411 East West Way Berkeley, CA 94618
(510) 642-2400 [email protected]
May 25, 2013
Erin Hulsekim, Esq.
Hiring Partner
CaliforniaFirm LLP
100 California Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94105
Dear Ms. Hulsekim:
I am writing to express my strong interest in the Securities Associate position with CaliforniaFirm LLP as
advertised on your firm’s web site. I believe that my practical work experience as a lawyer in private practice
and in-house, in combination with my recent graduation from the Master of Laws (LL.M.) program at the
University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, ideally prepares me for such a position.
Prior to attending the LL.M. program at Berkeley Law, I was Associate Legal Counsel to a San Francisco-
based investment manager, where my responsibilities include advising on a variety of legal issues arising from
investment activities and ensuring compliance with federal securities laws. I also practiced for one year in the
New York office of InternationalFirm LLP after receiving my law degree in Spain and spending two years in
the firm’s Madrid office. My practice focused on advising clients on all aspects of fund formation and
distribution, both within the United States and offshore, and covering a broad range of investment strategies.
This involved drafting all fund offering documentation and the negotiation of complex agreements.
I sought to further expand my knowledge and expertise regarding U.S. corporate laws through enrollment in
the LL.M. program at Berkeley Law, where my studies focused on the disclosure regimes under the securities
laws, the regulation of investment companies and investment advisers, as well as the examination of more
complex unregistered fund structures and the derivatives markets. I firmly believe this specialized legal
training will provide an excellent foundation from which to prepare rules and regulations applicable to a
broad range of market participants.
It is with this background that I apply for a position with your firm. I believe that the rigorous analysis
undertaken as part of my studies, in addition to my practical knowledge of investment management
operations acquired through my work experience, qualifies me to serve in this role. Please find attached my
resume and a writing sample for your review. Thank you for your time in considering my application.
Andrea S. Estudiante
Attachments: 2