From the Superintendents Desk
Subject(s) Pg
H.S. News & Info. 3
Faculty & Staff Updates 4-5
Rockwood FFA 6
Elem. News & Info. 7-
Notes from the Nurse 11
Guidance News &
New Student
Student Lunch Info. 14
Free & Reduced Lunch
Annual Public Notice
of Special Education
Athletic Schedules 21-
Bus Stop Request 23
Contact Info. 24
August 2021
Inside this issue:
Published for the residents of the Rockwood School District
The mission of the Rockwood Area School District is to empower students to reach their full
potential as well-rounded, lifelong learners and responsible members of society.
(cont. pg. 2)
Rockwood Area School District Residents,
The challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic in public education over the last
year and a half were unprecedented. As we move into the new school year, we are looking
forward to and are hopeful to return to “normal” in the Rockwood Area School District.
Before sharing information about upcoming activities and operations, I want to take the
opportunity to thank the community and families for your patience and resiliency during
this past school year. Also, I would like to thank the School Board, faculty, and staff for
going above and beyond in the commitment to serve the children of our District by
providing meaningful educational opportunities during both in-person and remote
learning, as well as ensuring the students’ basic needs were met in and out of school. Job
well done!
It is also my pleasure to recognize and congratulate the Rockwood Area School District
Class of 2021. This year’s senior class experienced challenges and disruptions to their
school year like no other. However, the class was able to participate in a traditional
graduation ceremony, as well as other end-of-year activities such as: prom, athletics,
concerts, and awards programs. This year’s graduation ceremony included motivational
speeches by Maggie Hay-National Honor Society President and Salutatorian, Jessi Altiero-
Valedictorian, and Allison Johnson-Senior Class President. The Class of 2021 consisted of
fifty-five graduates, including four foreign exchange students. Thirty-six of the graduates
plan to attend college or trade schools this fall. Nine students attended the Somerset
County Technology Center, where they learned a trade. In addition, I proudly share that
three of the graduates have committed to serve in the military. Congratulations to the
Class of 2021! We wish all of them a lifetime of success, well-being, and happiness.
Return to “Normal”
Students can expect to return to school with fewer restrictions than those required during the past school year. Students
and staff will not be required to wear face-coverings but will be supported if they choose to do so. Social distancing
measures will be reduced, with students having the opportunity to learn, play, and eat their lunches the way they did in
the past. However, a few of last year’s changes will remain in place, such as the student drop-off and pick-up procedures
and the daily schedule. We are excited to have students and staff back in school with few restrictions. The most up-to-
date reopening plan can be found on the District’s website: www.rockwoodschools.org.
Retirements and New Staff Members
The District would like to recognize and congratulate several individuals who have retired, or plan to retire in the next
few months. Business Manager, Mr. Brian Coughenour, will retire at the end of August after serving the District for more
than 35 years. In addition, high school teachers, Mrs. Linda Henry and Mr. Jay Best, have retired with nearly 70 years of
combined service in the District. We also want to recognize and thank Student Services Administrative Assistant, Mrs.
Eileen Buchanan and long-time special education paraprofessional, Mrs. Lorraine Bradley for their service in supporting
our students throughout their careers. Their dedication and commitment to the District is commendable. We are excited
to welcome several new employees to the District who will begin their careers at Rockwood this fall, as well as a few who
came to Rockwood last year. Information about each of them can be found later in this newsletter.
Community Support
Class of 2020 Gives Back: Unfortunately, the Rockwood Class of 2020 was unable to travel on their scheduled Senior
Trip last year due to the school closure caused by the pandemic. However, the class members who were scheduled to
attend the trip made the honorable decision to donate the funds they raised to a very worthwhile cause.
Superintendent (cont.)
The Class of 2020 donated $10,000 to the Rockwood Kids Come First program. Members of the class were quick to
make the decision after witnessing the support provided to District students who had financial hardships or were faced
with challenges when they were in school. Thank you Class of 2020 for giving back to future generations of students!
GAP Trail Relay:
Teachers and staff members of the Rockwood Area School District will be doing something really crazy for the third
time to support local students in need. On October 15
and 16
, we will be running a 150-mile relay race on the Great
Allegheny Passage Trail. Yes, 150 miles! Eight members of our staff will each run about 20 miles, day and night, rain or
shine, and every mile will help our local kids. Our team name is “RocketsRunForKids.” In 2019, our team finished the
race in just over 21 hours and raised over $12,000 to support district children.
We are using this race opportunity to once again demonstrate our commitment to two programs that help our kids:
“Kids Come First” and the “Rockwood Rocket Fuel Backpack Program.” We are requesting the support of
community members, local businesses, organizations, families, and friends. These two programs, solely funded by
donations and grants, serve to provide our kids in need with items such as: winter coats, fuel oil, shoes, nutritious food,
etc. Each year we found an increased need for these programs in our school population. During the past school year,
we spent nearly $12,000 on food for the backpack program and approximately $4,000 supporting kids and families in
need through “Kids Come First.” This presents an ongoing funding challenge.
This year, we have set a goal of raising $10,000! Donations are tax deductible, and all donations will be handled by the
Community Foundation for the Alleghenies. Community members who would like to “go the distance” for Rockwood
kids in need, can make checks payable to...
“Rockwood Area School District: Kids Come First Fund”
(Please send checks to the Rockwood Area School District, or mail directly to...
Community Foundation for the Alleghenies
216 Franklin Street, Suite 400
Johnstown, PA 15901
America’s Farmers Grow Communities Donation:
Rockwood students will benefit from the generosity of District resident and local farmer, Mr. Shawn Saylor. Shawn
was the winning farmer in Somerset County to receive an America’s Farmers Grow Communities donation in the
amount of $2,500. The program is sponsored by the Bayer Fund. Shawn directed the funds to sponsor the
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau’s Mobile Agriculture Education Science Lab at Rockwood during the 2021-2022 school
year. The lab is housed in a 32 foot trailer, complete with supplies and a certified teacher. Both elementary and junior
high students will be able to participate in the hands-on science experiments, each teaching a lesson in agriculture.
Budget Information
In June, the Board approved an operating budget for the 2021-2022 school year with no increase in local property
taxes. Taxes in the District have not increased for the past 13 years. This year’s budget process was more challenging
than normal with so much uncertainty in expenditures and revenue associated with the COVID pandemic. While the
District experienced a large spike in charter school costs, the increased costs were offset with lower operating costs in
some areas, as well as increased emergency funding from the State and Federal government.
Looking forward to the next year or so, the District will use additional COVID-related Federal Stimulus dollars to
fund one-time expenditures that support improving the health and safety of students and staff. The majority of one-
time expenditures being funded were identified previously in the District’s Needs Assessment as upcoming projects.
The projects being funded include: bathroom and locker room renovations, replacement of air heating-cooling-
ventilation units, replacement of building entryway doors, and technology purchases. In addition, the funding is being
used to provide educational opportunities to address learning loss during the pandemic.
On behalf of the School Board, faculty and staff, thank you for your support. Please review other important
information included in this edition of Rockwood School News.
Mark R. Bower - Superintendent
From the High School Principal’s Office
The Rockwood Area School District Hall of Fame was started in 1999 to honor past Rockwood graduates who have achieved
a level of excellence, as recognized by their peers or media, in one or more of the following areas: Arts, Science, Athletics,
Letters of Humanities, or have made a significant contribution to the health, welfare and/or freedom of the local or world
community. This year, the recipient selected to receive this award was: Mr. James B. Harrold. Mr. Harrold was nominated by
Lisa Kimmel.
Mr. James B. Harrold is a 1967 graduate. After graduating high school, Jim continued his education at West Virginia
University; where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry and then his Masters. In 2019, he received the
“Outstanding Alumnus Award” from WVU School of Natural Resources.
Mr. Harrold was a Forestry teacher at the Somerset County Technology Center from 1972 through 2012. In addition,
he owned James Harrold Forestry Consulting for over 40 years. He continued to instruct students by teaching online classes
as an adjunct professor for WVU.
In addition to his extensive teaching career, Jim was a well respected soccer coach for many years. Statistically, Coach
Harrold’s record speaks for itself. Coach Harrold was the head coach for the Rockwood Varsity Boys’ Soccer team from
1991-2000, with eight straight winning seasons. He was also an assistant coach from 2017-2021, with four winning seasons.
Throughout his career, his winning seasons included: four District V championships, six times runner up District champs,
four Bi-State championships, and four South Central championships. In total, Jim has coached Rockwood Rocket’s boys
soccer for 17 years. Furthermore, he coached four MVP players and several All State players. He was awarded “Coach of the
Year” twice.
To say the least, he has been an outstanding mentor and role model to countless students within the District.
Congratulations on your success, and thank you for making such a positive impact on our community as a whole!
We are getting ready to embrace the start of the 2021-2022 school year. It continues to be our mission to empower
students to reach their full potential as well-rounded, lifelong learners and responsible members of society. It is
our goal to focus on the relationships we build each day, the opportunities we continue to provide, and the social/
emotional development for each of our students.
One of the most exciting announcements for this school year is a return to regular educational opportunities.
Students can expect a return to their regular lunch schedules, field trips, and assemblies in the auditorium. The
policy regarding masks, as determined by the Rockwood Area School District Board of Directors, allows masks to
be optional for students and staff. Students and staff will be supported regardless of their preference.
The following will remain in effect for the 2021-2022 school year:
Jr./Sr. High School classes will begin at 8:05 am and students will be dismissed at 2:51 pm.
Students will continue to report directly to period 1 upon arrival.
Parent drop off/pick up procedures - entering and exiting onto Somerset Ave. and proceeding around the
rocket. Please stay in the line of vehicles and remain in your vehicle as you proceed around the rocket.
Additional information regarding parent drop off/pick up and student/staff morning arrival and
dismissal procedures can be found on page 8 of this newsletter.
Student Chromebooks have been upgraded. All students entering grades 10 - 12 will be issued a new
Dell Chromebook 3100 2 in 1. Please purchase a case to protect the device. In order for your child to be issued a
device, they will need to return the user agreement.
We are looking forward to the upcoming school year and as always, please contact me with any questions or
Misty Demchak - Jr./Sr. High School Principal
Rockwood Area School District Welcomes New Faculty & Support Staff
Mrs. Megan Hetrick - School Psychologist
Megan graduated from Northern Cambria High School. Following graduation, she attended
Indiana University of Pennsylvania to become a licensed School Psychologist in the state of
Pennsylvania. Megan also carries a greater certification and is considered a Nationally Certified
School Psychologist. She came to the District with a great deal of experience and is dedicated to
serving our students and staff. She works hard to support their needs any way possible. This
quality has made Megan a tremendous asset to our District.
Mr. Jeremy Romesberg - High School Reading/English Teacher
Jeremy is a Rockwood Area School District graduate. After graduation, he attended
Waynesburg University, where he obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education.
Jeremy is certified in both English and Social Studies. He comes to the District with several
years of teaching experience. Jeremy’s belief that education is the key to success and his passion
to help and serve young adults both inside and outside of the classroom has made him a great
addition to the District.
Mr. Jordan Svonavec - Business Manager/Director of Transportation
Jordan is a former graduate of the Rockwood Area School District. After graduating high
school, he attended Waynesburg University where he earned a degree in Business Management
with a minor in Economics. Jordan came to the District in August 2020 with years of business
related experience, which revolved around finance and budgeting. His ability to make sound
business decisions, excellent communication skills, and eagerness to succeed have made him an
enormous asset to the District.
Mrs. Susan Clark - School Social Worker
Susan graduated from Shanksville-Stonycreek High School. After graduation, she attended
Penn State University in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, where she earned a Bachelor's Degree in
Human Development & Family Studies. She continued her education and obtained her Master
of Social Work degree from the California University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to
Rockwood, Susan was a School Social Worker for five years through Appalachia Intermediate
Unit 8. Her professional experience helping families will make her an asset to the District.
Mrs. Jenna Tressler - Biology Teacher
Jenna is a graduate of Somerset Area School District. Following graduation, Jenna attended
Washington and Jefferson College, where she obtained a Bachelors of Arts degree in Biology.
Later, she earned a certification in secondary education that concentrates in Biology and
General Science education from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. Jenna has several
years of teaching experience and will join Rockwood at the beginning of school year. Her
eagerness to excite the minds of students in biology will make her a great addition.
Ms. Megan Berkebile - Elementary Special Education Teacher
Megan graduated from North Star School District. After graduating high school, Megan
attended the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, where she earned her Bachelor of Science
degree in Early Childhood Education/Special Education. Megan has years of experience
working with children. Her past work experience includes six years at a local summer camp and
substitute teaching. Megan believes all students are able to succeed when provided the
appropriate support and guidance through a positive, welcoming environment.
Rockwood Area School District Welcomes New Faculty & Support Staff (continued)
Mr. Nathan Formica - Secondary Social Studies Teacher
Nathan is a graduate of Conemaugh Township Area School District. He recently graduated
from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Studies education.
Nathan’s previous experience includes teaching 10th grade history, as well as 12th grade
government/economics at Forest Hills High School. He also comes to the district with an
extensive background in technology and computers, which enables him to find unique ways to
present information to his students. His passion for teaching will make him a great addition!
Mrs. Loretta Hostetler - Special Education Paraprofessional
Loretta will be joining the district at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year as a special
education paraprofessional. She is a resident of the Confluence area and has many family ties
to the district. Loretta was an active substitute instructional aide during the 2020-2021 school
year. During her time as a substitute aide, she gained a great deal of experience. Her ability to
interact with children at any level, including students with special needs, will make her a great
addition to our staff!
Mr. Logan Seybold - Secondary English Teacher
Logan graduated from Derry Area High School, located in Derry, PA. After graduating, he
attended Saint Vincent College, where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Social Studies, as
well as Business, Computers, and Information Technology. Logan furthered his education and
recently earned his teaching certification in English 7-12. He has experience working with
children of all ages, pre-school through grade 12. His prior experience, educational
background, and leadership skills will make him an important asset to the District.
Faculty Member Retirements - Congratulations & Best Wishes!
Mr. Jay Best
(33 years of service)
Thank you for your many years of service and dedication to the Rockwood Area School District!
Mrs. Lorraine Bradley
(23 years of service)
Mrs. Linda Henry
(36 years of service)
Mr. Brian Coughenour
(35 years of service)
Mrs. Eileen Buchanan
(28 years of service)
Job Opportunities
The Rockwood Area School District is accepting applications for the following positions:
* Substitute Teachers: Qualification Requirements - applicants must be certified and/or have a Bachelor’s Degree.
- Pay rate for sub teachers is $100/day
* Substitute Nurses - RN License Required:
- Pay rate for certified school nurses, who provide coverage during the absence of the regular school nurse, is $200.00/day.
- Pay rate for an RN, LPN, or CSN who provides coverage on a field trip or provides health assistance or coverage for the
regular school nurse, under the direct supervision of the regular school nurse, is $150.00/day.
* Substitute Instructional Aides
* Substitute Custodians
Teaching applicants should send a letter of interest and application information (standard PA application, letters of
reference, transcripts, certificate, clearances, physical, etc.) to: Mark Bower, Superintendent, Rockwood Area
School District, 439 Somerset Ave., Rockwood, PA 15557. Other applicants should call 814-926-4688 for an
application. EOE. Applications and forms can be found on our website at: www.rockwoodschools.org.
High School Happenings
We would also like to recognize our county career development event winners. This event was also held virtually.
Students did very well in the events they participated in, which included:
Vet Science:
1st place - Emily Hutchison
& Allison Schmuck.
Small Gas Engines:
3rd place - John Gross.
FFA Knowledge:
3rd place - Emily Hutchison,
4th place - Allison Schmuck.
1st place - Steven Sanner & Audrey Marko, 2nd place - Emily Hutchison,
3rd place - Glenn Millin & Connor Weimer, 4th place - Riley Weimer.
Soils & Land Judging:
2nd place - Max
Barkman & Emily Hutchison, 3rd place - Caleb Gary, 4th place - Allison Schmuck, 5th place - Izzy Haer.
1st place - Emily Hutchison, 2nd place - Izzy Haer, 3rd place - Caleb Gary, 5th place - Tessa Smith.
Meat Judging:
2nd place - Allison Schmuck & Emily Hutchison, 3rd place - Max Barkman, 4th place - Izzy Haer.
Horse Judging:
2nd place - Emily Hutchison, 4th place - Hunter Berkey, 5th place - Allison Schmuck.
Congratulations on a job well done!
Rockwood Future Farmers of America “FFA
The 2021 FFA theme was: “Natural-Born Leaders, Modern-Day Creators,
Dedicated Seekers of the 21st Century.” Although our 2020-2021 school year
was a little different than normal, our amazing FFA students
participated, competed, and took part in many activities and events.
First, we would like to congratulate our 2021 Keystone degree winners:
Allyson Schmuck, Max Barkman, Zoey DeLaney, Hunter Sanner and
Jocie Bartels (pictured at right). Their dedication and hard work resulted
in their recognition for being some of Pennsylvania’s top FFA students
during the 2021 Mid-Winter Convention.
This past school year also brought about two amazing community
service opportunities for FFA members, which included: collecting
items for the Humane Society (with FBLA) and making fish habitats for
the PA Fish and Boat Commission.
Students in FFA made dog and cat toys, as well as collected toys, food,
litter, cleaning products, etc. and donated them to the Humane Society
in March. Students also made 34 fish habitat shelters to be placed into
Somerset Lake when reconstruction is complete. A special thanks goes
to Vernon Shumaker, Maintenance Director at Rockwood Area School
District, for his assistance with the project, as he helped members
construct the first shelter and built pallet makers.
Raising catfish was another large project this past school year. FFA members
successfully raised and released 177 eight-inch catfish into Lake Donegal in
May. The process of rearing fish is also part of the cooperative agreement with
the PA Fish and Boat Commission and Salisbury Rod and Gun Club. Students
perform the maintenance and management of the fish in the classroom and
also raise plants with aquaponics and the fish waste water. Rockwood FFA
would like to thank Don Anderson for his continued support of this program.
Two Rockwood FFA teams participated in the county Envirothon, bringing
home a first and third place win in the county. We are proud of both teams
and all the work they did to compete in this event. The event was a little different than most years because the
competition had be to held virtually. Team #1 county winners included: Tyler Harrold (team captain), Rodrigo
Sanchez, Carter Atchison, Riley Weimer, and Max Barkman.
From the Elementary Principal’s Office
Dear Families and Friends,
The summer months are passing by quickly, and the new school year will be here in a few weeks. We are anxiously
awaiting the chance to welcome our students back on August 30, 2021. I am hopeful that summer events have
filled your hearts with memories that will last a lifetime. Time with family and friends are what memories are made
of. Summer activities such as: picnics, vacations, athletics, and evenings at home are great moments in life. If we
have learned anything over the past two years, it would be that time spent with family, friends, and in our
community is extremely valuable.
The faculty, staff, and administrators of the Rockwood Area Elementary School would like to express our sincere
appreciation for the efforts made by parents, guardians, and other individuals in educating students during the
2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years. It truly took a village to educate the children of our community. Each and
every person contributed in some way to the growth of every individual child. During this period, we understand
that making major adjustments and the additional instructional time you spent helping to educate your child was
no easy task. Again, thank you!
We are anticipating that the 2021-2022 school year will bring back some normalcy for our children. Programs and
instruction will return to as close to normal as possible. This is exciting for our students, as well as our educators.
The teachers are eager to see the goals and achievements the students will reach during the next nine months.
Each child will receive learning opportunities related to: reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies.
A well rounded child is the focus of our educational system and community. The faculty supports lessons taught to
foster social and emotional wellness and career education. Working with students and parents to meet the needs of
each child is important.
The Rockwood Area Elementary School plans to integrate technology at each grade level, making Chromebooks
available to each student. Children have, and will continue to, become familiar with the Google Suite and its
applications in learning. Teachers have received extensive training related to Google Suite apps, including Google
Classroom and extensions that support academic learning. Teachers will use this technology to assist and enhance
learning experiences. Students will be supplied with materials and manipulatives to enrich learning paths in all
subjects. However, it is important to remember that technology does not replace authentic and engaging
instruction. These resources should be used to complement learning opportunities.
Parents are always welcome to visit the school. The administrators, faculty, and staff enjoy seeing parents within
the school setting and are happy to meet with parents at any time. The administration encourages parents to attend
classroom and school events. Our teachers welcome parent involvement and look forward to their participation in
class activities. Parents are able to observe their child’s classroom for one hour each month, if interested. Please
contact the building principal to set up an observation. Parents are the key to a supportive school and successful
children. Your children love seeing you in their classroom! Numerous fun filled educational activities are held in
each grade level. Please contact your child’s teachers for information on how you can contribute to these activities.
Volunteers are always appreciated in the classroom. Teachers will be planning unique learning activities for
students. Individuals are encouraged to obtain their clearances to support school events as volunteers and
chaperones. We realize this may seem an inconvenience; however, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires
volunteers within the school environment to have clearances. Our focus is to support the safety and health of our
students. Volunteers must be approved by the Rockwood Area School District Board of Directors. Please contact
your child’s teacher or building principal if you are interested in volunteering.
The Rockwood PTO supports our students with a number of school activities, events, and funding. Please
consider supporting their efforts and fundraisers by becoming a PTO volunteer. Without the support of the PTO,
many school events and activities would not be possible.
(cont. pg. 8)
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures:
Parent drop off and pick up procedures will remain
the same; by entering and exiting onto Somerset
Avenue and proceeding around the rocket. Please
stay in the line of vehicles and remain in your vehicle
as you proceed around the rocket.
Do not park in the line or in the parking spaces.
If possible, pull all the way up to the cone on the
All children should enter and exit the vehicle on the
passenger side of the vehicle.
Please have your child enter and exit the vehicle
when they are on the sidewalk.
After dropping off or picking up your child, please
check your surroundings and move forward with
Please be patient with staff and other parents in this
process. The safety of each child is important.
Student/Staff Morning Arrival and
Dismissal Procedures:
Bridge Street will be used as the entrance for
drivers and staff in the morning and as the exit
during dismissal.
Arrival - Bridge Street Entrance 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Dismissal - Bridge Street Exit 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The Rockwood Elementary School will continue to provide “Parent Engagement” sessions. Assisting parents and
students in the areas of: reading, mathematics, study skills, assessments, and technology will be the focus of the
2021-2022 sessions. Parent engagement sessions are provided to develop knowledge of school programs and areas
of interest requested by parents through surveys. Surveys are completed through paper based and electronic
applications. Once school begins, please look for notifications being sent home regarding the fall survey. We
greatly appreciate parent participation. Parent involvement is the number one indicator of a child’s school
The administration and faculty members are working diligently to supply our students with a rigorous and well-
rounded educational experience. Our community’s expectations and beliefs are part of this process. The children
within our district will continue to excel with the learning experiences that will be provided by teachers and staff.
We hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer. We are looking forward to seeing the students and will be
honored to educate them once again. If you have any questions regarding elementary policies or programs, please
contact the Rockwood Elementary Office by calling 814-926-4688 option #4. Be sure to also visit the Rockwood
Area School District webpage at www.rockwoodschools.org for school related information. Thank you for your
continued efforts in supporting your child’s education.
Yours in education,
Mr. Jonathan Hale
Elementary Principal/Federal Programs Coordination
Foster Care POC/Homeless Liaison/ESL Coordinator
Rockwood Area School District
Elementary Principal (cont.)
Altiero, Jessi
Andrade, Lillian
Atchison, Carter
Bankes, John
Bartels, Jocie
Bazzar, Allison
Beeman, Lindsay
Benford, Aaron
Betker, Kendall
Boden, Jaden
Bouras, Chase
Breegle, Elijah - departed
Buxton, Laura
Cervini, Barbara
Coho, Abagail
DeLaney, Zoey
Dibert, Micah
Ehrhardt, Sydney
Foy, Eli
Gelpi, Vileska
Gross, John
Harrold, Joshua
Harrold, Tyler
Hay, Maggie
Hixson, Timothy
Hostetler, Mason
Houghton, Catherine
Hunt, Leah
Ion, Gabriel
Johnson, Allison
Johnson, Danielle
Johnson, Haley
Judy, Seth
Keifer, Dajon
King, Adam
Latuch, Gabriel
Lee, Cheyenne
Meyers, Derek
Phillippi, Rebekah
Purbaugh, Faith
Purbaugh, Sarah
Ream, Emma
Renteria Sanchez,
Sanner, Hunter
Saylor, Harlowquin
Schmuck, Allison
Sharpless, Hunter
Snyder, Devin
Spano, Shane
Struckoff, Carissa
Van Der Meer, Tycho
Ware, Savannah
Weimer, Paige
Wiebe, Olga
Kindergarten Orientation
Rockwood Elementary Kindergarten Orientation
is scheduled for August 30, 2021.
Children registered for kindergarten should report to
the Elementary School, accompanied by an adult. A
schedule for this event will be mailed to each family.
Kindergarten students should not ride
the bus on the first day.
Please contact Eileen Buchanan at
814-926-4688 ext. 1117 for enrollment information
or the orientation schedule.
Elementary Parent Reminders
Student Drop Off: All students being dropped off for school should enter the building by using the Jr./Sr. High
gym lobby entrance. The elementary parking lot is closed to traffic from 7:30am 8:05am and from 2:40pm
- 3:30pm. Supervision within the school building is not available until 7:45am; therefore, your child should NOT
be dropped off before 7:45am. The Jr./Sr. High gym lobby entrance will be locked at 8:05am. Students are
considered ½ day absent if they arrive after 8:05am.
Primary and Secondary Bus Stops: As a reminder, primary and secondary bus stops must be updated, if needed.
Students are only able to ride the bus to preapproved stops. Please complete an updated Bus Stop Form.
New Student Orientation
If you have a child new to the District, please contact
Mr. Jonathan Hale, Elementary Principal, at
814-926-4688 ext. 1114 to RSVP for orientation.
In-person orientations will be held as follows:
Pre-K to 2nd Grade: August 11 - 6:00pm -7:00pm
3rd through 6th Grade: August 25 - 6:00pm -7:00pm
These events are also open to families of children that
will be attending Pre-K through the Learning Lamp or
other Pre-K providers. Pre-K families will be presented
with information to prepare for kindergarten.
Rockwood Area School District Transportation
The new school year may bring about some changes to our transportation routes. In the event your child’s bus schedule
has changed, you will be notified by the school. If you do not receive notification, your child’s bus schedule should
remain the same as last year.
Enclosed in this newsletter is a Bus Stop Request Form (see page 23). This form should only be completed if your
child needs a stop other than their primary stop. Each student is assigned a bus stop based on their home address.
Stops are assigned as close to your residence as possible; keeping in mind the safety of the students, state regulations,
and road conditions. In the event you need to request an additional or alternate stop for your child, such as a daycare
or relative’s address, please keep in mind stops will only be made at already established bus stops closest to the alternate
address you provide. For your convenience, the bus stop request form can also be downloaded from the school website
at www.rockwoodschools.org under the PARENTS tab/Forms & Documents folder.
If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Svonavec, Transportation Director, at 814-926-4688 ext. 1106
Right to Request Teacher Qualifications
As the parent of a student in the Rockwood Area School District, you have the right to know the professional
qualifications of the classroom teachers and paraprofessionals that instruct your child. The No Child Left Behind and
the Every Student Succeeds Act federal law allows you to request certain information about your child’s classroom
teachers and requires school districts to give you this information in a timely manner. Specifically, you have the right to
ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers:
Has the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and subjects they teach?
Has the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed
or qualified under state regulations because of special circumstances?
What is the teacher’s college major? Does the teacher have any advanced degrees? If so, in what subjects?
Do instructional aides or paraprofessionals provide services to your child? If so, what are their qualifications?
If you would like to receive additional information about any teachers or paraprofessionals who work with your child,
please contact Jon Hale, Elem. Principal, at 814-926-4688. Our district is fully committed to the success of your child.
Rockwood Elementary
Homeroom Assignments
Parents/guardians enrolled in the SchoolMessenger
automated contact system will receive a phone call
from the Rockwood Area School District informing
them when PowerSchool has been updated with new
classroom assignments. Parents/guardians can then
login to the PowerSchool system to see their child’s
homeroom assignment for the upcoming 2021-2022
school year.
Instructions on how to login to PowerSchool
through the RASD website:
Go to: www.rockwoodschools.org
Click the PowerSchool icon - CHECK
Sign into PowerSchool using your username
and password. If you have not created an
account, you will have to do so under the
Create Account tab.
After logging in, you will be able to see which
homeroom your child has been assigned to. You will
also be able to view/edit contact information, such as
phone numbers and email addresses, to ensure that
the most accurate and up-to-date information is
listed. To view/edit contact information, click
Contact Manager at the bottom of the Navigation
bar. Next, click the icon located in the top, left
area of the screen. Select Preferences. Make any
necessary changes and click SAVE when finished.
If you have difficulty accessing the PowerSchool
system, please contact the Rockwood Elementary
Office at 814-926-4688 option #4.
Kindergarten __________ Mr. Josh Bowlin
Ms. Kelsey Pletcher
Grade 1 _______________ Mrs. Jaime Gross
Mrs. Sue Slope
Grade 2 _______________ Mr. Carter Bower
Mrs. Sarah Hay
To be determined
Grade 3 _______________ Ms. Valerie Friedline
Mrs. Melissa Gindlesperger
Mrs. Beth Mapes
Grade 4 _______________ Ms. Faith Hemminger
Mrs. Mindy Sarver
Mrs. Shanna Wilson
Grade 5 _______________ Mrs. Becky McKinley
Mrs. Jenna Sembower
Grade 6 _______________ Mr. Ben Baker
Mrs. Elyse Cordaro
Mrs. Kristen Mumau
Psychologist ___________ Mrs. Megan Hetrick
Speech Therapist _______ Mrs. Amber Caddy
Life Skills Support ______ Mrs. Jenna Wintersteen
Learning Support _______ Ms. Megan Berkebile
Mrs. Melissa Putman
Reading Specialists _____ Mrs. Beth Miller
Mrs. Jessica Miller
Art ___________________ Mrs. Jane Holt
Library ________________ Mrs. Christy Hay
Music ________________ Ms. Kari Hostetter
Mr. Doug Spiri
Phys. Ed. ______________ Mr. Nicholas Buterbaugh
Important Dates to Remember
(dates are tentative and subject to change)
Aug. 11 & Elementary Orientation for new students/
Aug. 25 parents wishing to learn more about the
school & programming (see page 9)
Aug. 16 Mandatory Varsity Sports Practices Begin
Aug. 26 7th Grade Orientation
Aug. 30 First Student Day
Sept. 2 Meet the Teacher Night
Sept. 7 Student Picture Day
Oct. 1 Homecoming/Bonfire Activities
TBA Red Ribbon Rally
Oct. 25-29 Red Ribbon Week
TBA Jr. High Fall Formal
TBA Soph Senior
TBA Band & Chorus Christmas Concert
PTO News & Information
As the school year is set to begin, the
PTO will be working hard to plan
activities for elementary students. Event
dates for regular annual activities are unavailable at this
time; however, as events are scheduled, parents and
students will be notified. Please visit the Rockwood
PTO Facebook page for information about year round
events. Please consider becoming a PTO volunteer.
Parents are invited to attend monthly PTO meetings.
Important Notes from the Nurse
Reminder about School Immunizations, Physicals, and Dental Requirements
The beginning of the 2021-2022 school year will be starting very soon. As a reminder, Pennsylvania State Law (28
PA. CODE CH.23), regarding school immunization requirements affects ALL grade levels K-12. If you received
a letter stating your child still needs to turn in updated immunization records prior to the start of school, please do
so ASAP. Immunizations or written medical/religious exemption are required by law for entry into Pennsylvania
The law only allows for a five (5) day provisional period to show proof of complete
immunizations/exemption. If the district does not receive the proper paperwork by the 5th day of
school, the child will be excluded from school. Immunization records can be turned into the elementary or
high school offices, mailed to Rockwood Area School District, 437 Somerset Ave., Rockwood, PA 15557, emailed
to [email protected], or faxed to 814-926-2043.
If your child doesn’t have health insurance coverage or your insurance does not cover immunizations, children can
get the required vaccines for little to no cost at one of the local health departments. Please call 1-877-PA-
HEALTH to get more information or to schedule an appointment.
In addition, per the PA School Health Law, students entering kindergarten, 6th grade, and 11th grade are required
to have physical examinations completed. Students entering kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 7th grade are required to
have dental examinations. All examinations should be completed and returned to the school as soon as possible.
Information was sent home with end of year report cards for these grade levels.
REMINDER: Students requiring ANY prescription medications during school hours must have a “Prescription
Medication Form” signed by the parent, as well as the physician prescribing the medication. This includes inhalers
and epi-pens.
Physical and dental forms, as well as the Prescription Medication Form, can be found on the Rockwood Area
School District’s website at www.rockwoodschools.org under Parents; Forms and Documents.
Thank you for your cooperation in completing these state required mandates.
Amanda Custer RN, BSN, CSN- School Nurse
Kindergarten - 12th Grade REQUIREMENTS for ALL students:
Vaccine Number of Doses Required
DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis) 4 doses required (1 dose must be on or after 4th birthday)
Polio 4 doses required (1 dose must be on or after 4th birthday)
MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) 2 doses (1st dose on or after 1st birthday)
Hepatitis B (Hep B) 3 doses (properly spaced, 3rd dose after 6 months old)
Varicella (chickenpox) 2 doses (1st dose on or after 1st birthday)
Vaccine Number of Doses Required
MCV (meningococcal conjugate vaccine) 2 doses required (1 dose before entering 7th grade and
2nd dose before entering 12th grade)
Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) 1 dose before entering 7th grade
Guidance News & Information
(cont. pg. 13)
High School Guidance:
* Schedules will be mailed home before the beginning of the school year.
* Event dates are tentative and subject to change.
7th Grade:
Grade Orientation will be held August 26, 2021. Information will be mailed home with class schedules.
8th Grade:
In February or March of 2022, ALL 8
grade students will attend a tour of the Somerset County Technology
Center (SCTC). This trip is intended to introduce students to the programs SCTC has to offer and begins the
discussion of which academic/career path they may take.
9th Grade:
Students who are interested in attending classes at SCTC will have the opportunity to attend a “9
Experience” fieldtrip to SCTC, where they will spend time in two programs of their choice. Interested students
will need to complete an application shortly after the fieldtrip.
10th, 11th and 12th Grades:
PSAT - All students in 10
grade, enrolled in College Prep English classes, will take the PSAT at the school on
October 13, 2021. There is no fee for this test, and it is a good indicator of how the student would perform on
the SAT. More information on the PSAT can be found at www.collegeboard.org. Other students who are
interested in taking the PSAT may stop in the Guidance Office to sign up.
SAT School Day - All CP English 11 students will take the SAT, free of charge at the school, on October 13,
2021, and again on March 2, 2022. Other interested 11
and 12
grade students may sign up in the Guidance
Office to also take the test. Seniors will need to pay the testing fee.
College Representatives - College representatives will begin visiting the school in the fall. Interested students
should stop in the Guidance Office to inquire about which schools will be visiting and to request a pass to
meet with selected representatives.
College Visits - Students who plan to visit a college campus during the school day are reminded to get a
college visit form from the Guidance Office. The form must be signed by a representative at the college and
then turned into the High School Office for attendance purposes.
College Fair - Sophomores and juniors that are interested will be able to attend the College Fair, held at the
Friedens Armory, during the spring of 2022. Announcements will be made closer to the date.
PHEAA - A PHEAA representative will be in the High School Library on September 20, 2021, at 6:00pm to
give a presentation on Financial Aid to any interested parents.
FAFSA - On November 1, 2021, a PHEAA representative will be at the school to assist parents of college
bound seniors with completing the FAFSA. Information will be sent home closer to the date.
ASVAB - In November 2021, the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) will be given to all
grade students and interested 11
and 12
grade students. The ASVAB is a comprehensive career
exploration and planning program. It helps students identify their areas of strengths and weaknesses when
considering career exploration and can be used by ALL students, not just those planning to join the military.
Any student interested should stop in the Guidance Office. There is no cost to the student for this test.
Guidance News & Information (continued)
Elementary Guidance:
Back to School Tips:
Get back into your bedtime routine so you are able to wake up in time for school. Get back into the habit of
going to bed on time every night, getting a good night’s sleep, and waking up at a set time every morning.
Remember 8-10 hours is recommended for the best success.
Get your brain ready by practicing your reading and math skills. Sit down with a parent/guardian, a sibling,
etc., to read at least one book a day and practice the math skills that challenge you.
Go over school rules and expectations with a parent/guardian prior to the first day.
Go over home expectations for the school year prior to the first day. Children and parents/guardians can
discuss bedtimes, homework times, behavior expectations, etc.
Go over safety concerns, such as: rules for the bus, waiting at the bus stop, talking to strangers, crossing the
road, and health related concerns.
Start the school year off with good work and study habits.
Get involved in sports, activities, and clubs.
Use mindfulness and gratitude exercises to help with stresses you may be feeling.
Have a POSITIVE attitude!!
Rockwood Area School District - New Student Registration
New residents of the RASD, with school aged children, should contact Eileen Buchanan at 814-926-4688 ext.
1117 to schedule an appointment to register new students. Registration forms are available in the Guidance
Office or can be found online at www.rockwoodschools.org under the Parents Tab.
All forms must be completed and returned to the school along with the documents listed below:
Birth Certificate
Current Immunization Records
Custodial Papers
Two Proofs of Residency - Proofs of residency can be any of the following: lease/rental agreement,
current income tax return/W2’s, current utility bill, current pay stub/welfare statement, current bank
statement, property tax statement/home ownership title/mortgage statement, or military leave & earnings
statement. You may use your driver’s license as proof of residency; however, you will still be required to
provide an additional document showing your current address.
Previous school attended including: address, phone number, and fax number
Student’s final report card
Student’s special education documents (if the student received special education services from the
previous school)
Providing these documents in advance will make the registration/enrollment process more efficient.
To ensure your child is able to start school on August 30, 2021, we request you have your appointment
scheduled and all required documents at the school by 3:00pm on Wednesday, August 18, 2021.
Scholarships - Students should visit the Guidance Office if interested in scholarship opportunities.
PSSA - The PSSA testing window is April 25 - May 13, 2022.
Keystone Testing - Keystone testing dates are as follows:
December 1 - December 15, 2021
January 3 - January 14, 2022
May 16 - May 27, 2022
Students are tested in Algebra, Biology and 11
grade Literature.
Student Lunch Information
PayForIt.net is an online web-based payment system that provides wide flexibility
to both parents and schools managing lunch account programs for students.
In general, PayForIt.net offers the following features geared specifically to parents:
Add money to your child’s account 24/7
Review your child’s account balance and purchases 24/7
Set up an option to automatically replenish your child’s account when the balance falls below a certain amount
Set up email alerts so you know when your child’s balance reaches a certain amount, when a payment is due, or
when a payment has been made
Receive school messages electronically through email
Following are instructions on how to sign up for PayForIt:
Go to www.rockwoodschools.org and click on the “LUNCH BALANCE & PAYMENTS” icon.
Click on “Sign Up”
Follow the directions as outlined.
Rockwood Area School District - Student Lunch Policy
The District permits students to incur reasonable charges for school meals. In an effort to ensure the effective
operation of the District’s food service program, the District establishes the following procedures for student
payment of school meals:
When a student reaches a balance of $2.50 in their account, the cashier will notify the student of their current
positive balance.
When a student reaches a debt of five or more meals in their lunch account, the parents will receive a
courtesy letter from the School Food Service Liaison to inform the parents of their child’s status. The
School Food Service Liaison will attach a copy of these procedures and the District’s Food Services Policy to
the letter.
When a student reaches a debt of five or more meals in their lunch account, students will only be able to
purchase a school food program meal (reimbursable meal). Additional individual items (extras) and a la carte
items will not be available for purchase. However, students may purchase a meal from the a la carte line if
the meal qualifies as a school program meal.
When a student reaches a negative $25.00 balance, a formal letter will be sent home by the School Food
Service Liaison. This letter will inform the parents that unless the balance is corrected, a meeting with the
building principal and the School Food Service Liaison will be requested. Additionally, further action may
result with the local magistrate.
If a student is not eligible for free or reduced-price school meals under federal school meal programs and the
student's school meal account reaches a negative balance of more than $50.00 in a school year, the District may
provide the student with alternative meals instead of school food program meals until the unpaid balance in the
student's school meal account is paid or a payment plan has been established with the District to reduce the
unpaid balance.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Children need healthy meals to learn. Rockwood Area SD offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast costs $1.00;
lunch costs $1.50 for secondary (High School and Jr High School) and $1.30 for Elementary level. Your child(ren) may
qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Reduced price is $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch. Below are
some common questions and answers to help you with the application process.
If you have received a NOTICE OF DIRECT CERTIFICATION for free meals, do not complete the application. But do
let the school know if any children in your household are not listed on the NOTICE OF DIRECT CERTIFICATION
letter you received.
All children in households receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP) (formerly the Food Stamp Program) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) (cash
assistance) are eligible for free meals.
Foster children under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals.
Children participating in their schools Head Start program are eligible for free meals.
Children who meet the definition of homeless, runaway, or migrant are eligible for free meals.
Children may receive free or reduced price meals if your households income is within the limits on the
Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines. Your children may qualify for free or reduced price meals if your
household income falls at or below the limits on the chart shown below.
of your household lack a permanent address? Are you staying together in a shelter, hotel, or other temporary housing
arrangement? Does your family relocate on a seasonal basis? Are any children living with you who have chosen to
leave their prior family or household? If you believe children in your household meet these descriptions and havent
been told your children will get free meals, please call or email Mr. Jonathan Hale @ 814-926-4688 x1114 or
3. DO I NEED TO FILL OUT AN APPLICATION FOR EACH CHILD? No. Use one Application for Free and Reduced
Price Meals for all students in your household. We cannot approve an application that is not complete, so be sure to
fill out all required information. Return the completed application to: Gail May, 439 Somerset Ave, Rockwood, PA
CHILDREN ARE ALREADY APPROVED FOR FREE MEALS? No, but read the letter you received carefully and
follow the instructions. If any children in your household were missing from your eligibility notification, contact
Gail May at [email protected] or 814-926-4688 x1129 immediately.
5. CAN I APPLY ONLINE? Yes! You are encouraged to complete an online application instead of a paper application
if you are able. The online application has the same requirements and will ask you for the same information as the
paper application. Visit the PA Department of Human Services website at www.compass.state.pa.us.
Income Eligibility Reduced-Price Guidelines—July 1, 2021–June 30, 2022
Family Size Annually Monthly Twice Per Month Every Two Weeks Weekly
$23,828 1,986 993 917 459
32,227 2,686 1,343 1,240 620
40,626 3,386 1,693 1,563 782
49,025 4,086 2,043 1,886 943
57,424 4,786 2,393 2,209 1,105
65,823 5,486 2,743 2,532 1,266
74,222 6,186 3,093 2,855 1,428
82,621 6,886 3,443 3,178 1,589
For each addional family member add:
8,399 700 350 324 162
childs application is only good for last school year and for the first 30 operating school days of this school year,
through 10/11/21. You must complete a new application unless the school told you your child is eligible for free or
reduced price meals for the new school year. If you do not complete a new application, approved by the school, or
you have not been notified that child is eligible for free meals, your child will be charged the full price for meals.
households participating in WIC may be eligible for free or reduced price meals. Please complete an application.
8. WILL THE INFORMATION I GIVE BE CHECKED? Yes. We may also ask you to send written proof of the
household income you report.
9. IF I DONT QUALIFY NOW, MAY I APPLY LATER? Yes, you may apply at any time during the school year. For
example, children with a parent or guardian who becomes unemployed may become eligible for free or reduced
price meals if the household income drops below the income limit.
school officials. You also may ask for a hearing by calling or writing to: Mark Bower, 439 Somerset Ave.,
Rockwood, PA 15557, 814-926-4688 x1109 or mbower@rockwoodschools.org.
11. MAY I APPLY IF SOMEONE IN MY HOUSEHOLD IS NOT A U.S. CITIZEN? Yes. You, your children, or other
household members do not have to be U.S. citizens to apply for free or reduced price meals.
12. WHAT IF MY INCOME IS NOT ALWAYS THE SAME? List the amount you normally receive. For example, if you
normally make $1,000 each month, but you missed some work last month and only made $900, put down that you
made $1,000 per month. If you normally get overtime, include it, but do not include it if you only work overtime
sometimes. If you have lost a job or had your hours or wages reduced, use your current income.
receive some types of income we ask you to report on the application, or may not receive income at all. Whenever
this happens, write a 0 in the field. However, if any income fields are left empty or blank, those will also be counted
as zeroes. Be careful when leaving income fields blank, as we will assume you meant to do so.
allowances for off-base housing, food, and clothing must be reported as income. Exclude combat pay, Family
Subsistence Supplemental Allowance, and privatized housing allowances.
how to apply for SNAP or other assistance benefits, visit http://www.compass.state.pa.us, contact your local county
assistance office, or call the Department of Human Services at 1-800-692-7462.
If you have other questions or need help, call Gail May at 814-926-4688 ext. 1129.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its
Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on
race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded
by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American
Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have
speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made
available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at, http://
www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the
information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA
(1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights,1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington,
D.C. 20250-9410
(2) Fax: (202) 690-7442; or
(3) Email: [email protected].
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Annual Public Notice of Special Education Services and Programs for School-Age Children with Disabilities
It is the responsibility of the Pennsylvania Department of Education to insure all children with disabilities residing in the
Commonwealth (including children with disabilities attending private schools, regardless of the severity of their disabilities), and
who are in need of special education or related services, are identified, located, and evaluated. This responsibility is required by
the individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Amendments of 2004 (IDEA 2004).
The Rockwood Area School District provides a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to children with disabilities who
need special education and related services. FAPE is provided to students who need specially designed instruction and have one
or more of the following physical or mental disabilities: Autism, Deaf-blindness, Deafness, Developmental Delay, Emotional
Disturbance, Hearing Impairment, Mental Retardation, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health
Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Visual Impairment
including Blindness. The District engages in identification procedures to ensure all students receive an appropriate educational
program consisting of special education and related services, which are individualized to meet the educational needs of the
student and reasonably calculated to yield meaningful educational benefit and student progress at no cost to the parents and in
compliance with State and Federal law.
Notice to Parents: According to state and federal special education regulations, Annual Public Notice to parents of children
who reside within a school district is required regarding Child Find responsibilities. School Districts, Intermediate Units, and
Charter Schools are required to conduct Child Find activities for children who may be eligible for services via Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For additional information related to Section 504/Chapter 15 Services, the parent may refer to
Section 504, Chapter 15, and the Basic Education Circular entitled “Implementation of Chapter 15.” Also, school districts are
required to conduct Child Find activities for children who may be eligible for Gifted Services via 22 PA Code Chapter 16. For
additional information regarding Gifted Services, the parent may refer to 22 PA Code Chapter 16. If a student is both gifted and
eligible for Special Education, the procedures in IDEA and Chapter 14 shall take precedence.
This Notice shall inform parents throughout the School District, Intermediate Unit, and Charter School of the child
identification activities and of the procedures followed to ensure confidentiality of information pertaining to students with
disabilities or eligible young children. In addition to this Public Notice, each School District, Intermediate Unit, and Charter
School shall publish written information in the handbook and on the website. Children of ages three through 21 can be eligible
for special education programs and services. If parents believe the child may be eligible for special education, the parent should
contact Mary Gosnell, Supervisor of Special Education and Student Services, Rockwood School District at (814) 926-4688.
Parents who think their child is exceptional may request, at any time, the school district conduct a multidisciplinary evaluation.
This request should be made in writing to the Building Principal or Supervisor of Special Education. If a parent makes an oral
request for a multidisciplinary evaluation, the school district shall provide the parent with a written request form. Parents also
have the right to obtain an independent educational evaluation. The Rockwood Area School District will provide parents, upon
request, information about where an independent educational evaluation may be obtained. Under certain circumstances, such an
independent educational evaluation may be obtained at public expense.
Identification Activities: Screening - The Rockwood Area School District has established and implemented procedures to
locate, identify, and evaluate children suspected of having a disability. These procedures involve screening activities which
include, but are not limited to: yearly review of group-based data (cumulative records, enrollment records, health records, and
report records), hearing screening (at a minimum of kindergarten, special ungraded classes, first, second, third, seventh, and
eleventh grades), vision screening (every grade level), motor screening, and speech and language screening. In addition, the
Rockwood Area School District uses early intervening services to verify the student was provided appropriate instruction in
reading, including the essential components of: reading instruction, appropriate instruction in math, and an assessment of the
student’s performance in relation to State-approved grade level standards. Screening or early intervening services do not serve as
a bar to the right of a parent to request evaluation, at any time, including prior to or during the conduct of early intervening
activities. Except as indicated above or otherwise announced, public screening activities take place in an on-going fashion
throughout the school year. Screening is conducted in the child’s home school unless other arrangements are necessary.
Evaluation: When screening indicates a student may be a child with a disability, the Rockwood Area School District will seek
parental consent to conduct an evaluation. Evaluation means procedures used in the determination of whether a child has
a disability and the nature and extent of the special education and related services the child requires. The term means
procedures used selectively with an individual child and does not mean basic tests administered to or procedures used with all
children. In Pennsylvania, this evaluation is conducted by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) that includes the parents and qualified
professionals. The evaluation process must be completed no later than sixty calendar days after the district receives
(cont. pg. 18)
Annual Public Notice (continued)
(cont. pg. 19)
informed written parental consent and must include “protection-in-evaluation procedures”. For example, tests and procedures
used as part of the multidisciplinary evaluation process may not be racially or culturally biased. The evaluation process results in
a written evaluation report that specifies a student’s eligibility for special education based on the presence of a disability and the
need for specially designed instruction.
Consent: School entities cannot proceed with an evaluation or with the initial provision of special education and related
services without the written consent of the parent(s). For additional information related to consent, please refer to the
Procedural Safeguards Notice, which can be found at the PaTTAN website at www.Pattan.net . After written parental consent
is obtained, the district will proceed with the evaluation process. If the parent disagrees with the evaluation, the parent can then
request an independent education evaluation at public expense.
Educational Placement: If it is determined the student is eligible for special education services and the parent agrees to
initiate services, the IEP team develops an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This team includes at least one regular
education teacher of the child (if the child is, or may be, participating in the regular education environment), at least one special
education teacher, a representative of the local education agency, the student whenever appropriate, or beginning at age 14, and
the parents. The IEP describes the child’s present levels of educational performance, goals, objectives (when required), and the
individualized programs and services the child will receive. For each child with a disability, beginning at age 14 or younger when
deemed appropriate, a statement of transition service needs will be included. In determining student placement, consideration
will be given to ensure that, to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities are educated with children who are
non-disabled. Classes and services that involve removal of children with disabilities from the regular environment will occur
only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes, with the use of supplementary aids and
services, cannot be achieved satisfactorily. For information or to request an evaluation to determine if there is a need for special
education, contact Mary Gosnell, Supervisor of Special Education and Student Services, Rockwood Area School District, 437
Somerset Ave., Rockwood, PA 15557, (814) 926-4688 Ext. 1116.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Chapter 15 of the regulations of
the Pennsylvania State Board of Education. The following serves as Annual Public Notice:
Services for Handicapped Students (Section 504): The Rockwood Area School District maintains policies and procedures
compliant with Section 504 and ensures non-discrimination in the provision of educational services to students with disabilities.
Students who are not eligible to receive special education programs and services may qualify as protected handicapped students
and; therefore, be protected by other federal and state laws intended to prevent discrimination. The school district must insure
that protected handicapped students have an equal opportunity to participate in the school program and extracurricular
activities to the maximum extent appropriate for each individual student. In compliance with state and federal law, the school
district will provide to each protected handicapped student, without discrimination or cost to the student or family, those
related aids, services or accommodations which are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the
benefits of the school program and extracurricular activities, to the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities. In
order to qualify as a protected handicapped student, the child must be of school-age with a physical or mental disability which
substantially limits or prohibits participation in, or access to, an aspect of the school program. These services and protections
for “protected handicapped students” may be distinct from those applicable to exceptional or thought-to-be exceptional
students. The school district or the parent may initiate an evaluation if it’s believed a student is a protected handicapped
student. For further information on the evaluation procedures and provision of services for a protected handicapped student,
parents should call their child’s principal (this is a regular education service and not one required by IDEA or Chapter 14).
Gifted Services: The Rockwood Area School District utilizes a system in accordance to 22 PA Code Chapter 16 to locate and
identify all students within the District who are thought to be gifted and in need of specially designed instruction. For
information regarding Gifted Services, please contact the Building Principal.
Early Intervention: The IDEA 2004 also requires the provision of FAPE to children with disabilities between three years of
age and the school district’s age of beginners who have a developmental delay or one or more of the physical or mental
disabilities listed in the first section may be identified as an “eligible young child”. Eligible young children are afforded the
rights of school age children with disabilities, including: screening, evaluation, individualized education program planning, and
provision of appropriate programs and services. Potential signs of developmental delay and other risk factors that could indicate
disabilities and the possibility that a child is an eligible young child could include: By the age of 3 - not saying many words, not
using 2 or 3 word phrases and sentences, not walking, awkward gait (walking), drooling, not able to answer “who” or “what”
questions, not using utensil to feed self. By the age of 4 (all of the above included) - not toilet trained, difficulty with
directional words (in, on, under, out), not playing with other children, not able to draw a circle, cross or imitate a vertical line,
Annual Public Notice (continued)
(cont. pg. 20)
not able to understand the child’s speech most of the time, difficulty following simple two-step directions (pick up the paper
and put it in the garbage). By the age of 5 (all of the above included) - unable to answer “where” questions, unable to recall
details from a story, not drawing a person with at least 6 parts, immature speech patterns (me instead of I), not able to hop
forward with one foot without support. Other warning signs-at any age - little or no eye contact, over/under sensitivities to
pain, light, noise, hand flapping, no awareness of space (always bumping into other people or things), awkward hand or foot
positioning, won’t touch or eat certain textures, child no longer can do things he/she used to do, developed normally, then
stopped, echoes what is said, plays with toys inappropriately (watches wheels spin on the car but doesn’t play with the car).
The Pennsylvania Department of Education is responsible for providing programs and services to eligible young children under
Act 212 of 1990 - The Early Intervention Services System Act. Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 provides programs and services
to eligible young children on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Preschool age children information,
screenings, and evaluation requests may be obtained by contacting: Amy Woomer, Intermediate Unit 8 Director of Educational
Programs and Services, at the Intermediate Unit 8 Executive Office, 4500 Sixth Ave., Altoona, PA 16602. Phone: (814) 940-
0223 Ext 1372.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age, certain rights
with respect to the students’ education records. Parents or students (over 18 years of age) have the right to inspect/review that
student’s education record. The school district will comply with the request to inspect/review education records without
unnecessary delay and before any meeting regarding an IEP or due process hearing, but in no case more than 45 days after the
request has been made. Requests should be submitted in writing, indicating the records the parents wish to inspect, to the
Building Principal or Student Services Supervisor. Parents have the right to a response from the school district to a reasonable
request for explanations and interpretations of the records. Parents have the right to request copies of the records. While the
district can’t charge a fee to search for or to retrieve information, it may charge a copying fee, as long as it doesn’t effectively
prevent the parents from exercising their right to inspect/review the records. Parents have the right to appoint a representative
to inspect/review their child’s records. If any education record contains information on more than one child, parents or
students (over 18 years of age) have the right only to inspect/review the information relating to their specific child.
If a parent or student (over 18 years of age) thinks information in an education record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the
privacy or other rights of the child, an amendment of the record may be requested. Requests should be made in writing and
clearly identify the part of the record to be changed and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. The school district will
decide whether or not to amend the record and will notify the parents (student over 18 years of age), in writing, of its decision.
If the school district refuses to amend a record, it will notify the parents (student over 18 years of age) of their right to a hearing
to challenge the disputed information. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parents
(student over 18 years of age) when notified of the right to a hearing. The school district will inform parents (student over 18
years of age) when personally identifiable information is no longer needed to provide educational services to a child. Such
information must be destroyed at the request of the parents (student over 18 years of age). Parents (student over 18 years of
age) have a right to receive a copy of the material to be destroyed; however, a permanent record of the student’s name, address,
and telephone number, his or her grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed may
be maintained without time limitation. “Destruction” of records means physical destruction or removal of personal identifiers
from information, so that the information is no longer personally identifiable. The school district will provide, upon request, a
listing of the types and locations of education records maintained, the school officials responsible for these records, and the
school personnel authorized to see personally identifiable information. Such personnel receive training and instruction
regarding confidentiality. The school district keeps a record of parties obtaining access to education records, including the name
of the party, the date access was given, and the purpose for which the party is authorized to use the records.
Parents (or student over 18 years of age) have the right to consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information
contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorized disclosure without consent.
“Consent” means: the parent(s) (or student over 18 years of age) have/has been fully informed regarding the activity requiring
consent, in the native language or other mode of communication; they understand and agree in writing to the activities, and they
understand that the consent is voluntary and may be revoked at any time. Information may be disclosed without consent
to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the district as an
administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit
personnel); person or company with whom the district has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor,
medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance
committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational
interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his/her professional responsibility.
Annual Public Notice (continued)
Directory information, as defined above, may be released without parent consent. Parents have the right to refuse to let an
agency designate any or all of the above information as directory information. Upon request, the district discloses education
records to officials of another school district, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
Confidentiality of Information: The Rockwood Area School District protects the confidentiality of personally identifiable
information regarding children with disabilities, children thought to have disabilities, protected handicapped students (if not
protected by IDEA 2004 or Pennsylvania’s Special Education Regulations) and children who are identified as gifted, in
accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and other applicable federal and state laws,
policies, and regulations. The School District, Intermediate Units, and Charter Schools maintain records concerning all children
enrolled in the school, including students with disabilities. All records are maintained in the strictest confidentiality. Parental
consent, or consent of an eligible child who has reached the age of majority under State law, must be obtained before personally
identifiable information is released, except as permitted under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The age
of majority in Pennsylvania is 21. Each participating agency must protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable
information at collection, storage, disclosure, and destruction stages. One official at each participating agency must assume
responsibility for ensuring the confidentiality of any personally identifiable information. Each participating agency must
maintain, for public inspection, a current listing of the names and positions of those employees within the agency who have
access to personally identifiable information. For additional information related to student records, parents may refer to the
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Parent(s) (or student over 18 years of age) have a right to file a complaint
with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
“Education records” means those records that are directly related to the student, including computer media and videotape,
which are maintained by an educational agency or a party acting for the agency. “Educational Agency”, for purposes of this
notice, means the local school district and/or the Appalachia Intermediate Unit. For all students, the educational agency
maintains education records, which include, but are not limited to:
Personally Identifiable Information - Confidential information that includes, but is not limited to the student’s name,
name of parents and other family members, the address of the student or student’s family, and personal information or
personal characteristics which would make the student’s identity easily traceable.
Directory Information - Information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be
considered harmful or an invasion of privacy, if disclosed. It includes, but is not limited to, the student’s name, address,
telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study (secondary students), participation in officially-recognized
activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and
the name of the most previous educational agency or institution attended.
Retention/Destruction of Student Records - Special Education: In accordance with state and federal regulations
implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), this notice is hereby given that in accordance with
24CFR 300.573, the School District, Intermediate Unit and Charter Schools may destroy the special education records of
students who exited from any special education program. Special education records, which have been collected by the School
District, Intermediate Unit and Charter Schools related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or the provision
of the Special Education in the district, IU or charter school must be maintained under state and federal law for a period of
seven years after Special Education services have ended for the student. Special Education services end when the student is no
longer eligible for services, graduates, completes his or her educational program at age 21, or moves from the School District,
Intermediate Unit, or Charter School. After seven years, the records are no longer useful to the School District, Intermediate
Unit or Charter School and will be destroyed in accordance with state and federal law unless the parent/guardian or eligible
(adult) student contacts the responsible district that the parent/guardian or eligible (adult) student wishes to maintain the
information as a personal record. These records may be useful to the parent/guardian or former student when applying for post
-secondary education/training, benefits or social services. Records including student’s name, address, grades, attendance, dates
attended, grade level completed and year completed may be destroyed after seven years have passed from the student’s 21st
birthday. If you wish to request records or need additional information, you may contact the Student Services Office.
Destruction will proceed where parents/guardians or eligible (adult) students have not requested records in accordance with the
School District’s, Intermediate Unit’s or Charter School’s Notice of Destruction of Special Education Records.
Destruction of State Exams: In accordance with 34 CFR 300.624 Pennsylvania Department of Education has advised that
the PSSA, Keystone Exam and PASA test booklets will be destroyed one year after student reports are delivered for the
administration associated with the test booklets. PSSA and Keystone Exams answer booklets and PASA media recordings will
be destroyed three years after completion of the assessment. Please note that these test materials are housed with the
Pennsylvania Department of Education and not at the Rockwood School District. Complaints may be filed with: Family Policy
Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington, D. C. 20202-4605.
(all schedules are tentative and subject to change)
Girls Varsity Soccer
7 @ Windber 7:15pm
9 @ Bishop Walsh 4:00pm
10 @ Fannett-Metal 4:00pm
14 Berlin 4:00pm
16 North Star 4:00pm
21 @ Con. Twp. 5:00pm
23 United 4:00pm
24 Southern Fulton 4:00pm
27 @ N. Cambria 4:00pm
30 @ Berlin 5:15pm
2 McConnellsburg 1:00pm
5 @ United 5:00pm
7 Con. Twp. 4:00pm
12 Windber 4:00pm
14 N. Cambria 4:00pm
19 @ Southern Fulton 4:00pm
21 @ North Star 5:00pm
JV/Varsity Volleyball
7 Shanksville 6:00pm
9 Berlin 6:00pm
10 @ Hyndman 6:00pm
13 United 6:00pm
14 @ Shade 6:00pm
16 @ Meyersdale 6:00pm
17 Hyndman 6:00pm
21 Salisbury 6:00pm
23 @ Ferndale 6:00pm
24 Fannett-Metal 6:00pm
28 @ Con. Twp. 6:00pm
30 Con. Valley 6:00pm
7 Portage 6:00pm
9 WAABA Tourn. 9:00am
11 @ Calv. Christian 6:00pm
12 @ Shanksville 6:00pm
14 @ Berlin 6:00pm
18 Shade 6:00pm
19 Meyersdale 6:00pm
21 @ Salisbury 6:00pm
Junior High Volleyball
7 Shanksville 4:30pm
9 Berlin 4:30pm
16 @ Meyersdale 4:00pm
21 Salisbury 4:30pm
23 @ Ferndale 4:00pm
30 Con. Valley 4:30pm
7 Portage 4:30pm
12 @ Shanksville 4:30pm
14 @ Berlin 4:30pm
19 Meyersdale 4:30pm
21 @ Salisbury 4:00pm
Boys Varsity Soccer
3 @ Fannett-Metal 4:00pm
7 @ Windber 5:00pm
9 United 4:00pm
13 @ Bishop Walsh 4:00pm
20 N. Cambria 4:00pm
21 @ Con. Twp. 7:00pm
23 @ Hyndman 4:00pm
27 North Star 4:00pm
30 @ Berlin 7:30pm
2 McConnellsburg 3:00pm
5 @ United 7:00pm
7 @ Calvary Christian 4:30pm
12 @ N. Cambria 4:00pm
13 Windber 4:00pm
15 Hyndman 4:00pm
18 Berlin 4:00pm
20 Con. Twp. 4:00pm
21 @ North Star 7:00pm
Junior High Co-Ed Soccer
14 Berlin 5:30pm
16 North Star 5:30pm
20 @ Windber 4:30pm
21 @ Con. Twp. TBD
30 @ Berlin 4:00pm
7 Con. Twp. 5:30pm
12 Windber 5:30pm
21 @ North Star 4:00pm
Student athletes that
participate in wrestling
and football are part
of a co-op with
Berlin Brothersvalley
School District.
These schedules, along with
other athletic events, can be
found on the athletic calendar
of our district website:
Champions dont show up to
get everything they want...
They show up to give
everything they have!
Be confident in yourself and
believe that youre a winner.
Your self-confidence will
make you unstoppable.
6 N. Cambria 2:30pm
8 North Star 2:30pm
16 @ Con. Twp. 4:00pm
17 @ Bishop Carroll 4:00pm
20 Shanksville 2:30pm
4 Salisbury 2:30pm
6 @ Somerset 4:00pm
10 Berlin 2:30pm
13 @ Chestnut Ridge 3:00pm
19 Portage 2:30pm
27 Forest Hills 2:30pm
1 Turkeyfoot 2:30pm
3 @ Meyersdale 4:00pm
7 @ Everett 4:00pm
JH Girls Basketball
13 Con. Twp. 4:00pm
15 @ Blacklick 4:00pm
17 Windber 4:00pm
21 @ North Star 4:00pm
23 Con. Valley 4:00pm
4 @ Turkeyfoot 6:00pm
6 Shanksville 4:00pm
10 @ Meyersdale 4:00pm
12 Shade 4:00pm
14 JCS 4:00pm
18 @ Salisbury 4:00pm
20 Berlin 4:00pm
24 @ Ferndale 4:00pm
26 Turkeyfoot 4:00pm
28 @ Shanksville 4:30pm
1 Meyersdale 4:00pm
3 @ Shade 4:00pm
7 @ JCS 4:00pm
9 Salisbury 4:00pm
11 @ Berlin 4:00pm
JV/Varsity Girls Basketball
10 @ Fannett-Metal 6:00pm
13 Con. Twp. 6:00pm
15 @ Blacklick 6:00pm
17 Windber 6:00pm
21 @ North Star 6:00pm
23 Con. Valley 6:00pm
4 @ Turkeyfoot 6:00pm
6 Shanksville 6:00pm
10 @ Meyersdale 6:00pm
12 Shade 6:00pm
17 N. Garrett 6:00pm
20 Berlin 6:00pm
21 @ Bishop Walsh 6:00pm
24 @ Ferndale 6:00pm
26 Turkeyfoot 6:00pm
28 @ Shanksville 6:00pm
31 @ JCS 6:00pm
1 Meyersdale 6:00pm
3 @ Shade 6:00pm
9 Bishop Walsh 6:00pm
11 @ Berlin 6:00pm
16 @ N. Garrett 6:00pm
JH Boys Basketball
14 Con. Twp. 4:00pm
17 @ Blacklick 4:00pm
20 Windber 4:00pm
22 @ North Star 4:00pm
30 @ Berlin 5:00pm
3 Con. Valley 4:00pm
5 @ Turkeyfoot 6:00pm
7 Shanksville 4:00pm
11 @ Meyersdale 4:30pm
13 Shade 4:00pm
14 JCS 5:15pm
19 @ Salisbury 4:00pm
21 Berlin 4:00pm
25 @ Ferndale 4:00pm
27 Turkeyfoot 4:00pm
31 @ Shanksville 4:30pm
2 Meyersdale 4:00pm
4 @ Shade 4:00pm
7 @ JCS 5:15pm
10 Salisbury 4:00pm
14 @ Berlin 4:00pm
16 Portage 4:00pm
JV/Varsity Boys Basketball
10 Fannett-Metal 6:00pm
13 @ JCS 6:00pm
14 Con. Twp. 6:00pm
17 @ Blacklick 6:00pm
20 Windber 6:00pm
22 @ North Star 6:00pm
3 Con. Valley 6:00pm
5 @ Turkeyfoot 6:00pm
7 Shanksville 6:00pm
10 Northern Garrett 6:00pm
11 @ Meyersdale 6:00pm
13 Shade 6:00pm
19 @ Salisbury 6:00pm
21 Berlin 6:00pm
25 @ Ferndale 6:00pm
27 Turkeyfoot 6:00pm
31 @ Shanksville 6:00pm
2 Meyersdale 6:00pm
4 @ Shade 6:00pm
10 Salisbury 6:00pm
14 @ Berlin 6:00pm
23 Shanksville @ Portage 3:00pm
25 N. Star @ Con. Valley 3:00pm
1 Con. Twp. 3:00pm
7 Ferndale/N. Star 3:00pm
8 @ Portage 3:00pm
13 Con. Valley @ N. Star 3:00pm
15 Portage @ Ferndale 3:00pm
20 Con. Valley 3:00pm
27 Portage @ Shanksville 3:00pm
29 @ Con. Twp. 3:00pm
Let’s Go
Rockwood Area School District Bus Stop Request Form
For the safety of students, parents may choose to designate a secondary and emergency bus stop to be used
by their child throughout the school year. These designated bus stops will be used as the only pick-up and drop
off points for your child, other than the primary stop that is established near your residence.
If your child is in need of a secondary or emergency bus stop, please update this form. Parents are
required to note the days of the week on which each stop will be used. These designated bus stops
shall include any stops that the child may need, for example a secondary or emergency bus stop could
be: daycare provider, grandparents, close family friend, emergency location for early dismissals, or
other location you as a parent deem appropriate.
* Daily requests for bus changes will only be honored for emergency situations.
* Requests for students to travel home with a peer for after school activities will not be honored.
Student’s Name: __________________________ Original Bus Number: ________________
Parent’s Name: ____________________________ Phone Number: ____________________
Please complete the following information for all necessary bus stops. You may only select one
secondary and one emergency stop throughout the year. Please keep in mind that the stops must be within the
Rockwood Area School District borders, and your child will only be dropped off at an established stop closest
to the address provided. At the end of each school year, all previous secondary and emergency stops
will be deleted from our records. Parents must update this information annually.
Address: Person Responsible for Supervision:
435 Somerset Ave.
Rockwood, Pa 15557
Mr. Jonathan Hale
_X_Monday AM PM _X_Tuesday AM PM _X_Wednesday AM PM _X_Thursday AM PM _X_Friday AM PM
Ex: Primary Bus Stop This child will use only this bus stop throughout the year!
1: Current Primary Bus Stop Location:
Address: Person Responsible for Supervision:
___Monday AM PM ___Tuesday AM PM ___Wednesday AM PM ___Thursday AM PM ___Friday AM PM
2: Secondary Bus Stop Location:
Address: Person Responsible for Supervision:
___Monday AM PM ___Tuesday AM PM ___Wednesday AM PM ___Thursday AM PM ___Friday AM PM
3: Emergency Bus Stop Location:
Address: Person Responsible for Supervision:
___Monday AM PM ___Tuesday AM PM ___Wednesday AM PM ___Thursday AM PM ___Friday AM PM
Parent Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______/________/_______
This form must be updated/completed annually, if needed.
Deliver to addressee or Current Resident
Rockwood Area School District
439 Somerset Ave.
Rockwood, PA 15557
School Phone Numbers
High School Office …………… Opt. 3
Elementary Office ……………. Opt. 4
Administration Office ………... Opt. 5
Guidance/Student Svc. ………. Opt. 6
School Nurse ……………… Opt. 7
Athletic Director ……………... Opt. 8
IT/Computer Dept. ………….. 814-352-4269
Metz - Food Service Dept. …… 814-926-4688 x. 1111
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Rockwood, Pennsylvania
Permit No. 8
Visit us on the Web
Below is a partial listing of information and
links that can be found on our website:
Cafeteria Menus
Cafeteria Balances - PayForIt.net Program
Contact Information
Forms & Downloads
Guidance Office Information
Lesson Plans for Teachers
Parent Notification System - SchoolMessenger
School Board Meeting Info.
School Calendars
Sports Scores and Schedules
Student Grades & Attendance - PowerSchool
If you haven’t visited our site yet,
please take a few moments to check it out.
School Board Members
Mr. Irvin Kimmel, Jr.
Mr. Adam Sembower
Vice President
Mr. Brad Pletcher
Mrs. Ashley Baker
Dr. Hailey Miller
Dr. Tyler Pritts
Mr. Clair Saylor
Mr. Richard Stoner
Mr. Noah Wareham
Mrs. Sherry Benford
Board Secretary
Administrative Staff
Mr. Mark Bower
Mrs. Misty Demchak
H.S. Principal
Mr. Jonathan Hale
Elem. Principal
Mr. Jordan Svonavec
Business Manager
Student Services Staff
Mrs. Mary Gosnell
Special Education Coordinator
Mrs. Patti Jo Opfar
H.S. Guidance Counselor
Mrs. Brandi Wedge
Elem. Guidance Counselor
Mrs. Amanda Custer
School Nurse
Mrs. Megan Hetrick
School Psychologist