving:
1. Other felonies not included in Automatic Disqualifiers above;
2. Crimes involving vehicular bodily harm;
3. Other misdemeanors for:
a. Drug crimes which are not covered in Automatic Disqualifiers above;
b. Violence against a person (including crimes involving firearms);
c. Prostitution, indecent exposure, and public indecency;
d. Stalking, harassment, blackmail, violation of a protection order and threats;
e. Destruction of property, including arson, vandalism, and criminal mischief;
f. Animal abuse or neglect.
Any adult National Team athlete, adult National Junior Team athlete, adult athlete selected to participate
on a national or international team or an event to which the USOPC sends athletes, and any athlete training
at the Olympic and Paralympic Training Center will be subject to review for disqualification from designation
to the National Team, National Junior Team, section to participate in national or international team events,
or events to which the USOPC sends athletes, or approval to train at the Olympic and Paralympic Training
Center if a background search reveals that such individual has been convicted of, received an imposition
of a deferred sentence for, or for any plea of guilty or no contest at any time, or the existence of any pending
charges for any crime involving:
(1) Any felony involving:
a. Violence against a person;
b. Violent crimes involving weapons (including armed robbery and aggravated assault with a
c. Animal abuse or animal neglect.
(2) Any felony or misdemeanor involving:
a. All sexual crimes (excluding only those potential disqualifiers provided in 3(c) below);
b. Drug use or possession (including the use of drug paraphernalia), within the previous three
(3) years;
c. Other drug related crimes including drug distribution, intent to distribute, manufacturing
trafficking or sale within the previous seven (7) years;
d. Child endangerment, neglect, or abuse.
Individuals with a status of “Eligible to Appeal” may request a hearing before the USA Swimming
Background Check Appeal Panel to contest the consequence of disqualification. An applicant may also
dispute the accuracy of the reported information with IntelliCorp Records.
Offenses that have already been reported to USA Swimming under its previous background check
process would not trigger additional action.
Questions: backgroundchec[email protected]
10.0 Inactive Life Members and Background Screening
Date of adoption / Last revision: August 9, 2024
USA Swimming Corporate Bylaws 2.6.2 and 2.6.3 require all non-athlete members of USA Swimming
to have satisfactorily completed criminal background checks and adult members of USA Swimming to
have satisfactorily completed athlete protection education.
Inactive Life Members of USA Swimming are exempt from the criminal background screen and athlete
protection education requirements set forth in Bylaws 2.6.2 and 2.6.3. Inactive Life Members of USA
Swimming are defined as those Life Members who:
Are neither a coach member nor an active official;
Do not interact directly and frequently with athletes as a regular part of their duties;
Do not have an ownership interest or management role in a member club;
Are not an employee or serving on the Board of Directors of a member club; and
Are not serving on the Board of Directors, Board of Review, House of Delegates, or any
committee, subcommittee, task force or working group of USA Swimming or an LSC.
11.0 USA Swimming Volunteer Screening and Selection Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: November 18, 2021
All non-athletes appointed by USA Swimming to a position of leadership or authority will be subject to the
mandatory and recommended components of the USA Swimming Pre-Employment Screening Procedures
for New Employees. This includes, without limitation, individuals selected to serve as a coach, manager,
team staff member, or medical staff member candidates for USA Swimming-selected team, training camp,
or other similar activity. Additionally, this includes individuals appointed to serve as a USA Swimming
committee chair or chair of a working group or task force. In addition, all such non-athletes will be subject
to vetting with the U.S. Center for SafeSport and will be subject to a social network and Google media
screen conducted by a third-party vendor.
All athlete representatives assigned or appointed by USA Swimming to serve as an athlete representative
on a USA Swimming-selected team, training camp, or other similar activity shall be subject to a social
network and Google media screen.
The results such screens will be reviewed by the USA Swimming Program Director, Safe Sport and/or the
Coordinator, Background Checks and Administrative Assistant.
12.0 Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: September 1, 2021
In-Program Contact: Any contact (including communications, interactions or activities) between an Adult
Participant and any Minor Athlete(s) related to participation in sport. Examples include, but are not limited
to: competition, practices, camps/clinics, training/instructional sessions, pre/post event meals or outings,
team travel, video review, team- or sport-related team building activities, celebrations, award ceremonies,
banquets, team- or sport-related fundraising or community services, sport education, competition site visits,
conventions and/or summits.
Adult Participants: Any adult 18 years of age or older who is a:
USA Swimming member, either athlete or non-athlete;
Participating non-member (e.g., meet marshals, meet computer operators, timers, etc.);
Authorized, approved or appointed by USA Swimming, Zones, Local Swimming Committees
(“LSCs”) or member clubs to have regular contact with (e.g., ongoing interactions during a 12-month
period wherein the individual is in a role of active engagement) or authority over Minor Athletes;
Within the governance or disciplinary jurisdiction of USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs or member clubs.
USA Swimming Zones, LSCs and member clubs are required to implement this Minor Athlete Abuse
Prevention Policy in full. The Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy must be reviewed and agreed to in
writing by all athletes, parents/legal guardians, coaches and other non-athlete members of member clubs
on an annual basis with such written agreement to be retained by the club or LSC, as applicable.
Athlete: A USA Swimming athlete member.
Authority: When one person’s position over another person is such that, based on the totality of the
circumstances, they have the power or right to direct, control, give orders to, or make decisions for that
person (e.g., when a power imbalance exists).
Dual Relationship: When an Adult Participant has a relationship with a Minor Athlete that is outside of the
sport program. Examples of Dual Relationships include, but are not limited to, family members, mental
health professionals, teachers, medical professionals and family friends.
Emergency Circumstances: A serious, unexpected and possibly dangerous situation that requires quick
action and cannot be avoided. Emergency circumstances include, but are not limited to: a physical, mental
or emotional medical emergency involving the Minor Athlete, relative of the Minor Athlete or relative of an
Adult Participant; a Minor Athlete’s suicidal ideations/behavior; a report of abuse; a severe weather event;
and last-minute practice changes.
Electronic Communication: Includes, but not limited to, phone calls, emails, videoconferencing, video
coaching, text-messaging and social media.
Event or Facility Under Partial or Full Jurisdiction: Includes any USA Swimming sanctioned event
(including all travel and lodging in connection with participation in the event) or any facility that USA
Swimming, Zones, LSCs or member clubs owns, leases or rents for practice, training or competition.
In-Program: Activities related to participation in sport. Examples include, but are not limited to: competition,
practices, meetings, camps/clinics, training/instructional sessions, pre/post event meals or outings, team
travel, video review, team- or sport-related team building activities, celebrations, award ceremonies,
banquets, team- or sport-related fundraising or community services, sport education, competition site visits,
conventions, conferences, summits and/or workshops.
In-Program Contact: Any contact (including communications, interactions or activities) between an Adult
Participant and any Minor Athlete(s) related to participation in sport. Examples include, but are not limited
to contact occurring at or related to: competition, practices, meetings, camps/clinics, training/instructional
sessions, pre/post event meals or outings, team travel, video review, team- or sport-related team building
activities, celebrations, award ceremonies, banquets, team- or sport-related fundraising or community
services, sport education, competition site visits, conventions, conferences, summits and/or workshops.
In-Program Massage: Any Massage involving an Adult Participant and any Minor Athlete(s) related to
participation in sport. Examples include, but are not limited to Massage occurring at or related to:
competition, practices, meetings, camps/clinics, training/instructional sessions, pre/post event meals or
outings, team travel, video review, team- or sport-related team building activities, celebrations, award
ceremonies, banquets, team- or sport-related fundraising or community services, sport education,
competition site visits, conventions, conferences, summits and/or workshops.
In-Program Travel: Any transportation or travel involving an Adult Participant and any Minor Athlete(s)
related to participation in sport authorized or funded by USA Swimming. Examples include, but are not
limited to transportation or travel to or related to: competition, practices, meetings, camps/clinics,
training/instructional sessions, pre/post event meals or outings, team travel, video review, team- or sport-
related team building activities, celebrations, award ceremonies, banquets, team- or sport-related
fundraising or community services, sport education, competition site visits, conventions, conferences,
summits and/or workshops.
Massage: Any massage, rubdown, athletic training modality including physical modalities (e.g., stretching,
physical manipulation, injury rehabilitation, etc.) and electronic or instrument assisted modalities (e.g., stim
treatment, dry needling, cupping, etc.).
Minor Athlete: An athlete under 18 years of age who is a USA Swimming member or was a USA Swimming
member within the previous 12 months.
[Note: Exceptions apply only where specified]
Close-In-Age Exception: In-Program Contact between an Adult Participant and a Minor Athlete is
permitted if:
a. The Adult Participant has no authority over the Minor Athlete; and
b. The Adult Participant is not more than four years older than the Minor Athlete.
Dual Relationship Exception: An Adult Participant has a dual role or relationship with a Minor Athlete.
This exception requires written consent of the Minor Athlete’s parent/legal guardian at least annually.
I. Observable and Interruptible
All one-on-one In-Program Contact interactions between a Minor Athlete and an Adult Participant must
occur at an observable and interruptible distance from another adult, except:
a. In emergency circumstances;
b. When a Dual Relationship exists; and/or
c. When the Close-In-Age Exception applies.
I. Meetings
a. Meetings between a Minor Athlete and an Adult Participant may only occur if another adult is
present and where interactions can be easily observed and at an interruptible distance from another
b. If a one-on-one meeting takes place, the door to the room must remain unlocked and open. If
available, it must occur in a room that has windows, with the windows, blinds, and/or curtains
remaining open during the meeting.
c. Meetings must not be conducted in an Adult Participant or Athlete’s hotel room or other overnight
lodging location during In-Program Travel.
II. Meetings with Licensed Mental Health Care Professionals and/or Health Care Providers
If a licensed mental health care professional and/or health care provider meets one-on-one with a Minor
Athlete at an Event or Facility Under Partial or Full Jurisdiction of USA Swimming in conjunction with
participation, the meeting must be observable and interruptible by another adult, except if:
a. The door remains unlocked;
b. Another adult is present at the facility;
c. The other adult is advised that a closed-door meeting is occurring although the Minor Athlete’s
identity does not need to be disclosed;
d. USA Swimming is notified that the licensed mental health care professional and or health care
provider will be meeting with a Minor Athlete; and
e. The licensed mental health care professional and/or health care provider obtains consent
consistent with applicable laws and ethical standards, which can be withdrawn at any time.
III. Individual Training Sessions
a. In-Program one-on-one individual training sessions outside of the regular course of training and
practice between Adult Participants and Minor Athletes must be observable and interruptible by
another adult, except:
i. When a Dual Relationship exists; and/or
ii. When the Close-In-Age Exception applies.
b. The Adult Participant providing the individual training session must receive advance, written
consent from the Minor Athlete’s parent/legal guardian at least annually, with a copy provided to
USA Swimming, which can be withdrawn at any time.
c. Parents/legal guardians must be allowed to observe the individual training session.
I. Content
All Electronic Communication from Adult Participants to Minor Athletes must be professional in nature.
II. Open and Transparent
a. If an Adult Participant communicates one-on-one with a Minor Athlete via Electronic
Communications, the Minor Athlete’s parent/legal guardian must be copied or included. If a Minor
Athlete communicates to the Adult Participant privately first, said Adult Participant must copy or
include the Minor Athlete’s parent/legal guardian on any Electronic Communication response to the
Minor Athlete. Adult Participants must only use Electronic Communication platforms that allow for
Open and Transparent communication.
b. The following exceptions apply to Section II(a):
i. In emergency circumstances;
ii. When a Dual Relationship exists; and/or
iii. When the Close-In-Age Exception applies.
c. When an Adult Participant communicates electronically to the entire team or any number of Minor
Athletes on the team, said Adult Participant must copy another Adult Participant.
III. Requests to Discontinue
Parents/legal guardians may request in writing that their Minor Athlete not be contacted through any form
of electronic communication by USA Swimming or by an Adult Participant subject to this Policy. USA
Swimming must abide by any such request that the Minor Athlete not be contacted via electronic
communication, or included in any social media post, absent emergency circumstances.
IV. Hours
Electronic communications must only be sent between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. local time for
the location of the Minor Athlete, unless emergency circumstances exist, or during competition travel.
V. Prohibited Electronic Communication
a. Adult Participants are not permitted to maintain private social media connections with Minor
Athletes and such Adult Participants are not permitted to accept new personal page requests on
social media platforms from Minor Athletes, unless the Adult Participant has a fan page, or the
contact is deemed as celebrity contact as opposed to regular contact. Existing social media
connections with Minor Athletes must be discontinued. Minor Athletes may “friend”, “like” or “follow”
USA Swimming’s official page.
b. Adult Participants must not send private, instant or direct messages to a Minor Athlete through
social media platforms.
c. The following exceptions apply to Section V:
i. When a Dual Relationship exists; and/or
ii. When the Close-In-Age Exception applies.
I. Transportation
a. During In-Program Travel, observable and interruptible environments must be maintained.
b. An Adult Participant must not transport a Minor Athlete one-on-one during In-Program Travel and
must always transport at least two Minor Athletes or another Adult Participant except:
i. In emergency circumstances;
ii. When a Dual Relationship exists;
iii. When the Close-In-Age Exception applies; and/or
iv. The Minor Athlete’s parent/legal guardian has provided, at least annually, written consent
for the Adult Participant to transport the Minor Athlete one-on-one, which can be withdrawn
at any time.
c. Adult Participants, including team managers and chaperones, who travel with USA Swimming must
be USA Swimming non-athlete members of USA Swimming.
Adult Participants who are parents/legal guardians of Minor Athletes must pick up their Minor Athlete first
and drop off their Minor Athlete last in any shared or carpool travel arrangement.
II. Lodging
a. An Adult Participant must not share a hotel room, sleeping arrangement or overnight lodging
location with an Athlete.
b. During In-Program Travel, all In-Program Contact in a hotel room, sleeping arrangement or
overnight lodging location between an Adult Participant and a Minor Athlete must be observable
and interruptible.
c. During In-Program Travel, when doing room checks, two-deep leadership (two Adult Participants
should be present) and observable and interruptible environments must be maintained.
d. The following exceptions apply to II(a), (b) and (c):
i. When a Dual Relationship exists, the Adult Participant is not a coach, and the Minor
Athlete’s parent/legal guardian has provided advance, written consent for the lodging
arrangement; and/or
ii. When the Close-In-Age Exception applies and the Minor Athlete’s parent/legal guardian has
provided advance, written consent for the lodging arrangement.
e. Minor Athletes should be paired to share a hotel room, sleeping arrangement or overnight lodging
location with other Minor Athletes of the same competition category and of similar age.
III. Written Consent
A Minor Athlete’s parent/legal guardian must provide written consent, at least annually, for all In-Program
Travel and lodging during In-Program Travel, which can be withdrawn at any time.
IV. Meetings
a. Meetings during In-Program Travel must be conducted consistent with the One-on-One Interactions
section of this Policy (e.g., any such meeting must be observable and interruptible).
b. Meetings must not be conducted in an Adult Participant or athlete’s hotel room or other overnight
lodging location during In-Program Travel.
I. Requirement to Use Locker Room or Changing Area
The designated locker room or changing area must be used when an athlete or Adult Participant changes,
in whole or in part, into or out of a swimsuit when wearing just one suit (e.g., deck changing is prohibited).
II. Observable and Interruptible
All In-Program Contact between Adult Participants and Minor Athletes in a locker room, changing area or
similar space must be observable and interruptible, except:
a. In emergency circumstances;
b. A Dual Relationship exists; and/or
c. The Close-In-Age exception applies.
III. Private or Semi-Private Space for Minor Athletes
USA Swimming must provide a private or semi-private place for Minor Athletes that need to change clothes
or undress at Events or Facilities Under Partial or Full Jurisdiction of USA Swimming.
IV. Use of Recording Devices
Use of any device’s (including a cell phone’s) recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras
and video cameras in locker rooms, changing areas, or similar spaces by a Minor Athlete or an Adult
Participant is prohibited.
V. Undress
Adult Participants must not change clothes or behave in a manner that intentionally or recklessly exposes
his or her breasts, buttocks, groin or genitals to a Minor Athlete under any circumstance. An Adult
Participant must not request a Minor Athlete to expose the Minor Athlete’s breasts, buttocks, groin or
genitals to the Adult Participant under any circumstance. Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply
to areas of the body exposed while wearing swimwear which conforms to the current concept of the
appropriate for the individual’s competition category.
VI. Showers
a. Adult Participants must not shower with Minor Athletes unless:
i. The Adult Participant meets the Close-in-Age Exception; and/or
ii. The shower is part of a pre- or post-activity rinse while wearing swimwear.
b. Parents/legal guardians may request in writing that their Minor Athlete(s) not change or shower with
Adult Participants during In-Program Contact. USA Swimming must abide by such a request.
VII. Monitoring
USA Swimming must regularly and randomly monitor the use of locker rooms and changing areas to ensure
compliance with this Policy. Locker rooms and changing areas may be monitored by use of the following
a. Conducting a sweep of the locker room or changing area before athletes arrive;
b. Posting staff directly outside the locker room or changing area during periods of use;
c. Leaving the doors open when adequate privacy is still possible; and/or
d. Making occasional sweeps of the locker rooms or changing areas with women checking on female
locker rooms and men checking on male locker rooms.
Every effort must be made to recognize when a Minor Athlete goes to the locker room or changing area
during practice and competition, and, if the Minor Athlete does not return in a timely fashion, to check on
the Minor Athlete’s whereabouts.
VIII. Parents/legal guardians in Locker Rooms or Changing Areas
If a parent/legal guardian enters a locker room or changing area, it must only be a parent/legal guardian of
the same competition category and the parent/legal guardian should notify a coach or administrator in
I. General Requirement
Any In-Program Massage performed on an athlete must be conducted in an observable and interruptible
location and must be performed by a licensed massage therapist or other certified professional. However,
even if a coach is a licensed massage therapist, the coach must not perform a rubdown or massage of an
athlete under any circumstance.
II. Additional Minor Athlete Requirements
a. Written consent by a parent/legal guardian must be obtained in advance at least annually by the
licensed massage therapist or other certified professional which can be withdrawn at any time.
b. Parent/legal guardians must be allowed to observe the Massage, except for competition or training
venues that limit credentialing.
c. Any Massage of a Minor Athlete must be done with at least one other Adult Participant physically
present and must never be done with only the Minor Athlete and the person performing the
Massage in the room.
d. Any Massage of a Minor Athlete must be performed with the Minor Athlete fully or partially clothed,
ensuring that the breasts, buttocks, groin or genitals are always covered. Nothing in this section
shall be construed to apply to areas of the body exposed while wearing swimwear which conforms
to the current concept of the appropriate for the individual’s competition category.
e. Any Massage of a Minor Athlete must only occur after a proper diagnosis from a treating physician
and be done in the course of care according to the physician’s treatment plan.
f. An NGB that chooses to require its NMOs to implement the Education & Training Policy must obtain
advanced, written approval from the Center to expand the training access to additional persons.
Requests must be submitted to [email protected].
g. The mandatory components of Part III will serve as the default policy for any organization that fails
to develop its own policy as required by this section.
Please see:
Appendix IV: Additional USOPC Athlete Safety Requirements
13.0 Publication of Banned and Suspended List
Date of adoption / Last revision: July 2023
To memorialize, implement and maintain a process of public notification of individuals who are ineligible
for membership in USA Swimming either on a temporary or permanent basis consistent with the U.S.
Center for SafeSport’s public disciplinary records. The Policy enables USA Swimming to maintain its
priority of safeguarding athletes against any form of abuse.
Membership in USA Swimming is a privilege. The U.S. Center for SafeSport and USA Swimming can
suspend or revoke an individual’s membership or ability to participate according to each organization’s
processes. The List of Individuals Permanently Suspended or Ineligible for Membership (the “Banned
List”) and the List of Individuals Suspended Specific Date (the “Suspended List” and collectively the
“Lists”) are USA Swimming’s means to notify the public that an individual’s ability to participate in USA
Swimming has been suspended or revoked.
.1 PROTECT ATHLETES. The primary goal of this Policy is to reduce the risk of harm and provide a safer
and more secure environment for athletes participating in USA Swimming.
.2 PROTECT MEMBER CLUBS AND VOLUNTEERS. By formalizing this Policy, USA Swimming reduces
the risk that individuals who have been permanently suspended or are ineligible for participation or
membership will have contact with USA Swimming members or serve in a volunteer capacity with USA
Swimming member clubs.
.3 PROTECT OTHER YOUTH SERVING ORGANIZATIONS. Instituting this Policy provides a means for
USA Swimming to notify the general public of individuals who have been permanently suspended or are
ineligible for participation or membership who may attempt to join or engage in other youth serving
organizations in an effort to gain access to children resulting in abuse.
USA Swimming Safe Sport staff is responsible for adding or removing names from the Lists consistent with
its Rules and the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s public disciplinary records, as applicable. The Lists will
include the banned or suspended individual’s name, including any known aliases, the length of the
suspension, the individual’s last known state of residency and the specific USA Swimming Code of Conduct
article that was violated.
.1 Except as otherwise provided herein, an individual banned or suspended by USA Swimming will be
added to the applicable List within 24 hours of receipt of the decision to suspend.
.2 An individual who receives an interim suspension from USA Swimming will be added to the Suspended
List with “Interim Suspension Per USA Swimming” as the reason for publication with “Interim” as the
Suspension End Date and with the article of USA Swimming Code of Conduct related to a violation of the
U.S. Center for SafeSport Code (e.g., Article 304.3.17) as the reason for publication. The individual will be
added to the Suspended List within 24 hours of receipt of the decision to suspend.
.3 A banned or suspended minor will not be added to a List unless the U.S. Center for SafeSport or a law
enforcement agency includes the minor in its public disciplinary records.
.4 An individual banned or suspended by the U.S. Center for SafeSport will be added to the applicable List
with the article of USA Swimming Code of Conduct related to a violation of the U.S. Center for SafeSport
Code (e.g., Article 304.3.14) as the reason for publication. The individual will be added to the applicable
List within 24 hours of receipt of the decision to suspend.
.5 An individual who receives an interim suspension from the U.S. Center for SafeSport will be added to
the Suspended List with “Interim” as the Suspension End Date and with the article of USA Swimming Code
of Conduct related to a violation of the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code (e.g., Article 304.3.14) as the reason
for publication. The individual will be added to the Suspended List within 24 hours of receipt of the decision
to suspend
14.0 SwimAssist Program
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 29, 2021
SwimAssist Program Overview
SwimAssist is USA Swimming’s assistance fund for survivors of abuse. Established in 2014, the goal of
SwimAssist is to support survivors by alleviating the financial burden of seeking counseling, therapy, or
other healing treatment.
SwimAssist is available to any current or former USA Swimming member who suffered abuse
perpetrated by an individual who at the time of the harm was a member of USA Swimming. SwimAssist is
available to those survivors regardless of when the harm occurred. Receipt of support is not dependent
on the survivor’s participation in any disciplinary proceeding(s), including, but not limited to, a U.S. Center
for SafeSport, USA Swimming National Board of Review, or criminal proceeding.
Available Programs
Initial Counseling Assistance
a. A request for initial counseling assistance must be made in writing and submitted to the USA
Swimming Director of Safe Sport for review and approval. To assist the survivor, the USA
Swimming Safe Sport staff can facilitate preparing the request on the survivor’s behalf.
b. The survivor will be asked to identify the offending member and the year or year(s) the harm
occurred. No other information is required to receive SwimAssist.
c. The survivor and his/her family will select the treatment provider. USA Swimming may assist in
identifying local resources for the survivor but will not have any input or final say in what treatment
provider the survivor chooses.
d. The initial level of assistance is $1,800. USA Swimming will contribute $150 per session for a
maximum of 12 sessions. The survivor will be responsible for any charge(s) in excess of $150 per
Alternative Assistance
a. A survivor may request assistance in some form other than traditional counseling/therapy.
Examples of such services include, but are not limited to:
i. Fees related to continued participation in the sport of swimming
ii. Rehabilitation treatment
iii. Alternative therapies
b. A request for alternative assistance must be made in writing and submitted to the USA Swimming
Director of Safe Sport for review and approval. To assist the survivor, the USA Swimming Safe
Sport staff can facilitate preparing the request on the survivor’s behalf. The written request must
contain a description of the services sought, including promotional materials, brochure, or other
program description, if available, as well as documentation of the program’s appropriate
licensures, if any.
c. Each request will be considered on an individual basis.
d. The initial level of alternative assistance is $1,800.
Ongoing Assistance
a. If a survivor has utilized the initial $1,800 level of assistance from SwimAssist, he/she may
request additional support for ongoing counseling or alternative assistance.
b. The request must include specific amount of funding requested, the service to which the support
will go, and a letter from the provider stating the value of the program for the survivor’s recovery.
The request will be reviewed for approval by the USA Swimming Director of Safe Sport.
c. The USA Swimming Director of Safe Sport may approve ongoing assistance for up to a maximum
of $7,200.
d. In the event a request for ongoing assistance is denied by the USA Swimming Director of Safe
Sport, the request will be sent to the SwimAssist panel for additional review.
e. The survivor may be asked to submit a progress report from his/her provider. The progress note
need only indicate that the therapy has benefitted the client and that with further therapy, the
client will continue to progress.
a. All provider fees will be paid by USA Swimming directly to the provider as invoiced by the
provider. The provider will be selected by the survivor.
b. Reimbursement of the out-of-pocket expenses can be made to the survivor or their family. The
survivor or their family must show invoices and proof of payment made. Any reimbursement
amount will count towards the limits and approval levels detailed above.
c. Invoices may be submitted to the USA Swimming Safe Sport staff contact for your case.
d. USA Swimming must have a W9 from the provider in order to process payment.
The SwimAssist Panel will be a three-person standing panel appointed by the Board Chair with the
advice and consent of the USA Swimming Director of Safe Sport. The panel shall include a Safe Sport
Committee member and an outside expert in the field. All members of the Panel are required to sign a
confidentiality statement as a condition of service.
The USA Swimming Safe Sport staff will serve as the liaisons between survivors and USA Swimming to
administer SwimAssist. At its discretion, staff can offer the Initial Counseling program. For requests of
Ongoing Counseling or Alternative Assistance, staff will work with the survivor to complete the necessary
paperwork and collect the supporting materials required to submit a request to the Director of Safe Sport.
Staff will also be responsible for working with the USA Swimming finance department to complete check
requests, reimbursements, and any other steps necessary to process payment.
For more information, please contact USA Swimming Safe Sport staff at
safesport@usaswimming.org or 719-866-4578.
Please see: Appendix V: SwimAssist Application Form.
15.0 Denying a Safe Sport Club Recognition Application or
Revoking a Safe Sport Club Recognition Application
Date of adoption / Last revision: June 27, 2022
The USA Swimming Safe Sport Club Recognition program allows a USA Swimming member club to
demonstrate its commitment to creating a healthy and positive environment free from abuse for all its
members through the development and implementation of club governance measures, Safe Sport policies
and reporting mechanisms, Safe Sport best practices and training to athletes and parents.
Denying a Safe Sport Club Recognition Application
In the event a coach, registered official, club board member or club owner is under investigation for or is
the subject of an open case with the U.S. Center for SafeSport and/or USA Swimming for the issues listed
below, USA Swimming may, at its sole discretion deny recognizing the club as a Safe Sport Recognized
Program or hold the club’s application for Safe Sport Recognized Program designation pending the
resolution of the matter.
a. Potential violations for which a club may be denied Safe Sport Recognized Program designation
include, but are not limited to:
b. Violations of the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code for the Olympic and Paralympic Movements and/or
the USA Swimming Code of Conduct;
c. Violations of the Child Abuse Reporting Requirements;
d. Multiple reported violations of club or USA Swimming policies, including, but not limited to, MAAPP,
the Action Plan to Address Bullying and/or the Photography Policy; and/or
e. Falsely representing or promoting the club as a Safe Sport Recognized Program prior to achieving
such status.
A member club will be ineligible for recognition during any year in which a coach member registered with
the club has served or is serving a period of (i) probation; (ii) temporary suspension; (iii) suspension; or (iv)
ineligibility for an adjudicated or alleged violation of the SafeSport Code for the Olympic and Paralympic
Movement or USA Swimming’s Code of Conduct. Such club will remain ineligible for recognition until the
first membership year after any such period of probation, temporary suspension, suspension or ineligibility
is completed.
USA Swimming will communicate to the club in writing of a decision to deny a Safe Sport Recognized
Program application or a decision to hold the club’s application for Safe Sport Recognized Program
designation pending resolution of the matter. The communication will include recommended steps the club
should complete prior to renewing an application for Safe Sport Recognized Program designation.
Revoking Safe Sport Club Recognition Designation
In order to maintain the integrity of the Safe Sport Club Recognition designation, USA Swimming may, in
its sole discretion, remove such designation from a member club for an adjudicated violation by the U.S.
Center for SafeSport and/or USA Swimming of a coach, official, athlete, club board member or club owner
for violations including, but not limited to, the following:
Violations of the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code for the Olympic and Paralympic Movements and/or
the USA Swimming Code of Conduct;
Violations of the Child Abuse Reporting Requirements; and/or
Multiple reported violations of club or USA Swimming policies, including, but not limited to, MAAPP,
the Action Plan to Address Bullying and/or the Photography Policy.
Any decision to remove such designation from a member club must be approved by the USA Swimming
President and CEO, or his/her designee. Upon receiving approval from the USA Swimming President and
CEO, or his/her designee, the involved club will be notified in writing that the Safe Sport Recognized
Program designation has been revoked and directing the team to remove any public references to such
designation. A club whose Safe Sport Recognized Program designation has been revoked may not reapply
to Safe Sport Recognized Program designation for a period of one year.
16.0 USA Swimming Safe Sport Athlete Protection Education
Date of adoption / Last revision: July 2023
Since 2010, USA Swimming has required athlete protection education of all non-athlete members of USA
Swimming. Further, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of
2017 requires USA Swimming, as the National Governing Body for the sport of Swimming, offer and
provide consistent training to all adult members who are in regular contact (e.g., ongoing interactions during
a 12-month period wherein the individual is in a role of direct and active engagement) with amateur athletes
who are minors, and, subject to parental consent, to members who are minors, regarding prevention and
reporting of child abuse.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport requires any of the following individuals who has regular contact with or
authority over minor athletes to complete athlete protection education:
a. USA Swimming members
b. Employees or board members of USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs or member clubs
c. Individuals within the governance or disciplinary jurisdiction of USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs or
member clubs; and
d. Individuals who are authorized, approved or appointed by USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs or member
clubs to have regular contact with or authority over minor athletes.
Mandatory Training for Adult Members
The mechanism by which USA Swimming requires and tracks athlete protection education is through the
privileges and responsibilities of membership. As set forth in Article 2.6.3 of the USA Swimming Corporate
Bylaws, all adult members of USA Swimming, including athletes and junior coach members, must have
satisfactorily completed athlete protection education as a condition of membership. Membership will not
be conferred to an adult member of USA Swimming unless and until athlete protection education is
satisfactorily completed The following are required to be members of USA Swimming:
a. Employees of USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs and member clubs;
b. Individuals serving on the board of directors of USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs and member clubs;
c. Volunteers of USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs and member clubs who interact directly and frequently
with* or have authority over athletes as part of their regular duties (note: this does not include
timers, meet marshals, computer operators, etc., who only have limited contact with athletes during
a meet);
d. Personal care assistants hired or appointed by USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs and member clubs,
who act in a coaching capacity and/or who have direct and frequent contact with minor athletes
other than those to whom they provide care; and
e. Individuals with any ownership interest in a member club.
As required by the U.S. Center for SafeSport, individuals subject to this policy must complete athlete
protection education on an annual basis. Upon initiating membership with USA Swimming or beginning a
new role subjecting the individual to Article 2.6.3 of the USA Swimming Corporate Bylaws, the individual
must complete the SafeSportTM Trained Core course before participation. Upon completion, the
individual’s member record will update with a training requirement expiration date one year from the date
of completion. Individuals can renew the athlete protection education requirement as early as 90 days prior
to their expiration date by taking the appropriate refresher course. After completing three refresher courses
in successive years, the individual will be required to start the training cycle anew with the SafeSportTM
Trained Core course. If an individual permits their athlete protection education to lapse by failing to renew
prior to the expiration date or by otherwise allowing membership to lapse, the individual will be required to
retake the SafeSportTM Trained Core course again.
USA Swimming members are required to complete the athlete protection education through USA
Swimming University accessed at https://university.usaswimming.org/landing.
Minor Athlete and Parent Training
USA Swimming will, on an annual basis, offer and give training to parents and minor athletes (subject to
parental consent) on the prevention and reporting of child abuse. Free online training courses for parents
and minor athletes on the prevention and reporting of child abuse are available any time at
Exemption for Victims/Survivors
Completing the required athlete protection education may be triggering or re-traumatizing for
victims/survivors. Exemptions for this requirement may be made on a case-by-case basis. Requests should
be sent to safes[email protected]. Requests may also be made directly to the U.S. Center for
SafeSport at exempt[email protected].
Individuals with Limited English Proficiency
The U.S. Center for SafeSport provides the required athlete protection courses in English, Spanish,
French. An individual subject to this policy may request an exemption from this Policy as a result of limited
English proficiency by contacting safesport@usaswimming.org.
*Defined as ongoing interactions during a 12-month period wherein the individual is in a role of direct and
active engagement.
17.0 Athlete Protection Training Requirement Adult Athletes with
Cognitive Disabilities
Date of adoption / Last revision: July 2023
The U.S. Center for SafeSport requires USA Swimming to provide regular and consistent training for all
adults, including adult athletes, who interact with and have direct contact with minor athletes. USA
Swimming requires, as a condition of membership, all athlete members age 18 and over complete Athlete
Protection Training.
USA Swimming recognizes that the required training course may not be appropriate for some adult athlete
members with cognitive disabilities. For any such adult athlete member, USA Swimming recommends the
1. If the Athlete Protection Training Course is appropriate for the adult athlete’s cognitive level, the
adult athlete should complete the Athlete Protection Training course with a parent or legal
2. In the event the Athlete Protection Training course is not appropriate for the adult athlete’s cognitive
level, the adult athlete should complete the most developmentally age-appropriate training offered
by the U.S. Center for SafeSport (https://athletesafety.org/training/index). Once the age-
appropriate training is completed, the completion certification shall be sent to
[email protected]. USA Swimming will update the athlete’s member record to reflect
that the training requirement is complete.
3. In the event that none of the available trainings are cognitively appropriate for the adult athlete, the
athlete’s parent or legal guardian shall send an email explaining the circumstance to
[email protected]. USA Swimming will update the athlete’s member record to reflect
that the training requirement is complete.
It is the responsibility of every athlete member to ensure the annual training requirement is met applying
the criteria provided above.
Please contact USA Swimming at safesport@usaswimming.org with any questions.
18.0 USA Swimming Personal Assistant Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: June 8, 2021
A Personal Assistant* is an individual who assists an athlete requiring help with activities of daily living and
preparation for athletic participation. Personal Assistants provide support unique to the needs of the
athlete(s) in their care. This support may include, but, is not limited to, mobility guidance, assistance with
transfer, entering/exiting the pool, dressing, showering, toileting, medication administration, and
communication. Some athletes require Personal Assistants to enable successful participation in the sport,
while others need help to assure personal safety in practice and meet environments.
Identification and Approval of the Use of Personal Assistants
Coaches may approve the use of Personal Assistants at practice while Meet Referees approve the use of
Personal Assistants for meets. It is recommended that coaches and referees ask the following questions
to evaluate whether to approve a Personal Assistant:
1. Is the swimmer a swimmer with a disability as defined by USA Swimming?
2. Does the proposed modification facilitate participation by the swimmer with a disability?
3. Is the proposed modification fair to other swimmers in the event?
4. Is the proposed modification feasible?
5. Will this assistant have frequent contact with athletes? If so, are they a registered USA Swimming
Member and have they been background checked?
Required USA Swimming Membership
Personal Assistants hired or appointed by USA Swimming, Zones, LSCs and member clubs, who act in a
coaching capacity and/or who have direct and frequent contact with minor athletes other than those to
whom they provide care must be members of USA Swimming. Personal Assistants who are only acting in
this role at occasional meets and practices are not required to be a member of USA Swimming.
Specifically, a parent/legal guardian acting in the role of a Personal Assistant for their child whose care
requires the parent/legal guardian to have frequent access to locker rooms, changing areas or similar
spaces where other Minor Athletes are present is required to be a member of USA Swimming.
Personal Assistants Exception to the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy
Subject to the conditions below, certain exceptions are available to certain sections of the Minor Athlete
Abuse Prevention Policy. Specifically:
One-on-one In-Program Contact interactions between a Minor Athlete and a Personal Assistant of whom
membership is required are not required to occur at an observable and interruptible distance from another
adult only when:
a. the Personal Assistant is a non-athlete member of USA Swimming; and
b. the minor athlete’s parent/legal guardian has provided written consent for the Personal Assistant to
work with the minor athlete.
In-Program one-on-one individual training sessions outside of the regular course of training and practice
between a Personal Assistant of whom membership is required and minor athletes are not required to be
observable and interruptible by another adult only when:
a. the Personal Assistant is a non-athlete member of USA Swimming; and
b. the minor athlete’s parent/legal guardian has provided written consent for the Personal Assistant to
work with the minor athlete.
One-on-one Electronic Communications between a Personal Assistant of whom membership is required
and a minor athlete are not required to copy or include the minor athlete’s parent/legal guardian only when:
a. the Personal Assistant is a non-athlete member of USA Swimming; and
b. the minor athlete’s parent/legal guardian has provided written consent for the Personal Assistant to
work with the minor athlete.
A Personal Assistant of whom membership is required may transport a minor athlete one-on-one during
In-Program Travel and is not required to transport at least two minor athletes or another Adult Participant
only when:
a. the Personal Assistant is a non-athlete member of USA Swimming; and
b. the minor athlete’s parent/legal guardian has provided written consent for the Personal Assistant to
work with the minor athlete.
A Personal Assistant of whom membership is required may share a hotel room, sleeping arrangement or
overnight lodging location with an athlete, may have In-Program Contact in a hotel room, sleeping
arrangement or overnight lodging location during In-Program Travel that is not observable and interruptible
and is not required to follow two-deep leadership and maintain observable and interruptible environments
when doing room checks during In-Program Travel only when:
a. the Personal Assistant is a non-athlete member of USA Swimming; and
b. the minor athlete’s parent/legal guardian has provided written consent for the Personal Assistant to
work with the minor athlete; and
c. the minor athlete’s parent/legal guardian has provided advance, written consent for the lodging
Personal Assistants of whom membership is required are permitted to be with and assist minor athlete(s)
in locker rooms, changing areas or similar spaces where other Minor Athletes are present.
Are Personal Assistants Covered by USA Swimming Insurance?
USA Swimming members engaging in covered activities with USA Swimming member clubs are covered
by the USA Swimming provided general liability insurance. The USA Swimming provided general liability
insurance is not affected by the activities of Personal Assistants of whom membership is not required but
the USA Swimming provided excess accident insurance does not cover injuries resulting from or directly
related to the actions of Personal Assistants who are not members of USA Swimming.
* A Personal Assistant for USA Swimming purposes is also known as a Personal Care Assistant in the
U.S. Center for SafeSport 2022 Model MAAPP. This Personal Assistant Policy is consistent with the
Center’s 2022 Model MAAPP requirements and has been reviewed and approved by the U.S. Center for
19.0 Athlete Inclusion, Competitive Equity, and Eligibility Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 10, 2023
1. Purpose
The USA Swimming Athlete Inclusion, Competitive Equity, and Eligibility Policy (this “Policy”) is based on
the objectives of inclusion, non-discrimination, fair play, participants’ health and safety, and protection of
2. Application of this Policy
This Policy shall apply to all athletes who wish to compete in a competition category (e.g., Male or Female)
different than the biological gender assigned to the athlete at birth, including without limitation:
Current athlete members of USA Swimming who wish to change the competition category in which
they participate;
Former athlete members of USA Swimming who wish to join USA Swimming and compete in a
competition category which is different than the competition category in which the athlete was
previously registered;
Athletes who have never been members of USA Swimming who wish to join USA Swimming as a
member and register in a competition category different than the biological gender assigned to the
athlete at birth; and
Athletes who wish to be eligible to compete in an “Elite Event” (as defined below) or to set USA
Swimming National Age-Group Records in the 13-14 age group and above or who wish to be
eligible to set an American Record, per the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations, in a competition
category which is different than the biological gender assigned to the athlete at birth.
All athletes to whom this Policy applies shall promptly notify USA Swimming’s Secretary & General Counsel
(or their designee) (the “General Counsel”) of their desire to either change their competition category or
that the athlete is joining USA Swimming and registering in a competition category different than the
biological gender assigned to the athlete at birth. (This, and other personal information related to gender
transition, information shall be kept confidential as provided in Paragraph 9.)
3. Female-to-Male Transition
Athletes who have transitioned, or are transitioning, from a Female biological gender assignment at birth
to a Male gender assignment must, before being declared eligible to compete in the Male competition
category, satisfy the Self-Identity Verification set forth in Paragraph 5 below.
4. Male-to-Female Transition
Athletes who have transitioned, or are transitioning, from a Male biological gender assignment at birth to a
Female gender assignment must, before being declared eligible to compete in the Female competition
a. Satisfy the Self-Identity Verification set forth in Paragraph 5 below.
b. Satisfy the conditions set forth in Paragraph 6 below, “Elite Event Fairness Conditionsif the athlete:
i. Has achieved “Elite Athlete” status as defined in Paragraph 4(c) below;
ii. Desires to compete in an “Elite Event” as defined in Paragraph 4(c) below; and/or
iii. Desires to have a competitive time recognized by USA Swimming as an American Record.
An athlete may also satisfy the conditions in Paragraph 6 below (and thus satisfy Paragraph
4(b)) if the athlete instead has obtained approval from World Aquatics to compete in the
Female competition category.
c. “Elite Athletes” and “Elite Events”. For purposes of this Policy, “Elite Athletes” shall include any
athlete who has achieved a USA Swimming Junior National time standard and desires to participate
in any of the following “Elite Events” defined for purposes of this Policy as: any United States
Olympic and Paralympic Committee (“USOPC”) Delegation Event and/or Protected Competition as
defined in the USOPC Bylaws; World Aquatics Events; PanPacific Championships; World
University Games; USA Swimming Nationals, Junior Nationals, U.S. Open, International Team
Trials, U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Swimming; and/or any other competition designated by USA
Swimming as an “Elite Event” and any other event which conditions entry on meeting the USA
Swimming Junior National Time Standard or faster. For purposes of this Policy, Elite Events shall
also include any other competition in which a qualifying time standard is achieved for entry into the
other Elite Events described above or to be eligible to set an American or National Age-Group
Record at the 13-14 level or above.
5. Self-Identity Verification
a. Purpose. The purpose of Self-Identity Verification is to confirm that the athlete’s transition to a
competition category different than that assigned at birth is bona fide and that the gender identity
applicable for purposes of swimming competition is consistent with the athlete’s gender identity in
everyday life.
b. Process. To initiate the Self-Identity Verification process, an athlete must submit a Self-Identity
Verification Request (the “Request”) to the General Counsel
(https://fs22.formsite.com/usaswimming/Self-Identity/index.html) at least thirty (30) days prior to the
start of the first competition in which the athlete seeks to compete in the requested competition
category. The General Counsel may take any of the following actions:
a. Administratively approve or deny the Request (where such denial will be sent to a panel, as
described below in Paragraph 5(b)(iii));
b. Seek additional information from the athlete prior to approving, denying, or referring the
Request to the panel described below in Paragraph 5(b)(iii); or
c. Refer the decision on whether the Request should be approved to a three-person panel
consisting of a physician with experience in gender identity issues, a 10-Year Athlete
representative, as defined in the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations and appointed by
the USA Swimming Athletes’ Advisory Council (“AAC”), and a member of the USA
Swimming Safe Sport Committee appointed by the Safe Sport Committee Chair (the “Self-
Identity Panel”). The Self-Identity Panel may also seek additional information from the
athlete before reaching a decision on whether to approve the Request. In the event the
Request is denied by the General Counsel, or in the event the General Counsel has a
conflict of interest, the Request will be sent to the Self-Identity Panel for review.
c. Return to Previous Gender Category. Once an athlete’s Request has been approved, the athlete
may not initiate the process to change back to a prior competition category for one year following
the date the initial Request is approved.
6. Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Evaluation
a. Purpose. The purpose of the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Evaluation process is to ensure that
athletes competing in the Female competition category who have transitioned from a Male
biological gender assignment at birth, do not have an unfair advantage over their cisgender Female
competitors in Elite Events.
b. Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Application. To initiate the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Evaluation
process, an athlete must submit an Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Application (“Application”) to the
General Counsel (https://fs22.formsite.com/usaswimming/EliteEligibility/index.html) at least ninety
(90) days prior to the start of the first Elite Event in which the athlete seeks to compete in the Female
competition category. The General Counsel shall submit the Application to a panel consisting of
three independent medical experts, with preference for experience related to transgender health
and/or the physical performance of transgender athletes relevant to swimming and the effect of
medical approaches in mitigating any pre-existing physical advantages (the “Elite Athlete/Event
Fairness Panel”). USA Swimming’s Director, Sports Medicine & Science, and Director,
Performance, will serve as staff liaisons to the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel. In addition to the
two staff liaisons, the AAC will appoint a 10-Year Athlete representative, as defined in the USA
Swimming Rules & Regulations, to serve as an athlete liaison to the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness
Panel. Prior to appointment to the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel, the name and resume of any
independent medical expert will be sent to USA Swimming’s Athletes’ Advisory Council, for review
and comment. Any medical expert reviewed without objection by the AAC (an “Elite Medical
Panelist”) may be selected by USA Swimming for future panels.
c. Eligibility Criteria. As a condition of eligibility, the athlete must satisfy the Elite Athlete/Event
Fairness Panel that:
i. From a medical perspective, the prior physical development of the athlete as a Male, as
mitigated by any medical intervention, does not give the athlete a competitive advantage
over the athlete’s cisgender Female competitors.
ii. In addition to other relevant factors considered by the Panel in (i) above, it shall be
presumed that the athlete is not eligible unless the athlete demonstrates that the
concentration of testosterone in the athlete’s serum has been less than 5 nmol/L (as
measured by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry) continuously for a
period of at least thirty-six (36) months before the date of Application. This must include at
a minimum three (3) separate blood tests within the past three hundred sixty-five days (365)
days preceding the Application, with the last test conducted within ninety (90) days prior to
the athlete’s Application. This presumption may be rebutted if the Panel finds, in the unique
circumstances of the case, that the criteria set forth in (i) above has been satisfied
notwithstanding the athlete’s serum testosterone results (e.g., the athlete has a medical
condition which limits the bioavailability of the athlete’s free testosterone).
d. Panel Evaluation. In conducting its evaluation of an athlete’s Application, the Elite Athlete/Event
Fairness Panel shall consider the medical file, serum testosterone results, and other information
submitted by the athlete. The Panel may also request additional information from the athlete or the
athlete’s treating physicians. The Panel may also direct additional testing. Per the International
Olympic Committee Framework on Fairness, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination on the Basis of
Gender Identity and Sex Variations (the “Framework”), the Panel will not request any of the
prohibited testing as set forth in that Framework and will not request gynecological examinations
or similar forms of invasive physical examinations, aimed at determining an athlete’s sex, sex
variations, or gender. The athlete must fully cooperate with the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel
in its evaluation efforts. The athlete will acknowledge that this evaluation process is complicated
and agrees that neither USA Swimming or members of the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel shall
be liable for any detriment caused the athlete by delays in the evaluation process. Any costs that
the Panel incurs or the athlete incurs at the request of the Panel associated with this evaluation will
be paid by USA Swimming.
e. Panel Decision. If the Elite Event/Fairness Panel decides to approve an athlete’s Application, that
decision and any conditions associated with that decision shall be communicated to the athlete by
the General Counsel. In order to maintain eligibility, if the Application is approved, the athlete must
keep the athlete’s serum testosterone concentration below 5 nmol/L and comply with any other
conditions of the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel’s approval for so long as the athlete wishes to
compete in the Female category in Elite Events. The Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel shall also
establish an internal plan for the continued monitoring of the athlete’s compliance with the eligibility
criteria and the Panel’s approval. If the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel denies the Application
then the reasons for that denial shall also be communicated to the athlete.
i. The Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel may revoke or modify its approval of an athlete’s
Application based on subsequently acquired information
ii. An athlete may not change the athlete’s swimming competition category back to Male for
purposes of Elite Events for a period of four years following the approval of the athlete’s
f. Guidelines. The Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel may establish guidelines for the implementation
of the evaluation process. Such guidelines, if and when adopted, will be attached to this Policy.
7. Applicability of World Aquatics Eligibility Rules.
Effective June 20, 2022, World Aquatics implemented a Policy on Eligibility for the Men’s and Women’s
Competition Categories (the World Aquatics Policy”).
INCLUSION-POLICY-AND-APPENDICES-FINAL-.pdf). In order for an athlete to participate in any World
Aquatics Competition, the athlete must first satisfy the eligibility criteria set forth in the World Aquatics
Policy. The eligibility criteria set for in the World Aquatics policy are potentially more difficult to satisfy than
the eligibility criteria set forth in paragraph 6(c) of this Policy. In particular, the World Aquatics Policy
Eligibility for the Men’s Category.
a. All male athletes, including athletes with 46 XY DSD, are eligible to compete in World
Aquatics competitions and to set World Aquatics World Records in the men’s category,
regardless of their legal gender, gender identity, or gender expression.
b. Female-to-male transgender athletes (transgender men) are eligible to compete in World
Aquatics competitions and to set World Aquatics World Records in the men’s category
except that:
. . .
ii. All athletes who are undergoing treatment involving testosterone or other anabolic
substances as part of female-to-male gender-affirming hormone treatment are required to
obtain a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for that treatment in accordance with the World
Aquatics Doping Control Rules (World Aquatics DCR).
Eligibility for the Women’s Category.
a. All female athletes are eligible to compete in World Aquatics competitions and set World
Aquatics World Records in the women’s category, regardless of their legal gender, gender
identity, or gender expression, under the following conditions:
i. Athletes who have previously used testosterone as part of female-to-male gender-
affirming hormone treatment (with or without a TUE) but are no longer following that
treatment are eligible to compete in the women’s category in World Aquatics competitions
and to set World Aquatics World Records in the women’s category in World Aquatics
competitions and in other events recognized by World Aquatics if they can establish to World
Aquatics’s comfortable satisfaction that (a) the testosterone use was for less than a year in
total (i.e., from the date of first use to the date of last use) and did not take place during
pubertal growth and development, and (b) their testosterone levels in serum (or plasma) are
back to pre-treatment normal and any associated anabolic affects have been eliminated.
ii. Female athletes who have used testosterone in violation of the World Anti-Doping
Code or World Aquatics DCR (or any other applicable anti-doping rules) may return to
competition after they have served their period of ineligibility.
b. Male-to-female transgender athletes (transgender women) and athletes with 46 XY DSD
whose legal gender and/or gender identity is female are set World Aquatics World Records
in the women’s category in World Aquatics competitions and in other events recognized by
World Aquatics if they can establish to World Aquatics’s comfortable satisfaction that they
have not experienced any part of male puberty beyond Tanner Stage 2 or before age 12
whichever is later. Specifically, the athlete must produce evidence establishing that:
i. They have complete androgen insensitivity and therefore could not experience male
puberty; or
iii. They are androgen sensitive but had male puberty suppressed beginning at Tanner
Stage 2 or before age 12 whichever is later, and they have since continuously
maintained their testosterone levels in serum (or plasma) below 2.5 nmol/L.
iv. An unintentional deviation from the below 2.5 nmol/L requirement may result in
retrospective disqualification of results and/or a prospective period of ineligibility.
(See World Aquatics Policy for full details).
USA Swimming designates specific USA Swimming events as team selection events for USA Swimming
teams sent to each World Aquatics Competition (“International Team Selection Events”). World Aquatics
Competitions are the following events: the Olympic Games, Pan American Games, World and World Junior
Championships, World University Games, Pan Pacific and Junior Pan Pacific Championships, and any
other World Aquatics or IOC-hosted event.
It is important that all participants in International Team Selection Events be eligible to compete in the
subsequent World Aquatics Competition if, based on their performance, they have qualified for a place on
the USA Swimming team. Accordingly, all athletes who would be subject to the World Aquatics eligibility
conditions set forth above must, before participating in an International Team Selection Event, have their
eligibility to participate in that gender category in the subsequent World Aquatics Competition approved by
World Aquatics as set forth in the application and approval process in the World Aquatics Policy.
In those circumstances where selection to a team to compete in a World Aquatics Competition is based on
time rankings rather than finish order in an International Team Selection Event, athletes who would be
subject to the World Aquatics eligibility conditions set forth above must, before being selected to the team
by USA Swimming, have their eligibility to participate in that gender category in the World Aquatics
Competition approved by World Aquatics as set forth in the application and approval process in the World
Aquatics Policy.
If the World Aquatics Policy is subsequently revised, appropriate revision to this Policy will be considered.
8. Appeals
If an athlete or USA Swimming wishes to challenge the decision of the Self-Identity Panel or Elite
Athlete/Event Fairness Panel with respect to the athlete’s Self-Identity Verification Request or Elite
For the avoidance of doubt, Articles 405, 406, and 407 of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations do not apply
to this Policy.
Athlete/Event Fairness Application, either may appeal the decision by requesting a review hearing with the
USA Swimming Self-Identity and Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Appeal Body (“Appeal Body”). The Appeal
Body shall consist of the Chair of the USA Swimming National Board of Review, an eligible athlete member
of the National Board of Review appointed by the Chair of the National Board of Review, and an Elite
Medical Panelist appointed by the Chair of the National Board of Review. Pending a decision by the Appeal
Body, the athlete shall remain eligible to compete in the competition category (e.g., Male or Female)
consistent with the biological gender assigned to the athlete at birth. The parties to the appeal shall be the
athlete and USA Swimming. No other person or entity shall have standing to challenge the decisions of
either the Self-Identity Panel or the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel or to participate in any appeal. The
Appeal Body shall be the exclusive forum for challenges to Self-Identity Panel or Elite Athlete/Event
Fairness Panel decisions. In any proceeding before the Appeal Body, the Eligibility Criteria and
presumption established in Paragraph 6(c) of this Policy shall not be subject to challenge or review. The
athlete may challenge only the application of the Eligibility Criteria to the athlete’s individual circumstances.
The decision of either Panel shall be upheld unless the Appeal Body finds that the appellant has carried
the burden of demonstrating that the Panel’s decision is arbitrary and capricious with no rational basis. In
a review hearing, the Appeal Body shall consider such witness testimony and/or other evidence that the
Appeal Body considers relevant and appropriate. The Chair of the USA Swimming National Board of
Review may adopt appropriate rules of procedure for the Appeal Body subject to review and approval by
USA Swimming’s Secretary & General Counsel. The Appeal Body’s decision shall be final and binding on
both USA Swimming and the athlete. Nothing in this Paragraph 8 shall be construed to limit the rights of
members provided by the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act and Article 301.3 of the USA
Swimming Rules and Regulations.
9. Confidentiality
All Athlete information provided to USA Swimming under this Policy, and the results of examinations and
assessments conducted under this Policy, will be dealt with in strict confidence and applicable privacy
laws. Such information will not be used for any purpose not contemplated in this Policy and will not be
disclosed to any third party unless that disclosure is necessary for the effective application and enforcement
of this Policy or is required by law. USA Swimming shall not publicly comment on individual Requests,
Applications, or decisions under this Policy except, in its discretion, it may do so in response to public
comments attributed to the athlete or the athlete’s representatives. Once a decision has been rendered,
either by one of the panels or the General Counsel, USA Swimming will consult with the athlete on the best
ways to publicly communicate about their eligibility.
10. Other Eligibility Requirements Not Affected
The application of this Policy shall not affect eligibility requirements or rules otherwise set out in the USA
Swimming Rules and Regulations or the USA Swimming Operating Policy Manual.
11. Compliance with Anti-Doping Rules
Nothing in this Policy shall affect an athlete’s obligation to fully comply with the Anti-Doping Rules of United
States Anti-Doping Agency, the USOPC, World Aquatics, USA Swimming, or the organizer of an event in
which the athlete competes. If the use of a substance on the World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List is
contemplated in connection with a gender transition, then the athlete must first obtain a Therapeutic Use
Exemption from the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency before that substance is used.
12. Discrimination Prohibited
All USA Swimming members, including its athlete members, have a right to participate in the activities of
USA Swimming without being subjected to harassment or discrimination regarding their sexual orientation,
gender expression, or transition to a different swimming gender category. Any USA Swimming member
who engages in conduct which violates this right shall be subject to discipline under the USA Swimming
Code of Conduct.
13. Membership Requirement
In order for an athlete to submit a Self-Identity Verification Request or Elite Event Fairness Application, the
athlete must be an athlete member, or prospective athlete member, of USA Swimming.
14. Assistance With This Policy
USA Swimming is committed to the inclusion of transgender individuals in the sport of Swimming subject
to the eligibility requirements set forth in this Policy. Any person seeking information on the application of
this Policy should contact the General Counsel for assistance. (SIV@usaswimming.org)
15. Athlete Agreement, Consent and Release
By submitting a Self-Identity Verification Request or Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Application, an athlete
will be required to represent and agree that:
a. All information submitted in connection with the Request or Application is accurate and complete
to the best of their knowledge and that no relevant information has been intentionally withheld.
b. The athlete will fully cooperate with and provide any additional information requested by the Self-
Identity Panel or Elite Event Fairness Panel.
c. In connection with the Elite Athlete/Event Fairness Panel’s evaluation of the athlete’s Application,
or for the continuing monitoring of the athlete if that Application is approved:
i. To provide medical waivers and releases allowing the athlete’s physicians to share records
with the Panel.
ii. To comply with any conditions imposed by the Panel as a condition of its approval of the
athlete’s Application.
iii. To undergo any additional medical testing required by the Panel in connection with its
evaluation of the athlete’s Application, or ongoing status if the Application is approved. The
cost of any such testing will be at USA Swimming’s expense.
iv. To advance notice, or no advance notice, blood sample collection to evaluate the athlete’s
serum testosterone level.
v. Any blood sample collected in connection with an anti-doping control may also be used for
such purpose.
d. The athlete agrees that neither USA Swimming, any member of the Self-Identity Panel or Elite
Athlete/Event Fairness Panel, or any USA Swimming employees, directors, officers, agents,
representatives, or other persons involved in the administration of this Policy shall be liable in any
way in relation to acts done or omitted to be done in good faith in connection with the administration
of this Policy.
All eligible athletes will have the opportunity to participate in swimming in a manner that is consistent with
their gender identity and expression. Should a situation arise regarding an athletes intent to change
competition category to one consistent with their gender identity, an athlete may seek eligibility review for
participation in the different competition category, through the procedures set forth below.
III. Committees &
20.0 General Policies for Committee Administration
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 28, 2022
Unless otherwise specified in the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations, the USA Swimming Bylaws or this
Operating Policy Manual, the Board Chair or the President & CEO shall appoint the non-athlete members
of all Committees. A Committee may consist of only one member who will be known as the Coordinator.
Except as otherwise provided in the Policy Manual, Corporate Bylaws, or the Rules & Regulations:
a. Non-athlete Committee members shall serve three (3) year terms
b. Athlete Committee members shall serve two (2) year terms.
c. Committee members’ terms shall be staggered so that approximately one-third of all non-athlete
members are appointed each year by the President & CEO
d. Committees shall consist of volunteer members of USA Swimming who are not compensated for
their services. The President & CEO may appoint voting members of the Board of Directors as ex-
officio non-voting members of Committees. Athlete members and non-voting members of the Board
of Directors shall be exempt from this rule.
The Board Chair or the Board of Directors may appoint one or more task force(s) to complete a specific
objective where an existing Committee would not otherwise be appropriate. In each instance where a task
force is established, the Board of Directors must also approve a budget for the activities and the
administration of the task force. The term of service for a task force shall not exceed one year.
In addition to the Committee members, non-Committee members may also be appointed to Sub-
Committees, task forces or working groups assigned to support the Committee’s work, as approved by the
USA Swimming staff leader or the President & CEO, unless otherwise specified. At least one-third (33.3%)
of the voting membership of all Sub-Committees, task forces or working groups, shall be eligible athletes.
Each Committee shall annually review the mission statement of the operating committees; the President
& CEO shall approve any proposed changes.
Each Committee shall establish a timetable or action plan for achieving these goals.
A staff leader shall be assigned by the USA Swimming President & CEO to lead the committee. The staff
leader shall serve as the principal channel of communication between the USA Swimming staff and the
Committee. The staff leader shall facilitate communication among Committee members and USA
Swimming officers. The staff leader is generally responsible for taking minutes of the meeting in the
absence of a designated secretary of the Committee. The USA Swimming staff leader shall have voice but
no vote in the meeting. Other duties of the staff leader include:
1. Scheduling all meetings of the Committee.
2. Providing virtual Committee meeting access to Committee members.
3. Tracking that committee members are USA Swimming members in good standing.
4. Ensuring all committee members complete requirements of committee service.
5. Set the annual goals of the committee, in consultation with the Committee and the Committee Chair,
to support USA Swimming’s priority results and Key Performance Indicators.
6. Advise the President & CEO on non-athlete Committee appointments.
7. Provide committee meeting minutes approved by the Committee for posting to the USA Swimming
8. Approving the Committee Chair’s proposed agenda for the meetings.
1. The responsibilities of the Committee Chair and /or Coordinator include:
2. Proposing an agenda for all meetings.
3. Presiding at all meetings of the Committee and guiding the business of the Committee.
4. Keeping Committee members informed of the activities of the Committee or of USA Swimming
since the last Committee meeting.
5. Introducing guests and presenters to the Committee.
6. Serving as the spokesperson for the Committee.
7. Appointing a secretary or other Committee member to take minutes of all meetings if the Committee
Chair so chooses.
8. Reviewing the draft of the minutes prepared by the secretary (or other Committee member or staff
leader) and making corrections as necessary so that they may be submitted to the USA Swimming
staff leader and posted on the USA Swimming website within 30 days of the meeting.
9. Working with the USA Swimming staff leader to manage the programs and activities of the
Committee within the approved budget.
10. Assuming responsibility for the Committee’s compliance with the policies of USA Swimming.
11. Directing the Committee’s activities towards the completion of its goals.
12. Maintaining regular contact with the USA Swimming staff leader.
The implementation of action items shall be the responsibility of the appropriate member(s) of the USA
Swimming staff. Action items will be implemented as follows:
1. A proposal or resolution passed by the Committee will become an Action Item for consideration by
another Committee or by the Board of Directors or President & CEO, as appropriate.
2. All Action Items should be submitted in writing and shall include an estimate of the costs of
Unless otherwise specified in the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations or in this USA Swimming Operating
Policy Manual, the terms of each non-athlete appointment to a Committee shall be staggered so that one-
third of the non-athlete appointments are made annually. A non-athlete member is limited to two (2)
consecutive terms.
All members of any Committee, Sub-Committee, task force or working group must be current members in
good standing of USA Swimming.
It is the intent and purpose of USA Swimming to provide an equal opportunity to athletes, coaches, trainers,
managers, administrators, officials, and other volunteers to participate in the governance of USA Swimming
without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or
national origin. No conditions or restrictions for participation in the governance of USA Swimming may be
imposed unless otherwise set forth in the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations.
All Committee meetings shall be open to all members of USA Swimming except in those situations where
by majority vote of the body it would be in the interests of USA Swimming to hold a closed session (e.g.,
those relating to corporate or Committee personnel or legal matters).
All Committee members must complete the annual USA Swimming Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
As outlined in the Conflict of Interest Policy, committee minutes must include the following when a potential
conflict of interest is involved in a discussion:
1. The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have an interest in connection
with an actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the interest, any action taken to determine
whether a conflict of interest was present, and the Ethics Committee’s decision as to whether a
conflict of interest in fact existed.
2. The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the transaction
or arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to the proposed
transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection with the proceedings.
The USA Swimming Code of Conduct and the Statement of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy. These
shall contain the requirements that each Officer, member of the Board of Directors, and members of other
Committees, and each employee of USA Swimming shall annually agree in writing.
USA Swimming is committed to maintaining the highest tradition of excellence of building and maintaining
supportive environments in which children and young adults may grow, learn, and prosper, not only as
athletes but as citizens of our communities.
Items which are designated by the Committee Chair to be of a confidential or sensitive nature should not
be disclosed outside the setting of the Committee. Members who knowingly divulge this information shall
be subject to removal and possible expulsion from membership.
Committee meetings shall be held at a location determined by the Committee Chair and staff leader but
will normally occur by video conference. All participants in all Committee meetings, regardless of the
location, shall follow the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) Code of Conduct or
be asked to leave the subject premises and withdraw from the meeting immediately, without refund of fees
or reimbursement of expenses.
To the extent feasible, all meetings shall be scheduled three (3) months in advance of the meeting date. A
written notice of all Committee meetings stating the time and place thereof shall be given to each
Committee member by email to each member’s last known email address at least thirty days before the
meeting. In the event that more than one-third of the committee members are unable to commit to attend
a meeting within fourteen (14) days of the meeting date, the respective USA Swimming officer may cancel
the meeting. The attendance of a member at any meeting without protesting the lack or prior notice to or
at the commencement of the meeting shall be deemed a waiver of notice.
In order to conduct a Committee meeting, sufficient funds must have been previously budgeted and
available to assume the expenses associated with the meeting. No meeting shall be scheduled or
conducted in the event that a majority of its membership cannot be assured, barring extraordinary
At least one-third (33.3%) of the voting membership of each Committee shall be eligible athlete members.
The presence at a regularly scheduled meeting of one-half of those duly registered and eligible to vote
shall constitute a quorum. There shall be no voting by proxy. Each member shall have one vote on each
matter; the Committee Chair need not vote except to break or cause a tie. Unless otherwise specified, ex-
officio members shall have a voice but no vote in the meeting. Invited guests may speak when recognized
by the chair.
A non-athlete member who accumulates two (2) or more unexcused absences within one (1) calendar year
may be removed by the Staff Leader in consultation with the Committee Chair and approval from the
President & CEO.
After a warning from the Committee Chair, a non-athlete member who continues to fail to contribute or
fulfill assigned duties in a timely manner may be removed from their committee position by the Staff Leader
in consultation with the Committee Chair and approval from the President & CEO. The President & CEO
is empowered to remove a committee member appointed by the President & CEO for any other reason. A
committee member who has been removed shall be notified in writing by the Staff Leader.
A preliminary written agenda of the meeting should be discussed with the USA Swimming staff leader at
least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting, to the extent feasible. A Committee meeting agenda should
follow the outline of:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Previous Minutes
Reports by Committee Members
Old Business
New Business
Announcement of Date Place of Next Meeting
The minutes of all Committee meetings shall be taken by a person designated by the chair as the secretary
of the committee. The minutes should be prepared as an executive summary, not verbatim, and should
include majority as well as any dissenting views. The attendance of members and guests present should
be listed along with those members absent; a member whose absence is known in advance and is
unavoidable may be excused in the discretion of the chair. Minutes shall be posted to the USA Swimming
web site, except that items of a confidential or sensitive nature may be recorded separately and retained
only in the USA Swimming staff leader files.
All communications from the committee intended for a wide distribution and beyond the membership of the
committee, including to the local swimming committees, shall first be reviewed by the USA Swimming
communications staff and the staff leader.
Only the USA Swimming staff leader shall authorize expenditures against the approved budget of the
Committee. There shall be no separate checking accounts for projects carried out under the direction of
any Committee without the express authorization of the Board of Directors. All USA Swimming funds must
be received and disbursed by USA Swimming.
The cost of food and beverage service during Committee meetings and the costs of travel and per diem
for officers attending the meetings will be charged to the appropriate budget. There shall be no expenditure
of funds for food or beverage service during the annual Committee meetings held in conjunction with the
annual meeting of the House of Delegates. Alcoholic beverages shall not be served during any meetings
of USA Swimming.
If budgeted, honoraria for speakers including coaches, athletes, and presenters, are permitted.
Committees shall be permitted to conduct businesses on behalf of USA Swimming by means of
teleconference, video conferencing or other similar electronic means.
Any action which may be taken at any regular meeting of the committee may also be taken without a
meeting under the following procedures: The Committee Chair shall distribute a written ballot to every
member of the Committee entitled to vote on the matter. The ballot shall set forth the proposed action,
provide an opportunity to specify approval or disapproval of the proposal, and provide a reasonable time
within which to return the ballot. Approval by written ballot shall be valid only when the number of votes
cast in favor of the proposed action within the time period specified constitutes a majority of the votes
entitled to be cast.
21.0 Operating Committees
Date of adoption / Last revision: February 2024
The following committees shall report to the President & CEO or his or her designee:
Athletes’ Advisory Council as outlined in the USA Swimming Rulebook
Age Group Development Committee - as outlined in the USA Swimming Rulebook
Coach Advisory Council - as outlined in the USA Swimming Rulebook
National Team Steering Committee - as outlined in the USA Swimming Rulebook
Rules and Regulations Committee - as outlined in the USA Swimming Rulebook
Senior Development Committee - as outlined in the USA Swimming Rulebook
Club Development Committee
Mission Statement: To provide counsel and assistance for the development and implementation of
programs that help build, support, and educate USA Swimming member clubs.
The Club Development Committee shall report to the President & CEO or their designee.
USA Swimming Leader: Director, Team Services
USA Swimming Staff Liaison: Team Performance and Business Operations Manager (as assigned by
the Managing Director of Sport Development)
Membership: The Club Development Committee shall consist of twelve (12) voting members, as follows:
1. Four (4) eligible athlete members appointed by the AAC (in consultation with the AEC) to
staggered terms of two (2) years.
2. Eight (8) additional members appointed by the President & CEO, to include coaches and others
to ensure a variety of perspectives to address the needs of different sizes and types of USA
Swimming member clubs. Non-athlete appointments shall serve three-year terms, staggered so
that one-third are named annually.
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to support the
committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Leader or President & CEO.
Chairperson: The chair, who may be either an athlete or non-athlete member, shall be appointed by the
President & CEO from the foregoing enumerated members and shall serve a one-year term as Chair.
Meetings: The committee shall meet monthly by video conference.
To conduct an on-going evaluation of the USA Swimming club system to identify the strengths
and weaknesses;
To annually prioritize initiatives that support the development, implementation, and evaluation of
programs and services with the intent to strengthen the USA Swimming club system, including the
growth and business practices of individual clubs and provision of support in the areas of diversity,
equity and inclusion;
To assist LSC’s in providing their member clubs with new programs and services which are
intended to increase the numbers of clubs and athlete registrations; and
To take such further actions as may be directed by the President & CEO.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Mission: To assist USA Swimming in fostering a culture of inclusion and opportunity for people of diverse
backgrounds and abilities.
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee shall report to the President & CEO.
USA Swimming Staff Leader DEI Committee: Program Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
USA Swimming Staff Leader Disability Sub-Committee: Program Director, Pre-Competitive Programs
Membership: The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee shall consist of twelve (12) voting members,
as follows:
1. Four (4) eligible athlete members appointed by the AAC (in consultation with the AEC) to
staggered terms of two (2) years.
2. Eight (8) additional members appointed by the President & CEO. Non-athlete appointments shall
serve three-year terms, staggered so that approximately one-third are named annually.
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to support the
committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Leader or President & CEO.
Chairperson: The Chair, who may be either an adult athlete or non-athlete member, shall be appointed
by the President & CEO from the foregoing enumerated members and shall serve a one-year term as
Disability Swimming Subcommittee: One of the foregoing enumerated members, who may be either
an athlete or non-athlete member, shall be appointed by the Committee Chair each year to serve as the
Disability Subcommittee Chair, who shall lead a subcommittee focused on supporting USA Swimming's
efforts to encourage people with disabilities to participate in the sport of swimming and to facilitate their
inclusion in USA Swimming programs through education and collaboration. The subcommittee shall be
comprised of USA Swimming members who may be members of the DEI committee; the subcommittee
shall have the requisite athlete representation.
Meetings: The committee shall meet monthly and will normally do so by video conference.
To support USA Swimming in:
Increasing participation of people from diverse populations.
Creating an atmosphere for athletes, coaches, staff and volunteers to address inclusion in an open
and trusting atmosphere.
Creating initiatives and programming to educate athletes, coaches, staff and volunteers on the
inequities and discriminations faced by underrepresented groups.
Partnering with other organizations and agencies to achieve our mission.
DEI Committee Members act as:
Advocates for USA Swimming and diversity through support for the organization, its staff, and
mission, vision, and key strategies.
Resources to USA Swimming, the LSCs and the broader swimming community through
assistance with-DEI initiatives, dialogue, and expertise.
Liaisons to the LSC Diversity & Disability Chairs and Zone Diversity & Disability Coordinators.
International Relations Committee
Mission: To provide advice and support to staff and volunteer leadership to advance USA Swimming’s
continued leadership and success on the international stage.
The International Relations Committee shall report to the President & CEO.
USA Swimming Staff Leader: Director, International Games Operations
USA Swimming Staff Liaison: Director, Performance
Membership: The International Relations Committee shall consist of the following:
Six members of USA Swimming with relevant international experience, appointed by the IRC Chair
and the President & CEO to three-year terms, staggered so that approximately one-third are
named annually. Two of these members must be coaches. Priority may be given to those who
currently hold or have previously held roles with FINA and PanAm Aquatics.
A sufficient number of eligible athlete members so as to constitute at least 33.3% of the voting
membership. Athlete members shall be appointed by the AAC to staggered terms of two years. At
least fifty percent of the athlete members must meet the requirements of 10-Year Athlete
The following individuals shall be non-voting Ex-Officio members: The Board Chair, Immediate
Past Board Chair, President & CEO, and Managing Director, National Team of USA Swimming
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to
support the committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Staff Leader or President &
Chair: The President & CEO shall appoint the Chair of the International Relations Committee to a one-
year term. The Chair may either be the Staff Liaison (if also serving as one of the non-athlete voting
members of the Committee) or one voting member of the Committee. The Chair of the Committee shall be
an Ex-Officio member of the National Team Steering Committee.
LSC Development Committee
Mission: To provide a national network for LSC education and communication and to serve as a resource
for LSC leaders.
The LSC Development Committee shall report to the President & CEO.
USA Swimming Staff Leader: LSC Services Senior Manager
Membership: The LSC Development Committee shall consist of twelve (12) voting members, as follows:
1. Four (4) eligible athlete members appointed by the AAC (in consultation with the AEC) to
staggered terms of two (2) years.
2. Eight (8) additional members appointed by the President & CEO to staggered terms of three (3)
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to support
the committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Staff Leader or President & CEO.
Chairperson: The Chair, who may be either an adult athlete or non-athlete member, shall be appointed
by the President & CEO from the foregoing enumerated members and shall serve a one-year term as
Meetings: The committee shall meet as necessary and will normally do so by video conference.
To assist USA-S staff in strengthening LSC governance and operations by providing
educational opportunities and mentoring for LSC boards and officers;
To provide a national network to enhance the sharing of information and ideas among LSC
To work with LSCs to meet expectations as identified by USA Swimming;
To assist USA-S staff in developing effective communications between USA-S and LSCs.
To assist USA-S staff in overseeing the LSC Evaluation and Achievement Program (LEAP)
Officials’ Committee
Mission: To support USA Swimming in the development of programs to recruit, educate, train, and certify
a diverse team of USA Swimming officials to provide high quality and consistent officiating for athletes at
all levels of swimming.
The Officials Committee shall report to the President & CEO.
USA Swimming Staff Leader: Senior Director, Legal & Membership Affairs
USA Swimming Staff Liaison: Director, National Events
Membership: The Officials Committee shall consist of twelve (12) voting members, as follows:
1. Four (4) eligible athlete members appointed by the AAC (in consultation with the AEC) to staggered
terms of two (2) years.
2. Eight (8) non-athlete members appointed by the President & CEO. Non-athlete appointments shall
serve three--year terms, staggered so that three will expire in each of two years and two will expire
in the other year
In addition, serving as ex-officio members with voice but no vote shall be:
1. The immediate past Officials Committee Chair
2. The Program & Events Coordinator
3. The Rules and Regulations Committee Chair
4. The YMCA National Officials Chair
5. The USA Swimming member of the FINA Technical Swimming Committee
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to support the
committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Staff Leader or President & CEO.
Chairperson: The chair, who may be either an adult athlete or non-athlete member, shall be appointed by
the President & CEO from the foregoing enumerated members. The Committee Chair shall be appointed
annually and may, at the pleasure of the President & CEO, serve in that capacity for up to, but no longer
than, four (4) consecutive years.
Meetings: The committee shall meet as necessary and will normally do so by video conference.
1. Promulgate officials’ minimum performance standards, as agreed to by the LSC Officials Chairs,
for all USA Swimming sanctioned or sponsored events.
2. Develop and publish educational materials and conduct training for officials through workshops
and webinars.
3. Establish standards for and manage the certification of all officials above the LSC level.
4. Develop and maintain testing materials for officials at all levels including open water swimming.
Develop and maintain questions for the coach foundation test.
5. Maintain an ever-evolving national program to train, educate and inspire mentors and evaluators
for the LSC (N2) and National (N3) levels thereby providing incentive for officials to achieve their
highest goals.
6. Develop and implement specific programs to support and grow a diverse population of officials at
all levels and positions.
7. Maintain historical data regarding meet attendance, certifications, evaluations, and mentoring
sessions for current official members. Consult with USA Swimming staff regarding software
enhancements for a tracking system for the above.
8. Work with and provide guidance for LSC Officials Chairs and Zone Officials Chairs in order to
support local swim officiating programs throughout diverse geographic and demographic regions.
9. The Officials Chair, together with the Program & Events Coordinator and others as appropriate,
will review and approve the selection of officials for all USA Swimming Championships and other
USA Swimming competitions when requested by USA Swimming, in accordance with established
policies, and endeavor to emphasize a diverse demographic representation at national events.
10. The Officials Chair, together with the Program & Events Coordinator, will in consultation with the
International Relations Committee, identify potential nominees for appointment to the FINA and
PanAm Aquatics officials’ lists for submission to the President & CEO of USA Swimming.
11. Develop specialized programs as necessary to ensure quality officiating at Open Water Meets.
12. Facilitate a process that allows for opportunity and succession planning for a pool of diverse talents
and officials at the highest levels of officiating to include two-star and above.
13. Work with other swimming bodies to promote fairness and consistency of officiating for all athletes.
14. Assist staff in maintaining a current roster of LSC Officials Chairs and Zone Officials Chairs.
15. Publish and circulate the officials selection criteria for five star and Trials meets for both stroke
and turn judges and assigned positions.
See Appendix IV for Officials Committee Apprentice Official, Appendix V for Officials Committee
National Championship Policy, Appendix VI for Officials Committee International Championship
Open Water Committee
Mission: The Open Water Committee shall assist USA Swimming in developing and promoting
successful Open Water Swimming programs at all levels of competition.
The Open Water Committee shall report to the President & CEO.
USA Swimming Staff Leader: Director, National Team Open Water
Membership: The Open Water Committee shall consist of nine (9) voting members as follows:
1. Three (3) eligible athlete members with Open Water Competition Experience, who have retired
from competition. At least fifty percent (50%) of the athlete members must meet the requirements
of 10-Year Athlete representatives.
2. The Open Water Swimming Head Coach from the previous Olympic games.
3. Five (5) additional non-athlete members, at least two (2) of whom are coaches, who have
expertise in Open Water program and athlete development, appointed by the President & CEO.
All committee members shall serve a term commencing with appointment and extending until the end of
the annual House of Delegates meeting following the next Olympic Games.
In addition:
1. The Managing Director, National Team and the Chair of the National Team Steering Committee
shall be non-voting ex-officio members of the Committee.
2. A member of the Officials Committee who has Open Water experience, selected by the President
& CEO in consultation with the Chair of the Officials Committee, shall serve as a non-voting ex-
officio member of the Open Water Committee.
3. Once the Head Open Water Olympic Coach is named for the upcoming Olympic Games, he or
she shall become an ex-officio non-voting member of the Open Water Committee, if not already
on the committee.
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to support
the committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Staff Leader or President & CEO.
Chairperson: The Chair of the Open Water Committee shall be appointed by the President & CEO from
the foregoing enumerated members to a term of one year. The Chair of the Open Water Committee shall
be an Ex Officio member of the National Team Steering Committee with voice but no vote.
Meetings: The Committee shall meet quarterly, normally by video conference.
1. Recommendations to USA Swimming for development and review of programs and policies
regarding the safety of athletes, officials, and spectators involved in open water swimming.
2. Advising USA Swimming on development programs to recruit, train, and educate open water
coaches, officials, and volunteers.
3. Advising USA Swimming on the development of Open Water Swimming programs designed for
success in international competition.
4. Endorsing selection procedures for athletes, coaches, and staff members of all Open Water
National Team and National Junior Teams
Operational Risk Committee
Mission: To review USA Swimming historical loss trends and current activities for operational risk and
safety considerations; develop guidelines & mitigation recommendations regarding operational risk
management and safety during training, competition, and other activities.
The Operational Risk Committee shall report to the President & CEO.
USA Swimming Staff Leader: Senior Director, Risk Management
Membership: The Operational Risk Committee shall consist of twelve (12) voting members, as follows:
1. Four (4) eligible athlete members appointed by the AAC (in consultation with the AEC) to
staggered terms of two (2) years.
2. Eight (8) non-athlete members appointed by the President & CEO, with emphasis given to
members who are geographically distributed, and who have expertise or experience in safety (with
preference given to those who have acquired such outside of the sport). Non-athlete appointments
shall serve three-year terms, staggered so that approximately one-third are named annually.
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to support
the committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Staff Leader or President & CEO.
1. Recommend guidelines, policies, and programs to manage operational risks.
2. Promote the implementation of guidelines, policies, and programs to manage operational risks.
Registration/Membership Committee
Mission: To advise USA Swimming staff in the development of consistent policies and procedures and to
provide support in administering and communicating those policies and procedures among LSC
Registration / Membership Coordinators.
The Registration / Membership Committee shall report to the President & CEO.
USA Swimming Staff Leaders: Manager, Membership Affairs; Senior Advisor, Membership and Data
USA Swimming Staff Liaison: Manager, Member Success
Membership: The Registration / Membership Committee shall consist of twelve
(12) voting members, as
1. Four (4) athlete members appointed by the AAC (in consultation with the AEC) to staggered terms
of two (2) years.
2. Eight (8) non-athlete members appointed by the President & CEO, with strong consideration given
to current LSC Registration Chairs. Non-athlete appointments shall serve three--year terms,
staggered so that one-third are named annually.
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to support the
committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Staff Leader or President & CEO.
Chairperson: The chair, who may be either an adult athlete or non-athlete member, shall be appointed by
the President & CEO from the foregoing enumerated members and shall serve a one-year term as Chair.
Meetings: The committee shall meet at least every other month by video conference.
Responsibilities: The Registration / Membership Committee provides advice and support to USA
Swimming regarding:
1. Creating and implementing policies for the registration of athletes (year-round, seasonal and
In 2024, the Registration / Membership Committee will absorb the Times and Recognition Committee. To preserve the term
length of those who previously served on the Times and Recognition Committee, for 1 year the Registration / Membership
Committee will be comprised of 14 people: five (5) athlete members appointed by the AAC (in consultation with the AEC) and
nine (9) non-athlete members appointed by the President & CEO. In 2024, one non-athlete member and one athlete member
of the Registration / Membership Committee will conclude their terms and the Committee will assume a twelve (12) person
membership and the appointment procedure outlined in this manual.
outreach), non-athletes (coaches, officials, apprentice officials, others), clubs, and organizations
for approval by the House of Delegates and/or the Board of Directors
2. Coordinating the administrative procedures of all membership registration.
3. Empowering, supporting and educating LSC Registrars through direct communication and training
4. Providing input on and making implementation recommendations for current and future SWIMS
5. Assisting in the development of procedures and criteria for entry of times from all USA Swimming
sanctioned and approved meets and observed swims by designated SWIMS Times Module Officers
in each LSC
6. Verifying compliance of potential new records [e.g., World, American, U.S. Open, National Age
Group with published rules and standards
Developing and implementing a selection process for Scholastic All-American
Subcommittees, Working Groups, and Task Forces:
1. Subcommittees, working groups, and task forces are appointed by the Registration / Membership
Committee Chair with the advice and consent of the staff leader(s).
2. The purpose of the subcommittee, working group, or task force is stated upon appointment, the
chair or leader is designated, and a duration for the appointment is noted (e.g. by November 1,
XXXX, or one year, and so on.)
3. Meeting notifications and any relevant materials should be distributed to participants, the
Registration / Membership Committee Chair, and staff leaders prior to the meeting.
Safe Sport Committee
Mission: To support USA Swimming’s commitment to provide a healthy and safe environment free from
abuse for all its members, especially athletes, through the planning, implementation, and coordination of
USA Swimming’s Safe Sport program.
The Safe Sport Committee shall report to the President & CEO.
USA Swimming Leader: Senior Director, Legal & Membership Affairs
USA Swimming Liaison: Program Director, Safe Sport
Membership: The Safe Sport Committee shall consist of twelve (12) voting members, as follows:
1. Four (4) eligible athlete members appointed by the AAC (in consultation with the AEC), each of
whom shall serve staggered two (2) year terms;
2. At least two (2) coach members appointed by the President & CEO, each of whom shall serve
staggered three (3) year terms;
3. One (1) subject-matter expert from outside USA Swimming, appointed by the President & CEO,
who shall serve a three (3) year term; and
4. Up to five (5) at-large members appointed by the President & CEO, each of whom shall serve
staggered three-year terms.
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to support the
committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Leader or President & CEO.
Chairperson: The chair, who may be either an adult athlete or non-athlete member, shall be appointed by
the President & CEO from the foregoing enumerated members and shall serve a one-year term as Chair.
Meetings: The committee shall meet at least bi-monthly and will normally do so by video conference.
1. Advise, counsel, support and assist staff in the creation, execution and continual review of USA
Swimming’s member protection policies, guidelines, educational programs, reporting and
adjudication procedures, and make recommendations to the USA Swimming Board of Directors for
such changes to existing policies, guidelines, programs, and procedures, as well as
recommendations for new ones, as are appropriate;
2. Raise the awareness of member protection and the availability of member protection educational
resources within the swimming community, including at the LSC and club levels;
3. Assist staff in coordinating and ensuring that the athlete and member protection education
requirements for membership are properly developed, implemented, and executed;
4. Assist staff in achieving compliance with U.S. Center for SafeSport and USOPC requirements; and
5. Take such further actions as may be directed by the President & CEO.
Sports Medicine and Science Committee
Mission: To assist and support the development, implementation, and evaluation of medical and
science-based programs for USA Swimming.
The Sports Medicine and Science Committee shall report to the President and CEO.
USA Swimming Staff Leader: Director, Sports Medicine and Science
Membership: The Sports Medicine and Science Committee shall consist of nine (9) voting members,
as follows:
1. Three (3) eligible athlete members appointed by the AAC (in consultation with the AEC) to
staggered terms of two (2) years.
2. Six (6) additional members appointed by the President & CEO to three-year terms, staggered
so that one-third are named annually.
3. The Managing Director, National Team and the National Team Steering Committee Chair shall
be non-voting ex-officio members
Non-committee members may also be appointed to sub-committees or task forces assigned to support
the committee’s work, as approved by the USA Swimming Staff Leader or President & CEO.
Chairperson: The Chair shall be appointed by the President & CEO from the foregoing enumerated
members and shall serve a one-year term as Chair. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of the National
Team Steering Committee.
Meetings: The Committee shall meet as necessary, normally by video conference.
1. Assist staff in the development, implementation and evaluation of medical and science-based
programs for USA Swimming, including the production of educational resources/materials for
promulgation, as appropriate, to LSCs and member clubs;
2. Coordinate programming with the Age Group Development and Senior Development
3. Expedite and implement decisions regarding those programs as necessary; and
4. Support the National Team Division and the National Team Steering Committee in all scientific
and medical areas as they relate to the National Team.
22.0 Coordinators
This section is currently in the process of being drafted, reviewed, and finalized. In the case of
any questions please reach out to Denise Thomas at USA Swimming
23.0 USA Swimming Athletes’ Executive Committee (AEC)
Operating Policy Manual
Date of adoption / Last revision: November 18, 2021
The AEC aims to ensure that all athletes of USA Swimming, from the grassroots level to the National Team
level, are represented and have their voices heard in the USA Swimming governance process. The AEC
aims to ensure that the athlete voice is strong on the USA Swimming Board of Directors, on all USA
Swimming National Committees, in all Zones, and in all LSCs. Athlete representatives serving on the AEC
are expected to be USA Swimming’s most dedicated and experienced athlete representatives.
a. General membership The AEC shall have thirteen (13) voting members. At the discretion of the
AEC chair, ex-officio members may be included on the committee. Ex-officio members of the AEC
shall have voice, but no vote. Voting members of the AEC must meet the following criteria to be
eligible to run for the AEC:
i. Be at least eighteen (18) years of age, a member of USA Swimming in good standing and
I. At least one year of satisfactory leadership and/or governance experience in USA
Swimming that extends beyond LSC representation; or
II. Professional or leadership experience relevant to the AEC.
ii. At the time of their election, all members of the AEC must qualify as an Actively Engaged
iii. Not concurrently serving as a Zone Athlete Representative.
iv. At least one (1) member of the AEC shall be a member of an LSC from each Zone’s
geographic area at all times. LSC membership shall be determined for a member’s tenure
on the AEC at the time of their initial election to the AEC. Only the elected members of the
AEC shall be counted for the purpose of determining whether sufficient geographic
representation exists on the AEC.
b. Voting members
i. The Voting Members of the AEC shall be:
I. Eleven (11) At-Large Members of the AEC elected by the Senior LSC Athlete
Representatives and athlete members of National Committees, and approved and
appointed by the USA Swimming Athletes’ Advisory Council (AAC)
II. The USA Swimming AAC Representative selected by the USA Swimming AAC
III. One (1) Athlete Member of USA Swimming Board of Directors determined by the
Athlete Members of the USA Swimming Board of Directors.
c. Non-voting members
i. The following individuals may serve as an Ex-officio member of the committee with voice,
but no vote:
I. The Senior Zone Athlete Representative from each of the four Zones.
II. At the discretion of the AEC Chair, a past Chair of the AEC.
d. Terms of office
i. AEC At-Large Members shall serve two (2) year terms. The term of office shall commence
at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the House of Delegates following the Annual
Business Meeting at which they are elected. Terms for At-Large Members shall be
staggered so that roughly one-half (1/2) of the At-Large Members are elected annually.
ii. The USA Swimming AAC Representative shall serve a two (2) year term as a member of
the AEC. The AAC Representative shall be selected by the USA Swimming AAC Chair.
iii. The Athlete Member of the USA Swimming Board of Directors shall serve a two (2) year
term as a member of the AEC.
iv. Members of the AEC shall serve no longer than four (4) consecutive years on the AEC.
Exceptions to this provision include:
I. Members may serve more than four (4) consecutive years if currently completing
a term as an officer of the AEC. Members exempt from the term limits under this
provision may not serve more than five (5) consecutive years on the AEC.
a. The officers of the AEC shall be the Chair, the Administrative Vice Chair, the Leadership Chair, and
the Programming and Events Chair. The AEC shall elect its own officers from among its voting
members by majority vote in even numbered years at the first meeting following the Annual
Business Meeting.
i. Only the eleven (11) At-Large Members of the AEC may serve as AEC officers. Officers of
the AEC shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms in a given position.
ii. An At-Large Member of the AEC may not hold two (2) officer positions simultaneously.
iii. The officers of the AEC shall be elected in the following order: Chair, Administrative Vice
Chair, Leadership Chair, Programming and Events Chair. AEC members must declare their
intention to run for each officer position prior to the election.
iv. Officers of the AEC shall be elected by majority vote of the AEC. In the event that no
candidate receives a majority of votes cast, the candidates receiving the two (2) highest
vote totals shall advance to a run-off election.
v. The election of each officer position shall be facilitated by a member of the AEC not running
for that position.
vi. An election will be held to fill an outgoing AEC officer’s term if the Operating Procedures
provision D. 4. A)applies. The vacancy will be filled by the candidate receiving the next
highest number of votes in the election of At-Large Athletes Executive Committee members,
for a term of one (1) year.
a. Any officer or At-Large AEC member who has failed to attend to their official duties or
responsibilities or has done so improperly may be removed from office.
b. The removal of an AEC officer from their officer position, as outlined below, does not remove them
from the AEC.
i. At least one-third (1/3) of the voting members of the AEC shall recommend the removal of
an officer in writing to the AEC Chair to begin the procedure to remove an officer.
ii. Should one-third (1/3) or more members of the AEC call for the removal of an officer, the
AEC Chair shall call for an AEC meeting at which the removal of the officer shall be
iii. The AEC shall meet not less than fourteen (14) days and not more than thirty (30) days
after one third (1/3) of the committee recommends the removal of the officer.
iv. At least seven (7) days written notice shall be given prior to any meeting at which action is
taken on the removal of an officer. The officer facing removal shall be given the opportunity
to speak at the meeting at which action could be taken.
v. At least a quorum of the committee must be present during any meeting at which action is
taken on the removal of an officer.
vi. At least two-thirds (2/3) of the AEC vote shall be required to remove an officer from their
a. If a vacancy occurs on the AEC, a successor shall be appointed to fill the term of the vacated office
using the following procedure:
i. A vacancy in an At-Large Member position shall be filled with an appointment recommended
by the AEC Chair, confirmed by a majority vote of the AEC and approved and appointed by
the USA Swimming AAC.
ii. A vacancy in the USA Swimming AAC Representative position shall be filled by an
appointment made by the USA Swimming AAC.
iii. A vacancy in the Athlete Member of the USA Swimming Board of Directors position shall be
filled by a determination of the USA Swimming Board of Directors Athlete Members.
b. If a vacancy occurs on the AEC, a successor shall be elected to fill the term of the vacated officer
position by a majority vote of the AEC.
a. Meetings - Each year, the AEC should meet at least once per quarter remotely and in-person at
the discretion of the AEC Chair and the USA Swimming staff lead. A meeting of the AEC may be
called by the AEC Chair or by one third (1/3) of the voting membership of the AEC
b. Meeting Notice - Meeting notice should be provided to all AEC members at least twenty-one (21)
days prior to all in-person meetings, at least five (5) days prior to all electronic meetings at which
action is taken, and at least three (3) day prior to all electronic meetings at which not action is taken.
An email to committee members listing the time, date and location of a meeting shall constitute
notice. An emergency meeting may be called by the AEC Chair; meeting notice shall be provided
at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance.
c. Quorum The presence in-person or by electronic means of the majority of voting AEC Members
shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the AEC. Voting by proxy shall be prohibited.
d. Minutes Minutes shall be taken during all meetings.
i. The staff liaison shall record a summary of the proceedings of each meeting of the AEC.
ii. The proceedings of each meeting of the AEC Sub-Committees shall be recorded by a
designee of the Sub-Committee Chair.
e. Voting The thirteen (13) voting members of the AEC shall have both voice and vote in all AEC
matters. A majority vote of the members present is required for action, except for the removal of an
officer during which at least two-thirds (2/3) of the AEC vote shall be required.
f. Open Meetings All meetings of the AEC and Sub-Committees shall be conducted in open
session except in those situations it would be in the interests of USA Swimming or the AEC to hold
a closed session, as determined by the AEC Chair.
a. Chair The AEC Chair shall lead and direct the voice of the AEC. The responsibilities of the AEC
Chair shall be as follows:
i. To conduct all meetings of the AEC, or to designate another member to conduct the
meetings of the AEC.
ii. To call and schedule meetings of the AEC; to notify AEC members of upcoming meetings
of the AEC.
iii. To regularly communicate with the USA Swimming AAC Chair and the Chairs of AEC Sub-
Committees and task forces, as well as any other liaisons.
iv. To assist the Athletes’ Programming and Events Vice Chair in coordinating and running
meetings as needed.
v. To work with the Staff Liaison to propose and adhere to an AEC budget.
b. Administrative Vice Chair The AEC Administrative Vice Chair shall assist the AEC Chair in
leading and directing the voice of the AEC. The responsibilities of the AEC Administrative Vice
Chair shall be as follows:
i. In the absence of the AEC Chair, to assume the responsibilities and duties of the AEC Chair.
ii. To generally assist the AEC Chair in all the duties outlined in VII.A.
iii. To regularly communicate with the AEC Sub-Committee Chairs and task forces.
c. Leadership Chair The Leadership Chair shall recruit new athletes to serve on National
Committees. The Leadership Chair shall prepare athlete representatives for future leadership roles
through intentional succession planning and education programs. The responsibilities of the
Leadership Chair shall be as follows:
i. To serve as the AEC Leadership Sub-Committee Chair.
ii. To organize, educate, and train athletes serving on national and local level committees and
task forces to ensure that the athlete voice is heard at all levels of the USA Swimming
governance structure.
iii. In coordination with USA Swimming Staff, provide the AEC Chair with intentionally selected
candidates for placement on National Committees and task forces.
iv. To assist the Athletes’ Programming and Events Vice Chair in coordinating and running
meetings, as needed.
d. Programming and Events Chair The Programming and Events Chair shall coordinate meetings,
events, and educational opportunities and throughout the year. The responsibilities of the
Programming and Events Chair shall be as follows:
i. To serve as the AEC Programming and Events Sub-Committee Chair.
ii. To organize and plan athlete meetings and other events throughout the year.
iii. Responsible for executing programs to educate and informing the athlete members of USA
e. At-Large Members The seven (7) At-Large Members shall be actively participating members of
the AEC and shall assist and communicate with the AEC officers as directed.
i. To complete projects as assigned by AEC officers.
ii. One (1) AEC At-large member shall be appointed by the AEC Chair with the advice and
consent of the committee as the Sub-Committee liaison to facilitate transactions between
the Leadership Sub-Committee and the Programming and Events Committee.
iii. Two (2) At-Large Members shall be appointed by the AEC Chair with the advice and consent
of the committee to serve on the Programming & Events Subcommittee.
iv. One (1) AEC At-Large Member shall be appointed by the AEC Chair with the advice and
consent of the committee to serve as the DEI liaison to ensure diversity, equity, and
inclusion best practices within the AEC in collaboration with the DEI National Committee
Athlete Representatives.
v. No At-large member shall serve in more than one of the capacities listed in E.3-5.
f. USA Swimming AAC Representative The USA Swimming AAC Representative shall serve as
a member of the USA Swimming AAC and meet the USOPC’s requisite criteria.
i. To report to and advocate for the AEC regarding the business of the AAC.
ii. To assist in communicating the business of the AEC by contributing to relevant publications
and media outputs.
iii. To engage regularly with athlete and non-athlete leaders from LSCs as determined by the
Athletes’ Leadership Chair.
g. Athlete Member of the USA Swimming Board of Directors The Athlete Member of the USA
Swimming Board of Directors on the AEC shall serve as a member of the USA Swimming Board of
Directors. The responsibilities of the Board of Directors Representative shall be as follows:
i. To report to the AEC regarding the business of the Board of Directors
ii. To assist in communicating the business of the AEC to the USA Swimming Board of
iii. To engage regularly with athlete and non-athlete leaders from LSCs as determined by the
Leadership Chair.
a. Leadership Sub-Committee
a. Members - The members of the Leadership Sub-Committee shall be the Leadership Chair,
the four (4) Senior Zone Athlete Representatives, and up to four (4) additional members.
The remaining members of the Leadership Sub-Committee shall be appointed by the AEC
Chair, with the advice and consent of the AEC.
b. Duties
i. Devise and execute a National Athlete Representative succession plan to ensure
that athlete leaders are educated and retained.
ii. Define best practices for LSC athlete representation programs and governance
structures (such as Athlete Committees, elections, succession planning, etc.). The
Sub-Committee should use outside resources (Board Source, etc.) as well as
previous experience in defining these best practices.
iii. Provide and create educational resources in conjunction with Programming &
Events Subcommittee, for LSC athlete representatives to use to ensure that LSC
athlete representatives can apply the best practices.
iv. Facilitate discussion between athletes and non-athletes about aspects of athlete
leadership and/or athlete governance.
b. Programming and Events Subcommittee
a. Members - The members of the Programming and Events Sub-Committee shall be the
Programming and Events Chair, two (2) AEC at-large members and up to six (6) additional
appointees. The members of the Programming and Events Sub-Committee shall be
appointed by the AEC Chair with the advice and consent of the AEC.
b. Duties
i. Plan and organize events and workshops at the USAS Convention and other
meetings, as assigned by the AEC or AEC Chair.
ii. Work with the Leadership Sub-Committee to create content that is communicated
and presented effectively to the athlete members of USA Swimming.
iii. To manage physical and digital content developed by the AEC.
Any provision of these Policies and Procedures may be amended at any scheduled meeting of the Athletes’
Executive Committee by a simple majority vote.
24.0 USA Swimming Athletes’ Advisory Council (AAC) Operating
Policy Manual
Date of adoption / Last revision: September 24, 2022
The AAC shall be responsible for:
a. reviewing the programs and services offered by the USA Swimming National Team division;
b. evaluating and proposing rules and regulations that directly affect the National Team Athletes’
c. addressing the specific needs of the National Team Athletes in preparation for major international
d. evaluating and developing projects and conducting long term plans in all areas concerning National
Team Athletes;
e. reporting to the members of the National Team Steering Committee and Open Water Steering
Subcommittee any issues that warrant attention from those groups; and
f. fulfilling its duties set forth in the USOPC Bylaws, including: selecting athlete representatives to
serve on committees and defining sanctioned competition for purposes of athlete representative
The AAC is committed to supporting all USA Swimming athletes, not just those at the National Team level.
Specifically, the AAC will strive to support and protect the interests of National Junior Team athletes, 10-
Year, 10-Year+ Athletes, and 2-Year Athletes. As part of this effort, the AAC will partner with the Athletes’
Executive Committee (“AEC”) to evaluate and develop projects and conduct long-term planning in all areas
concerning USA Swimming athletes.
a. Voting Members
a. The AAC shall consist of nine voting members who meet the requirements of 10-Year
Athlete representatives directly elected by athletes who meet the same standards as 10-
Year Athletes.
b. The voting members may include the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee (“USOPC”)
AAC representative and the USOPC AAC alternate.
b. Non-Voting Members
a. AEC Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member with voice but no vote.
b. Up to two additional Actively Engaged Athlete Representatives may be appointed by the
AAC Chair, in consultation with the AEC Chair, with voice but no vote.
c. Terms of Office
a. Each AAC voting member shall serve a two-year term, staggered so that one-half of such
members are elected each year.
Note: The AAC was first created and elected in 2021. In order for the initial AAC members to have sufficient time to develop
the AAC, their terms were staggered so that one-half of the committee will serve 2 years and the other half will serve 3 years
(excluding the USOPC AAC Representative and Alternate who will serve on the AAC during their time in those positions). The
second AAC election will be conducted in 2023; those elected will serve 2-year terms per this manual.
b. There shall be no term limits, but voting members must be eligible to serve pursuant to the
USOPC Bylaws at the time of election.
d. Committee Officers
a. Chair: The Chair shall be elected by the voting members. The responsibilities of the Chair
shall include:
i. To present and support all motions and proposals of the AAC to the appropriate USA
Swimming governing bodies
ii. To conduct all meetings of the AAC, or appoint another member to conduct the
iii. To schedule meetings of the AAC; to notify the AAC members of the upcoming
b. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall be elected by voting members. The responsibilities of the
Vice Chair shall include:
i. In the absence of the Chair, to assume all responsibilities and duties of the AAC
ii. To generally assist the AAC Chair in all their duties.
c. Election of Officers
i. The AAC shall elect its officers from among its voting members by majority vote at
the first meeting.
d. Terms of Officers
i. Officers shall hold 1-year terms
e. Removal & Resignation of Athlete Committee Members. As the appointing body for all 10-Year,
10-Year+, and 2-Year Athletes, the AAC has the power to remove all athletes from USA Swimming
a. Any athlete committee member (including members of the AAC) who has failed to attend to
their official duties or responsibilities or has done so improperly may be removed by the
i. Within the AAC, an athlete committee member can be removed by majority vote of
the other committee members.
b. Any athlete committee member who resigns will be replaced by the AAC to finish out the
term of the athlete who resigned.
i. An athlete committee member who resigns from the AAC will be replaced by an
election. The elected athlete will finish out the term of the athlete who resigned.
a. Regular Meetings: Meetings shall occur monthly virtually. There will be at minimum one in-person
meeting per year at a location determined by the AAC Chair and USA Swimming Staff.
b. Quorum: A majority of AAC members shall indicate a quorum.
c. Minutes: Minutes shall be taken during all meetings. A USA Swimming staff, Chair, or Vice Chair
will record a summary of proceedings of each AAC meeting.
d. Voting: The nine (9) voting members of the AAC shall have voice and vote in all AAC matters. A
majority of members is required for a motion to pass.
e. Action Without a Meeting: The AAC shall allow action without a meeting to be communicated via
email in between regular meetings. Action without a meeting may be taken if notice is sent to each
member, and each member by the time stated in the notice either votes in writing for or against
such action, abstains in writing from voting, fails to respond or vote, or fails to demand in writing
that action not be taken without a meeting. The notice shall state the action to be taken, the time
by which a member must respond, that failure to respond by the time stated will have the same
effect as abstaining, and that failure to demand in writing by the time stated that action not be taken
without a meeting will have the same effect as abstaining. The action will be taken if there are
affirmative votes equal or exceed the minimum number of votes that would be necessary to take
such action at a meeting.
f. Open Meetings/Closed Session: All AAC meetings shall be conducted as open sessions, except
in those situations it would be of interest to USA Swimming staff or AAC members to hold a closed
session, as determined by majority vote of the AAC.
a. Beginning in 2023, elections for open AAC seats will be held annually in September.
b. USA Swimming staff will send an email to all eligible 10-Year Athletes, announcing the number of
open seats, the election timeline, and how to apply
c. The application will request the following disclosures:
a. Doping violations
b. US Center for Safe Sport Violations
c. Periods of ineligibility
d. Felony convictions
d. The application will also inquire about any potential conflicts of interest, to be reviewed by USA
Swimming’s Ethics Committee
e. Eligible athletes will be placed on the ballot. USA Swimming staff will conduct the election via email
and electronic ballot. All 10-Year Athletes will be eligible to vote. At the close of the election, USA
Swimming staff will announce the results. New committee members’ terms will begin on September.
a. Appointments
i. Athlete committee appointments for any open seats will occur annually in the fall,
following the annual meeting of the House of Delegates. An email will be sent by
the AAC to all eligible 10-Year and 10-Year+ Athletes; the email will announce the
open seats, the application process, and the timeline for appointment. It will also
explain that all applicants but be members of USA Swimming in good standing.
ii. The application will request the following disclosures: any doping violations, U.S.
Center for SafeSport violations, USA Swimming Safe Sport violations, periods of
ineligibility, and felony convictions. USA Swimming Staff will review the
disclosures to ensure the eligibility of all applicants.
iii. The application will also inquire about any potential conflicts of interest, to be
reviewed by USA Swimming’s Ethics Committee.
iv. The AAC will review the names, applications, and disclosures of eligible athletes
and vote to appoint athletes to open committee seats.
v. Once the committee athletes have been selected, the AAC will inform the
applicants of their appointments.
b. Seeking Exceptions from USOPC Athlete Representation Working Group
i. In appointing athletes to committees, the AAC will abide by the athlete
representation requirements in the USOPC Bylaws and the USA Swimming
Bylaws, Rulebook, and Operating Policy Manual.
The election for the USOPC AAC Representative and Alternate will be conducted separately by USA Swimming
Staff pursuant to the requirements of the USOPC.
ii. To the extent that the AAC would like to seek a higher standard, addition,
restriction, or exception to the USOPC’s athlete representation requirements, the
AAC should discuss and vote to submit the request to the National Governing Body
Athlete Representation Review Working Group for review and approval.
iii. The following are examples of when the AAC might seek an exception:
i. Use of proportional or weighted voting to achieve the necessary level of athlete
representation in the House of Delegates.
ii. Designation of additional events beyond Delegation Events to expand the pool of
eligible 10-Year or 10-Year+ Athletes.
iii. Changing a committee’s status as either Designated or Other, per the USOPC
i. Per USA Swimming’s Statement of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy, all members
of the AAC must submit annual conflict of interest disclosures to USA Swimming’s Ethics
ii. The Ethics Committee will review the disclosures and determine whether a conflict of
interest exists and if there are any mitigating measures that could be implemented to
manage or avoid the potential conflict.
iii. AAC members will abide by the instructions of the Ethics Committee as to whether
disclosure and/or recusal are required at meetings and/or in votes for certain topics.
a. Any provision in this Manual may be amended by majority vote.
25.0 LSC Development Committee Policies and Procedures
Date of adoption / Last revision: February 1, 2021
To support LSCs through shared communication of available resources
a. Providing opportunities and resources which strengthen LSC governance and operations.
b. Enhancing the sharing of leading practices and information among LSCs.
a. Attend and participate in all meetings of the committee throughout the year as scheduled.
b. Acknowledge the importance of the cooperative effort needed to evolve programs and projects by
completing committee assignments within the timeline assigned by the chair and/or staff leader.
Fully participate in the brainstorming, creating, vetting, executing and evaluation of ideas and/or
programs that support the committee’s mission and responsibilities.
a. Meetings
a. Notification of scheduled committee meetings and the agenda are provided at least one
week prior to the meeting to all committee members and staff.
b. Relevant files/materials for the meeting are linked in the agenda.
c. Committee member reports are posted in the committee Teams at least 2 days prior to the
meeting date.
d. In the event someone is unable to participate in a scheduled meeting, the committee chair
and staff leader are notified.
b. Files and Minutes
a. The staff leader (or designee) is responsible for composing the minutes of the meeting.
b. Minutes are posted in Teams by the staff leader (or designee) following the meeting.
c. Minutes and related files are in Teams and posted on the USA Swimming website by the
staff leader.
c. Committee Budget Request Procedure
a. The staff leader submits to the Managing Director, Sport Development
d. Resigning from the Committee
a. Any committee member may resign by orally advising the Committee Chair or by submitting
a written resignation specifying an effective date of the resignation. In the absence of a
specified effective date, any such resignation shall take effect upon the appointment of a
e. Committee Vacancies
a. Mid-term vacancies In the event of a mid-term vacancy in, or permanent incapacity of the
committee member, the Committee Chair shall appoint a successor, with the advice and
consent of the staff leader & Managing Director, Sport Development Division & CEO or
designee, to serve the remainder of the term, or until the next regularly scheduled period to
fill committee openings. The appointment will not count against the term limit.
f. Committee Organization Structure
a. LSC Development Committee > Committee Chair > Staff Leader > Managing Director, Sport
Development > CEO
Each LSC shall be required to comply with the USA Swimming LEAP Program as outlined in the LSC
Affiliation Agreement.
Submission Process
LSC’s will complete the LEAP Program through the USA Swimming LEAP Teams link provided to LSC
leaders by the appropriate Team Services advisor.
a. General
a. LSC’s must maintain LEAP program compliance according to the published schedule shown
in Appendix B. Submitted materials will be reviewed and critiqued by the USA Swimming
staff and/or designees. LSCs successfully renewing the LEAP Program every two (2) years
will remain compliant with the LSC Affiliation Agreement.
b. Evaluation Schedule
a. At least 60 days prior to the scheduled renewal date, the LSC will receive notification from
USA Swimming of the upcoming LEAP renewal deadline.
b. Deadline: Submissions will be reviewed by the appropriate Team Services Advisor and
referred to the LSC for correction if needed. LSCs will have a maximum of 30 days to update
deficiencies, or they will be designated as non-compliant with the LSC Affiliation Agreement.
c. Evaluation Guidelines
a. Each required item, and any additional items designated as needing to be updated by the
Team Services Advisor in each of the three (3) LEAP categories must be completed
successfully to remain compliant with the LSC Affiliation Agreement.
d. Approval of LEAP Compliance
a. Upon successful renewal of the LEAP program, the LSC will be notified by the appropriate
Team Services Advisor as being compliant with the LEAP requirement outlined in the LSC
Affiliation Agreement.
e. Appeals
a. An LSC shall have the right to dispute any unapproved LEAP item. To appeal, an LSC shall
submit a written appeal to USA Swimming describing the issue in question.
b. If the LSC feels that its appeal has been wrongly denied, it may submit the appeal to the
Managing Director, Sport Development for consideration. The decision of the USA
Swimming BOD shall be final.
Failure to Maintain Compliance with the LEAP Program
An LSC that fails to submit, or has uncorrected deficiencies as outlined above, shall be considered non-
compliant with the LSC Affiliation Agreement, and will be referred to the USA Swimming Board of Directors
for further action
To provide convenient online access to LSC leading practice material from the LEAP program and other
areas of LSC Governance for interested members.
The library contents are located on the USA Swimming website under About/LSCs.
Responsibility for the library resides with USA Swimming staff.
Submittal Process for Library Content
Members of the LSC Development Committee or staff may recommend materials that should be shared in
the LSC Resources Library. The inclusion of recommended items for the LSC Resources Library is not
automatic. USA Swimming staff retains discretion over items in the LSC Resources Library.
Retiring LSC Development Committee members will be verbally recognized at the November committee
meeting for their service to USA Swimming.
General Procedures
a. Working groups and task forces are appointed by the LSC Development Committee Chair with the
advice and consent of the staff leader.
b. The purpose of the Working Group or task force is stated upon appointment, the chair or leader is
designated, and a duration for the appointment is noted. (e.g., by November 1, XXXX or one year,
and so on.)
c. Meeting notifications and any relevant materials should be distributed to the participants, the LSC
Development Committee Chair, and staff leader prior to the meeting.
d. Notes of the meetings are posted in Teams.
26.0 National Board of Review
Date of adoption / Last revision: April 16, 2024
As a voluntary membership organization, where membership is a privilege and not a right, USA Swimming
may censure, enjoin, place on probation, suspend for a definite or indefinite period of time with or without
terms of probation, fine, or expel any member of USA Swimming, including any athlete, coach, manager,
official, and member of any committee, as well as any person participating in any capacity in the affairs
and/or attending activities of USA Swimming, the Zones or Local Swimming Committees (“LSC”). This
ability exists even if such person is a non-member of USA Swimming but acting in a capacity or situation
that requires a USA Swimming membership (a “Participating Non-Member”). USA Swimming may take
such action outlined above against a member or Participating Non-Member who has violated any of its
rules or regulations, who aids, abets, and encourages another to violate any of its rules or regulations, or
who has acted in a manner which brings disrepute upon USA Swimming, the Zone, the LSC, or the sport
of swimming.
I. Original and Exclusive Jurisdiction of the NBOR
The National Board of Review (“NBOR”) has original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear:
a. Any complaint involving athletes or other members, or Participating Non-Members, during a
national or international event;
b. Any complaint under Article 301.1 of the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations against any individual
or organizational member of USA Swimming or organization affiliated with USA Swimming alleging
the denial of (or a threat to deny) any eligible swimmer, coach, trainer, manager, official or
administrator the opportunity to participate;
c. Any complaint under Articles 304.3.1 through 304.3.12 of the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations
against any member of USA Swimming, including any athlete, coach, manager, official, member of
any committee, or a Participating Non-Member;
d. Any complaint initiated by USA Swimming, which shall be prosecuted by and may be appealed by
the President & CEO;
e. Any complaint under Article 304.3.14 of the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations that is not heard
pursuant to the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s SafeSport Code for the Olympic and Paralympic
f. Any appeal initiated pursuant to adverse action taken by the USA Swimming Board of Directors
against an LSC for alleged violations of an LSC Affiliation Agreement;
g. Any appeal initiated pursuant to an adverse action taken against an athlete for alleged violations of
the applicable USA Swimming team rules for a USA Swimming international team trip;
h. Any complaint under USA Swimming’s Whistleblower and Anti-Retaliation Policy, initiated by the
USA Swimming Ethics Committee pursuant to that Policy, or any complaint of retaliation initiated
by the complaining party if the Ethics Committee determines that it will not initiate a complaint in its
own name;
i. Any matter to determine whether a member or prospective member who fails to meet the automatic
qualification criteria of USA Swimming’s Background Check Policy is eligible for membership and
if so under what conditions;
j. Any complaint involving a member, former member or prospective member found by the U.S.
Olympic & Paralympic Committee (the “USOPC”) to have violated its rules, policies and/or
procedures, or the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act;
k. Any complaint filed against USA Swimming regarding USA Swimming’s alleged violation of or
noncompliance with USOPC rules, policies and/or procedures, or the Ted Stevens Olympic and
Amateur Sports Act;
l. Any matter to determine whether any member, former member, or prospective member found by a
state or federal jurisdiction to have violated a state or federal law is eligible for membership and if
so under what conditions; or
m. Any protest of a referee or meet jury’s ruling, pursuant to Article 102.22.5(B) and any appeals of
the Program & Events Coordinator’s decision regarding fines pursuant to Article 207.7.3(C).
II. Discretionary Jurisdiction
a. Upon a majority vote of the Board of Directors, the NBOR may be assigned exclusive and
immediate jurisdiction at any stage of any matter outlined above in Section I , when in its sole
discretion, the best interests of USA Swimming shall be served thereby, or when compliance with
regular USA Swimming or Zone procedures would not be likely to produce a sufficiently early
decision or do justice to the affected parties.
b. If discretionary jurisdiction is so assigned, the NBOR shall comply in every instance with all
requirements of procedural due process as set forth in these Procedures. The NBOR may set such
procedural time limitations as it may deem necessary in order to reach a decision, which shall do
justice to the affected parties under particular circumstances.
c. The NBOR may assess fees and costs against any party other than USA Swimming or any
Committee thereof.
III. Authority of the NBOR
The NBOR shall have the power and authority to do the following:
a) Impose and enforce penalties for any violation of the Rules & Regulations, administrative or
technical, of USA Swimming;
b) Determine an individual’s eligibility and right to participate;
c) Vacate, modify, sustain, reverse, or stay any decision or order properly submitted on appeal, or
remand the matter for further action;
d) Investigate any election impropriety (other than allegations of violations of the campaigning rules in
Corporate Bylaw 6.3.3(D), which will be referred to the USA Swimming Ethics Committee) or cause
for removal of a national officer or national committee member and take corrective action;
e) Interpret any provision of the Rules & Regulations of USA Swimming with the exception of the
technical rules (Parts One and Seven);
f) Review any revocation, suspension, or reinstatement of membership, or challenge the granting or
denial of membership; and
g) Issue such orders, prohibitory or mandatory in nature, as may be necessary pending a final decision
of the NBOR.
IV. Filing of Complaints, Initial Inquiry and Investigation
a. Filing of Complaints
a. All complaints within the exclusive jurisdiction of the NBOR as set forth above shall set forth
the allegations and shall be filed in writing with the President & CEO (or their designee,
collectively, the “CEO”), the Secretary & General Counsel (or their designee, collectively the
“General Counsel”), and the Chair of the Board of Directors (the “Board Chair”).
b. A complaint may be filed online via USA Swimming’s online reporting tool at:
c. A copy of reports filed online will be sent to the CEO, the General Counsel, and the Board
b. Initial Inquiry
a. Upon receipt of a filed complaint, the CEO shall promptly perform an initial inquiry. The initial
inquiry is intended to determine whether the complaint satisfies the personal and subject
matter jurisdiction of the NBOR, including whether the factual allegationsif taken as true
give rise to an actionable claim. It is anticipated that the initial inquiry will take no longer
than ten business days.
c. Investigation of Complaints
a. If a complaint survives initial inquiry, the CEO shall initiate an investigation, anticipated to
take no longer than six weeks, of the matter as follows:
i. In matters involving allegations of physical abuse of an athlete by a coach, a
committee of three coaches appointed by the Board Chair shall make a
determination with such investigative assistance by the CEO as the committee
may request and report as to whether the coach’s conduct is outside the customary
and acceptable bounds of coaching. If such matter is referred to the U.S. Center
for SafeSport, the SafeSport Code or the Olympic and Paralympic Movement shall
ii. In those matters involving allegations under USA Swimming’s Whistleblower and
Anti-Retaliation Policy, the Ethics Committee shall make the investigation and
b. In all other matters, the CEO shall make the investigation and report.
c. Upon the initiation of an investigation beyond the initial inquiry stage, a notice of
investigation will be sent to the subject of the complaint, as well as the club’s head coach
and/or Board president, if applicable. The notice of investigation will include a statement as
to which USA Swimming rule was allegedly violated.
V. Disposition After Investigation
After the initial inquiry and investigation have been completed, the CEO may attempt to settle the matter
with the opposing party or decide to initiate a complaint in the name of USA Swimming by filing the
complaint with the Chair of the NBOR (“NBOR Chair”) and requesting a hearing.
Any decision by the CEO not to forward a complaint to the NBOR following an investigation shall be
reviewed by the Board Chair for a final decision. The CEO may also seek an emergency hearing as set
forth below in Section VII.
If the CEO does not initiate a complaint in the name of USA Swimming, then the CEO may:
a. Cause further investigation to be conducted into the alleged violations;
b. Seek to mediate or settle the complaint; or
c. Advise the complaining party that while USA Swimming will not initiate a complaint in its own name,
the complaining party may request USA Swimming assist with mediating the complaint or the
complaining party may file their complaint directly with the NBOR Chair by submitting a petition
directly to the NBOR Chair. USA Swimming shall share the procedural history of the complaint with
the NBOR Chair, to confirm that the matter is properly before the NBOR Chair; USA Swimming
may further share its investigation with the NBOR Chair to assist with the NBOR Chair’s
assessment of the matter.
If the investigation is conducted by the Ethics Committee under USA Swimming’s Whistleblower and Anti-
Retaliation Policy, after the investigation is complete, the Ethics Committee may decide to initiate a
complaint in the name of the Ethics Committee by filing a petition with the NBOR Chair and requesting a
hearing. If the Ethics Committee does not file a petition with the NBOR Chair, it may advise the complaining
party that, while the Ethics Committee will not initiate a complaint in its own name, the complaining party
may still file their petition with the NBOR Chair. The Ethics Committee shall share the procedural history
of the complaint with the NBOR Chair, to confirm that the matter is properly before the NBOR Chair; the
Ethics Committee may further share its investigation with the NBOR Chair to assist with the NBOR Chair’s
assessment of the matter.
VI. Settlement Agreements
Any settlement agreement between the parties must be memorialized in writing and submitted to the NBOR
Chair. The NBOR Chair may then decide whether to accept or reject the settlement agreement. If the
NBOR Chair accepts the settlement agreement, they will issue an order documenting that decision. If the
NBOR Chair issues such order, no further investigation into the complaint is warranted, and the
complaining party may not file their complaint directly with the NBOR Chair pursuant to Paragraph V(c).
VII. Emergency Hearing
After the investigation, the CEO or other petitioning party may seek an emergency hearing. Upon such
request, the NBOR Chair may order an emergency hearing before the NBOR to determine (1) if the
member should be suspended and/or (2) only in the case of an athlete being dismissed from an
international team, whether the dismissal was warranted. If an emergency hearing is ordered, the NBOR
shall conduct the hearing and publish its results within twenty-one days. Until the NBOR makes a decision,
all proceedings shall be confidential and not subject to disclosure to anyone other than the parties and
witnesses. The Ethics Committee may also seek an emergency hearing. Any decision made at an
emergency hearing will remain in effect pending the outcome of a full hearing before the NBOR.
VIII. Pre-Hearing Matters
a. Petition
a. For matters initiated in the name of USA Swimming, the CEO shall send a petition and the
results of the investigation to the NBOR Chair. For matters not initiated in the name of USA
Swimming, a complaining party may submit a petition directly to the NBOR Chair.
b. Once a petition is submitted, the NBOR Chair shall have 14 days, unless there is just cause
for a delay, to decide whether to assign the matter for a hearing or dismiss the complaint. If
the NBOR Chair decides to assign the matter for a hearing, the NBOR Chair will empanel
a hearing body and issue a Notice of Hearing.
b. Hearing Panel Composition
a. Each case submitted to the NBOR shall be assigned by the NBOR Chair to a panel
consisting of members of the NBOR Committee, unless conflicts or other reasons require
panel members who are not members of such Committee. The appointment of any member
to a hearing panel who is not a member of the NBOR Committee shall be confirmed by the
Board Chair and the General Counsel.
b. Each hearing panel shall consist of not fewer than three members and not more than five
members, with a sufficient number of eligible athlete representatives so as to satisfy the
requirement that such athletes constitute one-third of the hearing panel, to hear and decide
the case. If the content of a matter before the NBOR involves governance, finance or elite
athletes, the panel must be comprised of one-third 10-Year Athlete representatives. Each
hearing panel will have a hearing panel Chair who shall be the NBOR Chair or a Vice Chair
of the NBOR.
c. Conflict of interest disclosure forms will be distributed to each member of the NBOR
Committee annually. Additionally, when empaneling a hearing panel, the NBOR Chair will
distribute a conflict of interest form to each potential panel member and the General Counsel
will review the conflict of interest disclosure forms prior to empaneling members for a
hearing. An alleged failure to disclose a conflict of interest will be submitted to the Ethics
Committee for review under the USA Swimming Statement of Ethics and Conflict of Interest
d. Hearing panel members and Board of Directors appeal panels shall:
i. Uphold the integrity and independence of the respective hearing panel;
ii. Avoid any impropriety or the appearance of impropriety in connection with service
as a hearing panel member and swimming-related activities generally; and
iii. Perform the duties of a hearing panel member impartially and diligently.
e. Hearing panel members shall recuse themselves from participating in any matter pending
before their respective hearing panel:
i. In which their impartiality might be reasonably questioned;
ii. Where they have a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party in the pending
matter or have personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the
pending matter (other than knowledge obtained as a hearing panel member or
known generally to a substantial portion of the membership of the respective LSC
or USA Swimming);
iii. Where they or a member of their family are a party or are likely to be a material
witness in the pending matter;
iv. Where they or a member of their family have an interest that could be substantially
affected by the outcome of the proceeding; or
v. Where they or a member of their family have served or are serving as counsel in
the pending matter or are members of a law firm that served or is serving as
counsel in the pending matter.
f. Hearing panel members shall recuse themselves as soon as they become aware of facts
that give rise to the duty to do so by giving notice to the NBOR Chair, or in the case of the
NBOR Chair or Board of Directors appeal panel members, to the General Counsel, as
g. By written notice to the chair of the hearing panel or the General Counsel, in the case of
Board of Directors appeal panel members, any party may request that a panel member
recuse themselves or be disqualified from serving on the pending matter stating the reasons
for recusal or disqualification with specificity. Such notice will be provided to the Ethics
Committee by the chair of the hearing panel or the General Counsel. Such notice shall be
given at least 14 days prior to the scheduled date of the hearing on such matter, or, if the
party sustains the burden of proving good cause for the lateness of the notice, as soon as
reasonably possible after discovery of the reason for the need for recusal. The named
hearing panel member shall reach a decision on the matter and notify the Ethics Committee
of that decision within seven days of receipt of the party’s notice. If the member’s decision
is not in favor of recusal, then the Ethics Committee may, if appropriate, disqualify the
member from participation in the pending matter. If there is no disqualification, the hearing
shall be conducted as scheduled and, unless it is a hearing before the Board of Directors,
the party giving the notice may appeal the disqualification decision, together with the hearing
h. In the event of a recusal or disqualification, a substitute hearing panel member shall be
appointed in the same manner as the original hearing panel members were appointed.
c. Notice of Hearing
a. The NBOR Chair shall set a hearing date, which shall be not less than forty-five nor more
than sixty days from the date of issuance of the Notice of Hearing. The Notice of Hearing
shall include the following:
i. The name of the Respondent(s).
ii. A statement of charge, which shall be set forth in sufficient detail to give the
Respondent(s) reasonable notice of the charges and the facts supporting the
charges, which shall include the Petition.
iii. The name of the Petitioner(s).
iv. The date the Response is due.
v. The date, time, and place (or the fact that the hearing shall be conducted by
conference call) of the hearing
vi. The names of the members of the NBOR Panel.
vii. The possible penalties.
viii. The right of appeal and the time limit to file for an appeal.
ix. Any other general information, including the right to be represented by counsel, to
have witnesses testify, and to submit any and all evidence which is relevant to the
b. The NBOR Chair shall deliver the Notice of Hearing, together with a copy of the Petition
received by the CEO to the Respondent(s) and a copy of the Notice of Hearing to the
d. Response
a. The Respondent(s) shall have thirty days from the date of issuance to submit a written
Response to the charges, which may include a request for dismissal based on a lack of
jurisdiction or failure to state a claim on which relief can be granted. The Response shall be
delivered to the NBOR Chair, the CEO, and the Petitioner(s) or their counsel.
e. Reply
a. The Petitioner(s) shall have ten days from the date of delivery of the Response to submit a
written Reply. The Reply shall be delivered to the NBOR Chair, the CEO, and the
f. Time Limits
a. Upon showing of good cause, the NBOR Chair may decrease or increase the time limits for
any of the foregoing.
g. Pre-Hearing Matters
a. The NBOR Chair is empowered to issue scheduling orders regarding briefs and rule on all
pre-hearing discovery motions; witness lists (and reasonable limits on the number of
witnesses that may be called at the hearing), exchange of hearing exhibits and similar pre-
hearing matters, and otherwise make all procedural (including, without limitation, a request
for a continuance), evidentiary, and technical decisions and rulings with respect to hearings
(unless such matters arise during the hearing, in which case the hearing panel chair may
make such decisions and rulings as they deem appropriate).
IX. Hearing
For hearings conducted other than through the receipt of written statements, the NBOR shall cause a
recording or transcription to be made of the proceedings.
If a party provides advanced written notice that they are unavailable to attend the hearing at the scheduled
time, the NBOR Chair shall reschedule the hearing at such date and time that all parties are available to
attend. A hearing may proceed without a party if that party attempts to cancel a second scheduled hearing
that they previously agreed to attend or if any party fails to be available at the appointed time without
advance notice. However, judgement shall not be reached merely because of the person’s absence. If the
NBOR determines that the hearing cannot proceed without the absent party, the NBOR may adjourn the
hearing and reschedule it for such time as the absent party can be present.
The hearing shall be opened by the recording of the place, time, and date of the hearing, and the presence
of the NBOR panel members, parties, counsel, if any, and any other witnesses or observers.
Each party may then present an opening statement setting forth generally the party’s view of the issues in
dispute, the relief sought, and what they hope to prove by the presentation of evidence.
Petitioner may then present their claims, evidence, and witnesses, who shall be subject to cross-
examination by the other party. Respondent may then present their claims, evidence, and witnesses, who
shall also be subject to cross-examination by the other party.
Petitioner(s) may then be allowed an opportunity to rebut any testimony or evidence presented by the
Respondent(s) after the presentation of Respondent(s).
For matters in which the Petitioner is seeking a lifetime ban, each party should receive 90 minutes to
present its evidence. For matters in which the Petitioner is seeking a suspension for a period of years,
each party should receive 60 minutes to present its evidence. In an uncontested matter (where a
Respondent chooses not to participate), the Petitioner should receive 30 minutes to present a condensed
version of its case. Additional time may be provided at the discretion of the hearing panel chair.
The NBOR panel may question any person at any time. The NBOR panel has the discretion to vary these
procedures but shall afford all parties a full and equal opportunity to present any material or relevant
X. Decision
A decision may be rendered by the NBOR panel at the time of the hearing and reduced to writing within
five days. The written decision shall be delivered to the parties within seven days after the hearing.
Otherwise, the NBOR panel shall reach a decision as soon as administratively practicable (but not more
than twenty-one days after the conclusion of the hearing) and shall deliver the written decision within seven
days thereafter.
The written decision shall set forth the right of appeal under this policy to the Board of Directors.
XI. Stay
The NBOR shall have the authority to stay the enforcement of its decision during the time allowed for an
appeal, with the decision going into effect automatically if no appeal is perfected during the allowable
XII. Delivery
The delivery of all Notices of Hearing to Respondent(s) and all final Decisions to the non-prevailing
party(ies) shall be overnight express delivery. Delivery of all other pleadings, orders, and communications
may be by electronic mail or other means, as directed by the NBOR Chair.
XIII. Appeal
Any real party in interest, including any officer of USA Swimming or the CEO, may appeal any decision of
the NBOR as follows: matters heard by the NBOR pursuant to its original jurisdiction, heard de novo, or
heard pursuant to its discretionary jurisdiction, may be appealed to the Board of Directors within thirty days
of the date of the issuing of its written decision. Decisions of the Ethics Committee, under USA Swimming’s
Statement of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy, may be appealed to the Board of Directors within thirty
days of the date of the issue of a written decision.
The Petition on appeal is to be served upon the CEO, as well as the other party(ies) to the NBOR
proceeding, and shall be accompanied by a $250 filing fee payable to USA Swimming. The Petition shall
set forth the grounds for appeal, including both factual and legal allegations of error in any earlier
Unless the Board of Directors by majority vote decides otherwise, the review by the Board of Directors
shall be on the basis of the record and written briefs and shall not be a de novo hearing. The Secretary &
General Counsel may establish a hearing panel consisting of at least five members (all of whom must be
members of the Board of Directors and at least one-third of whom must be 10-Year Athlete representatives)
to hear any appeal, including appeals heard as de novo hearings. The decision of the hearing panel shall
be final with the same force and effect as if the full Board of Directors heard the matter.
The Board of Directors may assess fees and costs against the losing party.
For matters involving the opportunity of any amateur athlete, coach, trainer, manager, administrator, or
official to participate in amateur athletic competition, upon demand of USA Swimming or any aggrieved
amateur athlete, coach, trainer, manager, administrator, or official, the matter may be submitted to binding
arbitration with an arbitral organization designated by the USOPC, after an appeal is heard by the Board
of Directors and the Board of Directors renders its decision.
XIV. Confidentiality
Hearings conducted before the NBOR or the Board of Directors regarding alleged Code of Conduct
violations shall be closed to the public.
All investigations conducted by the CEO regarding alleged Code of Conduct violations and all proceedings
before the NBOR and the Board of Directors regarding alleged Code of Conduct violations shall be and
remain confidential until the NBOR, or Board of Directors if an appeal is filed, has rendered its final decision,
a. Information that is necessary to disclose in the course of an investigation to witnesses and other
appropriate parties;
b. Information disclosed pursuant to a subpoena or court order;
c. Information disclosed to complaining parties or victims;
d. Information disclosed by USA Swimming in response to disclosures by other parties or witnesses
in the proceeding; and
e. Information disclosed to law enforcement.
For the purposes of this section, a decision shall be considered final when either: (1) the NBOR has
rendered its final decision and the 30-day appeal period has run without an appeal being filed; or (2) a
party has appealed the decision of the NBOR to the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors has
rendered its final decision on such appeal.
USA Swimming shall also disclose information, including, but not limited to, the initiation of an NBOR
proceeding and its outcome, to a member club, LSC or Zone where an employee or volunteer of such club,
LSC or Zone has been alleged in a complaint to have violated the Code of Conduct.
A redacted summary of each final decision of the NBOR and Board of Directors that includes a finding of
a violation of the Code of Conduct may be published at the discretion of USA Swimming.
XV. Full Faith and Credit
See Article 401 of the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations.
XVI. NBOR Special Panel Procedures
USA Swimming has instituted background screening for coaches, non-athlete members, and certain
athlete members, pursuant to USA Swimming’s Background Check Policy. The background screening
process is designed to flag criminal background information that constitutes a violation of USA Swimming’s
Code of Conduct, or otherwise fails to meet the automatic qualification criteria of USA Swimming’s Safe
Sport Program.
USA Swimming membership is a privilege. As is set forth in Article 304.1 of the USA Swimming Rules &
Regulations, the privilege of membership may be withdrawn or denied by USA Swimming at any time
where USA Swimming determines that a member or prospective member’s conduct is inconsistent with
the mission of the organization or the best interest of the sport and those who participate in it.
The USA Swimming background check report will return a “Review Eligible for Dispute,” “Review
Eligible for Appeal” or “Pass” score. A “Review – Eligible for Dispute” score is an automatic disqualifier for
membership and can only be appealed on the grounds that the negative information in the subject’s report
is incorrect. A “Review – Eligible for Appeal” score indicates that the report includes public record
information that, if correct, may not meet membership criteria. However, such a score is not an automatic
ban to membership. Instead, the applicant is required to go through the NBOR special background check
panel (“NBOR Special Panel”) hearing process and an NBOR Special Panel will determine if membership
is appropriate and if so under what conditions.
a. Pre-Adverse Action Letter
An individual whose background screen report returns a score of “Review – Eligible for Appeal” will receive
a pre-adverse action letter that provides two options:
Option #1: The individual can challenge the accuracy of the information.
Option #2: The individual can acknowledge the accuracy of the report and appeal the negative membership
decision. In order to request an appeal, the individual should contact USA Swimming by sending an email
to backg[email protected]. The request should include the applicant’s full name, date of birth,
and the Request ID in the applicant information section of the background check report.
Individuals have 15 business days to respond to the preadverse action letter. If the individual fails to
respond to the letter within 15 business days, USA Swimming will assume that there is nothing in the
background check that the individual disputes and, as a result, may take any necessary actions regarding
the individual’s membership status or lack thereof.
In all cases, USA Swimming reserves the right to bring a NBOR hearing on the basis of background check
report information, even if an applicant withdraws from the membership process.
b. Appeal Hearings Scheduling
USA Swimming will schedule a background check appeal hearing before the NBOR Special Panel as soon
as is practical.
c. Appeal Hearings Hearing Panel Composition
Each NBOR Special Panel shall consist of three members with a sufficient number of eligible athlete
representatives to satisfy the requirement that such athletes constitute one-third of the NBOR Special
Panel, to hear and decide the case. Any time the content of a matter before the NBOR involves elite
athletes, the NBOR Special Panel must be comprised of 10-Year Athlete representatives. Each NBOR
Special Panel will have a Chair who shall be the NBOR Chair or a Vice Chair.
When empaneling a NBOR Special Panel, the NBOR Chair will distribute a conflict of interest form to each
potential panel member and the General Counsel will review the conflict of interest disclosure forms prior
to empaneling members for a hearing. An alleged failure to disclose a conflict of interest will be submitted
to the Ethics Committee for review under the USA Swimming Statement of Ethics and Conflict of Interest
d. Appeal Hearings Case Disposition Information
Once a background check appeal hearing has been scheduled, the individual must provide the USA
Swimming Background Check Coordinator (the “Background Check Coordinator”) with all available
documentation regarding the criminal matter’s final disposition, including all documents related to any
sentence, fine or conditions of probation imposed by the court. The hearing may be canceled if the
individual does not provide all such documentation to the Background Check Coordinator by the stated
deadline in the initial request by the Background Check Coordinator. However, if an individual fails to
provide documentation by the deadline stated by the Background Check Coordinator, such that the hearing
is canceled, USA Swimming may go forward with a second scheduled hearing without the documentation
and ask the NBOR Special Panel to consider the lack of documentation in its finding.
e. Appeal Hearings Notice of Hearing
The Background Check Coordinator shall set a hearing date, which shall be not more than sixty days from
the date the individual requests an appeal hearing. The USA Swimming Background Check Coordinator
shall prepare and distribute a Notice of Hearing, which must include the following:
i. The name of the Respondent(s).
ii. A statement of charge, which shall be set forth in sufficient detail to give the Respondent(s)
reasonable notice of the charge(s) to be addressed.
iii. The date, time, and conference call access information for the hearing.
iv. The names of the members of the NBOR Special Panel.
v. Any other general information, including the right to be represented by counsel, to have
witnesses testify, and to submit any and all evidence which is relevant to the issues.
The Background Check Coordinator shall deliver the Notice of Hearing, together with Hearing Packet to
the NBOR Special Panel, the individual, and USA Swimming’s designee. The Hearing Packet will contain,
at a minimum, a copy of the individual’s member record, a copy of the individual’s background screen
report, and a copy of available documentation regarding the criminal matter’s final disposition, including all
documents related to any sentence, fine, or conditions of probation imposed by the court, along with any
additional information submitted by the individual.
f. Appeal Hearing
The NBOR Special Panel shall cause a recording or transcription to be made of the proceedings.
If the individual provides advanced written notice that they are unavailable to attend the hearing at the
scheduled time, the Background Check Coordinator shall reschedule the hearing to such date and time
that all parties are available to attend. However, a NBOR Special Panel hearing may proceed without the
individual if the individual attempts to cancel a second scheduled hearing that they previously agreed to
attend or if they fail to be available at the appointed time without advance notice. The hearing will not
proceed in the absence of USA Swimming.
The hearing may proceed in the absence of a hearing panel member only in the event the individual agrees
to do so. The recording from the hearing will be provided to the absent panel members for review. If the
individual does not agree to do so, or if either the individual or USA Swimming is not present, the Chair of
the NBOR Special Panel will adjourn the hearing and reschedule it for such time as the absent party can
be present.
The hearing shall be opened by the recording of the time and date of the hearing, and the presence of the
NBOR Special Panel members, parties, counsel, if any, and any other witnesses or observers. USA
Swimming may then present an opening statement setting forth generally USA Swimming’s view of the
charges to be addressed.
The NBOR Special Panel Chair will begin by ensuring all participants are aware the hearing is being
recorded, swearing in the membership applicant, and questioning the individual. Following completion of
the Chair’s questioning, the other NBOR Special Panel members will be afforded the opportunity to
question the individual. USA Swimming will also be afforded the opportunity to question the individual.
Following the completion of questioning, the individual will be allowed to present its witnesses and make
any other pertinent statements.
USA Swimming will close by providing its recommendation to the NBOR Special Panel. At that time, USA
Swimming the individual, along with the individual’s counsel and any witnesses, will be dismissed so that
the panel may deliberate.
g. Appeal Hearing Decision
The NBOR Special Panel Chair will draft a written decision. The written decision will generally be rendered
within seven business days of the hearing and will be distributed to all parties.
The USOPC Office of the Athlete Ombuds offers independent, confidential advice to elite athletes
regarding their rights and responsibilities in the Olympic and Paralympic Movement, and assists athletes
with a broad range of questions, disputes, complaints, and concerns.
Athlete Ombuds Confidentiality and Privacy Policy
a. In general.The Office of the Athlete Ombuds shall maintain as confidential any information
communicated or provided to the Office of the Athlete Ombuds in confidence in any matter involving
the exercise of the official duties of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds.
b. Exception.The Office of the Athlete Ombuds may disclose information described in subparagraph
(A) as necessary to resolve or mediate a dispute, with the permission of the parties involved.
c. Judicial and administrative proceedings.(i) In general.The ombudsman and the staff of the
Office of the Athlete Ombuds shall not be compelled to testify or produce evidence in any judicial
or administrative proceeding with respect to any matter involving the exercise of the duties of the
Office of the Athlete Ombuds. (ii) Work product.Any memorandum, work product, notes, or case
file of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds(I) shall be confidential; and(II) shall not be(aa) subject
to discovery, subpoena, or any other means of legal compulsion; or (bb) admissible as evidence in
a judicial or administrative proceeding.
d. Applicability.The confidentiality requirements under this paragraph shall not apply to information
relating to(i) applicable federally mandated reporting requirements; (ii) a felony personally
witnessed by a member of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds;(iii) a situation, communicated to the
Office of the Athlete Ombuds, in which an individual is at imminent risk of serious harm; or (iv) a
congressional subpoena.
Contact Information:
Phone: 719-866-5000
Email: ombudsman@usathlete.org
Website: usathlete.org
XVIII. Banned for Life Policy
Membership is a privilege, not a right, and members who demonstrate that they are not able to interact
with children appropriately sacrifice that privilege. USA Swimming cannot be put in a position where it is
required to develop, coordinate, monitor, or evaluate any type of rehabilitation program for members who
have demonstrated that they are not able to interact with minors appropriately. NBOR panels that consider
putting “rehabilitative” requirements on a member are putting an unreasonable strain on USA Swimming’s
time and resources, and present potential liability issues for USA Swimming should members who have
been sanctioned with any kind of “rehabilitative” requirement by a NBOR panel re-offend once they return
to membership. As a result, such “rehabilitative” requirements or conditions must be avoided by NBOR
The most severe penalty USA Swimming can assign is to permanently expel a member and add their name
to the public list of individuals permanently suspended or ineligible. USA Swimming recognizes that
sanctions imposed on members or former members cannot exceed restrictions on privileges tied to
membership. For instance, USA Swimming cannot prohibit an expelled member from coaching for a non-
member organization, giving private lessons, or running an unaffiliated swim camp, etc.
An individual cannot be banned for life in a specific membership category for life; a ban for life must be
across all membership categories.
A ban for life is a permanent expulsion from membership. Individuals who have been banned for life and
have exhausted or waived appeal opportunities do not have any recourse to subsequently request that
their name be removed from the list, or request to be re-admitted for membership.
27.0 USA Swimming Coach Advisory Council Operating Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: January 27, 2024
1 Purpose
A. The USA Swimming Coach Advisory Council (“CAC”) is an operating committee reporting to the USA
Swimming President & CEO or their designee.
B. The CAC aims to ensure that all USA Swimming member coaches, from coaches with athletes at the
grassroots level to those with athletes on the USA Swimming National Team level, are represented and
have their voices heard in the USA Swimming governance process.
C. The CAC shall lead, direct and represent the voice, opinions and viewpoints of all non-athlete coach
members within USA Swimming.
.2 Membership
A. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP The CAC shall have a maximum of eighteen (18) total voting members.
B. VOTING COACH MEMBERS must meet the following criteria to be eligible to be elected to the CAC:
i. A member of USA Swimming in good standing.
ii. Have at least one year of governance experience within USA Swimming, such as, but not
limited to Zone, LSC board or committee membership. iii. Not concurrently serving as a Zone
Coach Representative.
iv. Not concurrently serving on a USA Swimming Committee or the USA Swimming Board of
v. At least three (3) members from each gender shall be represented.
i. Six (6) 10-Year Athlete representatives and/or 10-Year+ Athlete representatives appointed by
the Athletes’ Advisory Council.
ii. It is preferred that such appointed members have leadership experience in a coaching role.
iv. The 10-Year Athlete representatives or 10-Year+ Athlete representatives shall serve a two (2)
year term, not to exceed three consecutive terms.
.3 Election Procedures - The voting non-athlete coach members will be elected through a direct election which
may be via a web-based election format.
A. Eligible Voters
i. All currently registered non-athlete coach members of USA Swimming.
B. Nomination Procedure
i. Self-Nominations must be submitted to the CAC staff leader no later than 30 days prior to
ii. Self-Nominations will include a brief written statement of intent which may include any other
information pertaining to the nominee’s ability to serve the mission of the USA Swimming CAC.
iii. Must be coach member in good standing at the time of nomination, as verified by USA
iv. Potential conflicts of interest will be handled consistent with USA Swimming’s Conflict of
Interest policy.
C. Slate will be published to the USA Swimming website no later than 10 days prior to election.
A. The officers of the CAC shall be its Chair, its Administrative Vice Chair and its Secretary.
B. The CAC Chair shall lead and direct the voice of the CAC. The responsibilities of the CAC Chair shall be as
i. To present and support all motions and proposals of the CAC to the appropriate USA Swimming
and/or LSC committees or legislative bodies
ii. To conduct all meetings of the CAC, or to designate another member to conduct the meetings
of the CAC.
iii. To call and schedule meetings of the CAC; to notify CAC members of upcoming meetings of the
iv. To oversee selection of seven (7) voting non-athlete coach members from the Council to the
House of Delegates.
v. To regularly communicate with any sub-committees and working groups.
C. Administrative Vice Chair The CAC Administrative Vice Chair shall assist the CAC Chair in leading and
directing the voice of the CAC. The responsibilities of the CAC Administrative Vice Chair shall be as follows:
i. In the absence of the CAC Chair, to assume the responsibilities and duties of the CAC Chair.
ii. To generally assist the CAC Chair in all the duties.
iii. To regularly communicate with the CAC sub-committee chairs and working groups.
D. Secretary - The responsibilities of the Secretary shall be as follows:
i. To record minutes of all CAC meetings.
ii. Oversight of election proceedings in cohort with USA Swimming staff.
iii. Disseminate all minutes in a timely manner to all CAC members for approval.
v. Maintain meeting calendar.
A. The CAC shall elect its officers from among its voting members by majority vote at the first meeting
after the CAC elections. In the event that no candidate receives a majority of votes cast, the candidates
receiving the two (2) highest vote totals shall advance to a run-off election. The election of each officer
position shall be facilitated by a member of the CAC not running for that position.
B. The officers of the CAC shall be elected in the following order: Chair, Administrative Vice Chair,
Secretary. CAC members must declare their intention to run for each officer position prior to the election.
C. A member of the CAC may not hold more than one officer position simultaneously.
A. Any CAC coach member who has failed to attend to their official duties or responsibilities or has done
so improperly may be removed from the CAC.
i. At least one-third (1/3) of the voting members of the CAC may recommend the removal of a
coach member of the CAC by submitting a written request to the CAC Chair.
ii. Should one-third (1/3) or more members of the CAC call for the removal of a coach member,
the CAC Chair shall call for a CAC meeting at which the removal of the coach member shall be
iii. At least seven (7) days written notice shall be given prior to any meeting at which action is
taken on the removal of a coach member. The coach member facing removal shall be given the
opportunity to respond at the meeting at which action could be taken.
iv. At least two-thirds (2/3) of the CAC vote shall be required to remove a coach member from the
B. The CAC may remove any coach member officer who has failed to attend to their official duties or
responsibilities or has done so improperly. This action removes an CAC officer from their officer position
but does not remove them from the CAC.
i. At least one-third (1/3) of the voting members of the CAC shall recommend the removal of an
officer by submitting a written request to the CAC Chair.
ii. Should one-third (1/3) or more members of the CAC call for the removal of an officer, the CAC
Chair shall call for a CAC meeting at which the removal of the officer shall be discussed.
iii. At least seven (7) days written notice shall be given prior to any meeting at which action is
taken on the removal of an officer. The officer facing removal shall be given the opportunity to
respond at the meeting at which action could be taken.
iv. A two-thirds (2/3) of the CAC vote shall be required to remove an officer from the CAC.
C. Any CAC Athlete Member who has failed to attend to their official duties or responsibilities or has done
so improperly will be recommended to the AAC for removal from the CAC.
A. If a vacancy occurs on the CAC, a successor shall be appointed to fill the term of the vacated office using
the following procedure:
i. A vacancy in a coach member position shall be filled with an appointment made by the CAC
Chair and confirmed by a majority vote of the CAC.
ii. A vacancy in a 10-Year Athlete representative or 10-Year+ Athlete representative position shall
be filled by the AAC.
B. If a vacancy occurs in a CAC officer position, a successor shall be elected by a majority vote of the CAC
to fill the term of the vacated officer position.
A. MEETINGS The CAC will meet at least quarterly and will usually do so virtually. In-person meetings of
the CAC may be held at a location determined by the CAC Chair and USA Swimming staff. A special
meeting of the CAC may be called by the CAC Chair or by one-third (1/3) of the voting membership of the
B. MEETING NOTICE Meeting notice should be provided to all CAC members at least twenty-one (21)
days prior to all in-person meetings, at least five (5) days prior to all virtual meetings. An email sent to CAC
members e-mail address registered with USA Swimming listing the time, date and location of a meeting
shall constitute notice.
C. QUORUM The presence in-person or by electronic means of the majority of voting CAC members shall
constitute a quorum at any meeting of the CAC. Voting by proxy shall be prohibited.
D. MINUTES Minutes shall be taken during all meetings.
i. The Secretary shall record a summary of the proceedings of each meeting of the CAC.
ii. The proceedings of each meeting of the CAC sub-committees shall be recorded by a designee of
the sub-committee Chair.
E. VOTING The eighteen (18) voting members of the CAC shall have both voice and vote in all CAC
matters. A majority vote of the members present is required for action, except for the removal of an
officer during which at least two-thirds (2/3) of the CAC vote shall be required.
F. OPEN MEETINGS All meetings of the CAC and associated sub-committees shall be conducted in open
session except in those situations it would be in the interests of USA Swimming or the CAC to hold a
closed session, as determined by a majority vote of the CAC.
Any provision of this Policy manual may be amended by a simple majority vote.
28.0 National Team Steering Committee Policy Manual
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 31, 2021
The purpose of this manual is to document the procedures used by the Steering Committee and the
National Team Division of USA Swimming.
Table of Contents:
1. Authority of USA Swimming
2. National Team Steering Committee
a. Functions
b. Membership
3. Open Water Steering Committee
a. Functions
b. Membership
4. Sports Medicine and Science Committee
a. Functions
b. Membership
5. National Team Conduct Committee
a. Functions
b. Membership
6. National Teams
a. National Team Selection
b. Representation
c. Eligibility
d. Notification
7. Trials
8. National Team Honor Code
a. Purpose
b. Discussion and Acknowledgement
c. National Team Discipline Enforcement Procedure
USA Swimming is the national governing body for swimming in the United States. USA Swimming is a
member of United States Aquatic Sports (USAS), the member organization for aquatic sports to The
Federation Internationale de Natation Amateur (FINA) and the United States Olympic and Paralympic
Committee (USOPC). The rules of FINA, USOC and USAS may be obtained from the secretaries of the
respective organizations.
The National Team Steering Committee shall operate under the direction of the National Team Managing
Director to create a National Team program; expedite decisions regarding that program; and plan for
specific needs of the National Team in preparation for international competition.
The Managing Director, National Team is empowered with all decision-making authority necessary for the
formulation, development and implementation of the National Team program. This authority encompasses,
but is not restricted to, schedule planning, team and staff selection, participation requirements, discipline,
and selection criteria.
The Managing Director, National Team will work in a cooperative manner with the Steering Committee in
exercising this authority. The Steering Committee shall review, comment, and endorse the report of the
Managing Director, National Team.
In cooperation with the Managing Director, National Team, the Steering Committee is responsible for
overseeing competition of the United States National Team at international meets and for recommending
services to the National Team and National Junior Team programs. The Steering Committee, through its
chair-person, reports to the USA Swimming President & CEO.
a. Functions of the Steering Committee
Under the direction of the Managing Director, National Team, the functions of the Steering Committee are:
Endorsing selection procedures for athletes, coaches, and staff members of all National Teams,
Open Water Teams, and National Junior Teams
Endorsing the USA Swimming National Team Quadrennium Plan, developmental programs,
training camps, and pre Games training
b. Membership of the Steering Committee
The Steering Committee shall be formed at the annual meeting of the House of Delegates in the year
preceding the Olympic Games. The terms of the newly elected members commence on the day following
the conclusion of the Olympic Games and end the last day of the following Olympic Games.
There shall be a maximum of ten members in the Committee elected or selected as follows:
Eight coaches:
o Preceding Head Women’s Olympic Coach
o Preceding Head Men’s Olympic Coach
o The Head Women’s Coach for the two Long Course World Championships preceding the
Olympic Games
o The Head Men’s Coach for the two Long Course World Championships preceding the
Olympic Games
o Two coaches appointed by the Chair of the Board in consultation with the Managing
Director, National Team
Two athletes selected by the Athletes Committee, one female/one male, both former USA National
Team members
Once the new Head Olympic Coaches are named, they shall become ex-officio members of the
Steering Committee, if not already on the committee
Ex-officio: the Chair of the Senior Development Committee, and the Chair of the Sports Medicine
Staff liaison: Managing Director, National Team
The Committee may name additional ex-officio members. The Managing Director, National Team shall be
an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee without membership in the USA Swimming House of
Any vacancies on the committee shall be filled by appointment by the President & CEO in consultation with
the Managing Director, National Team.
The chair of the committee shall be elected by its voting members.
Note: The National Team Division issues proper notices for meetings; prepares agendas and Steering
Committee bulletins; maintains proper records of proceedings; prepares and distributes minutes; maintains
current addresses of Steering Committee members; attends to Steering Committee correspondence and
reports and provides administrative services as required.
In cooperation with the Managing Director, National Team and the National Team Steering Committee, the
Open Water Steering Committee is responsible for overseeing competition of the United States Open
Water National Team at international meets and for recommending services to the Open Water National
Team and Open Water National Junior Team programs. The Open Water Steering Committee, through its
chair-person, reports to the National Team Steering Committee and the USA Swimming President & CEO.
a. Functions of the Open Water Steering Committee
Under the direction of the Managing Director, National Team and the National Team Steering Committee,
the functions of the committee are:
Endorsing selection procedures for athletes, coaches, and staff members of all Open Water
National Team and National Junior Teams
Endorsing the USA Swimming Open Water National Team Quadrennium Plan, funding programs,
training camps, and pre-Games training
b. Membership of the Open Water Steering Committee
The Open Water Steering Committee shall be formed at the annual meeting of the House of Delegates
following the Olympic Games. The terms shall conclude on the last day of the following Olympic Games.
The Open Water Steering Committee shall consist of:
Open Water Olympic Team Head Coach
Five members appointed by the Steering Committee, in consultation with the Managing Director,
National Team
Two athletes with open water experience
Once the new Head Open Water Olympic Coach is named, he or she shall become an ex-officio
member of the Open Water Steering Committee, if not already on the committee
Ex-Officio: Managing Director, National Team and the USA’s representative on the FINA Technical
Open Water Swimming Committee
Staff liaison: Open Water Program Director
The Committee may name additional ex-officio members.
Any vacancies on the committee shall be filled by appointment by the President & CEO in consultation with
the Managing Director, National Team and National Team Steering Committee.
The chair of the committee shall be elected by its voting members.
a. Functions of the Sports Medicine and Science Committee
The Sports Medicine and Science Committee shall develop and assist in the implementation and
evaluation of medical and science-based programs for USA Swimming, coordinate programming with the
Age Group Development, Senior Development and Medical Committees; expedite and implement
decisions regarding those programs as necessary; and support the National Team Division, the Steering
Committee in all scientific and medical areas as they relate to the National Team.
b. Membership of the Sports Medicine and Science Committee
The Sports Medicine and Science Committee is composed of ten members, as follows:
One member elected by Steering Committee
Two members appointed by Steering Committee Chair in consultation with the Managing Director,
National Team
Five members appointed by the President & CEO of USA Swimming
Two athletes
Staff liaison: Athlete Services Director
The term of non-athlete members shall be staggered so that 25% of the non-athlete members are
appointed annually.
The Managing Director, National Team and the Steering Committee Chair shall be non-voting, ex-officio
members of the Sports Medicine and Science Committee.
The Chair of the Sports Medicine and Science Committee shall be appointed by the President & CEO in
consultation with the Managing Director, National Team and the Steering Committee Chair. The Chair of
the Committee shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Steering Committee.
The Chair will:
Serve as the liaison between the Steering Committee, USA Swimming, the USOC, FINA and USAS
regarding medical issues and questions
Be responsible for submitting reports covering all medical requirements for international travel
Develop and maintain a list of qualified medical staff to accompany USA Swimming teams in
international competition.
a. National Team Selection
The National Team, the National Open Water Team, and the National Junior Team will be named by the
Managing Director, National Team. The criteria for team selection will be determined by the Managing
Director, National Team and presented to the Steering Committee.
b. Representation
When a team is selected by USA Swimming for an international competition, the swimmers shall represent
the United States under the direction of the Managing Director, National Team.
c. Eligibility
Registered USA Swimming swimmers, who are citizens of the United States, are eligible for international
competition as representatives of the United States. Additional eligibility criteria may be noted in that
event’s selection procedures.
d. Notification
When a swimmer becomes eligible for selection to a U.S. team for international competition, the personal
coach and the swimmer shall be notified.
The Steering Committee, under the direction of the Managing Director, National Team, shall determine the
date and locations of Trials meets and set time standards and other qualifications for participation. The
Trials shall be held prior to the entry deadline for the relevant competition, preferably with enough lead
time for National Team Division to complete the necessary preparation for the team’s departure.
There shall be no limit to the number of events a competitor may enter at Trials, provided they are qualified
by time standard.
If Trials for the following events are held in conjunction with the USA Swimming National Championships,
only United States citizens eligible to be selected to these teams will be allowed to compete in the
championship finals from which team selections are chosen: Pan American Games, Pan Pacific
Championship, World Championships, and Olympic Games Trials. Non-citizen athletes may compete in
all relays, but in individual preliminary events and consolation finals only. When the selection of more than
one of the above teams necessitates picking athletes from beyond 8th place in a specific event, this rule
also applies to the consolation finals in that event. Finals will be seeded accordingly.
a. Purpose
The Managing Director, National Team will establish and enforce an Honor Code that will be adhered to
by all athletes and staff while participating in any aspect of the National Tea/National Junior Team program.
The behavior expectations and penalties for failure to comply will be clearly understood by all team
members and strictly enforced by the Managing Director, National Team.
One set of guidelines will be applicable for all National Team functions.
Minimum guidelines to be presented to the team and staff immediately upon assembly of the team should
include, but are not limited to:
Team meeting
Team functions
Team uniform and dress code
Alcohol, tobacco and controlled substances
Duration of USA Swimming guidelines
Part Four of the current USA Swimming Rules and Regulations related to penalties and review
b. Discussion and Acknowledgement
Immediately upon assembly of the team, the Managing Director, National Team (or their designee) shall
convene a meeting of the National Team for the purpose of discussing and explaining the standards of
conduct as set forth in the Honor Code. Each athlete, each staff member and any other person
accompanying the team shall sign the Honor Code and agree to be bound by Honor Code without
The Managing Director, National Team, after informing the staff and team captain(s), may modify the Honor
Code as the circumstances may require from time to time, and shall give reasonable notice thereof to all
team members.
c. National Team Discipline Enforcement Procedure
The following procedure shall apply to any violation of the Honor Code or the USA Swimming Code of
Conduct (Article 304, USA Swimming Rules & Regulations) by an athlete that occurs during a National
Team trip, including any training camps conducted as part of the trip. The Managing Director, National
Team shall designate the two Head Coaches and the team captains to investigate the violation. Upon
completion of the investigation, the Managing Director, National Team shall decide whether to proceed
with the complaint and, if so, what penalty to assess.
Where the penalty to be assessed will result in the athlete being denied the opportunity to compete, i.e.
being scratched from the event and sent home:
The athlete shall be notified of the penalty assessed, provided a copy of these procedures and
notified that he/she has a right to an expedited hearing pursuant to these procedures.
If the athlete elects to accept the penalty, the Managing Director, National Team shall enforce the
penalty and no hearing shall be held. If the athlete requests a hearing, the Managing Director,
National Team shall form a hearing panel of three members. The panel shall include at least one
athlete member and shall not include either the investigating staff member or the Managing
Director, National Team.
The Managing Director, National Team and/or the investigating staff member, on behalf of USA
Swimming, shall present the facts of the violation to the hearing panel. Both USA Swimming and
the athlete shall have the opportunity to present any additional evidence considered relevant by the
panel and may call witnesses. After hearing the relevant facts and testimony, the hearing panel
shall determine if the athlete did in fact violate the Honor Code or USA Swimming Code of Conduct
and, if so, shall assess the penalty deemed appropriate by the panel.
The decision of the hearing panel shall be provided to the Managing Director, National Team and
the athlete. The Managing Director, National Team shall be responsible for enforcing the penalty.
This procedure shall also be followed in the case of an alleged violation of the Honor Code or the
USA Swimming Code of Conduct by a coach, physician, trainer/massage therapist, manager,
administrator or official that occurs during a National Team trip, including any training camps
conducted as part of the trip, where the penalty is to be assessed during the trip
If a conflict of interest occurs then the person who is involved in the conflict shall recuse themselves
from the panel.
Where the penalty to be assessed will result in the athlete being denied the opportunity to compete after
completion of the trip or will not result in the athlete being denied the opportunity to compete:
The athlete shall be notified of the penalty sought and that he/she has a right to a hearing pursuant
to Part Four of USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.
If the athlete elects to accept the penalty, USA Swimming shall enforce the penalty and no hearing
shall be held. If the athlete requests a hearing, the Managing Director, National Team shall send
the results of the investigation, together with the penalty, to the Chairman of the National Board of
Review. The Chairman of the National Board of Review shall conduct a hearing with all rights of
appeal pursuant to Part Four of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.
At any assembly of USA Swimming athletes where the National Team Honor Code is discussed and
acknowledged by signature, the policies as set forth in the section on the National Team Honor Code of
the Policy Manual shall be in force.
The full National Team Honor Code can be obtained from the USA Swimming National Team Division.
29.0 Zone Directors’ Council Policy Manual
Date of adoption / Last revision: April 19, 2024
Serving as a connecting link in the USA Swimming Community to build awareness and trust
through shared communication and education.
The ZDC shall be responsible for:
A. providing advice to and informing the Board of issues and opportunities within the four Zones.
B. understanding the programs and services offered by the USA Swimming;
C. addressing the specific needs of the Zones and LSCs, in operations and planning;
D. evaluating projects and long-term plans in all areas concerning Zones and LSCs;
E. reporting to the members of the Board of Directors and staff of USA Swimming any issues that
warrant attention from those groups; and
F. fulfilling its duties to the four Zones by creating a connection to the governance of USA Swimming
through communication, Zone policies and an understanding of the procedures of USA
The ZDC is committed to supporting all USA Swimming members. Specifically, the ZDC will strive to
support and protect the interests of all four Zones and the LSCs within. As part of this effort, the ZDC
may partner with other Committees and Councils to evaluate and assist projects and conduct long-term
planning in all areas concerning USA Swimming.
A. Voting Members
1. The ZDC shall consist of twelve voting members.
2. Coach Director, Non-Coach Director, and Athlete Director from each Zone.
B. Non-Voting Members
1. The Junior Athlete Director from each Zone.
C. Other Designated Contributors
1. The ZDC requests a liaison of their choice from the following bodies to have voice but no
i. Board of Directors
ii. Coach Advisory Council
iii. CEO or their staff designee
D. Terms of Office
1. Each ZDC voting member’s term shall be determined by each Zone’s policy and
procedure regarding terms set for Zone Directors.
E. Council Co-Chairs
1. Each of the two Co-Chairs elected must hold a different Zone Director role (Coach, Non-
Coach, Athlete).
2. Each Co-Chair must be from a different Zone.
3. The responsibilities of the Co-Chairs shall include:
i. To present and support all motions and proposals of the ZDC to the appropriate
USA Swimming governing bodies;
ii. To conduct all meetings of the ZDC or appoint another member to conduct the
iii. To schedule meetings of the ZDC and to notify the ZDC members of the upcoming
meetings; and
iv. To follow USA Swimming’s Operating Policy Manual’s “Responsibilities of
Committee Chair or Coordinator.”
4. Election of Co-Chairs
i. The ZDC shall elect its Co-Chair(s) from among its voting members by majority
1. When needed, election(s) shall occur at the first meeting following the USA
Swimming House of Delegates meeting.
a. Separate elections must take place to ensure different Zone
Director roles.
2. When needed, due to resignation, a special election will take place
following the resignation to fill the Co-Chair position for the remainder of the
ii. Co-Chair Election will be facilitated by the ex-officio ZDC Co-Chair.
5. Terms of Co-Chairs
i. Co-Chair shall serve for the remainder of their term as a Zone Director, as
determined by each Zone.
A. Regular Meetings: Meetings shall occur monthly virtually. It is recommended that there be at
minimum one in-person meeting per year at a location determined by the ZDC Chair and USA
Swimming Staff.
B. Attendance: It is the expectation of the ZDC that all members will be in attendance at each
meeting. In the event a member is unable to attend a meeting, notice shall be sent to Co-Chairs
in advance of the meeting.
C. Quorum: A majority of voting ZDC members, with each Zone represented, shall indicate a
quorum. A quorum is required for a motion to pass.
D. Minutes: Minutes shall be taken during all meetings. An appointed ZDC member will record a
summary of proceedings of each ZDC meeting.
E. Voting: The twelve (12) voting members of the ZDC shall have voice and vote in all ZDC matters.
F. Action Without a Meeting: The ZDC shall allow action without a meeting to be communicated
via email in between regular meetings. Action without a meeting may be taken if notice is sent to
each member, and each member by the time stated in the notice either votes in writing for or
against such action, abstains in writing from voting, fails to respond or vote, or fails to demand in
writing that action not be taken without a meeting. The notice shall state the action to be taken,
the time by which a member must respond, that failure to respond by the time stated will have the
same effect as abstaining, and that failure to demand in writing by the time stated that action not
be taken without a meeting will have the same effect as abstaining. The action will be taken if
there are affirmative votes equal or exceed the minimum number of votes that would be
necessary to take such action at a meeting.
G. Open Meetings/Closed Session: All ZDC meetings shall be conducted as open sessions,
except in those situations it would be of interest to USA Swimming staff or ZDC members to hold
a closed session, as determined by majority vote.
H. Amendments: Any provision of these Policies and Procedures may be amended at any
scheduled meeting of the Zone Directors’ Council by a simple majority vote.
IV. Financial Policies
30.0 Financial Policies: Controls and Procedures
Date of adoption / Last revision: November 20, 2022
USA Swimming is dedicated to ensuring that all financial operations are conducted under the highest
standards of integrity and ethics and in compliance with strict internal controls to safeguard the
organization's assets and provide a strong financial foundation. USA Swimming operates on a calendar
year, and all financial records are maintained on an accrual basis. Please contact USA Swimming Finance
Business Unit for the comprehensive “Financial Policies and Procedures” document which further outlines
the below topics and areas.
External Reports:
The Chief Financial Officer shall prepare unaudited financial statements, quarterly and annually, for the
Board of Directors. Financial statements are to be prepared in compliance with generally accepted
accounting principles on the accrual basis and contain budget to actual amounts and variances. Reports
will be provided for and discussed at the Board meetings.
Annual Audit:
The Audit Committee will engage an independent CPA annually to conduct an audit and audited financial
statements will be presented to the Board of Directors. The annual audited financial statements may either
be presented for acceptance to the Board of Directors at its April/May meeting or via a Board Action Without
a Meeting (if necessary to fulfill USOPC reporting requirements given the current cadence of the USA
Swimming Board meetings). After acceptance, the audited financial statements are posted on the website.
Budget Preparation:
All expenditures made in the name of the corporation are subject to and governed by the annual operating
budget approved by the Board of Directors. An annual budget for capital expenditures is also included in
the operating budget.
The initial part of the budget process begins with the staff. According to the following timetable, the Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) and Finance Business Unit will work collaboratively to prepare, analyze, and review
revenues and expenditures with the applicable divisions, which are then reviewed with the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO). The Business Unit Leaders will work with the committee chairs, vice chairs, and department
heads to determine the financial needs for existing and ongoing programs and committees. They will also
prepare proposals for any new programs the committees or departments deem appropriate for the coming
Please reference Performance Monitoring Report 3.6 Budget for additional management parameters and
Board governance policies pertaining to financial planning.
The Role of the Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight:
With regard to the budget process, the Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight should be the functional liaison between
the staff and the Board. The Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight’s responsibility is to work with the CEO and the
CFO to assure that the product that is delivered to the Board of Directors is in proper form and prepared
in accordance with the budget policy and USA Swimming's strategic quadrennial Game Plan. It is not the
Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight’s function to determine appropriateness of any specific budget items. It will,
however, be appropriate for the Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight to participate fully in the review process as a
member of the Board.
Budget Amendments and Review:
The budget should be approved as a living document, one with built-in flexibility. The CEO should be
charged to live within the budget. This means that he/she must be ever vigilant as to overrunning any
specific budget category. He/she should be looking at the whole of the divisional budgets to determine that
the intent of the Board of Directors is being carried out by the expenditure of funds within the division. It is,
ultimately, the CEO’s responsibility to review and approve all changes in the manner in which budgeted
funds are to be expended. Minor changes to the budget programs already approved should be handled
administratively by the CEO. The CEO is responsible to the Board to bring the overall expenditures in at
year-end within budget. For new programs adopted during the year, and previously approved programs
that have been greatly expanded, the Board will consider budget amendments to adequately fund the
programs. Annual deficit spending is at the sole determination of the Board.
In order to determine that funds are being spent in conformity with the budget, a quarterly budget to actual
expenditures report will be provided to the Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight, and members of the Board by the
CFO. Forecasts for the current quadrennium will be prepared and updated quarterly to assist with financial
planning and budget preparation.
Budget Timetable:
April - November: Budget preparation, collaboration, and analysis begins and continues to be refined and
finalized for the applicable year(s). The CFO continuously reviews and analyzes with CEO, Business Unit
leaders, and Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight.
November/December BOD Meeting: Proposed Budget distributed to Board of Directors ahead of the Board
meeting. Board of Directors meet to review, amend, and approve the Proposed Budget.
The establishment and maintenance of a funded Board-Designated Operating Reserve is a high priority.
This will enable USA Swimming to support strategic business practices and to:
Manage cash flow interruptions.
Minimize the need for working capital borrowing.
Meet commitments, obligations, or other contingencies.
Generate investment income.
The purpose of this policy is to establish and maintain a funded Board-Designated Operating Reserve,
unencumbered and uncommitted, at a level relative to the annual program funding and the costs of
operating and maintaining the organization.
The Operating Reserve is intended to serve a dynamic role and is available to be utilized as needed rather
than being static, devoted only to generating interest income.
Board-Designated Operating Reserve Amounts reported in the Unrestricted Net Assets section of the
balance sheet and identified as Board-Designated Operating Reserve.
Costs of Operating and Maintaining the Organization USA Swimming’s net expenses for Program
Services and Administration as reflected by the approved annual budget.
Funded Board-Designated Operating Reserve A fund consisting of liquid assets and investments.
Liquid assets are those that may be converted to cash quickly and easily. It is not required that Board-
Designated Operating Reserve be physically segregated in a separate bank or investment account
although USA Swimming may decide to do so.
Strategies and Procedures:
Board-Designated Operating Reserve shall be accounted for separate and apart from Undesignated
Operating Funds.
The Investment Committee will have the responsibility for developing and recommending policies and
guidelines for the investment of the Operating Reserve assets and the Board of Directors will approve such
policies and guidelines.
The Operating Reserve goal will be to achieve and maintain at least six months of Program Funding and
Operating Costs as defined in Section III.
Assets for the Board-Designated Operating Reserve accounts will come from the retained earnings of
the organization.
Internal line of credit for use to financially operate the organization.
Funds to meet unfunded and unexpected organization needs.
Funds for emergency and emerging needs of subsidiaries.
Funds to make up a deficiency in budgeted revenue, either in results or collection experience.
Depletion of the Operating Reserve will be evidenced by a negative balance in Undesignated Operating
Funds. The procedure for approving use of the Operating Reserve Funds will be as follows:
By approval of the Board of Directors to fund unusual expenditures out of reserves.
By extraordinary expenses or loss of revenue and (or) investment losses. In this case, the following
procedure will be followed:
The CFO will inform the Board Chair, the Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight, and the CEO.
The Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight will inform the Board of Directors at its next scheduled meeting.
If the Operating Reserve is and has been less than 75% of the targeted reserve level for two consecutive
years, the Board of Directors, in the absence of any extraordinary circumstances, will adopt an operational
budget that includes a projected surplus sufficient to rebuild the Operating Reserve Fund to its targeted
reserve level over the following two years.
The status of the funded Board-Designated Operating Reserve will be calculated (at least) at the end of
each fiscal year based upon audited financial results.
Operating Reserve Ratio Calculation
The calculation formula will be based upon amounts defined in Section III as follows:
Unrestricted, Board-Designated Operating Reserve as of 12/31 = [Budgeted Annual Operating Budget] x
Example: $19,118,295 = $38,236,590 x 6/12
The adequacy of the Board-Designated Operating Reserve will be determined as follows:
Total Net Assets $31,175,406
Less: Board Designated USSIC Net Assets ($8,956,083)
Total Undesignated Net Assets $22,219,323
Less: Net Fixed Assets ($4,547,890)
Less: Prepaid Rent ($4,626,185)
Add: Deferred Revenue $9,354,041
Adjusted Undesignated Net Assets $22,399,289
Board-Designated Operating Res. (1/2 Budget) $19,118,295 (above)
Excess Operating Reserve $3,280,994 (calc)
The Operating Reserve Ratio Calculation will be presented to the Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight following
approval of the financial audit results by the Audit Committee. The Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight will consider
the adequacy of the Operating Reserve amount and will recommend any changes as deemed necessary.
Policy Review:
This policy will be reviewed every four years by the Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight or sooner if conditions
warrant. Any changes thereto will be approved by the Board of Directors.
POLICY: USA Swimming will employ sound business practices when purchasing goods and services to
reduce costs and avoid conflicts of interest. Procurement of goods and services should be made by
appropriate personnel and according to company guidelines. Please contact USA Swimming Finance
Division for the “Financial Policies and Procedures” document which includes a Purchasing section.
There shall be no separate checking accounts for projects carried out under the direction of any committee
without the express authorization of the Board of Directors.
All USA Swimming funds must be received and disbursed by the Corporation.
Please reference the “LSC Affiliation Agreement” for all LSC financial and non-financial requirements.
Please reference the “LSC Affiliation Agreement” for all LSC insurance requirements.
Disbursement authorization (checks and electronic) is granted by the Board of Directors to the Board Chair,
Vice-Chair Fiscal Oversight, CEO, and, when relevant, certain Business Unit leaders .
Number of signatures required:
Less than $100,000 requires any one signature
$100,000 and over requires two signatures
$300 petty cash fund is authorized for national headquarters operation.
The “Financial Policies and Procedures” document further outlines Authorization limits and internal
Honoraria for coaches and speakers for age group and developmental camps/events, and coaching
development, if provided for in the budget, are permitted. Honoraria for coaches for national team camps
and events (e.g., Olympic Game, World Championships, Pan Pacific Championships, other international
camps and competitions, preparatory camps or events for any of the preceding, etc.) are not permitted.
An allowance for incidentals for coaches on international team trips (competitions and camps) are
permitted but shall not exceed $20 per day, a portion of which may be taxable per IRS rules.
31.0 Investment Policy Statement for USA Swimming, Inc
Date of Adoption / Last revision: February 8, 2024
Please reference the USA Swimming website linked below for the organization’s Investment Policy Statement.
32.0 USA Swimming Travel Policy and Expense Reimbursement
Date of adoption / Last revision: Revised February 28, 2022
This policy outlines expenses that are reimbursable on behalf of those traveling for USA Swimming and
USA Swimming Foundation (“USA Swimming”) business.
Policy Statement:
The travel policy objective of USA Swimming is to provide for the safety and well-being of the staff,
volunteers, contractors, and athletes while traveling on behalf of the organization, while ensuring that
reasonable cost management is enforced.
While this policy contains suggested expense limits, we expect all travelers to use sound reasoning and
professional judgement when incurring expenses on behalf of the organization. As a non-profit
organization, we have a fiduciary responsibility to spend conservatively and to avoid the appearance of
extravagance. In general, excessive spending, upgrades, luxurious, or extravagant purchases (as
determined by the CFO) will not be reimbursed.
Business expenses must be appropriate, reasonable, customary, and necessary.
USA Swimming recognizes that in some instances, unique business-travel-related expenses not
addressed in this policy might be incurred. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and approval
(in advance, when possible) for these types of expenses must be obtained from the CFO. All comments
or requests for interpretation of this policy should be directed to the CFO or Director of Accounting.
General Information
1. Applicability
This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, contractors, coaches, athletes and others
(collectively defined as travelers) requested by management to incur expenses on behalf of USA
Swimming. Approvers are responsible and will be held accountable to review and approve
expenses in accordance with this policy.
2. Reporting
Itemized receipts will be required for all reimbursed expenses. Credit card receipt proof of
payment will NOT be accepted as the sole form of receipt. All reimbursed expenses require a
business purpose be documented. Expense reports need to be processed within 10 days (staff)
and 60 days (volunteers & athletes). Expense reports that are not processed within 60 days may
result in non-reimbursement from USA Swimming.
3. Exceptions to Policy
Requests for exceptions to this policy will require approval from the Business Unit Leader.
Approval should be submitted at time of booking to the travel agent or included in Concur. Policy
exceptions can be made to reasonably accommodate all USA Swimming Travelers with
Air Travel
1. Use of Travel Agent/Concur Online Booking Tool
All air travel will be booked utilizing the USA Swimming’s online booking tool (Concur) or through
the USA Swimming designated travel agency. To maximize cost savings, every effort should be
made to book travel at least 21 days in advance when possible.
2. Airline Carriers
USA Swimming is participating in the United Airlines “United Pass Plus” program, allowing for
discounted rates. However, travelers may book with any carrier providing the fare is cost
3. Class of Service
Lowest logical fare (defined as lowest coach class airfare at time of booking, in consideration of
business schedule) will be utilized for all travel. First class/business class can only be booked at
the traveler’s expense. Any other fare class must be preapproved by a Strategy Team member
and CFO.
4. Frequent Flyer/Traveler Loyalty Programs and Preferred Seating
Benefits accrued from frequent flyer and other traveler loyalty programs may be retained and
used by the individual traveler.
5. Upgrades
Costs associated with domestic (including Hawaii & Alaska) upgrades are the responsibility of the
traveler. For information associated with international flights, see Appendix II.
6. Personal Flights
When personal travel is included with a USA Swimming itinerary, the additional cost of the
personal travel will be paid directly to Finance by the traveler before the ticket can be issued.
Fares that result in a savings to USA Swimming will not be reimbursed to the traveler. The
proposed itinerary including business and personal travel is compared to the lowest available
coach class round-trip fare (determined prior to travel) for determining personal cost. Companion
travel should never dictate business travel. Business travel should be booked first and
companion travel should be booked to the business travel.
7. Unused Tickets
Travelers are expected to exchange unused tickets for future travel.
8. Travel Changes and Cancellation
If a flight needs to be cancelled or changed, it is the responsibility of the traveler to cancel the
reservation prior to travel by contacting the USA Swimming designated travel agency, Concur, or
airline. The traveler may be responsible for cancellation or change fees if incurred for personal
reasons. Please be cognizant of excessive change fees.
9. Reimbursements for Airfare Purchased Outside USA Swimming
In the event a circumstance occurs where airfare must be purchased outside of Concur or USA
Swimming’s travel agency, reimbursements will only be approved up to the cost of airfare that
USA Swimming could have provided for the same travel (based on 21-day advance booking).
Ground Transportation
The most cost-effective, safe, and efficient ground transportation should be used.
1. Rental Cars
USA Swimming’s preferred vendor is National/Enterprise and should be utilized when a car rental
is needed. When traveling with a group, rental cars should be shared to minimize costs.
When renting a car for domestic travel, travelers should not accept offered rental insurance as
USA Swimming has coverage.
When renting a car for international travel, travelers should accept offered rental insurance.
Every effort should be made to refuel rental vehicles before returning to the rental agency to avoid
high fuel surcharges.
2. Airport Parking
Economy level airport parking should be utilized. Reimbursement for garage parking at Denver
International Airport will not be reimbursed for stays in excess of two nights unless preapproved
by applicable Strategy Team member.
3. Business Use of Personal Vehicle
Travelers must have a valid driver’s license and have insurance in compliance with all state laws.
Mileage is reimbursed at the rate established by the IRS. This mileage allowance is in lieu of
actual expenses for gasoline, oil, repairs, and depreciation. Utilization of a personal vehicle in lieu
of flights will be reimbursed at the mileage rate established by IRS and may not exceed the costs
associated with a roundtrip airfare (determined by cost booked at least 21 days prior to
USA Swimming is not responsible for any theft or damage to vehicles or other personal property
while a personal car is being used for a business purpose.
4. Other
Ride share services, airport shuttles, taxi, Uber, and Lyft services are allowable methods of
ground transportation. Tolls, ferries, and parking expenses incurred are reimbursable. Parking
tickets, moving violations, fines, penalties, towing charges, accidents and theft losses are not
1. Hotels
USA Swimming’s preferred vendor, Bonvoy (Marriott/Sheraton Properties) must be utilized when
a hotel stay is necessary. Other arrangements can be made when Bonvoy hotels are more
expensive and/or are not available.
2. Groups
Groups of ten or more people are booked by USA Swimming staff through the Marriott group
3. Receipt Requirement
All individuals on USA Swimming business are required to itemize all hotel costs, such as: room
cost, applicable taxes, internet service, parking, and meals.
4. Cancellations
Travelers are responsible for reviewing and adhering to hotel cancellation policies at the time of
booking. No-shows or late cancellation charges are the responsibility of the traveler unless
caused by circumstances beyond traveler’s control.
Other Travel Considerations
1. Per Diem
Staff USA Swimming will provide employees a per diem allowance to defray a portion of meal
costs. The daily rate for per diem must be prorated for partial days and reduced if meals are
provided by USA Swimming or its affiliates (Sponsors, LSCs, coaches, etc.) Staff are
encouraged to take advantage of on-site hospitality at events and breakfasts/meals provided at
hotels. Where groups of staff dine together, the Senior-most staff member in attendance should
pay for the meal. Again, per diem should be adjusted (excluded) for those meals. For domestic
travel, USA Swimming follows current IRS regulations for per diem reimbursements utilizing the
High-Low method for different cities within the contiguous United States. These rates are
circulated, annually, and copies can be obtained from Finance. For Hawaii, Alaska, and
international cities, USA Swimming provides 70% of the published IRS rates for those locations.
International rates begin upon arrival in the foreign country and end upon departure from the
foreign country. “High” domestic rates are used for all cities in Canada and Mexico.
When it is necessary for a staff member to travel for the day (doesn’t involve overnight
stay), the staff member may not submit for per diem related to incidentals or breakfast but
may submit for lunch per diem and dinner per diem if required to work after 7:00 p.m.
Incidentals are included as a portion of daily per diem and is defined by IRS as fees & tips
to porters, baggage carriers, and hotel staff, and fees for carts. Reimbursements for these
items will not be granted.
Volunteers, Contractors, Athletes Per diem may be provided at flat dollar amounts not to
exceed $50 per day for actual meeting/event dates (not to include travel days). No per diem is
provided for travel days and no deductions will be calculated for meals provided by USA
Swimming. Program managers can continue providing flat dollar amounts that are less than the
$50 per day based on their budgetary needs.
2. Business Meeting Meals
Business meeting meals and entertainment are allowable when meeting with business
associates, the meeting took place where active business was conducted, and had a specific
business purpose that clearly benefited the mission of USA Swimming. Documentation of
business purpose and attendees are required.
3. Passport, Visas, Expedited Security Enrollments, and Immunizations Staff Only
Swimming employees will be reimbursed for all costs associated with international travel such as
passport fees, passport photos, visa applications, immunizations (when applicable) and COVID
testing (when required).
TSA Pre-check or Global Entry enrollment fees are a reimbursable expense for staff who take five
or more business trips per year.
Other Reimbursable Expenses
Additional expenses which qualify for reimbursement or direct payment by USA Swimming include:
Airline baggage fees
Business-related internet charges
Changes to existing travel itineraries with Business Unit Leader approval
Laundry when on a trip of more than 7 days
Non-Reimbursable Expenses
Examples of expenses that are not considered business costs include, but are not limited to:
Amounts spent in excess of those considered reasonable
Airline Club membership dues
Cash value (perceived) of free-fare tickets or those booked with miles or free-certificates
Costs for personal guests
Damages incurred to any form of lodging rental accommodations
Fines or fees related to credit cards, bank fees, or late fees including annual fees
Health spa services massage services
Incidentals for fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, and hotel staff. These incidentals
are provided under the daily per diem amounts
Movies (in-room or in-flight)
Parking tickets, traffic fines and penalties, towing charges, accidents and theft losses
Pet care
Personal membership dues (including airport parking membership)
Personal travel expenses: medical items, sundries and recreational reading, Advil, gum, candy,
magazines and newspapers
Purchase of alcohol on flights
Travel Policy Quick Guide
Air travel
Concur/USA Swimming Travel Agency Bookings Only
United Airlines offers discounted rates through contracted United Pass Plus
May book any carrier providing the fare is cost effective
Lowest Available Economy Class Airfare
Book at least 21 days in advance
Costs Associated with upgrades are the responsibility of the traveler
Rental Car
Utilize ride share services where available to include airport shuttles, taxis,
Enterprise/National is preferred vendor
USA Swimming provides insurance for all domestic rentals
Purchase insurance through agency when traveling internationally
Personal Use of
Mileage is reimbursable at the IRS rate when personal car is used
Mileage should not exceed cost of round-trip airfare
Traveler provides insurance
Tolls & Parking Fees
Economy level airport parking should be utilized
No reimbursements for garage parking for travel in excess of two nights unless
preapproved by Strategy Team member
Refundable room rate should always be used when booking
Bonvoy hotel chain is preferred vendor
Groups should be booked through agent
Per Diem
Staff utilize IRS High-Low method See Finance for current rates
Volunteers, Contractors, Coaches & Athletes Flat dollar amounts not to
exceed $50 per day (no per diem for travel days)
Travel & Business
Meeting Meals
Itemized receipts required for all meals credit card summary receipts are
NOT acceptable
Business purpose and attendees are required for all meals
Per Diem for staff should be adjusted by any meals paid by USA Swimming
Expense Reports
Staff must submit within 10 days of travel
Volunteers, Contractors, Coaches and Athletes must submit within 60 days of
Enterprise/National Rental Cars
Enterprise/National is USA Swimming’s preferred car rental company and should be utilized whenever a
rental car is necessary.
Insurance Coverage in the United States
When USA Swimming contracted car rental rates are booked with Enterprise or National (Account
Number XZ12940) and the rented vehicles are used in accordance with the executed agreement, the
negotiated pricing includes collision damage waiver with a $0 dollar deductible and liability limits of
Insurance Coverage Outside the United States
Should renting a car internationally be required and advantageous to USA Swimming, it is recommended
that the traveler should accept the additional collision and liability insurance (LDW/CDW) offered by car
rental agencies.
Insurance Coverage if car rental is not through Enterprise/National
When USA Swimming contracted car rental rates are booked with other companies, and the rented
vehicles are used in accordance with the executed rental agreement (coverage applies if rental is clearly
business related and that there is no deviation from the business purpose no personal use), USA
Swimming’s insurance policy provides protection for bodily injury, death or property damage up to
$1,000,000. Damage to the rental vehicle is provided subject to a $1,000 deductible. The State Auto
policy provides a $1,000,000 limit of liability coverage over any coverage provided by the rental agency.
Insurance identification cards are available through USA Swimming’s Director of Risk Management.
In the event of an accident and or damage
Report the accident to local authorities and obtain a copy of the police report.
Contact the rental company and complete an accident report (this does not apply for
personal/private car accident).
If possible, take pictures of the damage to the vehicles involved in the accident (using mobile
phone camera if available) and exchange accident/insurance information.
Contact USA Swimming as soon as possible via email or phone to
riskmanagement@usaswimming.org (719.866.4578), State Auto Insurance Companies
(303.951.5866) and james.g[email protected] (407.998.4274).
Team Travel
To provide added comfort, athletes who are members of the current year National Team and are
attending an Operation Gold international event may book preferred seating (Economy Plus) or where
appropriate an upgradable ticket taking into consideration best fares/alternatives for athlete and USA
Swimming. This policy is not in addition to the preferred carrier policy.
Confirmed seats are required for all athletes, coaches, and staff.
All athletes, coaches, and staff (in that order) should be in window or aisle seats if they are available. If
only middle economy plus seats are available, the USA Swimming travel agent will consult with the
program manager.
Economy plus seating (or its equivalent) will be purchased for athletes, coaches, and staff (in that order)
for all international flights. It will also be purchased for any domestic flights exceeding four hours prior to
an international connection flight. Return economy plus seating will be at the discretion of the program
USA Swimming will purchase upgradable fares for pool athletes with a top 8 world ranking and open
water athletes competing in the 10k event for operation gold competitions providing athletes the ability to
upgrade to business class seats using grants or personal funds. Athletes must submit credit card
information prior to booking the business class seat. If they plan to use a grant, they will be reimbursed.
When traveling internationally, USA Swimming will reimburse the cost of extra baggage fees, not to
exceed two standard bags. USA Swimming will not reimburse fees for oversized and/or overweight
bags, unless the athlete, coach, or staff member was asked to carry items for the team.
Group Air Travel
For group or team travel, the program manager, in coordination with the USA Swimming travel agent,
can establish point(s) of assembly or routing options designed to facilitate the efficiency of group travel.
Whether to use a block will be determined by the program manager, in coordination with the USA
Swimming travel agent, based on the number of participants, time of booking, travel dates, and flight
Charter Flights
Where teams are moving from one location to another as a team, charter flights may be considered and
utilized. Charters may be considered if a location is difficult to travel to or if flight times on commercial
airlines are not beneficial to performance. Charter flights should be researched and negotiated with
multiple providers.
Leadership Team
Members of the USA Swimming Strategy Team or other approved travelers are subject to the rules
outlined in the Travel Policy, with the following exception:
Within reason, may fly business class on international flights where there is an overnight flight leg and/or
meeting following day of flight and is limited to a maximum of $1,000 each direction.
Staff Only
Failure to follow the above Travel Policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination
of employment.
V. Club, LSC, and Zone
33.0 Requirements for New Club Membership
Date of adoption / Last revision: February 17, 2021
USA Swimming offers two classes of membership: (1) Group members, including clubs, seasonal clubs,
and organizations; and (2) Individual members, including athletes, coaches, officials, and other non-
athletes. Outlined below are the requirements for new club membership.
Although completion of all requirements is recommended, seasonal and/or college/university clubs are not
subject to all of the new club stipulations.
Seasonal clubs
o Register and pay the registration fee with the LSC
o Fulfill all coach membership requirements including USA Swimming Coach Education
College/University clubs
o Register and pay the registration fee with the LSC
o Provide an emergency action plan for each pool that the team will utilize
o Fulfill all coach membership requirements including USA Swimming Coach Education
1. New clubs must complete three forms as part of the application process. The LSC will have all three
documents available on their website. All but the LSC application form are available on the USA Swimming
website. These forms are:
LSC Application Form (obtained from the LSC Membership Chairperson).
Facility Use Confirmation Form (for each facility to be used by the team).
Requirement Checklist for First-Year Club Membership.
2. In addition to completing the above referenced forms, clubs are required to submit the following
Mission Statement: New clubs are required to include a statement that summarizes the purpose,
business, and values of the organization.
Safety Action Plan(s): The new club must submit a plan that details the procedures to be followed
in an emergency situation for each facility used by the team.
First-Year Budget and Business Plan: New clubs must submit a 1st-year budget and business plan.
3. In reference to 2.6.6 was amended to extend the requirement of non-athlete membership in USA
Swimming to all individuals serving on the board of directors of member clubs. Please note this amendment
has an immediate effective date. All USA Swimming member clubs are expected to comply with this
expectation as a condition of membership in USA Swimming. In addition, Clubs should work with the LSC
to ensure all members of its club board of directors are USA Swimming non-athlete members in good
4. In reference to 2.6.12 USA Swimming member clubs to have either
at least one member coach plus a board of directors or other governing board; or
at least two member coaches. This is to ensure there are at least two adult authorities at each
member club for communication and accountability purposes.
5. A key component of the new club requirements is coach membership and education. All coach members
of USA Swimming must meet the current coach membership requirements. In addition, Head Coaches of
new clubs must meet the specified education and experience requirements. The club application packet
must include documentation and/or certification for the Head Coach of the following:
Concussion Training
Athlete Protection Training
Safety Training for Swim Coaches (STSC) or Lifeguard Certification & On-line STSC
Foundations of Coaching 101, 201, and Rules and Regulations
Three years previous experience as a USA-S Coach, or equivalent coaching experience as
approved by USA Swimming Sport Development
Criminal Background Check
USADA Coach’s Advantage
6. At least the Head Coach and one key leader for each new club must complete the Club Leadership /
Business Management School online course (CLBMS 101) as part of the new club application process. A
minimum of two participants per club is required as follows:
Non-Profit Organizations Head Coach and President (or President’s designee)
Institutionally-Owned Clubs Head Coach and his/her supervisor (or supervisor’s designee)
Privately or Coach-Owned Clubs Head Coach and Owner (if not HC). If Head Coach is the owner,
2nd participant is designated by the Head Coach.
In order to receive credit for meeting this requirement, the prospective club must submit at least two CLBMS
101 certificates of completion with the New Club Application packet.
7. Prior to renewing membership for a second year, new clubs must attend the online Club
Leadership/Business Management School 201 course (CLBMS 201).
8. Clubs seeking membership must return the appropriate registration fee, the completed requirement
checklist, and all of the completed application forms and required documentation to their LSC Membership
9. Once the application materials reach the National Office, the Sport Development Administrative
Assistant will review the documents and gather any additional information before sending to the appropriate
Team Performance and Business Operations Manager (TPBO). The TPBO manager will complete the final
review of the application, speak with the team contact and make final approval of the application. Once the
application is approved, the SDD Administrative Assistant will notify the new club and LSC.
USA Swimming offers two classes of membership: (1) Group members, including clubs, seasonal clubs,
and organizations; and (2) Individual members, including athletes, coaches, officials, and other non-
athletes. Outlined below are the requirements for Club Renewal.
1. Renewing clubs must complete the 20__ club application. The application is available on the USA
Swimming and LSC websites.
2. New requirements on the 2021 application:
All renewing clubs must submit their federal tax identification number.
All renewing clubs must submit IRS Form I-9.
Renewing, coach-owned clubs must indicate if there was a change in ownership.
Renewing clubs changing their organizational or ownership structure and operating under a new
tax identification number, must submit a new team application.
Renewing parent board or organizational clubs must indicate if there is a change in board president
or organizational leadership.
3. All individuals serving on the board of directors of member clubs are required to obtain and maintain
non-athlete membership in USA Swimming. In addition, clubs should work with the LSC to ensure all
members of its club board are USA Swimming non-athlete members in good standing.
4. USA Swimming member clubs to have either
at least one member coach plus a board of directors or other governing board; or
at least two member coaches. This is to ensure there are at least two adult authorities at each
member club for communication and accountability purposes.
5. Prior to renewing membership for a second year, new clubs must attend the on-line Club
Leadership/Business Management School 201 course (CLBMS 201).
6. Prior to submitting the renewal application, all club leaders must be members in good standing.
7. Clubs seeking membership must return the appropriate registration fee and the completed application
form to their LSC Membership Chairperson.
The Club Application form can be found on the USA Swimming website, at the below link.
34.0 Officials Certification Standards for Utilization by LSC
Date of adoption / Last revision: April 19, 2024
The following standards have been established to provide a clear and uniform path for members who
wish to become officials at the local level and enable LSCs to develop and conduct programs to recruit,
certify, educate, train, and mentor USA Swimming officials and to provide competent and consistent
officiating for our athletes. Furthermore, LSCs are required to implement these standards beginning
February 1, 2024. Additionally, all LSCs are required to recognize the certified status of visiting and
transferring officials from other LSCs.
The standards are being implemented expressly to facilitate the ability of officials to officiate in LSCs
other than the one they received their certification. Additionally, these standards are intended to:
Ensure a clear and consistent knowledge of the rules.
Provide sufficient time in training to assure familiarity with all levels of competition.
Provide opportunity to work on the deck and advance through the certification process.
Allow automatic acceptance of officials’ certifications between all LSCs.
Ensure professionalism and teamwork while in attendance at a swim event both on and off the
Any LSC official that holds an LSC certification as of 2/1/2024 will be grandfathered into that certification
without additional training.
For the positions of Stroke & Turn and Starter, members who have five (5) plus years of USA Swimming
as a 13 & Over athlete or coach member need only complete half of the on-deck apprentice requirements
provided they show competency in the position, at the discretion of the LSC Officials’ Chair (LSC OC) or
designee. An athlete or coach may not officiate at a session in which they are competing or coaching.
In the event it is believed that an official has not shown the necessary competency in the position after
completion of
the required training and apprentice sessions, the LSC OC, or designee, shall provide the official with a
written action plan of the steps needed to successfully obtain certification. Written notice shall be provided
to the official within two (2) weeks of the last apprentice session (or submission of the appropriate
documents to the Certifier), and a copy shall be provided to the LSC OC. An apprentice may always request
additional training.
Defined Terms: The following terms are specifically defined herein for the exclusive use of this document.
Nothing in this Defined Terms section is intended to define any of these terms for any purpose outside of
the Certification and training of USA Swimming Officials.
Certifier: An official designated by the LSC OC to certify training is complete and who shall record it in
Officials Tracking System (OTS).
Clinic: Formal in person or online training clinic, recorded in OTS. Current LSC training curriculum will stay
in place until USA Swimming Online Certification Training is available. When USA Swimming training
curriculum is available, then that will be the required training.
Certification: The act of certifying. An official must meet certain requirements to be certified in a particular
Qualified Recertification Session: Qualified Recertification Sessions are Sessions officiated by certified
officials which count towards the Recertification requirements listed in this document. In order for a Session
to count as a Qualified Recertification Session, it must meet the following criteria: 1) the Session must
include strokes and/or medley relays; 2) the Session must not be a Time Trial; 3) the Session must not
contain only freestyle events, even if including both individual freestyle events and freestyle relays; 4) the
Session must occur at a competition which is either a Sanctioned USA Swimming meet, a YMCA meet for
which an LSC has issued an approval (as defined in USA Swimming Rule 202.6), or, an NCAA National
or Conference Championship competition; provided, however only 25% of an official’s total required
Qualified Recertification Sessions will count for officiating at an NCAA National or Conference
Championship competitions.
Satisfactory Performance: Demonstrates the requisite knowledge of the applicable rules and
satisfactorily performs the on-deck protocols and duties for the position. Deficiencies must be provided by
LSC OC, or designee, in writing to the affected official with an Action Plan to success.
Session: Any portion of a meet distinctly separated from other portions by locale, time, or type of
competition, i.e., preliminaries and finals; morning and evening; Senior or Age Group, etc.. All Sessions at
Sanctioned USA Swimming competitions and YMCA meets for which an LSC has issued an approval (as
defined in USA Swimming Rule 202.6) shall be recorded into OTS by the granting LSC’s Officials’ Chair or
their designee. Sessions from other types of meets may be entered into OTS at the discretion of the LSC,
strictly for tracking purposes.
Trainer: An official designated by the Referee at a meet, or the LSC OC, who has been certified in the
position for at least one (1) year. If an official meeting the one (1) year requirement is not on deck, the
Referee may select the most experienced certified official(s) to be a Trainer(s).
Training Sessions: Training Sessions are Sessions which count towards the Education and Training
requirements listed in this document. In order for a Session to count as a Training Session, it must meet
the following criteria: 1) the Session must include strokes and/or medley relays; 2) the Session must not
be a Time Trial; 3) the Session must not contain only freestyle events, even if including both individual
freestyle events and freestyle relays; 4) the Session must occur at a competition which is either a
Sanctioned USA Swimming meet or a YMCA meet for which an LSC has issued an approval (as defined
in USA Swimming Rule 202.6). An LSC may designate that their LSC Championships meets are expressly
excluded as Training Sessions.
USA Swimming Membership: Completed all USAS member associated requirements before being
certified in any position.
Online Testing:
A certification test with a score of 80% or greater is required.
A recertification test with a score of 80% or greater is required every three years:
o The Stroke and Turn recertification test recertifies Stroke & Turn Judge and Chief Judge (if
o The Starter recertification test recertifies Starter and Stroke & Turn Judge.
o The Referee recertification test recertifies Referee, Administrative Official, Starter, Chief Judge
(if held), and Stroke & Turn Judge.
o The Administrative Official recertification test recertifies Administrative Official.
The Stroke & Turn recertification procedures recertify Stroke & Turn Judge LSC certification.
The Chief Judge recertification procedures recertify Chief Judge and Stroke & Turn LSC
The Starter recertification procedures recertify Starter and Stroke & Turn Judge LSC certifications.
The Administrative Official recertification procedures recertify Administrative Official LSC
The Referee recertification procedures recertify Referee, Administrative Official, Starter, Chief
Judge (if held), and Stroke & Turn Judge LSC certifications.
Certification Expirations and Recertification Timelines:
To remain continuously certified, officials must meet the Recertification requirements prior to their
certification expiration date.
The certification expiration date for officials shall be:
o The December 31
two years after the year of certification if the certification occurred
between January 1
and June 30
of the year of certification.
o December 31
three years after the year of certification if the certification occurred between
July 1
and December 31
of the year of certification.
TIMER (Minimum Age 11)
Education & Training
None except pre-meet briefing. Performance monitored by Chief Timer and/or
Referee during meet.
Evaluation &
No evaluation or certification required.
Based on Satisfactory Performance.
STROKE & TURN Junior Official (Age 16-17) effective 9/01/2024
Education & Training
Member of USA Swimming.
Attend Stroke & Turn Clinic training.
Pass USA Swimming Stroke & Turn Judge certification test.
Apprentice a minimum of four (4) Training Sessions total over two (2) different
meets with a Trainer (cannot make a disqualification during those apprentice
Satisfactory Performance.
Evaluation &
Apprenticeship signed off by a Certifier.
Must complete certification within one (1) year from the month of Clinic.
May officiate in competitions below LSC Championships for 12&U athletes.
Recertification every 3
When a Jr Official turns eighteen (18), their Jr. ST certification will convert to
certified ST once the adult membership requirements have been met. Time
as a Jr ST official will covert to the S&T renewal cycle.
STROKE & TURN (Minimum Age 18)
Education & Training
Member of USA Swimming.
Attend Stroke & Turn Clinic training.
Pass USA Swimming Stroke & Turn Judge certification test.
Apprentice a minimum of four (4) Training Sessions total over two (2) different
meets with a Trainer (cannot make a disqualification during those apprentice
Satisfactory Performance.
Evaluation &
Apprenticeship signed off by a Certifier.
Must complete Certification within one (1) year from the monthof Clinic.
May officiate in any LSC meet.
Recertification every 3
Worked a minimum of eight (8) Qualified RecertificationSessions, within a
three (3) year period, at a minimum of two (2) different meets in Stroke & Turn
or higher capacity.
Attend Clinic every three (3) years.
Pass USA Swimming recertification test every three (3) years for the highest
certification held.
Satisfactory Performance.
Once a person is certified as a stroke and turn official, they are encouraged
to participate in as many meets as they can to gain experience and
knowledge. This will allow those running meets to have greater confidence
in their ability to officiate at meets of various levels.
STARTER (Minimum Age 18)
Education & Training
Member of USA Swimming.
Attend Starter Clinic training.
Certified Stroke & Turn Judge for minimum of three (3) months; worked at
least four (4) Sessions at a minimum of two (2) meets since Stroke & Turn
Pass USA Swimming Starter certification test.
Apprentice as Starter for at least four (4) Training Sessions total, over two (2)
meets with two (2) Trainers. Trainer can be the Deck Referee.
Satisfactory Performance.
Evaluation &
Apprenticeship signed off by a Certifier.
Must complete Certification within one (1) year from the month of Clinic.
May officiate in any LSC meet.
Recertification every 3
Worked eight (8) Qualified Recertification Sessions, within a three (3) year
period, as Starter.
Attend Clinic (recommend Starter) every three (3) years.
Pass USA Swimming recertification test every three (3) years for the highest
certification held.
Satisfactory Performance.
Once a person is certified as a starter, they are encouraged to participate in
as many meets as they can to gain experience and knowledge. This will allow
those running meets to have greater confidence in their ability to be a starter
at meets of various levels.
Education & Training:
Member of USA Swimming.
Attend AO Clinic training.
Pass USA Swimming Administrative Official certification test.
Apprentice as an Administrative Official for at least four (4) Training Sessions
over two (2) meets with a Trainer(s).
Satisfactory Performance.
Evaluation &
Apprenticeship signed off by a Certifier.
Must complete Certification within one (1) year from the month of Clinic.
May officiate in any AO role at any meet.
Recertification every 3
Worked at least eight (8) Qualified Recertification Sessions, within a three (3)
year period, as an AO, or in a role identified under 102.14.1A-D.
Attend Clinic (recommend AO Clinic) training every three (3) years.
Pass USA Swimming Administrative Official recertification test.
Satisfactory Performance as AO.
Once a person is certified as an AO, they are encouraged to participate in as
many meets as they can to gain experience and knowledge. This will allow
those running meets to have greater confidence in their ability to be an AO at
meets of various levels.
REFEREE (Minimum Age 19)
Education & Training
Member of USA Swimming.
Certified Stroke & Turn.
Certified Administrative Official.
Certified Starter.
Attend Referee Clinic training.
Pass USA Swimming Referee certification test.
Apprentice as a Referee for at least four (4) Training Sessions total over two
(2) meets with two (2) Trainers.
Satisfactory Performance.
Evaluation &
Apprenticeship signed off by a Certifier.
Must complete Certification within one year from the month of Clinic.
May officiate in any Referee role at any meet, except that in meets classified
as USA Swimming Championships (as defined by 102.10.5), this certification
may not meet the requirements of serving as the required Administrative
Recertification every 3
Worked sixteen (16) Qualified Recertification Sessions, within a three (3) year
period, with at least eight (8) Qualified Recertification Sessions in any Referee
Pass USA Swimming Referee recertification test every three (3) years.
Attend Clinic (recommend Referee) every three (3) years.
Satisfactory Performance.
Once a person is certified as a Referee, they are encouraged to participate in
as many meets as they can to gain experience and knowledge. This will allow
those running meets to have greater confidence in their ability to be a referee
at meets of various levels.
Optional LSC Certification
CHIEF JUDGE (Minimum Age 18)
Education & Training
Must be certified Stroke & Turn Judge
Sixteen (16) or more Sessions as certified ST.
Attend a CJ Clinic or briefing of CJ duties.
Have read the CJ Professional documents.
Apprentice as CJ for four (4) Training Sessions at a minimum of two (2) meets
with a Trainer(s)
Evaluation &
Apprenticeship signed off by a Certifier.
May officiate in any LSC meet.
Recertification every 3
Work sixteen (16) Qualified Recertification Sessions within a three (3) year
with at least eight (8) as a CJ or Referee.
Pass USA Swimming recertification test every three (3) years for the highest
certification held.
Satisfactory Performance as Chief Judge.
Any additional exception and/or addition to these standards must be approved by the USA
Swimming Board of Directors and National Officials Committee, who may stipulate appropriate
conditions for each exception.
Recommend review of Standards after 2 years of implementation (January 2026).
April 2024
VI. Sanction, Meet and
Competition Policies
35.0 Open Water Meet Application
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 23, 2021
Applicants for sanction or approval of an open water competition should utilize the Open Water Meet
Application that is provided on the USA Swimming website. The link is provided below:
36.0 Zone Sanction Appeal Process
Date of adoption / Last revision: February 19, 2021
1. To establish a consistent appeal process for a meet host whose request for sanction or approval is
denied by an LSC.
2. To allow for review of denials to make certain such denials are not limiting competitive opportunities for
1. Each LSC has been authorized by USA Swimming to issue the sanction or approval for all swimming
competitions and benefits, exhibitions, clinics, and entertainment involving competitive swimming within
its geographical boundaries as described in Article 202 of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.
2. Additional requirements/conditions for sanction or approval may be established by a vote of the LSC
House of Delegates in accordance with LSC bylaws.
3. The LSC has the right and authority to establish and collect relevant entry fees.
4. Prospective hosts must adhere to the LSC published guidelines, deadlines, and procedures.
5. Prospective hosts must follow USA Swimming rules and guidelines.
As part of the sanction and approval process delegated by USA Swimming to LSCs, each LSC must:
1. Establish submission deadlines for sanction or approval applications and publish such deadlines along
with relevant instructions and forms.
2. Establish and publish policies regarding applications submitted as well as relevant fees and penalties.
3. Establish and publish policies regarding applications submitted after the published deadlines citing
relevant fees and penalties.
4. Provide written notification within ten (10) days to the applicant citing the reason for the denial and of
the appeals process.
5. Update LSC policies and procedures as needed to reflect deadlines and instructions.
If an individual or entity has reason to believe that a meet host and/or LSC has violated USA Swimming’s
conditions of sanction (i.e. Rules 202.5.1-.10 in the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations), those
concerns should be reported to USA Swimming’s Safe Sport Division at [email protected]
during, or immediately following the meet.
1. To review applicable LSC rules and policies as well as the prospective host/petitioner’s actions to
determine whether applicable rules and policies were followed and fairly applied.
2. The ZSAP does not have the authority to overrule LSC regulations and policies.
3. The ZSAP does not have the authority to establish entry fees.
4. The ZSAP is authorized to require an LSC to issue a sanction or approval except in those instances
where, in the ZSAP’s judgment, the sanction or approval was denied because the application was in
conflict with a policy adopted by the LSC House of Delegates or because the application was in conflict
with USA Swimming rules or requirements.
To ensure that the Zones conduct the Zone Sanction Appeal process consistently, the following standard
timeline and procedures for an appeal must be followed.
1. Each Zone shall designate a group of coaches, referees, and athletes available to serve on an Appeal
2. Each Zone shall also designate and publish the Zone Director to whom petitions are to be submitted.
3. A petitioner must file an appeal in writing with the designated Zone Director within 5 days of denial of
sanction by the applicable LSC.
4. Within 24 hours, the designated Zone Director shall provide a written response to the petitioner
acknowledging receipt of the appeal.
If the petitioner does not receive acknowledgement within 24 hours from the designated Zone
Director, the petitioner shall immediately contact the other Zone Director in writing.
The other Zone Director shall attempt to contact the designated Zone Director within 24 and, if
unable to do so, the other Zone Director shall convene the ZSAP.
Note 1: The Zone Directors shall make every effort to adhere to a 24-hour timeline in convening the
ZSAP. Failure to do so does not void the appeal or the decision.
Note 2: Even if initial contacts are made via phone, appeal requests and confirmation must be reduced to
5. When an appeal is filed, the Zone Director shall notify the LSC and appoint a panel made up of a
coach, referee, and athlete, each from a different LSC and none from the petitioner’s LSC.
6. Documentation to be presented to the ZSAP by petition includes, at a minimum:
Meet information
Process followed by petitioner
Reasons for appeal
7. Documentation to be presented to the ZSAP by LSC includes, at a minimum:
Reason for denial
Pertinent LSC rules, timeline, process
8. The Zone Director convening the ZSAP shall provide the ZSAP with all pertinent written
documentation for review and consideration. The ZSAP shall decide the matter within five (5) days of
convening the ZSAP.
9. The ZSAP shall notify the Zone Director convening the ZSAP of its decision in writing.
10. The Zone Director convening the ZSAP shall notify the petitioner and the applicable LSC of the ZSAP
11. The ZSAP decision is final and there are no further appellate opportunities.
12. The ZSAP Chair will complete a standard one-page report to document the decision.
1. Each Zone shall designate a group of individuals eligible to sit on a Zone Sanction Appeal Panel
2. Designees shall be named for a one-year term by October 1 of each year and shall be eligible for
3. When a petition is received, the Zone Director shall appoint a panel made up of a coach, a referee,
and an athlete, each from a different LSC and none from the petitioner’s LSC.
4. The ZSAP shall select its panel char and all three members must participate in the appeal.
In order to facilitate a cohesive, fair, and consistent process, all ZSAP panels should use the following
questions at the beginning of each initiated panel.
1. Did the LSC that has denied the sanction clearly communicate its rules and deadlines in a reasonable
amount of time?
2. Did the appellant follow the rules and deadlines of the LSC?
3. Did the LSC provide a reasonable and concise explanation as to why the sanction was denied?
4. Did the LSC provide the appellant with the appropriate information concerning the appeal process
within a reasonable period of time?
5. Did the LSC and the appellant try to come to an agreement before the appeal was filed?
Please see:
Appendix XIV: ZSAP Report Form
Appendix XV: Sanction Review Process - Questions & Scenarios
37.0 Rules and Regulations Regarding Competition
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 23, 2021
The highlighted provisions are not included in Rules and Regulations and may be amended at any time
by the President & CEO. The remaining provisions are included in Rules and Regulations and may be
changed only by the action of the House of Delegates. The rules outlined below specifically apply to
USA Swimming national events; however, the rules regarding locally sanctioned events can be found in
the USA Swimming Rulebook at Article 202. Sanctions to host a meet may be issued to USA Swimming
group members or LSCs and their subdivisions. When a meet host appoints a meet director per Rule
102.9, the meet host must ensure that the meet director has reviewed the USA Swimming Corporate
Bylaws, Rulebook, Operating Policy Manual, and local version of the Meet 360 guide.”
206.1 GENERAL USA Swimming Championships shall be conducted annually.
.1 A U.S Open Championships shall be conducted the week following Thanksgiving.
.2 A long course National Championship meet shall be conducted every summer. When a Trials
Class meet is held in the summer, the National Championship may be combined with the Trials. If
the Trials class meet is not held at the traditional time at the end of the summer, there may be an
additional end of the summer meet during those summers called the USA Swimming Invitational.
.3 USA Swimming Open Water Individual and Team Championships shall be held in the 5 kilometer
and 10-kilometer distances (effective 9/17/11).
.1 Facilities awarded USA Swimming Championships and International competition must meet
the mandatory standards of Article 103 and shall have a separate warm-up pool.
Facilities where competition is held to select USA Swimming National Teams for certain
international competition and shall also conform to the requirements stated in 103.19.3E.
.2 Facilities with movable bulkheads shall be required to demonstrate prior to submitting a bid for a
USA Swimming Championship, the ability to meet all measurements and tolerances as specified
in 103.3, 103.4 and 103.5. Written confirmation of this demonstration shall accompany the
championship meet bid.
.3 Open water venues must meet the mandatory standards of Article 702.
USA Swimming national championships, Trials class, U.S. Open, Summer Invitational, and Open Water
Championships shall be contracted for by the USA Swimming President & CEO or his/her designee in
accordance with Article 206 and Article 207, after approval by the Board of Directors.
.1 The National Team Director may elect not to conduct one or more USA Swimming Championships
in any year upon approval by the Board of Directors.
206.4 DATES Unless otherwise determined and announced by the National Team Director at
the previous year’s annual meeting, the dates shall be as follows:
.1 U.S. Open Championships To start the Wednesday following Thanksgiving.
.2 Summer National Championships and USA Swimming Summer Invitational (when held) To
end no later than the second Saturday in August;
.3 Open Water ChampionshipsEach event to be scheduled annually by the National Team
Director in conjunction with the Steering Committee.
.1 A USA Swimming Championship may be awarded either to an LSC in good standing or to an
organization approved by the Board of Directors of the LSC for the purpose of assuming full
responsibility to conduct the USA Swimming Championship as agreed to in writing. The LSC may
also assign the contract to conduct the championship to a member in good standing of that LSC
who shall then assume the full responsibility for the championship as agreed to in writing.
.2 The award process shall be conducted by the President & CEO in accordance with the provisions
of the USA Swimming Policy Manual.
A The President & CEO’s recommendation shall be presented to the Board of Directors for
The highlighted provisions are not included in Rules and Regulations and may be amended at any time
by the President & CEO. The remaining provisions are included in Rules and Regulations and may be
changed only by the action of the House of Delegates.
207.1 GENERAL USA Swimming may conduct USA Swimming National Championships, Trials
class meets, U.S. Open Championships, and Open Water Championships. The designation of each
of these championships shall include the name of the national sponsor, if any, for that meet.
Championships shall be governed by the Senior Development Committee. All USA Swimming
member athletes who have achieved the qualifying time standards for one or more specific events
are eligible to participate. The meet shall be conducted in years designated by the National Team
The USA Swimming National Championship meets and Open Water Championship races shall
be governed and conducted by the National Team Director. All USA Swimming member-
athletes who have achieved the qualifying time standards for one or more specific events are
eligible to participate.
If the following USA Swimming team selection trials are held in conjunction with the USA
Swimming National Championships, only United States citizens eligible to represent the United
States in international competition will be allowed to compete in the A (championship) finals
from which team selections are chosen: Pan American Games Trials and Pan Pacific
Championship Trials. Foreign swimmers may compete in all relays, but in individual preliminary
events and consolation and bonus finals only. When the selection of more than one of the
above teams necessitates picking swimmers from beyond eighth (8th) place in a specific event,
this rule also applies to the consolation and bonus final(s) in that event. Finals will be seeded
National Championship meet shall be governed by the Senior Development Committee.
.1 The Junior National Championships will be swum long course during the summer season and
short course during the winter season. The dates and place of competition will be determined
by the Senior Development Committee. The meets should be scheduled to be held after the
summer National Championships/U.S. Open and after the winter National Championships
.2 All USA Swimming athlete members 18 years of age and under who have met the qualifying
time standard for a specific event, are eligible to participate.
.3 The Junior National Championships program will be determined annually by the
Senior Development Committee.
207.5 TRIALS CLASS MEETS Trials Class shall be the selection meets for United States teams for
the Long Course World Championship and Olympic Games and may be held in conjunction with the
USA Swimming National Championships. The Trials class meets shall be governed by the National
Team Director. The event format will be established by the National Team Director and may emulate
the Olympic Games or Long Course World Championship program. There shall be no relays or
scoring in the Olympic Team Selection Meet. Touch pads shall conform to 103.1 9.3E. Only United
States citizens eligible to represent the United States on the Olympic or Long Course World
Championship teams may compete in these Trials.
.1 USA Swimming National Championships and U.S. Open qualifying time standards will be
determined from performances at the respective winter and summer championship meets for all
swimmers and may be based on world rankings so that they will be of comparable quality for all
events. The time standards shall be established by the Senior Development Committee in
consultation with the National Team Director. Time standards shall be designed to allow 900-1000
swimmers in individual events at the National Championships.
.2 The Senior Development Committee shall develop, ten (10) months in advance, the qualifying
time standards for all National Championships/U.S. Opens. Qualifying time standards shall be
specified in hundredths of a second, with nine one-hundredths being the constant.
207.7 PROOF OF ENTERED TIME Procedures for obtaining proof of time shall conform to the
current edition of the USA Swimming SWIMS Time Module Policy Manual. Official times achieved in
accordance with the requirements of 102.16.4 may be used to enter the meet.
.1 Individual Events All individual entry times must be made during the correct qualifying period
and must be proven prior to the scratch deadline for that event through the SWIMS database.
.2 Relay Events Times for each entered relay team must be submitted with the entry. This
entered time must be proven prior to the scratch deadline for each entered relay team, in
aggregate or as a team, through the SWIMS database. For the purpose of proving times, a club
may name a swimmer on only one of its relay teams in each event. Once the relay team or teams
have been proven, any swimmer listed by that organization on the entry form is eligible to
compete on that relay team.
The time of any swimmer recorded while legally representing a USA Swimming club, secondary
school, college, or university within the appropriate time frame may be used in proving an
aggregate relay-entry time and that swimmer does not need to be entered in the championship in
Foreign swimmers, who are representing a foreign team or country, must meet the
established National Championships time standards and provide official meet results with the
entry form.
The above requirements shall be made a part of the official entry form for all USA Swimming
championships and other meets at which proof-of-time is required through the SWIMS
.3 Responsibility Clause
A The coach, swimmer, or swimmer representative who enters a USA Swimming championship
thereby attests that all times on the entry form are true and correct achieved qualifying times
for each event entered. He/she assumes all responsibility for false or incorrect times or times
which are unacceptable under USA Swimming rules and shall be assessed a $100 penalty
payable to USA Swimming for each such time entered, unless absolved of the fine by USA
Swimming or designee or Board of Review. Additional action or penalty may be taken or
levied as deemed appropriate by USA Swimming.
B Such penalty shall also be levied against any USA Swimming verification officer who
knowingly entered such a false time(s) into the SWIMS Database.
C Appeal of fines are to be made to USA Swimming or designee and/or Board of Review. Any
appeal of the decision shall be in accordance with the provisions of Part Four, specifically
Article 407.
.1 The entry process and announcement shall be prepared under joint direction of the Rules Chair,
the Meet Director, and the National Events Director. Posting to the USA Swimming Web Site of
the entry forms and meet information will be the responsibility of USA Swimming.
.2 The meet information shall state qualifying times and procedures necessary for proof of entry
times. (See 207.6) For a USA Swimming Championship meet, USA Swimming may permit bonus
events. For each qualifying time achieved in an individual event, additional bonus events may be
allowed. Requirements for bonus events will be specified in the meet announcement.
The meet information shall state that foreign swimmers must comply with all meet entry
The meet director’s telephone number and/or email address shall be included in the
information book.
USA Swimming shall establish a closing date for entries in all USA Swimming championship
events which shall be at least one week before the first day of competition. For USA Swimming
National Championships, a later fax entry deadline of 11:59 p.m. (local time at the host site) two
(2) days prior to the start of the meet may be established and published in the meet information
book for qualifying times that are first achieved after the entry deadline and prior to the late entry
.1 A swimmer and/or relay team will be officially entered when the entries are received by USA
Swimming prior to the meet entry deadline. The method and procedure for submission of the
entries will be stated in the meet announcement.
.2 An unattached swimmer shall be identified in competition with the LSC in which the swimmer
is registered.
.3 In national championships a swimmer may enter and compete, except as provided in 102.2.2, in
any number of individual events in which the qualifying time standards have been met.
.4 Entry times for individual and relay events shall:
A Be the best competitive time of swimmers except as otherwise provided in this Article 207 or
the USA Swimming Policy Manual.
B Be achieved in accordance with 102.24.1, Requirements for Official Time.
C Be submitted to hundredths of a second.
D Swimmers who have qualified for the Olympic Trials within the current quadrennium in a
specific event may swim that event in all USA Swimming National Championships and U.S.
Open Events preceding the next Olympic Trials, even if they have not re-qualified for the
USA Swimming National Championships or U.S. Open in that specific event.
Times achieved at an altitude of 3,000 feet or above may be adjusted as follows:
Time Adjustment
(1) Subtract the time indicated above from the actual time achieved at altitude. This is the time to be
used on the entry form and seeding will be based on that time. Information relative to the adjustment
accompanying the entry form must include name of swimmer, event, date of performance, elevation
location, actual time, corrected time, and signature of coach.
(2) A swimmer or relay may use the above adjustments to meet the national qualifying time standard
and seeding will be based upon that time.
.5 Only swimmers and relay teams entered using the procedures stated in the meet
announcement shall be eligible to compete. Submitted times may be updated up to the entry
deadline. No corrections or changes of events entered, or additional entries will be accepted
after the entry deadline. Typographical or transcription errors which can be readily verified by
entry data or National Times Database data may be corrected if attested to by the swimmer,
coach, or the swimmer’s representative prior to the scratch deadline.
Any swimmer who qualifies for the 1000 or 1650-yard freestyle or the 800 or 1500-meter freestyle
may enter at his/her fastest time or at the time standard, if entered in two or more events on the
day of the distance freestyle.
In USA Swimming National Championships, swimmers entered in the 800/1000 and 1500/1650
freestyle do not need to enter their best times but may enter themselves at the time performed at
the meet distance (SC-SC, LC-LC) at the previous USA Swimming National Championships,
provided they have made the short course yard, short course meter, or long course meter
standard during the appropriate qualifying period. Swimmers will be seeded at their entered times.
.6 USA Swimming reserves the right to challenge any submitted time.
When approved by USA Swimming, foreign swimmers who are not members of USA Swimming,
may enter national championships provided they have met all qualifying requirements including
submission of proof of entered times. (See also 207.8.3)
.7 In order to score at USA Swimming National Championships, a swimmer must be eligible
Event Distance 3000-4250 Feet 4251-6500 Feet Above 6500 Feet
200 .50 Sec. 1.20 Sec. 1.60 Sec.
400 or 500 2.50 Sec. 5.00 Sec. 7.00 Sec.
800 freestyle relay 2.00 Sec. 4.80 Sec. 6.40 Sec.
800 or 1000 5.00 Sec. 10.00 Sec. 15.00 Sec.
1500 or 1650 11.00 Sec. 23.00 Sec. 32.50 Sec.
to represent the United States in international competition.
.8 Relay Entries
A A club may enter no more than two relay teams in each relay event.
B Only swimmers listed on the entry form for an organization shall be eligible to compete for that
organization in relay events.
Relay teams shall indicate on the entry whether they elect to be entered at their provable time
or at the lowest priority non-conforming time standard. The time for each relay may be
submitted as a composite or an aggregate time. Only times achieved in the same course (i.e.,
all short course or all long course) may be used for aggregate relay times.
A completed relay entry listing the competing relay swimmers, their first and last names, ages,
and order of swimming, shall be returned to the clerk of course for each competing relay.
Upon reporting to the starting blocks, immediately prior to the start of the relay heat in which
such team is entered, the completed relay entry form shall be handed to the head lane timer.
No change will be permitted thereafter and failure to present the head lane timer with written
list of relay swimmers shall prevent such team from competing.
A fine of $100 will be imposed on the organization obtaining deck credentials for each relay-
only swimmer who does not compete in a USA Swimming National Championship relay. No
penalty shall apply if the Referee is notified prior to the event and accepts proof that failure to
compete was due to the relay-only swimmer’s illness or injury, or to circumstances beyond the
swimmer’s control.
Preliminaries Finals
100-yard/meter breaststroke 1000-yard/800-meter freestyle
200-yard/meter freestyle 100-yard/meter breaststroke
100-yard/meter butterfly 200-yard/meter freestyle
200-yard/meter individual medley 100-yard/meter butterfly
800-yard/meter freestyle relay 200-yard/meter individual medley
1000-yard/800-meter freestyle 800-yard/meter freestyle relay
Women’s 100-meter butterfly
Preliminaries Finals
400-yard/meter individual medley 400-yard/meter individual medley
50-yard/meter freestyle 50-yard/meter freestyle
200-yard/meter breaststroke 200-yard/meter breaststroke
100-yard/meter backstroke 100-yard/meter backstroke
500-yard/400-meter freestyle 500-yard/400-meter freestyle
400-yard/meter medley relay 400-yard/meter medley relay
Preliminaries Finals
200-yard/meter backstroke 1650-yard/1500-meter freestyle
100-yard/meter freestyle 200-yard/meter backstroke
200-yard/meter butterfly 100-yard/meter freestyle
400-yard/meter freestyle relay 200-yard/meter butterfly
Day One Women’s 800-meter freestyle
Men’s 800-meter freestyle
Day Two Women’s 100-meter freestyle
Men’s 100-meter freestyle
Women’s 200-meter breaststroke
Men’s 200-meter breaststroke
Women’s 200-meter backstroke
Men’s 200-meter backstroke
Women’s 200-meter butterfly
Men’s 200-meter butterfly
Day Three Women’s 200-meter freestyle
Men’s 200-meter freestyle
Women’s 400-meter individual medley
Men’s 400-meter individual medley
Women’s 800-meter freestyle relay
Men’s 800-meter freestyle relay
Day Four Women’s 100-meter backstroke
Men’s 100-meter backstroke
Women’s 400-meter freestyle
Men’s 400-meter freestyle
Women’s 100-meter breaststroke
Men’s 100-meter breaststroke
.1 Time Trials At all USA National Championships and Trials Class meets, Time Trials will be
conducted on a time available basis for swimmers participating in the meet. Unless sanctioned
directly by USA Swimming, these Time Trials shall be held under a separate sanction of the LSC
where the meet is held and shall conform to the following conditions and format, subject to the
time limitations specified in 207.10 and 207.11:
A A swimmer is limited to a maximum of two Time Trials during the course of the championships.
B At the USA Swimming National Championships and Trials Class meets, a swimmer must be
entered in the meet with a proved time (individual event or relay) to be eligible to participate in
the Time Trials.
Except as noted in (4) below, Time Trials shall be swum in the order listed under the
meet program as follows:
(1) First Day: that day’s events, followed by the remaining events in the meet, except on the
first day of the Modified Four-Day Program, when only that day’s events will be swum.
(2) Second and all subsequent days except the final day: that day’s events, followed by the
events of the remaining day(s) of the meet, followed by the events of the previous days.
(3) Final Day: that day’s events; that day’s 1500-meter/1650-yard freestyle events may
be swum, followed by events of the previous days if time permits.
(4) Exception: For long course championships, on the day the 50-meter freestyle is
Men’s 100-meter butterfly
Women’s 400-meter freestyle relay
Men’s 400-meter freestyle relay
Day Five Women’s 200-meter individual medley
Men’s 200-meter individual medley
Women’s 1500-meter freestyle
Women’s 50-meter freestyle
Men’s 50-meter freestyle
Men’s 1500-meter freestyle
Women’s 400-meter medley relay
Men’s 400-meter medley relay
contested, the 50-meter freestyle Time Trials will be the first event in the Time Trial
program. On all other days, the 50-meter freestyle will be the last event of the Time Trial
C Entry fees for Time Trials shall be the same as those established for the corresponding
national championships.
.4 International Program At the discretion of the National Team Managing Director, the USA
Swimming National Championships may be conducted in a format with the order of events simulating
the World Championship or Olympic program. All relays shall be conducted on a timed finals basis
with all heats swum in the final’s session.
administrative rules for the conduct of the national championships and Open Water Championships
are specified herein. Additional rules for Open Water Championships are listed in Article 704.
.1 General Meeting
A A general meeting, chaired by the Program & Events Committee Coordinator (or his/her
designee), shall be held at all USA Swimming championship meets prior to the first day’s
competition. The Meet Referee, all participating coaches, and representatives of each
participating club are responsible for all information disseminated at the meeting.
B Only business pertinent to the administrative conduct of that championship meet and its events
may be considered and finalized at this meeting by a vote of those in attendance and no
changes shall be made thereafter.
C It is the obligation of every athlete entered in the meet to attend or be represented at this
meeting and to become acquainted with the changes, if any, and the decisions made at this
Computerization The organization(s) conducting the championship shall compile entry lists,
heat sheets, final sheets, and final results, by computer.
Entry List An entry list, by event, with submitted times shall be distributed to the coaches,
swimmers, and officials on the morning of the day preceding the meet and copies shall also
be available at the general meeting on the night preceding the meet.
Credentials Credentials for national championships will be provided at no charge for
participating athletes and officials who are members of USA Swimming. Credentials for coaches,
managers, and chaperones to serve as admittance passes to national championships shall be
issued to those persons listed on the submitted team roster according to the following schedule
and is based upon the total size of the team. There shall be a surcharge of $20.00 per person for
spectator passes, which money shall become the property of the meet host. For clubs that wish to
bring one certified massage therapist with their teams, a surcharge will apply if the massage
therapist exceeds the deck pass formula below. These funds shall become the property of the
meet host. All massage therapists must be non-athlete members of USA Swimming.
A 1-3 swimmers in individual events, or 1-only relay team with any number of alternates: 1
deck pass; 1 spectator pass.
B 4-6 swimmers in individual events: 2 deck passes; 1 spectator pass.
C 7-9 swimmers in individual events: 3 deck passes; 1 spectator pass.
D 10-20 swimmers in individual events: 4 deck passes; 2 spectator passes.
E 21-30 swimmers in individual events: 5 deck passes; 2 spectator passes.
F 31-40 swimmers in individual events: 6 deck passes; 3 spectator passes.
G 41-50 swimmers in individual events: 7 deck passes, 3 spectator passes.
H 51 or more swimmers in individual events: 8 deck passes; 5 spectator passes.
I Unattached swimmers with a team shall be included in above schedule even if listed on
separate entry blank.
J Unattached swimmers not with a team: 1 deck pass; 1 spectator pass.
Heat Sheets Heat sheets for each preliminary and finals session shall be made available to
coaches and/or team representatives no less than one hour before the beginning of each
session. Complete results from each session shall be made available one hour prior to the next
.2 Schedule
A Except as otherwise stated in the USA Swimming Policy Manual, a minimum of two (2) hours
must elapse between the end of the last preliminary heat and the start of the first race in the
finals on any one day, during which time the pool must be available for warm-up. Starting times
for the preliminary and finals sessions shall be published in the meet information and reviewed
at the general meeting. Starting times shall be as consistent as possible throughout the meet.
At the general meeting, a schedule shall be made available for the first day’s competition,
including starting times for the first race in each preliminary event and for each race in the
finals. Each day a schedule shall be made available for the following day’s competition
including all the same information. No event shall start prior to the time established for that
event or race.
B At the discretion of the Program & Events Committee Coordinator (or his/her
designee), the preliminary sessions may be conducted in two courses.
.3 Warm-up Schedule A schedule of lanes, times and warm-up procedures which must be
adhered to shall be established and must be distributed during the general meeting.
.4 Eligibility Protests
A An Eligibility Jury composed of three persons in attendance at each national championship
shall be appointed by the Program & Events Committee Coordinator (or his/her designee) prior
to the start of the meet to consider protests pertaining to the eligibility of any swimmer to
compete or to represent an organization. The Eligibility Jury shall consist of an athlete, a coach
and an official.
B All protests made prior to or during the championship shall be submitted to the Eligibility Jury
on a form prescribed by USA Swimming and accompanied by a $50 fee, which shall be
returned if the protest is upheld. The $50 fee shall not be required for protests submitted by
the Registration Committee or LSC Registration Chairpersons.
C Protests shall be heard by the jury and, if possible, decisions rendered before the start of
events on the day in which the protested swimmer competes, but no later than the last night of
the championships. The opportunity to be heard shall be given to both the party lodging the
protest and the party or parties charged.
D Until the Eligibility Jury renders a decision, the swimmer may compete under protest. An
announcement to this effect shall be made prior to the race. The results of any race
conducted under protest shall not be announced, nor prizes awarded, nor points scored until
the jury has determined if and how their decision may affect the final scoring or awards.
E The decision of the jury may be appealed by either party to the National Board of Review,
pursuant to Part 4. Protests submitted after the last day of the championships shall
be submitted directly to the National Board of Review.
F Any such decision of the National Board of Review shall be published on the USA
Swimming website.
.5 Technical Rules Protests Prior to the start of the meet the Program & Events Committee
Coordinator (or his/her designee) shall appoint a Technical Jury composed of at least one
swimmer representative, at least one coach, and at least one, but not more than three other
persons. Written protests involving technical rules, except disqualifications due to judgment
decisions by the deck officials, shall be made to the Meet Referee within 30 minutes of the
protested act or occurrence. Decisions of the Meet Referee regarding these protests may be
appealed to the Technical Jury, whose decision must be made the day of the protest and shall be
final. The jury cannot adjudicate judgment decisions, which can only be considered by the
Referee under Section 102.11.
.6 Scratch Procedures
A Swimmers may scratch from an event in which they are entered by following the procedures
set forth in the meet announcement.
B The scratch deadline for the first day’s events shall be fifteen (15) minutes after the general
meeting is adjourned. The scratch deadline for all subsequent days’ events shall be thirty
(30) minutes after the time established for the start of the final’s sessions.
C In all events where preliminary heats are necessary, after the heats have been seeded, any
swimmer who fails to compete in an individual event heat in which such swimmer entered
and has not been scratched in accordance with sub-paragraphs A and B above will be
barred from all further individual and relay events of that day. Additionally, that swimmer
shall not be seeded in any individual events on succeeding days unless that swimmer
declares an intent to swim prior to the close of the scratch box for that day’s events.
D Scratching from finals:
1) Any swimmer qualifying for a bonus, consolation or championship final in an individual
event who fails to compete in said final shall be barred from further competition for the
remainder of the meet, except as noted in paragraph E. A declared false start under
101.1.3F or deliberate delay of meet under 101.1.5 is not permitted and will be
regarded as a failure to compete.
2) In the event of withdrawal or barring of a swimmer from competition the Referee shall
fill the bonus, consolation, or championship final final, when possible, with the next
qualified swimmer(s). First and second alternates shall be announced along with the
final qualifiers. These alternates shall not be penalized if unavailable to compete in the
3) Where bonus and consolation finals have not been swum and a barring or withdrawal
is known to the Referee, the Referee shall reseed the bonus, consolation, or
championship final, if necessary, to insert the alternate(s) in the appropriate lane(s),
filling all lanes in the final.
4) If the bonus and consolation finals have already been contested, the (championship)
final shall be swum without reseeding for the empty lane(s).
E. Exceptions for Failure to compete No penalty shall apply for failure to withdraw or compete
in an individual event if:
(1) The Referee is notified in the event of illness or injury and accepts the proof thereof.
(2) A swimmer qualifying for a bonus, consolation or championship final based upon the
results of the preliminaries notifies the Referee within thirty (30) minutes after
announcement of the qualifiers for that race that they may not intend to compete and
further declares their final intentions within thirty (30) minutes following their last individual
preliminary event.
(3) It is determined by the Referee that failure to compete is caused by circumstances
beyond the control of the swimmer.
F. Notwithstanding the provisions of 207.11.6, the scratch procedures for the United States teams
for the Olympic Games, the FINA World Championships, the Pan Pacific Championships, the
Pan American Games, or the World Student Games shall be established by the National Team
Steering Committee and the Program & Events Committee Coordinator (or his/her designee).
.7 Seeding
A Entrants in the 1000yd/800m and 1650yd/1500m freestyle must check in and confirm their
intention to compete prior to the scratch deadline in order to be seeded. Seeded heat sheets
shall be published at the conclusion of the finals the evening before, except that in the five-day
format, seeded heat sheets for the 800m freestyle shall be published two hours prior to the
scheduled starting time for that event. The swimmers shall be listed in the meet program in the
order of submitted times, beginning with the fastest.
B Seeding individual events when using non-conforming and bonus times shall be as follows:
(1) All conforming times will be arranged in time order.
(2) In a long course championship meet, non-conforming short course meter times will be
arranged in time order followed by non-conforming yard times; in a short course meet, non-
conforming long course times shall precede non-conforming short course times.
(3) Conforming bonus times, if permitted, will be arranged in time order after the times that
meet the qualifying standards, in the precedence specified in (2) above.
(4) Non-conforming bonus times, if permitted, will be arranged in time order after the times
that meet the qualifying standard and after conforming bonus times, in the precedence
specified in (2) above.
(5) After arranging the times as provided above, the event will be seeded in normal fashion.
.8 Finals The order of final heats for each meet shall be approved by the Program & Events
Committee Coordinator (or his/her designee).
.9 Scoring Except for Trials Class meets, scoring at the USA Swimming National Championships
shall be mandatory.
A Foreign national teams entered in the National Championships will not be scored for
team awards.
B Foreign swimmers may not score points for a USA Swimming team at the USA Swimming
National Championships, but, subject to USA Swimming representation requirements,
may represent that team and receive awards.
C Scoring at the USA Swimming National Championships will be on a sixteen (16) place basis.
Individual events: 20, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. When a 10-lane pool is
used for finals at the National championships, the scoring shall be on a twenty (20) place basis
with the values for the individual events as follows: 24, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 11, 9,
8, 7, 6,
5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Relay events receive double these point values.
D To be eligible for Combined Men’s and Women’s Team Awards, a team must have scored
points in both the Men’s Team and Women’s Team Categories.
Final Results USA Swimming will provide final meet results to all participating teams and
LSC times and records volunteers within two weeks of the completion of the Championships.
207.11 AWARDS
.1 Team Awards
Women’s Team Champion (high point women’s team)
Women’s Team Runner-up Champion (second highest)
Women’s Team Top Ten (third through tenth)
Men’s Team Champion (high point men’s team)
Men’s Team Runner-up Champion (second highest)
Men’s Team Top Ten (third through tenth)
Men’s & Women’s Team Champion (high combined points)
Men’s & Women’s Runner-up Team Champion (second highest)
Men’s & Women’s Combined Team Top 25 (third through twenty-fifth)
USA Swimming National Championship only:
William A. Lippman, Jr., USA SwimmingCombined Team Champion Cup (perpetual trophy)
.2 Individual and Relay Awards
A. Medals shall be awarded to all place winners in the A (championship) final and to the top eight
(8) place winners in timed final events of any USA Swimming championship. When ten (10)
lanes are used at a USA Swimming Championships, the top ten (10) place winners in timed final
events will receive medals.
B. First-place medal to be awarded to the 18 & under swimmer placing highest in each individual
event at each USA Swimming National Championship. If no 18-and-under swimmer scores in
the A, B, or C finals, the highest placing 18-and-under swimmer from preliminaries will be
recognized as the National 18-and-under Champion for that event.
C. In each USA Swimming National Championships, the Robert J. Kiphuth High Point Award shall
be awarded to the man and woman swimmer scoring the greatest number of points in individual
events. If two or more are tied duplicate awards shall be provided. If this occurs, the original
award is given to the swimmer scoring the most first and second places and the duplicate
award, if not then available, shall be sent within thirty days to the proper swimmer.
D. Each member of an award-winning relay team shall receive identical awards.
E. The Performance of the Meet Award shall be presented at each USA Swimming National
Championships. The recipient of this award shall be chosen by USA Swimming.
38.0 USA Swimming Times Module Policy and Guidelines
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 23, 2021
In June 2003 USA Swimming launched a browser-based database system that consolidated
30 different types of databases utilized by volunteers and staff to serve its athlete and
nonathlete members. With membership data and times data linked for the first time, SWIMS
(Swimming Web-based Interactive Membership System) is a comprehensive and inclusive
database. SWIMS is a composite of membership data and history and a databank of times
swum for nearly every athlete member since June 2003. It is expected that LSC SWIMS
officers will submit all eligible times from LSC sanctioned, approved, and observed
competitions into SWIMS to provide USA Swimming with complete data for meet entry, athlete
tracking, and research.
2.1. The purpose of this manual is to provide general guidance to the swimmers, coaches,
and volunteers who will be providing or using the times data in the SWIMS system.
The guidelines describing the functions of the Times Module of SWIMS are meant as
a handbook for the LSC Times Volunteers who use SWIMS.
2.2. Times for USA Swimming members that have been entered into SWIMS are visible
on the look up feature on the USA Swimming website.
2.3. The primary purpose of the Times module in SWIMS is to provide a database of all
official times that conform to the requirements stipulated in the Timing Rules section of
the Technical Rules portion of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations. Open Water
times are not included in the SWIMS database.
3.1. Each LSC is responsible for data entry of times within its geographical boundaries.
There may be exceptions as agreed upon by specific LSCs.
3.2. Times from the following meets will be entered into SWIMS by the host LSC:
A. Sanctioned and approved LSC Meets
B. YM/YWCA/AAU Championships
C. Other swims that have been authorized for observation (NFHS and USMS, IPC)
NOTE: Times from observed swims and approved meets will be entered into SWIMS
by the LSC for USA Swimming member athletes with USA Swimming ID numbers or
full legal names and birth dates provided in the electronic meet results or separately on
paper. NCAA meets are run as approved competitions, managed by the host school
without LSC authorization, and results are entered by USA Swimming staff.
3.3. The following meets do not fall under the LSC responsibility for data entry:
A. USA Swimming Trials, ConocoPhillips National Championships, including time
trials, and United States Open Championships
B. USA Swimming Short Course (SCY) Championships, including time trials.
C. USA Swimming Speedo Junior Championships, including time trials.
D. World Cup, World Championships (short and long course), Olympic Games,
World University Games, Pan American Games, Pan Pacifics, Junior Pan
Pacifics, including time trials (inclusion of times from these meets will be done
for American athletes only). Foreign athletes who wish to use these times to
compete in USA Swimming meets should present results to USA Swimming
staff (Times) for inclusion in SWIMS.
E. Pro Series and Futures meets, including time trials, unless the LSC is
specifically requested to enter the meet into SWIMS.
F. Certain International competitions at which a USA Swimming National Team
G. NCAA meets.
H. Foreign meets authorized by a FINA member that are attended by USA
Swimming registered swimmers (See description of foreign meets in 4.4).
This summary is intended to help clarify the key differences about the various types of
swims generating “official” USA Swimming times. More detailed information and definitive
regulations are available in USA Swimming Rules and Regulations (Article 202) in which
requirement and conditions for sanction, approved competitions, NCAA meets, and
observed swims are defined.
A. All participants must be members of USA Swimming (including meet directors,
coaches [all persons acting in any coaching capacity must be coach members],
officials, athletes, and participating clubs.
B. Meet must be conducted under USA Swimming technical and administrative
C. All official times achieved will be recognized by USA Swimming.
A. There are no requirements for USA Swimming athlete membership for meet
B. Approvals may be issued to non-member clubs/organizations for meets
conducted in accordance with USA Swimming technical rules, including those
requirements stipulated under the Timing Rules section of the Technical Rules
portion of USA swimming Rules and Regulations.
C. Approvals may be issued to member clubs for closed competition (such as
YMCAs) conducted in accordance with USA Swimming technical rules.
D. Approvals may be issued to member clubs for open competition conducted in
accordance with USA Swimming technical rules if that competition has been
specifically approved by the USA Swimming staff leader or designee(s). (See
Form E in attachments.)
A. There are no requirements for USA Swimming athlete membership for meet
B. Meet is conducted under technical rules other than USA Swimming (e.g., high
school, Masters, IPC).
C. A request for observation must be made to the LSC at least ten (10) days prior
to the meet. Policies and procedures may vary between LSCS.
D. Times from swim(s) observed and approved by association officials working
season culminating championship meets and invitationals are recognized by
USA Swimming (except for NCAA meets see below). Official times of USA
Swimming members are eligible for inclusion in the SWIMS database. A USA
Swimming official must verify that all swims approved for USA Swimming
purposes were in accordance with the following requirements.
(1) Minimum of one referee, one starter and two stroke & turn judge
association officials working season-culminating championship
meets and invitationals.
(2) 102.24 (Timing Rules)
(3) 103.3 (Racing Course Dimensions); and
(4) 103.14 (Starting Platforms)
E. Times for events achieved at NCAA bona fide competition as defined in the
current NCAA Rules and Interpretations shall be regarded as approved times
for USA Swimming purposes and are to be submitted within 72 hours after the
meet has ended to ncaa@usaswimming.org.
F. If technical rules of the stroke differ from USA Swimming as defined in Article
101, at least two observers from USA Swimming and/or the YMCA, who shall
be certified Stroke & Turn Judges assigned or approved by the LSC, must be
present on the deck. If at least two of the four association officials are dually
certified, no further observers are required. Where the technical rules are
identical, the judgement of the organization officials shall be sufficient.
A. For times from a foreign meet sanctioned by another FINA member to be
included in SWIMS, the meet must comply with the minimum standards for an
official time as stipulated under the Timing Rules section of the Technical Rules
portion of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.
B. Best times may be requested for an athlete who needs the times to qualify for
entry into a championship level meet for USA Swimming. Events, times swum,
and a link to official meet results must be provided to the Chair of the Times and
Recognition Committee for data entry.
C. This category of foreign meet does not include international competitions at
which the USA Swimming National Team is competing. Times submission from
such International meets is the responsibility of the USA Swimming staff to
D. The USA Swimming member must be representing his/her club or swimming
unattached for a time to be included in SWIMS. If a USA Swimming member is
also a foreign federation athlete, the swimmer may represent his/her foreign
club in a foreign meet.
E. USA Swimming has an “open border” policy with Puerto Rico, Canada,
Bermuda, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Travel documents are not necessary for
their athletes or clubs traveling to the United States and are not necessary for
USA Swimming’s athletes traveling to these countries. Swimmers who wish to
compete in international meets outside of these countries must obtain a Foreign
Travel Permit through the LSC Registrar and USA Swimming Membership
Services before competing in a foreign meet.
A. Time trials conducted at meets other than the competitions defined in 3.3 must
conform to the following:
(1) Time trials must be sanctioned by the LSC and conducted in accordance
with all USA Swimming Technical Rules and abide by the Requirements
for Sanction stipulated in the Administrative Regulations of Competition
portion of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.
(2) Time trials must be authorized in accordance with established LSC
(3) If a time trial is conducted in conjunction with a collegiate meet, an
approved meet, a USMS meet, or other meet authorized for USA
Swimming observation and it is officiated to the same standard as the
authorized meet, times may be entered into SWIMS.
(4) All time trials meeting the above specifications should be uploaded into
(5) Electronic results (SDIF, .cl2, XDIF, HY3) of the time trials may be
loaded into SWIMS as part of an accompanying swim meet or
separately. The preferred method is separate results files. All results
must be entered into the proper event description in the meet file.
A. Information on Altitude Adjusted Times may be found in the USA Swimming
Policy Manual. Altitude Adjusted Times may be used to enter USA
Swimming Sanctioned Meets. They may not be used for records or
recognition purposes.
B. Times achieved at an altitude of 3,000 feet or above may be adjusted as follows:
Time Adjustment
Event Distance
3000-4250 Feet
4251-6500 Feet
Above 6500
.50 Sec.
1.20 Sec.
1.60 Sec.
400 or 500
2.50 Sec.
5.00 Sec.
7.00 Sec.
800 freestyle relay
2.00 Sec.
4.80 Sec.
6.40 Sec.
800 or 1000
5.00 Sec.
10.00 Sec.
15.00 Sec.
1500 or 1650
11.00 Sec.
23.0 Sec.
32.50 Sec.
(1) Subtract the time indicated above from the actual time achieved at
altitude. This is the time to be used on the entry form and seeding will be
based on that time. Information relative to the adjustment accompanying
the entry form must include name of swimmer, event, date of
performance, elevation location, actual time, corrected time, and
signature of coach.
(2) A swimmer or relay may use the above adjustments to meet the national
qualifying standard and seeding will be based upon that time.
World Records and USA Swimming Records (including American and United States Open
Records, National Age Group (NAG) Records, Zone Records, and LSC Records) must comply
with the requirements stipulated under the Rules for Timing Records section of the Technical
Rules portion of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations. USA Swimming record
applications shall be submitted to USA Swimming and shall be approved by the Times and
Recognition Committee.
5.1. Applications for all USA Swimming records shall be posted on the USA Swimming
5.2. Applications and all required paperwork for American and United States Open
Records must be submitted within 14 days of performance.
A. An American Record may be established only by United States citizens eligible
to compete under and achieving an official time in accordance with USA
Swimming rules. Records may be established in or outside of the United States.
B. A United States Open Record may be established only within the geographical
territory of the United States by any person eligible to compete under and
achieving an official time in accordance with USA Swimming rules.
C. Pool measurement as stipulated under the Pool Measurement portion of the
American and United States Open Records sub-section of the Technical Rules
section of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations is required. Record
applications will not be accepted unless certification of course length
accompanies the application or is already on file with USA Swimming.
Certifications last indefinitely unless structural changes are made to the pool.
The length of the course shall be measured and certified by a qualified person in
accordance with the standards established by USA Swimming.
D. In a pool where a moveable bulkhead is used, course measurement of the lane
in which the record was set must be confirmed at the conclusion of the session
during which the time was achieved.
E. Times must be registered by automatic equipment and submitted in hundredths
of a second.
F. If an American Record or United States Open Record is set at the USA
Swimming National Championships, Junior National Championships, United
States Open Championships, or any USA Swimming Selection Meet, National
Event staff and/or the USA Swimming staff leader, or designees will compile and
submit all documentation and ensure that all requirements have been met.
G. Lead-off legs/initial distances of mixed gender relays shall not count for
American or U.S. Open records.
H. If a swimmer in a NCAA Bona Fide competition sets a record, the referee shall
stipulate that the athlete was not wearing illegal tape on the record application or
confirm this with the USA Swimming staff leader or designees.
5.3. Applications and all required paperwork for NAG records must be submitted within
30 days of performance.
A. Only USA Swimming members who are U.S. citizens representing a USA
Swimming club or competing unattached are eligible to establish National Age
Group records. Times submitted for Age Group Records must comply with all
requirements stipulated in the National Age Group Recognition Program detailed
in the Administrative Regulations of Competition of the USA Swimming Rules
and Regulations.
B. The official times for establishing specific records in short course yards or long
course meters must be achieved as determined in accordance under the Timing
Rules section of the Technical Rules portion of the USA Swimming Rules and
C. If a NAG record is set at a USA Swimming National Championship, Junior
National championship, United States Open, or USA Swimming Selection meet,
National Event staff members and/or the USA Swimming staff leader or
designees will provide documentation and ensure that all criteria are met. NAG
records achieved at Sectional, Arena Pro, or Futures meets do not require
application. Times and Recognition Committee will document and award record
D. Measurement of the pool is not required for a NAG Record. In signing a NAG
application form, the meet referee is confirming the validity of the time, the swim,
and the course.
E. If an NCAA competitor sets a NAG record in a Bona Fide competition, the
referee shall stipulate on the application that the swimmer was not wearing
illegal tape.
5.4. Specific requirements for Zone records and LSC records will be set by the
appropriate Zone or LSC.
5.5. A record will be recognized in the competition category in which it was earned.
6.1. It is the responsibility of the Times and Recognition Committee to establish an Age
Recognition Program and the NAG motivational time standards chart. The Time and
Recognition committee may consider and make changes prior to the start of a new
period in accordance with the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.
6.2. The Age Group Recognition Program will recognize the following for short course yards
and long course meters:
A. The top ten individual times in a single age group beginning at age 11 through
age 18.
B. The top ten relay times beginning with age group 11-12 and continuing for the
13- 14, 15-16, 17-18, and 15-18 age groups.
6.3. The Age Group Recognition Program will use a 12-month qualifying period beginning
on September 1 of the prior year to August 31 of the current year to determine
6.4. All times must be reported no later than September 7th of the current year for the
previous 12-month period (September 1-August 31). The lists on the website will be
considered final no later than October 15th. The lists produced by the TOP
TIMES/EVENT RANK SEARCH feature on the USA Swimming website will be
considered the official lists.
6.5. A time that would have made the top ten list if correctly submitted prior to the deadline
may be awarded a certificate of performance at the discretion of the Times and
Recognition Committee. A supplemental list may be published after the list has been
declared final. However, no previously recognized authentic time will be removed from
the final listing.
6.6. The Times and Recognition Committee, with the recommendation of the Zone Top
Times Sub-committee has the authority to resolve issues that may arise. Corrections
and additions are the duties of the LSC tabulators. It is the LSC tabulator’s
responsibility to screen the lists posted throughout the year for discrepancies and
omissions. Questions should be addressed to the LSC tabulators.
6.7. Each LSC shall appoint a Top Times tabulator to lead these responsibilities. A list of all
LSC tabulators, and a list of the Zone Top Times tabulators, will be available on the
web site.
Zone Top Times Preview Lists will be posted on the Zone websites according to a
schedule authorized by the Times and Recognition Committee.
6.8. Each LSC is responsible for printing and distributing the Top Ten certificates for their
athletes. The certificate template will be available from the USA Swimming website and
the LSC Top Times tabulator will use the Top Times Report from SWIMS to generate
their list.
6.9. Until the National Top Ten Times list is final, lists of current age group top times
achieved and retrieved from the USA Swimming, Zone and LSC websites are drafts
and may contain errors.
Guidelines for Approved Meets beginning September 1, 2013
1. In order to comply with Article 202.6 in the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations,
approved meets shall comply with USA Swimming technical rules.
2. Article 202.6.8D requires compliance with Article 102.10 Officials.
3. Per Article 102.10, an Administrative Official or additional Referee is required for all
sanctioned and approved meets. The Administrative Official and Referee may not act
in more than one officiating capacity.
4. In approved dual meet competition, the meet referee may also act as a stroke and
turn judge. The starter may also act as a stroke and turn judge.
5. For a Y Closed League meet, a Y certified Administrative Official, or a Y Level II
official acting in the administrative capacity can fulfill the requirement stipulated in
Article 102.10.
6. For all other approved meets (non-closed league meets), such as a State Games
meet, Black Heritage meet, or AAU competition, or USA-S club hosted approved
meets, an Administrative Official certified by USA Swimming is required for approval
authorization by the LSC.
7. The meet referee or designee is responsible for entering the AO into OTS along with
the other meet officials.
A. For YMCA Closed League Meets, effective September 1, 2006, the YMCA
of the USA adopted the USA Swimming technical rules for the conduct of all
of its swimming competitions. As a result, there are no longer any
differences in the technical rules by which swimmers will be judged when
participating in swimming competitions hosted by either USA swimming or
the YMCA. As a further result, YMCA sanctioned swimming competitions
(multi-team meets, large invitationals, and championship competitions)
should be eligible to be treated as an “approved” meet as defined under
USA Swimming Rules and Regulations and there is no longer a basis for
“observed swims” with respect to YMCA swimming competitions.
B. The following is a list of the requirements for a swim meet hosted by a
YMCA swimming club or AAU club to be considered an Approved
(1) Requests for approved meets should be submitted to the LSC Sanction
Chairman of the LSC in which the meet will be conducted.
(2) YMCA clubs who are also USA Swimming clubs may host sanctioned
competitions, but only in their capacity as a USA Swimming club and
if all competitors in the competition are members of USA Swimming.
(3) Written application for approval shall be made not later than the
period established by the LSC prior to the competition. The LSC may
establish a fee for processing such applications. Fees to the LSC
according to their policies and by-laws may be assessed. Application
for approval shall be accompanied by a complete meet or event
information and statement of the nature and value of prizes to be
awarded. Payment of a fee or expenses to the assigned USA
Swimming officials shall not be a requirement for approval.
(4) An issued Approval is not transferable.
(5) No further Approvals shall be given if the YMCA or AAU club has
failed to satisfy expense obligations to athletes or to award prizes as
stated on its entry blank or meet information until such obligations are
satisfied or the prizes awarded.
(6) No Approval will be granted if the words “Olympic,” “World,”
“Nationals,” “United States of America,” or any derivative thereof is
used in any manner in connection with the competition unless
consent for such usage is obtained from USA Swimming.
(7) The following clause must appear on all approval forms and on all
forms upon which official approvals are granted: “In granting this
approval it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming shall be
free and held harmless from any liabilities or claims or damages
arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the
(8) Complete results shall be submitted to the LSC within a period of time
established by the LSC.
(9) All approvals must be signed by an authorized representative of the
LSC, and record kept by the LSC.
(10) An Approval may be withheld or withdrawn by the LSC if the
competition was not conducted in accordance with the above
(11) If an event is to be contested in more than one LSC’s or country’s
jurisdiction, the application for approval shall be submitted to the LSC
in which the event begins. The LSC granting the Approval shall notify
the other LSC(s) and/or the governing body of the other country in
which the event is being contested of the details of the event.
(12) YMCA clubs who are also registered as USA Swimming clubs should
be aware that USA Swimming insurance may not provide coverage
when hosting an approved competition or when attending an
approved competition if not all competitors from the club are USA
Swimming members.
7.2. Mutual Guidelines for YMCA Teams, AAU Teams, and USA Swimming Officers for
SWIMS Database
A. The following criteria must be met if a YMCA or AAU team wishes to have
times for its athletes entered into SWIMS:
(1) The meet must be run according to the guidelines of Part One, Technical
Rules, USA Swimming Rules and Regulations. In lieu of an
Administrative Official or second referee to comply with 102.10, a Level II
Y certified official designated to fulfill the position of Administrative
Official may be used at a Y meet.
(2) The meet shall be “Approved” by the host LSC according to its by-laws or
formal policies and in accordance with the Requirements for Approval
section of the Administrative Regulations of Competition of the USA
Swimming Rules and Regulations.
B. While the Y meet results file is official for YMCA purposes, in order to ensure
that swimmers in an approved Y meet are able to represent the Y/USA Club
team, the host team can require each Y team to send a list of a club’s USA-S
registered swimmers obtained from the USA-S Club Portal with their entries. At
the conclusion of the meet, any swimmer who must be shown as UN in the
USA- S database should be un-attached in the meet file and any relays the
swimmer competed on should be deleted by the meet host. The meet host can
also work with the LSC registrar and, if both agree, send a post meet recon file
to the LSC, and then make any corrections upon receipt of the recon before
submission of results to the LSC for USA Swimming purposes.
C. Upon completion of a swimming competition and within seven (7) days of the
end of the meet, the Meet Manager Back-up File should be sent to the SWIMS
Times Officer in the LSC. The SWIMS officer will export a meet results file
which will include the times for USA Swimming registered athletes for loading
into SWIMS.
D. Times loaded into SWIMS will show the athletes attached to the USA
Swimming club name if that name is the same as the YMCA or AAU team
name. If the name of the team is different, the times may show up as LSC UN.
A USA Swimming member swimmer who is unattached will appear LSC UN in
the database.
8.0 NCAA Meets
1. Beginning in September 2017, the NCAA adopted the Fina Technical Rules for
swimming. NCAA meets are no longer required to be observed by USA Swimming.
Times from NCAA meets in all divisions are eligible to be used for USA Swimming
purposes if the following criteria are met:
A. The meet is a bona fide competition as defined in the current NCAA Swimming
and Diving Rules and Interpretations Book. Bona fide competitions include the
(1) Competition is between two or more teams of the same gender at
the same time and site, from different collegiate institutions.
(2) All competitors are eligible by NCAA standards.
(3) Meets must be on the institutions’ approved competition
(4) Meet officials must be qualified and/or certified.
B. For each meet, officiating must be in compliance with NCAA rules for Officials
and their duties as stated in the NCAA Rule Book.
(1) There shall be a sufficient number of officials to properly conduct
the meet. For dual, double-dual, triangular, and quadrangular
meet competitions, it is recommended that a minimum of two,
three, or four officials be used to properly observe all competitors
equally and enforce playing rules.
(2) For championship and invitational competition, it is recommended
that a minimum of six officials are used.
(3) It is the host institution or conference meet committee’s
responsibility to ensure compliance with the minimum number of
officials or to receive mutual (unanimous) consent to change the
minimum requirements.
C. Meet results shall be sent to [email protected] within 72 hours of the
end of competition. It is the responsibility of the USA Swimming Times Staff to
ensure the requirements of a bona fide competition are met.
D. The NCAA Meet Referee shall have full jurisdiction over the meet and shall see
that all rules are enforced.
2. If a NCAA institution hosts an LCM meet, the referee shall provide names and events to
the USA Swimming staff leader or designee(s) for any competitor wearing illegal tape.
A. The intent of observing swims is to provide an opportunity primarily for high school
swimmers who cannot compete in LSC sanctioned meets during their association
season to achieve times that may be used to enter USA Swimming meets. An
important difference between “Approved” and “Observed” is conformance to
administrative rules and technical rules (required for Approval) vs. technical rules only
(required for Observation).
B. Observation is for the specific purpose of ensuring that swims performed by USA
Swimming members are in compliance with the Timing Rules, Racing Course
Dimensions, Starting Platform, and Individual Strokes & Relays sections of the
Technical Rules portion of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations. Meets run by
dual certified officials (i.e., NFHS/USA-S, USMS/USA-S) do not require additional
USA-S observers at the meet. The dual certified officials shall record any USA-S
disqualifications for USA-S swimming rules which would not be disqualifications under
the rules of the meet. Where the technical rules as listed in Article 101 are identical to
those of the host organization, the judgement of the organization officials shall be
C. At meets which do have separate USA-S observers (a minimum of 2 is acceptable),
the USAS observers shall record ONLY disqualifications for USA Swimming rules
which would not be disqualifications under the rules of the meet. Where the technical
rules as listed under Individual Strokes and Relays of the Technical Rules of the USA
Swimming Rules and Regulations are identical to those of the host organization, the
judgment of the organization officials shall be sufficient.
D. An administrative disqualification or an organization disqualification that is not a
violation of USA Swimming technical rules should not invalidate an achieved time.
Either the dual certified officials or the USA-S observers shall work with meet
administration to record/report the time when submitted to the SWIMS Times database
for high school competitions.
E. Following are certain minimum criteria that must be applied to all high school, Masters,
and any other meets authorized to have swims observed. The LSC NTV officer has the
responsibility of verifying compliance.
a) Timing must comply with the Timing Rules stipulated in the Technical
Rules section of USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.
b) If separate officials are being used for observation, officials must be
present on the pool deck.
c) The number of host association meet deck officials (high school, USMS,
etc.) must meet the minimum requirements as stipulated in Article
202.8.3A, which must include a referee, a starter and two stroke and turn
d) The meet shall be on the published calendar of the appropriate school,
league, conference, etc. Observation of high school competition shall be
authorized for meets in the championship progression and large
invitational meets run according to championship protocols and
specifically authorized by the USA Swimming staff leader or designee(s).
e) A time trial held in conjunction with a meet whose swims are authorized
for observation may also be observed if the time trial will be officiated to
the same standard as the authorized meet.
f) All times for observed swims in high school meets shall be entered into
SWIMS as LSC UN with the exception noted in 9.1.6D.
g) Observed swims not in compliance with USA Swimming rules should be
recorded and compiled by a USA Swimming NTV official in the host LSC.
h) The LSC is encouraged to provide a list of valid observed swims from
meets posted on the LSC website, or if complete results have been
posted elsewhere, a link to the results and a listing of those swims that
were NOT in compliance with USA Swimming rules. A record of
observed swims not accepted should be kept by the LSC NTV officials
for a period of one year.
i) Upon request, and although not a rules requirement, notification of any
swims not accepted due to USA swimming technical rule violations may
be provided to swimmers involved.
F. To have a meet authorized for observation of swims, a request must be made to the
designated LSC official at least ten days prior to the meet in accordance with LSC
A. For meets other than a season-culminating Championship, use Form A.
Should Form A be approved by the LSC, it must then be forwarded to the
USA Swimming staff leader or designee(s). The request must include a
reason and explanation for request.
B. For all meets leading directly to a season-culminating championship, use
Form B. Form B may be approved by the LSC NTV Officer. (The LSC is
responsible for determining whether observation can be properly conducted
and will determine which meets will be authorized for observation of swims.)
LSC NTV officers shall send the list of these meets and dates to the NTV
subcommittee chair.
C. Official times for swims in observed meets should be entered within two
weeks of the competition into SWIMS by an LSC NTV official or LSC SWIMS
officer upon receipt of the following:
1. Complete legible verification requests (if non-electronic results are
2. Official electronic meet results or printed final results with notations
indicating those swims not in compliance with USA Swimming Rules.
The designated USA Swimming certified official present must attest
to the LSC NTV official that the meet was run in accordance with the
minimum criteria listed above. The LSC NTV official may determine
that all times for athletes with full legal names and birth dates or USA
Swimming ID numbers will be loaded into the SWIMS database
without a specific request.
D. The time for a relay achieved in a high school meet may be entered into
SWIMS for a USA Swimming club provided all four relay swimmers
represent the same USA Swimming club at the time of the swim. All four
names must be included, and a specific request be made for this manual
data entry into SWIMS. Note that some state high school associations may
not permit club affiliation, even for relays, during the high school season.
E. If an observed meet is receiving blanket observation (all swims observed)
individual verification requests may be made after the meet.
F. The LSC may choose to load all observed times and relay lead-off splits from
observed meets into SWIMS. In this case, the coach can assist in the
process by making sure their swimmers are entered into the meet using their
full legal names and that the DOBs are provided. If a swim is compliant with
USA Swimming technical rules and the meet has received blanket
observation, all swims (unless a disqualification is noted) are valid times. The
LSC may establish a fee for entry of observed swim times.
9.1. The USA Swimming Scholastic All America Team is comprised of high school student
athletes who have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for academic subjects and no
grade lower than a C and have competed in an individual event in the Open Water
National Championships, IPC or USPC meets stipulated by the Times and Recognition
Committee or have a qualifying result in the SWIMS database during the designated
qualifying period. The qualifying period shall be August 16th through the following
August 15th. Applications for the just completed academic year will open on June 1
and must be submitted by August 15th, the last day of the qualifying period.
A. Applicants must have completed 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.
B. Applicants must be USA Swimming member athletes at the time of the swim and
the time of the application.
C. Applicants musts have participated in an individual event within the qualifying
period in a meet whose results are in the SWIMS database or have competed in
the Open Water National Championships or the appropriate Disability
Championship meet. Achieved times (pool) must meet the qualifying standards
posted on the USA Swimming website for the current year. (Member
Resources/Awards and Recognition/Scholastic All America)
D. Relay-only swimmers do not qualify for SAA.
9.2. Awards for Scholastic All America recognition will include:
A. Three certificates to each individual achieving SAA Status (one for the
athlete,one for the school, and one for the USA Swimming club).
B. A special award to each individual named to the SAA team three times (four times
C. beginning in 2021).
D. Outstanding Achiever recognition to each individual who places first at the USA
Swimming National Championships and maintains a 4.0 GPA.
Please see:
Appendix XVI: Recommended LSC Times Module Management
Appendix XVII: USA Swimming Request for Observation Non-Season Culminating
Championship Meet
Appendix XVIII: Local Swimming Committee Request for Observation Season-Culminating
Championship Meet
Appendix XIX: Request for Electronic Loading
Appendix XX: Meet Approval Request to USA Swimming
39.0 USA Swimming Measuring and Certifying Competition Pools
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 23, 2021
Thank you for your interest in measuring competitive pools. This document is intended to provide pool
measurement background information and measuring protocol to USA Swimming Local Swimming
Committees (LSC’s), Facility Operators, volunteers, surveyors, and engineers that are considering, or
preparing for, pool measurement and certification. The pool measurement requirements and tolerances
provided in this document are usable to both professionals and laymen.
This document is divided into 5 parts.
Part 1 is a comprehensive Question and Answers section which will provide you information on the most
commonly asked pool certification and measurement subjects.
Part 2 provides an overview of general background information on pool measurement requirements. This
section also provides guidelines and suggested protocol for measuring the length of lanes using a
portable laser measuring device.
Part 3 provides professional surveying/engineering firms with a suggested protocol to measure lane
length using “Total Station” surveying equipment. This section may also be used by volunteers with
appropriate engineering or surveying background and knowledge who may wish to commission or
undertake a measurement project.
Part 4 is the parts of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations that are applicable to pool dimensional
standards and are provided for ease of reference. It is intended that this part be updated whenever the
rules change, however if the version date is more than one year old, the current rules should be referred
to either in the printed book or on the USA swimming Web site.
Part 5 is the pool certification form.
As members of the competitive swimming community, we all must embrace the concept of equal
competitive conditions for all athletes. In addition, having a certified pool significantly reduces the risk of
exceptional performances by athletes being nullified by unacceptable pool measurement being found
after the swim.
Please start by looking at the comprehensive Question and Answer section which will provide you
information on the most commonly asked measurement subjects.
If there is anything, we can do to help you get your facility on its way to having a competition certified
pool please ask.
USA Swimming Facilities Development Department
Questions and Answers - General
Q. I don’t see a requirement in the USA Swimming Rule Book to have all pools measured. Does
my pool have to be measured in order to host a USA Swimming competition?
A. Although routine measurement and certification is not currently required under USA Swimming rules, it
should be considered a best practice to have current certified measurements for all competitive pool on
file with USA Swimming. World, American, U.S. Open, and National Age Group Records require that the
pool be certified. If the potential record were swum in an uncertified pool and the pool was subsequently
measured and found not to meet the length standards, the potential record would not be accepted.
Q. Our facility does not ever host competition where athletes could potentially set records. Why
should we get our pool certified?
A. Competitive swimming is based not only on head-to-head competition, but competition against the
clock. The USA Swimming Rules and Regulations measurement standards are intended to ensure that
swimmers achieving an official time, do so under as close to identical competitive conditions as possible.
Q. What happens if we go through the measurement process and a discrepancy is found?
A. During the comprehensive measurement process, it is possible that a range of issues may be found
with the pool. These issues may include one or more lanes not meeting length requirements, starting
blocks being too high, backstroke flags being improperly positioned, etc. Some of the “fixes” to these pool
specification issues are relatively easy and inexpensive. Other problems can be prohibitively expensive
to address. USA Swimming maintains a staff of trained consultants that can help your facility come up
with a plan to address the discrepancies.
Q. OK, we measured our pool and some or all of the lanes are about 1” short. It’s only an inch….
what’s the big deal?
A. One inch may not seem like a large discrepancy. Competitive swimming times are measured in
hundredths of a second. Rankings and qualifications for higher levels of competition frequently are
determined by .01 second. Consider a 500-yard Freestyle race (20 lengths). Over the course of a race, a
swimmer competing in a pool 1” short would be swimming a race 20” shorter than a swimmer in a
certified pool. In a 1650-yard Freestyle race, that distance would jump to 66”! For a swimmer capable of
swimming 500 yards in 5:00 minutes the advantage would be 0.33 seconds. For a 17:00 minute 1650-
yard swimmer the advantage could be 1.13 seconds.
Q. We measure our pool and it comes up short.... now what? Can we still hold our meets?
A. If the pool measures short, it is going to be up to the Local Swimming Committee (LSC) to determine
what the status of that pool will be for competitive swimming. The times achieved in a pool that does not
meet the minimum length requirements of the rules cannot be put into the database and used for proof of
time or athlete recognition programs (National Top 10, National Age Group Records, etc.). A Local
Swimming Committee could choose to allow competitions to be held in those pools and use times
achieved from that pool to be used for its’ purposes – for instance to qualify for meets within the LSC
Should an LSC decide to allow competition in non-conforming pools and times achieved in those
competitions be used for LSC purposes, it is strongly recommended that the following statement be
included in the Meet Information.
“The competition course measurement does not comply with USA Swimming Rule 103.3. Times from this
competition will not be loaded into the SWIMS database and will not be used for any USA Swimming
proof of time or national recognition program purposes.”
Q. Years ago, our pool was measured and certified. It has been resurfaced twice since then. Do
we have to get re-measured?
A. Probably; however, it depends on the pool. If the pool has something resembling a rigid metal
wall/gutter ring that was not changed and the pool surface material does not extend past the rigid metal,
re-measuring may not be necessary. If the pool has the original gutter tile exposed and the new pool
surface does not extend past the original tile, re-measuring may not be necessary. If the original pool
measurement indicates sufficient excess length to allow a thin skim coat of surface material, re-
measuring may not be necessary. In cases such as these, the projection of the new surface could be
checked using a 4 ft long, precision, aluminum builders box level. If, when the level is vertical with 2’ 7”
below the surface, it does not contact the original pool metal edge or gutter there may be a need to re-
measure and recertify. NOTE: If there is any doubt Re-measure.
It is recommended that re-measurement and recertification by an independent licensed Surveyor or a
qualified Professional Engineer in accordance with the guidelines in Parts 3 and 4 be included as a
condition in any competition pool resurfacing or refurbishing contract.
Questions and Answers Measurement
Q. I have heard we have to empty our pool in order for it to be measured. What a waste of water?
A. Pools do not have to be emptied in order to be measured. In fact, depending on the construction type,
emptying the pool may result in inaccurate measurement.
Q. Can’t we just pull out a tape measure and do it ourselves?
A. Unfortunately, using a tape measure in a pool environment is very complex and difficult and should
only be done by a licensed Professional Surveyor. There are issues of tape material, calibration, sag, the
effect of temperature on the tape, and the vertical range of certification which makes getting an accurate
reading troublesome. Even Professional Surveyors are unlikely to use tapes to measure and certify lane
lengths as required by USA Swimming.
Q. I see inexpensive laser measuring devices available at home improvement stores. Can we use
A. Probably! Provided the device is acceptably accurate, a suitable measuring protocol is followed, and
the certification is supervised and signed off by a licensed surveyor or by a professional engineer who
understands surveying and the limitations of the equipment and protocol used. Indoor pools are generally
not a problem. Outdoor pools can be difficult to measure during high light situations. Look in Part 2 of this
document for more detailed information.
Q. We have a pool with a moveable bulkhead. What are the measurement requirements?
A. Bulkhead pools provide special challenges. After the bulkhead is set in position and AFTER lane lines
have been tightened, the lane lengths of all lanes must be verified. Before and after each session, the
Referee must verify that the bulkhead pins are still in position. If a potential record time is achieved in a
session of the meet, the lane in which the potential record was set must be measured and attested to by
a licensed surveyor or professional engineer before the pool conditions change including loosening of
any lane lines attached to the bulkhead and removal of timing pads.
Questions and Answers Reporting
Q. Where can I get the forms to fill out for pool measurement?
A. The pool certification forms can be found in Part 5 of this document. The forms can also be found on
the USA Swimming Website under: Member Resources/For Everyone/Consulting Services/Facilities then
scroll down to What’s Related/Pool Certification/Pool Certification Form.
Or ctrl-click on the following link: www.usaswimming.org/_Rainbow/Documents/9d9ba531-331c-4a8f-
ad7c- 31420805a665/Pool%20Certification%20Form.pdf
Follow the directions for submission. USA Swimming will provide a letter of certification after the
documents have been reviewed and accepted.
Q. We are still confused and need help!
A. Call Dean Ekeren at USA Swimming at 719-866-3565 E-mail [email protected]
Overview and “Handheld” Laser Measurement
Lane Length
Requirement 103.3.1
Long Course: 50m (164’ 0½”)
Short Course: 25 yd or 25m (82’ 0¼”) Tolerance against length: minus 0mm, plus 30mm (13/16”)*
Measurement Range: At all of both end walls in a vertical plane extending 0.3 meters (12”) above
and 0.8 meters (2’ 7½”) below the surface of the water.
* Although an “over” tolerance is specified, for most competition it is not an important consideration
provided lanes are not excessively long. For a pool to be considered “fast” and for high level meets the
length of each lane with touch pads in place should be well inside the “maximum” tolerance, but not
shorter than the minimum length.
Practical length certification requirements:
Measurement of each lane strictly in accordance with the above requirement is not realistically possible
in operational conditions, however, certification that the length is not less than the minimum requirement
can be given by sampling the minimum lane length in at least two locations in each lane by someone
who has the training and experience to understand the limitations of the measuring equipment and
methodology that is used.
Suggested measurement locations are:
1. The edges of the “T” cross bar on each side of the lane centerline, or,
2. The center line and a fixed distance from the lane divider on one side of each lane and both sides
of one of the outside lanes.
Lane lengths may be measured with or without pads in place. If the lengths are measured without pads
the thickness of the pad, or pads, must be subtracted from the measured length. As a guide, the
thickness of each properly mounted pad varies from 5mm (0.016ft, 3/16”) for a thin pad (Daktronics)
to15mm (0.05ft, 5/8”) for thick pads (Colorado, Omega).
Note: “Thick” pads, in good condition and mounted properly and flush against the wall, can be 10mm
FINA sets a 10mm thickness limit in their facility rules.
Use of “straight edge” devices that extend 0.8 m (2’ 7½”) below, and 0.3 m (1’) above, the normal water
level and set to vertical with a 1:2000 (0.0005 inch per inch or 0.5mm per m) precision bubble level will
allow measurement between the furthest projecting points in the vertical line at each end. (See Figure 1)
The length error potential if similarly, precise straight edges are used at each end is between minus (-
)1mm and plus (+)1mm. Note: The error potential for “handyman” type levels is more than ± 5mm ( ¼” );
which is not acceptable in “close” situations.
Note: Relative variation from the horizontal or from the perpendicular measuring location at each end in a
short course (yd or m) pool of 3” (75mm), or 4” (100mm) in a long course pool, will result in an additive
error of about 0.2 mm for each deviation.
The use of laser length measuring devices with a precision of ± 0.5mm over 50 m is recommended. The
measuring device should be set against a fixed reference point on a stable platform attached to one of
the vertical straight edges and aimed at a stable target attached to the other vertical straight edge at the
other end. Care should be taken to correct the measurement to adjust for any offsets created by the set
up. See Figure 1 and Figures I, Ia, Ib and Ic in Part 3.
Note: The use of steel surveyor’s tapes by anyone other than a professional surveyor is not
recommended. Steel tape measurement requires a properly calibrated tape, sophisticated corrections for
temperature and tension, in addition to the “location errors” noted above, and special field techniques
and equipment.
Vinyl, fiberglass, cloth, or any other tapes are not accurate or stable enough for measurement for lane
length certification.
Measurement Methodology
Refer to Figure 1 In Part 2 for a suggested methodology for using small laser measuring devices to
certify and recertify lanes in a single pool location. This methodology requires a small investment in
equipment (laser, levels, and support frame) and training of users, but has little or no cost associated
with verification and recertification measurement, particularly if a volunteer surveyor, engineer, or other
professional oversees the measurement.
Refer to Part 3 for a suggested methodology for using a “total station” surveying instrument to certify a
fixed wall pool or to certify and recertify lanes in moveable bulkhead pools. This method usually requires
a professional surveyor and a survey crew and can be expensive if used to recertify lanes in moveable
bulkhead pools.
Part 3 also includes suggested adaptations to the equipment for lane length measurement in pools with
differing end wall configurations.
Both methodologies require an understanding of the limitations of the equipment being used and the
errors introduced into the measurement by the equipment and users.
Report the shortest of the measured lengths in each lane to the nearest:
1/8th inch (0.01ft, 0.003m, 3mm) for 25 yd pools
0.003 m (3mm, 0.01ft, 1/8th inch) for 50m and 25m pools. Preferably report the shortest lane
length both with and without touch pads.
Note whether touch pads were in place during measurement or a thickness is assumed. Also note:
the type of touch pads used or assumed (thick or thin) and,
any features of the pool that might affect the lane length if touch pads are used, e.g. retaining
strips for vinyl liners, bumps or projections into the pool, transitional curves less than 800mm
below the surface, etc.
Note: FINA requires end walls of pools and touch-pads, if used, to extend to 0.3 m (1 ft) above the water
surface at both ends. USA Swimming and other swimming organizations in the USA do not require the
end walls or touch pads to extend above the water surface. USA Swimming, however, considers any
projection into the pool in the range 0.3 m above to 0.8 m below the water surface to define the lane
Water Depth
Measurement Methodology
Measure Course depth using a stiff, wide metal retracting tape measure (when less than 2
meters) at 1m and 5m from each end and mid length of lanes. Measure each lane in the
shallowest location across the full width of the lane. Measure from the water surface level at the
time and, if necessary, adjust to the normal water level or overflow control level.
Note: If there are shallower locations between the 1m and 5m transect in each
lane measure the depth and note the location and include the information in the
Report depths rounded down to the nearest 0.1ft (1 ¼”) or “greater than 6 ft”, if deeper.
Lane Width
Measurement Methodology and Reporting
Measure the width of each lane from lane rope anchor to lane rope anchor at both ends using a
stiff, wide metal retracting tape measure. Report the width of each lane (both ends if different)
to the nearest 0.1ft (1 ¼”).
Starting Platform Height
Measurement Methodology and Reporting
Measure Starting block heights from the water surface to the top front edge of each block that
is in place and, if necessary, adjust to the normal water level or overflow control level. Note the
location of each starting platform front edge and backstroke start hand grips relative to a
vertical projection of the pool end wall or timing pad face.
Report starting platform heights to the nearest 0.02ft (¼”). Note any platforms that are
too low or too high. Note: max height for m pools is 2’ 5 ½” max for yd pools is 2’ 6”!
front edge or backstroke handgrips project into the pool past the end wall. Also advise
owner of any that are significantly back from the end wall.
Backstroke Flag Support Location
Measurement Methodology
Measure the location of the center of each support pole or pole hole, cable, or hook from the
nearest end wall with a 5 m (16’ 5”), or longer, steel tape.
Report the distance from the end wall to the center of each support to the nearest 0.01m (1cm)
for m pools and ½” for yard pools.
Note any locations where the supports are more than:
50mm (.05 m) from the specified location of 5m from the end wall for m pools, or
2” (50 mm) from the specified location of 5 yds for yd pools.
15m Marks
Using a 15 m long steel tape, or other measuring device, mark the 15m locations on the
sides of each racing course. Pool operators should be encouraged to make these reference
marks permanent so that proper location of 15m markers in each lane can be verified by
Midpoint Rope
In 50m courses note if there are midpoint rope anchor posts or post holes and that they are
located 25m from the end walls.
Report if the anchors are in place and if they are mis-located by more than 0.1m
(10 cm, 4”).
A Suggested Procedure for Measuring and Certifying Competitive Swimming Pools for lane lengths using
“Total Station” surveying equipment.
Measurement and Certification.
a surveying “total station” reading angular measurement to 5 seconds, or better, and distances to
an accuracy of better than 2 mm (1 mm preferred) over 50 m. Set to read horizontal distance to
the center of the prism pole.
Tripod for the Total Station
reflecting prism or target
ft long prism pole
bubble level with sensitivity better than 10 minutes of arc for 2mm of bubble movement, to
“plumb” the prism pole for readings
wide, retracting, tape measure for measuring lane widths, platform height and pool depth and for
setting measuring reference marks
Metric/imperial (min 15 m long) tape for measuring backstroke flag locations and for measuring or
setting 15 m reference marks
electrical tape or waterproof marker to set reference marks on the prism pole and, possibly, on
the pool deck and walls
notebook to record data
Portable computer and software (spreadsheet, surveying or other “math”, and word processing) to
reduce and present collected data.
Lane Lengths
Measurement may be made either with or without timing touch pads in place.
Measurement Methodology
Measurement location. There are two options a) fixed offsets on each side of the lane
centerline, or b) the centerline and edge of each lane. The choice will depend on the accessibility
to the lane center line if starting platforms are in place.
o Mark each lane in two locations at each end approximately 0.5 m (18 to 21 inches) each
side of the lane center line. Set the marks at the same relative locations, ± 25mm (1 inch),
at each end of the lane. As an alternative, the outside of the end of lane “T’s” painted on
the end walls may be used if they are the same at each end of each lane.
o Mark the center of each lane and a point approximately 0.1 m (4 inches) just inside the
lane divider at both ends of the outside lanes. Choose either the lane 1 or lane 8 side of all
the internal lanes for a side mark at each end 0.1 m from the lane divider.
Mark the prism pole at 0.8m (2’ 7½”) from the non-prism end (ignore any base cone); and again
at 1.1m (3’ 7½”) from the end. These reflect the below and above water level lane length
measurement limits. See fig. I.
Set and level the total station on its tripod approximately midway along the length of one side of
the pool. Include the appropriate prism offset into the total station setup. See fig. II.
Select a permanent mark for a reference angle verification backsite and record the angle. The
angle will only be used to verify the Total Station setup has not changed during data collection. It
is not required for calculations. See fig. II.
At the first end of lane location have the assistant place the prism pole (with prism) on the first
reference location with the 0.8m mark at the water level and set it vertical using the prism pole
bubble level. The pole, when vertical, will be set so that one edge is resting on the pool wall
closest to the other end of the lane in that location. This may be below or above the water line.
See fig. II. If the pole, when vertical, rests on a point more than 0.3 m (one ft) above the water
surface, supplemental measurements will need to be taken. See “Notes”.
When the pole is vertical, use the total station to take the horizontal angle (relative to the total
station setup zero) to the center of the prism and the horizontal distance to the center of the prism
pole. Record the angle and distance. (Note: Read and record the slope distance and vertical
angle if the total station only measures the slope distance. Calculate the horizontal distance for
use in the “cosine rule” calculations.) See fig. II.
Move the prism pole to the second location in the lane and take and record the angles and
distances. Repeat the process for each marked location in a circuit around the pool.
When the circuit is completed, return to the reference mark and verify that the angle is at or close
to the initial reading. A variation of less than 10 seconds of arc from the original reading should be
Leave the instrument set up and calculate the length of each lane between the corresponding
points at each end using a calculator, proprietary program or spreadsheet developed for the
purpose. (See “calculation”, below.)
If there are major variations in length between lanes, verify the data entry for the lanes in question
(typically transposed numbers or incorrectly matched lane locations). Supplemental readings may
be required on some lanes if recording of total station data is suspect.
Notes: In some pools there may be projections into the pool that could affect the lane length
measurements, such as:
A curb or coping more than 1 ft above the water surface that project further in to the pool than the
general line of the wall. An offset piece 1.1m (3’ 7½”) long can be clamped to the prism pole to
bypass the projection. (See fig. Ia). The width of the offset piece should be added (times 2, if used
at both ends) into the lane length calculation. Additionally, starting platforms should be checked to
ensure the leading edges line up with the pool end wall; not the edge of the coping.
A thin retaining strip that holds a vinyl liner in place. These are typically about ¾ inches wide,
project about a ½ inch into the pool and extend around the pool about 4” to 8” below the surface.
If a touch pad is used it will be moved further into the pool. If a touch pad is not used it is very
unlikely to have an impact on the effective length of the lane. Figures Ib and Ic show how these
situations can be measured.
Care should be taken to note any projections into the pool that may affect the placement of touch
pads if they’ll be used. If a projection will affect pad placement a measurement should be taken
over it and the corresponding location at the other end. If it is a small projection, say less than 2
or 3 square inches in area and projecting less than an inch and it will not impact location of a
touchpad, it may not need not be measured, but should be noted.
The “cosine rule” is used to calculate the distance between the centers of the prism pole at the
corresponding locations at each end of the lane. Adjustments are made for the diameter of the prism
pole, touch pads and other conditions which affect the measurement. See Figure II.
In 25-yard pools lane lengths may be reported in feet to the nearest .01 ft or in feet and inches to the
nearest 1/8 inch (0.01 ft). Metric pools must be reported in meters to the nearest 5 mm (3mm is
suggested). Report the shortest of any lengths calculated for each lane and the type of touch pads (thick
or thin) assumed or used, and if they were in place during measurement.
Figure I Figure Ia
Figure I b Figure I c
L = c + p + nt = Lane Length where
c = (a
+ b
- “cosine rule”
L = lane length with n touch pads in place.
a = horizontal distance from the total station to the center of the prism pole at one end b =
horizontal distance from the total station to the center of the prism pole at the other
c = calculated distance between the center of the prism pole at each end of the lane
<C = included angle between the readings for a and b which is equal the total station
horizontal angle to “b” minus horizontal angle to “a”
p = prism pole diameter
= other adjustments see discussion. Could include Offset Bar widths (-ve).
n = number of touch pads used in the calculation. “n” may be 0, 1 or 2. If touch pads are set
in place when the measurements are taken, use n = 0 and include a note indicating the
number of pads in place for the measurement.
t = touch pad thickness when in place (determined from face of wall to face of pad)
when pads are in good condition and mounted properly, t is usually 10 to 15 mm for
thicker pad types (Colorado, Omega, etc.) and 4 to 6 mm for thinner pad types
Figure II
2021 USA Swimming Rules require:
Official Glossary
Swimming Words and Terms
WALL vertical portion of the pool, contiguous surfaces of the deck and overflow gutter, the front
portion of the starting block or platform, or the touchpad at the end of the course.
.1 /M/ = Indicates mandatory requirement for all competition.
.2 /NC/ = Except as noted otherwise, indicates mandatory requirement for USA Swimming
Championships and International Competition.
.3 /LSC/ = Predicated on facility availability, LSC’s may waive strict compliance with these requirements
in sanctioning local competition.
.4 Where dimensions are given, the dimension listed first shall govern and dimensions given in
parenthesis are for reference only.
.1 /NC/ 2 meters (6 feet 7 inches) deep throughout the course.
.2 /M/ Teaching Racing Starts (effective May 1, 2009) Minimum water depth for teaching racing starts,
prior to certification, in any setting from any height starting blocks or the deck shall be 6 feet (1.84
meters) measured for a distance of 3 feet 3½ inches (1.0 meter) to 16 feet 5 inches (5.0 meters) from the
end wall. Teaching racing starts shall only take place under the direct supervision of a USA Swimming
member coach and shall include:
A. All racing start instruction until a swimmer has been certified by his or her USA Swimming
member coach as proficient in performing a racing start, and
B. Subsequent to certification, instruction which seeks to alter a swimmer’s basic technique in
performing a racing start. Subsequent to certification, practicing of racing starts may take place in
water depth of four (4) feet (1.22 meters) and deeper.
.3 /M/ Racing Starts Minimum water depth for racing starts during practice and competition shall be
measured for a distance 3 feet 3½ inches (1.0 meter) to 16 feet 5 inches (5.0 meters) from the end wall.
Starting requirements and height of starting block shall be:
A. In pools with water depth less than 4 feet (1.22 meter) at the starting end, the swimmer must start
from within the water;
B. In pools with water depth 4 feet (1.22 meter) or more at the starting end, starting platforms shall
meet the height requirements of 103.12.1.
Note: Local, state, and municipal statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, may have depth limitations
in conflict with this section. The LSC and all Member Clubs should check for this at all times.
.1 /M/ Length.
A. Long Course: 50.00 meters (164 feet and ½ inch).
B. Short Course: 25.00 yards or 25.00 meters (82 feet and ¼ inch).
C. Dimensional Tolerance: Against the required length, a tolerance of plus (+) 0.03 meters (1 and
3/16ths of an inch) in a vertical plane extending 0.3 meters (12 inches) above and 0.8 meters (2
feet, 7 and ½ inches) below the surface of the water at all points of both end walls.
D. When automatic officiating equipment touch pads are used at one or both ends, the course shall
be of such length that ensures the required distance between the two touch pads or between
either pad and the opposite end of the course.
E. When the racing course is fixed by the use of movable bulkheads, such bulkheads shall be
designed to resist lateral deflection due to tension exerted by the attachment of the lane dividers
to ensure the required course distance in all lanes.
F. See Article 104, Rules for Swimming Records, for course measurements certification
.2 Width.
A. /NC/ Eight or ten lanes, minimum width of 2.5 meters (8 feet 2 ½ inches), from center line to
center line of the lane dividers, with approximately 0.45 meters (1 foot 6 inches) of additional
open water outside lanes 1 and 8 (or 10). The Program & Events Committee Coordinator (or
his/her designee) may waive this requirement for National Championships.
B. /LSC/ Minimum lane width for competitive swimming shall be 7 feet (2.13 meters).
.1 Permanent Course Walls Walls enclosing the racing course shall be parallel and vertical. The end
walls shall be at a right angle to the water surface and shall be constructed of solid material with non-slip
surface that extends no less than 0.8 meters (2 feet 7½ inches) below the water surface.
.2 Movable Bulkhead Course Walls If a continuous recessed hand grip is provided at or near the
water surface in a movable bulkhead, the horizontal dimension of the recess perpendicular to the
bulkhead should be not less than six inches (.15 meters) and designed in a manner to prevent the
swimmer’s fingers from contacting the back surface of the recess.
.1 Height.
A. Long course and short course meters: The front edge of the starting platform shall be no less
than 0.50 meters (1 foot 8 inches) nor more than 0.75 meters (2 feet 5½ inches) above the
surface of the water.
B. Short Course yards: The front edge of the starting platform shall be not higher than 2 feet 6
inches (0.762 meters) above the surface of the water.
.2 The front edge of the starting platform shall be flush with the face of the end walls.
.3 The top surface of the starting platform shall be not less than 0.50 by 0.50 meters (1 foot 8 inches
square) and shall slope not more than 10 degrees from the horizontal. It may have an adjustable setting
back plate. The entire surface of the platform shall be faced with permanent non-slip material.
.4 Backstroke starting grips: Starting platforms shall be equipped with firm starting grips located between
0.3 meters (12 inches) and 0.6 meters (24 inches) above water surface. The front edge of the grips shall
be parallel to and flush with the face of the end wall.
.1 Design: At least three triangular pennants six (6) to twelve (12) inches in width at the base and twelve
(12) to eighteen (18) inches in vertical length, of two or more alternating and contrasting colors shall be
suspended on a firmly stretched line over each lane during all warmup periods and during competition for
all backstroke, individual medley and medley relay events.
.2 Location:
A. Long course and short course meters: 5 meters (16 feet 5 inches) from each end of the course, a
minimum of 1.8 meters (5 feet 11 inches) to a maximum of 2.5 meters (8 feet 3 inches) above the
water surface.
B. Short course yards: 15 feet (4.57 meters) from each end of the course, 7 feet (2.13 meters) above
the water surface.
C. Height shall be measured to the horizontal line from which the pennants are suspended.
.3 /LSC/ For long course backstroke, individual medley, and medley relay events a firmly stretched ¼
inch line without flags or pennants shall be suspended at midpoint of the course.
.3 /NC/ Touch Pads:
A. Size and thickness: Recommended pad size shall be 6 feet 6 inches (2 meters) wide and not less
than 2 feet (0.60 meters) deep. Minimum width of pads shall be 5 feet (1.52 meters). Thickness
shall not exceed ⅜ of an inch (1 centimeter).
B. At the facilities in which competition to select USA Swimming National Teams for the Olympic
Games and World Championships is held, the touch pads must be minimum 0.9 meters (2 feet,
117/16 inches) high, 2.4 meters (7 feet, 10 ½ inches) wide and maximum one centimeter (⅜ of an
inch) in thickness. Such pads shall be installed at end of the course and shall extend 0.3 meters
each (1113/16 inches) above and 0.6 meters (1 foot, 11⅝ inches) below the water surface. The
Program & Events Committee Coordinator (or his/her designee) may waive this requirement for
National Championships.
.1 General Requirements and Conditions for Records
.2 American and United States Open Records
Special Requirements and Conditions
1. Records established outside of the United States shall be applied for on official record application
forms. When an American Record results from a World Record performance outside the United
States, it shall be accepted as such upon formal approval by FINA without further certification.
2. When a record is claimed, an official record application form shall be filled out, signed by the
designated officials, and transmitted to Headquarters with all supporting data, including official
meet results and the primary printout tape from the automatic timing equipment, within 14 days
after the performance.
3. Pool Certification
a. Record applications will not be accepted unless certification of course length accompanies
them or is on file with USA Swimming.
b. Pool certification shall be reported on the standard form available from the President &
c. Certification data need only be filed once unless structural changes have occurred since
original certification.
4. Pool Measurement
a. The length of the course, measured and certified (signed and sealed) by a surveyor or
other qualified professional licensed in the State or jurisdiction where the facility is located.
Such measurements shall be stated in feet and inches and fractions of an inch, or in
meters and centimeters.
b. A statement of the conditions under which the course was measured must be included.
c. Where a moveable bulkhead is used, course measurement of the lane in which the record
was set must be confirmed at the conclusion of the session during which the time was
Please see:
Appendix XXI: USA Swimming Measurement Certification of Permanent Racing Course
40.0 Credentialing Policy
Date of adoption / Last revision: September 24, 2022
The USA Swimming Credentialing Policy outlines the types of credentials and access granted to
participants at USA Swimming national events (“Event” or “Events”), such as the Phillips 66 National
Championships, Speedo Junior National Championships, Toyota U.S. Open, and the TYR Pro Swim
Series, as well as the costs associated with certain credentials for corporate sponsors and partnerships
The following chart depicts the types of credentials available for participants at Events, the associated
access, and the necessary actions to obtain this type of credential at each Event.
Necessary Documentation/Actions
Full access, but
for Hospitality or
VIP areas
Must be USA Swimming member in good standing and be
registered for Event; must have signed any applicable
waivers; to be confirmed by Event staff at registration.
Full access
Must be USA Swimming member in good standing
(including coaching requirements) and have athlete(s)
registered for Event; to be confirmed by Event staff at
registration. USA Swimming also imposes on limits
number of coaches per Event per club based on the
number of athletes registered for Event. Must sign any
applicable waivers.
Full access
Must be USA Swimming member in good standing
(including officiating requirements), have applied in
advance to be assigned to officiate Event, and have been
assigned to Event; to be confirmed by Event staff at
registration. Must sign any applicable waivers.
USA Swimming
Full access
Must be current employee of USA Swimming and USA
Swimming member in good standing; to be confirmed by
Event staff at registration.
Access to desk
and designated
USADA area
USADA will provide names of USADA Anti-Doping Control
Staff prior to Event; to be confirmed by Events staff at
registration. Following Event, any additional names that
were given credentials should be sent to USA Swimming
for review
Limited access
to deck and full
access to
media area.
Limited deck
access: no
pictures taken
from behind
starting blocks,
during race
starts, or when
athletes are
exiting the pool.
Policies, athlete
seating areas
are off limits.
Interviews must
be conducted
only in
areas unless
are made
through USA
staff. Per USA
Must submit names and emails to USA Swimming
Communications staff to ensure that individuals are
legitimate press members and have a reason to be at Event.
No access for any Attendee permanently suspended or
made ineligible for membership, by either USA Swimming
or the U.S. Center for SafeSport.
All media members must abide by USA Swimming’s Media
Accreditation Policy, found here:
usas/resources/media-information. All media members
must abide by USA Swimming’s Professional Journalism
Policies; all videographers must abide by USA Swimming’s
Broadcast Polices; and all photographers must abide by
USA Swimming's Photographer Guidelines.
USA Swimming will distribute information regarding its
Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (“MAAPP”) to all
Sponsor Attendees on this list. Media members must fully
comply with MAAPP during Event.
Following Event, any additional names that were given
credentials should be sent to USA Swimming to ensure that
these individuals receive information about MAAPP.
For any Credential category that permits Event access and only requires names to be submitted in advance: if a name was not
submitted in advance, USA Swimming Events staff shall require the individual to provide their name and email contact information
at registration prior to providing a credential. The individual will also be provided with a QR Code to the MAAPP to review prior to
may not enter
competition or
warm-down pool
competition or
training session.
Broadcast Team
Deck access
Must submit names and emails to USA Swimming in
advance. If in position of authority over or has direct and/or
frequent contact with athletes, must be members in good
standing; confirmed by Event staff at registration.
Suit Servicing
Full access
Per agreement with Partners, 30 days before Event,
Partner must provide list of names and emails of
employees, agents, consultants, and contractors
(“Attendees”) at Event. USA Swimming will distribute
information about MAAPP to Attendees before Event.
On the list, Partner specifies whether any Attendees will
have access to Athlete Services Area
or is in a position
of authority over or has direct and/or frequent contact with
athletes, so that USA Swimming can confirm membership
in good standing; confirmed by Event staff at registration.
If Attendee does not fall into this category, they will be
given VIP access instead (explained below).
USA Swimming will not grant access to Event for any
Attendee permanently suspended or made ineligible for
membership, by either USA Swimming or the U.S. Center
for SafeSport. After Event, Partner will send final list of
Attendees, including those not on the original list but who
did attend.
Retail Partner
Access to retail
areas and
spectator stands
30 days prior to Event, Partner responsible for any Retail
Partners will provide list of Retail Partners attending Event.
An area open to Partner in which its employees, agents, and contractors may (i) be participating in Event, (ii) have a
position of authority over athletes or (iii) have direct and frequent contact with athletes.
For Attendees not in a position of authority over or with direct and/or frequent contact with athletes, USA Swimming will
confirm that none are listed on the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s Centralized Disciplinary Database, USA Swimming’s List of
Individuals Permanently Suspended or Ineligible for Membership, or USA Swimming’s List of Individuals Suspended or
Ineligible Specific Date.
USA Swimming will distribute information regarding
MAAPP to all Attendees on this list.
Partner will specify whether any Retail Partners will have
access to Athlete Services Area or otherwise is in position
of authority over or has direct and/or frequent contact with
athletes, so that USA Swimming can confirm membership
in good standing; confirmed by Event staff at registration.
USA Swimming will not grant access to Event for any
Retail Partner that has been permanently suspended or
made ineligible for membership, by either USA Swimming
or the U.S. Center for SafeSport. After Event, Partner will
send final list of Retail Partners, including those not on the
original list but who did attend.
Full access
30 days prior to Event, Host will provide list of Volunteers
attending Event. USA Swimming distributes information
regarding MAAPP. Following Event, any additional names
that were given credentials should be sent to USA
Swimming for review.
30 days prior to Event, must provide name to USA
Swimming; to be confirmed by Events staff at registration.
Following Event, any additional names that were given
credentials should be sent to USA Swimming for review.
Team Support
Full access,
including deck
and VIP areas;
no access to
Must be USA Swimming member in good standing and
provide name to USA Swimming 30 days prior to Event; to
be confirmed by Event staff at registration. Following
Event, any additional names that were given credentials
should be sent to USA Swimming staff for review.
Massage therapists must also provide license numbers to
USA Swimming a week prior to Event.
For all Retail Partners not in a position of authority over or with direct and/or frequent contact with athletes, USA
Swimming confirms that no Sponsor Attendees are listed on the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s Centralized Disciplinary Database,
USA Swimming’s List of Individuals Permanently Suspended or Ineligible for Membership, or USA Swimming’s List of
Individuals Suspended or Ineligible Specific Date.
Due to their limited role, Volunteers are not in positions of authority over or have direct or frequent contact with athletes.
Event Staff
Full access but
for VIP areas
30 days prior to Event, must provide name to USA
Swimming staff; to be confirmed at registration. Following
Event, any additional names that were given credentials
should be sent to USA Swimming for review.
Full access;
deck access
only with
designated USA
Swimming staff
for each Event;
ushers will be
informed which
staff members
are designated
before each
30 days prior to Event, must provide name to USA
Swimming staff; to be confirmed at registration. Following
Event, any additional names that were given credentials
should be sent to USA Swimming for review.
Official sponsors of USA Swimming will be provided one credential at no cost. All other suit
manufacturers may purchase one credential at the below prices:
Sectionals and Futures $500 per event
TYR Pro Swim Series $1,000 per event
Speedo Summer Championships $2,000
Speedo Junior Nationals $2,000
Toyota US Open $3,000
Phillips 66 Nationals $3,000
Olympic Trials $5,000
Should a suit manufacturer not be willing or able to purchase a credential for deck access, USA
Swimming will provide a common area for all suit partners to service athletes for no charge outside of the
regular price of admission for the event.
Please make check payable to USA Swimming and mail to:
Due to their limited role, Event Staff are not in positions of authority over or have direct or frequent contact with athletes.
USA Swimming
Attn: William Poff
1 Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Credit/Debit Card
For transmission of credit card information, USA Swimming utilizes an encrypted email portal. Please
purchase all credentials by sending an email to Will Poff at [email protected], indicating the type
of credential, quantity, names, USA Swimming ID number, team affiliation, and the Event. Purchasers will
then receive a generic email from USA Swimming’s firewall provider, Barracuda, including a link to create
a login. Responses will take place within a secure email portal, and all attachments are sent/received
through this portal.
Exact Name on Card:
Card Number:
Expiration Date (MM/YYYY): CVC Code:
Your E-mail Address:
If you prefer, you may separate the card information between two or three emails.
The information will be shredded upon completion of the transaction, and a receipt will be sent to the e-
mail address provided.
If paying by wire, please use the following information
Account Name: USA Swimming
Account Number: 0534418231 ABA/Routing Number: 121000248 for Wire Transfers
102000076 for ACH Transfers
Bank: Wells Fargo Bank West
90 S. Cascade Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
VII. Safety Policies
41.0 Safety Training for Swim Coaches In-Water Checklist
Date of adoption / Last revision: March 18, 2021
Safety Training for Swim Coaches In-Water Skills Checklist
Reaching Assist with Equipment
Reaching Assist without Equipment
Reaching Assist without Equipment from a Position in the
Water Throwing Assist Ring Buoy
Extrication Using a Backboard at The Pool Edge
Head Splint Face Up & Face Down
Head Splint Face Up & Face Down
Name of Student:
Address: City/State/Zip:
Date of ARC STSC Online Course Completion Certificate Presented:
Name of Instructor Who Tested the In-Water Portion:
Lifeguard Instructor Certification Agency: _ Date of Expiration:
Your current certification that permits you to test for these skills
Address: City/State/Zip:
Phone: ( ) E-Mail:
Signature of Instructor:
This signature verifies your certifications meet the USA Swimming guidelines that are acceptable for skill testing for the certification of
Safety Training for Swim Coaches in-water portion of their skills.
Currently Approved Agencies:
American Red Cross Lifeguarding
Jeff Ellis & Associates Lifeguarding
StarGuard Elite Lifeguarding
YMCA Lifeguarding
Present this form and your ARC STSC on-line completion certificate to your LSC Registrar for
verification of completing the STSC requirement for USA Swimming Coaches registration.
Disclaimer: USA Swimming reserves the right to verify the authenticity of instructor credentials with the certifying agency. Falsification of this
record may constitute a Code of Conduct violation and result in a Board of Review complaint.
VIII. Appendices
Appendix I: Additional USOPC Safety Requirements
USA Swimming must notify the USOPC’s Security & Athlete Safety Office as soon as possible but no later
than 24 hours after learning of an allegation of Prohibited Conduct, as defined in the Code, that occurred
at an Olympic & Paralympic Training Center (“OPTC”), a USOPC Sponsored Event, or at any third party
sponsored event in which the USOPC sends a delegation (a “USOPC Delegation Event”). Any temporary
measure(s) imposed by USA Swimming and/or the Center in response to an allegation must be included
in the required notification (as described in the following section).
This notification requirement is in addition to any other requirement to report an allegation to the
Center and/or law enforcement. Any such notifications shall be submitted by email to
Sanctions and Temporary Measures
USA Swimming must notify the USOPC's Security & Athlete Safety Office as soon as possible but no later
than 24 hours of imposing its own or being notified of Center-imposed sanction(s) and/or temporary
measure(s), affecting Participants who USA Swimming knows, or reasonably expects, to:
• be nominated for or selected as a Participant to a USOPC Delegation Event,
• be a Participant at a USOPC Sponsored Event,
• have access to an OPTC, and/or
• receive a benefit and/or service from the USOPC as outlined in the USOPC Athlete Safety Policy.
As well, the USOPC Security & Athlete Safety Office should also be notified in the event of any change
or removal of any such sanction and/or temporary measure(s) within 24 hours of such change by the
USA Swimming or notified of a change or removal by the Center.
Any such notifications shall be submitted by email to [email protected].
USOPC Assertion of Jurisdiction
The USOPC will assert jurisdiction over any alleged incident of Prohibited Conduct which is reported
to have occurred at an OPTC, USOPC Sponsored Event, or a USOPC Delegation Event where the
Center has not exercised exclusive or discretionary jurisdiction, and over matters the Center refers to
the USOPC. In limited circumstances, the USOPC may elect, in its sole and absolute discretion, to refer
the incident and jurisdiction thereof to USA Swimming.
Applicable Policies and Procedures
The USOPC Athlete Safety Policy shall apply and will govern the response and resolution of any
allegation for which the USOPC asserts jurisdiction. In instances when the USOPC declines jurisdiction,
the USA Swimming shall be responsible for the response and resolution of the allegation according to
its own policies and procedures.
Interference/ Restrictions/Enforcement
USA Swimming shall not interfere or attempt to influence the outcome of any Prohibited Conduct
investigation regardless of jurisdiction.
USA Swimming prohibits any individual who is an employee, agent, or contractor, from assisting a
member or former member in obtaining a new job (except the routine transmission of
administrative and personnel files) if the individual knows that such member or former member
violated the policies or procedures of the Center related to sexual misconduct or was convicted of a
crime involving sexual misconduct with a minor.
If USA Swimming Participant is sanctioned or subject to Temporary Measures under the USOPC Athlete
Safety Policy, that sanction(s) or Temporary Measure(s) must be reciprocally enforced by and
between all NGBs and LAOs within the Olympic and Paralympic Movement.
Appendix II: SwimAssist Application Form
Program Requested: Initial Counseling Ongoing Counseling Alternative Assistance
Individual Receiving Requested Services
Phone: _____________________________ Email:_________________________________________
Contact Person for SwimAssist Funding (if not survivor)
Name: ________________________________________________Relation to Survivor:___________
Phone: _____________________________ Email:_________________________________________
Treatment Provider
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________ Email:________________________________________
Funding Recipient Statement
I have read and understand the USA Swimming SwimAssist Program Overview. I understand that USA
Swimming will pay fees for services directly to the provider based on invoices from the service provider
or reimburse me after providing copies of invoices and proof of payment.
I understand that I am responsible for connecting the service provider to USA Swimming or for providing
the invoices from the service provider to USA Swimming. I give permission for USA Swimming to contact
my treatment provider to discuss payment arrangements and details about SwimAssist and to request a
progress note. This progress note does not give permission for USA Swimming to receive details about
my treatment but rather permission for my provider to indicate that the therapy has been beneficial to me,
and that with further therapy, I will continue to progress in healing.
Signature (Parent/Guardian if recipient under
Print: ____________________________________________________________
Appendix III: Officials’ Committee – Apprentice Official
As required by the policy established in the USA Swimming Policy Manual regarding registration of
apprentice officials as non-members, apprentice officials need to complete all current membership
requirements within 60 days of initiation of training. The 60-day period shall begin on the date he/she
first performs his/her on-deck training. It shall be the responsibility of the LSC Officials Chair to monitor
all apprentice officials for completion of the membership requirements. If an apprentice official does not
complete all current non-athlete membership requirements prior to the 61
day after he/she has first
performed on-deck training, then he/she shall be prohibited from being on the pool deck until they have
completed those requirements.
Date of adoption / Last revision: Passed November 13, Board of Directors Meeting
Appendix IV: Officials’ Committee – National Championship Policy
Criteria considered in determining assigned positions (in random order and not all inclusive):
Qualified and proficient in the assigned position
Demonstrated knowledge of the rules and regulations
Demonstrated knowledge of duties and responsibilities of the assigned position
Demonstrated integrity and good judgment
Demonstrated ability to work well with others “a team player”
Demonstrated proficiency in position being considered, i.e. CJ, starter, deck referee, admin
referee and meet referee
Committed to all levels of swimming and not just the national or international deck
Positions worked at National meets during previous years
Individual evaluations and recommendations
Geographical balance
Recommendation of both the USA Officials Chair and USA Swimming as to the Meet Referee
and the recommendation of the Meet Referee, the USA Officials Chair and USA Swimming as
to the other assigned positions.
Date of adoption / Last revision: Passed May 2011, Board of Directors Meeting
Not all criteria must be met in order to be considered. As with any officiating position, all officials serve at the
pleasure of USA Swimming and will be assigned based on what USA Swimming believes is in the best interest of
the organization.
Appendix V: Officials’ Committee International Championship
Criteria considered for nomination (or re-nomination) as an official for the FINA list (in random order
and not all inclusive):
Demonstrated integrity and good judgment
Demonstrated ability to work well with others a “team player”
Demonstrated good communication skills
Demonstrated proficiency in position considered, i.e., referee or starter
Committed to all levels of swimming and not just the national or international deck
Participation at national meets, especially those where application was submitted to work
the meet. Appointed meets (Olympic Trials, Pan Pacific Championships, etc.) are not
Individual evaluations
Ability to diplomatically and skillfully represent USA Swimming at international events
Geographical balance
Recommendation of both the USA Swimming Officials Chair, the International Relations
Committee and USA Swimming as well as other appropriate senior members of the USA
Swimming community
Items considered when nominating an official for an international assignment (in random order and
not all inclusive):-
Olympics, World Championships, and other FINA events
Currently on a FINA List
Not all criteria must be met in order to be considered. It is the goal of the Officials Committee and USA Swimming
generally to
place officials on the deck at International and FINA events with the ultimate goal of placing officials on the Olympic and World
Championship decks. Accordingly, assignments will be based in part on achieving this goal which may mean that one or more
USA FINA officials may be given preference in assignments (out of rotation or seniority). The fact that a person is on the FINA
list does not necessarily mean they will officiate at a FINA sponsored meet. Final selection of officials nominated for FINA
competitions is the responsibility of the FINA Technical Swimming Committee. Once an official has officiated at the Olympics
games, it is understood that they may rotate off the FINA list when their current term expires.
Currently FINA has an age limit. If this restriction is ever eliminated, then age will become less of a factor in the selection of
officials for the FINA list
A person being considered for this assignment must still meet those criteria for selection as a FINA official. If for
any reason, the Officials Committee, the Officials Chair or USA Swimming do not believe the person meets that
criterion, then they may not be nominated for participation at the event even though they may be the most senior
FINA official or next in rotation.
Specific needs of the competition
Recommendation of the Officials Committee
Previous assignments
Evaluations or comments from previous assignments
Goals and objectives of the USA Swimming
Recommendation of both USA Official Committee Chair and USA Swimming
Participation at National meets.
Other international competitions
Considerations in the NOMINATIONS listing
Level of participation at national meets
Nominations do not need to hold current FINA credentials
Specific needs of the competition
Goals and objective of the USA Swimming
Recommendation of both the USA Officials Committee Chair and USA
Date of adoption / Last revision: Passed May 2011, Board of Directors Meeting
Other than USA Officials on the TSC, if any official has worked the Olympic Games, he or she may be taken out
of rotation and not assigned to any further international meets.
A person being considered for this assignment must still meet those criteria for selection as a FINA official. If for
any reason, the Officials Committee, the Officials Chair or VP Operations do not believe the person meets that
criterion, then they shall not be appointed, or name submitted for participation at the meet.
Appendix XI: ZSAP Report Form
Panel Chair:
Panel Members/Affiliation (Coach, Referee, Athlete):
Date Sanction Application Submitted:
Date Sanction Denied:
Date Appeal Filed:
Date Appeal Granted:
Initial Questions:
Decision of Panel:
Other Comments:
Date Decision Delivered:
Deliver to:
Delivered by:
Signature of Panel Chair:
Appendix XII: Sanction Review Process Questions 7 Scenario
The following questions and scenarios have been developed as one means of clarifying the purpose and intent of
the Sanction Review Process and the authority of the Zone Sanction Appeal Panel (ZSAP). The ZSAP is
intended to be a decision-making entity that is utilized only when all efforts at negotiation and mediation at the
LSC level have failed. The ZSAP can side with one or the other party or it can decree a compromise solution. In
all cases, the decision of the ZSAP is final.
1) A club / organization from outside the LSC requests a sanction from the LSC where the competition is to
be held. The outside club / organization is denied a sanction for any number of reasons, but the meet
otherwise complies with the requirements for a sanction under Article 202 of the USA Swimming Rules.
Can the outside club file a sanction appeal?
Yes. However, it is important to keep in mind that the team requesting the sanction should have
made every effort to negotiate with the LSC and follow their guidelines and procedures to a
reasonable extent.
2) A club would like to offer a meet that does not follow the LSC rules / guidelines for meets that can be
offered on a particular non-championship weekend. The club would like to offer a Senior meet that is open
to everyone who meets the time standard. The weekend is, by rule, reserved for only AA level competition.
So, the Senior meet does not comply with the established LSC rules. Can the club wishing to host the
Senior meet file a sanction appeal?
Yes. The host /petitioner can file a sanction appeal. In this situation, the ZSAP could consider the
appeal, review the process followed, and make a recommendation to or negotiate with the LSC,
but the ZSAP could not direct the LSC to grant a sanction.
3) If a member club / organization wants to charge entry fees or a facility fee that differs from LSC guidelines,
does the ZSAP have authority to overrule the LSC guidelines?
No. The rulebook specifically states that fees for Senior and Age group competition shall be
determined by the LSC.
4) The Ohio LSC (Central Zone) borders the Kentucky and West Virginia LSCs (both So. Zone) on the south
and the Allegheny Mountain LSC (Eastern Zone) on the east. Which ZSAP holds jurisdiction if a team in
WV wants to host a swim meet in Ohio and Ohio denies the sanction request?
The Zone within which the meet would be conducted (in this case, the Central ZSAP) has
5) A popular meet on the LSC meet schedule reached full capacity the day following the entry deadline. One
of the clubs whose entries were not accepted quickly organized an alternative meet for their swimmers and
other teams whose entries were also turned away. The LSC has denied a sanction for the second meet
because LSC policies do not permit another meet on that weekend. Can the team trying to host the
alternative meet appeal the negative sanction decision to the ZSAP?
Yes. The host /petitioner can file a sanction appeal. In this situation, the ZSAP could consider the
appeal, review the process followed, and make a recommendation to or negotiate with the LSC,
but the ZSAP could not direct the LSC to grant a sanction
6) An LSC requires that all clubs desiring to bid a meet for the upcoming season must attend the LSC
meetings and present their bids in person. The failure to do so means that the club will not be awarded any
sanction. If a club from outside the LSC wishes to bid a meet within the LSC and is denied the sanction for
its failure to participate at the meeting, does the ZSAP have the authority to review this decision?
Yes. However, it is important to keep in mind that the team requesting the sanction should have
made every effort to negotiate with the LSC and follow their guidelines and procedures to a
reasonable extent.
7) If a sanctioning LSC will only grant a club / team from another LSC a sanction if the meet referee or
other key officials are certified by the sanctioning LSC, does the ZSAP have authority to review this
Yes, as long as the proposed meet complies with the requirements for a sanction under Article 202 of
the USA Swimming rules. However, the team requesting the sanction should have made every effort to
negotiate with the LSC and follow their guidelines and procedures to a reasonable extent.
Appendix XIII: Recommended LSC Times Module Management
The LSC shall appoint a LSC SWIMS Officer whose duty is to maintain the integrity and purpose of
SWIMS. A SWIMS Officer shall be a USA Swimming non-athlete member in good standing with
APT and BGS. In fulfilling this duty, he/she shall:
Receive official meet results from the meet host no later than one (1) week from the last
day of the meet (1-3 days is recommended).
Review meet results for possible errors; if errors are found, meet file is sent back to the
meet host for investigation and correction.
Load meet results into SWIMS no later than two (2) weeks from last day of the meet (3-
7 days is recommended).
Clear the Times Holding Tank for individual and relay errors in a timely manner.
Communicate with the LSC registrar as necessary to resolve membership questions or issues.
Provide LSC webmaster with official meet results and update these if necessary, for posting of
results on the LSC website.
Keep data from observed swims’ competitions for a period of one year.
NOTE: The following positions may also be set by the LSC for handling of meets/times:
o An individual who tracks the observed swims competitions and may authorize the
observation for those meets; the LSC NTV shall report the LSC observed meets to the
T & R designee.
o An LSC may also use the LSC Sanction Chair or Admin Vice Chair to authorize
observed swims competitions.
o The NTV officer or a Sanction Chair/Admin Vice Chair shall work with the SWIMS
Officer to ensure that swims in compliance with USA Swimming rules are loaded into
the SWIMS database from observed meets.
Records Chair
o An individual who tracks the LSC Records and may use the SWIMS database in
reviewing times for LSC swimmers (Read-only privileges).
o Records may be set up and maintained in the LSC Portal on the USA Swimming
website (instructions published and posted under Times Information on the website).
o Password for administrative privileges to set up records in the LSC Portal is provided
by USA-S Times Staff member.
Top Times Tabulator
o An individual who reviews the Age Group Top Times posted on the USA Swimming
website weekly during the swim year for any times tracked nationally from the LSC.
o Tabulator may use the database in a Read-only capacity to pull reports for the LSC
Top Times which should be posted on the LSC website according to the LSC
All appointments for use of the SWIMS Database for Times are made by the LSC General Chair to the
USA Swimming IT Director with copy to the Chair of the Times and Recognition Committee and USA
Swimming Times Staff. A list of these individuals is maintained by the T & R Committee for ongoing
communication and continuing education.
Appendix XIV: USA Swimming Request for Observation Non-
Season Culminating Championship Meet
Form A
Meets requiring authorization by the USA Swimming staff leader or National NTV designee require 10-day
application. Such meets include High School, Masters’ or other meets that are not season-culminating
meets. This completed form and a copy of the meet information must be sent at least 10 days prior to the event
the LSC NTV official for review. The LSC official will send this completed form to the National NTV designee for
approval. The request must include a reason & explanation for the request.
Acceptance of verification requests from the meet is subject to proof that conditions at the meet were in
with the required procedures and pertinent USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.
Name of Meet: Name of Facility:
Date(s) of Meet: Meet Director:
Name of person filing this request: Phone:
Is this meet on the regular, published calendar? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Type of
Meet: [ ] High School [ ] College [ ] Masters
Course: [ ] Long Course Meters [ ] Short Course Yards [ ] Short Course
Approx. number of teams participating Approx. number of swimmers participating
[ ] Timing systems will conform to the conditions specified in 102.24 USA Swimming Rules & Regulations.
[ ] The number of Association officials must meet the minimum requirements. There must be a referee,
starter and two stroke and turn officials as provided in Article 102.10 USA Swimming Rules &
Regulations. A minimum of two additional USA Swimming Certified stroke & turn officials shall be
assigned as observers for the purpose of verifying conformance with USA Swimming technical rules.
Observers shall be permitted access to the pool deck. If at least two of the association meet officials
are dually certified by USA Swimming, additional observers are not necessary. Where the technical
rules listed in Article 101 are the same as the host organization, the judgment of the organization
officials shall be sufficient.
[ ] USA-S disqualifications from observed meets shall be reported to the LSC NTV Officer
[ ] The meet referee, or LSC designee, will provide swimmers and coaches with information about
observation program and the procedures to be used to request observation. Requests may be
submitted prior to the swim for which observation is desired, or all swims may be observed.
[ ] A copy of the meet information is attached. Names and phone numbers of USA Swimming officials
who will
serve as observers at this meet or the dually certified officials:
1) 2)
3) _ 4)
[ ] The reason & explanation for this request is attached.
This form must be submitted and accepted by the LSC NTV Official prior to submission to the National NTV
Step One Accepted by: Step Two Approved by:
LSC NTV Official NTV Designee
Date: Date:
Appendix XV: Local Swimming Committee Request for
Observation Season-Culminating Championship Meet
Form B
This form is used to request authorization for observation of swims at High School, Masters or other
association season culminating Championship meets. Observation requests for meets that are not season-
culminating Championship(s) must be made on Request for Observation Form A.
Application Requirements:
Timing systems must comply with conditions outlined in 102.24 USA Swimming Rules & Regulations.
The number of Association officials must meet the minimum requirements (a referee, starter
and two stroke and turn officials) as provided in Article 102.10 USA Swimming Rules &
Regulations. If the association stroke and turn officials are also certified by USA-S and are in
position on deck, no additional observers are necessary. Officials may note compliance with
USA Swimming Technical Rules only for those swimmers requesting observation, or the entire
meet may be observed.
Or, a minimum of two USA Swimming certified officials shall be assigned and in position on the
deck, to verify compliance with USA Swimming Rules for those swims requested to be
Where the technical rules as listed in Article 101 are the same as the host organization, the
judgment of the organization officials shall be sufficient.
The designated USA Swimming certified official must verify compliance with applicable rules
and procedures and shall forward any proof of times requests and final results for observed
meets to the LSC NTV official.
Proof of Times Requests:
If an athlete’s USA-S ID # or full legal name and birth date is included in the electronic meet results,
no individual request for data entry into the SWIMS system should be necessary. The LSC NTV
official or SWIMS data officer shall enter times for any such athlete into SWIMS.
If the above data is not included in the electronic results, individual requests for times may be required
by the LSC NTV official where the meet took place.
Name of Meet: Date(s):
Name of Facility and City
By signing below, the Meet Referee or Meet Director verifies the following:
Check one of the options listed below and complete the remainder of this section.
[ ] This meet will be observed in its entirety, exclusively by USA Swimming Officials, according to staffing
specified in USA Swimming Rules & Regulations.
[ ] This meet will be officiated exclusively by USA Swimming officials, but due to the limited number of
requests expected, only swims specifically requested in advance will be observed for
compliance with USA Swimming Rules.
[ ] This meet will be officiated by the proper number of Association officials and also observed by a minimum
of two assigned USA Swimming Stroke & Turn certified officials positioned on deck in compliance with USA
Swimming Rules.
Names of currently certified USA Swimming officials who will officiate at the meet:
Name of Meet Referee Phone
This form must be received by the designated person in the LSC at least 10 days prior to the meet.
Approved: (LSC NTV Official)
Please send copy or provide list of authorized meets electronically to the National NTV designee\
Appendix XVI: Request for Electronic Loading
Form C
USA Swimming Team Name Meet Name First
Day of Meet
Please enter the following data into the electronic meet results for loading into SWIMS if it is not included in
the computer already:
Appendix XVII: Meet Approval Request to USA Swimming
Form E
Reference USA Swimming Rules and Regulations 202.6 Requirements for Approval
Approvals may be issued to member clubs for open competition conducted in accordance with USA Swimming
technical rules if that competition has been specifically approved by USA Swimming Staff Leader or his/her
Request for Approval: Club of the LSC Hereby
requests approval of the following meet:
Date Facility
Person initiating request Position
Email address
The meet must be approved by the host LSC before submission to USA Swimming.
Approval meet status shall not be a means to avoid participants having USA Swimming membership.
Reasons for hosting the meet as approved rather than sanctioned are as follows:
Approved by LSC:
Approved by USA Swimming:
Designee Date
In granting this approval it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming shall be free and held harmless
from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the
Appendix XVIII: USA Swimming Measurement Certification of
Permanent Racing Course
City and State in which pool is located:
Name of Pool Owner or Operator:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip: , ,
Pool Name:
Pool Address (if different from above):
City, State, Zip: , ,
LSC: (If you do not know the LSC Click Here)
Rule 103.2.3 Racing Starts Minimum water depth for racing starts during practice and
competition shall be measured for a distance 3 feet 3 ½ inches
(1.0 meter) to 16 feet 5 inches (5.0 meters) from the end wall. …….
Rule 103.3.1.C Dimensional Tolerance: Against the required length, a tolerance of plus
(+) 0.03 meters (1 and
ths of an inch) in a vertical plane extending
0.3 meters (12 inches) above and 0.8 meters (2 feet, 7½ inches) below
the surface of the water at all points of both end walls.
Rules 103.3.1.D When automatic officiating equipment touch pads are used at one or both
ends, the course shall be of such length that ensures the required
distance between the two touch pads or between either pad and the
opposite end of the course.
Rule 104.2.2.C(4)(a) The length of the course, measured and certified (signed and sealed) by a
surveyor or other qualified professional licensed in the State or
jurisdiction where the facility is located. Such measurements shall be
stated in feet and inches and fractions of an inch, or in meters and
Rule 104.2.2.C(4)(b) A statement of the conditions under which the course was measured must
be included.
Rule 104.2.2.C(4)(c) Where a moveable bulkhead is used, course measurement of the lane
in which the record was set must be confirmed at the conclusion of the
session during which the time was achieved.
NOTE: If two or more racing courses are offered in the same pool (i.e., 50m x 25y), a
separate form for each course must be filed.
Check off each item below:
This pool is: Long Course (50m); Short Course yds (25y); Short Course m (25m)
This pool is: indoors; outdoors
Touch pads: One end; Both ends; or No touch pads - are included in the measurement.
This pool has: Fixed End Walls; Moveable bulkheads at one or both ends.
Minimum Length of each Lane:
Start 1m
Start 5m
Mid length
Turn 5m
Turn 1m
*Minimum depth across lanes in each location. Include both outside lanes and at least every other inside lane.
In my opinion, the provisions of USA Swimming Rules 103.3.1 and 104.2.2 as outlined on the
previous page have been compiled with in subject pool, with the following exceptions:
Measurements were made on , 20 , at AM/PM under normal
competitive temperature conditions and to an accuracy of at least .01 feet (
inch or 3mm) in
short course pool and at least 5mm in long course pool.
At the time of measurement, I was not in the employ of the pool builder.
The following equipment was used for measurements:
Print Name:
Signature: Check one:
Title/Degree: Registered Surveyor
Address: Registered Engineer
City, State,Zip: License #
Telephone: ( ) State:
Mail this completed form to:
To receive a confirmation of receipt and acceptance, please CLEARLY PRINT your name and email
address below: