2024-25 Course Catalog | 1Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Eagle Ridge Academy
School of Rhetoric • Course Catalog
2 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
How to Use This Guide.................................................................................................4
College Readiness, Admissions,
& Your Four-Year High School Course Plan.....................................................5
Credits Required for Graduaon....................................................................................8
Course Guide
Art History.......................................................................................................................9
Fine Arts.........................................................................................................................13
Humanies (English & History)....................................................................................16
Singletons (Addional Liberal Arts Requirements).....................................................23
World Language............................................................................................................25
2024-25 Course Catalog | 3Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
challenging, and wide-ranging classes that pro-
Erin Johnson
The mission of Eagle Ridge Academy is to
engage all students in a me-tested,
Classical Liberal Arts educaon that
demands their best in academic achieve-
ment and honorable character while
challenging them to aain their highest
Eagle Ridge Academy will oer an academ-
ically rigorous, me-tested Classical, liberal
arts curriculum that:
prepares students to be exemplary and
knowledgeable cizens;
inslls a life-long passion for learning;
values self-discipline, respect,
perseverance, and achievement;
teaches truth, beauty, and goodness;
and fosters an appreciaon for the
United States of America and her
unique role in the world.
4 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Within this guide, you will nd the intended course oerings for the 2024-25
school year. Course oerings are heavily dependent on the number of students
who sign up for a course, so it is important to make sound decisions that accu-
rately reect your academic needs and post-secondary goals.
Academic &
College Counselor
2024-25 Course Catalog | 5Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
*Informaon from US News College Compare 2022 Data, Niche, college websites and ERA.
High School
 
Carleton College
  
Minneapolis, MN
Mankato, MN
All high school
graduates are
Bloomington, MN
High School
some cases)
6 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Nova Classical Academy
school is designated to own the course and the other
Classical Greek 1 and AP Calculus BC
AP Economics, AP Psy-
chology, and AP United States Government & Polics
College in the Schools (CIS)
the course (rather than on a single, high-stakes test), and
Art History
Fine Arts
AP Economics
AP United States
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Precalculus
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Courses at ERA
take the AP Language and Composion exam
the AP Language and Composion exam
2024-25 Course Catalog | 7Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
 
 
 
 The student is a senior who needs the course
Schedule changes will not
 The student no longer wants to take a course
 
 
A course withdrawl aer the rst week
of a class, for any reason not listed within the
schedule change guidelines, will receive a grade
of “W”. 
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
English 
History 
Science 4
Math 4
World Language 
Fine Arts 1
Art History 1
Healthy Living 
Logic 
Rhetoric 
Eastern Thought 
Economics 
Elecves 
Credits: All year-long courses which a student passes earn the student one credit (1.0); courses lasng only one
semester earn the student half of a credit (0.5). Classes with an asterisk (*) are required courses for graduaon.
Non-required courses can be substuted.
   
Humanies *Ancient World 
*Modern World
Science  
Math   Pre-calculus 
World Language    
(Liberal Arts
Fine Arts  Printmaking  
Elecves Choir Choir Choir Choir
2024-25 Course Catalog | 9Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: Honors credit; Required unless taking Art
Prerequisite: None
AP Art History is an alternave to Art History I and II
to sasfy the requirement. It involves crical thinking
and develops an understanding and knowledge of
diverse historical and cultural contexts of architec-
ture, sculpture, painng, and other media. Students
examine and crically analyze major forms of ars-
c expression from the past and the present from a
variety of cultures. While visual analysis is a funda-
mental tool of the art historian, art history emphasizes
understanding how and why works of art funcon in
context, considering such issues as patronage, gender,
and the funcon and eects of works of art. Students
should be good readers, writers, and be able to retain
informaon without diculty to be successful in this
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: 
Prerequisite: None
Art History I is a required course covering the history
of visual art from the roots of Western Civilizaon
through the Golden Age of Greece and Rome, Medie-
val and Gothic Europe, and the Renaissance.
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Best taken aer Art History I, this required course
covers the history of visual art through the Early Re-
naissance, High Renaissance, and Baroque period, as
well as Realism, Impressionism, and Modern Art.
Encompassing material from the widest range of geographic and historical origins, art history
is itself a mulfaceted discipline embracing many dierent methods, perspecves, and inter-
ests. At mes, it deduces from artworks the me and place of their making or the identy of
their makers. Further, it examines how concepts, ideals, and sensibilies of people of the past
are expressed in their art, and how that art inuenced wider aspects of their culture. Art his-
tory spans a wide array of material including painngs, sculpture, architecture, photographs,
ceramics, and texles. Through engaging closely with these and other forms of visual expres-
sion, students of art history become adept praconers of the following skills: visual analysis
and interpretaon, original research and careful argumentaon, image-based thinking and
communicaon, and clear and persuasive wring.
10 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: None
Through an exploraon of primary documents and
correspondence by the founders, this course develops
student understanding of the form and funcon of the
government of the United States. Including but not
limited to are: Federalist and an-Federalist wrings,
leers between founders, notes of the Constuonal
Convenon, exploraon of wrien works by John
Locke, and, if accessible, Roman Republic wrings or
those of the earliest democracies in Greece and Rome.
Key points of contenon, such as the debates leading
up to the Conneccut Compromise, will also be ex-
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: 
AP Computer Science Principles is an introductory
college-level compung course that introduces stu-
dents to the breadth of the eld of computer science.
Students learn to design and evaluate soluons and
to apply computer science to solve problems through
the development of algorithms and programs. They
incorporate abstracon into programs and use data
to discover new knowledge. Students also explain
how compung innovaons and compung sys-
tems—including the internet—work, explore their
potenal impacts, and contribute to a compung
culture that is collaborave and ethical.
Type: Honors credit; Semester; Class is at ERA in
Prerequisite: None
This course provides a college-level, nonparsan
introducon to key polical concepts, ideas, instu-
ons, policies, interacons, roles, and behaviors that
characterize the constuonal system and polical
culture of the United States. U.S. foundaonal docu-
ments, Supreme Court decisions, and other texts and
visuals are studied to gain an understanding of the
relaonships and interacons among polical instu-
ons, processes, and behaviors. Students will read and
interpret data, make comparisons and applicaons,
and develop evidence-based arguments. Students will
be required to complete a polical science research or
applied civics project.
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: .5
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: Healthy Living
This course will oer a variety of sports that encour-
age students to develop a life-long passion for acvity,
teach self-discipline, insll the need for respect on and
o the eld/pitch/court, and encourage perseverance
during physical acvity. Students discover the beauty
of sport and develop a sense of the goodness that
comes with parcipang in sports compevely.
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: None
English Composion is primarily a wring course. Stu-
dents work on specic wring skills such as sentence
structure/combining, paragraph development, punc-
tuaon, capitalizaon, grammar, and usage. The focus
of the wring assignments is the assignments given in
2024-25 Course Catalog | 11Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: 
This course is designed to give students exposure
to the realm of creave wring. Students analyze
and create pieces from the following genres: poems,
short stories, creave non-con, and entertaining
drama. The nal project of this course is creang an
all-class anthology with a common theme.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: 
Pilates and Flexibility provides students with knowl-
edge, experience, and opportunity to develop skills in
aerobic tness acvies such as Pilates and exibility
exercises. Students will parcipate in teacher-led
workouts as well as develop a program of their own.
Students will pre-test, set goals, and post test results
using data to determine appropriate exercises to
improve their strength and physical tness.
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisite: 
This course is an introductory-level course for stu-
dents brand new to programming and computer sci-
ence. Students will learn problem-solving strategies,
soware design, and the foundaons of computer
science. The course covers the basic building blocks
of the python programming language and prepares
students for further study in AP Computer Science
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisite: None
This course introduces students to the systemac
and scienc study of human behavior and mental
processes. While considering the psychologists and
studies, students explore and apply psychological
theories, key concepts, and phenomena associated
with such topics as the biological bases of behavior,
sensaon and percepon, learning and cognion,
movaon, developmental psychology, tesng and
individual dierences, treatments of psychological
disorders, and social psychology. Students employ
psychological research methods, including ethical
consideraons, as they use the scienc method,
evaluate claims and evidence, and eecvely com-
municate ideas.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: None
The discipline of psychology, including the princi-
ples, methods, vocabulary, and major theories in the
study of human behavior is introduced in this course.
Students recognize theories of personality; compare
and contrast the relaonships and concepts of the
dierent schools of psychology; understand general
biological reasons for psychological behavior; explain
theories of learning, memory, movaon, and intelli-
gence; and prepare a foundaon for further psycho-
logical disciplines.
12 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: 
This elecve course is designed to allow students
to take control of their physical wellness through
personal tness instead of sport. During this course,
students will learn the benets of aaining personal
excellence through exercises that focus on strength,
cardiovascular, and exibility training. Students
are expected to develop and implement a personal
exercise program over the course of the semester.
Through planning and personal tness, students
experience the benets that are gained through a
dedicaon to living a healthy lifestyle.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: 
Strength and Condioning II will build on the foun-
daon you built from Strength and Condioning.
Students will parcipate in teacher-led workouts as
well as develop a program of their own. Students will
pre-test, set goals, and post test results using data
to determine appropriate sets / reps / weight per-
centages to improve their strength and endurance.
Through planning and personal tness, students
experience the benets that are gained through a
dedicaon to living a healthy lifestyle.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: 
Prerequisite: None
Students of junior or senior standing will assist a
classroom teacher or oce sta in either the School
of Grammar, School of Logic, or School of Rhetoric.
Dues are dependent on the age level of the
students in the class or the dues of the oce you
are assisng.
2024-25 Course Catalog | 13Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 5
Type: 
or an instrument
AP Music Theory is an AP level course that explains
the foundaons of music, like pitch, intervals, meter,
and other musical concepts in annotated music. It
dives into the niy griy of music, how it sounds,
musical devices for wring music, and the basics that
any future musician, or anyone interested in the eld
of music, needs to know. This course compliments
already oered music courses, like symphonic or-
chestra and choir, as well as middle school band and
string musicians.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Studio Art 1 & 2
AP Studio Art requires students to submit porolios
for evaluaon at the end of the school year rather
than take a wrien exam. 2D design will include: 5
actual works that demonstrate mastery of design
in concept, composion, and execuon; 12 digital
images, some of which may be detailed works de-
scribing an in-depth exploraon of a parcular 2D
design concern; 12 digital images that include one
image each of 12 dierent works that demonstrate
understanding of the principles of 2D design.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisites: 
Ceramics 1 and 2
AP 3D design is a studio art course where students
design and implement three dimensional concepts.
This is an intensive, product-based course. In ad-
dion to mulple sculptures and working models,
students document their works and create a digital
porolio. This class prepares students to work three
dimensionally in a variety of mediums and to devel-
op ideas and maquees for large scale sculptures
and installaons. Students will be evaluated on the
breadth and depth of their porolio, which will be
submied to the AP review board for approval of AP
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: None
Ceramics 1 is a semester-long course designed to
explore basic hand building techniques in clay while
learning technical skills needed in Ceramics 2. Stu-
dents study and crique historical and contempo-
rary arsts’ work to inform the creaon of their own
artwork. Emphasis is placed on the elements of art
and design with a strong focus on form and texture.
Students explore a variety of clay hand building tech-
niques that will include but are not limited to: coil,
slabs, and extruding.
The Fine Arts are an integral part of a Classical liberal arts educaon that insll a lifelong
passion for musical and arsc engagement. This approach values the natural human desire
for creave expression and the study of the contribuons of various arsts and musicians
from a worldview lens that spans ancient to modern mes. Although varied in scope, each
oering grounds students with foundaonal facts united with interpreve and technical skills
to produce and become versed in signicant works of art and music. Students are thus en-
abled to evoke the intellectual and emoonal power of creave expression in their own works
of art.
14 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: 
This semester-long course is designed to explore
basic throwing techniques in clay using the poer’s
wheel. Students study and crique historical and
contemporary arsts’ work to inform the creaon
of their own artwork. Emphasis is placed on the
elements of art and design with a strong focus on
form and texture. Students explore a variety of clay
thrown forms that will include but are not limited to:
cylinders, bowls, cups, mugs, plates, and stems.
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: None
Eagle Ridge Academy Choir is a high school singing
ensemble designed to help students develop a deeper
awareness and appreciaon of
music. Our studies emphasize the applicaon of
music theory, the examinaon of choral literature
from various historical me periods, proper singing
techniques, and performance methods. The choir
curriculum at Eagle Ridge Academy is an extension
of the Core Knowledge curriculum as well as naonal
and state-level music learning standards. This course
may be repeated for credit. No audion is required
for this course.
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: None
Drawing is a semester-long course designed to give
students in-depth experience with dierent ap-
proaches to drawing a variety of subjects, including
the gure, while also developing skills and sensivity
to line, shape, color, value, texture, and composion.
A variety of drawing media including but not limited
to: charcoal, graphite, conte crayon, India ink, chalk
and oil pastel, and colored pencil will be explored.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: 
Printmaking is a semester-long course designed to
explore basic printmaking techniques and processes
including but not limited to: monotype, calligraphy,
block prinng, etching, screen prinng, and photo-
copy prinng. Students study and crique historical
and contemporary arsts’ work to inform the cre-
aon of their own artwork. Emphasis is placed on
the elements and principals of art and design with a
strong focus on composion, line quality, and color
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: None
Symphonic Orchestra emphasizes connued in-
strumental technique and music literacy skills. This
incorporates both tradional band instruments,
including percussion, as well as strings. Performances
include two concerts per year plus a performance at
the Veteran’s Day assembly. Students are evaluated
on music literacy skills and playing ability. This course
may be repeated for credit. No audion is required
for this course. Private lessons are not required to
parcipate in the orchestra program, though are
encouraged outside of school. Students are evaluated
on music literacy skills and playing ability.
2024-25 Course Catalog | 15Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: None
2D Studio Art 1 is a semester-long art course de-
signed to explore the basic concepts in drawing,
painng, and printmaking while learning technical
skills used in the 2D Studio Art 2 advanced course.
Students study and crique historical and contempo-
rary arsts’ work to inform the creaon of their own
artwork. Emphasis is placed on building students’
skills in sighng drawings and painngs and on the
use of elements and the principals of art and design.
Students explore a variety of media that includes but
is not limited to graphite, Indian ink, charcoal, chalk
pastel, colored pencil, acrylic paint, and printmaking
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: 
This semester-long course is designed to explore ad-
vanced concepts in drawing and painng while build-
ing on technical skills learned in the 2D Studio Art
1 course. Students study and crique historical and
contemporary arsts’ work to inform the creaon of
their own work. Emphasis is placed on building stu-
dents’ skills with increasingly complex media includ-
ing but not limited to: oil pastel, oil paint, watercolor
pencil, watercolor paint, and mixed media.
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: None
3D Studio Art 1 is a semester-long art course de-
signed to explore the basic concepts in sculpture
while learning technical skills used in the 3D Studio
Art 2 advanced course. Students study and crique
historical and contemporary arsts’ work to inform
the creaon of their own artwork. Emphasis is placed
on the elements and principals of art and design with
a strong focus on form and texture. Students explore
a wide variety of sculptural media that includes but
is not limited to: clay, cardboard, wire, and found
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
This semester-long course is designed to explore
advanced concepts in sculpture while building on
technical skills learned in the 3D Studio Art 1 course.
Students study and crique historical and contempo-
rary arsts’ work to inform the creaon of their own
artwork. Emphasis is placed on problem solving and
how to develop personalized art while following gen-
eral guidelines. Students explore a variety of sculptural
media that will include but is not limited to: foam,
plaster, cardboard, and wire.
16 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
An essenal cornerstone of a Classical liberal arts educaon is the insistence on engaging
scholars in the Great Conversaon. The aim of the Humane Leers program is to interweave
tradional literature and history elements into one course. The connecons scholars encoun-
ter between the literature they are reading with primary source documents and historical
events promises a fuller grasp of all three. Through Socrac Seminar style discussions, schol-
ars develop as crical thinkers, careful listeners, arculate speakers, and eloquent writers.
Texts included in this me-tested curriculum have endured for generaons and are valued
for their truth, goodness, and beauty as well as their impact on society. The Human Leers
program seeks to illuminate that beyond an understanding of modern problems and ques-
ons lies centuries of the greatest writers and thinkers contemplang the human experience,
thereby allowing scholars to join the Great Conversaon.
Grade: 9
Credits: 2
Type: 
Prerequisite: None
The rst year of the Humane Leers seminar intro-
duces students to the great texts, ideas, and events of
the ancient world, specically those of the Greek and
Roman cultures that form the foundaon of West-
ern Civilizaon. Texts students read include Homer’s
Iliad and Odyssey; Greek tragedies by Aeschylus and
Sophocles; histories by Thucydides, Livy, and Poly-
bius; philosophy texts of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and
Lucreus; The Aeneid by Virgil; and other works as
me permits. The class employs the Socrac Seminar
method of learning which involves daily discussion of
the assigned readings. Students are also introduced to
the formal analycal essay and its various modes of
Grade: 10
Credits: 2
Type: 
Prerequisite: 
The second year of Humane Leers introduces the
formaon and early development of Europe, focusing
on the history, culture, and literature of the medi-
eval and renaissance eras. Students read Boethius’
Consolaon of Philosophy, Beowulf, selecons from
Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae, Dante’s Divine
Comedy, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Machiavelli’s
The Prince, Thomas More’s Utopia, selecons from
the Bible, several plays by William Shakespeare, and
mulple primary sources as me permits. Students
connue to develop their skills of formal essay writ-
ing and civil discourse.
2024-25 Course Catalog | 17Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Credits: 2
Type: 
Prerequisite: 
During the third year, students study great works of
the Enlightenment, Industrial Age, and Romanc Era.
The readings include Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Cervant-
es’ Don Quixote, Milton’s Paradise Lost, Austens Sense
and Sensibility, Shelley’s Frankenstein, Goethes Faust,
Whitmans “Song of Myself,” United States founding
documents (the Declaraon of Independence and the
United States Constuon), as well as numerous other
primary sources as me permits. Students connue
their formal essay wring with a view toward mastery
of the essay and development of crical/interpreve
skills and rhetorical style. of the essay and develop-
ment of crical/interpreve skills and rhetorical style.
Grade: 12
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: 
In their nal year, students focus primarily on the
emergence of modern Europe and America. Works
read include: Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment,
Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray, World War I and
World War II primary sources, Fitzgerald’s The Great
Gatsby, Camus’ The Stranger, Huxley’s Brave New
World, 1950’s and 1960’s primary sources, Morrisons
Song of Solomon, and other works as me permits.
Students complete the Senior Capstone Experience
throughout the second semester.
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: -
ALQ includes topics typically addressed in Algebra I
as well as topics typically addressed in Algebra II, with
parcular emphasis on working with linear and qua-
drac equaons and funcons. Addional topics oen
include exponenal, square root, polynomial, and
raonal funcons as well as data analysis and display
Grades: 9, 10, 11
Credit: 1
Type: -
Algebra II reviews linear funcons and systems, pro-
viding a foundaon for exploring quadrac, polyno-
mial, exponenal, logarithmic, raonal, and radical
funcons. Matrix methods are introduced while
trigonometry, probability, and stascs concepts are
reinforced and extended. Real-world problems are
addressed via a broad range of applicaons, includ-
ing economics, science, and sports.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisite: Pre-calculus passed with a C or higher
Calculus AB is primarily concerned with developing
students’ understanding of the concepts of calculus
and providing experience with its methods and appli-
caons. The course emphasizes a mul-representa-
onal approach with concepts, results, and problems
expressed graphically, numerically, analycally, and
verbally. The connecons among these representa-
ons are illuminated and explored. Students complet-
ing this course may qualify for college credit based
on the College Board Advanced Placement test. A
graphing calculator is required.
Grade: 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisite: AP Calculus AB passed with a C or
AP Calculus BC is taught in partnership with Nova
Classical Academy. It is a college-level calculus
course primarily concerned with developing the stu-
dents’ understanding of the concepts of calculus and
providing experience with its methods and applica-
ons. Students not only learn the fundamentals of
calculus but also learn how to apply what they have
learned in the elds of physics, business, economics,
biology, engineering, and probability. The course
Beyond its ulitarian value in today’s modern era, lies the ulmate truth, beauty, and good-
ness of the study of mathemacs – engaging in an unending aempt to understand the in-
nite complexity of our world. Mathemacs is a unique discipline including the study of pat-
terns and order; a way of thinking that embraces the pracce of dynamic problem solving and
rigorous reasoning. The human intellect is naturally inclined to recognize paerns, discover
their limitaons and variaons, and express them symbolically and quantavely. In various
forms, math is an art, a science, and a universal language. It is the collecve understanding of
the world in number, me, and space.
2024-25 Course Catalog | 19Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
covers the main areas of funcons, graphs, and
limits; derivaves; integrals; and polynomial approxi-
maons and series. Emphasis is placed on the devel-
opment of a beer understanding of mathemacal
concepts and their applicaons as well as on pro-
ciency in problem solving, mathemacal reasoning,
and higher-order thinking. Students parcipate in
various calculus and history-of-mathemacs-relat-
ed seminars, work on dierent calculus discovering
projects, and tackle mulvariable calculus aer the
AP exam. Students will connect with Nova Academy
live-me via Zoom or Adobe Connect. A graphing
calculator is required.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Students develop analycal and crical thinking skills
by describing data paerns and departures from
paerns, plan and conduct studies, use probability
and simulaon to explore random phenomena, es-
mate populaon parameters, test hypotheses, and
make stascal inferences. Students compleng this
course may qualify for college credit based on the
College Board Advanced Placement test. A graphing
calculator is required.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 
Prerequisite: 
Semester 1 of this course provides an overview
of areas in essenal algebraic concepts, graphical
representaons, non-linear funcons, and consumer
nance. Semester 2 provides an overview of areas
in modeling and paerns in architecture and music,
basic matrix operaons, probability models, and sta-
scal analysis. This course is intended to provide an
alternave for students who would prefer an opon
other than Pre-Calculus or AP Calculus upon comple-
on of Algebra II.
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: 
Geometry includes the topics of perspecve, space,
and dimension associated with praccal and axiomat-
ic geometry. Students learn how to apply and calculate
measurements of angle length, perimeter, area, and
volume. Geometry introduces students to trigonome-
try and transformaons. Students use logic to create
proofs and construcons and work with key geometry
theorems and proofs.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: 
AP Precalculus is designed to be the equivalent of a
rst semester college precalculus course. AP Precal-
culus provides students with an understanding of the
concepts of college algebra, trigonometry, and addi-
onal topics that prepare students for further college
level mathemacs courses. This course explores a
variety of funcon types and their applicaons—
polynomial, raonal, exponenal, logarithmic, trigo-
nometric, polar, parametric, vector-valued, implicitly
dened, and linear transformaon funcons using
matrices. Throughout the course, the mathemacal
pracces of procedural and symbolic uency, mul-
ple representaons, and communicaon and reason-
ing are developed. Students experience the concepts
and skills related to each funcon type through the
lenses of modeling and covariaon and engage each
funcon type through their graphical, numerical,
analycal, and verbal representaons.
20 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisites: 
This course is recommended for students interested
in pursuing future endeavors in health, life science,
and physical educaon or just having an interest in
how the body works. The course content explores the
essenal principles of the anatomy (structure) and
physiology (funcon) of the human body. Through lec-
ture, lab, and discussion of the body systems, students
gain an understanding of the human body and how
each system is integrated to maintain overall funcon-
ing of the body. Units include the skeletal, muscular,
and nervous systems as well as the cardiovascular,
respiratory, digesve, and urinary systems. Cat or fetal
pig dissecon is the culminang acvity.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
The primary emphasis in the AP Biology course is on
developing an understanding and applicaon of con-
cepts as a step beyond memorizing terms and technical
details. Essenal to this conceptual understanding are a
grasp of science as a process rather than as an accumu-
laon of facts; personal experience in scienc inquiry;
recognion of unifying themes that integrate the major
topics of biology; and applicaon of biological knowl-
edge and crical thinking to environmental and social
concerns. The major topics covered include: science as
a process; evoluon; energy transfer; connuity and
change; relaonship of structure to funcon; regulaon;
interdependence in nature; and science, technology and
society. Students compleng this course may qualify for
college credit based on the College Board AP test.
The study of science is mulfaceted. While the aims of various science disciplines diverge,
the unifying foundaon of all scienc study remains meless. At its core, science consists
of experiences that present fundamental truths, principles, and processes designed within
the context of being well-informed and responsible cizens. The courses, taken in the proper
sequence, bring the student from general knowledge of facts and principles through advanced
theories that then lead to praccal applicaons of research. Through carefully selected lab
experimentaon and theorecal analysis, students have the opportunity to expand the
boundaries of knowledge and engage in the Great Conversaon which explores the ethical
bounds of scienc advancement.
2024-25 Course Catalog | 21Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisite: -
AP Chemistry is a college-level chemistry course
which involves hands-on labs. Advanced concepts
include atomic structure, bonding theories, nomen-
clature, mole concepts, kinecs, thermochemistry,
stoichiometry, equilibrium, and acid based concepts.
Students compleng this course may qualify for col-
lege credit based on the College Board AP test.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisites: 
AP Physics is an intensive algebra-based study of
introductory topics in physics, including Newtonian
mechanics, kinemacs, dynamics, circular moon
and gravitaon, energy, momentum, simple harmonic
moon, torque, and rotaonal moon. It emphasizes
developing scienc methods through extensive and
frequent laboratory experiences. This course may be
taken in place of Physics. Students compleng this
course may qualify for college credit based on the
College Board AP Physics 1 Exam.
Grades: 11, 12
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: Logic
This course introduces students to the key concepts of
astronomy beginning with a broad look at the funda-
mental laws of physics and chemistry that govern our
knowledge. Other topics include the stellar life cycle,
telescopes, celesal navigaon, constellaons, planets,
comets, asteroids, and the moon. We also study how
other cultures viewed and used the night sky since be-
fore wrien history.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 
Type: Semester
Prerequisite: Logic
This course is intended to be taken either independently
or as an extension of Astronomy I. We invesgate con-
cepts of the non-classical regime of cosmology to include:
relavity, the stellar graveyard, quantum eects, the big
bang theory, and their observable consequences. Other
topics covered include the basics of telescopes and their
capabilies, current research in the eld of cosmology,
and the development of technological prospects for
travel to other parts of the universe.
22 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 10
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisite: 
Biology is designed to survey topics ranging from
zoology, botany, and physiology of living systems to
the interacon of organisms in ecosystems. Biology
focuses on understanding this branch of science from
the molecular level to the organismal level and how
the organism ts into the natural world. This course
involves laboratory work and wrien lab reports.
Grades: 9
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
Through hands-on labs and group work we study the
composion, structure, and properes of maer as
well as the changes maer undergoes during chemi-
cal reacons. Topics covered include: maer, atomic
structure, bonding, periodic table, chemical reac-
ons, kinecs and equilibrium, acid-base reacons,
and nuclear chemistry.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: 
This course is lab-intensive and experience based.
Students explore how science is applied to the law.
Students gain hands-on experience with crical think-
ing and scienc problem solving used to produce
evidence to solve crimes as well as non-criminal ac-
vies such as forgeries, structural failures, and mass
destrucon. Students also learn to write and commu-
nicate lab report results and conclusions eecvely.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
This course emphasizes comprehension before com-
putaon and teaches the rules of nature. A conceptual
way of looking at physics shapes the analycal thinking
of all students. The concepts are presented through
reading assignments, lectures, demonstraons, videos,
mathemacs and graphing, hands-on lab work, and
wrien assignments. This (or AP Physics) is a required
course for graduaon.
2024-25 Course Catalog | 23Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grade: 9
Type: Required; Semester
Prerequisite: None
As one of the tradional liberal arts taught in an-
cient Greece, this course is designed to develop the
students’ reasoning and analycal skills so that their
thinking, speaking, and wring become more clear,
more orderly, and ulmately, more compelling. The
course introduces students to various kinds of logical
argumentaon including an in-depth study of syllo-
gisms and formal fallacies.
Grade: 9
Credit: 
Type: Required; Semester
Prerequisite: None
This course introduces health concepts and skills and
challenges students to apply these skills to develop a
healthy lifestyle. Students reect on a principle-cen-
tered philosophy for a virtuous life. Students are
challenged to achieve the Private Victory: the ability
to take responsibility, earn independence, set and ac-
complish goals, excel in personal me management,
build relaonships, truly listen to others, become
self-aware of their acons, collaborate, and prob-
lem solve for an eecve win/win. To achieve these
victories, we need renewal. Renewal pracces help
us become the best version of ourselves. We focus on
the four dimensions of body, mind, heart and soul.
Body: exercise, eat nutrious meals, sleep well, and
relax. Mind: read, write, educate, and learn new skills.
Heart: build relaonships, give service, and laugh.
Soul: peaceful harmony, quality media, meditaon,
and me with nature. Health is for a lifeme.
Grade: 10
Type: Semester; Required
Prerequisite: 
Rhetoric is a formal discipline developed in ancient
Greece by those who sought to persuade others,
especially in the realms of law and polics. Like logic,
rhetoric is seen as indispensable to the formal training
of a well-educated person who is able to engage others
on the pressing maers in current events. This course
is designed to develop the students’ ability to analyze
and evaluate examples of discourse, including famous
speeches, and to demonstrate the results of these
examinaons via public speech. Students also study
logos, pathos, and ethos and incorporate what they
have learned into their own rhetorical presentaons.
Grade: 11
Credit: 
Type: Required; Semester
Prerequisite: None
Eastern Thought introduces students to the origins,
history, polics, philosophy, religion, geography, and
culture of important and inuenal non-Western
cultures and civilizaons. Readings are drawn from a
wide range of tradions, including Sumerian, Hindu,
Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian, and Islamic
texts and scriptures.
24 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grade: 12
Credit: 1
Type: -
Prerequisite: None
Semester one of this course is a college-level course
that introduces students to the principles that apply
to an economic system as a whole. The course places
parcular emphasis on the study of naonal in-
come and price-level determinaon. It also develops
students’ familiarity with economic performance
measures, the nancial sector stabilizaon policies,
economic growth, and internaonal economics.
Students learn to use graphs, charts, and data to
analyze, describe, and explain economic concepts.
Students who successfully complete semester one of
this course are prepared to take the AP Macroeco-
nomics exam for potenal college credit. Semester
two of this course introduces students to the princi-
ples of economics that apply to the funcons of in-
dividual economic decision-makers. The course also
develops students’ familiarity with the operaon of
product and factor markets, distribuons of income,
market failure, and the role of government in pro-
mong greater eciency and equity in the economy.
Students learn to use graphs, charts, and data to
analyze, describe, and explain economic concepts.
Students who successfully complete semester two
of this course are prepared to take the AP Microeco-
nomics exam for potenal college credit.
Grade: 12
Type: 
Prerequisite: None
In this course students are introduced to basic ele-
ments of major economic theories and become fa-
miliar with the economic system of the United States
and how it operates. They explore the roles of supply
and demand, various types of rms, and scal and
monetary policy. Students examine their roles as con-
sumer, worker, investor, and vong cizen. Topics of
discussion include the comparave economic systems,
globalizaon, and the impact of polical and social
decisions on the economy.
2024-25 Course Catalog | 25Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 9, 10
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisite: None
Lan I is designed to introduce students with no
previous experience in Lan to Roman culture,
history, and language through the comprehen-
sion-based reading method of Cambridge Lan
Course. Throughout units I and II, students read
and decipher complicated grammar while follow-
ing a connuous storyline that integrates histori-
cal content.
Grades: 9, 10
Credit: 1
Type: 
Lan II connues the storyline of Cambridge Lan
Course units II and III while exploring increasingly
complex grammar and the inuence of ancient
Rome on the modern world.
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
By studying a language’s vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, scholars not only gain apprecia-
on for its intricacies and nuances but also learn more about their own language. The study
of languages contributes to the educaon of the scholar by smulang and direcng the
acquision of an understanding by developing knowledge of civilizaons, literature, and
language of modern naons as well as developing accuracy and precision in the use of l
anguage as an instrument for the comprehension and communicaon of ideas. Eagle Ridge
Academy values the study of foreign languages with an emphasis on Lan. The study of the
languages and civilizaons of Greece and Rome gives the scholar a unique insight into the
Western heritage. Basic knowledge of Classical anquity is virtually indispensable for any
in-depth study in polics, philosophy, or literature. *Students are required to take 4 credits
of World Language which includes the compleon of Lan III.
Using the Cambridge Lan Course, in Units III and IV
students will further develop their grammar, vocab-
ulary, and reading comprehension skills in order to
read authenc Roman literature from authors such as
Maral, Ovid, Pliny, and Tacitus.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Students will nish their study of grammar and
vocabulary in the Cambridge Lan Course, using Unit
IV before reading excerpts from authenc texts from
authors such as Petronius, Caesar, Ovid, and Virgil.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisite: 
This course introduces students to unadapted Ro-
man epic poetry by reading selecons primarily from
Vergil’s Aeneid. Poetry from Ovid and Catullus are
also studied as a comparison. Students will learn
quantave meter and poec devices as well as dis-
cuss major themes and issues as developed in Virgil’s
poetry. Students may take both CIS Lan: Prose and
CIS Lan: Poetry for credit.
26 | 2024-25 Course Catalog
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Prerequisite: -
This course introduces students to unadapted an-
cient texts of prose authors from the 1st centuries
BCE/CE, such as Cicero, Sallust, Caesar, and Pliny.
Students will review grammar and vocabulary as well
as discuss major themes and issues in Roman culture
as illustrated by the texts. Students may take both
CIS Lan: Prose and CIS Lan: Poetry for credit.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
enrollment course taught in partnership with
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
Spanish I students learn basic vocabulary and sen-
tence structure in order to understand and commu-
nicate in the target language for everyday situaons.
Reading, wring, and listening skills are emphasized
and cultural acvies are included. Communicave
skill development is achieved through a variety of
acvies and media.
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1
Type: 
Spanish II expands on the grammar and vocabulary
concepts learned in Spanish I. All four language mo-
dalies (reading, wring, speaking, and listening) are
incorporated into weekly acvies. Students expand
their cultural study through readings, reports, and use
of media.
Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1
This course begins with a review of the vocabulary and
grammar concepts taught in Spanish I and II and then
expands into more advanced grammacal concepts.
An emphasis is placed on improving all four language
modalies (reading, wring, speaking, and listening)
as well as connued vocabulary expansion and intro-
ducon of addional verb tenses necessary for sight
translaon of Spanish texts. Students expand cultur-
al understanding through readings, presentaons,
and exploraon of tradional folklore and classical
works from Spanish- speaking countries. Students are
expected to parcipate primarily in Spanish for the
majority of the class.
2024-25 Course Catalog | 27Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric
Eagle Ridge Academy now hosts 14 varsity sports and
has strategic co-operave agreements for addional
oerings with other suburban high schools.
Boys Baseball
Boys & Girls Basketball
Boys & Girls Cross Country
Boys & Girls Soccer
Boys & Girls Track
Boys & Girls Ulmate Frisbee
Girls Badminton
Girls Volleyball
Math Team
Mock Trial
Pep Band
Chess Club
Dungeons & Dragons Club
Junior Classical League (JCL)
MN High School Music Listening Contest
National Honor Society (NHS)
Strength & Conditioning
Student Senate
We have an engaged
student body. 50 percent of
our students parcipate in at
least one athlec, co-
curricular, or extra-curricular
acvity... and that number is
Eagle Ridge Academy School of Rhetoric