Undergraduate Admissions
Freshman Admission 14
Required Documents 14
Compass and KYOTE Testing 14
Admission Criteria 15
Admission Status 15
Mandatory Development Courses 15
Undergraduate Non-Degree Classification 16
Visiting Students 17
Post-Baccalaureate Admission 17
Readmission 17
Transfer Students 17
Kentucky General Education Transfer Agreement 18
International Undergraduate Student Admission 19
Undergraduate Admissions
270-809-3741 or 800-272-4678 ext. 1
Undergraduate Admissions
Murray State University reserves the right to modify regulaons regarding admission, registraon, drop/add, course arrangements, cur-
ricula, retenon, graduaon and other funcons of the university. Such regulaons shall govern both old and new students and are eecve
when adopted.
General Admission Information
Applicaons and informaon are available at Murray State’s website at www.murraystate.edu. Assistance with applying may be obtained
by wring Murray State University, Undergraduate Admissions, 102 Curris Center, Murray KY 42071, or by calling 270-809-3741 or toll-free
800-272-4678, menu opon #1. Admission applicaons and related transcripts should be mailed to Undergraduate Admissions, 102 Curris
Center, Murray, KY 42071.
NOTE: Criminal jusce, exercise science, music, nursing, organizaonal communicaon, social work, theatre, athlec training, several
programs in the College of Business and the Bachelor of Integrated Studies program all have addional admission requirements. Review
their secons in this Bullen for more informaon. Students parcipang in NCAA sports must also meet NCAA academic eligibility
Residency for Tuion Purposes. Under 13KAR2:045, the Commonwealth of Kentucky requires that all admission applicaons be reviewed
to determine if documentaon of residency is required. Each applicant is noed if documents are needed. Addional informaon can be
obtained at the following website: www.irc.ky.gov/kar/013/002/045.htm.
Freshman Admission Procedures
Murray State University formally declares its commitment to all laws mandang armave acon and equal opportunity regulaons,
together with all valid state and federal regulaons enacted pursuant thereto. The policy of Murray State University is to guarantee free-
dom from discriminaon in its operaon and administraon of its programs, services, and employment pracces; in its relaonships with
students, faculty and sta; and in its interacons with the community which it serves.
Your Expectaons. Students have the right to expect their schools to provide them with the best possible preparaon for an increasingly
compeve world. Murray State University has consistently been ranked among the top 25 percent of Southern regional and liberal arts
colleges in U.S. News and World Report’s publicaon of America’s Best Colleges, and in 2000 was listed as one of two colleges classied as
“best values.
Our Expectaons. Murray State University is commied to providing the best possible educaonal services to help students prepare
for a successful and producve future. Students who meet the following admission standards will have a greatly increased probability for
success at this university.
Entering freshmen (and certain transfer students) may be admied, admied with condions, or admied with restricons. Those admit-
ted may choose to pursue either a baccalaureate (four-year) or associate (two-year) degree. New freshmen may not apply for the Bachelor
of Integrated Studies program.
Required Documents
A student applying for admission who withholds or gives false informaon or documents can be denied admission to or withdrawn
from Murray State. Each freshman applying to Murray State
must submit an applicaon for admission with a $40 nonrefundable applicaon fee;
must have an ocial high school transcript that includes a minimum of six semesters of course work, a list of senior-year courses, and the
student’s class rank mailed/sent as a PDF le by email, submied through XAP or faxed directly to Undergraduate Admissions from the
applicant’s high school counselor. (Admission is not complete unl a nal ocial transcript is mailed/sent electronically through XAP, or
emailed as a PDF le by the counselor aer graduaon. It must include the date of graduaon, all courses and grades, and the student’s
nal class rank. If your high school does not rank, then the applicant’s admissions status will be based on GPA and Standardized Test
must have an ocial ACT or SAT score report sent to Undergraduate Admissions. Ocial ACT/SAT scores should be on all ocial transcripts
submied to Undergraduate Admissions. (Applicants who have aended any college(s) other than Murray State while in high school
must also have ocial college transcripts mailed, sent electronically, or faxed directly to Undergraduate Admissions. Faxed copies must
be followed up with an ocial hard copy from the Registrar’s Oce of each college, and must have a minimum cumulave GPA of a 2.00
on a 4.00 scale. These transcripts are required even if the student withdrew or does not want the credit transferred. Applicants who have
tesng credit from CLEP or AP must have ocial score reports mailed directly to Undergraduate Admissions from the tesng service in
Princeton NJ.)
To be considered for full admission each applicant must have received or be receiving a high school diploma before the term for which
he/she is applying. Those individuals who have not graduated from accredited high schools may be required to have a GED. Those who have
earned a GED should refer to the GED Student secon. Students currently in high school may be considered for early admission as part-me
students. See Early High School Admission.
Compass and KYOTE Testing
Murray State ulizes two tests for placement and assessment. The Compass test is a comprehensive computerized placement and
diagnosc assessment instrument. Murray State University administers the Compass for non-tradional students who are 21 years of age
or older for admission purposes. KYOTE (Kentucky Online Tesng Program) currently oers math readiness and college algebra placement
tests. KYOTE wring and reading test will be available soon.
Murray State administers Compass and KYOTE tests on a limited basis. Compass tests and KYOTE placement tests are alternaves if
ACT/SAT individual test scores do not meet MSU’s admission and placement requirements. If you have any quesons, contact the Oce of
Undergraduate Admissions.
NOTE: For admission and placement use, Compass and KYOTE scores must be current—taken within the last 12 months.
To prepare for the Compass test, you may use any ACT preparaon guide. Compass also has sample quesons on their website, www.
Undergraduate Admissions
If you would like to schedule an appointment for the Compass test or if you have any quesons, please call 270-809-6851. Compass test
fees are $20.00 for the standard three test baery and $7.00 for single tests.
For informaon about KYOTE tesng, please call 270-809-6267.
Admission Criteria
The following criteria are currently used in making an admission decision but are subject to change as deemed appropriate by the
university or as mandated by the Council on Postsecondary Educaon:
A. Compleon of the following pre-college curriculum:
•English I, II, III and IV (or AP English)
•Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry
•1 life science, 1 physical science, and 1 earth space science (one of these must have a lab)
•Any three of the following: United States history, economics, government, world geography or world civilizaon
•1/2 unit of health
•1/2 unit of physical educaon
•1 unit of history and
visual/performing arts
•2 units of one foreign language (for KY residents only)
•Five elecves
B. Ranking in top half of graduang class or cumulave GPA of 3.00
C. At least one standardized test score at or above one of the following levels:
1) ACT composite of 18 or above;
2) SAT score of 870 or above;
3) A minimum test score of either
15 ACT composite -or- SAT combined verbal and math of 740
and demonstraon of language arts strength by
ACT discipline score of 18 in English -or-
20 in reading -or-
SAT score of at least 450 verbal or 470 crical reading -or-
COMPASS wring score of 74 -or- reading score of 85;
4) SAT score of 740 -and-
SAT verbal score of 450 -or-
SAT crical reading score of 470 -or-
COMPASS wring score of 74 -or-
COMPASS reading score of 85
Note: In the absence of ACT or SAT scores, COMPASS scores can be used for admissions only for students age 21 and over. For all students,
COMPASS test scores must be current (taken within the previous 12 months). Kentucky residents under the age of 21 must complete the state-
mandated pre-college curriculum. All other applicants must complete a comparable college-preparatory curriculum. ACT/SAT wring scores
are oponal.
Admission Status
An applicant who meets the requirements in A, B, and C, as listed above, qualies for Admied status.
All other applicants will be reviewed for possible admission as follows:
an applicant with a minimum ACT composite of 15 or a SAT combined verbal and math score of 740 who meets A and meets the
requirement in either B or C will have Admied with Condions status. These condions include a course-load limit of no more than 16
hours a semester and a requirement to complete the following before becoming a sophomore:
-Pass FYE 098 and ENG 105
-Complete any required developmental courses or any courses required due to pre-college curriculum deciencies.
A resident of Kentucky or the Tennessee counes of Henry, Obion, Stewart, or Weakley with a minimum ACT composite of 15 or SAT
combined verbal and math score of 740 who does not meet the criteria for “Admied with Condions” will be considered for Admied
with Restricons status. This is an enrollment category provided on a very limited basis during summer and spring terms only. Students
allowed to enroll will be limited to 16 hours each semester and will be required to do the following:
-Sasfactorily complete a seven-hour required block of classes. Passing grades must be earned in ENG 095 (or ENG 100 for students with
English ACTs of 15-17), REA 095 and COM 161 (some programs require a minimum grade in this course) as an integrated block of classes.
Only two aempts are allowed, provided the student withdraws by the current semester deadline from the block courses during the
rst aempt. A student documenng extreme extenuang circumstances may appeal to allow for a third aempt following a second
withdrawal from the block of courses. Block courses are only available in summer and spring terms on a very limited basis.
-Be recommended for advancement by the director of MSU’s Community College.
-Complete the requirements for Admied with Condions as stated above.
Mandatory Developmental Courses
All Kentucky state-supported colleges and universies are required by the Council on Postsecondary Educaon to enroll freshmen in a
subject-specic developmental course when the students ACT/SAT scores are:
English 17 and below under 440 verbal or under 450 crical reading
Mathemacs 18 and below under 460
Reading 19 and below under 450 verbal or under 470 crical reading
Undergraduate Admissions
At this me, we are permied to pull scores from mulple ACT/SAT tesngs. MSU meets this mandate with the following courses:
All students with an English ACT score below 18/SAT crical reading score below 470 must enroll in ENG 095 or ENG 100 based
on the following test score scale: ENG 095 is required with English ACT below 15/SAT verbal below 390/SAT crical reading
below 400. ENG 100 is required with ACT of 15-17/SAT verbal of 390-440/SAT crical reading of 400-460.
All students with a mathemacs ACT score below 19/SAT score below 450 must enroll in MAT 095 or MAT 096 based on the
following test score scale: ACT of 15 and below/SAT of 370 and below must enroll in MAT 095; ACT of 16-18/SAT of 380-450
must enroll in MAT 096. Depending upon major, students with ACT scores under 21/SAT scores under 520 may also be required
to enroll in MAT 097.
Students admied with restricons must rst enroll in REA 095; all students with a reading ACT score below 20/SAT score 470
or below must enroll in REA 100 and REA 120.
Early High School Admission. A student who is currently in high school may be granted permission to enroll for courses prior to gradua-
on. Inquiries should be directed rst to the student’s high school counselor and then to Undergraduate Admissions. Students seeking early
admission must be able to succeed without remediaon. These students are referred to as Racer Academy admits.
Home Schooled or Non-accredited High School Student. A student who is graduated from a non-accredited high school or one who is
home schooled, may be considered for admission. The same admission documents and tests are required; however GED tesng may be
GED Student. An applicant who is at least 19 years of age and has earned a GED diploma will be considered for admission on the basis
of an applicaon for admission accompanied by a $40 nonrefundable fee; an ocial report of the student’s GED scores, mailed directly to
Undergraduate Admissions from the center where he or she was tested; an ocial ACT or SAT score report mailed directly to Undergradu-
ate Admissions from the Naonal tesng site; and any addional diagnosc tesng deemed necessary by the Director of Undergraduate
Admission Appeals. A new freshman who is denied admission and would not qualify for Restricted Admission status, and is a U.S. cizen
may obtain informaon on appealing that decision by contacng Oce of Recruitment at 800-272-4678, ext. #2, for the appeals procedure.
Transfer applicants who are denied admission and wish to appeal, may obtain informaon on appealing by contacng the Transfer Center
at 1-800-669-7654.
Undergraduate Non-Degree Classication
The goal of Murray State’s policy for non-degree students is to provide appropriate access to academic courses for students who would
like to connue their educaon but who do not wish to seek a degree. Although degree-seeking students have top priority in terms of uli-
zaon of university resources, the university does wish to provide access to these resources on a space-available basis to students who are
not seeking a degree. Non-degree status aords an opportunity for individuals to enroll in a few courses of specic interest to them without
the structure of degree-seeking status, and is consistent with the educaonal mission of the university. Non-degree students are not eligible
for nancial aid, scholarships, or Alumni Legacy Grants.
Most non-degree students are considered “lifelong learners” and include the following groups: Donovan Scholars, students who have al-
ready earned degrees, employees wanng to gain new skills, and others who have special interests. (See informaon about vising students
and high school students with exceponal ability in this secon.)
Non-degree applicants must submit to Undergraduate Admissions:
1. an applicaon for admission including a list of all postsecondary instuons aended;
2. a non-refundable $40 applicaon processing fee; and
3. any records requested by Undergraduate Admissions to determine residency and/or eligibility for non-degree status. Diagnosc tesng
may be required before enrolling in courses that require a minimum level of competency.
Refer to the University Calendar for admission deadlines.
To be admied as a non-degree student, an applicant must meet the following criteria:
1. The high school class of a non-degree applicant must have graduated at least two years prior to the applicants ancipated semester
of enrollment.
2. Applicants who have been denied admission as degree-seeking students may not in turn be admied as non-degree seeking stu-
3. Murray State students under academic or disciplinary suspension may not be admied as non-degree students.
4. Students currently under suspension at other instuons may not be admied as non-degree students. Failure to disclose a current
suspension may result in forfeiture of eligibility for future enrollment.
5. Students are strongly encouraged to submit transcripts of high school or prior college work at the me of admission to facilitate advis-
ing about appropriate course work.
The following rules govern enrolling as a non-degree seeking student:
1. Non-degree students fall under the same fee, academic and grading policies as degree-seeking students, are expected to parcipate
fully in class, and must meet course prerequisites or obtain the consent of the instructor to enroll in a course. (See the secon on auding
2. Students classied as non-degree pre-schedule with students who are classied as freshmen.
3. No one may connue to enroll as a non-degree student aer earning 24 semester hours in this status without the special permission
of the dean of the college in which the student is registered.
4. No transfer, military, AP, CLEP, or other tesng credit will be recorded on the record of a student classied as a non-degree student. An
enrolled non-degree student may apply to take departmental challenge examinaons.
5. If a non-degree student decides to apply for degree status, the student must contact Undergraduate Admissions for the appropriate
form, and must meet the admission requirements in eect at the me of the request for review of status. Although successful compleon
of courses taken while a non-degree student does not ensure admission, to be considered for degree-seeking status, the student must have
a minimum of a 2.00 cumulave GPA on those courses.
Undergraduate Admissions
6. Credit earned as a non-degree student will be evaluated for applicability toward a degree by the chair of the academic department in
which the student will be enrolled. No graduate or professional credit is awarded for courses taken while a student is enrolled as an under-
graduate non-degree student. Acceptance of non-degree credit for transfer is at the discreon of the receiving instuon.
Visiting Students
A student who is currently enrolled or working toward a degree at another college and wants to enroll at Murray State for credit that will
be transferred to that college is considered a vising student. A minimum of a 2.00 (4.00 scale) cumulave GPA is required to be eligible to
enroll at Murray State as a vising student. A student must submit a readmission applicaon and a $40 nonrefundable fee to the Transfer
Center. To complete admission, an ocial “leer of good standing” from the Registrars Oce of the college from which the student will be
vising is required. It is important to remember (1) no transfer credit is posted to a vising students permanent record at Murray State; (2)
a vising student who decides to transfer to Murray State must comply with all of the transfer admission requirements in force at the me
the change of status is requested; (3) the acceptability of transfer credit from Murray State to another college is determined by the receiv-
ing instuon; (4) vising student status is generally valid for only one term, at which me the student must contact the Transfer Center
for permission to re-enroll; and (5) Murray State transcripts are mailed only upon the wrien request of the student, accompanied by the
appropriate fee. Transcript request forms may be obtained from the Oce of the Registrar or from their link at www.murraystate.edu.
Post-Baccalaureate Admission
Individuals having successfully completed the requirements for a baccalaureate or higher degree who wish to take addional undergradu-
ate courses may be admied as post-baccalaureate students. A student with a degree from Murray State needs to submit a readmission
applicaon, accompanied by a $40 nonrefundable fee. All other post-baccalaureate applicants should submit an undergraduate applicaon
for admission with a $40 nonrefundable applicaon fee, and should request an ocial transcript mailed directly to Undergraduate Admis-
sions from the registrar’s oce of the college that conferred his or her degree. A student pursuing a degree from Murray State must have
ocial transcripts sent directly to Undergraduate Admissions from each college aended.
A readmied post-baccalaureate student who has below a 2.00 cumulave GPA on all undergraduate post-baccalaureate course work
will be readmied on probaon and must comply with all probaon policy regulaons.
Documents to verify residency may be required.
An undergraduate student in good standing who has previously aended Murray State University but has been out for two full years
(excluding summers) will be readmied upon compleons of the readmission applicaon and $40 nonrefundable fee. All Readmission ap-
plicants must apply through the Transfer Center for an inial review of their applicaon and transcripts. Students on academic suspension
or dismissal who are eligible to return, must also apply through the Transfer Center. Before applying again or requesng new transcripts, the
student should call the Transfer Center to see if previous transcripts are sll on le. The Transfer Center will accept electronic transcripts from
other accredited instuons. Students who applied for admission to Murray State as new students but did not enroll may need to complete
new applicaons for admission. Before applying again or requesng new transcripts, the student should call the Transfer Center to see if the
materials sent before are sll on le. Vericaon of residency for tuion purposes may be required. Subming with the applicaon a copy
of the applicant’s drivers licence will assist with this process. The applicant will be noed if other documents are required.
A student who was in good academic and nancial standing when he or she le the university, who has a complete admission le, and
who has not aended any other regionally accredited colleges since last enrolling at Murray State, is eligible for readmission. An applicaon
for readmission will not be processed if a student has any indebtedness to any university or to student loan programs. If a student le Murray
State on disciplinary or academic probaon, suspension or dismissal, and has no new transfer credit, the applicant may be considered for
readmission on an individual basis. If the student is readmied, any condions will be specied in the leer of admission. Students previ-
ously admied under an admission status that imposed condions or restricons who did not complete the requirements for removal of
that status will be re-evaluated based on the current admission requirements and probaon policy. Refer to the secon on admission level
requirements that appears earlier in this chapter.
A student who has been enrolled at other instuons since last aending Murray State must request that an ocial transcript be mailed
directly to the Transfer Center from each college. Eligibility for readmission will be determined aer evaluang the transfer credits. Failure to
furnish such ocial transcripts as required will delay readmission and may aect the student’s academic standing at Murray State. A student
who withholds or gives false informaon or documents can be denied admission or withdrawn from school. (Note: A student must be
currently enrolled at Murray State before any transfer, military, or tesng credit will be recorded on a permanent record.) A readmission ap-
plicant who has transfer work and is in good standing academically, nancially and in all other respects at both Murray State and any other
colleges aended will be admied as long as the student’s cumulave grade point average on all courses is at least a 2.00 on a 4.00 scale.
All other applicants will be considered on an individual basis. A readmission applicant who is denied admission may appeal that decision to
the Academic Appeals commiee. Contact the Transfer Center for that procedure. Academic bankruptcy declared at another college does
not apply at Murray State. If the student is readmied, any condions of admission will be specied in the leer of admission. Refer to the
secons in this Bullen on transfer, probaon, and academic second chance policies for addional informaon.
Transfer Students
Admission. A student who wishes to transfer to Murray State University from another regionally accredited college or university must
submit an applicaon for admission with a nonrefundable $40 fee, and have an ocial transcript mailed or electronically sent (not faxed) to
the Transfer Center from each school aended. Under no condion will the applicant be permied to ignore previous college work.
A student who withholds or gives false informaon or documents can be denied admission or withdrawn from school and denied a
degree. Academic bankruptcy declared at another college does not apply at Murray State University.
A student who has 24 semester hours of transferable degree credit with a minimum of a 2.00 (C) cumulave grade point average on all
previous courses, as calculated by Murray State, and is in good standing academically and nancially at all colleges previously aended, is
Undergraduate Admissions
eligible for admission to Murray State. An applicant who has a minimum of a 2.00 (C) cumulave GPA but who has fewer than 24 semester
hours of transferable degree credit must submit an ocial ACT/SAT score report and an ocial high school transcript mailed directly to the
Transfer Center from the high school the student aended. The high school transcript should include the student’s class rank and date of
graduaon. Once admied, condions of admission will be specied in a leer of admission.
A student who has aended only colleges that are not regionally accredited and would like to appeal the credit, may contact the Transfer
Center at 1-800-669-7654 for addional informaon.
Admission Appeals. A new transfer student who is denied admission and is a U.S. cizen, should contact the Transfer Center at 1-800-
669-7654, for the appeals procedure.
Transfer of Credit. Degree credits earned at other regionally accredited (as recognized by Murray State) American instuons of higher
educaon may be transferred to Murray State and applied toward a degree. The Transfer Credit Pracces report published by the Ameri-
can Associaon of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Ocers will be the reference used for determining an instuon’s accreditaon
status. Determinaon of upper-level and lower-level credit is based on the course level at the sending instuon. All work is converted to
semester hours and a 4.00 grading scale. Murray State’s probaon and repeat policies are applied as required. Transferred incomplete grades
do not carry hours aempted; i.e., they do not aect the students grade point average.
All acceptable transfer credit is formally evaluated, with a copy of the degree audit made available to each transfer student and to his/her
A student must be currently enrolled at Murray State before any transfer, military, or tesng credit will be recorded as part of a permanent
record. There is no limit to the number of hours that may be transferred from a regionally accredited instuon. However, it is important to
remember that a certain number of hours must be completed at Murray State, and that courses taken at a two-year instuon cannot be
used to meet Murray State’s requirement for upper-level (junior or senior) courses. At least 20 of the last 32 semester hours required for
graduaon must be earned in residence at Murray State.
Credit for courses taken in military service schools is evaluated according to recommendaons in the Guide to the Evaluaon of Educa-
onal Experience in the Armed Services published by the American Council on Educaon. Courses listed in two other American Council on
Educaon publicaons, the Naonal Guide to Educaonal Credit for Training Programs and the Directory of the Naonal Program on Non-
Collegiate Sponsored Instrucon (PONSI), are evaluated for credit on an individual basis.
Credits earned through educaonal instuons located outside the United States will be considered for acceptance aer an appropriate
evaluaon. Students may contact the Oce of Internaonal Admissions for informaon regarding the evaluaon procedure.
University Studies. Transfer students who have completed reasonable communicaon and basic skills, science and mathemacs, hu-
manies and ne arts, and social science courses for the same number of hours as required at Murray State, will be credited with compleon
of the University Studies component of degree requirements. Any deciencies at the me they rst enroll at Murray State must be fullled
according to MSU regulaons.
Transfer Students with an Approved Associate Degree. A transfer student who has completed, as of May 1995 or later, an approved
baccalaureate-oriented Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree will (a) be accepted with junior class standing provided the student
has completed at least 60 semester credit hours, and (b) be considered to have completed the baccalaureate University Studies require-
ments. However, addional University Studies courses may be needed if they are required for the student’s major and/or degree and an
equivalent course has not been transferred. Associate degrees completed before May 1995, will be reviewed by the Transfer Center. If the
degree is determined to be baccalaureate-oriented and to have comparable content and credit hour criteria, the same benets will be
extended to those graduates.
Transfer Students Who Do Not Have an Approved Associate Degree. Students seeking a baccalaureate degree who, transfer fewer than
six semester hours in the University Studies World’s Historical, Literary, and Philosophical Tradions category will be required to take HUM
211 and CIV 201 or CIV 202 toward compleon of that block, unless their transfer credit includes courses which are clearly equivalent to
Murray State’s HUM 211 and CIV 201 or CIV 202.
Kentucky General Education Transfer Agreement
As of Spring 1996, a policy on University Studies transfer was established to facilitate transfer among the public colleges and universies
in Kentucky. The Council on Postsecondary Educaon and the instuons have developed a University Studies core transfer component
which reects the distribuon of disciplines included in university-wide lower division University Studies requirements for the baccalaureate
degree. A Fully General Educaon Cered student, as veried by the sending instuon, is considered to have completed Murray State’s
baccalaureate University Studies requirements. However, addional University Studies courses may be needed if they are required for the
student’s major and/or degree and an equivalent course has not been transferred.
To be Fully Cered a student must have a minimum cumulave GPA of 2.00 (4.00 scale) and have met each of the following criteria at
the me of transfer:
1. earned at least 60 hours of college-level credits;
2. completed at least 45 hours of University Studies courses;
3. completed the 30 hour core transfer component.
The 2010 General Assembly approved House Bill 160, which mandates changes in the way universies across the state handle the transfer
of general educaon courses. These changes will take place with the 2012-2013 academic year. If a student plans to transfer from another
Kentucky state university or community college beginning in Fall 2011 or later, please view the Transfer Center website (www.murraystate.
edu/transfercenter/transfer) for updated regulaons regarding transferring of general educaon courses or contact the Transfer Center at
Transfer Frameworks. The Baccalaureate Program Transfer Frameworks idenfy 12 hours of course work in a major which may be suc-
cessfully transferred in addion to the general educaon block. Each framework represents a specic guide to the exact courses a student
needs. For more informaon about the Transfer Frameworks or the Kentucky General Educaon Transfer Agreement, contact the Transfer
Undergraduate Admissions
Undergraduate Programs
Paper-Based TOEFL 527 or more 500-523 497 or below
Internet-Based TOEFL 71 minimum on Academic 61-70 on Academic Test 60 or less on Academic
(iBT) Test with no band less or any band score of Test or any band score of
than 16 13-15 12 or less
IELTS 6.0 minimum on Academic 5.5 on Academic Test with 5.0 or below on
Test with no band less any band score of 4.5 or Academic Test or any
than 5.0 5.0 band score below 4.5
No TOEFL or IELTS scores
AEP - Academic English Program for Non-Native Speakers
ESL - English as a Second Language Program
International Undergraduate Student Admission
University Admission. A nonrefundable applicaon fee of $30 must accompany any applicaon for admission as an internaonal student.
A complete packet of admission forms is available at www.murraystate.edu/libraries/iis/interapp.sb.ashx. All internaonal students, in-
cluding transfer students from non-English speaking countries, are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the
Internaonal English Language Tesng System (IELTS), or complete Murray State’s English as a Second Language Program. A student must
request that an ocial score report be mailed by the tesng service directly to The Oce of Internaonal Admissions, 171 Woods Hall, Mur-
ray, KY 42071. These score requirements are subject to change. In addion, an applicant must cerfy that he or she has adequate nancial
support to cover at least the rst year of the enre period of me that the student would be at Murray State. Each internaonal applicant
must submit ocial or cered copies of all previous academic records. A student who withholds or gives false informaon or documents
can be denied admission and/or withdrawn from school. Because of mail turnaround me and the extra me needed to evaluate interna-
onal educaonal records, students are strongly urged to apply at least six months in advance.
NOTE: University admission with ESP Condion requires compleon of a university ESP placement test and one to two ESP classes may
be required concurrently with university classes. Admission with ESL Condion requires full-me enrollment and compleon of Murray
State’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program and achievement of the instuonal TOEFL score required by the applicants academic
program major. If determined to be eligible, students may be enrolled into a transion program in which selected university classes may
be taken on a condional basis along with further designated language study.
English as a Second Language Program Admission. Undergraduate students who have not taken the TOEFL or IELTS, or who have a score
below the admission standard of the undergraduate program for which they wish to apply, may apply for condional admission through the
English as a Second Language (ESL) program. The ESL program oers students six levels of English language instrucon to prepare them for
university study.
A student who enters the ESL program is tested and placed into the appropriate level of language study, ranging from level one (beginner)
to level six (high advanced). Each level of study consists of an eight-week course in nine dierent skill and knowledge areas which include
the following: applied grammar, computer-assisted composion, error analysis, oral skills workshop, university orientaon for new students,
listening comprehension, conversaon, speech development, academic reading, and TOEFL preparaon. In total, students take 20 hours of
classes per week over an eight-week term. A student who begins the ESL program at level one should expect to study English for six terms
(three semesters).
The language courses are supplemented by acvies outside of class, including the ESL Conversaon Partners Program, which are intended
to assist students in learning English and in adapng to American university life.
In order to advance through and complete all levels of language study in the ESL program, students must maintain the ESL program
academic standards, which include sasfactory grades in ESL courses, appropriate exit prociencies, and mandatory aendance.
Undergraduate applicants who sasfy all admission requirements other than English prociency may apply for a combinaon of intensive
language instrucon and course work toward a degree. Upon successful compleon of level six and the recommendaon of the ESL program
director, an ESL student may enroll in full-me university course work if all other admission requirements have been met.
For more informaon on the ESL program and fees, write to English as a Second Language, Instute for Internaonal Studies, 115 Woods
Hall, Murray KY 42071-3304, USA; e-mail msu.esl@ murraystate.edu; call 270-809-3265; or visit Murray State’s website at www.murraystate.