Table of Contents
References: Make Them Work For You............................................ 1
Preferred references ........................................................................ 2
Current supervisor is a “bad” reference .......................................... 2
Choosing Your References ................................................................ 3
What questions will the organization ask? ...................................... 4
Sample Reference List ...................................................................... 5
What is a reference letter? .............................................................. 6
Uses for reference letters ................................................................. 6
What makes a good reference letter? ............................................. 6
How do you obtain a reference letter? (Or any type of reference) . 6
Additional considerations................................................................. 7
Advice to potential referees ............................................................. 8
Permission and Privacy ..................................................................... 9
Sample Reference Letter: Tepid Reference ................................... 10
Sample Reference Letter: Former Supervisor 1 ............................. 11
Sample Reference Letter: Former Supervisor 2 ............................. 12
Sample Reference Letter: Scholarship Reference .......................... 13
Sample Reference Letter: School Reference (French) ................... 14
Sample Reference Letter: Immigration Application Reference ..... 15
Sample Reference Letter: Graduate School Reference .................. 16
Sources ........................................................................................... 17
References Guidebook
References: Make Them Work For You
Employers usually ask for references either at the interview and, unless specifically mentioned on the job posting,
it is not necessary to include references when applying for a job. If you do provide references when you apply, be
aware that you are giving away control over when your references are called. Even if you provide references when
you apply, make sure to bring a printed copy to the interview in case the employer needs a hard copy.
Some employers check references and some do not. It can depend on a number of factors; for example, whether
or not they need clarification on something or if they are trying to decide between two candidates. Seventy-two
percent of respondents to our Employer Survey (2018) stated that they always contact references and from the
group of “always” contact references, 55% preferred to contact the candidate’s references after the interview.
Many organizations only contact the references of those applicants to whom they are seriously considering
offering a job, not the references of every person interviewed.
Preferred references
When looking for employment, a current or previous employer or direct supervisor is the best reference. It is also
acceptable to include a direct supervisor from unpaid employment, such as a practicum or a volunteer position.
Personal and/or professional acquaintancesfor example, a high-ranking community member or professional in
good standing whom you know personallyare also acceptable.
Based on the Employer Survey here is the list with the percentage of respondents that preferred this type of
Current or former employer/supervisor (92%)
Current or former co-op/field experience/internship or practicum supervisor (66%)
Current or former volunteer supervisor (55%)
Professor/instructor (34%)
Current or former work colleague/peer (24%)
Personal (13%)
In-house referral provides reference (8%)
When applying for graduate or professional school, persons who can comment on your academic achievements,
such as a professor, or a professional who is active in the field you wish to enter, are ideal.
Current supervisor is a “bad” reference
What do you do if you don’t want to use your current supervisor as a reference? For example, you may not want
your current supervisor to know you are looking for work or you may not have a good relationship with this
person. Some potential employers might consider this a “red flag” that indicates that you are not a good
employee; however the majority of respondents to the Employer Survey stated that they would accept a former
supervisor as a replacement, though they may ask why your current supervisor was not included as a reference.
If one of these statements explains why you are not including your current supervisor as a reference, be
straightforward about the reason.
You have worked with this supervisor for less than three months. In this case, offer a former supervisor,
from either paid or volunteer employment, and explain that this reference knows more about your work
ethic, skills, and reliability.
Your supervisor does not supervise you. For example, you may work the night shift while managerial
staff, including the person who is listed as your supervisor at the organization, only works the day shift, so
you never have contact with this person, nor have they ever provided you with feedback, either positive
or negative. In this case, you can provide a former supervisor, from either paid or unpaid work, or explain
why a colleague, a person with the same or similar job title, is your reference, possibly because tenure
means they are in-charge of junior staff. There are also cases where a candidate has worked in the field
independently without the direct oversight of a supervisor. In this case, you can use them as reference,
use another former supervisor, but explain this issue to the interviewer(s).
Your supervisor is not allowed to give references. This does happen occasionally. In this case, find the
policy in your employee guidebook or employment policies and bring this to the interviewer.
Other respondents to the Employer Survey stated that they would be understanding if a candidate explained that
there was a “toxic work environment” and the toxicity was generated or not curbed by the candidate’s current
supervisor. In this case, you have some other options: use another supervisor, refer to a favourable and recent
work evaluation, check your network to see if a former supervisor or colleague from that organization would be
willing to be a reference and back up your description of the work environment. You may also want to take advice
from other professionals, such as talk to a mentor about the situation or discuss this situation with another
professional who is not employed in the same organization.
Keep in mind that if the potential employer wants three references, they want three references, so you will need
an alternate reference, such as a former supervisor, whether from paid or unpaid employment, a professor, a
client that you worked with in the past, or a current/former colleague who is in a similar field or occupation.
Choosing Your References
The majority of your references should be employment related. It is desirable for a prospective employer to get a
complete picture of how you interact at all levels. If you have had limited paid employment, draw on your
experiences in the community or in your academic program. You can include anyone who is in a position to
comment on how well you handle responsibilities assigned to you, how you function in relation to others, and your
ability to work under pressure, meet time deadlines, problem-solve, etc. The person checking your references will
ask different questions of your references based on the skills and traits their organization is assessing.
Do your best to remain in contact with your references and try to contact them before an organization contacts
them for a reference. It is possible that your reference may no longer have the same contact information, may be
on holidays or family leave when your potential employer contacts them for a reference, or may have left the
organization. This is why we suggest having 3-5 references: most employers want three references, but if one of
your references is on holidays during the time the organization will check references you have a backup to replace
that reference. You may also need a special type of reference, such as a pastoral/clerical reference when applying
to work at an organization with a religious affiliation, which would not be useful in another area, such as applying
to work for the public service.
1. Supply 3 to 5 names (employer specify how many references to provide):
Past or present supervisors
Past or present professors or teachers
Peers, team members you have worked with
Customers, if you have done anything that relates to customer service
People who have worked for you or under your leadership if you have been a leader, supervisor, etc.
People you are confident will provide a positive reference
2. For each reference, include the following information:
Referee’s name and title
Your relationship to that referee (e.g. former supervisor, co-worker, faculty advisor, etc.)
Work Address
Work Phone number (Almost all references are done by phone in Canada)
Work E-mail address
3. Let your references know when you are giving out their name:
Get permission before using someone as a reference. As you get their agreement, you can also network.
These are valuable contacts, they might know of someone who might be looking for someone like you.
Give them an up-to-date copy of your resume and information about the position for which you are
4. Remember to thank your references:
When they agree to being a reference
When you are successful
Acknowledging the support of your network is good manners and reinforces their importance and their willingness
to help others. Most of us like recognition and like to help others! As an aside, most of the full-time staff at the
Career Centre have provided references for former colleagues and student staff in the past, and we would like to
know the outcome of your job search: was it successful after we provided the reference or is it still ongoing? It is
possible that your current references feel the same way and you may want to email or phone them to tell them
what is going on.
What questions will the organization ask?
Here are some example reference questions supplied by respondents to the Employer Survey. When selecting your
references, choose those who are in the position to answer these questions fully and honestly.
1. How do you know the candidate? How long have you known the applicant, and under what
2. How did you find the candidate to work with?
3. How would peers and supervisors describe this person’s working relationships?
4. Tell us about their primary responsibilities and duties they had in the position.
5. What key projects did the applicant work on?
6. How does s/he respond to stress?
7. Describe the candidate’s communication skills.
8. Have you observed any of the following [adaptable], [independent], [reliable]? If so, what were your
impressions? The traits the organization will ask about will depend on the position and corporate culture.
9. How would you describe his/her contribution and willingness to participate as part of a team?
10. How would you rate their work ethic and initiative?
11. Can the applicant work without supervision?
12. Did the applicant have any problems with attendance or punctuality?
13. What was the timeliness, quality and quantity of the applicant’s work like?
14. What areas could this candidate improve upon?
15. Would you re-hire this person? (The most popular question supplied by respondents).
Sample Reference List
John Jakobsen
Edmonton, AB (780) 000-4567 jo[email protected]
Ms. Sandeep Pata, Manager
Corner Diner
123 Main Street
Edmonton, AB
(780) 000-1111
Dr. Shelley Smith, Associate Professor
Department of Computing Science
3-33 General Services Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
(780) 000-5555
Mr. Douglas Fairbairn, Former District Manager of McDonald’s Corporation
1234-56 Avenue
Scarborough, ON
(416) 000-3256
(416) 000-5432
Mr. Robin Jones, Former Colleague from Creative Land Reclamation
Box 5403
Swift Current, SK
(306) 000-0987
What is a reference letter?
A reference letter is a letter of recommendation from a previous or current supervisor, professor, co-worker, peer
or personal contact who can describe the knowledge, skills or aptitudes that you possess.
Uses for reference letters
Reference letters can be used when looking for work or applying to graduate school. Reference letters may be
required when applying for monetary awards, such as a fellowship or grant. When presented selectively in a
portfolio, reference letters provide compelling evidence to an employer or committee about your abilities.
Seventy-four percent of respondents to our Employer Survey said that they would accept a reference letter if a
reference could not be reached by phone, such as the reference is on holidays or a leave, and would not be
available during the period the organization was contacting the candidate’s references. Fifty-three percent who
said they would accept a reference letter indicated that they would still contact references by phone, so they may
be willing to accept one reference letter and two references that could be reached by phone. Nineteen percent
said they only accept phone references.
What makes a good reference letter?
Use of descriptive verbs to explain your accomplishments, skills and strengths. For example, demonstrated
teamwork, could become: cooperated with team members, delivered their share of the work on time and
advised team members based on their area of expertise.
Use of the active voice which indicates that you completed tasks and demonstrated desirable behaviours. The
passive voice can indicate that events happened to you and tasks would have been completed whether you
were there or not.
How you performed the responsibilities required for the position or role. A glowing reference letter will
include how you exceeded expectations in your position/role, even if it is only in one area.
Descriptions of your contributions to the work/academic environment, whether in regards to your work
habits, such as completed tasks on time, or your personal strengths, for example you are collegial and
If possible, a statement indicating that the referee would re-hire you or collaborate with you on another
project. People may also work several times for the same organization and it is beneficial for you if the letter
indicates that you worked for or with the referee several times or that they expect to work with you in the
The referee’s contact information including his or her full name, appropriate title, address, phone number
and/or e-mail address.
How do you obtain a reference letter? (Or any type of reference)
First, do a good job. No one owes you a reference letter and your supervisor may turn you down if they feel your
work has been less than satisfactory. Avoid asking for a reference letter during a peak period, such as in the
middle of marking mid-terms or preparing payroll, since a letter written on the fly may be inadequate. Appreciate
their honesty if your supervisor or professor declines your request since a mediocre or poor reference letter may
be harmful to your candidacy.
Indicate what you are using the letter for and who you are giving the letter to because this improves the focus of
the letter. Offer your referees a copy of your up-to-date resume/c.v. and a brief description of the position or
types of positions that you are applying for. Your referees can write specifically about your skills in relation to the
position(s). Your referees will also need time to write a good letter, so give them at least two to three weeks to
prepare the letter.
Your referees also need to know:
The name of the person they are addressing the letter to. If you are using the letter for your portfolio, it is
acceptable to address the letter “Dear Sir or Madam”.
The date the letter is needed and whether you will pick the letter up or the address to which the letter should
be sent.
How to contact you if they have questions or to tell you that the letter is ready for pick-up, or if the letter has
been sent.
Number of copies you require. If you get a great letter for one application, why not ask if you can get
additional copies for future use?
Additional considerations
Detailed, targeted reference letters are much more effective than general reference letters.
When you ask someone for a written reference, ask for permission to use them as a verbal reference as well.
Each time you supply their name as a reference, you should, as a courtesy, contact them to tell them that
someone may be in touch with them. It is not very helpful to your application if your referee responds with
“Who are you talking about?” when called for a reference.
Three references for each application are usually sufficient unless you are asked to supply more. If asked to
supply a reference letter when applying, it is acceptable to submit a photocopy. Bring the originals to the
interview but always keep them in your possession. It is hard to replace good reference letters, especially if
you are no longer in personal contact with the referee.
Thank everyone who provides you with a reference letter. A good letter will have taken several hours to
complete so they deserve your appreciation and/or an update on the results of the competition.
Reference letters get old. As you progress in your career, you should continue to acquire references who can
talk about your work, personal traits and skills. You should also maintain your contacts so you can ask them for
updated material if necessary.
This booklet includes several different samples of reference letters for different situations. These letters are meant
only as suggestions. Do not copy any of the letters and provide them as a reference letter for a referee to sign.
Some applicants have copied templates, sometimes word for word, merely changing the name and position of the
person on the template to suit the person who offered to write a reference. With the name changed to suit
referees, different applicants have supplied the same letter, to the same competition. Sounds like an urban legend?
No, human resource professionals have told the Career Centre that this has happened in the past. It is especially
tragic when the applicant has cited his/her “originality”, “creativity” and “integrity” on the resume. Get letters
based on your own experience.
Advice to potential referees
A student, employee or colleague has asked you to write a reference letter but you have never written one before
or you are not sure what the appropriate content is for a reference letter. What should you write for that person?
First, you should feel free to decline the request if you do not know the person well, have little positive to say or
simply do not have the time to write an effective letter. A poorly written letter is as troubling as a letter describing
mediocre performance.
If you decide to accept the request, you should take the time to read through the requirements of the position,
program or award the person is applying for. Next, consider how the person’s previous behaviour and actions
relate to the position, program or award and how his or her work will benefit the organization that he or she is
applying to.
In general the reference should:
State your relationship to the person you are writing the letter for, such as former supervisor, instructor,
colleague, or that the person is a student that you once taught (or taught several times) and/or if you have
maintained a professional mentorship relationship with that student.
Include dates to indicate how long you have known the person or when worked with or supervised the person.
If you have worked with this person repeatedly indicate this in letter since working more than once with a
person answers the all-important question “Would you hire/collaborate with this person again?” In the case of
a student, if she or he took several classes with you, indicate how he or she developed as a student or
professional in your field.
Summarize the work that the person provided for you. You can indicate the title of the work or project, the
results and if the results the person produced were new or outstanding in any way. You may also comment on
any software or research techniques the person used to attain these results.
Explain clearly what tasks the person performed and use plain English to describe the student’s performance.
If you are asked to write a reference letter for a person who is applying for work outside of academia, or a field
that you are unfamiliar with, what should you write? Ask to see the criteria that the person must meet so you can
write a targetted letter that uses some of the language, terms and skills from the criteria. You can also ask to see
the person’s c.v. or resume so you can comment on his or her experience in relation to the criteria.
Some professors decline to write a reference letter for a student who would like to use the letter to find
employment because they are not sure how to convey what the student did in class in relation to the position.
Focus on relevant transferable skills that the position requires. Transferable skills are abilities that are usable in
different areas. Examples include:
A student who delivers assignments on time and according to the criteria will also be asked to hand in work
materials on a deadline and meeting the standards of the workplace.
Using research techniques and software programs, as well as demonstrating analytical, numerical and
communication skills are valued not only in university but also in the workplace.
If you are a language professor, you can comment on the student’s linguistic ability, oral fluency and
confidence communicating in the language, since the student should be able to apply the language in
classroom as well as in the workplace.
The request may become more complicated when the person would like to have a general reference letter for
several competitions or as part of a work search portfolio. If you are not sure what to comment on, not an
uncommon problem for a person writing a general letter, here are some skills and qualities that most organizations
look for in potential employees:
Communication skills, such as persuasive writing, visual communication, or delivering public presentations.
Teamwork skills, including how much work the student performed when collaborating on a group or research
project with you. You may also comment on the student’s conflict resolution skills and ability to compromise
or take direction within the pair or group.
Organizational skills, such as consulting with you during the course of a project, delivering a rough draft when
asked and supplying the final material at deadline.
Personal attributes such as collegial, conscientious, ethical, and hard-working.
Enthusiasm for the profession and motivation to learn.
You can volunteer to write a reference letter for a person who has not asked for one. A student will always need
reference letters for a variety of purposes. You can reward a student who provided an outstanding presentation or
paper, showed up for study sessions and/or was a pleasure to teach. A student who did poorly in the class but
tried hard may be too shy to ask for a reference letter but if you want to commend diligence, your letter is
generous encouragement.
Permission and Privacy
Permission, privacy and information, especially in respect to employment, is an area undergoing constant
evolution. Though there are similarities, the application of privacy legislation and access to information is not
uniform between geographic regions, or between organizations with varying business models or legislative roles.
Therefore, prior to asking for or providing a reference, we strongly suggest that you consult with the Information
and Privacy Office (IPO) at the University of Alberta. To provide you with information they will ask you the
following questions:
1. Who is the letter for?
2. Who will receive the letter?
3. What is the purpose for the letter?
4. Where will the letter be stored and will copies be made?
There are also a series of forms that are available on the website of the Information and Privacy Office (IPO) at the
University of Alberta,
office/forms, such as a Student Reference Disclosure Authorization form. Prior to asking for or writing a letter of
reference, we suggest you check the IPO office website, or call their offices, (780) 492-9419 for assistance, to make
sure that you have the most up to date information in regards to the request.
Sample Reference Letter: Tepid Reference
December 11, 20XX
Mary Mediocre
Suite 100, Typical Office
12345 Downtown Street
Edmonton, AB T6K 8N1
To whom it may concern,
I confirm that Tom Terrific was employed as an Inside Sales Rep with Typical Office from
September 8, 20XX to January 19, 20XX.
Tom readily fulfilled his responsibilities of making sales calls, following up on orders and
participating in sales meetings. He learned about new products quickly. Tom’s sales team has
met their sales quotas for the past two years.
Tom was a team player and easily got along with the other people in the office. He also held an
acceptable attendance record.
I would recommend Tom Terrific to whichever position he might be applying for. If you need
further information you can contact me at [email protected].
Mary Mediocre
This is a mediocre letter since it says,
Tom showed up and his team did an
average job. He can keep a seat warm.
Tom is an average not stellar employee.
Sample Reference Letter: Former Supervisor 1
November 29, 20XX
Provincial Tourism Board
Government House
Edmonton, AB T5G 4G7
Dear Ms. Hiring,
I am pleased to recommend Justin Case for the position of Special Events Coordinator with the
Provincial Tourism Board. I believe that Justin’s experience with Tools and Stuff first as an Assistant
Manager and recently as a Human Resources Recruiter will compliment the role and the many skills it
Justin was hired in May 20XX as a Manager Trainee with Tools and Stuff. Justin was the youngest
manager hired into this role in Canada. He progressed into the role of Assistant Manager in July 20XX.
Although the Assistant Manager role is junior position within the management hierarchy, Justin often
managed the 10,000 ft
alone with a staff of 15-40 associates reporting directly to him. His duties
included maintain sales through coaching, providing exceptional customer service, following up on
customer concerns, ordering additional product, and delivering performance reviews. Not only did
Justin meet these requirements of the job, he also developed an employee recognition program that
highlighted individual skills of associates and created incentive programs that enabled associates to see
their progress. Justin’s professionalism and interpersonal skills allowed him to cultivate a strong team
environment and gain the respect of his peers.
In September 20XX Justin was promoted to Human Resources Recruiter for Western Canada. In this
role Justin interviewed management candidates across Canada to fill the vacancies created by twenty
new store openings each year. Justin quickly adapted to the rigorous travel and tight deadlines. In
addition to his demanding schedule, Justin also took over the duties of a co-worker while she went on
maternity leave and single-handedly organized, executed, and followed-up on twenty University career
fairs across western Canada. This requires detail oriented organizational skills, an ability to adapt to
many circumstances, and strong interpersonal skills. Because of Justin’s success in this role he was
asked to train other recruiters on the successful strategy in order to create a strong recruitment
presence across Canada. Justin is eager to succeed and finds ways to improve his workplace.
To conclude, I have been very happy with Justin Case’s performance as an Assistant Manager and
Recruiter for Tools and Stuff. I would not hesitate to re-hire Justin. I believe his experience in dealing
with students at career fairs, his in-depth knowledge of hiring practices, and his ability to communicate
effectively makes him a strong candidate for the position of Special Events Coordinator with the
Provincial Tourism Board. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Justin’s performance at
Tools and Stuff, please contact me directly at 780-555-9000.
Ref Errance
Human Resource Manager
Tools and Stuff
Sample Reference Letter: Former Supervisor 2
Adele Fraser
Student Advisor
Student Services
University of Edmonton
Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7
December 11, 20XX
Human Resources Department
Pacifica University College
1019 Oceania Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5T 1Y9
Dear Sir or Madam:
Re: Letter of Recommendation for Kathryn Heath, applicant for the position of Career Advisor, Competition
No: 12.06.078
I am pleased to provide a reference for Kathryn Heath who I have known for approximately five years.
Kathryn and I first met as student staff, on the Workshops and Presentations team, at Student Services at the
University of Edmonton. After Kathryn moved on to work in career development with the federal government,
we continued to meet, often at professional development events, to share ideas and practices to enrich our
work as career practitioners. I believe Kathryn’s work experience and education make her a strong candidate
for the Career Advisor position at Pacifica University College.
Kathryn’s work assignment with Student Services was multi-faceted. She worked in the Information
Centre, which serves 200 students per week, the place of first contact for many clients. In the Centre, she
provided drop-in advising and by answering client queries in-person, on the telephone, via chat from our
website and by email.
Kathryn also conducted one-on-one hour long consultations in the areas of work search and career
decision-making, resume critiquing, and mock interviews. Her clients and co-workers appreciated the breadth
of her knowledge, developed through continuing education, both formal and informal. In her workshops and
presentations, Kathryn was enthusiastic, competent, and confident. We often co-facilitated sessions and I
could always count on her to be well prepared. Drawing on her experience as a former high school teacher,
Kathryn was able to satisfy even the most challenging of our workshop participants. Student Services put
Kathryn’s writing skills to work as well. She revised a number of workshop facilitator's manuals, co-authored a
self-employment workshop script, and developed a number of handouts.
Kathryn was frequently entrusted with challenging assignments. On one occasion, she was asked to
provide a four-day career development workshop tailored to the needs of technically sophisticated post-
graduate information technology students. Working with a very tight time frame, Kathryn recruited a team of
facilitators and secured workshop materials more suited to her IT audience. The students acknowledged her
efforts in their evaluations and Student Services was invited back to offer the workshops on several
subsequent occasions.
After Kathryn left the Information Centre, I was pleased to maintain our mutually sustaining
professional and personal relationship. I believe she would be an asset to Pacifica University College and an
outstanding resource for its students. I wish her well. Should you have any questions regarding Kathryn’s
qualifications, please call me at (780) 555-4587.
Adele Fraser
Sample Reference Letter: Scholarship Reference
November 21, 20XX
Legacy Scholarship for Leadership Development
Leadership Foundation for Youth Initiatives
#300, 8657 51 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 6A8
Dear Adele Liu:
As President of the Centre for Student Leadership (CSL) at the University of Alberta, I am extremely
pleased to be able to recommend Miss Hana Lovage for the Legacy Scholarship in Leadership
Development. I have only known Hana for about two years but have had the opportunity to see her on
many occasions, performing with exceptional skill for a person of her age.
CSL is dedicated to providing leadership development initiatives to students by means of introducing
them to business practices and allowing them to run their own companies for the course of the term.
Hana proved herself very capable as a leader through her role as President of the “Globe Trotters
company that was twinned with a student leadership program in Newton Abbot, England. This was our
first experience with a student company running an international business. She did an outstanding job
communicating with her team and providing them with direction on this pilot project. At our annual awards
night Hana was named sales person of the year by the Alberta Life Underwriters Association. This is
based not only on her exceptional sales but also her ability to think on her feet and communicate
company initiatives in a way that promote teamwork and product knowledge.
Hana was chosen out of all of our delegates to make a speech at the Media conference where our
Chairman Jodi Norris announced our new initiatives for student development which will include
international travel opportunities. She did an outstanding job and received many compliments on her
oratorical skills. Hana was then selected to attend the Western Canadian Student Leadership Conference
in Calgary, Alberta and then the Canadian National Student Leadership Conference in Hamilton, Ontario
where she represented the whole western region. We were also lucky to have her as a summer student
during the summer of 2000 and I was delighted with her initiative and overall work habits.
This is an outstanding young woman with exceptional leadership skills, very good interpersonal skills, and
wonderful work ethic. I am sure she will benefit from your scholarship and represent your organization
well through her work. Should you have any questions concerning Hana Lovage, please contact me
directly at 780-555-1234.
Sincerely yours,
William Coriander
Centre for Student Leadership
University of Edmonton
Sample Reference Letter: School Reference (French)
Le 25 novembre 20XX
Faculté St. Jean
Programme Bilingue, Administration des Affaires
8406 - 91 rue, Marie-Anne-Gaboury
Edmonton, Alberta T6C 4G9
Chère Mme Michaud,
Il me fait le plaisir d’écrire ces quelques lignes au sujet de mademoiselle Francine Gratton pour
être considérée comme candidate dans le programme bilingue Administration des Affaires.
Pendant les six dernières années, Francine est inscrite dans la classe de français dont j’ai le
plaisir d’enseigner. Durant cette période, j’ai remarqué beaucoup d’amélioration en elle, autant
aux niveaux académique que personnel.
Académiquement, Francine est une étudiante appliquée, toujours prête à aller plus loin pour
parfaire son éducation de langue française, autant a l’oral qu’a l’écrit. Depuis sa première année,
son français s’est beaucoup amélioré autant a l’oral qu’a l’écrit. J’ai remarqué une progression
constante de la qualité de son expression, de son débit, de son intonation etc. En plus, Francine
est issue d’une famille francophone, ce qui lui permet de parfaire son discours oral.
Académiquement, Francine est toujours au-dessus de la moyenne de la classe. Depuis six ans, sa
note oscille entre 80 et 90%, ce qui est exceptionnel d’après mes standards.
A mon avis, mademoiselle Gratton est parfaitement capable d’accomplir les exigences du
programme d’étude offert par votre institution d’enseignement. Francine est également très
active au sein de la communauté scolaire. Toujours prête à donner son aide aux divers comités
du secondaire, par exemple le comité de graduation, le conseil d’école, les activités parascolaires
et sportives et j’en passe. Francine est également impliquée dans la vie culturelle de l’école en
participant à différentes productions théâtrales, au festival culturel «Artstravagenza », et j’en
En guise de conclusion, il me fait le plaisir de recommander mademoiselle Francine Gratton pour
le programme bilingue dans votre établissement scolaire. Si vous avez des questions concernant
Francine comme candidate supérieur, il me ferait le plaisir d’y répondre personnellement.
Thérèse Dubois
Coordinatrices des programmes de français
ESB - École Secondaire Bilingue
Sample Reference Letter: Immigration Application Reference
29 November 20XX
Canadian Consulate General
Immigration Regional Program Centre
3000 HSBC Center
Buffalo, NY 14203-2884
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter pertains to Emily Aye’s employment with Career Services at Edmonton University. Emily has been
employed by Career Services since September 20XX as a Career Advisor. Specifically, she worked part-time
(approximately 12 hours per week) from September 20XX to April 20XX, from September 20XX to April
20XX, and from September 20XX to present. She worked full-time (35 hours per week) from May to August
20XX and May to August 20XX. In total, she has worked over 2,200 hours at Career Services from September
20XX to early November this year.
Emily’s main responsibilities as a Career Advisor include:
Delivering workshops and presentations on a variety career and employment-related topics
Advising students one-on-one with respect to their career and work options, resumes and cover letters, and
interview skills
Providing customer service in the Career Resource Centre
Conducting research on career and employment-related topics
Assisting clients with utilizing print and electronic resources
Assisting with the delivery of career forums and career fairs
Emily’s job performance has been exceptional. Clients who have attended her workshops and met with her
one on one comment specifically on her ability to address their needs in a professional yet empathetic manner.
Emily is also highly regarded by her co-workers for her strong teamwork and leadership skills. She has strong
public speaking and interpersonal communication skills and, although she speaks with an accent, she very easy
to understand. I firmly believe that Emily has and will continue to make a positive contribution to Canada.
Career Advisors are not paid an annual salary but on an hourly basis. In terms of benefits, they receive four
percent vacation pay. Emily’s pay, including vacation pay, for the time she has worked at Career Services is as
September 20XX to April 20XX (amount)
May to August 20XX (amount)
September 20XX to April 20XX (amount)
May to August 20XX (amount)
September to October 20XX (amount)
If you require further information regarding Emily’s employment with Career Services, I may be contacted at
(780) 555-7689 or
Esperanza Torero
Career Education Coordinator
Sample Reference Letter: Graduate School Reference
13 January 20XX
Admissions Committee
Division of Applied Psychology
Alberta University
Edmonton, AB T2T 1T1
Re: Reference for Bradley Calumba
I am writing in support of Bradley (Brad) Calumba's application for the Masters program in Applied
Psychology. Brad worked with Community Services part-time as a Life/Skills Coach from September
20XX to April 20XX. I was his direct supervisor. Brad's key responsibilities included planning and
facilitating workshops and working one-on-one with clients.
Brad came to Community Services with minimal experience in the life/skills education field. He
demonstrated a strong ability to learn quickly the information and skills he required to be effective in
the performance of his duties. In my experience I have found that working part-time and studying
full-time is something that not all students do well. Brad was able to manage his academic, work and
other commitments effectively.
Brad's performance of his responsibilities was excellent. The feedback he received from students
who attended his workshops and from those he worked with one-on-one was consistently very
positive and provides evidence of his strong teaching and interpersonal communication skills.
Brad worked very well with his peers and supervisors. Many of the workshops are co-facilitated.
Brad's peers could always count on him to meet his commitments, and work in a co-operative and
professional manner. Personally, I have always found Brad very mature, personable and
conscientious, and to have a very positive attitude about work. I would not hesitate to hire him if he
applied with Community Services in the future.
If you would like further information about Brad's employment with Community Services, I may be
contacted at (780) 555-4444.
Ara Ban
Client Services Manager
Doyle, A. (2018). Free Reference Letter Template for Employment. Retrieved from
Klein, K., & Gates, V. (2005). Privacy in employment: Control of personal information in the workplace. Toronto, ON,
Canada: Thomson Carswell.
Precht, K. (1998). Cross-cultural comparison of letters of recommendation. English for Specific Purposes, 17 (3),
Request a Reference: Who and How to Ask - alis. (2015, September 09). Retrieved from
Vanevery, J. (2012). Choosing your referees. Retrieved from
University of Alberta Career Centre
2-100 Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton AB T6G 2J7
Phone: (780) 492-4291
Fax: (780) 492-1225
For additional job search advice and career-related topics, the U of A Career Centre offers Guidebooks for Career
Information Interviewing, Job Shadowing, Personal Statements, and Reference Letters. These publications are
available for download on our website, as well as in print format in our Career Centres on the U of A Campus.
The Job Search Guidebook was originally developed as part of the Transition to Career (T2C) elearning modules.
For more information on T2C, visit the U of A Career Centre website
Are you a U of A student returning to school in the following Fall/Winter semester? Are you interested in working
as a Career Peer Educator (CPE)? Find more information about the position and how and when to apply on the CPE
program webpage