Risk Management Examination Manual for Credit Card Activities Chapter XIX
Merchant processing is the acceptance, processing, and settlement of payment transactions for
merchants. A bank that contracts with (or acquires) merchants is called an acquiring bank,
merchant bank, or acquirer. Acquiring banks sign up merchants to accept payment cards for the
network and also arrange processing services for merchants. They can contract directly with the
merchant or indirectly through agent banks or other third parties.
A bank can be both an issuing bank and an acquiring bank, but banks most often specialize in
one function or the other. Merchant processing is a separate and distinct line of business from
credit card issuing. It is generally an off-balance sheet activity with the exception of merchant
reserves and settlement accounts, both of which are discussed later in this chapter. Merchant
processing involves the gathering of sales information from the merchant, obtaining authorization
for the transaction, collecting funds from the issuing bank, and reimbursing the merchant. It also
involves charge-back processing. The vast majority of merchant transactions are electronically
originated (as compared to paper-based) and come from credit card purchases at merchant
locations or the point-of-sale (POS). Merchant processing increasingly includes transactions
initiated via debit cards, smart cards, and electronic benefits transfer (EBT) products.
The payment networks are the center of the cardholder transaction process and maintain the flow
of information and funds between issuing banks and acquiring banks. In a typical cardholder
transaction, the transaction data first moves from the merchant to the acquiring bank (and
through its card processor
, if applicable), then to the Associations, and finally to the issuing
bank (and through its card processor, if applicable). The issuing bank ultimately bills the
cardholder for the amount of the sale. Clearing is the term used to refer to the successful
transmission of the sales transaction data. At this point, no money has changed hands; rather,
only financial liability has shifted. The merchant, however, needs to be paid for the sale.
Settlement is the term used to refer to the exchange of the actual funds for the transaction and its
associated fees. Funds to cover the transaction and pay the merchant flow in the opposite
direction: from the issuing bank to the Associations, to the acquiring bank, and finally to the
merchant. The merchant typically receives funds within a few days of the sales transaction.
In a simple form, the clearing and settlement processes for payments can be illustrated with a
standard four-corners model (as discussed in the FFIEC IT Examination Handbook, Retail
Payment Systems Handbook (March 2004)). In this model, there is a common set of participants
for credit card payments: one in each corner (hence, the term four-corners model) and one in the
middle of the diagram. The initiator of the payment (the consumer) is located in the upper left-
hand corner, the recipient of the card payment (the merchant) is located in the upper right-hand
corner, and the relationships of the consumer and the merchant to their banks (the issuing bank
and the acquiring bank, respectively) reside in the bottom two corners. The payment networks
that route the transactions between the banks, such as Visa, are in the middle of the chart. The
information and funds flows for a typical credit card transaction are illustrated in a four-corners
labeled Exhibit D on the next page. Information flows are presented as solid lines while
funds flows are represented by dashed lines.
The model and discussion generally mirror the model and discussion that is presented in the FFIEC IT Examination
Handbook, Retail Payment Systems Handbook (March 2004).
March 2007 FDIC- Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection
Merchant Processing
Step 1: The consumer pays a merchant with a credit card.
Steps 2 and 3: The merchant then electronically transmits the data through the
applicable Association’s electronic network to the issuing bank for
Steps 4, 5, and 6: If approved, the merchant receives authorization to capture the
transaction, and the cardholder accepts liability, usually by signing the
sales slip.
Steps 7 and 8: The merchant receives payment, net of fees, by submitting the captured
credit card transactions to its bank (the acquiring bank) in batches or at
the end of the day
Steps 9 and 10: The acquiring bank forwards the sales draft data to the applicable
Association, which in turn forwards the data to the issuing bank.
The Association determines each bank’s net debit position. The Association’s settlement
financial institution coordinates issuing and acquiring settlement positions. Members with net
debit positions (normally the issuing banks) send funds to the Association’s settlement financial
institution, which transmits owed funds to the receiving bank (generally the acquiring banks).
Step 11: The settlement process takes place using a separate payment network
such as Fedwire
Step 12: The issuing bank presents the transaction on the cardholder’s next
billing statement
Step 13: The cardholder pays the bank, either in full or via monthly payments.
Exhibit D
Payment Network
(for instance, Visa
or MasterCard)
Issuing Bank
Acquiring Bank
Acquiring banks generally pay merchants by initiating Automated Clearing House (ACH) credits to deposit accounts at
the merchants’ local banks (possibly an agent bank). If an acquiring bank employs a third-party card processor, the card
processor usually prepares the ACH file.
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Exhibit D is only a simplistic example of the variety of arrangements that can exist. The parties
for the transaction could be one of thousands of acquirers or issuers or one of millions of
merchants and consumers. Further, there are many other ways the arrangements can be
structured. For example, in on-us transactions, the acquiring bank and the issuing bank are the
same. Also, the timing of the payment to the merchant (step 8 of Exhibit D) varies. Some
acquiring banks pay select merchants prior to receiving funds from the issuing bank, thereby
increasing the acquiring bank’s credit and liquidity exposure. However, payment from the
acquiring bank to the merchant often occurs shortly after the acquiring bank receives credit from
the issuing bank.
The presence of third-party organizations coupled with the acquiring bank’s ability to sub-license
the entire merchant program, or part thereof, and the issuing bank’s ability to sub-license the
entire issuing program, or part thereof, to other entities also introduces complexities to the
transaction and fund flows. For example, because the cost of technology infrastructure and the
level of transaction volume are high for acquiring banks, most small acquiring banks rely on third-
party card processors to perform the functions. In addition, issuing banks often use card
processors to conduct several of
their services. In intra-processor transactions, the same third
party processes for both the acquiring bank and the issuing bank. Under the by-laws and
operating rules/regulations of the Associations, the issuing banks and acquiring banks are
responsible for the actions of their contracted third-parties, respectively.
A merchant submits sales transactions to its acquiring bank by one of two methods. Large
merchants often have computer equipment that transmits transactions directly to the acquiring
bank or its card processor. Smaller merchants usually submit transactions to a vendor that
collects data from several merchants and then transmits transactions to the acquiring banks.
Some bankers do not understand merchant processing and its risks. Attracted to the business by
the potential for increased fee income, they might underestimate the risk and not employ
personnel with sufficient knowledge and expertise. They also might not devote sufficient
resources to oversight or perform proper due diligence reviews of prospective third-parties. Many
banks simply do not have the managerial expertise, resources, or infrastructure to safely engage
in merchant processing outside their local market or to manage high sales volumes, high-risk
merchants, or high charge-back levels. Many of a bank’s risks may be interdependent with
payment system operators and third parties. For example, the failure of any payment system
participant to provide funding for settlement may precipitate liquidity or credit problems for other
participants, regardless of whether they are party to payments to or from the failing participant.
For banks that engage in merchant programs or that are contemplating engaging in such
programs, examiners should look for evidence that management understands the activity’s risks
which include credit, transaction, liquidity, compliance, strategic, and reputation risk. A failure by
management to understand the risks and provide proper controls over such risks can be very
problematic, and even lethal, to the bank. Take, for example, the case of National State Bank,
Metropolis, Illinois. Inadequate control of the credit and transaction risks associated with its
merchant processing activities contributed to a high volume of losses that ultimately depleted
capital, threatened the bank’s liquidity, and led to its closing by the Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency (OCC) in December 2000.
As per press release PR-90-2000.
March 2007 FDIC- Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection
Merchant Processing
Credit Risk
A primary risk associated with merchant processing is credit risk. Even though the acquiring
bank typically does not advance its own funds, processing credit card transactions is similar to
extending credit because the acquiring bank is relying on the creditworthiness of the merchant to
pay charge-backs. Charge-backs are a common element in the merchant processing business
and are discussed in more detail later in this chapter. They can result from legitimate cardholder
challenges, fraud, or the merchant’s failure to follow established guidelines. Charge-backs
become a credit exposure to the acquiring bank if the merchant is unable or unwilling to pay
legitimate charge-backs. In that case the acquiring bank is obligated to honor the charge-back
and pay the issuing bank which could result in significant loss to the acquiring bank. In a sense,
the acquiring bank indemnifies a third party (in this case, the issuing bank that in turn indemnifies
the cardholder) in the event that the merchant cannot or does not cover charge-back. Banks
have been forced to cover large charge-backs when merchants have gone bankrupt or
committed fraud. Acquiring banks control credit risk by using sound merchant approval
processes and closely monitoring merchant activities.
Transaction Risk
Acquiring banks are faced with the transaction risk associated with service or product delivery
because they process credit card transactions for their merchants daily. The risk can stem from a
failure by the bank or any party participating in the transaction to process a transaction properly
or to provide adequate controls. It can also stem from employee error or misconduct, a
breakdown in the computer system, or a natural catastrophe. The acquiring bank needs an
adequate number of knowledgeable staff, appropriate technology, comprehensive operating
procedures, and effective contingency plans to carry out merchant processing efficiently and
reliably. A sound internal control environment is also necessary to ensure compliance with the
payment networks’ rules. Formal reconciliation processes are also essential to limiting risk.
The high transaction and sales volume normally encountered with merchant processing
programs creates significant transaction and liquidity risks. A failure anywhere in the process can
have implications on the bank. Examples include an issuing bank's inability to fund settlement to
the acquiring bank or a processing center’s failure to transmit sales information to the issuing
bank, thus resulting in a delay of or failure of funding to the merchant bank.
Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk can be measured by the ability of the acquiring bank to timely transmit funds to the
merchants. Acquiring banks often limit this risk by paying merchants after receiving credit from
the issuing bank. If the acquiring bank pays the merchant prior to receiving credit from the
issuing bank, the acquiring bank could sustain a loss if the issuing bank is unable or unwilling to
pay. Some acquiring banks delay settlement and pay merchants one day after receiving the
funds from the issuing bank. The delay allows the acquiring bank time to perform fraud reviews.
For delayed settlement, which most commonly occurs when transactions are identified as
suspicious or unusual, management is expected to have established formal procedures.
Because merchant deposits can be volatile, risk may also arise if the acquiring bank becomes
reliant on the merchant’s deposits as a funding source for other bank activities. Furthermore,
substantial charge-backs could potentially strain the bank’s financial condition and/or reputation
to such a degree that its creditors may withdraw availability of borrowing lines.
Associations guarantee settlement for transactions that pass through interchange. As a result,
they may require collateral pledges/security if a bank's ability to fund settlement becomes
questionable. This can create significant liquidity strains and potentially capital difficulties,
depending on the size of the collateral requirement and/or the financial condition of the bank.
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The Associations' rules allow them to assess the banks directly through the settlement accounts
if the bank is not forthcoming with the collateral.
Compliance Risk
Compliance risk arises from failure to follow payment networks’ rules and regulations, clearing
and settlement rules, suspicious activity reporting requirements, and a myriad of other laws,
regulations, and guidance. It can lead to fines, payment of damages, diminished reputation,
reduced franchise value, limited business opportunities, reduced expansion potential, and lack of
contract enforceability. Acquiring banks can limit compliance risk by ensuring a structured
compliance management program is in place, the internal control environment is sound, and staff
is knowledgeable. They can also limit risk by providing staff with access to legal representation
to ensure accurate evaluation of items such as new product offerings, legal forms, laws and
regulations, and contracts.
Strategic Risk
Strategic risk arises from adverse business decisions or improper implementation of those
decisions. A failure by management to consider the bank’s merchant processing activities in the
context of its overall strategic planning is normally cause for concern. A decision to enter,
maintain, or expand the merchant processing business without considering management’s
expertise and the bank’s financial capacity is also normally cause for concern. Examiners should
also pay close attention to how the acquiring bank plans to keep pace with technology changes
and competitive forces. Examiners should look for evidence that the strategic planning process
identifies the opportunities and risks of the merchant processing business; sets forth a plan for
managing the line of business and controlling its risks; and considers the need for a
comprehensive vendor management program. An evaluation of management's merchant
processing expertise is critical to judging strategic risk. The bank's overall programs for audit and
internal controls, risk management systems, outsourcing of services, and merchant program
oversight are key to controlling the strategic risk.
Reputation Risk
Reputation risk arising from negative public opinion can affect a bank’s ability to establish new
relationships or services or to continue servicing existing relationships. This risk can expose the
bank to litigation, financial loss, or damage to its public image. The bank’s business decisions for
marketing and pricing its merchant processing services can affect its reputation in the
marketplace. Reputation risk is also associated with the bank’s ability to fulfill contractual
obligations to merchants and third parties. Most notably, the outsourcing of any part of the
merchant processing business easily increases reputation risk. Decisions made by the acquiring
bank or its third-parties can directly cause loss of merchant relationships, litigation, fines and
penalties as well as charge-back losses. Concerns normally arise when the acquiring bank does
not maintain strong processes for performing due diligence on prospective merchants and third-
parties or perform ongoing evaluations of existing merchant and third-party relationships.
Examiners should expect that management fully understand, prior to becoming involved in
merchant processing and continuing thereafter, the risks involved and its own ability to effectively
control those risks. Merchant programs are specialized programs that require management
expertise, significant operational support, and rigorous risk-management systems. It can be a
profitable line of business but, if not properly controlled, can result in significant risk to the bank.
March 2007 FDIC- Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection
Merchant Processing
Examiners should determine whether qualified management has been appointed to supervise
merchant activities and to implement a risk management function that includes a merchant
approval system and an ongoing merchant review program for monitoring credit quality and
guarding against fraud. Bank staff’s knowledge and skill-sets are expected to be commensurate
with the risks being taken. For example, personnel responsible for processing charge-backs
should have the technical knowledge and understanding of charge-back rules, and personnel
responsible for approving merchant applications should have the ability to properly evaluate
creditworthiness and identify high-risk merchants.
Examiners assessing risks of merchant programs should direct their attention to situations in
which management has not put proper risk measurement systems in place to operate, monitor,
and control the activity effectively. This includes situations that evidence the absence of regular
management reports detailing pertinent information. Key reports generally include new merchant
acquisitions, merchant account attrition, merchant portfolio composition, sales volumes, charge-
back volumes and aging, fraud, and profitability analyses.
Examiner attention should be given to instances in which comprehensive, written merchant
processing policies and procedures are absent or are not adequate for the size and complexity of
operations. Necessary components of policies and procedures generally include:
Clear lines of authority and responsibility (for example, the level of approval required
to contract with certain types of merchants).
Adequate and knowledgeable staff.
Markets, merchant types, and risk levels the bank is and is not willing to accept.
Limits on the individual and aggregate volume of merchant activity that correlates
with the bank’s capital structure, management expertise, and ability of operations to
accommodate the volume (e.g., human and systems resources) as well as with
merchants’ risk profiles.
Goals for portfolio mix and risk diversification, including limits on the volume of sales
processed for higher-risk merchants and that take into account the level of
management expertise.
Merchant underwriting and approval criteria.
Procedures for monitoring merchants, including financial capacity, charge-backs and
fraud (regardless of who originates the merchants for the bank).
Criteria for determining appropriate holdback
or merchant reserve accounts.
Procedures for settlement, processing retrieval requests
and charge-backs,
handling complaints, monitoring and reporting of fraud, and training personnel.
Third-party risk management controls.
Guidelines for accepting and monitoring agent banks.
Guidelines for handling policy exceptions.
MIS to keep management sufficiently informed of the condition of, and trends in, the
merchant program.
Audit coverage.
Examiners should insist that the bank hold capital sufficient to protect against risks from its
merchant business. In addition, they should determine whether management has established
sound risk limits on the merchant processing volume based on the bank's capital structure, the
risk profile of the merchant portfolio, and the ability of management to monitor and control the
risks of merchant processing.
Associations limit the processing volume a bank can generate based upon the bank's capital
structure, high-risk merchant concentrations, and charge-back rates. Banks operating outside
the established thresholds (which may vary and are subject to change) are generally considered
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to be high-risk acquiring banks by the applicable Association and may be subject to additional
activity limits or collateral requirements.
No specific regulatory risk-based capital allocation(s) for merchant processing activities, which,
as mentioned, are typically off-balance sheet, exist. Nevertheless, capital regulations permit
examiners to require additional capital if needed to support the level of risk. Examiners
frequently consider these measurements that take into account the volume of merchant activity:
Risk Weighted Off-Balance Sheet Items for Merchant Processing = Average monthly
merchant sales (Annual Merchant Sales/12) X 2.5 X 20 percent (conversion factor for
off-balance sheet items) X 100 percent (risk weight category)
Tier 1 capital / (Average Total Assets + Risk Weighted Off-Balance Sheet Items for
Merchant Activity).
Evidence should corroborate that the bank scrutinizes prospective merchants with the same level
of diligence used to properly evaluate prospective borrowers. Concerns may arise when the
bank’s underwriting does not consider the merchant's ability to cover projected charge-backs as
well as its potential risk for fraud, high charge-back rates, and business failure. Merchant
underwriting and approval policies generally:
Define criteria for accepting merchants (for example, acceptable business types, time
in business, location, sales and charge-back volumes, and financial capacity).
Establish underwriting standards for the review of merchants.
Define what information is required on the merchant application.
Stipulate what information is required in the merchant agreement.
Outline procedures and time frames for periodic review of existing relationships.
Merchant Review and Approval
Merchant underwriting provides an opportunity to reject a merchant that the acquiring bank
determines has an unacceptable history of charge-back volumes, has a weak financial condition,
is not operating a valid business, or is otherwise not acceptable for the bank’s program. Limits
for personnel approving new merchant accounts are usually based on the merchant's sales
volume, and situations in which the designated bank personnel do not have appropriate levels of
credit expertise in relation to that volume are cause for concern. Further, if the acquiring bank
uses information collected by Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs) / Merchant Service
Providers (MSPs), examiners should look for policies and controls to be in place for
substantiating the quality of the information provided. In addition to exception guidelines and
documentation requirements, underwriting standards generally include:
A signed merchant application.
A signed merchant processing agreement.
A signed corporate resolution, if applicable.
An on-site inspection report.
Analysis of credit bureau reports on the principal(s) of the business.
Evaluation of financial statements, tax returns and/or credit reports on the business.
This calculation converts the off-balance sheet activity (merchant sales settled) to an on-balance sheet risk-weighted
item. The 2.5 figure represents a 2.5 month average liability for charge-backs that is based on the premise that most
charge-backs run off within 2.5 months. Technically, there is a potential 6 month window of charge-back liability. The 20
percent figure is the factor to convert the off balance sheet transactions subject to recourse to an on-balance sheet item.
The 100 percent figure represents the risk weight applied based on capital regulations. The resulting risk weighted off-
balance sheet items for merchant processing would be included in the denominator of the risk based capital ratios.
March 2007 FDIC- Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection
Merchant Processing
Analysis of prior merchant activity, such as the latest monthly statements from the
most recent processor.
Analysis of projected sales activity (for instance, average ticket amount,
daily/monthly sales volume).
Assessment of any existing relationship (for example, a loan) with the bank.
Consideration of the line of business and/or the product(s) offered by the merchant.
Verification of trade and bank references.
Evidence as to whether the merchant is on the Member Alert To Control High Risk
Merchants (MATCH
) system.
Proper review by management normally includes conducting a background check on the
business’s principal(s), scrutinizing personal credit reports for derogatory information, and
verifying addresses. Where appropriate and allowed by law, management may also perform a
criminal background check.
Association regulations state that acquiring banks must check MATCH before approving a
prospective merchant. The database contains a list of merchants that have been terminated for
cause or that have made multiple applications for merchant accounts (because submitting
applications to more than one acquiring bank simultaneously might indicate fraud). If an
acquiring bank denies permission to accept cards to a merchant because of adverse processing
behavior and fails to add it to the MATCH list, the acquiring bank can be liable for losses another
provider might suffer from that merchant.
If a merchant is listed on MATCH, management is expected to contact the listing bank regarding
the termination reasons. MATCH status can help a bank determine whether to implement
specific actions or conditions if a merchant is accepted. Examiners should pay attention to
instances in which management has not carefully investigated a merchant listed on MATCH or in
which their decision to accept or refuse a merchant has been solely based on the merchant being
listed or not being listed on MATCH.
On-Site Inspection:
The goal of on-site inspections is to verify a merchant’s legitimacy. The absence of
documentation of the inspections, including photographs and a written inspection report normally
is cause for concern as are situations in which the inspection was conducted by an individual who
has a financial interest in its outcome. Acquiring banks signing merchants remotely sometimes
find performing inspections themselves difficult or expensive. Often other acquiring banks or
third parties will perform site inspections on an exchange or fee basis. In these cases, examiners
need to assess whether management is well-informed of the other parties’ inspection procedures
and ensures that the procedures are, at a minimum, consistent with procedures management
would use if conducting a proper inspection itself.
Products and Marketing:
The merchant’s line of business and/or the products offered as well as its marketing practices are
key factors for management to consider when it evaluates the credit quality of a merchant. The
Associations segment merchants according to activity because the type of activity often is a good
indicator of risk. Thus, it stands to reason that examiners may expect acquiring banks to
According to the article entitled ”Merchant Acquirers and Payment Card Processors: A Look Inside the Black Box,”
authored by Ramon P. DeGennaro, and housed in the First Quarter 2006 edition of the Economic Review (Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta).
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continually analyze their merchant portfolios along similar guidelines. Acquiring banks typically
compile a prohibited or restricted merchant list which includes the types of merchants they are
unwilling to sign or are willing to sign only under certain circumstances.
While the extent of product and marketing evaluations varies, considerations normally include
review of the merchant’s business plans, merchandise, and marketing practices and materials
(for example, catalogs, brochures, telemarketing scripts, and advertisements). In addition,
shipping, billing, and return policies can be reviewed for unusual or inappropriate practices (for
instance, customers being billed long before merchandise is shipped). These considerations can
help determine, among other things, if: the business is of a type that typically has high charge-
back rates; the merchant is selling a legitimate product; sales methods are legitimate and not
deceptive; product quality and price are consistent with projected sales and charge-back rates;
and customers will be satisfied with products ordered. Merchants offering low-quality products or
services tend to incur more charge-backs, thus dissuading many banks from signing them.
The merchant's sales volume and time frame within which product delivery is completed are other
considerations to evaluate risk. Generally, the greater the sales volume and the longer the time
between transactions and product delivery, the greater the risk. For example, when a restaurant
closes, an acquiring bank typically has less exposure to charge-backs for undelivered goods and
services. In contrast, the failure of a travel agency could expose an acquiring bank to substantial
charge-backs due to the high volume of reservations common in the travel agency business.
Certain types of merchant businesses can present increased risk. Although there are many
reputable merchants whose sales transactions occur without a credit card being present (card-
not-present merchants), these merchants generally present higher charge-back risks for
acquiring banks. In particular, mail order and telemarketing (MO/TO) merchants and adult
entertainment services merchants, in aggregate, tend to display elevated incidents of charge-
backs. Merchants without an established storefront (for example, door-to-door salesman and flea
market vendors) also typically pose greater risk for charge-backs. The risk of charge-back is also
higher if the merchant sells products for future/delayed delivery
, such as airline tickets, health
club memberships, travel clubs, or internet purchases. The increased risk associated with future
delivery of products results, in part, because customer disputes are normally not triggered until
the date of delivery. High charge-back rates are also generally associated with certain selling
methods, such as sales pitches involving gifts, cash prizes, sweepstakes, installment payments,
multi-level marketing, and automatic renewals unless the consumer opts out. Association
regulations define certain broad business categories as high-risk merchants. These categories in
general present higher risk, but each individual merchant in the category may not necessarily be
high risk. Appropriate procedures and risk controls for high-risk merchants generally include:
Criteria for determining the types of merchants the bank is or is not willing to sign and
under what circumstances.
Increased emphasis on underwriting considerations regarding products and
marketing in evaluating the merchants.
Limitations on the volume of high-risk merchant transactions processed relative to
the bank’s total merchant portfolio.
Criteria for determining the appropriate level of holdback or reserve accounts to
sufficiently cover the level of credit risk.
Appropriate pricing of these merchants in relation to the charge-back risk and any
costs associated with increased monitoring.
Heightened monitoring and problem resolution. For example, for charge-back
monitoring, banks may set lower charge-back thresholds for required remedial action
and/or a shorter timeline for problem resolution for those merchants exceeding
acceptable charge-back thresholds.
Compliance with bankcard regulations regarding registration of certain high-risk
merchants and assigning proper Merchant Category Codes (MCC)
to merchants.
March 2007 FDIC- Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection
Merchant Processing
Merchant Agreements
If management has not sought legal advice when developing merchant agreements and/or
referred to network guidelines for contracting, closer scrutiny of such agreements may be
warranted. Typical contents of a merchant agreement include but are not limited to:
Fees and pricing.
Merchant requirements at POS.
Requirements for cardholder information security.
Prohibition of split sales drafts
and laundering of sales drafts.
Merchant liability (for example, charge-backs and reserves).
Notification of ownership changes or substantive marketing and product changes.
Right to hold funds (for example, bank's right to freeze deposits when fraudulent
activity suspected).
Termination provisions.
Internet provisions (for example, encryption and web-site displays).
Periodic Review
Concerns normally become elevated when management is not monitoring the financial condition
of high-volume and high-risk merchants on an ongoing basis and/or when the bank’s policy has
not addressed the frequency of reviews and the size of merchants requiring reviews. Examiners
should assess management’s practices for considering volume, concentrations, high-risk
industries, and charge-back history in establishing the thresholds for periodic reviews.
Depending on the composition of the bank’s merchant portfolio, examiners may not necessarily
expect the bank to conduct credit reviews of smaller merchants on an ongoing basis if the bank
used sound underwriting guidelines at acquisition and if the bank is using strong controls to
monitor all merchant transactions, including fraud and charge-back monitoring. Examiners might
observe cases in which databases (for items such as risk scores and bankruptcy filings) are used
to periodically screen the merchant portfolio.
Communication between merchant program and loan personnel regarding changes in the
merchant’s credit quality is key part of assessing any shared banking relationships. For example,
an unacceptable charge-back rate for a merchant might indicate emerging credit quality problems
that could trigger the need to review any lending relationships with the merchant. Likewise,
concerns that identify merchants as problem borrowers could trigger the need to review merchant
arrangements. If credit information shows deterioration in the merchant’s financial condition, the
bank may want to reduce its risk exposure from merchant processing. For instance, when
dealing with a financially-unstable merchant, the bank might require a holdback or security
deposit, as discussed later in this chapter.
Internet Merchants
The lower level of barriers encountered when setting up an Internet merchant increases the risk
of fraudulent businesses or businesses with minimal financial resources being established
compared to the risks associated with traditional merchants. This risk elevates the need for
acquiring banks to conduct thorough underwriting reviews of internet merchants. Whether fraud
and charge-back risks warrant additional risk-mitigation techniques, such as delaying settlement
or setting up reserves, is a critical decision that normally occurs during the underwriting process.
Electronic commerce via the Internet poses additional privacy and security concerns. The
absence of or weak transaction and data security controls for customer transactions and storage
of customer information are cause for concern. Secured servers and data encryption
technologies help to protect data and transaction integrity. Other items considered normally
include whether the merchant meets the following general web site display guidelines:
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Description of goods and services offered.
Customer service number.
Company’s e-mail address.
Statement regarding security controls.
Delivery methods and timing.
Refund and return policies.
Privacy statements (permissible uses of customer information).
One of the key aspects of a successful merchant program is appropriately setting the fees that
the merchant will be charged for sales transactions and acquiring bank services. Merchant
pricing is extremely competitive, especially for large- and national-scale merchants who generate
high transaction volumes. High transaction volumes can lead to economies of scale and possibly
increased income. Examiner should look for evidence that banks have adopted a pricing policy
that outlines the methods used for pricing, authority levels, and repricing procedures. A pricing
policy can facilitate consistency in pricing practices and help optimize profit margins.
Acquiring banks use various methods to price merchants. Smaller merchants are frequently
priced with a single discount rate based on merchant volume and average ticket size. Acquiring
banks frequently use unbundled pricing for medium to large merchants. Unbundled pricing is the
method of assigning fees for the cost of each service used. Examples of unbundled services
include interchange, authorizations, and charge-backs. Other fees may include, but are not
limited to: statement preparation, application, customer service, membership, maintenance, and
penalty fees (for example, for violating payment network rules).
Examiners should evaluate the bank’s practices for ensuring that pricing is consistent with the
risk posed by the merchant. Acquiring banks sometimes use a pricing model to determine the
target discount rate. They might maintain one or more pricing models, with model usage driven
by the merchant's sales volume and/or industry classification. Pricing models allow the acquiring
bank to quickly substitute variables regarding sales volumes, average ticket size, revenues and
expenses to produce a projected profit margin. A failure of the pricing model to include all direct
and indirect expenses may render the model’s results meaningless. A model’s accuracy
depends upon the reasonableness of the assumptions used.
Pricing Components
Discount Rate:
Acquiring banks assign a discount rate for each merchant when the merchant agreement is
signed. The discount rate is the percentage that gets “discounted” off the transaction amount
that is paid to the merchant, hence the term discount rate. In a simple case, the discount
represents a single rate charged to a merchant based on the merchant’s sales volume. For
example, a merchant with a 2 percent discount rate receives $98 for a $100 credit card sale.
Most merchant agreements allow the acquiring bank to change the discount rate for various cost
increases. Numerous factors influence the discount rate charged, including, but not limited to,
the transaction method, processing volume, and type of merchant business. For example,
merchants who use electronic data capture (EDC)
are typically charged lower discount rates
than paper-based merchants. Discount rates generally range from 1 to 4 percent for small to
medium-size merchants and sometimes well below that range for large-volume merchants.
When considering the range of discount rates used by the bank, examiners should call on
management to readily explain outliers, including those that are well below the normal range.
Banks sometimes give merchants a favorable discount rate because of existing commercial loan
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Merchant Processing
or deposit relationships. In other cases, the discount rate is favorable due to a credit card
equipment lease arrangement. Packaging may be an acceptable practice, but does not eliminate
the need to measure the overall profitability of a merchant relationship. Further, examiner
attention should be drawn to situations in which management has offered favorable discount
rates to insiders or their related interests.
Interchange Fees:
Interchange fees represent compensation paid by the acquiring bank to the issuing bank. Thus,
they are recorded as an expense on the acquiring bank’s income statement and as a revenue
source on the issuing bank’s income statement. Interchange fees are based on several factors
such as volume, size, and type of transaction and are usually set by the Associations. They
average less than two percent of the purchase price and are typically one of many considerations
in determining the size of the discount rate that the acquiring bank charges the merchants. (For
on-us transactions, interchange may be reduced, if not entirely eliminated.) A number of
merchants and merchant groups have filed lawsuits alleging that the interchange fees set by the
Associations for credit card transactions violate anti-trust laws and that the fees paid to accept
payment cards are too high. In last quarter of 2006 the Associations began offering pubic access
to interchange rate information.
Processing Fees:
Processing fees cover the costs associated with data processing services and vary depending on
the size and number of transactions the merchant submits per batch. The processing fee may
include data capture and authorization costs. It might go directly to the bank if it handles the
processing or to the bank’s third-party processor.
The ISO/MSP fee is the amount the acquiring bank pays the ISO/MSP for services provided. It is
negotiated and often represents a percentage of the volume that the ISO/MSP-sponsored
merchants bring to the bank. The fee agreement between the bank and the ISO/MSP is normally
considered when pricing merchants obtained through an ISO/MSP.
Agent Bank Commission:
The agent commission is a fee passed to the agent bank for signing a merchant. This fee could
be built into the discount rate or be assessed separately.
Other Income:
Acquiring banks sometimes offer other programs to generate fee income (for instance, equipment
leasing). Instances in which management has not researched the legal and compliance aspects
of products or services offered or has not priced the programs adequately warrant scrutiny.
Monitoring Pricing
Examiners should evaluate management’s practices for ensuring that merchants are priced
appropriately throughout the life of the contract. Best practices by management may include
verifying actual volumes and ticket sizes after signing a new merchant (for example, at six
months into the relationship) to ensure consistency with volumes and ticket sizes anticipated.
Examiners should assess management’s practices for ensuring the discount rate is in line with
the application estimate and original pricing model assumptions. In general, a failure by
management to review all significant merchants for repricing at least annually elevates concern.
Further, if any merchants are or have been unprofitable, examiners should accordingly inspect
management’s repricing practices for those merchants. Merchant agreements typically allow
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acquiring banks to increase pricing at any time during the contract’s life.
Profitability Analysis
Merchant programs can be profitable. Although competition with third-party processors has
lowered margins, banks have been able to compete due to their strong marketplace presence.
Banks are able to generate new merchant accounts through their branch networks and existing
customer relationships.
Merchant processing is characterized as a high transaction volume, low profit margin business.
Only efficiently run departments with strong cost controls can operate profitably. Examiners
should analyze profitability reports used by the bank to measure the profitability of the merchant
processing operations to determine if it is consistent with the size and complexity of the
operations. Reports should detail key performance measures such as net income to sales and
net income per item. Ideally, it should be able to segment profitability by merchant, acquisition
channel, and industry.
Examiners should normally expect profitability analyses for merchant operations to be distinctly
separate from the analyses of other banking activities and to include all direct and indirect costs.
Direct costs include costs such as those for internal data processing, merchant accounting, fraud
and charge-back losses, personnel, and occupancy. Indirect costs may include corporate
overhead expenses such as those for human resources, legal, and audit services. The level of
detail and frequency of board reporting is contingent on the size of the operation in relation to the
overall operations of the bank and its capital base.
Management’s ability to quickly detect fraudulent activity is important in controlling losses. The
merchant, then its acquiring bank, are the parties liable for certain types of losses. Persons
possessing stolen credit cards sometimes take advantage of unsuspecting store clerks, or
merchants sometimes perpetrate fraud. Merchant fraud can be extremely costly if not discovered
quickly. Examples of merchant fraud include factoring
and draft laundering. New merchant
accounts are particularly susceptible to fraud such as bust-out scams
. Examiners should insist
that banks have a fraud detection system to identify and monitor potentially fraudulent activity.
Fraud Detection Methods
Fraud identification that relies exclusively on excess charge-back activity analysis is normally
cause for concern because there are a number of other indicators that can point to fraud. A
primary tool used by management for fraud detection is an exception report that details variances
from a multitude of parameters established at account set-up. Along with charge-backs, basic
parameters usually include daily sales volume, average ticket size, multiple purchases of the
same dollar amount, multiple use of the same cardholder number, percentage of keyed versus
swiped transactions (because keyed transactions frequently are associated with card-not-present
transactions which are normally higher-risk), number of authorizations declined, authorizations
during non-business hours, and high volume of authorizations in relation to transactions. A daily
exception report lists merchants that are outside of any of the parameters.
Most large-volume processors have established exception parameters based on industry or
merchant type. Examiners should review management’s practices for periodically updating
parameters. For example, management might set the daily sales threshold at a percent of a prior
timeframe’s activity (for instance, 110 percent of the three months’ average). The margin allows
for normal growth of the merchant and compensates for seasonal sales patterns.
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Merchant Processing
Some banks use neural network technologies for fraud detection. These complex computer
programs can compare each transaction against the merchant’s prior sales patterns. Though
more sophisticated than a traditional exception report, smaller merchant processors may be
unwilling or unable to purchase these technologies on an ongoing basis. Instead, some acquiring
banks selectively route higher-risk transactions through a neural network while confining the
remainder of transactions to exception reporting.
Some banks also use Informational databases (such as those for scoring, bankruptcy, trade, and
fraud) to identify at-risk merchants. Merchants that have financial or legal difficulties often have a
higher propensity to falsify transactions.
Associations provide educational materials to acquiring banks and merchants about the
industry’s latest fraud detection techniques. They also prepare fraudulent activity reports for
each acquiring bank. The reports are not intended to replace the bank's own fraud system.
Rather, examiners should expect to see that such reports supplement the internal system.
Certain circumstances require management to document its plan to correct a merchant’s
unacceptable sales practices.
Inactive merchant accounts can signal potential fraud. For example, inactivity could signal a
bust-out scam wherein a fraudulent merchant signs with several acquiring banks simultaneously,
moving from one to the next as the scam is perpetrated or detected. When exception reports flag
an inactive account, management normally follows up with the business owner.
Other potential warning signs of fraud generally include:
Evidence that credit card purchases have been intentionally structured by a
merchant to keep individual amounts below the "floor limit" to avoid approval
Merchant account activity that reflects a substantial increase in the number and/or
size of charge-backs.
Merchant’s deposit of sales drafts made payable to a business or businesses other
than the business named on the account.
Merchant’s frequent request that funds be wire transferred from the merchant
account to other institutions in other parts of the country or to offshore institutions
almost immediately after deposits are made.
Merchant that is engaged in telemarketing activities and is the subject of frequent
customer complaints.
Merchant account deposits that appear to exceed the level of customer activity
observed at the merchant’s place of business.
Merchant that has access to electronic data capture equipment but frequently inputs
credit card account numbers manually (for example, if manually keyed transactions
exceed 10 percent of total transactions).
Merchant that has a sudden or unexplained increase in the level of authorization
requests from a particular merchant location.
Fraud Investigations
Examiners must expect management to take swift action when it encounters suspicious
transactions or other suspicious activity. Management’s investigation may include verifying
purchases with the issuing bank and/or obtaining copies of paper-based transaction tickets from
the merchant. An acquiring bank’s quick response will help minimize losses to it and the issuer
as well as provide timely information to law enforcement agencies. Changes in a merchant's
business operations such as changes in ownership, business principals, bank accounts,
merchandise, sales methods, or target market normally also warrant an investigation.
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Merchant agreements normally allow the acquiring bank to delay settlement until questionable
transactions are resolved. Once fraud is suspected, management must follow Suspicious Activity
Report (SAR) guidelines. Examiners should evaluate the bank’s processes for terminating
fraudulent merchant accounts and placing such merchants on MATCH. They should also
consider the acquiring bank’s and its processor’s practices for suspending or blocking settlement
and authorization processing to a terminated merchant's account. Such procedures are intended
to prevent further deposits and account testing
Credit risk arising from charge-backs is an acquiring bank’s primary risk and can result in
significant financial loss. If a merchant is unable to pay its charge-backs, the acquiring bank
must pay the issuing bank. Large charge-back losses can also result from deliberate fraud
undertaken by the merchant. For example, a merchant might sell deceptive or misleading
merchandise or never deliver the product. Authorization issues, inaccurate or incomplete
transaction information, and processing errors can also result in charge-backs. Charge-backs
are governed by a complex set of rules and time limits that can be costly to merchants and
acquiring banks if disregarded. Charge-back losses realized by the bank are listed as other non-
interest expense on the Call Report.
The most effective preventive measure against charge-back losses is thorough underwriting prior
to merchant acceptance. Nonetheless, examiners should expect that an acquiring bank have
strong controls in place to accurately and timely process charge-backs and retrieval requests.
The bank may lose a charge-back dispute (thus resulting in a loss) if it does not adhere to
charge-back rules. The absence of effective charge-back monitoring to identify problem
merchants for remedial action normally draws examiner attention. Quickly considering problem
merchants for termination may help avoid or limit loss.
Charge-Back Transaction Flow
Cardholders initiate charge-backs, for instance when they are dissatisfied with the product, did
not receive the merchandise or service, or did not authorize the charge. A consumer first tries to
resolve the dispute with the merchant. If unsuccessful, the consumer informs the issuing bank
about the dispute, and the issuing bank posts a temporary credit to the cardholder’s account.
The issuing bank then requests documentation from the merchant to authenticate the transaction
and possibly resolve the dispute. If the dispute is upheld, the amount is charged back to the
merchant's account and the consumer does not pay for the disputed charge. The consumer has
60 days from the day he or she receives the statement to report a dispute to the issuing bank.
Issuing banks can also initiate charge-backs when the merchant does not follow proper card
acceptance and authorization procedures or when there is a problem with the credit card account
(for example, it is not valid or has been terminated). The acquiring bank's contingent charge-
back liability generally spans 90 to 120 days (but up to 180 days for certain transactions).
Associations have strict charge-back processing regulations. For example, charge-backs occur
when a merchant fails to provide copies of requested sales tickets. If the merchant does not fulfill
retrieval requests within prescribed time frames, it loses the charge-back dispute. Merchants
must also follow other card acceptance procedures, including obtaining authorizations, as
depicted in the governing documents.
Charge-Back Monitoring
The Associations notify acquiring banks about high charge-back merchants. Once management
has received notification of excessive charge-back activity, examiners should expect
management to promptly take appropriate steps to bring charge-back rates down to acceptable
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levels. The steps may include, but are not limited to, reviewing procedures with merchants or
developing a detailed and comprehensive charge-back reduction plan. If the charge-back
volume is not sufficiently reduced within established timeframes, the Associations may impose
substantial fines against the acquiring bank.
Although the Associations notify acquiring banks about merchants with excessive levels of
charge-backs, examiners normally have concern when an acquiring bank’s own risk
management practices do not detect such merchants or when charge-back processing staff is not
alert for merchants with excessive retrieval requests or charge-backs. Numerous charge-backs
could indicate an unscrupulous merchant or a need for additional training.
Risk Mitigation for Charge-Backs
Acquiring banks often establish specific merchant reserve accounts, or holdback reserves, for
higher-risk or high-charge-back merchants. Holdback reserves are also used to limit a bank’s
credit risk when the merchant’s product or service involves future/delayed delivery. They are
funded by a lump sum payment or by withholding part of each day’s proceeds. Examiner should
expect these types of specific reserve accounts to be adequately funded.
The acquiring bank might also fund a general allowance account, similar to the ALLL (although
not commingled therewith), for a portfolio of merchant accounts. The method used to determine
the allowance allocation varies but is typically based on contingent charge-back exposure for the
entire portfolio. Such an allowance is reported as an “other liability.” Examiners should analyze
management’s merchant reserving methods to determine whether these types of allowances are
sufficiently funded.
An acquiring bank might also obtain merchant charge-back insurance which is intended to
provide protection against uncollectible charge-backs. While insurance products potentially
provide some level of protection, they are not a substitute for strong risk management practices.
Insurance contracts frequently include significant limitations or restricting clauses that constrain
the usefulness of the contract in the event of an actual loss (for instance, limits on types of losses
covered and restrictions based upon bank management's action or inaction in managing the
merchant portfolio). In addition, the insurance carrier might not have the financial ability to fund
the contract in the event of significant loss.
Larger merchant processors employ collectors to recover charge-back losses and other fees. A
collector seeks remedy from the principals of the business through negotiations or civil action.
Accounting for Charge-Backs
Management is expected to appropriately detail charge-back losses on Call Reports as other
non-interest expense and reverse any uncollectible fees from income in a timely manner. Any
collected funds are to be reported as other non-interest income.
is a number assigned by an Association to identify the bank for authorization, clearing,
settlement, card issuing, or other processes. Ownership and usage of BINs can result in
significant credit risk exposure if not appropriately controlled, especially when the acquiring bank
owns a BIN and permits other entities to share in the usage, otherwise known as an acquiring
Rent-a-BIN. The concept of Rent-a-BINs (RAB) was introduced earlier in this manual. There are
An ICA number, which is similar to a Visa BIN, is assigned by MasterCard. ICAs and BINs are collectively referred to
as BINs in this manual. Examiners may also encounter arrangements with American Express and Discover, particularly
now that their access to banks has expanded.
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issuing RABs and acquiring RABs. Issuing RABs were the focus of the Credit Card Issuing Rent-
a-BINs chapter while acquiring RABs are discussed here.
Acquiring RABs draw their names from the characteristic of acquiring merchant contracts and
cardholder transactions. Under an acquiring RAB arrangement, an acquiring bank permits
ISO/MSPs to use the bank’s BIN(s) to acquire merchants and settle their credit card transactions.
The ISO/MSP retains the majority of income, and the BIN-owner receives a fee for the use of its
BIN(s). Although it has minimal operational involvement, the BIN-owner has primary
responsibility to the Association if any user fails to perform. The BIN-owner retains the risk of
loss as well as responsibility for settlement with the Associations consistent with the contract
between the bank and the Association. Thus, examiners should insist that management
rigorously oversee and control acquiring RAB arrangements to ensure that the ISO/MSP is
appropriately managing the risks. Oversight controls are important, even if the ISO/MSP shares
liability with the bank. A failure by management to consider any lending relationships the bank
has with ISO/MSPs in analyzing total risk exposure warrants examiner attention. Given the
substantial risk involved, many banks are reluctant to enter into acquiring RAB arrangements.
Risk also exists when an acquiring bank uses a BIN owned by another bank. If the BIN-owning
bank fails to perform, the Associations may hold all of the BIN-users liable. RABs require close
examiner analysis of the acquiring bank’s program to determine the extent of risk to the bank.
The success of a payment system depends on the credit quality of its participants and its
operational reliability. As mentioned, the presence of third parties coupled with the bank’s ability
to sub-license the entire merchant program, or part thereof, to other entities, introduces
numerous complexities in the transaction and funds flows related to credit card transactions.
Third parties such as ISO/MSPs and servicers are used by acquiring banks for a variety of
functions like soliciting merchants, merchant application processing, charge-back processing,
fraud detection, customer service, accounting services, selling/leasing electronic terminals to
merchants, transaction processing, authorizations, and data capture. Each acquiring bank’s
program is unique regarding the number of third parties used and the services provided.
Examiners should require that banks have proper risk management policies and procedures to
control the applicable third-party risks.
An acquiring bank, as the Association member, is ultimately responsible for the settlement of
transactions processed through its BINs, regardless of the third parties used and the contents of
its contracts with those parties. The acquiring bank (BIN-owner) needs to take an active role in
ensuring the quality and integrity of the services these third parties provide because the quality of
services among third parties varies greatly. Examiners should pay close attention to instances in
which the bank relies on the guarantee of a third party against losses as a substitute for prudent
risk management. Losses associated with high-risk or fraudulent credit card activity can be
substantial and easily reach figures well beyond the means of a seemingly financially capable
third party. Banks have incurred significant losses from failing to control third-party activities.
Uncontrolled growth, fraud, and inadequate operations by the third parties have all resulted in
significant problems for banks. ISO/MSPs in particular could be motivated by their own profits at
the expense of merchant portfolio quality and often have limited financial capacity.
Regardless of the third parties used and any guarantees provided, the examination approach
requires that bank staff have the expertise and knowledge of the business to properly manage
the risks and that management have a sound plan for managing its merchant program as well as
policies and procedures in place to control the risks associated with using third parties and to
properly limit the use of the bank’s BINs by others. For instance, the final review of merchant
applications and the decision to approve or decline a new account should be controlled by the
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The examination should verify that the bank's policies and procedures, in general, provide for:
A due diligence process to: determine the third party's character and ability to
perform the services; assess the risks associated with using the third party; and
establish risk controls.
A process for ensuring the adequacy of written agreements.
A monitoring process for the third party's operations and financial condition.
Examiners should look for evidence that due diligence processes, in general, include:
Determining that the third party has the operational and financial ability as well as
expertise to perform the services.
Performing thorough background checks on the third party's principals and key
individuals to determine their good standing, including bank and trade references,
credit reports, and, where appropriate, criminal backgrounds.
Analyzing the financial capacity of the third party and its principals to determine
continued viability and capacity to absorb losses.
Performing an on-site inspection.
Assessing the third party’s marketing practices and the types of merchants targeted.
Assessing the risks associated with the use of the third party and the controls
needed to manage the risk (for example, underwriting standards, security of sensitive
information, reporting requirements, and procedures for settlement, charge-back
processing, fraud monitoring, and pricing).
Establishing criteria for requiring additional loss controls, such as reserves or security
deposits to absorb losses stemming from merchant fraud and charge-backs.
Ensuring separation of duties for activities performed (for example, the individual
conducting the on-site inspection should have no financial interest in its outcome).
Registering third parties with Associations as required.
The examination should also include assessing whether the bank’s monitoring process, in
general, includes:
Periodically reviewing the financial condition of third parties and their principals to
determine capacity to meet commitments and remain in good standing.
Reviewing allowances to ensure they are consistent with the condition of the third
party and volume of business generated.
Reviewing compliance with the bank’s established requirements (for example,
underwriting standards, settlement and charge-back processing, fraud monitoring,
merchant pricing, and security of cardholder information).
Periodically conducting on-site inspections.
Periodically evaluating the third party’s internal controls (for example, through review
of operational audits).
Assessing system audits for third parties performing processing tasks.
Periodically reviewing marketing practices.
Reviewing contingency plans to assure continuity of operations.
Documenting the bank's relationship with the third party.
Checking compliance with contractual provisions.
Determining the adequacy of the bank's controls over third party access to sensitive
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Contractual Considerations
Concerns arise when management has not obtained a signed, written agreement between it and
each third party or when the agreement fails to take into consideration business requirements,
key risk factors identified during the due diligence process, and the Associations’ regulations.
Legal counsel familiar with merchant processing normally reviews contracts prior to signing.
Contractual considerations generally include:
Responsibilities of each party.
Terms specifying compensation, payment arrangements, price changes, and time
Provisions prohibiting the third party from assigning the agreement to any other
Frequency and means of communication and monitoring activities of each party.
Provisions regarding the ownership, confidentiality, and non-disclosure of cardholder
information as well as compliance with cardholder information security standards.
Recordkeeping requirements and whether each party has access to these records.
Responsibility for audits, the bank's access to those audits, and whether the
acquiring bank has the right to perform an audit of the third party.
Notification requirements of system changes that could affect procedures and
Type and frequency of financial information the third party will provide.
Termination parameters, including potential penalty provisions.
Maintenance of an adequate contingency plan by the third party.
Additional contractual considerations for ISO/MSPs generally include:
Tying compensation to the merchant portfolio’s performance (for instance, charge-
back activity).
Defining responsibilities for fraud and charge-back processing and losses.
Requiring security deposits from the ISO/MSP, particularly if its financial condition is
weak or the quality of the merchants it solicits presents significant risk.
Establishing remedies to protect the bank if the ISO/MSP fails to perform (for
example, indemnity provisions, early termination rights, and delayed payment).
Providing criteria for acceptability of merchants.
Specifying that the bank owns the merchant relationships.
Controlling the future use and solicitation of merchants.
Defining the allowable use of the name and logo of the bank and the ISO/MSP.
Permitting bank employees to conduct onsite inspections of the ISO/MSP.
Specifying that all applicable regulations and Association rules are to be followed.
Association Requirements Regarding Third Parties
The bank’s risk management program needs to consider the Associations’ requirements
regarding third parties. Each acquiring bank is expected to register third parties according to the
Associations’ guidelines before accepting services. Associations generally require an initial
registration fee and annual fees for each third party under contract. The fees are normally
passed on to the third party.
The Associations have specific guidelines relating to contract provisions, functions controlled by
the acquiring bank, accessibility of procedural audits, and recordkeeping requirements. In
particular, Association regulations state that:
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All new merchant accounts should be reviewed with final approval controlled by the
acquiring bank.
A registered third party cannot subcontract its bankcard-related services to another
business. Bankcard-related services can only be provided by businesses with a
direct written contract with an Association member.
All aspects of a member's relationship with a third party should be documented.
Members are responsible for ensuring that merchants receive payment for the card
transactions deposited.
Even after registration, the acquiring bank remains responsible for ensuring compliance with the
Associations’ operating regulations. The regulations make the acquiring bank liable to the
Associations for the actions of third parties. Banks are to periodically submit certain information
on third parties used to the Associations and can be fined by the Associations for not doing so.
Agent Banks
Agent banks contract with merchants on behalf of an acquiring bank. Agent banks are typically
community banks that want to offer merchant processing services to their merchant customers
but that do not have the management expertise and/or do not want to invest in the infrastructure
needed to serve as an acquiring bank. Acquiring banks generally provide backroom operations
to the agent bank. Depending upon the contractual arrangement, the agent bank may or may not
be liable to the acquiring bank in the event of charge-back or fraud losses. Agent banks with
liability typically perform merchant underwriting. Agent banks without liability are typically called
referral banks. In a referral arrangement, the acquiring bank performs the underwriting, executes
the merchant agreement, and accepts responsibility for merchant losses. Acquiring banks
sometimes compensate the referral bank byway of a referral fee.
If examining an agent bank, examiners should determine whether management fully understands
the bank’s financial liability for charge-backs as well as its responsibilities under the agreement
with the acquiring bank. An agent bank should have appropriate procedures in place to ensure it
fulfills its obligations under such agreement. Examiners should expect that agent banks with
liability have proper risk management policies and controls in place for merchant underwriting
and monitoring, pricing and profitability, and third-party relationships.
Examiners should determine whether management of an agent bank has ensured underwriting
guidelines meet the acquiring bank's underwriting standards, at a minimum, and represent an
appropriate level of risk for the agent bank to hold. Acquiring banks may decline a merchant if it
poses undue risk or does not meet the bank’s minimum standards. Other agent bank tasks
include performing ongoing monitoring of sales, charge-backs, and fraud.
Examiners should look for evidence that pricing of agent relationships is sufficient to cover costs,
including any fees paid to the acquiring bank and anticipated losses. Depending on the size of
the agent bank’s merchant portfolio, separate profitability reports on this business line may not be
necessary. But, that does not negate management’s responsibility to determine if the service is
profitable to the bank. If profits are minimal or nonexistent, considerations would include whether
the risk is sufficiently offset by the intangible benefits gained from offering the services.
Examiners should expect to see a written agreement clearly outlines both agent and acquiring
banks’ responsibilities. They should also determine whether the agent bank has performed
appropriate due diligence regarding the acquiring bank's ability to meet its obligations under the
contract and, similarly, whether acquiring banks have put appropriate controls in place regarding
the use of agent banks. Examiners should evaluate controls for maintaining appropriate
underwriting standards and processing volumes and for monitoring the agent's financial condition
and processing volume. Instances in which the financial condition is not consistent with its
merchant portfolio risk profile and/or the activity’s volume normally raise concern.
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Loans to Third-Party Organizations
Examiners should pay attention to situations in which management has failed to fully understand
the total risk exposure when lending to third parties that perform services for the bank, including
for its merchant program. The lending relationship creates a potential conflict of interest and
increases the bank’s overall credit risk. The risk exposure is not only the loan(s) to the third-party
but also the contingent liability from merchant processing activities by the third party conducted
through the bank’s BIN. Lending to a third-party organization sometimes results in management
failing to take appropriate action against the third party when problems are identified. For
example, management may not want to stop processing for the ISO/MSP because it may
jeopardize repayment of the bank’s loan. As a result, management could continue with a
problem relationship, which may increase the problems and subsequent losses. Examiners
should evaluate management’s processes to determine and control total risk exposure.
Contingency Planning
Concerns also surface when acquiring banks have not ensured that third-party processors and
network providers have contingency plans in place to continue operations in the event of a
disaster. If an ISO/MSP is providing the backroom operations, examiners should confirm
whether management has ensured that the ISO/MSP has a proper contingency plan. The
examiner should determine management’s practices for requesting and reviewing contingency
plans. Further, the merchant processing examination should include IT examiners to the extent
needed to review the adequacy of the contingency plan as well as the bank’s in-house data
processing systems for merchant processing.
Cardholder Information
Cases where disclosure of cardholder information is not in accordance with privacy regulations
and the Associations’ guidelines warrant scrutiny. Inappropriate disclosure to third parties could
result in substantial liability to the bank, especially if the third party perpetrates fraud.
Association regulations prohibit an acquiring bank from disclosing cardholder and transaction
information to third parties, other than to its agents for the sole purpose of completing a
transaction, without the prior written consent of the cardholder's issuing bank and the
Association. The Associations’ regulations also state that if an acquiring bank discloses the
information, the acquiring bank must ensure that its agents and their employees make no further
disclosure and treat the information as confidential.
The emphasis of the privacy regulations is on providing customers a notice of the bank's
disclosure practices and an opportunity to opt out of the disclosure. The regulations also prohibit
the disclosure of certain cardholder information for marketing purposes, with certain exceptions.
Correspondence between Associations and acquiring banks can point to potential problems with
a particular merchant, third-party arrangement, or a significant portion of the acquiring bank's
merchant portfolio. Of particular concern are acquiring banks that have been required to post
collateral to the Associations, that have had limits placed on their activity, or that have been fined.
Associations typically take these actions when the acquiring bank has excessive levels of risk in
the merchant portfolio. Topics of correspondence include, but are not limited to:
Periodic reviews performed on the acquiring bank by an Association.
High-risk merchants.
Terminated merchants.
Excessive volumes of charge-backs at the merchant and bank portfolio levels.
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Fraud or other suspect activity at both portfolio levels.
Risk limits on activity, or collateral requirements, imposed on the acquiring bank due
to the level of risk in the acquiring bank's portfolio.
Capital requirements.
Third party usage.
Examiners should closely review correspondence between the bank and the Associations.
Banks should also have the applicable Association’s by-laws, regulations/rules, and other
guidance on hand for review if necessary.
Examiners are expected to determine the level of risk posed by the bank’s merchant processing
activities as well as determine whether management has correctly identified and is sufficiently
controlling those risks with a comprehensive risk management program. In general, the
examiner’s role includes:
Reviewing the bank’s strategic plan to determine how (and if) merchant processing
fits into the bank’s objectives.
Evaluating the bank’s merchant processing policies, including, but not necessarily
limited to, those covering merchant selection, underwriting, and monitoring.
Reviewing correspondence between the bank and the Associations regarding the
bank’s merchant processing activities.
Determining the quality of the bank’s merchant portfolio, including the identification
of any high-risk merchants.
Sampling recently approved (such as within the last 90 days) merchant files.
Identifying the volume of merchant processing transactions, comparing that volume
to the bank’s capital level, and determining if additional capital support is necessary.
Reviewing the trends in the volume and aging of charge-backs, and determining
what charge-back losses the bank has suffered.
Gauging management’s ongoing review processes for merchant accounts.
Evaluating acquiring Rent-a-BIN activities.
Assessing agent-bank programs and determining level of liability under such
Analyzing pricing practices and models as well as profitability of the merchant
program. Also, considering whether merchant relationships are profitable and
investigating as necessary (for example, if a significant relationship is not profitable).
Reviewing budgeting and forecasting processes for merchant processing activities,
including assumptions used.
Reviewing the settlement flow chart and the bank’s practices for paying merchants.
Identifying what third parties the bank uses for its merchant activities and reviewing
controls over third-party risks. The analysis should include reviewing governing
contracts or agreements for significant relationships.
Assessing the adequacy of holdbacks or other merchant reserves.
Inspecting contingency plans, calling on IT specialists as necessary.
Reviewing routine MIS for the merchant processing program.
Assessing whether management possess the necessary skill-sets to properly
management the program.
Reviewing fraud detection procedures.
Reviewing merchant program sections of internal and external audit reports.
Determining whether any planned changes exist for the merchant operation. If
changes are planned, identify how the changes may impact the bank, specifically as
related to higher risks that the bank may be taking on.
March 2007 FDIC – Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection 185