Corresponding author: Ogweno Jeremiah okeyo
Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
Performance, privacy and security issues at the TCP internet layer
Ogweno Jeremiah okeyo
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Bondo, Kenya.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
Publication history: Received on 01 February 2024; revised on 13 March 2024; accepted on 15 March 2024
Article DOI:
The rapid growth of internet-based services and applications has revolutionized the way we communicate, interact, and
conduct business. However, this widespread connectivity also brings forth numerous challenges related to performance
and privacy security at the internet layer. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the various issues
that arise in this context, highlighting their impact on user experience, data protection, and network efficiency, to
address performance concerns; the research paper investigates the factors affecting internet Layer. Through extensive
research studies, the paper examines the impact of network congestion, routing inefficiencies, and protocol limitations
on the overall performance of internet-based services. This research delves into the vulnerabilities and risks associated
with the internet layer. It investigates the potential threats posed by malicious actors, including hackers, data breaches,
and unauthorized access to sensitive information. The findings of this research contribute to a comprehensive
understanding of the interplay between performances and privacy security issues at the internet layer. By identifying
the key challenges and potential solutions, this study provides valuable insights for network administrators, service
providers, policymakers, and end-users to optimize performance while ensuring robust privacy and security measures.
Ultimately, this research aims to foster a safer and more efficient internet ecosystem for all stakeholders.
Keywords: TCP/I; Networks; Attacks; Protocols; Security; Privacy
1. Introduction
The Internet Layer of the TCP/IP model aligns with the Layer 3 (Network) layer of the OSI model. This is where IP
addresses and routing live. When data is transmitted from a node on one LAN to a node on a different LAN, the Internet
Layer is used. IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, and routing protocols (among others) are Internet Layer TCP/IP protocols [1] [2]. The
Internet layer, so called because of the addressing scheme that makes communications possible across a network of
networks, or internetwork, is responsible for packaging, addressing, and routing the data. When this layer was originally
conceived, the Internet as we know it today did not exist. The concept behind this layer was to define a framework for
two computers to connect to one another to share data. This laid the foundation for widespread internetworking, which
led to what we now know as the Internet. Before data can be sent out over the Network Interface, it must have a standard
format, size, and addressing scheme. The Network Interface layer is responsible only for taking the data it is given and
translating that to signals on a physical medium. The Internet layer defines packet structure (what each bit of a data
segment means), addressing, and routing [3]. As shown in Figure 1, the Internet layer is the third layer in TCP/IP model,
and it is equivalent to the network layer in the OSI model. The main function for the Internet layer is to handle
communication from one PC to another. This layer is responsible to request and send a packet from the transport layer
by knowing to which PC it will be delivered [4] [5].
At the TCP/IP internet layer, performance, privacy, and security issues [6] intersect in complex ways, influencing the
overall functionality and reliability of internet communications. Performance concerns often revolve around the
efficient routing of data packets across vast networks, where factors such as network congestion, packet loss, and
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
latency can degrade user experience [7]. TCP/IP's routing protocols, such as Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), are
susceptible to attacks like route hijacking and spoofing, which not only impact performance by causing data to be routed
inefficiently but also raise security concerns by potentially exposing sensitive information to unauthorized parties [8]-
[12]. Furthermore, as the internet continues to grow in scale and complexity, scalability becomes a performance
challenge at the TCP/IP internet layer, requiring constant optimization efforts to maintain network efficiency and
Figure 1 TCP/IP Protocol
Privacy issues at the TCP/IP internet layer stem from the inherent lack of encryption and authentication mechanisms,
leaving data vulnerable to interception and manipulation by malicious actors [13]. Without encryption, data transmitted
across the internet can be intercepted at various points along its journey, compromising user privacy and
confidentiality. Additionally, the absence of strong authentication mechanisms leaves TCP/IP networks susceptible to
unauthorized access, allowing attackers to masquerade as legitimate users or devices and gain unauthorized access to
sensitive information [14]-[18] Privacy-enhancing technologies such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Secure
Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption protocols help mitigate these risks, but their adoption
and implementation remain uneven across the internet landscape, leaving many users exposed to privacy breaches.
According to [19], security issues at the TCP/IP internet layer encompass a wide range of threats, including Distributed
Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, packet sniffing, and IP spoofing. DDoS attacks exploit vulnerabilities in TCP/IP
protocols to flood targeted servers or networks with an overwhelming volume of traffic, disrupting services and causing
downtime. Packet sniffing techniques allow attackers to intercept and analyze data packets traversing the network,
potentially exposing sensitive information such as passwords, financial transactions, or personal communications [20]-
[24]. IP spoofing involves forging the source IP address of data packets to disguise the attacker's identity or launch
attacks on unsuspecting targets, undermining the integrity and trustworthiness of TCP/IP communications. Mitigating
these security risks requires a multi-faceted approach, including the implementation of robust network security
measures, regular vulnerability assessments, and user education initiatives to raise awareness about safe internet
practices and privacy-enhancing technologies.
1.1. Motivation
The rapid growth and widespread use of the internet have brought about numerous benefits and opportunities in
various aspects of our lives. However, with this increased connectivity comes a range of challenges and concerns related
to performance, privacy, and security. These issues have become increasingly important as more individuals,
businesses, and organizations rely on the internet for their daily activities. The internet layer, which is responsible for
routing and forwarding data packets across different networks, plays a crucial role in the overall functioning of the
internet It serves as the foundation for various internet protocols and technologies that enable efficient communication
and data exchange between different devices and systems. Given the critical role of the internet layer, it is essential to
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
thoroughly understand the performance, privacy, and security issues associated with this layer. This understanding is
crucial for researchers, network administrators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to develop effective solutions
and strategies to address these challenges.
1.2. Overview of TCP/IP Model
The TCP/IP Protocol Suite is a group of different communication protocols working through the Internet and other
private communication networks, and it carries most of the essential services running over the network. It provides
end-to-end connectivity by establishing, maintaining, and releasing connections between the sender and receiver. It
provides for flow control, error control, IP addressing and the routing of network traffic and an interface between the
node and the physical network [25]. Figure 2 shows the communication model in TCP/IP networks.
Figure 2 TCP/IP communication model
At the Internet layer, IP is responsible for routing datagrams (packets) from host to host. IP does not guarantee the
delivery of datagrams, but it tries to deliver them as best. If a datagram cannot be delivered, IP will return an error
message to the source host. The TCP/IP protocol suite is the most commonly used protocol suite on the Internet today,
and it is also the protocol suite used by most LANs and WANs [26], [27].
2. Literature Review
The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, enabling seamless communication, information sharing, and
access to various services [28]. However, as the Internet grows in scale and complexity, it also gives rise to several
challenges related to performance, privacy, and security. This literature review aims to explore the existing research on
these issues at the Internet layer;
Xaminer [29] the first Internet cross-layer resilience analysis tool, to evaluate the interplay between physical and
network-layer failures, Using a cross-layer Internet map [30] and a failure event model, Xaminer generates a risk profile
encompassing a cross-layer impact report, critical infrastructure identification at each layer, and the discovery of trends
and patterns under different failure event settings. Xaminer's key strengths lie in its adaptability to diverse disaster
scenarios, the ability to assess risks at various granularities, and the capability to generate joint risk profiles for multiple
events. We demonstrate Xaminer's capabilities in cross-layer analysis across a spectrum of disaster event models and
regions, showcasing its potential role in facilitating well-informed decision-making for resilience planning and
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The review also delves on several factors which plays a crucial role in facilitating data transmission and routing.
2.1. Performance Issues
Scalability: One of the primary concerns at the Internet layer is scalability [30]-[33]. As the number of connected devices
and users continues to increase, the current Internet infrastructure faces challenges in efficiently handling the growing
traffic demands. Researchers have proposed various solutions such as network address translation (NAT), quality of
service (QoS) mechanisms, and IPv6 adoption to address scalability issues.
Traffic Engineering: Efficient management of network traffic is crucial for maintaining optimal performance.
Researchers have explored different techniques like traffic engineering protocols [34] traffic classification algorithms,
and load balancing mechanisms to enhance network performance and minimize congestion [35].
Latency and Delay: The delay experienced during data transmission can significantly impact user experience. Studies
have focused on reducing latency through techniques like caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), and protocol
optimizations such as Multipath TCP (MPTCP) to improve response times and enhance overall performance [36]-[38].
2.2. Privacy Issues
IP Address Tracking: The use of IP addresses as unique identifiers raises concerns about user privacy [39]. IP address
tracking refers to the technique of monitoring and logging the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses that access a network or
website. This process is essential for various purposes, including network management, security, and analytics. By
tracking IP addresses, administrators can identify where traffic is coming from, detect and respond to unauthorized
access or malicious activities such as hacking attempts and denial of service (DoS) attacks, and enforce access controls
and policies [40]-[44]. Additionally, IP address tracking allows for the collection of data for analytics, providing insights
into user behavior, demographics, and preferences, which can be invaluable for optimizing website performance and
targeting content or advertisements. However, this practice also raises privacy concerns, as it involves the collection
and sometimes the storage of data that can potentially be used to identify individual users, highlighting the importance
of balancing operational and security needs with user privacy rights. Researchers have investigated techniques like IP
address obfuscation, anonymous routing protocols (e.g., Tor), and the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) to protect
user privacy and prevent unauthorized tracking or surveillance [45], [46].
Traffic Analysis: Adversaries can perform traffic analysis to infer sensitive information about users' online activities
[47]. According to [48], TCP traffic analysis involves the examination and interpretation of the flow of packets over TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol) connections to understand network behavior, identify potential security threats, and
optimize performance. By analyzing the characteristics of TCP traffic, such as volume, packet sizes, timing, and the
sequence of TCP flags (e.g., SYN, ACK), network administrators and security analysts can detect anomalies that may
indicate malicious activities like port scans, denial-of-service attacks, or data exfiltration attempts [49], [50].
Furthermore, TCP traffic analysis helps in assessing network efficiency [51], identifying bottlenecks, and understanding
user behavior, thereby enabling better network management and planning. However, sophisticated encryption
techniques and the use of secure protocols like TLS/SSL can challenge traffic analysis efforts by obscuring packet
contents, thus requiring advanced tools and techniques for effective analysis while respecting privacy and security
protocols. Researchers have proposed various countermeasures such as traffic padding, traffic shaping, and encryption
techniques to prevent traffic analysis attacks and preserve user privacy.
Location Privacy: Location-based services raise concerns about the disclosure of users' physical whereabouts. TCP
location-based services leverage the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) along with geographical data and IP address
mapping to deliver content and services tailored to the user's physical location [52], [53]. These services encompass a
wide range of applications, from location-specific advertising and personalized content delivery to local weather
forecasts and navigation aids. By analyzing the IP address of a user's device, which can give a rough estimate of its
geographical location, service providers can customize the information and services offered to enhance user experience
and relevance. However, the accuracy of TCP/IP-based location determination can vary significantly, influenced by
factors such as the method used for assigning IP addresses and the use of VPNs or proxy servers, which can obscure the
device's actual location [54]-[57]. Despite these challenges, TCP location-based services represent a crucial intersection
of network technology and geographic information systems, offering significant benefits for both users and providers
by delivering more personalized and location-aware online experiences. Studies have examined approaches like k-
anonymity spatial cloaking, and privacy-preserving location-based services to safeguard users' location privacy while
still enabling the benefits of location-based applications [58], [59].
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2.3. Security Issues
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: The Internet layer is vulnerable to DoS attacks that aim to disrupt network services by
overwhelming the target with excessive traffic [60]. According to [61], DoS attacks at the TCP/IP internet layer are
malicious attempts to disrupt the normal functioning of targeted servers, services, or networks by overwhelming them
with a flood of internet traffic as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 DoS attack
These attacks exploit the fundamental mechanisms of the TCP/IP protocol suite, such as the three-way handshake
process in TCP, by sending numerous connection requests faster than the target can process them, leading to saturation
of bandwidth or depletion of system resources. This prevents legitimate users from accessing the services or resources
they need. Attackers may use various techniques, including SYN flood attacks, where a surge of SYN requests is sent
without completing the handshake with ACK responses, or ICMP flooding, which overwhelms the target with ping
requests [62], [63]. By exploiting vulnerabilities inherent in the way TCP/IP protocols operate, DoS attacks can cause
significant disruptions, making the mitigation and prevention of such attacks a critical concern for network
administrators and security professionals. Researchers have explored various defense mechanisms, including rate
limiting, traffic filtering, and anomaly detection, to mitigate the impact of DoS attacks and ensure network availability.
IP Spoofing: IP spoofing allows attackers to impersonate legitimate sources, leading to potential security breaches. IP
spoofing at the TCP/IP internet layer involves the manipulation of packet headers to alter the source IP address, making
the traffic appear as though it is coming from a different, trusted source rather than the attacker's actual location [64],
[65]. Figure 4 depicts how IP spoofing attacks are perpetrated. This technique is often used in various cyber attacks,
including Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, to conceal the attacker's identity and location, bypass IP address-based
authentication and access controls, and exploit trust relationships between networked systems. By masquerading as a
legitimate entity, attackers can significantly increase the chances of their malicious packets being accepted and
processed by the target system, facilitating unauthorized access, data breaches, or service disruptions [66]-[69]. The
fundamental statelessness and lack of authentication at the internet layer of the TCP/IP model inherently allow such
vulnerabilities, making IP spoofing a persistent threat that necessitates robust countermeasures, such as packet
filtering, ingress and egress filtering, and the implementation of security protocols that provide mutual authentication
and encryption. Researchers have proposed techniques like ingress filtering, source address validation, and
cryptographic mechanisms to detect and prevent IP spoofing attacks [70], [71].
Routing Attacks: The Internet layer's routing protocols are susceptible to attacks that can disrupt communication or
divert traffic [72], [73]. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities in the internet's routing protocols, such as Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP) and Routing Information Protocol (RIP), to manipulate or disrupt the path that data packets take across
the network. Attackers can perform routing attacks through techniques such as route hijacking, where malicious actors
divert traffic intended for a specific destination to an unauthorized route, potentially intercepting, modifying, or
blocking the data.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
Figure 4 IP spoofing
Another example is the route poisoning attack, where false routing information is introduced into the network, causing
packets to take suboptimal paths or enter routing loops, leading to delays or denial of service. These attacks compromise
the integrity and availability of network communications, undermining trust in the internet's routing infrastructure
[74],[75]. Addressing these threats requires the implementation of secure routing protocols, continuous monitoring of
routing updates, and the adoption of best practices in network management to detect and mitigate anomalous routing
behaviors [76]. Research has focused on secure routing protocols, route verification mechanisms, and anomaly
detection techniques to enhance the security of routing infrastructure and prevent unauthorized route manipulation.
This literature review highlights the performance, privacy, and security challenges faced at the Internet layer.
Researchers have proposed various solutions to address these issues, ranging from protocol optimizations and privacy-
enhancing techniques to advanced security mechanisms. However, as the Internet continues to evolve, it is crucial to
further explore and develop innovative approaches to ensure a robust and secure Internet infrastructure that can meet
the growing demands of users while safeguarding their privacy.
Table 1 Summary of Literature Review
Privacy can be defined as
controlling what happens
with personal
information and hiding
this personal information
as well.
There are some
technologies called
Privacy Enhancing
Technologies (PET) that
are important in
achieving goals of privacy
and security.
te Networks
r Security
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
ity Extensions
Security can be said to be
a framework that have
policies, procedure,
concepts and techniques
that needed to protect
users and system against
Attacks (DoS)
3. TCP Sequence Number Prediction
TCP sequence number prediction is a type of security exploit that targets the TCP/IP protocol's mechanism for ordering
data packets [77]. As shown in Figure 5, TCP connections rely on sequence numbers to ensure data is reassembled in
the correct order, and that the communication between hosts remains synchronized. An attacker, by predicting the
sequence numbers of a future packet in an active TCP session, can potentially inject malicious packets into the
communication stream without either party's knowledge. This could allow unauthorized access to sensitive sessions,
such as those for web applications or remote terminals [78], [79]. The vulnerability arises from the predictability of
sequence numbers, which, in implementations where these numbers are not sufficiently randomized, can be guessed
by an attacker through techniques like sniffing a few packets to infer the algorithm used for sequence number
generation. Successfully predicting TCP sequence numbers can lead to session hijacking, data interception, and denial
of service attacks, emphasizing the need for robust security measures, including the use of unpredictable initial
sequence numbers and encryption protocols to protect data integrity and confidentiality [80], [81]. Figure 2 shows a
typical TCP sequence numbers prediction attack.
The normal TCP connection establishment sequence involves a 3-way handshake. The client selects and transmits an
initial sequence number ISN C, the server acknowledges it and sends its own sequence number ISN S, and the client
acknowledges that. Following those three messages, data transmission may take place. The exchange may be shown
schematically as follows:
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
C→S: data
That is, for a conversation to take place, C must first hear ISN S, a more or less random number. Suppose, though, that
there was a way for an intruder X to predict ISN S.
Figure 5: TCP sequence prediction attack
In that case, it could send the following sequence to impersonate trusted host T:
X→S: ACK (ISN S), SRC = T, nasty − data
Even though the message S→T does not go to X, X was able to know its contents, and hence could send Data. If X were
to perform this attack on a connection that allows command execution (i.e., the Berkeley rsh server), malicious
commands could be executed. How, then, to predict the random ISN? In Berkeley systems, the initial sequence number
variable is incremented by a constant amount once per second and by half that amount each time a connection is
initiated. Thus, if one initiates a legitimate connection and observes the ISN S used, one can calculate, with a high degree
of confidence, ISN S′ used on the next connection attempt.
Morris points out that the reply message
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Does not in fact vanish down a black hole; rather, the real host T will receive it and attempt to reset the connection. This
is not a serious obstacle. Morris found that by impersonating a server port on T, and by flooding that port with apparent
connection requests, he could generate queue overflows that would make it likely that the S→T message would be lost.
Alternatively, one could wait until T was down for routine maintenance or a reboot. A variant on this TCP sequence
number attack, not described by Morris, exploits the netstat service. In this attack, the intruder impersonates a host that
is down. If netstat is available on the target host, it may supply the necessary sequence number information on another
port; this eliminates all need to guess.
3.1. Routing
Routing is the process of path selection in any network. A computer network is made of many machines, called nodes,
and paths or links that connect those nodes. Communication between two nodes in an interconnected network can take
place through many different paths [82]. Routing is the process of selecting the best path using some predetermined
rules. Abuse of the routing mechanisms and protocols is probably the simplest protocol-based attack available. There
are a variety of ways to do this, depending on the exact routing protocols used. Some of these attacks succeed only if the
remote host does source address-based authentication; others can be used for more powerful attacks [83], [84]. A
number of the attacks described below can also be used to accomplish denial of service by confusing the routing tables
on a host or gateway. The details are straight-forward corollaries of the penetration mechanisms, and will not be
described further.
3.2. Routing Information Protocol Attacks
The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is used to propagate routing information on local networks, especially
broadcast media. Typically, the information received is unchecked [85]. This allows an intruder to send bogus routing
information to a target host, and to each of the gateways along the way, to impersonate a particular host. The most likely
attack of this sort would be to claim a route to a particular unused host, rather than to a network; this would cause all
packets destined for that host to be sent to the intruder’s machine (Diverting packets for an entire network might be
too noticeable; impersonating an idle work-station is comparatively risk-free). Once this is done, protocols that rely on
address-based authentication are effectively compromised. This attack can yield more subtle, and more serious, benefits
to the attacker as well [86], [87]. Assume that the attacker claims a route to an active host or workstation instead. All
packets for that host will be routed to the intruder’s machine for inspection and possible alteration. They are then resent,
using IP source address routing, to the intended destination. An outsider may thus capture passwords and other
sensitive data [88]. This mode of attack is unique in that it affects outbound calls as well; thus, a user calling out from
the targeted host can be tricked into divulging a password. Most of the earlier attacks discussed are used to forge a
source address; this one is focused on the destination address.
3.3. Solution on Routing Information Protocol Attacks
One solution is for RIP to be more skeptical about the routes it accepts. In most environments, there is no good reason
to accept new routes to your own local networks [89], [90]. A router that makes this check can easily detect intrusion
attempts. Unfortunately, some implementations rely on hearing their own broadcasts to retain their knowledge of
directly-attached networks. The idea, presumably, is that they can use other networks to route around local outages.
While fault-tolerance is in general a good idea, the actual utility of this technique is low in many environments compared
with the risks. It would be useful to be able to authenticate RIP packets; in the absence of inexpensive public-key
signature schemes, this is difficult for a broadcast protocol. Even if it were done, its utility is limited; a receiver can only
authenticate the immediate sender, which in turn may have been deceived by gateways further upstream [91], [92].
Even if the local routers don’t implement defense mechanisms, RIP attacks carry another risk: the bogus routing entries
are visible over a wide area. Any router (as opposed to host) that receives such data will rebroadcast it; a suspicious
administrator almost anywhere on the local collection of networks could notice the anomaly. Good log generation would
help, but it is hard to distinguish a genuine intrusion from the routing instability that can accompany a gateway crash
[93], [94].
3.4. Exterior Gateway Protocol
The Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) is intended for communications between the core gateways and so-called exterior
gateways [95], [96]. An exterior gateway, after going through a neighbor acquisition protocol, is periodically polled by
the core; it responds with information about the networks it serves. These networks must all be part of its autonomous
system. Similarly, the gateway periodically requests routing information from the core gateway. Data is not normally
sent except in response to a poll; furthermore, since each poll carries a sequence number that must be echoed by the
response, it is rather difficult for an intruder to inject a false route update [97], [98]. Exterior gateways are allowed to
send exactly one spontaneous update between any two polls; this, too, must carry the sequence number of the last poll
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received. It is thus comparatively difficult to interfere in an on-going EGP conversation. One possible attack would be to
impersonate [99], [100] a second exterior gateway for the same autonomous system [101]. This may not succeed, as
the core gateways could be equipped with a list of legitimate gateways to each autonomous system. Such checks are not
currently done, however. Even if they were, they could be authenticated only by source IP address. A more powerful
attack would be to claim reachability for some network where the real gateway is down. That is, if gateway X normally
handles traffic for network Y, and X is down, gateway X′ could advertise a route to that network. This would allow
password capture by assorted mechanisms. The main defense against this attack is topological (and quite restrictive):
exterior gateways must be on the same network as the core; thus, the intruder would need to subvert not just any host,
but an existing gateway or host that is directly on the main net. A sequence number attack, similar to those used against
TCP, might be attempted; the difficulty here is in predicting what numbers the core gateway is using. In TCP, one can
establish arbitrary connections to probe for information; in EGP, only a few hosts may speak to the core. (More
accurately, the core could only speak to a few particular hosts, though as noted such checks are not currently
implemented.) It may thus be hard to get the raw data needed for such an attack [102].
3.5. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is the basic network management tool of the TCP/IP protocol suite [103].
Figure 6 shows some details of a typical ICMP connection. Surprisingly, ICMP attacks are rather difficult; still, there are
often holes that may be exploited. The first, and most obvious target, is the ICMP Redirect message; it is used by
gateways to advice hosts of better routes. As such it can often be abused in the same way that RIP can be [104], [105].
The complication is that a Redirect message must be tied to a particular, existing connection; it cannot be used to make
an unsolicited change to the host’s routing tables. Furthermore, Redirects are only applicable within a limited topology;
they may be sent only from the first gateway along the path to the originating host [106]. A later gateway may not advise
that host, nor may it use ICMP Redirect to control other gateways. Suppose, though, that an intruder has penetrated a
secondary gateway available to a target host, but not the primary one. It may suffice to penetrate an ordinary host on
the target’s local network, and have it claim to be a gateway. Assume further that the intruder wishes to set up a false
route to trusted host Y through that compromised secondary gateway. The following sequence may then be followed.
Send a false TCP open packet to the target host, claiming to be from T. The target will respond with its own open packet,
routing it through the secure primary gateway. While this is in transit, a false Redirect may be sent, claiming to be from
the primary gateway, and referring to the bogus connection. This packet will appear to be a legitimate control message;
hence the routing change it contains will be accepted. If the target host makes this change to its global routing tables,
rather than just to the per-connection cached route, the intruder may proceed with spoofing [107] host T. Some hosts
do not perform enough validity checks on ICMP Redirect messages; in such cases, the impact of this attack becomes
similar to RIP-based attacks [108], [109]. ICMP may also be used for targeted denial of service attacks. Several of its
messages, such as Destination Unreachable and Time to Live Exceeded, may be used to reset existing connections. If the
intruder knows the local and remote port numbers of a TCP connection, an ICMP packet aimed at that connection may
be forged5. Such information is sometimes not available through the netstat service [110]. A more global denial of
service attack can be launched by sending a fraudulent Subnet Mask Reply message. Some hosts will accept any such
message, whether they have sent a query or not; a false one could effectively block all communications with the target
Internet Control Message Protocol ICMP doesn’t form connections [111]. Thus, netstat doesn’t show anything, because
there’s nothing to show. It’s a network layer protocol that operates in terms of discrete, isolated messages, not
connections. There are no port numbers associated with ICMP as there are with TCP and UDP [112], [113]. There’s no
such thing as “listening for ICMP messages on port #xx” as there is with UDP. Instead, you just have a set of ICMP control
messages that get passed to a host
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
Figure 6 Information about ICMP connections
Sometimes, those messages relate to a connection, attempted connection, or other traffic using another protocol [114],
such as reporting “host unreachable.” Other times, they contain router advertisements and redirects. And, then there’s
ping and traceroute, where a pair of ICMP messages form a simple request/response.
3.6. Mitigation against Internet Control Message Protocol attacks
Most ICMP attacks are easy to defend against with just a modicum of paranoia [115], [116]. If a host is careful about
checking that a message really does refer to a particular connection, most such attacks will not succeed. In the case of
TCP, this includes verifying that the ICMP packet contains a plausible sequence number in the returned-packet portion.
These checks are less applicable to UDP, though. A defense against Redirect attacks merits additional attention, since
such attacks can be more serious. Probably, the best option is to restrict route changes to the specified connection; the
global routing table should not be modified in response to ICMP Redirect messages [117]. Finally, it is worth considering
whether ICMP Redirects are even useful in today’s environment. They are only usable on local networks with more than
one gateway to the outside world. But it is comparatively easy to maintain complete and correct local routing
information. Redirect messages would be most useful from the core gateways to local exterior gateways, as that would
allow such local gateways to have less than complete knowledge of the Internet; this use is disallowed, however. Subnet
Mask attacks can be blocked if the Reply packet is honored only at the appropriate time. In general, a host wants to see
such a message only at boot time, and only if it had issued a query; a stale reply, or an unsolicited reply, should be
rejected out of hand. There is little defense against a forged reply to a genuine Subnet Mask query, as a host that has
sent such a query typically has few resources with which to validate the response. If the genuine response is not blocked
by the intruder, though, the target will receive multiple replies; a check to ensure that all replies agree would guard
against administrative errors as well.
3.7. Simple Network Management Protocol
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) has recently been defined to aid in network management [118],
[119]. Clearly, access to such a resource must be heavily protected. The RFC states this, but also allows for a null
authentication service; this is a bad idea. Even a ‘‘read-only’’ mode is dangerous; it may expose the target host to netstat-
type attacks if the particular Management Information Base (MIB) used includes sequence numbers [120]. The current
standardized version does not; however, the MIB is explicitly declared to be extensible.
3.8. Other attacks
Here the paper delves into some of the lesser-known but equally dangerous attacks that can compromise the security
of computer systems and networks. This sub topic covers a range of attacks including Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks
[121], Eaves dropping, DNS spoofing [122], social engineering [123] and zero-day exploits [124]. Understanding these
attacks is crucial for individuals and organizations responsible for network security. By familiarizing themselves with
these attack vectors, they can better prepare and implement appropriate security measures to safeguard their networks.
This includes regularly updating software, implementing strong security protocols, and educating users about potential
threats and how to mitigate them [125]-[127].
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
3.9. Vulnerability of the Local Network
Some local-area networks, notably the Ethernet networks, are extremely vulnerable to eavesdropping and host-
spoofing. If such networks are used, physical access must be strictly controlled. It is also unwise to trust any hosts on
such networks if any machine on the network is accessible to untrusted personnel, unless authentication servers are
used. If the local network uses the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) more subtle forms of host-spoofing are possible
[128], [129]. In particular, it becomes trivial to intercept, modify, and forward packets, rather than just taking over the
host’s role or simply spying on all traffic. It is possible to launch denial of service attacks by triggering broadcast storms.
There are a variety of ways to do this; it is quite easy if most or all of the hosts on the network are acting as gateways.
The attacker can broadcast a packet destined for a non-existent IP address. Each host, upon receiving it, will attempt to
forward it to the proper destination. This alone will represent a significant amount of traffic, as each host will generate
a broadcast ARP query for the destination. The attacker can follow up by broadcasting an
ARP reply claiming that the broadcast Ethernet address is the proper way to reach that destination, each susceptible
host will then not only resend the bogus packet, it will also receive many more copies of it from the other susceptible
hosts on the network [130], [131].
4. Internet Protocol
The Internet layer mostly depends on the communications between the nodes and deals with secure nodes from sources
to destinations. As shown in Figure 7, common attacks for the Internet layer [132], [133] can be in the categories of:
denial of service (DoS), disclosure, modification, destructive and escalation of privilege [134], [135].
Figure 7 Internet layer protocols with their security issues
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
5. Comprehensive Defences
Thus far, defenses against a variety of individual attacks have been described. Several techniques are broad-spectrum
defenses; they may be employed to guard against not only these attacks, but many others as well.
5.1. Authentication
Many of the intrusions described above succeed only because the target host uses the IP source address for
authentication, and assumes it to be genuine. Unfortunately, there are sufficiently many ways to spoof this address that
such techniques are all but worthless. Put another way, source address authentication is the equivalent of a file cabinet
secured with an S100 lock; it may reduce the temptation level for more-or-less honest passers-by, but will do little or
nothing to deter anyone even slightly serious about gaining entry. Some form of cryptographic authentication is needed.
There are several possible approaches. Perhaps the best-known is the Needham-Schroeder algorithm [136], [137].
It relies on each host sharing a key with an authentication server; a host wishing to establish a connection obtains a
session key from the Authentication server and passes a sealed version along to the destination. At the conclusion of the
dialog, each side is convinced of the identity of the other. Versions of the algorithm exist for both private-key and public-
key cryptosystems [138]-[140]. How do these schemes fit together with TCP/IP? One answer is obvious: with them, pre-
authenticated connections can be implemented safely; without them, they are quite risky. A second answer is that the
DNS provides an ideal base for authentication systems, as it already incorporates the necessary name structure,
redundancy, etc [141]. To be sure, key distribution responses must be authenticated and/or encrypted; as noted, the
former seems to be necessary in any event. In some environments, care must be taken to use the session key to encrypt
the entire conversation; if this is not done, an attacker can take over a connection via the mechanisms described earlier
5.2. Encryption
Suitable encryption can defend against most of the attacks outlined above. But encryption devices are expensive, often
slow, hard to administer, and uncommon in the civilian sector. There are different ways to apply encryption; each has
its strengths and weaknesses [143]-[146]. A comprehensive treatment of encryption is beyond the scope of this paper;
interested readers should consult Voydock and Kent [147] or Davies and Price [148]. Link-level encryption encrypting
each packet as it leaves the host computer is an excellent method of guarding against disclosure of information. It also
works well against physical intrusions; an attacker who tapped in to an Ethernet cable, for example, would not be able
to inject spurious packets. Similarly, an intruder who cut the line to a name server would not be able to impersonate it.
The number of entities that share a given key determines the security of the network; typically, a key distribution center
will allocate keys to each pair of communicating hosts.
Link-level encryption has some weaknesses, however. Broadcast packets are difficult to secure; in the absence of fast
public-key cryptosystems, the ability to decode an encrypted broadcast implies the ability to send such a broadcast,
impersonating any host on the network. Furthermore, link-level encryption, by definition, is not end-to-end; security of
a conversation across gateways implies trust in the gateways and assurance that the full concatenated internet is
similarly protected. (This latter constraint may be enforced administratively, as is done in the military sector.) If such
constraints are not met, tactics such as source-routing attacks or RIP-spoofing may be employed. Paranoid gateways
[149] can be deployed at the entrance to security domains; these might, for example, block incoming RIP packets or
source-routed packets. Many portions of the DARPA [150] Internet employ forms of link encryption. All Defense Data
Network (DDN) IMP-to-IMP trunks use DES encryption, even for non-classified traffic; classified lines use more secure
cryptosystems [151], [152]. These, however, are point-to-point lines, which are comparatively easy to protect. A multi-
point link encryption device for TCP/IP is the Blacker Front End (BFE) [153], [154]. The BFE looks to the host like an
X.25 DDN interface, and sits between the host and the actual DDN line. When it receives a call request packet specifying
a new destination, it contacts an Access Control Center (ACC) for permission, and a Key Distribution Center (KDC) for
cryptographic keys. If the local host is denied permission to talk to the remote host, an appropriate diagnostic code is
returned [155], [156].
A special ‘‘Emergency Mode’’ is available for communications to a restricted set of destinations at times when the link
to the KDC or ACC is not working. The permission-checking can, to some extent, protect against the DNS attacks
described earlier. Even if a host has been misled about the proper IP address for a particular destination, the BFE will
ensure that a totally unauthorized host does not receive sensitive data. That is, assume that a host wishes to send Top
Secret data to some host foo. A DNS attack might mislead the host into connecting to penetrated host, rather than If is not cleared for Top Secret material, or is not allowed communications with the local host, the
connection attempt will fail. To be sure, a denial of service attack has taken place; this, in the military world, is far less
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
serious than information loss. The BFE also translates the original (‘‘Red’’) IP address to an encrypted (‘‘Black’’) address,
using a translation table supplied by the ACC. This is done to foil traffic analysis techniques, the bane of all multi-point
link encryption schemes [157], [158].
End-to-end encryption, above the TCP level, may be used to secure any conversation, regardless of the number of hops
or the quality of the links. This is probably appropriate for centralized network management applications, or other
point-to-point transfers. Key distribution and management [159] is a greater problem, since there are more pairs of
correspondents involved [160]. Furthermore, since encryption and decryption are done before initiation or after
termination of the TCP processing, host-level software must arrange for the translation; this implies extra overhead for
each such conversation10. End-to-end encryption is vulnerable to denial of service attacks, since fraudulently-injected
packets can pass the TCP checksum tests and make it to the application.
A combination of end-to-end encryption and link-level encryption can be employed to guard against this. An intriguing
alternative would be to encrypt the data portion of the TCP segment, but not the header; the TCP checksum would be
calculated on the clear text, and hence would detect spurious packets. Unfortunately, such a change would be
incompatible with other implementations of TCP, and could not be done transparently at application level. Regardless
of the method used, a major benefit of encrypted communications is the implied authentication they provide. If one
assumes that the key distribution center is secure, and the key distribution protocols are adequate, the very ability to
communicate carries with it a strong assurance that one can trust the source host’s IP address for identification. This
implied authentication can be especially important in high-threat situations. A routing attack can be used to ‘‘take over’’
an existing connection; the intruder can effectively cut the connection at the subverted machine, send dangerous
commands to the far end, and all the while translate sequence numbers on packets passed through so as to disguise the
intrusion. It should be noted, of course, that any of these encryption schemes provide privacy. Often that is the primary
goal of such systems [161], [162].
5.3. Trusted Systems
The Orange Book [163] (TCSEC) and Red Book [164] criteria provide a framework for evaluating the security features
of computer systems, including those using TCP/IP protocols [165], [166]. Let's analyze how systems rated B1 or higher
in these criteria would protect against the described attacks, considering the military security model outlined [167]:
B2 or Higher: Systems rated B2 or higher are generally immune to the attacks described [168]. These systems enforce
strong mandatory access controls (MAC) and have robust security mechanisms in place. In the military security model,
these systems would ensure that processes can only read or write to objects with matching or higher security labels.
B1: B1-level systems are vulnerable to some of the attacks but not all. While they may have discretionary access controls
(DAC) and auditing capabilities, they might not offer the same level of protection as higher-rated systems. In the military
security model, B1 systems may enforce access control based on security labels, but they may not provide the same level
of assurance as B2 or higher systems.
C2: Systems rated C2 are susceptible to the attacks described. These systems may lack robust security features and rely
more on user discretion and procedural controls. In the military security model, C2 systems may have weaker
enforcement of access controls, making them more vulnerable to attacks.
The military security model ensures that all objects and data have security labels indicating their sensitivity levels.
Processes are similarly labeled, and access to objects is restricted based on these labels. For TCP/IP connections, the
security label of a process is encoded in the IP security option, ensuring that the remote TCP endpoint validates the label
on received packets against the receiving process's label. While B1 or higher-rated systems offer some level of
protection against the described attacks, systems rated B2 or higher are generally immune due to their stronger security
mechanisms, including mandatory access controls [169]. The military security model ensures that access to objects and
data is controlled based on security labels, which are enforced in TCP/IP connections to prevent unauthorized access.
5.4. Key findings
The analysis points out several crucial considerations for network security:
IP Source Address for Authentication: Relying solely on the IP source address for authentication is highly risky [170].
IP addresses can be spoofed or manipulated, making them unreliable for authentication purposes. Additional
authentication mechanisms, such as cryptographic protocols or user credentials, should be used to enhance security.
Cryptographic protocols are sets of rules and procedures that govern the secure communication between parties over
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
a network or other communication channels. These protocols utilize cryptographic techniques such as encryption,
digital signatures, and key exchange to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the transmitted data [171],
[172]. Common cryptographic protocols include SSL/TLS for securing web communications, IPsec for securing IP
communications, and PGP/GPG for encrypting emails. Cryptographic protocols play a crucial role in safeguarding
sensitive information from unauthorized access and manipulation, whether it's personal data, financial transactions, or
confidential business communications [173]-[178]. However, the effectiveness of cryptographic protocols relies on the
strength of cryptographic algorithms, proper implementation, and regular updates to address emerging threats and
vulnerabilities, highlighting the ongoing need for robust security measures to protect against evolving cyber threats.
Sequence Number Attacks: Sequence numbers are vital for many protocols but must be chosen unpredictably to prevent
attacks [179]. Predictable sequence numbers can be exploited by attackers to hijack connections or inject malicious
data. Preventing sequence number attacks, a type of security exploit targeting the TCP/IP protocol's sequence numbers,
requires implementing several protective measures. Firstly, ensuring randomization of initial sequence numbers can
make prediction attacks significantly more difficult. Employing strong encryption protocols such as TLS/SSL can
mitigate the risk of eavesdropping and interception, safeguarding the confidentiality of sequence numbers and data
[180]. Additionally, implementing network intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS)
can help detect and block malicious activities, including attempts to manipulate TCP sequence numbers. Regular
security audits and updates to network infrastructure and protocols are essential for addressing vulnerabilities and
staying ahead of emerging threats [181], [182]. Furthermore, educating users and network administrators about the
risks associated with sequence number attacks and promoting best practices in network security can enhance overall
resilience against such exploits [183]. Efforts should be made to ensure that sequence numbers are not easily guessable,
even by users on the same system.
Minimizing Gratuitous Disclosure of Information: Hosts should avoid gratuitously giving away information, especially
sensitive data [184]. For example, services like finger servers should only provide information about known users, and
even then, certain details may need to be withheld to mitigate security risks. According to [185], organizations should
adopt strategies to limit the dissemination of unnecessary or sensitive data in various contexts, including online
interactions, communications, and system configurations. This approach emphasizes the principle of least privilege,
where only the minimum amount of information required for a particular task or interaction is disclosed [186], [187].
Techniques such as data minimization, anonymization, and encryption can help mitigate the risk of unauthorized access
and exposure of sensitive information. Implementing privacy-enhancing technologies, robust access controls, and
comprehensive data protection policies are essential for safeguarding personal and confidential information while
promoting transparency and accountability in data handling practices across digital platforms and organizational
settings [188], [189].
Careful Handling of Network Control Mechanisms: Network control mechanisms, such as routing protocols, should be
carefully guarded against potential vulnerabilities. This is paramount for ensuring the security, reliability, and integrity
of networked systems [190]. Control mechanisms, such as firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, access
controls, and network monitoring tools, play a critical role in managing network traffic, detecting anomalies, and
enforcing security policies. However, mis-configuration or improper management of these mechanisms can
inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities or disrupt network operations [191], [192]. Therefore, network administrators
must exercise caution in configuring and deploying control mechanisms, ensuring they are aligned with organizational
security policies and best practices [193]. Regular updates, audits, and testing are essential for identifying and
addressing potential weaknesses or mis-configurations, while ongoing training and awareness efforts help ensure that
personnel responsible for network management understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining a secure and
resilient network infrastructure [194]. While static routes may not be suitable for large-scale networks, the use of
default routes and verifiable point-to-point routing protocols can enhance security compared to broadcast-based
Overall, these points emphasize the importance of implementing robust security measures, minimizing the exposure of
sensitive information, and carefully managing network control mechanisms to mitigate potential risks and
vulnerabilities in network environments.
6. Conclusion
The Internet layer is a critical component of the network stack, responsible for routing data packets across networks.
However, it faces challenges such as packet loss, latency, privacy breaches, and security vulnerabilities. This paper has
presented a comprehensive analysis of these issues and proposes potential solutions to enhance the performance,
privacy, and security of the Internet layer. By addressing the performance, privacy, and security issues at the Internet
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 13861410
layer, this research aims to contribute to the development of more robust and reliable network infrastructure, The
proposed solutions can assist network administrators, researchers, and policymakers in enhancing the overall
performance, privacy, and security of the Internet layer, thereby ensuring a more efficient and secure communication
Compliance with ethical standards
Disclosure of conflict of interest
The author declares that he does not hold any conflict of interest.
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