Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 87–103 DOI: 10.5114/jhk/185637 87
Modern strategies to support health, fitness and sports training
Muscle Physiology Laboratory, Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton,
James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Spinal Cord Injury Research, Bronx, NY, USA.
Department of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA.
Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA.
Correspondence: [email protected]
The Effect of Time-Equated Concurrent Training Programs
in Resistance-Trained Men
Chad Dolan
, Justin M. Quiles
, Jacob A. Goldsmith
, Kristin M. Mendez
Alex Klemp
, Zac P. Robinson
, Joshua C. Pelland
, Catherine Coccia
Michael C. Zourdos
The purpose of this investigation was to compare the effects of three different concurrent training (CT) programs
and a resistance training (RT) program. Twenty-three resistance trained men (age: 24 ± 3 years) were randomized into
four groups: concurrent RT and high intensity interval cycling (CTH, n = 6), concurrent RT and moderate intensity
continuous cycling (CTM, n = 5), RT and barbell circuit training (RTC, n = 6), or RT only (RT, n = 6). Back squat and
bench press strength, quadriceps, and pectoralis muscle thickness, VO2peak, and maximum workload (Wmax, Watts) were
assessed. Squat strength gains were meaningful in all groups and comparable among CTH (16.88 kg [95% CrI: 11.15,
22.63]), CTM (25.54 kg [95% CrI: 19.24, 31.96]), RTC (17.5 kg [95% CrI: 11.66, 23.39]), and RT (20.36 kg [95% CrI:
15.29, 25.33]) groups. Bench press strength gains were meaningful in all groups and comparable among CTH (11.86 kg
[95% CrI: 8.28, 15.47]), CTM (10.3 kg [95% CrI: 6.49, 14.13]), RTC (4.84 kg [95% CrI: 1.31, 8.47]), and RT (10.16 kg
[95% CrI: 7.02, 13.22]) groups. Quadriceps hypertrophy was meaningful in all groups and comparable among CTH
(2.29 mm [95% CrI: 0.84, 3.76]), CTM (3.41 mm [95% CrI: 1.88, 4.91]), RTC (2.6 mm [95% CrI: 1.17, 4.05]), and RT
(2.83 mm [95% CrI: 1.55, 4.12]) groups. Pectoralis hypertrophy was meaningful in CTH (2.29 mm [95% CrI: 0.52,
5.1]), CTM (5.14 mm [95% CrI: 2.1, 8.15]), and RTC (7.19 mm [95% CrI: 4.26, 10.02]) groups, but not in the RT group
(1 mm [95% CrI: 1.59, 3.59]); further, between-group contrasts indicated less pectoralis growth in the RT compared to
the RTC group. Regarding cardiovascular outcomes, only the RTH and RTM groups experienced meaningful
improvements in either measure (VO
2peak or Wmax). These data suggest that the interference effect on maximal strength
and hypertrophy can be avoided when the aerobic training is moderate intensity cycling, high intensity cycling, or a novel
barbell circuit for ~one hour per week and on non-RT days. However, the barbell circuit failed to elicit meaningful
cardiovascular adaptations.
Keywords: resistance exercise; aerobic training; strength; hypertrophy
Concurrent training (CT) is the inclusion
of both resistance (RT) and aerobic training (AT)
within the same program (Hickson, 1980).
Commonly, CT is used for improving body
composition by weight class or physique sport
athletes. Although CT improves body
composition, previous data (Bell et al., 1997;
Hickson, 1980; Shaw et al., 2009) have
demonstrated that the inclusion of AT in a RT
program can attenuate muscle strength,
hypertrophy, and power adaptations, known as
the interference effect (Hickson, 1980).
The interference effect can manifest both
acutely and chronically during CT. Acutely, the
additional fatigue from AT can decrease RT work
88 The effect of time-equated concurrent training programs in resistance-trained men
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 91, March 2024
capacity (total volume) when performed on the
same day (Abernethy, 1993). Given the positive
relationship between RT volume and adaptations
(Ralston et al., 2017; Schoenfeld et al., 2017a),
decreasing RT work capacity could impair RT
benefits. Chronically, excessive AT during a RT
program may compromise recovery by increasing
training sessions and total stress (Goto et al., 2004;
Hickson, 1980; Rhea et al., 2002). Additionally, CT
promotes divergent signaling pathways (AT:
ubiquitin proteasome system; RT: mammalian
target of rapamycin-mTOR) (Coffey and Hawley,
2007) and neuromuscular adaptations (Bell et al.,
1997; Hakkinen et al., 2003; Hickson, 1980).
Specifically, AT causes fiber-type interconversions
toward type I, while RT facilitates interconversions
toward type II (Wilson et al. 2012a). In general, if
RT adaptations are the primary goal, performing
AT violates the foundational principles of
Despite the potential negative effects of the
interference effect on RT adaptations, previous
data have demonstrated that carefully designed
programming (Wilson et al., 2012b) (i.e., intensity,
duration of AT) and sufficient calorie intake
(Murach and Bagley, 2016) can minimize or avoid
the interference effect. For example, RT
adaptations are significantly less hindered with
shorter duration (i.e., 30–40 min) AT compared to
longer (50–60+ min) bouts (Wilson et al., 2012b),
and when separating AT bouts by at least 3 h from
RT bouts (Schumann et al., 2022). Additionally, the
modality of AT during CT may influence the
magnitude of the interference effect, with some
analyses reporting less of an interference effect
from cycling compared to running (Lundberg et
al., 2022; Wilson et al., 2012b) on lower body
strength and hypertrophy, possibly due to less
muscle damage, a lower session rating of perceived
exertion (RPE), and reduced muscle soreness
(Krzysztofik et al., 2023; Mathieu et al., 2022;
Wilson et al., 2012b). However, other analyses
report no difference between running and cycling
(Sabag et al., 2018; Schumann et al., 2022). Further,
high intensity interval training may aid in the
attenuation of the interference effect when used as
AT (Balabinis et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2024; Lee et
al., 2020) due to the similarities to RT regarding
cellular and neuromuscular adaptations and being
consistent with the principles of specificity.
Therefore, the current evidence suggests that
shorter duration AT, especially high intensity
interval training, performed on a separate day
from lower body RT will most likely diminish
interference with hypertrophy and strength during
However, for athletes focused on maximizing
RT adaptations during CT, there may be more
optimal approaches than performing traditional
AT. For example, circuit RT is effective to enhance
both muscular performance and body composition
(Alcaraz et al., 2008, 2011) and adheres more
closely to the principle of specificity than AT.
Further, if circuit RT replaced the traditionally
used modes of AT during CT, total RT volume
would increase, which has a positive relationship
with both hypertrophy (Schoenfeld et al., 2017a)
and strength (Ralston et al., 2017). Thus, it is
possible that circuit RT could not only diminish the
interference effect when used as a mode of AT, but
could potentially enhance hypertrophy and
strength adaptations to a greater degree than RT
alone via an increase in total training volume.
Therefore, the primary aim of this study was
to compare the effects of four different eight-week
interventions in resistance trained males: (1) RT
only [RT]; (2) concurrent RT and high intensity
interval cycling [CTH]; (3) concurrent RT and
moderate intensity continuous cycling [CTM]; (4)
RT and barbell circuit training [RTC], on muscular
hypertrophy and strength. It was hypothesized
that RTC would elicit the greatest muscular
improvements followed by RT, that CTH would
have similar adaptations to RT, and CTM would
produce the lowest degree of muscular
Participants reported to the laboratory 42
times over eight and a half consecutive weeks. All
CT groups (CTH, CTM, RTC) trained five days per
week, while RT trained three times per week. All
groups performed the same daily undulating
programming RT protocol on non-consecutive
days (i.e., Monday, Wednesday, Friday). The RT
program featured the back squat and the bench
press as main exercises, and the barbell overhead
press, the barbell bent-over row, and the barbell
biceps curl as accessory exercises. CT groups
performed the group-specific AT modality on the
days between RT sessions (i.e., Tuesday,
Thursday), which was controlled for time (30 min
by Chad Dolan et al. 89
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
each group). The protocol design is displayed in
Table 1A.
At pre- and post-study, one-repetition
maximum (1RM) strength on the squat and the
bench press, muscle thickness of the quadriceps
and the chest, peak oxygen uptake (VO
2peak), and
the maximum workload (Wmax) were assessed.
Week one served as an introductory training week,
weeks two through seven were the main training
program, while week eight served as a taper and
post-study testing. Thirty minutes prior to each
session (RT and AT), participants ingested
branched chain amino acids (Xtend, Scivation,
Burlington, N.C., USA) containing 3.5 g of leucine.
Then, immediately after each training session, 30 g
of whey protein (Scivation Whey, Scivation,
Burlington, N.C., USA) were ingested. The
branched chain amino acids and whey protein
were provided to control nutrient timing. Both
supplements were ingested in a powdered form
mixed with water. Participants were asked to
maintain regular use of non-ergogenic
supplements and halt use of ergogenic
supplements during the study.
Twenty-five college-aged resistance
trained males were recruited for this study.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the
four mentioned groups: RT (n = 6), CTH (n = 6),
CTM (n = 5), and RTC (n = 6). Two individuals were
removed from participation, one due to minor
injury (RTM group) and one because of non-
compliance (RTH group). Therefore, data from 23
participants (age: 24 ± 3 years, body mass: 80.5 ±
10.2 kg, body fat content: 11.2 ± 4.0%) were
included. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) at
least two years of resistance training experience; (2)
a minimum training frequency of the squat and the
bench press of once per week for the previous six
months immediately preceding participation; (3) a
1RM squat of 1.5 times body mass and a
minimum bench press of 1.25 times body mass; (4)
semi-regular consumption of whey protein during
the previous six months. These criteria were
confirmed via a physical activity questionnaire
(Zourdos et al., 2016a). Additionally, a health
history questionnaire was completed and
participants were excluded if any
contraindications to exercise were reported.
Finally, all participants signed an informed
consent form that was approved by the Florida
Atlantic University Institutional Review Board
(protocol code: 680161-3; approval date: 18
November 2014).
1RM Testing. Testing for 1RM was
performed in accordance with previously
validated procedures (Zourdos et al., 2016b)
following a five-minute dynamic warm-up. To find
the most accurate 1RM, investigators used the
average velocity (m
) via a Tendo Weightlifting
Analyzer (TENDO Sports Machines, Trencin,
Slovak Republic) and participants reported their
RPE (Zourdos et al., 2016b) to determine the
following attempt. Each participant was given five
to seven minutes of rest between 1RM attempts. A
1RM was accepted as valid if one of three
conditions was met: (i) the participant reported a
‘10’ on the RPE scale and the investigator
determined a subsequent attempt with increased
weight would not be successfully completed, (ii)
the participant reported a ‘9.5’ RPE and failed the
subsequent attempt with a load increase of 2.5 kg
or less, (iii) the participant reported an RPE of 9
and failed the subsequent attempt with a load
increase of 5 kg or less. The squat and the bench
press were performed under the rules and
regulations of the United States of America
Powerlifting (USAPL and Administrators, 2001).
Wilks Score. The Wilks score is a validated
measure of relative strength (Vanderburgh and
Batterham, 1999). This calculation compares
strength levels of individuals with various body
masses by multiplying the amount of weight lifted
(i.e., 1RM) by a standardized body weight
Anthropometric and Relative Body
Composition. Body height (cm) was measured using
a wall-mounted stadiometer and body mass (kg)
was assessed via a calibrated digital scale. Body fat
content or relative body composition was assessed
with the BodyMetrix BX-2000 A-mode ultrasound
(BodyMetrix, IntelaMetrix, Livermore, CA) and
lean body mass was then calculated (Campbell et
al., 2018). To assess subcutaneous fat thickness, the
ultrasound probe emits a single beam with a
standardized frequency of 2.5 MHz. The probe was
connected by USB to a laptop loaded with the
manufacturer software (BodyView Professional
Software). Measurements were taken at the thigh,
90 The effect of time-equated concurrent training programs in resistance-trained men
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 91, March 2024
the chest, and the abdomen from the right side of
the body, while the participant was standing.
During sampling, the probe was held
perpendicular to the participant with minimal
movement across the skin (+/ 5 mm) and enough
pressure to maintain surface contact between the
device and the participant, but not depressing the
participant’s subcutaneous fat tissue.
Manufacturer directions were followed, and the
average of two scans was used for assessment. The
average represented the final site-specific
subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness
measurement. The software calculated body
composition via Jackson and Pollock 3-site formula
(Jackson and Pollock, 1978).
Muscle Thickness. Muscle thickness was
assessed via ultrasonography (BodyMetrix Pro
System, IntelaMetrix, Inc., Livermore, CA., USA).
The ultrasound settings (frequency: 2.5 MHz,
depth: 60 mm) were kept constant to standardize
the measurements of the targeted muscles. All
scans were performed on the right side of the body
prior to 1RM assessment on pre- and post-testing
days. The muscle at each site was scanned laterally
to medially with the transducer positioned
perpendicularly to the skin. Two scans were
completed at each site with the average used for
analysis; however, if there was a difference of >2
mm between scans, a third scan was taken. In the
event of a 3
scan, the average of the two
measurements within 2 mm was used. Participants
were positioned supine on a massage table in an
anatomical position for at least 10 min to allow for
fluid compartment shifts to occur prior to the
initiation of scans. The chest site was determined
as half the distance between the anterior axillary
line and the nipple. Three lower body sites: lateral
quadriceps mid (LQM), lateral quadriceps distal
(LQD), and anterior quadriceps (AQ), were
identified. The LQM and LQD sites were measured
at 50% and 70%, respectively, of the distance from
the greater trochanter to the lateral epicondyle of
the femur (Klemp et al., 2016), while AQ was
assessed at 70% of the distance from the greater
trochanter to the medial epicondyle of the femur.
The same investigator performed palpations and
scans throughout the study.
2peak & Wmax Cycle Test. Pre- and post-
study VO2peak testing was performed using
previously validated procedures (Leveritt et al.,
2003). Each participant was outfitted with a heart
rate monitor (FT1 Heart Rate Monitor, Polar,
Kempele, Finland), and an electronically braked
cycle ergometer (Excalibur Sport, Lode,
Netherlands) was used for the incremental exercise
test. After a three-minute warm-up at 25 Watts
(W), one-minute stages were employed, starting at
50 W, and increasing in the workload by 25 W each
stage, until test termination. Participants pedaled
at a fixed cadence of 80 revolutions per minute
(RPM). During the test, respiratory gases were
monitored and continuously analyzed by open-
circuit spirometry (True One 2400+ Metabolic
Measurement System, Parvo-Medics Inc., Provo,
UT). The metabolic system measured minute
ventilation, the oxygen consumption rate, the
carbon Dioxide expiration rate, and the respiratory
exchange ratio (RER). Data were averaged over 30-
s intervals. The metabolic cart was calibrated prior
to each test with room air for the flow rate and
gases (i.e., O
, CO
) of known volume and
concentration. The heart rate (HR), the workload
(W), and the RPE (Borg 20-point scale) were
measured and recorded at the end of every stage
(last five seconds). Tests were terminated when the
pedal cadence of 80 RPM could not be maintained
for > 10 s or due to volitional fatigue. Tests were
accepted as peak tests if participants met any two
of the following criteria: plateau in VO
despite an
increase in the workload (<150 ml/min); RPE 17;
RER > 1.15; HR 95% of age-predicted maximum
(220 age). Wmax was calculated from the formula,
= W
+ (t/180) 25, where W
= the value of the
last completed workload (W); t = the time the last
workload was maintained (s), and 25 = the W
output difference between the last two workloads
Design and Procedures
The exact details of the training program
including sets, repetitions, loading progressions,
and adjustments for all exercises during the study
are presented in Table 1A–D.
Squat and Bench Press. Loads were pre-
planned for the introductory microcycle (week 1)
and the first week of the main training cycle (week
2; Table 1A). For weeks 3–7, load progression was
individualized based upon weekly performance
assessment or “plus set”, which is known as
autoregulatory progressive resistance exercise
(Mann et al., 2010), and this load progression can
be seen in Table 1B. Further, if a participant failed
by Chad Dolan et al. 91
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
to complete the prescribed repetitions for any main
lift set, there was a 2.5-kg reduction in the load per
repetition failed on subsequent sets (Table 1C), and
a 2.5-kg load reduction in that exercise for the
remainder of the week. Finally, when a repetition
was missed, the plus set based load progression
was reduced by 50% for that exercise the following
week. Load progression was resumed as planned
when an entire training week was completed as
prescribed. Investigator-administered rest
intervals were 5–7 min for main exercises (Zourdos
et al., 2016b). In the final week of training (taper
microcycle; week 8), participants performed pre-
planned sets, repetitions, and loads (reduced
volume, but similar loads) the first two sessions of
the week to prepare for their post-testing session.
Accessory Exercises. For accessory exercises,
participants were asked to perform the repetitions
at a predetermined load corresponding to a RIR-
based RPE (Zourdos et al., 2016b). For the first set
during week 1, participants were instructed to
choose a load that would elicit an RPE of 8 (RIR =
2). In all other weeks, the final set load used in the
previous week was used as the starting load of the
next week. In each session, the load was increased
or decreased for the subsequent set if the target
RPE was not met. The details of load changes can
be seen in Table 1D. Rest intervals of 1–3 min were
Concurrent Training Protocols. All CT
interventions were performed on off days from RT.
During weeks 1 and 8, the CT interventions were
performed once per week for 18 min, and during
weeks 2–7 the CT interventions were performed
twice per week for 30 min.
Concurrent Training High Intensity (CTH
Group). The intervals consisted of 60 s of work
followed by 120 s of active recovery (1:2
work:recovery). The intensity was set to 90%Wmax
for week 1, 100%Wmax for weeks 2 and 3, 105%Wmax
for weeks 4 and 5, and 110%Wmax for weeks 6 and
7, and 95%Wmax for week 8. Participants were
instructed to cycle as fast as possible during each
work period, and to maintain slow cycling without
any resistance during each recovery period.
Concurrent Training Moderate Intensity
(CTM Group). The continuous cycling intensity was
set to the workload (W) at 30% VO2peak during week
1, 40%VO2peak during weeks 2 and 3, 45%VO2peak
during weeks 4 and 5, 50%VO2peak during weeks 6
and 7, and 35% VO2peak during week 8. All
participants were instructed to pedal at a
maintainable pace with minimal variation in RPM
for the duration of each exercise session.
Resistance Training Circuit (RTC Group).
The resistance training circuit consisted of the
same exercises from the RT program performed in
a series to a prescribed number of repetitions on
each exercise. Completion of one set of all exercises
was considered “one round”, resulting in an
average of 4.2 rounds per session. The objective
was to complete as many rounds as possible in 30
min. Squat and bench press exercises were
performed at 40% of 1RM and accessory exercises
at 75% of the load used on the first day of each
week of the RT program (i.e., Monday). The
exercises were organized in the following series: a
back squat, a barbell overhead press, a bench press,
a barbell bent-over row, and a barbell biceps curl.
All repetitions were required to be completed for
each exercise before progressing to the subsequent
exercise in the series. During week 1, eight
repetitions were performed for all exercises, and
one repetition was added bi-weekly during the
main RT program (i.e., weeks 1, 2, and 3: 8
repetitions, weeks 4 and 5: 9 repetitions, weeks 6
and 7: 10 repetitions). During the taper, the load
was reduced (i.e., main exercises: 35% of 1RM;
accessory: 70% of the Monday’s load) and 10
repetitions were performed of each exercise.
Dietary Recalls. To inform dietary intake,
investigators performed 24-h dietary recalls three
times during the first and the final week of the
study. Investigators were directly trained by a
registered dietitian to perform the recalls. This was
performed to educate participants regarding their
nutritional habits in an effort to ensure
maintenance of these habits throughout the study.
Statistical Analysis
All analyses were conducted in R language
and environment for statistical computing (v 4.3.0;
R Core Team, All data
and code can be accessed at <>.
In addressing our research questions, we avoided
dichotomizing the findings and did not employ
traditional null hypothesis significance testing,
which has been extensively critiqued (Amrhein et
al., 2019). Instead, we took an estimation-based
approach within a Bayesian framework in which
all outcomes compatible with the data were
considered, with the greatest emphasis placed on
92 The effect of time-equated concurrent training programs in resistance-trained men
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 91, March 2024
the point estimates using the “brms” and
marginaleffects” packages (Kruschke and Liddell,
2018; Mengersen et al., 2016).
To incorporate our expectations given
previous data and to improve the precision of our
estimates given a small sample size, weakly
informative prior distributions were used.
Specifically, the data from our lab using three
similarly designed training studies (Helms et al.,
2018; Klemp et al., 2016; Robinson, 2021) was used
to inform the expected distributions of changes in
strength and muscle size. Additionally, we
consulted the best available evidence to determine
the expected differences between RT and CT
conditions (Schumann et al., 2022). Because our lab
did not have necessary data to inform the expected
distributions for changes in cardiovascular
outcomes (VO
2peak and Wmax), these models were
only fit with the default uninformed priors.
Each model used four Monte Carlo
Markov Chains with 1000 warm-up and 8000
sampling iterations. Before extracting any
estimates, each model was visually examined via
trace plots to inspect chain convergence and
posterior predictive checks to examine model
validity. For the variables of interest from each
model (i.e., marginal effects for condition), draws
(n = 8000) were taken from the posterior
distribution to construct a probability density
function (i.e., mean and quartile intervals) that was
used to make probabilistic inferences. The
probability density functions related to the
primary research questions were also compared to
a region of practical equivalence (ROPE). For
hypertrophy outcomes, the ROPE was defined by
the typical error of measurement (Swinton et al.,
2018; Weir, 2005); however, for strength and
cardiovascular outcomes, the ROPE was defined as
the raw-unit equivalent of a ± 0.25 standardized
mean difference (Swinton et al., 2022).
To compare changes in 1RM strength
(back squat and bench press exercises), pectoralis
major hypertrophy, and cardiovascular fitness
2peak and Wmax) linear regression models were
constructed to mimic an analysis of covariance (i.e.,
ANCOVA) with an adjustment for the baseline
value of the dependent variable. Specifically,
change from baseline was considered the response
variable while condition (4-level categorical) and
the pretest value of the dependent variable
(continuous) were included as population-level
effects. However, for changes in quadriceps muscle
size linear mixed effect models were used.
Specifically, change from baseline was considered
the response variable while condition (4-level
categorical), site (3-level categorical), and the
pretest value of the dependent variable
(continuous) were included as population-level
effects. As the model contained multiple
observations per participant, group-level
intercepts were included. After initially fitting the
model with a maximal group-level slope structure
(Barr et al., 2013; Oberauer, 2022), the model was
reduced to include group-level slopes for the site
and the pretest value of the dependent variable at
the participant level.
Descriptive summaries (i.e., mean ±
standard deviation) of participants’ characteristics
can be seen in Table 2. All model output and the
unadjusted values of the primary outcomes can be
found in the supplementary materials
Back Squat 1RM
The mean values of the marginal posterior
distributions suggest that all conditions
demonstrated meaningful increases in back squat
1RM strength. Specifically, the RT condition
presented an increase of 20.36 kg [95% CrI: 15.29,
25.33] with a 100% probability of the change being
greater than the ROPE. The RTC condition
presented an increase of 17.5 kg [95% CrI: 11.66,
23.39] with a 100% probability of the change being
greater than the ROPE. The CTM group observed
an increase of 25.54 kg [95% CrI: 19.24, 31.96] with
a 100% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. Finally, the CTH group observed an
increase of 16.88 kg [95% CrI: 11.15, 22.63] with a
100% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The credible intervals of all contrasts
among conditions were compatible with the ROPE
(Table 3). These results are visualized in Figure
Bench Press 1RM
The mean values of the marginal posterior
distributions suggest that most conditions
demonstrated significant increases in bench press
1RM strength. Specifically, the RT group observed
by Chad Dolan et al. 93
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
an increase of 10.16 kg [95% CrI: 7.02, 13.22] with a
99.98% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The RTC group observed an increase of
4.84 kg [95% CrI: 1.31, 8.47] with a 62% probability
of the change being greater than the ROPE. The
CTM group observed an increase of 10.3 kg [95%
CrI: 6.49, 14.13] with a 99.92% probability of the
change being greater than the ROPE. Finally, the
CTH group observed an increase of 11.86 kg [95%
CrI: 8.28, 15.47] with a 100% probability of the
change being greater than the ROPE. The credible
intervals of all contrasts among conditions were
compatible with the ROPE (Table 3). These results
are visualized in Figure 1B&D.
Quadriceps Hypertrophy
The mean values of the marginal posterior
distributions suggest that all conditions induced
meaningful increases in quadriceps muscle
thickness. Specifically, the RT group observed an
increase of 2.83 mm [95% CrI: 1.55, 4.12] with a
99.88% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The RTC condition resulted in an
increase of 2.6 mm [95% CrI: 1.17, 4.05] with a
99.41% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The CTM group presented an increase
of 3.41 mm [95% CrI: 1.88, 4.91] with a 99.94%
probability of the change being greater than the
ROPE. Finally, the CTH group observed an
increase of 2.29 mm [95% CrI: 0.84, 3.76] with a
97.86% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The credible intervals of all contrasts
among conditions were compatible with the ROPE
(Table 3). These results are visualized in Figure
Pectoralis Major Hypertrophy
The mean values of the marginal posterior
distributions suggest that some conditions
demonstrated significant increases in quadriceps
muscle thickness. Specifically, the RT group
observed an increase of 1 mm [95% CrI: 1.59, 3.59]
with a 23.84% probability of the change being
greater than the ROPE. The RTC group presented
an increase of 7.19 mm [95% CrI: 4.26, 10.02] with a
99.98% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The CTM group observed an increase of
5.14 mm [95% CrI: 2.1, 8.15] with a 98.09%
probability of the change being greater than the
ROPE. Finally, the CTH group presented an
increase of 2.29 mm [95% CrI: 0.52, 5.1] with a
59.58% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The credible intervals of all contrasts
among conditions but one (i.e., RT-RTC) were
compatible with the ROPE (Table 3). These results
are visualized in Figure 2B&D.
The mean values of the marginal posterior
distributions suggest that some conditions
demonstrated meaningful changes in VO2.
Specifically, the RT condition resulted in a change
of 2.72 (mlkgmin
) [95% CrI: 6.41, 1.04] with a
77.28% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The RTC condition observed a change
of 4.21 (mlkgmin
) [95% CrI: 7.78, 0.6] with a
94.36% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The CTM condition presented a change
of 0.18 (mlkgmin
) [95% CrI: 3.9, 3.69] with a
26.27% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. Finally, the CTH condition resulted in a
change of 1.95 (mlkgmin
) [95% CrI: 1.6, 5.6]
with a 63.02% probability of the change being
greater than the ROPE. The credible intervals of all
contrasts among conditions were compatible with
the ROPE (Table 3). These results are visualized in
Figure 3AC.
Maximum Workload
The mean values of the marginal posterior
distributions suggest that some conditions
demonstrated significant changes in W
Specifically, the RT condition resulted in a change
of 19.8 (W) [95% CrI: 39.79, 0.06] with a 86.12%
probability of the change being greater than the
ROPE. The RTC condition presented a change of
11.45 (W) [95% CrI: 29.62, 6.45] with a 60.55%
probability of the change being greater than the
ROPE. The CTM condition observed a change of
14.29 (W) [95% CrI: 6.6, 34.65] with a 69.47%
probability of the change being greater than the
ROPE. Finally, the CTH condition resulted in a
change of 21.59 (W) [95% CrI: 3.34, 40.35] with a
91.26% probability of the change being greater than
the ROPE. The credible intervals of all contrasts but
one (i.e., RT-CTH) among conditions were
compatible with the ROPE (Table 3). These results
are visualized in Figure 3BD.
94 The effect of time-equated concurrent training programs in resistance-trained men
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 91, March 2024
Table 1A. Weekly schedule of the main training intervention.
Daily training session details
Groups Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Aerobic Training Resistance
Aerobic Training Resistance
RT (n = 6)
Main: 4 x 8 at
Acc: 3 x 10 at
Main: 4 x 6 at
Acc: 3 x 8 at
Main: 5 x 4+ at
Acc: 3 x 6 at
RTH (n = 6) 10 intervals cycling,
1:2 work:rest
10 intervals cycling,
1:2 work:rest
RTM (n = 5) 30-min steady state
30-min steady state
RTC (n = 6)
30-min barbell circuit 30-min barbell circuit
Table 1B. Summary of weekly progression based on Friday “plus set.”
Week Weekly Load Weekly Repetition
Weekly Load
1 70–75%1RM
2 2.5 kg
2 80% 3 +0.0 kg
3 APRE 4 +1.0 kg
4 APRE 5 +2.5 kg
5 APRE 6 or 7 +5.0 kg
6 APRE 8 or more +7.5 kg
Table 1C. Summary of load adjustments due to incomplete or failed repetitions on main exercises.
Failed Repetitions Load Adjustment
1 2.5 kg
2 5.0 kg
3 7.5 kg
4 10.0 kg
by Chad Dolan et al. 95
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Table 1D. Summary of RPE/RIR scale-based load adjustments to accessory exercises every set.
Target RPE(RIR) Reported RPE(RIR) Load Adjustment
5–6(4–6) +5.0 kg
7(3) +2.5 kg
8(2) +0.0 kg
9(1) 2.5 kg
10(0) 5.0 kg
Week 1 (introductory microcycle) consisted of 1 less set for all exercises and 5–10% lower training
loads on main exercises; Main = back squat and bench press; ACC = barbell overhead press, barbell
bent-over row, and barbell biceps curl; training prescription = sets x repetitions; no training occurred
on Saturday and Sunday; RT = resistance training control group; RTH = high intensity interval
cycling group; RTM = moderate intensity steady state cycling group; RTC = barbell circuit training
group; %1RM = percentage of one repetition maximum strength; RPE = rating of perceived exertion;
plus set = performance set for squat and bench press where the last set taken to volitional repetition
maximum, denoted by 5 x 4+; APRE = autoregulated progressive resistance exercise; RPE/RIR =
resistance training specific rating of perceived exertion scale (RPE) based on repetitions in reserve
(RIR), denoted by RPE value (RIR value)
Table 2. Descriptive Summaries.
Characteristic RT (n = 6) RTC (n = 6) CTM (n = 5) CTH (n = 6)
Age (years) 23.67 ± 4.27 22.33 ± 1.75 24.80 ± 2.28 24.33 ± 2.94
Height (cm) 174.09 ± 5.47 175.90 ± 6.09 176.25 ± 8.14 175.13 ± 8.88
Pre Body Mass (kg) 79.07 ± 5.81 78.60 ± 8.71 78.29 ± 15.68 85.53 ± 9.79
Post Body Mass (kg) 80.72 ± 6.66 80.71 ± 6.80 79.10 ± 16.37 86.99 ± 10.43
Δ Body Mass (kg) 1.66 ± 3.22 2.11 ± 2.85 0.81 ± 2.38 1.47 ± 1.28
Pre Estimated Body Fat (%) 10.90 ± 2.66 11.30 ± 2.83 9.38 ± 2.22 13.10 ± 6.50
Post Estimated Body Fat (%) 11.63 ± 4.18 12.80 ± 3.15 11.08 ± 3.83 14.02 ± 5.72
Δ Estimated Body Fat (%) 0.73 ± 4.63 1.50 ± 2.25 1.70 ± 2.15 0.92 ± 2.77
Pre SQ + BP Wilks (a.u.) 176.85 ± 21.59 175.83 ± 22.99 166.13 ± 18.39 169.79 ± 26.14
Post SQ + BP Wilks (a.u.) 196.61 ± 21.14 186.61 ± 21.52 191.87 ± 19.30 184.92 ± 24.57
Δ SQ + BP Wilks (a.u.) 19.76 ± 9.36 10.78 ± 5.23 25.73 ± 3.84 15.13 ± 8.19
SQ = Squat; BP = Bench Press
96 The effect of time-equated concurrent training programs in resistance-trained men
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 91, March 2024
Table 3. Contrasts of Marginal Effects.
95% Credible Interval 90% Credible Interval
Contrast Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Lower Bound Upper Bound Probability > ROPE
Back Squat 1RM (kg)
RT-RTC 2.8609334 4.0846545 9.8445959 2.9900589 8.6733361 19.09
RT-CTM 5.1817953 12.3641477 1.9650008 11.2418077 0.8447211 41.65
RT-CTH 3.4811883 3.4673020 10.2776647 2.3851331 9.1622511 24.33
RTC-CTM 8.0427287 16.5812854 0.4734758 15.2711040 0.8034491 68.94
RTC-CTH 0.6202549 7.2826118 8.5589916 5.9941269 7.3057987 9.79
CTM-CTH 8.6629836 0.1481244 16.9454710 1.5896963 15.6504887 73.94
Bench Press 1RM (kg)
RT-RTC 5.3158512 0.8971960 9.6453147 1.6036098 8.9430146 68.79
RT-CTM 0.1416484 4.7170248 4.2473153 3.9035598 3.5351813 3.67
RT-CTH 1.7025270 6.0350349 2.6154737 5.3529359 1.9390903 12.30
RTC-CTM 5.4574996 10.5828831 0.3042842 9.7186019 1.1019246 67.45
RTC-CTH 7.0183782 12.0280629 1.9001775 11.2486451 2.7617697 85.88
CTM-CTH 1.5608787 6.6396648 3.6380486 5.8887099 2.7970995 15.08
Quadriceps MT (mm)
RT-RTC 0.2331128 1.0231289 1.4824821 0.8196912 1.2758891 18.77
RT-CTM 0.5715763 1.8668436 0.7520933 1.6625213 0.5313926 37.55
RT-CTH 0.5477428 0.7351115 1.7857279 0.5153661 1.5828387 35.30
RTC-CTM 0.8046890 2.4362611 0.8760444 2.1592544 0.5925250 51.15
RTC-CTH 0.3146300 1.2972764 1.8950979 1.0328927 1.6396616 27.81
CTM-CTH 1.1193190 0.6436698 2.7594095 0.3361734 2.4979418 65.63
Pectoralis Major MT (mm)
RT-RTC 6.1938923 9.7729415 2.4186233 9.2605426 3.0545362 98.55
RT-CTM 4.1446791 7.8649111 0.3213127 7.2288202 0.9459705 87.24
RT-CTH 1.2934901 4.9269436 2.3404023 4.2923877 1.7241561 36.23
RTC-CTM 2.0492132 2.1260678 6.1317030 1.4460896 5.5172007 52.23
RTC-CTH 4.9004022 0.8176847 8.8656350 1.4804937 8.2529682 92.28
CTM-CTH 2.8511890 1.3134206 6.9280953 0.5855341 6.2845286 67.12
VOpeak (ml·kg·min¹)
RT-RTC 1.4886938 3.5743158 6.5461344 2.6898642 5.7195229 51.69
RT-CTM 2.5416357 7.7878821 2.7533342 6.8804397 1.8936094 67.83
RT-CTH 4.6669771 9.8563058 0.5577217 8.9575569 0.4198616 89.89
RTC-CTM 4.0303295 9.3033274 1.2196273 8.3330765 0.3219204 84.79
RTC-CTH 6.1556709 11.5342907 0.8106426 10.5421846 1.7344040 96.28
CTM-CTH 2.1253413 7.3168312 3.1365400 6.4149551 2.2027414 61.84
Maximum Workload (W)
RT-RTC 8.3497351 36.0545846 19.0359073 31.2202500 13.9357210 47.31
RT-CTM 34.0883236 63.3308357 4.3644052 58.1133701 9.7243947 95.30
RT-CTH 41.3920198 68.4819356 14.2133650 63.7696172 18.8117681 98.84
RTC-CTM 25.7385884 53.4337318 1.7631891 48.6445671 2.7409799 88.92
RTC-CTH 33.0422846 59.5051235 6.8155657 54.5621033 11.3338846 96.33
CTM-CTH 7.3036962 35.0153318 20.8236505 30.1572542 15.8893172 44.49
1RM = one-repetition maximum; RT = resistance training; MT = muscle thickness; RTC = resistance
training circuit; CTM = concurrent training moderate intensity; CTH = concurrent training high
intensity; VO2peak = peak oxygen uptake
by Chad Dolan et al. 97
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Figure 1. Strength Outcomes.
Marginal posterior distributions for changes in the back squat 1RM (A) and the bench press 1RM
(B) and differences among conditions for the back squat 1RM (C) and the bench press 1RM (D).
Vertical dashed lines represent the region of practical equivalence (i.e., ROPE) defined by the raw-
unit equivalent of a ± 0.25 standardized mean difference. Colored dots and intervals represent the
mean and quartile intervals (90 and 95%) from the posterior distribution. Finally, individual data
are visualized below with solid circles. The marginal effects are adjusted for the pretest scores of the
dependent variable.
Figure 2. Hypertrophy Outcomes.
Marginal posterior distributions for changes in quadriceps (A) and pectoralis major muscle thickness
(B) and differences among conditions for quadriceps (C) and pectoralis major muscle thickness (D).
Vertical dashed lines represent the region of practical equivalence (i.e., ROPE) defined by the typical
error of measurement. Colored dots and intervals represent the mean and quartile intervals (90 and
95%) from the posterior distribution. Finally, individual data are visualized below with solid circles.
The marginal effects are adjusted for the pretest scores of the dependent variable, and the measurement
0 102030
Back Squat 1RM (kg)
−5 0 5 10 15 20
Bench Press 1RM (kg)
−20 −10 0 10 20
Difference in Back Squat 1RM (kg)
−10 0 10
Difference in Bench Press 1RM (kg)
−5 0 5 10
Quadriceps MT (mm)
−5 0 5 10 15
Pectoralis Major MT (mm)
−2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0
Difference in Quadriceps MT (mm)
−15 −10 −5 0 5 10
Difference in Pectoralis Major MT (mm)
98 The effect of time-equated concurrent training programs in resistance-trained men
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 91, March 2024
Figure 3. Cardiovascular Outcomes.
Marginal posterior distributions for changes in VO2peak (A) and Wmax (B) and differences among
conditions for VO2peak (A) and Wmax (B). Vertical dashed lines represent the region of practical
equivalence (i.e., ROPE) defined by the raw-unit equivalent of a ± 0.25 standardized mean difference.
Colored dots and intervals represent the mean and quartile intervals (90 and 95%) from the posterior
distribution. Finally, individual data are visualized below with solid circles. The marginal effects are
adjusted for the pretest scores of the dependent variable.
The main findings of this study do not align
with our hypothesis and are as follows: 1) all
groups experienced meaningful increases in squat
and bench press 1RM strength, with no significant
between-group contrasts; 2) all groups experienced
meaningful increases in quadriceps muscle
thickness, with no significant between-group
contrasts; 3) all groups, with the exception of the
RT group, experienced meaningful increases in
pectoralis major muscle thickness, with a
significant between-group contrast indicating RTC
> RT; 4) only the CTH group significantly increased
2peak while RT and RTC groups experienced a
meaningful decrease in VO2peak, but no between-
group contrasts were significant; 5) Wmax
meaningfully increased in the CTM and CTH
groups while the RT and RTC groups experienced
meaningful decreases, with a significant between-
group contrast indicating CTH > RT. Overall, these
results suggest that the interference effect can be
avoided when the duration of AT is limited to 30
min and separated from RT by 24 h. Further, RTC
does not enhance strength adaptations of RT, but
may provide a slight hypertrophic benefit in the
upper body.
The present study did not find evidence of
the interference effect on lower body strength gains
in either cycling condition (CTM or CTH). This
conflicts with a recent meta-analysis (Chen et al.,
2024) that reported a meaningful interference effect
on lower body strength gains when AT is moderate
intensity continuous cycling (SMD = 0.38; 95% CI
= 0.62 to 0.14) or, to a lesser degree, high intensity
interval cycling training (SMD = 0.18; 95% CI =
0.49 to 0.13). However, those authors noted a
1050 510
Peak VO
−40 0 40
Maximum Workload (W)
−10 0 10
Difference in Peak VO
−100 −50 0 50
Difference in Maximum Workload (W)
by Chad Dolan et al. 99
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
limitation of their analysis which was that 67.5% of
the included studies implemented AT and RT in
the same session. Indeed, another meta-analysis
(Petré et al., 2021) reported the interference effect
on strength gains was present in trained
individuals, but not in untrained individuals;
however, this was only the case when AT was
performed in the same session (SMD = 0.66; 1.08
to 0.25), but not when the sessions were separated
(SMD = 0.10; 95% CI = 0.43 to 0.23).
Similarly, the present study did not find
evidence of the interference effect for either cycling
intensity (CTH or CTM) on upper body strength
gains, which aligns with a previous meta-analysis
reporting no influence of lower body AT on upper
body strength gains (Sabag et al., 2018). However,
the RTC group experienced the smallest nominal
bench press 1RM gain (4.84 kg) and lowest
probability of exceeding the ROPE (62%), while all
other groups experienced gains > 10 kg and a > 99%
probability. While our low statistical power due to
a small sample size must be considered, the present
study is novel in its use of upper body AT via the
barbell circuit. Thus, it is possible that the
interference effect attenuated gains due to upper
body AT, especially given the exercises in the
barbell circuit were primarily upper body (a bench
press, a barbell overhead press, a barbell bent-over
row, a barbell biceps curl). Despite the low loads
used in the barbell circuit, it is also possible that the
minimal rest used and multiple rounds (average of
4.2 per session) led to repetitions closer to failure,
potentially contributing to upper body fatigue for
the subsequent RT sessions. Indeed, appropriately
managing fatigue has previously been reported to
enhance training performance (i.e., training loads)
and subsequently 1RM strength throughout a RT
program (Zourdos et al., 2016a); thus, the potential
additional upper body fatigue in the RTC group
may have compromised progression given the
current study utilized a performance-based
progression. However, caution is warranted given
the low sample size, and future research is
warranted to explore this question.
While the RTC group experienced the
smallest increase in bench press 1RM, this group
simultaneously experienced the largest nominal
increase in pectoralis muscle thickness of 7.19 mm
[95% CrI: 4.26, 10.02]. Thus, the additional bench
press repetitions performed in the barbell circuit
sessions may have provided a minor hypertrophic
stimulus. Although circuit training was low load,
participants subjectively indicated the protocol to
be difficult, and it is plausible that acute fatigue
may have led to a meaningful hypertrophic
stimulus. This aligns with research indicating a
dose-response relationship between volume and
hypertrophy (Baz-Valle et al., 2022; Schoenfeld et
al., 2017a) and that hypertrophy can be achieved
with a wide loading range (Schoenfeld et al.,
2017b). On the other hand, strength gains appear to
have a dose-response relationship with loads
(Lopez et al., 2021); thus, fatigue from the barbell
circuit in the RTC group may have compromised
performance and thus loads used. However,
caution is once again warranted given the small
sample and lack of significant between-group
contrasts between RTC and all other groups.
The upper body findings are slightly
opposed to the findings for quadriceps
hypertrophy, in which all groups experienced
relatively similar increases in muscle thickness
(2.29 to 3.41 mm), with no meaningful between-
group contrasts. This aligns with multiple meta-
analyses that either report that lower body
hypertrophy does not suffer from the interference
effect (Chen et al., 2024; Sabag et al., 2018;
Schumann et al., 2022), or if it does, it is diminished
if AT is performed in a separate session (Petré et
al., 2021) and when the duration and frequency are
lower (Wilson et al., 2012b). Thus, our data provide
additional evidence that hypertrophy has low
likelihood of being interfered as a result of CT with
certain program design choices.
However, it should be noted that while CT
groups (CTM, CTH, RTC) were time-matched, the
RT group had two less sessions per week. Thus,
while the addition of AT generally did not lead to
a meaningful net effect on strength and
hypertrophy, it should be considered that AT can
contribute to hypertrophy and strength (Ozaki et
al., 2015); thus, it may be that the combined effect
of RT + additional AT counteracted the interference
effect in the present study.
While the barbell circuit did not introduce
a clear interference effect on strength and
hypertrophy adaptations, it did fail to promote
cardiovascular adaptations as measured by VO
and Wmax. Thus, the present study suggests that
VO2peak and Wmax are better enhanced with
traditional cardiovascular training compared to a
barbell circuit in resistance trained participants.
100 The effect of time-equated concurrent training programs in resistance-trained men
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 91, March 2024
This is notable because subjective participant
feedback indicated the barbell circuit was
challenging. However, caution is once again
warranted given the small sample size and lack of
meaningful between-group contrasts.
It is suggested that CT program design
decisions be made based on the desired
physiological outcomes, time available to train,
and sound fatigue management. It appears that
some cardiovascular adaptations can occur from
CTM and CTH, but the effects in the present study
were modest. While ~one hour per week of AT can
promote some cardiovascular adaptations and
generally avoid the interference effect, a greater
dosage of AT may be required to maximize
cardiovascular adaptations.
The chief limitation of this study is the low
sample size. Additionally, as noted, the
interference effect appears to be modulated by
various factors such as AT proximity to RT, AT
modality, AT duration, AT frequency, training
status, and nutritional energy balance. Thus, the
present findings cannot be extrapolated to other
configurations of program design variables or
trainee nutritional energy balance. In the present
study, each group experienced an average increase
in body mass, indicating a positive energy balance.
Indeed, a positive energy balance seems to
compensate for the increased training demands of
CT and has been shown to counteract the
interference effect (Murach and Bagley, 2016).
Therefore, since individuals in this study were not
in a negative energy balance, our results cannot be
extrapolated to athletes who may be in a negative
energy balance, such as weight class or physique
sport athletes. In other words, those in a negative
energy balance should still be mindful of the
potential interference effect associated with CT.
Despite these limitations, the present study
employed an ecologically valid CT protocol for
individuals interested in maximizing RT
adaptations in periods of positive energy balance.
In summary, our data indicate that the
interference effect on maximal strength and
hypertrophy can be avoided when AT is moderate
or high intensity cycling for ~one hour per week
and on non-RT days. Further, the novel AT barbell
circuit utilized did not promote robust
cardiovascular or strength adaptations, but may be
sufficient to provide a small additional upper body
hypertrophic stimulus.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization: C.D., J.M.Q., A.K., C.C. and M.C.Z.; methodology: C.D., J.M.Q.,
A.K., C.C. and M.C.Z.; software: C.D., J.M.Q., J.A.G., K.M.M., A.K., Z.P.R., J.C.P., C.C. and M.C.Z.; formal
analysis: C.D., Z.P.R., J.C.P. and M.C.Z.; investigation: C.D., J.M.Q., J.A.G., K.M.M., A.K., C.C. and M.C.Z.;
resources: C.C. and M.C.Z.; data curation: C.D., J.M.Q., J.A.G., K.M.M., A.K., Z.P.R., J.C.P. and M.C.Z.;
writing—original draft preparation: C.D., Z.P.R., J.C.P. and M.C.Z.; writing—review & editing: C.D., J.M.Q.,
J.A.G., K.M.M., A.K., Z.P.R., J.C.P., C.C. and M.C.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding Information: No funding was received for this project.
Institutional Review Board Statement: This study was conducted following the principles of the Declaration
of Helsinki, and approved by the Florida Atlantic University Institutional Review Board (protocol code:
680161-3; approval date: 18 November 2014).
Informed Consent: Informed consent was obtained from all participants included in the study.
Conflicts of Interest: Z.P.R., J.C.P., and M.C.Z. are all coaches and writers within the fitness industry. No other
authors of a conflict of interest.
Received: 31 January 2024
Accepted: 04 March 2024
by Chad Dolan et al. 101
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
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