Uplink Documentation
Release 0.9.7
Raj Kumar
Apr 04, 2023
1 Features 3
2 User Testimonials 5
3 User Manual 7
3.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Quickstart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.4 Serialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.5 Clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.6 Tips, Tricks, & Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4 API Reference 31
4.1 API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5 Miscellaneous 57
5.1 Changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Python Module Index 65
Index 67
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
A Declarative HTTP Client for Python. Inspired by Retrofit.
Note: Uplink is in beta development. The public API is still evolving, but we expect most changes to be backwards
compatible at this point.
Uplink turns your HTTP API into a Python class.
from uplink import Consumer, get, Path, Query
class GitHub(Consumer):
"""A Python Client for the GitHub API."""
def get_repos(self, user: Path, sort_by: Query("sort")):
"""Get user's public repositories."""
Build an instance to interact with the webservice.
github = GitHub(base_url="https://api.github.com/")
Then, executing an HTTP request is as simply as invoking a method.
repos = github.get_repos(user="octocat", sort_by="created")
The returned object is a friendly requests.Response:
# Output: [{'id': 64778136, 'name': 'linguist', ...
For sending non-blocking requests, Uplink comes with support for aiohttp and twisted (example).
Contents 1
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
2 Contents
Quickly Define Structured API Clients
Use decorators and type hints to describe each HTTP request
JSON, URL-encoded, and multipart request body and file upload
URL parameter replacement, request headers, and query parameter support
Bring Your Own HTTP Library
Non-blocking I/O support for Aiohttp and Twisted
Supply your own session (e.g., requests.Session) for greater control
Easy and Transparent Deserialization/Serialization
Define custom converters for your own objects
Support for marshmallow schemas and handling collections (e.g., list of Users)
Support for pydantic models and handling collections (e.g., list of Repos)
Install optional plugins for additional features (e.g., protobuf support)
Compose custom response and error handling functions as middleware
Built-in support for Basic Authentication
Use existing auth libraries for supported clients (e.g., requests-oauthlib)
Uplink officially supports Python 2.7 & 3.5+.
Note: Python 2.7 suport will be removed in v0.10.0.
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
4 Chapter 1. Features
User Testimonials
Michael Kennedy (@mkennedy), host of Talk Python and Python Bytes podcasts-
Of course our first reaction when consuming HTTP resources in Python is to reach for Requests. But for
structured APIs, we often want more than ad-hoc calls to Requests. We want a client-side API for our
apps. Uplink is the quickest and simplest way to build just that client-side API. Highly recommended.
Or Carmi (@liiight), notifiers maintainer-
Uplink’s intelligent usage of decorators and typing leverages the most pythonic features in an elegant and
dynamic way. If you need to create an API abstraction layer, there is really no reason to look elsewhere.
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
6 Chapter 2. User Testimonials
User Manual
Follow this guide to get up and running with Uplink.
3.1 Installation
3.1.1 Using pip
With pip (or pipenv), you can install Uplink simply by typing:
$ pip install -U uplink
3.1.2 Download the Source Code
Uplink’s source code is in a public repository hosted on GitHub.
As an alternative to installing with pip, you could clone the repository,
$ git clone https://github.com/prkumar/uplink.git
then, install; e.g., with setup.py:
$ cd uplink
$ python setup.py install
3.1.3 Extras
These are optional integrations and features that extend the library’s core functionality and typically require an addi-
tional dependency.
When installing Uplink with pip, you can specify any of the following extras, to add their respective dependencies to
your installation:
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
Extra Description
aiohttp Enables uplink.AiohttpClient, for sending non-blocking requests and receiving awaitable
marshmallowEnables uplink.MarshmallowConverter, for converting JSON responses directly into
Python objects using marshmallow.Schema.
pydantic Enables uplink.PydanticConverter, for converting JSON responses directly into Python
objects using pydantic.BaseModel.
twisted Enables uplink.TwistedClient, for sending non-blocking requests and receiving Deferred
To download all available features, run
$ pip install -U uplink[aiohttp, marshmallow, pydantic, twisted]
3.2 Quickstart
Ready to write your first API client with Uplink? This guide will walk you through what you’ll need to know to get
First, make sure you’ve installed (or updated) Uplink:
$ pip install -U uplink
3.2.1 Defining an API Client
Writing a structured API client with Uplink is very simple.
To start, create a subclass of Consumer. For example, here’s the beginning of our GitHub client (we’ll add some
methods to this class soon):
from uplink import Consumer
class GitHub(Consumer):
When creating an instance of this consumer, we can use the base_url constructor argument to identify the target
service. In our case, it’s GitHub’s public API:
github = GitHub(base_url="https://api.github.com/")
Note: base_url is especially useful for creating clients that target separate services with similar APIs; for example,
we could use this GitHub consumer to also create clients for any GitHub Enterprise instance for projects hosted outside
of the public GitHub.com service. Another example is creating separate clients for a company’s production and staging
environments, which are typically hosted on separate domains but expose the same API.
So far, this class looks like any other Python class. The real magic happens when you define methods to interact with
the webservice using Uplink’s HTTP method decorators, which we cover next.
8 Chapter 3. User Manual
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3.2.2 Making a Request
With Uplink, making a request to a webservice is as simple as invoking a method.
Any method of a Consumer subclass can be decorated with one of Uplink’s HTTP method decorators: @get,
@post, @put, @patch, @head, and @delete:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_repos(self):
"""List all public repositories."""
As shown above, the method’s body can be left empty.
The decorator’s first argument is the resource endpoint: i.e., the relative path from base_url, which we covered
Note: To build a request’s absolute URL, Uplink resolves the relative path against the Consumers base url us-
ing urljoin, which implements the RFC 3986 standards. For a simplified overview of these standards, see these
recommendations and examples from Retrofit’s documentation.
You can also specify query parameters:
Finally, invoke the method to send a request:
>>> github = GitHub(base_url="https://api.github.com/")
>>> github.get_repos()
<Response [200]>
>>> _.url
By default, uplink uses Requests, so the response we get back from GitHub is wrapped inside a requests.
Response instance. (If you want, you can swap out Requests for a different backing HTTP client, such as aiohttp.)
3.2.3 Path Parameters
Resource endpoints can include URI template parameters that depend on method arguments. A simple URI parameter
is an alphanumeric string surrounded by { and }.
To match the parameter with a method argument, either match the argument’s name with the alphanumeric string, like
def get_user(self, username): pass
or use the Path annotation.
def get_user(self, name: Path("username")): pass
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3.2.4 Query Parameters
Query parameters can be added dynamically using the Query argument annotation.
def get_repos(self, username, sort: Query): pass
Setting a default value for the query parameter works like you’d expect it to:
def get_repos(self, username, sort: Query = "created"): pass
To make the query parameter optional, set the argument’s default value to None. Then, if the argument is not specified
at runtime, the parameter will not appear in the request.
def get_repos(self, username, sort: Query = None): pass
Useful for “catch-all” or complex query parameter combinations, the QueryMap annotation accepts a mapping of
query parameters:
def get_repos(self, username,
options: QueryMap): pass
You can set static query parameters for a method using the @params decorator.
@params({"client_id": "my-client", "client_secret": "
def get_user(self, username): pass
@params can be used as a class decorator for query parameters that need to be included with every request:
@params({"client_id": "my-client", "client_secret": "
class GitHub(Consumer):
3.2.5 Request Headers
You can set static headers for a method using the @headers decorator.
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.full+json",
"User-Agent": "Uplink-Sample-App"
def get_user(self, username): pass
@headers can be used as a class decorator for headers that need to be added to every request:
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.full+json",
"User-Agent": "Uplink-Sample-App"
class GitHub(Consumer):
10 Chapter 3. User Manual
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A request header can depend on the value of a method argument by using the Header function parameter annotation:
def get_user(self, authorization: Header("Authorization"):
"""Get an authenticated user."""
3.2.6 Request Body
The Body annotation identifies a method argument as the HTTP request body:
def create_repo(self, repo: Body): pass
This annotation works well with the keyword arguments parameter (denoted by the
def create_repo(self,
repo_info: Body): pass
Moreover, this annotation is useful when using supported serialization formats, such as JSON and Protocol Buffers.
Take a look at this guide for more about serialization with Uplink.
3.2.7 Form Encoded, Multipart, and JSON Requests
Methods can also be declared to send form-encoded, multipart, and JSON data.
Form-encoded data is sent when @form_url_encoded decorates the method. Each key-value pair is annotated
with a Field annotation:
def update_user(self, name: Field, email: Field): pass
Multipart requests are used when @multipart decorates the method. Parts are declared using the Part annotation:
def upload_photo(self, photo: Part, description: Part): pass
JSON data is sent when @json decorates the method. The Body annotation declares the JSON payload:
def update_user(self,
user_info: uplink.Body):
"""Update an authenticated user."""
Alternatively, the Field annotation declares a JSON field:
def update_user_bio(self, bio: Field):
"""Update the authenticated user's profile bio."""
3.2. Quickstart 11
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3.2.8 Handling JSON Responses
Many modern public APIs serve JSON responses to their clients.
If your Consumer subclass accesses a JSON API, you can decorate any method with @returns.json to directly
return the JSON response, instead of a response object, when invoked:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get a single user."""
>>> github = GitHub("https://api.github.com")
>>> github.get_user("prkumar")
{'login': 'prkumar', 'id': 10181244, ...
You can also target a specific field of the JSON response by using the decorator’s key argument to select the target
JSON field name:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_blog_url(self, username):
"""Get the user's blog URL."""
>>> github.get_blog_url("prkumar")
Note: JSON responses may represent existing Python classes in your application (for example, a GitHubUser).
Uplink supports this kind of conversion (i.e., deserialization), and we detail this support in the next guide.
3.2.9 Persistence Across Requests from a Consumer
The session property of a Consumer instance exposes the instance’s configuration and allows for the persistence
of certain properties across requests sent from that instance.
You can provide default headers and query parameters for requests sent from a consumer instance through its
session property, like so:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def __init__(self, base_url, username, password):
super(GitHub, self).__init__(base_url=base_url)
# Creates the API token for this user
api_key = create_api_key(username, password)
# Send the API token as a query parameter with each request.
self.session.params["access_token"] = api_key
def get_user_repos(self, sort_by: Query("sort")):
"""Lists public repositories for the authenticated user."""
12 Chapter 3. User Manual
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Headers and query parameters added through the session are applied to all requests sent from the consumer instance.
github = GitHub("prkumar", "
# Both `access_token` and `sort` are sent with the request.
Notably, in case of conflicts, the method-level headers and parameters override the session-level, but the method-level
properties are not persisted across requests.
3.2.10 Response and Error Handling
Sometimes, you need to validate a response before it is returned or even calculate a new return value from the response.
Or, you may need to handle errors from the underlying client before they reach your users.
With Uplink, you can address these concerns by registering a callback with one of these decorators:
@response_handler and @error_handler.
@response_handler registers a callback to intercept responses before they are returned (or deserialized):
def raise_for_status(response):
"""Checks whether or not the response was successful."""
if 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
# Pass through the response.
return response
raise UnsuccessfulRequest(response.url)
class GitHub(Consumer):
def create_repo(self, name: Field):
"""Create a new repository."""
@error_handler registers a callback to handle an exception thrown by the underlying HTTP client (e.g.,
def raise_api_error(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
"""Wraps client error with custom API error"""
raise MyApiError(exc_val)
class GitHub(Consumer):
def create_repo(self, name: Field):
"""Create a new repository."""
To apply a handler onto all methods of a Consumer subclass, you can simply decorate the class itself:
class GitHub(Consumer):
Notably, the decorators can be stacked on top of one another to chain their behaviors:
@response_handler(check_expected_headers) # Second, check headers
@response_handler(raise_for_status) # First, check success
(continues on next page)
3.2. Quickstart 13
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(continued from previous page)
class GitHub(Consumer):
Lastly, both decorators support the optional argument requires_consumer. When this option is set to True, the
registered callback should accept a reference to the Consumer instance as its leading argument:
def raise_api_error(consumer, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
"""Wraps client error with custom API error"""
class GitHub(Consumer):
def create_repo(self, name: Field):
"""Create a new repository."""
3.2.11 Retrying
Networks are unreliable. Requests can fail for various reasons. In some cases, such as after a connection timeout,
simply retrying a failed request is appropriate. The @retry decorator can handle this for you:
from uplink import retry, Consumer, get
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get user by username."""
Without any further configuration, the decorator will retry requests that fail for any reasons. To constrain which
exceptions should prompt a retry attempt, use the on_exception argument:
from uplink import retry, Consumer, get
class GitHub(Consumer):
# Retry only on failure to connect to the remote server.
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get user by username."""
Further, as long as the expected exception is thrown, the decorator will repeatedly retry until a response is rendered. If
you’d like to cease retrying after a specific number of attempts, use the max_attempts argument:
from uplink import retry, Consumer, get
class GitHub(Consumer):
# Try four times, then fail hard if no response.
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get user by username."""
14 Chapter 3. User Manual
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The @retry decorators offers a bunch of other features! Below is a contrived example. . . checkout the API docu-
mentation for more:
from uplink import retry, Consumer, get
class GitHub(Consumer):
# Retry on 503 response status code or any exception.
when=retry.when.status(503) | retry.when.raises(Exception)
# Stop after 5 attempts or when backoff exceeds 10 seconds.
stop=retry.stop.after_attempt(5) | retry.stop.after_delay(10)
# Use exponential backoff with added randomness.
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get user by username."""
Finally, like other Uplink decorators, you can decorate a Consumer subclass with @retry to add retry support to
all methods of that class.
Note: Response and error handlers (see here) are invoked after the retry condition breaks or after all retry attempts
are exhausted, whatever comes first. These callbacks will receive the first response/exception that triggers the retry’s
stop condition or doesn’t match its when filter.
3.2.12 Client-Side Rate Limiting
Often, an organization may enforce a strict limit on the number of requests a client can make to their public API within
a fixed time period (e.g., 15 calls every 15 minutes) to help prevent denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and other issues
caused by misbehaving clients. On the client-side, we can avoid exceeding these server-side limits by imposing our
own rate limit.
The @ratelimit decorator enforces a constraint of X calls every Y seconds:
from uplink import ratelimit, Consumer, get
class GitHub(Consumer):
@ratelimit(calls=15, period=900) # 15 calls every 15 minutes.
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get user by username."""
When the consumer reaches the limit, it will wait until the next period before executing any subsequent requests. For
blocking HTTP clients, such as Requests, this means the main thread is blocked until then. On the other hand, using a
non-blocking client, such as aiohttp, enables you to continue making progress elsewhere while the consumer waits
for the current period to lapse.
Alternatively, you can fail fast when the limit is exceeded by setting the raise_on_limit argument:
class GitHub(Consumer):
# Raise Exception when the client exceeds the rate limit.
@ratelimit(calls=15, period=900, raise_on_limit=Exception)
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get user by username."""
3.2. Quickstart 15
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Like other Uplink decorators, you can decorate a Consumer subclass with @ratelimit to add rate limiting to all
methods of that class.
3.3 Authentication
This section covers how to do authentication with Uplink.
In v0.4, we added the auth parameter to the uplink.Consumer constructor which allowed for sending HTTP
Basic Authentication with all requests.
In v0.9, we added more auth methods which can be used in the auth parameter of the uplink.Consumer construc-
tor. If you are using an uplink-based API library, the library might extend these methods with additional API-specific
auth methods.
Some common auth methods are described below, but for a complete list of auth methods provided with Uplink, see
the Auth Methods reference.
3.3.1 Basic Authentication
It’s simple to construct a consumer that uses HTTP Basic Authentication with all requests:
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=("user", "pass"))
3.3.2 Proxy Authentication
If you need to supply credentials for an intermediate proxy in addition to the API’s HTTP Basic Authentication, use
uplink.auth.MultiAuth with uplink.auth.ProxyAuth and uplink.auth.BasicAuth.
from uplink.auth import BasicAuth, MultiAuth, ProxyAuth
auth_methods = MultiAuth(
ProxyAuth("proxy_user", "proxy_pass"),
BasicAuth("user", "pass")
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=auth_methods)
3.3.3 Other Authentication
Often, APIs accept credentials as header values (e.g., Bearer tokens) or query parameters. Your request method can
handle these types of authentication by simply accepting the user’s credentials as an argument:
def update_user(self, access_token: Query,
info: Body):
"""Update the user associated to the given access token."""
If several request methods require authentication, you can persist the token through the consumer’s session prop-
class GitHub(Consumer):
def __init__(self, base_url, access_token):
(continues on next page)
16 Chapter 3. User Manual
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(continued from previous page)
super(GitHub, self).__init__(base_url=base_url)
self.session.params["access_token"] = access_token
As of v0.9, you can also supply these tokens via the auth parameter of the uplink.Consumer constructor. This
is like adding the token to the session (above) so that the token is sent as part of every request.
from uplink.auth import ApiTokenParam, ApiTokenHeader, BearerToken
# Passing an auth token as a query parameter
token_auth = ApiTokenParam("access_token", access_token)
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=token_auth)
# Passing the token as a header value
token_auth = ApiTokenHeader("Access-Token", access_token)
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=token_auth)
# Passing a Bearer auth token
bearer_auth = BearerToken(access_token)
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=bearer_auth)
3.3.4 Using Auth Support for Requests and aiohttp
As we work towards Uplink’s v1.0 release, improving built-in support for other types of authentication is a continuing
With that said, if Uplink currently doesn’t offer a solution for you authentication needs, you can always leverage the
available auth support for the underlying HTTP client.
For instance, requests offers out-of-the-box support for making requests with HTTP Digest Authentication, which
you can leverage like so:
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
client = uplink.RequestsClient(cred=HTTPDigestAuth("user", "pass"))
api = MyApi(BASE_URL, client=client)
You can also use other third-party libraries that extend auth support for the underlying client. For instance, you can
use requests-oauthlib for doing OAuth with Requests:
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
session = OAuth2Session(...)
api = MyApi(BASE_URL, client=session)
3.4 Serialization
Various serialization formats exist for transmitting structured data over the network: JSON is a popular choice amongst
many public APIs partly because its human readable, while a more compact format, such as Protocol Buffers, may be
more appropriate for a private API used within an organization.
Regardless what serialization format your API uses, Uplink with a little bit of help can automatically decode
responses and encode request bodies to and from Python objects using the selected format. This neatly abstracts the
3.4. Serialization 17
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HTTP layer from your API client, so callers can operate on objects that make sense to your model instead of directly
dealing with the underlying protocol.
This document walks you through how to leverage Uplink’s serialization support, including integrations for third-party
serialization libraries like marshmallow, pydantic and tools for writing custom conversion strategies that fit your
unique needs.
3.4.1 Using Marshmallow Schemas
marshmallow is a framework-agnostic, object serialization library for Python. Uplink comes with built-in support
for Marshmallow; you can integrate your Marshmallow schemas with Uplink for easy JSON (de)serialization.
First, create a marshmallow.Schema, declaring any necessary conversions and validations. Here’s a simple ex-
import marshmallow
class RepoSchema(marshmallow.Schema):
full_name = marshmallow.fields.Str()
def make_repo(self, data):
owner, repo_name = data["full_name"].split("/")
return Repo(owner=owner, name=repo_name)
Then, specify the schema using the @returns decorator:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_repos(self, username):
"""Get the user's public repositories."""
Python 3 users can use a return type hint instead:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_repos(self, username) -> RepoSchema(many=True)
"""Get the user's public repositories."""
Your consumer should now return Python objects based on your Marshmallow schema:
github = GitHub(base_url="https://api.github.com")
# Output: [Repo(owner="octocat", name="linguist"), ...]
For a more complete example of Uplink’s marshmallow support, check out this example on GitHub.
3.4.2 Using Pydantic Models
pydantic is a framework-agnostic, object serialization library for Python >= 3.6. Uplink comes with built-in support
for Pydantic; you can integrate your Pydantic models with Uplink for easy JSON (de)serialization.
First, create a pydantic.BaseModel, declaring any necessary conversions and validations. Here’s a simple ex-
18 Chapter 3. User Manual
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from typing import List
from pydantic import BaseModel, HttpUrl
class Owner(BaseModel):
id: int
avatar_url: HttpUrl
organizations_url: HttpUrl
class Repo(BaseModel):
id: int
full_name: str
owner: Owner
Then, specify the schema using the @returns decorator:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_repos(self, username):
"""Get the user's public repositories."""
Python 3 users can use a return type hint instead:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_repos(self, username) -> List[Repo]:
"""Get the user's public repositories."""
Your consumer should now return Python objects based on your Pydantic model:
github = GitHub(base_url="https://api.github.com")
# Output: [User(id=132935648, full_name='octocat/boysenberry-repo-1', owner=Owner(...
˓), ...]
Note: You may have noticed the usage of returns.json in both examples. Unlike marshmallow, pydantic has no
many parameter to control the deserialization of multiple objects. The recommended approach is to use returns.json
instead of defining a new model with a __root__ element.
3.4.3 Serializing Method Arguments
Most method argument annotations like Field and Body accept a type parameter that specifies the method argu-
ment’s expected type or schema, for the sake of serialization.
For example, following the marshmallow example from above, we can specify the RepoSchema as the type of
a Body argument:
from uplink import Consumer, Body
class GitHub(Consumer):
(continues on next page)
3.4. Serialization 19
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(continued from previous page)
def create_repo(self, repo: Body(type=RepoSchema)):
"""Creates a new repository for the authenticated user."""
Then, the repo argument should accept instances of Repo, to be serialized appropriately using the RepoSchema
with Uplink’s marshmallow integration (see Using Marshmallow Schemas for the full setup).
repo = Repo(name="my_favorite_new_project")
The sample code above using marshmallow is also reproducible using pydantic:
from uplink import Consumer, Body
class CreateRepo(BaseModel):
name: str
delete_branch_on_merge: bool
class GitHub(Consumer):
def create_repo(self, repo: Body(type=CreateRepo)):
"""Creates a new repository for the authenticated user."""
Then, calling the client.
3.4.4 Custom JSON Conversion
Recognizing JSON’s popularity amongst public APIs, Uplink provides some out-of-the-box utilities that make adding
JSON serialization support for your objects simple.
@returns.json is handy when working with APIs that provide JSON responses. As its leading positional argu-
ment, the decorator accepts a class that represents the expected schema of the JSON response body:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_user(self, username): pass
Python 3 users can alternatively use a return type hint:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_user(self, username) -> User: pass
Next, if your objects (e.g., User) are not defined using a library for which Uplink has built-in support (such as
marshmallow), you will also need to register a converter that tells Uplink how to convert the HTTP response into
your expected return type.
To this end, we can use @loads.from_json to define a simple JSON reader for User:
20 Chapter 3. User Manual
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from uplink import loads
def user_json_reader(user_cls, json):
return user_cls(json["id"], json["username"])
The decorated function, user_json_reader(), can then be passed into the converter constructor parameter
when instantiating a uplink.Consumer subclass:
github = GitHub(base_url=..., converter=user_json_reader)
Alternatively, you can add the @uplink.install decorator to register the converter function as a default converter,
meaning the converter will be included automatically with any consumer instance and doesn’t need to be explicitly
provided through the converter parameter:
from uplink import loads, install
def user_json_reader(user_cls, json):
return user_cls(json["id"], json["username"])
At last, calling the GitHub.get_user() method should now return an instance of our User class:
# Output: [User(id=583231, name="The Octocat"), ...]
@json is a decorator for Consumer methods that send JSON requests. Using this decorator requires annotating
your arguments with either Field or Body. Both annotations support an optional type argument for the purpose
of serialization:
from uplink import Consumer, Body
class GitHub(Consumer):
def create_repo(self, user: Body(type=Repo)):
"""Creates a new repository for the authenticated user."""
Similar to deserialization case, we must register a converter that tells Uplink how to turn the Repo object to JSON,
since the class is not defined using a library for which Uplink has built-in support (such as marshmallow).
To this end, we can use @dumps.to_json to define a simple JSON writer for Repo:
from uplink import dumps
def repo_json_writer(repo_cls, repo):
return {"name": repo.name, "private": repo.is_private()}
The decorated function, repo_json_writer(), can then be passed into the converter constructor parameter
when instantiating a uplink.Consumer subclass:
3.4. Serialization 21
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github = GitHub(base_url=..., converter=repo_json_writer)
Alternatively, you can add the @uplink.install decorator to register the converter function as a default converter,
meaning the converter will be included automatically with any consumer instance and doesn’t need to be explicitly
provided through the converter parameter:
from uplink import loads, install
def repo_json_writer(user_cls, json):
return {"name": repo.name, "private": repo.is_private()}
Now, we should be able to invoke the GitHub.create_repo() method with an instance of Repo:
repo = Repo(name="my_new_project", private=True)
3.4.5 Converting Collections
Data-driven web applications, such as social networks and forums, devise a lot of functionality around large queries
on related data. Their APIs normally encode the results of these queries as collections of a common type. Examples
include a curated feed of posts from subscribed accounts, the top restaurants in your area, upcoming tasks* on a
checklist, etc.
You can use the other strategies in this section to add serialization support for a specific type, such as a post or
a restaurant. Once added, this support automatically extends to collections of that type, such as sequences and
For example, consider a hypothetical Task Management API that supports adding tasks to one or more user-created
checklists. Here’s the JSON array that the API returns when we query pending tasks on a checklist titled “home”:
"id": 4139
"name": "Groceries"
"due_date": "Monday, September 3, 2018 10:00:00 AM PST"
"id": 4140
"name": "Laundry"
"due_date": "Monday, September 3, 2018 2:00:00 PM PST"
In this example, the common type could be modeled in Python as a namedtuple, which we’ll name Task:
Task = collections.namedtuple("Task", ["id", "name", "due_date"])
Next, to add JSON deserialization support for this type, we could create a custom converter using the @loads.
from_json decorator, which is a strategy covered in the subsection Custom JSON Conversion. For the sake of
brevity, I’ll omit the implementation here, but you can follow the link above for details.
Notably, Uplink lets us leverage the added support to also handle collections of type Task. The uplink.types
module exposes two collection types, List and Dict, to be used as function return type annotations. In our example,
the query for pending tasks returns a list:
22 Chapter 3. User Manual
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from uplink import Consumer, returns, get, types
class TaskApi(Consumer):
def get_pending_tasks(self, checklist) -> types.List[Task]
If you are a Python 3.5+ user that is already leveraging the typing module to support type hints as specified by
PEP 484 and PEP 526, you can safely use typing.List and typing.Dict here instead of the annotations from
import typing
from uplink import Consumer, returns, get
class TaskApi(Consumer):
def get_pending_tasks(self, checklist) -> typing.List[Task]
Now, the consumer can handle these queries with ease:
>>> task_api.get_pending_tasks("home")
[Task(id=4139, name='Groceries', due_date='Monday, September 3, 2018 10:00:00 AM PST
Task(id=4140, name='Laundry', due_date='Monday, September 3, 2018 2:00:00 PM PST')]
Note that this feature works with any serialization format, not just JSON.
3.4.6 Writing A Custom Converter
Extending Uplink’s support for other serialization formats or libraries (e.g., XML, Thrift, Avro) is pretty straightfor-
When adding support for a new serialization library, create a subclass of converters.Factory, which defines
abstract methods for different serialization scenarios (deserializing the response body, serializing the request body,
etc.), and override each relevant method to return a callable that handles the method’s corresponding scenario.
For example, a factory that adds support for Python’s pickle protocol could look like:
import pickle
from uplink import converters
class PickleFactory(converters.Factory):
"""Adapter for Python's Pickle protocol."""
def create_response_body_converter(self, cls, request_definition):
# Return callable to deserialize response body into Python object.
return lambda response: pickle.loads(response.content)
def create_request_body_converter(self, cls, request_definition):
# Return callable to serialize Python object into bytes.
return pickle.dumps
Then, when instantiating a new consumer, you can supply this implementation through the converter constructor
argument of any Consumer subclass:
3.4. Serialization 23
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client = MyApiClient(BASE_URL, converter=PickleFactory())
If the added support should apply broadly, you can alternatively decorate your converters.Factory subclass
with the @uplink.install decorator, which ensures that Uplink automatically adds the factory to new instances
of any Consumer subclass. This way you don’t have to explicitly supply the factory each time you instantiate a
from uplink import converters, install
class PickleFactory(converters.Factory):
For a concrete example of extending support for a new serialization format or library with this approach, checkout this
Protobuf extension for Uplink.
3.5 Clients
To use a common English metaphor: Uplink stands on the shoulders of giants.
Uplink doesn’t implement any code to handle HTTP protocol stuff directly; for that, the library delegates to an ac-
tual HTTP client, such as Requests or Aiohttp. Whatever backing client you choose, when a request method on
a Consumer subclass is invoked, Uplink ultimately interacts with the backing library’s interface, at minimum to
submit requests and read responses.
This section covers the interaction between Uplink and the backing HTTP client library of your choosing, including
how to specify your selection.
3.5.1 Swapping Out the Default HTTP Session
By default, Uplink sends requests using the Requests library. You can configure the backing HTTP client object using
the client parameter of the Consumer constructor:
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, client=...)
For example, you can use the client parameter to pass in your own Requests session object:
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, client=session)
Further, this also applies for session objects from other HTTP client libraries that Uplink supports, such as aiohttp
(i.e., a custom ClientSession works here, as well).
Following the above example, the client parameter also accepts an instance of any requests.Session sub-
class. This makes it easy to leverage functionality from third-party Requests extensions, such as requests-oauthlib,
with minimal integration overhead:
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
session = OAuth2Session(...)
api = MyApi(BASE_URL, client=session)
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3.5.2 Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
Notably, Requests blocks while waiting for a response from the server. For non-blocking requests, Uplink comes with
built-in (but optional) support for aiohttp and twisted.
For instance, you can provide the AiohttpClient when constructing a Consumer instance:
from uplink import AiohttpClient
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, client=AiohttpClient())
Checkout this example on GitHub for more.
3.5.3 Handling Exceptions From the Underlying HTTP Client Library
Each Consumer instance has an exceptions property that exposes an enum of standard HTTP client exceptions
that can be handled:
repo = github.create_repo(name="myproject", auto_init=True)
except github.exceptions.ConnectionError:
# Handle client socket error:
This approach to handling exceptions decouples your code from the backing HTTP client, improving code reuse and
Here are the HTTP client exceptions that are exposed through this property:
BaseClientException: Base exception for client connection errors.
ConnectionError: A client socket error occurred.
ConnectionTimeout: The request timed out while trying to connect to the remote server.
ServerTimeout: The server did not send any data in the allotted amount of time.
SSLError: An SSL error occurred.
InvalidURL: URL used for fetching is malformed.
Of course, you can also explicitly catch a particular client error from the backing client (e.g., requests.
FileModeWarning). This may be useful for handling exceptions that are not exposed through the Consumer.
exceptions property, for example:
repo = github.create_repo(name="myproject", auto_init=True)
except aiohttp.ContentTypeError:
Handling Client Exceptions within an @error_handler
The @error_handler decorator registers a callback to deal with exceptions thrown by the backing HTTP client.
To provide the decorated callback a reference to the Consumer instance at runtime, set the decorator’s optional
argument requires_consumer to True. This enables the error handler to leverage the consumer’s exceptions
3.5. Clients 25
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def raise_api_error(consumer, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
"""Wraps client error with custom API error"""
if isinstance(exc_val, consumer.exceptions.ServerTimeout):
# Handle the server timeout specifically:
class GitHub(Consumer):
def create_repo(self, name: Field):
"""Create a new repository."""
3.6 Tips, Tricks, & Extras
Here are a few ways to simplify consumer definitions.
3.6.1 Decorating All Request Methods in a Class
To apply a decorator of this library across all methods of a uplink.Consumer subclass, you can simply decorate
the class rather than each method individually:
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
def get_repos(self):
"""Dump every public repository."""
def get_organizations(self):
"""List all organizations."""
Hence, the consumer defined above is equivalent to the following, slightly more verbose definition:
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
def get_repos(self):
"""Dump every public repository."""
def get_organizations(self):
"""List all organizations."""
3.6.2 Adopting the Argument’s Name
Several function argument annotations accept a name parameter on construction. For instance, the Path annotation
uses the name parameter to associate the function argument to a URI path parameter:
26 Chapter 3. User Manual
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class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
def get_user(self, username: uplink.Path("username")): pass
For such annotations, you can omit the name parameter to have the annotation adopt the name of its corresponding
method argument.
For instance, from the previous example, we can omit naming the Path annotation since the corresponding argument’s
name, username, matches the intended URI path parameter.
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
def get_user(self, username: uplink.Path): pass
Some annotations that support this behavior include: Path, uplink.Field, Part Header, and uplink.
3.6.3 Annotating Your Arguments For Python 2.7
There are several ways to annotate arguments. Most examples in this documentation use function annotations, but this
approach is unavailable for Python 2.7 users. Instead, you should either utilize the method annotation args or use the
optional args parameter of the HTTP method decorators (e.g., uplink.get).
Using uplink.args
One approach for Python 2.7 users involves using the method annotation args, arranging annotations in the same
order as their corresponding function arguments (again, ignore self):
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
@uplink.args(uplink.Url, uplink.Path)
def get_commit(self, commits_url, sha): pass
The args argument
New in version v0.5.0.
The HTTP method decorators (e.g., uplink.get) support an optional positional argument args, which accepts a
list of annotations, arranged in the same order as their corresponding function arguments,
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
@uplink.get(args=(uplink.Url, uplink.Path))
def get_commit(self, commits_url, sha): pass
or a mapping of argument names to annotations:
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
@uplink.get(args={"commits_url": uplink.Url, "sha": uplink.Path})
def get_commit(self, commits_url, sha): pass
3.6. Tips, Tricks, & Extras 27
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Function Annotations (Python 3 only)
When using Python 3, you can use these classes as function annotations (PEP 3107):
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
def get_commit(self, commit_url: uplink.Url, sha: uplink.Path):
3.6.4 Annotating __init__() Arguments
Function annotations like Query and Header can be used with constructor arguments of a Consumer subclass.
When a new consumer instance is created, the value of these arguments are applied to all requests made through that
For example, the following consumer accepts the API access token as the constructor argument access_token:
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
def __init__(self, access_token: uplink.Query):
def update_user(self,
info: Body):
"""Update the authenticated user"""
Now, all requests made from an instance of this consumer class will be authenticated with the access token passed in
at initialization:
github = GitHub("my-github-access-token")
# This request will include the `access_token` query parameter set from
# the constructor argument.
github.update_user(bio="Beam me up, Scotty!")
3.6.5 The Consumer’s _inject() Method
As an alternative to Annotating __init__() Arguments and Persistence Across Requests from a Consumer, you can
achieve a similar behavior with more control by using the Consumer._inject() method. With this method, you
can calculate request properties within plain old python methods.
class TodoApp(uplink.Consumer):
def __init__(self, base_url, username, password):
super(TodoApp, self).__init__(base_url=base_url)
# Create an access token
api_key = create_api_key(username, password)
# Inject it.
Similar to the annotation style, request properties added with _inject() method are applied to all requests made
through the consumer instance.
28 Chapter 3. User Manual
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3.6.6 Extend Consumer Methods to Reduce Boilerplate
New in version v0.9.0.
Consumer methods are methods decorated with Uplink’s HTTP method decorators, such as @get or @post (see
here for more background).
Consumer methods can be used as decorators to minimize duplication across similar consumer method definitions.
For example, you can define consumer method templates like so:
from uplink import Consumer, get, json, returns
def get_json():
"""Template for GET request that consumes and produces JSON."""
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_user(self, user):
"""Fetches a specific GitHub user."""
Further, you can use this technique to remove duplication across definitions of similar consumer methods, whether or
not the methods are defined in the same class:
from uplink import Consumer, get, params, timeout
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_user_repos(self, user):
"""Retrieves the repos that the user owns."""
# Extends the above method to define a variant:
def get_repos_for_collaborator(self, user):
Retrieves the repos for which the given user is
a collaborator.
class EnhancedGitHub(Github):
# Updates the return type of an inherited method.
def get_user_repos(self, user) -> List[Repo]:
"""Retrieves the repos that the user owns."""
3.6. Tips, Tricks, & Extras 29
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30 Chapter 3. User Manual
API Reference
This guide details the classes and methods in Uplink’s public API.
4.1 API
This guide details the classes and methods in Uplink’s public API.
4.1.1 The Base Consumer Class
class uplink.Consumer(base_url=”, client=None, converters=(), auth=None, hooks=(), **kwargs)
Base consumer class with which to define custom consumers.
Example usage:
from uplink import Consumer, get
class GitHub(Consumer):
def get_user(self, user):
client = GitHub("https://api.github.com/")
client.get_user("prkumar").json() # {'login': 'prkumar', ... }
base_url (str, optional) The base URL for any request sent from this consumer in-
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
client (optional) A supported HTTP client instance (e.g., a requests.
Session) or an adapter (e.g., RequestsClient).
converters (ConverterFactory, optional) One or more objects that encapsulate
custom (de)serialization strategies for request properties and/or the response body. (E.g.,
auth (tuple or callable, optional) The authentication object for this consumer in-
hooks (TransactionHook, optional) One or more hooks to modify behavior of re-
quest execution and response handling (see response_handler or error_handler).
An enum of standard HTTP client exceptions that can be handled.
This property enables the handling of specific exceptions from the backing HTTP client.
except github.exceptions.ServerTimeout:
# Handle the timeout of the request
The Session object for this consumer instance.
Exposes the configuration of this Consumer instance and allows the persistence of certain properties
across all requests sent from that instance.
Example usage:
import uplink
class MyConsumer(uplink.Consumer):
def __init__(self, language):
# Set this header for all requests of the instance.
self.session.headers["Accept-Language"] = language
Returns Session
class uplink.session.Session
The session of a Consumer instance.
Exposes the configuration of a Consumer instance and allows the persistence of certain properties across all
requests sent from that instance.
The authentication object for this consumer instance.
The base URL for any requests sent from this consumer instance.
32 Chapter 4. API Reference
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A dictionary of name-value pairs that are made available to request middleware.
A dictionary of headers to be sent on each request from this consumer instance.
inject(hook, *more_hooks)
Add hooks (e.g., functions decorated with either response_handler or error_handler) to the
A dictionary of querystring data to attach to each request from this consumer instance.
4.1.2 Decorators
The method decorators detailed in this section describe request properties that are relevant to all invocations of a
consumer method.
class uplink.headers(arg=None, **kwargs)
A decorator that adds static headers for API calls.
@headers({"User-Agent": "Uplink-Sample-App"})
def get_user(self):
"""Get the current user"""
When used as a class decorator, headers applies to all consumer methods bound to the class:
@headers({"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.full+json"})
class GitHub(Consumer):
headers takes the same arguments as dict.
arg – A dict containing header values.
kwargs – More header values.
class uplink.params(arg=None, **kwargs)
A decorator that adds static query parameters for API calls.
@params({"sort": "created"})
def get_user(self):
"""Get the current user"""
When used as a class decorator, params applies to all consumer methods bound to the class:
4.1. API 33
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@params({"client_id": "my-app-client-id"})
class GitHub(Consumer):
params takes the same arguments as dict.
arg – A dict containing query parameters.
kwargs – More query parameters.
class uplink.json
Use as a decorator to make JSON requests.
You can annotate a method argument with uplink.Body, which indicates that the argument’s value should
become the request’s body. uplink.Body has to be either a dict or a subclass of py:class:abc.Mapping.
def update_user(self,
info: Body):
"""Update the current user."""
You can alternatively use the uplink.Field annotation to specify JSON fields separately, across multiple
def update_user(self, name: Field, email: Field("e-mail")):
"""Update the current user."""
Further, to set a nested field, you can specify the path of the target field with a tuple of strings as the first
argument of uplink.Field.
Consider a consumer method that sends a PATCH request with a JSON body of the following format:
user: {
name: "<User's Name>"
The tuple ("user", "name") specifies the path to the highlighted inner field:
34 Chapter 4. API Reference
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def update_user(
new_name: Field(("user", "name"))
"""Update the current user."""
class uplink.form_url_encoded
URL-encodes the request body.
Used on POST/PUT/PATCH request. It url-encodes the body of the message and sets the appropriate
Content-Type header. Further, each field argument should be annotated with uplink.Field.
def update_user(self, first_name: Field, last_name: Field):
"""Update the current user."""
class uplink.multipart
Sends multipart form data.
Multipart requests are commonly used to upload files to a server. Further, annotate each part argument with
def update_user(self, photo: Part, description: Part):
"""Upload a user profile photo."""
class uplink.timeout(seconds)
Time to wait for a server response before giving up.
When used on other decorators it specifies how long (in secs) a decorator should wait before giving up.
4.1. API 35
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def get_posts(self):
"""Fetch all posts for the current users."""
When used as a class decorator, timeout applies to all consumer methods bound to the class.
Parameters seconds (int) – An integer used to indicate how long should the request wait.
class uplink.args(*annotations, **more_annotations)
Annotate method arguments for Python 2.7 compatibility.
Arrange annotations in the same order as their corresponding function arguments.
@args(Path, Query)
def get_user(self, username, visibility):
"""Get a specific user."""
Use keyword args to target specific method parameters.
def get_user(self, username, visibility):
"""Get a specific user."""
annotations – Any number of annotations.
more_annotations – More annotations, targeting specific method arguments.
class uplink.response_handler(handler, requires_consumer=False)
A decorator for creating custom response handlers.
To register a function as a custom response handler, decorate the function with this class. The decorated function
should accept a single positional argument, an HTTP response object:
def raise_for_status(response):
return response
36 Chapter 4. API Reference
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Then, to apply custom response handling to a request method, simply decorate the method with the registered
response handler:
def get_posts(self):
"""Fetch all posts for the current users."""
To apply custom response handling on all request methods of a uplink.Consumer subclass, simply decorate
the class with the registered response handler:
class GitHub(Consumer):
Lastly, the decorator supports the optional argument requires_consumer. When this option is set to True,
the registered callback should accept a reference to the Consumer instance as its leading argument:
def raise_for_status(consumer, response):
New in version 0.4.0.
class uplink.error_handler(exception_handler, requires_consumer=False)
A decorator for creating custom error handlers.
To register a function as a custom error handler, decorate the function with this class. The decorated function
should accept three positional arguments: (1) the type of the exception, (2) the exception instance raised, and
(3) a traceback instance.
def raise_api_error(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# wrap client error with custom API error
Then, to apply custom error handling to a request method, simply decorate the method with the registered error
4.1. API 37
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def get_posts(self):
"""Fetch all posts for the current users."""
To apply custom error handling on all request methods of a uplink.Consumer subclass, simply decorate the
class with the registered error handler:
class GitHub(Consumer):
Lastly, the decorator supports the optional argument requires_consumer. When this option is set to True,
the registered callback should accept a reference to the Consumer instance as its leading argument:
def raise_api_error(consumer, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
New in version 0.4.0.
Note: Error handlers can not completely suppress exceptions. The original exception is thrown if the error
handler doesn’t throw anything.
class uplink.inject(*hooks)
A decorator that applies one or more hooks to a request method.
New in version 0.4.0.
Converting an HTTP response body into a custom Python object is straightforward with Uplink; the uplink.
returns modules exposes optional decorators for defining the expected return type and data serialization format
for any consumer method.
class uplink.returns.json(type=None, key=(), model=None, member=())
Specifies that the decorated consumer method should return a JSON object.
# This method will return a JSON object (e.g., a dict or list)
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get a specific user."""
38 Chapter 4. API Reference
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Returning a Specific JSON Field:
The key argument accepts a string or tuple that specifies the path of an internal field in the
JSON document.
For instance, consider an API that returns JSON responses that, at the root of the document,
contains both the server-retrieved data and a list of relevant API errors:
"data": { "user": "prkumar", "id": "140232" },
"errors": []
If returning the list of errors is unnecessary, we can use the key argument to strictly return
the nested field data.id:
@returns.json(key=("data", "id"))
def get_user_id(self, username):
"""Get a specific user's ID."""
We can also configure Uplink to convert the field before it’s returned by also specifying
the‘‘type‘‘ argument:
@returns.json(key=("data", "id"), type=int)
def get_user_id(self, username):
"""Get a specific user's ID."""
New in version v0.5.0.
Specifies that the decorated consumer method should produce instances of a type class using a registered
deserialization strategy (see uplink.loads.from_json())
This decorator accepts the same arguments as uplink.returns.json.
Often, a JSON response body represents a schema in your application. If an existing Python object encapsulates
this schema, use the type argument to specify it as the return type:
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get a specific user."""
For Python 3 users, you can alternatively provide a return value annotation. Hence, the previous code is equiva-
lent to the following in Python 3:
def get_user(self, username) -> User:
"""Get a specific user."""
Both usages typically require also registering a converter that knows how to deserialize the JSON into the
specified type (see uplink.loads.from_json()). This step is unnecessary if the type is defined using
a library for which Uplink has built-in support, such as marshmallow.
New in version v0.6.0.
alias of json
4.1. API 39
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class uplink.returns.schema(type)
Specifies that the function returns a specific type of response.
In Python 3, to provide a consumer method’s return type, you can set it as the method’s return annotation:
def get_user(self, username) -> UserSchema:
"""Get a specific user."""
For Python 2.7 compatibility, you can use this decorator instead:
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get a specific user."""
To have Uplink convert response bodies into the desired type, you will need to define an appropriate converter
(e.g., using uplink.loads).
New in version v0.5.1.
class uplink.retry.retry(when=None, max_attempts=None, on_exception=None, stop=None,
A decorator that adds retry support to a consumer method or to an entire consumer.
Unless you specify the when or on_exception argument, all failed requests that raise an exception are
Unless you specify the max_attempts or stop argument, this decorator continues retrying until the server
returns a response.
Unless you specify the backoff argument, this decorator uses capped exponential backoff and jitter, which
should benefit performance with remote services under high contention.
Note: Response and error handlers (see here) are invoked after the retry condition breaks or all retry attempts
are exhausted, whatever comes first. These handlers will receive the first response/exception that triggers the
retry’s stop condition or doesn’t match its when filter.
In other words, responses or exceptions that match the retry condition (e.g., retry when status code is 5xx) are
not subject to response or error handlers as long as the request doesn’t break the retry’s stop condition (e.g., stop
retrying after 5 attempts).
when (optional) – A predicate that determines when a retry should be attempted.
max_attempts (int, optional) – The number of retries to attempt. If not specified,
requests are retried continuously until a response is rendered.
on_exception (Exception, optional) – The exception type that should prompt a retry
stop (callable, optional) – A function that creates predicates that decide when to stop
retrying a request.
40 Chapter 4. API Reference
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backoff (RetryBackoff, callable, optional) – A backoff strategy or a function that
creates an iterator over the ordered sequence of timeouts between retries. If not specified,
exponential backoff is used.
class uplink.retry.RetryBackoff
Base class for a strategy that calculates the timeout between retry attempts.
You can compose two RetryBackoff instances by using the | operator:
CustomBackoffA() | CustomBackoffB()
The resulting backoff strategy will first compute the timeout using the left-hand instance. If that timeout is
None, the strategy will try to compute a fallback using the right-hand instance. If both instances return None,
the resulting strategy will also return None.
get_timeout_after_exception(request, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
Returns the number of seconds to wait before retrying the request, or None to indicate that the given
exception should be raised.
get_timeout_after_response(request, response)
Returns the number of seconds to wait before retrying the request, or None to indicate that the given
response should be returned.
Handles any clean-up necessary following the final retry attempt.
The default behavior of the retry decorator is to retry on any raised exception. To override the retry criteria, use
the retry decorator’s when argument to specify a retry condition exposed through the uplink.retry.when
from uplink.retry.when import raises
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
# Retry when a client connection timeout occurs
def get_user(self, user):
"""Get user by username."""
Use the | operator to logically combine retry conditions:
from uplink.retry.when import raises, status
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
# Retry when an exception is raised or the status code is 503
@uplink.retry(when=raises(Exception) | status(503))
def get_user(self, user):
"""Get user by username."""
class uplink.retry.when.raises(expected_exception)
Retry when a specific exception type is raised.
class uplink.retry.when.status(*status_codes)
Retry on specific HTTP response status codes.
4.1. API 41
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
class uplink.retry.when.status_5xx
Retry after receiving a 5xx (server error) response.
Retrying failed requests typically involves backoff: the client can wait some time before the next retry attempt to avoid
high contention on the remote service.
To this end, the retry decorator uses capped exponential backoff with jitter by default, To override this, use the
decorator’s backoff argument to specify one of the alternative approaches exposed through the uplink.retry.
backoff module:
from uplink import retry, Consumer, get
from uplink.retry.backoff import fixed
class GitHub(Consumer):
# Employ a fixed one second delay between retries.
def get_user(self, username):
"""Get user by username."""
from uplink.retry.backoff import exponential
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
def get_user(self, user):
"""Get user by username."""
You can implement a custom backoff strategy by extending the class uplink.retry.RetryBackoff:
from uplink.retry import RetryBackoff
class MyCustomBackoff(RetryBackoff):
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
def get_user(self, user):
class uplink.retry.backoff.jittered(base=2, multiplier=1, minimum=0, maxi-
Waits using capped exponential backoff and full jitter.
The implementation is discussed in this AWS Architecture Blog post, which recommends this approach for any
remote clients, as it minimizes the total completion time of competing clients in a distributed system experienc-
ing high contention.
class uplink.retry.backoff.exponential(base=2, multiplier=1, minimum=0, maxi-
Waits using capped exponential backoff, meaning that the delay is multiplied by a constant base after each
attempt, up to an optional maximum value.
class uplink.retry.backoff.fixed(seconds)
Waits for a fixed number of seconds before each retry.
42 Chapter 4. API Reference
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
By default, the retry decorator will repeatedly retry the original request until a response is rendered. To override
this behavior, use the retry decorator’s stop argument to specify one of the strategies exposed in the uplink.
retry.stop module:
from uplink.retry.stop import after_attempt
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
def get_user(self, user):
Use the | operator to logically combine strategies:
from uplink.retry.stop import after_attempt, after_delay
class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
# Stop after 3 attempts or after the backoff exceeds 10 seconds.
@uplink.retry(stop=after_attempt(3) | after_delay(10))
def get_user(self, user):
class uplink.retry.stop.after_attempt(attempt)
Stops retrying after the specified number of attempts.
class uplink.retry.stop.after_delay(delay)
Stops retrying after the backoff exceeds the specified delay in seconds.
Continuously retry until the server returns a successful response
class uplink.ratelimit(calls=15, period=900, raise_on_limit=False, group_by=<function
_get_host_and_port>, clock=<built-in function monotonic>)
A decorator that constrains a consumer method or an entire consumer to making a specified maximum number
of requests within a defined time period (e.g., 15 calls every 15 minutes).
Note: The rate limit is enforced separately for each host-port combination. Logically, requests are grouped
by host and port, and the number of requests within a time period are counted and capped separately for each
By default, when the limit is reached, the client will wait until the current period is over before executing
any subsequent requests. If you’d prefer the client to raise an exception when the limit is exceeded, set the
raise_on_limit argument.
calls (int) – The maximum number of allowed calls that the consumer can make within
the time period.
period (float) – The duration of each time period in seconds.
4.1. API 43
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
raise_on_limit (Exception or bool, optional) Either an exception to raise when
the client exceeds the rate limit or a bool. If True, a RateLimitExceeded exception
is raised.
class uplink.ratelimit.RateLimitExceeded(calls, period)
A request failed because it exceeded the client-side rate limit.
4.1.3 Function Annotations
For programming in general, function parameters drive a function’s dynamic behavior; a function’s output depends
normally on its inputs. With uplink, function arguments parametrize an HTTP request, and you indicate the dynamic
parts of the request by appropriately annotating those arguments with the classes detailed in this section.
class uplink.Path(name=None, type=None)
Substitution of a path variable in a URI template.
URI template parameters are enclosed in braces (e.g., {name}). To map an argument to a declared URI param-
eter, use the Path annotation:
class TodoService(object):
def get_todo(self, todo_id: Path("id")): pass
Then, invoking get_todo with a consumer instance:
creates an HTTP request with a URL ending in /todos/100.
Note: Any unannotated function argument that shares a name with a URL path parameter is implicitly annotated
with this class at runtime.
For example, we could simplify the method from the previous example by matching the path variable and
method argument names:
def get_todo(self, id): pass
class uplink.Query(name=None, encoded=False, type=None, encode_none=None)
Set a dynamic query parameter.
This annotation turns argument values into URL query parameters. You can include it as function argument
annotation, in the format: <query argument>: uplink.Query.
If the API endpoint you are trying to query uses q as a query parameter, you can add q: uplink.Query to
the consumer method to set the q search term at runtime.
44 Chapter 4. API Reference
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
def search(self, search_term: Query("q")):
"""Search all commits with the given search term."""
To specify whether or not the query parameter is already URL encoded, use the optional encoded argument:
def search(self, search_term: Query("q", encoded=True)):
"""Search all commits with the given search term."""
To specify if and how None values should be encoded, use the optional encode_none argument:
def search(self, search_term: Query("q"),
search_order: Query("o", encode_none="null")):
Search all commits with the given search term using the
optional search order.
encoded (bool, optional) – Specifies whether the parameter name and value are already
URL encoded.
encode_none (str, optional) Specifies an optional string with which None values
should be encoded. If not specified, parameters with a value of None will not be sent.
class uplink.QueryMap(encoded=False, type=None)
A mapping of query arguments.
If the API you are using accepts multiple query arguments, you can include them all in your function method
by using the format: <query argument>: uplink.QueryMap
def search(self,
params: QueryMap):
"""Search all users."""
Parameters encoded (bool, optional) Specifies whether the parameter name and value are
already URL encoded.
class uplink.Header(name=None, type=None)
Pass a header as a method argument at runtime.
While uplink.headers attaches request headers values that are static across all requests sent from the
decorated consumer method, this annotation turns a method argument into a dynamic request header.
4.1. API 45
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
def me(self, session_id: Header("Authorization")):
"""Get the authenticated user."""
To define an optional header, use the default value of None:
@get(“/repositories”) def fetch_repos(self, auth: Header(“Authorization”) = None):
“””List all public repositories.”””
When the argument is not used, the header will not be added to the request.
class uplink.HeaderMap(type=None)
Pass a mapping of header fields at runtime.
class uplink.Field(name=None, type=None)
Defines a form field to the request body.
Use together with the decorator uplink.form_url_encoded and annotate each argument accepting a form
field with uplink.Field.
def update_user(self, first_name: Field, last_name: Field):
"""Update the current user."""
class uplink.FieldMap(type=None)
Defines a mapping of form fields to the request body.
Use together with the decorator uplink.form_url_encoded and annotate each argument accepting a form
field with uplink.FieldMap.
def create_post(self,
user_info: FieldMap):
"""Update the current user."""
46 Chapter 4. API Reference
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
class uplink.Part(name=None, type=None)
Marks an argument as a form part.
Use together with the decorator uplink.multipart and annotate each form part with uplink.Part.
def update_user(self, photo: Part, description: Part):
"""Upload a user profile photo."""
class uplink.PartMap(type=None)
A mapping of form field parts.
Use together with the decorator uplink.multipart and annotate each part of form parts with uplink.
def update_user(self, photo: Part, description: Part):
"""Upload a user profile photo."""
class uplink.Body(type=None)
Set the request body at runtime.
Use together with the decorator uplink.json. The method argument value will become the request’s body
when annotated with uplink.Body.
def update_user(self,
info: Body):
"""Update the current user."""
class uplink.Url
Sets a dynamic URL.
Provides the URL at runtime as a method argument. Drop the decorator parameter path from uplink.get
and annotate the corresponding argument with uplink.Url
4.1. API 47
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
def get(self, endpoint: Url):
"""Execute a GET requests against the given endpoint"""
class uplink.Timeout
Passes a timeout as a method argument at runtime.
While uplink.timeout attaches static timeout to all requests sent from a consumer method, this class turns
a method argument into a dynamic timeout value.
def get_posts(self, timeout: Timeout() = 60):
"""Fetch all posts for the current users giving up after given
number of seconds."""
class uplink.Context(name=None, type=None)
Defines a name-value pair that is accessible to middleware at runtime.
Request middleware can leverage this annotation to give users control over the middleware’s behavior.
Consider a custom decorator @cache (this would be a subclass of uplink.decorators.
def get_user(self, user_id)
"""Retrieves a single user."""
As its name suggests, the @cache decorator enables caching server responses so that, once a request is cached,
subsequent identical requests can be served by the cache provider rather than adding load to the upstream service.
Importantly, the writers of the @cache decorators can allow users to pass their own cache provider implemen-
tation through an argument annotated with Context:
def get_user(self, user_id, cache_provider: Context)
"""Retrieves a single user."""
To add a name-value pair to the context of any request made from a Consumer instance, you can use the
Consumer.session.context property. Alternatively, you can annotate a constructor argument of a
Consumer subclass with Context, as explained here.
48 Chapter 4. API Reference
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
4.1.4 HTTP Clients
The client parameter of the Consumer constructor offers a way to swap out Requests with another HTTP client,
including those listed here:
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, client=...)
class uplink.RequestsClient(session=None, **kwargs)
A requests client that returns requests.Response responses.
Parameters session (requests.Session, optional) The session that should handle sending
requests. If this argument is omitted or set to None, a new session will be created.
class uplink.AiohttpClient(session=None, **kwargs)
An aiohttp client that creates awaitable responses.
Note: This client is an optional feature and requires the aiohttp package. For example, here’s how to install
this extra using pip:
$ pip install uplink[aiohttp]
Parameters session (aiohttp.ClientSession, optional) – The session that should handle
sending requests. If this argument is omitted or set to None, a new session will be created.
class uplink.TwistedClient(session=None)
Client that returns twisted.internet.defer.Deferred responses.
Note: This client is an optional feature and requires the twisted package. For example, here’s how to install
this extra using pip:
$ pip install uplink[twisted]
Parameters session (requests.Session, optional) The session that should handle sending
requests. If this argument is omitted or set to None, a new session will be created.
4.1.5 Converters
The converter parameter of the uplink.Consumer constructor accepts a custom adapter class that handles
serialization of HTTP request properties and deserialization of HTTP response objects:
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, converter=...)
4.1. API 49
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
Starting with version v0.5, some out-of-the-box converters are included automatically and don’t need to be explicitly
provided through the converter parameter. These implementations are detailed below.
Uplink comes with optional support for marshmallow.
class uplink.converters.MarshmallowConverter
A converter that serializes and deserializes values using marshmallow schemas.
To deserialize JSON responses into Python objects with this converter, define a marshmallow.Schema
subclass and set it as the return annotation of a consumer method:
def get_users(self, username) -> UserSchema():
'''Fetch a single user'''
Note: This converter is an optional feature and requires the marshmallow package. For example, here’s how
to install this feature using pip:
$ pip install uplink[marshmallow]
Note: Starting with version v0.5, this converter factory is automatically included if you have marshmallow in-
stalled, so you don’t need to provide it when constructing your consumer instances.
New in version v0.9.2.
Uplink comes with optional support for pydantic.
class uplink.converters.PydanticConverter
A converter that serializes and deserializes values using pydantic models.
To deserialize JSON responses into Python objects with this converter, define a pydantic.BaseModel
subclass and set it as the return annotation of a consumer method:
def get_users(self, username) -> List[UserModel]:
'''Fetch multiple users'''
Note: This converter is an optional feature and requires the pydantic package. For example, here’s how to
install this feature using pip:
$ pip install uplink[pydantic]
Note: Starting with version v0.9.2, this converter factory is automatically included if you have pydantic installed,
so you don’t need to provide it when constructing your consumer instances.
50 Chapter 4. API Reference
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
Converting Collections
New in version v0.5.0.
Uplink can convert collections of a type, such as deserializing a response body into a list of users. If you have
typing installed (the module is part of the standard library starting Python 3.5), you can use type hints (see PEP
484) to specify such conversions. You can also leverage this feature without typing by using one of the proxy types
defined in uplink.types.
The following converter factory implements this feature and is automatically included, so you don’t need to provide it
when constructing your consumer instance:
class uplink.converters.TypingConverter
An adapter that serializes and deserializes collection types from the typing module, such as typing.List.
Inner types of a collection are recursively resolved, using other available converters if necessary. For in-
stance, when resolving the type hint typing.Sequence[UserSchema], where UserSchema is a custom
marshmallow.Schema subclass, the converter will resolve the inner type using uplink.converters.
def get_users(self) -> typing.Sequence[UserSchema]:
'''Fetch all users.'''
Note: The typing module is available in the standard library starting from Python 3.5. For earlier versions
of Python, there is a port of the module available on PyPI.
However, you can utilize this converter without the typing module by using one of the proxies defined by
uplink.returns (e.g., uplink.types.List).
Here are the collection types defined in uplink.types. You can use these or the corresponding type hints from
typing to leverage this feature:
A proxy for typing.List that is safe to use in type hints with Python 3.4 and below.
def get_users(self) -> types.List[str]:
"""Fetches all users"""
A proxy for typing.List that is safe to use in type hints with Python 3.4 and below.
def get_users(self) -> types.List[str]:
"""Fetches all users"""
A proxy for typing.Dict that is safe to use in type hints with Python 3.4 and below.
def get_users(self) -> types.Dict[str, str]:
"""Fetches all users"""
A proxy for typing.Dict that is safe to use in type hints with Python 3.4 and below.
4.1. API 51
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
def get_users(self) -> types.Dict[str, str]:
"""Fetches all users"""
Writing Custom JSON Converters
As a shorthand, you can define custom JSON converters using the @loads.from_json (deserialization) and
@dumps.to_json (serialization) decorators.
These classes can be used as decorators to create converters of a class and its subclasses:
# Creates a converter that can deserialize the given `json` in to an
# instance of a `Model` subtype.
def load_model_from_json(model_type, json):
Note: Unlike consumer methods, these functions should be defined outside of a class scope.
To use the converter, provide the generated converter object when instantiating a Consumer subclass, through the
converter constructor parameter:
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, converter=load_model_from_json)
Alternatively, you can add the @install decorator to register the converter function as a default converter, meaning
the converter will be included automatically with any consumer instance and doesn’t need to be explicitly provided
through the :py:obj:converter parameter:
from uplink import install, loads
# Register the function as a default loader for the given model class.
def load_model_from_json(model_type, json):
class uplink.loads(base_class, annotations=())
Builds a custom object deserializer.
This class takes a single argument, the base model class, and registers the decorated function as a deserializer
for that base class and all subclasses.
Further, the decorated function should accept two positional arguments: (1) the encountered type (which can be
the given base class or a subclass), and (2) the response data.
def load_model(model_cls, data):
New in version v0.5.0.
classmethod from_json(base_class, annotations=())
Builds a custom JSON deserialization strategy.
52 Chapter 4. API Reference
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
This decorator accepts the same arguments and behaves like uplink.loads, except that the second
argument of the decorated function is a JSON object:
def from_json(user_cls, json):
return user_cls(json["id"], json["username"])
Notably, only consumer methods that have the expected return type (i.e., the given base class or any
subclass) and are decorated with uplink.returns.from_json can leverage the registered strategy
to deserialize JSON responses.
For example, the following consumer method would leverage the from_json() strategy defined above:
def get_user(self) -> User: pass
New in version v0.5.0.
class uplink.dumps(base_class, annotations=())
Builds a custom object serializer.
This decorator takes a single argument, the base model class, and registers the decorated function as a serializer
for that base class and all subclasses.
Further, the decorated function should accept two positional arguments: (1) the encountered type (which can be
the given base class or a subclass), and (2) the encountered instance.
def deserialize_model(model_cls, model_instance):
New in version v0.5.0.
classmethod to_json(base_class, annotations=())
Builds a custom JSON serialization strategy.
This decorator accepts the same arguments and behaves like uplink.dumps. The only distinction is
that the decorated function should be JSON serializable.
def to_json(model_cls, model_instance):
return model_instance.to_json()
Notably, only consumer methods that are decorated with py:class:uplink.json and have one or more argu-
ment annotations with the expected type (i.e., the given base class or a subclass) can leverage the registered
For example, the following consumer method would leverage the to_json() strategy defined above,
given User is a subclass of ModelBase:
def change_user_name(self, name: Field(type=User): pass
New in version v0.5.0.
4.1. API 53
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
4.1.6 Auth Methods
The auth parameter of the Consumer constructor offers a way to define an auth method to use for all requests.
auth_method = SomeAuthMethod(...)
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=auth_method)
class uplink.auth.BasicAuth(username, password)
Authorizes requests using HTTP Basic Authentication.
There are two ways to use BasicAuth with a Consumer:
# implicit BasicAuth
github = Github(BASE_URL, auth=(USER, PASS))
# explicit BasicAuth
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=BasicAuth(USER, PASS))
class uplink.auth.ProxyAuth(username, password)
Authorizes requests with an intermediate HTTP proxy.
If both API auth and intermediate Proxy auth are required, wrap ProxyAuth in MultiAuth:
# only ProxyAuth
github = Github(BASE_URL, auth=ProxyAuth(PROXYUSER, PROXYPASS))
# both BasicAuth and ProxyAuth
auth_methods = MultiAuth(
BasicAuth(USER, PASS),
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=auth_methods)
class uplink.auth.BearerToken(token)
Authorizes requests using a Bearer Token.
token = something_like_oauth_that_returns_a_token()
bearer = BearerToken(token)
api_consumer = SomeApiConsumerClass(BASE_URL, auth=bearer)
class uplink.auth.MultiAuth(*auth_methods)
Authorizes requests using multiple auth methods at the same time.
This is useful for API users to supply both API credentials and intermediary credentials (such as for a proxy).
54 Chapter 4. API Reference
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
auth_methods = MultiAuth(
BasicAuth(USER, PASS),
api_consumer = SomeApiConsumerClass(BASE_URL, auth=auth_methods)
This may also be used if an API requires multiple Auth Tokens.
auth_methods = MultiAuth(
api_consumer = SomeApiConsumerClass(BASE_URL, auth=auth_methods)
API library authors may find it more helpful to treat MultiAuth as a list using append or extend to add
aditional auth methods.
auth_methods = MultiAuth()
api_consumer = SomeApiConsumerClass(BASE_URL, auth=auth_methods)
# looping over contained auth methods is also supported
for method in auth_methods:
class uplink.auth.ApiTokenParam(param, token)
Authorizes requests using a token or key in a query parameter.
Users may use this directly, or API library authors may subclass this to predefine the query parameter name to
use. If supplying query parameter name on a subclass, define the _param property or attribute and override
__init__() without using super().
# direct use
token_param = ApiTokenParam(QUERY_PARAM_NAME, TOKEN)
api_consumer = SomeApiConsumerClass(BASE_URL, auth=token_param)
# subclass in API library
class ExampleApiTokenParam(ApiTokenParam):
_param = "api-token"
def __init__(self, token):
self._param_value = token
# using the subclass
token_param = ExampleApiTokenParam(TOKEN)
api_consumer = SomeApiConsumerClass(BASE_URL, auth=token_param)
4.1. API 55
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
class uplink.auth.ApiTokenHeader(header, token, prefix=None)
Authorizes requests using a token or key in a header. Users should subclass this class to define which header is
the token header. The subclass may also, optionally, define a token prefix (such as in BearerToken)
Users may use this directly, or API library authors may subclass this to predefine the header name or a prefix
to use. If supplying header name or prefix in a subclass, define the _header and/or _prefix properties or
attributes and override __init__() without using super().
# direct use
token_header = ApiTokenHeader(HEADER_NAME, TOKEN)
api_consumer = SomeApiConsumerClass(BASE_URL, auth=token_header)
# subclass in API library with a prefix
class ExampleApiTokenHeader(ApiTokenHeader):
_header = "X-Api-Token"
def __init__(self, token):
self._token = token
# subclass in API library with a prefix
class ExampleApiTokenHeader(ApiTokenHeader):
_header = "X-App-Id"
_prefix = "APP"
def __init__(self, token):
self._token = token
# using the subclass
token_header = ExampleApiTokenHeader(TOKEN)
api_consumer = SomeApiConsumerClass(BASE_URL, auth=token_header)
56 Chapter 4. API Reference
5.1 Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to the Semantic Versioning scheme.
5.1.1 0.9.7 - 2022-03-10
Fix behavior of async @response_handler with AiohttpClient. (#256)
5.1.2 0.9.6 - 2022-01-24
Add a new base class, uplink.retry.RetryBackoff, which can be extended to implement custom back-
off strategies. An instance of a RetryBackoff subclass can be provided through the backoff argument of
the @retry decorator. (#238)
Bump minimum version of six to 1.13.0. (#246)
Fix @returns.json to cast JSON response (or field referenced by the key argument) using the type argu-
ment when the given type is callable. This restores behavior that was inadvertently changed in v0.9.3. (#215)
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
Remove all usages of asyncio.coroutine in the library code to fix warnings related to the function’s
deprecation in Python 3.8+. (#203)
5.1.3 0.9.5 - 2022-01-04
Add Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 as officially supported. (#237)
Fix FieldMap and PartMap from raising NoneType error. (#221)
Fix Python 2.7 support. (#217)
Python 2.7 support will be removed in v0.10.0.
5.1.4 0.9.4 - 2021-02-15
A type set as a consumer method’s return annotation should not be used to deserialize a response object if no
registered converters can handle the type. (3653a672ee)
5.1.5 0.9.3 - 2020-11-22
Support for serialization using a subclass of pydantics BaseModel that contains fields of a complex type, such
as datetime. (#207 by @leiserfg)
Support for passing a subclass of pydantics BaseModel as the request body. (#209 by @lust4life)
5.1.6 0.9.2 - 2020-10-18
Support for (de)serializing subclasses of pydantics BaseModel (#200 by @gmcrocetti)
Using the @get, @post, @patch, etc. decorators should retain the docstring of the wrapped method (#198)
The Body and Part argument annotations should support uploading binary data (#180, #183, #204)
58 Chapter 5. Miscellaneous
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
5.1.7 0.9.1 - 2020-02-08
Omit Header argument from request when its value is None. (#167, #169)
Fix AttributeError raised on usage of uplink.Url. (#164, #165 by @cognifloyd)
Exclude tests subpackages from wheel. (#188 by @daa)
5.1.8 0.9.0 - 2019-06-05
Create consumer method templates to reduce boilerplate in request definitions. (#151, #159)
Context argument annotation to pass request-specific information to middleware. (#143, #155)
Session.context property to pass session-specific information to middleware. (#143, #155)
Built-in authentication support for API tokens in the querystring and header, Bearer tokens, and multi-auth.
Schema defined using @returns.
decorators should override the consumer method’s return annotation.
(#144, #154)
decorators should propagate to all consumer method when used as a class decorator. (#145,
Decorating a Consumer subclass no longer affects other subclasses. (#152)
Rename uplink.retry.stop.DISABLE to uplink.retry.stop.NEVER
5.1.9 0.8.0 - 2019-02-16
A retry decorator to enable reattempts of failed requests. (#132)
A ratelimit decorator to constrain consumers to making some maximum number of calls within a given
time period. (#132)
Timeout argument annotation to be able to pass the timeout as a consumer method argument or to inject it as
a transaction hook using a Consumer instance’s _inject method. (#133 by @daa)
5.1. Changelog 59
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
Consumer subclasses now inherit class decorators from their Consumer parents, so those decorators are also
applied to the subclasses’ methods that are decorated with @get, @post, @patch, etc. (#138 by @daa)
Memory leaks in RequestsClient and AiohttpClient caused by use of atexit.register, which
was holding references to session objects and preventing the garbage collector from freeing memory reserved
for those objects. (#134 by @SakornW)
5.1.10 0.7.0 - 2018-12-06
Consumer.exceptions property for handling common client exceptions in a client-agnostic way. (#117)
Optional argument requires_consumer for response_handler and error_handler; when set to
True, the registered callback should accept a reference to a Consumer instance as its leading argument. (#118)
For a Query-annotated argument, a None value indicates that the query parameter should be excluded from the
request. Previous behavior was to encode the parameter as ...?name=None. To retain this behavior, specify
the new encode_none parameter (i.e., Query(..., encode_none="None")). (#126 by @nphilipp)
Support for changes to Schema().load and Schema().dump in marshmallow v3. (#109)
5.1.11 0.6.1 - 2018-9-14
When the type parameter of a function argument annotation, such as Query or Body, is omitted, the type of
the annotated argument’s value is no longer used to determine how to convert the value before it’s passed to the
backing client; the argument’s value is converted only when its type is explicitly set.
5.1.12 0.6.0 - 2018-9-11
The session property to the Consumer base class, exposing the consumer instance’s configuration and
allowing for the persistence of certain properties across requests sent from that instance.
The params decorator, which when applied to a method of a Consumer subclass, can add static query param-
eters to each API call.
The converters.Factory base class for defining integrations with other serialization formats and libraries.
60 Chapter 5. Miscellaneous
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
The uplink.install decorator for registering extensions, such as a custom converters.Factory im-
plementation, to be applied broadly.
Issue with detecting typing.List and typing.Dict for converting collections on Python 3.7.
RuntimeWarning that “ClientSession.close was never awaited” when using aiohttp >= 3.0.
When using the marshmallow integration, Uplink no longer suppresses Schema validation errors on deseri-
alization; users can now handle these exceptions directly.
5.1.13 0.5.5 - 2018-8-01
Issue with sending JSON list Body using @json annotation.
5.1.14 0.5.4 - 2018-6-26
When using uplink.AiohttpClient with aiohttp>=3.0, the underlying aiohttp.
ClientSession would remain open on program exit.
5.1.15 0.5.3 - 2018-5-31
Issue where adding two or more response handlers (i.e., functions decorated with uplink.
response_handler) to a method caused a TypeError.
5.1.16 0.5.2 - 2018-5-30
Applying returns.json decorator without arguments should produce JSON responses when the decorated
method is lacking a return value annotation.
5.1.17 0.5.1 - 2018-4-10
Decorator uplink.returns.model for specifying custom return type without indicating a specific data
deserialization format.
5.1. Changelog 61
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
Have uplink.Body decorator accept any type, not just mappings.
Reintroduce the uplink.returns decorator.
5.1.18 0.5.0 - 2018-4-06
Decorators for convenient registration of custom serialization. (uplink.dumps) and deserialization
(uplink.loads) strategies.
Support for setting nested JSON fields with uplink.Field and uplink.json.
Optional args parameter to HTTP method decorators (e.g., uplink.get) for another Python 2.7-compatible
alternative to annotating consumer method arguments with function annotations.
Decorator uplink.returns.json for converting HTTP response bodies into JSON objects or custom
Python objects.
Support for converting collections (e.g., converting a response body into a list of users).
Leveraging built-in converters (such as uplink.converters.MarshmallowConverter) no longer re-
quires providing the converter when instantiating an uplink.Consumer subclass, as these converters are
now implicitly included.
uplink.response_handler and uplink.error_handler properly adopts the name and docstring
of the wrapped function.
5.1.19 0.4.1 - 2018-3-10
Enforce method-level decorators override class-level decorators when they conflict.
5.1.20 0.4.0 - 2018-2-10
Support for Basic Authentication.
The response_handler decorator for defining custom response handlers.
The error_handler decorator for defining custom error handlers.
The inject decorator for injecting other kinds of middleware.
The Consumer._inject method for adding middleware to a consumer instance.
62 Chapter 5. Miscellaneous
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
Support for annotating constructor arguments of a Consumer subclass with built-in function annotations like
Query and Header.
5.1.21 0.3.0 - 2018-1-09
HTTP HEAD request decorator by @brandonio21.
Support for returning deserialized response objects using marshmallow schemas.
Constructor parameter for Query and QueryMap to support already encoded URL parameters.
Support for using requests.Session and aiohttp.ClientSession instances with the client pa-
rameter of the Consumer constructor.
aiohttp and twisted are now optional dependencies/extras.
Fix for calling a request method with super, by @brandonio21.
Fix issue where method decorators would incorrectly decorate inherited request methods.
5.1.22 0.2.2 - 2017-11-23
Fix for error raised when an object that is not a class is passed into the client parameter of the Consumer
constructor, by @kadrach.
5.1.23 0.2.0 - 2017-11-03
The class uplink.Consumer by @itstehkman. Consumer classes should inherit this base. class, and creating
consumer instances happens through instantiation.
Support for asyncio for Python 3.4 and above.
Support for twisted for all supported Python versions.
BREAKING: Invoking a consumer method now builds and executes the request, removing the extra step of
calling the execute method.
5.1. Changelog 63
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
Building consumer instances with uplink.build. Instead, Consumer classes should inherit uplink.
Header link for version 0.1.1 in changelog.
5.1.24 0.1.1 - 2017-10-21
Contribution guide, CONTRIBUTING.rst.
“Contributing” Section in README.rst that links to contribution guide.
AUTHORS.rst file for listing project contributors.
Adopt Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
Replaced tentative contributing instructions in preview notice on documentation homepage with link to contri-
bution guide.
5.1.25 0.1.0 - 2017-10-19
Python ports for almost all method and argument annotations in Retrofit.
Adherence to the variation of the semantic versioning scheme outlined in the official Python package distribution
MIT License
Documentation with introduction, instructions for installing, and quick getting started guide covering the builder
and all method and argument annotations.
README that contains GitHub API v3 example, installation instructions with pip, and link to online docu-
64 Chapter 5. Miscellaneous
Python Module Index
uplink.retry, 40
uplink.retry.backoff, 42
uplink.retry.stop, 43
uplink.retry.when, 41
uplink.returns, 38
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
66 Python Module Index
after_attempt (class in uplink.retry.stop), 43
after_delay (class in uplink.retry.stop), 43
AiohttpClient (class in uplink), 49
ApiTokenHeader (class in uplink.auth), 56
ApiTokenParam (class in uplink.auth), 55
args (class in uplink), 36
auth (uplink.session.Session attribute), 32
base_url (uplink.session.Session attribute), 32
BasicAuth (class in uplink.auth), 54
BearerToken (class in uplink.auth), 54
Body (class in uplink), 47
Consumer (class in uplink), 31
Context (class in uplink), 48
context (uplink.session.Session attribute), 32
Dict (in module uplink.types), 51
dumps (class in uplink), 53
error_handler (class in uplink), 37
exceptions (uplink.Consumer attribute), 32
exponential (class in uplink.retry.backoff ), 42
Field (class in uplink), 46
FieldMap (class in uplink), 46
fixed (class in uplink.retry.backoff ), 42
form_url_encoded (class in uplink), 35
from_json (in module uplink.returns), 39
from_json() (uplink.loads class method), 52
get_timeout_after_exception() (up-
link.retry.RetryBackoff method), 41
get_timeout_after_response() (up-
link.retry.RetryBackoff method), 41
handle_after_final_retry() (up-
link.retry.RetryBackoff method), 41
Header (class in uplink), 45
HeaderMap (class in uplink), 46
headers (class in uplink), 33
headers (uplink.session.Session attribute), 33
inject (class in uplink), 38
inject() (uplink.session.Session method), 33
jittered (class in uplink.retry.backoff ), 42
json (class in uplink), 34
json (class in uplink.returns), 38
List (in module uplink.types), 51
loads (class in uplink), 52
MarshmallowConverter (class in up-
link.converters), 50
MultiAuth (class in uplink.auth), 54
multipart (class in uplink), 35
NEVER (in module uplink.retry.stop), 43
params (class in uplink), 33
params (uplink.session.Session attribute), 33
Part (class in uplink), 47
PartMap (class in uplink), 47
Path (class in uplink), 44
Uplink Documentation, Release 0.9.7
ProxyAuth (class in uplink.auth), 54
PydanticConverter (class in uplink.converters), 50
Python Enhancement Proposals
PEP 3107, 28
PEP 484, 23, 51
PEP 526, 23
Query (class in uplink), 44
QueryMap (class in uplink), 45
raises (class in uplink.retry.when), 41
ratelimit (class in uplink), 43
RateLimitExceeded (class in uplink.ratelimit), 44
RequestsClient (class in uplink), 49
response_handler (class in uplink), 36
retry (class in uplink.retry), 40
RetryBackoff (class in uplink.retry), 41
schema (class in uplink.returns), 39
Session (class in uplink.session), 32
session (uplink.Consumer attribute), 32
status (class in uplink.retry.when), 41
status_5xx (class in uplink.retry.when), 41
Timeout (class in uplink), 48
timeout (class in uplink), 35
to_json() (uplink.dumps class method), 53
TwistedClient (class in uplink), 49
TypingConverter (class in uplink.converters), 51
uplink.retry (module), 40
uplink.retry.backoff (module), 42
uplink.retry.stop (module), 43
uplink.retry.when (module), 41
uplink.returns (module), 38
Url (class in uplink), 47
68 Index