Fall planting is off to a great start with onions,
artichoke garlic, and shallots in the store now
and potatoes expected in November.
ere are red, white, and yellow onion sets
and yellow shallots.
Artichoke-type garlic refers to sativums or
softnecks, the kinds of garlics seen most in
the supermarkets in our part of the country.
California Early and California Late are
grown in and around Gilroy, but the majority
of garlic is grown in China. Artichoke garlics
are the easiest to grow and seem to be less fussy
about growing conditions than the others, and
do well in warm winter locations. ey have
lots of cloves, usually somewhere between 12
and 20, with lots of smaller internal cloves.
e garlic in stock is organic and includes
these varieties:
Italian Late – A popular softneck variety.
Its one of the best-tasting and most pungent
cooking types. All of the best qualities of
garlic are bred into this cultivar. Can be
stored for 6-9 months after harvest. Also a
good braiding type.
Inchelium Red – An heirloom softneck
or artichoke type garlic that is claimed to be
the oldest strain of garlic grown in North
America. is mild flavored garlic is great
baked and blended with mashed potatoes.
Silver Rose – Softneck variety ideal for
braiding and hanging. Rose-colored cloves
have a warm flavor. Will grow to a large size
bulb. It matures late and stores well. Keeps
for up to ten months.
Staghorn Fern is the common name used
for most varieties of this member of the fern
family. ey are well suited to the San Diego
environment, and are easy to grow. ey prefer
bright filtered light for most of the day. To give
you an idea of what that means, think about
them being in the full sun, under 50% shade
cloth, all day long. Super bright light, very
warm, but the edge is taken off the sun. Only
a few of the rare varieties need protection from
the cold in our area. Since they are usually
grown under something (eaves of a house
or trees for example), cold is usually not an
issue. However, if you think it might get less
than 30 degrees where your Staghorn is, you
might want to offer some protection. Moving
them under cover or covering them with a
blanket will usually prevent enough heat from
escaping to protect them from freezing.
e ferns should be watered about once a
week or less during cooler months and two
times a week during hot, dry weather. Take
In This Issue
 
What’s In Store For Fall 1
Staghorn Ferns 1
Pumpkin Time! 1
Fall Rose Show 2
Know Your Plants 3
Oh, The Horror! 3
Old Ben: The Turkey Vulture 5
Halloween Recipe: Goblin Eyes 6
Specials & Garden Classes 6
San Diego’s Independent Nursery Since 1928
San Diego’s Garden Resource
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continued p2
continued p2
Staghorn Fern or Platycerium
Early Italian Garlic
David Ross with a Staghorn Fern
Pumpkin Time!
is year, both stores will have more
pumpkins than ever before, and a wider
assortment. Look for giant pumpkins
and minis, the popular ‘Fairytale’
pumpkin, and some will be white, some
blue, and lots of orange ones. Good for
carving, eating, or decorative purposes
through the fall! Speaking of carving
pumpkins, share your jack-o-lantern
photos on our Facebook page. How do
you choose the perfect pumpkin? Well,
according to the website, All About
Pumpkins, the pumpkin chooses you!
To learn more about pumpkins than you
thought was possible, follow this link:
What’s In Store For Fall
The Best Garlic Starts Now!
   
When Santa Anas arrive, make sure to
get extra water on plants and lawns as
needed, especially container plants.
For lawns, use Marathon Fertilizer for
Tall Fescue or Scott’s Turf Builder or
Turf Builder Plus 2 to feed and control
broadleaf weeds. Feed ornamentals
with Gro-Power. Feed Vegetables with
Gro-Power Tomato and Vegetable Food
or Dr. Earth Organic Tomato and
Vegetable Food. Feed Citrus, Avocado,
and Fruit Trees with Gro-Power Citrus
and Avocado Food. Feed Palms and
Tropicals with Gro-Power Palm Tree and
Tropical Food. Do not feed Camellias
and Azaleas until after they are through
flowering in spring.
Bulbs like Daffodils, Ranunculus,
Freesias, Anemones and more. Winter
Annuals like Stocks, Snapdragons,
Pansies, and Primrose in the shade.
California Natives and drought tolerant
plants are best planted this time of
year to get root systems established.
Dont miss winter bedding, cool season
vegetables, early Camellias and Azaleas,
Cotoneaster, Liquidambar, and Ginko.
Garden Tasks
Nootka Rose – Cloves streaked red on
mahogany background with solid red clove
tips. Medium to large bulbs are very attractive
braided. Strong flavor.
Early Italian Purple – Produces larger
cloves than most softnecks. Better adapted to
summer heat. is hefty garlic infuses entrees,
soups and salads with sweet, mild flavor. ese
easy-growing, widely adapted garlics will keep
10 months. Garlic may begin growth late in
fall or early in spring.
Potatoes – Now, for the bad news about
potatoes. ey will be late again this year
and although we expect them in November,
watch our facebook page for updates on their
arrival time. Growers have to harvest later
than usual due to Mother Nature. If its too
wet, they cant dig them, and where they are
grown, it has been wet. Also, its not until
they start to be dug up that growers know
what the quality and quantity of the harvest
will be. We do expect a rainbow of colors this
year so look for spuds that are white, purple,
red, or yellow.
What’s In Store continued from p1
Staghorn Ferns
continued from p1
care not to keep them wet all the time,
especially during cooler months, because
they might rot. Staghorn ferns will respond
well to fertilizer. Walter Andersen Nursery
recommends putting Gro-Power tablets up
behind the base shields once or twice per year.
is is the EASIEST way to feed your ferns.
If you prefer to use a water soluble fertilizer,
apply it once or twice per month from March
until September. e foliage will be larger
and darker green if they get regular feedings.
However, it will encourage them to grow
faster, meaning more frequent remounts!
As your ferns multiply, they may become too
large for their space. If so, they can be easily
divided by removing portions of the older
clumps and mounting them on new boards or
planting them in wire baskets. It is best if the
divisions are not too small, about 10” to 12”
diameter divisions are almost foolproof. Use
an old saw or knife to cut into the base, about
3” deep and remove as much of the rooted area
as possible. As a general rule, the mounting
board should be about two times as large as
the plant being mounted. Redwood or cedar
boards last the longest. Place moistened (to
reduce dust) green moss behind the division
and more around the edge. is will help hold
moisture and give it something to root into.
In most cases, we recommend holding the
plant in place with monofilament line (15# to
20# fish line) laced back and forth across the
shields. Small nails at the edge of the board are
the easiest way to hold the crisscrossed line in
place. Use ample amounts of line to keep the
plant firmly in place. On a very large plant, it
may be necessary to use extra long zip ties or
a stainless steel strap to keep it attached to the
board. Wire baskets are ideal if you want the
plant to grow into a ball. Place a few divisions
through the side of the basket and one on
the top and in a few months it will be very
presentable. Newly remounted plants will
need more frequent watering than established
plants. rip and scale are infrequent pests
and are easily controlled with a systemic
insecticide such as Bayer 2-in-1 Insect Control
Plus Fertilizer. Placing these spikes in the moss
behind your plant will control bugs for up to
a month without you having to spray, and it
will feed them too!
To see David Ross’ care recommendations
for staghorn ferns, follow this link: www.
Walter Andersen Nursery in Poway will host its fourth annual Fall Rose Show Oct. 12-13. e
show is free for exhibitors and attendees. Entries will be taken Oct. 12 from 8-10:30am with
judging taking place from 11am-1pm. Show hours are Oct. 12 from 1-5pm and Oct. 13 from
9am-4pm. For details on entries, see the schedule at
Save The Date: Fall Rose Show
ere are some things, that when you
see them, just look wrong. Like an over
coiffed poodle, the haircut you get after
showing the stylist a photograph, or
blue orchids.
I made a quick trip to the grocery store,
walked in the door, and the first display
I saw smacked me in the face, as what
greeted me was a mass of Phalaenopsis,
all dyed blue! e deep blue colored
dye looked like it had run, so some of
the petals were streaked turquoise and
purple. Orchids are naturally among
the world’s most beautiful and alluring
flowers. ey look so delicate that some
gardeners are too intimidated to even try
to grow them. Nature promises colors
that are varied and sculpted petals that
have few rivals so it’s understandable
that we fall under the orchids’ spell.
So, orchids in their natural glory, are all
you’ll find at Walter Andersen Nursery.
No dyed blooms here. J
In the wild, you wont find a true blue
orchid. e closest is perhaps the purple-
colored Phalaenopsis violacea, native to
The Horror!
    
One of my gardening mantras is, “know your
plant.” is idea began for me from one of my
professors in graduate school. He used to say,
“Before you begin any research project, know
your plant.
Anytime can be a great time to get to know
your plants. Which perennials do I cut back
for the fall? Which shrubs do I prune now?
What do I do with my roses in fall? So here
are some helpful ways to get to know your
plants so you can start to answer your own
We can learn the “nuts and bolts” information
like the mature size of a particular variety of
Pittosporum, or if this perennial is for sun or
shade. My two favorite reference books are
e Sunset Western Garden Book and e
A-to-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants by
Brickell and Zuk. Both are great resources
for information about a plant’s mature size,
pruning, cold/heat tolerance, etc.
Local sources of information are always
best. Try attending one of our free Saturday
gardening classes, or just come into the
nursery and ask our experts questions. And,
of course, dont forget to read your favorite
nursery newsletter.
More and more gardeners are referencing
the Internet. Beware that the Internet is
worldwide and not geared toward San Diego
County, and you may be lead astray. You dont
want someone in Florida telling you how to
take care of your roses.
ere are two lesser appreciated notions that
I have found incredibly useful for knowing
your plants. In all of my gardening classes
and seminars, I emphasize the importance of
understanding (1) the native habitat of the
plant – or where a plant grows or where we
find it in nature, and (2) the growth habit of
the plant – or how a plant grows or what it
does over one year.
Putting the two notions together: the goal
for any type of gardening is to reproduce the
native habitat of your plant to get the desired
growth habit, while having lots of fun!
e native habitat refers to where the plant
is found in nature and suggests to us how to
care for our plant. If a plant is native to the
Midwest prairies, it will probably require lots
of sun and moist but well-drained soil. If a
plant is native to the understory of a tropical
rainforest, it will likely perform best in the
shade or as a houseplant with protection from
cold winters.
e growth habit refers to what that plant
does over one entire growing season. When
does the plant flower? Does the plant retain its
leaves all winter? Some plants even experience
dormancy during summer.
Probably the most important thing to know
about your plant is where the new leaves
originate? e ability to distinguish the
youngest leaves from the oldest leaves gives
you a powerful tool to assess the health of
your plant.
For instance, many plants normally shed
some of their oldest leaves during the driest
part of summer. Plants often shed the oldest,
least valuable leaves during times of “stress”,
which should not cause immediate alarm.
However, if the youngest leaves on a plant
look discolored or deformed, something is
definitely wrong. e youngest leaves should
never look sick on a plant, unless the plant is
going dormant for the season.
Try out these ideas above, attend a gardening
class, and know your plants!
Know Your Plants
Knowing your plants helps you determine
when they are experiencing challenges
performing, how to diagnose their malady,
and how to care for them. For instance, this
peach leaf is infected with Peach Leaf Curl
and needs treating with dormant spray
during fall and winter.
continued p4
   
Know The Time
Malaysia and Indonesia that offers hybrids in different shades of purple, even a bluish violet.
Orchids dyed blue do have appeal and fans though. In 2011, ‘Blue Mystique’ was presented
at the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition. Months later, the Flora Holland Award 2011 in the
Concepts Category was awarded to ‘Royal Blue’.
Bringing the blues to orchids is a clinical process. During the growth process, the stalk of a white
Phalaenopsis orchid is injected with a blue dye solution. e intervention is performed in an
environment that keeps the infection risk for the plant at a minimum. e blue color is absorbed
by the orchid and creates a blue flower. Subsequent blooms, however, will be white.
September 30th: Our Poway store
begins closing daily at 5pm, in
anticipation of the shorter days to
come. Hours are 9am-5pm daily.
A Reminder: Daylight savings time
ends November 3rd.
Oh, The Horror continued from p3
Try Our Ada Perry’s Brand Premium
Redwood Blend Compost
We were looking for a supplier of a redwood compost made from mostly redwood and every-
thing wed seen from our regular suppliers contained only a small amount of redwood along
with other forest products. We found a supplier who had the old style of straight redwood
compost and contracted with them to bag it under Walter Andersen Nursery’s private label.
Now you can buy Ada Perrys Premium Redwood Blend Compost, which contains mostly
redwood along with some forest products. It is organic compost that provides long-lasting
enrichment for your soil.
Old Ben’s Specials!
Nyjer Mesh
Finch Feeder
$29.99 Regular $42.99
Feeder holds approx 3lbs of
Nyjer seed
50% OFF
Finch Socks
Small $2.99 Regular $5.99
Large $4.49 Regular $8.99
25lb. Nyjer Seed
$32.99 Regular $44.99
Live Nyjer Seed
Closeout Price!
$1.00 Regular $2.99
Grow your own Nyjer
Platform Feeder
$29.99 Regular $42.99
e best way to feed most
wild birds
20lb. Old Bens
Classic Wild Bird
$19.99 Regular $24.99
No MILO in this Mix
Wild Bird Seed Bell
$4.99 Regular $6.99
Weighs 2 lbs., comes with
mesh hanger
All specials limited to stock on hand.
No special orders. Cannot be combined with
any other discount or offer.
Sale Prices Valid
October 1–31, 2013
    
e most widespread
vulture in North
America, the Turkey
Vulture, is locally
called “buzzard” in
many areas. A Turkey
Vulture standing on
the ground can, at a
distance, resemble a wild turkey. It is unique
among our vultures in that it finds carrion by
smell as well as by sight. When threatened, it
defends itself by vomiting powerful stomach
acids and food.
Turkey Vultures are large, dark birds with
long, broad wings. Bigger than other
raptors except eagles and condors, they
have long looking fingers at their wingtips
and long tails that extend past their toe tips
in flight. When soaring, Turkey Vultures
hold their wings slightly raised, making a V
when seen head on.
Turkey Vultures appear black from a
distance but up close are dark brown with
featherless red heads and a pale bill. While
most of their body and forewing are dark,
the undersides of the flight feathers, along
the trailing edge and wingtips, are paler,
giving a two toned appearance.
Look for Turkey Vultures as they cruise
open areas including, farmland, forest, and
rangeland. ey are particularly noticeable
along roadsides. At night they roost in trees,
on rocks, and other high secluded spots.
Turkey Vultures eat carrion, which they
find largely by their excellent sense of smell.
ey mostly eat mammals but are not above
snacking on reptiles, other birds, amphibians,
and fish. ey prefer freshly dead animals,
but often have to wait for their meal to
soften in order to pierce the skin. ey are
deft foragers, targeting the softest bits first
and even know to leave aside the sent glands
of dead skunks. Vultures have an excellent
immune system, happily feasting on carcasses
without contracting botulism, anthrax,
cholera, or salmonella.
Turkey Vultures dont build full nests. ey
may scrape out a spot in the soil or leaf
litter, pulling aside obstacles, or arranging
scraps of vegetation or rotting wood. Once
found, many of these nest sites may be used
repeatedly for a decade or more. Turkey
Vultures nest in rock crevices, caves, ledges,
mammal burrows, hollow logs, abandoned
hawk or heron nests, and abandoned
buildings. ese nest sites are much cooler
than normal surroundings, and isolated from
human traffic or disturbance. While they
often feed near humans, Turkey Vultures
prefer to nest far way from civilization.
Turkey Vultures have been increasing in
numbers across North America since the
1980s. Today they are among the most
common large carnivorous birds in North
America. However, because they live on
rotting meat like California Condors, they can
fall victim to poisons or lead in dead animals.
e main concern is lead shot from hunters
that ends up in carcasses or gut piles left by
hunters, Other threats include trapping and
killing due to erroneous fears that they spread
disease. Far, far from it, vultures actually
reduce the spread of disease.
Strange Facts:
Turkey Vultures often direct their urine
right on to their legs. is process, known
as urohydrosis, serves two very important
purposes. On warm days, wetting the legs
cools the vulture as the urine evaporates.
e urine also contains strong acids from
the vultures digestive system, which may kill
bacteria that remains on the birds legs from
stepping in its meal.
e Turkey Vulture is one of the only birds
in North America with a highly developed
sense of smell. is vulture relies both on its
keen eyesight and powerful nose to search
out food.
Contrary to popular belief, circling vultures
do not necessarily indicate the presence of a
dead animal. Circling vultures may be gaining
altitude for long flights, searching for food, or
playing. ese birds soar on thermals of warm,
rising air. You will certainly see vultures in the
air over a carcass, and they may remain in the
air until they feel the situation is safe enough
for them to land and begin feeding.
Turkey Vulture Is Halloween At Its Best
Sale Prices Valid
October 1–31, 2013
Limited to stock on hand. No special orders.
Cannot be combined with any other discount or
offer. Hedge Fund$ Certicates can apply.
50% OFF
Fruit Trees
Excludes Citrus, Avocado,
and Tropicals.
4” Bedding
$1.99 Regular $2.99
$5.00 OFF
Any Gro-Power
20# Bag or Larger
1-Gallon Liquid
In-Store Specials!
Clearance Sale!
3642 Enterprise Street, San Diego, CA 92110
{619} 224-8271
12755 Danielson Court, Poway, CA 92064
{858} 513-4900
San Diego’s Independent Nursery Since 1928
Our Online Store
Watch Videos
Visit Our 2 Locations:
©2013 Walter Andersen Nursery
10/5 Winterizing Our Feathered
Friends with Old Ben
10/12 Camellia Care & Culture
10/19 Dormant Fruit Tree Spraying
10/26 Winter Color
Saturday classes are FREE and last about an hour. Complimentary coffee is served. During
inclement weather, classes are held indoors in San Diego and on the covered, heated patio in Poway.
Topics are subject to change. See the full schedule at
October Garden Class Schedule
   
10/5 How to Prep for a Rose Show
10/12 & 10/13 Fall Rose Show
10/19 Fall Rose Care with David Ross
10/26 Bonsai with Richard Wright
Halloween is my favorite time of the year and
at our house it is treated like a holiday and
we extend it into November with a Day of
the Dead celebration. I’ve already purchased
a Halloween t-shirt and a new wine glass
to celebrate the season. Any day now, I’ll
make more batches of these treats that are
tasty any time of the year, but are especially
appropriate after adding a ghoulish surprise
via an olive eyeball!
e recipe is for sausage cheese balls,
something my aunt told me how to make
when I was a kid. I saw the same recipe
online, but for Halloween, when you add a
green olive, it makes each one look like an eye!
2 cups all-purpose baking mix, like Bisquick
(Nearly all the recipes will tell you to add the
mix, but I add water to make a biscuit-like
batter, then add that to the other ingredients.
When I tried a batch using just the dry Bisquick,
they came out a bit dry and dense)
1 pound ground hot or mild pork sausage
16 oz. extra sharp or sharp cheddar cheese,
17-ounce jar pimiento-stuffed Spanish olives
Combine the all-purpose baking mix or
batter, sausage, and cheese in a large bowl
and mix together until blended. Spray
your hands with vegetable spray then shape
sausage mixture into 1 1/4-inch balls, and
place on lightly greased baking sheets. Press
1 pimiento-stuffed Spanish olive into the
center of each ball. Bake at 375° for 15 to 18
minutes or until lightly browned.
Note: ese freeze beautifully so I make a big
batch; put them on a cookie sheet and freeze.
Once frozen, transfer them to a plastic bag and
back into the freezer to use as needed. When I
made a test batch with the olives, I sliced big
martini olives into four circles so each piece
had pimento showing and placed that onto the
sausage ball, pressing it in lightly. Using big pieces
of olives can overpower the other flavors.
Halloween Recipe: Goblin Eyes!
Select inventory clearance priced
to move. Stop by both WAN
locations to find a deal today!