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Appointment and Promotion of Non-Faculty, Academic Staff
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 5.2
Criteria For Appointment And Promotion ................................................................ 5.4
Procedures For Appointment And Promotion ......................................................... 5.7
Terms Of Appointment .............................................................................................. 5.9
Renewal Of Appointment ......................................................................................... 5.11
Notification Of Non-Renewal Of Appointment ....................................................... 5.12
Appointment Of Part-Time Non-Faculty Academic Staff ...................................... 5.13
Waiver Of Requirement For A Cornell University Appointment For Appointment
To The Medical Staff ................................................................................................ 5.14
Nepotism ................................................................................................................... 5.16
Letter Of Appointment ............................................................................................. 5.17
Appendix I Non-Faculty, Academic Titles At Weill Cornell Medical College ....... 5.19
Appendix II Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University Required Format For
Curriculum Vitae And Bibliography ........................................................................ 5.20
Appendix III Affiliations ........................................................................................... 5.21
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I. The Non-Faculty, Academic Staff
The non-faculty academic staff
at the Weill Cornell Medical College is composed
of those individuals holding appointments as assistants, fellows, associates or senior
and affiliate physicians or senior affiliate physicians.
As members of the
academic staff, they contribute to the teaching, research and/or clinical programs of the
Medical College, but are not appropriate for appointment to the faculty. For example,
individuals recommended for non-faculty, academic appointments may have recently
obtained the terminal degree in their field and are currently receiving supplemental or
specialized training of specific duration. In other cases, they may provide essential
teaching, research or support services to the Medical College. Members of the non-
faculty, academic staff may be full-time salaried, part-time salaried or non-salaried by the
Medical College or an affiliated institution.
Among the non-faculty academic staff, postdoctoral trainees could have any of the
following titles: Postdoctoral Associate, Fellow or Visiting Fellow. A postdoctoral trainee
at the Medical College is an individual who has a terminal degree (Ph.D., M.D., DVM or
equivalent) and is appointed for the purpose of training to develop the ability to reason in
a scientific manner, formulate hypotheses independently, and to perform independent
research, including basic, clinical, translational or behavioral research. An individual
engaging in research activities for a year or two as part of a clinical training program is
not considered to be a postdoctoral trainee, unless the training is designed to develop the
ability to perform independent research. A postdoctoral trainee must have no clinical or
professional responsibilities that interfere with research training. However, while research
training is the principle activity of postdoctoral trainees, they can elect to participate in
teaching activities, including but not limited to lecturing, moderating small group
conferences, or mentoring junior scientists. Postdoctoral trainees are expected to publish
the results of their research.
II. Titles
Through faculty legislation, the Weill Cornell Medical College has established a
system of non-faculty, academic titles. Each title is distinguished by specific qualifications;
duties in the areas of teaching, research and/or clinical care; and privileges, as described
The complete academic staff consists of the faculty and non-faculty academic staff. The remaining
employees of the Medical College are the non-academic staff.
As approved by the Executive Faculty Council on February 15, 1977 (Minutes, pages 7650-7652), and
Bylaws of Cornell University, Article XVII, 1.
As approved by the Executive Faculty Council on March 3, 1994 (Minutes, pages 8529-8530), and by the
General Faculty Council on March 14, 1994.
As approved by the Executive Faculty Council on October 8, 2009, the General Faculty Council on October
19, 2009 and the Executive Committee of the Board of Overseers on November 18, 2009 (minutes, page
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in the subsections below.
Listed below are the non-faculty, academic titles at the Medical College:
A. Assistants
1. Research Assistant in (Department)
2. Teaching Assistant in (Department)
3. Graduate Research Assistant in (Department)
4. Visiting Graduate Assistant in (Department)
B. Fellows
1. Fellow in (Department)
2. Visiting Fellow in (Department)
C. Associates
1. Clinical Associate in (Department)
2. Postdoctoral Associate in (Department)
3. Research Associate in (Department)
4. Staff Associate in (Department)
5. Teaching Associate in (Department)
D. Senior Associates
1. Senior Clinical Associate in (Department)
2. Senior Research Associate in (Department)
3. Senior Staff Associate in (Department)
4. Senior Teaching Associate in (Department)
E. Affiliate Physicians
1. Affiliate Physician in (Department)
2. Senior Affiliate Physician in (Department)
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I. Assistants
A. Research Assistant in (Department). This title is conferred on degree
candidates in the Graduate School of Medical Sciences (GSMS) rendering research
services, which are not directly thesis related.
B. Teaching Assistant in (Department). This title is conferred on degree
candidates in the GSMS rendering services in instruction.
C. Graduate Research Assistant in (Department). This title is reserved for
degree candidates in the GSMS who are receiving support during the course of their
thesis research or other degree-related work and also rendering a service to the particular
D. Visiting Graduate Assistant in (Department).
This title is reserved for post-
baccalaureate degree candidates at universities other than the GSMS rendering services
in research.
II. Fellows
A. Fellow in (Department). This title is used for individuals who have completed
or interrupted their residency training or have an earned doctorate, and who are obtaining
additional training through specialized study or research. Fellows do not hold permanent
positions. Some Fellows may be considered postdoctoral trainees as defined in the
and therefore, these Fellows would be subject to the postdoctoral trainee
policies and procedures described under Terms of Appointment.
B. Visiting Fellow in (Department). This title is used for individuals joining the
academic staff for a limited period in order to obtain further training in their field but
retaining their positions at another institution. Normally such individuals will have an
earned doctorate. Their support may be obtained from the Medical College and/or another
source. In addition, distinguished physicians and scientists in residence at the Medical
College or an affiliate and who receive no compensation or other support and who have
no formal duties, may be appointed Visiting Fellow in (Department) at the Medical
Some Visiting Fellows may be considered postdoctoral trainees as defined in
the Introduction,
and therefore, these Visiting Fellows would be subject to the
Original descriptions of criteria for appointment and promotion, except for Visiting Fellows in (Department),
Affiliate Physicians and Visiting Graduate Assistants in (Department) approved by the Executive Faculty
Council on February 15, 1977 (Minutes, pages 7649 and 7650-7652).
Approved by the Executive Faculty Council March 2, 1995 (minutes, page 8596), and the General Faculty
Council March 13, 1995.
See page 5.2
See also the By-Laws of Cornell University, Article XVII, 1.
See page 5.2
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postdoctoral trainee policies and procedures described under Terms of Appointment.
III. Associates
A. Clinical Associate in (Department). This title is used for members of the
house staff of affiliated hospitals in their second and subsequent years of postgraduate
training in recognition of their primary involvement in clinical training and service.
B. Postdoctoral Associate in (Department). This title is used for individuals
performing postgraduate work in research as a result of which they increase their
knowledge and experience. Although they hold a doctoral degree, such individuals work
primarily under the direction of a faculty member and are not considered independent
researchers. Postdoctoral Associates often participate in the research training of graduate
students and sometimes teach informally. They do not hold permanent positions. All
Postdoctoral Associates are considered postdoctoral trainees as defined in the
and therefore, these trainees would be subject to the postdoctoral trainee
policies and procedures described under Terms of Appointment.
Candidates for degrees administered by Cornell University may not be appointed
as Postdoctoral Associates until all the requirements of the degree have been completed.
In some cases, Cornell doctoral candidates who have passed their thesis examination
and whose submission of the thesis to the Graduate School is imminent, may be
appointed as Postdoctoral Associates. However, such appointments are limited to a thirty-
day period. After the thesis is accepted by the Graduate School, a regular appointment
can be made.
C. Research Associate in (Department). This title is used for individuals with an
earned doctorate or professional degree or the equivalent combination of skills, education
and experience who participate in the planning, design and operation of research
programs; participate in the collection and analysis of data; supervise preparation of
materials and maintenance of equipment and facilities; and plan, assign and supervise
work of technicians and assistants. Candidates for degrees administered by Cornell
University may not be appointed as Research Associates until all the requirements of the
degree have been completed.
D. Staff Associate in (Department). This title is used for individuals with an
earned doctorate or professional degree or the equivalent skills, education and
experience whose contributions are primarily of a technical or service nature and who
perform as associates of members of the faculty.
E. Teaching Associate in (Department). This title is used for individuals who are
not degree candidates at Cornell University and who are not qualified for appointment to
the faculty, but who assist in the teaching programs of the Medical College. A
baccalaureate degree or equivalent skills, education and experience are required.
See page 5.2
Cornell University Academic Administrative Manual (1980), p. 3.37.
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IV. Senior Associates
A. Senior Clinical Associate in (Department). This title is used for chief
residents at affiliated hospitals or for individuals who are residents in the advanced stages
of their training programs in areas which require many years of postgraduate training, and
thus merit advancement above the position of Clinical Associate.
B. Senior Research Associate in (Department). This title is used for individuals
with an earned doctorate or professional degree, or the equivalent skills, education and
experience, extensive research experience and record of publication who are responsible
for the planning, conducting and reporting on original research in their field of expertise
and/or participating in the general research effort of a department or division and thus
merit advancement above the position of Research Associate.
C. Senior Staff Associate in (Department). This title is used for individuals who
have at least five (5) years of experience as a Staff Associate and who have displayed
accomplishment in contributing to the technical or service activities of a department or
division, and thus merit advancement above the position of Staff Associate.
D. Senior Teaching Associate. This title is used for individuals with at least five
(5) years of service as a Teaching Associate or the equivalent, and who have displayed
significant accomplishment in contributing to the teaching programs of the Medical
College, and thus merit advancement above the position of Teaching Associate.
V. Affiliate Physicians
A. Affiliate Physician in (Department). This title is used for individuals primarily
engaged in clinical care who are in good standing on the medical staffs of affiliated
hospitals or who meet the qualifications for membership on the hospital's medical staff
and whom the hospital's medical staff wishes to appoint as a member.
B. Senior Affiliate Physician in (Department). This title is used for individuals in
good standing on the medical staffs of affiliated hospitals who perform extraordinary
service in clinical care and who contribute to teaching and/or administration at the
affiliated hospital and thus merit appointment or advancement above the position of
Affiliate Physician.
These titles are not available where agreements among Weill Cornell Medical College, The New York-
Presbyterian Hospital and/or others preclude their use. For example, the By-Laws of the New York-
Presbyterian Hospital require that all physicians on the Medical Staff of the New York Weill Cornell Medical
Center of NYPH have an appointment to the instructional staff of the Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell
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I. General Information
Recommendations for appointment or promotion to the non-faculty, academic staff
of the Weill Cornell Medical College originate in the department and require the written
approval of the department chair. In appropriate instances, the recommendation will
originate in a division or affiliate department and then be reviewed by the department
chair for approval.
A department may not recruit for a new or replacement salaried position of
Research Associate, Senior Research Associate, Staff Associate, Senior Staff Associate,
Teaching Associate or Senior Teaching Associate at the Medical College without the
explicit approval of the Dean.
In submitting a request to the Dean for a new or replacement position at the
Medical College, there must be included a statement of the individual's source of salary
support for the anticipated term of appointment. Academic staff may receive a portion of
their salary from public and private grants and contracts.
If the request for the new or replacement position at the Medical College is
approved by the Dean the individual responsible for the recruiting effort must consult with
the Associate Dean of Diversity
to develop a recruiting plan and submit an "Academic
Applicant Search Plan, parts I and II." Once candidates for the position have been
identified, the Academic Applicant Tracking process should be completed within the
Human Resources Department’s Recruitment Management System.
Upon completion
of the recruitment process, credentials of the chosen candidate are transmitted to the
Office of Faculty Affairs for processing.
II. Procedures
Authority for appointment or promotion to the positions of Postdoctoral Associate,
Research Associate, Senior Research Associate, Teaching Associate, and Visiting
Fellow rests with the President of the University upon recommendation of the department
chair and approval of the Dean of the Medical College. Authority for appointment or
promotion to all other positions on the non-faculty, academic staff rests with the Dean of
the Medical College upon recommendation of the department chair.
The following credentials are required for appointment:
The remaining non-faculty, academic positions are training positions and/or not salaried by the Medical
As of December 10, 2015, revisions approved by the Executive Faculty Council on October 15, 2015; the
General Faculty Council, October 11, 2015; the Board of Overseers on November 11, 2015; and the Board
of Trustees, December 10, 2015.
See Affirmative Action (section 6) of the Academic Staff Handbook.
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A. Recommendation for Appointment form.
B. Curriculum vitae and bibliography if available.
C. Letter of recommendation from the department chair (or division/affiliate
department head and endorsed by department chair). Where not evident from the
curriculum vitae the chair’s letter should emphasize: the candidate’s preparation and
academic potential in the areas of research, teaching and/or clinical service; the purpose
of the appointment and/or the plan for special training; and where appropriate the
potential for benefitting from special training.
D. One letter of recommendation from a previous employer or academic evaluator
(not required for affiliate physicians).
These credentials must be submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs no later than
four (4) months prior to the recommended effective date, e.g. by March 1st for a July 1st
effective date.
A single letter of recommendation from the department chair or division/affiliate
department head may be submitted to recommend for appointment a large number of
individuals to the same training position with the same effective date on the basis of
established and consistent criteria. For example, a department chair may prepare a single
letter of recommendation for a number of individuals for appointment as Clinical Associate
in (Department), if they are all commencing appointment on July 1st for the duration of
the academic year and have been chosen as a result of the same evaluation process for
their abilities according to specified criteria. A copy of that letter should be included with
the credentials of each candidate.
In the case of new appointments at the Medical College, no payroll authorization
can be honored until the necessary documents have been received by the administrative
offices concerned and the recommendation for appointment has been approved.
III. Review for Promotion
Promotion may be recommended by the department chair whenever the individual
has attained the qualifications for promotion. The credentials required for promotion are
the same as those for appointment.
However, in the case of the promotion of a Clinical
Associate in (Department) to Senior Clinical Associate in (Department), only the first three
items are required.
See Appendix II.
See 5.8, above.
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Appointments to the non-faculty academic staff are usually recommended for the
term of one (1) academic year. Most often, the term of the appointment will conform to
the academic year, i.e., July 1st to June 30th, but an appointment may begin during the
academic year and may have a termination date other than June 30th. The term of
appointment may be renewable or may be terminal, depending on such factors as the
source of funding for the position, the duties of the position, the programmatic needs of
the department, and the individual's continued fulfillment of the qualifications for the
appointment. The academic staff member should be informed whether the appointment
is renewable or terminal, and of the conditions for renewal.
For example, Research Associates are often supported primarily with extramural
funding awarded for a specified period. The term of appointment should end no later than
the expiration of the funding. If further support is available, the appointment may be
renewed; if not, the appointment will end. Individuals in training positions, e.g. Fellows
and Postdoctoral Associates, are expected to complete their training within a specific
period. The terms of such appointments should end no later than the anticipated
completion of training.
The maximum terms of certain appointments are set forth in the Bylaws of the
University. Appointments to the position of Research Associate may be recommended
for a period of up to three (3) years, or any part thereof. Appointments to the position of
Senior Research Associate may be recommended for a period of up to five (5) years.
Appointments to the positions of Postdoctoral Associate and Teaching Associate
may be recommended for terms not to exceed one year.
In a majority of cases,
postdoctoral trainees are appointed to terminal appointments. Postdoctoral Associates
may be appointed by the President to training positions for terms of up to one year with
limited renewals, normally no more than five (5) years in all in the same field at the Medical
College, with the option to extend for a sixth year to complete research. Based upon
adequate justification, an extension for a sixth year may be granted at the Dean’s
discretion upon written request by the postdoctoral trainee and the Department Chair.
Postdoctoral trainee appointments will be subject to a three-month probationary
period at the initiation of each new postdoctoral training position at the Medical College.
During the probationary period, the Department Chair may recommend to the Dean
termination of the postdoctoral trainee’s appointment prior to the end of the appointment
term. However, in such cases the postdoctoral trainee is entitled to three months’ notice
of termination. Once a postdoctoral trainee’s appointment has passed the end of the
See 5.11.
Bylaws of Cornell University, Article XVII, 2g.
As approved by the Executive Faculty Council on October 8, 2009, the General Faculty Council on October
19, 2009 and the Executive Committee of the Board of Overseers on November 18, 2009 (minutes, page
Page 5.10 11/2/2017
probationary period, the appointment will normally end on the approved appointment end
date. The Department Chair may recommend termination of an appointment prior to the
approved end date, consistent with Medical College policies on dismissal
If after five years, or six if an extension is granted, the individual is to continue in a
research capacity, any further appointment should be at the level of Research Associate
or to other academic titles that are not training positions. The position of Postdoctoral
Associate does not normally lead to a research career at Cornell. Three months prior to
the end date of postdoctoral trainee appointments, Departments should give all
postdoctoral trainees, regardless of the total duration of appointment, a written reminder
of their appointment end dates.
The appointments of qualified individuals on the staff of an affiliated institution are
contingent upon the continuation of their appointment at the affiliated institution and the
continuation of the Affiliation Agreement between Cornell University and that institution.
Should either condition cease to be in effect, the academic staff member's appointment
at the Medical College will end coterminously. For example, the academic appointments
of Clinical Associates and Senior Clinical Associates, who are employed by affiliated
hospitals as part of postgraduate training programs, end upon completion or
discontinuance of that employment.
See the “Leaves and Termination of Appointment” (section 7) of the Academic Staff Handbook, p. 7.30
As approved by the Executive Faculty Council on October 8, 2009, the General Faculty Council on October
19, 2009 and the Executive Committee of the Board of Overseers on November 18, 2009 (minutes, page
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Renewal of term appointments, probationary or otherwise, is not a matter of right
and is not automatic. Renewal depends on such factors as satisfactory performance, the
availability of funds and space, and the continuation of the particular program. In
accordance with the Bylaws of the University, such appointments cease at the expiration
of the stated term, subject to notification requirements for full-time and paid part-time
academic staff.
Renewals are recommended by the department chair to the Dean of the Medical
College for approval. Renewals of appointments of Postdoctoral Associates, Research
Associates, Senior Research Associates, Teaching Associates and Visiting Fellows are
recommended by the department chair to the Dean and by the Dean to the President. For
individuals whose term of appointment ends with the academic year on June 30, annual
renewals of one-year appointments may be recommended by inclusion of the
appointment on the staff list submitted annually to the Dean by the department chair.
In the case of the renewal of an appointment of a Research Associate or Senior
Research Associate for a term of more than one year, the following credentials should be
submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs by March 1
of the penultimate year of the
individual's appointment:
A. Recommendation for Appointment form.
B. Curriculum vitae and bibliography (if available) in the required format.
C. Letter of recommendation from the department chair.
See 5.13.
This deadline assumes that the individual's appointment was made on the basis of the academic year,
July 1st to June 30th. If the appointment was made to end on another date, then the credentials for renewal
should be submitted no later than four (4) months before the end of the penultimate year of the appointment.
For the nature of the letter, see 5.8.II.C.
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I. Renewable Appointments
Individuals who are in the first twenty-four (24) months of appointment on the paid
full-time academic staff or members of the regular part-time academic staff are entitled to
six (6) months' notice of non-renewal. Individuals who have been on the paid full-time
academic staff more than twenty-four (24) months are entitled to twelve (12) months'
notice of non-renewal of the appointment.
There are no advance notification requirements for academic staff who are not on
the paid full-time or regular part-time academic staff at the Medical College, or who are
on the professional staffs of affiliated institutions.
II. Terminal Appointments
Terminal appointments (commonly called “term appointments”) are made for a
specific duration. Therefore, unless a terminal appointment is renewed pursuant to these
procedures, it will end on the stated termination date. Advance notification of non-renewal
is not required.
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I. Introduction
Due to the nature of academic appointments, it is not possible to translate the
terms part-time and full-time into numbers of hours. When part-time appointments are
made, it is the responsibility of the appointee and the department chair or other cognizant
individual to agree on the duties involved, and the amount of time required.
Part-time appointments to the non-faculty, academic staff should be recommended
when the position requires less than full-time service, when there are funding limitations,
or when the individual is not available full-time. Except in unusual situations or in the case
of voluntary academic staff or Visiting Fellows, the minimum amount of time that the staff
member may commit to the Medical College during the period of the appointment is
twenty-five percent (25%). Joint and dual appointments are not considered part-time
II. Policies and Procedures
The policies and procedures pertaining to appointment or promotion are the same
for part-time and full-time non-faculty, academic staff members. Individuals may transfer
from full-time to part-time status, and vice versa, subject to the procedures and approval
required for appointment or promotion to the recommended position.
Cornell University Faculty Handbook (2010), p. 39.
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I. Introduction
The affiliation agreements between Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell
University and the designated affiliated institutions listed at
provide that, after the effective date of the
Affiliation Agreement, no physician may become a non-provisional member of the medical
staff of any of those hospitals unless that person either has been approved for a Cornell
faculty appointment, has been approved for an Affiliate Physician appointment, or
receives a waiver approved by the Dean of Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell
University allowing that person to join the medical staff of that affiliate without a Cornell
appointment. This section sets out the procedures to be followed in recommending such
waivers and the criteria to be used in considering those recommendations.
II. Criteria for Waiver of Requirement for Cornell Appointment Allowing
Medical Staff Appointment
In order to be eligible for a waiver of the requirement for a Cornell appointment for
medical staff members of the listed affiliated hospitals, the physician must meet the
credentialing requirement of the affiliated hospital’s medical staff.
III. Procedures for Recommending a Waiver
The physician will submit a letter requesting a waiver of the requirement for a
Cornell academic appointment, countersigned by the individual’s affiliate department
chair, to the appropriate Medical College chair. This letter will state the reason for the
request and will be accompanied by the individual’s curriculum vitae.
If approved by the Medical College department chair, the recommendation or
waiver of the academic appointment will be forwarded to the Dean of the Medical College
for review and approval. After initial approval by the Dean, renewal of the waiver only
requires the inclusion of the physician’s name in the annual waiver list submitted by the
department chair to the Office of Faculty Affairs.
Physicians who hold a faculty appointment at another medical college may request
a waiver from a Cornell appointment, but may not teach Cornell students.
IV. Continuing Validity of Wavier
The waiver will continue to be valid unless and until the affiliate decides to
recommend the physician for an academic appointment or the physician leaves the
As approved by the Executive Faculty Council on April 7, 1994 (minutes, p. 8536), and the General Faculty
Council on April 11, 1994.
See also Appendix III of this section
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affiliate institution.
V. No Responsibility in Teaching Medical Students
Teaching of Weill Cornell Medical College students is to be done only by
individuals who have Cornell faculty appointments. Therefore, it is expected that no
individuals granted a waiver of the requirement for Cornell appointment shall have
responsibility for the direct teaching of Weill Cornell Medical College students.
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The University seeks to provide equitable employment opportunities to all persons,
including those related to one another by blood, marriage or personal affection. To
achieve this objective and ensure that family ties not be permitted to influence judgments
on the quality of work or decisions on hiring, promoting, or termination, the University
requires that a person may not supervise another person to whom he or she is related by
blood or marriage without the written approval of the cognizant dean or vice president. In
this context, a person's parents, children, and siblings are considered relatives. As for
affectional ties, it is deemed fruitless to try to legislate the appropriate avoidance of
judgments that cannot be impartial, but this is left to the conscience and discretion of the
Cornell University Faculty Handbook (2010), p. 123.
See also the University Conflicts Policy: https://www.dfa.cornell.edu/policy/azindex/conflicts.
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Upon appointment or promotion to the full-time paid academic staff of the Medical
College, individuals should receive a letter of appointment from the department chair
describing the nature of the appointment and the terms of employment at the Medical
Letters of appointment must be approved by the Dean of the Medical College prior
to their mailing and usually will not be sent until after the appointment or promotion is
approved by the appropriate officer(s) of the University. As noted above in the subsection
on Procedures for Appointment and Promotion, item I, in the case of new or replacement
positions, review of the appointment includes approval of the "Academic Applicant Search
Plan, parts I and II" by the Associate Dean of Diversity and completion of the Academic
Applicant Tracking process within the Human Resources Department’s Recruitment
Management System by the individual responsible for the recruiting effort.
It is recognized that a department may wish to issue the letter of appointment prior
to the official approval of the appointment or promotion in order to require the candidate
to acknowledge acceptance of the position as defined. In addition to describing the nature
of the appointment and the terms of employment at the Medical College, such letters
should specify that the recommended appointment is contingent upon the appropriate
University approval. If appropriate University approval is not obtained, the letter is not
Regardless of the level of appointment, in the interests of both the Medical College
and the individual, letters of appointment should include the information listed below.
I. Academic staff title.
II. Other titles granted, e.g., administrative or hospital
III. The effective date and terminating date or length of the period of appointment.
(Appointments that start at the beginning of the fiscal year are effective July 1st.)
IV. Whether the appointment is terminal or renewable. If an appointment is renewable,
that implies that a decision on reappointment will be made prior to the end of the
stated term and there is a commitment to giving notice. If it is a terminal
appointment and, thus, will not be renewed, the letter should so state.
V. Conditions for renewal, including but not limited to:
See Cornell University Faculty Handbook (2010), p. 26.
See 5.7.I. and the “Affirmative Action” section of the Academic Staff Handbook.
As guides to department chairs, sample letters of appointment are available from the Office of Faculty
Affairs (646) 962-8770.
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1. Continued receipt of sufficient extramural funds.
2. Continued fulfillment of qualifications and performance.
3. Programmatic needs of department and/or hospital.
4. Maintenance of a visa status with employment authorization.
5. If at affiliated institution,
a. Continuation of affiliation agreement.
b. Continuation of appointment at affiliate.
VI. The base salary and, if applicable, other compensation (i.e. supplemental
compensation, administrative compensation).
VII. The responsibilities associated with position, e.g., teaching, research, clinical
practice, or administrative duties.
VIII. Any special arrangements or agreements.
IX. Description of the University Inventions and Related Property Rights Policy and
statement that execution of the Inventions and Related Property Rights
Assignment Form is a condition of employment.
X. Description of the Conflicts Policy and statement that execution of the Conflict
Disclosure Form is a condition of employment.
XI. In the case of academic staff providing clinical care services to patients, state that
participation in the Medical College Physician Organization and Billing Compliance
Program are conditions of employment.
11/2/2017 Page 5.19
Non-Faculty, Academic Titles at
Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University
Research Assistant in (Department)
Teaching Assistant in (Department)
Graduate Research Assistant in (Department)
Visiting Graduate Assistant in (Department)
Fellow in (Department)
Visiting Fellow in (Department)
Clinical Associate in (Department)
Postdoctoral Associate in (Department)
Research Associate in (Department)
Staff Associate in (Department)
Teaching Associate in (Department)
Senior Associates
Senior Clinical Associate in (Department)
Senior Research Associate in (Department)
Senior Staff Associate in (Department)
Senior Teaching Associate in (Department)
Affiliate Physicians
Affiliate Physician in (Department)
Senior Affiliate Physician in (Department)
Page 5.20 11/2/2017
Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University
Required Format for Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography
Please consult the following website for the most current curriculum vitae format and
guidance for its completion, as well as other important documents and information:
11/2/2017 Page 5.21
Weill Cornell Medicine
Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University
Please consult the following website for the most current list of affiliated institutions: