Web Application in Java using Three Layered Architecture
Project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
degree of Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information
Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, 173234,
Himachal Pradesh, INDIA
Candidate’s Declaration
I hereby declare that the work presented in this report entitled Web Application in Java using
three-layered structure in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering submitted in the Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, the Jaypee University of Information Technology
Waknaghat is an authentic record of my own work carried out over a period from July 2022 to
May 2023 under the supervision of Dr Ekta Gandotra (Associate Professor, Department of
Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology).
I also authenticate that I have carried out the above-mentioned project work under the
proficiency stream data science.
The matter embodied in the report has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or
Parul Sharma,191206
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is true to the best of my
Dr Ekta Gandotra
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology
Firstly, I express our heartiest thanks and gratefulness to almighty God for his divine blessing
to make it possible to complete the project work successfully. I am grateful and wish my
profound indebtedness to Supervisor Dr Ekta Gandotra, Associate Professor, Department
of CSE Jaypee University of Information Technology, Wakhnaghat. The deep knowledge &
keen interest of my supervisor in the field of computer science helped me to carry out this
project. Her endless patience, scholarly guidance, continual encouragement, constant and
energetic supervision, constructive criticism, valuable advice, and reading many inferior
drafts and correcting them at all stages have made it possible to complete this project.
I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to Dr Ekta Gandotra, Department of CSE,
for her kind help to finish my project.
I would also generously welcome each one of those individuals who have helped me
straightforwardly or in a roundabout way in making this project a win. In this unique
situation, I want to thank the various staff individuals, both educating and non-instructing,
which have developed their convenient help and facilitated our undertaking.
Finally, I must acknowledge with due respect the constant support and patience of my parents.
Parul Sharma (191206)
Content Page No.
Certificate…………..…..…………………………………………………………………….. I
Plagiarism Certificate……………………………………………..……………………...…...II
Table of Content………………………………………………….………………...………...IV
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………………...VI
List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………..……VIII
Chapter 01: INTRODUCTION 1
1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….….1
1.1.1 Job description…………………………………………………………………….…1
1.1.2 Company……………………………………………………………………………..2
1.1.3 Java programming language…………………………………...…………………....3
1.2 Problem Statement…………………………………………………………..………….….3
1.3 Objectives………………………………………………………………………..….…..….3
1.4 Motivation………………………………………………………………………..….…..…3
1.5 Methodology.………..………………………………………………………….…..…..….4
1.6 Organisation………………………………………………………………………….…….5
3.1 Libraries/Frameworks used……………………………………………………………....11
3.2 Technical Requirements……………………………………………………………….....12
3.2.1 Hardware Configuration………………………………..……………………...12
3.2.2 Software Configuration………………………………….……………….…….13
3.3 Model Development……………………………………………………………..….…….14
3.3.1 Algorithm…………………………………………………………….……………15
3.3.2 Deployment…………………………………………………………….………….16
Chapter 04: Experiments and Results Analysis 18
4.1 API Requests………………………………………………………………………..…....18
4.2 Exception Handling...…………………………………………………………..……..….20
4.3 Swagger…………………………………………………………………………….…….21
4.4 Deployment on AWS…………………………………………………………………….29
4.5 Unit Testing………………………………………………………………………………30
Chapter 05: CONCLUSION 33
5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………..32
5.2 Future Scope……………………………………………………………………………...32
5.2 Applications Contributions……………………………………………………………….33
Figure No.
Page No.
Figure 1
Software Development Cycle
Figure 2
Zopsmart Logo
Figure 3
Spring Boot Application Methodology
Figure 4
IntelliJ Idea
Figure 5
PostgreSQL Logo
Figure 6
Docker Desktop
Figure 7
Get Request
Figure 8
Post Request
Figure 9
Patch Request
Figure 10
Exception Handling
Figure 11
Figure 12
Create Category (Post Request)
Figure 13
Output For Create Category
Figure 14
Edge Case (Category name is null for creating
Figure 15
Output Edge Case (Category name is null for
creating category)
Figure 16
Get All Categories (Get Request)
Figure 17
Create Product (Post Request)
Figure 18
Output Create Product (Post Request)
Figure 19
Edge Case Create Product (Product name is
Figure 20
Output Edge Case Create Product (Product
name is null)
Figure 21
Get All Products (Get Request)
Figure 22
Update Product (Patch Request)
Figure 23
Edge Case Update Product (Product id does
not exist)
Figure 24
Edge Case Update Product (Category id does
not exist)
Figure 25
Update Product (Patch Request)
Figure 26
Edge Case Get Product (Category id does not
Figure 27
AWS deployment
Figure 28
Test for Category Controller Class
Figure 29
Test for Product Controller Class
Figure 30
Test for Category Service Class
Figure 31
Test for Product Service Class
Figure 32
Test Coverage for Web Application
Table No.
Page No.
Table 1
Comparison of Related Works
Table 2
Hardware Configuration
Table 3
Software Configuration
The process of building a web application is very straightforward, but testing, structuring,
cleaning, and maintaining the code is difficult. To address this, we use a Three Layered
Architecture in Java(SpringBoot).
The three layers are controller, service and dao/repository which are all independent of each
other. The handler/controller layer sets the API endpoints and receives the request body and
then parses anything that is required from that request. It then calls the service layer where all
the logic of the program is defined, ensures that the response is in the required format and
writes it to the response writer. This layer further communicates with the datastore/dao layer.
It takes whatever it needs from the handler layer and then calls the datastore layer. The
datastore layer is where all the data is stored. It can be any data storage. The dao layer is the
only layer that communicates with the database. That is how we test each layer(unit testing
using Mockito and JUnit) independently making sure that no layer affects the other.
Also after this, the web application was deployed using an AWS EC2 instance.
1.1 Introduction
An internship is a professional learning opportunity that provides an opportunity for students
to excel and improve. Students can obtain new skills while exploring and furthering their
careers through internships. My current internship at Zopsmart is described in this document.
This internship report outlines the steps that helped me achieve a number of my stated
objectives. I was given the role of Software Development Engineer Intern for my internship.
During the first few months of the internship, we were required to master the Java
programming language. I was given a live project after completing this learning procedure.
1.1.1 Job Description
In the application of engineering the goal are the making, implementation, and technical
management of software is called software engineering. Software engineering was made to
point to the problems that come with software development. When software surpasses
timelines, budgets, and quality standards, issues occur. It makes certain that the software is
created consistently, accurately, on schedule, within budget, and in accordance with the
requirements. Software engineering has grown in importance in order to keep up with the
users' continually changing needs and the environment in which the programme is anticipated
to operate.
Fig 1: Software development cycle
Assisting with software design and development is the responsibility of the Software Engineer
Trainee. They work together with other members of the team to develop secure and reliable
software. Application development (code, programming), code debugging, and testing are the
activities and responsibilities of this role. New software programmes, as well as detecting and
addressing a variety of technical issues. Partnering with senior executives to identify issues
and propose solutions.
1.1.2 Company
Modern retail technology provider ZopSmart offers all the resources needed to launch an
online store. ZopSmart provides a set of tools that can help you get there quickly and
effectively whether you're a conventional store trying to develop an omnichannel business or
an online-only shop looking to grow an e-commerce business. E-commerce has been
increasingly popular over time. And it is clear that the market for online stores offers a variety
of possibilities. Let's say you're a shop looking to launch your own online business. ZopSmart
can help companies create a strong foundation for their online growth using the many
technologies at their disposal. Many suppliers can use the goods that ZopSmart offers to start
their own online retail businesses. Additionally, there are several ways to make the experience
better, such as installing a self-checkout system. According to the NRF 2020 consumer
survey, more than 83% of shoppers believe convenience is more essential now than it was five
years ago. Before we even understood what the phrase "coronavirus" meant, this survey was
done in October 2019. Since shutdowns and social isolation have become the norm,
convenience is no longer a "nice to have," but rather a "must have" quality. Online usage of
Covid-19 has increased, and according to recent NRF polls, demand will increase even after
the bulk of the population has received the vaccine.
Fig 2: Zopsmart Logo
1.1.3 Programming Language: Java
What is Java technology, and why do I need it?
Java is a computer platform for application development as well as an object-oriented,
class-based, and concurrent programming language, which implies that numerous statements
may be processed concurrently rather than sequentially. It is free to use and runs on all
Most programming languages need you to compile or interpret a programme before running it
on your computer. The Java programming language is unique in that it compiles and interprets
programmes. The compiler initially converts a programme into an intermediate language
known as Java bytecodes, which are platform-independent codes processed by the Java
platform's interpreter. On the computer, the interpreter parses and executes each Java bytecode
1.2 Problem Statement
To create a basic SpringBoot web application that implements CRUD operations on products
and categories based on the three-layered architecture. Programs at each layer have their own
unit test.
1.3 Objectives
The goal of the internship is to learn more about programming languages like Java and to
create testable, structured, clean and maintainable web applications by using industry best
practices. After the training, I was assigned to work on a real-world project i.e. Training and
Upskilling for the company. This internship provides students with hands-on experience in
order for them to gain a better understanding of the sector. The goal was to gain enough
knowledge to be able to work efficiently on the project that had been assigned to us.
1.4 Motivation
To apply industry best practices and create a fast, scalable and secure web application.
1.5 Methodology
Fig 3:Spring Boot Application Methodology
Layered Architecture
Layers are independent of each other and communicate with each other through an interface.
Basically, this helps us make our application modular, readable and maintainable.
This has 3 layers- the HTTP layer, the Service layer, and the Dao layer.
HTTP layer/controller: validates query/path parameters, request body, and header
Service layer: Implements business logic and communicates with the dao layer.
Dao layer: Implements database-level queries.
Each layer communicates with its previous/next layer using an interface(methods with input
parameters and output types are defined). Testing of each layer is done by mocking its
interface/DB/Server based on necessity.
1.6 Organisation
The remainder of the report is organised as follows: The literature survey on Java and other
documentation is summarised in Chapter 2. The methodology and system development is
described in Chapter 3. The experimental results and performance analysis based on the unit
testing are shown in Chapter 4. The paper's conclusion and future scope are provided in
Chapter 5.
Popular Java framework Spring Boot offers a streamlined, opinionated approach to
application development, making it easier to create web applications. We will examine the
current state of research on Spring Boot web applications and talk about the key discoveries
and contributions made in this field in this literature review.
Overview of Spring Boot Web Applications:
A web framework called Spring Boot, which is built on top of the Spring framework, aims to
make the development of web applications simpler. Spring Boot applications are simple to
build and require little configuration. The framework is well-liked by developers because it
offers a variety of features like auto-configuration, embedded web servers, and support for
different data sources.
1. Performance: Several studies have looked into how well Spring Boot web apps run.
Overall, the outcomes have been encouraging, with studies claiming that Spring Boot apps
perform on par with or even better than those built using alternative Java web frameworks.
The performance of Spring Boot, Play, and Vert. x frameworks, for instance, was examined in
a study by Xu et al. [1] and it was discovered that Spring Boot performed the best in terms of
throughput and reaction time..
2. Security: Numerous research has looked into the security of Spring Boot apps because
security is a crucial component of developing online applications. The studies have
concentrated on a number of security-related topics, including secure coding techniques,
authentication, and authorization. For instance, Baker et al.[2] examined the security flaws in
Spring Boot apps and discovered that many of them were susceptible to popular attacks like
SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
3. Development Process: Numerous research has also examined the creation of Spring Boot
web apps. The ability of Spring Boot to expedite and simplify the development process is one
of its main advantages. For instance, in research by Aris et al. [3], which created a backend
application for a public complaint system and analysed the effects of Spring Boot on the
development process, it was discovered that the time and effort needed to create web apps
was decreased. The study noted that Spring Boot simplified the implementation of a
microservices architecture.
4. Testing: Any online application's development process must include testing, and Spring
Boot has various capabilities that make testing simpler. With an emphasis on unit testing,
integration testing, and performance testing, several studies have examined the testing of
Spring Boot applications. For instance, Debnath et al. [4] study examined the usage of the
JUnit and Mockito frameworks for testing Spring Boot apps and discovered that they were
successful in locating and correcting errors.
Popular web framework Spring Boot offers a number of features that make and speed up the
creation of online applications. The performance, security, development process, and testing
of the framework have all been the focus of several studies. The research's generally
encouraging findings demonstrate Spring Boot's advantages for developing web applications.
Xu, L., Li,
M., Chen,
W., & Liu,
A Comparative
Study on
Performance of
Web Application
Frameworks for
Java. Journal of
The goal of the study
was to examine the
effectiveness of Spring
Boot, Play, and Vert. x,
three Java web
application frameworks.
The authors used a
benchmarking tool to
gauge each framework's
reaction time,
throughput, and memory
use. Vert. x had the best
throughput and fastest
reaction time, according
to the data, whereas
Spring Boot used the
least memory.
The study excluded
other well-known
frameworks like
JavaServer Faces
(JSF), Struts, and
JavaServer Pages
(JSP) and only
examined three web
frameworks: Spring
Boot, Play, and Vert.
x. The findings might
not thus be
transferable to other
The authors used a
particular hardware
and software setup to
test the frameworks.
Oras Baker
A Novel
Approach to
from OWASP
This is a guide on
utilising Spring
Framework and Spring
Security Framework to
develop security and
design in microservices
The study may
concentrate on
certain flaws or
attack patterns, which
might not be an
representation of all
possible dangers to
architectures. The
suggested method
might not be
appropriate in all
situations and might
only be relevant to
specific kinds of
ko, Dedy
Puji Jayanto,
Design and
Development of
Application for
Systems Using
Spring Boot
to create a web
application using the
architecture for a public
complaint service.
More functionalities
could be added to the
Debnath, S.,
Saha, R., &
Analysis of
JUnit and
Frameworks for
The study showed that
unit testing for Java
applications may be
made more successful
by combining JUnit with
Tests took longer to
execute thanks to
Mockito. The authors
countered that the
advantages of better
code coverage and
fewer test cases
exceeded the
drawbacks of longer
execution times.
Table 1: Comparison of Related Works
3.1 Libraries/Frameworks Used
Java-It was created in 1995 by Sun Microsystems, a company that is now an Oracle
Java is both a platform and a programming language. Programming with Java is high-level,
reliable, object-oriented, and secure.
SpringBoot-The Spring Framework serves as the foundation for the project known as Spring
Boot. It offers a quicker and simpler way to install, set up, and execute both straightforward
and web-based applications.
Postgres-A free and open-source relational database management system that emphasises
flexibility and SQL compliance is PostgreSQL, sometimes referred to as Postgres.
Unit Testing:
Mockito-An open source Java testing framework known as Mockito was made available
under the MIT Licence. For test-driven development or behaviour-driven development, the
framework supports the generation of test double objects in automated unit tests.
JUnit- The Java programming language has a framework for unit testing called JUnit.
Test-driven programming has benefited from JUnit.
Swagger-Users may create, document, test, and consume RESTful web services with the aid
of Swagger. It is applicable to both top-down and bottom-up API development
All the backend framework such as implementing HTTP request, sending a response to the
server, writing program logic etc is written in Java.
3.2 Technical Requirements
- IntelliJ An integrated development environment (IDE) for creating software written in Java,
Kotlin, Groovy, and other JVM-based languages is called IntelliJ IDEA. It is created by
JetBrains (formerly IntelliJ), and it comes in both a proprietary commercial edition and an
Apache 2 Licenced community edition. Both are applicable to the development of businesses.
Fig 4: IntelliJ Idea
- Swagger An open-source project called Swagger2 is used to provide the REST API
documentation for RESTful web services. It offers a user interface for web browser access to
our RESTful web services. You must include the following requirements in our build settings
file in order to make Swagger2 available in a Spring Boot application.
- Postgres An effective open-source object-relational database system is PostgreSQL. It has
been in active development for more than 15 years, and because of its tried-and-true design, it
enjoys a solid reputation for dependability, data integrity, and accuracy.A database system
with more than 30 years of ongoing development is PostgreSQL. Numerous data kinds, such
as numbers, texts, dates, timestamps, and binary objects are supported. Additionally,
user-defined functions and stored procedures are supported by PostgreSQL. With its
scalability, PostgreSQL is a widely-liked option for business applications as well as for online
applications. People frequently turn to PostgreSQL to handle challenging, large-scale data
processing. This is due to the fact that PostgreSQL handles unusual database conditions better
than MySQL when comparing the two databases. Compared to other database management
systems, PostgreSQL offers greater functionalities. Additionally, because PostgreSQL is
catalogue-driven in how it operates, it is extendable. In other words, it allows you to create
data types and index types in addition to storing information about tables and columns.
Fig 5:PostgreSQL Logo
-GitHub Version control facilitates the management and tracking of coding changes in
software projects. Version management is crucial when a software project expands.A
developer replicates a portion of the source code (also known as the repository) while
branching. The developer may then safely modify that section of the code without
jeopardising the project's overall success. The developer can then integrate that code back into
the primary source code to make it official after getting their particular portion of the code to
perform properly. Then, all of these modifications are monitored and, if necessary, may be
undone. Linus Torvalds developed the open-source version management system known as Git
in 2005.
Git is a distributed version control system, which implies that every developer's computer has
access to the whole codebase and history, making branching and merging simple. A for-profit
organisation called GitHub provides a service for hosting Git repositories on the cloud. In
essence, it makes it simpler for both individuals and teams to utilise Git for collaboration and
version control. Because of GitHub's user-friendly design, even newbie programmers may
benefit from Git. Without GitHub, utilising Git often necessitates a little more command-line
experience and technical know-how.
3.2.1 Hardware Configuration
Processor: Intel Core i5-10310U CPU
Hard Disk: 512 GB SSD
Monitor 13’
Table 2: Hardware Configuration
3.2.2 Software Configuration
Operating System Ubuntu
Language Java
Runtime Environment JRE
Table 3: Software Configuration
3.3 Model Development
The domain model for the application must be created and defined for a Spring Boot web
application. The entities and connections that make up the business logic of the application
are represented by the domain model.
The processes for creating the model for a Spring Boot web application are listed below:
1. Identify the entities: Find the entities that make up the business logic of the
application. The entities in an e-commerce platform, for instance, may include customers,
orders, items, etc.
2. Define the relationships: Define the connections between the entities when you've
recognised them. For instance, a consumer may place several orders and each purchase may
include numerous goods.
3. Create the entity classes: Make the corresponding Java entity classes based on the
recognisable entities and the connections between them. The fields, constructors, and methods
required to represent the entities should be included in these classes.
4. Define the repository interfaces: Define the repository interfaces that will be applied
to the entity class CRUD operations. These interfaces ought to build upon Spring Data JPA's
JpaRepository interface.
5. Implement the repository interfaces: Apply Spring Data JPA to the repository
interface implementation. As a result, you will be able to use straightforward method calls to
carry out CRUD actions on the entity classes.
6. Define the service interfaces: Establish the service interfaces that will be utilised to
implement the application's business logic. These interfaces should specify the procedures to
be followed when interacting with the repositories and carrying out the required tasks.
7. Implement the service interfaces: Utilise the entity classes and repository interfaces
to implement the service interfaces. You will then be able to implement the application's
business logic.
8. Define the controller classes: Create the controller classes that will manage incoming
HTTP requests, then call the relevant service methods to carry out the required tasks.
9. Implement the controller classes: Utilise the service interfaces to implement the
controller classes. By doing so, you'll be able to manage incoming HTTP requests and deliver
the necessary answers.
3.3.1 Algorithm
For Category API
1. Create a Category class and fill it with necessary parameters like id and name.
2. To perform CRUD operations on categories, create a CategoryRepository interface
that extends JpaRepositoryProduct, Long>.
3. Create a class called CategoryService to house all of the program's logic and allow it
to communicate with the CategoryRepository.
4. Create a class called CategoryController to manage incoming requests and pass them
on to CategoryService.
5. To retrieve all categories, define a method in the CategoryController.
6. In the ProductController, define a method for adding new categories.
7. Set up Spring Boot to utilise a suitable database, such as PostgreSQL.
8. Launch the application, then test the endpoints using a Postman or Swagger.
For Product API
1. Create a Product class using Hibernate and populate it with pertinent fields like id,
name, and category id that are mapped from the Category Table(Many to One).
2. To support CRUD operations on products, create a ProductRepository interface that
extends JpaRepository.
3. Create a class called ProductService to house all of the program's logic and allow it to
communicate with the ProductRepository.
4. Create a class called ProductController to manage incoming requests and give them
off to the ProductService.
5. To retrieve every product, define a method in the ProductController.
6. In the ProductController, define a method for adding new products.
7. Create a product update function in the ProductController.
8. Call the service routines using the necessary logic.
9. Set up Spring Boot to utilise a suitable database, such as PostgreSQL.
10. Launch the application, then test the endpoints using a Postman or
Swagger-compatible tool.
3.3.2 Deployment
An open platform for creating, distributing, and executing programmes is Docker. You may
divide your apps from your infrastructure with the help of Docker, allowing for rapid software
delivery. You can manage your infrastructure using Docker in the same manner that you
manage your apps. You may drastically shorten the time between developing code and
executing it in production by utilising Docker's methodology for shipping, testing, and
deploying code rapidly. The ability to bundle and operate a programme in a loosely separated
environment known as a container is provided by Docker. You may execute several containers
concurrently on a single host thanks to the isolation and security. You can execute
applications without depending on what is already installed on the host because containers are
small and come with everything you need to run them. Sharing containers while working is
simple, and you can make sure that everyone you share with receives the same container that
operates in the same way.
Fig 6: Docker Desktop
One typical method for executing and maintaining apps in a cloud environment is to deploy a
Docker container on an AWS EC2 instance. Here is a quick rundown of the phases in this
1. Create an AWS EC2 instance: For this, the proper EC2 instance type must be
chosen, the instance must be created and configured, and the security groups and key pairs
must be set up.
2. Install Docker on the EC2 instance: A technology called Docker makes it possible
to create, transport, and operate programmes inside containers. You may either download and
manually install Docker on the EC2 instance using the package management.
3. Build the Docker container image: A Dockerfile, or script containing instructions
for constructing the Docker image, must be made. The base image must be specified, the
application code must be added, and any relevant customizations must be set up.
4. Push the Docker image to a container registry: The Docker image has to be
uploaded to a container registry before you can deploy it to the EC2 instance. Popular
container registries include Docker Hub, Amazon ECR, and Google Container Registry.
5. Pull the Docker image on the EC2 instance: You may use the Docker CLI to pull
the Docker image onto the EC2 instance after it is made accessible in the container registry.
6. Run the Docker container: The "docker run" command may then be used to launch
the Docker container on the EC2 instance while supplying any required environment variables
and port mappings.
4.1 API Requests:
Since they are now an integral part of daily life, APIs are used in practically all of our online
activities. When a developer calls the server by adding an endpoint to a URL, an API request
is made.The points of contact where an API interacts with a different system are referred to as
API endpoints. An endpoint identifies the place from which an API may access the resources
it requires. A server must be contacted for information before an API may begin to function.
An endpoint is the channel of communication that APIs utilise to transmit a request and
describe the location of a specific resource. It is crucial in specifying the precise locations of
resources that may be accessed and in ensuring the smooth operation of any software that
interacts with it.
Different types of HTTP requests:
GET Request: Data from a server is retrieved using it. The server responds to a GET request
by returning the desired information in the response body.
Fig 7: Get Request
POST Request: In the request body of a POST request, the client delivers information that
the server can utilise to build or update resources.
Fig 8: POST Request
PUT Request: In the request body of a PUT request, the client delivers information that the
server can utilise to update the requested resource.
DELETE Request: A DELETE request instructs the server to remove the given resource
when it is made by a client.
PATCH Request: In a PATCH request, the client transmits data that the server can utilise to
change a portion of the requested resource. When only a few fields of a resource need to be
updated rather than the full resource, this is helpful.
Fig 9: Patch Request
4.2 Exception Handling:
Fig 10: Exception Handling
We have a great deal of freedom when it comes to managing exceptions thanks to the
@ExceptionHandler annotation. To begin with, all we have to do to utilise it is to annotate a
method with the @ExceptionHandler annotation, either in the controller itself or in a
@ControllerAdvice class:
4.3 Swagger
Fig 11: Swagger
Category API
Create a Category
Fig 12: Create Category (Post Request)
Fig 13: Output For Create Category
Edge Cases:
1. If the category name in the request body is empty or null.
Fig 14: Edge Case (Category name is null for creating category)
Fig 15: Output Edge Case (Category name is null for creating category)
Get All Categories
Fig 16: Get All Categories (Get Request)
Products API
Create a new product
Fig 17: Create Product (Post Request)
Fig 18: Output Create Product (Post Request)
Edge Cases:
1. If the product name in the request body is empty or null.
Fig 19: Edge Case Create Product (Product name is null)
Fig 20: Output Edge Case Create Product (Product name is null)
Get All Products
Fig 21: Get All Products (Get Request)
Update a Product
Fig 22: Update Product (Patch Request)
Edge Cases:
1. If the product id does not exist
Fig 23: Edge Case Update Product (Product id does not exist)
2. If category id does not exist
Fig 24: Edge Case Update Product (Category id does not exist)
Get Product By a Category Id
Fig 25: Update Product (Patch Request)
Edge Cases:
1. If no category Id exists
Fig 26: Edge Case Get Product (Category id does not exist)
4.4 Deployment on AWS
Fig 27: AWS deployment
4.5 Unit Testing using Mockito and Junit5
Test for Controller Class:
Fig 28: Test for Category Controller Class
Fig 29: Test for Product Controller Class
Tests for Services Class:
Category Service
Fig 30: Test for Category Service Class
Product Service
Fig 31: Test for Product Service Class
Test Coverage:
Fig 32: Test Coverage for web application
Testing is done using mockito and Junit 5 which increases the code coverage and is helpful in
unit testing.Also there exists two types of testing i.e. integration testing and unit testing.In this
project we focussed on unit testing only.
5.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, the three-layered Spring Boot web application is an effective and scalable
solution to create online applications. It is simpler to maintain and adjust distinct components
of the programme without impacting the others when the application is divided into display,
service, and persistence layers. User interface is handled by the controller layer, business logic
is handled by the service layer, and data storage is handled by the repository layer. This
enhances the application. Additionally, Spring Boot offers a variety of tools and features,
such as built-in support for several databases and web technologies, dependency injection,
and auto-configuration, to streamline the development process.
In conclusion three layered architectures have increased the effectiveness of the web
5.2 Future Scope
The project or web application is monolithic ,hence we can convert it into microservices
which has many advantages like:
1. Autonomous In a microservices architecture, each service component may be created,
deployed, run, and scaled independently of the functionality of other services.
2. Specialised: Each service is designed with a distinct set of skills and a focus on a certain
issue. The service may eventually become further divided into smaller services as it scales
over time. When a system is dealing with a spike in demand, it aids teams in determining the
size of infrastructure requirements, the worth of a product, and how to maintain dependability.
3. Easy Deployment: Continuous integration and delivery are made possible by
microservices, making it simple to test out new ideas or roll back if something goes wrong.
The cheap cost of failure promotes software updates, fosters development, and shortens the
time it takes to sell new features.
In monolithic application ensure these practices:
Integration: Using messaging and APIs, a monolithic programme may be connected to
various platforms and services. Integration is more crucial than ever because of the emergence
of APIs and microservices.
Maintenance: Maintenance becomes difficult when the size of monolithic application
increases. For best results enable practices such as clean code, testing, and continuous
integration and delivery.
5.3 Applications Contributions
1. E-commerce: E-commerce websites are required to be highly scalable, and strong
security is suitable for Spring Boot web applications. Also, it requires managing high traffic
on the site, carrying out safe transactions, and delivering a flawless user experience.
2. Healthcare: Patient portals, telemedicine platforms, and electronic health records
(EHR) systems may all be created in the healthcare industry using Spring Boot web apps. The
standard of hospitals and healthcare is increased, real-time services between doctors and
patients, and secure retain patient data.
3. Finance: Banking and financial applications including online banking systems,
mobile banking apps, and investment management can be done with the help of Spring Boot
web applications in the financial sector. The application can safely manage transactions and
offer real-time data analysis services.
4. Logistics: Supply chain management systems, transportation management systems,
and warehouse management systems may all be built using Spring Boot web applications.
These systems can efficiently manage inventories, plan routes and delivery schedules, and
enable real-time tracking of shipments.
5. Social networking: Social networking systems for social media, online communities,
and collaboration may be created with Spring Boot web applications.
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