If you are interested in hosting a Visiting Observer in your area, please take the following steps:
1. Review the Host Responsibilities resource here;
2. Complete the online Visiting Observer Request Form (via URL or button above).
3. The Host / Hosting Department will be prompted via email to
complete the clearance process for the Visiting
Please keep in mind your visit is not approved until the following are complete:
1. Health Clearance: Workforce Health and Wellness must provide health clearance.
2. Host Attestation: Host Attestation form is completed with all necessary signatures and returned to Visiting
Observer Program before the observation date.
3. Confidentiality Agreement & Training: The Visiting Observer must complete the HIPAA and Code of Conduct
Training and must sign the Visiting Observer Attestation and Confidentiality Agreement.
4. ID Badge: Security Access Control provides a temporary badge no sooner than the first date approved for
Questions may be directed to [email protected].
Visiting Observer Program
New Request and Clearance Process
We are excited to share with you that we have redesigned the request and clearance process as of FY2023 to
streamline your experience by including greater automation and improving our forms.
Requests should now be submitted via Smartsheet by hosts or host delegates with a Stanford affiliated email address.
Submit a Request by pasting the following URL into your browser or clicking the button below. Please note: a Smartsheet
is required and is free to create.
Submit a VO Request Form
If request is approved, then Hosts will receive the Visiting Observer Packet that contains forms with the VO’s
information automatically filled and an assigned VO Request ID number. A sample packet is included in the resources
below (Box link).
Visiting Observer Packet 2023
Host Responsibilities Visiting Observer
Code of Conduct
Visiting Observer Policy
Hospital Non-Employee Compliance Policy