Dear Parents,
The mission and vision of Oak Brook Elementary School is aligned with the mission and
vision of the Parkway School District. We strive to help each of our students develop into a
capable, curious, caring and confident learner ready for challenges faced in school and in life.
Oak Brook Elementary School staff members believe every child is capable of achieving and
successfully learning skills needed to function in our ever-changing world. We take our
commitment to meeting the needs of our students very seriously.
We believe parents are the first teachers of our students. If our students are going to be
successful, a strong home-school partnership is essential. We encourage you to be an active
participant in your child’s education, volunteer at school, stop by and have lunch with your child
and be involved in your child’s learning process.
Two-way communication between staff and families is essential for student success. We
all strive to do what is best for each student, and open lines of communication are the first step
to ensuring student success.
At Oak Brook, not only do we focus on academics, we also focus on the development of
students with strong positive character traits. To help with this, our staff focuses on character
instruction grounded in our four core values of Character Education. Those values include:
Responsibility, Self-Control, Integrity and Respect.
We look forward to partnering with you and your family for a successful school year. If at
any time you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dr. Chris Shirley Mrs. Ashley Deckelman
Principal Assistant Principal
Oak Brook Core Values
The foundation of Oak Brook’s Character Education work rests upon these 4 values
chosen by students, parents and staff. Throughout the year, teachers will work with students to
clarify and talk about what each of these values look like throughout school and home settings.
Teachers will also focus on numerous other words that support our 4 values as well as
the traits outlined in our mission (capable, curious, caring and confident).
Doors open at 7:20
Students are allowed to go to their classrooms at 7:25 (staff supervises them until the bell rings)
Tardy bell rings at 7:35; students are tardy if they arrive in their classroom after 7:35 (if students
are dropped off right at 7:35, they will most likely be tardy because they will not get to their
classrooms before the tardy bell rings)
Parent Drop Off
Parents drop off in the back of the school starting at 7:20.
Drive to the back of the school and circle the playground.
There are signs asking you to pull forward to the first stop.
The first stop is right by the basketball court.
After dropping your child off, you drive back to the front of the school and exit through the
parking lot.
If it is after 7:35 and no one is in back, you must take your child to the front entrance and
come in with your child because he/she will need to be signed in at the office.
Adventure Club
Students enrolled in Adventure Club may be dropped off at school starting at 6:00 am
Parents should walk students inside and sign them in
Adventure Club staff will dismiss students to go to class when the bell rings
Bus Riders
The Parkway Transportation Department provides transportation to all Oak Brook students
Riders should be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before school starts
The bus will drop students off in front of the school where they will be greeted by Oak Brook staff
There are staff members stationed throughout the school to ensure students arrive to their
classrooms safely
School is dismissed at 2:30 pm.
Parent Pick Up
Parents picking up students should stop by the office and register for a numbered Oak Brook
Hang tag (each family will be assigned a number and receive 2 hang tags with that number)
Beginning at 2:20, parents should drive to the back of the school and wait in their cars (using the
same areas as we use in the morning for arrival-as outlined by the map sent home at the
beginning of the year)
After 2:20, car riders will not be dismissed out the front doors
Oak Brook staff will dismiss students based on arrival and will only dismiss them to the cars with
the correct hang tag number
If students are riding home with another family, a car rider pass will be issued for that day so staff
members can insure students ride home with the correct family
Adventure Club
Students who attend Adventure Club will be dismissed directly to Adventure Club
Adventure Club staff will account for all students by taking attendance
If a child normally attends Adventure Club, he/she will be required to attend unless a note is sent
from home informing staff of a change in routine
Bus Riders
Teachers will walk students to the buses each afternoon
Students must ride their own bus home and get off at their bus stop (unless we have a note from
home informing us of a change)
Change in Dismissal Routine
We will send your child home his/her normal way unless we hear from you via email, phone or note.
Please take note of the items below:
Notify the office staff and your child’s teacher as soon as possible - and prior to 2:15 pm. Early
notification is important as teachers and staff work each day to ensure the safety of all of our
students. Notification may occur in one of the following ways:
Written note sent with your child and given to his/her teacher
Email sent to your child’s teacher and office staff ([email protected],
[email protected]) ([email protected]) Please make sure you send
the email to all of the staff members listed above.
Phone call to the office (314) 415-6550 prior to 2:15
If notification is received late, your child may be dismissed using his/her normal routine.
There have been times when we have received notification too late to make the change
If your child is going home with another family, both students need a note.
While we understand special circumstances arise, arrangements for change in dismissal
need to be made before school starts.
Students should not plan changes during school time.
Dismissal During School Hours
At times, it is necessary to pick up your student from school before regular dismissal. To ensure the
safety of all students, please follow the following procedures.
Notify the teacher ahead of time (if possible).
Please come to the office, and we will call to the room for your child (teachers are asked not to
release a student unless authorized by the office so please do not plan to pick up a student
directly from the classroom). This is for your child's protection.
Regular attendance and punctuality relate positively toward school achievement and a child's self-worth.
Irregular attendance creates insecurity and stifles learning. When a student is tardy, he/she should report
to the office and obtain a late pass for the teacher. If your child is absent, please report the absence by
phone to the office.
The absence may be called in from 4:00 p.m. until 7:30 a.m. at 314-415-6576. After 7:30 a.m., please
contact the office at 314-415-6550.
For prolonged absences or absences with extenuating circumstances, please contact the principal and
teacher as soon as possible so we can support your child and you as much as possible.
Oak Brook operates a Dial Safe program, which means we will call if we have not heard from you.
Attendance is tracked and letters will be sent home when your child reaches 5 total days absent and
again at 10 total days absent. If the student is taken out of school for a time period exceeding 9
consecutive days, the student will be withdrawn from school. Contact with the district social worker will
be made regarding any student with a history of excessive absences or tardies.
Behavior Expectations
Oak Brook students and staff have worked together to create a list of “Eagle Expectations.” These
expectations guide what behavior should look like throughout our school. Each expectation is grounded
in one of our 4 core values. Please review these expectations with your child.
● Ignore distractions
● Wait for adult
● Follow the Eagle
● Eyes on the
person talking
● Hands in your lap
Listen and think
about what is
being said
● Sit flat
● “0” Voice
● Clap at the right
● Keep table & floor
● Keep hands, feet &
objects to yourself
● Follow the Eagle
● Include everyone
at your table
Use your manners
● Use a “0”, “1” or
“2” voice
● Wait patiently in
Computer Lab /
Chromebook Usage
● Focus on the job
● Only visit
Listen and think
about what is
being said
Respect other
students’ work
● Use a “0” or “1”
● Never open an
outside door
● Travel on the right
● Use walking feet
& face forward
● Take the most
direct route
● Keep hands to
● Walk in Eagle
Line Order
● Keep hands off
the walls
● Use a “0” voice
● Follow Oak Brook
game rules
● Use equipment
● Show good
Put equipment
away properly
Include everyone
● Take turns
● Line up right
● Get adult
● Two paper towel
● Wash hands
Honor privacy
● “0” voice
● Keep area clean
*Other rules are outlined in the “Playground Rules” section of this handbook.
Student Bullying
As a public educational institution, the Parkway Board of Education believes all students need a safe
learning environment. Accordingly, district staff will not tolerate bullying behavior. This policy applies to
behavior on all Parkway property, including Parkway and Special School District buses and bus stops, as
well as Parkway events.
At Oak Brook, we understand and value the importance of students having positive relationships with
staff members and with each other. We believe these relationships are paramount to a well-rounded
education that focuses not only on academics but also on character development. To help with student
development teachers, counselors, staff and administrators work each day to teach students lessons
focused on our core values of respect, responsibility, self-control and integrity. Although we proactively
teach students and work with them to avoid bullying issues, there are times when bullying occurs. When
it does, we will address it accordingly. If your child comes home and shares incidents with you, we ask
that you contact your child’s teacher and/or the office. An open line of communication is the best way to
address issues that occur.
Bullying is intimidation, unwanted aggressive behavior or harassment that is repetitive or substantially
likely to be repeated and causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her safety or property;
substantially interferes with the educational performance, opportunities, or benefits of any student without
exception; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school. Bullying may occur when there is
a real or perceived power imbalance including but not limited to position of control, physical strength,
social status, manipulation, and/or age/size. Bullying also includes any threat of retaliation for reporting
such acts.
Bullying generally does not include:
single acts of social rejection or unintentional social exclusion
mutual arguments, disagreements or fights
While these actions can cause great distress and may result in disciplinary consequences, they may not
be examples of bullying as defined by the policy.
Types of Bullying:
Verbal or Nonverbal bullying is communicating damaging or malicious messages. Verbal or nonverbal
bullying may include but is not limited to:
Making inappropriate sexual comments
Threatening to cause harm
Making malicious gestures or expressions
Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or
relationships. Social bullying may include but is not limited to:
Using peer pressure to coerce, gain compliance or demean another person
Excluding someone with malicious intent
Telling other students not to associate or be friends with someone with malicious intent
Spreading rumors about someone
Embarrassing someone in public
Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. Physical bullying may include but is
not limited to:
Taking someone’s things without permission
Inappropriate touching or unwanted contact
Intentionally getting in someone’s personal space
Defacing/destroying another person’s work or property
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying committed by transmission of a communication, including but not
limited to, a message, text, sound or image, by means of an electronic device including, but not limited
to, a telephone, wireless telephone, or other wireless communication device, computer, or pager, and/or
via social media The District has jurisdiction over cyberbullying that uses the District’s technology
resources or that originates on District property, at a District activity or on District or Special School
District transportation. Even when cyberbullying does not involve District property, activities or
technology resources, the District may impose consequences and discipline for those who engage in
cyberbullying if there is a sufficient connection to the educational environment, the behavior materially
and substantially disrupts the educational environment, the communication involves a threat as defined
by law, or the District is otherwise allowed by law to address the behavior. Cyberbullying may include
but is not limited to:
Spreading rumors or personal information
Posting or sharing embarrassing/inappropriate pictures or videos
Creating fake profiles or websites intended to demean
The principal of each building is designated as the individual to receive and investigate reports of
bullying. The principal may designate additional administrators and/or counselors to receive and
investigate reports of bullying in the principal’s absence or at the principal’s discretion. Students shall
report incidents of bullying to school staff so they can be investigated and resolved. Any district
employee who has firsthand knowledge of bullying behavior is required to report such conduct as soon
as possible but no more than two calendar days after becoming aware of the incident or reported
allegation. The report must be in writing and must be made to the building principal or other designated
school official. Following the reported allegation, the principal or designee will complete the investigation
as soon as possible but no more than ten school days from the date of the written report unless good
cause exists to extend the investigation. Depending on the age of the student(s) and the circumstances,
the response to bullying can range from a restorative process for those involved to the offending
student(s) being suspended from school. Bullying of students is prohibited under Standard 5 of Policy
JK, Student Discipline.
Student Discipline
Please read and become familiar with Parkway Policy JK.BP, Student Discipline, provided by the district.
The district will send electronic links to email addresses registered via Infinite Campus. Although the
“Standards of Conduct” and the academic/behavior intervention plan defined in Policy JK.BP, Student
Discipline, apply to all students, specific consequences for violations of these standards by students with
disabilities will be determined in accordance with Policy JKF.BP, Disciplining Students with Disabilities.
Birthday Celebrations
We realize birthdays are a fun time to celebrate, and we will celebrate at school. Students will be a part
of the morning announcements on their birthday.
In the classroom, students will be able to select an activity from a teacher-created menu of choices.
Each grade level will share a menu of choices from which each student will be able to choose on his/her
birthday. Each grade level creates it’s own list for the students to choose from on their birthdays (or ½
birthdays for students who have birthdays when school is not in session).
We ask that no treats, of any kind, be sent to school with your child. If treats are sent to school, they will
be sent home with your child.
Bus Transportation
The district provides transportation for students from Oak Brook School. Students must comply with the
following regulations and responsibilities at the bus stop and when riding the bus.
Please arrive at your bus stop at least 5 minutes before your scheduled pick-up time
Stay in your assigned seat
o Keep your items and self out of the aisle
Take care of your belongings
Follow the bus driver’s directions (the first time)
Be nice
If you find something on the bus that doesn’t belong to you, give it back to the owner or to the bus
Tell the bus driver if someone is not being safe
Stand up for others who are being mistreated
Keep hands and objects to yourself
Greet the bus driver and use your manners
Do what the bus driver tells you to do
Do not take other people’s belongings
Use a “0” or “1” voice
Sit facing forward with your feet on the ground (do not stand or kneel in your seat)
Keep hands/arms/items inside the bus
Keep items to yourself (do not throw things out the window)
Walk up and down the aisle
Wait patiently at the bus stop (wait until you hear the air brakes before approaching the bus)
If a child does not meet expectations, the bus driver will inform the principals. Repeat offenders
may lose the right to ride the bus.
Your child is to ride on the bus assigned to him/her by the Transportation Department and get off the bus
at his/her assigned stop. Exceptions can be made with the parent's written consent; please have your
child bring a note to the office at the beginning of the day. Notes are required from both families. The
office assigns a special bus pass for that day.
If a student should misses the bus home from school, he/she may call home from the office.
Our cafeteria offers a balanced hot lunch. Students use a personal identification number (PIN) to make
deposits to their personal cafeteria "Bank Account" for purchasing meals and a la carte items. Parkway
publishes monthly menus on the website Students who
bring their lunch may buy a milk or juice. If a student forgets lunch or money, the student may charge
lunch that day. Students may not charge for more than three days without repaying the account.
How to pay
Send check or cash to school
Internet Deposits
Fill out an envelope with your child’s name,
account number and amount enclosed on it
Send it to school and have your child place it
in one of the lunch money boxes
Debit and credit card purchases may be made
More information may be found in the “Food
Services” department on the district website:
Community Education
Enrichment classes are offered after school through the Parkway-Rockwood Partnership. More
information may be found at Course offerings change and information will be
sent home via email and in a flyer.
Oak Brook staff respects the confidentiality of students and their families. Our staff members will not
discuss or release information about students to parties other than their parents or guardians unless
authorization from the parent has been obtained. This includes academic progress and scores,
discipline issues, health information and other sensitive information.
School clothing should be appropriate, functional, comfortable, but most of all reflective of the student's
attitude toward his/her main job--learning. Clothing should never distract from that job. Students will go
outside when the “feels like” temperature is above 20 degrees or below 100 degrees. Clothing choices
should be appropriate for the weather. If the feels like is below 50 degrees, students must be wearing
pants to go outside.
Emergency Contacts
Each year, parents and guardians are asked to update information using the Annual Family Profile
Update through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This information is critical for daily operations and
emergencies. Please complete these online forms thoroughly for your child's best interest. Maintaining
accurate information throughout the year is essential for ongoing communication.
Emergency Closing/Inclement Weather
Schools may close unexpectedly due to severe weather, power failure, heating problems, etc. Please
make sure you have returned the Inclement Weather Form sent to each student at the beginning of each
school year. Announcements will be made through phone, television, website and the Parkway app.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Annual Notification
I. Notification of Rights
Each year the Parkway School District is required to give notice of the various rights accorded to parents
or eligible students pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Parents and
eligible students have a right to be notified and informed. In accordance with the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act, you are notified of the following:
1. RIGHT TO INSPECT: You have the right to review and inspect substantially all of your education
records maintained by or at the District. You should submit to the student’s school principal or other
appropriate school official a written request that identifies the record or records you wish to review and
inspect. You may also wish to request a copy of the Student Records policy and guidelines, which
contain additional information.
2. RIGHT TO PREVENT DISCLOSURES: You have the right to prevent disclosure of education records
to third parties with certain limited exceptions. It is the intent of the District to limit the disclosure of
information contained in your education records to those instances where prior written consent has been
given to the disclosure, as an item of directory information of which you have not refused to permit
disclosure, or under the provisions of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which allow
disclosure without prior written consent.
3. RIGHT TO REQUEST AMENDMENT: You have the right to seek to have corrected any parts of an
education record which you believe to be inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of your rights.
This right includes the right to a hearing to present evidence that the record should be changed if the
District decides not to alter the education records according to your request. You may request an
amendment of your child’s records by (1) advising the appropriate Parkway official how you wish to
amend the student’s record and why, and (2) requesting a copy of the Student Records policy and
guidelines, which contain additional information.
4. RIGHT TO COMPLAINT: You have the right to file a complaint with the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act Office, Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202,
concerning the District's alleged failure to comply with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
5. RIGHT TO OBTAIN POLICY: You have the right to obtain a copy of the written policy adopted by the
Board of Education of the Parkway School District in compliance with Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act. A copy may be obtained in person or by mail from: Custodian of Records, Parkway School
District, 455 North Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017.
1.The district will disclose information from a student’s education and/or health records to Parkway
School District school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records. A school official
is defined as:
A person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member
including health medical staff and safety/security staff.
A member of the board of education.
A person employed by or under contract to the District to perform a special task, such as an attorney,
auditor, medical consultants, or therapists.
A person who is employed by the District’s law enforcement unit.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is:
Performing a task that is specified in his or her position description or by a contract agreement.
Performing a task related to a student’s education.
Performing a task related to the discipline of a student.
Providing a service or benefit relating to the student or student’s family, such as health care,
counseling, job placement or financial aid.
Maintaining the safety and security of the school or school property.
2. The District has determined that the Voluntary Interdistrict Choice Corporation (VICC) and its officers,
employees and agents are school officials with legitimate educational interests because they act for and
on behalf of the District with respect to transfer students and the transfer program, and because they
seek to advance the interests of both. A transfer student’s attendance records and other educational
records relevant to the student’s participation in the program or to the program itself may accordingly be
disclosed to VICC without obtaining written consent from the parent/guardian or eligible student.
3. The District will disclose information from a student’s education and/or health records to officials of
another public school, school district or post-secondary school in which a student seeks or intends to
enroll. Parkway staff shares education/health records of students, both disabled and non-disabled, with
Special School District staff at various times during a child's enrollment at Parkway. The Parkway
School District will not further notify parents or eligible students prior to such transfer of records.
4. The District will disclose information from a student’s education and/or health records to law
enforcement and juvenile justice authorities, if the disclosure concerns either law enforcement’s or
juvenile justice authorities’ ability to serve the student prior to adjudication. The entity receiving such
information must comply with applicable federal confidentiality restrictions.
The Parkway School District has designated certain information contained in the education records of its
students as directory information for purposes of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The following information regarding students is considered directory information:
1. Student’s Name
2. Grade Level
3. Parent’s Names
4. Electronic mail address of parent or eligible student
5. Address
6. Telephone number
7. Date of birth
8. Major field of study
9. Participation in activities and sports including audiovisual or photographic records of the openly
visible activities thereof (e.g., artistic performances, sporting contests, assemblies, service projects,
awards ceremonies, etc.)
10. Weight and height of members of athletic teams
11. Dates of attendance
12. Degrees and awards received
13. Most recent school attended by student
14. Enrollment status (e.g., full-time or part-time)
15. Photographs including photographs of regular school activities that do not disclose specific
academic information about the child and/or would not be considered harmful or an invasion of
According to law, directory information may be disclosed by the Parkway School District without the
consent of the parent of a student, or an eligible student. Such information is normally disclosed
through distribution of yearbooks, handbooks, and similar school publications. Parents of students and
eligible students have the right, however, to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the above
information as directory information. In that case, this information will not be disclosed except with the
consent of a parent or student, or as otherwise allowed by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Any parent or student refusing to have any or all of the designated directory information disclosed must
check specified box on the Pupil Information Form indicating that directory information shall not be
released. This notification must be filed with the principal of the school that the student attends within
thirty- (30) calendar days of the publication of this notice.
In the event a notification of refusal is not filed, the Parkway School District assumes that neither a
parent of a student nor an eligible student objects to the release of the directory information
designated. Upon request, the Parkway School District will release the names, addresses, and phone
numbers of secondary school students to military recruiters and representatives from institutions of
higher education unless a parent or eligible student contacts the district and requests otherwise.
Food at School
Oak Brook follows the Food Safety Expectations of the Parkway School District Health Services
Department. These expectations are as follows:
Classrooms are food-free whenever possible
Students may bring a snack for their own consumption (to prevent possible cross-contamination
that could impact the health of students with allergies, classes may have an advisory to avoid
snacks with particular allergens)
Food may not be brought from home to share class-wide
Safe and inclusive ways to celebrate without food will be used for birthday celebrations and
classroom parties
Food will not be used as a reward or motivator
Thank you for working with us to keep all of our students safe. If you have a question, please do not
hesitate to contact an administrator or Mrs. Rothrock, Oak Brook School Nurse.
Forgotten Items
If your child forgets to bring his/her belongings to school, (i.e., lunches, violins, books, etc.), you may
bring the items to the office for us to deliver. This limits classroom interruptions. We ask all students to
check with the office if they have left items at home.
Health Information
Please communicate with the school nurse if your child has a physical or medical condition (diabetes,
asthma, hearing/vision problem, allergy, etc.), is taking daily medication or anytime there is a change in
your child’s medication or health status. The nurse needs to have the most up-to-date health information
in order to provide appropriate care to your child should he/she need attention.
If a child seen by the nurse is not able to return to class, the school will contact parents to pick up the
student. In the event of a medical emergency, the nurse will provide first aid until rescue vehicles arrive.
Several additional staff members are trained and certified in adult and child CPR, should the need occur.
Illness Guidelines
If your child will not be attending school for any reason, it is very important for you to call and notify the
school office of the reason for the absence. This helps us to keep track of illnesses among our students.
It also helps us be assured that your child is safe at home.
For the health of your child, other students, and school staff, it is important to know when your child
should stay home due to illness. Students should stay home if they have had any of the following
Fever of 100 or higher in the past 24 hours
Undiagnosed rash that is accompanied by fever or itching
Bad cough or difficulty breathing
Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
Sore throat, with fever or swollen glands in the neck
Symptoms of being sick such as being unusually tired, fussy, pale or had difficulty waking
If your child has strep throat or another bacterial infection, he/she should stay home until the antibiotic
has been given for at least 24 hours and your health care provider has given permission for your child to
return to school. We encourage you to seek medical attention when your child is sick and to follow your
healthcare provider's recommendations about returning to school and other social activities.
Medication in the Nurse’s Office
In the event that medication needs to be administered at school, the medicine must be accompanied by
all of the following:
• written consent from the physician
• a label affixed by a pharmacy or physician showing the child's name, the dosage,
and the schedule of administration
• what the prescription contains
• the date purchased
• the physician’s name
• the guardian's written request for the medication to be administered
When the above conditions are met, the administration of the medication is limited to the school nurse,
principal, teacher, or school secretary. All medication is kept in a locked cabinet in the nurse’s office.
Over-the-counter medication for administration must be in the original container and accompanied by a
written consent from the parent/guardian. The school nurse's direct office number is 314-415-6560.
Help Team
The Help Team consists of parents and community volunteers available to Oak Brook teachers and
staff. The Help Team will assist with any task that will support the teacher and student educational
community. Examples include clerical work, bulletin boards, one-on-one or small group enrichment, cut
and paste, book club orders, parent resources, or just an extra pair of hands. If interested, contact a Help
Team committee member to be scheduled at your convenience. PTO will provide a list of grade-level
Help Team Coordinators.
Each night, students may have homework assigned to them. Homework may consist of any combination
of the following activities:
Nightly reading on the student’s designated reading level
Videos assigned to be watched before a lesson is taught as an introduction to material
Study and review unit content for assessments
Basic facts not requiring at-home instruction of new content
If your child is absent, and you would like to pick up any work missed, please contact the teacher and
make arrangements. He/she will be best suited to arrange a time/day to pick up the homework.
Internet Access/Computer Usage
Oak Brook students and staff are provided access to our district computer network. Students gain access
through Chromebooks and/or computers in each classroom and the library. At all times, under all
conditions, every individual who uses a computer is required to abide by the rules. Failure to do so may
result in loss of computer privileges at school and/or loss of access to the student’s district-assigned
Google account.
General Rules
Work with an adult in the room
Work only on the machine to which you have been assigned
Keep hands off others’ machines
Show respect for all individuals and their work
Handle all equipment with care and respect
Only go to assigned websites or complete tasks as directed by the teacher
Library Media Center
Oak Brook has an excellent Library Media Center (library) for student and adult use. The library is open
daily for students and teachers to check out books, work on projects and make general use of library
Books are checked out for a set period of time and may be renewed as needed. Three books may be
checked out at a time (one for kindergarten).
If a book is lost or damaged, the student should check the library shelf first, then the classroom and at
home. If the book cannot be found, it is the family’s responsibility to pay for the book.
Lost and Found
Please label all items your student brings to school. Our lost and found boxes are located by the water fountains in
the multipurpose room and outside the gymnasium. Charitable organizations receive unclaimed belongings.
Money at School
Students should only bring money to school for expenses related to the school day and expenses authorized by
teachers and administrators.
MOSAICS (Gifted and Talented Program)
Parkway's MOSAICS Program is multifaceted. In keeping with state guidelines, the program's goal is to
provide experiences that serve the needs of formally identified students and members of the school
community (as the gifted and talented teacher's schedule provides). Curriculum includes exposure to the
arts, sciences, mathematics, and forms of communication. Oak Brook has a certified MOSAICS teacher
on staff who strengthens the students’ higher-order thinking skills while nurturing their creative abilities.
This specialized instructor serves as a resource to classroom teachers to modify classroom curriculum
through compacting, acceleration, and enrichment.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
It is the policy of the Parkway School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
origin, ancestry, religion, sex, disability, age, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by
law in its programs, activities or employment practices. In addition, the School District provides equal
access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.
Oak Brook News
Weekly news updates inform Oak Brook parents of school functions. These updates are sent
electronically to all parents with email addresses on file with the school. Important events are also
posted on the Oak Brook website.
Some updates may also be made via the Oak Brook Facebook page.
Oak Brook School is fortunate to have an active PTO. It functions as a service arm to our school. All
parents and teachers are considered members of this organization. The organization is supportive in
making our school a pleasant and productive environment. Members of the PTO collectively sponsor
garden club activities, classroom parties, staff appreciation activities, monthly events/meetings, annual
fundraisers, "Gifts to the School”, Help Team, and numerous other activities to benefit students. The PTO
will publish a schedule of meeting and events at the beginning of the school year. As additions or
changes are made, families will be notified. Please consider attending and be watching for more
Two school-wide parties occur during the year. The PTO's VP of Parent Involvement sets the general
party guidelines, and grade level parents plan the meetings. We will have a party in November focusing
on being thankful and one in February focusing on friendship. Parties will occur from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.,
and exact dates may be found on the Oak Brook calendar.
No food treats, of any kind, will be served during the party, following the Food Safety Expectations from
the Parkway School District Health Services Department.
Party Invitations (for out of school parties)
The school does not encourage the distribution of party invitations at school. If they must be distributed
at school, each child in the class should be invited.
Personal Belongings
Items distracting from the learning process or expensive equipment (i.e.- phones, toys, etc.) must be
stored in the student’s locker. Items brought to school are the responsibility of the student. Members of
the staff are not responsible for lost/misplaced/stolen items.
Physical Education
Physical Education is an integral part of the curriculum at Oak Brook.
The students participate in their street clothes. We encourage loose clothing for freedom of
For safety reasons, students should wear tennis shoes during physical education class.
During winter months when heavier shoes are worn, tennis shoes may remain in the classroom.
Please label these shoes with your child's name.
Students must present a written consent from a physician for excuse from physical education class.
Professional photographers take individual student pictures in the fall and spring. These are available for
purchase for parents who want them.
Playground Rules
For general playground rules, see the Eagle Expectation chart. Each teacher teaches these expectations
and rules. Students must follow the directions of all supervisors for safety. Students habitually
experiencing difficulty will be reported to the parents and the office. The physical education teachers will
reinforce playground rules while in physical education classes.
Safety Rules
Safety Rules for Using the Swings Safety Rules for the Slide
-One person at a time on each swing -One person at a time on the slide
-Stay seated at all times -Going up slides is not permitted
-Do not swing side to side or twist swings -Slide feet first and on your bottom
-Do not run in front of or in back of swing area -Go down the slide after the person in front of
-Do not jump off the swing you is off the slide
General Safety Rules for all Equipment
-Always keep your head above your feet
-No climbing on top of structures
-No running on or jumping off of equipment
-Respect others rights to use the equipment by not blocking their access
Four Square Rules
The squares (or circles) are numbered 1 – 4. Number 1 is the serving square and Number 4 is the
starting. The object of the game is to get to square Number 1 and to stay there as long as possible.
The serve must be two hands underhand. After the serve all types of hits are allowed, but no one
catches or carries the ball.
Play starts with the person in square Number 1 bouncing the ball and hitting with two hands
underhand to number 3 square.
When the ball comes to your square, let it bounce once, then hit it to another square. Continue
playing in this manner until an error is made.
When an error is made, the player who committed the error goes to square 4 or to the end of the
waiting line if there is one.
All players who remain in the game move forward one square towards square Number 1 and fill in
the square that was vacated. Play starts over.
When in doubt call yourself out.
This is an individual game. No teams are allowed.
Interference may be called if other people are in the way of play.
Four Square Errors (player who commits the error goes out)
Hitting the ball with one hand on the serve
Hitting the ball overhand on the serve
Hitting the ball before it bounces
Allowing the ball to bounce more than one time before hitting it
Ball landing on a line
Catching, carrying or holding a return volley
Allowing the ball to touch any part of the body except the hands
Kickball Rules
Kicking team provides their own pitcher. If the pitcher catches the ball it is a do over.
Everyone on the kicking team kicks one time (including the pitcher) and then the teams trade
places (the fielding team comes in and kicks).
Every time the team comes in to kick, the lead off kicker goes to the end of the line and the rest of
the students stay in the same order. This way everyone gets to lead off.
No outs are counted.
At no time can a ball ever be thrown at a student. (This is a Parkway School District Rule.)
Tie goes to the runner.
Infield fly rule; if a ball is caught in the infield the runners get to go back to the base they came
from. When we play with the third and fourth graders free backs are given all the time because
many of the students are still learning the game.
A ball that goes foul before passing first or third base is a foul. A ball that passes over first or
third base and then goes outside the base line is a fair ball.
Kick the ball from the home plate area.
Tag Rules
Do not argue with each other
Only play tag on a grassy area
Stay alert for others (who may or may not be playing tag)
No pushing
Use a 2-finger touch on the back, shoulders or arms
Stay on your feet at all times
Progress Reports
The school year is divided into three reporting periods. Parents receive Student Progress Reports after
the completion of each trimester. Parent-teacher conferences are in October and at the end of the
second trimester. Parents sign up for conferences through a school-provided sign up link that is emailed
2 weeks before conference dates. If additional conferences are needed, please contact the teacher by
telephone or in person.
Safety Drills
During the first days of school, staff will work with students to help them learn important safety
information. The school will conduct a minimum of 2 tornado drills, 2 earthquake drills, 2 intruder drills
and 10 fire drills each year. Teachers and staff will work with the students to help them understand the
importance of taking the drills seriously and practicing properly.
School Hours
School hours are 7:35 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Students may enter the building beginning at 7:20 a.m. and are
expected to depart at 2:30 p.m. Exceptions include those involved in the before/after childcare service or
extracurricular programming. Buses are provided for all children and using the bus helps reduce traffic
Although school dismisses at 2:30 pm, Adventure Club is in session until 6:00 pm. To insure the safety
of students who attend Adventure Club, we ask that parents, students and the public avoid using the
playground until after 6:00 pm.
Services and Rights for Students with Disabilities
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and/or
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, protects students with disabilities. The Student's
Individualized Education Program (IEP) or similar document defines those students entitled to a "free
appropriate public education." Several documents are available at the Parkway Administrative Center
explaining the rights of students with disabilities and the responsibilities of Parkway and the Special
School District (SSD) of St. Louis County. These include the SSD's Compliance Plan, the county-wide
General Assurance Document, the DESE (Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education) Procedural Safeguards for Children and Parents brochure, and Parkway policies. Copies of
the DESE brochure are available at school. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA), parents have the right to inspect, review, request amendment of, and file complaints
concerning personally identifiable information maintained on their children.
All individuals from 3 to 21 years of age residing in St. Louis County, as well as St. Louis City residents
attending Parkway schools, are eligible for special education services offered by SSD if they are
diagnosed with educational disabilities. The SSD provides special education services to students
diagnosed with any one of the following educational disabilities: learning disabilities, speech/language
disorders, mental retardation, emotionally disturbed, physical/other health-impairment, hearing-impaired,
visual-impaired, deaf/blind, multi-handicapped, autism, traumatic brain injury, or early childhood special
The SSD offers a variety of programs and related services for preschool and school age children, most of
whom are served in Parkway facilities. The SSD also provides audio- logical and special education
evaluation, hearing and speech/language screening services, Special Non-Public Access Program
(SNAP) for special education services to students with educational disabilities attending private/parochial
school, and Homebound Instruction for home- or hospital-bound students (both with and without
disabilities). The SSD also offers a variety of adult educations and "transitional" programs, while the
Career Education District offers applied technology/vocational programming.
Staff, parents, or anyone else who has significant educational concerns about a student or believes an
individual may have a disability can initiate the special education and/or Section 504 identification
process. When there are educational concerns about a student, the school is to begin considering and
implementing intervention strategies. If the educational concerns about a student are not resolved or a
parent requests a special education referral/evaluation, the staff is to document any concerns and
interventions. The school's Building Level Team, which includes a representative of the SSD, then
determines if an evaluation is warranted or not. Parents are notified in writing of the decision, the reasons
for it, and their rights. Appeals of any disability-related decisions should be submitted in writing to the
SSD and/or Parkway Superintendent of Schools.
Parkway School District prohibits smoking inside our building or anywhere on the outer premises.
Please teach your child to use the safest route to and from the bus stop. Stress the importance of
crossing streets at intersections. Instruct your child not to accept gifts from a stranger, never to get into a
stranger’s car, and never to socialize with strangers. Classroom teachers, utilizing appropriate grade
level units of study, will strengthen and support these safety precautions.
Student Placement/Teacher Assignment
In the spring, your student's teacher creates an information card about your child indicating the level of
functioning in reading, math, and other pertinent information. Teachers, counselors, principals, reading
specialists, and resource room teachers confer to compose the upcoming year’s teacher/classroom
rosters accessing the information cards.
They form classes considering the following:
Relationship of teacher and student for addressing specific needs
Attention that some students are placed/not placed in the same classroom
Equal distribution of boys to girls and varying achievement levels
Care that every teacher has a balanced, heterogeneous group of students
If you have an educational or placement concern regarding your child, a parental input form is provided
in the spring. Class placement letters will be mailed to homes in August.
Student Placement in kindergarten will occur at the end of the 2nd week of school. Students will be
placed based on observations and data collected during the first 8 days of class. If you would like more
information about kindergarten placement, please contact Dr. Shirley.
Student Records
Parents may inspect and review their child’s education/health records upon request. Submit a written
request to the principal identifying the record(s) you would like to review. The principal or other
appropriate school administrator will arrange access.
Likewise, Parkway School District discloses information from a student’s education/health records only
with the written consent of the parent and/or eligible student.
Textbooks and Supplies
The district provides textbooks and the major supplies required for learning. Children are responsible for
the care of all books, materials, and furniture supplied for their use. The school requests payment for lost
or damaged items. Check the grade level or class supply list found in the office, on the website or the
Parkway App. Parents need to furnish certain items that are consumed by the students (i.e. pencils,
paper, erasers, scissors and crayons).
Parkway-Rockwood Community Ed also offers a program called Tutor Connection. This is a program
that helps connect certified Parkway and Rockwood teachers and professionals with parents who are
looking for private, fee-based tutoring lessons for their children at a Parkway or Rockwood location. The
focus is to improve students' knowledge and skill-based performance of the district's curricular concepts.
More information may be found
Use of Telephones
Each classroom is equipped with a telephone. If your child needs to contact you, he/she will use the
phone with teacher permission. If you need to contact your child you may leave a voicemail on the
teacher’s line or call the office to be sure the message is delivered.
Visiting the School
The welcome mat is always out at Oak Brook for your visit! Please check-in at the office to receive visitor
identification. Visits to the classroom or observations in the classroom may be made ONLY if your child is
present. Please make arrangements for classroom visits or observations with the teacher in advance.
Teachers are unable to visit with parents during an instructional period but will gladly schedule an
appointment if needed.
Voice Mail
To reach a staff member, please dial his or her extension directly. These numbers may be found through
the staff directory on the Oak Brook website.
In our efforts to educate all children, the help of volunteers is greatly appreciated. When you are in the
building and working in any capacity, we ask that you wear your volunteer badge found in the office. All
volunteers will be asked to complete a background check before working with students.
Withdrawal and Transfer
Notify the office as soon as possible prior to a move from the community or transfer to another Parkway
school. We can then prepare transfer information enabling the new school to place your child in the
proper program. Oak Brook sends records to the new school after receipt of their written request. It is
especially important that parents sign a “Release of Records” form and return all Oak Brook books and
materials prior to departing.