SUBJECT: Resource Room GRADE: 8
Course Description:
The primary focus of this program is to provide students with learning
strategies, study techniques, organizational and social/emotional skills
that address IEP objectives. Students also utilize the resource room for
testing accommodations and to receive/review, reinforcement, and re-
teaching of content area concepts. The overall goal of resource room is
to offer students the tools required to become independent and self-
directed learners.
Anticipated student outcomes:
By June of this year, students in this class should be able to demonstrate
the following competencies:
Internalize and effectively apply learning, organizational, study
skills and social/emotional strategies in various academic and
social arenas, throughout the school day.
Take greater initiative and more responsibility for their
academics and learning.
Utilize testing accommodations and program modifications.
Develop skills necessary to achieve goals on Individualized
Education Plans.
Request assistance from the special education and general
education teachers as necessary.
Materials required or used:
Content area textbooks, agenda pads, independent student work
folder, technology, skill building workbooks, manipulatives, visuals,
and graphic organizers.
Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522
Reinforcing Classroom Materials:
1. Help students understand class requirements
2. Pre-teach and re-teach material
3. Develop graphic organizers
4. Practice or enrichment
5. Develop study guides
Adapting/Modifying Classroom Content
1. Adapt or modify class work
a. Highlight texts/reading material
b. Write or rewrite worksheets
c. Create and modify study guides
2. Adapt or modify tests
a. Change how tests are given
b. Clarify vocabulary and directions
c. Revise the format
d. Modify content (when required)
3. Develop skills for using educational technology
4. Design alternative activities
Assist students in understanding their learning style, strengths and
weaknesses to access learning in all students.
1. Help students understand the information in the I.E.P.’s
regarding accommodations, modifications and annual
2. Encourage students to be self-advocates.
OUTLINES/GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS: Concise, organized listings of
important facts in a lecture, reading selection, film, etc.
1. Allows students to follow during and activity
2. Use most pertinent facts and main ideas
3. Use templates and instruct students how to use them.
4. Aids in visual processing of the written word or abstract
and complex concepts (webbing or mapping)
One-Page Summaries: Narrative summary of the most important facts
from the information.
1. Write in simple, concrete narrative format.
2. Use understandable vocabulary and direct sentences.
3. Organize paragraphs into separate topics
Vocabulary Previews: List relevant vocabulary defined in
understandable terms.
1. Present in the same order as vocabulary appears in
2. Use clear and concise language.
3. Keep the list short.
4. Teach necessary vocabulary sight words
5. Reinforce vocabulary with visuals where possible.
Preview Questions: Develop a limited number of questions (5-10) that
focus the student’s attention on significant facts and ideas.
1. Key to lesson objective(s).
2. Present in order of appearance in material.
3. Vary the format, but reflect end of year assessments-
short answer, multiple-choice and essays.
Mnemonic Devices: Strategies helpful for organizing and learning
1. Linking methods
2. Acronyms (HOMES the first letter for each of the Great
3. Acrostics (please excuse my dear Aunt Sally to
remember the “order of Operations” in math).
4. Help students determine the best learning style for them.
In an inclusive setting all members of the educational team (teachers
and students) work collaboratively for educational success. This goal is
reached through low student/teacher ratios, differentiated materials
and a scaffolded curriculum to accommodate all learners.
Classroom Teacher and Special/Learning Center Teacher
Provide instruction and instructional materials relative to specific
individual and curriculum goals and objectives.
Collaborate with team teachers to plan differentiated lessons for
specific subjects.
Adapt curriculum and assessments to meet IEP requirements.
Attend class with the desire to succeed, the enthusiasm to learn
and a serious commitment to academic responsibility.
Adhere to team and school policies
All students have the opportunity to succeed through exposure to
a comprehensive curriculum
Team teaching allows for heterogeneous, skill level and honors
groupings of students when appropriate.
All students benefit from accommodations and modifications as
determined by teaching professional
The classroom community reflects the real community.
Criteria for grading:
Grading is based on progress toward IEP goals.
Outline developed by: SPECIAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Date: Spring 2018