Noise Nuisance Procedure
How to file a noise complaint
1. Contact the authorities and request an officer be sent to your location to
a) Call SAPD (210)207-7273
b) Call DSD/Code Enforcement (210)207-1111
c) Call 311
2. Report the details of the noise complaint to the responding officer:
a) An investigative report by the responding department (SAPD or Code
Enforcement) is required and will be prepared by the investigating officer
b) The details you report to the investigating officer must be for a specific
date the noise nuisance occurred (even if this has been an ongoing
problem a criminal case must be filed for a specific date)
c) Be sure to provide the responding officer with as much of the following
information as possible for the specific date the noise nuisance occurred.
It is very important to have the following information in the report:
i. The frequency and duration of the noise
ii. The time of day the noise occurred
iii. The volume and intesity of the noise
iv. Describe the noise (ex. loud music, live band, loud party, etc)
v. Decribe how the noise disturbed or annoyed you (ex. unable to
sleep, unable to rest, unable to relax, unable to work, unable to
study, unable to enjoy quiet comfort in your home, etc)
vi. Name, phone, and address of any other witnesses for the specific
date being reported
vii. Whether you have any audio recordings or other evidence of the
3. Review of investigative report
a) The investigating officer will forward the report to the Prosecution office for
b) If there is sufficient evidence to support a charge, the case will be filed and
the Defendant will be summoned to appear in Municipal Court
c) You must be listed as the complainant and must be able to testify in the
event of a trial
4. Follow up
a) You may contact the investigating department SAPD substation
(210)207-7410 or Code Enforcement (210)207-1111 to inquire about the
status of the investigation. You will need to reference the case/report
number given by the responding officer.