Student Planning
Registration Guide
© Copyright 2024 Version 4 Trustees of Boston College
Accessing the Planning and Registration Module ......................................................................................... 3
Help and Support .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Basic Navigation ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Searching for Courses ............................................................................................................................... 4
Viewing Options ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Printing Options ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Creating a Registration Plan and Adding Courses to Your Plan .................................................................... 5
Student Registration Plans Screen ............................................................................................................ 5
Searching for Courses and Adding Courses to Your Plan .............................................................................. 6
Removing One or More Courses from Your Registration Plan ................................................................. 9
Creating a Second Registration Plan ......................................................................................................... 9
Removing a Registration Plan ................................................................................................................... 9
Verifying Your Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Status Indicators ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Registering for Your Courses ....................................................................................................................... 11
After You Have Registered .......................................................................................................................... 13
Dropping Courses .................................................................................................................................... 13
Swapping Course Sections .......................................................................................................................... 13
Quick Register ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Changing Grading Options .......................................................................................................................... 16
Accessing the Planning and Registration Module
1. Sign in to the Agora Portal using your BC credentials
2. Select the EagleApps Planning and Registration link in the Academics and Courses area.
Help and Support
If you have an issue or require access to EagleApps, please open a help ticket using the EagleApps
Help/Incident Request Form, and production support/subject matter experts will contact you directly
and also set up time with you (if that helps). Below you will find the relevant links for help and support
of EagleApps.
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This form is to be used to
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Only those users who actively
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Student Services Systems
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This form should be used to
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Boston College
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corresponding data.
Basic Navigation
When you open the Planning and Registration screen, it will look very similar to the sample screen
below. It contains:
A drop-down menu where you can select the semester for which you want to register, if
multiple semesters are available for registration at this time.
A blue registration context header that displays the dates when classes begin and end for that
semester, the date and time of your registration appointment, if one exists, any holds on your
record which may affect your ability to register for classes, the count of your planned and
registered courses, and number of credits. If this is your first time accessing the Registration
module, your planned and registration courses and credits will be zero.
A letter i icon provides screen level help about student registration.
A magnifying glass Icon that you can use to search for courses.
A calendar which you can use to return to the schedule display.
A printer icon which you can use to create a .pdf to download that you may share with your
In the main Registration screen, select the term you want to register for from the drop-down menu on
the left-hand side.
Searching for Courses
Use the Magnifying Glass icon on the left side of the screen to search for your courses. You will be able
to select values from a variety of criteria to narrow the courses which you may wish to consider.
Viewing Options
There are two viewing options for the Student Schedule available from the Calendar icon:
Calendar Default view that allows you to see the days and times when the courses in your
Schedule and Registration Plan are offered
Tabular Lists registration data in a columnar format
You can switch between any of the viewing options at any time by clicking the radio button next to the
view you want to select.
Printing Options
You can print a PDF version of your Registration Schedule by clicking the Printer icon. Please note that
you CANNOT print a copy of your Registration Plan. You need to copy your Registration Plan into a file
where you can save it and print it, or you can take a screen shot of your plan.
Creating a Registration Plan and Adding Courses to Your Plan
In advance of your registration appointment you may begin building a registration plan, which is a
detailed list of classes in which you are interested in registering. You may create up to two registration
plans for a semester. The first registration plan is automatically created and is named “Registration Plan
1.” You may at any time create a second registration plan by clicking on the Add Plan button. The
second plan will automatically be named “Registration Plan 2.” Likewise, you can eliminate an existing
plan by selecting the plan using the radio button, which makes the plan active and then clicking on the
Edit Plan Name button.
For an example of when multiple plans may make sense for you, consider the case in which you have
applied for an external internship or job which would occur during the afternoons. You may want to
create one plan comprised of classes that only take place during the morning that you could perhaps
name “Morning Classes Only,” leaving your afternoons free for the internship or job, and a second plan
comprised of classes taking place throughout the day in the event you are unsuccessful securing the
internship or job.
Student Registration Plans Screen
You build your course schedule for the semester in the Student Registration Plan section of the screen.
As you add courses to your plan, you will see the following information:
Name of your Registration Plan (Registration Plan 1 is the default name)
Up and down arrows next to a course that can be moved up or down in your plan by dragging the
arrow up to move a course up or dragging the down arrow to move the course down
Section for the course section
Course Title
Format for the course (for example, Lecture or Online Asynchronous)
Days of the week when the course is offered
Timeslot when the course is offered
Building where the course is located
Room where the course is held
Instructor(s) teaching the course
Credits for the course
Grading option Letter grade or Pass/Fail
Status (this field is blank until you are registered in the course)
At the bottom of the screen you will see a row of buttons that you will use during your registration
Add Plan Select this button when you want to create a new registration plan.
Edit Plan Name Select this button if you want to change the name of your registration plan.
Remove Selected Select this button if you want to remove a particular course from your
registration plan.
Verify Plan Select this button if you want to check for conflicts or any other issues pertaining
to your registration plan before you register your courses.
Register Select this button when you want to register the courses in your registration plan.
Searching for Courses and Adding Courses to Your Plan
1. From the Student Registration screen, select the term you want to register for from the drop-
down menu on the left-hand side. It is possible that only a single term may be available at a
particular time.
2. Note that the system has already created Registration Plan 1 for you.
3. To search for courses that you may wish to take, click on the Magnifying Glass icon in the upper
left of the screen. This will take you to the integrated Course Offering Faceted Search page.
4. The Course Offering Faceted Search allows you to specify a variety of criteria which are used to
narrow the results of your search. These criteria include:
Keywords Used to specify a word which appears in either the course title or the course
description. If you wish to search on a keyword string, enclose phrases and Course Codes in
single quotes. ('MATH1100', 'social justice')
Days of the Week Used to specify on which days of the week a section will meet. An ‘M’
will result in sections that have at least a Monday meeting, even if they meet on other days
as well (M-only, MWF, MW, MTWThF, etc.). An ‘M’ and a ‘W’ will result in sections which
have at least a Monday meeting or a Wednesday meeting (M-only, W-only, MW, MTWThF,
WF, etc.).
Time of Day Used to specify time ranges when the section starts. Late morning will result
in sections that start at 10:00am, 10:15am, 10:30am, 10:45am, 11:00am, 11:15am,
11:30am, 11:45am, or anything in between.
Subject Area Used to specify subject areas or departments which offer the courses. A
type-ahead allows you to start typing the name or department code so that you do not have
to scroll through the list which is sorted by subject code abbreviation.
School Used to specify the school in which the course is offered. These are the broadly-
defined schools and do not differentiate between ungraduated and graduate versions of
schools that have both levels.
Credits Used to specify the credit value of the course offering. The majority of courses at
Boston College are 3-credit classes.
Status Used to specify the registration status of the section.
Fulfills requirements Used to specify the requirements satisfied by the course offering.
These options include Core requirements, Major requirements, Minor requirements, and
Delivery Method Used to specify the manner in which the section is conducted, such as
Clinical work, Lecture, Seminar, Lab, Field work, independent study, etc.
Course Level Used to specify undergraduate, graduate, or both graduate and
5. When you are ready to perform your search, click the blue Apply to Search button on the left
side of the screen and the results are displayed. You can further refine your course search by
entering keywords and additional criteria, or removing individual filters and clicking Apply to
6. Tips for searching for courses:
Within a single category such as Subject Area, multiple selections result in an OR condition,
meaning that ACCT, HIST, PHYS is interpreted by the system as Accounting, or History, or
Physics courses.
Across categories, multiple selections result in an AND between the categories and an OR
within the category, meaning that Subject Areas ACCT, HIST, PHYS with Fulfills Requirements
Natural Sciences is interpreted by the system as Accounting or History or Physics courses,
which also satisfy the Natural Sciences requirement.
The more selections you make within a particular category, the broader your search results.
The more selections you make across multiple categories, the narrower your search results.
In fact, no results may be found.
Particularly helpful searches include the Subject Area and Fulfills Requirements
combination, as well as combinations including the Days of the Week and/or Times of the
Keywords are particularly helpful in searching for courses which may contain content of
interest to you without your knowing their Subject Area.
The search will return a list of courses which have any section meeting your search criteria.
The results of your search are presented to you in order by the course code. They include
the course code and title, the course description, the credit value, and various restrictions
related to the course.
7. Click the Expander arrow (>) in the upper right of the course information to view a list of sections
for the course offering you selected.
8. The table of section details displayed contains the following information:
Section The Section number and type of instructional method.
Days The days of the week which the section meets.
Time Slot The beginning and ending times associates with those Days.
Building The building in which the class will take place.
Room The room number in which the class will take place.
Instructors The names of the class instructors or teaching assistants.
Registered The first number shows the number of students who have already registered
for the section and the second number shows the total seats available in the section. Once
registration begins, these numbers can alert you to when a particular section is becoming
9. There are special symbols that are important to recognize in the table of section details:
A green calendar symbol indicates that the section has start and end dates which differ from
that of the regular semester. If you place your mouse over the calendar symbol, text will
display the class begin and end dates. If you click on the calendar, other important deadlines
associated with that section will appear.
A blue book symbol allows you to link to the bookstore system to get a list of instructional
materials such as textbooks (if any) that are required for that section. Clicking on the book
symbol will provide that list (if one is available).
10. Once you decide which section you would like to include in your Registration Plan, click on the
slider under the Select column. Note that the other sections disappear from the table. If you
wish to see the whole list again and perhaps choose another section, click on the slider again.
11. Certain courses are taught in what is known as a multi-format offering, which means that there
are sections of two or more delivery methods, one of each must be taken to be properly
registered for the course. Examples are courses which are taught in a Lecture/Laboratory or
Lecture/Discussion format. The system will assist you in choosing appropriate combinations of
sections. For example, should you select a Lecture section from a list, all the other Lecture
Sections will disappear from the display, leaving only Laboratory or Discussion sections
remaining. As each type of section is chosen, only those sections of a type still needing to be
chosen will remain unselected in the display.
12. Once you have chosen the appropriate section or sections, the Add to Plan button is displayed.
13. Click the Add to Plan button to add the section(s) to your Registration Plan. The system will
return you to the Student Registration screen and you will see the section information shown in
a tabular display of your plan, as well as the Calendar View above. Sections that are in a
Registration Plan are shown in the Calendar View with a black background.
14. You may return to the course search by clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon in order to
continue adding sections to your Registration Plan.
Note: The system will inform you if you reach the maximum number of courses or credits that
you may put in an individual plan.
Removing One or More Courses from Your Registration Plan
Select the course or courses that you want to remove from your Registration Plan.
Click Remove Selected.
Creating a Second Registration Plan
There are a number of reasons why you might want to create a second Registration Plan. Let’s say that
you want to add all courses with morning timeslots in one plan and add all courses with afternoon slots
in a second plan to make sure that you can register for all your selected courses. Or you could be doing
an internship during this semester and you want to ensure that your classes fit in with your work
schedule. To create a second Registration Plan, click the Add Plan button.
Removing a Registration Plan
Click Remove Plan to remove your Registration Plan.
Verifying Your Plan
1. Once you are satisfied with the courses in your plan, you should click Verify Plan. By doing so,
the system will evaluate your ability to register for the courses in the plan and inform you of any
difficulties you will have registering for any of your courses. These difficulties can include school,
major, minor restrictions, closed sections, time conflicts, co-requisite requirements, and
required department or instructor approvals. These warnings will appear in your plan with a
yellow caution sign.
2. Yellow triangles indicate warnings that allow you proceed, such as the course requires either
department or instructor approval.
3. Click Continue with Warnings to proceed with the registration process.
Click Close to display the Warning message on the screen without completing the registration
NOTE: If multiple warning messages are displayed, the Continue with Warnings button applies
to all warnings and allows you to continue with the registration process.
Click Close to display the Warning messages on the screen without completing the registration
Status Indicators
Status Indicators alert you to issues with your plan and error messages provide descriptions about the
issues that need to be corrected. You will see Status Indicators when you verify your plan and when you
register your plan.
Status Indicator
Indicates an issue with the
course that warns the user, but
still allows the user to proceed.
Examples include
Indicates that your exemption
request is in process. Clicking on
the symbol displays its current
Registering for Your Courses
To register for courses from your plan, do the following:
1. (Optional) Click Verify Plan. This step is recommended to ensure that you are aware of any
course conflicts or other issues before you attempt to register the courses in your plan. For
example, students with earlier registration appointments may have caused one or more of your
sections to fill.
2. (Optional) Under Add Registration, enter the Course Code for the course for which you wish to
3. Click on the checkbox next to each section for which you wish to register. You may use the
checkbox on the header line to select all sections with a single click.
4. Click Register to register the courses that you selected from your plan.
Error messages will display above the schedule if there are any course conflicts, or if a course
requires permission from either the instructor or department head. Note that if permission is
required, you will NOT be able to register for that course until your exemption request is
Once your courses are registered, the courses from your plan are added to your calendar and
your courses are displayed in the Student Schedule section of the screen. Each course section is
displayed in a different color in the Calendar View; anything still in your plan will continue to
display in black.
5. Once the final exam schedule is set, you may click on the Final Exam tab to view your exam
details. This may not be available until later in the semester.
The following example shows registered course sections displayed in mauve and sage green.
After You Have Registered
Once you have successfully registered for classes, you can continue to make changes throughout the
add/drop period, subject to Boston College’s various policies. To make most changes to your existing
schedule, you must be in the Tabular View of the Student Schedule.
Dropping Courses
To drop a course simply select the checkbox next to section(s) and click Drop Selected. The system will
validate that you are within the deadlines and will provide a success message if the drop is successful in
adding the new section.
Note that if the course requires a course combination of a Lecture, Lab, or Discussion, both will be
dropped in the same transaction. Also note that you may not drop the last remaining section in your
schedule. You will need to contact your Associate Dean’s Office to do this. The system will alert you to
this and prevent that drop transaction.
Swapping Course Sections
Sometimes you may register for a course that is not your preferred choice. Later, as you monitor the
registration numbers for your preferred section, you discover that a seat has become available for it.
However, you do not want to take the chance of another individual taking the seat after you dropped
the registered section and then attempt to add the preferred section. This is where swapping sections
will assist you.
To swap course sections:
1. Add the course section that you wish to register into your Registration Plan using the method
detailed above.
2. Select the checkbox next to that section in your plan.
3. Select the checkbox next to the section in your Student Schedule that you wish to drop.
4. Click Swap Sections.
5. Click Yes to confirm swapping course sections.
The system will only drop you from the existing section if it is successful. If the swap is
successful, you will see a confirmation message. The new section will display in your Student
If for some reason the swap is unsuccessful, you will see an error message explaining why you
are unable to swap course sections. Note that you still have a seat in your original course
Quick Register
After the registration period has begun and you have reached your registration appointment time, you
can take advantage of the Quick Register feature while using the Course Search function. You will notice
that after you choose a section, both the Add to Plan and Quick Register buttons become available. The
Quick Register button automatically registers you in the selected course, bypassing the need to add it to
your plan first. This feature is generally used when there are only a few seats left in a class and you want
to ensure that you get that last seat before the class fills.
To use quick register:
1. Select the slider button next to the course that you want to quick register. The example below
shows that Health Psychology is selected as a quick register course.
2. Click the Quick Register link. Your course is automatically added to your Registration Schedule
and is also added to your calendar. Note that the course is not displayed in your plan.
The following example shows the Health Psychology course displayed in purple in the Student Schedule
section of the Student Registration screen.
Changing Grading Options
After your courses are registered, you can change the grading option from a Letter grade to Pass/Fail or
Audit. These changes are subject to policies which the system will enforce.
To change your grading option:
1. Select the course that you want to change from a Letter grade to Pass/Fail or Audit.
2. Click Change Grading Options.
3. A dialog box will display showing the options available to you. Choose the option you want.
4. Confirm your choice by clicking Yes.
5. You will see the new grading option displayed in your Student Schedule.