Enrolment Declaration and Student Privacy Statement
As a condition of my enrolment at the University of Melbourne ('University'), I:
University Rules
1. Agree to be bound by all terms and conditions, statutes, regulations, policies, procedures
and guidelines of the University ('University Rules') whilst I am enrolled as a student of the
University, including:
a. the Student Conduct Policy
b. the Student Academic Integrity Policy (MPF1310);
c. the Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy (MPF1318);
d. those relating to the ownership, use and control of any intellectual property in any
work, invention, discovery or other thing made, created or developed by me in
connection with my studies at the University (including the University Statute
) and
Intellectual Property Policy; and
e. those relating to the payment and refunding of tuition and other fees (including the
Students Loans, Fees and Charges Policy
2. Agree to act in accordance with all reasonable and lawful instructions of officers of the
3. Understand that falsification of records or details about myself either before or after my
enrolment as a student, which may be construed as academic or general misconduct,
may result in the University terminating my enrolment or imposing other penalties in
accordance with the University Rules. Termination and/or other penalties may be
exercised at any time during my studies at the University, in accordance with relevant
University policies and procedures which provide for transparent, fair and timely
processes for addressing allegations of misconduct in accordance with principles of
natural justice. Such policies include:
a. the Student Conduct Policy
b. the Student Academic Integrity Policy (MPF1310);
c. the Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy (MPF1318); and
d. the Selection and Admission Policy (MPF1295).
4. Consent to any work I submit for assessment being scanned, copied or used by the
University or its agents for the purpose of identifying plagiarism and any other academic
or research misconduct.
5. Agree to participate in and complete any programs or training reasonably required by the
University. For example, the Preventing Sexual Misconduct module
, the Graduate
Cornerstones of Good Scholarship module, and Preparing for Placements module prior
to undertaking a vocational placement.
Fees and enrolment
6. Acknowledge that I am responsible for maintaining my enrolment, and acknowledge that
this includes:
a. Being aware of the course rules and key dates for my course as set out in the Student
Handbook (handbook.unimelb.edu.au) and at students.unimelb.edu.au/your-
b. Ensuring that my enrolment is accurately reflected on my student portal
(my.unimelb.edu.au) and that any subjects that I am undertaking to count towards my
course requirements are shown as "enrolled" on my study plan by the census date;
c. Recognising that I have until the subject census date to finalise my enrolment and that
any subjects that remain enrolled beyond this will appear on my academic record;
d. Enrolling and re-enrolling within the given time frames and in the manner specified;
e. Recognising that I am considered enrolled in my course when in each half-year period I
am either (i) enrolled in at least one subject; or (ii) have an approved leave of absence;
f. Ensuring payment of mandatory fees which are set out in the Invoice/Statement of
Liability issued by the University to me, and that I must pay those fees by the due date
set out in the Invoice/Statement of Liability, or an extended date approved by the
University on application for a fee date extension; and
g. Ensuring that I provide my valid Australian Government issued Unique Student
Identifier (USI) within the required time frames.
7. Acknowledge that, I will be liable for the subject’s tuition fee or student contribution
amount (except where the subject is exempt from fees) unless I withdraw from the
subject by the subject census date or a fee remission in special circumstances is
approved under the provisions of the Higher Education Support Act (2003) and the
University Student Loans, Fees and Charges Policy
8. Acknowledge that if I am a graduate researcher, my fee liability or any funded candidature
support usage, will be calculated on a daily basis for every day that I am enrolled
(excluding any approved leave of absence) until I submit my thesis, or my enrolment
ceases. Enrolment cessation may include: course withdrawal or termination of
9. Acknowledge that, I will also be liable for all student services and amenities fees or other
fees or charges specified in the University Rules as applicable to my enrolment, and
which are set out in the Invoice/Statement of Liability, and that I must pay those fees and
charges by the due date set out in the Invoice/Statement of Liability.
10. Consent to receiving any invoice electronically and, if I am a Commonwealth supported
student, consent to receiving my Commonwealth Assistance Notice electronically.
11. Understand that it is my responsibility to check my Invoice/Statement of Liability on the
student portal (my.unimelb.edu.au) and ensure payment by the due date or, if using the
Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan to pay my fees, ensure I have a sufficient
HELP balance to cover the invoiced amount.
12. Acknowledge that there are University academic progress requirements that apply to my
enrolment (including those outlined in the
Academic Progress Review Policy
(Coursework) (MPF1291) or Academic Progress Review Policy (Graduate Research)
(MPF1363), and that there may also be course progression or other requirements that
apply to the funding arrangement for my enrolment (including in relation to any
Commonwealth support) and any scholarships/sponsorships that I receive. I acknowledge
that if my academic progress is deemed unsatisfactory, I will be notified by email and invited
to provide a written submission to the Course Academic Progress Committee (CAPC) and/or
attend a CAPC meeting. I acknowledge that, after considering my submission, the CAPC may
impose restrictions on my enrolment, suspend or terminate my enrolment and this may
lead to changes to, or loss of, my funding, scholarship or sponsorship.
My Personal Details
13. Will notify the University of any change to my personal details (including changes to my
mailing address and contact details) within 7 days and I acknowledge that the University
is not responsible for any matter arising out of my failure to notify the University of such
changes (except where my failure to do so is the University's fault).
14. Acknowledge that the University relies on my personal details being accurate to provide
me with correspondence and accordingly my failure to update my personal details will
not be an acceptable reason for failing to respond to any correspondence from the
University as required.
15. Declare that all information that I have provided to the University (whether directly or via
VTAC or other institutions) is, to the best of my knowledge, complete, true, and correct.
16. Authorise the University to obtain information about me from other educational
institutions for the purposes of verifying my details and managing my enrolment.
17. Understand that the University must comply with Australian laws and regulations,
including those relating to export controls, and may need to take appropriate actions.
18. Will complete a foreign interest disclosure if requested by the University.
19. Authorise the University to verify all details relating to my enrolment. This may include
verification of my Australian visa details and study entitlements from the Department of
Home Affairs Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) facility.
University communication, notices and records
20. Acknowledge that University correspondence, including formal notices and other
communications, will be issued to me electronically via my University student email
address and the student portal (my.unimelb.edu.au).
21. Agree to check my student portal (my.unimelb.edu.au) notices and University emails on a
regular basis, which is at least twice per week, including during University breaks or leave
periods. This includes making arrangements to access University emails while travelling
outside of Australia.
22. Understand that upon graduation, the details of my qualifications will be included in the
University’s records of graduation and awards and become a matter of public record.
Graduate Research Thesis
23. If I am a graduate researcher, I acknowledge that I will be required to make my thesis
openly available to the public through the University’s institutional digital repository
unless otherwise agreed with the University (for example where an embargo has been
approved by the University for my thesis). I will ensure that I will retain all necessary rights
to enable the University to publish and share my thesis and will not grant an exclusive
copyright licence in my thesis to any other person or organisation.
My confirmation
24. I have read and understood all information relevant to my enrolment and made available
to me by the University, including the University of Melbourne Student Privacy Statement
set out below as the Appendix to this enrolment declaration.
25. I acknowledge the collection, management, use and disclosure of my personal
information in accordance with the University of Melbourne Student Privacy Statement
26. I acknowledge that if required for the administration of my Australia Awards Scholarship
the University may release other information about my enrolment to the Australian
Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and other external parties engaged
by the University to provide services under the Australia Awards Scholarship program
(such as the University's preferred travel agency and health insurance provider).
27. I acknowledge that if I am enrolled in a course run jointly by the University and another
partner organisation or in a formal cross-institutional, study abroad or exchange program,
the University may release information about my enrolment and results to the other
organisation and any other entity providing financial sponsorship including but not limited
to the Australian government or other foreign entity. [
28. I acknowledge that the terms of this enrolment declaration, as set out above, are legally
binding and may be enforced by the University.
The most recent substantive changes were made in November 2023.