Contact Number, Professional Email
Dear Hiring Manager (or name of hiring manager, if you know it):
OPENING PARAGRAPH: Include a brief introduction about yourself, which can include your educational
background or an overview of your expertise. State the position you are applying for and how you learned about the
position and/ or organization.
BODY PARAGRAPH(S): Indicate your career or job objective and why you are particularly suited for this company
or type of work. Communicate to the prospective employer that you understand the responsibilities that encompass
the position and have the qualities and skills the employer seeks. Describe the skill the employer seeks and then
provide one or two specific examples demonstrating this skill in an academic or professional setting. Make each
body paragraph skill-based. Elaborate on key points from your resume without repeating your resume word-for-
CLOSING PARAGRAPH: The final paragraph is a perfect place to articulate how the company aligns with your
values. Take a moment to review the organization’s mission statement and describe how it aligns with your personal
mission. Show your appreciation for the opportunity. Reiterate your interest in the position and ask for an interview
at the employer’s convenience. Thank the employer for his/her/their time and consideration.
Your name typed
Best Practices:
Research Assistant Cover letters
Model for Cover Letters
A cover letter is a one-page statement of objective which should highlight your skills and interest in a
particular field/ position. It accompanies your resume and any other job search materials you send to a prospective
employer. Expand upon your resume in order to emphasize how your qualifications align with the position. It
should communicate to the prospective employer how you are a good match for the company and the desired
This guide is to be used as best practice tips when submitting your application for a position at The
Rockefeller University! Please use the information provided to tailor your cover letter for the position and present/
highlight your experiences and skill sets to be considered for the role for which you’re applying.
· You should include a tailored cover letter with every job application you submit.
· A cover letter should not repeat what is already listed on your resume. Take this opportunity to share a
few key points that make YOU a good fit for this position and organization. Some questions to consider
when drafting a cover letter include: Why do you want to work for this organization? How does this
position contribute to your career goals? What specific skills and experience do you have that is relevant
to this position?
· If there are any gaps in the resume you want to provide clarification on, you can briefly address them in
the cover letter.
· Don’t solely rely on AI (i.e. Chat GPT) to write a cover letter. AI can provide an overall template on what
to include however, make sure the final version is personalized and your own.
· Make sure your personality and enthusiasm show through the cover letter!
Best Practices:
Cover Letters