X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 1
A3: Assisting Android API Migrations Using
Code Examples
Maxime Lamothe, Member, IEEE, Weiyi Shang, Member, IEEE, Tse-Hsun (Peter) Chen
Abstract—The fast-paced evolution of Android APIs has posed a challenging task for Android app developers. To leverage Androids
frequently released APIs, developers must often spend considerable effort on API migrations. Prior research and Android official
documentation typically provide enough information to guide developers in identifying the API calls that must be migrated and the
corresponding API calls in an updated version of Android (what to migrate). However, API migration remains a challenging task since
developers lack the knowledge of how to migrate the API calls. There exist code examples, such as Google Samples, that illustrate the
usage of APIs. We posit that by analyzing the changes of API usage in code examples, we can learn API migration patterns to assist
developers with API Migrations.
In this paper, we propose an approach that learns API migration patterns from code examples, applies these patterns to the source
code of Android apps for API migration, and presents the results to users as potential migration solutions. To evaluate our approach,
we migrate API calls in open source Android apps by learning API migration patterns from code examples. We find that our approach
can successfully learn API migration patterns and provide API migration assistance in 71 out of 80 cases. Our approach can either
migrate API calls with little to no extra modifications needed or provide guidance to assist with the migrations. Through a user study, we
find that adopting our approach can reduce the time spent on migrating APIs, on average, by 29%. Moreover, our interviews with app
developers highlight the benefits of our approach when seeking API migrations. Our approach demonstrates the value of leveraging the
knowledge contained in software repositories to facilitate API migrations.
Index Terms—API, software quality, mining software repositories, empirical software engineering
Software maintenance is one of the most expensive activ-
ities in the software development process [1]. To reduce the
maintenance cost, developers often rely on reusing available
software. The reused software helps abstract the underlying
implementation details and can be integrated into innu-
merable software projects. In particular, calling application
programming interfaces (APIs) is a common software reuse
technique used by developers [2], [3]. These APIs provide
well-defined programming interfaces that allow their users
to obtain desired functionality without forfeiting develop-
ment time.
However, in today’s fast-paced development, APIs are
evolving frequently. The Android API is one such example
of a rapidly-evolving and widely used API [4], [5]. Prior
studies [5], [6] found that Android is evolving at an av-
erage rate of 115 API updates per month. Such evolution
may entail arbitrary release schedules and API deprecation
durations and may involve removing functionality without
prior warning [7]. Therefore, users must regularly study the
changes to existing APIs and decide whether they need to
migrate their code to adopt the changes. In fact, a prior
study shows that developers are slower at migrating API
calls than the API evolution speed itself [5]. As a conse-
quence, there is fragmentation in the user base and slow
adopters who miss out on new features and fixes [5].
Existing migration recommendation techniques [8]–[11]
typically focus on identifying what is the replacement of a
deprecated API (e.g., one should now be using methodB
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Concordia
University, Montreal, Canada.
E-mail: (max lam, shang, peterc)
instead of methodA), instead of how to migrate the API
calls for the replacement (e.g., how to change the existing
code to call methodB). However, a recent experience report
shows that all too often, Android API official documentation
clearly states what to replace for a deprecated API, while
actually performing API migrations is still challenging and
error prone [6].
There exist many publicly-available code examples on-
line illustrating API usages. As an example, Google pro-
vides a set of sample Android projects on the Google Sam-
ples repository [12]. Developers often study these sample
projects and other code examples (e.g., code from open
source Android apps) to help them with API migration [2],
[13]–[15]. Nevertheless, studying the code examples to
know the changes needed for API migrations is a man-
ual and time-consuming process. Furthermore, identifying
where and how to apply migration changes puts an extra
burden on developers during software maintenance.
In this paper, we propose an approach, named A3,
that mines and leverages source code examples to assist
developers with API migration. We focus on Android API
migrations, due to Android’s wide adoption and fast evo-
lution [5]. Our approach automatically learns the API mi-
gration patterns from code examples taken from available
code repositories, thereby providing varied example pat-
terns. Afterwards, our approach matches the learned API
migration patterns to the source code of the Android apps to
identify API migration candidates. If migration candidates
are identified, we apply the learned migration patterns to
the source code of Android apps, and provide the resulting
migration to developers as a potential migration solution.
To evaluate our approach, first A3 learns Android API
arXiv:1812.04894v2 [cs.SE] 26 Mar 2021
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 2
- view.setBackgroundColor(mFrag.getresources().getColor(R.color.default_background));
+ view.setBackgroundColor(mFrag.getresources().getColor(R.color.default_background, null));
Fig. 1. An API migration example of the getColor API, in the GridItemPresenter class of androidtv-Leanback project in commit 6a96ad5.
migration patterns from three sources of code examples: 1)
official Android code examples provided by Google Sam-
ples [12], 2) migration patterns that are learned from the
development history of open source Android projects i.e.,
FDroid [16] and 3) API migration examples that are manu-
ally produced by users. Our approach then applies Android
API migrations to open source Android apps from FDroid
and we leverage their test suites and manually run the apps
to validate the correctness of the migration. Furthermore, we
compared our approach to LASE [17], a tool meant to apply
code edits learned from examples. Moreover, we carry out a
user study to determine the actual and perceived usefulness
of our approach. In particular, we answer three research
RQ1 Can we identify API migration patterns from public
code examples?
Our approach can automatically identify 80 mi-
gration patterns with 96.7% precision in An-
droid APIs used in public code examples, and
obtains a recall of 97% using our seeded reposi-
RQ2 To what extent can our approach provide assistance
when migrating APIs?
Based on 80 migrations candidates in 32 open
source apps, our approach can generate 14 fault-
less migrations, 21 migrations with minor code
changes, and 36 migrations with useful guid-
ance to developers. Furthermore, interviews
with four developers highlight a positive devel-
oper response to our migration examples.
RQ3 How much time can our approach save when migrat-
ing APIs?
Through a user study with 15 participants and
6 API migration examples, we show that our
approach provides, on average, a 29% migration
time improvement and is seen as useful by de-
Previous research has proposed approaches such as
Sydit [18] and Lase [17] to help developers with API
migration; however, these approaches must be manually
pointed towards pre-migrated examples without the ability
to automatically retrieve or identify them [19]. Furthermore,
the effectiveness of code examples on migration is affected
by the context of the examples, whereby examples with
closer contexts will waste less developer time when testing
extraneous cases [19]. Therefore, by considering multiple
examples from different contexts our approach generates
well-fitted migration solutions.
Our approach can be adopted by Android app develop-
ers to reduce their API migration efforts to cope with the
fast evolution of Android APIs. Our approach also exposes
the value of learning the knowledge that resides in rich
code examples to assist in the various tasks of API related
software maintenance.
Paper Organization. Section 2 provides a real-life ex-
ample of an API migration to motivate this study. Section
3 describes our automated approach, A3, that assists in
Android API migration. Section 4 presents the design of the
experiments used to evaluate our approach and Section 5
presents the results of our experiments. Section 6 provides
a short survey of related work. Section 7 describes threats
to the validity of this study. Finally, Section 8 concludes the
In this section, we present an example, which motivates our
approach based on learning migration patterns from code
examples to assist in API migration.
In Android API version 23, the Resources.getColor API
(as shown in Listing 1) was deprecated and replaced (as
shown in Listing 2). In fact, the deprecation and replacement
(what to migrate) are clearly shown in the official Android
documentation [20]. However, even with the help from the
documentation, the addition of a new parameter provides
new challenges to the Android app developers. In particu-
lar, developers may not have the knowledge necessary to
retrieve the Theme information nor to initialize a new object
for the Theme to make the new API call. Moreover, since the
old API call does not require any Theme, even if developers
can provide a Theme, there is no information on how to
preserve backward compatibility.
On the other hand, there exists open source example
projects on Google Samples [12], i.e., androidtv-Leanback, a
project on Github which presents several uses of the Re-
sources.getColor method. With the introduction of a new An-
droid API version, these code examples are also updated. By
looking at an example, we find that it clearly demonstrates
how to call the Resources.getColor API (see Figure 1). From
the changes to the code example, we can see that to maintain
backward compatibility, developers can simply pass a null
object to the API. Without such an example, figuring out
that a null value preserves backward compatibility would
require trial and error from developers. By learning such
a migration pattern in the code examples, the effort of
the challenging task of how to migrate an API call can be
reduced for developers.
Listing 1. Resources.getColor API before migration
public class Resources extends Object {
public int getColor(int id)
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 3
Listing 2. Resources.getColor API after migration
public class Resources extends Object {
public int getColor(int id, Resources.Theme
However, finding these migrations on Google Samples
is a laborious endeavor. First of all, the code examples do
not index their usage of APIs. Developers may need to
search for the API usage of interest from a large amount
of source code. Second, even with the API usage in the
code examples, developers need to go through the code
history to understand the API migration pattern, i.e., how
to apply these changes, which can be much more complex
than the aforementioned example. Finally, even with the
migration pattern, developers need to learn how to apply
the migration on their own source code, which can be a
challenging task [6].
Taking the aforementioned API Resources.getColor as an
example, we can detect a total of 1,626 places where the
Resources.getColor Android API is called in its deprecated
form on a sample of 1,860 open source Android apps from
FDroid [16]. Migrating Resources.getColor to Android API
version 23 or later for all of those apps requires a significant
amount of effort. Automating the above-described migra-
tion approach and providing the information of the learned
pattern to developers can significantly reduce the required
migration effort.
In the next section, we present our approach, named A3,
which provides assistance in Android API migration.
In this section, we present an approach, A3, that assists
in API migration by learning how to migrate API calls
from code examples. Our approach consists of two steps:
1) identifying API migration patterns from code examples
and 2) applying the migration pattern that is learned from
the example to the source code of the Android apps. An
overview of our approach is shown in Figure 2 and an im-
plementation of our approach is publicly available online
3.1 Learning API migration patterns from code exam-
In the first step of our approach, we mine readily available
code examples to learn API migration patterns. Such code
examples can be found through online code repositories
such as GitHub and FDroid [16]. Our approach also sup-
ports self-made examples, which allows users to produce
their own migrated stubs, or use their own projects as data
to feed forward into other projects.
3.1.1 Extracting APIs
The lack of uniformity between API documentation and
source code presents a challenge to API migration ap-
proaches. There is currently no easy way to obtain a verified
list of all migrated API methods for all versions of the An-
droid API. Furthermore, the sheer size of the Android API
presents a challenge to API migration. Manually searching
1. The repository which contains the tool and data presented in this
paper can be found at:
source code for all deprecated, removed, and modified APIs
is an arduous task.
Hence, we automatically extract all the Android APIs
for every Android version that is available from the official
Android API documentation. However, the Android doc-
umentation may have discrepancies to the APIs in their
source code
. For every version of Android, we obtain
the Android source code and parse the source code using
Eclipse JDT AST parser [21]. We identify a list of all public
methods as available APIs.
3.1.2 Searching API calls from code examples
Algorithm 1: Our algorithm for searching API mi-
gration examples.
Input : Code example repository exR epo and
available API list apiList
Output: Migration example
1 / F irst do basic lexical matching /
2 foreach api in apiList do
3 apiCallData api.get(callData)
4 apiP arams apiCallData.getParamCount()
5 apiName apiCallD ata.getName()
6 potentialM igrations null
7 foreach commit in exRepo do
8 potentialM igrations
commit.getAPIcalls(apiName, apiP arams)
9 end
10 / Selective check for all potential migrations
11 foreach call in potentialMigrations do
12 callAST call.buildAST()
13 if callAST .matches(apiCallData) then
14 saveExample(call)
15 end
16 end
In this step, we identify the API calls that are available
in the code examples. A pseudocode algorithm of this step
is presented in Algorithm 1. One may design an approach
that builds AST for all available code examples as well as
the targeted Android app source code. Afterwards, one may
use the ASTs to match the API calls in the source code to the
code examples. However, such an approach would be time
consuming due to the fact that 1) building ASTs is a time-
consuming endeavor, 2) the complexity of AST matching is
non-negligible and 3) the number of Android APIs that are
available is large.
In order to reduce the time needed to identify API calls,
and thereby reduce the challenges faced by developers who
seek to migrate APIs, we first use basic lexical matching
to limit the scope of needed AST building and matching. In
particular, we first search all the files in the code example for
strings that match API names. This technique allows us to
quickly get a preliminary list of potential API calls. These
files are then selected for further processing as potential
matches. Although the basic lexical matching can lead to
2. We reported an issue in the Google issue tracking system for two
discrepancies that we found between the Android API documentation
and the source code repository.
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 4
Code example
version control
API calls in
the code
Searching API calls
Searching changes to
API calls
source code
A list of
all available APIs
Extracting APIs
One API migration pattern
API call before
API call after
API migration
(a) Step 1: Learning API migration patterns from code examples
Searching possible
migration candidates
All the API
call examples
before migration
A list of
all available APIs
User app
source code
API migration
for each
One migration candidate
AST from API call in
the app source code
AST from API call
examples before
Matched AST nodes
for the API call
AST from API call in
the app source code
AST from API call
examples before
Matched AST nodes
for the API call
AST from API call
examples after
Matched AST nodes
for the API migration
Migrated AST call for
the app source code
Applying migration from
the example to the
source code API call
(b) Step 2: Applying learned API migration patterns to API calls in the source code
Fig. 2. An overview of our approach, named A3, that assists in API migration
false positives, the goal is merely scoping down the search
space and the following AST matching can remove these
false positives. For example, in Figure 1 we specifically
search for the keyword getColor, although it is possible for
this basic search to falsely identify a similar post-migration
API as a migration target, once the refined check with AST
matching is complete i.e. these getColor false positives would
be filtered out if they did not have exactly one integer
parameter, the right return type, and all other discernible
AST properties for getColor.
After the basic lexical matching, we apply AST matching
on the files with potential matches. This allows us to scope
down the previously identified results to obtain high preci-
sion findings without sacrificing too much performance. We
leverage JDT [21] to parse the source code in the code exam-
ples to generate their corresponding ASTs. For each method
invocation in the AST, we compare with the APIs that are
potentially matched from the lexical search. If the AST can
be fully built, we aim to obtain the perfect matches between
method invocation and API declaration. In particular, a per-
fect match requires matching the method invocation name
to an API declaration as well as having perfectly matched
types for all parameters. In some cases, the code examples
may not be fully complete (e.g., missing some external
source code files or dependencies), leading to partially built
ASTs. With the partially built file level ASTs, we consider
a match if there exist the correct import statement of the
API, the correct method name, and the correct number of
parameters. All method instances are saved, along with their
invocation string. This data can quickly be reviewed by a de-
veloper to determine if a false positive was detected, making
our approach transparent and understandable. Developers
interviewed in RQ2 presented in Section 5, were presented
and reviewed the migration instances that were related to
their familiar app and confirmed our results.
3.1.3 Learning API migration patterns
In this step, we search API calls for every version of the code
examples. For instance, if code examples such as Google
Samples [12], or FDroid projects [16] are hosted in version
control repositories, we detect API calls in every commit of
the repository.
Searching every commit for a multitude of projects re-
quires surmounting the challenge imposed by the large scale
of available data from API user projects. We surmount the
challenge imposed by the large amount of data available
by leveraging the basic diff in the version control system
(like Git) to determine in which commits a specific string
is modified to collect commits that contain changes to API
Commit level migrations allow us to reduce the amount
of code modifications that could obfuscate an API migra-
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 5
tion. If we reduce the search scope to a granularity coarser
than commit level we might miss certain migrations. Similar
to the lexical search from the last step, the use of a diff tool
is merely scoping down our search space. For the commits
that potentially impact API calls, we parse the AST of the
changed files in the commit. We compare the ASTs gener-
ated from the source code before and after the commit. If the
API invocations in the AST are modified in the commit, we
consider the commit as a potential API migration pattern.
Hence, each API migration pattern consists of an AST built
from the example before the migration and an AST built
after the migration.
For the code examples that are hosted as text files outside
of repositories, we apply a text diff on each two consecutive
versions of the example instead of using commits to scope
down the search space. The secondary AST matching step
on these text files is identical to that from the version control
3.2 Applying learned API migration patterns to API
calls in the source code
In our second step, we collect all the API migration patterns
(i.e., ASTs built from the example before and after the
migration) from the first step and try to apply these patterns
to the API calls in the Android app source code.
3.2.1 Searching possible migration candidates
Similar to our first step, to resolve the challenges imposed
by the scale of the problem at hand, we reduce the search
space, our approach first uses API names to lexically search
for API calls with available migration patterns in the source
code of the targeted Android app.
Since migrations can be dependent on the context of
surrounding code, we cannot assume that one migration
example will suit all possible use cases. For example, API
such as Resouces.getColor(int) can be present in a variety
of use cases. To match valid migration patterns, we must
not only match API calls, but also determine if an example
matches a user’s usage of the API. We leverage data-flow
graphs to match the API calls in the migration patterns and
the targeted Android app sources. We construct a data-flow
graph from the API call example “before” the migration in
the migration patterns. We also construct data-flow graphs
in the API calls in the Android app source code. Only if
the data-flow graph from the example is a subgraph of a
potential API call in the Android app source code do we
then consider this a migration candidate. This allows us
to assume that the example API being used as a migration
pattern has a similar use case to the API call in the targeted
Android app.
3.2.2 Applying the migration from the example to API calls
in the source code
Existing API migrations can contain implementation details
that cause incompatibilities with other projects. Therefore,
our approach must mitigate the challenges imposed by
implementation details and allow developer interaction.
We employ data-flow graphs, rely on the large number of
migration examples provided by open-source projects to
Algorithm 2: Our algorithm for migrating code.
Input : Migration mapping mappedDF G and
client data-flow graphs clientDF G
Output: Migrated data-flow graph
1 / T raverse all data flow graphs /
2 foreach DFG in clientDF G do
3 DFGMap mappedDF G.get(DF G)
4 changedAP Is DF GMap.getChangedAPI()
5 / Migrate all migrateable AP Is /
6 foreach changedAPI in changedAPIs do
7 changedNodes
DFGMap.getDataLinks(changedAP I)
8 missingNodes
DFGMap.getNodesToAdd(changedAP I)
9 / Adjust the data flow graph /
10 DFG.addNewNodes(missingNodes)
11 DFG.migrateDFG(migrateableNodes)
12 end
13 end
obtain our migration examples, and let the developer have
final say at every step of the approach.
If any migration candidate is found, we then attempt
the migration. We first compute the migration mappings by
comparing the examples before and after API migration.
This mapping contains any changes that must be made
to existing code statements, obtained by comparing the
names and types of each code statement in the data-flow
graph. The migration mapping also contains any new code
statements that are present in the “after” migration example
but were missing in the “before” migration example.
In order to obtain an accurate migration mapping be-
tween the “before” and “after examples (i.e., changes that
were made to migrate the API), we need to eliminate the
changes on AST that are not related to the API migration.
We achieve this by relying on the data-flow graphs that are
built from the examples. We first remove all the nodes in the
data-flow graph where all the associated nodes are perfectly
matched between the “before” and “after examples. Since
they are perfect copies of one another, those nodes cannot
contribute to a migration. We keep the nodes in the data-
flow graphs that remain unmatched and are associated
with the node that is of interest to the API call. Finally,
we compare the nodes that are kept to find the matched
data-flow graph for the API call in the Android app after
Once we obtain the most likely migrated data-flow
graph in the “after API migration example, we produce a
backward slice of the data-flow graph starting from the API
call. In other words, we only look at nodes that give data to
the API call. Based on our sliced data-flow graph, we then
map each node in the “before” example to the most closely
matched node in the “after example. Any unmatched data
linked nodes are considered to be new nodes and are saved
to be added during migration.
Finally, we use the migration mapping to transform the
project source code into the “after API migration example.
Pseudocode of our migration algorithm can be found in
Algorithm 2. The transformation also looks for any object
types that are matches between the “before” example and
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 6
the project source code to infer the names used in the
Android app source code, to prevents the introduction of
new variable names. Our approach can produce migrations
that are interprocedural and intraprocedural. However, we
limit the migration scope of our approach to single files
since prior work has found that field and method changes
account for more than 80% of migration cases [22]. Adding
migration across multiple files would increase the chance of
making mistakes, both when mining and applying migra-
tion patterns, and only account for a minority of migration
To better explain our approach, Figure 3 illustrates an
example of applying a migration from an example to an
API call. The before and after migration examples illustrate
potential example code obtained from sample projects. We
can see that methods which are exact matches are seen as
irrelevant since they add no information to the migration.
Similarly, we can see that nodes after the migration node
of interest, in this case a return statement, are also seen as
irrelevant nodes. This is because it does not matter what the
user does with their code after the API call (i.e., not related
to the usage of the API). Other nodes are then matched
between before and after examples to determine which node
is most likely the migration. Any nodes that do not obtain
a match are considered new nodes required for migration
and will be added in user projects, as denoted by the color
blue in our example. Once a match is produced between
migration examples, the migration mapping can be applied
to the user example, as presented by the arrows in Figure 3
and as explained by the pseudocode in Algorithm 2.
To determine the extent to which our approach, A3, can be
used to assist with API migration, we conducted a series of
experiments. We first present the research questions which
we use to evaluate our approach. Then, we present our data
acquisition approach for Android apps and code examples.
4.1 Research questions
We aim to evaluate our approach by answering three re-
search questions. We present our research questions and
their motivations in the rest of this subsection.
RQ1 Can we identify API migration patterns from public code
Our approach uses code examples to automatically learn
API migration patterns. Therefore, the availability of migra-
tion code examples is very important to our approach. In
this RQ, we study how many API migration patterns we
can find in publicly available code examples and calculate
the precision of our approach. We also engaged the help of 20
volunteer developers to produce a sample migration dataset
in order to obtain a known number of migration examples
and determine the recall of our approach.
RQ2 To what extent can our approach provide assistance when
migrating APIs?
In this RQ, we use the publicly available and user pro-
duced examples to automatically learn and apply migration
patterns. We evaluate and quantify the extent to which
our approach, A3, can leverage these examples to assist
developers in migrating API calls.
RQ3 RQ3: How much time can our approach save when migrat-
ing APIs?
In this RQ, we enlisted 15 developers to participate in a
user study to evaluate the time savings provided by A3. We
timed the participants while they migrated an amalgama-
tion of six API examples, for which they randomly received
help from A3. The participants were also asked to rate the
usefulness of our approach.
4.2 Data acquisition
In this subsection, we present our data acquisition ap-
proaches for the Android apps that we want to migrate and
the sources of our code examples.
4.2.1 Android apps for migration
We selected our Android apps through the free and open
source repository of Android apps: FDroid [16]. We clone
all the git repositories of FDroid apps that are hosted on
GitHub and implemented in Java. In total, we obtained
1,860 apps. From these apps, we would like to perform API
migration on the ones that are still actively under develop-
ment, since they are more likely to benefit from migrating to
the most recent Android APIs. Therefore, we only selected
apps that had code committed in the six months prior to
our study. In order to assist in later verifying the success
of the migration, we selected only the apps that contained
readily available tests. Furthermore, we only selected the
apps that could be built with the official Android build
system, Gradle, so that we could verify the functionality
of apps after migration. We focused the evaluation of our
approach for API migration on the 10 latest versions of
the Android API since they account for 95.6% of Android
devices in the world [23]. Therefore, we selected the apps
that target the 10 latest versions (API versions 19-28) of the
Android API. This allowed us to collect a sample of 164
FDroid apps on which to test our migrations. All the other
apps (1,696) were used to extract API migration examples.
4.2.2 Sources of public code examples
Our approach relies on code examples to learn API mi-
gration patterns. In the evaluation of our approach, we
focus on two sources of public code examples: 1) official
Android examples, i.e., Google Samples [12] and 2) FDroid
app development history. We also use Android API usage
patterns extracted from our FDroid sample to construct the
original examples given to our user study participants.
Google Samples. The Android development team provides
code samples to assist app developers understand various
use cases of the Android APIs. This code sample repository,
aptly named Google Samples, contains 234 sample projects,
181 of which are classified as Java projects [12]. We mined
the Google Samples repository, hosted on GitHub, for An-
droid API migration examples.
FDroid app development history. Due to the widely avail-
able open source projects, if one open source project mi-
grates a deprecated API in their source code, other devel-
opers may leverage that migration as an example. With the
publicly available development history of FDroid, we can
leverage the API migrations that exists in the FDroid apps
as code examples.
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 7
Method declaration
Return statement
Node of interest Matched node Irrelevant node
New node
Exact match Migration
Sample Android app source code
Before migration example
After migration example
Method declaration
Return statement
Return statement
Other method
Return statement
Other method
Method declaration
Return statement
bar.getColor(a, null)
public Object MethodDeclaration(Object foo, Object bar){
int a = foo.getDefault();
Object x = bar.getColor(a);
return x;
public Object MethodDeclaration(Object foo, Object bar){
int b = foo.getDefault();
int a = changeDefault(b);
Object x = bar.getColor(a, null);
return x;
Original match
Fig. 3. Example of applying a migration from an example to Android app source code
4.2.3 Source of private code examples
Since it is impossible to determine how many migrations
have been produced and can therefore be recovered from
mining public repositories, we produced a sample migration
dataset with the help of volunteer developers. This dataset
was used in RQ1 to determine the recall of our approach
when mining for migration examples.
We developed a dataset with the help of 20 participants
(14 graduate students and six professional developers) to
create migration examples for Android API methods that
had known migrations. Based on our study of the FDroid
repositories, we selected the 30 Android APIs which were
most frequently called but did not have readily available
public examples of migration in FDroid apps. We manually
created stub classes based on multiple examples of existing
code taken from FDroid apps to reduce the amount of code
our volunteers had to read. We then presented these classes
to our participants as files sampled from real apps that
needed migration. The participants were each given five
files, selected at random from our pool of 30 Android APIs
that needed migration, in order to guarantee multiple sam-
ples of successful migrations for each API. Therefore, each
API had at least three participants attempt the migration.
The participants were told which API to migrate for each
file, and were allowed to use the official documentation
or any other source of information they deemed necessary
to create suitable migrations. We manually verified the
results of the participants and randomly selected working
examples to seed a mine-able sample repository of 30 real
migration code examples that were created by real develop-
ers and sampled from real projects
In this section, we present the results of our evaluation by
answering three research questions.
RQ1: Can we identify API migration patterns from public
code examples?
We focus on two sources of examples in this RQ: 1)
official Android examples, i.e., Google Samples [12] and 2)
FDroid app development history. We measure the preva-
lence of API migration examples by determining the num-
ber of API migration examples that we can mine from our
example sources. We only consider the APIs with migrations
that have officially been documented by Android develop-
ers to validate our results.
In the 10 latest versions of Android (versions 19-28),
we were able to manually identify 262 APIs which had
documented migrations. Out of all the Android APIs with
migrations, only 125 of those occurred in our sources of
By searching for API migrations (c.f. Step 1 in our
approach in Section 3.1) in the Google Samples [12] and
the development history of FDroid apps, our approach can
automatically identify 10 and 79 API migration examples
out of 125 API occurrences, respectively. Among those mi-
gration examples from Google Samples, only one API is
not covered in the FDroid examples, giving us a total of
80 distinct API migrations found (see Table 1). However, we
note that the nine other examples from Google Samples that
3. The 30 code examples, and their migrations, are available as part
of our replication package
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 8
API migrations identified
Data sources API identified
FDroid API migrations 79
Google Samples API migrations 10
Total distinct API migrations found 80
Total API uses found in apps 125
Total possible 262
overlap with other sources are still useful due to the possible
minor variations in ASTs that can occur when migrating.
Some examples may provide a more suitable migration with
less needed human effort from developers (c.f. RQ2 & RQ3).
We manually analyzed all examples mined and determined
that our approach was able to find migration patterns with
100% precision in Google Samples (i.e., 10/10 examples cor-
rectly identified), and 96.3% precision in FDroid apps (i.e.,
79/82 examples correctly identified), giving a total precision
of 96.7%. Some examples are migration false positives due to
user modifications that can be mistaken an migrations, we
discuss examples that are not migrations in detail in RQ2.
To calculate the recall of our approach, we used the
manually created sample of 30 Android migration examples
that was created by volunteer developers (c.f. Section 4.2.3).
Our approach was able to successfully extract 29 out of 30
migration examples from the seeded repository, giving us a
recall of 97%. The example which could not be extracted was
due to line-breaks within the API call. It would be possible
to fix this corner case either by preprocessing all commits to
remove line-breaks, or modify our API search to allow for
arbitrary line-breaks.
Classified API migration patterns identified by our approach
Migration difficulty Type Frequency
Encapsulate 6
Move method 4
Remove parameter 1
Rename 7
Consolidate 7
Expose implementation 10
Add contextual data 23
Change type 15
Replaced by external API 7
We manually classified the 80 distinct migration patterns
identified by our approach according to pre-established API
migration classifications [22]. Table 2 presents our classified
patterns. As can be seen in Table 2, the majority (45/80)
of the migrations we identified are considered hard to
automate [22]. This implies that our approach can surmount
hard technical challenges, as well as find easy-to-migrate
examples. The easy difficulty migration implies that the
migration patterns can normally be completed by most IDEs
such as Eclipse [22]. For example, in API version 26, Noti-
fication.Builder.setPriority was moved and renamed to Notifi-
cationChannel.setImportance and CookieSyncManager.startSync
is no longer useful since it was encapsulated by the We-
bView class in API version 21 and is now automatically
done by that class. Medium difficulty migrations (i.e., mi-
grations previously considered partially automatable) were
also found. We identified examples of API consolidation
such as NetworkInfo.getTypeName which was consolidated
into the NetworkCapabilities class in API version 28 and
must now instantiate that class and call a different method
hasTransport new with constants. We also identified cases
where implementation was exposed to give more control to
the API users. For example the Notification.Builder.setDefaults
method started allowing users to enable vibration, enable
lights and set sound separately in API version 26 rather than
be done as part of one method, as it was done before API
version 26. This means that our approach must be able to
find code to instantiate all of these new functionalities. As
previously mentioned, our approach also identifies hard to
automate migration patterns. We identify patterns such as
added contextual data in methods like Hmtl.toHtml where
new parameters were added in API version 24 to allow
for more options and user control. In most of these cases
a default value for new parameters is allowed, which our
approach can mine from existing projects to allow users to
migrate their project. Changed types such as faced when mi-
grating to Message.getSenderPerson from Message.getSender,
in API version 28, can be handled by our approach by
following the control flow graph of calls and modifying the
calls appropriately based on previous migrations. Finally,
APIs replaced by external APIs such as the FloatMath APIs
in API version 22 cos, sin, sqrt can be changed to their new
library format, and the import statement can be created. The
user then only has to make sure that the new API library is
included in their project.
Our approach can automatically identify 80 migration pat-
terns with 96.7% precision in Android APIs used in public
code examples, and obtains a recall of 97% using our seeded
RQ2: To what extent can our approach provide assistance
when migrating APIs?
In this RQ, we examine whether our approach can pro-
vide assistance to API migration in Android apps. In partic-
ular, we apply our approach to migrate 80 API calls in 32
FDroid apps (based on both the migration patterns learned
from public code examples and user generated examples).
In order to examine whether a migration is successful, we
leverage the tests that are already available in the apps and
collect the ones that can exercise the migrated API calls.
In order to avoid tests that are already failing before the
migration, we run all the tests before the migration of the
apps and only keep apps with passing builds. The apps that
we selected had an average of 10 tests, with a minimum of
6 tests and a maximum of 52. Afterwards, we try to build
the migrated apps. For the apps that can be successfully
built, we run the collected tests again to check whether the
migration is completed successfully. Furthermore, we also
manually install and run the migrated apps to ascertain that
the migration does not cause the app to crash. Furthermore,
we provide comparisons with prior approaches such as
Previous studies have shown that producing exact auto-
mated migrations is a difficult task [22]. We consider this fact
and attempt to mitigate it through the use of our approach.
However, in cases where it is possible to present an exact
migration to a user, such a task should be attempted to
save development time. Therefore, in the best case scenario
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 9
we attempt to provide an exact and automatic migration to
users. Table 3 summarizes the results of our migrations. Our
approach can provide assistance in 71 out of 80 migrations
through faultless migrations, migrations with minor mod-
ifications, and through the examples we suggest when we
experience unmatched guidance or unsupported cases. The
following paragraphs discuss each different type of result in
Automated migration results based on migration patterns learned from
three different sources
Faultless migration 5 0 9
Migrated with minor mod. 5 4 12
Unmatched guidance 18 1 9
False positive 0 0 3
Ex. was not a migration 6 0 0
Unsupported cases 7 0 1
Total migrations 41 5 34
Distinct API 21 4 15
Faultless migration. If all the tests are passed, and the app
runs, without any further code modification, we consider
the migration as exact. We succeeded at giving users an
exact migration in 14 cases. Nine of these migrations were
learned from the manually produced code examples from
the examples manually created by participants. However,
we were able to use five examples from FDroid app de-
velopment history to produce faultless migrations. Such a
result tells us that given a rich example, it is possible to
provide fully automated working migrations.
Migration with minor modifications. In cases where an
app, after the migration, does not build and run, or does
not pass the tests, we manually checked the error message.
In such cases, the migration pattern may be correct, yet
our automatically generated migration may need minor
modifications to build and run the app and pass the tests.
For each case, we determined a way for the migration to
succeed with minimal code modification. An example of
such modification can be adjusting a variable name. We
were able to provide 21 migrations with minimal modifi-
cations. We consider the number of tokens that must be
changed for the migration to be successful. The number
of tokens changed was determined by post-modifications
performed by the first author, who manually went through
failed automated migration cases, modified the app’s code
to make the migration successful and measured the size
of the modification. We use the absolute number of tokens
changed rather than a percentage of tokens matched since
the automatically matched tokens do not require any effort.
We consider any modifications to a code token as a token
We found that the modifications needed for an imperfect
but successful migration requires modifying between one
to seven tokens (3.65 tokens on average). We consider the
amount of effort needed on such modifications rather small,
especially since they are mostly simple renames and the
addition or removal of keywords. The brunt of the work,
namely finding a migration candidate, finding a migration
pattern, and matching this pattern, is provided by our
approach, A3. Therefore, the user can simply “glue” any
unattached pieces of example code into their application.
We examined the different scenarios that require minor
modification to qualitatively understand the effort needed
for such modifications. In total, we identify four reasons
for such modifications: variable renaming, missing the keyword
this, wrongly erasing casting, and removing API calls.
As a design choice, we opt to conservatively not remove
any API calls for migration, since mistakenly removing
API calls may cause large negative impact to developers.
Instead, our approach tells the users that a change must be
made to the API, and the API call must then be manually
removed. Although this may require the manual modifica-
tion of removing several tokens, the effort of the change is
minimal. We experienced three removing API call cases. For
example the View.setDrawingCacheQuality(int) method was
made obsolete in API 28 due to hardware-accelerated ren-
dering [24]. This means that old code referring to drawing
cache quality can be simply deleted, as the OS now handles
this through hardware.
Unmatched guidance. It is possible for our approach to fail
to match an example to a known migration (see Section 3.2-
1). These cases exist due to the nature of our example
matching. Since we consider the data-flow surrounding
a migration, our examples must contain a similar data-
flow graph to the Android app considered for migration.
We conservatively opt for such an approach to reduce the
number of falsely generated migrations, since they may
introduce more harm to developers than assistance. As a
result, if the Android app instantiates their API call in a
different way than our examples, our approach will not
attempt to automate the migration. For example, if the user
uses nested method calls inside an API call and we cannot
reliably map the return types of the nested method calls, we
will not consider the code to match. Examples that contain
unmatched but similar API migrations will be presented
to the user, and they can choose the correct migration and
manually apply it afterwards.
For the 28 migrations for which none of our examples
contained a match, 18 of these are from FDroid development
history. This implies that the FDroid API usage is more often
tailored for the apps’ needs and is not often coded in a gen-
eral manner. Future research may investigate automatically
generalizing the usage of API to address this issue.
False positives. We consider a migration to be a false
positive when our approach presents an unnecessary mi-
gration. This would occur if a migration example were erro-
neously matched to a non-migrateable method invocation
in Android app code. This only occurred three times in
our tests and the occurrences were all from the manually
produced examples. We believe this to be the case due to
the simplicity of the manually produced examples. Since
the examples are simplified and contain very little context
code, the corresponding data-flow graphs are often simple.
This allows the examples to be used in a wider range of
situations than the mined code samples. However, this leads
to false positives as a trade-off, especially if method names
are commonly used and few parameters are used (e.g.
setContent()). These false positives can be caught at compile
time since they would not compile, and can therefore be
corrected or discarded by the developer without harm to
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 10
the app.
Example was not a migration. As previously mentioned,
since we obtain our migration examples through automated
tool assistance (c.f. RQ1), it is possible for our approach
to present faulty migration examples. This normally occurs
when a deprecated API call is modified, but not migrated
to the updated version of the API. An example of such a
modification would be to rename the variables in the API
call. This change would be mistakenly identified by our
approach as a modification to an API call. Therefore, if
such an example were to be used to attempt a migration,
we would present a migration with no effect, and therefore
cause no harm to the Android app. We experienced six such
instances in the FDroid examples. However, we did not
encounter these in our Google Samples nor the manually
produced examples.
Unsupported. There exist a few unsupported corner cases
that our approach would not support. For example, we
cannot automatically produce migrations if the API call is
spread across a try catch block, or within a loop declaration
or conditional statement declaration. As with unmatched
guidance cases, we provide the user with migration ex-
amples that may be relevant to their migration, instead of
attempting to provide automated migration on their code,
therefore no harm is done to the code. We experienced eight
such cases.
Comparison with LASE [17]
Total Migrations Possible 17
Migration map successfully created 17 15
Migration point successfully found 9 1
Migration faultlessly applied 7 1
Comparison with other approaches. To the best of our
knowledge, there currently exists no other approach that
can automatically identify API migration examples and au-
tomatically suggest and apply them to app code. Tools such
as SEMDIFF [9], and AURA [8] find migration locations,
but do not provide example-based automatic migrations.
We find 97% of migration locations based on our exam-
ples, which is close to the upper bound of what these
approaches can achieve. We selected LASE [17] as a more
direct comparison for our approach since LASE resembles
the automatic migration of our approach while needing
to be provided compilable examples. Due to LASE’s need
for compilable examples, we had to use A3 to first obtain
migration examples to feed into LASE. Furthermore, LASE
does not automatically determine a match between exam-
ples and must be manually pointed to paired examples
through manually edited configuration files, which we had
to produce for each example set. Other similar approaches
are discussed further in Section 6. Due to the high degree
of manual effort when manually producing configuration
files for LASE, we chose a subset of 10 of the 32 apps used
for RQ2 to compare with LASE. The apps were selected at
random, and contained a total of 17 migration possibilities
comprised of 13 distinct APIs. The results can be seen in
Table 4.
LASE can build a refactoring map for 15 (88%) migra-
tions compared to 17/17 for A3. However, only 1/17 migra-
tions were automatically mapped to migration points in the
apps and subsequently applied to the apps. LASE appears
to be highly dependent on the quality of the example and
their similarity to the app code when compared to A3. We
also find that LASE highly depends on complete matches
in method AST. For example, if app code is inside an if
statement or try block when the example code is not, if
app code is instantiated differently than example code, or
part of a method argument chain is in a different order
to the example code, the AST sub-trees of the code will
appear to be different. The differences in the sub-trees may
lead to mis-detections between the primary example and
the app code by LASE. We believe that since LASE was
not designed for our use cases, it is intuitive that LASE
is not optimal for our API migration task. On the other
hand, A3 is designed to mine examples from the online
code example, and hence is less sensitive to factors such as
as complete AST-alignment and therefore can more often
provide migration links when examples are loosely aligned.
We conducted four semi-structured interviews concern-
ing three open source apps from FDroid (Antennapod,
K9Mail, and Wikipedia). We contacted app developers that
were contributors to the apps. Four developers offered
to be interviewed for our study. Two developers for the
Wikipedia app, one for Antennapod, and one for K9Mail.
All of the developers had at least two years of experience in
programming and Android app development. We presented
each developer with migration candidates from the app they
were familiar with. We also allowed them to search the web,
and ask any clarifying questions if they had any. We then
provided one example of a migration of the same API call
done in another app, mined by our approach. We asked four
developers the following questions:
1) “Do you think our approach correctly identified the
migration candidate?”
2) “How confident would you be when migrating this
3) “How do you feel about the examples provided by
our approach to help you migrate?”
4) “Do you think there are limitations or potential
improvements to our approach?”
In all cases, the developers said that we had indeed
found useful migration candidates. The migrations were
judged to be easy, but time consuming. In all cases the
developers said that our examples were “extremely useful”
or “very very useful”, and that they would reduce the time
to complete a migration from “a few minutes, down to a few
One developer said that “[...] where a new parameter is
introduced it’s hard to tell if the default value will do the trick, so
I would likely have to do a decent amount of research before I felt
secure in my choice [...]”.
One developer identified a potential improvement when
providing before/after examples rather than a complete
migration, “When you provide before/after files for a migration
it would be nice to have a quick summary of the migration,
like did you add a parameter? Otherwise I have to look at the
documentation to make sure I’m looking at the right thing, and
takes a little bit of extra time.”.
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 11
Results of A3 user-study: comparing the time needed to migrate
Android API usage examples (measured in seconds) with help
from A3 and location-based API migration tools [8], [9].
w/o. A3
w. A3
1 304.9 266.8 12.5 4.2
2 150.0 115.8 22.8 4.5
3 265.5 174.6 34.2 4.8
4 572.8 372.6 34.9 3.9
5 152.4 129.9 14.8 4.8
6 179.8 81.4 54.7 3.8
Total: 270.9 190.2 29.0 4.3
In one case a developer said that, “Small examples are
nice, but sometimes you want more context, so maybe having
the whole file is better, on the other hand another developer
said that,”I prefer when I can only see the migration and a
little surrounding code, if there’s too much code, it’s harder
to see exactly what’s going on.”. From these interviews we
believe that there is an element of developer preference
when looking at examples, and perhaps future research can
look at the kinds of examples developers like, and create
tools that can determine how much of data-flow and control
flow is shown based on developer preference.
A3 can provide API migration assistance in 71/80 cases.
We can automatically generate 14 faultless migrations, 21
migrations with minor code changes, and 36 migrations with
useful guidance to developers. The effort needed to post-
modify our generated API migration is low, an average of
3.65 tokens require modification.
RQ3: How much time can our approach save when mi-
grating APIs?
In this RQ, we present the design and results of a user
study involving the assistance provided by our approach.
We conduct the user study to evaluate the usefulness of
migration suggestions provided by our approach. The user
study involves 15 participants (6 professional developers
and 9 graduate students). In particular, we compare the time
used for API migration by using our approach, and by only
using location-based API migration tools, such as SEMD-
IFF [9], and AURA [8]. We do not compare to LASE [17]
in this section since LASE cannot identify migration cites
or examples without developer input. Therefore, comparing
A3, which automatically identifies a migration location, and
automatically identifies potential migration examples, to
LASE which can only migrate manually identified migration
locations with manually identified examples, would not
be a fair comparison of time saved. Rather, we seek to
determine how much time can be saved by an approach that
can automatically find migration examples and migration
candidates when compared to approaches that only identify
migration candidates.
We extracted six API migration tasks from the out-of-
date Android API uses from FDroid projects. Each par-
ticipant was given three tasks with the help of migration
suggestions provided by A3, and three other examples with
the help of location-based API migration tools, such as
SEMDIFF [9], and AURA [8]. We randomized the order
of the tasks for each participant. These tasks were part of
the dataset used in RQ1 and RQ2 and had been detected
by A3 as APIs which needed migration. The tasks were
chosen randomly from our sample to avoid bias and we
manually ensured that each task did need migration. We
used the approach presented in Section 3.2 to obtain a
migration suggestion for each of the six tasks.
Each participant was given six source files that presented
code with old versions of the Android API. The participants
were told that they should attempt to modify the source
code in each task to migrate to the latest version of the
Android API. For the tasks that receive the help by A3, we
provide the code that is generated by A3 after migration.
For the tasks that only received the help from location-
based API migration tools, the participants were informed
of which API call to migrate and what is the new version of
the API to migrate. We also provide the hyper-links to the
Android developer website pages necessary to understand
the API calls and their migrations were also given to the
participants. We note that we did not directly run SEMD-
IFF [9] or AURA [8] to obtain above information, but directly
provide the ground truth information to the participants,
as if SEMDIFF [9] or AURA [8] generate perfect results.
Furthermore, the participants were told that we provided
potential solutions in the form of migration suggestions for
some examples, and that they should attempt to use them
if they could. This was done to minimize the noise in the
measured time from other activities to concentrate on the
migration of API calls themselves.
The participants were timed to determine how long each
migration took. They were also asked to rank the usefulness
of the migration examples whenever possible. The rank is
on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 was considered as useless, and
5 was considered extremely useful. The results of our user
study are presented in Table 5.
Overall, our approach provides an average time im-
provement of 29% with a p-value of 0.015 in a two-tailed
Mann-Whitney U test. Professional developers improved by
45.9% while graduate students by 22.7%. We have therefore
shown that automatically providing migration examples to
users using a technique like A3 can improve migration
times. As shown in Table 5, the developers involved with
our user-study also found the assistance from A3 useful,
ranking it an average of 4.3 out of 5 in usefulness. Therefore,
our approach not only provides migration aid that can
reduce migration time, but the examples provided are also
judged as useful by developers.
Our approach provides, on average, a 29% improvement
in API migration speed compared with location-based API
migration tools. Users ranked the help provided by A3 an
average of 4.3 out of 5 on a usefulness scale.
In this section we discuss prior research in the field of APIs.
We concentrate on prior work based on API evolution, API
migration, and the usefulness of code examples for APIs.
Table 6 shows the major differences between our approach
and prior studies.
API evolution studies
As the world of software APIs expanded so did the
number of studies on API usage and evolution [2], [30]–[45].
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 12
Main differences and novelty provided by the A3 approach when compared to related work.
Related Work Novelty provided by A3
CatchUp! [25] Our approach does not require recording of API modifications.
SemDiff & AURA [26], [27] Our approach uses API usage examples rather than internal API modifications to obtain migration patterns.
EXAMPLORE [28] Our approach automatically obtains and applies relevant example code as patterns for migration.
Sydit & LASE [17], [18] Our approach automatically obtains matched code examples, does not require fully compilable projects.
LibSync [29] Our approach gives fully migrated code, and does not require fully compilable projects.
More recently, several research papers have been published
on the Android API and its evolution [5], [6], [46]–[53]. The
Android API is both large in code size and has numerous
versions. It has therefore been found to be a suitable case
study for various types of software research, from API us-
age [54] and crashes [55], to software testing [56], [57], Stack
Overflow discussions [58], static analysis tool creation [59],
and user ratings [4]. We use the Android API as a case study
for API evolution and migration.
In 2013, McDonnell et al. [5] extracted the change infor-
mation of the Android API. They found that the Android
API is rapidly evolving and provides an average of 115
API updates per month. API updates are said to occur to
fix bugs, enhance performance, and to respect new stan-
dards [5]. They suggest that although there are currently
many tools to automate the API updating process, these
tools are insufficient for current needs and that new studies
and tools are necessary to encourage proper API updates [5].
The work by McDonnel et al. is a strong motivation for
the ideas presented in this paper. Due to the rapid nature
of changes in the Android API, it is necessary to have
approaches such as the one presented in this paper to aid
developers in adapting API changes.
Li et al. [46], [53] built a tool to investigate deprecated
Android APIs. Li et al. find that 37.87% of apps make use of
deprecated APIs [46]. This knowledge further strengthens
the need for tools to help developers migrate away from
these methods. They also found that although the Android
framework developers consistently document replacements
for deprecated APIs, this documentation is not always up
to date [46]. This presents a perfect opportunity for our
approach to use the most up-to-date to help users migrate
away from deprecated API rather than rely on potentially
outdated documentation.
API migration techniques
Past research has presented tools and suggestions to
improve API migrations [8]–[10], [60], [60]–[67]. API migra-
tion tools usually rely on fully automatic or semi-automatic
means to provide API migration recommendations to devel-
opers. These approaches concentrate on locating a migration
candidate and recommending an alternative API. Mean-
while, our approach assumes that the user knows that an
alternative API exists, either through these tools or through
documentation, and does not understand how to produce
the migration. This is where our approach, A3, aims to guide
CatchUp! [10] provides a semi-automatic migration solu-
tion which requires that API developers record API source
code changes from their IDE. These changes can then be
replayed on API user systems to adapt their application to
the changed API. This tool can provide safe migrations due
to the nature of the tool chain. However, the tool requires
the API developers to record their own work. Contrarily
to CatchUp!, A3 uses a myriad of examples to guide the
migration from any available source.
Dagenais and Robillard, and Wu et al. provide different
semi-automatic migration tools, SemDiff [9], and AURA [8].
Both tools similarly mine method changes in two versions
of an API, and internal adaptations to these API changes.
These changes are then used to provide migration recom-
mendations to API users. SemDiff presents migration sce-
narios by heuristically ranking the most likely candidates.
Meanwhile, AURA uses heuristics to provide only the best
fit migration. A3 can consider any source of example to
extract migrations. This allows users to obtain high quality
migration examples even if the API source code is propri-
etary, as long as open source examples of migrations exist
or can be created.
Similarly to A3, more recent approaches such as Medi-
tor [68] and the work by Fazzini et al. [69], attempt to mine
repositories to obtain examples and apply those examples to
real world applications. Meditor [68] concentrates on Java
applications and manages to correctly apply code migra-
tions in 96.9% of cases. Other similar approaches [69] have
since been attempted on the Android ecosystem with a suc-
cess rate of 85%. However, to the best of our knowledge, our
approach is the only one so far to have included evaluation
in real world scenarios with a user study and developer
Code examples and APIs
A3 relies on the existence of source code examples of
API migrations. Prior research has covered API documenta-
tion enhancement and API examples extensively [70]–[83].
Gao et al. find that crypto-APIs misuses are very com-
mon in Android apps [84]. They find that developers are
unlikely to successfully fix these misuses when they attempt
to do so [84]. These findings highlight the importance of
proper testing and keeping the developer in the develop-
ment loop. This is one of the reasons why A3 is not a fully
automated approach, but rather allows the developer to
have the final say in any migration decision. Therefore, it is
always possible for the developer to determine the validity
of any migration before choosing to use it.
EXAMPLORE is a visualization tool to assist users in
understanding common uses of APIs [28]. The tool uses a
corpus of API examples to build common usage patterns
which can then be displayed to a user in an interactive
graphical way. Since tools like EXAMPLORE have shown
that they can assist users to answer API questions with
detail and confidence [28], we believe that using examples to
provide API insights could similarly be used for a migration
Tools such as Sydit, LibSync, and LASE provide sys-
tematic editing through examples [18], [29], [74]. However,
these tools require well-built ASTs for dependency analysis,
but examples of API migration may not always be compi-
lable (e.g., code snippets from documentation, or examples
X CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2018 13
from users). Furthermore, a developer has to provide the
examples with relevant context, or in the case of LibSync
project versions where migrations are known to occur (e.g.,
where to apply the changes). In contrast, our approach
automatically mines relevant examples, and then finds the
most relevant migration pattern for a specific API migration
use case with no dependency assumptions (i.e., the code can
be non-compilable).
MAPO is a tool that allows developers to rapidly search
for frequent API usages [85]. MAPO uses a combination
lightweight source code analysis, code search engines, and
frequent item-set mining methods [85]. Tools like MAPO
have shown that it is possible to rapidly and reliably find ex-
amples of API usage on the web. Therefore, tools like A3 can
rely on this foundation to use these examples for more
complex tasks, such as aiding API migration.
We do not provide direct comparisons with other ap-
proaches as the work presented in this paper does not di-
rectly compare to previous approaches but rather augments
them. It would be possible to use the example gathering
power provided by A3 and the example matching ap-
proaches provided by Sydit, LASE, or LibSync to complete
the migration process with minor modifications to these
approaches. However, in our partial and indirect compar-
ison with LASE, SEMDIFF [9], and AURA [8] we find that
our approach matches or outperforms prior approaches.
The primary novelty of our approach is getting migration
patterns directly from publicly available sources without
needing the compilation of the sources, or developer in-
tervention, and directly using these sources to determine
if a migration pattern can be used to modify developer
code, and then automatically attempting the migration and
providing this to the user. No other approach to date covers
the full scope of our approach and therefore no direct and
fair comparison can be made.
Construct validity. We assess the validity of our API migra-
tions by building and running the apps as well as running
the test suites of the migrated Android apps. Although
we focus on the tests that exercise the migrated API calls,
and attempt to exercise as much functionality as possible
when running the apps, it is still possible that defects intro-
duced by the migration are not identified by our tests. User
studies and interviews with developers may complement
the evaluation of our approach. In our study, there are
still cases where our approach cannot migrate faultlessly.
Although our approach can provide migration guidelines to
developers, as an early attempt of this line of research, our
approach can be further complemented by other techniques
such as code completion to achieve better assistance in API
migration. Furthermore, we concentrate on the majority of
cases through file level migrations. If a large number of
migrations occur across multiple files, our approach is not
currently able to help.
External validity. Since this entire study was tested on the
Java API of the Android ecosystem, it is possible that the
findings in this paper will not generalize to other program-
ming languages. However, while it is true that the approach
presented in this paper was tested specifically on a Java
based API, all of the approaches are built upon assumptions
that are true in other popular programming languages such
as C#.
Internal validity. Our findings are based on the Android
project and code examples mined and produced for its API.
It is possible that we only found a subset of all migrations.
It is also possible for the time gap between the release of
new API and the update to examples to be larger in other
sources. We attempted to mitigate these threats through
mining official samples, open source projects, and having
participants produce examples for frequently used APIs. We
found that Google Samples updated deprecated API as soon
as one month after the release of a new API version, which
should allow developers to regularly update their apps.
Our participant created examples were new and useful API
migration examples, showing that the premise of using
examples to help automate API migrations is functional and
likely dependent on the sample size of examples.
In this paper, we proposed an approach that assists develop-
ers with Android API migrations by learning API migration
patterns from code examples mined directly from available
code repositories. We evaluate our approach by applying
automated API migrations to 32 open-source Android apps
from FDroid and through a user-study. We find that our
approach can automatically extract API migration patterns
from both public code example and manually produced API
examples that are created with minimal effort. By learning
API migration patterns from these examples, our approach
can provide either automatically generated API migrations
or provide useful information to guide the migrations. Our
user-study showed that the examples provided by our ap-
proach allow users to migrate Android APIs, on average,
29% faster and are seen as useful by developers, who ranked
them an average usefulness of 4.3 out of 5.
This paper makes the following contributions:
We propose a novel approach that learns API migra-
tion patterns from code examples taken directly from
available code repositories.
Our novel approach can automatically assist in API
migration based on the learned API migration pat-
We produce a user study and conduct semi-
structured interviews that conclusively shows that
migration examples are both desirable and useful to
Our approach illustrates the rich and valuable informa-
tion in code examples that can be leveraged in API related
software engineering tasks.
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Maxime Lamothe Maxime Lamothe is a Ph.D.
student in the department of Computer Science
and Software Engineering at Concordia Uni-
versity, Montreal, Canada. He has received his
M.Eng. degree from Concordia University and
he obtained his B.Eng. from McGill University.
His research interests include API evolution, API
migration, machine learning in software engi-
neering, big data software engineering, and em-
pirical software engineering.
Weiyi Shang Weiyi Shang is a Concordia Uni-
versity Research Chair at the Department of
Computer Science. His research interests in-
clude AIOps, big bata software engineering, soft-
ware log analytics and software performance en-
gineering. He is a recipient of various premium
awards, including the SIGSOFT Distinguished
paper award at ICSE 2013, best paper award
at WCRE 2011 and the Distinguished reviewer
award for the Empirical Software Engineering
journal. His research has been adopted by in-
dustrial collaborators (e.g., BlackBerry and Ericsson) to improve the
quality and performance of their software systems that are used by
millions of users worldwide. Contact him at [email protected];
Tse-Hsun (Peter) Chen Tse-Hsun (Peter) Chen
is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Computer Science and Software Engineering
at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He
leads the Software PErformance, Analysis, and
Reliability (SPEAR) Lab, which focuses on con-
ducting research on performance engineering,
program analysis, log analysis, production de-
bugging, and mining software repositories. His
work has been published in flagship conferences
and journals such as ICSE, FSE, TSE, EMSE,
and MSR. He serves regularly as a program committee member of
international conferences in the field of software engineering, such as
ASE, ICSME, SANER, and ICPC, and he is a regular reviewer for
software engineering journals such as JSS, EMSE, and TSE. Dr. Chen
obtained his BSc from the University of British Columbia, and MSc
and PhD from Queen’s University. Besides his academic career, Dr.
Chen also worked as a software performance engineer at BlackBerry
for over four years. Early tools developed by Dr. Chen were integrated
into industrial practice for ensuring the quality of large-scale enterprise
systems. More information at: