Appointments, Promotion, and
Criteria and Procedures for
The Ohio State University
College of Dentistry
Approved by the Office of Academic Affairs: August 15, 2022
Revision Approved by the Office of Academic Affairs: February 23, 2023
Table of Contents
I Preamble .................................................................................................................................................... 4
II College Mission ......................................................................................................................................... 4
III Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 4
A Committee of the Eligible Faculty ...................................................................................................... 4
1 Tenure-track Faculty ...................................................................................................................... 5
2 Clinical Faculty .............................................................................................................................. 5
3 Research Faculty ............................................................................................................................ 5
4 Associated Faculty ......................................................................................................................... 6
5 Conflict of Interest ......................................................................................................................... 7
6 Minimum Composition .................................................................................................................. 7
B Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee ............................................................................. 7
C Quorum ................................................................................................................................................ 7
D Recommendation from the Committee of the Eligible Faculty .......................................................... 7
1 Appointment .................................................................................................................................. 7
2 Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure, Promotion, and Contract Renewal ................................ 8
IV Appointments ........................................................................................................................................... 8
A Criteria ................................................................................................................................................. 8
1 Tenure-track Faculty ...................................................................................................................... 8
2 Clinical Faculty ............................................................................................................................ 10
3 Research Faculty .......................................................................................................................... 10
4 Associated Faculty ....................................................................................................................... 11
5 Emeritus Faculty .......................................................................................................................... 12
6 Courtesy Appointments for Faculty............................................................................................. 12
B Procedures ......................................................................................................................................... 12
1 Tenure-track Faculty ................................................................................................................... 12
2 ClinicalFaculty ............................................................................................................................ 14
3 Research Faculty .......................................................................................................................... 14
4 Transfer from the Tenure Track .................................................................................................. 14
5 Associated Faculty ...................................................................................................................... 15
6 Courtesy Appointments for Faculty............................................................................................. 15
V Annual Performance and Merit Review .................................................................................................. 15
A Documentation .................................................................................................................................. 16
B Probationary Tenure-track Faculty ................................................................................................... 16
1 Fourth-Year Review .................................................................................................................... 17
2 Exclusion of Time from Probationary Period .............................................................................. 17
C Tenured Faculty ................................................................................................................................ 17
D Clinical Faculty ................................................................................................................................. 18
E Research Faculty ........................................................................................................................... 1919
F Associated Faculty ............................................................................................................................ 19
G Salary Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 19
VI Promotion and Tenure and Promotion Reviews ..................................................................................... 20
A Criteria and Documentation that Support Promotion ........................................................................ 20
1 Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure ........................................................................... 21
2 Promotion to Professor ................................................................................................................ 22
3 Clinical Faculty ............................................................................................................................ 25
4 Research Faculty .......................................................................................................................... 25
5 Associated Faculty ....................................................................................................................... 26
B Procedures ......................................................................................................................................... 27
1 Tenure-Track, Clinical, and Research Faculty ........................................................................... 27
a Candidate Responsibilities .................................................................................................... 27
b Division Chair Responsibilities............................................................................................. 32
c College of Dentistry Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee Responsibilities .. 29
d College Eligible Faculty Responsibilities ............................................................................. 31
e Dean’s Responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 32
2 Procedures for Associated Faculty .............................................................................................. 33
3 External Evaluations .................................................................................................................... 33
VII Appeals .................................................................................................................................................. 34
VIII Seventh-Year Reviews ......................................................................................................................... 34
IX Procedures for Student and Peer Evaluation of Teaching ...................................................................... 34
A Student Evaluation of Teaching ........................................................................................................ 35
B Peer Evaluation of Teaching.............................................................................................................. 35
I Preamble
This document is a supplement to Chapters 6 and 7 of the Rules of the University Faculty; the annually
updated procedural guidelines for promotion and tenure reviews in Volume 3 of the Office of Academic
Affairs Policies and Procedures Handbook; and other policies and procedures of the college and
University to which the college and its faculty are subject.
Should those rules and policies change, the college will follow the new rules and policies until such time
as it can update this document to reflect the changes. In addition, this document must be reviewed, and
either reaffirmed or revised, at least every five years on the appointment or reappointment of the dean.
This document must be approved by the OSU Office of Academic Affairs before it may be implemented.
It sets forth the college’s mission and, in the context of that mission and the mission of the University, its
criteria and procedures for faculty appointments and for faculty promotion, tenure and rewards, including
salary increases. In approving this document, the OSU Office of Academic Affairs accepts the mission
and criteria of the college and delegate to it the responsibility to apply high standards in evaluating
current faculty and faculty candidates in relation to college mission and criteria.
The faculty and the administration are bound by the principles articulated in Faculty Rule 3335-6-01 of
the Administrative Code. In particular, all faculty members accept the responsibility to participate fully
and knowledgeably in review processes; to exercise the standards established in Faculty Rule 3335-6-02
and other standards specific to this college; and to make negative recommendations when these are
warranted in order to maintain and improve the quality of the faculty.
Decisions considering appointment, reappointment, and promotion and tenure will be free of
discrimination in accordance with the University’s policy on affirmative action and equal employment
II College Mission
The College of Dentistry is dedicated to addressing the evolving health care needs of communities in
Ohio, the nation, and the world by:
Providing comprehensive oral and craniofacial health care in an inter-professional health science
Educating health care professionals and scientists in a collaborative and diverse academic
Creating, discovering, and sharing knowledge
Preparing socially responsible and engaged citizens
Promoting a culture of excellence, respect, and inclusiveness
III Definitions
A Committee of the Eligible Faculty
The eligible faculty for all appointment (hiring), reappointment, contract renewal, promotion, or
promotion and tenure reviews must have their tenure home or primary appointment in the tenure
initiating unit (TIU). The Ohio State University College of Dentistry is the tenure initiating unit
referenced in this document and will be referred to as OSUCOD or the college throughout.
The dean and assistant and associate deans of the college, the executive vice president and provost,
and the president may not participate as eligible faculty members in reviews for appointment,
reappointment, promotion, promotion and tenure, or contract renewal.
1 Tenure-track Faculty
Initial Appointment Reviews
For an appointment (hiring or appointment change from another faculty type) review at senior
rank (associate professor or professor), the eligible faculty consists of all tenure-track faculty
in the college.
A vote on the appropriateness of the proposed rank must be cast by all tenured faculty of
equal or higher rank than the position requested.
Reappointment, Promotion, or Promotion and Tenure Reviews
For the reappointment and promotion and tenure reviews of assistant professors, the eligible
faculty consists of all tenured associate professors and professors.
For the promotion reviews of associate professors, the eligible faculty consists of all tenured
2 Clinical Faculty
Initial Appointment Reviews
For an appointment (hiring or appointment change from another faculty type) review at senior
rank (associate clinical professor, clinical professor), the eligible faculty consists of all
tenure-track and all clinical faculty in the college.
A vote on the appropriateness of the proposed rank must be cast by all tenured faculty of
equal or higher rank than the position requested, and all nonprobationary clinical faculty of
equal or higher rank than the position requested (a faculty member is no longer probationary
once they have been reappointed following the initial probationary appointment term).
Reappointment, Contract Renewal, and Promotion Reviews
For the promotion reviews of assistant clinical professors, the eligible faculty consists of all
tenured associate professors and professors, all nonprobationary associate clinical professors,
and all nonprobationary clinical professors.
For the promotion reviews of associate professors and the reappointment and contract
renewal reviews of clinical professors, the eligible faculty consists of all tenured professors
and all nonprobationary clinical professors.
3 Research Faculty
Initial Appointment Reviews
For an appointment (hiring or appointment change from another faculty type) review at senior
rank (research associate professor or research professor), the eligible faculty consists of all
tenure-track and all research faculty in the college.
A vote on the appropriateness of the proposed rank must be cast by all tenured faculty of
equal or higher rank than the position requested and all nonprobationary research faculty of
equal or higher rank than the position requested.
Reappointment, Contract Renewal, and Promotion Reviews
For the reappointment, contract renewal, and promotion reviews of research assistant
professors, the eligible faculty consists of all tenured associate professors and professors and
all nonprobationary research associate professors and professors.
For the reappointment, contract renewal, and promotion reviews of research associate
professors and the reappointment and contract renewal reviews of research professors, the
eligible faculty consists of all tenured professors and all nonprobationary research professors.
4 Associated Faculty
Initial Appointment, Reappointment, and Contract Renewal
Initial appointment (hiring or appointment change from another faculty type), reappointment,
and contract renewal of associated faculty members are decided by the division chair in
consultation with the dean.
Initial appointments at senior rank require a vote by the eligible faculty (all non-probationary
clinical faculty and tenured faculty of equal or higher rank than the position requested) and
prior approval of the OSU Office of Academic Affairs.
Promotion Reviews
Associated faculty are eligible for promotion but not tenure if they have adjunct titles, tenure-
track titles with service at 49% FTE or below, clinical titles, and lecturer titles.
For the promotion reviews of associated faculty with adjunct titles, the eligible faculty shall
be the same as for tenure-track, clinical, or research faculty, as appropriate to the
appointment, as described in Sections III.A.1, 2 or 3 above.
For the promotion reviews of associated faculty with tenure-track titles, the eligible faculty
shall be the same as for tenure-track faculty as described in Section III.A.1 above.
For the promotion reviews of associated clinical faculty, the eligible faculty shall be the same
as for clinical faculty as described in Section IIII.A.2 above.
The promotion of a lecturer to senior lecturer is decided by the division chair in consultation
with the dean.
5 Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest exists when an eligible faculty member is related to a candidate or has a
comparable close interpersonal relationship, has substantive financial ties with the candidate, is
dependent in some way on the candidate's services or success for his/her/their own success, has a
close professional relationship with the candidate (dissertation advisor), or has collaborated so
extensively with the candidate that an objective review of the candidate's work is not possible.
Generally, faculty members who have collaborated with a candidate on at least 50% of the
candidate's published work since the last promotion will be expected to withdraw from a
promotion or reappointment review of that candidate.
6 Minimum Composition
In the event that a college does not have at least three eligible faculty members who can
undertake a review, the dean, after consulting with OSU Office of Academic Affairs, will appoint
a faculty member from another unit within the university.
B Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee
The college has an Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee that reviews the appointment,
promotion, tenure and reappointment or renewal of college faculty and provides an evaluative written
assessment to the dean. The committee’s assessment is advisory to the dean. The college committee
provides a vote regarding promotion and/or tenure and consensus that all earlier review processes met
written university and college’s procedures. A quorum of five committee members is required to
discuss business and vote. The committee’s membership is described in the college Pattern of
C Quorum
The quorum required for the college to discuss and vote on all personnel decisions is two thirds of the
eligible faculty. The eligible faculty includes those not on an approved leave of absence. Faculty on
approved leave are not considered for quorum unless they declare, in advance and in writing, their
intent to participate in all proceedings for which they are eligible during the leave. A member of the
eligible faculty on Special Assignment may be excluded from the count for the purposes of
determining quorum only if the dean has approved an off-campus assignment. Faculty members who
withdraw or recuse themselves because of a conflict of interest are not counted when determining
D Recommendation from the Committee of the Eligible Faculty
In all votes taken on personnel matters only “yes” and “no” votes are counted. Abstentions are not
votes. Faculty members are strongly encouraged to consider whether they are participating fully in the
review process when abstaining from a vote on a personnel matter.
Absentee ballots and proxy votes are not permitted, but participating fully in discussions and voting
via remote two-way electronic connection are allowed.
1 Appointment
A positive recommendation from the eligible faculty for appointment at senior rank is secured
when two-thirds of the votes cast are positive.
In the case of joint appointments, the college must seek input from the joint-appointment
college prior to the appointment of that candidate.
2 Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure, Promotion, and Contract Renewal
A positive recommendation from the eligible faculty for reappointment, promotion and tenure,
promotion, and contract renewal is secured when a simple majority of the votes cast is positive.
In the case of joint appointments, the college must seek input from the joint-appointment
college prior to the reappointment, promotion and/or tenure, or contract renewal of that
IV Appointments
A Criteria
The college is committed to making only faculty appointments that enhance or have strong potential
to enhance the quality of the faculty. Important considerations include an individual's record to date in
teaching, scholarship and service; the potential for professional growth in each of these areas; and the
potential for interacting with colleagues and students in a way that will enhance their academic work
and attract other outstanding faculty and students to the college. No offer will be extended in the
event that the search process does not yield one or more candidates who would enhance faculty
quality. The search is either cancelled or continued, as appropriate to the circumstances.
For appointments that have teaching responsibilities, the candidate will be expected to demonstrate
potential to meet the following criteria that will be used for evaluation of teaching effectiveness:
content expert
ability to organize and present subject matter with clarity, logic, and enthusiasm.
capacity to interact effectively with trainees in order to motivate and inspire them.
1 Tenure-track Faculty
The College of Dentistry has two types of tenure-track faculty:
Faculty with a research emphasis that typically have a PhD degree but may not have a
DDS or equivalent degree. They are not typically involved in the clinical teaching of
students but may be involved with preclinical and didactic instruction.
Dental faculty with both clinical and research emphasis. These dentist faculty have a
DDS or equivalent degree and may also have the PhD degree. The dental hygiene faculty
have MS degrees and may also have the PhD degree. The responsibilities of this category
of faculty include the clinical teaching of students, and these faculty may participate in
the college Dental Faculty Practice. Board certification is a positive factor for faculty
appointment in clinical areas where such certification is available.
The appointment criteria and the promotion criteria (see sections VI.A.1 and VI.A.2) vary for
these two types of faculty and their areas of expertise. Scholarship is required for all tenure-track
faculty members.
Instructor. Appointment at the rank of instructor is made only when the offered appointment is
that of assistant professor, but requirements for the terminal degree have not been completed by
the candidate at the time of appointment. Procedures for appointment are identical to that of
assistant professor. A college will make every effort to avoid such appointments. An
appointment at the instructor level is limited to three years. Promotion to assistant professor
occurs without review the semester following completion of the required credentialing. When an
instructor has not completed requirements for promotion to the rank of assistant professor by the
end of the third year of appointment, the third year is a terminal year of employment.
Upon promotion to assistant professor, the faculty member may request prior service credit for
time spent as an instructor. This request must be approved by the college’s eligible faculty, the
dean, and the OSU Office of Academic Affairs. Faculty members should carefully consider
whether prior service credit is appropriate since prior service credit cannot be revoked once
granted except through an approved request to exclude time from the probationary period. In
addition all probationary faculty members have the option to be considered for early promotion.
Assistant Professor. An earned terminal degree (DDS, DMD or the equivalent; PhD, MD, EdD,
or MS for dental hygiene) is the minimum requirement for appointment at the rank of assistant
professor. Evidence of potential for scholarly productivity, high-quality teaching, and high-
quality service to the college and the profession is highly desirable. Appointment at the rank of
assistant professor is always probationary, with mandatory tenure review occurring in the sixth
year of service. All faculty starting within the same calendar year are in the same cohort for
promotion and tenure reviews. Review for tenure prior to the mandatory review year is possible
when the colleges Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee determines such a review to
be appropriate. A non-tenured faculty member may be denied a non-mandatory promotion and
tenure review each year up to the year of the mandatory review. There will be no penalty for an
unsuccessful review. The granting of prior service credit, which requires approval of the OSU
Office of Academic Affairs, may reduce the length of the probationary period, but is strongly
discouraged as it cannot be revoked once granted except through an approved request to exclude
time from the probationary period.
Associate Professor and Professor. Appointment offers at the rank of Associate Professor or
Professor and offers of prior service credit require prior approval of the OSU Office of Academic
Appointment at the rank of associate professor normally entails tenure. A probationary
appointment at the rank of associate professor is appropriate only under unusual circumstances,
such as when the candidate has limited prior teaching experience or has taught only in a foreign
country. A probationary period of up to four years is possible, on approval of the OSU Office of
Academic Affairs, with review for tenure occurring in the final year of the probationary
appointment. If tenure is not granted, an additional (terminal) year of employment is offered.
Appointments at the rank of professor without tenure should not occur.
Offers to foreign nationals require prior consultation with the Office of International Affairs.
2 Clinical Faculty
Except for those appointed at the rank of instructor, for whom a contract is limited to three years,
the initial contract for all other clinical faculty members must be for a period of five years. The
initial contract is probationary, with reappointment considered annually. Second and subsequent
contracts for assistant and associate clinical professors must be for a period of at least three years
and for no more than five years. Second and subsequent contracts for clinical professors must be
for a period of at least three years and no more than eight years. Tenure is not granted to clinical
faculty. There is also no presumption that subsequent contracts will be offered, regardless of
performance. If the college wishes to consider contract renewal, a reappointment review of the
faculty member is required in the penultimate year of the current contract period according to
procedures set forth in the Faculty Annual Review and Reappointment Policy, III, A-G.
Clinical Instructor. Appointment is normally made at the rank of clinical instructor when the
appointee has not completed the requirements for the terminal degree. The college will make
every effort to avoid such appointments. As noted above, an appointment at the instructor level is
limited to a three-year contract. In such cases, if the instructor has not completed requirements for
promotion to the rank of assistant professor by the end of the penultimate year of the three-year
contract period, a new contract will not be considered even if performance is otherwise adequate
and the position itself will continue.
Assistant Clinical Professor. An earned doctorate (DDS, DMD, or the equivalent; PhD, MD,
EdD; or MS or the equivalent for dental hygiene) and the required licensure/certification in
his/her/their specialty (if applicable) are the minimum requirements for appointment at the rank
of assistant professor. Evidence of ability to teach is highly desirable. In clinical areas where
appropriate, board certification is a positive factor.
Associate Clinical Professor, Clinical Professor. Appointment at the rank of associate clinical
or clinical professor requires that the individual have an earned doctorate (or appropriate
terminal degree) (DDS, DMD, or the equivalent; PhD, MD, EdD; or MS or the equivalent for
dental hygiene) and the required licensure/certification in his/her/their specialty (if applicable),
and meet, at a minimum, the collegess criteriain teaching, professional practice and other
service, and scholarshipfor promotion to these ranks. In clinical areas where appropriate, board
certification is a positive factor.
3 Research Faculty
Appointment of research faculty entails one- to five-year appointments. The initial appointment is
probationary, with reappointment considered annually. Tenure is not granted to research faculty.
There is also no presumption that subsequent appointments will be offered, regardless of
External appointees at the research associate professor or research professor level will
demonstrate the same accomplishments in research and service as persons promoted within the
Research Assistant Professor. Appointment at the rank of research assistant professor requires
that the individual have a doctorate and a record of high-quality publications that strongly
indicate the ability to to support an externally funded research program of a principal investigator
Research Associate Professor and Research Professor. Appointment at the rank of research
associate professor or research professor requires that the individual have a doctorate and meet, at
a minimum, the collegess criteria for promotion to these ranks.
4 Associated Faculty
Associated faculty appointments may be as short as a few weeks to assist with a focused project,
a semester to teach one or more courses, or for up to three years when a longer contract is useful
for long-term planning and retention. Associated faculty may be reappointed.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor, Adjunct Professor. Adjunct
appointments may be compensated or uncompensated. Adjunct faculty appointments are given to
individuals who give academic service to the college, such as teaching a course or serving on
graduate student committees, for which a faculty title is appropriate. The adjunct faculty rank is
determined by applying the criteria for appointment of tenure-track, clinical, or research faculty,
as appropriate to the appointment. Adjunct faculty members are eligible for promotion (but not
tenure) and the relevant criteria are those for promotion of tenure-track, clinical, or research
faculty, as appropriate to the appointment.
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor with FTE below 50%. Appointment at
tenure-track titles is for individuals at 49% FTE or below, either compensated (1 49% FTE) or
uncompensated (0% FTE). The rank of associated faculty with tenure-track titles is determined by
applying the criteria for appointment of tenure-track faculty. Associated faculty members with
tenure-track titles are eligible for promotion (but not tenure) and the relevant criteria are those for
promotion of tenure-track faculty.
Clinical Instructor of Practice, Clinical Assistant Professor of Practice, Clinical Associate
Professor of Practice, Clinical Professor of Practice. Associated clinical appointments may
either be compensated or uncompensated. Uncompensated appointments are given to individuals
who volunteer uncompensated academic service to a college, for which a faculty title is
appropriate. Associated clinical practice rank is determined by applying the criteria for
appointment of clinical faculty. Associated clinical practice faculty members are eligible for
promotion (but not tenure) and the relevant criteria are those for promotion of clinical faculty.
Lecturer. Appointment as lecturer requires that the individual have, at a minimum, a Masters
degree in a field appropriate to the subject matter to be taught. Evidence of ability to provide
high-quality instruction is desirable. Lecturers are not eligible for tenure, but may be promoted to
senior lecturer if they meet the criteria for appointment at that rank. The initial appointment for a
lecturer should generally not exceed one year.
Senior Lecturer. Appointment as senior lecturer requires that the individual have, at a minimum,
a doctorate in a field appropriate to the subject matter to be taught, along with evidence of ability
to provide high-quality instruction; or a Masters degree and at least five years of teaching
experience with documentation of high quality. Senior lecturers are not eligible for tenure or
promotion. The initial appointment for a senior lecturer should generally not exceed one year.
Visiting Instructor, Visiting Assistant Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, Visiting
Professor. Visiting faculty appointments may either be compensated or uncompensated. Visiting
faculty members on leave from an academic appointment at another institution are appointed at
the rank held in that position. The rank at which other (non-faculty) individuals are appointed is
determined by applying the criteria for appointment of tenure-track faculty. Visiting faculty
members are not eligible for tenure or promotion. Visiting faculty appointments may be renewed
annually for only three consecutive years.
5 Emeritus Faculty
Emeritus faculty status is an honor given in recognition of sustained academic contributions to
the university as described in Faculty Rule 3335-5-36. Full-time tenure track, clinical, research,
or associated faculty may request emeritus status upon retirement or resignation at the age of
sixty or older with ten or more years of service or at any age with twenty-five or more years of
Faculty will send a request for emeritus faculty status to the college head outlining academic
performance and citizenship. The Committee of Eligible faculty (tenured associate professors
and professors, nonprobationary associate clinical professors, and nonprobationary clinical
professors) will review the application and make a recommendation to the dean. The dean will
decide upon the request, and if appropriate submit it to OSU OAA, who will forward a
recommendation to the executive vice president and provost. If the faculty member requesting
emeritus status has in the 10 years prior to the application engaged in serious dishonorable
conduct in violation of law, rule, or policy and/or caused harm to the university’s reputation or
is retiring pending a procedure according to Faculty Rule 3335-05-04, emeritus status will not
be considered.
See the OAA Policies and Procedures Handbook Volume 1, Chapter 1, for information about
the types of perquisites that may be offered to emeritus faculty, provided resources are available.
Emeritus faculty may not vote at any level of governance and may not participate in promotion
and tenure matters.
6 Courtesy Appointments for Faculty
Occasionally the college finds that the active academic involvement by a tenure-track, clinical, or
research faculty member from another unit at Ohio State warrants the offer of a 0% FTE
(courtesy) appointment. Appropriate active involvement includes research collaboration, graduate
student advising, teaching some or all of a course from time to time, or a combination of these. A
courtesy appointment is made at the individuals current Ohio State rank, with promotion in rank
B Procedures
See the Policy on Faculty Recruitment and Selection and the Policy on Faculty Appointments for
information on the following topics:
recruitment of tenure-track, clinical, research, and associated faculty
appointments at senior rank or with prior service credit
hiring faculty from other institutions after April 30
appointment of foreign nationals
letters of offer
1 Tenure-track Faculty
A national search is required to ensure a diverse pool of highly qualified candidates for all tenure-
track positions. Colleges must seek exceptions to this policy from the college and the Office of
Academic Affairs in advance. Search procedures must entail substantial faculty involvement and
be consistent with the OSU OAA Policy on Faculty Recruitment and Selection.
Within all divisions of the college, searches for tenure-track faculty proceed as follows:
The dean provides approval for a division to commence a search process. This approval may or
may not be accompanied by constraints with regard to salary, rank, and field of expertise.
The dean appoints a search committee consisting of three or more faculty who reflect the field of
expertise that is the focus of the search (if relevant) as well as other fields within the unit.
Prior to any search, members of all search committees must undergo inclusive hiring practices
training available through the college with resources from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
Implicit bias training, such as that available through the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race
and Ethnicity, is also required of all search committee members prior to any search.
The search committee:
Appoints a Diversity Advocate who is responsible for providing leadership in assuring that
vigorous efforts are made to achieve a diverse pool of qualified applicants.
Develops a search announcement for internal posting in the University Job Postings through
the Office of Human Resources and external advertising, subject to the dean’s approval. The
announcement will be no more specific than is necessary to accomplish the goals of the
search, since an offer cannot be made that is contrary to the content of the announcement with
respect to rank, field, credentials, salary. In addition, timing for the receipt of applications
will be stated as a preferred date, not a precise closing date, in order to allow consideration of
any applications that arrive before the conclusion of the search.
Develops and implements a plan for external advertising and direct solicitation of
nominations and applications.
Screens applications and letters of recommendation and presents to the dean a summary of
those applicants (usually three to five) judged worthy of interview. If the dean agrees with
this judgment, virtual or on-campus interviews are arranged by the search committee chair,
assisted by the dean’s office. If the dean does not agree, the division chair in consultation
with the faculty determines the appropriate next steps (solicit new applications, review other
applications already received, cancel the search for the time being).
Virtual or on-campus interviews with candidates must include opportunities for interaction
with faculty groups, including the search committee; students; the division chair; and the
dean or designee. In addition, all candidates make a presentation to the faculty and students
on their scholarship or area of expertise which may be administrative in nature. The latter
could be an actual class or a mock instructional situation. All candidates interviewing for a
particular position must follow the same interview format, and relevant accommodations for
disability/impairment should be provided.
Following completion of virtual/on-campus interviews, the search committee meets to discuss
perceptions and preferences, and to vote on each candidate. The search committee reports a
recommendation on each candidate to the dean.
If the offer involves senior rank, the eligible faculty members must vote on the
appropriateness of the proposed rank. If the offer may involve prior service credit, the eligible
faculty members vote on the appropriateness of such credit. The eligible faculty reports a
recommendation on the appropriateness of the proposed rank or the appropriateness of prior
service credit to the dean. Appointment offers at the rank of associate professor or professor,
with or without tenure, and/or offers of prior service credit require prior approval of the
Office of Academic Affairs.
In the event that more than one candidate achieves the level of support required to extend an
offer, the dean decides which candidate to approach first. The details of the offer, including
compensation, are determined by the dean.
The college will discuss potential appointment of a candidate requiring sponsorship
for permanent residence or nonimmigrant work-authorized status with the Office of
International Affairs. An MOU must be signed by faculty eligible for tenured positions who
are not U.S. citizens or nationals, permanent residents, asylees, or refugees.
2 Clinical Faculty
Searches for clinical faculty generally proceed identically as for tenure-track faculty, with the
exception that the candidates presentation during the virtual or on-campus interview is on
clinical practice rather than scholarship, and exceptions to a national search require approval only
by the dean.
3 Research Faculty
Searches for research faculty generally proceed identically as for tenure-track faculty, with the
exception that during the on-campus interview the candidate is asked to make a research
presentation and exceptions to a national search require approval only by the dean.
4 Transfer from the Tenure Track
Tenure-track faculty may transfer to a clinical or research appointment if appropriate
circumstances exist. Tenure or tenure eligibility is lost upon transfer, and transfers must be
approved by the division chair, the dean, and the executive vice president and provost.
The request for transfer must be initiated by the faculty member in writing and must state clearly
how the individual’s career goals and activities have changed. Publications and activities accrued
on the tenure track may count towards promotion on the clinical faculty unless the work is
categorically different.
Transfers from a clinical appointment and from a research appointment to the tenure-track are not
permitted. Clinical faculty members and research faculty members may apply for tenure-track
positions and compete in regular national searches for such positions.
5 Associated Faculty
The appointment, reappointment, and contract renewal of all compensated associated faculty are
decided by the division chair in consultation with dean.
Compensated associated appointments are generally made for a period of one to three years,
unless a shorter or longer period is appropriate to the circumstances.
Appointment and reappointment of uncompensated adjunct or visiting faculty may be proposed
by any faculty member in the unit and are decided by the division chair in consultation with the
Visiting appointments may be made for one term of up to three years or on an annual basis for up
to three years.
Lecturer and senior lecturer appointments are made on an annual basis and rarely semester by
semester. After the initial appointment, and if a college’s curricular needs warrant it, a multiple
year appointment may be offered.
All associated appointments expire at the end of the appointment term and must be formally
renewed to be continued.
6 Courtesy Appointments for Faculty
Any faculty member within a college may propose a 0% FTE (courtesy) appointment for a
tenure-track, clinical, or research faculty member from another Ohio State unit. A proposal
describing the uncompensated academic service that justifies the appointment is considered at a
division faculty meeting. If the proposal is approved by simple majority of division faculty and
division chair, the recommendation is then forwarded to the dean for consideration. The division
head reviews all courtesy appointments every three years to determine whether they continue to
be justified, and takes recommendations for nonrenewal before the faculty for a vote at a regular
V Annual Performance and Merit Review
The annual performance and merit review of a faculty member is the responsibility of that faculty
member’s division chair and dean.
The purposes of the review are to:
Assist faculty in improving professional productivity through candid and constructive feedback
and through the establishment of professional development plans;
Establish the goals against which a faculty member’s performance will be assessed in the
foreseeable future; and
Document faculty performance in the achievement of stated goals in order to determine salary
increases and other resource allocations, progress toward promotion, and, in the event of poor
performance, the need for remedial steps.
Depending on their appointment type, the review is based on expected performance in teaching,
scholarship, and service as set forth in the colleges’s guidelines on faculty duties and
responsibilities; on any additional assignments and goals specific to the individual; and on
progress toward promotion where relevant.
Meritorious performance in teaching, scholarship, and service is assessed in accordance with the
same criteria that form the basis for promotion decisions.
Annual performance and merit reviews must include a scheduled opportunity for a face-to-face
meeting as well as a written assessment.
Per Faculty Rule 3335-3-35, division chairs are required to include a reminder in annual review
letters that all faculty have the right (per Faculty Rule 3335-5-04) to view their primary personnel
file and to provide written comment on any material therein for inclusion in the file.
All divisions within the college must follow the requirements for annual performance and merit reviews
as set forth in the Policy on Faculty Annual Review and Reappointment. It is the expectation of the
college that annual performance and merit reviews will also be consistent with the colleges’s APT
document and other relevant policies, procedures, practices, and standards established by: (1) the college,
(2) the Faculty Rules, (3) the Office of Academic Affairs, and (4) the Office of Human Resources.
The dean must assess an annual performance and merit review when a division chair has submitted (1) a
Report of Non-Renewal of Probationary Appointment of Faculty; (2) the fourth-year review of a
probationary faculty member; or (3) a Report of Contract Renewal or Non-Renewal for clinical faculty or
research faculty. The dean conducts an independent assessment of performance and prepares a written
evaluation that includes a recommendation on whether to renew the probationary appointment. The dean
then forwards the case to the OSU OAA, which makes the final decision on renewal or nonrenewal of the
probationary appointment.
A. Documentation
For their annual performance and merit review, the college requires faculty members to submit the
following documents to their division chair no later than April 30:
Office of Academic Affairs dossier outline, Policies and Procedures Handbook, Volume 3
(required for probationary faculty) or updated documentation of performance and
accomplishments (non-probationary faculty)
updated CV, which will be made available to all faculty in an accessible place (all faculty)
Other documentation for the annual performance and merit review will be the same as that for
consideration for promotion and/or tenure (see Section VI).
Under no circumstances should faculty solicit evaluations from any party for purposes of the annual
performance and merit review, as such solicitation places its recipient in an awkward position and
produces a result that is unlikely to be candid.
B Probationary Tenure-track Faculty
Every probationary tenure-track faculty member is reviewed annually by the division chair, who
meets with the faculty member to discuss performance, future plans, and goals; and prepares a written
evaluation that includes a recommendation on whether to renew the probationary appointment.
If the division chair recommends renewal of the appointment, this recommendation is final. The
division chair’s annual review letter to the faculty member renews the probationary appointment for
another year and includes content on future plans and goals. The faculty member may provide written
comments on the review. The division chair’s letter (along with the faculty members comments, if
received) is forwarded to the dean. In addition, the annual review letter becomes part of the
cumulative dossier for promotion and tenure (along with the faculty members comments, if
If the division chair recommends nonrenewal, the Fourth-Year Review process (per Faculty Rule
3335-6-03) is invoked. Following completion of the comments process, the complete dossier is
forwarded to the dean for review. The dean conducts an independent assessment of performance and
prepares a written evaluation that includes a recommendation on whether to renew the probationary
appointment. The dean then forwards the case to the OSU OAA, which makes the final decision on
renewal or nonrenewal of the probationary appointment.
1 Fourth-Year Review
During the fourth year of the probationary period the annual review follows the same procedures
as the mandatory tenure review, with the exception that external evaluations are optional and
OSU OAA makes the final decision regarding renewal or nonrenewal of the probationary
Internal and external evaluations are solicited only when either the division chair, in consultation
with the chair of the Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee determine that they are
necessary to conduct the Fourth-Year Review. This may occur when the candidate’s scholarship
is in an emergent field, is interdisciplinary, or the eligible faculty do not feel otherwise capable of
evaluating the scholarship without outside input.
The Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee will review the dossier for completeness
and consistency. The eligible faculty conducts a review of the candidate. On completion of the
review, the eligible faculty votes by written ballot on whether to renew the probationary
The eligible faculty forwards a record of the vote and a written performance review to the dean,
who conducts an independent assessment of performance and prepares a written evaluation that
includes a recommendation on whether to renew the probationary appointment. At the conclusion
of the college review, the formal comments process (per Faculty Rule 3335-6-04) is followed and
the case is forwarded to OSU Office of Academic Affairs for review, regardless of whether the
dean head recommends renewal or nonrenewal.
2 Exclusion of Time from Probationary Period
Faculty Rule 3335-6-03 (D) sets forth the conditions under which a probationary tenure-track
faculty member may exclude time from the probationary period. Additional procedures and
guidelines can be found in the Office of Academic Affairs Policies and Procedures Handbook.
C Tenured Faculty
Associate professors are reviewed annually by the division chair. In a large division, the division
chair may designate the responsibility for the annual review of associate professors to a vice chair.
Accountability for the annual review process resides with the division chair. The division chair or
designee conducts an independent assessment; meets with the faculty member to discuss his/her/their
performance and future plans and goals; and prepares a written evaluation on these topics. The faculty
member may provide written comments on the review.
Professors are reviewed annually by the division chair, or designee in a large division, who meets
with the faculty member to discuss his/her/their performance and future plans and goals. The annual
review of professors is based on their having achieved sustained excellence and ongoing outcomes in
the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge relevant to the mission of the tenure initiating
unit, as demonstrated by ongoing national and international recognition of their scholarship; ongoing
excellence in teaching, including their leadership in graduate education in both teaching and
mentoring students; and ongoing outstanding service to the college, the university, and their
profession, including their support for the professional development of assistant and associate
professors. Professors are expected to be role models in their academic work, interaction with
colleagues and students, and in the recruitment and retention of junior colleagues. As the highest
ranking members of the faculty, the expectations for academic leadership and mentoring for
professors exceed those for all other members of the faculty.
If a professor has an administrative role, the impact of that role and other assignments will be
considered in the annual review. The division chair or designee prepares a written evaluation of
performance against these expectations. The faculty member may provide written comments on the
D Clinical Faculty
The annual performance and merit review process for clinical probationary and nonprobationary
faculty is identical to that for tenure-track probationary and tenured faculty respectively, except that
non-probationary clinical faculty may participate in the review of clinical faculty of lower rank.
In the penultimate contract year of a clinical faculty members appointment, the division chair, in
consultation with the dean, must determine whether the position held by the faculty member will
continue. If the position will not continue, the faculty member is informed that the final contract year
will be a terminal year of employment. The standards of notice set forth in Faculty Rule 3335-6-08
must be observed.
Reappointment in the College of Dentistry follow procedures set forth in the Faculty Annual Review
and Reappointment Policy, III, A-G. For a clinical faculty member applying for initial
reappointment, the division chair assigns the Peer Review of Teaching Committee to evaluate
effective skills as a teacher,through student evaluation of teaching, reports from Peer Review of
Teaching Committee, and outcomes (see Section IX).
In addition the division chair will then prepare and submit a letter assessing teaching, service, and
scholarship (if applicable). This letter becomes part of the official dossier. For the first reappointment
without promotion, the dossier is reviewed by all eligible faculty in the college at the same or higher
rank as the candidate. The timeline and responsibilities are the same as promotion and tenure reviews
(see Section VI B1).
For cases where the clinical faculty member is seeking subsequent reappointment without promotion,
the dossier is only reviewed at the division level by the process described in the preceding section and
presented directly to the dean for reappointment consideration. A clinical faculty member applying
for a subsequent reappointment without promotion may submit a complete core dossier with
attachments and letters or, alternatively, a reappointment document containing a CV, personal
statement, peer evaluations of teaching, student evaluations of teaching, and information about course
administration, lecturing, seminar, clinical and/or laboratory teaching.
There is no presumption of renewal of contract.
E Research Faculty
The annual performance and merit review process for research probationary and nonprobationary
faculty is identical to that for tenure-track probationary and tenured faculty, respectively, except that
non-probationary research faculty may participate in the review of research faculty of lower rank.
In the penultimate contract year of a research faculty members appointment, the division chair, in
consultation with the dean, must determine whether the position held by the faculty member will
continue. If it will not continue, the faculty member is informed that the final contract year will be a
terminal year of employment. The standards of notice set forth in Faculty Rule 3335-6-08 must be
In accordance with procedures set forth in the Faculty Annual Review and Reappointment Policy, III,
A-G, the initial decision about reappointment for a research faculty member is first made by the
division chair, in consultation with the Principal Investigator if they are providing salary support for
the research faculty member. Performance during the entire period since the initial appointment is
evaluated. The division chair writes a letter with the recommendation which is forwarded to the dean,
who makes the final decision about reappointment. The timeline and responsibilities are the same as
promotion and tenure reviews (see Section VI B 1).
There is no presumption of renewal of contract.
F Associated Faculty
Compensated associated faculty members in their initial appointment must be reviewed before
reappointment. The division chair, or designee, prepares a written evaluation and meets with the
faculty member to discuss his/her/their performance, future plans, and goals.
The division chairs decision, after consultation with the dean, on renewal of the initial appointment is
final. If the decision is to renew, the division chair may extend a multiple year appointment.
Compensated associated faculty members on a multiple year appointment (or hired annually for
multiple years) are reviewed annually by the division chair or designee. The division chair or
designee prepares a written evaluation and meets with the faculty member to discuss his/her/their
performance, future plans, and goals. Unless the division chair decides to reappoint an associated
faculty, the date on the existing faculty offer will serve as the final date of appointment. The division
chair’s decision, in consultation with the dean, on reappointment is final.
G Salary Recommendations
Division chairs make annual salary recommendations to the dean, who may modify them. The
recommendations are based on the current annual performance and merit review as well as on the
performance and merit reviews of the preceding 24 months.
The criteria for performance in teaching, scholarship, and service are the same as for promotion and
reappointment decisions for faculty. Merit salary increases and other rewards made by a college are
consistent with relevant policies, procedures, practices, and standards established by: (1) the college,
(2) the Faculty Rules, (3) the Office of Academic Affairs, and (4) the Office of Human Resources.
Faculty members who wish to discuss dissatisfaction with their salary increase with the dean should
be prepared to explain how their salary (rather than the increase) is inappropriately low, since
increases are solely a means to the end of an optimal distribution of salaries.
Faculty who fail to submit the required documentation (see Section V-A above) for an annual
performance and merit review at the required time will receive no salary increase in the year for
which documentation was not provided, except in extenuating circumstances, and may not expect to
recoup the foregone raise at a later time.
VI Promotion and Tenure and Promotion Reviews
Faculty Rule 3335-6-02 provides the following context for promotion and tenure and promotion reviews:
In evaluating the candidates qualifications in teaching, scholarship, and service, reasonable
flexibility shall be exercised, balancing, where the case requires, heavier commitments and
responsibilities in one area against lighter commitments and responsibilities in another. In
addition, as the University enters new fields of endeavor, including interdisciplinary endeavors,
and places new emphases on its continuing activities, instances will arise in which the proper
work of faculty members may depart from established academic patterns. In such cases care must
be taken to apply the criteria with sufficient flexibility. In all instances superior intellectual
attainment, in accordance with the criteria set forth in these rules, is an essential qualification for
promotion to tenured positions. Clearly, insistence upon this standard for continuing members of
the faculty is necessary for maintenance and enhancement of the quality of the University as an
institution dedicated to the discovery and transmission of knowledge.
In accordance with Faculty Rule 3335-6-02(E), this section outlines the established criteria, procedures,
and evidence for the award of promotion and tenure.
A. Criteria and Documentation that Support Promotion
For each category of faculty appropriate to a college, this document describes (1) the criteria for
promotion and tenure, as appropriate to the college; (2) the types of documentation that demonstrate
impact and show that criteria have been met; (3) the levels of achievement necessary to meet the
stated criteria within the context of the college’s mission, the standards of Chapters 6 and 7 of the
Faculty Rules, the standards and mission of the college, and the mission of the University; and (4)
criteria for evaluation of joint appointment candidates.
The standards of quality and effectiveness required must be representative of high performance.
When the college forwards the dossier of a candidate for review and has recommended that
promotion and tenure or promotion be granted, OSU Office of Academic Affairs expects that the
college has ensured that the evidence of the qualifications and performance of the candidate meet or
exceed the college criteria applicable to the nomination.
The purposes of the OSU Office of Academic Affairs-level promotion and tenure and promotion
reviews are: (1) to determine whether the college has conducted its review and reached a
recommendation consistent with university and college standards, criteria, policies, and rules; and (2)
to determine where the weight of the evidence lies in cases in which there is not a clear or consistent
recommendation from the college. If the conclusion of the OSU Office of Academic Affairs-level
review is that the recommendation of the unit is not consistent with university or college standards,
criteria, policies, and rules, OSU Office of Academic Affairs may make a recommendation that is
contrary to the recommendation of the college.
1 Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure
Tenure is not awarded below the rank of associate professor at The Ohio State University.
Promotion to associate professor with tenure in the College of Dentistry requires excellence in
both scholarship and teaching, where scholarship is defined as research and scholarly work.
Candidates should show promise of excellence in service.
Excellence in scholarship means attainment of measurable national or international recognition
based on an appropriate amount and rate of high-quality published research. A successful
candidate will have an emerging national reputation. Excellence in teaching means the
provision to all students of the opportunity to realize their full capabilities for learning and, to
the most capable and motivated students, an enhanced learning experience. Excellence in
service means the provision of a high level of professional expertise and experience to the
University, the community, the state and nation, and professional organizations. The service
contribution during the probationary period of assistant professors is limited by design. The
most important judgment is that the candidate will achieve excellence in service in the future.
The substantial probability that a high rate of quality scholarship and and excellence in teaching
and service will continue needs to be established. The claim that retention of the candidate will
improve the overall quality and standing of the college needs to be supported.
Excellence in teaching, research and service is moreover defined to include professional ethical
conduct in each area of responsibility, consistent with the American Association of University
Professors Statement on Professional Ethics.
In the evaluation of untenured associate professors for tenure, the same criteria apply, along with
any others established in writing at the time a senior rank appointment without tenure was
Tenure Track Research Emphasis (see Section IV A 1)
Evidence of teaching must include:
Demonstration of effective skills as a teacher, including evidence of achieving a level
of excellence in teaching through student evaluation of teaching, reports from Peer
Review of Teaching Committees, and outcomes (see Section IX).
Participation in teaching activities to a degree that is consistent with division goals
and adequate in quantity and frequency to permit a fair and meaningful evaluation of
the candidate's skills and development. The quantity and teaching role (ie. lecturer,
director) will be considered.
Evidence of scholarship must include:
Demonstration of an independent scholarly program that is likely to be sustainable
and establishes the candidate's expertise and ability.
Primary authorship of scholarly publications that are predominantly data-based
appearing in well- respected refereed journals.
Nationally competitive peer-reviewed funding from federal entities (e.g., NIH or
NSF), charitable foundations, industry, and/or other highly regarded external entities.
Publications should indicate sustained productivity and allow evaluation of
scholarship by external reviewers. The number of publications will vary with the
work and discipline.
Evidence of service must include:
Participation on college and/or university committees during most of the time in rank.
Membership in professional organizations and contributions to professional activities
outside of the university.
Tenure Track Clinical and Research Emphasis (see Section IV A 1)
Evidence of teaching must include:
Demonstration of effective skills as a teacher, including evidence of achieving a level
of excellence in teaching through student evaluation of teaching, reports from Peer
Review of Teaching Committees, and outcomes (see Section IX).
Participation in teaching activities to a degree that is consistent with division goals
and adequate in quantity and frequency to permit a fair and meaningful evaluation of
the candidate’s skills and development. The quantity and teaching role (ie. lecturer,
director) will be considered.
Course directorship, which includes oversight on preparation and distribution of
course materials, management of lecture/laboratory schedules, and conducting of all
Evidence of scholarship must include:
Demonstration of an independent scholarly program that is likely to be sustainable
and establishes the candidate’s expertise and ability.
Primary or major authorship of scholarly publications that include a significant
portion that is data-based, appearing in well-respected refereed journals.
Competitive peer-reviewed funding from federal entities (e.g., NIH or NSF),
charitable foundations, industry, university/college granting body, and/or other
regarded entities.
Evidence of service must include:
Participation on college and/or university committees during most of the time in rank.
Membership in professional organizations and contributions to professional activities
outside of the university.
Demonstration of outstanding clinical skill in patient care if appropriate. Examples
include board certification if applicable, peer review observations from faculty
colleagues, and unsolicited letters of commendation from patients.
A minimum of five external letters of evaluation are required for promotion to Associate
Professor (see Section VI B 4).
2 Promotion to Professor
Faculty Rule 3335-6-02 establishes the following general criteria for promotion to the rank of
Promotion to the rank of professor must be based on convincing evidence that the faculty
member has a sustained record of excellence in teaching; has produced a significant body of
scholarship that is recognized nationally or internationally; and has demonstrated leadership
in service.
The specific criteria in teaching, scholarship, and service for promotion to professor are similar to
those for promotion to associate professor with tenure, with the added expectation of sustained
accomplishment and quality of contributions, a record of continuing professional growth, and
evidence of established national or international reputation in the field.
When assessing a candidate’s national and international reputation in the field, a national and
international reputation for the scholarship of teaching may be counted as either teaching or
In addition, as further specified by Faculty Rule 3335-6-02, assessment is in relation to specific
assigned responsibilities with reasonable flexibility being exercised in order to balance, where the
case requires, heavier responsibilities and commitment in one area against lighter ones in another.
Promotion should reflect the reality that (a) not all faculty members have the same distribution of
assignments (b) not all faculty members will be able to contribute excellence equally in all
evaluation dimensions; and (c) there is a multi-faceted institutional responsibility that must be
achieved by the skills of the faculty collectively. Promotion to professor should be awarded not
only to those faculty who have demonstrated impact in their scholarship of research, teaching and
learning, and service, but also to those who have exhibited excellence in the scholarship of
leadership to make visible and demonstrable impact upon the mission of the college and
Tenure Track Research Emphasis (see Section IV A 1)
Evidence of teaching ability must include:
Demonstration of effective skills as a teacher, including a sustained level of
excellence in teaching through student evaluation of teaching, reports from Peer
Review of Teaching Committees, and outcomes (see Section IX)
Mentoring of PhD students or postdoctoral researchers or faculty.
Evidence of scholarship must include:
A sustained and continuous record of scholarship throughout the post-tenure period
that is recognized as excellent by peers.
Primary authorship of scholarly publications that are predominantly data-based
appearing in refereed journals. When research is performed as part of a team, the role
of the candidate should be specified.
Major responsibility for the design and execution of the candidate's scholarly
Sustained nationally competitive peer-reviewed funding from federal entities (e.g.,
National Institutes of Health or National Science Foundation), charitable foundations,
industry, and/or other highly regarded entities.
Invitations to participate in scientific presentations and forums, or to contribute to
publications in the discipline.
Publications with PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty as a mentoring
Publications should indicate sustained productivity and allow evaluation of
scholarship by external reviewers. The number of post-tenure publications will vary
with the work and discipline.
Evidence of service must include:
Leadership role on college and/or university committees with significant, recognized
Leadership role in professional organizations outside the university with major
recognized contributions.
Participation in study sections or equivalent reviewing bodies for grant applications
(e.g., NIH or NSF), if appropriate to the candidate’s field of research.
Peer-reviewing of manuscripts for journals with national/international reputations,
and/or membership on editorial boards.
Tenure Track Clinical and Research Emphasis (see Section IV A 1)
Evidence of teaching must include:
Demonstration of effective skills as a teacher, including a sustained level of
excellence in teaching through student evaluation of teaching, reports from Peer
Review of Teaching Committees, and outcomes (see Section IX)
Significant contributions in the following areas:
o Advancing the teaching program through curriculum revision.
o Management of a significant portion of the teaching program.
o Mentoring predoctoral or master’s students.
o Developing and presenting continuing college-sponsored education is highly
Evidence of scholarship must include:
A sustained and continuous record of scholarship throughout the post-tenure period
that is recognized as excellent by peers.
Primary or major authorship of scholarly publications that include a significant
portion that is data-based appearing in refereed journals.
Major responsibility for the design and execution of the candidate's scholarly
Sustained competitive peer-reviewed funding from federal entities (e.g., NIH or
NSF), charitable foundations, industry, university/college granting body, and/or other
regarded entities.
Publications should indicate sustained productivity and allow evaluation of
scholarship by external reviewers. The number of post-tenure publications will vary
with the work and discipline.
Evidence of service must include:
Member of the Graduate Faculty.
Leadership role on college and/or university committees with significant, recognized
Leadership role in professional organizations outside the university with major
recognized contributions.
Peer-reviewing of manuscripts for journals with national/international reputations,
and/or memberships on editorial boards.
Demonstration of excellent clinical service in patient care if appropriate.
Leadership in an administration role that demonstrates impact to the College and is
evidenced in presentations across the profession nationally.
A minimum of five external letters of evaluation are required for promotion to Professor (see
Section VI B 4).
3 Clinical Faculty
Promotion to Assistant Clinical Professor in the College of Dentistry requires that a faculty
member have completed his/her/their DDS, DMD, or the equivalent; PhD, MD, EdD; or MS or
the equivalent for dental hygiene and meet the required licensure/certification in his/her/their
specialty and be performing satisfactorily in teaching, professional practice, and service.
Promotion to Associate Clinical Professor in the College of Dentistry requires that a faculty
member show convincing evidence of excellence as a teacher and a provider of effective service;
have a documented high level of competence in professional practice; and display the potential
for continuing a program of high-quality teaching and service relevant to the mission of the
college. Specific criteria in teaching and service for promotion to associate clinical professor are
similar to those for promotion to associate professor with tenure clinical and research emphasis
(see Section VI A 1).
Evidence of scholarship must be demonstrated with evidence of peer review publication that is
one or more of the following: data-based, laboratory or clinical technique, literature review, case
report, educational methods, or novel teaching materials. External presentations in these areas are
further evidence of scholarly activity.
Promotion to Clinical Professor in the College of Dentistry requires that a faculty member have
a record of continuing professional growth and increasing quality of contributions, including a
sustained record of excellence in teaching and professional practice; leadership in service to the
college and to the profession; and production and dissemination of scholarly materials pertinent
to pedagogy and/or professional practice.
Specific criteria in teaching and service for promotion to clinical professor are similar to those for
promotion to professor with tenure clinical and research emphasis (see Section VI A 2).
Evidence of scholarship must be demonstrated with sustained peer-reviewed publications and
external presentations that are one or more of the following: data-based, laboratory or clinical
technique, literature review, case report, educational methods, or novel teaching materials.
4 Research Faculty
Promotion to Research Associate Professor in the College of Dentistry requires excellence in
scholarship. There is an expectation of a record of significant external support for research and
a substantial probability that external support for research will continue. The claim that
retention of the candidate will improve the overall scholarly quality and standing of the unit
needs to be supported.
Evidence must include:
Evidence of sustained scholarship with recognized expertise.
Primary/senior author of articles in high-quality refereed journals reporting data-based
Funding from competitive external sources, with evidence of substantial role (PI or
Co-Investigator), such as federal entities (e.g., NIH or NSF), foundations, and industry
that has provided salary support.
Evidence of research mentoring of undergraduate and/or graduate students. (Graduate
faculty status is needed for service as director of an MS or PhD thesis, or as a member
of an MS or PhD thesis committee, and requires approval of appropriate Graduate
Studies Committee and the Graduate School).
Research service activities at the local or national level.
A minimum of five external letters of evaluation are required for promotion to Research
Associate Professor (see Section VI B 4).
Promotion to Research Professor in the College of Dentistry requires excellence in
scholarship. There is an established record of significant external support for research and a
substantial probability that external support for research will continue. The claim that promotion
of the candidate will improve the overall scholarly quality and standing of the unit needs to be
Evidence must include:
Sustained scholarship judged to be excellent by peers.
Substantial primary or senior authorship of publications in high-quality refereed journals
reporting data-based research
Major responsibility for design and execution of scholarship.
Sustained and substantial funding from competitive external sources, with evidence of
leadership role (PI or Co-Investigator), such as federal entities (e.g., NIH or NSF),
foundations, and industry that has provided salary support.
Invitations to present lectures and participate in research forums (NIH study sections are
particularly noteworthy).
Evidence of research mentoring at a high level. Examples are PhD students,
postdoctoral researchers and faculty. (Graduate faculty status is needed for service as
director of a PhD thesis, or as a member of a PhD thesis committee, and requires
nomination by the appropriate Graduate Studies Committee and approval by the
Graduate School).
Leadership role in college, university, national or international research committees or
A minimum of five external letters of evaluation are required for promotion to Research
Professor (see Section VI B 4).
5 Associated Faculty
Promotion to Adjunct Associate Professor and Adjunct Professor. The relevant criteria for
the promotion of adjunct faculty members shall be the same as those for the promotion of tenure-
track, clinical, or research faculty, as appropriate to the appointment, above.
Promotion to Associate Professor and Professor with FTE below 50%. The relevant criteria
for the promotion of associated faculty members with tenure-track titles are those for the
promotion of tenure-track faculty above.
Promotion to Clinical Associate Professor of Practice and Clinical Professor of Practice.
The relevant criteria for the promotion of associated clinical faculty members shall be the same as
those for the promotion of clinical faculty above.
Promotion to Senior Lecturer. Lecturers may be promoted to senior lecturer if they meet the
criteria for appointment at that rank as described in Section IV.A.4.
Promotion of Visiting Faculty. Visiting faculty members are not eligible for promotion.
B Procedures
The college's procedures for promotion and tenure and promotion reviews are fully consistent with
those set forth in Faculty Rule 3335-6-04 and the Office Academic Affairs annually updated
procedural guidelines for promotion and tenure reviews found in Volume 3 of the Policies and
Procedures Handbook.
1 Tenure-Track, Clinical, and Research Faculty
a Candidate Responsibilities
Candidates for promotion and tenure or promotion within the College of Dentistry are
responsible for submitting a complete, accurate dossier and providing a copy of the APT
document under which they wish to be reviewed. If external evaluations are required,
candidates are responsible for reviewing the list of potential external evaluators compiled for
their case according to their colleges’s guidelines. Each of these elements is described in detail
Promotion/tenure discussions should be ongoing between faculty and their division chair
throughout their career. Candidates should schedule a meeting with their division chair at
least one month prior to submitting for promotion/tenure action to discuss the
promotion/tenure process and evaluate the candidate’s credentials and advanced notice is
Every candidate must submit a complete and accurate dossier that follows the Office of
Academic Affairs dossier outline. Candidates should not sign the Office of Academic
Affairs Candidate Checklist without ascertaining that they have fully met the requirements
set forth in the Office of Academic Affairs core dossier outline including, but not limited
to, those highlighted on the checklist. The dossier should also contain administration
responsibility information when appropriate and complete teaching information, which
includes a detailed summary of the student evaluations and a detailed summary of the peer
evaluations of teaching from the division peer review of teaching chair. Approved college
forms for evaluation in the areas of course administration, lecturing, clinical teaching,
laboratory, and seminar must also be included.
While the colleges Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee will make
reasonable efforts to check the dossier for accuracy and completeness, the candidate bears
full responsibility for all parts of the dossier that are to be completed by him/her/them.
In addition to the dossier the following materials are required:
Personal Statement letter to the college Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee
outlining major accomplishments in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service.
Curriculum Vitae ― The CV should include items listed in the Appendix, as appropriate
for the candidate.
Appendices: letters of acceptance for publications in press, representative reprints of
It is the responsibility of the college to evaluate and verify this documentation.
The time period for teaching documentation to be included in the dossier for probationary
faculty is the start date to present. For tenured or nonprobationary faculty it is the date of
last promotion or the last five years, whichever is more recent, to present. The eligible
faculty may allow a tenured or nonprobationary candidate to include information prior to
the date of last promotion if it believes such information would be relevant to the review.
Any such material should be clearly indicated.
For scholarship documentation, a full history of publications should be included, as this
information provides context to the more recent and relevant research record and/or
demonstrates scholarly independence. Information about scholarship produced prior to the
start date (for probationary faculty) or date of last promotion (for tenured or
nonprobationary faculty) may be provided. Any such material should be clearly indicated.
However, it is the scholarship performance since the start date or date of last promotion that
is to be the focus of the evaluating parties.
The time period for service documentation to be included in the dossier for probationary
faculty is the start date to present. For tenured or nonprobationary faculty it is the date of
last promotion or the last five years, whichever is more recent, to present. The eligible
faculty may allow a candidate to include information prior to the date of last promotion if it
believes such information would be relevant to the review. Any such material should be
clearly indicated.
The complete dossier is forwarded when the review moves beyond the college. The
documentation of teaching is forwarded along with the dossier. The documentation of
scholarship and service is for use during the college review only, unless reviewers at the
college and university levels specifically request it.
This dossier must be submitted to the division chair by July 1.
Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) Document
Candidates must also indicate the APT under which they wish to be reviewed. Candidates
may elect to be reviewed under (a) the colleges’s current APT document; (b) the APT
document that was in effect on their start date; or (c) the APT document that was in
effect on the date of their last promotion, whichever of these two latter documents is
the more recent. However, the current APT document must be used if the letter of offer
or last promotion, whichever is more recent, was more than 10 years before April 1 of
the review year. If a candidate wishes to be reviewed under an APT other than the current
approved version available here, a copy of the APT document under which the candidate
has elected to be reviewed must be submitted when the dossier is submitted to the college.
External Evaluations (see also External Evaluations below in Section VI B 4)
As noted above, if external evaluations are required, candidates are responsible for
reviewing the list of potential external evaluators developed according to the colleges’s
guidelines. The candidate may add no more than three additional names, but is not
required to do so. The candidate may request the removal of no more than two names,
providing the reasons for the request. The division chair decides whether removal is
b Division Chair Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the division chair in the College of Dentistry during promotion
and tenure reviews are as follows:
Appoint a minimum of three faculty in the division to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of
the faculty candidate. This should be informed by Student Evaluation of Teaching and Peer
Evaluation of teaching reports. These faculty will draft a letter summarizing teaching
effectiveness which is included in the dossier for promotion and tenure if applicable.
Provide an independent written evaluation and recommendation for each candidate. This
letter should summarize achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service that reflect the
criteria for which the candidate is seeking promotion or reappointment, and should explicitly
state the degree of success or failure on the part of the candidate in meeting yearly goals in
the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service that were established by the division chair and
candidate. This letter is expected to provide an assessment of the faculty candidate and
explain whether the candidate has met the effort allocation established by the division chair,
along with reporting the achievement details.
Forward the completed dossier to the dean’s office by August.
If the candidate for promotion and tenure is a division chair, the dean fulfills or
delegates the roles of the division chair.
c College of Dentistry Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee Responsibilities
The committee will:
Review this APT document annually and to recommend proposed revisions to the faculty.
Consider annually, in spring semester, requests from faculty members seeking a non-
mandatory review in the following academic year and to decide whether it is appropriate
for such a review to take place. Only professors on the committee may consider promotion
review requests to the rank of professor. A two-thirds majority of those eligible to vote on a
request must vote affirmatively for the review to proceed.
o The committee bases its decision on assessment of the record as presented in the faculty
member's CV and on a determination of the availability of all required documentation for
a full review (student and peer evaluations of teaching). Lack of the required
documentation is necessary and sufficient grounds on which to deny a non-mandatory
o A tenured faculty member may be denied a formal promotion review under Faculty Rule
3335-6-04 for only one year. If the denial is based on lack of required documentation and
the faculty member insists that the review go forward in the following year despite
incomplete documentation, the individual should be advised that such a review is
unlikely to be successful.
o A decision by the committee to permit a review to take place in no way commits the
eligible faculty, the dean, or any other party to the review to making a positive
recommendation during the review itself.
Annually, in late spring through early autumn semester, provide administrative support for
the promotion and tenure review process as described below.
The committee chair will appoint a Procedures Oversight Designee (POD), who cannot be the
same individual who chairs the committee. The Procedures Oversight Designee's
responsibilities are described in the Office of Academic Affairs annual procedural guidelines.
The committee chair also appoints at least one primary reader and one secondary reader for
each case. It is expected that all committee members have examined all dossiers being
discussed. A draft of the report outlining the case may be prepared by the primary reader in
advance and serve as the basis for the discussion of each case.
The committee chair or designee on the committee will solicit external evaluations
from a list including names suggested by the Appointments, Promotion and Tenure
Committee, the division chair, and the candidate. (Also see External Evaluations
The committee chair or designee on the committee will solicit an evaluation from a head of
any division in which the candidate has a joint appointment.
The committee will review the dossier provided by the college for promotion and tenure
consideration for completeness, accuracy (including citations), and consistency with Office of
Academic Affairs requirements; and work with candidates to assure that needed revisions are
made in the dossier before the formal review process begins. The dossier will be prepared in a
manner spelled out in this document.
The committee will meet with each candidate for clarification as necessary and provide the
candidate an opportunity to comment on his/her/their dossier. This meeting is not an occasion
to debate the candidate's record.
Once materials are submitted to the college for review, with the exception of questions
regarding procedural errors and/or the availability of significant new information, the
committee should engage in no further consultation with division chairs on substantive
matters. This assures that the levels of review are independent.
Should questions arise with respect to procedural errors (those that reasonably could have
affected the outcome), they should be addressed before the review continues. The error
should be corrected at the level of the review at which it occurred. The case should be fully
reconsidered from that point on. If internal letters have been generated at that level of review
and beyond, they should be saved but not included in the dossier. The new written
evaluations should note that reconsideration took place because of a procedural error and
state the nature of that error. The comments process must be repeated for the new internal
Should there be significant new information, the record may be amended; however, all parties
to the review process must review an amended record. If the information becomes available
after a case has left the college, OSU Office of Academic Affairs may return the case to the
The chair or designee on the committee will draft an analysis of the candidate's performance
in teaching, scholarship, and service to provide to the full eligible faculty with the dossier;
and seek to clarify any inconsistent evidence in the case, where possible.
The chair will preside over the committee of the eligible faculty’s discussion of each case.
The criteria to be applied are outlined above and require excellence in scholarship, teaching,
and service. The chair will be responsible for preparing the written report of the committee’s
assessment and vote. Only “yes” and “no” votes on the recommendation to tenure and/or
promote candidates are allowable; abstentions are not allowed among committee members.
The chair or designee on the committee will revise the draft analysis of each case following
the meeting of the full eligible faculty, to include the faculty vote and a summary of the
faculty perspectives expressed during the meeting.
The committee will provide a written response, on behalf of the eligible faculty, to any
candidate comments that warrant response, for inclusion in the dossier.
After the committee completes its work, the chair shall advise the dean on tenure and
promotion for each candidate. Following that consultation, the dean shall make a final
recommendation in writing to the executive vice president and provost.
The committee will provide a written evaluation and recommendation to the dean in the case
of joint appointees from another tenure-initiating unit. The full eligible faculty does not vote
on these cases since the college’s recommendation must be provided to the other tenure-
initiating unit substantially earlier than the committee begins meeting on the college’s cases.
d College Eligible Faculty Responsibilities
Within the College of Dentistry, the responsibilities of the members of the eligible faculty
during promotion and tenure reviews are as follows:
a) To review thoroughly and objectively every candidate's dossier in advance of the
meeting at which the candidate's case will be discussed.
b) To attend all eligible faculty meetings except when circumstances beyond one's
control prevent attendance; to participate in discussion of every case; and to vote.
e Dean’s Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the dean in the College of Dentistry during promotion and
tenure reviews are as follows:
To determine whether a candidate is authorized to work in the United States and whether
a candidate now, or in the future, will require sponsorship for an employment visa or
immigration status. (The college must ensure that such questions are asked of all
candidates in a non-discriminatory manner.) For tenure-track assistant professors, the
dean will confirm that candidates are eligible to work in the U.S. Candidates who are not
U.S. citizens or nationals, permanent residents, asylees, or refugees will be required to
sign an MOU at the time of promotion with tenure.
Upon the receipt of a dossier on a candidate for promotion and/or tenure, the dean will
submit the dossier to the Apppointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee for review.
To solicit an evaluation from the head of any TIU in which the candidate has a joint
To make each candidate's dossier available in an accessible place for review by the
eligible faculty at least two weeks before the meeting at which specific cases are to be
discussed and voted.
To charge each member of the Eligible Faculty Committee to conduct reviews free of
bias and based on criteria.
To remove any member of the eligible faculty from the review of a candidate
when the member has a conflict of interest but does not voluntarily withdraw
from the review.
To attend the meetings of the eligible faculty at which promotion and tenure
matters are discussed and respond to questions that are raised during the meeting.
At the request of the eligible faculty, the dean will leave the meeting to allow
open discussion among the eligible faculty members.
Mid-Autumn Semester: To provide an independent written evaluation and
recommendation for each candidate, following receipt of the eligible faculty's
completed evaluation and recommendation.
To meet with the eligible faculty to explain any recommendations contrary to the
recommendation of the committee.
To inform each candidate in writing after completion of the review process (1) of
the recommendations by the eligible faculty and division chair; (2) of the
availability for review of the written evaluations by the eligible faculty and unit
head and (3) of the opportunity to submit written comments on the above
material, within ten days from receipt of the letter from the unit head for
inclusion in the dossier. The letter is accompanied by a form that the candidate
returns to the Dean, indicating whether or not he/she/they will submit comments.
To provide a written response to any candidate comments that warrant response
for inclusion in the dossier.
To forward the completed dossier to the OSU Office of Academic Affairs by that
office's deadline.
To receive the Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee's written
evaluation and recommendation of candidates who are joint appointees from
other TIUs, and to forward this material, along with the dean’s independent
written evaluation and recommendation, to the head of the other TIU by the date
2 Procedures for Associated Faculty
Adjunct faculty, associated faculty with tenure-track titles, and associated clinical faculty for
whom promotion is a possibility follow the promotion guidelines and procedures detailed in
Section VI.B above, with the exception that the review does not proceed to the university level if
the dean’s recommendation is negative (a negative recommendation by the dean is final in such
cases), and does not proceed to the executive vice president and provost if the dean's
recommendation is negative.
However, should a recommendation from the dean be positive, that decision shall proceed to the
executive vice president and provost.
3 External Evaluations
External evaluations of scholarly activity and research are obtained for all promotion reviews in
which scholarship must be assessed. These include all tenure-track promotion and tenure or
promotion reviews and all research faculty contract renewals and promotion reviews. External
evaluations of scholarly activity and research are not obtained for clinical or associated faculty
unless the faculty member has been involved in a significant amount of scholarship. The decision
to seek external evaluations for a clinical or associated faculty member will be made by the
division chair after consulting with the candidate and the chair of the Appointments, Promotion,
and Tenure Committee.
A minimum of five credible and useful evaluations must be obtained. A credible and useful
Is written by a person highly qualified to judge the candidate's scholarship (or other
performance, if relevant) who is not a close personal friend, research collaborator, or former
academic advisor or post-doctoral mentor of the candidate. Qualifications are generally
judged on the basis of the evaluator's expertise, record of accomplishments, and institutional
affiliation. Division chairs will solicit evaluations only from professors at institutions
comparable to Ohio State. In the case of an assistant professor seeking promotion to associate
professor with tenure, a minority of the evaluations may come from associate professors.
Provides sufficient analysis of the candidate's performance to add information to the review.
A letter's usefulness is defined as the extent to which the letter is analytical as opposed to
perfunctory. Under no circumstances will “usefulness” be defined by the perspective taken by
an evaluator on the merits of the case.
Since the college cannot control who agrees to write and or the usefulness of the letters received,
more letters are sought than are required, and they are solicited no later than the end of
September. This timing allows additional letters to be requested should fewer than five useful
letters result from the first round of requests.
As described above, a list of potential evaluators is assembled by the Appointments, Promotion,
and Tenure Committee, the division chair, and the candidate. If the evaluators suggested by the
candidate meet the criteria for credibility, a letter is requested from at least one of those persons.
Faculty Rule 3335-6-04 requires that no more than half the external evaluation letters in the
dossier be written by persons suggested by the candidate. In the event that the person(s) suggested
by the candidate do not agree to write, neither the Office of Academic Affairs nor Appointments,
Promotion, and Tenure Committee in this college require that the dossier contain letters from
evaluators suggested by the candidate.
The college follows the Office of Academic Affairs suggested format for letters requesting
external evaluations. A sample letter for tenure-track faculty can be found here. A sample letter
for clinical faculty can be found here.
Under no circumstances may a candidate solicit external evaluations or initiate contact in any way
with external evaluators for any purpose related to the promotion review. If an external evaluator
should initiate contact with the candidate regarding the review, the candidate must inform the
evaluator that such communication is inappropriate and report the occurrence to the
Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee Chair, who will decide what, if any, action is
warranted (requesting permission from the Office of Academic Affairs to exclude that letter from
the dossier). It is in the candidate's self-interest to assure that there is no ethical or procedural
lapse, or the appearance of such a lapse, in the course of the review process.
All solicited external evaluation letters that are received must be included in the dossier unless the
Office of Academic Affairs approves exclusion. If concerns arise about any of the letters
received, these concerns may be addressed in the college’s written evaluations or brought to the
attention of the Office of Academic Affairs for advice.
VII Appeals
Faculty Rule 3335-6-05 sets forth general criteria for appeals of negative promotion and tenure decisions.
Appeals alleging improper evaluation are described in Faculty Rule 3335-5-05.
Disagreement with a negative decision is not grounds for appeal. In pursuing an appeal, the faculty
member is required to document the failure of one or more parties to the review process to follow written
policies and procedures.
VIII Seventh-Year Reviews
Faculty Rule 3335-6-05 sets forth the conditions of and procedures for a Seventh-Year Review for a
faculty member denied tenure as a result of a sixth-year (mandatory tenure) review.
IX Procedures for Student and Peer Evaluation of Teaching
A Student Evaluation of Teaching
Use of the Student Evaluation of Instruction (eSEI) is required in every course offered in the college.
Faculty members should choose a day late in the semester when attendance is likely to be high if
students will be asked to complete the evaluation using a mobile application. The faculty member
must leave the classroom during the time allotted for completing the evaluation. The faculty member
should reiterate to students that the feedback provided in the evaluations is used both for performance
reviews and to provide feedback that can be taken into account in future teaching.
B Peer Evaluation of Teaching
Division chairs oversee their divisions peer evaluation of teaching process.
Annually the division chair head appoints a Peer Review of Teaching Committee of a size judged
sufficient to meet the volume of peer review activity expected that year, without overburdening any
of the members. The term of service is one year, with reappointment possible. Reasonable efforts are
made to distribute service among the tenured faculty from year to year in order to support and
encourage attention to the quality of teaching in the unit. Although there is no presumption that a peer
reviewer must be of equal or higher rank than the faculty member being reviewed, such a model will
be followed to the extent possible.
The responsibilities of the Peer Review of Teaching Committee are as follows:
to review the teaching of probationary tenure-track, clinical, and associated faculty at least once
per year with the goal of assessing teaching at all the levels of instruction to which the faculty
member is assigned
to review the teaching of tenured associate professors and nonprobationary associate clinical
professors at least once every other year, with the goal of assessing teaching at all the levels of
instruction to which the faculty member is assigned over a six year period and of having at least
two peer reviews of teaching before the commencement of a promotion review
to review the teaching of tenured professors and nonprobationary clinical professors at least once
every two years with the goal of assessing teaching at all the levels of instruction to which the
faculty member is assigned during the year of the review
to review, upon the division chair’s request, the teaching of any faculty member not currently
scheduled for review; such reviews are normally triggered by low or declining student
evaluations or other evidence of the need for providing assistance in improving teaching
to review the teaching of a faculty member not currently scheduled for review, upon that
individual's request, to the extent that time permits; reviews conducted at the request of the
faculty member are considered formative only; the division chair is informed that the review took
place, but the report is given only to the faculty member who requested the review; faculty
seeking formative reviews should also seek the services of the Michael V. Drake Institute for
Teaching and Learning.
Reviews conducted upon the request of the division chair or the faculty member focus on the specific
aspects of instruction requested by the division chair or faculty member and may or may not include
class visitations.
Regularly scheduled peer teaching evaluations (the first three situations listed above) are
comprehensive and should include, in addition to class visitation, review of course syllabi and related
instruction materials. In the case of peer review for the purposes of promotion and tenure reviews, the
class visitation is conducted by one or more senior peers whom the division chair has identified in
consultation with the candidate. The peer reviewer should meet with the candidate to establish a time
for the visit and to understand the goals of the course and the candidate's teaching philosophy. If
possible, the peer reviewer should attend two different class sessions over the course of the semester.
In observing the course and reviewing the syllabus and other materials, the peer reviewer should
focus on such issues as the appropriateness of the course design given the goals and level of the
course, the quality and effectiveness of the instructional materials and assessment tools, and the
appropriateness of the approach relative to current disciplinary knowledge. At the conclusion of the
class visits, the reviewer meets with the candidate to give feedback and also submits a written report
to the division chair, copied to the candidate. The candidate may provide written comments on this
report, and the reviewer may respond if desired. The reports are included in the candidate's promotion
and tenure dossier.