Font style
Sarif font (like Calibri or Times New Roman); should be the same as your resume
Style and Tone
□ Formal language
Persuasive tone and word choice
Correct Spelling
Correct Grammar
Should be no longer than one page
Your heading should be the same as your resume
Letter Format
Use either block or semi-block format (contact the CDO for details if necessary)
Include correct date and mailing address
Dear Mr./Ms. ___: (avoid using “To Whom It May Concern:” when possible)
Personalize each letter
Research each employer
First Paragraph Contents
Why are you writing this letter?
Who are you?
Why are you interested in this particular employer beyond what you will get out
of the experience?
Body of the Letter Contents
Why should this employer be interested in you?
Include academic background, practical experience, personal qualities
Closing Paragraph Contents
What do you want to happen next?
What are you enclosing?
This sample is written in “Block Format.
Your Full Name
Mailing Address • Email Address• Phone Number
Company or Organization Name
City, ST Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
The Opening Paragraph should begin with the catalyst of your letter (e.g. the recommendation of a
person influential with the employer or a job announcement). If you are sending a “cold letter,” specify
the type of position you are seeking (e.g. externship for credit, work-study, volunteer). You should
identify who you are (e.g., class year, school, and other defining information), but should not include
your name. The key to the opening paragraph is identifying your interest in the employer: that is, your
intellectual, academic, or practice area interest in this organization and the work they do, not your
interest in building your resume, gaining experience or exposure, or using the employer as a stepping-
The Body of the letter should highlight why this employer should be interested in you. Discuss your
Academic Background. Have you taken courses relevant to the employer you’re applying to? Discuss
your Practical Experience. Your practical experience may be broader than simply your work
experience. If you have experience working in any area of law, you can emphasize strengths such as your
legal analytical, research, oral advocacy, client management, and writing skills. If your experience is
strictly nonlegal, you can emphasize the relevant (or “transferable”) skills you’ve learned in the
workplace. Discuss your Personal Qualities. You may want to mention some qualities you think
distinguish you. Be specific and use examples.
The complexity of your Closing Paragraph depends on whether you are responding to a job
announcement or contacting an employer cold. What is your plan of action? Do you want to follow up
with a phone call or do you want them to contact you? Be sure to thank the person receiving your letter
for their time and interest.
For more detailed information on each section of your cover letter, and for more samples, please see
the complete “Crafting Cover Letters” handout or contact the Career Development Office.
Your name
Cover letter samples in both block and semi-block formatting.
**This letter is written in semi-block format.
March 3, 2019
Ms. Joan Harris
Attorney at Law
Director of Legal Services
Battered Womens Voices
9988 Sanford Street
Berkeley, CA 94331
Dear Ms. Harris:
Paula West, your fellow McGeorge Alumni Association board member, recommended
that I contact you regarding a summer law clerk position with Battered Women’s Voices. Paula
is my mentor and knows I have a longstanding commitment to helping battered women and
children. When I told Paula I am looking forward to working with this population in a legal
setting, she suggested that my passion and skills would be a great match for your organization. I
am a first-year student at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. I have attached
my resume for your consideration.
While volunteering with Helping Hand, I learned to communicate in a way that
empowers clients and allows them to make their own decisions. For example, I counseled
women about their options within the legal system, about individual psychotherapy, and about
safety plans. I successfully assisted five women in their struggles to secure restraining orders
against their abusers and advised many others. I received the 2018 Volunteer-of-the-Year award
for my services, along with numerous thank-you letters from the women I served.
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my interest in joining BWV
and look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Your signature here
If you are emailing your letter, you can paste in
your scanned signature or use a script font
such as Freestyle Script to simulate your
Sarah Howe
**This letter is written in block format.
4576 Sunshine Lane, Apartment 5B, Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 333-5566
September 23, 2019
Mr. Stephen Sisneros
Attorney at Law
Howard & Ralston LLP
3355 Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, CA 94444
Dear Mr. Sisneros:
I was pleased to see your Daily Recorder article on the history of municipal bond litigation. I
plan to specialize in bond work and municipal finance, and therefore seek a law clerk position
with your firm for next summer, following my second year at the University of the Pacific,
McGeorge School of Law. I have a background in finance and accounting and am currently
taking Land Finance and Administrative Law. I have enclosed my resume for your review.
Several of my employers have noted my ability to work independently with very little guidance.
My most recent supervisor, Hank Thomas, described me as one of the hardest workers he had
ever seen. While working for Mr. Thomas, I managed three major accounts and met my
deadlines, even when handling additional accounts for a co-worker who was unexpectedly out of
the office. I look forward to bringing this work ethic to my future career in the field of bonds and
municipal finance and would especially enjoy using my skills in a small firm such as Howard &
I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my interest in a law clerk
position with your firm. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Very truly yours,
Robert P. Belton
Robert P. Belton
**This letter is written in semi-block format.
5564 Otsego Street
West Sacramento, CA 95962
(916) 222-9999
January 28, 2019
Ms. Allison Yang
Attorney at Law
Browne, Pelletier, Stabile & Nash LLP
7890 Rainy Lane
Seattle, WA 98776
Dear Ms. Yang:
Professor Paul Nelson, knowing of my longstanding interest in health law, suggested that
my knowledge, experience, and skills are a great match for your firm. Professor Nelson is my
health law professor at University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. He recently spoke to
me about your health care department as well as your firms recent success in the Kaiser-Blue
Cross dispute. I am attracted to heath care litigation because of its dynamic nature; I find
learning about the ever-changing regulations in health care law particularly exciting. I am
graduating from law school in May and taking the July 2019 Washington State bar examination.
I am interested in a post-bar clerkship with your firm beginning in August, or an associate
position beginning in December when I am sworn in to the bar, or both. I have enclosed a copy
of my resume.
Working as an office manager and receptionist for a pediatric practice, I learned the
importance of meticulous recordkeeping. This skill, along with my familiarity with medical
records, should prove particularly useful when reviewing health care litigation documents. In
addition, after two years of managing the demands of five busy pediatricians, young patients, and
their worried parents, I have learned the art of multi-tasking, a skill that would undoubtedly be
tested in a busy law firm such as Browne, Pelletier.
I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to interview with Browne, Pelletier when I am
in Seattle for my semester break, from March 21 to March 26, or at any other time that is
convenient for you. Thank you for considering me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Judy M. Parker
**This letter is written in block format.
September 14, 2019
Mr. Daniel Friar
Hiring Partner
Anwar & Arrue
9876 Sandpipe Avenue
San Diego, CA 98775
Dear Mr. Friar:
Your job announcement on McGeorge Careers Online prompted me to learn more about your
firm. Anwar & Arrue’s recent involvement in private placements in public equity and your
diverse roster of corporate clients make the prospect of an associate position with your firm
particularly attractive to me. I have found corporate transactional work to be very exciting both
in academic and law firm settings and would relish the opportunity to practice with your well-
regarded corporate department. As a native of San Diego, I look forward to practicing law in the
San Diego area upon graduation and seek a full-time position to begin after I take the July 2020
bar examination. My resume is enclosed for your review.
At Salt & Stein, I drafted numerous contracts and substantially assisted in a successful merger.
Based on his positive impression of my work, my supervising attorney invited me to participate
in a strategy session with one of the firm’s clients. Later, my supervisor told me that I was the
first summer clerk he had ever included in a client meeting. This semester I will be working for
the California Department of Corporations, where I look forward to refining my knowledge of
the laws that govern California businesses.
I will be in San Diego from December 26 through January 7 and would welcome the opportunity
to speak to you in person about a post-bar clerkship, or an associate position, or both. Thank you
for your consideration.
your signature
Michael K. Martin
**This letter is written in semi-block format.
January 14, 2020
Mr. George T. Moreno
Attorney at Law
Hayton & Lee
3535 Hanson Street
Los Angeles, CA 91403
Dear Mr. Moreno:
Your recent article in the California Journal discussing the constitutional and policy
issues involved with campaign finance in California was intriguing to me. As a first-year student
at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, pursuing a Juris Doctor degree with a
Government Affairs certificate, I am interested in learning more about election and political law.
I would appreciate the opportunity to hear your views about how I might best prepare for a
career in this area.
Would you be available for a brief meeting to tell me about your background and how
you got started in election and political law? I would be grateful for your suggestions about what
summer work and elective courses I should pursue during the next two years of law school. I
would also be interested to know what publications you read to stay current with campaign,
election, and political issues.
I am attaching my resume to give you a sense of my background and would appreciate
the opportunity to meet with you.
your signature
Josefina M. Martinez