Rutgers University New Brunswick
Fraternity and Sorority Affairs
Social Event Policy
Purpose The Social Event Policy and Operating Procedures assist fraternities and sororities (chapters)
at Rutgers University with the planning and execution of their social events.
Policy The Fraternity and Sorority Affairs (OFSA) Social Event Policy outlines the requirements that
must be adhered to when hosting and/or attending a social event that includes (or may include) the use of
alcohol. Adhering to the Social Event Policy will promote compliance with Federal, State, and local
laws, as well as Rutgers University’s own Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Students. This policy
works directly with the Social Event Operating Procedures.
Terms See accompanying Glossary
General Policy Statements
These General Policy Statements were adapted from the Fraternal Insurance Programming Group (FIPG)
and other risk management best practices. Note: National organizations may have policies that are
different from the OFSA Social Event Policy. With this in mind, your chapter should remain compliant
with the policy that is MORE stringent, unless otherwise stated. All policy questions should be directed
to Fraternity & Sorority Affairs. Failure to adhere to the policy/procedure in its entirety will result in a
loss of social privileges and referral to the Office of Student Conduct.
1. The possession, sale, use or consumption of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, while on or off
chapter premises, during a fraternity event/function, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the
chapter, or in any event/function an observer would associate with the fraternity, must be in
compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, county, city and institution of higher
education, and must comply with the Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Social Event Policy and
Operating Procedures.
2. The possession, sale or use of any ILLEGAL DRUGS or CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES while
on chapter premises or during a fraternity event/function or at any event/function that an observer
would associate with the fraternity is strictly forbidden.
3. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through chapter funds nor may alcoholic beverages be
purchased for members or guests by any member in the name of, or on behalf of, the chapter for a
chapter event.
4. Fraternity/sorority social events that include alcohol are private events and may NOT be
advertised to the public. Chapters may not publicize their social events via social media nor with
the use of search lights, sheet banners, signs, postcards or any other form of advertising.
5. Types of social events: Mixers, Invitation Parties or Date Parties are the only type of social events
permitted in registered chapter houses. Exceptions may be made for special events with the
permission of the national organization and OFSA. Requests for exceptions must be submitted 14
days in advance of the event.
6. Non-alcoholic beverages (soda/water) and non-salty foods, enough for all attendees, must be
provided at all social events that include alcohol.
7. OPEN BARS are prohibited.
8. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common sources of alcoholic beverages (kegs or cases)
is prohibited.
9. BYOB social events allow for each chapter member and guest who are of legal drinking age to
bring a maximum of six (6) 12 oz. cans of beer or (4) 12 oz. cans of hard seltzer (no more than
5% ABV).
10. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, provide, serve to, or sell alcoholic
beverages to any minor (i.e., those under the legal “drinking age”).
11. Fire code must be adhered to at all fraternity/sorority social events, including (but not limited to)
the following specific fire code provisions:
a. Capacity/Occupancy
b. Egress
c. Window and door coverings
d. Tents, tent lighting and tent heaters
e. Decorations and wall coverings
f. Fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors
12. Attendance lists are required for all social events.
13. Presenting false identification or impersonating another individual is prohibited.
14. All non-members in attendance must be at least 18 years of age.
15. No member shall permit, tolerate, encourage, or participate in "drinking games."
16. Bar/Pub Crawls are prohibited
17. The use of “ratios” is prohibited.
18. No chapter may co-sponsor an event/function with an alcohol distributor, charitable organization
or tavern where alcohol is given away, sold or provided to those present. This includes bars,
liquor stores, breweries, etc.
19. No chapter may co-sponsor or co-finance a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the
host chapters, groups or organizations.
20. Event/Party themes must be non-alcoholic, non-offensive and non-discriminatory. Consideration
should be given to the University’s values of diversity and inclusion as well as the University’s
bias and non-discrimination policies.
21. All philanthropic activities (or any activities associated with a philanthropy) must be alcohol free
and may not be co-sponsored or held with an alcohol distributor or tavern.
22. All recruitment/rush/intake activities associated with the chapter will be non-alcoholic. No
recruitment/rush/intake activities associated with any chapter may be held at or in conjunction
with a tavern or alcohol distributer as defined in this policy
23. No alcohol shall be present at any pledge/new member/associate member/novice program,
activity or ritual of the chapter. This includes but is not limited to activities associated with “bid
night”, “big brother/big sister night” and initiation. Violation of this provision is also a violation
of the Hazing Policy.
24. Licensed and insured transportation must be provided and utilized by all attendees when social
events are held at locations that are 25 miles or more from the Rutgers-New Brunswick campus.
Overnight events are not permitted.
Policy Violations/Sanctions
Failure to adhere to the Social Policy and Operating Procedures outlined in these documents constitutes a
violation of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs policies and the Student Code of Conduct. Reports of policy
infractions will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for review and adjudication.
When a chapter violates OFSA Policies and the Student Code of Conduct, the organization will be
informed that their actions and behaviors violate the expected standards of behavior for recognized
organizations. Sanctions for violations of the OFSA Social Policy can be found in the Standards of
Conduct: Student Organization Policies & Procedures
Updated 4/23
Rutgers University New Brunswick
Fraternity and Sorority Affairs
Social Event - Operating Procedures
Purpose The Social Event Policy and Operating Procedures assist fraternities and sororities (chapters)
at Rutgers University with the planning and execution of their social events.
Operating Procedures The Social Event Operating Procedures outline the methods by which chapters
are required to plan and execute social events that include (or may include) alcohol. Complying with
these operating procedures will reduce the risk incurred by chapters, chapter officers and volunteers
associated with a chapter social event as well as minimize disciplinary sanctions. This policy works
directly with the Social Event Policy.
Terms See accompanying Glossary
A. Education & Training
OFSA will host a Social Policy webinar prior to the start of each semester.
OFSA will provide TIPS Training seminars prior to the start of each academic year. 30% of each
chapter is required to successfully complete the TIPS certification. Only chapters that attend the
Social Policy webinar and are compliant with the TIPS Training requirement will be permitted to
register social events that include alcohol.
B. General Registration Procedures
Any social event, on or off-campus, in which alcohol will be present must be registered. These events
include, but are not limited to: mixers, invitation parties, date nights, formals, semi-formals, parent/family
events, chapter/alumni functions. Non-alcoholic events held at venues where alcohol is served or
accessible must also be registered.
1. Social events that take place on or off-campus must be registered with OFSA, using the on-line
registration form. All portions of the registration form must be complete prior to the OFSA Event
Planning Meeting.
2. Chapters on the Past Due List may not register or hold a social event.
3. Social events that include alcohol may be registered during the fall and spring semesters on Thursday
and Friday evenings and Saturday afternoon or evening (unless otherwise noted on the Greek
Calendar). Social events that include alcohol may NOT take place during recruitment, the summer
months (May, June, July, August) nor during winter or spring break. Exceptions may be made for
special events at the discretion of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs.
4. Chapters that fulfill the OFSA service/philanthropy hour requirement (average of 5 hours per
member, per semester) may register two (2) social events per weekend unless otherwise noted on the
Greek calendar. Chapters that fail to meet the service/philanthropy hour requirement will be limited to
one (1) social event per weekend.
5. Social events taking place on or off-campus may not start before 10:00 AM, must end by 1:00 AM,
and may last no longer than three (3) hours. Exceptions may be made for special events with the
permission of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. Requests for exceptions must be submitted 14 days in
advance of the event.
6. Late or incomplete registration may result in the cancellation of the chapter’s event.
7. Falsification of information on the Event Registration Form and /or the Attendance List is a violation
of the Student Code of Conduct and will result in a cancellation of the event and referral to the Office
of Student Conduct.
8. OFSA will conduct an Event Planning Meeting prior to each registered event. Poor or incomplete
event preparation may result in postponement/cancellation of the event.
9. MGC chapters planning to host an off-campus party must have written permission from their regional
director and are required to register the function with OFSA as a Third-Party Vendor event. The use
of party promoters is prohibited.
C. Chapter House: Mixer/Invitation Party/Date Party BYOB Procedures
This section applies to chapters planning BYOB Mixers, Invitation Parties or Date Nights to be held in
registered fraternity/sorority houses.
1. Registration
On-line Event registration deadline: Sunday at midnight, at least two (2) weeks prior to the event.
2. Pre-Event Procedures
Event Planning Meetings Two meetings are required:
Meeting One - Chapter Advisor (s) / Student Leadership Meeting: This meeting must occur prior
to the OFSA Event Planning Meeting. Advisors and Student Leadership from each participating
chapter must meet together to review and complete the Event Planning Checklist. This meeting
and the Event Planning Checklist MUST be completed PRIOR to the Chapter/OFSA Event
Planning meeting.
Meeting Two - Chapter/OFSA Event Planning Meeting (EPM): This meeting must occur at least
one business day prior to the event. Chapter Presidents and Social Chairs from all participating
chapters must attend. The participating chapters must bring a completed Event Planning
Checklist to the EPM and be prepared to review the form with the OFSA staff members.
3. Attendees
Attendees at Mixers are those students that are active members of the participating
organizations (all attendees must appear on the chapter’s OFSA roster).
Attendees at Invitation Parties and Date Parties are those students that are active members of
the host organization and their one (1) guest or date.
4. Private Security
Chapters hosting social events that include alcohol are encouraged to hire private security
5. Event/TIPS Monitors
Each participating chapter will designate at least one TIPS Trained Event Monitor for every
fifteen (15) persons in attendance. The Event Monitors will remain sober/substance free
prior to and for the duration of the event.
Event Monitors are responsible for checking identification, running the beer redemption
station and monitoring the event for compliance with all applicable laws and policies.
6. Point of Entry/Exit
There will be one (1) point of entry through which all attendees will enter and exit.
Upon entry, all attendees will present their Driver's License and legibly sign in to the
attendance list.
Attendees 21+ years of age will receive a tabbed wristband (provided by OFSA). Underage
attendees will receive a plain wristband (provided by OFSA).
Attendees will not be permitted to enter or leave the chapter house with an open container of
Event Monitors reserve the right to refuse admittance to members if they are visibly
7. Bar/Alcohol Redemption Station
All alcohol will be stored at the designated redemption station
Alcohol can be retrieved by showing a tabbed wristband and removing one tab. Alcohol may
be retrieved one can at a time.
All unredeemed alcohol must be returned. Pickup may take place no later than 5:00 PM the
next day.
8. Food / Alternative Beverages
An adequate amount of alternative beverages (bottled water / soda) must be provided for the
duration of the event. Beverages must be kept cold and easily accessible.
An adequate amount of substantial, non-salty snack food must be provided for the duration of
the event (ex: soft pretzels, pizza, cheese & crackers, sandwiches/hoagies).
Adequate means that alternative beverages and substantial, non-salty snack food must be
available to all attendees for the duration of the event.
9. Post Event Procedure
Submit a scanned copy of the event attendance list to ofsa@echo.rutgers.edu no later than 5:00
PM the next day.
Submit a photo of all food & beverages provided during the registered event.
Confirmation email to the Chapter Advisor and OFSA Director by 5:00 PM the next day.
D. Third-Party Vendor Procedures - Private Event
This section applies to chapters planning private date or invitation parties, mixers or formals at a third-
party vendor location.
1. Registration
Event Registration deadline: Sunday by midnight, three (3) weeks prior to the event.
Required registration documentation:
o Signed Third-Party Vendor Checklist
o Copy Liquor license to sell alcohol on the premises
o Copy Certificate of insurance, which must show evidence the vendor has “off premise
liquor liability coverage and non-owned and hired coverage”. If required by the
national organizations: The certificate must name as additional insured (at a minimum)
the local chapter (s) of the fraternity/sorority hiring the vendor as well as the national
organization (s) with whom the local chapter is affiliated.
o Bus/Transportation contract (for events held 25 miles or more from Rutgers-New
o Guest List must use the OFSA Guest List form
2. Pre-Event Procedures
Event Planning Meetings Two meetings are required:
a. Meeting One - Chapter Advisor (s) / Student Leadership Meeting: This meeting must
occur prior to the OFSA Event Planning Meeting. Advisors and Student Leadership from
each participating chapter must meet together to review and complete the Event Planning
Checklist. This meeting and the Event Planning Checklist MUST be completed PRIOR
to the Chapter/OFSA Event Planning meeting.
b. Meeting Two - Chapter/OFSA Event Planning Meeting (EPM): This meeting must occur
at least one business day prior to the event. Chapter Presidents and Social Chairs from all
participating chapters must attend. The participating chapters must bring a completed
Event Planning Checklist to the EPM and be prepared to review the form with the OFSA
staff members.
3. Attendees
Date/Invitation/Formal function: Each chapter member may invite no more than one (1) person to
attend as their guest.
Mixers: Only members of the participating organizations may attend
4. Transportation
Licensed and insured transportation must be provided and utilized by all attendees when social
events are held at locations that are 25 miles or more from the Rutgers-New Brunswick campus.
Chapters will arrange for busses to pick-up/depart and return/drop-off members and their
dates/guests in a Student Center parking lot. Overnight events are not permitted.
Chapter advisors are required to be in attendance when members and their dates/guests are
preparing to depart and when the bus returns from the event.
Any student who is intoxicated prior to the event may not board the bus or attend the event.
Open containers of alcohol and/or drinking alcohol while on board the contracted transportation
is prohibited.
Members and their dates/guests are required to use the contracted transportation unless the
national organization has granted an exemption.
5. Event Monitors
The chapter will designate one (1) TIPS Trained Event Monitor for every fifteen (15) persons in
attendance. The Event Monitors will remain sober/substance free prior to and for the duration of
the event.
Event Monitors are responsible for ensuring that members and their dates/guests are adhering to
OFSA, university and national policies as well as all local, state and federal laws. Event Monitors
should observe and report issues to the facility manager.
6. Alcohol
Members and guests who are of legal age may obtain alcohol via a cash bar staffed by the vendor.
The vendor will check member & dates/guests identification upon entry
Alcohol may not be purchased or provided to anyone under the legal drinking age.
7. Food/Alternative Beverages
An adequate amount of alternative beverages (bottled water / soda) must be provided for the
duration of the event. Beverages must be kept cold and easily accessible
An adequate amount of substantial non-salty snack food must be provided for the duration of the
event (served meals, buffet meals, pizza, subs/hoagies, etc.).
Adequate means that alternative beverages and substantial non-salty snack food must be available
to all attendees for the duration of the event.
8. Post Event Procedures
Submit a scanned copy of the event attendance list to ofsa@echo.rutgers.edu no later than 5:00
PM the next day.
Confirmation email to the Chapter Advisor and OFSA Director by 5:00 PM the next day.
Active Members Any initiate or new member listed on the chapter’s official OFSA chapter roster.
Advertising Advertising fraternity/sorority social events is prohibited. Fraternity/sorority social events
that include alcohol are private events and may NOT be advertised to the public. Chapters may not
publicize their social events via social media nor with the use of search lights, sheet banners, signs,
postcards or any other form of advertising
Alcoholic Beverages Beer or hard seltzer are the only alcoholic beverages permitted to be present
and/or consumed during a BYOB social function. Beer, wine and mixed drinks are the only Alcoholic
Beverages permitted to be present and/or consumed during a social function catered by a Third Party
Alumni Function - type of event that allows only members of the collegiate chapter and alumni members
of the organization to attend. Alumni must appear on the guest list.
Attendance List a list of members and guests that attended a registered social event.
Bar/Pub Crawl a prohibited activity that involves traveling to multiple drinking locations.
Brotherhood/Sisterhood Function - type of event that allows only members of the collegiate chapter to
Bulk Quantity - shall be defined as any form of alcohol that is more than one single serving (examples
include, but are not limited to kegs, party balls, cases of beer, punch, etc.)
BYOB - (Bring Your Own Beer) - Members 21 and over are permitted to bring one six pack of 12 oz.
cans of beer or (4) 12 oz. cans of hard seltzer (no more than 5% ABV) for their own consumption.
Chapter Funds - Moneys found in any chapter account (savings, checking, Venmo, etc.) OR money
collected (cash, Venmo, etc.) from the members, alumni, guests, etc. for the purchase of alcohol. The use
of slush or sinking funds is a violation of policy.
Chapter Premises - any property owned, leased, rented or any property an observer would otherwise
associate with the fraternity and/or its members (satellite house, annex, etc.).
Common Area - any room of the chapter house not considered personal living space that is easily
accessible to all.
Common Source of Alcohol - is defined as any form of alcohol that is dispensed from one single source
(examples include, but are not limited to, cases, kegs, shots of any nature.)
Co-sponsor an entity who provides assistance, financial or otherwise, to support an event
Date - one specifically invited person per chapter member present
Date Function - event that allows chapter members to invite one guest (date) to the function.
Drinking Games a game or contest involving the consumption of alcoholic drinks, typically as a penalty
or in response to a specified cue or prompt. Drinking games are prohibited at fraternity/sorority events.
Event Classification
Alcohol Free an event, on or off-campus in which no alcohol is present
Bring Your Own Beer (BYOB) any event, on or off-campus in which members of the chapter
and their guests bring their own alcoholic beverage (beer or hard seltzer) to consume. No
alcoholic beverages may be purchased through chapter funds nor undertaken or coordinated by
any member in the name of, or on behalf of, the chapter.
Third Party Vendor (Private) any event held at a licensed and insured venue, employing a cash
bar operator who is not affiliated with any chapter sponsoring the event/function. All guests must
be invited and appear on a guest list.
Guest - any individual not affiliated with the participating chapter(s) (i.e. brothers/sisters, friends from out
of town, visiting chapters, significant others, alumni (ae), non-Greek friends, etc.)
Guest List a guest list is prepared and submitted prior to the event and contains the names of all guests.
The purpose of a guest list is to limit attendance to those persons who were invited by a member of the
chapter. Invitations must be limited to no more than one (1) per member.
Mixer (up to 2 chapters) - type of event that allows only members of the sponsoring chapters to
attend. No non-members are permitted. The official occupancy of the venue must be followed.
Non-Alcoholic Event/Function - those events/functions that do not include the use of alcohol.
Open Party - those events/functions with unrestricted access by non-members of the fraternity/sorority,
without specific invitation. Open parties are prohibited.
Overnight Events overnight events are not permitted
Party/Formal a planned, sponsored, hosted, co-hosted or promoted event/function by a chapter in
conjunction with another chapter or invited guests
Private Event - an event that is limited to collegiate members and their specific invited guests.
Ratio the practice of limiting access of either men or women to increase the ratio of the opposite sex of
the hosting organization. This practice is prohibited.
Social Function (Event/function) - a planned, sponsored, hosted, co-hosted or promoted event/function by
a chapter in conjunction with another chapter or invited guests. Social functions (event/functions)
include, but are not limited to mixers, formals, invitation parties, date functions, brotherhood/sisterhood
event/functions, parent functions and alumni functions.
Spontaneous Gatherings unregistered gatherings held at a chapter facility, chapter annex, off-campus
house/apartment that are comprised of members, guests and alcohol use. Spontaneous gatherings are
Tavern - an establishment generating more than half (50%) of its annual gross sales from alcohol.
Third Party Vendor - a licensed and insured cash bar operator who is not affiliated with any chapter
sponsoring the event/function.
TIPS Trained Event Monitor a student that attended TIPS training, passed the TIPS exam and has
volunteered to serve as a sober event monitor for a chapter social event.