Public-Private Partnerships
(P3s) for Housing
Solicitation for Development
Partner Qualications Rocky Mount, NC | Fall 2019
Table of Contents
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
About This Solicitation ........................................ 03
Site Overview ................................................ 04
DFI’s Role .................................................... 05
Aordable Housing Market Overview ........................... 06
Development Plan ............................................ 07
Submission of Qualications .................................. 08
Evaluation Criteria ........................................... 10
Submission Process And Timeline .............................. 11
Additional Information ....................................... 12
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
About This Solicitation
Source: Carl Lewis (Public Domain)
MOU signed
Nov 2019
Dec 2019
Jan 2020
Q3 2020
Preliminary LIHTC application
submitted to NCHFA
Developer Agreement signed
Q1 2021
Development partner selected
This document is an invitation for experienced private and non-prof-
it development teams to present qualications that demonstrate
their ability to undertake the development of aordable housing on
City-owned land in the City of Rocky Mount in Edgecombe County,
North Carolina. Qualied developers will demonstrate experience
with the use of 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and
Multifamily Revenue Bonds (Tax-Exempt Bonds), as well as federal
sources such as Community Development Block Grants (CDBG).
The selected developer will execute an agreement with the City of
Rocky Mount for the conveyance of a City-owned parcel for the de-
velopment of a minimum of 60 units to serve households earning
at or below 60% AMI. The project must prioritize households
displaced by Hurricane Matthew.
Source: GoogleMaps
Aerial view of Tarboro Street Site
Downtown Rocky Mount
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
The 1.3-acre site at 218-242 Tarboro Street is ideally located
in a Qualied Census Tract in eastern downtown Rocky Mount
in Edgecombe County. It is within a mile of essential amenities
such as a grocery store, pharmacy and shopping. Across from
Edgecombe Community College near the heart of downtown, the
site is also within walking distance of a medical center, community
center and library. Two Tar River Transit bus routes have xed
stops within a block and stops for all other bus routes, Greyhound
and Amtrak are located within a half-mile of the site.
The site is currently zoned B-4 Central Business District and is
included in the Central City Area’s exemption from minimum
parking requirements. The site is outside both the 100- and
500-year ood plains.
Site Overview
Until 2005, the site operated as a dry-cleaning facility and then
as a laundry business until 2012. As part of North Carolina’s
Dry-Cleaning Solvent Act, soil remediation activities were carried
out from April to June 2016. In February 2018, AECOM, a multi-
national engineering rm, installed a vapor intrusion monitoring
system to further evaluate any aected groundwater, and deter-
mined that environmental contamination was below risk thresh-
olds for both residential and non-residential use. In December
2018, a representative from the Dry-cleaning Solvent Cleanup
(DSCA) program at the NC Department of Environmental Quality
conrmed that the site can be used for residential development
if conditions continue to be met. A summary detailing the above
environmental activities and Phase I Environmental Site Assess-
ment conducted in June 2019 are available upon request.
Amenities in proximity to project site
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
DFI’s Role
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Gov-
ernment established the Development Finance Initiative (DFI) in
2011 to assist North Carolina communities with achieving their
community economic development goals. Working with local
governments and their partners, DFI provides specialized nance
and real estate development expertise to attract private invest-
ment into transformative projects.
In November 2017, North Carolina Emergency Management
(NCEM) engaged DFI to assist with attracting private invest-
ment for the development of aordable housing for low- and/
or moderate-income households in hurricane-impacted commu-
nities. The eort, known as Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) for
Housing, is now aligned with the NC Oce of Recovery and Re-
siliency (NCORR). The program was designed to identify suitable
sites for aordable housing development in Edgecombe County,
analyze market, site and nancial conditions, engage local stake-
holders and solicit private development partners to execute on
the local and State vision for housing development.
DFI will assist developers with understanding and responding to
the City’s requirements for the site’s development. The develop-
ment partner selected for the Tarboro Street development will
be expected to nance the project with 4% LIHTC and tax-exempt
bonds. DFI will also be available to help the selected developer
pursue gap nancing that may include Community Development
Block Grants for Disaster Relief (CDBG-DR).
Source: (top and bottom): Wikimedia Commons
The Imperial Centre for Arts & Sciences
Rocky Mount Mills
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
Aordable Housing Market Overview
The City of Rocky Mount and Edgecombe County face an aord-
able housing crisis. Approximately 2,200 low-income households
living in rental units in Edgecombe County are severely cost-bur-
dened, 41% of these are one-person households (Source: HUD
CHAS). The lack of aordable rental housing has been magnied
by signicant ood and hurricane events which have further
depleted the availability of housing stock. Following Hurricane
Matthew in October 2016, over 1,300 rental households applied
for assistance through FEMA (Source: FEMA Housing Assistance
A limited supply of quality and naturally occurring aordable
housing will drive demand for additional aordable rental units
over the next ve years. The County has about 530 active low-in-
come housing tax credit (LIHTC) units with vacancy rates of 3%
or less. In addition to LIHTC, the County has 440 units of public
housing, and 400 units with Section 8 project-based vouchers
(Source: National Housing Preservation Database).
However, these units may be at risk of physical deterioration.
In March 2019, 88% of public housing units located in the City
and built in 1954 received physical inspection scores of 72 out
of a possible 100 points, suggesting a need for new, high-quality
units. Approximately 20% of subsidized units are located within
the 100-year oodplain, placing them at risk for ooding (Source:
HUD Real Estate Assessment Center).
Edgecombe County’s Area Median Income is $54,700. The Fair
Market Rent for a one-bedroom apartment is $555 per month,
and $721 for a two-bedroom apartment (Source: HUD). Current
median rents are $659 per month (Source: 2017 ACS 5-Year).
Source: HUD Comprehensive Housing Aordability Strategy (CHAS) 2012-2016
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
Development Plan
DFI worked with Dekker/Perich/Sabatini Architects and the City of Rocky Mount to identify a conceptual plan appropriate for the site. The
plan attempts to contribute to the vibrant downtown setting and maximizes the potential density within the physical constraints of the site
and the regulatory requirements imposed by North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA)’s Qualied Allocation Plan.
The selected development partner will be expected
to rene its own site plans; however, these conceptu-
al plans should serve as a framework for the type and
scale of development desired by the local government
DFI tested the feasibility of a conceptual plan with 60
family units aordable to households earning at or
below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). The plan
includes a mix of 30 studios, 24 one-bedrooms, and 6
two-bedrooms with 66 parking spaces to accommodate
the development on the 1.3 acre site. NCHFA parking
standards are 1.75 spaces per unit, so the selected de-
velopment partner must seek NCHFA approval to reduce
the standards prior to the preliminary application for
tax credits.
Preliminary cost estimates of the tested concept are
available upon request. The project is expected to
utilize 4% LIHTC and tax-exempt bonds. It is anticipated
that additional gap nancing will be required. Federal
funding sources may be available to address the gap. For that reason, respondents will be evaluated in part on their experience utilizing
federal nancing sources such as CDBG, CDBG-DR, and HOME, among other federal sources.
The City of Rocky Mount has committed to conveying or leasing the property at no cost to the development, subject to aordability covenants
or restrictions. The selected developer will enter into an option agreement with the City upon execution of a Memorandum of Understand-
ing (MOU). An example of an option agreement for the land is available upon request.
Conceptual plan for Tarboro Street Site
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
Submission of Qualications
a. Include a summary of the respondent’s qualications, experience, current capacity and commitment to commence and complete
the project within the proposed timeframe, and reasons for interest in this opportunity. The letter must be signed by a principal or
authorized ocer of the entity.
a. Identication of partner rms and roles, including co-developers, architects/designers, and potential general contractor or subcon-
tractors and management rm.
b. Overview of each rm on the team, including brief history of rm, licensure, past experience working with the developer, and rela-
tionship of the rm’s parent company with the oce responsible for this project, if applicable.
c. Documentation of partner rm’s eligibility for LIHTC awards in North Carolina and identication of management team with at least
one LIHTC project in current portfolio. Include proof of valid NC real estate license and registration with NC Secretary of State.
d. Identication and resumes of lead sta (principals and project managers) who will be responsible for negotiating a development
agreement and completing the remainder of the preconstruction approval process.
a. List of three current and/or completed projects (preferably in the last ve years) relevant to proposed plans. Specically include
projects demonstrating experience with 4% LIHTC and environmentally sensitive sites. Include the following information:
Location and name of project (preference for projects in North Carolina)
Development team members, including architects/designers and general contractors
Scope and scale of development program
Photos/illustrations of completed project
Total development budget by use
Capital stack, indicating governmental sources
Financing partners
Name and address of management company
Project development timeline
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
b. Two most recent examples, if any, of the development team’s experience using federal sources such as CDBG, HOME or NSP funds
(may be one or more of the projects listed in section 3(a).
• Include all information requested above in section 3(a)
c. Name, organization, title and contact information for three local government or other public agency ocials or sta that have
engaged with your team on one or more of the projects listed above.
a. Indicate whether proposed timeline under “Estimated Development Timeline” is feasible. If not, include proposed timing here.
a. Disclosure of any potential conicts of interest that could be relevant to this project in any manner.
b. Disclosure of any projects/nancing on which the team or any of its members has defaulted.
c. Disclosure of whether the developer or any ocer, director, or owner thereof has had judgments entered against it, him or her within
the past 10 years for the breach of contracts for governmental or nongovernmental construction or development.
d. Disclosure of whether the developer has been in substantial noncompliance with the terms and conditions of prior construction
contracts with a public body.
e. Disclosure of whether any ocer, director, owner, project manager, procurement manager, or chief nancial ocial thereof has
been convicted within the past 10 years of a crime related to nancial fraud or to governmental or nongovernmental construction or
f. Disclosure of whether any ocer, director, or owner is currently debarred from bidding or contracting, pursuant to an established
debarment procedure, by any public body, agency of any state, or agency of the federal government.
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
Evaluation Criteria
Once DFI and City sta have reviewed all respondents’ qualications, sta will recommend a development partner to City Council. While
an endorsement by Council will not be a nal approval, it will trigger an exclusive period of negotiation between the City and their selected
partner for a development services agreement for the development of aordable housing on City-owned land.
A development partner will be selected to enter into negotiations with the City based on the following criteria:
Qualications and experience of the development team, in particular with the following: 4% LIHTC and tax-exempt bond nancing with
proof of development partner’s eligibility for LIHTC awards in North Carolina.
Federal funding sources, such as HOME or CDBG multi-family development
Demonstrated ability to secure complicated funding to execute a project of similar scale and complexity in a reasonable timeframe.
References from previous local government partners, if any.
Ability to meet or exceed estimated timeline.
City ocials may request interviews (by phone or in person) with respondents prior to the selection of a preferred partner.
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
Submission Process & Timeline
Development Partner responses are due at 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, November 22. Responses should be submitted electronically in PDF
format to Sarah Odio at [email protected] and Rory Dowling at [email protected].
Responses must be prepared in conformance with the guidelines described under “Submission of Qualications.” The e-mail subject must
be “Development Partner Qualications: Rocky Mount.” Responses received after the deadline will not be considered.
All responses are subject to public disclosure under the North Carolina Public Records Law. DFI recognizes that respondents must submit
nancial information that it may deem condential and proprietary to comply with the requirements of this solicitation. To the extent
permissible by law, DFI agrees to keep condential any condential proprietary information included in a response, provided that (1) the
respondent identies the condential proprietary portions of the response, (2) the respondent identies as condential and proprietary
only those portions of the submittal that are condential and proprietary, and (3) the respondent states why protection is necessary. Re-
spondents shall not designate their entire response as condential and proprietary, nor shall they so designate information that is already
Any information that the respondent would like to remain condential should be e-mailed under separate cover to [email protected]. The
e-mail subject must be “PROTECTED: Development Partner Qualications: Rocky Mount.”
Please direct any questions regarding the solicitation to Sarah Odio at [email protected].
P3s for Housing - Rocky Mount Fall 2019
Additional Information
All facts and opinions stated in this solicitation are based on available
information and are believed to be accurate. Nevertheless, neither the
City of Rocky Mount nor the UNC School of Government, nor any of their
ocers, agents, or employees, shall be responsible for the accuracy of
any information provided to any respondent as part of this solicitation
or vetting process. All respondents are encouraged to independently
verify the accuracy of any information provided. The use of any of this
information in the preparation of a response to this request is at the
sole risk of the respondent.
Those submitting responses to the Solicitation for Development Partners
assume all nancial costs and risks associated with the submission. No
reimbursement or remuneration will be made by the City, NCORR, or
UNC to cover the costs of any submittal, whether or not such submittal
is selected or utilized.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all submittals, or to waive ir-
regularities or informalities in any submittal, in its sole and absolute dis-
cretion and accepts no responsibility for any nancial loss by such action.
Furthermore, although programs of nancing have been developed by
NCORR and NCHFA for projects similar to the one envisioned by this
solicitation, there is no guarantee that this project will be approved for
such funding. Respondents assume all risks and costs associated with
the application process for such funding and for the possibility of being
rejected by one or more programs of nancing. DFI’s predevelopment
analysis and coordination with the City have been conducted in order
to reduce the risk as much as possible, but the nancing risk cannot be
Any agreements that may be entered into between the developer(s) and
the City, including but not limited to a Development Services Agreement,
are subject to all statutory and legal requirements and ultimate approval
by the City Council in its sole and absolute discretion and nothing herein
is to be construed as binding on the City. In modeling this project, it was
assumed that the City will convey the property to a private developer
pursuant to its authority to convey property for aordable housing
under Chapter 157 and section 160A-456 of North Carolina General
Statutes, among other statutory authority.
The City makes no express or implied warranty as to matters of title,
zoning, tax consequences, physical or environmental conditions,
valuation, nancial conditions or economic matters, accuracy of the any
materials or reports provided, governmental approvals, governmen-
tal regulations, or any other matter or thing relating to or aecting the
properties described herein or any proposed transaction or agreement
contemplated herein.
DFI does not act as a broker or agent of the City, and no representation
made by DFI during the solicitation and vetting process shall be binding
on the City. Notwithstanding any provision herein, this solicitation shall
not constitute an oer to contract on the part of the City and shall not
be construed to impose any legal obligations on the City.
This solicitation does not create any obligation or relationship such as a
partnership, joint venture or other similar legal relationship between the
City and any potential party. Any references to “partner,” “partners” or
other similar terms will not be deemed to create a legal relationship or
otherwise alter, amend or change the relationship between any parties
in the absence of a formal written agreement specically detailing the
rights, liabilities and obligations of the parties as to a new, specically
dened legal relationship.