Mount Edgecombe Country Club Estate 1
Accreditation to Warren Horsley with editing by Estate 1
These Landscape and Environmental Guidelines regarding Landscape Installations, Garden
Maintenance, Building alterations effecting gardens and the Sale of Properties on Mount Edgecombe
Country Club Estate (MECCEMA) are designed to assist the Homeowner understand the various
requirements needing to be met in order for the Estate to maintain its excellent standards, as well as
ensure that all service providers working for our Homeowners in a private capacity provide service
consistent with this good reputation the Estate has earned for its property upkeep and pleasing
aesthetical appearance.
Private gardening is encouraged and all efforts to beautify the Estate are supported. The installation
of first time/ initial / new gardens / major or minor garden revamps shall comply with these
procedures, guidelines and rules as laid down herein by MECCEMA.
Please Note: Landscape revamp work relating to building alterations needs to have the proposed
plans submitted to MECCEMA at the same time as the building alteration plans.
A.1 Major Garden Revamps / Changes
Definition of Major garden revamps / changes:
This refers to where entire gardens are changed or where 50% or more of the total garden area of
the property is changed.
Water-Wise Design requirements:
All garden designs are to be as water-wise as possible. Designs using plant material which require
large amounts of irrigation water may not be accepted. Plant selection used in landscape designs
should be drought-hardy in order to conserve water as far as possible on the Estate.
A.1.1 Indigenous and Exotic Plant ratio:
MECCEMA strongly supports the planting of indigenous plant material for a number of
environmental reasons. The suggested ratio is 70% indigenous to 30% exotic (70/30). However,
existing gardens consisting mainly of exotic plant material are acceptable with the proviso that any
new plantings should follow the suggested ratio above.
A.1.2 Alien Invasive Weed Species:
No categorised 1, 2 or 3 alien invasive plant material will be allowed to be planted anywhere on the
A.1.3 Landscape Plan Drawing:
A Landscaper or designer must submit proposed garden design layouts at the same time as the
architectural plan submissions for approval prior to the commencement of any garden installation.
Should garden revamp not relate to building alterations then the plan is to be submitted to
MECCEMA prior to any work commencing.
A.1.4 Submission of Landscape Plans:
Plans are to be neatly presented, easily readable and must comply with the following:
Be on an architect’s plan; state the Lot no. (and unit no. if applicable), Name
of the lot owner; physical address of the property and show adjacent lots/
roads/ golf course and storm water run-off control and/or berms.
North directional to be shown on the plan, as well as a Scale
A standard Bill of Quantities must be used: indicating plant quantities,
botanical & common names of plants, bag sizes, plants/m2, etc.
The Landscaper’s details (company name, plan drawer’s name, telephone
contact numbers, fax numbers, email address, etc.) must appear on the plan
together with the date drawn and an estimated date of implementation.
Block for MECCEMA’s authorization signature
Plan approvals need to be received in writing from the MECCEMA before any landscape work begins,
failing which the work will be stopped immediately until the required procedure is followed.
A.1.5 Landscape Plan Changes / Deviations:
The installation of the landscape plan may not deviate from the original plan without MECCEMA
being notified of any such deviation (in writing) beforehand. If there are major plan changes (more
than 50% of the design being changed), a revised plan must be submitted to MECCEMA. Any minor
changes to the design or plant material will need to be sent through in writing to MECCEMA. Only
once written approval is received, can any plan or plant material changes be made. Should any
deviations from plan be noted in the handover inspection, the Landscape contractor may then be
instructed to remove or correct such deviation at their own expense and may also be liable to a
A.1.6 Design Implementation:
The time limit for the completion of gardens, once building / alteration is completed on a property,
is no longer than 3 months.
A.1.7 Installation Hand-over Inspection:
When the landscaping project is complete, MECCEMA is to be contacted for a site hand-over
whereby the installation will be checked according to the approved plan, for conformity and
workmanship purposes.
A.1.8 Quality of Workmanship:
Landscape installers implementing landscapes or rehabilitations that do not meet up to MECCEMA
good standards of workmanship as laid out in these guidelines will be instructed by MECCEMA to
rectify such work within a reasonable given time period, not exceeding 2 months. Failure to do so
may result in the contractor receiving a contravention and, should the work still not be corrected
within the required 2 month’s period, such work may be tasked to be completed / redone by an
approved / accredited contractor of MECCEMA’s choice: any costs incurred for this will be for the
landscape contractor’s expense.
A.1.9 Post-installation Maintenance:
The landscaper installing a new garden or a major garden revamp is responsible for the maintenance
of the garden for a period of 6 months after the job is complete and the hand-over carried out,
unless otherwise agreed upon with the resident, in writing and submitted to MECCEMA for the
record. After the 6 month’s post-installation maintenance the Estate gardens contractor take over
the responsibility for normal maintenance of the landscape.
A.2 Minor Garden Revamps / Changes
Definition of Minor garden revamps / changes:
This refers to where smaller areas in gardens arechanged: where less than 50% of the total garden
area of the property is changed.
Note: Areas that are of 20m2 or less do not require any form of plan to be submitted but a list of
the proposed plant material (with plant quantities for the area) must be submitted to MECCEMA for
approval prior to planting.
Water-Wise Designs:
All garden designs are to be as water-wise as possible. Designs using plant material that require large
amounts of irrigation water may not be accepted. Plant selection used in landscape designs should
be drought-hardy in order to conserve water as far as possible on the Estate.
A.2.1 Indigenous-to-Exotic Plant material ratio:
The suggested 70/30 ratio as per the ratio requirements in new / major installations (Item 1.1
A.2.2 Sketch Plan Drawings:
For areas larger than 20m2 a sketch plan drawn by a Landscaper, designer or resident must be
submitted to MECCEMA for approval prior to the commencement of any work.
Sketch plans are to be neatly presented, easily readable and comply with the same requirements as
for major revamp plans (as in Item 1.3 above although they do not need to be on an architects plan.
A.3 Landscaper Installers and Designers
A.3.1 Accreditation of Landscape Installers:
All landscapers working on MECCEMA are required to be active members of SALI (South African
Landscape Institute).
A.4 Soil Preparation for Landscape Work
A.4.1 Soil Compaction:
Any areas of compacted soil are to be suitably broken up
A.4.2 Composting:
Good quality compost to be applied at a minimum of 50dm³ per 5m² of soil area.
A.4.3 Fertilizer:
Good quality fertilizer (organic or inorganic) is to be applied to the soil at a minimum rate of 60g per
m² (organic) and 30g per m² (inorganic) .
A.4.4 Soil ameliorants / mulching:
Due to the nature of the soils on the Estate and in effort to conserve water use as much as possible,
soil ameliorants designed to reduce watering requirements for newly planted material are to be
used in the soil preparation, as well as the generous application of suitable mulching material over
planted areas.
A.5 Plant Material Quality & Selection
A.5.1 Plant material supplied for landscaping work is to be of good quality: healthy, weed -free, as
well as pest and disease free.
A.5.2 The planting of any plant species that is on the list of protected species will mean that this
plant will not be permitted to be removed in the future without written authorisation from
the relative government environmental authorities.
A.6 Plant spacing: Groundcovers & Shrubs
A.6.1 Plug spacing: a maximum spacing of 20cm between plugs (36 plugs per m²).
A.6.2 Small bag size maximum spacing: 1L (25 plants per m²), 2L & 3L (16 plants per m²)
A.6.3 Medium bag size maximum spacing: 5L (8 plants per m²), 10L (3 plants per m²)
A.6.4 Larger bag size maximum spacing: 20L (1 per m²)
A.7 Plant spacing: Trees
Tree spacing will be dependent on the species and size it will eventually grow to. No trees
are to be planted over storm water or sewage pipes, near electrical boxes, street lights or in
positions that will cause damage to buildings, structures or road surfaces in the future.
A.8 Plant material not permitted to be planted on the Estate:
A.8.1 Groundcover: Any categorised alien invasive plant species
A.8.2 Shrubs: Any categorised alien invasive plant species
A.8.3 Trees: Any categorised alien invasive plant species.
Please note: As the plant list may change from time to time, please refer to the Estate
Website for updated lists.
A.9 Other Materials / Items not permitted to be used in landscape designs or in gardens:
A.9.1 No painted or unpainted garden statues, such as garden gnomes and other style of
ornaments, or painted boulders / rocks are permitted to be used/installed on the verge or
front side of properties (i.e. that which is in view from the roadside).
A.9.2 The use of white river pebbles in garden designs on the verge or in view from the road is
not permitted.
A.9.3 Bollards or rocks are not permitted to be installed on verges in attempt to stop vehicles
parking on them.
A.10 Lawn Planting
A.10.1 Instant Lawn Installers:
Instant lawn planting installations or rehabilitations that do not meet MECCEMA good quality
standards of workmanship, and that have not been rectified by the installer despite instruction from
the MECCEMA to do so, will be subject to contravention and possibly the work being re-done by an
approved contractor of MECCEMA’s choice at the contractor’s expense.
A.10.2 Verge reinstatements:
Verges that need to be rehabilitated / reinstated after, for example, damage by construction activity
taking place on / in the resident’s property, are to be done so at the resident’s cost. All verge
rehabilitation / reinstatement is to be carried out to good standards accepted by MECCEMA.
A.10.3 Instant Lawn Planting:
Below are minimum guidelines required by MECCEMA for the planting of lawn, designed to ensure
that Homeowners get the same preparation & planting methods provided by whichever approved
contractor they may chose to use. The contractor being used to carry out the work is to ensure that
at least the below methods are allowed for in the quote provided to the Homeowner.
All areas to be planted with instant lawn are to be prepared as follows:
Any compacted soil areas should be suitably broken up and any stones,
rubble, etc. removed.
Good quality, as-weed-free compost as possible to be applied at a minimum
of 50dm3 per 5m2 of soil area.
Good quality fertilizer (organic or inorganic) is to be applied to the soil at a
minimum rate of 30g (inorganic) and 60g (organic) per m2. A 2:3:2 or 2:3:4
fertilizer is suggested.
The soil area is to be suitably levelled and rolled prior to instant lawn
The instant lawn is to be of good quality, with a well-knitted root/soil base
to it.
The newly planted lawn is to immediately be watered and rolled once
planting is complete. This new lawn is to be suitably watered thereafter so
that it establishes itself quickly.
If lawn is planted on a verge, a suitable, neat temporary form of barrier,
such as neatly installed wooden pegs with barrier tape can be put up for a
maximum period of 2-3 weeks after planting so as to prevent vehicles
damaging the new lawn area.
A.10.4 Grass sprigging:
Should certain areas be permitted by MECCEMA to be sprig-planted the following will apply:
Any compacted soil areas should be suitably broken up and any stones,
rubble, etc. removed
Good quality compost to be applied at a minimum of 50dm3 per 5m2 of soil
Good quality fertilizer (organic or inorganic) is to be applied to the soil at a
minimum rate of 30g (inorganic) and 60g (organic) per m2.
The soil area is raked to a good level before planting
Good, healthy runners (sprigs) are used: strips cut from instant lawn pieces
(not loose sprigs pulled from another lawn area).
A maximum of a 30cm gap between sprig rows
The sprigged area to be rolled level immediately after planting.
A.10.5 Watering of new lawns/ sprigged areas:
All newly planted lawns or areas that have been sprigged are to be watered at least 3 times-a-week
for the first 3 - 4 weeks, to ensure that the lawn suitably establishes itself and does not die. It is the
resident’s responsibility to ensure that the grass receive the correct amount of watering if
arrangements have not been made for the planting contractor to do so. Watering frequency will
depend on weather patterns at the time of planting and consideration for wise and conservative
water use should always be foremost in mind. Homeowners are to take in to account periods where
local or national government has placed water restrictions over the region/country, and thus abide
by ay such restrictions put in place.
A.10.6 Lawn types not permitted:
The following grass types are not permitted to be planted or only limited planting will be allowed:
Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) : not permitted to be planted
Kearsney or Carpet Grass (Axonopus compressus) : not permitted to be
planted anywhere
Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) not permitted to be planted in
areas immediately bordering an EPA (Environmentally Protected Area)
Any lawn on the categorised invasive plant species list (updated lists are
available on the Estate Website or from the L&E Department).
A.11 Planting by residents on Estate verges:
Should a Homeowner wish to carry out landscaping on an Estate verge, it must be understood that
the 3m wide verge remains the property of MECCEMA and there may be times where MECCEMA or
the local authority need to carry out work on them, such as installing or repairing services. The
Homeowner understands that they plant up the area at their own risk. Should a Homeowner still
wish to do so then written permission from MECCEMA will be needed as well as the plant material
approved prior to any such planting taking place. A sketch plan may need to be submitted to
A.11.1 Once a Homeowner carries out landscaping to any verge they are to maintain it to a good
standard thereafter. Should the property be sold, this maintenance must be accepted by the
new owner/s of the property.
A.11.2 Any maintenance of an irrigation system installed by a Homeowner on an Estate verge is the
responsibility of the Homeowner to repair and maintain. Should a municipal contractor be required
to carry out any digging or such work on a verge and damages any plant material or irrigation system
installed by the Homeowner in the process, it will be the responsibility of the Homeowner to repair.
A.11.3 No tree is permitted to be planted on an Estate verge without written authorisation from
MECCEMA. MECCEMA reserves the right to determine the type of tree allowed to be used in such
A.11.4 Any tree/s planted by a resident on an Estate verge will need to be maintained by the
resident. Such maintenance will include: pruning any branches away from pedestrian walk ways,
lifting of canopies so as to ensure the verge grass has sufficient light to grow well underneath,
and/or pruning of any branches growing out into the road and/or obstructing or touching any
vehicles travelling thereon. Any damage to an Estate road caused by tree roots growing from a tree
planted by a Homeowner will be the responsibility for the Homeowner to repair at their own
A.12 Retaining Walls:
All retaining walls within a property are to be planted to a suitable groundcover. Plant coverage of
the retainer walls should be a minimum of 80% of the total wall area.
The Estate is laid out to a properly planned and horticulturally designed theme.
All common area gardens at open spaces, around gate houses, islands in the roadways, sidewalks,
water features and at community facilities, are maintained by the gardening contractor at a cost
which is included in the common levy.
Basic maintenance of residential gardens is carried out, throughout the Estate, by a contractor
appointed by MECCEMA. The costs are administered by the Association and charged, at a rate
based on area serviced, via the levy accounts to each owner. Maintenance by the Association’s
contractor is obligatory. When existing gardens are completely revamped/reinstalled an initial
growing-in period of six months is required to be maintained by the owner after which the
maintenance service by the Association’s contractor becomes obligatory.
The level of maintenance to residential gardens as carried out under the Association’s
jurisdiction is of a basic general nature only. Specific details are listed below.
Residents requiring additional services are at liberty to negotiate and to deal directly with one of the
approved landscapers for any once-off or ongoing extras required.
The following service will be delivered by the Contractor in the residential gardens: -
Lawn mown weekly in summer and fortnightly in winter with rotary mowers.
Cutting of edges every 2 weeks with edge cutter.
Aerating beds every 2 weeks.
Paths, roadways and parking areas kept free of organic and inorganic litter by sweeping after
Chemical weed control in lawns, paved areas and driveways.
Weed control in beds on a manual basis weekly.
Plants to be split/replanted to improve coverage.
Shrubs to be pruned once a year in Spring to remove dead wood and shape them.
Shrubs trimmed as per horticultural needs.
Flower beds to be kept free of leaves or as requested by owner.
Fertilizing in January, April and September.
Limited control of common garden pests excluding termites
Refuse collection on the day the garden is serviced.
Watering in sectional titles only.
Extra services that can be obtained at additional costs.
Specialized mowing.
Hand weeding of lawns, paved areas, pebble areas and driveways.
Extensive pruning- Pruning of topiaries, harsh seasonal pruning or cutting back of shrubs and
tree pruning.
Collection of refuse on any other day than the service day.
Lawn mown weekly in summer and fortnightly in winter with rotary mowers.
Cutting of edges every 2 weeks with edge cutter.
Aerating beds every 2 weeks.
Paths, roadways and parking areas kept free of organic and inorganic litter by sweeping after
Chemical weed control in lawns, paved areas and driveways.
Weed control in beds on a manual basis weekly.
Plants to be split/replanted to improve coverage.
Shrubs to be pruned once a year in Spring to remove dead wood and shape them.
Shrubs trimmed as per horticultural needs.
Flower beds to be kept free of leaves or as requested by owner.
Fertilizing in January, April and September
Limited control of common garden pests excluding termites
Remove palm leaves and flowers stalks before fruit forms.
Watering when necessary.
Herbaceous plants will be removed, split and replanted when necessary.
Signage and street names kept clean and clear.
Each residential garden area to which the SM rate is applied shall be calculated as the Erf size less
the footprint of the dwelling and less the pool area (excludes pool paving).
Problems or complaints regarding the gardening maintenance service should be directed to the
gardening contractor’s offices by fax or phone call. Should there be no, or unsuitable response, the
complaint should be submitted to the Associations’ Office.
It should be noted that trees and shrubs etc., may not be cut down or removed without
permission from the Association. (Such permission will not be granted lightly)
B.1 Garden Standards
Garden standards will generally be assessed on the following criteria:
B.1.1. Weeding and edging of flowerbeds:
Flowerbeds are to be kept clean, neat and regularly edged. No more than 30% weed growth should
be present in flowerbeds of the garden at any given time and should there be weeds present, they
should be more than 3 weeks’ old growth. Flowerbeds bordering the golf course to be kept weeded
at all times and not allowed to become unruly and untidy.
B.1.2 Mowing of lawns:
Lawns are not allowed to grow excessively long. Any height that is double the regular / required
mowing height of the particular grass type found in the garden is considered being too long.
Generally, all lawns are to be mowed once-a-week in the growing season/months and every second
week in the cooler season/months.
B.1.3 Quality of Lawns:
Weeds in lawns should be kept controlled and should not have more than 30% weed growth in the
entire lawn area. The health of the lawn should not be allowed to deteriorate to a poor quality or so
as to have more than 30% of its total area with bare patches in it. Due consideration will be given to
this requirement during times of drought and water restrictions.
B.1.4 Pruning:
Shrubs and groundcovers are to be kept regularly pruned and trimmed, not being allowed to grow
excessively bushy, out of control or looking unkempt.
B.1.5 Paved Surfaces:
To ensure that all paved surfaces such as driveways, paving around pools, etc. are not allowed to
have excessive weed growth in them: not more than 30% of the total surface area is permitted to be
covered by weeds and any weeds present in such areas are not to be taller than 5cm. All hard
surfaces are to be swept regularly and leaf litter and/or soil not allowed to accumulate on them for
long periods. Algae on paving is to be regularly treated or removed.
B.1.6 Garden refuse:
Garden refuse generated by a Homeowner in their property must be placed in the appropriate blue
plastic bags and stacked on the pavement together with domestic refuse on the day of the week
appointed for collection of refuse by Local Council / Municipality. Should a Homeowner not place
his/her garden refuse out in time for collection then they are to ensure the bags are brought back
into the property. Garden refuse may not be put out on any other day or left out on the verges
overnight. Garden refuse generated by a Homeowners garden service contractor is to be removed
from the site on the same day of the garden service. No garden refuse is permitted to be left on the
verge overnight otherwise a contravention may be issued.
Please Note: Garden refuse may not be stored in areas within the garden that are visible from the
road. If garden refuse is stored out of sight within the property, it should not be stored there for any
lengthy period of time (no longer than 5 consecutive days).
Private Note: No private garden refuse is permitted to be taken and left at any of the community
centres or Estate common areas.
B.1.7 Flowerbed Mulching:
The use of correct mulching practices in flowerbeds is encouraged so as to reduce watering
requirements and thus conserve water.
B.1.8 Retainer Walls:
All retainer walls within a property are to be planted to a suitable groundcover. Plant coverage of
the retainer walls must be a minimum of 80% of the total wall area. Any bare areas in the retainer
wall are to be replanted so as to ensure continual plant coverage.
B.1.9 Alien Invasive Plants:
No alien invasive plants are permitted to be growing in private properties on the Estate.
B.2 Alien Invasive Species:
No declared category 1, 2 or 3 alien invasive weed plant species is to be allowed to be grown in your
garden. Should any of the categorised invasive weeds be found to be growing or have started to
grow in a property, it is the responsibility of the Homeowner to have these removed immediately /
within the reasonable time frame given by the MECCEMA. Standard protocols for their removal, as
recommended and laid out by NEMBA (National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act) need
to be adhered to. Failure to do so will result in MECCEMA instructing either a tree felling contractor
or an accredited Garden maintenance contractor to remove such plants / trees at the Homeowner’s
Alien invasive weed lists and sample pictures can be viewed on the Estate Website under the
heading: South Africa’s National Listed Invasive Species. Please note that the invasive species lists do
change from time-to-time so residents are advised to refer to the website at least every 6 months.
The above also applies to any water feature a Homeowner may choose to have in their garden, i.e.
no categorised alien invasive water plant may be grown in ponds or water features.
B.3 Irrigation Systems
Every attempt to conserve water usage on the Estate is encouraged. Irrigation systems are to receive
correct maintenance at the recommended servicing intervals so as to ensure that any faults are
timeously fixed.
B.3.1: Should irrigation leaks not be attended to within 5 days of a reported leak then the Estate
reserves the right to appoint an approved irrigation contractor to carry out the necessary repair so
that no further unnecessary water loss occurs. This repair work will be for the Homeowner’s
B.3.2: During times of water restrictions, it is the responsibility of all Homeowners and Residents to
ensure their irrigation systems are suitably adjusted, or in extreme cases turned off, so as to ensure
that water is conserved and they are in compliance with local municipality requirements /
instructions / law.
Please Note: The use of mulching materials and other water-retaining products in gardens is strongly
encouraged by the Estate so as to reduce water requirements in gardens.
B.4 Verge Mowing
Mowing of the verge lawns is done by the MECCEMA garden maintenance contractor. Should a
Homeowner or Resident wish to mow their own verge then this request must be made in writing to
the MECCEMA. Uniformity of schedules and standard will be assessed before permission is granted.
B.5 Damages to Estate Verges & Islands
Any damage done to an Estate verge, flowerbed and/or island, through any vehicles belonging to,
visiting or carrying out work for a Homeowner’s property (e.g. that have been parking on or driving
on a common area); or by any employee of the Homeowner or Resident; or contractor working for
the Homeowner or Resident will be repaired at the cost of the Homeowner or Resident.
B.6 Tree / Shrub Pruning and Tree Poisoning / Removal
B.6.1 Any tree/s may not be cut down, severely pruned, poisoned or removed without written
permission from MECCEMA.
Should any tree be severely pruned or felled without written approval from the MECCEMA a
contravention may be issued, and the tree/s replaced at the Homeowner’s expense.
B.6.2 Major tree felling and pruning is to be carried out by a MECCEMA approved tree felling
contractor or garden maintenance contractor registered and authorised by MECCEMA to carry out
such work.
B.6.3 Homeowners are to ensure that tree branches and / or shrub growth growing in their
property is regularly pruned away from road ways, pedestrian walkways and golf cart paths.
B.7 Pest Control
The below requirements are to ensure that no harmful chemicals are used indiscriminately on the
Estate that could cause damage to the environment.
Failure of any Homeowner, Resident, or contractor or employee working for a Homeowner or
Resident to comply with this requirement may result in a contravention, legal action being taken
against the offender and may result in the contractor or employee being banned from working on
the Estate.
B.7.1 Only registered pest control operators / contractors are allowed to operate on the Estate.
B.7.2 Should a resident make use of such services, they are to advise MECCEMA, prior to the
contractor commencing any work. The following information will need to be supplied in writing to
Homeowner’s name, address/erf number and contact details
Name of the registed pest control company proposed to be used, along with
any contact details for them
The pest/s they will be having controlled / treated.
Date of proposed treatment
MECCEMA will then make contact with the service provider so as to ascertain the chemical type that
is proposed to be used and ensure that all precautions are taken for the environment not to be
harmed in any way.
Only once the MECCEMA has issued written authorisation can the work be started.
B.7.3 Indiscriminate / blanket-style pesticide applications to gardens will not be permitted.
B.7.4 Properties bordering water surfaces require particular caution in pesticide applications.
B.7.5 Every attempt must be made to try control certain garden pest problems by means of either
organic remedies or those products less harmful to the environment.
B.7.6 The killing of protected wildlife by means of poisons, traps, or any other methods will be
treated with the highest severity and immediately reported to the local authority. This includes
wildlife such as bees, bats, and golden moles.
B.8 Weed Control
Homeowners, private gardeners and/or garden maintenance contractors are to ensure that no
harmful herbicides are indiscriminately used on the Estate that could damage the environment. All
staff applying such herbicides must be suitably trained to do so and any chemical containers must be
correctly disposed of / destroyed so as not to pose any threat to any resident, child, animal/wild life
or the surrounding environment.
Failure of any resident to comply with this requirement will result in a contravention being issued
and may result in the contractor being banned from working on the Estate.
B.9 Painting, building and other contractors
No painter, builder or any other contractor carrying out any form of maintenance, building or other
such work is permitted to dispose of any material generated from their work on site into common
areas, streams or any water surfaces, storm water drains or sewer lines. Examples would be the
cleaning of paint brushes in resident’s drains; pouring excess concrete mix into common areas. Any
contractor not abiding by this rule will be removed from site and banned from working on the
Estate. Legal action may also be taken against the contractor in terms of any governmental
environmental legislature in place.
B.10 Health and Safety
All Homeowners, their private gardeners and/or garden maintenance contractors are to ensure that
strict adherence to health and safety procedures & requirements are followed at all times whilst
working on the Estate.
Any staff using machinery / equipment are suitably trained to do so
The appropriate PPE is worn at all times whilst using any mechanical
machinery; applying chemicals; carrying out pruning work; etc. in gardens.
Staff being transported in vehicles are safely seated in them and the vehicles
are not overloaded
All vehicles adhere to the speed limits of the Estate and drive in a safe
manner so as to ensure that no resident, domestic worker, other contract
workers or Estate wildlife are placed in danger whilst using Estate roadways
and pathways.
Failure to adhere to good Health and Safety practices may result in a contravention fine and the
contractor being banned from working on the Estate.
B.11 Estate Wildlife
MECCE is a protected environment. Any person found to be purposely harming or endangering the
wild life on the Estate in will be prosecuted. Any Homeowner, Homeowner’s employee/s, contractor,
sub-contractor or private gardener under their employ not adhering to this may be prosecuted and
or permanently banned from carrying out any work on the Estate.
Please Note: No unauthorised release of any animal (bird, fish, reptile, etc.) by a Homeowner,
Resident, or any other individual residing or working on the Estate will be permitted.
C.1. Alterations impacting the Landscape:
Architects carrying out work on the Estate are to engage with MECCEMA P&A immediately when
any tree/s are likely to be affected due to proposed building alterations. MECCEMA will assess any
requests for tree removal or other landscape modifications that might result from the intended
Permissions will not be withheld unreasonably.
Please Note: MECCEMA will not be held responsible for any plan re-drawing costs incurred due to an
architect not following the above-mentioned protocol.
Landscape plans are to be submitted at the same time as building alteration plans.
C.2. Building plans to indicate specific plant / tree details:
Building plans are to indicate all existing trees & vegetation there are in the area/s of proposed
alterations, including the names of such trees and vegetation.