Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
ARM DDI 0598A.a (ID103018)
Architecture Reference Manual
Memory System Resource Partitioning and Monitoring
(MPAM), for Armv8-A
ii Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
Arm Architecture Reference Manual Supplement
Memory System Resource Partitioning and Monitoring (MPAM), for Armv8-A
Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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About this book ........................................................................................................... x
Using this book ........................................................................................................... xi
Conventions .............................................................................................................. xiii
Additional reading ..................................................................................................... xiv
Feedback .................................................................................................................. xv
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................ 1-18
1.2 Memory-system resource partitioning ................................................................... 1-19
1.3 Memory-system resource usage monitoring .......................................................... 1-20
1.4 Memory-system components ................................................................................. 1-21
1.5 Implementation flexibility ........................................................................................ 1-22
1.6 Example uses ........................................................................................................ 1-23
Chapter 2 MPAM and Arm Memory-System Architecture
2.1 MPAM and Arm memory-system architecture ...................................................... 2-26
Chapter 3 ID Types, Properties, and Spaces
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3-28
3.2 ID types and properties .......................................................................................... 3-29
3.3 PARTID spaces and properties .............................................................................. 3-30
3.4 Communication of MPAM information to MSCs ..................................................... 3-31
3.5 MPAM_NS ............................................................................................................. 3-32
Chapter 4 MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4-34
4.2 Requesting master components ............................................................................ 4-35
4.3 Terminating slave components .............................................................................. 4-36
4.4 Intermediate slave-master components ................................................................. 4-37
4.5 Request buffering ................................................................................................... 4-38
4.6 Cache memory ....................................................................................................... 4-39
Chapter 5 System Model
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5-42
5.2 System-level field widths ........................................................................................ 5-44
5.3 PE behavior ............................................................................................................ 5-45
5.4 Other requesters with MPAM ................................................................................. 5-46
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5.5 Requesters without MPAM support ........................................................................ 5-47
5.6 Model of a resource partitioning control ................................................................. 5-48
5.7 Interconnect behavior ............................................................................................. 5-49
5.8 Cache behavior ...................................................................................................... 5-50
5.9 Memory-channel controller behavior ...................................................................... 5-52
Chapter 6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 6-54
6.2 Discovering MPAM ................................................................................................. 6-55
6.3 MPAM System registers ......................................................................................... 6-56
6.4 Instruction, data, translation table walk, and other accesses ................................. 6-59
6.5 Security .................................................................................................................. 6-60
6.6 PARTID virtualization ............................................................................................. 6-61
6.7 MPAM AArch32 interoperability ............................................................................. 6-66
6.8 Support for nested virtualization ............................................................................. 6-67
6.9 MPAM errors and default ID generation ................................................................. 6-70
Chapter 7 System Registers
7.1 Overview ................................................................................................................ 7-72
7.2 Synchronization of system register changes .......................................................... 7-73
7.3 Summary of system registers ................................................................................. 7-74
7.4 System register descriptions .................................................................................. 7-75
7.5 MPAM enable ....................................................................................................... 7-110
7.6 Lower-EL MPAM register access trapping ........................................................... 7-111
7.7 Reset .................................................................................................................... 7-112
7.8 Unimplemented exception levels ......................................................................... 7-113
Chapter 8 MPAM in MSCs
8.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 8-116
8.2 Resource controls ................................................................................................ 8-117
8.3 Security in MSCs .................................................................................................. 8-118
8.4 Virtualization support in system MSCs ................................................................. 8-119
8.5 PE with integrated MSCs ..................................................................................... 8-120
8.6 System-wide PARTID and PMG widths ............................................................... 8-121
8.7 MPAM interrupts .................................................................................................. 8-122
Chapter 9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 9-126
9.2 Partition resources ............................................................................................... 9-127
9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces ................................................................ 9-128
9.4 Vendor or implementation-specific partitioning control interfaces ........................ 9-136
9.5 Measurements for controlling resource usage ..................................................... 9-137
9.6 PARTID narrowing ............................................................................................... 9-138
9.7 System reset of MPAM controls in MSCs ............................................................ 9-139
9.8 About the fixed-point fractional format ................................................................. 9-140
Chapter 10 Performance Monitoring Groups
10.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 10-144
10.2 MPAM resource monitors ................................................................................... 10-145
10.3 Common features ............................................................................................... 10-147
10.4 Monitor configuration .......................................................................................... 10-149
Chapter 11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.1 Overview of MMRs ............................................................................................. 11-152
11.2 Summary of memory-mapped registers ............................................................. 11-156
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description ............................................................ 11-158
11.4 Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers ......................................... 11-182
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers .......................................... 11-203
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11.6 Memory-mapped control and status registers .................................................... 11-226
Chapter 12 Errors in MSCs
12.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 12-232
12.2 Error conditions in accessing memory-mapped registers .................................. 12-233
12.3 Overwritten error status ...................................................................................... 12-236
12.4 Behavior of configuration reads and writes with errors ...................................... 12-237
Chapter 13 ARMv8 Pseudocode
13.1 Shared pseudocode ........................................................................................... 13-240
Appendix A Generic Resource Controls
A.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... A-248
A.2 Portion resource controls .................................................................................... A-249
A.3 Maximum-usage resource controls ..................................................................... A-250
A.4 Proportional resource allocation facilities ............................................................ A-251
A.5 Combining resource controls .............................................................................. A-253
Appendix B MSC Firmware Data
B.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... B-256
B.2 Partitioning-control parameters ........................................................................... B-257
B.3 Performance-monitoring parameters .................................................................. B-258
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This preface introduces the MPAM Extension Architecture Specification v1.0. It contains the following sections:
About this book on page x.
Using this book on page xi.
Conventions on page xiii.
Additional reading on page xiv.
Feedback on page xv.
About this book
x Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
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About this book
This book is the Architecture Specification for the MPAM Extension Architecture Specification v1.0.
It specifies System registers and behaviors for generation of MPAM information in processing elements (PEs). It
also specifies memory-mapped registers and standard types of resource control interfaces for Memory-System
Components (MSCs). It also covers resource usage monitors for measuring usage by software.
Together, these facilities permit software both to observe memory-system usage and to allocate resources to
software by running that software in a memory-system partition.
This document defines the MPAM Extension version 1.0. This MPAM extension is an optional extension to
Armv8.2 and later versions. This document covers only the AArch64 Execution state. However, see MPAM
AArch32 interoperability on page 6-66 for interoperation with AArch32.
This document primarily describes hardware architecture. As such, it does not usually include information on either
the software needed to control these facilities or the ways to implement effective controls of the memory system
using the parameters defined by this architecture. This document gives no guidance as to which of the optional
features to implement at which of the MSCs.
Intended audience
This document targets the following audience:
Hardware and software developers interested in the MPAM hardware architecture.
Using this book
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Using this book
This book is organized into the following chapters:
Readers new to MPAM should first read Chapters 1 to 5.
Readers interested in MPAM generation behavior in the PE should read Chapters 6 and 7.
Readers interested in MPAM resource controls and memory-system component behaviors should read Chapters
8, 9, 11, 12, and Appendices A and B.
Readers interested in MPAM resource usage monitoring should read Chapters 10, 11, and 12.
Readers interested in pseudocode definition, refer to the "ARM® Architecture Reference Manual".
Chapter 1 Introduction
Read this chapter for an introduction to the MPAM extension.
Chapter 2 MPAM and Arm Memory-System Architecture
Read this chapter for a description of MPAM and Arm Memory-System Architecture.
Chapter 3 ID Types, Properties, and Spaces
Read this chapter for a description of ID Types, Properties, and Spaces.
Chapter 4 MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
Read this chapter for a description of MSC Propagation of MPAM Information.
Chapter 5 System Model
Read this chapter for a description of the System model.
Chapter 6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
Read this chapter for a description of PE Generation of MPAM Information.
Chapter 7 System Registers
Read this chapter for a description of the System registers.
Chapter 8 MPAM in MSCs
Read this chapter for a description of MPAM in MSCs.
Chapter 9 Resource Partitioning Controls
Read this chapter for a description of Memory-System Partitioning.
Chapter 10 Performance Monitoring Groups
Read this chapter for a description of Performance Monitoring Groups.
Chapter 11 Memory-Mapped Registers
Read this chapter for a description of Memory-Mapped Registers.
Chapter 12 Errors in MSCs
Read this chapter for a description of Errors in MSCs.
Chapter 13 ARMv8 Pseudocode
Read this chapter for the pseudocode definitions that describe various features of the MPAM
Appendix A Generic Resource Controls
Read this appendix for a description of Generic Resource Controls.
Appendix B MSC Firmware Data
Read this appendix for a description of MSC Firmware Data.
Using this book
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Read this glossary for definitions of some of the terms that are used in this manual. The Arm
Glossary does not contain terms that are industry standard unless the Arm meaning differs from the
generally accepted meaning.
Arm publishes a single glossary that relates to most Arm products, see the Arm Glossary
. A definition in the
glossary in this book might be more detailed than the corresponding definition in the Arm Glossary.
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The following sections describe conventions that this book can use:
Typographic conventions.
Pseudocode descriptions.
Typographic conventions
The typographical conventions are:
italic Introduces special terminology, and denotes citations.
bold Denotes signal names, and is used for terms in descriptive lists, where appropriate.
Used for assembler syntax descriptions, pseudocode, and source code examples.
Also used in the main text for instruction mnemonics and for references to other items appearing in
assembler syntax descriptions, pseudocode, and source code examples.
Used for a few terms that have specific technical meanings, and are included in the Glossary LINK.
Colored text Indicates a link. This can be:
A URL, for example
A cross-reference, that includes the page number of the referenced information if it is not on
the current page, for example, Pseudocode descriptions.
A link to a chapter or appendix, or to a glossary entry, or to the section of the document that
defines the colored term.
In general this specification does not define processor signals, but it does include some signal examples and
The signal conventions are:
Signal level The level of an asserted signal depends on whether the signal is active-HIGH or
active-LOW. Asserted means:
HIGH for active-HIGH signals.
LOW for active-LOW signals.
Lower-case n At the start or end of a signal name denotes an active-LOW signal.
Numbers are normally written in decimal. Binary numbers are preceded by
, and hexadecimal numbers by
. In
both cases, the prefix and the associated value are written in a
font, for example
Pseudocode descriptions
This book uses a form of pseudocode to provide precise descriptions of the specified functionality. This pseudocode
is written in a
font, and is described in Appendix C Pseudocode Definition.
Additional reading
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Additional reading
This section lists relevant publications from Arm and third parties.
See the Infocenter
, for access to Arm documentation.
Arm publications
This book contains information that is specific to this product. See the following documents for other relevant
Arm Architecture Reference Manual Armv8, for Armv8-A architecture profile (ARM DDI 0487B)
Armv8.1 Extensions (ARM DDI0557)
Armv8.2 Extensions
Armv8.3 Extensions (ARM-ECM-0454992)
Armv8.4 Extensions (ARM-ECM-0629567)
Arm CoreSight Architecture Specification v2.0 (ARM IHI029D)
Other publications
The following books are referred to in this book, or provide more information:
“Heracles: Improving Resource Efficiency at Scale,” David Lo, Liqun Cheng, Rama Govindaraju,
Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Christos Kozyrakis, 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture (ISCA), New York NY, ACM, 2015.
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Arm welcomes feedback on its documentation.
Feedback on this book
If you have comments on the content of this book, send an e-mail to
. Give:
The title.
The number, ARM DDI 0598A.a
The page numbers to which your comments apply.
A concise explanation of your comments.
Arm also welcomes general suggestions for additions and improvements.
Arm tests PDFs only in Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, and cannot guarantee the appearance or behavior of
any document when viewed with any other PDF reader.
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Chapter 1
This chapter contains the following sections:
Overview on page 1-18.
Memory-system resource partitioning on page 1-19.
Memory-system resource usage monitoring on page 1-20.
Memory-system components on page 1-21.
Implementation flexibility on page 1-22.
Example uses on page 1-23.
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
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1.1 Overview
Some shared-memory computer systems run multiple applications or multiple virtual machines (VMs) concurrently.
Such systems may have one or more of the following needs:
Control the performance effects of misbehaving software on the performance of other software.
Bound the performance impact on some software by any other software.
Minimize the performance impact of some software on other software.
These scenarios are common in enterprise networking and server systems. The Memory System Resource
Partitioning and Monitoring (MPAM) extension addresses these scenarios with two approaches that work together,
under software control, to apportion the performance-giving resources of the memory system. The apportionment
can be used to align the division of memory-system performance between software, to match higher-level goals for
dividing the performance of the system between software environments.
These approaches are:
Memory-system resource partitioning.
Memory-system resource usage monitoring.
The main motivation of the extension is to make data centers less expensive. The extension can increase server
utilization, so that fewer servers are needed for a given level of service. Utilization can be increased by controlling
how much impact the best-effort jobs have on the tail latency of responses by web-facing jobs. See Heracles:
Improving Resource Efficiency at Scale.
This MPAM Extension describes:
A mechanism for attaching partition identifiers and a monitoring property, for executing software on an Arm
processing element (PE).
Propagation of a Partition ID (PARTID) and Performance Monitoring Group (PMG) through the memory
A framework for memory-system component controls that partition one or more of the performance
resources of the component.
Extension of the framework for MSCs to have performance monitoring that is sensitive to a combination of
Some implementation-independent, memory-mapped interfaces to memory-system component controls for
performance resource controls most likely to be deployed in systems.
Some implementation-independent memory-mapped interfaces to memory-system component resource
monitoring that would likely be needed to monitor the partitioning of memory-system resources.
1 Introduction
1.2 Memory-system resource partitioning
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1.2 Memory-system resource partitioning
The performance of programs running on a computer system is affected by the memory-system performance, which
is in part controlled by several resources in the memory system. In a memory system shared by multiple VMs, OSs,
and applications, the resources available to one software environment may vary, depending on which other
programs are also running. This is true because those other programs may consume more or less of an uncontrolled
memory-system resource.
Memory-system resource partitioning provides controls on the limits and use of previously uncontrolled
memory-system resources.
Shared, partitionable memory-system resources that can affect performance of a VM, OS, or application include:
Shared caches, in which one application may displace the cached data of another application.
Interconnect bandwidth, in which use by one application can interfere with use by another application due to
contention for buffers, communication links, or other interconnect resources.
Memory bandwidth, in which use by one application can interfere with the use by another application due to
contention for DRAM bus bandwidth.
This list is not exhaustive. MPAM functionality can be extended through vendor and implementation-specific
resource partitioning controls or resource-usage monitors.
Memory-system performance resource partitioning is performed by MPAM resource controls located within the
MSCs. Each memory-system component may implement zero or more MPAM resource controls within that
An MPAM resource control uses the PARTID that is set for one or more software environments. A PARTID for the
current software environment labels each memory system request. Each MPAM resource control has control
settings for each PARTID. The PARTID in a request selects the control settings for that PARTID, which are then
used to control the partitioning of the performance resources of that memory-system component.
1 Introduction
1.3 Memory-system resource usage monitoring
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1.3 Memory-system resource usage monitoring
Memory-system resource-usage monitoring measures memory-system resource usage. MSCs can have resource
monitors. An MPAM monitor must be configured and enabled before it can be queried for resource-usage
information. A monitor can be configured to be sensitive to a particular PARTID, or PARTID and PMG, and some
monitors can be configured to certain subcategories of the resource (for example, the memory bandwidth used by
writes that use a PARTID and PMG).
A monitor can measure resource usage or capacity usage, depending on the resource. For example, a cache can have
monitors for cache storage that measure the usage of the cache by a PARTID and PMG.
Monitors can serve several purposes. A memory-system resource monitor might be used to find software
environments to partition. Or, a monitors reads might be used to tune the memory-system partitioning controls. A
PMG value can be used to subdivide the software environments within a PARTID for finer-grained results, or to
make measurements over prospective partitions.
1 Introduction
1.4 Memory-system components
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1.4 Memory-system components
A Memory-System Component (MSC) is a function, unit, or design block in a memory system that can have
partitionable resources. MSCs consist of all units that handle load or store requests issued by any MPAM master.
These include cache memories, interconnects, Memory Management Units, memory channel controllers, queues,
buffers, rate adaptors, and so on.
An MSC may be a part of another system component. For example, a PE may contain caches, which may contain
1 Introduction
1.5 Implementation flexibility
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1.5 Implementation flexibility
Memory-system partitioning, monitoring capabilities, and certain implementation parameters must be discoverable
by software, and they must be used by software to adapt to the system hardware. Discovery of MPAM
memory-system component topology is expected to be by means of firmware data such as Device Tree or ACPI
interface. MPAM controls and parameters of MSCs are discoverable in memory-mapped ID registers. Discovery of
PE MPAM features and parameters is described in Discovering MPAM on page 6-55.
The width of memory-system partitioning and monitoring values communicated through the system can be sized to
the needs of the system. The costs can thereby be adjusted to meet the market requirements.
This document defines standard interfaces to some resource partitioning and monitoring features of MSCs. It does
so by defining ID registers that expose implementation parameters and options. It also defines configuration
registers that allow standard programming of these features while giving substantial implementation flexibility. In
addition, this document also defines a mechanism that permits IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED partitioning and
monitoring features that may introduce partitioning or monitoring in new ways or of new resource types.
1 Introduction
1.6 Example uses
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1.6 Example uses
This section is informative. It presents examples of partitioning uses that reduce memory-system interactions.
1.6.1 Separate systems combined
With faster processors, it is often less expensive to integrate into a single computer system the functions previously
performed by two or more systems. If any of these previously separate systems was real-time or otherwise
performance-sensitive, it may be necessary to isolate the performance of that function from others in the integrated
Memory system performance can be monitored, and the measured usage can guide optimization of system
Partitioning is often statically determined by the system developer. Partitions may be given non-shared resource
allocations to improve real-time predictability. The number of partitions required could be small, similar to the
number of previously separate systems.
1.6.2 Foreground and background job optimization
When foreground and background jobs are run on the same system, the foreground job’s response time should not
be compromised, and the background job’s throughput should be optimized. The performance of the foreground and
background jobs can be monitored, and the resource allocations can be changed dynamically to track system loading
while optimizing foreground response time and background throughput.
An example of this approach is proposed in Heracles: Improving Resource Efficiency at Scale. This paper describes
a system that requires only two partitions, one for web-facing applications and another for best-effort applications.
The Heracles approach measures the service-level objective of tail latency for web service and adjusts the division
of resources between the two partitions. Resource-usage monitoring is also used to tune resource allocation for
particular resources.
1.6.3 Service-level provisioning in multi-tenant VM servers
When a server runs multiple VMs for different users, it is necessary to prevent one VM from using more resource
than it has paid for and thereby prevent other tenants from being able to use the resource they have paid for. MPAM
partitions provide a means to regulate the memory-system resources used by a VM.
While there need only be a few service levels provisioned onto a server, each VM needs a separate PARTID so that
resource-usage controls can be separately responsive to the resource demands of that VM.
1 Introduction
1.6 Example uses
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Chapter 2
MPAM and Arm Memory-System Architecture
This chapter contains the following sections:
MPAM and Arm memory-system architecture on page 2-26
2 MPAM and Arm Memory-System Architecture
2.1 MPAM and Arm memory-system architecture
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2.1 MPAM and Arm memory-system architecture
This section is normative.
MPAM partitioning of memory-system performance resources must not affect the correctness of any memory
behavior specified in the Arm Architecture Reference Manual. The Arm v8 memory model, as specified in that
manual, must be followed in all of its particulars, including requirements for observation, coherence, caching, order,
atomicity, endianess, alignment, memory types, and any other requirements defined in the Arm ARM v8 memory
model. Furthermore, these requirements must also be met:
For single-PE and multiple-PE environments.
For MPAM information that is the same as, or different from, multiple requests by a single requestor or by
multiple requestors.
For all MPAM memory-system component resource controls and configurations.
When MPAM information stored with data accessed from caches is the same as, or different from, MPAM
information in requests that access that data.
MPAM does not impose any additional limitations on Speculative accesses, other than the limits on use of System
register values already in the Arm Architecture Reference Manual. These include a limit on using System register
values from a lower EL than the execution EL.
A Speculative access (either an instruction prefetch or an early data read) may be generated at any time, based on
MPAM System register configuration that might change before the access would be architecturally executed.
MPAM does not impose any limit on such speculation – neither a data dependency on the MPAMn_ELx registers
nor a control dependency on the System register synchronization, other than the limits on use of System register
values in the Arm Architecture Reference Manual.
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Chapter 3
ID Types, Properties, and Spaces
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page 3-28.
ID types and properties on page 3-29.
PARTID spaces and properties on page 3-30.
Communication of MPAM information to MSCs on page 3-31.
MPAM_NS on page 3-32.
3 ID Types, Properties, and Spaces
3.1 Introduction
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3.1 Introduction
This chapter is normative.
MPAM operation is based on the MPAM information that masters include with requests made to the memory
system. This chapter defines the components of that MPAM information bundle, which consists of:
3 ID Types, Properties, and Spaces
3.2 ID types and properties
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3.2 ID types and properties
MPAM has a single ID type, the Partition ID (PARTID). The architectural maximum width of a PARTID field is 16
PARTIDs have a single property, the Performance Monitoring Group (PMG). The architectural maximum width of
a PMG field is 8 bits.
3 ID Types, Properties, and Spaces
3.3 PARTID spaces and properties
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3.3 PARTID spaces and properties
MPAM PARTIDs have up to four PARTID spaces:
Secure physical PARTID space. This space is accessed when a PE is executing in the Secure state.
Non-secure physical PARTID space. This space is accessed when a PE is executing in the Non-secure state.
Non-secure virtual PARTID space. This space exists only when the virtualization option is implemented and
enabled for the current EL, and only within a PE that is executing in the Non-secure state.
Secure virtual PARTID space. This space exists only when the virtualization option is implemented and
enabled for the current EL, and only within a PE that is executing in the Secure state.
Each PARTID space has a maximum PARTID set by the implementation of the device. The range of valid PARTIDs
is 0 to the maximum PARTID, inclusive. The maximum values of a PARTID implemented by a PE and by different
MSCs need not be the same. Software should avoid using PARTIDs that exceed the smallest maximum of any MSCs
accessed, because the behavior of an MSC accessed with an out-of-range PARTID is not well-defined.
Each MSC has an MPAM identification register with which to discover the width of PARTID implemented. The
maximum Non-secure PARTID supported by an MSC is indicated in its MPAMF_IDR.PARTID_MAX. The
maximum secure PARTID supported by an MSC is indicated in its MPAMF_SIDR.PARTID_MAX. The maximum
PARTID supported by a PE is indicated in MPAMIDR_EL1.PARTID_MAX.
3.3.1 Default PARTID
Each MPAM PARTID space has a default value, which is PARTID 0 in that PARTID space.
The default physical PARTID must be generated when MPAM PARTID generation is disabled by MPAMEN == 0.
This PARTID space is selected according to the current Security state; it is either the secure physical PARTID space
or the Non-secure physical PARTID space.
MPAM PARTID generation is permitted to produce the default PARTID when the generation encounters an error.
3.3.2 Default PMG
The default PMG must be generated when MPAMEN == 0.
It is CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE whether MPAM PMG generation produces the PMG value from the
MPAMn_ELx register field or from the default PMG in either of two cases:
When the PMG generation encounters an error, such as out-of-range PMG.
When a default PARTID is generated due to a PARTID generation error.
In other cases, when MPAMEN == 1, the PMG must be the PMG value from the MPAMn_ELx register field.
The PARTID and PMG error conditions in a PE are described in MPAM errors and default ID generation on
page 6-70.
System designers can also choose to output the default IDs on requests generated by masters that do not support
3 ID Types, Properties, and Spaces
3.4 Communication of MPAM information to MSCs
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3.4 Communication of MPAM information to MSCs
The representation of the MPAM information bundle on system interfaces is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED.
If the system implements security, interfaces must be able to communicate a PARTID that is in either the Secure or
the Non-secure PARTID space with each memory-system request.
3 ID Types, Properties, and Spaces
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MPAM_NS indicates the MPAM security space of the PARTID in the MPAM information bundle. In a PE, it is not
stored in a register; it comes from the Security state. The pseudocode function,
, computes the current
Security state. See Table 6-5 on page 6-60 for combinations of MPAM_NS and NS bits.
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Chapter 4
MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page 4-34
Requesting master components on page 4-35
Terminating slave components on page 4-36
Intermediate slave-master components on page 4-37
Request buffering on page 4-38
Cache memory on page 4-39
4 MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
4.1 Introduction
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4.1 Introduction
This section is normative.
MSC propagation of MPAM information includes the storage and transmission of:
PARTID (PARTID spaces and properties on page 3-30).
•PMG (Chapter 10 Performance Monitoring Groups).
•MPAM_NS (MPAM_NS on page 3-32).
An MSC must implement at least one of the following categories of MPAM propagation behavior, and it might
implement several of these behaviors.
4 MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
4.2 Requesting master components
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4.2 Requesting master components
Requesting masters must label all requests to downstream MSCs with MPAM information.
A requesting master must have a device-appropriate means of setting the MPAM information in the request:
The PE must use the scheme described in Chapter 6 PE Generation of MPAM Information.
This architecture does not specify a mechanism for determining the MPAM information for requests from a
non-PE master. Arm recommends that non-PE masters needing to use MPAM facilities specify a mechanism
for determining the PARTID, PMG, and MPAM_NS of requests.
If a requesting master does not support MPAM, the system must arrange to supply a value for MPAM information
required for the interface. If no other mechanism is available, these values must be driven to a default value (in the
Non-secure physical PARTID space or in the secure physical PARTID space).
See also Requesters without MPAM support on page 5-47.
4 MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
4.3 Terminating slave components
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4.3 Terminating slave components
A terminating slave receives requests from upstream masters but does not communicate the requests to a
downstream slave. Instead, the terminating slave services the requests. A terminating slave does not forward MPAM
information from a request. A terminating MSC is the edge of MPAM in a system.
A DRAM controller is a terminating slave, even though it communicates with DRAM devices to complete the
request. The DRAM devices do not support MPAM communication, so MPAM information is not forwarded to
them. This might also happen elsewhere in a system where there is no downstream slave that has MPAM support.
4 MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
4.4 Intermediate slave-master components
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4.4 Intermediate slave-master components
Intermediate MSCs have both one or more slave interfaces and one or more master interfaces.
An intermediate component can route a request from an upstream master to one of its downstream master ports.
When routing a request from upstream to downstream, the intermediate component passes the MPAM information
unaltered to the downstream master port.
An intermediate component might terminate a request from upstream locally without propagating the request to a
downstream master port if the request is serviced locally.
4 MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
4.5 Request buffering
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4.5 Request buffering
Requests can be buffered in any MSC. A request that is buffered must retain its MPAM information.
4 MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
4.6 Cache memory
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4.6 Cache memory
A cache line must store the MPAM information of the request that caused its allocation. See Cache behavior on
page 5-50 for requirements on cache memory behavior.
4 MSC Propagation of MPAM Information
4.6 Cache memory
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Chapter 5
System Model
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page 5-42.
System-level field widths on page 5-44.
PE behavior on page 5-45.
Other requesters with MPAM on page 5-46.
Requesters without MPAM support on page 5-47.
Model of a resource partitioning control on page 5-48.
Interconnect behavior on page 5-49.
Cache behavior on page 5-50.
Memory-channel controller behavior on page 5-52.
5 System Model
5.1 Introduction
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5.1 Introduction
This section describes a model of system behavior that can support the MPAM features. In particular, the behavior
of masters, interconnects, caches, and memory controllers is described.
In this system model, a request:
Begins at a requester (master), such as a PE, I/O master, DMA controller, or graphics processor:
MPAM information (PARTID, PMG, and MPAM_NS) is transported with every request.
Traverses non-cache nodes that might be a transport component (such as an interconnect), a bus resizer, or
an asynchronous bridge.
Might reach an MSC that contains or is a cache:
Caches sometimes generate a response (cache hit) and sometimes pass the request on (cache miss).
Caches could also allocate entries based on the request.
Caches must store the MPAM PARTID, PMG, and MPAM_NS associated with an allocation:
- Needed for cache-storage usage monitoring.
- Used during eviction to another cache.
Cache eviction must attach MPAM fields to the eviction request. The source for MPAM information
on an eviction may depend on whether the eviction is to memory or to another cache. See Eviction on
page 5-50 and Optional cache behaviors on page 5-51.
Might proceed from a cache to a transport component, and to other caches or a memory-channel controller.
Might result in a memory controller or other terminating slave device responding to a request it receives.
Figure 5-1 on page 5-43 shows a simplified system model for the downstream flow, in the direction of requests from
masters to slaves. In this figure, all objects implement an MSC except the PEs, I/O Masters, and I/O Slaves. PEs
generate MPAM information from MPAM state in their System registers. I/O masters typically get their MPAM
information when their requests pass through an SMMU.
The interconnects in Figure 5-1 on page 5-43 can represent bus, crossbar, packet, or other interconnect technologies.
An MSC responds to the MPAM information that arrives as part of a request. If the MSC implements partitioning
controls, those controls find partitioning settings by the PARTID in the MPAM information of the request, and they
use those settings to control the allocation of a controlled resource.
For caches, a cache line (which has an address) is always associated with the PARTID that allocated the line – or
the PARTID that allocated the line into an inner cache that has now been evicted to the current cache. The inner
cache PARTID must be preserved when the line is evicted to an outer cache.
An address may be accessed by multiple PARTIDs.
A cache must store the PARTIDs of the lines it contains, so that it can measure and control the cache lines used by
a PARTID, and so that it can provide the PARTID to downstream MSCs when the line is evicted.
5 System Model
5.1 Introduction
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Figure 5-1 MPAM system model (downstream flow)
Memory Channel
. . .
Memory Channel
. . .
L1-I L1-D
Private L2
One of N
Memory-System Component (MSC) that might contain MPAM resource controls
L1-I L1-D
Private L2
SoC Coherent
5 System Model
5.2 System-level field widths
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5.2 System-level field widths
Arm recommends that a system be configured to support a common size for the PARTID and PMG fields of MPAM.
Mismatched sizes make it difficult for software to use anything but the smallest of implemented widths.
5 System Model
5.3 PE behavior
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5.3 PE behavior
Processing elements (PEs) issue memory-system requests. PEs must implement the MPAMn_ELx registers
(page 7-71) and their behaviors to generate the PARTID and PMG fields of memory-system requests.
See Chapter 6 PE Generation of MPAM Information.
5.3.1 PARTID generation
When a PE generates a memory-system request, it must label the request with the PARTID from the MPAMn_ELx
register for the current Exception level. MPAM_NS must be set to the current execution Security state.
If the MPAM Virtualization Extension is implemented and enabled for the current Exception level, the PARTID
from the MPAMn_ELx register must be mapped through the virtual partition mapping registers (System register
descriptions on page 7-75) to produce a physical PARTID.
5.3.2 Information flow
When a PE with MPAM support issues a request to the rest of the system, it labels those commands with the PARTID
and PMG supplied by software in the MPAMn_ELx register in effect (and if MPAM1_EL1 or MPAM0_EL1 with
virtual PARTID mapping is enabled, with the virtual PARTID mapped to a physical PARTID).
In addition to the PARTID and PMG, the request must also have the MPAM_NS bit to indicate whether the PARTID
is to be interpreted as in the Secure PARTID space or the Non-secure PARTID space.
5.3.3 Resource partitioning
If a PE contains internal memory-system partitioning controls, it must have memory-mapped registers (Chapter 9
Resource Partitioning Controls) to identify and configure those features.
The PE could include caches. The included caches could implement memory-system partitioning, such as
cache-capacity partitioning controls. The cache behavior in Cache behavior on page 5-50 must apply to included
cache functionality.
An MSC within a PE could have priority partitioning. This generates a priority or QoS value for the downstream
traffic from that MSC, effectively giving priority or QoS values tied to the software environment that generated that
5.3.4 Resource-usage monitoring
A PE may have internal resource monitors that can measure the use by a PARTID and PMG of an MPAM resource
(Chapter 10 Performance Monitoring Groups).
If a PE contains such features, they must have memory-mapped registers (Chapter 10 Performance Monitoring
Groups) to identify and configure those features.
5 System Model
5.4 Other requesters with MPAM
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5.4 Other requesters with MPAM
Other requesters that support MPAM, such as a DMA controller, must issue requests to the system that have the
MPAM fields. Non-PE masters can have schemes different from those implemented in PEs for associating MPAM
information with requests. These other schemes are not documented herein.
5 System Model
5.5 Requesters without MPAM support
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5.5 Requesters without MPAM support
A requester that does not implement support for MPAM must use a system-specific means to provide MPAM
information to MSCs that support MPAM.
Some examples of requester devices that might not implement support for MPAM include:
Legacy DMA controller.
Third-party peripheral IP.
CoreSight DMA components, such as ETR.
Older devices which cannot be economically upgraded to include MPAM support.
Some options for adding MPAM information to requests include:
The MPAM information could be tied off to the default PARTID and PMG values (Default PARTID on
page 3-30) and MPAM_NS set as appropriate for the device.
The MPAM information could be provided by a System Memory Management Unit (SMMU) that supports
adding MPAM information according to the stream and substream of the request.
The MPAM information could be in added by a bus bridge or other system component that handles the
requester's memory-system traffic.
Other implementations are permitted.
5 System Model
5.6 Model of a resource partitioning control
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5.6 Model of a resource partitioning control
A general model of a resource partitioning controller within an MSC is shown in Figure 5-2. This model shows a
resource partitioning model that measures resource usage by the partition and that controls resource usage by
comparing the measured usage with the control settings for that partition.
Figure 5-2 Model of MPAM resource partitioning controller
In Figure 5-2, a request arrives from an upstream master to an MSC that implements MPAM partitioning control.
The request is handled as follows:
1. The PARTID and MPAM_NS values of the incoming request are used to index into a Settings Table of
partition-control settings. (There is one settings table per implemented resource control.)
2. The table entry for that PARTID specifies its partition-control setting, which is passed to a Resource
3. Conformance of the resource with the setting may require Measurement of how the resource is being used by
the partition.
4. The Measurement feeds back to the Resource Regulator, where it is compared with the Setting and used to
make a decision about Resource Allocation.
In Figure 5-2, items 1, 2, 3, and 4 are added to the original memory system when MPAM is implemented, although
in some MSCs there may be sufficient measurement hardware already in place. Item 1, the Settings Table, is the
heart of an MPAM MSC.
All of the above is separate from normal request-handling by the MSC.
When doing cache-way partitioning, a significant part of the above mechanism can be eliminated. It is not necessary
to make measurements. The cache ways that can be allocated into are known.
The upside of cache-way partitioning is that it is simple and cheap. The downside is that caches do not have many
ways, so fine-grained control is not possible. In addition, resources can be strained if one or more ways are allocated
to only one partition, without sharing.
5 System Model
5.7 Interconnect behavior
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5.7 Interconnect behavior
Interconnects connect requesters to targets, and they must transport MPAM information fields from requester to
Interconnects may support the MPAM control features, such as priority partitioning. Support for MPAM is
discoverable in ID registers and firmware data.
Some interconnect devices may include cache functionality, in which case the cache behavior in Cache behavior on
page 5-50 applies.
5 System Model
5.8 Cache behavior
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5.8 Cache behavior
A cache must associate the MPAM information of the request that allocated a cache line with any data stored in the
cache line. This stored MPAM information is a property of the data.
The term “data” in this section is intended to indicate the content stored in the cache. It is not intended to indicate
any restriction on the applicability of this section based on the purpose of the cache or of its content.
The MPAM information on a request to the cache from an upstream master is used for the following purposes:
Source for the MPAM information associated with data when the data is allocated into the cache and is stored
in association with the data while the data resides in the cache.
Optionally updating the stored MPAM information of the cached data on a store hit (Write hits may update
the MPAM information of a cache line on page 5-51).
Providing MPAM information for downstream requests to fulfill the incoming request such as a read from
downstream on a cache miss that fetches data into the cache.
Optionally (Eviction), providing MPAM information for downstream requests generated by evict or clean
operations when this cache is the last level of cache upstream of main memory.
Selecting settings of partitioning controls implemented in the cache.
Tracking resource usage needed by partitions for a control implementation.
Performing accounting, if necessary, to track resource usage for resource usage monitors, if implemented.
Triggering and filtering resource monitors, if implemented, for events triggered by requests from upstream
The stored MPAM information is used by MPAM for the following purposes:
Providing the MPAM information for downstream requests generated by evict or clean operations, when this
cache is not the last level of cache.
Optionally (Eviction) providing MPAM information for downstream requests generated by evict or clean
operations, when this cache is the last level of cache.
Triggering and filtering resource monitors by MPAM PARTID and PMG, if implemented for events triggered
by internal and downstream requests.
Tracking resource usage by partitions, as needed by a partitioning control implementation.
5.8.1 Eviction
When a cache line is evicted to another cache, the evicting cache must produce the MPAM information that was
used in the request that originally allocated the cache line.
A system cache (last-level cache) may produce the MPAM information of the request that caused the eviction in its
request to a memory-channel controller, or the cache may produce the stored MPAM information associated with
the evicted line.
5.8.2 Cache partitioning
A cache may optionally implement cache-partitioning resource controls, such as a cache-portion partitioning
The cache-portion partitioning control (Cache-portion partitioning on page 9-128) was conceived for use on large,
multi-way associative caches, but cache-portion partitioning can be implemented on caches that are not
set-associative. For example, a single entry or group of entries may be a cache portion in a fully-associative cache.
The cache maximum-capacity partitioning control (Cache maximum-capacity partitioning on page 9-129) was
conceived for use on caches that do not support cache-portion partitioning or that have insufficient portions to meet
the needs of the planned use.
5 System Model
5.8 Cache behavior
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Both types of cache partitioning may be used together in a cache memory component. This may be useful, for
example, when the cache has insufficient portions to give adequate control for a planned use.
5.8.3 Resource monitoring
A cache may implement cache-storage usage monitoring (Cache-storage usage monitor on page 10-145). For a
monitored PARTID, the monitor gives the total cache storage used by the PARTID.
5.8.4 Optional cache behaviors
The following cache behaviors are permitted but not required.
Write hits may update the MPAM information of a cache line
On a write hit to cached data that has different request MPAM information than the stored MPAM information
associated with the data, the stored MPAM information is permitted to be updated to the request MPAM
It is possible that a change in the PART_ID of the data (without moving the data) leaves the data in a portion of the
cache that the new PARTID does not have permission to allocate. This can occur if the Cache Portion Bit Map
(CPBM) bit for that portion is not set in the CPBM for the new PARTID. The optional behavior in this subsection
does not change the location within the cache, even if the new partition for the data does not have a CPBM bit that
allows allocation in this portion of the cache. Updating the location within the cache is a second optional behavior
that is covered in the next subsection.
Write hits that update the PARTID of a cache line may move that line to a different
A write hit to cached data is permitted to change the portion of the cache capacity allocated to the data, if (i) the
PARTID of the cache data is updated due to the write hit, and (ii) the portion of capacity where the data currently
resides is not in the new PARTID’s cache portion bitmap.
5 System Model
5.9 Memory-channel controller behavior
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5.9 Memory-channel controller behavior
This section is informative.
A memory-channel controller may implement MPAM features. Some of the features that may be helpful in a
memory-channel controller are:
Memory-bandwidth minimum and maximum partitioning (Memory-bandwidth minimum and maximum
partitioning on page 9-131).
Memory-bandwidth portion partitioning (Memory-bandwidth portion partitioning on page 9-131).
Priority partitioning (internal) (Priority partitioning on page 9-134).
Memory-bandwidth usage monitors (Memory-bandwidth usage monitors on page 10-145).
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Chapter 6
PE Generation of MPAM Information
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page 6-54.
Discovering MPAM on page 6-55.
MPAM System registers on page 6-56.
Instruction, data, translation table walk, and other accesses on page 6-59.
Security on page 6-60.
PARTID virtualization on page 6-61.
MPAM AArch32 interoperability on page 6-66.
Support for nested virtualization on page 6-67.
MPAM errors and default ID generation on page 6-70.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.1 Introduction
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6.1 Introduction
This introduction is informative. Other sections and subsections are normative unless marked as informative.
In a PE, the generation of PARTID, PMG, and MPAM_NS labels for memory-system requests is controlled by
software running at the current EL or higher. The set of MPAM information for:
An application running at EL0 is controlled from EL1.
An OS or guest OS running at EL1 is controlled from EL1 or EL2, according to settings controlled at EL2
and EL3.
A hypervisor or host OS running at EL2 is controlled from EL2 or EL3, according to settings controlled at
A guest hypervisor running at EL1 is controlled from EL1 or EL2, according to settings controlled at EL2
and EL3.
Secure instances of all of the above.
Monitor software running at EL3 is controlled only from EL3.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.2 Discovering MPAM
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6.2 Discovering MPAM
This section is normative.
The presence of MPAM functionality in a PE is indicated by the ID_AA64PFR0_EL1[43:40] field (Table 6-1) being
non-zero. The version of the MPAM Extension architecture is indicated in this field.
If the MPAM Extension is present, MPAMIDR_EL1 specifies implementation properties, such as the largest
PARTID usable and whether the virtualization features are supported.
Table 6-1 MPAM ID_AA64PFR0_EL1[43:40] values
ID_AA64PFR0_EL1[43:40] MPAM Extension architecture version
MPAM Extension not present.
MPAM Extension is present with MPAM extension architecture 1.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.3 MPAM System registers
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6.3 MPAM System registers
This section is normative.
The MPAM PARTIDs are assigned to software by hypervisor and/or kernel software, and a PARTID, PMG, and
MPAM_NS are associated with all memory-system requests originated by the PE.
The MPAMn_ELx System registers contain fields for two PARTIDs and the PMG property for each as shown in
Table 6-2.
The MPAMn_ELx System registers use the register-name syntax shown in Figure 6-1. These registers control
MPAM PARTID and PMG, as shown in Table 6-3 on page 6-57 and Summary of system registers on page 7-74 and
System register descriptions on page 7-75.
Figure 6-1 MPAM System register name syntax
Table 6-2 MPAM System register PARTID and PMG fields
Field Name Description
PARTID_D PARTID used for data requests.
PARTID_I PARTID used for instruction requests.
PMG_D PMG property for PARTID_D.
PMG_I PMG property for PARTID_I.
x: Lowest exception level at which
this register can be accessed.
n: Exception level at which
MPAMn_ELx register is the source
of PARTID and PMG values during
execution at ELx.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.3 MPAM System registers
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Table 6-3 shows the PE MPAM System registers. The table does not include the following System registers:
Table 6-4 on page 6-58 shows the selection of MPAMn_ELx System register for MPAM generation. All of the fields
named are in MPAMHCR_EL2:
Table 6-3 PE MPAM System registers
System register Controlled From
Supplies PARTID and PMG when
Executing In
With the virtualization option and
MPAM0_EL1 PARTIDs can be treated as virtual
and mapped to a physical PARTID with
virtualization option.
Overridden by MPAM1_EL1 when
MPAM0_EL1 may be controlled from only EL3
if MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, from only
1 or from EL1, EL2 or EL3 if
(Guest OS)
Overrides MPAM0_EL1 when
With the virtualization option and
MPAM1_EL1 PARTIDs are treated as virtual
and mapped to a physical PARTID.
MPAM1_EL1 may be controlled only from EL3
if MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, only from
1, or from EL1, EL2 or EL3 if
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1, accesses to
MPAM1_EL1 through the MSR and MRS
instructions are aliased to access MPAM2_EL2
(Hypervisor or host OS)
MPAM2_EL2 is controlled only from EL3 if
MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, or from EL2
or EL3 if MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0.
MPAM3_EL3 is controlled only from EL3.
MPAM1_EL12 EL2 EL1 Alias to MPAM1_EL1 for type 2 hypervisor host
executing with HCR_EL2.E2H == 1.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.3 MPAM System registers
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Table 6-4 Selection of MPAMn_ELx System register for MPAM generation
When current EL is:
Use PARTID and PMG fields
Perform MPAM virtual PARTID
EL0 with GSTAPP_PLK == 0 MPAM0_EL1 If EL0_VPMEN == 1
EL0 with GSTAPP_PLK == 1 MPAM1_EL1 If EL1_VPMEN == 1
EL2 MPAM2_EL2 Never
EL3 MPAM3_EL3 Never
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.4 Instruction, data, translation table walk, and other accesses
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6.4 Instruction, data, translation table walk, and other accesses
When a PE generates a memory-system request for an instruction access, the PARTID_I field of an MPAMn_ELx
register is used, as shown in Table 6-4 on page 6-58. All translation table walk accesses for instructions use the same
PARTID_I field that their instruction accesses use.
When a PE generates a memory-system request for a data access, the PARTID_D field of an MPAMn_ELx register
is used, as shown in Table 6-4 on page 6-58. All translation table walk accesses for data access use the same
PARTID_D field that their data accesses use.
PARTID_D and PARTID_I fields of an MPAMn_ELx register may be set by software to the same or different
PARTIDs. If PARTID_D is used for an access, PMG_D from the same register must also be used. If PARTID_I is
used for an access, PMG_I from the same register must also be used.
6.4.1 Load unprivileged and store unprivileged instructions
When executed at EL1 or at EL2 with EL2 Host (E2H), load unprivileged and store unprivileged instructions
perform an access using permission-checking for an unprivileged access. These instructions do not change the
MPAM labeling of the resulting memory-system requests from the labels that would be generated by other load or
store instructions.
6.4.2 Accesses by enhanced support for nested virtualization
The Armv8.4 [4] enhanced support for nested virtualization turns MRS and MSR instructions to certain EL2
registers from EL1 into accesses to a data structure in EL2 memory. As such, these accesses generate PARTID and
PMG using MPAM2_EL2.PARTID_D and MPAM2_EL2.PMG_D, respectively.
See Support for nested virtualization on page 6-67.
6.4.3 Accesses by statistical profiling extension
The Armv8.2 introduced the Statistical Profiling Extension (SPE). A PE with SPE can be configured to record
statistically sampled events into a profiling buffer in memory. The buffer is accessed through the owning Exception
level's translation regime.
MPAM PARTID, PMG, and MPAM_NS for SPE writes to the profiling buffer must use the SPE’s owning Exception
level MPAM data access values.
For example, if the owning Exception level is EL2, the profiling buffer writes must be performed with
MPAM2_EL2.PARTID_D, MPAM2_EL2.PMG_D, and MPAM_NS reflecting the Security state of the owning
Exception level.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.5 Security
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6.5 Security
MPAM behavior in the PE and in MSCs is affected by the Security state. While the address spaces for Secure and
Non-secure memory-system accesses are distinct, the memory-system resources are potentially shared in an
implementation. For higher security, running Secure software with segregated resources can reduce the chances for
side-channel attacks.
The generation of PARTID and PMG for a memory-system request is exactly the same at a Secure ELx as at a
Non-secure ELx, for the same x. The difference is that requests at a Secure ELx are qualified with MPAM_NS to
indicate Secure or Non-secure PARTID space.
MPAM security behavior in MSCs is covered in Security in MSCs on page 8-118.
6.5.1 Secure PARTID Space
In a PE, generation of Secure and Non-secure PARTIDs are governed by the following Secure MPAM PARTID
space rules, described in PARTID spaces and properties on page 3-30:
Secure PARTIDs are communicated with MPAM_NS == 0.
Non-secure PARTIDs are communicated with MPAM_NS == 1.
MPAM_NS == 0 if the current Security state is Secure.
In Secure execution, the sourcing of PARTID and PMG in a PE are as described in this specification for Non-secure
execution. The PARTID and PMG generation uses MPAMn_ELx to source the labels for the request when executing
at Exception level ELn. Non-secure and Secure PARTID generation is the same, including virtual-to-physical
PARTID translation, if secure EL2 is present and enabled, and the MPAM virtualization feature is present and
enabled for the MPAM0_EL1 or MPAM1_EL1 register used.
See also PARTID virtualization on page 6-61.
6.5.2 Non-secure MPAM PARTID space
Non-secure MPAM PARTIDs are communicated with MPAM_NS == 1.
Non-secure and Secure PARTID generation is the same, including virtual PARTID translation to physical PARTID
if EL2 is present, the MPAM virtualization feature (MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR) is present, and virtual partition
mapping is enabled for the MPAM0_EL1 or MPAM1_EL1 register used.
6.5.3 Indication of Secure MPAM PARTID spaces
Secure MPAM PARTIDs are communicated with MPAM_NS == 0.
MPAM_NS is distinct from the NS signal, which indicates the accessed address space is Non-secure or Secure.
Table 6-5 shows the meaning of combinations of MPAM_NS and NS.
Table 6-5 Combinations of MPAM_NS and NS
MPAM_NS NS Meaning
0 0 Secure. A Secure PARTID (from Secure Execution state) used with access to a secure location.
0 1 Cross-state. A Secure PARTID (from Secure Execution state) used with access to a Non-secure location.
1 0 Non-secure PARTID (from Non-secure Execution state) used with access to Secure location. This is illegal
because the MPAM_NS == 1 implies a Non-secure Execution state, which must never access a location in
the Secure address space.
1 1 Non-secure PARTID (from Non-secure Execution state) used with access to a Non-secure location.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.6 PARTID virtualization
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6.6 PARTID virtualization
This introduction to MPAM virtualization support is informative, but subsections are individually marked as
normative or informative.
The PARTID virtualization features described in this section are only available in a Security state in which all of the
following conditions are met:
EL2 is implemented and enabled in the Security state. See also Unimplemented exception levels on
page 7-113.
MPAM virtualization is supported, as indicated by MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1.
The hardware and software involved in supporting MPAM virtualization includes:
Accesses made from EL1 to the MPAMIDR_EL1 register are trapped to EL2 under control of the
MPAMHCR_EL2.TRAP_MPAMIDR_EL1 bit. This is done so that the hypervisor can emulate an
MPAMIDR_EL1 access and present an altered view of the register to the guest OS running at EL1. This
altered view shows that the PARTID_MAX field is a maximum that is equal to the largest virtual PARTID
that the hypervisor has set up for the guest OS to use.
Guest accesses to MPAM MSC control interfaces page-fault in the stage-2 page tables, thereby trapping to
EL2 so that the virtual PARTID used can be access-controlled and mapped to the correct physical PARTID
by the hypervisor. The hypervisor can give IPA mappings to an MSC’s MPAM feature page that fault at stage
2 to produce this behavior.
Mapping of guest OS-assigned virtual PARTID values into the physical PARTID space when running guest
applications at EL0 and the guest OS at EL1.
Optionally, an invalid virtual PARTID (that is, one in which the valid bit, MPAMVPMV_EL2, is 0) can cause
a default virtual PARTID to be used. See PARTID space on error on page 6-70.
Support for type-2 hypervisors (for example, kvm) with the HCR_EL2.E2H bit set when running the host OS
in EL2 with hypervisor functionality. See Support for type-2 hypervisors on page 6-62.
These functions work together to give a guest OS the ability to control its virtual partitions and not trap to the
hypervisor when context-switching between applications.
6.6.1 MPAM virtual ID spaces
This section is normative.
MPAM virtual ID spaces only exist if the MPAM virtualization option is implemented, as indicated in
Virtual PARTID spaces can be independently enabled for MPAM0_EL1 and MPAM1_EL1 in MPAMHCR_EL2.
See Table 6-4 on page 6-58. These virtual spaces are mapped into physical PARTID spaces by MPAM virtual
PARTID mapping System registers (MPAMVPM0_EL2 through MPAMVPM7_EL2) in PEs. The virtual PARTID
mapping registers are set up from EL2 by the hypervisor.
When PARTID is being virtualized, the virtual PARTID is used to index an array of physical IDs contained in the
virtual PARTID mapping registers. The index is also used to check the valid flag for that virtual PARTID mapping
entry. If the virtual PARTID has a valid mapping, the physical PARTID from the selected virtual PARTID mapping
register is used for the memory-system request.
If the virtual PARTID is greater than (4 * VPMR_MAX) + 3, it is outside of the range of virtual PARTID mapping
register indices. An out-of-range virtual PARTID is permitted to be replaced by any other in-range virtual PARTID,
and this replacement virtual PARTID is used to access the virtual PARTID mapping registers and valid bits. See
Example of virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping on page 6-64.
If the virtual PARTID mapping entry accessed is invalid, the default virtual PARTID is used, if it is valid. If neither
the accessed virtual PARTID mapping entry nor the default virtual PARTID mapping entry is valid, the default
physical PARTID is used for the memory-system request. See Default PARTID on page 3-30.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.6 PARTID virtualization
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6.6.2 Support for type-2 hypervisors
The beginning of this section is normative.
Arm introduced virtual host extensions in Armv8.1 Extensions to better support type-2 hypervisors, such as kvm.
These extensions included the EL2 Host (E2H) bit in the hypervisor control register.
With type-2 hypervisors, the host runs at EL2 and runs host applications at EL0. The host runs guest OSs at EL1
with their applications at EL0. Type-2 hypervisors run with HCR_EL2.E2H == 1. In this case, some MPAM System
register addresses access different MPAM System registers. This allows the host OS to run at EL2 while using the
same System register addresses it would use when running at EL1.
At EL2, accesses to an associated EL2 register using the normal (op1=4) encoding need explicit synchronization to
be ordered with respect to accesses to the same register using this new mechanism.
In this configuration, the following aliases for the same set of EL1 registers are introduced for access at EL2 or EL3
(these registers are UNDEFINED at EL1 and EL0). A different register name is used to access the registers. When
at EL3, accesses to the EL1 register using the normal (op1=0) value need explicit synchronization to be ordered
with respect to accesses to the same register using this new mechanism.
The remainder of this section is informative. It describes how a type-2 hypervisor (host OS) might use the MPAM
MPAM1_EL12 is accessed by the host OS running at EL2 and is an alias for MPAM1_EL1. This register
controls the MPAM PARTIDs and PMGs used when running a guest at EL1.
MPAM1_EL1 is accessed by the host OS running at EL2 and is an alias for MPAM2_EL2. This register
controls the host’s access to its own MPAM controls.
MPAM0_EL1 is accessed by the host OS running at EL2. This permits the host OS to control the MPAM
PARTIDs and PMGs used by its applications. E2H does not alter this access. When running host applications
at EL0, the host also sets HCR_EL2_TGE == 1 to route exceptions in the EL0 application to the host in EL2
rather than EL1.
MPAMHCR_EL2 access is used by the host at EL2 to control the enables for virtual PARTID mapping and
the trapping of MPAMIDR_EL1. E2H does not alter this access.
MPAMVPMV_EL2 is used by the host at EL2 to control the validity of virtual PARTID mapping entries used
to virtualize the guest’s PARTIDs. E2H does not alter this access.
MPAMVPMn_EL2 registers are used by the host at EL2 to contain the virtual PARTID mapping entries.
These are set by the hypervisor at EL2 and used when running the guest OS and its applications. E2H does
not alter this access.
The use of MPAM System registers by a guest OS is not altered by E2H:
MPAM0_EL1 is accessed from EL1. This permits a guest OS to control the MPAM PARTIDs and PMGs used
by its applications. E2H does not alter this access.
Table 6-6 MPAM1_EL1 register accessed at EL2
System register accessing instruction Named register
Associated register
accessed at EL2
op1=0, CRn=10, CRm=5, op2=0 MPAM1_EL1 MPAM2_EL2
Table 6-7 MPAM1_EL12 register accessed at EL2
System register accessing instruction Named register
Associated register
accessed at EL2
op1=5, CRn=10, CRm=5, op2=0 MPAM1_EL12 MPAM1_EL1
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.6 PARTID virtualization
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MPAM1_EL1 is accessed by the guest OS running at EL1 to change MPAM context for the guest OS running
at EL1, unless trapped to EL2 by MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM1EL1 == 1, or trapped to EL3 by
MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1. E2H does not alter this access.
6.6.3 Mapping of guest OS virtual PARTIDs
This section is informative. It describes how software might use MPAM hardware.
When virtualizing MPAM, the hypervisor controls the use of PARTIDs by guest OSs. The hypervisor can:
Set the number of virtual PARTIDs that a guest OS is permitted to assign and use. This number is
communicated by trapping access by the guest to MPAMIDR_EL1.
Permit the guest OS to use virtual PARTIDs for applications running at EL0 and to change them by writing
to MPAM0_EL1.
Permit the guest OS to also use virtual PARTIDs when running at EL1 and to change them by writing to
Map each of the guest’s virtual PARTIDs from the range of 0 to the maximum guest PARTID into a physical
PARTID for the current Security state. It does this by means of the MPAMVPMn virtual PARTID mapping
registers that are managed by the hypervisor.
PMGs modify PARTID and do not need any further virtualization support.
Virtualized guests are limited to using PARTIDs in the range of 0 to n, where n is the implemented virtual PARTID
mapping entries. The parameters are:
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX has the number of virtual PARTID mapping registers implemented. Each
virtual PARTID mapping register contains four mapping entries.
The largest virtual PARTID is n = (4 * VPMR_MAX) + 3.
If VPMR_MAX == 0, there is only one virtual PARTID mapping register, 4 virtual PARTID mapping entries, and
the maximum corresponding virtual PARTID is 3.
The following registers and fields are used to control virtualization:
MPAMHCR_EL2 control fields:
EL0_VPMEN: Enable virtual PARTID mapping from MPAM0_EL1 when executing an application at EL0.
EL1_VPMEN: Enable virtual PARTID mapping from MPAM1_EL1 when executing a guest OS at EL1.
MPAMVPM0_EL2 to MPAMVPM7_EL2 registers:
Each register has four 16-bit fields. Each field contains a physical PARTID.
Together they form a virtual PARTID mapping vector that maps the virtual PARTIDs into the physical
PARTID space.
Within each physical PARTID field, only sufficient low-order bits are required to represent the
MPAMIDR_EL1.PARTID_MAX. Higher-order bits may be implemented as RAZ/WI.
MPAMVPMV_EL2 register:
MPAMVPMV_EL2 contains 4*(m+1) valid bits, indexed from 0 to (4*m + 3), one bit for each of the
implemented virtual PARTIDs supported in the MPAMVPMn_EL2 registers, where m =
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX and n ranges from 0 to n.
There can be up to 32 virtual-to-physical PARTID mappings. If a virtual PARTID is greater than the
maximum index supported, an in-range virtual PARTID is permitted to be accessed instead (MPAM AArch32
interoperability on page 6-66).
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.6 PARTID virtualization
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Example of virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping
This section is informative.
If the current execution level is EL1:
If EL1_VPMEN == 0, then virtualization is disabled at EL1, and MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_D and
MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_I are physical PARTIDs.
If EL1_VPMEN == 1, then virtualization is enabled at EL1 and MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_D and
MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_I are virtual PARTIDs that are to be mapped to physical PARTIDs.
Assume MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 0b010. That means the largest virtual PARTID is 4*2+3 = 11.
Therefore, 12 virtual PARTIDs, from 0 to 11, can be mapped to physical PARTIDs.
Assume MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_D contains 6:
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V<6> is checked to determine if the mapping for virtual PARTID 6 is
valid. MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V<6> == 1 means virtual PARTID 6 is valid.
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V<6> == 0 means virtual PARTID 6 is invalid.
If a valid mapping exists (VPM_V<6> == 1), the physical PARTID is in
If a valid mapping does not exist (VPM_V<6> == 0), the mapping for the default virtual PARTID is
If a valid mapping does not exist for the default virtual PARTID, the default physical PARTID is used.
For out-of-range virtual PARTIDs, an implementation can choose any other virtual PARTID to use instead.
This permits truncation of inputs that have too many bits. It also permits other reductions to in-range
PARTIDs. For example, if VPMR_MAX is 2, the virtual PARTID 13 is out of range. In this example, an
implementation might save time by forcing the 8s bit (bit number 4) to 0 when both the 8s bit and 4s bit (bit
number 3) are 1 in the virtual PARTID. This technique selects virtual PARTID mapping entry 5 instead of
out-of-range 13. The technique is sometimes called “replacement virtual PARTID”. One must still do the
steps of bullet 3, above, on the replacement virtual PARTID.
6.6.4 Guest OS and all its applications under single PARTID
This section is normative.
GSTAPP_PLK is a control bit in MPAMHCR_EL2. The bit causes MPAM1_EL1 to be used instead of
MPAM0_EL1 when executing at EL0. This GSTAPP_PLK function runs all EL0 applications of a VM in the same
partition as the EL1 guest OS.
When GSTAPP_PLK is active, MPAM0_EL1 is not used for PARTID or PMG generation. If virtual PARTID
mapping is enabled for EL1, the EL1 PARTID_I or PARTID_D is mapped to a physical PARTID before being used
for requests originating from applications at EL0, as well as for the guest OS at EL1.
The guest OS at EL1 cannot determine whether GSTAPP_PLK is active or not. EL1 access to read and write
MPAM0_EL1 is not affected by GSTAPP_PLK == 1.
6.6.5 Trap accesses to EL2 and EL1 System registers
The available traps include those that:
Virtualize MPAMIDR_EL1.
Control access by EL1 to MPAM1_EL1 and MPAM0_EL1.
Control access by EL3 to MPAM registers from lower ELs.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.6 PARTID virtualization
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Virtualizing MPAMIDR_EL1
EL2 software can force accesses to MPAMIDR_EL1 to trap to EL2 by setting
MPAMHCR_EL2.TRAP_MPAMIDR_EL1 == 1. By trapping MPAMIDR_EL1, an EL2 hypervisor can provide an
emulated value for MPAMIDR_EL1 to the EL1 software.
Trapping accesses to MPAM2_EL2
Accesses to MPAM2_EL2 from EL2 are trapped to EL3 when MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1.
Controlling accesses to MPAM1_EL1
EL2 software can control whether EL1 software can access MPAM1_EL1. Accesses to MPAM1_EL1 from EL1 are
trapped to EL2 when MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM1EL1 == 1.
MPAM1_EL12 is an alias for MPAM1_EL1 accessed from EL2. It is therefore not subject to traps from
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1, MPAM1_EL1 is an alias for MPAM2_EL2 accessed from EL2. It is therefore not
subject to traps from MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM1EL1.
Controlling accesses to MPAM0_EL1
EL2 software can control whether EL1 software can access MPAM0_EL1. Accesses to MPAM0_EL1 from EL1 are
trapped to EL2 when MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM0EL1 == 1.
Trapping all MPAM registers
When EL2 or EL1 software does not context switch MPAM state, such as when the software does not support
MPAM at all, the MPAM System registers might be used to pass information between virtual machines or
EL3 software can trap accesses to MPAM registers from lower Exception levels to EL3 by setting
TRAPLOWER protects against misuse of the MPAM state registers when EL2 software is does not support MPAM
context switching.
If EL2 software is present and supports MPAM but EL1 software does not, MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM1EL1 and
TRAPMPAM0EL1 protect against misuse by an unaware guest while permitting EL2 to set up an MPAM
environment for that guest.
If there is no EL2 or no EL2 software, TRAPLOWER can prevent misuse of MPAM registers by EL1 software.
MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER traps have priority over all traps controlled by MPAM2_EL2 and MPAMHCR_EL2.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.7 MPAM AArch32 interoperability
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6.7 MPAM AArch32 interoperability
This section is normative.
MPAM does not support AArch32. MPAM System registers are not accessible from AArch32. If a lower EL uses
AArch32, its MPAM PARTIDs and PMGs are controlled by a higher level that uses AArch64.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.8 Support for nested virtualization
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6.8 Support for nested virtualization
This section is normative.
Armv8.3 Extensions added architectural support for nested virtualization, and Armv8.4 Extensions added
enhancements to the nested virtualization support. This section describes the support of MPAM with these
6.8.1 Nested virtualization extension
Armv8.3 Extensions added support for nested virtualization. This subsection only applies if Armv8.3 nested
virtualization extension is implemented.
Table 6-8 lists the System registers that are trapped from EL1 to EL2 rather than being UNDEFINED when
HCR_EL2.NV == 1, and HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, and MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0.
When HCR_EL2.NV == 1, and HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, and MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, access to any of the
listed MPAM System registers from EL1 traps to EL3.
There are no other changes to the v8.3 nested virtualization extension to support the MPAM Extension.
6.8.2 Enhanced nested virtualization extension
Armv8.4 Extensions introduced an enhancement for nested virtualization. This enhancement transforms direct reads
or writes (the terms “direct reads” and “direct writes” are defined in the Arm ARM) of several registers (that is, the
target System register names in an MRS or MSR instruction) from EL1 to loads or stores, respectively, in the same
Security state.
The remainder of this section applies only if both Armv8.3 nested virtualization extension and Armv8.4 enhanced
nested virtualization extension are implemented.
If HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, MSR or MRS instructions do not cause reads or writes to occur to the memory, and the
behavior of the HCR_EL2.NV and HCR_EL2.NV1 bits is as described in the Armv8.3 architecture.
Table 6-8 Registers trapped from EL1 to EL2 when HCR_EL2.NV == 1
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.8 Support for nested virtualization
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If HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1:
If HCR_EL2.NV == 1 and HCR_EL2.NV1 ==0 for a Security state, direct reads or writes of any of the
following MPAM register names (that is, the target System register names in the MRS or MSR instruction)
from EL1 in the same Security state to be treated as loads or stores respectively. The memory address access
is VNCR_EL2.BADDR<<12 + Offset from Table 6-9 as described in Armv8.4 Extensions.
If HCR_EL2.NV == 1 and HCR_EL2.NV1 == 1 for a Security state, direct reads or writes of any of the
registers in Table 6-10 (that is, the target System register names in an MRS or MSR instruction) from EL1 in
the same Security state are treated as loads or stores, respectively, in the same Security state. The memory
address access is VNCR_EL2.BADDR<<12 + Offset from Table 6-8 on page 6-67 as described in Armv8.4
When HCR_EL2.NV == 1 and HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1, MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER is overridden for those
registers listed in Table 6-9 if HCR_EL2.NV1 == 0 or in Table 6-10 if HCR_EL2.NV1 == 1. When HCR_EL2.NV
== 1 and HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1, MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 does not cause an access from EL1 to an MPAM
System register in the tables to be trapped to EL3, but that access is converted to a memory read or write as described
in this subsection.
Table 6-9 Enhanced nested virtualization offsets of System registers (NV2 == 1, NV1 == 0, and NV
Register Name Offset
Table 6-10 Enhanced nested virtualization offsets of System registers (NV2 == 1, NV1 == 1 and NV
== 1)
Register Name Offset
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.8 Support for nested virtualization
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6.8.3 MPAM PARTID and PMG for enhanced nested virtualization loads and stores
For Armv8.4 enhanced nested virtualization support, when HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 and HCR_EL2.NV == 1, MRS or
MSR instructions to any System register that are converted to loads or stores must be performed with the MPAM
PARTID_D and PMG_D from MPAM2_EL2.
6 PE Generation of MPAM Information
6.9 MPAM errors and default ID generation
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6.9 MPAM errors and default ID generation
MPAM errors are detected when a memory request is generated by a load, store, fetch, or table-walk with the
following conditions:
Physical or virtual PARTID or PMG is out of range.
Virtual PARTID n is invalid, as indicated by MPAMVPMV_EL2<n>.
In a given implementation, some errors may never occur. For example, an implementation with only w bits of
PARTID and MPAMIDR.PARTID_MAX as (2w – 1), and that truncates PARTID values with non-zero bits higher
than w – 1, can never have a physical PARTID out-of-range error. See Default PARTID on page 3-30.
6.9.1 Out-of-range PARTID behavior
The behavior of a PE when a physical or virtual PARTID from PARTID_I or PARTID_D of an MPAMn_ELx
register is out of range is CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE as one of:
The out-of-range PARTID is replaced by the default PARTID in the same PARTID space.
The out-of-range PARTID is replaced by any in-range PARTID in the same PARTID space.
6.9.2 Out-of-range PMG behavior
The behavior of a PE when an MPAMn_ELx registers PMG_I or PMG_D is out-of-range CONSTRAINED
The out-of-range PMG is replaced by the default PMG.
The out-of-range PMG is replaced by any in-range PMG.
6.9.3 Invalid virtual PARTID behavior
The behavior of a PE, when (i) a PARTID_I or PARTID_D from an MPAMn_ELx register (or a replacement
PARTI D as in Out-of-range PARTID behavior) is used as a virtual PARTID n, and (ii) the corresponding bit
MPAM_VMPV_EL2<n> == 0, the default virtual PARTID must be used if it is valid (MPAM_VPMV_EL2<0> ==
1). If neither the accessed virtual PARTID mapping entry nor the default virtual PARTID mapping entry is valid, the
default physical PARTID must be used for the memory-system request. See Default PARTID on page 3-30.
6.9.4 PARTID space on error
When an error is encountered in the generation of PARTID, the replacement PARTID is generated in the PARTID
space as shown in Table 6-11.
Table 6-11 PARTID space for PARTID generation errors
Error Space of replacement PARTID
NS virtual PARTID out of range NS virtual PARTID
NS virtual PARTID mapping entry invalid NS virtual PARTID
NS default virtual PARTID is invalid NS physical PARTID
S virtual PARTID out of range S virtual PARTID
S virtual PARTID mapping entry invalid S virtual PARTID
NS physical PARTID out of range NS physical PARTID
S physical PARTID out of range S virtual PARTID
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Chapter 7
System Registers
This chapter contains the following sections:
Overview on page 7-72.
Synchronization of system register changes on page 7-73.
Summary of system registers on page 7-74.
System register descriptions on page 7-75.
MPAM enable on page 7-110.
Lower-EL MPAM register access trapping on page 7-111.
Reset on page 7-112.
Unimplemented exception levels on page 7-113.
7 System Registers
7.1 Overview
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7.1 Overview
System registers are implemented in PEs and accessed using the Move System Register to General-Purpose Register
(MRS) and Move General-Purpose Register To System Register (MSR) instructions.
7 System Registers
7.2 Synchronization of system register changes
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7.2 Synchronization of system register changes
Direct writes to system registers are only guaranteed to be visible to indirect reads (such as using the MPAM system
registers to generate MPAM information for memory requests) after a Context synchronization event, as described
in the ARM Architecture Reference Manual for ARMv8-A [1].
MPAM system register writes must be visible for generation of MPAM information in new memory requests after
a Context synchronization event.
When MPAM system registers are set at one EL and used for generation of MPAM information at another EL, the
change of EL is a Context synchronization event that makes the previous direct writes to MPAM registers visible
for generating MPAM information.
If an MPAM register is updated at the same EL at which it is used for generation of MPAM information on
memory-system requests, software must ensure that a Context synchronization event, such as an Instruction
Synchronization Barrier (ISB), is executed after the direct write to the MPAM system register and before the
changed system register value is certain to be used for labeling memory-system requests.
The ARM Architecture Reference Manual for ARMv8-A [1] requires that a direct write to a system register must
not affect instructions before the direct system-register write in program order.
If system registers are used for configuration of memory-system controls that are implemented in the PE, a Data
Synchronization Barrier (DSB) must ensure that the prior memory accesses are completed before the update. No
such system registers are defined herein. Additional requirements will be described if and when such requirements
are added.
When MPAM system registers are updated, TLB maintenance is not required. Only a Context synchronization event
is required before the updated value is guaranteed to be used for memory requests. Thus, MPAM information is not
permitted to be cached in a TLB and used in lieu of using system registers for the generation of MPAM information.
7 System Registers
7.3 Summary of system registers
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7.3 Summary of system registers
In a PE, the MPAM system registers shown in Table 7-1 control the generation of PARTID and PMG by the PE,
according to the EL and configuration of MPAM. See Discovering MPAM on page 6-55.
Table 7-1 Summary of system registers
op1 CRn CRm op2 System register Description
0 10 5 1 MPAM0_EL1 MPAM context for EL0 execution.
0 10 5 0 MPAM1_EL1 MPAM context for EL1 execution.
4 10 5 0 MPAM2_EL2 MPAM context for EL2 execution.
6 10 5 0 MPAM3_EL3 MPAM context for EL3 execution.
5 10 5 0 MPAM1_EL12 MPAM context for EL1 execution on type-2
4 10 4 0 MPAMHCR_EL2 Hypervisor configuration register for
virtualization of PARTID in EL0.
4 10 4 1 MPAMVPMV_EL2 Virtual PARTID map valid bits.
4 10 6 7:0 MPAMVPM0_EL2
Virtual PARTID mapping for virtualization.
0 10 4 4 MPAMIDR_EL1 MPAM identification register.
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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7.4 System register descriptions
This section lists the MPAM System registers in AArch64.
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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7.4.1 MPAM0_EL1, MPAM0 Register (EL1)
The MPAM0_EL1 characteristics are:
Holds information to generate MPAM labels for memory requests when executing at EL0. When
EL2 is present and enabled, the MPAM virtualization option is present,
MPAMHCR_EL2.GSTAPP_PLK == 1 and HCR_EL2.TGE == 0, MPAM1_EL1 is used instead of
MPAM0_EL1 to generate MPAM information to label memory requests.
If EL2 is is present and enabled, the MPAM virtualization option is present and
MPAMHCR_EL2.EL0_VPMEN == 1, MPAM PARTIDs in MPAM0_EL1 are virtual and mapped
into physical PARTIDs for the current Security state.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MPAM0_EL1 are
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAM0_EL1 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAM0_EL1 bit assignments are:
Bits [63:48]
PMG_D, bits [47:40]
Performance monitoring group property for PARTID_D.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PMG_I, bits [39:32]
Performance monitoring group property for PARTID_I.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PARTID_D, bits [31:16]
Partition ID for data accesses, including load and store accesses, made from EL0.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PARTID_I, bits [15:0]
Partition ID for instruction accesses made from EL0.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
Accessing the MPAM0_EL1
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
63 48
47 40
39 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM0EL1 == 1, then accesses at EL1 are trapped
to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 000 001 0101
SCR_EL3.NS == 0 && SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0 - RW n/a RW
HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) - RW RW RW
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) - n/a RW RW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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7.4.2 MPAM1_EL1, MPAM1 Register (EL1)
The MPAM1_EL1 characteristics are:
MPAM1_EL1 holds information to generate MPAM labels for memory requests when executing at
When EL2 is present and enabled, the MPAM virtualization option is present,
MPAMHCR_EL2.GSTAPP_PLK == 1 and HCR_EL2.TGE == 0, MPAM1_EL1 is used instead of
MPAM0_EL1 to generate MPAM labels for memory requests when executing at EL0.
MPAM1_EL1 is an alias for MPAM2_EL2 when executing at EL2 with HCR_EL2.E2H == 1.
MPAM1_EL12 is an alias for MPAM1_EL1 when executing at EL2 or EL3 with HCR_EL2.E2H
== 1.
If EL2 is is present and enabled, the MPAM virtualization option is present and
MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN == 1, MPAM PARTIDs in MPAM1_EL1 are virtual and mapped
into physical PARTIDs for the current Security state. This mapping of MPAM1_EL1 virtual
PARTIDs to physical PARTIDs when EL1_VPMEN is 1 also applies when MPAM1_EL1 is used at
AArch64 System register MPAM1_EL1[63] is architecturally mapped to AArch64 System register
MPAM3_EL3[63] when when IsExceptionLevelImplemented(EL3).
AArch64 System register MPAM1_EL1[63] is architecturally mapped to AArch64 System register
MPAM2_EL2[63] when when !IsExceptionLevelImplemented(EL3) and
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MPAM1_EL1 are
Some or all RW fields of this register have defined reset values. These apply only if the PE resets
into an Exception level that is using AArch64. Otherwise, RW fields in this register reset to
UNKNOWN values.
MPAM1_EL1 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAM1_EL1 bit assignments are:
MPAMEN, bit [63]
MPAM Enable: MPAM is enabled when MPAMEN == 1. When disabled, all PARTIDs and PMGs
are output as their default value in the corresponding ID space.
Values of this field are:
The default PARTID and default PMG are output in MPAM information.
MPAM information is output based on the MPAMn_ELx register for ELn according the
MPAM configuration.
If neither EL3 nor EL2 is implemented, this field is read/write.
62 48
47 40
39 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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If EL3 is implemented, this field is read-only and reads the current value of the read/write bit
If EL3 is not implemented and EL2 is implemented, this field is read-only and reads the current
value of the read/write bit MPAM2_EL2.MPAMEN.
This field resets to
Accessing this field has the following behavior:
When !IsExceptionLevelImplemented(EL3) and !IsExceptionLevelImplemented(EL2),
access to this field is RW.
Otherwise, access to this field is RO.
Bits [62:48]
PMG_D, bits [47:40]
Performance monitoring group property for PARTID_D.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PMG_I, bits [39:32]
Performance monitoring group property for PARTID_I.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PARTID_D, bits [31:16]
Partition ID for data accesses, including load and store accesses, made from EL1.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PARTID_I, bits [15:0]
Partition ID for instruction accesses made from EL1.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
Accessing the MPAM1_EL1
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 000 000 0101
1010 11 101 000 0101
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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The register is accessible as follows:
<systemreg> Configuration
MPAM1_EL1 (HCR_EL2.NV == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV1 == 0 ||
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0
&& SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
-RW n/a RW
MPAM1_EL1 HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV1 == 1
&& HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS ==
0 && SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
<< 12 + 0x900]
n/a RW
MPAM1_EL1 (HCR_EL2.NV == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV1 == 0 ||
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS ==
1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
MPAM1_EL1 HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV1 == 1
&& HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE
== 0 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 &&
(SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
<< 12 + 0x900]
MPAM1_EL1 HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
- n/a RW RW
MPAM1_EL1 (HCR_EL2.NV == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV1 == 0 ||
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS ==
1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
MPAM1_EL1 HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV1 == 1
&& HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE
== 0 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 &&
(SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
<< 12 + 0x900]
MPAM1_EL1 HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
- n/a MPAM2_EL2 RW
MPAM1_EL12 (HCR_EL2.NV == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV1 == 1 ||
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0
&& SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
-- n/a -
MPAM1_EL12 HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV1 == 0
&& HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS ==
0 && SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
<< 12 + 0x900]
n/a -
MPAM1_EL12 (HCR_EL2.NV == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV1 == 1 ||
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS ==
1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-- - -
MPAM1_EL12 HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV1 == 0
&& HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE
== 0 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 &&
(SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
<< 12 + 0x900]
MPAM1_EL12 HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a - -
7 System Registers
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When HCR_EL2.E2H is 1, without explicit synchronization, accesses from EL3 using the mnemonic MPAM1_EL1
or MPAM1_EL12 are not guaranteed to be ordered with respect to accesses using the other mnemonic.
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && (HCR_EL2.NV == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0), then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM1EL1 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM1EL1 == 0 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 &&
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
MPAM1_EL12 (HCR_EL2.NV == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV1 == 1 ||
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS ==
1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
- - RW RW
MPAM1_EL12 HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV1 == 0
&& HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE
== 0 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 &&
(SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
<< 12 + 0x900]
MPAM1_EL12 HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
- n/a RW RW
<systemreg> Configuration
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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7.4.3 MPAM2_EL2, MPAM2 Register (EL2)
The MPAM2_EL2 characteristics are:
Holds information to generate MPAM labels for memory requests when executing at EL2.
AArch64 System register MPAM2_EL2[63:63] is architecturally mapped to AArch64 System
register MPAM3_EL3[63:63] when when IsExceptionLevelImplemented(EL3).
AArch64 System register MPAM2_EL2[63:63] is architecturally mapped to AArch64 System
register MPAM1_EL1[63:63].
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MPAM2_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
Some or all RW fields of this register have defined reset values. These apply only if the PE resets
into an Exception level that is using AArch64. Otherwise, RW fields in this register reset to
UNKNOWN values.
MPAM2_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAM2_EL2 bit assignments are:
MPAMEN, bit [63]
MPAM Enable: MPAM is enabled when MPAMEN == 1. When disabled, all PARTIDs and PMGs
are output as their default value in the corresponding ID space.
Values of this field are:
The default PARTID and default PMG are output in MPAM information from all ELx.
MPAM information is output based on the MPAMn_ELx register for ELn according the
MPAM configuration.
If EL3 is not implemented, this field is read/write.
If EL3 is implemented, this field is read-only and reads the current value of the read/write
This field resets to
Accessing this field has the following behavior:
When !IsExceptionLevelImplemented(EL3), access to this field is RW.
Otherwise, access to this field is RO.
Bits [62:50]
62 50
49 48
47 40
39 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
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TRAPMPAM0EL1, bit [49]
TRAPMPAM0EL1: Trap accesses from EL1 to the MPAM0_EL1 register trap to EL2.
Accesses to MPAM0_EL1 from EL1 are not trapped.
Accesses to MPAM0_EL1 from EL1 are trapped to EL2.
When EL3 is not implemented, this field is reset to 1. When EL3 is implemented, this field resets
TRAPMPAM1EL1, bit [48]
TRAPMPAM1EL1: Trap accesses from EL1 to the MPAM1_EL1 register trap to EL2.
Accesses to MPAM1_EL1 from EL1 are not trapped.
Accesses to MPAM1_EL1 from EL1 are trapped to EL2.
When EL3 is not implemented, this field is reset to 1. When EL3 is implemented, this field is resets
PMG_D, bits [47:40]
Performance monitoring group for data accesses.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PMG_I, bits [39:32]
Performance monitoring group for instruction accesses.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PARTID_D, bits [31:16]
Partition ID for data accesses, including load and store accesses, made from EL2.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PARTID_I, bits [15:0]
Partition ID for instruction accesses made from EL2.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
Accessing the MPAM2_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 000 0101
1010 11 000 000 0101
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> Configuration
MPAM2_EL2 SCR_EL3.NS == 0 && SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0 - - n/a RW
MPAM2_EL2 HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-- RW RW
MPAM2_EL2 HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RW RW
MPAM2_EL2 HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-- RW RW
MPAM2_EL2 HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RW RW
MPAM1_EL1 SCR_EL3.NS == 0 && SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0 - MPAM1_EL1 n/a MPAM1_EL1
MPAM1_EL1 HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
MPAM1_EL1 HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
- n/a MPAM1_EL1 MPAM1_EL1
MPAM1_EL1 HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
MPAM1_EL1 HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1
&& (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
- n/a RW MPAM1_EL1
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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7.4.4 MPAM3_EL3, MPAM3 Register (EL3)
The MPAM3_EL3 characteristics are:
Holds information to generate MPAM labels for memory requests when executing at EL3.
AArch64 System register MPAM3_EL3[63:63] is architecturally mapped to AArch64 System
register MPAM2_EL2[63:63] when when IsExceptionLevelImplemented(EL2).
AArch64 System register MPAM3_EL3[63:63] is architecturally mapped to AArch64 System
register MPAM1_EL1[63:63].
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MPAM3_EL3 are
Some or all RW fields of this register have defined reset values. These apply only if the PE resets
into an Exception level that is using AArch64. Otherwise, RW fields in this register reset to
UNKNOWN values.
MPAM3_EL3 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAM3_EL3 bit assignments are:
MPAMEN, bit [63]
MPAM Enable: MPAM is enabled when MPAMEN == 1. When disabled, all PARTIDs and PMGs
are output as their default value in the corresponding ID space.
Values of this field are:
The default PARTID and default PMG are output in MPAM information when
executing at any ELn.
MPAM information is output based on the MPAMn_ELx register for ELn according the
MPAM configuration.
This field is always read/write in MPAM3_EL3.
This field resets to
TRAPLOWER, bit [62]
Trap direct accesses to any MPAM system registers that are not
UNDEFINED from all ELn lower than
Do not force trapping of direct accesses of MPAM system registers to EL3.
Force all direct accesses of MPAM system registers to trap to EL3.
On a Cold reset, this field resets to
Bits [61:48]
63 62
61 48
47 40
39 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
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PMG_D, bits [47:40]
Performance monitoring group for data accesses.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PMG_I, bits [39:32]
Performance monitoring group for instruction accesses.
PARTID_D, bits [31:16]
Partition ID for data accesses, including load and store accesses, made from EL3.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PARTID_I, bits [15:0]
Partition ID for instruction accesses made from EL3.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
Accessing the MPAM3_EL3
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
<systemreg> op0 CRn op1 op2 CRm
11 1010 110 000 0101
SCR_EL3.NS == 0 && SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0 - - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) - - - RW
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) - n/a - RW
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
7.4.5 MPAMHCR_EL2, MPAM Hypervisor Control Register (EL2)
The MPAMHCR_EL2 characteristics are:
MPAMHCR_EL2 controls the PARTID virtualization features of MPAM. It controls the mapping
of virtual PARTIDs into physical PARTIDs in MPAM0_EL1 when EL0_VPMEN == 1 and in
MPAM1_EL1 when EL1_VPMEN == 1.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented and MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1.
Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMHCR_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
Some or all RW fields of this register have defined reset values. These apply only if the PE resets
into an Exception level that is using AArch64. Otherwise, RW fields in this register reset to
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMHCR_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMHCR_EL2 bit assignments are:
Bits [63:32]
TRAP_MPAMIDR_EL1, bit [31]
Trap accesses from EL1 to MPAMIDR_EL1 to EL2.
EL1 accesses to MPAMIDR_EL1 return its value and do not trap to EL2.
EL1 accesses to MPAMIDR_EL1 trap to EL2.
When EL3 is not implemented, this field is reset to 1. When EL3 is implemented, this field resets
Bits [30:9]
GSTAPP_PLK, bit [8]
Make the PARTIDs at EL0 the same as the PARTIDs at EL1. When executing at EL0, EL2 is
enabled, HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 and GSTAPP_PLK = 1, MPAM1_EL1 is used instead of
MPAM0_EL1 to generate MPAM labels for memory requests.
MPAM0_EL1 is used to generate MPAM labels when executing at EL0.
MPAM1_EL1 is used to generate MPAM labels when executing at EL0 with EL2
enabled and HCR_EL2.TGE == 0. Otherwise MPAM0_EL1 is used.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
63 32
30 9
1 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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Non-Confidential ID103018
Bits [7:2]
EL1_VPMEN, bit [1]
Enable the virtual PARTID mapping of the PARTID fields in MPAM1_EL1. This bit also enables
virtual PARTID mapping when MPAM1_EL1 is used to generate MPAM labels for memory
requests at EL0 due to GSTAPP_PLK == 1.
MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_I and MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_D are physical PARTIDs that
are used to label memory system requests.
MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_I and MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_D are virtual PARTIDs that are
used to index the PhyPARTID fields of MPAMVPM0_EL2 to MPAMVPM7_EL2
registers to map the virtual PARTID into a physical PARTID to label memory system
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
EL0_VPMEN, bit [0]
Enable the virtual PARTID mapping of the PARTID fields of MPAM0_EL1.
MPAM0_EL1.PARTID_I and MPAM0_EL1.PARTID_D are physical PARTIDs that
are used to label memory system requests.
MPAM0_EL1.PARTID_I and MPAM0_EL1.PARTID_D are virtual PARTIDs that are
used to index the PhyPARTID fields of MPAMVPM0_EL2 to MPAMVPM7_EL2
registers to map the virtual PARTID into a physical PARTID to label memory system
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
Accessing the MPAMHCR_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 000 0100
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x930]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x930]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x930]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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Non-Confidential ID103018
7.4.6 MPAMIDR_EL1, MPAM ID Register (EL1)
The MPAMIDR_EL1 characteristics are:
MPAMIDR_EL1 indicates the presence and maximum PARTID and PMG values supported in the
implementation. It also indicates whether the implementation supports MPAM virtualization.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented. Otherwise, direct accesses to
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMIDR_EL1 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMIDR_EL1 bit assignments are:
MPAMIDR_EL1 indicates the MPAM implementation parameters of the PE.
Bits [63:40]
PMG_MAX, bits [39:32]
The largest value of PMG that the implementation can generate. The PMG_I and PMG_D fields of
every MPAMn_ELx must implement at least enough bits to represent PMG_MAX.
Bits [31:21]
VPMR_MAX, bits [20:18]
If HAS_HCR == 0, VPMR_MAX must be
. Otherwise, it indicates the maximum register
index n for the MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 registers.
HAS_HCR, bit [17]
HAS_HCR indicates that the PE implementation supports MPAM virtualization, including
MPAMHCR_EL2, MPAMVPMV_EL2 and MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 with n in the range 0 to
VPMR_MAX. Must be 0 if EL2 is not implemented in either security state.
MPAM virtualization is not supported.
MPAM virtualization is supported.
Bit [16]
63 40
39 32
31 21
20 18 17 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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PARTID_MAX, bits [15:0]
The largest value of PMG that the implementation can generate. The PARTED_I and PARTID_D
fields of every MPAMn_ELx must implement at least enough bits to represent PARTID_MAX.
Accessing the MPAMIDR_EL1
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then read accesses at EL2 or EL1 are trapped to EL3.
MPAMHCR_EL2.TRAP_MPAMIDR_EL1 == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
&& IsUsingAArch64(EL2), then read accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 000 100 0100
SCR_EL3.NS == 0 && SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0 - RO n/a RO
HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) - RO RO RO
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) - n/a RO RO
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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Non-Confidential ID103018
7.4.7 MPAMVPM0_EL2, MPAM Virtual PARTID Mapping Register 0
The MPAMVPM0_EL2 characteristics are:
MPAMVPM0_EL2 provides mappings from virtual PARTIDs 0 - 3 to physical PARTIDs.
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX field gives the index of the highest implemented
MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 register. VPMR_MAX can be as large as 7 (8 registers) or 32 virtual
PARTIDs. If MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 0, there is only a single MPAMVPM<n>_EL2
register, MPAMVPM0_EL2.
Virtual PARTID mapping is enabled by MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN for PARTIDs in
A virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping entry, PhyPARTID<n>, is only valid when the
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V bit in bit position n is set to 1.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented and MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1.
Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMVPM0_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMVPM0_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMVPM0_EL2 bit assignments are:
PhyPARTID3, bits [63:48]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 3. PhyPARTID3 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 3 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID2, bits [47:32]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 2. PhyPARTID2 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 2 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID1, bits [31:16]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 1. PhyPARTID1 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 1 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID0, bits [15:0]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 0. PhyPARTID0 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 0 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
63 48
47 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMVPM0_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 000 0110
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x940]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x940]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x940]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
7-94 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
7.4.8 MPAMVPM1_EL2, MPAM Virtual PARTID Mapping Register 1
The MPAMVPM1_EL2 characteristics are:
MPAMVPM1_EL2 provides mappings from virtual PARTIDs 4 - 7 to physical PARTIDs.
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX field gives the index of the highest implemented
MPAMVPM0_EL2 to MPAMVPM7_EL2 registers. VPMR_MAX can be as large as 7 (8 registers)
or 32 virtual PARTIDs. If MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 0, there is only a single
MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 register, MPAMVPM0_EL2.
Virtual PARTID mapping is enabled by MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN for PARTIDs in
A virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping entry, PhyPARTID<n>, is only valid when the
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V bit in bit position n is set to 1.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented, MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1 and
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX > 0. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMVPM1_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMVPM1_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMVPM1_EL2 bit assignments are:
PhyPARTID7, bits [63:48]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 7. PhyPARTID7 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 7 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID6, bits [47:32]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 6. PhyPARTID6 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 6 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID5, bits [31:16]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 5. PhyPARTID5 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 5 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID4, bits [15:0]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 4. PhyPARTID4 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 4 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
63 48
47 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
ARM DDI 0598A.a Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-95
ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMVPM1_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 001 0110
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x948]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x948]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x948]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
7-96 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
7.4.9 MPAMVPM2_EL2, MPAM Virtual PARTID Mapping Register 2
The MPAMVPM2_EL2 characteristics are:
MPAMVPM2_EL2 provides mappings from virtual PARTIDs 8 - 11 to physical PARTIDs.
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX field gives the index of the highest implemented
MPAMVPM0_EL2 to MPAMVPM7_EL2 registers. VPMR_MAX can be as large as 7 (8 registers)
or 32 virtual PARTIDs. If MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 0, there is only a single
MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 register, MPAMVPM0_EL2.
Virtual PARTID mapping is enabled by MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN for PARTIDs in
A virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping entry, PhyPARTID<n>, is only valid when the
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V bit in bit position n is set to 1.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented, MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1 and
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX > 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMVPM2_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMVPM2_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMVPM2_EL2 bit assignments are:
PhyPARTID11, bits [63:48]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 11. PhyPARTID11 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 11 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID10, bits [47:32]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 10. PhyPARTID10 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 10 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID9, bits [31:16]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 9. PhyPARTID9 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 9 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID8, bits [15:0]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 8. PhyPARTID8 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 8 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
63 48
47 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
ARM DDI 0598A.a Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-97
ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMVPM2_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 010 0110
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x950]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x950]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x950]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
7-98 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
7.4.10 MPAMVPM3_EL2, MPAM Virtual PARTID Mapping Register 3
The MPAMVPM3_EL2 characteristics are:
MPAMVPM3_EL2 provides mappings from virtual PARTIDs 12 - 15 to physical PARTIDs.
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX field gives the index of the highest implemented
MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 registers. VPMR_MAX can be as large as 7 (8 registers) or 32 virtual
PARTIDs. If MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 0, there is only a single MPAMVPM<n>_EL2
register, MPAMVPM0_EL2.
Virtual PARTID mapping is enabled by MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN for PARTIDs in
A virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping entry, PhyPARTID<n>, is only valid when the
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V bit in bit position n is set to 1.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented, MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1 and
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX > 2. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMVPM3_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMVPM3_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMVPM3_EL2 bit assignments are:
PhyPARTID15, bits [63:48]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 15. PhyPARTID15 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 15 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID14, bits [47:32]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 14. PhyPARTID14 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 14 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID13, bits [31:16]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 13. PhyPARTID13 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 13 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID12, bits [15:0]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 12. PhyPARTID12 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 12 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
63 48
47 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
ARM DDI 0598A.a Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-99
ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMVPM3_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 011 0110
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x958]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x958]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x958]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
7-100 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
7.4.11 MPAMVPM4_EL2, MPAM Virtual PARTID Mapping Register 4
The MPAMVPM4_EL2 characteristics are:
MPAMVPM4_EL2 provides mappings from virtual PARTIDs 16 - 19 to physical PARTIDs.
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX field gives the index of the highest implemented
MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 registers. VPMR_MAX can be as large as 7 (8 registers) or 32 virtual
PARTIDs. If MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 0, there is only a single MPAMVPM<n>_EL2
register, MPAMVPM0_EL2.
Virtual PARTID mapping is enabled by MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN for PARTIDs in
A virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping entry, PhyPARTID<n>, is only valid when the
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V bit in bit position n is set to 1.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented, MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1 and
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX > 3. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMVPM4_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMVPM4_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMVPM4_EL2 bit assignments are:
PhyPARTID19, bits [63:48]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 19. PhyPARTID19 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 19 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID18, bits [47:32]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 18. PhyPARTID18 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 18 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID17, bits [31:16]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 17. PhyPARTID17 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 17 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID16, bits [15:0]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 16. PhyPARTID16 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 16 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
63 48
47 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
ARM DDI 0598A.a Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-101
ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMVPM4_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 100 0110
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x960]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x960]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x960]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
7-102 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
7.4.12 MPAMVPM5_EL2, MPAM Virtual PARTID Mapping Register 5
The MPAMVPM5_EL2 characteristics are:
MPAMVPM5_EL2 provides mappings from virtual PARTIDs 20 - 23 to physical PARTIDs.
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX field gives the index of the highest implemented
MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 registers. VPMR_MAX can be as large as 7 (8 registers) or 32 virtual
PARTIDs. If MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 0, there is only a single MPAMVPM<n>_EL2
register, MPAMVPM0_EL2.
Virtual PARTID mapping is enabled by MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN for PARTIDs in
A virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping entry, PhyPARTID<n>, is only valid when the
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V bit in bit position n is set to 1.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented, MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1 and
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX > 4. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMVPM5_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMVPM5_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMVPM5_EL2 bit assignments are:
PhyPARTID23, bits [63:48]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 23. PhyPARTID23 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 23 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID22, bits [47:32]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 22. PhyPARTID22 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 22 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID21, bits [31:16]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 21. PhyPARTID21 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 21 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID20, bits [15:0]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 20. PhyPARTID20 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 20 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
63 48
47 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
ARM DDI 0598A.a Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-103
ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMVPM5_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 101 0110
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x968]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x968]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x968]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
7-104 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
7.4.13 MPAMVPM6_EL2, MPAM Virtual PARTID Mapping Register 6
The MPAMVPM6_EL2 characteristics are:
MPAMVPM6_EL2 provides mappings from virtual PARTIDs 24 - 27 to physical PARTIDs.
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX field gives the index of the highest implemented
MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 registers. VPMR_MAX can be as large as 7 (8 registers) or 32 virtual
PARTIDs. If MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 0, there is only a single MPAMVPM<n>_EL2
register, MPAMVPM0_EL2.
Virtual PARTID mapping is enabled by MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN for PARTIDs in
A virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping entry, PhyPARTID<n>, is only valid when the
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V bit in bit position n is set to 1.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented, MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1 and
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX > 5. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMVPM6_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMVPM6_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMVPM6_EL2 bit assignments are:
PhyPARTID27, bits [63:48]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 27. PhyPARTID27 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 27 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID26, bits [47:32]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 26. PhyPARTID26 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 26 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID25, bits [31:16]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 25. PhyPARTID25 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 25 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID24, bits [15:0]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 24. PhyPARTID24 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 24 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
63 48
47 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
ARM DDI 0598A.a Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-105
ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMVPM6_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 110 0110
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x970]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x970]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x970]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
7-106 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
7.4.14 MPAMVPM7_EL2, MPAM Virtual PARTID Mapping Register 7
The MPAMVPM7_EL2 characteristics are:
MPAMVPM7_EL2 provides mappings from virtual PARTIDs 28 - 31 to physical PARTIDs.
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX field gives the index of the highest implemented
MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 registers. VPMR_MAX can be as large as 7 (8 registers) or 32 virtual
PARTIDs. If MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 0, there is only a single MPAMVPM<n>_EL2
register, MPAMVPM0_EL2.
Virtual PARTID mapping is enabled by MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN for PARTIDs in
A virtual-to-physical PARTID mapping entry, PhyPARTID<n>, is only valid when the
MPAMVPMV_EL2.VPM_V bit in bit position n is set to 1.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented, MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1 and
MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX == 7. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMVPM7_EL2 are
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMVPM7_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMVPM7_EL2 bit assignments are:
PhyPARTID31, bits [63:48]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 31. PhyPARTID31 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 31 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID30, bits [47:32]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 30. PhyPARTID30 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 30 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID29, bits [31:16]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 29. PhyPARTID29 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 29 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
PhyPARTID28, bits [15:0]
Virtual PARTID Mapping Entry for virtual PARTID 28. PhyPARTID28 gives the mapping of virtual
PARTID 28 to a physical PARTID.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
63 48
47 32
31 16
15 0
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
ARM DDI 0598A.a Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-107
ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMVPM7_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 111 0110
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x978]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x978]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0 &&
HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x978]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
7-108 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
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7.4.15 MPAMVPMV_EL2, MPAM Virtual Partition Mapping Valid Register
The MPAMVPMV_EL2 characteristics are:
Valid bits for virtual PARTID mapping entries. Each bit m corresponds to virtual PARTID mapping
entry m in the MPAMVPM<n>_EL2 registers where n = m >> 2.
This register is present only when MPAM is implemented and MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == 1.
Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMVPMV_EL2 are UNDEFINED.
This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.
RW fields in this register reset to architecturally
UNKNOWN values.
MPAMVPMV_EL2 is a 64-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMVPMV_EL2 bit assignments are:
Bits [63:32]
VPM_V<m>, bit [m], for m = 0 to 31
Contains valid bit for virtual PARTID mapping entry corresponding to virtual PARTID<m>.
This field resets to an architecturally
UNKNOWN value.
Accessing the MPAMVPMV_EL2
This register can be written using MSR (register) with the following syntax:
MSR <systemreg>, <Xt>
This register can be read using MRS with the following syntax:
MRS <Xt>, <systemreg>
This syntax is encoded with the following settings in the instruction encoding:
63 32
VPM_V<m>, bit [m], for m = 0 to 31
31 0
<systemreg> CRn op0 op1 op2 CRm
1010 11 100 001 0100
7 System Registers
7.4 System register descriptions
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The register is accessible as follows:
Traps and Enables
For a description of the prioritization of any generated exceptions, see section D1.13.2 (Synchronous exception
prioritization for exceptions taken to AArch64) in the ARM
Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A
architecture profile. Subject to the prioritization rules:
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, then accesses at EL2 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0, then
accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL3.
—If MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1) &&
IsUsingAArch64(EL2) && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0,
then accesses at EL1 are trapped to EL2.
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
- - n/a RW
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && SCR_EL3.NS == 0 &&
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0
12 + 0x938]
n/a RW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x938]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 0 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
(HCR_EL2.NV2 == 0 || HCR_EL2.NV == 0) && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 && HCR_EL2.NV == 1 && HCR_EL2.TGE == 0
&& HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 || SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
12 + 0x938]
HCR_EL2.TGE == 1 && HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 && (SCR_EL3.NS == 1 ||
SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 1)
-n/a RWRW
7 System Registers
7.5 MPAM enable
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7.5 MPAM enable
A single, writable MPAMEN bit exists only in the MPAMn_ELx register for the highest implemented ELn. The
highest EL might be EL3, EL2, or EL1. For example, if the highest implemented level is EL3, MPAM3_EL3 would
contain the MPAMEN bit. A read-only copy of MPAMEN is present in each of MPAM2_EL2 and MPAM1_EL1
that is implemented and not the highest implemented EL.
When the MPAMEN bit is set, MPAM PARTID and PMG are generated as described in this document. When the
MPAMEN bit is clear, default values are generated for MPAM physical PARTID and PMG with MPAM_NS
reflecting the PE’s current security state. See PARTID spaces and properties on page 3-30 for more on default IDs.
The MPAMEN bit is reset to 0.
7 System Registers
7.6 Lower-EL MPAM register access trapping
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7.6 Lower-EL MPAM register access trapping
When MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER == 1, direct accesses to MPAM system registers from EL1 or EL2 that are not
UNDEFINED trap to EL3. These registers remain accessible from EL3, thus allowing EL3 to set up the MPAM
environments for lower levels that are not MPAM-aware.
MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER traps have priority over traps controlled by MPAM2_EL2 and MPAMHCR_EL2.
HCR_EL2.NV == 1 alters the behavior of TRAPLOWER because it makes some _EL2 and _EL12 registers that
would be UNDEFINED at EL1 trap to EL2. NV == 1 does not affect accesses from EL0, EL2, or EL3. So with NV
== 1 and TRAPLOWER == 1, accesses to MPAM registers from EL2 are trapped to EL3. See Nested virtualization
extension on page 6-67 for details.
HCR_EL2.NV2 == 1 alters the behavior of TRAPLOWER because it converts accesses to some _EL2 and EL12
registers from EL1 that would be undefined into accesses to memory. See Enhanced nested virtualization extension
on page 6-67 for details.
7 System Registers
7.7 Reset
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7.7 Reset
MPAM system registers are only minimally reset.
The MPAMEN bit must be set to 0 by warm or cold reset of the PE.
The MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER bit must be set to 1 by warm or cold reset of the PE.
MPAMHCR_EL2.TRAP_MPAMIDR_EL1 bits are not reset if EL3 exists, but all three bits are reset to 1 if EL3
does not exist.
7 System Registers
7.8 Unimplemented exception levels
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7.8 Unimplemented exception levels
The ARMv8-A architecture permits implementations with or without EL3. Independent from the choice of whether
EL3 is implemented or implemented but disabled, the architecture permits implementations with or without EL2.
Even if Non-secure EL2 is implemented, Secure EL2 does not exist in the ARM v8 Architecture before v8.4. Secure
EL2 is permitted to be implemented or not implemented in a v8.4 or later implementations. If Secure EL2 is
implemented, it may be enabled or disabled by SCR_EL3.EEL2.
EL1 and EL0 are required in all implementations.
Generally, control bits in the MPAMn_ELx registers and MPAMHCR_EL2 for an unimplemented exception level
are treated as inactive by all other MPAM exception levels. Details are given in the following subsections.
7.8.1 Effects if EL3 is not implemented
MPAM3_EL3.TRAPLOWER: All references to this bit behave as if it == 0.
MPAM2_EL2.MPAMEN is present and RW if EL2 exists. If EL2 does not exist, MPAM1_EL1.MPAMEN
is present and RW.
7.8.2 Effects if EL2 is implemented in neither security state
MPAM2_EL2 is RES0 when accessed from EL3. It is UNDEFINED from all other EL.
MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM1EL1: All references to it behave as if it == 0.
MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM0EL1: All references to it behave as if it == 0.
MPAM1_EL12 is UNDEFINED when accessed from any EL.
MPAMHCR_EL2 is RES0 when accessed from EL3.
MPAMHCR_EL2.TRAP_MPAM_IDR_EL1: All references to it behave as if it == 0.
MPAMHCR_EL2.GSTAPP_PLK: All references to it behave as if it == 0.
MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN: All references to it behave as if it == 0.
MPAMHCR_EL2.EL0_VPMEN: All references to it behave as if it == 0.
MPAMVPMV_EL2 is RES0 when accessed from EL3.
MPAMVPM0_EL2 through MPAMVPM7_EL2 are RES0 when accessed from EL3.
7.8.3 Effects if EL2 is implemented only in Non-secure state, or if implemented but disabled by
SCR_EL2.EEL2 = 0 in Secure state
MPAM2_EL2 is RW when accessed from EL3 or from Non-secure EL2. This register is UNDEFINED from
all other EL.
MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM1EL1: All references to it behave as if it == 0 in the Secure state.
MPAM2_EL2.TRAPMPAM0EL1: All references to it behave as if it == 0 in the Secure state.
MPAM1_EL12 is RW from EL3 or from NS_EL2 when HCR_EL2.E2H == 1. This register is UNDEFINED
when accessed from EL1 or EL0 or when HCR_EL2.E2H == 0.
7 System Registers
7.8 Unimplemented exception levels
7-114 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
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MPAMHCR_EL2 is RW when accessed from EL3 or from Non-secure EL2. This register is UNDEFINED
from all other EL.
MPAMHCR_EL2.TRAP_MPAM_IDR_EL1: All references to it behave as if it == 0 in the Secure state.
MPAMHCR_EL2.GSTAPP_PLK: All references to it behave as if it == 0 in the Secure state.
MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN: All references to it behave as if it == 0 in the Secure state.
MPAMHCR_EL2.EL0_VPMEN: All references to it behave as if it == 0 in the Secure state.
MPAMVPMV_EL2 is RW when accessed from EL3 or from Non-secure EL2. This register is UNDEFINED
from all other EL.
MPAMVPM0_EL2 through MPAMVPM7_EL2 are RW when accessed from EL3 or Non-secure EL2. These
registers are UNDEFINED from all other EL.
If an implementation supports Secure state and Secure EL2 does not exist, all behaviors listed on page 7-113 must
be followed by the MPAM implementation on the Secure side.If SCR_EL3.EEL2 == 0, secure EL2 behaves as if it
is not implemented, and all behaviors listed on page 7-113 must be followed by the MPAM implementation on the
Secure side.If Non-secure EL2 exists, the behaviors on page 7-113 do not apply to the MPAM implementation on
the Non-secure side.
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Chapter 8
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page 8-116.
Resource controls on page 8-117.
Security in MSCs on page 8-118.
Virtualization support in system MSCs on page 8-119.
PE with integrated MSCs on page 8-120.
System-wide PARTID and PMG widths on page 8-121.
MPAM interrupts on page 8-122.
8 MPAM in MSCs
8.1 Introduction
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8.1 Introduction
This introduction to Memory-System Components (MSCs) is informative. Other sections are normative unless
marked as informative.
MSCs consist of all units that handle load or store requests issued by any MPAM master. These include cache
memories, interconnects, memory management units, memory channel controllers, queues, buffers, rate adaptors,
An MSC could be a part of another system component. For example, a PE might contain caches, which are MSCs.
An MSC has resources that are used to process memory requests. The use of a resource could be controlled. A
resource that can be controlled according to the PARTID of memory requests is partitioned. A resource might be
monitored by a resource usage monitor.
8 MPAM in MSCs
8.2 Resource controls
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8.2 Resource controls
This section is normative.
An MSC optionally contains one or more MPAM resource controls. Although resource controls that control
different performance resources have different control parameters, all resource controls are similar in the following
aspects that form a common framework:
Each resource control uses the MPAM PARTID and MPAM_NS signals from the incoming request to select
control parameters from an array of Non-secure parameters (when MPAM_NS == 1) or Secure parameters
(when MPAM_NS == 0).
The selected parameters control the behavior of the MSC, either to partition the performance resources or to
control the monitoring of performance resource usage.
See Model of a resource partitioning control on page 5-48 for a model of a resource partitioning control. See
Chapter 9 Resource Partitioning Controls for more detailed information on resource partitioning controls.
8 MPAM in MSCs
8.3 Security in MSCs
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8.3 Security in MSCs
MPAM behavior in an MSC is affected in the following ways:
Certain memory-mapped registers are only accessible from Secure address space (NS == 0).
PARTIDs communicated to the MSC are augmented with a single MPAM_NS bit as 0, indicating that the
MPAM PARTID in the request is to be interpreted in the Secure PARTID space. This is true even if the access
from Secure state software was to the Non-secure (NS == 1) address space. MPAM_NS is always 0 if the PE
is in the Secure state when the request is made, but the address of the request could be either a Secure or a
Non-secure address. If the PE is in the Non-secure state, both the MPAM_NS bit and the address NS bit must
be 1. See PARTID spaces and properties on page 3-30.
When an MSC receives a transaction with MPAM_NS == 0, it accesses control settings for the Secure
PARTID. If it receives a request with MPAM_NS == 1 it accesses the control settings for the Non-secure
PARTID space.
When programming the control settings for a Secure partition in an MSC, the settings must be stored by an
access to the configuration registers in the Secure address space (NS == 0). See Programming configuration
of MPAM settings for Secure IDs.
When programming the control settings for a Non-secure partition in an MSC, the settings must be stored by
an access to the configuration registers in the Non-secure address space (NS == 1).
8.3.1 Programming configuration of MPAM settings for Secure IDs
Configuration parameters for a Secure PARTID or Secure MPAM monitor can only be programmed from a Secure
memory access (NS == 0):
There are Secure and Non-secure versions of the MPAMCFG_PART_SEL and MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
These two versions are accessed at the same address, differentiated by the value of the NS bit.
Accessing an MPAMCFG_* register with a Secure (NS == 0) request accesses the configuration of a resource
control of the Secure PARTID space that is selected by the PARTID in MPAMCFG_PART_SEL_S.
Accessing an MPAMCFG_* register with a Non-secure (NS == 1) request accesses the configuration of a
resource control of the Non-secure PARTID space that is selected by the PARTID in
8.3.2 Using Secure and Non-secure MPAM PARTIDs
When a request is processed by an MSC with MPAM resource controls, PARTID, PMG, and MPAM_NS control
the partitioning control settings used and monitoring events triggered.
The PARTID and MPAM_NS of a request select the partitioning configuration from a table of PARTID
configurations for each implemented resource control. The MPAM_NS bit in the request selects between the
Non-secure configuration table and the Secure configuration table. The two tables do not need to have the same size.
For example, the Secure configuration table might be much smaller. Tables are not required to be power-of-two
A monitoring event is triggered if the PARTID, PMG, and MPAM_NS in a request match those configured in a
performance monitor.
8 MPAM in MSCs
8.4 Virtualization support in system MSCs
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8.4 Virtualization support in system MSCs
MSCs do not see virtual PARTIDs. The PARTID generation in a requester resolves any virtual PARTID into a
physical PARTID that is communicated with the memory-system request. Therefore, MSCs only handle physical
8.4.1 Hypervisor emulates guest accesses to partitioning and monitoring configurations
Accesses from a guest to the configuration registers of all MSCs, and to the System registers that configure the PE
MSCs, may be emulated by the host hypervisor. This allows virtual PARTID mapping to be emulated and hypervisor
policies governing resource partitioning to be applied.
Configuration and reconfiguration of control settings in MSCs are expected to be rare occurrences.
Arm recommends that an MSC's memory-mapped configuration registers (See MPAM feature page on page 11-153)
be placed at a 64-KB-aligned address to permit an access trap on that page in the stage-2 page tables. The stage-2
access traps are taken to EL2 where the hypervisor can emulate the access.
8 MPAM in MSCs
8.5 PE with integrated MSCs
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8.5 PE with integrated MSCs
A PE might have integrated MSC behaviors. These are discovered and configured as are other MSCs. See
Chapter 11 Memory-Mapped Registers.
8 MPAM in MSCs
8.6 System-wide PARTID and PMG widths
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8.6 System-wide PARTID and PMG widths
This section is informative.
The behavior of MSCs is UNPREDICTABLE if it receives an MPAM PARTID or PMG outside the range it
For predictable behavior, the PARTID on a request by a master should be in the range of 0 to:
If the request is MPAM_NS == 1 (to Non-secure ID spaces), the smallest maximum Non-secure PARTID
supported by any MSC that might be accessed by that request.
If the request is MPAM_NS == 0 (to Secure ID spaces), the smallest maximum Secure PARTID supported
by any MSC that might be accessed by that request.
And, the PMG on a request by a master should be in the range of 0 to:
If the request is MPAM_NS == 1 (to Non-secure ID spaces), the smallest maximum Non-secure PMG
supported by any MSC that might be accessed by that request.
If the request is MPAM_NS == 0 (to Secure ID spaces), the smallest maximum Secure PMG supported by
any MSC that might be accessed by that request.
The smallest maximum values for PARTID and PMG in Non-secure and Secure spaces can be computed from
firmware during discovery. PARTID and PMG widths are reported through ID registers in PEs and MSCs. See
sections Appendix B MSC Firmware Data, System register descriptions on page 7-75, and Determining presence
and location of MMRs on page 11-152.
8 MPAM in MSCs
8.7 MPAM interrupts
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8.7 MPAM interrupts
This section is normative.
There are two types of interrupts that an MPAM MSC could produce:
MPAM Error Interrupt.
MPAM Overflow Interrupt.
8.7.1 MPAM Error Interrupt
MPAM errors in MSCs are described in Error conditions in accessing memory-mapped registers on page 12-233.
MPAM errors that are detected in an MSC are recorded in MPAMF_ESR and signalled to software via an MPAM
error interrupt if enabled by MPAMF_ECR.INTEN == 1.
If an MSC cannot encounter any of the error conditions listed in Error conditions in accessing memory-mapped
registers on page 12-233, both the MPAMF_ESR and MPAMF_ECR must be RAZ/WI.
The MPAM error interrupt can be implemented in an MSC as a level-sensitive interrupt or as an edge-triggered
interrupt. The interrupt behavior depends on whether level-sensitive or edge-triggered interrupts are used.
Arm recommends that the MPAM error interrupt be implemented as a level-sensitive interrupt.
The mechanism by which an interrupt request from an MSC resource monitor generates an FIQ or IRQ
Arm recommends that MPAM error interrupt requests:
Translate into an MPAM_ERR_IRQ signal, so that they are observable to external devices.
If the MSC is integrated into a PE, connect to inputs on an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED generic
interrupt controller as a Private Peripheral Interrupt (PPI) or a Locality-specific Peripheral Interrupt
(LPI) for that PE. See the Arm Generic Interrupt Controller Architecture Specification for information
about PPIs, LPIs, and SPIs.
If the MSC is not integrated into a PE, connect to inputs on an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED
generic interrupt controller as a System Peripheral Interrupt (SPI) or Locality-Specific Peripheral
Interrupt (LPI).
Level-sensitive interrupts
When using level-sensitive interrupts, the interrupt is active when MPAMF_ESR.ERRCODE is non-zero.
Software can make a level-sensitive interrupt active by writing non-zero to MPAMF_ESR.ERRCODE.
An interrupt service routine is expected to write
into MPAMF_ESR.ERRCODE to clear the interrupt.
See also Chapter 12 Errors in MSCs.
Edge-triggered interrupts
When using edge-triggered interrupts, the interrupt edge is generated when MPAMF_ESR.ERRCODE is written
due to an error.
An edge-triggered interrupt is not generated when software writes to MPAMF_ESR.
An interrupt service routine does not need to clear an edge-triggered interrupt.
See Chapter 12 Errors in MSCs for other reasons for an interrupt service routine to clear MPAMF_ESR.
8 MPAM in MSCs
8.7 MPAM interrupts
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8.7.2 MPAM overflow interrupt
A monitor could overflow, especially if it is a type of monitor that accumulates counts. If it is possible for a type of
monitor to overflow, there are bits in MSMON_CFG_*_CTL to control the behavior on overflow (Overflow bit on
page 10-148). OFLOW_INTR == 1 causes an overflow of the counter to produce an MPAM Overflow Interrupt.
The mechanism by which an interrupt request from an MSC resource monitor generates an FIQ or IRQ
Arm recommends that MPAM overflow interrupt requests:
Translate into an MPAM_OF_IRQ signal, so that they are observable to external devices.
If the MSC is integrated into a PE, connect to inputs on an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED generic
interrupt controller as a Private Peripheral Interrupt (PPI) or a Locality-specific Peripheral Interrupt
(LPI) for that PE. See the Arm Generic Interrupt Controller Architecture Specification for information
about PPIs, LPIs and SPIs.
If the MSC is not integrated into a PE, connect to inputs on an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED
generic interrupt controller as a System Peripheral Interrupt (SPI) or Local Peripheral Interrupt (LPI).
The overflow interrupt is a level-sensitive interrupt. The interrupt is reset by writing 0 to the OFLOW_STATUS
field of all overflowed monitor instances MSMON_CFG_*_CTL register.
8 MPAM in MSCs
8.7 MPAM interrupts
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Chapter 9
Resource Partitioning Controls
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page 9-126.
Partition resources on page 9-127.
Standard partitioning control interfaces on page 9-128.
Vendor or implementation-specific partitioning control interfaces on page 9-136.
Measurements for controlling resource usage on page 9-137.
PARTID narrowing on page 9-138.
System reset of MPAM controls in MSCs on page 9-139.
About the fixed-point fractional format on page 9-140.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.1 Introduction
9-126 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
9.1 Introduction
This introduction to memory-system partitioning is informative. Other sections are normative unless marked as
Software assigns VMs and applications to a partition. The hypervisor can assign VMs to partitions, and operating
systems can assign applications to partitions. This specification does not address how such assignments are made
by software.
A memory-system partition is associated with a software environment on a PE by loading an MPAMn_ELx register
with PARTID_I and PARTID_D. An EL2 hypervisor loads MPAM1_EL1 with the partition IDs when
context-switching between VMs. An EL1 operating system loads MPAM0_EL1 with the partition IDs when
context-switching between applications. The PARTIDs loaded into fields of MPAMn_ELx for instruction and data
accesses are used for requests when running software at ELn. The PARTID on memory-system requests connects
the software environment to the resource partitioning controls in the MSCs that handle the requests.
Figure 9-1 Partitioning, VMs, and OS processes
The PARTID of a request controls uses of each MSC’s performance resources. An MSC receives a PARTID with
each request. The PARTID may be used within the component to select resource controls for the component’s
resource allocation and utilization behavior.
All memory-system requests with a given PARTID share the resource control settings for that partition.
Because a PARTID is communicated to shared MSCs and interpreted there, PARTIDs should be managed and
allocated on a system-wide basis.
Resource partitioning controls might be standard or implementation specific.
Standard control interfaces are architected, but optional. Therefore, an MSC that does not require a standard control
interface does not need to implement it. Most MSCs implement few of the standard control interfaces.
An implementation-specific resource control can use a PARTID for unique facilities that either control resources
not envisioned by the standard controls or that implement unique control methods that cannot be mapped onto the
standard control interfaces.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.2 Partition resources
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9.2 Partition resources
An MSC contains resources that affect the performance of the memory system. For such a resource to be
The component must support MPAM at its upstream interface.
The component must have one or more MPAM resource controls for that resource.
A partitionable resource may be partially allocated to a partition according to the programming of the MPAM
resource control or controls for that resource.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces
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9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces
The MPAM architecture defines standard partitioning control interfaces. This enables binary distribution of
operating systems supporting MPAM.
The MPAM architecture defines the following standard types of control interfaces for memory-system resources:
Cache-portion partitioning.
Cache maximum-capacity partitioning.
Memory-bandwidth portion partitioning.
Memory-bandwidth minimum and maximum partitioning.
Memory-bandwidth proportional-stride partitioning.
Priority partitioning.
Each of these standard control interfaces is optional at each MSC. An MSC may implement several controls or none.
Some controls only make sense for certain types of MSCs, or for certain implementations of an MSC. Others may
be possible but too costly for the system’s target market.
Cache-portion partitioning and memory-bandwidth portion partitioning follow the generic portion-control interface
described in Portion resource controls on page A-249. Cache maximum-capacity partitioning follows the generic
maximum-usage control interface described in Maximum-usage resource controls on page A-250.
The presence of each standard control is indicated by a bit in the MPAMF_IDR memory-mapped ID register for that
component, or in a resource-specific memory mapped ID register. See Memory-mapped ID register description on
page 11-158.
The standard partitioning control interfaces share a PARTID selection register, MPAMCFG_PART_SEL
(Chapter 11). To program a control, first set MPAMCFG_PART_SEL to the PARTID for which you require to set a
control value. Then, set the control’s configuration register (MPAMCFG_*) to the new control value.
Software must ensure mutual exclusion for access to MPAMCFG_* registers of each MSC.
9.3.1 Cache-portion partitioning
A portion is a uniquely identifiable part of a resource. It is of fixed size or capacity and all portions of a resource
are the same size. A particular resource has a constant number of portions. Every partition that is given access to a
portion n shares access to portion n.
The storage portions of caches may be partitioned. Allocating portions of a cache to a partition permits requests
attributed to that partition to allocate within those portions of the cache.
When a request to a cache requires a cache line to be installed in the cache, the PARTID of that request determines
which portions of the cache the request may allocate to install the line.
Cache-portion partitioning uses the generic portion-partitioning interface described in Portion resource controls on
page A-249.
Cache-portion bit map
A cache-portion bitmap (CPBM) controls the cache-storage portion allocation for a partition. Each bit of a CPBM
controls whether the partition is permitted to allocate a particular capacity portion of the cache. The number of
capacity portions available in a cache is an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED parameter that is discoverable in
MPAMF_CPOR_IDR for the cache. The width of the CPBM field is equal to the number of capacity portions
available in the cache.
For example, assume a cache has a 1 MB total capacity in 32 portions. Each portion has a capacity of 1 MB / 32 =
32 KB. A partition has 4 portions allocated (only 4 bits in the CPBM are 1’s). So, this partition can only allocate
into these particular 4 portions, allowing up to 128 KB, or 1/8th of the cache’s total capacity.
CPBM is an instance of the generic portion bitmap (PBM) described in Portion resource controls on page A-249.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces
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Over-allocation of capacity portions
Storage capacity portions cannot be over-allocated. This is true because the CPBM contains bits that control
allocations in the implementation-dependent number of allocable capacity portions of the cache.
Changing CPBM for a partition
Software may change the CPBM during system operation. This does not disrupt normal system operation because
the CPBM only affects new allocations and does not reallocate previously allocated cache storage.
If a cache line was allocated under a previous CPBM to a portion that is not set in the new CPBM, the partition is
using more of the cache capacity than it is entitled to under the new CPBM:
If lines previously allocated in a portion that is not in the new CPBM are not accessed again, they will
eventually be reallocated to a partition that has its CPBM bit set for that portion of the capacity. So, these will
represent a temporary misallocation of capacity.
If however, a line that is present in the cache in a portion that is not in the new CPBM continues to be
accessed, this can lead to a long-term misallocation of capacity. The line’s location optionally might be
updated, see Write hits that update the PARTID of a cache line may move that line to a different portion on
page 5-51.
Using cache-portion partitioning with cache maximum-capacity partitioning
When cache-portion partitioning is used with cache maximum-capacity partitioning, both controls are effective as
described in Using cache maximum-capacity partitioning with cache-portion partitioning on page 9-130.
9.3.2 Cache maximum-capacity partitioning
A limit may be set on the storage capacity of a cache that a memory-system partition may use. Setting a maximum
cache capacity to a partition permits requests attributed to that partition to allocate up to that maximum cache
capacity. Attempts to allocate beyond that capacity must limit a partition’s capacity usage.
(informative) Examples of techniques for limiting cache usage by a new request when a partition’s capacity usage
is at or above its maximum include:
Do not allocate for the new request.
Replace some data from that partition with data from the new request.
Evict some data from that partition from the cache before allocating for the new request.
Defer the required deallocation until a more convenient time.
Cache lookups are not affected by partitioning. A cache lookup must find a valid cache line even if that line was
allocated with a different PARTID.
Cache maximum-capacity partitioning follows the description of the generic maximum-usage resource control
interface described in Maximum-usage resource controls on page A-250.
Cache maximum-capacity control setting
The cache maximum-capacity control setting is programmed by storing a capacity limit into the MSC's cache
maximum capacity control interface, MPAMCFG_CMAX.
The cache maximum-capacity limit is a fraction of the cache's total capacity. The format of the limit value is a
fixed-point fraction, as described in About the fixed-point fractional format on page 9-140.
For example, to allocate 30% of a 256 KB cache to a partition:
In the fixed-point fractional format, 1.0 is represented as 2
– 1, or in hex as
. The subtraction makes
1.0 within the range of the representation.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces
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So, the representation of 30% would be 1.0 * 0.30, which in hex is
* (decimal) 0.30, or
Similarly, 25% would be
; 14% would be
; 3% would be
; and 3.25% would be
If you have a cache with 256 KB of capacity, and the resource control setting for a PARTID is set to
to represent 30%, that partition is permitted to use 30% of the cache, or about 76.75 KB of capacity.
Since most, but not all, Arm caches have 64-byte lines, a 256 KB cache has 4096 of these 64-byte lines, and
30% of those lines is 1228 or 76.75 KB.
The fixed-point fractional format permits an implementation to leave bits to the right as unimplemented, meaning
that the value would be truncated to the implemented bits, causing some of the right-most bits to be zeros:
As an example, the 3% value previously mentioned is
. If only 8 bits of fraction are implemented, when
software stores
into a resource control setting, the value is shortened to the most significant bits and
stored as
When using the resource control setting, the unimplemented bits would be read as zeros.
The actual value of the setting is therefore an interval from the value of the control setting up to the value of the
control setting plus one in the right-most implemented bit.
In the case of the 3% value previously mentioned, that interval is from
(2.734%) to
An implementation is permitted to regulate the resource to any point within this interval.
Using cache maximum-capacity partitioning with cache-portion partitioning
When cache-portion partitioning is used with cache maximum-capacity partitioning, both controls are effective.
Cache-portion partitioning controls which portions of the capacity may be allocated to this partition. Cache
maximum-capacity partitioning limits the amount to less than or equal to a cache-capacity limit control setting.
For example, assume several portions of the capacity are shared by several partitions. Any such partition can
allocate within the shared portions. To keep one of the partitions from using too much of the shared allocation, the
maximum-capacity controls for the partitions can each be set to less than the capacity of the portions to which they
may allocate. If each partition is given 50% of the capacity of the shared portions, then no one partition can use more
than 50% of the shared cache portions.
Here is an example of a cache with 1 MB total capacity in 32 portions. Each partition has 4 portions for shared
allocation. To allow a partition to use no more than 50% of its shared allocation, you would set the cache
maximum-capacity limit for this partition as follows:
1. Portions divide the capacity of the cache into distinct parts of the same size. So, for a 1 MB cache divided
into 32 portions, each portion has 1 MB / 32 = 32 KB:
a. In portion partitioning, it is not possible to allocate anything other than an integral number of portions
to a PARTID.
b. A cache portion may be exclusively allocated to a PARTID or it may be shared by 2 or more PARTIDs.
c. A PARTID that has 4 portions allocated to it is permitted to use 32 KB * 4 = 128 KB.
2. The combined behavior of cache-portion partitioning and cache maximum-capacity control has both
a. To allow a PARTID to use only 50% of the storage in the portions allocated to it, the cache
maximum-capacity control is used.
b. Compute the fraction of the cache that is 50% of the storage in the portions allocated. In this case, it
is 64 KB / 1 MB = 1/16 or 6.25%, which is
in the fixed-point fractional representation.
c. The combined behavior only permits the PARTID to allocate storage in the 4 portions it may use
according to the cache-portion control, but its use of storage is also limited to 50% of the storage of
those portions.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces
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Over-allocation of capacity
Cache capacity can be over-allocated because the sum of the cache-capacity control parameters may exceed 100%
of the cache size. This may be acceptable. The cache-capacity control does not provide a minimum cache capacity
guarantee, only a maximum guarantee. The data of inactive partitions may be evicted from the cache due to the
activity of other partitions.
9.3.3 Memory-bandwidth portion partitioning
An MSC’s downstream bandwidth may be divided into portions, and those portions may be allocated to partitions.
Memory-bandwidth portion partitioning follows the generic portion-control interface described in Portion resource
controls on page A-249, in which a portion is a quantum of bandwidth. A Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM)
scheme that allocates traffic to time slots is an example of a bandwidth allocation system that has portions.
The BandWidth Portion Bit Map (BWPBM) is the Portion Bit Map (PBM) for bandwidth.
9.3.4 Memory-bandwidth minimum and maximum partitioning
An MSC’s downstream bandwidth may be partitioned by bandwidth usage. There are two bandwidth-usage control
schemes. An MSC can optionally implement each of them:
Minimum bandwidth to which the PARTID has claim, even in the presence of contention.
Maximum bandwidth limit available to the PARTID, in the presence of contention.
The minimum and maximum bandwidth partitioning schemes rely on tracking bandwidth usage by PARTIDs.
Because bandwidth is measured in bytes per second, bandwidth measurements have a dependence on time. That
dependence is captured in this specification as the accounting window or accounting period. See
Memory-bandwidth allocation accounting window width on page 9-133
Without contention, the bandwidth may be strictly limited to the maximum or permitted to use more than the
maximum, since no other partition’s traffic is claiming that bandwidth.
Any combination of these control schemes may be used simultaneously in an MSC that supports them.
Each control scheme is described below.
Minimum-bandwidth limit partitioning
The minimum-bandwidth control scheme regulates the bandwidth used by a PARTID's requests:
If the bandwidth usage by the PARTID of the request, as tracked during the accounting period, is currently
less than the partition’s minimum, its requests are preferentially selected to use downstream bandwidth.
If the bandwidth usage by the PARTID of the request, as tracked during the accounting period, is currently
greater than or equal to the PARTID's minimum, its requests compete with other requests as described under
Maximum-bandwidth limit partitioning on page 9-132, if implemented. If maximum-bandwidth limit
partitioning is not implemented, requests with PARTID that have current bandwidth usage greater than that
PARTID's minimum-bandwidth limit compete with all requests and do not receive preferential treatment
under the minimum-bandwidth limit.
A PARTID's requests below its minimum bandwidth are therefore most likely to be scheduled to use downstream
Bandwidth that is not used by a partition during an accounting window does not accumulate.
The control parameter is a fixed-point fraction of the available bandwidth. See About the fixed-point fractional
format on page 9-140.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces
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Maximum-bandwidth limit partitioning
The maximum-bandwidth limit control scheme regulates the bandwidth used by a PARTID's requests:
If the bandwidth usage by the PARTID as tracked during the accounting period is currently less than the
PARTID's maximum bandwidth but greater than or equal to its minimum bandwidth, if implemented, its
requests are selected to use bandwidth when there are no competing minimum bandwidth requests to service.
Requests for PARTIDs that are above their minimum-bandwidth limits but less than their
maximum-bandwidth limits compete with each other to use bandwidth.
If the bandwidth usage by the PARTID of the request is greater than or equal to the PARTID's maximum
bandwidth and the HARDLIM bit is not set, the request competes with other such requests to use bandwidth
when there are no competing requests to service for PARTIDs currently below their minimum bandwidth or
maximum bandwidth.
If the bandwidth usage by the PARTID of the request is greater than or equal to the PARTID's maximum
bandwidth and the Hard Limit (HARDLIM) bit is set, the requests are saved until the PARTID's bandwidth
usage drops below its maximum bandwidth control setting.
If the HARDLIM bit is set, the partition is prevented from using more bandwidth if the current bandwidth usage is
over the maximum bandwidth limit. As the accounting window advances, the current bandwidth usage resets to zero
or otherwise decays, permitting the partition to again use bandwidth.
Bandwidth that is not used by a partition during an accounting window does not accumulate.
The control parameter is a fixed-point fraction of the available bandwidth. See About the fixed-point fractional
format on page 9-140.
Using minimum-bandwidth limit with maximum-bandwidth limit controls
If both minimum-bandwidth limit and maximum-bandwidth limit are implemented, Table 9-1 shows the preference
of requests.
* Implementations may occasionally deviate from preference order in servicing requests to meet other goals, such
as starvation avoidance.
Bandwidth control parameters
The control parameters for bandwidth partitioning schemes are all expressed in a fixed-point fraction of the
available bandwidth. See About the fixed-point fractional format on page 9-140.
The bandwidth control setting register for maximum-bandwidth limit (MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX) also includes a
Hard Limit (HARDLIM) bit that prevents a partition from using more than the maximum fraction of the available
bandwidth that is set in that register.
Table 9-1 Preference of requests for bandwidth limits
If used bandwidth is The preference is Description
Below the minimum High Only other High requests delay this
Above the minimum Below the maximum
Medium High requests are serviced first, then
compete with other Medium
Above the maximum
limit, with HARDLIM
Low Requests are not serviced if any
High or Medium requests are
Above the maximum
limit, with HARDLIM
None Requests are not serviced.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces
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Memory-bandwidth allocation accounting window width
For both the minimum- and maximum-bandwidth partitioning schemes, memory-bandwidth regulation occurs over
an accounting window. The accounting may be either a moving window or by resetting bandwidth counts at the
beginning of each accounting-window period.
The width of the window is discoverable and can be read from MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD for the PARTID
selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
In implementations that support settable window width per PARTID, MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD may be written
with a fixed-point format (as described in the registers description) specifying the accounting window width in
Fixed accounting window
In fixed-window accounting, bandwidth is apportioned to requests so that each partition gets bandwidth according
to the minimum and maximum for that partition (Over-allocation of minimum bandwidth). Request or local
priorities (Priority partitioning on page 9-134) are used to resolve conflicting requests of the same preference.
When the accounting window’s period is reached, a new window begins with no history except for any queue of
requests that have not been previously serviced. The new window starts accumulating bandwidth for a partition
from zero.
Moving-window accounting
A moving window tracks partition bandwidth usage by all commands issued in the past window width. There is
never a reset of the accounting of bandwidth usage per partition. Instead, bandwidth is added to the accounting when
a command is processed and removed from the accounting when that command moves out of the window’s history.
This continuous accounting is relatively free from boundary effects.
Moving-window accounting requires hardware to track the history of commands within the window, in addition to
the bandwidth counters per PARTID required by the fixed window.
Other accounting window schemes
An implementation may use another scheme for maintaining history that is broadly in line with the schemes
described here. For example, the current bandwidth might decay at a fixed rate proportional to the bandwidth
allocation, but not below a current bandwidth of zero.
Over-allocation of minimum bandwidth
The minimum bandwidth allocations of all partitions may sum to more bandwidth than is available. This is not a
problem when some partitions are not using their bandwidth allocations, because unused allocations are available
for other partitions to use. However, when minimum bandwidth is over-allocated, the minimum bandwidth that is
programmed for partitions cannot always be met.
If the programmed minimum bandwidth allocation is to be reliably delivered by the system, software must ensure
that minimum bandwidth is not over-allocated.
Over-allocation of maximum bandwidth
The maximum bandwidth allocations of all partitions may sum to more bandwidth than is available. This is not a
problem when some partitions are not using their maximum bandwidth allocations, because unused allocations are
available for other partitions to use. If maximum bandwidth is over-allocated, the maximum bandwidth that is
programmed for partitions cannot always be met.
Available bandwidth
The bandwidth available downstream from an MSC is not constant, and it affects the operation of minimum and
maximum bandwidth partitioning.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces
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Available bandwidth may depend on one or more clock frequencies in many systems (for example, DDR clock).
Software may require to reallocate bandwidths when changing clock frequencies that affect available bandwidth.
Lowering clock rates without changing allocations may result in over-allocation of bandwidth.
The available bandwidth on a DRAM channel varies with the mix of reads and writes and the bank-hit rate.
Bandwidth may also vary with burst size.
9.3.5 Memory-bandwidth proportional-stride partitioning
Proportional-stride bandwidth partitioning control is an instance of proportional resource-allocation generic control,
described in Proportional resource allocation facilities on page A-251. The control parameter for bandwidth
proportional-stride partitioning is expressed as an unsigned integer.
Regulation according to this scheme permits the partition to consume bandwidth in proportion to its stride, in
relation to other requests’ strides that are contending for bandwidth. See Model of stride-based memory bandwidth
scheduling on page A-251 for an example of stride-based proportional bandwidth regulation.
The MPAMF_MBW_IDR.HAS_PROP bit indicates the presence of a memory-bandwidth proportional-stride
partitioning control interface in the MSC.
Combining memory-bandwidth proportional stride with other memory-bandwidth
There is no setting of the STRIDEM1 control field that disables the effects of proportional-stride partitioning on a
partition’s bandwidth usage. To enable proportional-stride partitioning for a PARTID,
MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP.EN must be set to 1.
When multiple partitioning controls are active, each affects the partition’s bandwidth usage. However, some
combinations of controls may not make sense, because the regulation of that pair of controls cannot be made to work
in concert.
Memory-bandwidth maximum partitioning must work together with proportional-stride partitioning.
9.3.6 Priority partitioning
Unlike the other memory-system resources in this architecture, priority does not directly affect the allocation of
memory-system resources. Instead, it has an effect on conflicts that arise during access to resources. A properly
configured system should rarely have substantial performance effects due to prioritization, but priority does play an
important role in oversubscribed situations, whether instantaneous or sustained. Therefore, we choose to include
priority partitioning here as a tool to aid in isolating memory-system effects between partitions.
A PARTID may be assigned priorities for each component in the memory system that implements a priority
partitioning control. This partitioning control allows different parts of the memory system to handle requests with
different priorities. For example, requests from a PE to system cache may be set to have a higher transport priority
than those from system cache to main memory.
In a system in which the interconnect carries QoS values or priorities, requests arriving at an MSC have an upstream
priority as part of the request. In the absence of an internal priority partitioning control, request priority could be
used by an MSC to prioritize internal operations. In the absence of a downstream priority partitioning control, the
request priority is used as through priority. See Through priorities on page 9-135.
Priority partitioning can override the upstream priority with two types of priorities:
Internal priorities control priorities used in the internal operation of an MSC.
Downstream priorities control priorities communicated downstream (for example to an interconnect).
“Downstream” refers to the communication direction for requests. “Upstream” refers to the response, and it usually
uses the same transport priority as the request that generated it.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.3 Standard partitioning control interfaces
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Internal priorities
Internal priorities are used within an MSC to prioritize internal operations. For example, a memory controller may
use an internal priority to choose between waiting requests when bandwidth allocation indicates two or more
requests have the same bandwidth preference.
Internal priority partitioning is optional even if downstream priority partitioning is implemented.
Downstream priorities
An MSC uses a downstream priority to set transport priorities for downstream requests generated during the
servicing of an incoming request from upstream.
Downstream priority partitioning is optional even if internal priority partitioning is implemented.
Through priorities
For a system in which the interconnect carries QoS values or priorities, these priorities arrive with incoming requests
from upstream. An MSC that does not implement priority partitioning, or that does not implement downstream
priority partitioning, must use these upstream priorities on all downstream communication.
If an MSC does not implement priority partitioning, or it does not implement downstream priorities, the downstream
priority is always the same as the request (upstream) priority.
The priority of a response through an MSC (from downstream to upstream) is always the same priority as the
response received (from downstream). Priority partitioning never alters response priorities received from
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.4 Vendor or implementation-specific partitioning control interfaces
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9.4 Vendor or implementation-specific partitioning control interfaces
MPAM provides discoverable vendor extensions to permit partners to invent partitioning controls. These include
controls that do not fit the standard interfaces and controls for types of resources not supported through the standard
controls defined in this document. Such controls provide product differentiation to address market-segment needs
or to provide superior memory-system control.
The MPAMF_IDR.HAS_IMPL_IDR bit indicates the presence of MPAMF_IMPL_IDR and of
implementation-specific or vendor-specific resource partitioning controls.
Vendor, design, or model and version information is present in MPAMF_IIDR. MPAMF_IMPL_IDR is available
for implementations that need to convey additional information about parameters of implementation-specific
partitioning controls.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.5 Measurements for controlling resource usage
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9.5 Measurements for controlling resource usage
This section is informative.
In many cases, resource usage by a partition must be measured so that the resource controller can regulate allocation
of the resource to that partition.
In a memory channel, the bytes delivered to requests from a PARTID might be more costly if delivered in response
to a series of 1-byte requests rather than cache-line-sized bursts. So, it might be reasonable to count the cost of
servicing a 1-byte request to be the same as the cost of servicing a cache-line request rather than as a fraction of a
word access cost.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.6 PARTID narrowing
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9.6 PARTID narrowing
An implementation may optionally map input PARTID spaces into smaller internal PARTID spaces. This involves
mapping the PARTID from a request (reqPARTID) into an internal PARTID (intPARTID). The
reqPARTID-to-intPARTID mappings for Secure and Non-secure physical PARTID spaces must be used internally
and not for downstream requests.
This mapping is supported by a memory-mapped register, MPAMCFG_INTPARTID, and an ID register bit for each
of the Secure and Non-secure physical PARTID spaces. The related behavior includes:
Translate the incoming request’s reqPARTID and MPAM_NS into an intPARTID (with the same
MPAM_NS) before accessing the control settings and regulation state of the partition.
Use MPAMCFG_INTPARTID to store an association of a reqPARTID in MPAMCFG_PART_SEL to the
Error code for MPAMF_ESR to indicate a bad intPARTID mapping for the reqPARTID.
A bit in MPAMCFG_PART_SEL indicates that the value in that register is an intPARTID. The register can
hold either an intPARTID or reqPARTID at any time, but the reqPARTID can only be used for accessing the
association by means of MPAMCFG_INTPARTID. So, at the time MPAMCFG_INTPARTID is read or
written, MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.INTERNAL must be clear. For access to read or write other control
settings registers, the INTERNAL bit must be set.
With PARTID narrowing implemented, the contents of MPAMCFG_PART_SEL are interpreted as an
intPARTID for accessing control settings through an MPAMCFG_* register other than
MPAMCFG_INTPARTID. The MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.INTERNAL bit must be set to confirm the
intPARTID is being used.
With PARTID narrowing not implemented, the contents of MPAMCFG_PART_SEL are interpreted as a
reqPARTID. The MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.INTERNAL bit must == 0 to confirm that the reqPARTID is
being used.
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.7 System reset of MPAM controls in MSCs
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9.7 System reset of MPAM controls in MSCs
This section is normative.
After a system reset, the MPAM controls in MSCs must reset the settings for default PARTID (Default PARTID on
page 3-30) so that software can use all of the resource. Since MPAMn_ELx.MPAMEN for the highest implemented
ELx is reset to 0 by a system reset, the MPAM fields of all requests issued by a PE use the corresponding default
PARTID in the PE’s current Security state. Only the resource controls for the default PARTIDs must be reset to full
access for the system to behave as if there were no MPAM.
Only the control settings for the default PARTID must be reset. The reset value should be appropriate to allow the
default PARTID to access all of the resource. This is needed to allow the system to boot up to a point where MPAM
resource controls can be set before non-default PARTIDs are used to make requests.
9.7.1 Suggested reset values for standard control types
Table 9-2 shows the suggested reset values for PARTID == 0 control setting for both MPAM_NS == 0 and
MPAM_NS == 1.
In addition, for PARTID narrowing, Arm suggests that reqPARTID == 0 map to intPARTID == 0 and that the reset
values be applied to the settings of intPARTID == 0 in both values of MPAM_NS.
Table 9-2 Suggested reset values for standard control types
Control type Reset value
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.8 About the fixed-point fractional format
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9.8 About the fixed-point fractional format
This section is normative.
Fractional control parameters use a 16-bit fixed-point format. The format permits implementations to have fewer
than 16 bits by truncating least significant bits from the fraction and implementing these bits as RAZ/WI.
Software can be expected to calculate a 16-bit fractional part to store into the memory-mapped register without the
need to understand the implemented width of the field. If the field width is less than 16 bits, the least significant bits
are silently IGNORED by the implementation. This results in an uncertainty of the intended value.
If software stores an intended fractional value into a field with an implemented width of w, the implementation’s
truncated field sees a value of v. The value v is at the bottom of the range of v to v + 2
– 2
and the intended
fractional value lies somewhere within that range, inclusive of the end points.
Depending on the use of the fractional value, the best choice of value within the range could be the center of the
range, the smallest end of the range, or the greatest end of the range. For examples, a cache maximum-capacity
fraction might best be interpreted as the highest end of the range, and a cache minimum-capacity fraction might best
be interpreted as the lowest end of the range.
Table 9-3 shows the fraction widths and hex representation used for three formats. The values in the table are
suitable for a maximum limit because the Max value for every entry is never greater than the target value.
Table 9-3 Fraction Widths and Hex Representation
Percentage 16 bits 12 bits 8 bits
Hex Min Max Hex Min Max Hex Min Max
0.9979% 0.9995%
0.9521% 0.9766%
0.3906% 0.7813%
12.4985% 12.5000%
12.4756% 12.5000%
12.1094% 12.5000%
16.6672% 16.6687%
16.6260% 16.6504%
16.0156% 16.4063%
24.9985% 25.0000%
24.9756% 25.0000%
24.6094% 25.0000%
33.3282% 33.3298%
33.3008% 33.3252%
32.8125% 33.2031%
34.9976% 34.9991%
34.9609% 34.9854%
34.3750% 34.7656%
37.2482% 37.2498%
37.2070% 37.2314%
36.7188% 37.1094%
42.4973% 42.4988%
42.4561% 42.4805%
41.7969% 42.1875%
44.9982% 44.9997%
44.9707% 44.9951%
44.5313% 44.9219%
49.9985% 50.0000%
49.9756% 50.0000%
49.6094% 50.0000%
51.9974% 51.9989%
51.9531% 51.9775%
51.5625% 51.9531%
54.9973% 54.9988%
54.9561% 54.9805%
54.2969% 54.6875%
57.9971% 57.9987%
57.9590% 57.9834%
57.4219% 57.8125%
62.7472% 62.7487%
62.7197% 62.7441%
62.1094% 62.5000%
66.6641% 66.6656%
66.6260% 66.6504%
66.0156% 66.4063%
74.9985% 75.0000%
74.9756% 75.0000%
74.6094% 75.0000%
82.4982% 82.4997%
82.4707% 82.4951%
82.0313% 82.4219%
87.9974% 87.9990%
87.9639% 87.9883%
87.5000% 87.8906%
94.9982% 94.9997%
94.9707% 94.9951%
94.5313% 94.9219%
2^n 65536 4096 256
ndigits 4 3 2
shift 0 0 0
9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.8 About the fixed-point fractional format
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9 Resource Partitioning Controls
9.8 About the fixed-point fractional format
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Chapter 10
Performance Monitoring Groups
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page 10-144.
MPAM resource monitors on page 10-145.
Common features on page 10-147.
Monitor configuration on page 10-149.
10 Performance Monitoring Groups
10.1 Introduction
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10.1 Introduction
Software environments may be labeled as belonging to a Performance Monitoring Group (PMG) within a partition.
The PARTID and PMG can be used to filter some performance events so that the performance of a particular
PARTID and PMG can be monitored.
10 Performance Monitoring Groups
10.2 MPAM resource monitors
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10.2 MPAM resource monitors
MPAM resource monitors provide software with measurements of the resource-type usage that can be partitioned
by MPAM. There are two types of MPAM resource monitors:
Memory-bandwidth usage.
Cache-storage usage.
Each type of monitor measures the usage by memory-system transactions of a PARTID and PMG. An MSC may
implement any number of performance monitors, up to 2
of each type.
10.2.1 Memory-bandwidth usage monitors
Memory-bandwidth usage monitors measure bandwidth meeting the filter criteria transferred downstream by an
MSC. Each monitor has the following set of memory-mapped configuration registers and functional features:
A filter register (MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT) specifies the transfers to be counted. This register has fields
for reads, writes, PARTID, PMG, and other criteria.
A monitor register (MSMON_MBWU) counts bytes transferred downstream from this MSC that match the
conditions of the filter register. This monitor register may be reset after each capture event.
An optional capture register (MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE) is loaded from the performance counter each
time the selected capture event occurs. When a capture event occurs, the monitor register is copied to the
capture register.
A Not-Ready (NRDY) bit (Not-Ready Bit on page 10-147) in the memory-bandwidth usage register
(MSMON_MBWU) is set when the filter register is changed. The NRDY bit is reset to 0 after a capture event.
The NRDY bit is copied to the capture register along with the rest of the monitor register's content. This copy
is made before the NRDY bit is reset. If the value of the NRDY bit in the capture register is 1, the captured
resource usage should be viewed as representing an incomplete sampling interval. Therefore, the count
should be assumed to be incorrect.
A capture event is needed if the optional capture register is implemented. The capture event causes the transfer of
each monitors count register to its capture register and may optionally reset the count register.
If the count register is reset, this allows reading (1) the bandwidth used by transfers that meet the criteria set in the
filter register, during the interval between the last two capture events, and (2) the bandwidth used since the last
capture event.
There can be several sources of the capture event. The capture event source to use is specified in
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.CAPT_EVNT (Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers on
page 11-203). It can be advantageous to use a single event to capture monitors in several MSCs simultaneously. A
periodic capture event for multiple MSCs could be generated at the system level, perhaps using a generic timer, and
distributed to the several MSCs.
The source of an external capture event is selected in MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.CAPT_EVNT. A local capture
event generator is present if MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.HAS_LOCAL_CAPT_EVNT == 1, and this generator
generates events when certain values are written into MSMON_CAPT_EVNT.
If the traffic to memory might be distributed across several MSCs (for example, across several memory channel
controllers), a comprehensive measurement of bandwidth might require reading multiple memory-bandwidth usage
monitors on those MSCs and summing the results.
10.2.2 Cache-storage usage monitor
A cache-storage usage monitor is filtered by a PARTID and PMG. Each monitor has the following memory-mapped
configuration registers:
A filter register (MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT) that sets the PARTID and PMG to be monitored.
10 Performance Monitoring Groups
10.2 MPAM resource monitors
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A cache-storage usage register (MSON_CSU) that reports the amount of storage currently present within the
cache allocated by the PARTID and PMG.
A Not-Ready (NRDY) bit (Not-Ready Bit on page 10-147) in the cache-storage usage register
(MSMON_CSU) that indicates that the value is not accurate. An implementation may set this bit if the value
in the cache-storage usage register is not currently accurate, possibly because it is still being computed.
An optional capture register (MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE) that is loaded from the cache-storage usage
register each time the capture event occurs.
A capture event is needed if the optional capture register is implemented. The capture event causes the transfer of
each monitors cache-storage usage register to its optional capture register.
The source of the capture event is not specified here. It can be advantageous to use a single event to capture monitors
in several MSCs simultaneously. A periodic capture event for multiple MSCs could be generated at the system level,
perhaps using a generic timer, and distributed to the several MSCs.
The source of an external capture event is selected in MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.CAPT_EVNT. A local capture
event generator is present if MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.HAS_LOCAL_CAPT_EVNT == 1, and this generator
generates events when certain values are written into MSMON_CAPT_EVNT.
If a monitor needs time to become accurate, the NRDY bit signals that the value is not yet accurate. Some methods
of building cache-storage usage monitors may involve (1) a phase in which the monitor collects enough information
to begin accurately tracking usage, or (2) a phase in which the measurement is kept accurate by tracking resource
usage events. For example such a monitor might take tens of microseconds to complete the first phase before the
value accurately tracks the actual resource usage. In this case, the NRDY bit would be kept at 1 until the monitor
value becomes accurate.
The NRDY bit is included because some implementations may have timing restrictions between setting the filter
register and reading the cache-storage usage register that may span thousands of PE cycles. Reading the monitor too
soon is permitted to affect the accuracy of the readout, and it is indicated when the not-ready bit of the cache-storage
usage register == 1.
10 Performance Monitoring Groups
10.3 Common features
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10.3 Common features
All MPAM performance monitors have these features:
Not-ready bit.
Capture register.
Overflow bit.
These features are described below.
10.3.1 Not-Ready Bit
The Not-Ready (NRDY) bit, in the MSMON_MBWU and MSMON_CSU registers, when set, indicates that the
monitor does not have an accurate count or measurement yet, because the monitors settings have been recently
changed. If the monitor requires some time to establish a new count or measurement after its settings are changed,
the NRDY bit must be set automatically when the settings are changed and reset when the count or measurement is
accurately represented in the monitor.
In the absence of another change in settings, the NRDY bit must clear automatically within a maximum length of
time. The maximum time that NRDY may be 1 is an implementation parameter that is discoverable in the firmware
data value of MAX_NRDY_USEC for the MSC’s monitor type.
Each instance of each type of monitor keeps its NRDY bit separately. For example, if MBWU monitor 3 is collecting
memory bandwidth for one partition and MBWU monitor 6 is later configured to collect for another partition, the
configuration of MBWU monitor 6 must not disturb the on-going collection in MBWU monitor 3.
The NRDY bit of a monitor or capture register can be written to either state and may subsequently change state due
to a capture event or a change in the configuration of the monitor.
If a monitor does not support the automatic behaviors of NRDY, this bit is permitted to be an RW bit with no
additional functionality.
10.3.2 Capture event and capture register
A capture event causes every monitor that is configured to be sensitive to that event to be copied into that monitor's
capture register.
Capture events may be local to the MSC or external to the MSC and may be software-initiated single events or a
periodically repeating series of events. External capture events are system-defined. A generic counter can be used
as the source of such an event, but this is not required. An external capture event could be distributed to all MSCs
so that system-wide captures occur of all monitors sensitive to the external event. This permits using the various
measurements for sums and differences because they measure the same period and (mostly) related resource usage.
A capture register for a monitor is loaded with the monitors count or measurement and its NRDY bit when a capture
event that is selected in the monitors control register occurs. A capture event completes almost instantaneously, so
no handshake is used for completion. However, the NRDY bit indicates whether a capture is not an accurate reading.
If the event is periodic, software can read the capture registers at any time to get the results captured when the most
recent capture event occurred.
If it makes sense for the particular monitored value, the count or measurement can optionally be reset by the event.
In this case, the value in the capture register represents a count over the capture-event period or a measurement over
that period.
Local capture-event generator
generates capture events that are local to an MSC when it is written with a value that contains a 1 in the NOW bit
10 Performance Monitoring Groups
10.3 Common features
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MSMON_CAPT_EVNT is banked for Secure and Non-secure versions. The Non-secure version generates a local
capture event to all Non-secure monitors within the MSC that have been configured to use
MSMON_CFG_type_FLT.CAPT_EVNT == 7 (Table 10-1 on page 10-149). The Secure version of
MSMON_CAPT_EVNT generates a local capture event to all Secure monitors within the MSC that have been
configured to use CAPT_EVNT == 7 when MSMON_CAPT_EVENT is written with ALL == 0 and NOW == 1.
When the ALL and NOW bits both == 1 in a write to Secure MSMON_CAPT_EVNT, the write generates a local
capture event to all Secure and Non-secure monitors within the MSC that have been configured to use
If MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.HAS_LOCAL_CAPT_EVNT == 0, local capture events are not generated and any
monitors that have their control register set to CAPT_EVNT == 7 do not receive any capture events.
Reset on capture
Monitors that keep a count of events, or that accumulate counts such as bytes transferred, may be optionally reset
after a capture event transfers the count to the monitors capture register. This behavior on capture is controlled by
the MSMON_CFG_*_CTL.CAPT_RESET bit. If CAPT_RESET == 1, the monitor count is reset to 0 immediately
after the value is captured into the MSMON_*_CAPTURE register.
Monitors that report a current resource value, such as cache-storage usage, that cannot reasonably be reset, do not
need to support reset on capture behavior. Arm recommends that these monitors have the CAPT_RESET bit as
10.3.3 Overflow bit
The MSMON_CFG_*_CTL.OFLOW_STATUS bit is set to 1 when the monitor counter overflows. This bit must
be reset by writing 0 to the OFLOW_STATUS field.
The MSMON_CFG_*_CTL register contains fields to control MPAM behavior on an overflow. The OFLOW_FRZ
bit, when set, freezes the counter after the count that caused it to overflow; when reset to 0, the counter continues
to count after an overflow. The OFLOW_INTR bit, when set, signals an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED interrupt
when the counter overflows; when 0, no interrupt is signalled.
10 Performance Monitoring Groups
10.4 Monitor configuration
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10.4 Monitor configuration
For each type of resource monitor, the number of monitor instances that are available is described in the
corresponding MPAMF_<type>MON_IDR.NUM_MON field.
The MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.MON_SEL field selects the monitor instance to configure. The MON_SEL
monitor instance of monitor type, type, is accessed when an MSMON_CFG_<type> register is accessed.
All monitor types have two 32-bit configuration registers:
MSMON_CFG_<type>_FLT (Table 10-1) has fields to select the PARTID and PMG to monitor.
MSMON_CFG_<type>_CTL (Table 10-2) has controls for counting a subset of events, controlling overflow,
and capture behavior.
Some monitor types may not require all fields, and fields not required must be RAZ/WI or RAO/WI.
Table 10-1 MSMON_CFG_<type>_FLT register template
Bits Name Description
15:0 PARTID Configures the PARTID for the selected monitor to match. Matching of
23:16 PMG Configures the PMG for the selected monitor to match. Matching of PMG
is enabled by MSMON_CFG_<type>_CTL.MATCH_PMG.
31:24 Reserved RAZ/WI.
Table 10-2 MSMON_CFG_<type>_CTL register template
Bits Name Description
7:0 TYPE RO: Constant type indicating the type of the monitor. Currently assigned
values are
for MBWU monitor, and
for CSU monitor. Other
values less than
are reserved. Values greater than
are for use by
15:8 Reserved RAZ/WI.
16 MATCH_PARTID 0 Monitor events with any PARTID.
1 Only monitor events with the PARTID matching
17 MATCH_PMG 0 Monitor events with any PMG.
1 Only monitor events with the PMG matching
19:18 Reserved RAZ/WI
23:20 SUBTYPE A monitor can have other event-matching criteria. The meaning of values in
this field can vary by monitor type.
If not used by the monitor type, this field is RAZ/WI.
24 OFLOW_FRZ 0 Monitor count wraps on overflow and continues to count.
1 Monitor count freezes on overflow. The frozen value may be
0 or another value, if the monitor overflowed with an
increment larger than 1.
25 OFLOW_INTR 0 No interrupt.
1 On overflow, an implementation-specific interrupt is
26 OFLOW_STATUS 1 No overflow has occurred.
1 At least one overflow has occurred since this bit was last
written to 0.
10 Performance Monitoring Groups
10.4 Monitor configuration
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27 CAPT_RESET 0 Monitor is not reset on capture.
1 Monitor is reset on capture.
If capture is not implemented for this monitor type, or the monitor is not a
count that can be reasonably reset, this field is RAZ/WI.
30:28 CAPT_EVNT Select the event that triggers capture from the following:
0 External capture event 1 (optional but recommended).
1 External capture event 2 (optional).
2 External capture event 2 (optional).
3 External capture event 3 (optional).
4 External capture event 4 (optional).
5 External capture event 5 (optional).
6 External capture event 6 (optional).
7 Capture occurs when the MSMON_CAPT_EVNT register
is written. (optional).
External capture events are system-defined. An external capture event could
be distributed to many MSCs.
The values marked as optional indicate capture-event sources that can be
omitted in an implementation. Those values representing non-implemented
event sources must not trigger a capture event.
If capture is not implemented for the monitor, as indicated by
MPAMF_<type>MON_IDR.HAS_CAPTURE == 0, this field is RAZ/WI.
31 EN 0 The monitor is disabled and must not collect any
1 The monitor is enabled to collect information according to
its configuration.
Table 10-2 MSMON_CFG_<type>_CTL register template (continued)
Bits Name Description
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Chapter 11
Memory-Mapped Registers
This chapter contains the following sections:
Overview of MMRs on page 11-152.
Summary of memory-mapped registers on page 11-156.
Memory-mapped ID register description on page 11-158.
Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers on page 11-182.
Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers on page 11-203.
Memory-mapped control and status registers on page 11-226.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.1 Overview of MMRs
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11.1 Overview of MMRs
The MPAM behavior of an MSC is discovered and configured via memory-mapped registers (MMRs) in the MSC.
All MPAM MMRs are located on the MPAM feature page for the MSC (MPAM feature page on page 11-153). An
MSC's MPAM feature page is located from information about the device, possibly provided via firmware data such
as device tree or ACPI (Appendix B MSC Firmware Data).
There are MMRs for identifying MPAM parameters and options, the ID registers. These IDRs have the MPAMF
Other registers configure MPAM resource controls. These registers have the MPAMCFG prefix.
The resource monitor configuration and readout registers have the MSMON prefix.
Finally, there is a register to report the status of MPAM programming errors encountered in the MSC and a register
to control MPAM interrupts.
11.1.1 Determining presence and location of MMRs
The MPAMF_IDR register is located at offset
of the MPAM feature page. It indicates which MPAM resource
controls are present in the MSC and the maximum PARTID and PMG supported in requests to the MSC. Other
MPAMF ID registers are present if the corresponding MPAMF_IDR register bit is set and those registers identify
the implemented values of architecturally-defined parameters associated with the particular class of MPAM
resource control.
The MPAMF_IDR also indicates whether the MSC has MPAM monitors. If so, MPAMF_MSMON_IDR indicates
which monitor types are supported by the MSC. Other monitor MPAMF ID registers are present if the corresponding
bit in MPAMF_MSMON_IDR is set and those registers identify the implemented values of architecturally- defined
parameters associated with the particular type of MPAM monitor.
The address of each MPAM MMR present in an MSC is located within the MPAM feature page for that component
at a register-specific offset into that page. The offsets are given in tables in Summary of memory-mapped registers
on page 11-156 and MPAM feature page on page 11-153.
11.1.2 Configuring resource controls for a partition
To configure the MPAM resource controls supported by an MSC for a PARTID:
1. Gain exclusive access to the MSC’s partitioning configuration registers (for example, take a lock for the
memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers, Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers
on page 11-182).
2. Write the PARTID to the component’s MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
3. Write to the MPAMCFG_* registers for the resource controls of the component.
4. Repeat step 3 to configure additional controls associated with the PARTID selected in step 2.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to configure controls for additional PARTIDs.
6. Release exclusive access to the MSC’s partitioning control configuration registers (for example, release the
lock taken in step 1).
Repeat this procedure for each MSC.
The configuration registers are all the read-write registers that begin with MPAMCFG_*. That is all of the registers
in Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers on page 11-182. Before writing any of these registers,
software must take a lock to prevent other software from accessing these registers until the lock is released. This is
in part because the writing involves first putting a PARTID into the MPAMCFG_PART_SEL register and then
writing a configuration value into one or more of the MPAM resource control’s configuration registers (also
MPAMCFG_* registers).
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.1 Overview of MMRs
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Software must also take a lock to read any MPAMCFG_* register, other than MPAMCFG_PART_SEL, because
reading also involves first putting a PARTID into MPAMCFG_PART_SEL register and then reading a configuration
value from one or more of the MPAMCFG_* registers.
There are two copies of MPAMCFG_PART_SEL, one for resource controls for the Secure PARTID space that are
accessed from the Secure address space, and the other for resource controls for the Non-secure PARTID space that
are accessed from the Non-secure address space. Because there are two copies, there can be separate locks for
Secure MPAMCFG_PART_SEL and for Non-secure MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
11.1.3 Configuring memory-system monitors
To configure the memory-system monitors supported by an MSC for a PARTID and PMG:
1. Gain exclusive access to the MSC’s monitor configuration registers (for example, take a lock for the
memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers, Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers on
page 11-203).
2. Write to the component’s MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL to select one of the monitor instances available in the
3. Write to the MSMON_CFG_* registers for the instance of the monitor type.
4. Repeat step 3 to configure additional registers associated with the monitor instance.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to configure additional monitor instances.
6. Release the exclusive access to the MSC’s monitor configuration registers (for example, release the lock
taken in step 1).
Repeat this procedure for each MSC.
Software must also take the lock to read any MSMON_* register, other than MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL, because
reading involves first writing a monitor index into MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL and then reading an MSMON
The monitor configuration registers are all of the registers in Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
on page 11-203. These registers have requirements similar to the MPAMCFG_* registers. The monitor
configuration registers can have a separate lock or share the same lock as for the MPAMCFG_* registers. The
selection register for monitors is MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
The configuration reading procedure of this section is also required to read the monitor and capture registers because
these too are addressed by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
There are two copies of MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL, one for Secure monitors that are accessed from the Secure
address space and the other for Non-secure monitors that are accessed from the Non-secure address space. Because
there are two copies, there can be separate locks for Secure MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL and for Non-secure
11.1.4 MPAM feature page
MMRs of an MSC must be placed in a 64-KB-aligned block of addresses that is separate from other
memory-mapped registers in the MSC, possibly along with other MMRs for that MSC that also need to trap to the
hypervisor. This address block is called the MPAM feature page for the MSC. All of the MPAM MMRs of an MSC
have addresses within the component’s MPAM feature page.
Secure and Non-secure address space and banked MMRs
If the MSC supports the Secure address space (NS == 0), the MPAM feature page must be accessible in both the
Secure and Non-secure address spaces.
MMRs describing (IDRs) or controlling (MPAMCFG*) Secure PARTIDs are in the Secure address space, and those
describing or controlling Non-secure PARTIDs are in the Non-secure address space.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.1 Overview of MMRs
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If an MPAM MMR addressed in the Non-secure address space is different from the same MMR in the Secure
address space, the register is banked by security of the address. All of the MPAMCFG MSC MMRs are banked to
permit is security state to update resource control settings for its PARTID space without coordination with the other
security state.
If an MPAM MMR that is addressed in the Non-secure address space accesses the same register as is accessed from
the Secure address space, the register is shared between the address spaces.
If a different set of resource controls is implemented for Secure and Non-secure PARTIDs, the ID registers covering
the controls that are different must be banked so that the controls available for Secure and Non-secure PARTIDs
may be separately discovered. If a resource control is implemented for only one of the PARTID spaces and the ID
registers indicate the presence and absence of the control, the MMR can also be absent from the corresponding
Secure or Non-secure address space.
MPAM MMRs only in the Secure address space
Certain MPAM MMRs are only present within the MPAM feature page when accessed via the Secure address space
(NS = 0). MPAMF_SIDR is the only MMR accessible via the secure address space.
MPAM MMRs potentially shared between address spaces
Some of the MPAM MMRs are permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address space. This
includes all of the MPAMF*IDR registers because these are read-only. If the information regarding Secure and
Non-secure PARTIDs is the same in an MPAMF*IDR, then the register is permitted to be shared because software
could not tell whether the register is share or banked.
These registers are permitted to be shared if the same or banked is different in the two address spaces:
MPAM MMRs that must be shared between address spaces
Two registers must be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address spaces. These registers contain read-only
values that must read as the same value in the two address spaces:
MPAM MMRs that must be banked between address space
Most MPAM MMRs, such as the following, must be banked and have Secure and Non-secure versions that are
accessed via the corresponding Secure and Non-secure address spaces:
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.1 Overview of MMRs
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Accesses to locations where there is no register in the address space of the access
Access to MPAM MMR address where there is no register in the address space of the access must be treated as
reserved MPAM feature page locations according to IMPLEMENTATION-DEFINED MPAM memory-mapped
registers and reserved MPAM feature page locations.
11.1.5 Minimum required MPAM memory-mapped registers
If an MSC has any support for MPAM, the following registers are required:
MPAMF_SIDR, if the Secure address space is supported.
If an MSC supports any resource controls, the following registers are also required:
If an MSC supports any resource monitors, the following registers are also required:
If an MSC can detect any errors, it must implement:
MSC MPAM MMRs not mentioned in this section are optional and expected to be implemented only when the
resource control or monitor that the register supports is implemented.
11.1.6 IMPLEMENTATION-DEFINED MPAM memory-mapped registers and reserved MPAM feature
page locations
IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED MPAM memory mapped registers are permitted in the MPAM feature page at
offsets equal to or greater than
All locations in the MPAM feature page at offsets less than
are reserved to the architecture. Within that
address range:
Reads and writes of unallocated locations are reserved accesses.
Reads and writes of locations for registers that are not implemented are reserved accesses, including register
locations for:
OPTIONAL MPAM MSC features that are not implemented.
ID registers for OPTIONAL MPAM MSC features that are not implemented and indicated as not
implemented in ID registers that are implemented.
Locations that are beyond the implemented width of a register as given in the corresponding ID register but
within the range of locations allocated by the architecture are reserved accesses.
Reads of WO locations are reserved accesses.
Writes to RO locations are reserved accesses.
The architecture requires reserved accesses to be implemented as RAZ/WI. However, software must not rely on this
property as the behavior of reserved values might change in a future revision of the MPAM Extension architecture.
Software must treat reserved accesses as RES0.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.2 Summary of memory-mapped registers
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11.2 Summary of memory-mapped registers
Table 11-1 lists the external MPAM registers in order of register offset.
Table 11-1 Index of external MPAM registers ordered by offset
Register Offset Length Description, see
32 MPAMF_IDR, MPAM Features Identification Register on page 11-165
32 MPAMF_SIDR, MPAM Features Secure Identification Register on
page 11-181
32 MPAMF_IIDR, MPAM Implemenation Identification Register on
page 11-168
32 MPAMF_AIDR, MPAM Architecture Identification Register on page 11-159
32 MPAMF_IMPL_IDR, MPAM Implementation-Specific Partitioning Feature
Identification Register on page 11-170
32 MPAMF_CPOR_IDR, MPAM Features Cache Portion Partitioning ID
register on page 11-162
32 MPAMF_CCAP_IDR, MPAM Features Cache Capacity Partitioning ID
register on page 11-161
32 MPAMF_MBW_IDR, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Partitioning Identification
Register on page 11-171
32 MPAMF_PRI_IDR, MPAM Priority Partitioning Identification Register on
page 11-179
32 MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR, MPAM PARTID Narrowing ID register on
page 11-178
32 MPAMF_MSMON_IDR, MPAM Resource Monitoring Identification Register
on page 11-176
32 MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR, MPAM Features Cache Storage Usage Monitoring
ID register on page 11-163
32 MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR, MPAM Features Memory Bandwidth Usage
Monitoring ID register on page 11-174
32 MPAMF_ECR, MPAM Error Control Register on page 11-227
32 MPAMF_ESR, MPAM Error Status Register on page 11-229
32 MPAMCFG_PART_SEL, MPAM Partion Configuration Selection Register on
page 11-199
32 MPAMCFG_CMAX, MPAM Cache Maximum Capacity Partition
Configuration Register on page 11-183
32 MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN, MPAM Cache Maximum Capacity Partition
Configuration Register on page 11-191
32 MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Maximum Partition
Configuration Register on page 11-189
32 MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Partitioning
Window Width Configuration Register on page 11-197
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.2 Summary of memory-mapped registers
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32 MPAMCFG_PRI, MPAM Priority Partition Configuration Register on
page 11-201
32 MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Proportional Stride
Partition Configuration Register on page 11-195
Configuration Register on page 11-187
32 MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL, MPAM Partion Configuration Selection Register
on page 11-216
32 MSMON_CAPT_EVNT, MPAM Capture Event Generation Register on
page 11-204
32 MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT, MPAM Memory System Monitor Configure
Cache Storage Usage Monitor Filter Register on page 11-209
32 MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL, MPAM Memory System Monitor Configure
Cache Storage Usage Monitor Control Register on page 11-206
32 MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT, MPAM Memory System Monitor Configure
Memory Bandwidth Usage Monitor Filter Register on page 11-214
32 MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL, MPAM Memory System Monitor Configure
Memory Bandwidth Usage Monitor Control Register on page 11-211
32 MSMON_CSU, MPAM Cache Storage Usage Monitor Register on
page 11-218
32 MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE, MPAM Cache Storage Usage Monitor Capture
Register on page 11-220
32 MSMON_MBWU, MPAM Memory Bandwdith Usage Monitor Register on
page 11-222
32 MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Usage Monitor
Capture Register on page 11-224
32768 MPAMCFG_CPBM, MPAM Cache Portion Bitmap Partition Configuration
Register on page 11-185
4096 MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM, MPAM Bandwidth Portion Bitmap Parition
Configuration Register on page 11-193
Table 11-1 Index of external MPAM registers ordered by offset (continued)
Register Offset Length Description, see
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
11-158 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
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11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
This section lists the external ID registers.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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11.3.1 MPAMF_AIDR, MPAM Architecture Identification Register
The MPAMF_AIDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_AIDR is a 32-bit read-only register that identifies the version of the MPAM
architecture that this MSC implements.
Note: The following values are defined for bits [7:0]:
== MPAM architecture v1.0
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_AIDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_AIDR must be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address maps.
The power domain of MPAMF_AIDR is
There are no configuration notes.
MPAMF_AIDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_AIDR bit assignments are:
Bits [31:8]
ArchMajorRev, bits [7:4]
Major revision of the MPAM architecture implemented by the MSC.
ArchMinorRev, bits [3:0]
Minor revision of the MPAM architecture implemented by the MSC.
Accessing the MPAMF_AIDR:
MPAMF_AIDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
31 8
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
11-160 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_AIDR is RO.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
ARM DDI 0598A.a Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 11-161
ID103018 Non-Confidential
11.3.2 MPAMF_CCAP_IDR, MPAM Features Cache Capacity Partitioning ID register
The MPAMF_CCAP_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_CCAP_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates the number of fractional bits
in MPAMCFG_CMAX for this MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_CCAP_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_CCAP_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address maps
unless the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the register must
be banked.
The power domain of MPAMF_CCAP_IDR is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_CCAP_PART == 1. Otherwise, direct
accesses to MPAMF_CCAP_IDR are
MPAMF_CCAP_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_CCAP_IDR bit assignments are:
Bits [31:6]
CMAX_WD, bits [5:0]
Number of fractional bits implemented in the cache capacity partitioning control,
This field must contain a value from 1 to 16, inclusive.
Accessing the MPAMF_CCAP_IDR:
MPAMF_CCAP_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_CCAP_IDR is RO.
31 6
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
11-162 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
11.3.3 MPAMF_CPOR_IDR, MPAM Features Cache Portion Partitioning ID register
The MPAMF_CPOR_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_CPOR_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates the number of bits in
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_CPOR_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_CPOR_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address maps
unless the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the register must
be banked.
The power domain of MPAMF_CPOR_IDR is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_CPOR == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MPAMF_CPOR_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_CPOR_IDR bit assignments are:
Bits [31:16]
CPBM_WD, bits [15:0]
Number of bits in the cache portion partitioning bit map of this device. See MPAMCFG_CPBM.
This field must contain a value from 1 to 32768, inclusive. Values greater than 32 require a group
of 32-bit registers to access the CPBM, up to 1024 if CPBM_WD is the largest value.
Accessing the MPAMF_CPOR_IDR:
MPAMF_CPOR_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_CPOR_IDR is RO.
31 16
15 0
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
ARM DDI 0598A.a Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 11-163
ID103018 Non-Confidential
11.3.4 MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR, MPAM Features Cache Storage Usage Monitoring ID register
The MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates the number of cache
storage usage monitors for this MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address
maps unless the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the register
must be banked.
The power domain of MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.MSMON_CSU == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR bit assignments are:
HAS_CAPTURE, bit [31]
The MSC's implementation supports copying an MSMON_CSU to the corresponding
MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE on a capture event.
MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE is not implemented and there is no support for capture
events in this component's CSU monitor.
The MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE register is implemented and this component's CSU
monitor supports the capture event behavior.
Bits [30:16]
Reserved, RES0.
NUM_MON, bits [15:0]
The number of cache storage usage monitors implemented in this MSC.
30 16
15 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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Non-Confidential ID103018
Accessing the MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR:
MPAMF_CSUMON_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
11.3.5 MPAMF_IDR, MPAM Features Identification Register
The MPAMF_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates which memory partitioning and
monitoring features are present on this MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address maps unless
the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the register must be
The power domain of MPAMF_IDR is
There are no configuration notes.
MPAMF_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_IDR bit assignments are:
HAS_PARTID_NRW, bit [31]
Has PARTID narrowing.
intPARTID mapping support.
HAS_MSMON, bit [30]
Has resource monitors. Indicates whether this MSC has MPAM resource monitors.
Does not support MPAM resource monitoring by groups or MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.
Supports resource monitoring by matching a combination of PARTID and PMG. See
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 16
15 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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Non-Confidential ID103018
HAS_IMPL_IDR, bit [29]
Has MPAMF_IMPL_IDR. Indicates whether this MSC has the implementation-specific MPAM
features register, MPAMF_IMPL_IDR.
Does not have MPAMF_IMPL_IDR.
Bit [28]
Reserved, RES0.
HAS_PRI_PART, bit [27]
Has priority partitioning. Indicates whether this MSC implements MPAM priority partitioning and
Does not support priority partitioning or have MPAMF_PRI_IDR.
HAS_MBW_PART, bit [26]
Has memory bandwidth partitioning. Indicates whether this MSC implements MPAM memory
bandwdith partitioning and MPAMF_MBW_IDR.
Does not support memory bandwidth partitioning or have MPAMF_MBW_IDR
Has MPAMF_MBW_IDR register.
HAS_CPOR_PART, bit [25]
Has cache portion partitioning. Indicates whether this MSC implements MPAM cache portion
partitioning and MPAMF_CPOR_IDR.
Does not support cache portion partitioning or have MPAMF_CPOR_IDR or
MPAMCFG_CPBM registers.
HAS_CCAP_PART, bit [24]
Has cache capacity partitioning. Indicates whether this MSC implements MPAM cache capacity
partitioning and the MPAMF_CCAP_IDR and MPAMCFG_CMAX registers.
Does not support cache capacity partitioning or have MPAMF_CCAP_IDR and
MPAMCFG_CMAX registers.
PMG_MAX, bits [23:16]
Maximum value of Non-secure PMG supported by this component.
PARTID_MAX, bits [15:0]
Maximum value of Non-secure PARTID supported by this component.
Accessing the MPAMF_IDR:
MPAMF_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_IDR is RO.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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Non-Confidential ID103018
11.3.6 MPAMF_IIDR, MPAM Implemenation Identification Register
The MPAMF_IIDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_IIDR is a 32-bit read-only register that gives identification information to uniquely
define the MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_IIDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_IIDR must be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address maps.
The power domain of MPAMF_IIDR is
There are no configuration notes.
MPAMF_IIDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_IIDR bit assignments are:
ProductID, bits [31:20]
Variant, bits [19:16]
IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED value used to distinguish product variants, or major revisions of the
Revision, bits [15:12]
IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED value used to distinguish minor revisions of the product.
Implementer, bits [11:0]
Contains the JEP106 code of the company that implemented the MPAM MSC.
[11:8] must contain the JEP106 continuation code of the implementer.
[7] must always be 0.
[6:0] must contain the JEP106 identity code of the implementer.
For an ARM implementation, bits[11:0] are
31 20
19 16
15 12
11 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMF_IIDR:
MPAMF_IIDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_IIDR is RO.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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Non-Confidential ID103018
11.3.7 MPAMF_IMPL_IDR, MPAM Implementation-Specific Partitioning Feature Identification Register
The MPAMF_IMPL_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_IMPL_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates the implementation-defined
partitioning features and parameters of the MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_IMPL_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_IMPL_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address maps
unless the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the register must
be banked.
The power domain of MPAMF_IMPL_IDR is
There are no configuration notes.
MPAMF_IMPL_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_IMPL_IDR bit assignments are:
IMP DEF, bits [31:0]
All 32 bits of this register are available to be used as the implementer sees fit to indicate the presence
of implementation-defined MPAM features in this MSC and to give additional
implementation-specific read-only information about the parameters of implementation-specific
MPAM features to software.
Accessing the MPAMF_IMPL_IDR:
MPAMF_IMPL_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_IMPL_IDR is RO.
31 0
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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11.3.8 MPAMF_MBW_IDR, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Partitioning Identification Register
The MPAMF_MBW_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_MBW_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates which MPAM bandwidth
partitioning features are present on this MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_MBW_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_MBW_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address maps
unless the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the register must
be banked.
The power domain of MPAMF_MBW_IDR is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MBW_PART == 1. Otherwise, direct
accesses to MPAMF_MBW_IDR are
MPAMF_MBW_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_MBW_IDR bit assignments are:
Bits [31:29]
BWPBM_WD, bits [28:16]
Bandwidth portion bitmap width.
The number of bandwidth portion bits in MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM.BWPBM.
This field must contain a value from 1 to 4096, inclusive. Values greater than 32 require a group of
32-bit registers to access the BWPBM, up to 128 if BWPBM_WD is the largest value.
Bit [15]
31 29
28 16
15 14 13 12 11 10
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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Non-Confidential ID103018
WINDWR, bit [14]
Indicates the bandwidth accounting period register is writable.
The bandwidth accounting period is readable from MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD
which might be fixed or vary due to clock rate reconfiguration of the memory channel
or memory controller.
The bandwidth accounting width is readable and writable per partition in
HAS_PROP, bit [13]
Indicates that this MSC implements proportional stride bandwidth partitioning and the
There is no memory bandwidth proportional stride control and no
The MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP register exists and the proportional stride memory
bandwidth allocation scheme is supported.
HAS_PBM, bit [12]
Indicates that this MSC implements bandwidth portion partitioning and the
There is no memory bandwidth portion control and no MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM
The MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM register exists and the memory bandwidth portion
allocation scheme exists.
HAS_MAX, bit [11]
Indicates that this MSC implements maximum bandwidth partitioning and the
There is no maximum memory bandwidth control and no MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX
The MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX register exists and the maximum memory bandwidth
allocation scheme is supported.
HAS_MIN, bit [10]
Indicates that this MSC implements minimum bandwidth partitioning.
There is no minimum memory bandwidth control and no MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN
The MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN register exists and the minimum memory bandwidth
allocation scheme is supported.
Bits [9:6]
BWA_WD, bits [5:0]
Number of implemented bits in the bandwidth allocation fields: MIN, MAX and STRIDE. See
This field must have a value from 1 to 16, inclusive.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMF_MBW_IDR:
MPAMF_MBW_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_MBW_IDR is RO.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
11-174 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
11.3.9 MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR, MPAM Features Memory Bandwidth Usage Monitoring ID register
The MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates the number of
memory bandwidth usage monitors for this MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address
maps unless the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the register
must be banked.
The power domain of MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.MSMON_MBWU == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR bit assignments are:
HAS_CAPTURE, bit [31]
The MSC's implementation supports copying an MSMON_MBWU to the corresponding
MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE on a capture event.
MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE is not implemented and there is no support for capture
events in this component's MBWU monitor.
The MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE register is implemented and this component's
MBWU monitor supports the capture event behavior.
Bits [30:16]
Reserved, RES0.
NUM_MON, bits [15:0]
The number of memory bandwidth usage monitors implemented in this MSC.
30 16
15 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
Accessing the MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR:
MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
11-176 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
11.3.10 MPAMF_MSMON_IDR, MPAM Resource Monitoring Identification Register
The MPAMF_MSMON_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_MSMON_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates which MPAM monitoring
features are present on this MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address
maps unless the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the register
must be banked.
The power domain of MPAMF_MSMON_IDR is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_MSMON_IDR bit assignments are:
Has local capture event generator. Indicates whether this MSC has the MPAM local capture event
generator and the MSMON_CAPT_EVNT register.
Does not support MPAM local capture event generator or MSMON_CAPT_EVNT.
Supports the MPAM local capture event generator and the MSMON_CAPT_EVNT
Bits [30:18]
Reserved, RES0.
MSMON_MBWU, bit [17]
Memory bandwidth usage monitoring. Indicates whether this MSC has MPAM monitoring for
Memory Bandwidth Usage by PARTID and PMG.
Does not have monitoring for memory bandwidth usage or the
30 18
17 16
15 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
Has monitoring of memory bandwdith usage and the MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL,
MSMON_CSU, bit [16]
Cache storage usage monitoring. Indicates whether this MSC has MPAM monitoring of cache
storage usage by PARTID and PMG.
Does not have monitoring for cache storage usage or the MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL,
Has monitoring of cache storage usage and the MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL,
Bits [15:0]
Reserved, RES0.
Accessing the MPAMF_MSMON_IDR:
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_MSMON_IDR is RO.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
11-178 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
11.3.11 MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR, MPAM PARTID Narrowing ID register
The MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates the largest internal
PARTID for this MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure
address maps unless the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the
register must be banked.
The power domain of MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_PARTID_NRW == 1. Otherwise, direct
accesses to MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR are
MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR bit assignments are:
Bits [31:16]
INTPARTID_MAX, bits [15:0]
The largest intPARTID supported in this MSC.
MPAMF_PARTID_NRW_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
31 16
15 0
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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ID103018 Non-Confidential
11.3.12 MPAMF_PRI_IDR, MPAM Priority Partitioning Identification Register
The MPAMF_PRI_IDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_PRI_IDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates which MPAM priority
partitioning features are present on this MSC. This register is only present if
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_PRI_IDR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_PRI_IDR is permitted to be shared between the Secure and Non-secure address maps
unless the register contents is different for Secure and Non-secure partitions, when the register must
be banked.
The power domain of MPAMF_PRI_IDR is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_PRI_PART == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses
MPAMF_PRI_IDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_PRI_IDR bit assignments are:
Bits [31:26]
DSPRI_WD, bits [25:20]
Number of implemented bits in the downstream priority field (DSPRI) of MPAMCFG_PRI.
If HAS_DSPRI == 1, this field must contain a value from 1 to 32, inclusive.
If HAS_DSPRI == 0, this field must be 0.
Bits [19:18]
DSPRI_0_IS_LOW, bit [17]
Indicates whether 0 in MPAMCFG_PRI.DSPRI is the lowest or the highest priority.
In the MPAMCFG_PRI.DSPRI field, a value of 0 means the highest priority.
In the MPAMCFG_PRI.DSPRI field, a value of 0 means the lowest priority.
31 26
25 20
19 18 17 16
15 10
321 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
11-180 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
Non-Confidential ID103018
HAS_DSPRI, bit [16]
Indicates that this MSC implements the DSPRI field in the MPAMCFG_PRI register.
This MSC supports priority partitioning, but does not implement a downstream priority
(DSPRI) field in the MPAMCFG_PRI register.
This MSC supports downstream priority partitioning and implements the downstream
priority (DSPRI) field in the MPAMCFG_PRI register.
Bits [15:10]
Reserved, RES0.
INTPRI_WD, bits [9:4]
Number of implemented bits in the internal priority field (INTPRI) in the MPAMCFG_PRI register.
If HAS_INTPRI == 1, this field must contain a value from 1 to 32, inclusive.
If HAS_INTPRI == 0, this field must be 0.
Bits [3:2]
INTPRI_0_IS_LOW, bit [1]
Indicates whether 0 in MPAMCFG_PRI.INTPRI is the lowest or the highest priority.
In the MPAMCFG_PRI.INTPRI field, a value of 0 means the highest priority.
In the MPAMCFG_PRI.INTPRI field, a value of 0 means the lowest priority.
HAS_INTPRI, bit [0]
Indicates that this MSC implements the INTPRI field in the MPAMCFG_PRI register.
This MSC supports priority partitioning, but does not implement the internal priority
(INTPRI) field in the MPAMCFG_PRI register.
This MSC supports internal priority partitioning and implements the internal priority
(INTPRI) field in the MPAMCFG_PRI register.
Accessing the MPAMF_PRI_IDR:
MPAMF_PRI_IDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_PRI_IDR is RO.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.3 Memory-mapped ID register description
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11.3.13 MPAMF_SIDR, MPAM Features Secure Identification Register
The MPAMF_SIDR characteristics are:
The MPAMF_SIDR is a 32-bit read-only register that indicates the maximum Secure PARTID and
Secure PMG on this MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_SIDR must only be accessible from the Secure address map. If the system or the MSC
does not support the Secure address map, this register must not be accessible.
The power domain of MPAMF_SIDR is
There are no configuration notes.
MPAMF_SIDR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_SIDR bit assignments are:
Bits [31:24]
S_PMG_MAX, bits [23:16]
Maximum value of Secure PMG supported by this component.
S_PARTID_MAX, bits [15:0]
Maximum value of Secure PARTID supported by this component.
Accessing the MPAMF_SIDR:
MPAMF_SIDR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interface:
This interface is accessible as follows:
Access to this register is RO.
31 24
23 16
15 0
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.4 Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers
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11.4 Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers
This section lists the external partitioning configuration registers.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.4 Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers
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11.4.1 MPAMCFG_CMAX, MPAM Cache Maximum Capacity Partition Configuration Register
The MPAMCFG_CMAX characteristics are:
The MPAMCFG_CMAX is a 32-bit read-write register that controls the maximum fraction cache
capacity that the PARTID selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL is permitted to allocate.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_CMAX must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_CMAX must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure
instance accesses the cache capacity partitioning used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure
instance accesses the cache capacity partitioning used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMCFG_CMAX is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_CCAP_PART == 1. Otherwise, direct
accesses to MPAMCFG_CMAX are
MPAMCFG_CMAX is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_CMAX bit assignments are:
Bits [31:16]
CMAX, bits [15:0]
Maximum cache capacity usage in fixed-point fraction format by the partition selected by
MPAMCFG_PART_SEL. The fraction represents the portion of the total cache capacity that the
PARTID is permitted to allocate.
The implemented width of the fixed-point fraction is given in MPAMF_CCAP_IDR.CMAX_WD.
The fixed-point fraction CMAX is less than 1. The implied binary point is between bits 15 and 16.
This representation has as the largest fraction of the cache that can be represented in an
implementation with w implemented bits is 1 - 1/w.
Accessing the MPAMCFG_CMAX:
MPAMCFG_CMAX can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
31 16
15 0
Component Frame Offset Instance
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These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMCFG_CMAX is RW.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.4.2 MPAMCFG_CPBM, MPAM Cache Portion Bitmap Partition Configuration Register
The MPAMCFG_CPBM characteristics are:
The MPAMCFG_CPBM register is a read-write register that configures the cache portions that a
PARTID is allowed to allocate. After setting MPAMCFG_PART_SEL with a PARTID, software
(usually a hypervisor) writes to the MPAMCFG_CPBM register to configure which cache portions
the PARTID is allowed to allocate.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_CPBM must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_CPBM must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure
instance accesses the cache portion bitmaps used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance
accesses the cache portion bitmaps used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMCFG_CPBM is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_CPOR == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MPAMCFG_CPBM is a 32768-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_CPBM bit assignments are:
CPBM<n>, bit [n], for n = 0 to 32767
Each bit, CPBM<n>, grants permission to the PARTID to allocate cache lines within cache portion
The PARTID is not permitted to allocate into cache portion n.
The PARTID is permitted to allocate within cache portion n.
The number of bits in the cache portion partitioning bit map of this component is given in
MPAMF_CPOR_IDR.CPBM_WD. CPBM_WD contains a value from 1 to 2
, inclusive. Values
of CPBM_WD greater than 32 require a group of 32-bit registers to access the CPBM, up to 1024
Bits CPBM<n>, where n is greater than CPBM_WD, are not required to be implemented.
CPBM<n>, bit [n]
32767 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Accessing the MPAMCFG_CPBM:
MPAMCFG_CPBM can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMCFG_CPBM is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.4.3 MPAMCFG_INTPARTID, MPAM Internal PARTID Narrowing Configuration Register
The MPAMCFG_INTPARTID characteristics are:
MPAMCFG_INTPARTID is a 32-bit read-write register that controls the mapping of the PARTID
selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL into a narrower internal PARTID (intPARTID).
The MPAMCFG_INTPARTID register associates the request PARTID (reqPARTID) in the
MPAMCFG_PART_SEL register with an internal PARTID (intPARTID) in this register. To set that
association, store reqPARTID into the MPAMCFG_PART_SEL register and then store the
intPARTID into the MPAMCFG_INTPARTID register. To read the association, store reqPARTID
into the MPAMCFG_PART_SEL register and then read MPAMCFG_INTPARTID.
If the intPARTID stored into MPAMCFG_INTPARTID is out-of-range or does not have the
INTERNAL bit set, the association of reqPARTID to intPARTID is not written and MPAMF_ESR
is set to indicate an intPARTID_Range error.
MPAMF_ESR is set to indicate an unexpected_internal error.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_INTPARTID must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_INTPARTID must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure
instance accesses the PARTID narrowing used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance
accesses the PARTID narrowing used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMCFG_INTPARTID is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_PARTID_NRW == 1. Otherwise, direct
accesses to MPAMCFG_INTPARTID are
MPAMCFG_INTPARTID is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_INTPARTID bit assignments are:
Bits [31:17]
INTERNAL, bit [16]
Internal PARTID flag.
This bit must be 1 when written to the register. If written as 0, the write will not update the
reqPARTID to intPARTID association.
On a read of this register, the bit will always read the value last written.
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INTPARTID, bits [15:0]
This field contains the intPARTID mapped to the reqPARTID in MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
MPAMCFG_INTPARTID can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.4.4 MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Maximum Partition Configuration Register
The MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX characteristics are:
MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX is a 32-bit read-write register that controls the maximum fraction of
memory bandwidth that the PARTID selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL is permitted to use. A
PARTID that has used more than MAX is given no access to additional bandwidth if HARDLIM ==
1 or is given additional bandwidth only if there are no requests from PARTIDs that have not
exceeded their MAX if HARDLIM == 0.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance accesses the memory maximum bandwidth partitioning used for Secure PARTIDs,
and the Non-secure instance accesses the memory maximum bandwidth partitioning used for
Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MBW_PART == 1 and
MPAMF_MBW_IDR.HAS_MAX == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX
MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX bit assignments are:
HARDLIM, bit [31]
Hard bandwidth limiting.
When MAX bandwidth is exceeded, the partition contends with a low preference for
downstream bandwidth beyond its maximum bandwidth.
When MAX bandwidth is exceeded, the partition does not be use any more bandwidth
until its memory bandwidth measurement falls below the maximum limit.
Bits [30:16]
Reserved, RES0.
MAX, bits [15:0]
Memory maximum bandwidth allocated to the partition selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
MAX is in fixed-point fraction format. The fraction represents the portion of the total memory
bandwidth capacity through the controlled component that the PARTID is permitted to allocate.
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The implemented width of the fixed-point fraction is given in MPAMF_MBW_IDR.BWA_WD.
The fixed-point fraction MAX is less than 1. The implied binary point is between bits 15 and 16.
This representation has as the largest fraction of the cache that can be represented in an
implementation with w implemented bits is 1 - 1/w.
Accessing the MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX:
MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMCFG_MBW_MAX is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.4.5 MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN, MPAM Cache Maximum Capacity Partition Configuration Register
The MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN characteristics are:
MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN is a 32-bit read-write register that controls the minimum fraction of
memory bandwidth that the PARTID selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL is permitted to use. A
PARTID that has used less than MIN is given preferential access to bandwidth.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure
instance accesses the memory minimum bandwidth partitioning used for Secure PARTIDs, and the
Non-secure instance accesses the memory minimum bandwidth partitioning used for Non-secure
The power domain of MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MBW_PART == 1 and
MPAMF_MBW_IDR.HAS_MIN == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN are
MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN bit assignments are:
Bits [31:16]
MIN, bits [15:0]
Memory minimum bandwidth allocated to the partition selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL. MIN
is in fixed-point fraction format. The fraction represents the portion of the total memory bandwidth
capacity through the controlled component that the PARTID is permitted to allocate.
The implemented width of the fixed-point fraction is given in MPAMF_MBW_IDR.BWA_WD.
The fixed-point fraction MIN is less than 1. The implied binary point is between bits 15 and 16. This
representation has as the largest fraction of the cache that can be represented in an implementation
with w implemented bits is 1 - 1/w.
31 16
15 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Accessing the MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN:
MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.4 Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers
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11.4.6 MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM, MPAM Bandwidth Portion Bitmap Parition Configuration Register
The MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM characteristics are:
The MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM register is a read-write register that configures the cache portions
that a PARTID is allowed to allocate. After setting MPAMCFG_PART_SEL with a PARTID,
software (usually a hypervisor) writes to the MPAMCFG_CPBM register to configure which cache
portions the PARTID is allowed to allocate.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure
instance accesses the memory bandwidth portion bitmaps used for Secure PARTIDs, and the
Non-secure instance accesses the memory bandwidth portion bitmaps used for Non-secure
The power domain of MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MBW_PART == 1 and
MPAMF_MBW_IDR.HAS_PBM == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM
MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM is a 4096-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM bit assignments are:
BWPBM<n>, bit [n], for n = 0 to 4095
Each bit BWPBM<n> grants permission to the PARTID to allocate bandwidth within bandwidth
portion n.
The PARTID is not permitted to allocate into bandwidth portion n.
The PARTID is permitted to allocate within bandwidth portion n.
The number of bits in the bandwidth portion partitioning bit map of this component is given in
MPAMF_MBW_IDR.BWPBM_WD. BWPBM_WD contains a value from 1 to 2
, inclusive.
Values of BWPBM_WD greater than 32 require a group of 32-bit registers to access the BWPBM,
up to 128 32-bit registers.
Bits BWPBM<n>, where n is greater than BWPBM_WD, are not required to be implemented.
BWPBM<n>, bit [n]
4095 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Accessing the MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM:
MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMCFG_MBW_PBM is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.4 Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers
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11.4.7 MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Proportional Stride Partition Configuration
The MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP characteristics are:
MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP is a 32-bit read-write register that controls the maximum fraction of
memory bandwidth that the PARTID selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL is permitted to use.
A PARTID that has a current bandwidth usage of more than MAX is prevented from access to
additional bandwidth if HARDLIM == 1 or if HARDLIM == 0, the PARTID is given additional
bandwidth only if there are no requests from PARTIDs that have not exceeded their MAX.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance accesses the memory proportional stride bandwidth partitioning used for Secure
PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance accesses the memory proportional stride bandwidth
partitioning used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MBW_PART == 1 and
MPAMF_MBW_IDR.HAS_PROP == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP
MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP bit assignments are:
EN, bit [31]
Enable proportional stride bandwidth partitioning.
The selected partition is not regulated by proportional stride bandwidth partitioning.
The selected partition has bandwidth usage regulated by proportional stride bandwidth
partitioning as controlled by STRIDEM1.
Bits [30:16]
STRIDEM1, bits [15:0]
Memory bandwidth stride minus 1 allocated to the partition selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
STRIDEM1 represents the normalized cost of bandwidth consumption by the partition.
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The proportional stride partitioning control parameter is an unsigned integer representing the
normalized cost to a partition for consuming bandwidth. Larger values have a larger cost and
correspond to a lesser allocation of bandwidth while smaller values indicate a lesser cost and
therefore a higher allocation of bandwidth.
The implemented width of STRIDEM1 is given in MPAMF_MBW_IDR.BWA_WD.
Accessing the MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP:
MPAMCFG_MBW_PROP can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.4.8 MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Partitioning Window Width Configuration
The MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD characteristics are:
MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD is a 32-bit register that shows (and sets) the value of the window
width for the PARTID in MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD is read-only if Mext-PAMF_MBW_IDR.WINDWR == 0, and the
window width is set by the hardware, even if variable.
MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD is read-write if MPAMF_MBW_IDR.WINDWR == 1, permitting
configuration of the window width for each PARTID independently on hardware that supports this
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance accesses the window width used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance
accesses the window width used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MBW_PART == 1. Otherwise, direct
accesses to MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD are
MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD bit assignments are:
Bits [31:24]
US_INT, bits [23:8]
Window width, integer microseconds.
This field reads (and sets) the integer part of the window width in microseconds for the PARTID
selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
US_FRAC, bits [7:0]
Window width, fractional microseconds.
This field reads (and sets) the fractional part of the window width in microseconds for the PARTID
selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
31 24
23 8
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Accessing the MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD:
MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Otherwise, access to MPAMCFG_MBW_WINWD is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.4.9 MPAMCFG_PART_SEL, MPAM Partion Configuration Selection Register
The MPAMCFG_PART_SEL characteristics are:
The MPAMCFG_PART_SEL register is a 32-bit read-write register that selects a partition ID to
configure. After setting this register with a PARTID, software (usually a hypervisor) can perform a
series of accesses to MPAMCFG registers to configure parameters for MPAM resource controls to
use when requests have that PARTID.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_PART_SEL must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_PART_SEL must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure
instance accesses the PARTID selector used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance
accesses the PARTID selector used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMCFG_PART_SEL is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_CCAP_PART == 1, or
MPAMF_IDR.HAS_IMPL_IDR == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MPAMCFG_PART_SEL are
MPAMCFG_PART_SEL is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_PART_SEL bit assignments are:
Bits [31:17]
INTERNAL, bit [16]
Internal PARTID.
If MPAMF_IDR.HAS_PARTID_NRW =0, this field is RAZ/WI.
PARTID_SEL is interpreted as a request PARTID and ignored except for use with
MPAMCFG_INTPARTID register access.
PARTID_SEL is interpreted as an internal PARTID and used for access to MPAMCFG
control settings except for MPAMCFG_INTPARTID.
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If PARTID narrowing is implemented as indicated by MPAMF_IDR.HAS_PARTID_NRW = 1,
when accessing other MPAMCFG registers when the value of the
MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.INTERNAL bit is checked for these conditions:
When the MPAMCFG_INTPARTID register is read or written, if the value of
MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.INTERNAL is not 0, a Unexpected_INTERNAL error is set in
When an MPAMCFG register other than MPAMCFG_INTPARTID is read or written, if the
value of MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.INTERNAL is not 1, MPAMF_ESR is set to indicate an
intPARTID_Range error.
In either error case listed here, the value returned by a read operation is
control settings are not affected by a write.
PARTID_SEL, bits [15:0]
Selects the partition ID to configure.
Reads and writes to other MPAMCFG registers are indexed by PARTID_SEL and by the NS bit used
to access MPAMCFG_PART_SEL to access the configuration for a single partition.
Accessing the MPAMCFG_PART_SEL:
MPAMCFG_PART_SEL can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.4.10 MPAMCFG_PRI, MPAM Priority Partition Configuration Register
The MPAMCFG_PRI characteristics are:
MPAMCFG_PRI is a 32-bit read-write register that controls the internal and downstream priority
of requests attributed to the PARTID selected by MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMCFG_PRI must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMCFG_PRI must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure instance
accesses the priority partitioning used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance accesses
the priority partitioning used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMCFG_PRI is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_PRI_PART == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses
MPAMCFG_PRI is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMCFG_PRI bit assignments are:
DSPRI, bits [31:16]
Downstream priority.
If MPAMF_PRI_IDR.HAS_DSPRI == 0, bits of this field are
RES0, as this field is not used.
If MPAMF_PRI_IDR.HAS_DSPRI == 1, this field is a priority value applied to downstream
communications from this MSC for transactions of the partition selected by
The implemented width of this field is MPAMF_PRI_IDR.DSPRI_WD bits.
The encoding of priority is 0-as-lowest or 0-as-highest priority according to the value of
INTPRI, bits [15:0]
Internal priority.
If MPAMF_PRI_IDR.HAS_INTPRI == 0, bits of this field are
RES0 as this field is not used.
If MPAMF_PRI_IDR.HAS_INTPRI == 1, this field is a priority value applied internally inside this
MSC for transactions of the partition selected by Mext-PAMCFG_PART_SEL.
The implemented width of this field is MPAMF_PRI_IDR.INTPRI_WD bits.
The encoding of priority is 0-as-lowest or 0-as-highest priority according to the value of
31 16
15 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.4 Memory-mapped partitioning configuration registers
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Accessing the MPAMCFG_PRI:
MPAMCFG_PRI can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMCFG_PRI is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
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11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
This section lists the external monitoring configuration registers.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
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11.5.1 MSMON_CAPT_EVNT, MPAM Capture Event Generation Register
The MSMON_CAPT_EVNT characteristics are:
MSMON_CAPT_EVNT is a 32-bit read-write register that generates a local capture event when
written with bit 0 as 1.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_CAPT_EVNT must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_CAPT_EVNT must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure
instance can generate capture events for both Secure and Non-secure PARTID monitors, and the
Non-secure instance can generate capture events for Non-secure PARTID monitors only.
The power domain of MSMON_CAPT_EVNT is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.HAS_LOCAL_CAPT_EVNT == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MSMON_CAPT_EVNT is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_CAPT_EVNT bit assignments are:
Bits [31:2]
ALL, bit [1]
In the Secure instance of this register, if ALL written as 1 and NOW is also written as 1, signal a
capture event to Secure and Non-secure monitor instances in this MSC that are configured with
If written as 0 and NOW is written as 1, signal a capture event to Secure monitor instances in this
MSC that are configured with CAPT_EVNT = 7.
In the Non-secure instance of this register, this bit is RAZ/WI.
This bit always reads as zero.
Send capture event to Secure monitors only.
Send capture event to both Secure and Non-secure monitors.
31 2
1 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
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NOW, bit [0]
When written as 1, this bit causes an event to all monitors in this MSC with CAPT_EVNT set to the
value of 7.
When this bit is written as 0, no event is signaled.
This bit always reads as zero.
Accessing the MSMON_CAPT_EVNT:
MSMON_CAPT_EVNT can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MSMON_CAPT_EVNT is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
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11.5.2 MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL, MPAM Memory System Monitor Configure Cache Storage Usage
Monitor Control Register
The MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL characteristics are:
MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL is a 32-bit read-write register that controls the CSU monitor selected by
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance accesses the cache storage usage monitor controls used for Secure PARTIDs, and
the Non-secure instance accesses the cache storage usage monitor controls used for Non-secure
The power domain of MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.MSMON_CSU == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL bit assignments are:
EN, bit [31]
The monitor is disabled and must not collect any information.
The monitor is enabled to collect information according to its configuration.
CAPT_EVNT, bits [30:28]
Capture event selector.
31 30 28 27 26 25 24
23 20
19 18 17 16
15 8
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Select the event that triggers capture from the following:
No capture event is triggered.
External capture event 1 (optional but recommended)
External capture event 2 (optional)
External capture event 3 (optional)
External capture event 4 (optional)
External capture event 5 (optional)
External capture event 6 (optional)
Capture occurs when a MSMON_CAPT_EVNT register in this MSC is written and
causes a capture event for the security state of this monitor. (optional)
The values marked as optional indicate capture event sources that can be omitted in an
implementation. Those values representing non-implemented event sources should not trigger a
capture event.
If capture is not implemented for the CSU monitor type as indicated by
CAPT_RESET, bit [27]
Reset after capture.
Controls whether the value of MSMON_CSU is reset to zero immediately after being copied to
Monitor is not reset on capture.
Monitor is reset on capture.
If capture is not implemented for the CSU monitor type as indicated by
Because the CSU monitor type produces a measurement rather than a count, it might not make sense
to ever reset the value after a capture. If there is no reason to ever reset a CSU monitor, this field is
OFLOW_STATUS, bit [26]
Overflow status.
Indicates whether the value of MSMON_CSU has overflowed.
No overflow has occurred.
At least one overflow has occurred since this bit was last written to zero.
If overflow is not possible for a CSU monitor in the implementation, this field is RAZ/WI.
OFLOW_INTR, bit [25]
Overflow Interrupt.
Indicates whether the value of MSMON_CSU has overflowed.
No interrupt is signaled on an overflow of MSMON_CSU.
On overflow, an implementation-specific interrupt is signaled.
If OFLOW_INTR is not supported by the implementation, this field is RAZ/WI.
OFLOW_FRZ, bit [24]
Freeze Monitor on Overflow.
Controls whether the value of MSMON_CSU freezes on an overflow.
Monitor count wraps on overflow.
Monitor count freezes on overflow. The frozen value might be 0 or another value if the
monitor overflowed with an increment larger than 1.
If overflow is not possible for a CSU monitor in the implementation, this field is RAZ/WI.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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SUBTYPE, bits [23:20]
A monitor can have other event matching criteria.
This field is not currently used for CSU monitors, but reserved for future use.
This field is RAZ/WI.
Bits [19:18]
MATCH_PMG, bit [17]
Match PMG.
Controls whether the monitor measures only storage used with PMG matching
The monitor measures storage used with any PMG value.
The monitor only measures storage used with the PMG value matching
MATCH_PARTID, bit [16]
Controls whether the monitor measures only storage used with PARTID matching
The monitor measures storage used with any PARTID value.
The monitor only measures storage used with the PARTID value matching
Bits [15:8]
Reserved, RES0.
TYPE, bits [7:0]
Monitor Type Code.
Constant type indicating the type of the monitor.
CSU monitor is TYPE =
Accessing the MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL:
MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
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11.5.3 MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT, MPAM Memory System Monitor Configure Cache Storage Usage
Monitor Filter Register
The MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT characteristics are:
MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT is a 32-bit read-write register that sets PARTID and PMG to measure or
count in the CSU monitor selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance accesses the PARTID and PMG matching for a cache storage usage monitor used
for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance accesses the PARTID and PMG matching for a
cache storage usage monitor used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.MSMON_CSU == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT bit assignments are:
Bits [31:24]
PMG, bits [23:16]
Performance monitoring group to filter cache storage usage monitoring.
If MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL.MATCH_PMG == 0, this field is not used to match cache storage to
a PMG and the contents of this field is ignored.
If MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL.MATCH_PMG == 1, the monitor selected by
MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL measures or counts cache storage labeled with PMG equal to this field.
PARTID, bits [15:0]
Partition ID to filter cache storage usage monitoring.
If MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL.MATCH_PARTID == 0, this field is not used to match cache storage
to a PARTID and the contents of this field is ignored.
If MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL.MATCH_PARTID == 1, the monitor selected by
MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL measures or counts cache storage labeled with PARTID equal to this
31 24
23 16
15 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Accessing the MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT:
MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.5.4 MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL, MPAM Memory System Monitor Configure Memory Bandwidth
Usage Monitor Control Register
The MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL characteristics are:
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL is a 32-bit read-write register that controls the MBWU monitor
selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance accesses the memory bandwidth usage monitor controls used for Secure PARTIDs,
and the Non-secure instance accesses the memory bandwidth usage monitor controls used for
Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.MSMON_MBWU == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL bit assignments are:
EN, bit [31]
The monitor is disabled and must not collect any information.
The monitor is enabled to collect information according to its configuration.
CAPT_EVNT, bits [30:28]
Capture event selector.
31 30 28 27 26 25 24
23 20
19 18 17 16
15 8
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Select the event that triggers capture from the following:
No capture event is triggered.
External capture event 1 (optional but recommended)
External capture event 2 (optional)
External capture event 3 (optional)
External capture event 4 (optional)
External capture event 5 (optional)
External capture event 6 (optional)
Capture occurs when a MSMON_CAPT_EVNT register in this MSC is written and
causes a capture event for the security state of this monitor. (optional)
The values marked as optional indicate capture event sources that can be omitted in an
implementation. Those values representing non-implemented event sources should not trigger a
capture event.
If capture is not implemented for the MBWU monitor type as indicated by
CAPT_RESET, bit [27]
Reset after capture.
Controls whether the value of MSMON_MBWU is reset to zero immediately after being copied to
Monitor is not reset on capture.
Monitor is reset on capture.
If capture is not implemented for the MBWU monitor type as indicated by
OFLOW_STATUS, bit [26]
Overflow status.
Indicates whether the value of MSMON_MBWU has overflowed.
No overflow has occurred.
At least one overflow has occurred since this bit was last written to zero.
If overflow is not possible for a MBWU monitor in the implementation, this field is RAZ/WI.
OFLOW_INTR, bit [25]
Overflow Interrupt.
Indicates whether the value of MSMON_MBWU has overflowed.
No interrupt is signaled on an overflow of MSMON_MBWU.
On overflow, an implementation-specific interrupt is signaled.
If OFLOW_INTR is not supported by the implementation, this field is RAZ/WI.
OFLOW_FRZ, bit [24]
Freeze Monitor on Overflow.
Controls whether the value of MSMON_MBWU freezes on an overflow.
Monitor count wraps on overflow.
Monitor count freezes on overflow. The frozen value might be 0 or another value if the
monitor overflowed with an increment larger than 1.
If overflow is not possible for a MBWU monitor in the implementation, this field is RAZ/WI.
SUBTYPE, bits [23:20]
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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A monitor can have other event matching criteria.
This field is not currently used for MBWU monitors, but reserved for future use.
This field is RAZ/WI.
Bits [19:18]
MATCH_PMG, bit [17]
Match PMG.
Controls whether the monitor measures only storage used with PMG matching
The monitor measures storage used with any PMG value.
The monitor only measures storage used with the PMG value matching
MATCH_PARTID, bit [16]
Controls whether the monitor measures only storage used with PARTID matching
The monitor measures storage used with any PARTID value.
The monitor only measures storage used with the PARTID value matching
Bits [15:8]
Reserved, RES0.
TYPE, bits [7:0]
Monitor Type Code.
Constant type indicating the type of the monitor.
MBWU monitor is TYPE =
Accessing the MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL:
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.5.5 MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT, MPAM Memory System Monitor Configure Memory Bandwidth
Usage Monitor Filter Register
The MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT characteristics are:
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT is a 32-bit read-write register that sets PARTID and PMG to measure
or count in the MBWU monitor selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance accesses the PARTID and PMG matching for a memory bandwidth usage monitor
used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance accesses the PARTID and PMG matching
for a memory bandwidth usage monitor used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.MSMON_MBWU == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT bit assignments are:
Bits [31:24]
PMG, bits [23:16]
Performance monitoring group to filter memory bandwidth usage monitoring.
If MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.MATCH_PMG == 0, this field is not used to match memory
bandwidth to a PMG and the contents of this field is ignored.
If MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.MATCH_PMG == 1, the monitor selected by
MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL measures or counts memory bandwidth labeled with PMG equal to this
PARTID, bits [15:0]
Partition ID to filter memory bandwidth usage monitoring.
If MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.MATCH_PARTID == 0, this field is not used to match memory
bandwidth to a PARTID and the contents of this field is ignored.
If MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.MATCH_PARTID == 1, the monitor selected by
MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL measures or counts memory bandwidth labeled with PARTID equal to
this field.
31 24
23 16
15 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
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Accessing the MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT:
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.5.6 MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL, MPAM Partion Configuration Selection Register
The MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL characteristics are:
Selects a monitor to access the configuration or counter.
Different performance monitoring features within a MSC could have different numbers of monitors.
See the feature's NUM_MON field in its ID register. Thus, a monitor out-of-bounds error might be
signaled when an MSMON_CFG register is accessed because the value in
MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.MON_SEL is too large for the particular monitoring feature.
To configure a monitor, set MON_SEL in this register to the index of the monitor chosen, then write
to the MSMON_CFG_x register to set the configuration of the monitor. At a later time, read the
monitor register (for example MSMON_MBWU) to get the value of the monitor.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance is used with accesses to other MSMON registers to configure monitors for Secure
PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance is used with accesses to other MSMON registers to
configure monitors for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 or
MPAMF_IDR.HAS_IMPL_IDR == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL
MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL bit assignments are:
Bits [31:8]
MON_SEL, bits [7:0]
Selects the monitor to configure or read.
Reads and writes to other MSMON registers are indexed by MON_SEL and by the NS bit used to
access MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL to access the configuration for a single monitor.
31 8
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Accessing the MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL:
MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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11.5.7 MSMON_CSU, MPAM Cache Storage Usage Monitor Register
The MSMON_CSU characteristics are:
MSMON_CSU is a 32-bit read-write register that accesses the CSU monitor selected by
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_CSU must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_CSU must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure instance
accesses the cache storage usage monitor used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance
accesses the cache storage usage monitor used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MSMON_CSU is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.MSMON_CSU == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MSMON_CSU are
MSMON_CSU is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_CSU bit assignments are:
NRDY, bit [31]
Not Ready. Indicates whether the monitor has possibly inaccurate data.
The monitor is not ready and the contents of the VALUE field might be inaccurate or
otherwise not represent the actual cache storage usage.
The monitor is ready and the VALUE fields is accurate.
VALUE, bits [30:0]
Cache storage usage value if NRDY == 0. Invalid if NRDY == 1.
VALUE is the cache storage usage in bytes meeting the criteria set in MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT
and MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL for the monitor instance selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
30 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Accessing the MSMON_CSU:
MSMON_CSU can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MSMON_CSU is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
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11.5.8 MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE, MPAM Cache Storage Usage Monitor Capture Register
The MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE characteristics are:
MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE is a 32-bit read-write register that accesses the captured
MSMON_CSU monitor selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance accesses the captured cache storage usage monitor used for Secure PARTIDs, and
the Non-secure instance accesses the captured cache storage usage monitor used for Non-secure
The power domain of MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1,
== 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE are
MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE bit assignments are:
NRDY, bit [31]
Not Ready. Indicates whether the captured monitor value has possibly inaccurate data.
The captured monitor was not ready and the contents of the VALUE field might be
inaccurate or otherwise not represent the actual cache storage usage.
The captured monitor was ready and the VALUE fields is accurate.
VALUE, bits [30:0]
Captured cache storage usage value if NRDY == 0. Invalid if NRDY == 1.
VALUE is the captured cache storage usage in bytes meeting the criteria set in
MSMON_CFG_CSU_FLT and MSMON_CFG_CSU_CTL for the monitor instance selected by
30 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Accessing the MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE:
MSMON_CSU_CAPTURE can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
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Non-Confidential ID103018
11.5.9 MSMON_MBWU, MPAM Memory Bandwdith Usage Monitor Register
The MSMON_MBWU characteristics are:
MSMON_MBWU is a 32-bit read-write register that accesses the monitor selected by
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_MBWU must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_MBWU must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure
instance accesses the memory bandwidth usage monitor used for Secure PARTIDs, and the
Non-secure instance accesses the memory bandwidth usage monitor used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MSMON_MBWU is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and
MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.MSMON_MBWU == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MSMON_MBWU
MSMON_MBWU is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_MBWU bit assignments are:
NRDY, bit [31]
Not Ready. Indicates whether the monitor has possibly inaccurate data.
The monitor is not ready and the contents of the VALUE field might be inaccurate or
otherwise not represent the actual memory bandwidth usage.
The monitor is ready and the VALUE fields is accurate.
VALUE, bits [30:0]
Memory bandwidth usage value if NRDY == 0. Invalid if NRDY == 1.
VALUE is the memory bandwidth usage in bytes per second meeting the criteria set in
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT and MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL for the monitor instance selected
30 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
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Accessing the MSMON_MBWU:
MSMON_MBWU can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MSMON_MBWU is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
11-224 Copyright © 2018 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ARM DDI 0598A.a
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11.5.10 MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE, MPAM Memory Bandwidth Usage Monitor Capture Register
The MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE characteristics are:
MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE is a 32-bit read-write register that accesses the captured
MSMON_MBWU monitor selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The
Secure instance accesses the captured memory bandwidth usage monitor used for Secure PARTIDs,
and the Non-secure instance accesses the captured memory bandwidth usage monitor used for
Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE is
This register is present only when MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1,
MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR.HAS_CAPTURE == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to
MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE bit assignments are:
NRDY, bit [31]
Not Ready. Indicates whether the captured monitor value has possibly inaccurate data.
The captured monitor was not ready and the contents of the VALUE field might be
inaccurate or otherwise not represent the actual memory bandwidth usage.
The captured monitor was ready and the VALUE fields is accurate.
VALUE, bits [30:0]
Captured memory bandwidth usage value if NRDY == 0. Invalid if NRDY == 1.
VALUE is the captured memory bandwidth usage in bytes meeting the criteria set in
monitor instance selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
30 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.5 Memory-mapped monitoring configuration registers
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MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.6 Memory-mapped control and status registers
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11.6 Memory-mapped control and status registers
This section lists the external control and status registers.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.6 Memory-mapped control and status registers
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11.6.1 MPAMF_ECR, MPAM Error Control Register
The MPAMF_ECR characteristics are:
MPAMF_ECR is a 32-bit read-write register that controls MPAM error interrupts for this MSC.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_ECR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_ECR must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure instance
accesses the error interrupt controls used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance accesses
the error interrupt controls used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMF_ECR is
If a MSC cannot encounter any of the error conditions listed in section 15.1, both the MPAMF_ESR
and MPAMF_ECR must be RAZ/WI.
MPAMF_ECR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_ECR bit assignments are:
Bits [31:1]
INTEN, bit [0]
Interrupt Enable.
MPAM error interrupts are not generated.
MPAM error interrupts are generated.
Accessing the MPAMF_ECR:
MPAMF_ECR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
31 1
Component Frame Offset Instance
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.6 Memory-mapped control and status registers
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These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_ECR is RW.
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.6 Memory-mapped control and status registers
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11.6.2 MPAMF_ESR, MPAM Error Status Register
The MPAMF_ESR characteristics are:
MPAMF_ESR is a 32-bit read-write register that give MPAM error status for this MSC.
Software should write this register after reading the status of an error to reset ERRCODE to
and OVRWR to 0 so that future errors are not reported with OVRWR set.
Usage constraints
This register is part of the MPAMF_BASE memory frame. In a system that supports Secure and
Non-secure memory maps, the MPAMF_BASE frame must be accessible in both Secure and
Non-secure memory address maps.
MPAMF_ESR must be accessible from the Non-secure and Secure address maps.
MPAMF_ESR must be banked for the Secure and Non-secure address maps. The Secure instance
accesses the error status used for Secure PARTIDs, and the Non-secure instance accesses the error
status used for Non-secure PARTIDs.
The power domain of MPAMF_ESR is
If a MSC cannot encounter any of the error conditions listed in section 15.1, both the MPAMF_ESR
and MPAMF_ECR must be RAZ/WI.
MPAMF_ESR is a 32-bit register.
Field descriptions
The MPAMF_ESR bit assignments are:
OVRWR, bit [31]
If 0 and ERRCODE ==
, no errors have occurred.
If 0 and ERRCODE is non-zero, a single error has occurred and is recorded in this register.
If 1 and ERRCODE is non-zero, multiple errors have occurred and this register records the most
recent error.
The state where this bit is 1 and ERRCODE is zero must not be produced by hardware and is only
reached when software writes this combination into this register.
Bits [30:28]
ERRCODE, bits [27:24]
Error code. See section 15.1
No error
30 28
27 24
23 16
15 0
11 Memory-Mapped Registers
11.6 Memory-mapped control and status registers
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PMG, bits [23:16]
Program monitoring group.
Set to the PMG on an error that captures PMG. Otherwise, set to
on an error that does not
capture PMG.
PARTID_MON, bits [15:0]
PARTID or monitor.
Set to the PARTID on an error that captures PARTID.
Set to the monitor index on an error that captures MON.
On an error that captures neither PARTID nor MON, this field is set to
Accessing the MPAMF_ESR:
MPAMF_ESR can be accessed through its memory-mapped interfaces:
These interfaces are accessible as follows:
Access to MPAMF_ESR is RW.
Component Frame Offset Instance
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Chapter 12
Errors in MSCs
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page 12-232.
Error conditions in accessing memory-mapped registers on page 12-233.
Overwritten error status on page 12-236.
Behavior of configuration reads and writes with errors on page 12-237.
12 Errors in MSCs
12.1 Introduction
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12.1 Introduction
When an MSC detects an error on an access to a memory-mapped register, information about the error must be
captured in the MPAMF_ESR register and signaled to software via an interrupt. The errors covered by this
mechanism could be caused by software errors.
Errors, whether detected or not, must not prevent the handling of the request by the MSC, but errors can cause the
MSC to use different MPAM resource control settings than expected or cause monitors to mis-attribute monitored
Implementation choices in an MSC may make certain errors impossible. For example, if the request interface only
implements enough bits to exactly cover the range of 0 to PARTID_MAX, then the request PARTID cannot be
detected as out-of-range, so ERRCODE == 2 could not occur.
MSCs signal errors in accesses to memory-mapped registers using an error interrupt. See MPAM Error Interrupt on
page 8-122.
The MPAMF_ESR in an MSC captures the reason for an error, so that it can be accurately reported to software.
12 Errors in MSCs
12.2 Error conditions in accessing memory-mapped registers
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12.2 Error conditions in accessing memory-mapped registers
When an MSC detects an error condition, information about the error is captured in MPAMF_ESR.
MPAMF_ESR.ERRCODE encodes the reason for the error as shown in Table 12-1. Other fields are captured in
MPAMF_ESR as shown in the “Fields Captured” column of Table 12-1.
12.2.1 No error (errorcode == 0)
No error is captured in MPAMF_ESR.
12.2.2 PARTID_SEL out-of-range error (errorcode == 1)
The value of the MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.PARTID_SEL field is out-of-range for the PARTID space selected by the
NS bit on a store to an MPAMCFG memory-mapped register.
The selection of the Secure or Non-secure version of MPAMF_ESR for capturing the error information is also
controlled by the NS bit.
12.2.3 Request PARTID out-of-range error (errorcode == 2)
The value of PARTID in a request is out-of-range for the MSC’s MPAM implementation of PARTID space selected
by the MPAM_NS bit.
The selection of the Secure or Non-secure version of MPAMF_ESR for capturing the error information is also
controlled by the MPAM_NS bit.
The MPAM behavior of an MSC for a request that causes this error is CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE:
The request may be processed as if the PARTID is any valid PARTID in the same MPAM Security state
(MPAM_NS) as the request’s PARTID.
Arm recommends that the default PARTID for the MPAM_NS Security state is used. See Default PARTID
on page 3-30.
Table 12-1 Error conditions in accessing memory-mapped registers
MPAM Error
Error Name Error Description Fields Captured
0 No Error No error captured in MPAMF_ESR. None
1 PARTID_SEL_Range MPAMCFG_PART_SEL stored with an
out-of-range PARTID.
2 Req_PARTID_Range A request has out-of-range PARTID. PARTID and PMG
3 MSMONCFG_ID_RANGE MSMON configuration request has
out-of-range PARTID or PMG.
4 Req_PMG_Range A request has out-of-range PMG. PARTID and PMG
5 Monitor_Range MSMON_CFG_SEL has out-of-range
monitor selector.
6 intPARTID_Range The intPARTID in
intPARTID range for the PARTID in
is set when a reqPARTID is expected.
15:8 Reserved Reserved for future use. --
12 Errors in MSCs
12.2 Error conditions in accessing memory-mapped registers
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12.2.4 MSMON configuration ID out-of-range error (errorcode == 3)
A write to configure a monitor contains an out-of-range value for either the PARTID or PMG for the PARTID space
selected by the secure address space bit, NS.
The selection of the Secure or Non-secure version of MPAMF_ESR for capturing the error information is also
controlled by the NS bit.
12.2.5 Request PMG out-of-range error (errorcode == 4)
The value of PMG in a request is out of range for the MSC’s MPAM implementation of the PMG space selected by
the MPAM security space bit, MPAM_NS.
The selection of the Secure or Non-secure version of MPAMF_ESR for capturing the error information is also
controlled by the MPAM_NS bit.
The MPAM behavior of an MSC for a request that causes this error is CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE:
The request may be processed as if the PARTID and PMG are any valid PARTID and PMG in the same
MPAM Security state as the request.
Arm recommends that the request be processed as if the PMG is the default. See Default PARTID on
page 3-30.
The default PARTID and PMG may be used for the request’s MPAM_NS Security state. See Default PARTID
on page 3-30. The request may be IGNORED for performance monitoring, as if the PMG value does not
match the monitors PMG filter even if the PARTID matches.
12.2.6 Monitor out-of-range error (errorcode == 5)
The value of the monitor selector register (MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.MON_SEL) is out of range on a store to an
MSMON_* memory-mapped register selected by the secure address space bit, NS.
The selection of the Secure or Non-secure version of MPAMF_ESR for capturing the error information is also
controlled by the NS bit.
12.2.7 intPARTID out-of-range error (errorcode == 6)
This error can only occur if PARTID narrowing is implemented. MPAMF_IDR.HAS_PARTID_NRW == 1
indicates that an implementation has PARTID narrowing.
The selection of the Secure or Non-secure version of MPAMF_ESR for capturing the error information is controlled
by the secure address space bit, NS.
These conditions cause this error:
MPAMCFG_INTPARTID.INTPARTID is out-of-range for the intPARTID space selected by the secure
address space bit, NS, on a store to a memory-mapped register to configure the association of reqPARTID to
MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.INTERNAL is not set when an intPARTID is expected. These expected cases
include a read or write to any MPAMCFG_* register, other than MPAMCFG_INTPARTID.
12.2.8 Unexpected INTERNAL error (errorcode == 7)
This error can only occur if PARTID narrowing is implemented. MPAMF_IDR.HAS_PARTID_NRW == 1
indicates that an implementation has PARTID narrowing.
If PARTID narrowing is implemented in the MSC, this error is detected if the MPAMCFG_PART_SEL.INTERNAL
bit is set when a reqPARTID is expected. When PARTID narrowing is implemented, the only cases in which a
reqPARTID is expected in MPAMCFG_PART_SEL are a read or write access to MPAMCFG_INTPARTID.
12 Errors in MSCs
12.2 Error conditions in accessing memory-mapped registers
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The selection of the Secure or Non-secure version of MPAMF_ESR for capturing the error information is controlled
by the secure address space bit, NS.
Reads that cause this error return an UNKNOWN value.
12.2.9 Reserved (errcodes 8 – 15)
This error code is reserved for future use.
12 Errors in MSCs
12.3 Overwritten error status
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12.3 Overwritten error status
When MPAMF_ESR is written due to an error, and the ERRCODE field was not previously 0, the OVRWR bit is
set. Error status is always written to MPAMF_ESR, whether or not it contains a previously recorded error syndrome.
The interrupt service routine should clear both the ERRCODE and OVRWR fields of MPAMF_ESR after its
contents have been read. This allows the OVRWR bit to accurately indicate when one or more errors have been
overwritten before servicing future MPAM error interrupts.
Table 12-2 Overwritten error status
No errors have been recorded in MPAMF_ESR.
0 Non-zero Not overwritten. A single error has been written to MPAMF_ESR since it was last
This state is not produced by hardware, only by a software write.
1 Non-zero Overwritten. Two or more errors have been written to MPAMF_ESR with only the
syndrome information from the latest error recorded into the fields.
12 Errors in MSCs
12.4 Behavior of configuration reads and writes with errors
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12.4 Behavior of configuration reads and writes with errors
A configuration read that has a detected error returns an UNKNOWN value.
If a configuration write to an MPAMCFG_* register has a PARTID_SEL out-of-range error (ERRCODE == 1), the
control settings accessed are permitted to be for any PARTID or the write is permitted to be IGNORED. As a result,
the control settings accessible from that MPAMCFG_* register for any valid PARTID might become UNKNOWN.
If there is no PARTID_SEL out-of-range error (ERRCODE == 1), a configuration write to an MPAMCFG_*
register that has a detected error leaves the control settings for the partition selected by
If a configuration write to an MSMON register has a monitor out-of-range error (ERRCODE=5), the monitor
settings accessed are permitted to be for any monitor or the write is permitted to be IGNORED. As a result, the
control settings for any valid monitor might become UNKNOWN.
If there is no monitor out-of-range error (ERRCODE=5), a configuration write to an MSMON_* register that has a
detected error leaves the settings for the monitor selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.MON_SEL in an
UNKNOWN state.
12 Errors in MSCs
12.4 Behavior of configuration reads and writes with errors
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Chapter 13
ARMv8 Pseudocode
This chapter contains pseudocode that describes the generation of MPAM information by a PE following the MPAM
architecture. It contains the following section:
Shared pseudocode on page 13-240.
13 ARMv8 Pseudocode
13.1 Shared pseudocode
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13.1 Shared pseudocode
This section holds the pseudocode that is common to execution in AArch64 state and in AArch32 state. Functions
listed in this section are identified only by a
, without an
prefix. This section is
organized by functional groups, with the functional groups being indicated by hierarchical path names, for example
The sections of the shared pseudocode hierarchy containing MPAM pseudocode are:
shared/functions/mpam on page 13-241.
13.1.1 shared/functions/extension
This section includes the following pseudocode function:
// HaveMPAMExt()
// =============
// Returns TRUE if MPAM implemented and FALSE otherwise.
boolean HaveMPAMExt()
return (HasArchVersion(ARMv8p2) &&
boolean IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED "Has MPAM extension");
13.1.2 shared/functions/memory
This section includes the following pseudocode functions:
shared/functions/memory/CreateAccessDescriptorPTW on page 13-241.
shared/functions/memory/MPAMinfo on page 13-241.
// AccessDescriptor
// ================
// The Access descriptor contains parameters required for accessing underlying memory or
// for setting syndrome register in the event of an external abort.
type AccessDescriptor is (
AccType acctype,
MPAMinfo mpam,
boolean page_table_walk,
boolean secondstage,
boolean s2fs1walk,
integer level
// CreateAccessDescriptor()
// ========================
13 ARMv8 Pseudocode
13.1 Shared pseudocode
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AccessDescriptor CreateAccessDescriptor(AccType acctype)
AccessDescriptor accdesc;
accdesc.acctype = acctype;
accdesc.mpam = GenMPAMcurEL(acctype IN {AccType_IFETCH, AccType_IC});
accdesc.page_table_walk = FALSE;
return accdesc;
// CreateAccessDescriptorPTW()
// ===========================
AccessDescriptor CreateAccessDescriptorPTW(AccType acctype, boolean secondstage,
boolean s2fs1walk, integer level)
AccessDescriptor accdesc;
accdesc.acctype = acctype;
accdesc.mpam = GenMPAMcurEL(acctype IN {AccType_IFETCH, AccType_IC});
accdesc.page_table_walk = TRUE;
accdesc.secondstage = s2fs1walk;
accdesc.secondstage = secondstage;
accdesc.level = level;
return accdesc;
// MPAMinfo
// ========
// MPAM type definitions
type PARTIDtype = bits(16);
type PMGtype = bits(8);
type MPAMinfo is (
bit mpam_ns,
PARTIDtype partid,
PMGtype pmg
13.1.3 shared/functions/mpam
This section includes the following pseudocode functions:
shared/functions/mpam/DefaultMPAMinfo on page 13-242.
shared/functions/mpam/DefaultPARTID on page 13-242.
shared/functions/mpam/DefaultPMG on page 13-242.
shared/functions/mpam/GenMPAMcurEL on page 13-242.
shared/functions/mpam/MAP_vPARTID on page 13-242.
shared/functions/mpam/MPAMisEnabled on page 13-243.
shared/functions/mpam/MPAMisVirtual on page 13-243.
shared/functions/mpam/genMPAM on page 13-243.
shared/functions/mpam/genMPAMel on page 13-244.
shared/functions/mpam/genPARTID on page 13-244.
shared/functions/mpam/genPMG on page 13-244.
shared/functions/mpam/getMPAM_PARTID on page 13-245.
shared/functions/mpam/getMPAM_PMG on page 13-245.
shared/functions/mpam/mapvpmw on page 13-245.
13 ARMv8 Pseudocode
13.1 Shared pseudocode
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// DefaultMPAMinfo
// ===============
// Returns default MPAM info. If secure is TRUE return default Secure
// MPAMinfo, otherwise return default Non-secure MPAMinfo.
MPAMinfo DefaultMPAMinfo(boolean secure)
MPAMinfo DefaultInfo;
DefaultInfo.mpam_ns = if secure then '0' else '1';
DefaultInfo.partid = DefaultPARTID;
DefaultInfo.pmg = DefaultPMG;
return DefaultInfo;
constant PARTIDtype DefaultPARTID = 0<15:0>;
constant PMGtype DefaultPMG = 0<7:0>;
// GenMPAMcurEL
// ============
// Returns MPAMinfo for the current EL and security state.
// InD is TRUE instruction access and FALSE otherwise.
// May be called if MPAM is not implemented (but in an version that supports
// MPAM), MPAM is disabled, or in AArch32. In AArch32, convert the mode to
// EL if can and use that to drive MPAM information generation. If mode
// cannot be converted, MPAM is not implemented, or MPAM is disabled return
// default MPAM information for the current security state.
MPAMinfo GenMPAMcurEL(boolean InD)
bits(2) mpamel;
boolean validEL;
boolean secure = IsSecure();
if HaveMPAMExt() && MPAMisEnabled() then
if UsingAArch32() then
(validEL, mpamel) = ELFromM32(PSTATE.M);
validEL = TRUE;
mpamel = PSTATE.EL;
if validEL then
return genMPAM(UInt(mpamel), InD, secure);
return DefaultMPAMinfo(secure);
// ===========
// Performs conversion of virtual PARTID into physical PARTID
// Contains all of the error checking and implementation
// choices for the conversion.
(PARTIDtype, boolean) MAP_vPARTID(PARTIDtype vpartid)
// should not ever be called if EL2 is not implemented
// or is implemented but not enabled in the current
// security state.
PARTIDtype ret;
boolean err;
integer virt = UInt( vpartid );
integer vmprmax = UInt( MPAMIDR_EL1.VPMR_MAX );
13 ARMv8 Pseudocode
13.1 Shared pseudocode
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// vpartid_max is largest vpartid supported
integer vpartid_max = 4 * vmprmax + 3;
// One of many ways to reduce vpartid to value less than vpartid_max.
if virt > vpartid_max then
virt = virt MOD (vpartid_max+1);
// Check for valid mapping entry.
if MPAMVPMV_EL2<virt> == '1' then
// vpartid has a valid mapping so access the map.
ret = mapvpmw(virt);
err = FALSE;
// Is the default virtual PARTID valid?
elsif MPAMVPMV_EL2<0> == '1' then
// Yes, so use default mapping for vpartid == 0.
ret = MPAMVPM0_EL2<0 +: 16>;
err = FALSE;
// Neither is valid so use default physical PARTID.
ret = DefaultPARTID;
err = TRUE;
// Check that the physical PARTID is in-range.
// This physical PARTID came from a virtual mapping entry.
integer partid_max = UInt( MPAMIDR_EL1.PARTID_MAX );
if UInt(ret) > partid_max then
// Out of range, so return default physical PARTID
ret = DefaultPARTID;
err = TRUE;
return (ret, err);
// MPAMisEnabled
// =============
// Returns TRUE if MPAMisEnabled.
boolean MPAMisEnabled()
el = HighestEL();
case el of
when EL3 return MPAM3_EL3.MPAMEN == '1';
when EL2 return MPAM2_EL2.MPAMEN == '1';
when EL1 return MPAM1_EL1.MPAMEN == '1';
// MPAMisVirtual
// =============
// Returns TRUE if MPAM is configured to be virtual at EL.
boolean MPAMisVirtual(integer el)
return (MPAMIDR_EL1.HAS_HCR == '1' && EL2Enabled() &&
(( el == 0 && MPAMHCR_EL2.EL0_VPMEN == '1' ) ||
( el == 1 && MPAMHCR_EL2.EL1_VPMEN == '1')));
// genMPAM
// =======
// Returns MPAMinfo for exception level el.
// If InD is TRUE returns MPAM information using PARTID_I and PMG_I fields
// of MPAMel_ELx register and otherwise using PARTID_D and PMG_D fields.
// Produces a Secure PARTID if Secure is TRUE and a Non-secure PARTID otherwise.
13 ARMv8 Pseudocode
13.1 Shared pseudocode
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MPAMinfo genMPAM(integer el, boolean InD, boolean secure)
MPAMinfo returnInfo;
PARTIDtype partidel;
boolean perr;
boolean gstplk = (el == 0 && EL2Enabled() &&
MPAMHCR_EL2.GSTAPP_PLK == '1' && HCR_EL2.TGE == '0');
integer eff_el = if gstplk then 1 else el;
(partidel, perr) = genPARTID(eff_el, InD);
PMGtype groupel = genPMG(eff_el, InD, perr);
returnInfo.mpam_ns = if secure then '0' else '1';
returnInfo.partid = partidel;
returnInfo.pmg = groupel;
return returnInfo;
// genMPAMel
// =========
// Returns MPAMinfo for specified EL in the current security state.
// InD is TRUE for instruction access and FALSE otherwise.
MPAMinfo genMPAMel(bits(2) el, boolean InD)
boolean secure = IsSecure();
if HaveMPAMExt() && MPAMisEnabled() then
return genMPAM(UInt(el), InD, secure);
return DefaultMPAMinfo(secure);
// genPARTID
// =========
// Returns physical PARTID and error boolean for exception level el.
// If InD is TRUE then PARTID is from MPAMel_ELx.PARTID_I and
// otherwise from MPAMel_ELx.PARTID_D.
(PARTIDtype, boolean) genPARTID(integer el, boolean InD)
PARTIDtype partidel = getMPAM_PARTID(el, InD);
integer partid_max = UInt(MPAMIDR_EL1.PARTID_MAX);
if UInt(partidel) > partid_max then
return (DefaultPARTID, TRUE);
if MPAMisVirtual(el) then
return MAP_vPARTID(partidel);
return (partidel, FALSE);
// genPMG
// ======
// Returns PMG for exception level el and I- or D-side (InD).
// If PARTID generation (genPARTID) encountered an error, genPMG() should be
// called with partid_err as TRUE.
PMGtype genPMG(integer el, boolean InD, boolean partid_err)
integer pmg_max = UInt(MPAMIDR_EL1.PMG_MAX);
// It is CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE whether partid_err forces PMG to
// use the default or if it uses the PMG from getMPAM_PMG.
if partid_err then
return DefaultPMG;
PMGtype groupel = getMPAM_PMG(el, InD);
if UInt(groupel) <= pmg_max then
return groupel;
return DefaultPMG;
13 ARMv8 Pseudocode
13.1 Shared pseudocode
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// ==============
// Returns a PARTID from one of the MPAMn_ELx registers.
// MPAMn selects the MPAMn_ELx register used.
// If InD is TRUE, selects the PARTID_I field of that
// register. Otherwise, selects the PARTID_D field.
PARTIDtype getMPAM_PARTID(integer MPAMn, boolean InD)
PARTIDtype partid;
boolean el2avail = EL2Enabled();
if InD then
case MPAMn of
when 3 partid = MPAM3_EL3.PARTID_I;
when 2 partid = if el2avail then MPAM2_EL2.PARTID_I else Zeros();
when 1 partid = MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_I;
when 0 partid = MPAM0_EL1.PARTID_I;
otherwise partid = PARTIDtype UNKNOWN;
case MPAMn of
when 3 partid = MPAM3_EL3.PARTID_D;
when 2 partid = if el2avail then MPAM2_EL2.PARTID_D else Zeros();
when 1 partid = MPAM1_EL1.PARTID_D;
when 0 partid = MPAM0_EL1.PARTID_D;
otherwise partid = PARTIDtype UNKNOWN;
return partid;
// getMPAM_PMG
// ===========
// Returns a PMG from one of the MPAMn_ELx registers.
// MPAMn selects the MPAMn_ELx register used.
// If InD is TRUE, selects the PMG_I field of that
// register. Otherwise, selects the PMG_D field.
PMGtype getMPAM_PMG(integer MPAMn, boolean InD)
PMGtype pmg;
boolean el2avail = EL2Enabled();
if InD then
case MPAMn of
when 3 pmg = MPAM3_EL3.PMG_I;
when 2 pmg = if el2avail then MPAM2_EL2.PMG_I else Zeros();
when 1 pmg = MPAM1_EL1.PMG_I;
when 0 pmg = MPAM0_EL1.PMG_I;
otherwise pmg = PMGtype UNKNOWN;
case MPAMn of
when 3 pmg = MPAM3_EL3.PMG_D;
when 2 pmg = if el2avail then MPAM2_EL2.PMG_D else Zeros();
when 1 pmg = MPAM1_EL1.PMG_D;
when 0 pmg = MPAM0_EL1.PMG_D;
otherwise pmg = PMGtype UNKNOWN;
return pmg;
// mapvpmw
// ========
// Map a virtual PARTID into a physical PARTID using
// the MPAMVPMn_EL2 registers.
// vpartid is now assumed in-range and valid (checked by caller)
// returns physical PARTID from mapping entry.
13 ARMv8 Pseudocode
13.1 Shared pseudocode
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PARTIDtype mapvpmw(integer vpartid)
bits(64) vpmw;
integer wd = vpartid DIV 4;
case wd of
when 0 vpmw = MPAMVPM0_EL2;
when 1 vpmw = MPAMVPM1_EL2;
when 2 vpmw = MPAMVPM2_EL2;
when 3 vpmw = MPAMVPM3_EL2;
when 4 vpmw = MPAMVPM4_EL2;
when 5 vpmw = MPAMVPM5_EL2;
when 6 vpmw = MPAMVPM6_EL2;
when 7 vpmw = MPAMVPM7_EL2;
otherwise vpmw = Zeros(64);
// vpme_lsb selects LSB of field within register
integer vpme_lsb = (vpartid REM 4) * 16;
return vpmw<vpme_lsb +: 16>;
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Appendix A
Generic Resource Controls
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page A-248.
Portion resource controls on page A-249.
Maximum-usage resource controls on page A-250.
Proportional resource allocation facilities on page A-251.
Combining resource controls on page A-253.
Appendix A Generic Resource Controls
A.1 Introduction
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A.1 Introduction
This appendix is informative.
Several of the resource controls defined in this specification fit one of the generic models for resource controls in
this appendix.
Appendix A Generic Resource Controls
A.2 Portion resource controls
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A.2 Portion resource controls
Some resources may be divided into fixed quanta, termed portions, that can be allocated for the exclusive use of a
partition or shared between two or more partitions. Figure A-1 shows how partitions can have private and shared
Portion Bit Map (PBM) allocations.
Figure A-1 Generic portion shared and exclusive allocations.
In portion resource controls, the control setting is a bitmap in which each bit corresponds to a particular portion of
the resource, as shown in Figure A-2. Each bit grants the PARTID using this control setting to allocate the portion
corresponding to that bit.
Figure A-2 Generic portion bit map.
PBMs may be wide. Generic PBMs could be up to 2
bits in width.
A PBM is a vector of single-bit elements. Element 0 is bit 0 at the address (MPAMF_BASE + PBM_offset) where
PBM_offset is the offset of the particular PBM register. Both the bitmap and the register to access the bitmap extend
in length at increasing 32-bit word addresses for the width in bits of the PBM (PBM_WD). If the 32-bit word
containing the highest byte of the bitmap (MPAMF_BASE + PBM_offset + (PBM_WD>>3)) has unused bits, those
bits are RES0.
To access the PBM for portion n, access the 32-bit word of the PBM register at the address MPAMF_BASE +
PBM_offset + ((n >> 3) & ~3). Then access bit (n & 31).
Uses portions 0 and 1
Uses portions 1 and 2
Paritition 1
(PBM = 0b0011)
Paritition 2
(PBM = 0b0110)
Portion Allocation
by both
0: May not allocate portion 23 of 32
1: May allocate portion 23 of 32
31 023
Appendix A Generic Resource Controls
A.3 Maximum-usage resource controls
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A.3 Maximum-usage resource controls
Many resources can be controlled by a maximum-usage resource control. With this control, resources may be
allocated to a partition as long as the partition’s maximum usage is not exceeded. If the maximum usage is reached,
further allocation must be prevented, or deferred, or lowered in priority, or caused to reclaim a previous allocation,
or caused to replace a previous allocation.
Maximum-usage control settings are a maximum fraction of the resource that the PARTID may use. The parameter
is represented as a 16-bit fixed-point fraction of the capacity of the resource with a discoverable number of fractional
bits. For example, if a resource has an 8-bit fractional width, bits [15:8] of the setting are used to control the resource
allocation. To ensure that the range includes 100% of the resource, the control value is increased by 1 in the least
significant implemented bit before being used to limit the usage to the maximum. See About the fixed-point
fractional format on page 9-140 for the fixed-point fractional format.
Appendix A Generic Resource Controls
A.4 Proportional resource allocation facilities
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A.4 Proportional resource allocation facilities
MPAM proportional stride partitioning is related to two software resource-management interfaces:
The Linux cgroup weights interface assigns integer weights to indicate the relative proportion of the resource
given to a process.
The VMware shares interface similarly assigns an integer share to indicate the relative proportion of the
resource that a virtual machine is given.
Weight and share values are positive integers. For example, Linux group weights are in the range of 1 to 10000, with
a default value of 100.
The value of weight or share is used to compute the fraction of the resource, f, for partition, p, as:
A partition’s stride is the scaled reciprocal of its weight:
The scaling factor, S, should be chosen as equal to the largest f(p) so as to normalize stride values and give the
smallest stride in the system = 1. All strides should be scaled by the same S.
Stride-based proportional allocation is well-suited to temporal or rate-of-occurrence resources, such as bandwidth.
The standard interface for proportional allocation is a positive unsigned integer, STRIDEM1, with an
IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED field width of w. STRIDEM1 has the range [0 … 2
-1] so stride has the range [1
… 2
]. If a stride after normalization is greater than 2
, it should be programmed into the control as 2
– 1, the
largest representable STRIDEM1.
Properties of proportional allocation include:
Proportion of resource shrinks and grows as partitions come and go.
Subdividable: If VM A has ½ fraction of the whole resource and its child application, y, has 2/3 fraction of
the VM’s resource, then y is given 1/2 * 2/3 == 1/3 fraction of the whole resource.
Proportional allocation only needs to consider the current contenders for a temporal resource, such as
memory bandwidth.
A proportional allocation scheme is called work-conserving if it does not idle the resource when only
low-proportion requests are available, but instead uses as much of the resource as it has requests to use. A
proportional allocation scheme might allocate the resource to those lower-proportion requests, in proportion
to their relative weights.
A.4.1 Model of stride-based memory bandwidth scheduling
This model is intended to explain the operation of stride-based memory bandwidth scheduling without dictating an
implementation. Arm believes that a variety of implementations are possible.
In this model, each partition has an offset[p] that tracks the time since the partition, p, consumed bandwidth but is
bounded to be less than offset_limit. When a request, r, arrives it is given a deadline, of the current_time plus
stride(p) minus offset(p). The offset(p) is set to current_time – deadline, and the offset(p) is incremented in
event-time units until it reaches the offset_limit.
In the model, requests are serviced as quickly as possible in deadline order. Newly arriving requests with small
strides (highest access to bandwidth) may go ahead of earlier requests with large strides.
all w
f(p) =
Stride of p =
Appendix A Generic Resource Controls
A.4 Proportional resource allocation facilities
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If there are requests to process, this model does not prevent servicing a request with a distant future deadline if there
are no requests available with earlier deadlines. As such, this model scheme is work-conserving.
Appendix A Generic Resource Controls
A.5 Combining resource controls
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A.5 Combining resource controls
Maximum-usage resource controls, portion resource controls, and other resource controls may coexist on the same
resource. Combined resource controls should produce a combined effect. For example, combining portion control
and maximum-usage control for the same resource should allocate the resource while satisfying both controls.
All resource controls should have at least one setting that does not limit access to the resource. When an
implementation contains multiple controls for the same resource, the limits imposed on a partition’s usage by each
control are all applied. By selecting which controls limit a partition’s usage and which do not, software can exercise
a variety of regulation styles within a single system.
Appendix A Generic Resource Controls
A.5 Combining resource controls
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Appendix B
MSC Firmware Data
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction on page B-256.
Partitioning-control parameters on page B-257.
Performance-monitoring parameters on page B-258.
Appendix B MSC Firmware Data
B.1 Introduction
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B.1 Introduction
In a system containing MPAM, discovery of the memory-system topology and certain implementation parameters
of MPAM controls and monitors must be provided to MPAM-aware software via firmware data. The
software-to-firmware interface to the MPAM firmware data is beyond the scope of this description. Examples of
firmware data interfaces include:
•ACPI 2.0.
Device Tree.
Firmware data for static devices can be pre-configured for an implementation and stored as part of the firmware, or
it can be dynamically discovered through probing and other tests, or some combination of these two approaches.
Appendix B MSC Firmware Data
B.2 Partitioning-control parameters
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B.2 Partitioning-control parameters
Table B-1 Partitioning-control parameters.
Control Parameter Data Format Description
MPAM MPAMF_BASE_NS Address Every MPAM-capable device has the MPAMF_IDR MMR at offset 0
from the MPAMF_BASE_NS in the Non-secure address space. Other
MPAM memory-mapped registers are at known offsets from this
address. See Chapter 11 Memory-Mapped Registers.
MPAM MPAMF_BASE_S Address Every MPAM-capable device has the MPAMF_IDR MMR at offset 0
from the MPAMF_BASE__S in the Secure address space. Other MPAM
memory-mapped registers are at known offsets from this address. See
Chapter 11 Memory-Mapped Registers.
Appendix B MSC Firmware Data
B.3 Performance-monitoring parameters
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B.3 Performance-monitoring parameters
Table B-2 Performance-monitoring parameters
Monitor Parameter
CSU MAX_NRDY_USEC Uint32 Maximum number of microseconds that the NRDY signal can remain 1 in the
absence of additional reconfiguration of the monitor or writes to the
MSMON_CSU register. This firmware value is the maximum time when NRDY
can be 1, so that software can know this value.
MSMON_CSU.VALUE is accurate and MSMON_CSU.NRDY is zero before
MAX_NRDY_USEC microseconds have elapsed since the monitor was
configured, reconfigured, or written.
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This glossary describes some of the terms that are used in this document. Some of these terms are unique to MPAM
and are introduced in this document while others are standard terms that can be found in the Glossary of the Arm
Architecture Reference Manual.
Abort An exception caused by an illegal memory access. Aborts can be caused by the external memory system or the
Aligned A data item stored at an address that is exactly divisible by the highest power of 2 that divides exactly into its size
in bytes. Aligned halfwords, words and doublewords therefore have addresses that are divisible by 2, 4, and 8,
AMBA Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture. The AMBA family of protocol specifications is the Arm open standard
for on-chip buses. AMBA provides solutions for the interconnection and management of the functional blocks that
make up a System-on-Chip (SoC). Applications include the development of embedded systems with one or more
processors or signal processors and multiple peripherals.
Banked register A register that has multiple instances, with the instance that is in use depending on the PE mode, Security state, or
other PE state.
Burst A group of transfers that form a single transaction. With AMBA protocols, only the first transfer of the burst
includes address information, and the transfer type determines the addresses used for subsequent transfers.
BWA BandWidth Allocation.
BWPBM BandWidth Portion Bit Map.
Where an instruction can result in UNPREDICTABLE behavior, the ARMv8 architecture specifies a narrow range
of permitted behaviors. This range is the range of CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE behavior. All
implementations that are compliant with the architecture must follow the CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE
Execution at Non-secure EL1 or EL0 of an instruction that is CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE can be
implemented as generating a trap exception that is taken to EL2, provided that at least one instruction that is not
UNPREDICTABLE and is not CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE causes a trap exception that is taken to EL2.
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In body text, the term CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE is shown in
Core See Processing Element (PE).
CPBM Cache-Portion Bit Map.
CSU Cache-Storage Usage.
DSB Data Synchronization Barrier.
E2H EL2 Host. A bit field in the HCR_EL2 register. This configuration executes a type-2 hypervisor and its host
operating system in EL2 rather than EL1, for better performance.
Type-2 hypervisors run on a host operating system rather then running as a small, standalone OS-like program. For
example, kvm is a type-2 hypervisor.
HCR An abbreviated reference to the Hypervisor Configuration Registers in AArch64 HCR_EL2 and in AArch32 HCR
and HCR2.
ICN InterConnect Network.
ID An identifier or label.
address (IPA)
An implementation of virtualization, the address to which a Guest OS maps a VA. A hypervisor might then map
the IPA to a PA. Typically, the Guest OS is unaware of the translation from IPA to PA.
See also Physical address (PA), Virtual PARTID.
IPA See Intermediate physical address (IPA).
kvm Kernel-based Virtual Machine, an open-source software package that implements a type-2 hypervisor within Linux.
LPI Locality-specific Peripheral Interrupt.
MBWU Memory BandWidth Usage.
m component
MSC. A function, unit, or design block in a memory system that can have partitionable resources. MSCs consist of
all units that handle load or store requests issued by any MPAM master. These include cache memories,
interconnects, memory management units, memory channel controllers, queues, buffers, rate adaptors, etc. An MSC
may contain one or more resources that each may have zero or more resource partitioning controls. For example, a
PE may contain several caches, each of which might have zero or more resource partitioning controls.
m resource
A resources that affects the performance of software's use of the memory system and is either local to an MSC (such
as cache-memory capacity) or non-local (such as memory bandwidth, which is present over an entire path, from
master to slave, that may pass through multiple MSCs).
MMR Memory-Mapped Register.
MPAM Memory System Resource Partitioning and Monitoring.
The MPAM information bundle, comprising PARTID, PMG, and MPAM_NS.
MPAM_NS MPAM security-space bit. It is not stored in a PE register; it comes from the current security state of a PE and is
communicated to MSCs as part of the MPAM information bundle. In non-PE masters, the security state can be
determined in other ways.
MSC Memory-System Component. See above.
NRDY Not-Ready bit. MPAM resource monitors set this bit to indicate that the monitor register does not currently have an
accurate value.
NS Non-Secure. A bit indicating that an address space is not Secure.
PA See Physical address (PA).
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PARTID Partition ID. Together with the MPAM_NS bit, it selects a memory-system resource partition to use in the MSCs.
For each resource with a resource partitioning control in each MSC, the PARTID and MPAM_NS select resource
control levels, limits, or allocations from local control-setting tables.
Partition A division of resources. A partition is manifest in a PARTID and MPAM_NS. In an MSC, the PARTID and
MPAM_NS select partitioning control settings that affect the partitioning by regulating the allocation of the resource
to requests using that PARTID and MPAM_NS.
PE See Processing Element (PE).
address (PA)
An address that identifies a location in the physical memory map.
See also Intermediate physical address (IPA).
A partition ID that is transmitted with memory requests and can be used by MSCs to control resources usage. A
physical PARTID is in either the Non-secure or Secure PARTID space.
PMG Performance Monitoring Group, a property of a partition used in MSCs by MPAM performance monitors that can
be programmed to be sensitive to the particular PARTID and PMG combination.
Portion A uniquely identifiable part of the resource. It is of fixed size or capacity. A particular resource has a constant
number of portions. Portions are distinct. Portion n is the same part of the resource for every partition. Thus, every
partition that is given access to a portion n shares access to portion n.
PPI Private Peripheral Interrupt.
Processing Element (PE)
The abstract machine defined in the ARM architecture, as documented in an ARM Architecture Reference Manual.
A PE implementation compliant with the ARM architecture must conform with the behaviors described in the
corresponding ARM Architecture Reference Manual.
RAZ See Read-As-Zero (RAZ).
RAZ/WI Read-As-Zero, Writes Ignored.
Hardware must implement the field as Read-as-Zero, and must ignore writes to the field.
Software can rely on the field reading as all 0s, and on writes being ignored.
This description can apply to a single bit that reads as 0, or to a field that reads as all 0s.
See also Read-As-Zero (RAZ).
Read-As-Zero (RAZ)
Hardware must implement the field as reading as all 0s.
Can rely on the field reading as all 0s.
Must use a RES1 policy to write to the field.
This description can apply to a single bit that reads as 0, or to a field that reads as all 0s.
See also RAZ/WI, RES0.
RES0 A reserved bit. Used for fields in register descriptions, and for fields in architecturally-defined data structures that
are held in memory, for example in translation table descriptors.
Within the architecture, there are some cases where a register bit or field:
Is RES0 in some defined architectural context.
Has different defined behavior in a different architectural context.
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RES0 is not used in descriptions of instruction encodings.
Where an AArch32 System register is Architecturally mapped to an AArch64 System register, and a bit or
field in that register is RES0 in one Execution state and has defined behavior in the other Execution state, this
is an example of a bit or field with behavior that depends on the architectural context.
This means the definition of RES0 for fields in read/write registers is:
If a bit is RES0 in all contexts
For a bit in a read/write register, it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether:
1. The bit is hardwired to 0. In this case:
Reads of the bit always return 0.
Writes to the bit are ignored.
2. The bit can be written. In this case:
An indirect write to the register sets the bit to 0.
A read of the bit returns the last value successfully written, by either a direct or an indirect write, to
the bit. If the bit has not been successfully written since reset, then the read of the bit returns the reset
value if there is one, or otherwise returns an UNKNOWN value.
A direct write to the bit must update a storage location associated with the bit.
The value of the bit must have no effect on the operation of the PE, other than determining the value
read back from the bit, unless this manual explicitly defines additional properties for the bit.
Whether RES0 bits or fields follow behavior 1 or behavior 2 is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED on a field-by-field
If a bit is RES0 only in some contexts
For a bit in a read/write register, when the bit is described as RES0:
An indirect write to the register sets the bit to 0.
A read of the bit must return the value last successfully written to the bit, by either a direct or an indirect write,
regardless of the use of the register when the bit was written. If the bit has not been successfully written since
reset, then the read of the bit returns the reset value if there is one, or otherwise returns an UNKNOWN value.
A direct write to the bit must update a storage location associated with the bit.
While the use of the register is such that the bit is described as RES0, the value of the bit must have no effect
on the operation of the PE, other than determining the value read back from that bit, unless this manual
explicitly defines additional properties for the bit.
Considering only contexts that apply to a particular implementation, if there is a context in which a bit is defined as
RES0, another context in which the same bit is defined as RES1, and no context in which the bit is defined as a
functional bit, then it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether:
Writes to the bit are ignored, and reads of the bit return an UNKNOWN value.
The value of the bit can be written, and a read returns the last value written to the bit.
The RES0 description can apply to bits or fields that are read-only, or are write-only:
For a read-only bit, RES0 indicates that the bit reads as 0, but software must treat the bit as UNKNOWN.
For a write-only bit, RES0 indicates that software must treat the bit as 0.
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A bit that is RES0 in a context is reserved for possible future use in that context. To preserve forward compatibility,
Must not rely on the bit reading as 0.
Must write 0 to the bit.
This RES0 description can apply to a single bit, or to a field for which each bit of the field must be treated as RES0.
In body text, the term RES0 is shown in SMALL CAPITALS.
See also Read-As-Zero (RAZ), RES1, UNKNOWN.
RES1 A reserved bit. Used for fields in register descriptions, and for fields in architecturally-defined data structures that
are held in memory, for example in translation table descriptors.
Within the architecture, there are some cases where a register bit or field:
Is RES1 in some defined architectural context.
Has different defined behavior in a different architectural context.
RES1 is not used in descriptions of instruction encodings.
Where an AArch32 System register is Architecturally mapped to an AArch64 System register, and a bit or
field in that register is RES1 in one Execution state and has defined behavior in the other Execution state, this
is an example of a bit or field with behavior that depends on the architectural context.
This means the definition of RES1 for fields in read/write registers is:
If a bit is RES1 in all contexts
For a bit in a read/write register, it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether:
1. The bit is hardwired to 1. In this case:
Reads of the bit always return 1.
Writes to the bit are ignored.
2. The bit can be written. In this case:
An indirect write to the register sets the bit to 1.
A read of the bit returns the last value successfully written, by either a direct or an indirect write, to
the bit. If the bit has not been successfully written since reset, then the read of the bit returns the reset
value if there is one, or otherwise returns an UNKNOWN value.
A direct write to the bit must update a storage location associated with the bit.
The value of the bit must have no effect on the operation of the PE, other than determining the value
read back from the bit, unless this manual explicitly defines additional properties for the bit.
Whether RES1 bits or fields follow behavior 1 or behavior 2 is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED on a field-by-field
If a bit is RES1 only in some contexts
For a bit in a read/write register, when the bit is described as RES1:
An indirect write to the register sets the bit to 1.
A read of the bit must return the value last successfully written to the bit, regardless of the use of the register
when the bit was written.
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As indicated in this list, this value might be written by an indirect write to the register.
If the bit has not been successfully written since reset, then the read of the bit returns the reset value if there
is one, or otherwise returns an UNKNOWN value.
A direct write to the bit must update a storage location associated with the bit.
While the use of the register is such that the bit is described as RES1, the value of the bit must have no effect
on the operation of the PE, other than determining the value read back from that bit, unless this manual
explicitly defines additional properties for the bit.
Considering only contexts that apply to a particular implementation, if there is a context in which a bit is defined as
RES0, another context in which the same bit is defined as RES1, and no context in which the bit is defined as a
functional bit, then it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether:
Writes to the bit are ignored, and reads of the bit return an UNKNOWN value.
The value of the bit can be written, and a read returns the last value written to the bit.
The RES1 description can apply to bits or fields that are read-only, or are write-only:
For a read-only bit, RES1 indicates that the bit reads as 1, but software must treat the bit as UNKNOWN.
For a write-only bit, RES1 indicates that software must treat the bit as 1.
A bit that is RES1 in a context is reserved for possible future use in that context. To preserve forward compatibility,
Must not rely on the bit reading as 1.
Must use a RES1 policy to write to the bit.
This RES1 description can apply to a single bit, or to a field for which each bit of the field must be treated as RES1.
In body text, the term RES1 is shown in SMALL CAPITALS.
See also RES0, UNKNOWN.
Reserved Unless otherwise stated:
Reserved instruction and 32-bit system control register encodings are UNPREDICTABLE.
Reserved 64-bit system control register encodings are undefined.
SCR Part of the name of a Secure Configuration Register.
SMMU System Memory-Management Unit.
SPE Statistical Profiling Extension.
SPI Shared Peripheral Interrupt.
TGE Trap General Exception. A field in the HCR_EL2 register. It causes EL0 exceptions, that would normally trap to
EL1, to instead trap to EL2. This function can be used to run an EL2 host’s applications at EL0, so that any
exceptions in the application trap to the host OS at EL2.
UNDEFINED Indicates cases where an attempt to execute a particular encoding bit pattern generates an exception, that is taken to
the current Exception level, or to the default Exception level for taking exceptions if the UNDEFINED encoding
was executed at EL0. This applies to:
Any encoding that is not allocated to any instruction.
Any encoding that is defined as never accessible at the current Exception level.
Some cases where an enable, disable, or trap control means an encoding is not accessible at the current
Exception level.
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If the generated exception is taken to an Exception level that is using AArch32 then it is taken as an Undefined
Instruction exception.
On reset, the default Exception level for taking exceptions from EL0 is EL1. However, an implementation might
include controls that can change this, effectively making EL1 inactive. See the description of the Exception model
for more information.
In body text, the term UNDEFINED is shown in SMALL CAPITALS.
UNKNOWN An UNKNOWN value does not contain valid data, and can vary from moment to moment, instruction to instruction,
and implementation to implementation. An UNKNOWN value must not return information that cannot be accessed
at the current or a lower level of privilege using instructions that are not UNPREDICTABLE, are not
CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE, and do not return UNKNOWN values. An UNKNOWN value must not be
documented or promoted as having a defined value or effect.
In body text, the term UNKNOWN is shown in SMALL CAPITALS. See also CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE,
A behavior that cannot be relied upon. UNPREDICTABLE behavior must not perform any function that cannot be
performed at the current or a lower level of privilege using instructions that are not UNPREDICTABLE.
UNPREDICTABLE behavior must not be documented or promoted as having a defined effect.
An instruction that is UNPREDICTABLE can be implemented as UNDEFINED.
Execution at Non-secure EL1 or EL0 of an instruction that is UNPREDICTABLE can be implemented as generating
a trap exception that is taken to EL2, provided that at least one instruction that is not UNPREDICTABLE and is not
CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE causes a trap exception that is taken to EL2.
In body text, the term UNPREDICTABLE is shown in SMALL CAPITALS.
VA See Virtual address (VA).
Virtual address
An address generated by an Arm PE. This means it is an address that might be held in the program counter of the
PE. For a PMSA implementation, the virtual address is identical to the physical address.
See also Intermediate physical address (IPA), Physical address (PA).
Virtual PARTID One of a small range of PARTIDs that can be used by a virtual machine (VM). Virtual PARTIDs are mapped into
physical PARTIDs using the virtual partition mapping entries in the MPAMVPM0 - MPAMVPM7 registers.
VM Virtual Machine.
VMM Virtual Machine Monitor. An alias for “hypervisor”.
Word A 32-bit data item. Words are normally word-aligned in Arm systems.
Word-aligned A data item having a memory address that is divisible by four.
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