Vol. 75, No. 3, September, pp. 207–221, 1998
Affective Disposition and the Letter of Reference
Timothy A. Judge and Chad A. Higgins
Department of Management and Organizations, College of Business Administration,
University of Iowa
The present study attempted to determine the relationship be-
tween affective disposition and the favorability of letters of refer-
ence. We hypothesized that individuals with positive dispositions
would write more favorable letters than would individuals with
less positive or neutral dispositions. In addition, we also hypothe-
sized that length of letter would partly mediate the relationship
between affective disposition and letter favorability. To test these
hypotheses, two studies were conducted. In order to present let-
ter writers with a controlled stimulus, Study 1 entailed having
110 undergraduate students write letters of reference for two
hypothetical job candidates in a laboratory setting. In order to
test the generalizability of the laboratory study, Study 2 involved
95 faculty members who submitted three recent letters of refer-
ence they had written. Results showed that affective disposition
was related to the favorability of letters of reference in both
studies.Results alsorevealedthatlengthofletterpartlymediated
the relationship between affective disposition and letter favor-
q 1998 Academic Press
The reference report is somewhat of an enigma. On the one hand, it is one
of the most widely used methods of personnel selection. Muchinsky’s (1979)
review of the literature indicated that between 82 and 99% of employers use
reference reports in their selection decisions. Furthermore, most employers
consider references an essential part of the selection process, particularly for
high-skill or professional jobs (Sleight & Bell, 1954). On the other hand, despite
widespread use, reference reports also appear to rank among the least valid
The authors thank Murray Barrick and Frank Schmidt for comments on an earlier version of
this paper, and Liz Higgins, Brian McNatt, Greg Patton, and Carl Thoresen for their assistance
with the studies.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Timothy A. Judge, Department of Management
and Organizations, College of Business Administration, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.
Electronic mail may be sent via Internet at [email protected].
0749-5978/98 $25.00
Copyright q 1998 by Academic Press
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
selection measures (Muchinsky, 1979). Unlike other selection methods, very
little research has investigated factors affecting the validity of reference re-
ports. As Muchinsky (1979) noted nearly 20 years ago, “Of all the more com-
monly used personnel selection devices, reference reports are the most under-
researched. A thorough search of psychology, management, and personnel liter-
ature reveals a paucity of studies on reference reports with empirical studies
being particularly scarce” (p. 287). Despite repeated calls for more studies on
references (Smith & George, 1992), it remains a neglected area of research.
There have been a few exceptions (Browning, 1968; Knouse, 1983; Mosel &
Goheen, 1958, 1959; Peres & Garcia, 1962). One general conclusion from this
small body of research is that most reference reports are highly favorable to
the subject of the reports. Indeed, this lack of variation is one factor that is
commonly argued to account for the poor validity of reference reports (Muchin-
sky, 1979). Another factor argued to lead to poor validity is the low inter-rater
reliability that exists between references (Muchinsky, 1979). In terms of one
of the principal forms of reference reports, letters of recommendation, Baxter,
Brock,Hill, andRozelle (1981) found that letterwriters provide highly personal-
ized information that is not shared by other writers even if the subject of the
letters is the same. In interpreting their results, Baxter et al. (1981) noted,
“The results are more directly a function of letter writers’ idiosyncrasies than
of the students’ qualities” (p. 300). Baxter et al.’s study provides an interesting
suggestion: If the letter of reference is, in part, a reflection of the writer, it is
relevant to ask what characteristics of the letter writer might be related to
the written product.
The purpose of the present study is to investigate one aspect of the reference
provider, affective disposition, which represents the relatively stable tendency
to evaluate the environment based on one’s emotional make-up (Judge, 1992).
Although reference reports can take many forms, our focus in this study is on
one of the most common: the letter of reference. Drawing from theory in the
area of person perception, and related research in the areas of performance
evaluation and the employment interview, we hypothesize a link between af-
fective disposition and the favorability of letters of reference. Literature sup-
porting this hypothesis is reviewed next.
Because writing letters of reference is the product of an evaluative process,
similarin thisrespect to performanceappraisal or interviewerdecision-making,
research in these areas may shed light on the possible dispositional basis of
letters of reference. Like the reference letter, performance appraisals are sub-
ject to the cognitiveprocesses the rater uses in reaching decisions about subjects
(Landy & Farr, 1980). As Wherry and Bartlett (1982) proposed in their theory
of rating, evaluations about others can be a function of bias in how original
perceptions about others are evaluated when they are retrieved from memory.
In introducing his model of cognitive processes in the performance appraisal
process, Feldman (1981) noted that dispositional factors in the rater can influ-
ence these cognitive processes. It seems likely that one of these dispositional
factors is whether the rater tends to evaluate objects, events, or people in a
generally positive or negative manner.
In fact, basic person perception research has revealed that affect plays a
central role in the processing of information about others. Research by Fiske
(1982) shows that affective labels are attached to factual information about
persons which is stored in memory. When thoughts about a particular person
are accessed from memory, the perceivers’ affective orientation toward the
target may be the first piece ofinformation retrieved. Accordingto Longenecker,
Jaccoud, Sims, and Gioia (1992), two types of affect may influence the cognitive
processing of information about employees or job applicants. One type of affect
is differentiated affect. This type of affect is dependent upon who (i.e., employee
or applicant) constitutes the target and is typically operationalized as liking.
As the target of observation changes, so too does the differentiated affect of
the perceiver. Research indicates that liking is an important correlate of perfor-
mance (Tsui & Barry, 1986) and interview (Dipboye, 1992) ratings.
The other type of affect discussed by Longenecker et al. (1992) is undifferenti-
ated affect. Undifferentiated affect represents general feelings not specifically
directed at a single person such as mood (state affect) or affective disposition
(trait affect). Although much less research has been done on undifferentiated
affect, several studies have linked mood of the evaluator to decisions about
subordinates (Longenecker et al., 1992) and job applicants (Baron, 1993), as
well as to evaluations of job satisfaction (Brief, Butcher, & Roberson, 1995).
These areas of research suggest a possible dispositional basis of letters of
reference. If undifferentiated affect influences performance ratings and inter-
viewer evaluations, it seems reasonable to expect that similar tendencies will
be displayed on the part of letter writers. In short, the same affect-laden
cognitive processes that influence supervisors and interviewers should also
generalize to letter writers. Writing letters of reference forces writers to retrieve
information previously acquired and encoded into memory and it is likely that
affective information is acquired, encoded, and retrieved as a result of this
person perception process (Fiske, 1982). Because affective disposition is re-
flected in the tendency to be accepting versus critical of others, it seems likely
it will influence the evaluation of information about others (Judge, 1992),
including how letter writers evaluate the subject of their letters. In fact, a
recent study supports this argument by finding that affective disposition was
correlated with faculty members evaluation of job candidates and their ratings
of co-workers (Merritt & Davis, 1994).
Thus, there is some indirect evidence that suggests a positive relationship
between affective disposition and the favorability of letters of reference. In
short, if variation in letters of reference is directly a function of individual
differences among writers of the letters (Baxter et al., 1981), it seems likely
that one of those individual differences is the affective disposition of the
writer. Accordingly,
H1: Affective disposition will be related to the favorability of letters of reference such that
positively disposed writers will write more favorable letters than negatively disposed writers.
Influence of Length of the Reference Letter
One issue that has not been discussed to this point is what a favorable letter
of reference means. Typically, one would consider favorable letters to be those
that contained many positive descriptions and few negative ones. In fact, Peres
and Garcia (1962) found that the favorability of letters could be described in
terms of the adjective descriptions contained in the letters. However, given the
positive tone of most letters, others have suggested that length of the letter
may be more indicative of the true attitude of the letter writer. As Wiens,
Jackson, Manaugh, and Matarazzo (1969) argued, “. . . number of words written
in a letter of recommendation might be more explicit as an index of a writers
true attitude toward the person about whom he was writing than was the
content of the letter per se” (p. 264). Their results, as well as those of an earlier
study (Mehrabian, 1965), support this argument. On the basis of this evidence,
it seems reasonable to expect that length of the letter of reference will be
related to its perceived favorability. Furthermore, if affective temperament is
related to the favorability of the reference letter, and if length of the letter is
indicative of its favorability, it seems likely that positively disposed individuals
will write longer letters than those less positively disposed. In such a situation,
length of the reference letter could be expected to mediate, at least in part, the
relationship between affective disposition and the favorability of the reference
letter. Accordingly,
H2: Length of the letter of reference will: (a) be positively related to its favorability; and (b)
partially mediate the relationship between affective disposition and letter favorability.
The hypotheses were tested using two separate studies. The first study
involved a laboratory experiment in which subjects wrote letters of reference
for two hypothetical bank employees. The second study was a field study in
which participants were asked to contribute actual letters of reference they
had written. The laboratory study offers the advantage of presentation of a
controlled stimulus such that letter writers were evaluating the same person
in the same context. However, because the laboratory study may lack realism,
a field study was conducted as it has the advantage of studying actual letters
of reference.
In estimating the relationship between affective disposition and the favor-
ability of letters of reference, several control variables were taken into account.
Past research suggests work experience of the rater positively influences perfor-
mance ratings (Landy & Farr, 1980). Therefore, work experience of the letter
writer was controlled in both studies. Given the possibility of contrast effects
that have been reported in the interview literature (Wexley, Sanders, & Yukl,
1973), in the laboratory study we controlled for the order in which applicants
were presented to the subjects. Finally, Carlson (1967) pointed out that individ-
uals’ evaluations might be influenced by the amount of evaluating experience
they have. Thus, we controlled for letter writing experience of the subjects.
Setting and Subjects
Subjects were undergraduatestudents at a large Midwest university enrolled
in an introductory management course. Participation in the study was volun-
tary. Students choosing to take part were awarded extra credit towards their
course grade. The sample consisted of 120 subjects of whom 52% were male
and88% wereWhite. (Listwise deletionsubsequently reduced the sample sizeto
110.) As was expected with a student sample, only 9% had previous experience
writing letters of recommendation. Average age of subjects was approximately
22 years and average total work experience was 5.2 years.
The study consisted of 16 individual sessions. Participants each attended
one 45-min session. Each session included the showing of two brief videos
depicting two hypothetical bank employees performing a routine transaction.
The transaction involved the bank employee accepting a check deposit from a
customer as well as giving the customer a small amount of cash. Employee
quality was controlled by one bank employee being a good performer and one
being an average performer. The actor portraying the good employee welcomed
the customer to the bank, made small talk while performing the transaction,
and counted out the bills as they were given to the customer. In contrast, the
average employee simply called for the next person in line, made no attempt
to converse with the customer, and presented the cash to the customer in a
lump sum. The order in which the videos were shown was alternated in the
sessions in order to assess any impact the order might have on subject’s evalua-
tion of the bank employees. Also, to avoid confounding quality of the employees
with sex differences, both employees were male.
Prior to watching the respective videos, subjects were provided with back-
ground information on each employee (a resume and performance appraisal
that had been completed by the employee’s former supervisor). This information
was tailored to match the performance level of the employee. For example, the
good employee had two years of banking experience while the average employee
had only one year. The good employee had a slightly higher GPA and his
performance appraisal score was slightly higher than that of the average em-
ployee. For the purposes of this experiment, subjects were asked to assume
they had worked with each of the employees during the summer and were now
being asked to write a letter of recommendation for each employee. In order
to simulate the selection process, subjects were told that both employees were
applying for teller positions in other banks. Also, subjects were told that the
employees were applying at different banks so they were not competing for
the same job. No time limit was placed on writing the letters and, likewise,
no guidelines were given as to how long the letters should be.
In addition to watching the videos and writing the letters of reference, sub-
jects filled out a brief survey that was used to assess affective disposition. As
with the video, the administration of the survey was alternated. Half of the
subjects completed the survey prior to participating in the experiment and half
completed the survey after the experiment. Again, this was done to determine
if the order in which subjects completed the survey had any effect on their
evaluations. There was no significant difference in average ratings between
those subjects completing the affect survey before the experiment and those
completing the survey after the experiment.
Finally, a manipulation check was conducted to ensure that the subjects
felt the two employees were of different quality. The manipulation check was
performed by having subjects rate each employee on a scale of 1 5 unacceptable;
not recommended to 5 5 exceptionally qualified: highest recommendation. The
mean rating for the good employee was 4.47 and the mean rating for the
average employee was 3.38. This difference was highly significant (t
5 11.27,
p , .001), indicating that subjects did find differences between the employees
and the manipulation was successful.
Affective disposition. Affective disposition of subjects was measured with
the Neutral Objects Satisfaction Questionnaire (NOSQ), which is based on a
measure originally developed by Weitz (1952). The NOSQ assesses affective
disposition by asking respondents to rate their satisfaction with a list of 25
neutral objects common to everyday life (e.g., the way people drive, local news-
papers, movies being produced today). Affective disposition was defined as the
average response to the 25 items on the NOSQ, using a 1 5 dissatisfied,25
neutral,35 satisfied scale. Judge and Bretz (1993), among a sample of indus-
trial workers, found that the NOSQ displayed favorable psychometric proper-
ties (all items significantly loaded on a single factor) and was quite stable over
time (r 5 .75 over a 6-month period). In comparison, measures of positive
affectivity (PA) and negative affectivity (NA) were somewhat less stable (r 5
.63 in both cases). Judge and Carter (1995), among a sample of college students,
also found that all NOSQ items loaded on a single factor. They also reported
that, over a 6-week period, the NOSQ was significantly more stable (r 5 .79)
than measures of trait-PA (r 5 .59) or trait-NA (r 5 .61). When the NOSQ and
measures of PA and NA were collected at the same point in time, Judge and
Carter found moderate correlations between the NOSQ and PA (average cor-
rected r 5 .31) and NA (average corrected r 52.29). When the measures were
separated by four weeks, the correlations were slightly lower (average r 5 .28
for PA and average r 52.25 for NA). In the present study, the coefficient a
reliability estimate of the NOSQ was a 5 .76.
Favorability of letter. Favorability of letters was assessed by three raters.
Letters were rated on a scale of 1 5 extremely negative to 10 5 extremely
positive. Prior to actually evaluating the letters, raters were trained and read
a random sample of five letters before they began the rating process. Ratings
were made independently with no discussion between raters regarding the
assignment of ratings. Because dispositional tendencies are most clearly re-
vealed by individuals’ decisions over time or across situations (Epstein, 1977),
and to simplify presentation of the results, favorability of the letter represented
the average favorability of the two letters. In order to determine whether raters
were consistent in their evaluations of the letters, we estimated interrater
reliability using several methods. The coefficient alpha reliability estimate of
the three ratings was .82 for the good employee letters and .91 for the average
employee letters. Using the Spearman–Brown formula, we found a reliability
coefficient of .83 for the good employee and .93 for the average employee.
Other measures. Length of letter was measured by counting the average
number of words in the first three rows and multiplying this figure by the
number of rows in the letter.
Previous experience writing letters of reference
was assessed with the question “Have you written a letter of recommendation
before?” Answers were coded on a 1 5 yes,05 no scale. Total work experience
was determined by the question “How many years of total work experience do
you have?” Work experience was reported in years and months.
Setting, Subjects, and Procedure
Subjects were full-time faculty members at a large Midwest university.
Seventy-six percent of the sample was male and 90% were White. All had
previous experience writing letters of reference with the mean numberof letters
written being estimated at 110. Average age of subjects was 48.1 years and
mean total work experience was 23.3 years.
Surveys were mailed to a random sample of 1,000 full-time faculty members.
A cover letter included with the survey asked participants to fill out the brief
survey and return it along with up to three recent letters of reference they
had written. Participants were assured in the cover letter that individual
responses would be completely confidential. The response rate was 14.6% for
a total of 146 participants. Of the 146 faculty who returned at least one letter
and survey, 132 returned at least two letters, and 108 returned three letters.
Of the 108 faculty who returned at least one letter, 13 surveys contained
incomplete data. Thus, there were 95 observations containing full data (three
letters and a completed survey) that could be included in the analyses.
The low response rate may be attributed to the private and personal nature
of letters of reference. Accordingly, the results may have been biased by whether
those who returned surveys generally write good reference letters. Although
we cannot directly answer this question, a partial answer can be revealed by
In order to determine the accuracy of this method, using a random sample of letters, we
correlated our method of measuring letter length with the actual (exact) number of words in each
letter. Because the number of words measured with our method was very highly correlated with
the actual number of words (average r 5 .98 across the two studies), we considered our method
comparing the number of letters returned by a participant and the mean
favorability of all the subject’s letters. If letter favorability is related to the
number of letters a participant supplies, we would expect those returning three
letters to have a higher mean favorability rating on their letters than would
those who returned one or two letters. Likewise, participants providing two
letters would be expected to have a higher mean favorability rating than those
providing just one letter. However, results indicated that the average favorabil-
ity ratings did not vary according to how many letters the subjects returned.
This indicates that number of letters returned was unlikely tohave been related
to letter favorability.
Despite the low response rate, participants appear to be representative of
the sample as a whole. A random sample of non-respondents revealed that
76% were male, which exactly matches the percentage of respondents who
were male. ANOVA results comparing the representation of respondents and
non-respondents across the nine colleges in the university indicated no signifi-
cant differences. These results suggest that the sample is representative of the
full population, at least with respect to these attributes. The purpose of the
reference letters was as follows: nonacademic job 5 29%; academic job 5 27%;
graduate school 5 20%; grant, scholarship, or award 5 16%; promotion or
advancement 5 8%. ANOVA results for a test of letter favorability by purpose of
letter indicate letter purpose had no significant influence on letter favorability.
Affective disposition. Affective disposition was assessed using the same
measure as in Study 1, the NOSQ. In this study, the internal consistency of
the NOSQ was a 5 .76.
Favorability of letter. As in Study 1, favorability of letters was assessed by
three independent raters. Each letter was rated on the same 1 5 extremely
negative to 10 5 extremely positive scale that was used in Study 1. Consistent
with the previous study, favorability of the letters was assessed by computing
the average rating across the three letters. Although using all three letters
meant losing a significant portion of the sample, this did not appear to influence
the results as average ratings of favorability were similar for the three letters.
Interrater reliability was evaluated in the same way as in Study 1. The coeffi-
cient a, based on the correlations between raters, was .81 for the first letter,
.82 for the second letter,and .82 for the third letter. Using the Spearman–Brown
formula to assess interrater reliability, we found reliability coefficients of .82
for the first letter, .84 for the second letter, and .84 for the third letter.
Other measures. Length of letter was again determined by counting the
average number of words in the first three rows and multiplying this figure
by the number of rows in the letter. Previous experience writing letters of
reference was assessed with the question “Approximately how many letters of
recommendation have you written before?” Total work experience was deter-
mined by the question “How many years of total work experience do you have?”
Work experience was reported in years and months.
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics and intercorrelations of the vari-
ables in both studies. Examination of the means and standard deviations sug-
gests possible departures from normality. Accordingly, we computed skewness
and kurtosis statistics for these variables. For both samples, experience and
number of letters written were significantly skewed and kurtotic. However,
when we normalized thesevariables by computing their natural log, the correla-
tions with other variables were not altered. Therefore, we retained the untrans-
formed measures.
Multiple regression analysis was used to test both hypotheses. In order to
provide unbiased estimates of the true relationships between the independent
and dependent variables, Hunters (1992) regression program was used to
correct the correlations between affective disposition and ratings of letter favor-
ability for unreliability. Coefficient alpha reliabilities were used to correct the
affective disposition measure while the Spearman–Brown reliabilities were
used to correct ratings. Once these corrections were made, standardized regres-
sion coefficients were computed. To avoid problemsinherent instatistical signif-
icance testing (Cohen, 1994; Schmidt, 1996), 95% confidence intervals are
drawn around the standardized regression coefficients. In order to determine
the degree to which length of letter mediates the relationship between affective
disposition and favorability of the reference letter (H2), two regressions were
estimated for each study. One equation included length of the letter as an
independent variable while the other equation excluded length of letter. If
there is an association between length of letter and favorability of the reference
letter, and the regression coefficient on affective disposition drops substantially
when length of letter is controlled, H2 is supported. Within each regression,
all variables were entered into each equation simultaneously.
Descriptive Statistics and Intercorrelations (Uncorrected) of Study Variables
Variable M SD 123456M SD
1. Affective disposition 2.38 0.23 .10 2.11 .00 .17 2.44 0.21
2. Total work experience (years) 5.12 3.03 2.04 .33 2.16 .03 23.31 11.66
3. Experience writing letters 0.09 0.29 2.16 2.01 .08 .16 109.69 206.57
4. Strong applicant presented first 0.56 0.50 .06 .03 .00
5. Length of letter (words) 153.31 45.18 .33 .01 2.09 2.01 .44 323.98 174.08
6. Average favorability of letter 7.87 0.89 .29 2.09 2.02 2.22 .45 7.85 0.54
Note. Correlations for laboratory study (listwise N 5 110) appear below the diagonal; correlations
for field study (listwise N 5 95) appear above the diagonal. Correlations are uncorrected. For both
studies, the response scale for affective disposition is 1 5 Dissatisfied,25 Neutral, and 3 5
Satisfied. For the laboratory study, the response scale for experience writing letters is 1 5 Yes, I
have written a letter of recommendation,05 No, I have not written a letter of recommendation;
for the field study, this variable reflects the total number of letters written in the past. Strong
applicant presented first is coded 1 5 Ye s,05 No. For both studies, the response scale for average
favorability of letter is 1 5 Extremely negative to 10 5 Extremely positive.
Table 2 contains the regression estimates predicting favorability of the letter
of reference for the laboratory study. The confidence intervals for work experi-
ence and previous experience writing letters included zero. Conversely, the
confidence intervals for the variable representing the strong applicant being
presented to subjects first, length of letter (for the first equation), and affective
disposition, excluded zero. This latter set of results indicates that these vari-
ables do, in fact, influence letter favorability. Affective disposition shows a
moderate, nonzero relationship with letter favorability, but the relationship is
stronger when length of letter is excluded from the equation. In fact, the b
coefficient for affective disposition is 38% weaker when letter length is con-
trolled. Thus, results in this study support both H1 and H2. The table also
shows that the independent variables explained 36% and 20% of the variance
in letter favorability.
Table 3 contains the regression results for the field study. The results are
relatively consistent with those of the previous study. With the exception of
previous letter writing experience in the second regression, the confidence
intervals for the control variables included zero while length of letter and
affective disposition had nonzero effects on favorabilityof the letterof reference.
Unlike Study 1, however, controlling for length of letter had little effect on the
relationshipbetween affectivedisposition and letter favorability. The coefficient
for affective disposition is only 8% weaker when length of letter is controlled.
Thus, as in Study 1, H1 is supported. However, contrary to the results of Study
1, H2 is only partially supported. Length of letter is related to the judged
favorability of the letter (H2a), but length of letter does not appear to mediate
much of the relationship between affective disposition and letter favorability
Regression Estimates Predicting Favorability of Letters of Reference:
Laboratory Study
Controlling for Not controlling for
length of letter length of letter
b 95% CI b 95% CI
Total work experience 2.09 (2.27, .09) 2.08 (2.27, .11)
Previous experience writing letters .06 (2.12, .24) .05 (2.15, .25)
Strong applicant presented first 2.25* (2.42, 2.08) 2.26* (2.45, 2.07)
Length of letter .41* (.22, .60)
Affective disposition .24* (.02, .46) .38* (.16, .60)
R .60 .45
.36 .20
N 110 110
Note. 95% CI denotes 95% confidence interval around standardized regression coefficients cor-
rected for unreliability.
*Denotes coefficients with confidence intervals excluding zero.
Regression Estimates Predicting Favorability of Letters of Reference: Field Study
Controlling for Not controlling for
length of letter length of letter
b 95% CI b 95% CI
Total work experience .03 (2.18, .24) 2.07 (2.30, .16)
Previous experience writing letters .16 (2.05, .37) .23* (.01, .46)
Length of letter .48* (.30, .66)
Affective disposition .23* (.01, .46) .25* (.01, .50)
R .56 .31
.31 .10
N 95 95
Note: 95% CI denotes 95% confidence interval around standardized regression coefficients cor-
rected for unreliability.
*Denotes coefficients with confidence intervals excluding zero.
(H2b). The regressions also explain a smaller proportion of the variance in
letter favorability compared to Study 1.
Past research on reference reports has focused on their validity and on the
value of such reports as descriptors of the person being recommended (Baxter et
al., 1981; Muchinsky, 1979; Peres & Garcia, 1962). This literature has generally
found that letters of recommendation are not particularly reliable or valid. It
has even been suggested that the reference report may tell more about the
reference provider than the person being recommended (Baxter et al., 1981).
The focus of this study was on one type of reference report, the letter of refer-
ence, and one aspect of the reference provider, affective disposition. Results
from two separate studies indicated that affective disposition was related to
the favorability of letters of reference. Thus, positively oriented letter writers
do write more favorable letters.
In addition to investigating a link between affective disposition and favorabil-
ity of the letter of recommendation, we also found that length of the letter was
related to the judged favorability of the letter of recommendation. However,
letter length mediated the relationship between affective disposition and letter
favorability only in the laboratory study. Thus, positively oriented letter writers
do write more favorable letters but it is not clear whether this process occurs
The uncorrected regressions estimating the relationship between affective disposition and
letter favorability provided results similar to those reported in Tables 2–3. For Study 1, the
uncorrected standardized regression coefficients on affective disposition were b 5 .29 (not control-
ling for length of letter) and b 5 .17 (controlling for length of letter). For Study 2, the respective
uncorrected regression coefficients were b 5 .19 and b 5 .18. The confidence intervals for all of
these coefficients excluded zero. Thus, although both corrected and uncorrected regression results
produced nonzero effects, because the uncorrected coefficients are downwardly biased (by failing
to correct for measurement error), the corrected results are presented in Tables 2–3.
because positive references write longer letters. It would seem likely another
factor explaining the dispositional effect is the increased tendency of letter
writers to use more positive words, and fewer negative words, in describing
the targets. Though these results are interesting, they do not address the causal
relationships among affective disposition, letter length, and letter favorability.
Thus, we have been careful to interpret our results as correlational rather
than causal.
The effect sizes for affective disposition were not large. To some extent, this
is to be expected. Favorability of letters was evaluated in a rigorous manner
that was independent of the letter writer. Furthermore, the process of writing
letters is arguably a “strong” situation with many motives and contextual
dynamicsthat arenot easily observed. In the letter writingprocess, thestrength
of the situation may limit a person’s willingness to discuss negative aspects of
the person they are describing and push them to disclose only the positive or
less negative characteristics of the individual. The impact of situational
strength may work to diminish the observed relationship between affective
disposition and letter favorability. However, the results do indicate that af-
fective disposition is one factor that is related to letters of reference.
The results of these studies would appear to have practical implications for
both employers and applicants. For employers, the results suggest that letters
of reference cannot always be accepted as completely impartial reports about
the applicants’ worthiness for the position. Most employers probably already
know this. However, it is not only that references may have many conscious
motives in writing their letter, such as advancing the interests of the subject
due to friendship or mentorship biases, they may also have subconscious biases
that influence their reports. Thus, a scaling factor may need to be applied
when interpreting reference letters. For example, if the positivity vs. negativity
of the letter writer is known, the employer may implicitly or explicitly discount
letters by positive people and vice versa. For applicants, there is even a clearer
implication. It would appear that applicants who choose letter writers with a
positive disposition stand a better chance of having a favorable letter written
about them. Thus, there would seem to be reasons, all else equal, to find letter
writers with a positive affective temperament and avoid seeking recommenda-
tions from less positive references, particularly if the reader of the letter is
unfamiliar with the letter writer.
Both studies have limitations. The obvious concern with Study 1 is external
validity. Asking college students to write letters about hypothetical job appli-
cants raises questions about the degree to which this is representative of the
actual letter writing process. Significant efforts were undertaken to make the
letter writing process as realistic as possible. Specifically, videos and accompa-
nying materials were carefully produced to give subjects a realistic view of
the target’s job performance. Nevertheless, subjects were inexperienced at the
process of writing letters and subjects did not personally know the targets they
were evaluating.
Study 2 also has limitations. First, the low response rate, and the fact that
the applicants may have selected only positive letter writers (who would write
favorable letters), raises the possibility of nonresponse bias. However, the fact
that the means for affective disposition and letter favorability where very
similar in Study 2 and Study 1 (where response bias was not an issue) argues
against the hypothesis that only positive letter writers responded, or only
positive letters were returned.
A second limitation is that it was not possible
to collect information on the subjects of the letters. Therefore, it is possible
that dispositional tendencies of letter writers are related to characteristics of
the individuals who solicited these letters. To some extent, this potential con-
cern is mitigated by the fact that letter favorability was analyzed across three
letters. Analyzing multiple letters achieves several goals, including reducing
concerns that we did not take characteristics of the subject of the letters into
account. If the letters written were affected by differences among the subjects
of the letters, these differences would have to be systematic across the three
letters. Only future research could determine whether applicant quality is
related to the affective temperament of the individuals from whom letters of
reference are solicited.
A limitation common to both studies is that no cognitive or interpersonal
processes were studied. Both types of processes have been found to be relevant
in similar contexts, such as performance evaluation and interviewer decision-
making (Longenecker et al., 1992). Given that results here suggest that the
tendency to experience undifferentiated affect (affective disposition) is relevant
to the letter writing process, future research should explore the possible cogni-
tive and interpersonal processes that cause writers’ dispositional tendencies
to be expressed in their letters. Another limitation of both studies is the failure
to assess the letter writer’s liking of the subject of the letter. Furthermore,
characteristics of the recipients of the letters, such as their dispositions toward
reading letters, may be quite relevant.
Because the two studies were quite different (one was a laboratory study
with students, the other a field study with actual letter writers), one might
reasonably question the degree to which the results across the two studies
can be compared. Ideally, we would have conducted four studies so that the
independent influences of type of subject (student vs. faculty) and type of
method (laboratory vs. field) would not be confounded. As a way of investigating
the utility of such a design, we pooled the two data sets and computed an
interaction between affective disposition and study (Study 1: laboratory study
with students vs. Study 2: field study with faculty). If the results across the
two studies are incomparable in terms of the relationship between affective
disposition and letter favorability, this interaction should be significant. How-
ever, when we conducted this pooled analysis using hierarchical moderated
regression, affective disposition remained a significant predictor of letter favor-
As was noted by a reviewer on a previous version of this manuscript, if affective disposition
is separated into two dimensions, positive affectivity and negative affectivity, it is possible faculty
responses were biased by negative (as opposed to positive) affectivity. Under this argument, the
measure of affective disposition used in this study reflects positive affectivity and would not
necessarily reflect the possibility that high negative affectivity faculty were less likely to respond.
ability, but the interaction was not significant. This suggests the results be-
tween the two studies are not incompatible.
We purposely conducted these disparate studies with the idea that the princi-
pal limitations of one study are offset by the other. We sought to offset the lack
of realism in Study 1 with using actual letters of reference in Study 2. Similarly,
we sought to offset the lack of control in Study 2 by controlling the subjects of
the letters in Study 1. That similar results were obtained in both studies
increases confidence that the relationship between affective disposition and
favorability of letters of recommendation is not artifactual (i.e., due to method-
ological artifacts). Thus, affective disposition seems to play an important role
in the favorability of letters of reference.
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Received: March, 12, 1998