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Exploring the Relationship Between Attribute Discrepancy
and Avatar Embodiment in Immersive Social Virtual Reality
Cyan DeVeaux, BA,
Eugy Han, MA,
James A. Landay, PhD,
and Jeremy N. Bailenson, PhD
Social virtual reality (VR) is an emerging set of platforms where users interact while embodying avatars. Given
that VR headsets track real physical movements and map them onto one’s avatar body, the nature of one’s
digital representation is an important aspect of social VR. However, little is known about how the visual
proximity of an avatar to the self shapes user experience in naturalistic, social VR environments. In this article,
we use this context to explore how embodiment is influenced by the perceived differences between the physical
attributes of a user and the virtual attributes of their avatar. We selected a number of attributes for this measure
that have been shown to be important for customization and representation in VR. Participants created an
avatar, spent time in social VR, and reported on their experience in a questionnaire. Our results demonstrate a
significant negative association between attribute discrepancy and avatar embodiment, the psychological ex-
perience of one’s virtual body as their own body. We discuss implications for theories of self-representation and
suggest urgency on the part of games and VR designers to improve the methods of creating avatars.
Keywords: virtual reality, avatars, social VR, avatar customization, avatar embodiment
vatar embodiment, or when an avatar’s virtual body is
experienced as one’s own body,
is a key feature of
social virtual reality (VR).
Social VR is an emerging eco-
system of immersive virtual platforms that allow users to in-
teract with each other through either a VR head-mounted
display (HMD) or a traditional desktop or laptop graphical user
Because of the tracking of head and hand move-
ments afforded by HMDs, users can experience a sense of self-
location, agency, and body ownership within their avatar.
Previous research has examined the relationship between
the appearance of a user’s avatar and their psychological
experience in both immersive and nonimmersive VR envi-
ronments. For example, avatar customization has been as-
sociated with immersion,
and emotion
during gameplay.
In addition, there is a significant link
between a user’s sense of presence and the distance from the
avatar to the self.
This study expands on this literature
by experimentally investigating how avatar embodiment is
impacted when users wear avatars with a greater discrepancy
from their physical selves in immersive social VR. We chose
to measure avatar embodiment because of the critical role that
avatars play in social VR. People find their avatars more
personal and emotionally fulfilling in social VR compared
with traditional virtual worlds.
Therefore, we measured
avatar embodiment, as it reflects a key aspect of the user
experience on these platforms.
Although a few studies have established a link between
avatar similarity and embodiment or presence in VR envi-
ronments where researchers created the avatars,
relationship has not been thoroughly investigated in more
naturalistic, social, and immersive virtual settings. Whereas
this prior work achieves visual similarity through photo-
scanning, it is more common for users to customize or create
their own avatars in many of the currently available social
VR platforms.
Research on nonimmersive virtual mediums
has also suggested that customizing an avatar increases a
user’s sense of presence.
Therefore, to build a more com-
prehensive understanding of how the visual appearance of an
Departments of
Communication and
Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
Volume 26, Number 11, 2023
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2023.0210
Downloaded by Stanford University Medical Center from at 10/20/23. For personal use only.
avatar shapes avatar embodiment in VR, there is merit in
investigating this relationship using common and psycho-
logically meaningful approaches.
Moreover, as researchers continue to explore social VR as
a medium for education
and the future of work,
world design implications exist for understanding how a
platform’s avatar system shapes user experience. This sug-
gests a need to explore this topic in naturalistic, social set-
tings as opposed to only isolated lab-made virtual
environments. To address this, this study explores the
question: How do discrepancies between the avatar self and
physical self influence avatar embodiment in social VR?
Higgin’s self-discrepancy theory, which posits how in-
consistencies between these different self-states may cause
psychological discomfort,
serves as the foundation for this
inquiry. We measure the discrepancy between the avatar self
and physical self by considering perceived differences be-
tween an array of specific physical and virtual attributes of
user avatars in social VR. Earlier work has shown that hair-
style, hair color, facial characteristics, and body are some of
the most important features for avatar customization among
Users of color have indicated that skin color, eye
dimensions, mouth, nose, and hair texture are important for
representing racial identity in online games.
Gradations of
hair color and other nuanced attributes that signal age were
important to women in midlife.
We investigated how the
discrepancy of some of these attributes, among others, influ-
enced users’ sensation of embodiment within immersive VR.
Historically, avatar systems in virtual worlds have lacked
in providing a racially diverse set of avatar creation and
selection options.
With this context in mind, we explore
how attribute discrepancy may differ between white and
nonwhite users and whether there are any significant differ-
ences in embodiment given these potential disparities.
This study takes place on two popular social VR plat-
forms, VRChat and Rec Room. Both platforms allow users to
socialize with each other in user-generated virtual
FIG. 1. Users socializing
in VRChat.
FIG. 2. Users socializing
in Rec Room.
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environments (Figs. 1 and 2).
We used two platforms
based on previous work that has recommended stimulus
sampling using multiple media as stimuli in experi-
This decision was also informed by prior work
that has demonstrated how virtual environmental contexts in
social VR influence a user’s psychological experience.
Both platforms include features that make attributes of one’s
avatar salient including being able to look at your hands from
a first-person point-of-view and looking into virtual mirrors.
Avatar selection
Rec room.
Avatars are created with a customization in-
terface (Fig. 3) in Rec Room. This interface allows users select
through different menus to modify different aspects of their
avatar, including their face, hair, clothing, and accessories.
VRChat. At the time of this study, avatars could be ob-
tained in a variety of ways on VRChat such as selecting from
an in-game public avatar world (Fig. 4) or creating or editing
an avatar with software and uploading it to VRChat.
Participants were students in a summer course about VR at
university in the United States. All 96 students were invited
to participate in the study at the beginning of the course and
82 consented to participate. Participants who had nonhuman
avatars, did not complete relevant questionnaire items, or did
not complete this assignment in immersive VR were filtered
from the dataset. After filtering, 61 were used for analysis.
Ages of participants ranged from 16 to 25 (mean [M] = 18.69,
standard deviation [SD] = 2.87). Additional demographic
information of participants is given in Table 1.
Given the nature of the class they were enrolled in, by the
time of the study, each student had spent around 1 hour in
FIG. 3. User customizing
avatar in Rec Room.
FIG. 4. User selecting an
avatar in VRChat from a
public avatar world.
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headset for the course. Safeguards implemented to ensure
privacy and consent included review both by our university
institutional review board (IRB) and second university ethics
organization, and third-party oversight of the consent process
and data collection. Students opted into the study with an
IRB-approved consent form or an IRB-approved assent
document for participants younger than 18 years. This pro-
cess required that researchers and course staff were unaware
of which students provided consent or assent until after the
course finished to avoid any plausible appearance of coercion
to participate. All students participated in this study, but only
data associated with consenting participants were analyzed.
Participants were provided with Meta Quest 2 headsets
(503 g) and two hand controllers (126 g) for use in their
personal environment.
Avatar embodiment.
A 7-point embodiment scale
(1 = never, 7 = always) developed by Peck and Gonzalez-
Franco (2021) was used to measure avatar embodiment.
Participants rated 16 statements, such as ‘I felt as if the
movements of the virtual body were influencing my own
movements,’ to calculate appearance, response, ownership,
and multisensory scores. These submeasures were averaged
to calculate embodiment (Cronbach’s a = 0.89). Higher
scores indicated a greater sense of avatar embodiment.
Attribute discrepancy. Taking into account features im-
portant to users’ virtual self representation, we developed a
new measure, attribute discrepancy, as the aggregated dis-
crepancy between specific attributes of an avatar and a user’s
physical attributes. This measure captures how users per-
ceive differences between specific parts of their avatar. This
measure, adapted from Ducheneaut and colleagues,
participants to ‘imagine yourself and your avatar standing
side-by-side’ and compare the differences in attributes be-
tween their physical and virtual body. The attributes included
were: accessories, esthetic, body, eye color, eye shape,
fashion, gender expression, hair color, hairstyle, hair texture,
lip shape, nose shape, and skin color. Nose shape and lip
shape were removed from the scope of analysis because no
avatars in Rec Room possessed these attributes. These items,
each consisting of 5-point Likert scales (1 = very similar,
5 = very dissimilar), were averaged together to calculate at-
tribute discrepancy (Cronbach’s a = 0.81).
Higher scores meant a greater discrepancy between an
avatar’s attribute and the participant’s actual attribute.
Avatar creation motivation. We assessed each partici-
pant’s typical avatar creation motivation using an adapted
scale from Loewen et al.
(Table 2). Their response was
used to determine whether their motivation was to create
avatars that were ‘Realistic,’ ‘Ideal,’ or ‘Different.’
Analysis of overall avatar embodiment, attribute discrep-
ancy, and avatar creation motivation took into account the
entire sample. While investigating differences in attribute
discrepancy and embodiment across race, we narrowed the
sample to Asian and white monoracial participants for two
reasons. First, they were the two largest racial categories
within the sample. The number of participants from other
racial and ethnic backgrounds was too small for a reliable
analysis. Second, the representation needs of Asian users of
virtual worlds have not been met to the same degree as the
representation needs of white users. Asian users have voiced
a desire for the inclusion of avatars with a wider spectrum of
skin tone options as well as other attributes such as nose
shape and eye shape.
Consequently, there is relevance to
understanding attribute discrepancy and embodiment dif-
ferences between these two groups.
Each participant was randomly assigned to either VRChat
or Rec Room and completed the study asynchronously in
their own chosen remote location. Participants first watched
a promotional video about their specified platform and were
informed about their platform’s security features. Partici-
pants then created an account if they did not already have one
and signed on in headset. Then, they created or selected an
avatar based on the avatar procedures available on their
platform with the instructions to ‘create or select a human
avatar that you would feel comfortable using as your main
avatar for prolonged periods of time around other people.’
Afterward, participants completed a task where they com-
pleted a set of poses with their body in front of a virtual
mirror. The purpose of this task was to induce avatar em-
bodiment by watching their physical movements sync with
their avatar’s movements.
Next, participants spent 5–10 minutes exploring a desig-
nated virtual world, selected by the first author, to experience
interacting with a public virtual environment while in their
avatar. We capped this task at 10 minutes to ensure that
alongside the onboarding, avatar selection, and avatar em-
bodiment task, participants would only spend *20–30
minutes in VR to minimize simulator sickness. Although a
longer period of time would be ideal, given that our
Table 1. Demographic Breakdown of Participants
Women 33
Men 25
Prefer not to say 3
Asian or Asian American 32
White 16
Hispanic, Latina, Latino, or Latinx 4
Bi-/multiracial 3
Black or African American 2
Middle Eastern or Northern African 2
Prefer to self-describe 1
Prefer not to say 1
Prior VR experience
Never used social VR 29
Rarely used social VR 17
Sometimes used social VR 11
Used social VR several times a week 4
VR, virtual reality.
*There were additional measures collected at the end
of the questionnaire that are not centrally related to this study
and are not included here.
Downloaded by Stanford University Medical Center from at 10/20/23. For personal use only.
participants were mostly VR novices, we tried to remain in
the range of our lab’s ‘‘30-minute rule,’’ which recommends
not stay in VR longer than 30 minutes without a break. Fi-
nally, participants completed a questionnaire outside VR.
Data analysis
Our main research objective was to quantitatively examine
the impact of discrepancies between a user’s avatar self and
physical self. To achieve this objective, an exploratory
analysis was conducted on the filtered questionnaire data to
capture individual avatar creation motivations and investi-
gate the relationship between avatar embodiment and attri-
bute discrepancy. This relationship was examined with a
multiple linear regression model that predicted avatar em-
bodiment from attribute discrepancy with platform as a
covariate. We used a linear regression because it allowed us
to examine how strong the relationship between our variables
was of theoretical interest. Although not of theoretical
interest, we included platform as a covariate because dif-
ferences between VRChat and Rec Room may account for
some of the variance in embodiment. To compare differences
in attribute discrepancy and embodiment between partici-
pants from different racial backgrounds, we used two-sample
Attribute discrepancy is negatively associated
with avatar embodiment
We explored the relationship between attribute discrep-
ancy and avatar embodiment using a multiple linear regres-
sion at the level of the entire sample. This model predicted
avatar embodiment based on attribute discrepancy and in-
cludes platform as a covariate
. The results of the regression
showed that the two predictors explained a significant
amount of the variance [R
= 0.16, F(2, 56) = 5.33, p < 0.01,
= 0.07]. When controlling for avatar platform, attribute
discrepancy had a significant relationship with avatar em-
bodiment [b =-0.31, t(56) =-2.06, p = 0.04; Fig. 5].
Discrepancy in skin tone was significantly different
between Asian and White participants
When comparing attribute discrepancies between partici-
pants from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, there is
noteworthy difference. Two-sample t-tests were used on the
discrepancy data between participants who identified as
Asian or Asian American and participants who identified as
white, as they were the two largest racial categories within
the sample. The significant finding that emerged from these
tests pertained to skin color. Asian participants (M = 2.31,
SD = 1.06) had a greater discrepancy between their avatar’s
skin color and their physical skin color compared with white
participants (M = 1.81, SD = 0.54), t(45.93) = 2.16, p = 0.04,
d = 0.54 (Table 3). These findings indicate that Asian par-
ticipants, on average, embodied human avatars with skin
tones different from their own significantly more than white
However, there were no significant avatar embodiment
differences between Asian (M = 3.15, SD = 1.03) and white
participants (M = 3.23, SD = 1.07), t(29.51) =-0.24, p = 0.81,
d = 0.07.
Most participants generally create avatars in reference
to their physical appearance
When participants were asked to describe how they gen-
erally create avatars on social games, 41 percent indicated
creating avatars similar to themselves, 30 percent indicated
creating avatars that were ideal versions of themselves, 23
percent indicated creating avatars that were different from
themselves, and 7 percent indicated having no experience
creating avatars. Given that a majority of participant moti-
vations were to create similar or ideal avatars, it can be said
that, overall, most participants in this sample of relatively
new social VR users typically use their physical self as a
starting point when creating an avatar.
Discussion and Conclusion
Embodying an avatar body in immersive social VR is
experientially different than avatar embodiment in 2D virtual
environments and is a key metric of user experience. Al-
though prior lab studies demonstrated that distances between
the avatar similarity can influence avatar embodiment in
Table 2. Questionnaire Items for Avatar Creation Motivation Based on Loewen et al.
Avatar creation
When you create avatars in social games, generally which of the following statements best
describes you?
When I create avatars in games, I tend to create them as similar to myself as possible
When I create avatars in games, I tend to create them as an idealized version of myself
When I create avatars in games, I tend to create them as someone distinctly different from myself
I have never made an avatar outside of this assignment
FIG. 5. A scatterplot showcasing the relationship between
attribute discrepancy and avatar embodiment with a regres-
sion line and a 95 percent confidence interval superimposed.
We ran an additional multiple linear regression including prior
VR experience as a covariate and found that there was no effect of
prior VR experience on avatar embodiment.
Downloaded by Stanford University Medical Center from at 10/20/23. For personal use only.
there has not been a comprehensive investigation
of this relationship in naturalistic, virtual contexts where
users customize their own avatars. There is a need to un-
derstand how avatars shape user experience in VR contexts
outside of bespoke, nonsocial virtual environments made for
lab studies. With this in mind, our article investigated how
discrepancies between the avatar self and physical self in-
fluence avatar embodiment in social VR.
We found a significant inverse relationship between at-
tribute discrepancy and avatar embodiment when controlling
for platform. We extend the virtual self-discrepancy litera-
ture cited previously to highlight how greater discrepancy
between specific attributes may play a role in one’s sense of
avatar embodiment. However, we cannot rule out the case
that one’s sense of avatar embodiment could be affecting
their perception of discrepancy.
Although this study only
captured one time point, it is still relevant to understanding
what less heavy users of social VR may experience. It is
plausible that if someone goes into a social VR experience
hoping to create an avatar that is a similar or ideal version of
themselves, which was preferred by most participants in this
study, but is unable to do so, that can have consequences on
how present they feel in their virtual body. This has impor-
tant implications for understanding the consequences of lack
of diverse avatar customization options.
In addition to the pre-existing literature on the topic, our
study found that differences between avatar skin tone and
actual skin tone were substantially greater for Asian partic-
ipants than white participants in VRChat and Rec Room.
This finding extends previous work by Passmore and Man-
dryk (2018) that found that Asian gamers expressed a desire
for a wider array of skin tone and undertone options.
though our results did not find significant differences in
embodiment between white participants and Asian partici-
pants, considering that the skin texture of an avatar in VR has
been shown to influence body ownership,
it is possible that
the degree of skin tone difference may be an additional factor
contributing to embodiment. Further research should be
conducted to understand the nuance of race, avatar repre-
sentation, and embodiment on a larger, more diverse sample.
Additionally, this finding reveals an urgency on part of game
and VR designers to ensure the creation of equitable avatar
customization options.
As social VR continues to be explored in a number of real-
world contexts,
there is growing importance in investi-
gating the psychological experience of its users. The primary
contribution of this work is toward understanding how the
design of an avatar system can in turn shape how embodied
one might feel in their avatar. Within the context of a VR
class comprised of young students mostly new to VR, our
results suggest that having avatar options that enable users to
create avatars that look visually similar to them may help
provide a more seamless embodiment experience.
This study was limited by a relatively small sample size
that consisted primarily of young participants from a conve-
nience sample who were new to social VR. Our sample size
was constrained by the nature of this study being conducted
during a class and could cause some concerns surrounding the
generalizability of our findings. For the smaller proportion of
participants with greater previous social VR experience, it is
possible they held different attitudes that may have impacted
their perception of discrepancy and embodiment. Prior work
has shown self-presence to increase in VR over time,
could shape their results. Future iterations of this study should
involve a larger, more diverse sample of participants who
come from a greater diversity of backgrounds, social VR
experiences, and cultural contexts. In addition, our results
might be compromised by their low statistical power.
Lower statistical power increases the likelihood of Type II
error and could mean that there is a possibility that our
findings were based on chance. Therefore, the reliability of
our results should be understood accordingly and future
studies should aim to test the robustness of these findings.
Participants also spent a relatively short amount of time in
VR. Because of this short time, it did not help mitigate the
potential attitudinal differences between the new users and
power users of social VR. It is also worth noting that due to
the content of the class that participants were enrolled in,
they had preliminary knowledge about avatars and VR.
The authors would thank Brian Beams, Anna Gibson, and
Rachael Lee for their support with the course in which this
Table 3. t-Test Results Comparing Attribute Discrepancy Between Participants
All participants,
n = 61
Asian participants,
n = 32
White participants,
n = 16
M SD M SD M SD df TpEffect size
Accessories 3.23 1.44 3.44 1.29 2.69 1.66 24.38 1.58 0.13 0.53
Esthetic 3.43 1.37 3.53 1.46 2.94 1.18 36.36 1.51 0.14 0.43
Body 3.21 1.38 3.19 1.38 3.12 1.45 28.68 0.14 0.89 0.04
Eye color 2.79 1.52 2.53 1.39 3.06 1.73 24.99 -1.07 0.3 0.35
Eye shape 3.1 1.27 3.22 1.34 3.06 1.34 31.14 -1.28 0.21 0.12
Fashion 3.48 1.43 3.31 1.47 3.56 1.36 32.18 -0.58 0.56 0.17
Gender expression 1.77 1.23 1.94 1.41 1.56 1.03 39.53 1.04 0.3 0.29
Hair color 2.38 1.44 2.47 1.5 2.25 1.34 33.36 0.51 0.61 0.15
Hairstyle 2.85 1.25 2.72 1.2 2.38 1.2 29.96 0.93 0.36 0.29
Hair texture 2.59 1.26 2.91 1.23 2.81 1.28 29.07 0.24 0.81 0.08
Skin color 2.13 1.02 2.31 1.06 1.81 0.54 45.93 2.16 0.04* 0.54
M, mean; SD, standard deviation.
Downloaded by Stanford University Medical Center from at 10/20/23. For personal use only.
research took place. The authors would also like to thank Ilan
Ladabaum for his contributions to the study design and data
analysis. Finally, the authors would like to thank Zoom
Video Communications, Inc. and Stanford Wearable Elec-
tronics Initiative (eWEAR).
Author Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
Funding Information
This research was supported by a Zoom Video Commu-
nications, Inc., Stanford Wearable Electronics Initiative
(eWEAR), and a National Science Foundation grant (Award
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Address correspondence to:
Cyan DeVeaux
Department of Communication
Stanford University
450 Jane Stanford Way, Building 120
Stanford, CA 94305
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