TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 1
Security Issues in Control, Management
and Routing Protocols
Madalina Baltatu, Antonio Lioy, Fabio Maino, Daniele Mazzocchi
Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica
Politecnico di Torino
Torino (Italy)
AbstractThe TCP/IP suite, the basis for today’s Inter-
net, lacks even the most basic mechanisms of authentication.
As usage of the Internet increases, its scarcity of built-in se-
curity becomes more and more problematic. This paper de-
scribes serious attacks against IP control and management
protocols with an accent on the ICMP protocol, as well as
some of the well-known vulnerabilities of the inter-domain
routing protocols. All the presented attacks have at least
one common feature: they exploit intrinsic IP security flaws.
The paper also discusses various solutions to these security
breaches, including the use of IPsec, which currently offers
cryptographic security services for the Internet infrastruc-
KeywordsDenial of Service, authentication, IP Security,
routing security, public key infrastructure.
The concept of security is traditionally connected to the
exigence of protecting sensitive data from unauthorized
access, but nowadays security is frequently approached
from a different perspective. With the growing use of the
Internet infrastructure for commercial applications, the de-
mand for quality of service has rapidly increased. Quality
of Service (QoS) is one of the emerging paradigms in In-
ternet, and seems to be the corner stone for more and more
network services. An increasing number of applications
need complex, reliable control protocols for guaranteeing
QoS. As a consequence, the need for security in network
infrastructure is stronger than ever. The main requirements
are data origin authentication and data integrity for IP and
for control and routing protocols.
As long as Internet is based on TCP/IP, its “insecurity”
is inherent. IP was not designed with security in mind,
and neither were its routing, control and management pro-
tocols. Some of the most serious security flaws of the
TCP/IP protocol suite exist because hosts rely on IP source
address for authentication. Others exist because network
control mechanisms and routing protocols have minimal
or non-existent authentication. During the last years, more
working groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force
made considerable efforts for introducing security mech-
anisms based on cryptography at different layers of the
TCP/IP stack. One of the most significant work is the def-
inition of a security architecture for the Internet Protocol,
shortly IPsec [1]. This paper analyzes the use of IPsec as a
possible solution to various attacks at the network infras-
The goal of the paper is to present important security as-
pects inherent to protocols which play fundamental roles
in the Internet architecture. Section 2 provides an in-depth
analysis of the ICMP protocol together with an updated
list of protocol attacks, and presents possible solutions to
hinder these attacks. Section 3 gives a brief description of
IGMP, together with its potential security risks. An anal-
ysis of various security mechanisms for routing protocols
follows in Section 4. Basically, we discuss the security
extensions defined for two commonly used intra-domain
routing protocols, RIP and OSPF. Finally, the state-of-the-
art of the network security mechanisms is presented.
ICMP, the Internet Control Message Protocol [2] is an
integral part of any IP implementation. ICMP messages
typically report errors encountered while processing IP
datagrams. They are sent in several situations: when a
datagram cannot reach its destination, when any of the
gateways on the datagram’s path does not have the buffer-
ing capacity to forward the datagram, or when a primary
gateway can direct the host to send traffic on a shorter
route. ICMP informational messages are also useful for
network monitoring: ping and traceroute use this
type of messages.
ICMP messages are sent using the basic IP header (see
Figure 1). The first octet of the IP payload is the ICMP
type field. The value of this field determines the format
of the remaining data. Figure 2 summarizes the types cur-
rently defined. The RFCs that have an experimental status
are marked with an asterisk. The code field depends on the
message type, and is used to create an additional level of
message granularity. The ICMP payload contains the IP
header plus 64 bits of the original datagram’s data. This
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 2
Figure 1. The ICMPv4 packet.
data is used by the receiving host to match the ICMP mes-
sage to the appropriate process/application.
The next sections describe the most frequently used
ICMP messages together with the security issues they
arise. Malicious use of almost all of these messages re-
sults in DoS attacks: the communication between the vic-
tim system and its intended destination is blocked or at
least slowed down.
A. Denial of Service via ICMP Messages
The destination unreachable message is sent by a gate-
way to the source host of a datagram if the network speci-
fied as destination by the incoming datagram is not reach-
able. Also, if at the destination host the IP module can-
not deliver the datagram because the indicated protocol
module or process port is not active, the destination host
sends a destination unreachable message to the source
host. When a datagram must be fragmented to be for-
warded by a gateway, but the “Don’t Fragment” flag is set,
the gateway discards the datagram and returns a destina-
tion unreachable message.
The time exceeded message is usually sent to a host
when a gateway processing a datagram originated by that
host finds that the “time to live” field is zero. The datagram
is discarded. Also, if a host reassembling a fragmented
datagram cannot complete the reassembly within its time
limit due to missing fragments, it discards the datagram,
and sends a time exceeded message to the source host of
the datagram.
If a gateway or a host processing a datagram finds a
problem with the header parameters such that it cannot
complete the processing, it discards the datagram, and can
notify the source host via the parameter problem message.
Gateways discard IP datagrams if they do not have the
buffer space needed to queue the datagrams for output to
the next network on the route to the destination network.
In this situation the gateway may send a source quench
message to the source host. A destination host may also
send a source quench as a request to the source host to cut
back its transmission rate.
All these messages can hinder or slow down the com-
munication if they are forged. In most of the cases, the ap-
plication that receives such messages stops and returns an
error code, or reduces its transmission rate. DoS attacks
exploit either the time exceeded or destination unreach-
able messages. The attacker need to know only the local
and remote port numbers of a TCP connection. Any of
the above error messages aimed at that connection may be
then forged and sent to one end of the connection, pretend-
ing to come from the other end. The connection will be
broken. Information about established TCP connections is
sometimes available through the netstat utility.
These attacks can be partially defended against if a
host is careful about checking that an error message re-
ally refers to a particular connection. For applications that
use TCP, this implies verifying that the ICMP packet con-
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 3
message type message name defined in
0 Echo Reply RFC-792
3 Destination Unreachable RFC-792
4 Source Quench RFC-792
5 Redirect RFC-792
8 Echo Request RFC-792
9 Router Advertisement RFC-1256
10 Router Solicitation RFC-1256
11 Time Exceeded RFC-792
12 Parameter Problem RFC-792
13 Timestamp RFC-792
14 Timestamp Reply RFC-792
15 Information Request RFC-792
16 Information Reply RFC-792
37 Domain Name Request RFC-1788*
38 Domain Name Replay RFC-1788*
40 Security Failures RFC-2521*
Figure 2. ICMPv4 message types.
tains a plausible sequence number in the returned-packet
portion. These checks are less applicable to UDP, though.
Furthermore, if the attacker has previously sniffed the traf-
fic associated with A TCP connection, he/she can include
in the forged destination unreachable message an “origi-
nal IP header and 64 bit of data” which will resist to all
checks. In this case the DoS cannot be avoided.
The only viable solution against such attacks is to au-
thenticate the source of the error message. The authentica-
tion mechanism has to be implemented at the IP layer, for
the ICMP to make use of it. One possible approach is to of-
fer IPsec cryptographic authentication to ICMP. This is not
a trivial task to accomplish, mainly because of the sporadic
and unpredictable nature of the ICMP traffic. A detailed
discussion of the IPsec solution is provided in Section II-
B. Re-routing with ICMP Route Redirect
The ICMP redirect message is sent by a gateway in the
situation illustrated in Figure 3. The gateway G1 receives
an IP datagram from a host on its attached network NET1.
G1 checks its routing table and obtains the address of the
next gateway (G2 in Figure 3), on the route to the data-
gram’s destination network, NET2. If G2 and the host
identified by the source address of the datagram are on
the same network, a redirect message is sent to the host.
The message advises the host to send its traffic for net-
work NET2 directly to G2 as this is a shorter path to the
destination. G1 then forwards the original datagram to its
Internet destination.
ICMP redirects are a destructive instrument of attack.
Since these messages are used by gateways to advise hosts
of better routes, they can be abused in the same way in
which a routing protocol is. However, redirects are harder
to abuse than other messages because they must be tied
to a particular, existing connection. They cannot be used
to make an unsolicited change to the host’s routing ta-
bles. Furthermore, redirects can be taken into consider-
ation within a limited network topology: they must only
be sent by the first gateway in the path to the originating
Suppose, though, that an intruder has penetrated a sec-
ondary gateway available to a target host T, but not the
primary one. Assume further that the intruder sets up
a false route to destination D through that compromised
secondary gateway. The following attack scenario can be
imagined. First, the intruder sends a false TCP open packet
to host T, claiming to be from D. T will respond with its
own open packet, routing it through the secure primary
gateway. While this is in transit, a false redirect may be
sent, claiming to be from the primary gateway, and refer-
ring to the bogus connection. This packet will appear to
be a legitimate control message, hence the route change
it contains will be accepted. If the target host makes this
change to its global routing table, rather than just to the per
connection cached route, the intruder may proceed with
spoofing host D.
Malicious use of redirects results in Denial of Service.
If hosts do not perform enough validity checks on such
messages, the impact of the attack is quite serious, since
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 4
Figure 3. Use of redirect messages.
route entries created after receiving a redirect will not ex-
pire in time. Besides, the attack can be launched from any-
where, no access to local network is required. If the tar-
get system accepts redirects, it can be stopped from com-
municating with any particular address that is not on the
same subnet as the target. Another plausible scenario for
an attacker is to determine the communications between
the victim host and a particular destination system to pass
trough the attacker’s system. The subverted traffic can then
be easily sniffed.
Defense against these attacks is simple: if dynamic rout-
ing is not really needed, it is a legitimate option to disable
redirects, even though this will make the systems less com-
pliant with [3] (“systems MUST follow ICMP redirects
unless they are routers”). A sensible option is to restrict
route changes to the specified connection. The global rout-
ing table should not be modified in response to redirects.
A better solution is to accept only IPsec authenticated redi-
rects, and is up to the local network administrators to de-
cide if the overhead introduced by IPsec processing is ac-
ceptable (see Section II-G).
C. Attacks Using ICMP Router Discovery Messages
The ICMP router discovery messages are an ICMP ex-
tension to enable hosts attached to multicast or broadcast
networks to discover the IP addresses of their neighboring
Learning the operational router IP address via the router
discovery messages is an alternative to reading it from a
configuration file maintained manually (a method which
can be a significant administrative burden, and which has
the disadvantage that cannot track dynamic changes in
router availability), or to discover it by listening to routing
protocol traffic (in this case the hosts have to recognize the
particular routing protocols in use, which vary from subnet
to subnet and which are subject to change at any time).
The messages used by the ICMP Router Discovery Pro-
tocol (IRDP) are:
router advertisement: each router periodically multi-
casts a router advertisement from each of its multicast in-
terfaces, announcing IP address(es) of that interface. Hosts
discover the address of their neighboring routers simply by
listening for advertisements.
router solicitation: when a host attached to a multicast
link starts up, it may multicast a router solicitation to ask
for immediate advertisements, rather then waiting for the
next periodic one to arrive.
These messages do not constitute a routing protocol be-
cause they do not inform hosts which of their neighboring
routers is best to reach a particular destination. The IRDP
protocol does not have any form of authentication, mak-
ing it impossible for end hosts to verify whether or not the
information they receive is valid. Therefore, it is possi-
ble for any system attached to a link to masquerade as a
default router for hosts attached to that link. Any traffic
sent to such an impostor is vulnerable to eavesdropping, to
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 5
denial of forwarding service, and to modification by inser-
tion, deletion, or alteration of packets. As such, the ma-
licious use of IRDP might result in a number of common
attacks like:
passive monitoring: an attacker on the same network as
the victim can re-route the outbound traffic of vulnerable
systems through them, which will allow them to monitor
or record one side of the conversation.
man-in-the-middle: the attacker can act as a proxy be-
tween the victim and the end host. The victim, while think-
ing that it is connected directly to the end host, it is actu-
ally connected to the attacker, which is connected to the
end host and is feeding the information through.
denial of service: remote attackers spoofing IRDP pack-
ets can add bad default-route entries into a victim’s routing
table. Because the victim’s system would be forwarding
data to the wrong address, it will be unable to reach other
The ICMP Router Discovery Advisory document [4] de-
scribes DoS attacks recently performed on Windows sys-
tems acting as DHCP clients, on which IRDP comes en-
abled by default. By spoofing router advertisements, an
attacker can remotely add default route entries on a sys-
tem. The default route entry added by the attacker will be
preferred over the default route obtained from the DHCP
server. This attack is documented in [5], which states that
the attack succeeds if launched by an attacker on the same
network as the victim. This is not true when the router
advertisement contains two or more router addresses [4].
If a Windows system is configured as a DHCP client, any
router advertisement will be accepted and processed. Once
an advertisement is received, Windows checks to see how
many gateway entries the packet contains. If the packet
contains only one entry, it checks to make sure the IP
source address of the advertisement is inside its own sub-
net. If it is, the router address entry inside the advertise-
ment is checked to see that it also is within the subnet. If
so, a new default route entry is added. If the address is
outside the subnet, the advertisement is silently ignored.
However, if the router advertisement contains two or more
router addresses, the host will process the packet even
though the IP source address is not local. If the host finds
a router address inside the advertisement that is inside the
host’s subnet, it will add a default route entry for it. Be-
cause the host does not care about the IP source address
of the advertisement as long as it has more than one entry,
attackers can create bogus IRDP packets that will bypass
anti-spoofing filters.
Before the host can add a new default route entry, it has
to determine the route metric. On Windows95/98, normal
default route entries obtained from a DHCP server have a
metric of 1. In order to determine the metric for the default
route entry obtained via IRDP, the Windows host subtracts
the advertisement’s preference value from 1000. By creat-
ing a router advertisement with a preference of 1000, the
default gateway route added will have a metric of 0, mak-
ing it the preferred default route.
SunOS systems will also intentionally use IRDP under
specific conditions. For Solaris 2.6, the IRDP daemon,
in.rdisc, will be started if the following conditions are
the system is a host, not a router
the system did not learn a default gateway from a DHCP
the system does not have any static routes
the system does not have a valid /etc/defaultrouter
The immediate fix to these problems is to block at the
external router/firewall all ICMP type 9 and type 10 pack-
ets. This should protect against remote DoS attacks. An-
other possibility is to provide authentication to these mes-
sages. [5] specifies that the router advertisement message
format is defined so as to allow additional information
to be carried within the message. Therefore, digital sig-
natures or some other form of authentication information
could be attached to these messages.
D. Attacks via ICMP Informational Messages
The echo and echo reply are ICMP messages that imple-
ment the colloquially known ping service, mainly used
for network monitoring and diagnosis purpose. The fol-
lowing sections present two common attacks that make use
of ICMP echoes. Additionally, the first attack exploits a
failure in the TCP/IP implementation on some systems.
“Ping” as a vehicle of attack
Experience shows that it is possible to crash or reboot a
large number of systems by sending a “ping” of a certain
size from a remote machine. This is a serious problem,
mainly because the attacker needs to know nothing about
the machine other than its IP address.
The TCP/IP implementation allows for a maximum
packet size of up to 65536 octets, containing a minimum of
20 octets of IP header information, and zero or more octets
of optional information, with the rest of the packet being
data. It is known that some systems will react in an un-
predictable manner when receiving oversized IP packets.
Reports indicate a range of reactions including crashing,
freezing, and rebooting.
In particular, the reports received by [6] indicate that
ICMP packets issued via the ping command have been
used to trigger this behavior. Most implementations of
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 6
ping will not allow an invalid datagram like this to be
sent. Among the exceptions are Windows ’95 and Win-
dows NT, although they are certainly not the only ones.
An echo message is sent inside the IP packet [2], consist-
ing of eight octets of ICMP header information followed
by the number of data octets in the ping request. Hence,
the maximum allowable size of the data area is 65535 - 20
- 8 = 65507 octets.
It is possible to send an “illegal” echo with more than
65507 octets of data, due to the way the fragmentation is
done. The fragmentation relies on an offset value in each
fragment to determine where the individual fragment goes
upon reassembly. Thus, on the last fragment it is possi-
ble to combine a valid offset with a suitable fragment size
such that (offset + size) > 65535. Since typical machines
do not process the packet until they have all fragments and
have tried to reassemble it, there is the possibility for over-
flow of 16 bit internal variables, which can lead to system
crashes, reboots, or kernel dumps.
If no OS patch is available, and the main concern is
ping from outside the network, the best quick-fix solu-
tion is to block ping at the firewall. A better solution
than blocking all ICMP echoes is to block only frag-
mented ones. This will allow the common 64 byte pings
through on almost all systems, while blocking any bigger
than the MTU size of a link.
“Smurf” attacks
The “smurf” attack (documented in [7]) is the most recent
in the category of network-level attacks against Internet
hosts. An aggressor sends a large amount of ICMP echo
traffic at broadcast addresses, all of it having a spoofed
source address of the victim. The situation is illustrated in
Figure 4. If the routing device delivering traffic to those
broadcast addresses performs the “IP broadcast to layer 2
broadcast” function, most hosts on that IP network will
take the ICMP echo and reply to it with an echo reply each,
multiplying the traffic by the number of responding hosts.
On a multi-access broadcast network, there could poten-
tially be hundreds of machines to reply to each packet.
There are two parties which are hurt by this attack: the
intermediary (broadcast) devices and the spoofed address
target, the victim machine. The victim is the target of
a large amount of traffic the broadcast devices generate.
The initiators of these attacks rely on the ability to “source
spoof traffic to the intermediary broadcast networks in or-
der to generate the traffic which causes denial of service.
To stop this, all networks should perform source address
checks either at the edge of the network where users con-
nect or at the edge of the network with connections to the
Internet. These checks will defeat the possibility of source
spoofed packets from entering from leaf networks, or leav-
ing for Internet (see Figure 4). To stop being an intermedi-
ary we have to take into account the fact that this attack re-
lies on the ability of the router serving a large multi-access
broadcast network to frame an IP broadcast address into a
layer two broadcast address. The router may have an op-
tion to disable receiving traffic directed to network-prefix
addresses and must have an option to disable forwarding
broadcasts directed to network-prefix addresses.
Hosts can be patched to refuse to respond to broadcast
ICMP echoes. [3] specifies that ICMP echoes for an IP
broadcast or an IP multicast address may be silently dis-
carded. This neutral stipulation results from a passionate
debate between those who feel that echoes to a broadcast
address provides a valuable diagnostic capability and those
who feel that misuse of this feature can too easily create
packet storms.
E. Security Failure Messages
These messages indicate failures when using IP Secu-
rity Protocols (AH and ESP). As [8] states, for a statically
configured Security Association (SA), these messages in-
dicate that the related SA has to be manually reconfigured,
or that an unauthorized operation is attempted. Security
failure messages may also be used to trigger automated
negotiation of session-keys.
The DoS attacks performed using ICMP messages usu-
ally succeed because the receiver of such messages does
not maintain enough information on the communication
the messages should be related to. Therefore, security fail-
ure messages have to be carefully verified to ascertain that
they include information that matches a previously sent
datagram. Besides, [8] advises that, when a prior SA be-
tween the parties has not expired, these messages should
be sent with authentication. A dynamic SA must not be
established, though for the only purpose to authenticate
security failures, since this could be used for a very seri-
ous DoS attack. A target host may be flooded with forged
IPsec packets from random IP Sources and have it start
up numerous useless key management session to authenti-
cally inform the presumed senders of the error.
Security failures provide sufficient data to determine
that they are in response to previously sent messages.
Therefore, a recipient can accept all authenticated and
unauthenticated security failure messages, since accurate
check of the message content gives enough information to
validate the message. This is due to the fact that secu-
rity failures are slightly different from other ICMP mes-
sages: besides the IP header of the original packet, they
also contain all IPsec headers that were present in the orig-
inal packet. These headers would give enough information
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 7
Figure 4. Checking IP source address.
to identify the original, offending packet.
F. ICMP DNS Messages for Reverse Look-up
These messages are intended to be used for learning the
Fully Qualified Domain Name associated with an IP ad-
dress. Even though a mechanism to perform address to
domain name resolution exists (the IN-ADDR domain of
the DNS), [9] sustains the utility of having a more effi-
cient one. The proposed scheme suggests that each uni-
cast address be queried directly for its corresponding do-
main name, by means of the ICMP domain name request
message. The queried destination should respond with its
domain name included in a domain name replay. The ad-
vantages of using this mechanism are that the naming is
under the same administration as the address assignment,
and that the queries are distributed in the same manner as
IP routing. On the other hand, the security risks are too im-
portant because of the lack of authentication of the parties
We consider ICMP-based domain name resolution com-
pletely unacceptable from the security point of view, un-
less additional authentication mechanisms are provided.
[9] suggests the use of IPsec for authentication.
G. ICMP Protected with IPsec
In order to offer IPsec protection to ICMP, the source
and the destination systems of the ICMP traffic have to
establish the required IPsec SA. For an application which
does not use IPsec services, it can be an unacceptable over-
head to negotiate SAs only for the purpose of transmitting
ICMP messages.
For the network topology shown in Figure 5, suppose
that G2 receives an IP datagram from H1, for the destina-
tion H2. The link which connect G2 to the H2’s network
is temporary out of use, so G2 has to send a destination
unreachable message to H1. If no SA exists for the com-
munication between H1 and H2, G2 has to establish one
with G1 or directly with H1, for the purpose of sending an
authenticated destination unreachable. In IPsec the only
way to do this is to start an IKE (Internet Key Exchange
[10]) negotiation, but there are still few chances for this to
succeed, unless additional conditions are fulfilled. Poten-
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 8
Figure 5. SPP operation example.
tial problems are the G1 admission policies, the existence
of an IKE authentication method on which all part will
agree, and the list can continue.
Even if IPsec is used for the communication between
H1 and H2, it is still difficult to handle ICMP messages
that might be generated by some of the parties involved.
The IPsec SPD (Security Policy Database [1]) provides for
a set of selectors for choosing the appropriate IPsec SA to
process an incoming IP datagram. There is currently no
standard way for these selectors to handle ICMP types and
codes. Recent debates in [11] discuss the overloading of
source and destination port selectors, for specifying ICMP
type and code. Once these SPD selectors are defined, there
are four possible methods of handling ICMP messages:
Discard any ICMP message.
Explicit ICMP SA: when G2 receives an ICMP error
message for H1, G2 forwards it using an SA established
to accept ICMP messages of this type and code. If such
an SA does not exist, and if G2 and G1 policies permit, an
SA is negotiated with IKE. The proposal parameters for
this SA have to be at least as strong as any other SA that
is used between the set of end-points to which the ICMP
message is related.
Implicit ICMP SA: G2 forwards an ICMP error message
for H1 using the SA that was used to send the offending IP
packet.In this case the main difficulty is finding the right
SA to associate with the ICMP message. The data con-
tained in the ICMP payload (“IP header and 64 bits or the
original datagram”) should be used to discover the incom-
ing SA on which the offending packet arrived. The cor-
responding outgoing SA has to be used to send the ICMP
IKE ICMP: instead of forwarding the ICMP packet, G2
sends this message to the key management system. The
key management daemon will then send an IKE Notify
message to the other end. Appropriate Notify messages
have to be defined for each ICMP type.
IGMP (Internet Group Membership Protocol) is used by
IP hosts to report their multicast group membership to any
neighboring multicast router. In order to outline the se-
curity flaws of IGMP, we consider only the messages ex-
changed between hosts and routers. The IGMP protocol is
described in detail in [12].
There are three types of IGMP messages of concern to
the host-router interaction:
membership query: is issued by multicast routers, and
has two further sub-types. The general query is used to
learn which groups have members on an attached network,
while the
group-specific query: is used to learn if a particular
group has any members on an attached network. The
general query is addressed to all-systems multicast group
(, while the group-specific query message is sent
to the particular group multicast address. With respect to
its attached networks, a multicast router can assume one
of two roles: querier or non-querier. There is normally
only one querier per physical network, the one that has the
lowest IP address.
membership report: hosts multicast this type of message
to the group to report their membership to that particular
group. The report may be unsolicited (when a host joins a
group), or in response to a group query.
leave group: this message is issued by a host which
leaves a multicast group. If the host was the last to re-
ply to a query with a membership report for that group, the
host sends the leave group message to all-routers multicast
group (
[12] studies the effects that forged IGMP messages may
have on multicast hosts and network traffic. A forged
query from a machine with lower IP than the current
querier will cause querier duties to be assigned to the
forger. This might probably result in an DoS attack for
some members of the multicast group if some additional
conditions are fulfilled. A forged query message sent to a
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 9
group with members will cause the hosts which are mem-
bers of the group to report their membership. This causes
a small amount of extra traffic on the LAN, but causes no
protocol problems.
A forged report message may cause multicast routers
to think there are members of a group on a subnet when
there are not. Forged report messages are troublesome if
the source address of the report is spoofed.
A forged leave message will cause the querier to send
out group-specific queries for the group in question. This
causes extra processing on each router and on each mem-
ber of the group, but cannot cause loss of desired traffic.
Since routing protocols are responsible for maintaining
network connectivity for all TCP/IP traffic, we can surely
say that routing security is an essential issue for the entire
network infrastructure.
The most secure protection for the routing mechanism
is to adopt a static routing scheme. This scales well in
a local network, of medium size, with no special QoS
requirements. On the other hand, static routing is inap-
propriate for applications that need dynamic variation of
packet flows, like it happens in high QoS services. In these
cases, the use of a suitable and reliable routing protocol
is mandatory. QoS is the main reason for which special
attention has been lately accorded to defining authentica-
tion mechanisms for the routing protocols. RIP and OSPF
were first taken into consideration, as they are the most
commonly deployed intra-domain routing protocols. Both
these protocols describe methods for exchanging routing
information (network topology, routing tables) between
routers of an Autonomous System (AS). An AS is a group
of routers exchanging routing information via a common
routing protocol. Both RIP and OSPF are mainly affected
by the lack of a mechanism for guaranteeing integrity and
authentication of the information exchanged.
Before examining the recently proposed security mech-
anism for these two routing protocols, we will summarize
the security threats the routing protocols are commonly
subject to (a detailed presentation can be found in [13]).
Attacks at routing protocols are usually divided in two
types: insider and outsider attacks. Outsider attacks in-
volve an intruder masquerading as a router who distributes
fabricated, delayed or incorrect routing information. In-
sider attacks are mounted by a subverted or compromised
router. The latter type of attacks is more dangerous since
there is one of the insider routers to distribute false routing
Such attacks may have serious consequences on the net-
work infrastructure and on the end-to-end communica-
tions. Feeding false routing information into an AS may
compromise the routing table of some of the AS routers,
which will result in DoS on the hosts which trust that
router. This means that some hosts may not be able to
reach some legitimate destinations, or the traffic flows
for some particular destinations are deviated through sub-
optimal routes. The packets which follow routes that sub-
verted routers indicate may be subject to eavesdropping
and modification.
The common countermeasures [14] for these attacks
cryptographic checksums to protect against outsiders
generating fraudulent routing messages,
per-message sequence numbers and timestamps to pro-
tect against outsiders re-ordering or delaying genuine rout-
ing information,
strong origin authentication, using shared-key or public
key cryptography.
A. Shared Key Authentication for Routing Protocols
One of the first proposals for providing security services
to routing protocols was to use a shared key-based authen-
tication scheme. The next sections provide an overview of
this mechanism defined for both RIP and OSPF.
RIP-2 Authentication Scheme
RIP is one of the routing protocols based on the Bellman-
Ford (or distance vector) algorithm. RIP is extensively
used for exchanging routing information among gateways.
This protocol is intended to be used as an interior gateway
protocol (its scope is an AS), in networks of moderate size.
For moderate/small networks, RIP has very little overhead
in terms of bandwidth used, and in terms of configuration
and management time.
The basic RIP protocol is not a secure protocol. An ex-
tensible authentication mechanism has been recently in-
corporated into the protocol enhancements. [15] proposes
that RIP-2 use an authentication algorithm similar with
the one proposed for SNMP Version 2, augmented by
a sequence number. The mechanism is intended to be
algorithm-independent, but for the moment keyed MD5 is
the standard authentication algorithm for RIP-2.
While this mechanism is not unbreakable, it provides
an enhanced probability that a system being attacked will
detect and ignore hostile messages. Authenticated RIP-
2 messages contain the output of an one-way function of
the message and a secret RIP-2 authentication key. Au-
thentication affords protection against forgery or message
modification. It is possible to replay a message until the
sequence number changes. The sequence number makes
replay in the long term less likely to succeed. The mecha-
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 10
nism does not afford confidentiality, since messages travel
in clear. However, the mechanism is also exportable from
most countries, which test, a privacy algorithm could fail.
The authenticated RIP packets contain, apart from the
message digest data, a field which describes the authenti-
cation type, a field which identifies the key used to create
the authentication data, and a sequence number. The au-
thentication key is selected by the sender based on the out-
going interface. Each key has a lifetime associated with
it, and is never used outside this interval. The value used
in the sequence number is arbitrary, the suggestions are
the classical two ones: time of the message’s creation or a
simple message counter.
An important aspect for any routing protocol is main-
taining routing stability during the change of an authenti-
cation key. On this purpose, more than one authentication
keys are stored and used on a given interface at the same
time. It is recommended that a mechanism is provided
for smooth authentication key switchovers. This mecha-
nism prevents losing legitimate routing messages because
the stored key is incorrect, and does not require routers to
change all the keys at once.
This authentication scheme does not offer complete pro-
tection from insiders’ attacks. There is no way to protect
against a subverted router providing incorrect routing in-
Authentication for OSPF
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is used for distributing
routing information between routers belonging to an AS.
OSPF is a link-state protocol based on the Dijkstra algo-
The OSPF version 2 definition [16] states that only
trusted routers can participate in the Autonomous System’s
routing. A large variety of authentication schemes can be
configured for each IP subnet. For these purpose, there
are two fields reserved inside the OSPF packet header: an
authentication type field, and 64-bits of data whose use is
determined by the previous field. Currently, two authen-
tication schemes are defined: simple password and cryp-
tographic authentication. Simple password authentication
guards against routers inadvertently joining the routing do-
main (each router must first be configured with its attached
networks’ passwords before it can participate in routing),
but is vulnerable to passive attacks. Anyone with physical
access to the network can learn the password and compro-
mise the security of the OSPF routing domain.
For cryptographic authentication, a shared secret key
is configured on the routers attached to a common net-
work/subnet. For each OSPF protocol packet, the key
is used to generate/verify a message digest that is ap-
pended to the end of the OSPF packet. The algorithms
used to generate and verify the message digest are spec-
ified implicitly by the secret key. Each OSPF packet is
protected against replay attacks the same way RIP packets
are (a non-decreasing sequence number is included in the
In the event that the last key associated with an interface
expires, since [16] states that it is unacceptable to revert to
an unauthenticated condition, and not advisable to disrupt
routing, a separate mechanism for smooth transition from
one key to a new one is needed for OSPF too.
Since routing information (network topology) is not
considered a sensitive information, OSPF cryptographic
authentication option does not offer data confidentiality.
Shared Key Management for Routing Protocols
One of the critical issues for the previously described au-
thentication schemes is the number of shared keys in-
volved. In order to calculate the authentication data ap-
pended to the routing messages, the routers maintain one
or more keys per interface. A critical issue may be the
number of routers (interfaces) that share the same secret.
There are mainly two approaches for this problem:
a single globally-shared key is used to authenticate all
routing messages exchanged in an AS,
pairwise keys are configured for all possible pairs of
The first method provides a very low level of secu-
rity, while the second results in an unacceptable number
of shared keys. The second solution can be still taken
into consideration with RIP, where the protocol packets
are exchanged between neighbours, but is considered awk-
ward and unsuitable for link state routing [14]. For OSPF,
which uses a mechanism for flooding routing information,
this method provokes an unacceptable overhead due to re-
calculation of the authentication data at each router present
in the flooding path. As a consequence, many authors con-
sider the public key-based authentication approach more
appropriate for use with link state routing protocols [17].
As with all the Internet authentication mechanisms, a
capital issue is the key management procedure. It is ob-
vious that having a strong cryptographic algorithm with a
compromised key nullifies the protection offered by any
authentication mechanism. [15] defines the key manage-
ment requirements for RIP-2 authentication. The proposed
management solutions are the classical two ones: manual
and automated management of keys. An open issue re-
mains as far as the latter method is concerned, since no
IETF key management protocol has been generally ac-
cepted as a standard yet.
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 11
B. Public Key Authentication for OSPF
The experimental RFC-2154 [18] describes OSPF ex-
tensions in order to add digital signatures to Link State
data, and to provide a certification mechanism for router
The keyed MD5 authentication method presented in the
previous section is very useful for protection of protocol
packets passed between neighbors, but, as we have out-
lined, does not address authentication of routing data that
is flooded from source to eventual destination, through
routers which may themselves be faulty or subverted. As
a consequence, [18] proposes the following authentication
scheme for OSPF:
digital signatures are added to all OSPF LSA (Link State
Advertisement) data. A LSA contains the state of a router
adjacent links,
a method is defined to distribute certified router infor-
mation and keys,
a neighbor-to-neighbor authentication algorithm (e.g.,
keyed MD5) is used to protect local protocol exchanges.
The LSAs that are flooded inside the Link State Update
packets are individually protected by a digital signature.
Each LSA is signed by the originator of that information
and the signature stays with the data in its travel via OSPF
flooding. This provides end-to-end integrity and authen-
tication for LSA data. The digital signature attached to a
LSA by the source router guarantees that the data comes
from the advertising router. It also ensures that the data
has not been modified by some other router in the course
of flooding. If incorrect routing data is originated by a
faulty router, the signature will identify the source of the
problem (non repudiation).
For participating in the authentication scheme, each
router has a pair of keys, a public and a private key. The
private key is used to generate an unique signature of a
block of data (the LSA), which is then appended to the
LSA. The public key is used for signature verification.
A distribution mechanism is mandatory for assuring that
each router knows the public key of every other router.
The key distribution is achieved by creating a new LSA,
the Public Key LSA (PKLSA). This LSA is distributed via
the standard OSPF flooding procedure. Flooding will en-
sure that a router public key is sent everywhere the router’s
signed LSAs are sent.
Even if this method scales well with OSPF, a problem
still remains: any router can send out a public key and
claim to be a given router, so the public key itself pro-
vides no assurance of the actual identity of the sender.
This assurance must be provided by a trusted third party,
the Trusted Entity (TE). This entity is a system that gen-
erates certificates for routers. In this case, a certificate is
a packet of information about a router that identifies the
router and supplies a public key. Certified router informa-
tion includes the router identity, its role, the address ranges
that the router may advertise, a timestamp and the router’s
public key. The certificate for a router is contained in a
router PKLSA.
For verifying other routers’ certificates, each router is
configured with the TE’s public key. A router receiving a
PKLSA verifies the certificate using this key, and then ver-
ifies the whole signed LSA using the router’s public key
contained in the certificate. Successful verification pro-
vides assurance that the PKLSA was issued by the correct
router, and that it has not been altered by any other router
in the flood path.
The described authentication mechanism is not perfect.
A compromised router can still distribute incorrect data
in the information for which it itself is responsible. As
a consequence, an AS employing digital signatures with
this mechanism is not completely invulnerable to routing
disruptions from a single router. For example, the area bor-
der routers and AS border routers will still be able to inject
incorrect routing information (the outsider attacks). Also,
any single internal router can be incorrect in the routing in-
formation it originates about its own links (insider attacks).
This attacks cannot be addressed with cryptography alone,
the only way to detect that something is wrong is to notice
a disagreement between link state expressed by the two
end-points of a link.
Apart from the vulnerabilities described above, the pub-
lic key cryptography has the disadvantage that is quite
expensive in terms of CPU time consumed for both the
generation and verification of public key-based signatures.
There are some work for providing more efficient, alter-
native techniques for these tasks. [14] describes such a
method, based on public key digital signatures and one-
way hash functions, which takes advantage of a technique
for constructing hash chains similar to the one used in
S/KEY one-time authentication.
Most of the attacks at the network infrastructure de-
scribed in the present work begin with spoofing the IP
source address of the victim. In fact, the more troublesome
attacks for the Internet community are DoS attacks which
employ forged source addresses [19]. As a consequence, a
simple and effective defense consists in using ingress traf-
fic filtering to prohibit DoS attacks to be propagated from
“behind” an Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) aggregation
point. In a few words, all providers of Internet connectivity
are urged to implement strict traffic filtering to prohibit at-
TERENA Networking Conference, May 22-25, 2000 12
tackers from using spoofed source addresses which do not
reside within a range of legitimately advertised prefixes.
An additional benefit of implementing this type of filter-
ing is that it enables the originator of an attack to be easily
traced to its true source, since the attacker would have to
use a valid, and legitimately reachable source address.
It is an accepted fact that control and routing protocols
need stronger security than the one that can be reached
by simply using packet filtering. This paper outlines the
importance of cryptographic authentication. For an au-
thentication scheme to succeed a mechanism has to be
standardized for dealing with the distribution of the cryp-
tographic keys. Key management should be an intrinsic
component of the basic security architecture in Internet.
There currently exist a large variety of key management
protocols, more of them are still in implementation and
test phase. The work done in this area during the last few
years is likely to converge towards IKE, a combination of
ISAKMP and Oakley key exchange protocols.
The more efficient security mechanisms described in
this article rely on public key cryptography. The Internet
X.509 Public Key Infrastructure documents define pub-
lic key certificates and certificate management protocols
based on the X.509v3 standard. This may be a viable so-
lution for all the security services which require strong au-
thentication, data integrity and non-repudiation.
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[14] R. Hauser, T. Przygienda, G. Tsudik, Lowering security overhead
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