© 2023 The Joint Commission | Division of Healthcare Quality Evaluation and Improvement jointcommission.org
A complimentary publication of The Joint Commission Issue 68, Oct. 18, 2023
Updated surgical fire prevention for the 21
An otherwise healthy patient is taken to the operating room for the removal of a
neck mole under monitored sedation. After the patient is given two liters of oxygen
through nasal cannula and administered intravenous sedation, an alcohol-based
skin preparation is applied to the surgical field.
As the surgeon uses electrocautery to coagulate bleeding, a flash occurs, and the
surgical drapes ignite. After extinguishing the fire by pouring water on the surgical
field, assessment of the patient reveals second-degree burns on the patient’s face.
Oxygen from the nasal canula had accelerated the fire and caused the nasal
cannula to melt and adhere to the patient’s face. The patient was transferred to the
burn unit for care, and ultimately required reconstructive plastic surgery.
This case illustrates one type of injury that can be sustained during a surgical fire.
Surgical fires continue to occur and represent a significant risk to patients and
healthcare professionals. This Sentinel Event Alert provides updated information
and replaces one on this topic that published in 2003. The Joint Commission issues
this alert to help healthcare organizations recommit to surgical fire prevention.
There is no national repository collecting data on surgical fires, therefore, reliable
data is difficult to obtain. ECRI, an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to
improving the safety, quality and cost-effectiveness of care across all healthcare
settings worldwide, estimates that 90 to 100 surgical fires occur annually in the
United States.
Surgical fires may not be reported because of embarrassment,
potential adverse publicity, or the fear of investigation and possible litigation.
Internal, unpublished analyses of reports in the Joint Commission Sentinel Event
database have shown the leading factors contributing to surgical fires include
shortcomings in teamwork and communication, work design, workforce/staff, and
equipment. These factors include:
A lack of a shared understanding and communication among surgical team
members before or during the procedure.
Insufficient time-out to assess fire risk or to perform a workflow verification
step or safeguard.
A lack of competency to understand or recognize risks.
Overconfidence and risky behavior; distraction or loss of situational
Equipment malfunction or failure.
A lack of training or orientation to the equipment in the operating room.
Minding the elements of the fire trianglecan reduce occurrences of surgical fires
Surgical fires can be prevented by creating awareness of and carefully monitoring
elements of the “fire triangle:1) oxygen, 2) ignition sources and 3) fuel.
There are many potential contributing factors to surgical fires, including:
Use of 100% alcohol for any preparation.
Failure to allow alcohol-based field preparations to completely dry.
Improper disposal of alcohol wipes or other prep material.
Use of 100% oxygen.
Poor training or failure to use proper precautions when employing
electrosurgical devices.
Published for Joint Commission
accredited organizations and
interested healthcare
Sentinel Event
identifies specific types of
sentinel and adverse events and
high-risk conditions, describes
their common underlying causes,
and recommends steps to
reduce risk and prevent future
Accredited organizations should
consider information in a
Sentinel Event Alert
designing or redesigning
processes and consider
implementing relevant
suggestions contained in the
alert or reasonable alternatives.
Please route this issue to
appropriate staff within your
Sentinel Event Alert
may be reproduced if credited to
The Joint Commission. To receive
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Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 67
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© 2023 The Joint Commission jointcommission.org
Using electrosurgical devices in ENT
surgery with the patient under mask or
nasal cannula oxygen administration.
Improperly handling and storing light cable
supply cords.
Not placing an electrosurgical device back
in its holder when not in use.
Most surgical fires and burns are associated with
the use of an electrosurgical device while
performing head and neck surgery.
In the opening
case study, the ignition source is the electrosurgical
device, the fuel is undried, alcohol-based skin
preparation and surgical drapes, with oxygen
serving as the final element of the fire triangle.
Element 1 of the fire triangle: Elevated levels of
oxidizing agents increase the risk of fire
An elevated concentration of oxygen and other
oxidizing agents that together is greater than the
normal atmospheric oxygen level of 21% increases
the risk of fire by decreasing the temperature at
which fuels ignite.
Oxygen-enriched atmospheres
are reportedly involved in 75% of surgical fires.
The risk of fire is higher during head and neck, oral
pharyngeal and rectal procedures, particularly when
higher levels of oxygen or other oxidizers (e.g.,
nitrous oxide) may be present.
These highly
combustible gases, combined with flammable
substances in the airway and the energy of an
electrosurgical device/laser comprise the three
elements of the fire triangle that can result in an
airway fire. Examples of flammable substances that
may be present in airway fires include tracheal
tubes, catheters, and surgical sponges.
Bowel gas
ignitions are another source of surgical fires.
Element 2 of the fire triangle: Electrosurgical
devicesthe most common ignition source
The use of electrosurgical devices cause about 70%
of the surgical fires occurring annually in the United
One study found that surgical fires were
most common with monopolar “Bovie” instruments
(88% versus other instruments).
From Jan. 1, 2018
to March 29, 2023, 85 sentinel events related to
fires or burns during surgery or a procedure were
reported to The Joint Commission, with 58% of fires
or burns associated with electrosurgical devices,
and about 15% related to light sources for
electrosurgical devices.
Other potential ignition sources, especially within
oxygen-rich environments, are lasers and high-
speed drills producing incandescent sparks, as well
as coagulators, hot wire cautery and defibrillators.
Element 3 of the fire triangle: Alcohol-based skin
preparations among various fuel sources
Alcohol-based skin preparations, which are
recommended by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention for the preparations’ antiseptic
are common fuel sources during
surgical fires
when not allowed to completely
evaporate. Other potential fuel sources include
surgical drapes, sponges, towels, gauze, methane in
bowel gas, and the patient’s body hair.
The Joint Commission requirements
Joint Commission Environment of Care (EC)
Standard EC.02.03.01 element of performance (EP)
11 requires accredited organizationsincluding
hospitals and office-based surgery centers to:
periodically evaluate potential fire hazards
that could be encountered during operative
or invasive procedures.
establish written fire prevention and
response procedures, including safety
precautions related to the use of
flammable germicides or antiseptics.
In addition, the hospital or practice should:
manage risks related to hazardous
materials and waste. (EC.02.02.01)
mandate fire drills. (EC.02.03.03)
collect information to monitor conditions in
the environment, and, at least annually,
review each environment of care
management plan’s objectives, scope,
performance, and effectiveness.
Actions suggested by The Joint Commission
The Joint Commission suggests the following
actions to prevent surgical fires.
1. To satisfy the Joint Commission requirements
stipulated above, ensure that the time-out includes
a robust fire risk assessment (FRA) for each surgical
and endoscopic procedure. During a time-out before
each procedure, assess the risks associated with all
supplies and equipment to be used, including
inspecting them to assure they are in good working
order. Assess the location of the operation on the
patient and the presence of ignition sources, fuel
and oxygen in the environment. Have access to
saline within the operating room and fire
extinguishers in the procedural areas.
The FRA process from the AORN has been revised to
reflect risk identification and interventions to
Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 67
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© 2023 The Joint Commission jointcommission.org
address risks that are present. The recommended
questions include:
Is an alcohol-based skin antiseptic or other
flammable solution being used
preoperatively? (Managing risks related to
hazardous materials and waste is one of
the Joint Commission requirements listed
Is open oxygen or nitrous oxide being
administered and/or is the operative site
above the xiphoid process (e.g., head, neck,
chest) or in the oropharynx?
Is an electrosurgical device, laser, or fiber-
optic light being used?
Are any other ignition sources (e.g., battery-
powered cautery pens, defibrillators, drills,
saws, burrs) being used?
The FRA includes a scoring mechanism that
identifies the surgical fire risk as high, medium or
low. The score initiates a conversation among team
members to assure proper precautions.
addition, a key can be provided to further guide
steps to take in high-, medium-, or low-risk
2. Anesthesia should maintain the local oxygen
concentration at less than 30%, whenever
If the patient requires oxygen greater
than 30%, consider alternatives to using an open
oxygen delivery method, such as an endotracheal
tube (ETT) or laryngeal mask airway (LMA), if
clinically indicated.
Stop or reduce the delivery of supplemental oxygen
or nitrous oxide to the minimum required to avoid
hypoxia for at least one minute before the use of
electrosurgical devices; battery-powered, hand-held
cautery units; or lasers for head, neck, or upper
chest procedures.
The American Society of
Anesthesiologists (ASA) Task Force on Operating
Room Fires Practice Advisory
states that surgeons
should inform anesthesiologists before using a
potential ignition source, and anesthesiologists
should inform surgeons if there is a potential for an
ignition source to be exposed to an oxygen-enriched
3. Carefully manage electrosurgical devices, light
sources and cables, surgical draping, and other
risks during a procedure. These practices include
avoiding the use of electrosurgical devices in the
trachea or bowel;
using the lowest possible
power setting for the electrosurgical device and
keeping an active electrosurgical device or laser
away from gas sources and flammable materials;
and placing the electrosurgical device pencil/
handpiece or active electrode in a nonconductive
safety holster when not in use.
For light sources and cables, label illuminating light
sources warning of the burn risk when the cable is
not connected to the scope before activating the
light source.
Keep the light source at the lowest
brightness setting that allows for safe identification
and dissection during the case. Place the light
source in standby mode and disconnect the light
cord from the light source or place protective
covers/caps over the cord before use. Put the light
source into standby mode if the cable is
disconnected from the scope during surgery.
illuminated light cords away from drapes, patient’s
skin, personnel’s skin, and any flammable
Even momentary proximity between an illuminated
laparoscopic or arthroscopic light lead and a
surgical drape can cause a skin burn. The risk of
injury rises with the brightness of the lamp used.
These types of burns often happen without the
knowledge of the surgical team because burns from
light sources associated with laparoscopic or
arthroscopic procedures typically do not produce
smoke or charring, even of surgical drapes.
Have the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for alcohol-skin
preps and other potentially hazardous materials or
chemicals used during surgery accessible in the
surgical area, as well as in an area in the hospital
that is staffed 24/7. Use other cognitive aids, such
as one-page handouts or signs, to serve as safety
reminders prior to surgery or in case of emergency.
Assess hazards continuously during surgery. Each
surgical team member assesses hazards under
their own control, as well as observes the actions of
all other team members. When using an open
oxygen delivery device, configure surgical drapes
placed near the patient's head to allow oxygen to
flow freely and prevent accumulation under the
Identify patients who have used mannitol-
based bowel preparations, who produce more gas
than those who used polyethylene glycol or sodium
sulfate preparations.
Use CO2 insufflation rather
than air insufflation during endoscopic procedures
to prevent bowel fires.
Encourage any member of the surgical team to
speak up immediately if any preventable risk or
evidence of a possible fire is observed.
4. Provide training to operating room staff on how to
avoid and manage fires and conduct fire drills, as
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stipulated in the Joint Commission standards.
Define and review the roles and responsibilities of
each perioperative team member in the event of a
fire in the operating room, including turning off
ignition sources and managing fuel sources such as
alcohol-based preparations and drapes. For
example, the anesthesiologist bears primary
responsibility for halting an airway fire by stopping
the flow of oxygen to the patient.
Focus on the importance of communication and
situational awareness between team members
(including pre-op) during training. Surgical errors,
including fires, can result from faulty decision-
making, false assumptions, misperceptions,
distractions, and suboptimal decision-making
Instruct surgical team members to
continually look for potential hazards within both
their and others’ areas of responsibility.
Practice responses to fires involving drapes, prep
solutions and equipment through simulation drills
and other training techniques.
This practice
includes instruction on how to turn off oxidizing
gases, use a fire extinguisher (whether water mist of
CO2), and activate the local fire alarm.
In addition, develop emergency evacuation
procedures and identify the responsibilities of each
team member. Identify evacuation sites as
comparable as possible to the operating room
environment. For example, if a patient requires
oxygen, suction or monitoring, they should be taken
to any patient care area where they can receive that
Also practice moving/relocating the patient.
5. Report all surgical fires into your facility’s incident
reporting system, even if no injury to the patient
occurs. These reports provide opportunities to learn
and prevent future fires that could result in harm.
6. Encourage education of all operating room
personnel/team members about the risk of surgical
fires. The Society of American Gastrointestinal and
Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) offers the
Fundamental Use of Surgical Energy
(FUSE) certification program for surgeons, as well as
providing hospital compliance modules for all
surgical team members. Encouraging this training is
particularly critical for organizations that conduct
endoscopic procedures.
In conclusion, surgical team members should be
aware of the elements of the fire triangle that create
“perfect storm” conditions in the surgical
environment that can result in a surgical fire. Each
member of the surgical team is responsible for
assessing all hazards that could contribute to a
surgical fire, as well as observing the action of all
other team members and speaking up immediately
if any preventive risk or evidence of a possible fire is
Fire prevention algorithms
These one-page handouts serve as useful
cognitive aids in the surgical environment.
American Society of Anesthesiologists
Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF)
AORN Fire Prevention Assessment Protocol
(requires a subscription)
ECRI and APSF Surgical Fire Time-Out Poster
Other fire prevention resources
American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology
SAGES: Fire Prevention: Electrosurgical Safety in
Laparoscopy (video)
Fire Risk Score for Avoiding Fires in Operating
RoomAn easy-to-use online tool for scoring fire
risk in the OR
1. Cowles Jr. CE and Culp Jr. WC. Prevention of and
response to surgical fires. BJA Education,
2. ECRI. Surgical Fire Prevention webpage.
Accessed September 9, 2023.
3. ECRI. Health Devices. 2009;38(10).
4. Akhtar N, et al.
Airway fires during surgery:
Management and prevention. Journal of
Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology,
2016 Jan- Mar;32(1):109-11.
5. Stormont G, et al. Surgical Fire Safety. (Updated
Jan. 29, 2023) In: StatPearls (Internet). Treasure
Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023.
6. Jones TS, et al. Operating room fires.
Anesthesiology, 2019;130:492-501.
7. The Joint Commission. Environment of Care (EC)
News. Making electrosurgery safer. May 2023,
8. Overbey DM, et al. Surgical energy-based device
injuries and fatalities reported to the Food and
Drug Administration. Journal of the American
College of Surgeons. 2015;221:197-206.
9. Ehrenwerth J. Fire safety in the operating room
Up-To-Date, 2022.
10. Berríos-Torres SI, et al. Healthcare Infection
Control Practices Advisory Committee: Centers for
Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 67
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© 2023 The Joint Commission jointcommission.org
Disease Control and Prevention guideline for the
prevention of surgical site infection, 2017. JAMA
Surgery, 2017;152:784-91.
11. Osleger D. Preventing surgical fires with a surgical
or fire risk assessment. Jensen Hughes blog. Aug.
8, 2019.
12. Apfelbaum JL, et al. Practice advisory for the
prevention and management of operating room
fires. Anesthesiology 2013; 118: 271e90.
13. Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
(AORN). Fire Safety Tool Kit (requires a
14. The Joint Commission. Quick Safety.
light source-related burns from laparoscopy,
thoracoscopy and arthroscopy. Issue 69, April
15. Ball K. Lap Burn. Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality, PS Net. Oct. 1, 2004.
16. Chitnavis J.
Silent burn: The hidden danger and
effects of bright light from fibre-optic cables in
arthroscopic knee surgery. Journal of Surgical
Case Reports, 2020 Apr 7;2020(4).
17. Graafland M, et al. Training situational awareness
to reduce surgical errors in the operating room.
British Journal of Surgery. 2015 Jan;102(1):16-
18. Kezze I, et al. Risks and prevention of surgical
fires. Die Anaesthesiologie, 2018;67:426-447.
Patient Safety Advisory Group
The Patient Safety Advisory Group informs The Joint
Commission on patient safety issues and, with other
sources, advises on topics and content for Sentinel Event