Phebe Harlan Emmons Grant-in-Aid
The Phebe Harlan Emmons Grant-in-Aid of $1,000 is a gift from the Gamma Eta Chapter of the Delta
Kappa Gamma Society International. This Grant-in-Aid is given in memory of Gamma Eta Chapter member,
Phebe Harlan Emmons, a Kinston native who was active in her community, the state, and who was the only
member to date to serve as President of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. She was a key woman
educator, dedicated to all facets of education and the educator’s arena, always making a difference in every area.
- Young woman, who is graduating from an accredited Wake County High School
- Planning to attend a four-year college or university in North Carolina
- Seeking a degree in Education
Other criteria that will be considered in the final selection:
- Academic Achievement
- Character
- Extracurricular Activities
- Commitment to further education
- Demonstrated commitment to the service of others
How to Apply: Submit the following materials to Gamma Eta’s Scholarship Committee Chairperson (listed
below) by Friday, April 7, 2017:
___ a completed application form (secured from her high school counselor)
___ a transcript (including SAT scores, class rank, and GPA weighted and unweighted)
___ a resume
___ a letter answering the question “Why do I want to be an educator?”
___ a letter of recommendation from your principal or a teacher AND a business or professional person (2
letters total)
Scholarship Committee Chair
Gail Waters
2128 Cowper Dr..
Raleigh, NC 27608
A committee composed of Gamma Eta Chapter members will evaluate this application. This committee
may also elect to interview the applicants prior to making a decision.
The Gamma Eta Treasurer will forward the Grant-in-Aid monies at the appropriate time to the institution of
higher learning, which the young lady will be attending.
Phoebe Harlan Emmons Grant-In- Aid
Name of Applicant _____________________________________________________
Home Address ________________________________________________________
Email Address _________________________________________________________
Telephone Number _____________________________________________________
Birth Date ____________________________________________________________
High School Attending ___________________________________________________
Graduation Date _______________________________________________________-
Parent/Guardians' Name __________________________________________________
Relationship of Guardian to Applicant _____________________________________
College or University Planning to Attend _____________________________________
Student Identification Number Provided by the University _________________________________
Course of Study Planning to Pursue _________________________________________
With this application you should include:
1. a transcript (including SAT scores, class rank, and GPA weighted and unweighted)
2. a resume that includes extracurricular activities, honors or awards received, and
community service
3. a letter answering the question “Why do I want to be an educator?”
4. a letter of recommendation from your principal or a teacher AND business or
professional person
Send Completed application to:
Scholarship Committee Chair
2128 Cowper Drive
Raligh, NC 27608
Applications must be received by Friday April 7, 2017. Applications received after this date will not
be considered.