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@ASCareerSuccess @ASCCareerSucess #ASCCareerSuccess
Career Success | 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave | (614) 292-6961 | asc-careersuccess.osu.edu | asccarer@osu.edu
Resume Sample: Data Analytics
The main goal of your resume is to describe your experience, education, and interests in a way that is
relevant to the position for which you are applying. Below are tips to help you to create a Data Analytics
resume that is polished, professional, and relevant to help you stand out amongst other applicants. Page 3
features a sample resume that illustrates the resume writing guidelines covered in this document. Please
see the Core Resume Sections for a College Student tip sheet for general information regarding resume
development, and consider scheduling an appointment with a Career Coach if you have any questions not
addressed by the Career Success tip sheets.
Applicable Career Communities:
Data Analytics Resume Construction:
1. Highlight pertinent skills: Technology, software, and analytical skills are the top three skills cited as
highly desirable by employers in the data analytics field. Be sure to include software packages that you
have used inside the classroom, as part of a project for a student organization, for prior employment, or in
independent research. When creating this portion of your resume, be sure to incorporate verbiage that
matches the job description – that is, if the job requires a specific technological skillset, be sure to include
those same skills and knowledge areas on your resume.
a. Only list skills that you actually have and can speak to knowledgably in an interview.
b. If you have a world language skill, only include it on your resume if you possess intermediate or
advanced competency in that language and it is relevant to the position you are seeking.
c. Most employers today assume that those applying for data science or analytics roles know how to
use Microsoft software. Instead of listing each individual software, list the phrase “Microsoft Office
Suite.” Then use the extra space to highlight what makes you stand out.
2. Feature relevant coursework: Employers are interested in confirming that you not only completed specific
coursework for your major, but that you have taken courses that will provide you with transferable skills.
When creating this part of your resume, include courses that are the most relevant to the position for which
you are applying. Employers often look for students with advanced coursework and analytics skills, so list
advanced courses rather than introductory classes when possible. However, if you have only completed
the core courses towards your degree, it is acceptable to list those.
3. Key words to include on your resume: Along with using key words found in the job description, consider
adding the following terms and categories that are of prime interest to employers seeking DA talent. The
goal is to communicate that you have the technical skills as well as the career readiness competencies to
succeed in the workplace. Technical skill keywords to consider:
Python or R
Want more? Connect with your Career Coach for personalized job search strategies!
@ASCareerSuccess @ASCCareerSucess #ASCCareerSuccess
Career Success | 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave | (614) 292-6961 | asc-careersuccess.osu.edu | asccarer@osu.edu
Microsoft Excel
Data Visualization
Computer Information
Career readiness competencies to include:
Critical thinking and Problem Solving
Professionalism and Productivity
Teamwork and Collaboration
A complete list of the career readiness competencies (CRCs), along with tips for how to develop your
CRCs, is found in the Are You Career Ready?
tip sheet.
4. Applicant Tracking Systems. Applicant tracking software allows organizations to easily collect and sort
thousands of resumes. When you apply for a job online, your resume isn’t typically going directly to a
recruiter or hiring manager. It’s first being processed by an ATS. Whether that human recruiter ever sees
your resume could depend on how well your resume is optimized for ATS algorithms. Learn more about
applicant tracking systems:
5. Emphasize applicable experience: This portion of your resume should include internship, research,
tutoring, or part-time jobs that have allowed you to gain knowledge, skills, and insight relevant to the
position you are interested in. It is important to be specific in the information that you provide.
Be sure to tailor the descriptions of your experiences so that they are more results based don’t just
describe what you did, describe the impact you made. Rather than simply listing duties you have
performed, try to showcase the value of your work to a company. Consider the differing impact of the
following experience descriptions:
assisted with the creation of a new customer database (average resume text)
assisted with the creation of a new customer database that compiled shopping data to generate
automatic coupons and savings alerts (above average resume text)
Employers looking for data analytics talent will scan your resume for examples of how you have used
analytics to advance a project. Have you done risk assessment for a company, developed a new software,
or taken financial training? List any relevant projects you worked on. And, be sure to highlight any
leadership experiences. For instance, did you spearhead a project or take on additional work beyond your
regular role
If you have a portfolio or personal website showcasing your related project and accomplishments, be sure
to submit that with your application. It can set you apart from other applicants and allow the employer to
gain a stronger grasp of your skill set.
You can include a link on your resume to your portfolio and/or
personal website.
Brutus Buckeye
Columbus, Ohio 43202 | 614.123.4567 | buckeye.1@osu.edu | [Add LINK to an online portfolio]
The Ohio State University Expected Graduation: May 2020
Bachelor of Science: Major in Data Analytics Cumulative GPA: 3.508
Minor in Computer Information Science
Dean’s List | 3 terms
Fisher College of Business Dean’s Promise Scholarship | 2017
Relevant Coursework: Business Analytics Industry Cluster, Market Research, Software Engineering, Data
Structures using C++
Software: Microsoft Office Suite, SAS, SPSS, Wordpress
Programming: Proficient in C++, Java
The Ohio State University, Department of Mathematics Columbus, Ohio
Student Assistant Oct. 2018 Present
Created career materials for students in the data analytics major using analytical reports
Assisted with execution of four special events for faculty, students, and staff across the university
Provide administrative support for 2 senior directors and 3 staff members
Zillow Seattle, Washington
Business Analyst Intern June 2017 Aug. 2018
Identified new consumer-product engagement insights and new product ideas by analyzing user click
stream data
Defined and tracked essential business metrics for company executives and stakeholders
AB tested product features to analyze the impact on product usage for millions of consumers
Conducted analyses to understand changing trends amongst consumer preference and behavior
Michael’s Craft Stores Cleveland, Ohio
Cashier and Floor Worker Nov. 2013 April 2016
Worked with customers and stocked inventory 10 hours a week while studying full-time
Code that Cares, Campaign Co-Chair Aug. 2018 Present
Raised $350,000 for the event in six months
Big Data and Analytics Association, Business Liaison Aug. 2018 Present
Recruited five new companies to become BDAA sponsors